AllisonChapter 12 free porn video

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It was after nine o'clock when Ali entered her law office downtown and found that Judy wasn't at her desk. In fact, the front door was still locked. Ali went to the conference room and found the girls around the large table drinking coffee. Normally, the coffee hour was a time of joking and banter. This morning it seemed like a wake. When she opened the door it was as if the executioner had just entered the cell to bring out the condemned man.

Sandy Harris smiled wryly at the others and said, "Good bye, all. Thank you." She got up, passed a letter to Ali, and started to leave.

Ali glanced at the letter and said, "What's this?" Then she looked at Ginger who also had a letter which she, too, gave to Ali. She got up and prepared to leave.

Ali glanced at Ginger's letter and exclaimed, "Not so fast, you two. Sit down! I'm not through with you yet. You're not getting off so easy."

The two girls looked at Ali and saw blue fire in her eyes. Ginger thought, Uh, oh! This is going to be even worse than I thought. Her eyes were downcast as Ali sat down at the end of the table. "Let's review the events of the last twenty-four hours or so. You first, Ginger. This letter says you're resigning as a partner of Clifford & Jamison. Why?"

Ginger looked up, startled. "Because I went counter to the interests of our senior partner." Ginger was puzzled. While she was looking at Ali, Kathy, moving like a mouse, had poured coffee and passed the cup to Ali.

"Mrs. Conrad, I realize you're a new member of the bar. Whose interests are you supposed to represent? The firm's or the client's?"

"Why, the client's interest, of course," she said.

"Your client was William Harrison Clifford. What was his interest?"

"To contest your action for a divorce. He didn't want to give you one."

Ali's voice was accusing and the blue fire was still coming from her eyes. Ginger felt like a bug impaled on a pin. She couldn't move nor escape Ali's gaze. Ali continued, "And you won the case. Here." As she said the last word she had reached into her purse and pulled out a folded piece of paper which she slid down the table to Ginger.

Ginger unfolded the paper and saw it was a check. She looked at it and almost fell over. It was a check made out to Virginia Jamison Conrad for one million dollars. It was signed by William H. Clifford. Ali didn't say a word.

Ginger looked at her and suddenly saw the fire replaced by a glint of amusement. "What is this?" Ginger exclaimed. "It says one million dollars! And it's made out to me."

"It's the best I could do, I'm afraid," Ali said sadly. "Since half the money is mine, I was trying to economize but Bill was adamant. He thinks it's not nearly enough and will be happy to replace it with a check in what he considers to be a more appropriate amount."

She then wheeled on Sandy. "But as for you, Sandra Harris, what's your excuse? Believe it or not, Bill was going to give you the same size check. I told him it would be grossly unethical for him to pay counsel for the opposing party. Ginger was protecting her client's interest. What were you doing?" Again the blue fire was coming from Ali's eyes.

Sandy was sitting up straight in her chair. Tears were starting to roll down her cheeks. She said softly, "I was guilty of the worst sort of malpractice, Mrs. Clifford. That's why I'm resigning from the firm and from the Bar. Clearly, I can no longer practice law. I spoke with Jack last night and we thought I might be able to get a suspended sentence or only have to serve a few months in jail. He said he'll wait for me. I'm sorry."

Still Ali glared at the young woman. "Suspended sentence for what?"

"For a gross breech of client confidence, and..."

"What is a lawyer's responsibility?" Ali demanded.

"To serve her client's interest, of course," Sandy replied.

"I was your client. What was my interest?"

"To obtain a divorce. Except I thought..."

"You thought what?"

Ali didn't think the girl could sit up any straighter but she did. Sandy replied, "I did not think a divorce was in your best interest. I know you love Bill Clifford more than life itself. A divorce would have killed you. Therefore, Mrs. Clifford, I substituted my judgment for yours. I subverted the divorce action you began, I breached your confidence, and I'm not sorry. I still think it was the right thing to do, even if it was certainly unethical and probably illegal!"

Again Ali went to her purse and slid a piece of paper down the table, to Sandy this time. Sandy picked it up and looked at it. Her jaw dropped. It was a check on Bank of America made out to Sandra Harris for $500,000. It was signed by Allison McGrath. Ali smiled softly at the girl and said, "Sandy, that's only a down payment. It's all the money I have right now, and I refused to accept any of Bill's. There will be more later today — I get my investment management fee — and I'll sign it all over to you. You said you exercised your judgment over mine. You said you didn't believe a divorce was in my best interest. We both know you were absolutely correct.

"Sandy, I don't know what I have to do. Would it help if I crawled to you on my hands and knees and begged you to stay?"

Suddenly Ali had dropped her act. She went over to Sandy who rose from her chair. Ali hugged the girl tight and said, "Sandy, there aren't any words for me to tell you what I feel! As a start, you saved my life!"

Sandy pushed Ali away and glared at her. If blue flame had been apparently coming from Ali's eyes, it was nothing compared to the fire now in Sandy's. She took the check and carefully tore it into tiny pieces. She took Ali's hand and put the pieces in her palm and closed her fingers over them. "I've been listening to you Allison McGrath Clifford! Now you listen to me! We both know when I joined this firm I was a mess — a disgrace to the human race! What did you do? You picked me up and put me together. Notice, I didn't say back together; that would imply I had been together and we both know that's just not true.

"You and your partner even managed to find the love of my life, Jack Benson. He is coming over to meet me later this morning. He insists on going to the courthouse with me when I turn myself in to the District Attorney. He says he's waited for me for five years. Now that we've been together for a while, a few more months will be easy. Do you think what you have done for me has no value? It may not have value to you, but it certainly does to me!"

Ali was abashed. Just then Ginger gave her Bill's check, also ripped into small pieces. Ginger said, "Charley and I may talk to you about borrowing some money later for a down payment on a house. What you did for Sandy is nothing compared to what you did for me. Ali, will you just this once try to understand there are people for whom you have provided the greatest gift imaginable: the gift of love! Ali, it's priceless!

"All I can tell you is if I accepted Bill's check, it would not only cost me my marriage — and there's no value high enough for me to place on that — it would also cost me my parents. They would never speak to me again. They worship the ground you walk on and with reason." She looked at Sandy and said, "We'll make a deal with you: You and Bill can pay for the office Christmas party out of your own pockets and we'll call it square. Do you accept?"

For the first time in weeks the girls saw Ali's sunshine smile. There were audible sounds of relief from the girls around the table. Ali had been listening in wonder to her two partners. Slowly she nodded her head.

Then she turned to Kathy and said, "I need to be fattened up. I guess the lack of food finally affected my brain." Kathy went off to order a big breakfast for her.

When she returned, Ali was organizing the Christmas party. She grinned and put Sandy and Kathy in charge. Then she looked around the table and excused herself. When she arose, the sense of relief around the table was palpable. A few minutes later she returned with a folder. She reached into her purse and took out a pair of rimless reading glasses. Ginger smiled to herself. She knew the glasses were only a prop. Ali's eyesight was perfect; the lenses were uncorrected optical glass. While she wondered what Ali was doing, the answer was not long in coming.

She looked around the table and appeared stern. The girls slowly sat up very straight in their chairs and the room become quiet. The only sound was the air flow from the registers. Ali was amused. They appeared like children with their hands caught in the cookie jar, waiting for their mother to say something.

Ali said, "There's been enough time wasted around here. We have decided we're going to have a Christmas party. When I left the room the discussion seemed to be centered on making it a formal dance with husbands or dates. Normally, bonuses are paid at year-end. However, I've always felt that practice made life a bit difficult for people who have holiday expenses and no exact knowledge about a bonus: whether they would even get one, let alone how much it might be. Then, of course, there's all the jazz of withholding for FICA, and Federal and State income taxes.

"I decided we would have our performance reviews today. I remember from business school that compensation action is supposed to be removed in time from performance reviews. Frankly, I always thought that was a lot of garbage. If the compensation doesn't relate to performance, what's it supposed to relate to? Anyway, let's begin."

She looked at Kathy Carlson. "Kathy, aside from taking care of all the secretarial work for the three partners, what in hell do you do around here?" Then she grinned. "Kathy, your bonus is being reduced from what you deserve because you got a partial a month or so ago." Ali looked at the check and said, "We'll get you the appropriate stub later. The checks are net pay; we're going to need our computer whiz, Joan Fredrick, to run our payroll program backwards to figure out what the gross pay and deductions are. Anyway, Kathy, here's your bonus."

She slid the check down the table to Kathy who gasped. "Ali — Mrs. Clifford — you can't do this! It's not right! It's for $35,000!"

Ali looked at her and said, "You're earning $40,000. You already received five thousand. Forty minus five is thirty-five. See," she said with a grin, "I can, too, subtract. Now what's your problem? Isn't it good enough?"

Kathy just shook her head; tears of joy were flowing down her cheeks. Ali passed out bonus checks to Joan and Judy Jeffries also equal to their gross annual salary. The girls sat around the table stunned. Finally Ali looked at Ginger and Sandy and said, "As for you two, I'll take care of you later!" She left the room and went back to her office. Her breakfast had arrived and she sat down to eat it.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door, and Joan Fredrick came in looking worried. "Joan, what's the trouble?" Ali asked.

"Ali, may I talk to you, please?"

Ali looked at Joan. She was about to graduate from Cal Tech with a major in computer science. Before coming to work for Clifford & Jamison, she supported herself by tending bar topless on Sunset Strip. Joan was dark haired with brilliant green eyes like Ginger's. She was five feet four with a perfect body. Ali liked the girl and liked her spirit. "What's the trouble, Joan?" Ali asked again. "I guess you're probably coming in to resign, aren't you? Don't you get your degree next month?"

Ali was surprised to see the girl's eyes widen and register genuine shock. "But Mrs. Clifford, I though I was doing a good job here for you and the others. And then you gave me that magnificent bonus!" Ali saw tears start to roll down the girl's cheeks. "Mrs. Clifford, I love it here! I really do. Do I have to leave? I'll work harder and try to improve the quality of my work. I didn't realize you weren't happy with it."

Ali realized she had put her foot in something and hastened to make amends. "Joan, first, damn it, it's Ali, and you better not forget again! Second, we couldn't be more pleased with your work. I didn't talk about compensation action for you, but I will now. We know from information we get from the bar association that Clifford & Jamison is probably the most profitable law firm in Los Angeles. I'm just sort of part time around here. I spend most of my time soaking up the sun.

"That leaves the workload to Ginger and Sandy. They handle about three times the case load of any other lawyers around ... and don't even stay late. They are both very passionate young women and their priorities are at home. So how can they do it? With a level of support that would be the envy of every lawyer in the city ... if they had the first foggy clue how we work. With our billings we're supposed to have a support staff of fifteen to twenty. We have three!

"Joan, you are the outstanding computer scientist in your class ... and Cal Tech is no slouch as a school. I have been hoping against hope you would consider staying ... at least for a while. I propose to increase your salary to $60,000 a year beginning the first of the year. You're still underpaid for what you do, but it's a start. We really do want you to stay, although we know this work is as simple as riding a tricycle for you. Don't you get bored?"

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The Thrill of Dominance Jamal

[ For my good friends A & T, and to all white, married couples seeking to tip the scales of racial justice in the direction of a better world without the poison of 'white supremacy.' Justice should be a verb, as well as a noun! ]For me, as an African male, born Congolese, but working in Marrakesh, Morocco, the idea that I might, one day, be given the opportunity to have sex with a white female (married, or single) was never more than that; and idea only; a fantasy!I was of course well...

3 years ago
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Dost K Flat Me Khol Di Seal

Mera naam Santosh, me Punjabi ka rehne wala hu,aur ache ghar ka khata pita ladka hu meri height 6.2 ft h. meri umar 21 sal h. Me delhi me ip university ka student hu me wha final year me regular coll me padta hu mujhe chutti mitle hi ghar wapas jana hota h es karan me train me bohot safar karta hu jab b me koe train wali sex story padta to sochta mere sath ye kab hoga aur mujhe llgne lga k ye sab jhut hota h aasa kuch nahi hota lakin ab mujhe yakin ho gya k ye sab sach hota H because mere sath...

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Love Is for Suckers

My gut is so big that I can't even see my feet, but I don't care. I'm flat on my back anyway. The people all around me are smiling at me and I'm in so God damned much pain that I wish they'd knock me out. Right now, I'm headed for surgery and I'm really worried about the guy who did this to me. Before they pulled me away from the bastard, he was on the floor and he wasn't moving at all. After the surgery, I'll be fine. I don't know about him. There will be no way for him to live this...

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My name is Brad, I am 24 years old, I have a good job at the Chevy dealership, Sherry is my girlfriend. She’s 22. She works at the dealership as a receptionist, we’ve been going together for about two years, and we are planning on getting married in June. It’s the 20 of May, a day I will never forget. Some of the girls were throwing a bridal shower for Sherry. We are planning on buying a house, as soon as we get back from our honeymoon in the Bahamas. We haven’t gone all the way. We were saving...

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PornWorld Alexa Flexy Fit Blonde Alexa Flexy DPd After BF Catches Her Fucking the Yoga Teacher

Its Wednesday and sexy fit blonde Alexa Flexy is having her weekly hour of yoga with her instructor Vincent. Although hes never tried to make a move on in the months that theyve practice yoga together, Alexa knows that wants to fuck her. As the two are stretching in positions that resemble sex positions, Vincent makes the move, and Alexa even though she has a boyfriend is powerless to stop him. Some minutes later, Vincents cock is balls deep in Alexas tight little pussy when her boyfriend walks...

1 year ago
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Sex In Hospital

Hi to all ISS readers and I’m Sachin from Mumbai name changed due to security. I am of 21 and story is of my friend Snehal she is also 21 and I’m a regular readers of ISS and big fan of it. Yeh meri pehli story hai kisi galati ke liye mafi chahata hu. Main abhi seedha story pe ata hu yeh kuch lagabagh 8-9 mahine pahle ki bat jab mai Mumbai me study kar raha tha main roz jab bhi bored hota ta tha aisehi ek din Maine dekha ki muze ek ladki ki friend request hai to maine turant receive kar li....

2 years ago
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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 15 Revising Maryrsquos Plan

“Alicia, our Time Scope ... err, sorry, I really need to start calling Mary by her name. Anyway, Mary told me that the people in orbit want to meet with the representatives of our planet. It will be a meeting between our representatives and their representatives, and it will be held here on Earth. “Mary said that they will announce their presence to the world telling everyone that they want to negotiate an Alliance Agreement between their Empire and the people of Earth. They will contact the...

4 years ago
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HannaChapter 7 Changing Love

Moira became my goal, and my concern. Jason was my pal. We hung out together. He had his own computer, with a headset instead of speakers, so he could play games without disturbing me. His small computer desk was in my office, so we spent lots of time together, in harmony and companionship, though we were doing different things. We spent a lot of active time, too. We'd play basketball and a little baseball. It's a great thing to teach your son to hit a thrown ball with a bat. Catching a...

1 year ago
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VogoV Keira Croft Anal Desire

Keira Croft is a hot smoking brunette babe who spends all her days in the yard of her house in a beautiful but tiny lingerie set and high-heeled shoes that underline the length of her legs as well as her juicy tits and sweet butt. Naughty brunette stuffs her asshole with a plug that stretches her anus and gives her fantastic sensations. Desire to feel something besides an ass plug in her holes brings the hottie on bad guy’s dick. She is so much excited that she even gives the dude a...

3 years ago
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We were on a sailboat, anchored in a quiet cove, a little breeze blowing making all the boats give off those little clanging sounds of my youth, the boat gently rocking in the small waves coming into the cove. We started undressing each other slowly, kissing softly, first your lips, then your cheeks, then down to your neck, around the front, back up the side, and finally nibbling on your earlobe before returning to your lips. Each time I undid a button I softly kissed the newly exposed skin,...

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At this particular party, Terry’s boss had snuck me into a hallway, pulled my tits out of the top of my dress, unzipped his fly to extract his hard dick, and had me give him a quick blowjob – all before the other party guests…. including his wife….were aware we were missing. Shortly after that, another of Terry’s co-workers grabbed me as I was leaving the bathroom, pushed me back in, pulled his huge prick out of his pants with one hand while he pawed my boobs with the other, then plowed my...

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PaPa Ki Maalish2

Hallo iss readers kaise hai aap sabke lund…?Aur meri taraah lund ki pyaasi bahnon ki choot….?Mujhe bahut saare mail mile jisme jahir si baat hai ki ladkon k mail jyada the par haan khusi is baat ki hai ki ladkiyan bhi chudaayi k maamle me kisi se peeche nahi hai unke bhi bahut saare mail mile aur 2 auntiyon ka bhi mail mila jo apne ladke se chudaana chahti hai par sirf uska lauda dekh dekh kar hi apni choot ki pyaas bujha rahi hai khair jab bhi aunty chudwaayengi mujhe bata dengi aur fir aap...

2 years ago
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Being watched by my boyfriends best friend Pt 2

Well that night made a bit of an impression on me; I'd always been quite reserved. For example, if we ever went on holiday, even with the girls, I always stayed covered up. But after that night with our friend, I developed a bit of an exhibitionist side. We spoke the following morning, as I'd said, and agreed that we would never mention it in case someone picked up on our conversation. Although he did remind me of the promise. And true to his word, whenever we were out, if there was anyone...

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Sidney Volume 3 Dreams Arrivals and Sex

It started out slowly, and Sidney imagined herself walking through a room filled with fog. The clouds were warm and floated up to her waist. Sidney realized she wasn’t wearing any clothes, but she didn’t feel embarrassed or compelled to cover herself up. She felt safe in the room. A silhouette of a figure walked through the fog towards Sidney, and as they drew closer, Sidney saw that it was the woman from the bus. She blew Sidney a kiss, and Sidney felt lips touch hers. The woman slowly...

3 years ago
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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Six

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - A Turn For The Worse And so the Wrens and Leading Recruits settled into a routine. They knew that if they just spent their days jollying, drinking, having sex, and carousing that HMS Chelmsford would soon deteriorate into a shitfight, so they agreed to apply some discipline and stick to strict routines. The Royal Navy has run on routines from time immemorial; the day is divided into watches separated by the sounding of the...

2 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 18

Bailey and I walked up the beach for a few minutes to a carnival-type game center. Bailey had returned to her former exuberance and she seemed happy. I was enjoying myself, too. When she saw the games, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to one where you have to throw a football through a toilet seat. "Win me something," she said. I tried to explain that these were not games of skill. "I'll try," I told her, but Bailey wasn't letting me off the hook. She asked the carnie the...

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 20 Model Work

Dana stuck her head into Toni's office. She smiled broadly when Toni looked out of the workroom. "Hi, it's me!" "Great, Dana." Toni came out and hugged her briefly. Dana was wearing shorts and a t-shirt that, as usual, clung to her breasts. "Thanks for coming. I hope you didn't have difficulty getting time off." "Hey, I've got so much comp time built up... Anyway, I thought it would be wonderful to take the afternoon off for this. I can hardly wait. And I love that...

3 years ago
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Memories of Summer

I shivered as I walked on the vacant boardwalk this late November afternoon. The angry waves had much to say as they crashed along the beach, mercilessly taking more sand (and memories) with them. Just a mere four months ago, this beach was my home and sanctuary. It was my own private paradise. I found great enjoyment and even greater pleasure here with the four “s” words, sun, sand, surf and sex. I loved it all, though not equally. The sex part was by far my favorite. I placed my hand on the...

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My FatherInLaws Big Cock Part 1

My name is Michele, and my husband Ed and I were twenty-five years old at the time of this story. We met at Penn State where Ed got a degree in Business Administration and I majored in Biology. His plan from the start was to get a business degree so he could help his father manage and expand the family lumber and building supplies business in a small town not too far from Philadelphia. I planned to work in veterinary medicine and had a good job as a vet technician until the birth of our...

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My Dad is a Doctor I am a Voyeur Ch 02

My Dad is a Doctor & I am a Voyeur Ch. 02In my previous story, I told of how I had installed a very sophisticated video camera in a vent in my father's surgery and that it was attached to my computer. I also explained that with good feedback, I would release some of the more interesting tales. Do not forget to vote, dear reader, I am easily bought. In fact, I am a complete slut. So far, all the feedback has been very positive, however, I welcome comment from the no talent morons as well. I...

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MaudeMadeleine Part 5

‘Stand, girl.’ I stood and noticed she had unpinned her hair although I had not been aware of it. Her mane was dark and glossy in the subdued light of the room. She indicated a spot to her right where I should position myself and tapped my inner thighs to indicate I should spread my legs. When I had done so she first cupped my mound and then, slowly and cautiously, slid her finger under the sheer silk of my knickers and then between the creases of my most intimate part, much as Mistress...

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Ive cheated on every single ExGF who was a part of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee One caught me cheating

I'm a tall, dominant, hot, fit dude with a pornstar sized cock (proof on my Fetlife) living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I moved from SoCal (West Hollywood LA area) where every other chic had a nice rack, perfect cleavage and at least a full C cup tits. NorCal was the opposite, it's like finding a damn unicorn here, most chics have As or Bs, rarely even see Cs and when you do, they are obese (I'm not into overweight women either). It was so easy for me to get laid with hot women with bigger...

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The Wrong One Chapter 3

Jordan ~ I watched as Danny silently set up the little cups of paint. He washed and dried my foot and ankle, then ran a razor over it. We were good friends, but we didn’t spend a lot of time talking when I was in the chair. He felt he couldn’t concentrate if we were chatting, and I was very interested in him concentrating. The familiar buzzing of needles started. The first time I heard them I was horrified; now they were almost peaceful. The second the ink was pushed under the skin, I felt...

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