Feeding time at Zoo
- 3 years ago
- 33
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Jeremy attacked Wendy's nipple like a soldier on liberty.
She winced, then relaxed as she decided she would switch nipples. The right one was sore from double duty: Jeremy in the afternoon, and Jenna at bedtime. She would give it another couple of minutes, then switch to the left.
She was feeding him in her room for a reason this morning. She wanted to watch TV while she did, and not be drawn into thinking about last night's intense, beautiful, and somewhat confounding experience with her niece Jenna. Seeing the gorgeous young girl curled up to her body, sucking at her nipple, was a guilt-ridden turn on that had her insides totally out of balance, and she wasn't ready to sort it all out yet. She only knew that intellectually, it fell into the "wrong" bin, but spiritually and physically, even emotionally, it was one of the most enthralling, arousing events of her young life.
With her free hand, she switched channels on the remote, keeping the volume down and really just window shopping the channels more than anything else. She watched CNN, and tried to follow the story for minute with no sound, and then a pretty teenage girl, was being interviewed about something.
Her thoughts went back to the teenager, and Jeremy's mouth seemed to suck just a little harder at that moment. Wendy was going to make a point to avoid a private time with her today. She shouldn't have another feeding with her. They would shop, and then Taylor was coming over, and the girls would have their time together and Wendy could spend the evening doing something else. Maybe she and Bill would go to dinner.
Jeremy was asleep now, and Wendy covered her breasts back up and put him in his crib. She went and changed into some jeans and a simple sleeveless top for the shopping trip, then she went down to the kitchen to make coffee. As she descended the stairs, she was surprised to smell coffee brewing. That's odd, she thought. Bill was still asleep.
"Good morning, Aunt Wendy," Jenna said, her eyes bright as she sat at the kitchen eat-in counter. "I made coffee. I know you like it in the morning, and I've kind of found my way around the kitchen."
"Aw, Jenna, how sweet of you! Thanks. And good morning to you..." She came around the corner of the counter and hugged the teenage girl. Jenna warmly wrapped her arms around Wendy and hugged her tightly. The sensations of Jenna's arms hugging her waist last night, while she suckled at her breast, returned with a pleasant jolt. Wendy dismissed them quickly. She let go of her niece and went to get a coffee cup.
"How did you sleep, sweetie?"
"Like a baby." Jenna's voice, honeyed with gratitude, seemed like the only sound in the world at that moment. In spite of herself, Wendy turned to the girl, and was met with Jenna's soft, ethereal smile. The young girl's eyes shone with joy, and clearly, she hadn't chosen those words by accident.
Wendy hoped her blushing face was not obvious.
"Ready to do some world-class shopping?" Wendy said for a quick change of subject.
Jenna, Wendy realized, was already fully dressed for their outing. She looked terrific, with a little denim skirt, sandals, and a pretty pink long sleeved midriff top. All these girls were showing tummy these days, Wendy remembered. Somehow, Jenna looked too wholesome to look slutty. She just looked adorable, with her hair in a ponytail, and, she noticed, just a tiny application of makeup. Hmm, maybe a boy or two would strike up a conversation with her at the mall. One thing was for sure, every red-blooded boy her age was going to notice her. She was a peach.
"How pretty!" She appraised her niece. "We're going to have to keep a stick with us to fight off the boys."
Jenna giggled, and surprised Wendy Spencer with a return compliment of her own. "Two sticks, Aunt Wendy, for you to fight off the men! Maybe we should bring Uncle Bill."
"Oh, you... !"
"It's true," Jenna sang, gazing at her aunt happily.
Wendy's eyes went to the girl's mouth, a crimson jewel, notched sweetly upward at the center of the upper lip. No lipstick was needed, but the girl had put a light coat of gloss on. Then the memories came back again, and her mind's eye tormented her with the fleeting image of those pretty lips sucking sweetly on her nipple, the girl's silky, fragrant hair draped on her thigh, her eyes, looking up at her, glimmering with bliss...
Dammit, Wendy, stop, she yelled at herself.
They got all of Jeremy's things together, folded up his stroller and put it in the back seat, and headed down the highway to the mall. Jenna spent half the time turning around, playing with the infant's fingers, talking to him, and sometimes just gazing at him.
"Jer-em-eee" she would sing to him. His bright blue eyes would just stare the awed stare of babies, in straight-faced wonder at the captivating lilt of his older cousin's voice.
They had a wonderful time together, and Wendy found it a nice way to get out of the house and the palpable anticipation that hung in the air every time they were alone together. Wendy got a break, as Jenna wanted to push Jeremy's stroller most of the time. They laughed, looked at clothes, and went in and tried a couple of things on.
When they walked past the Victoria's Secrets, Jenna stopped when she saw a gorgeous chiffon babydoll nightie with satin trim. With a scalloped hem, it hung tantalizingly on the perfect curves of a torso mannequin, which these days, Wendy noticed, all had perfect, erect nipples.
"Oooh, Aunt Wendy... I can see you in this!"
"Jenna!" Wendy blushed deeply. "That's not exactly me," she laughed nervously, getting ready to lead the youngster elsewhere.
Jenna cuddled her head up to Wendy's soulder just then, grabbing her arm. "Yes, it is," she said, almost whispering, "for sleepy-time."
Wendy suppressed the leaping jolt in her heart at Jenna's suggestiveness. She glanced at the super-sexy garment, and then at Jenna, who was still eyeing it in the display window, a soft smile on her face. "C'mon, girl," she said, pulling Jenna away gently.
Later, they got some lunch, and Wendy asked her about boys. Surely, she had a boyfriend back home. Jenna shrugged.
"There aren't many I like. Most of 'em are stupid. One boy has been asking for me a lot. He's kind of nice, but... I dunno..."
Wendy wasn't surprised. The girl was not only beautiful, which intimidated a lot of boys, and bright, which intimidated a whole other bunch of them. Clearly, too, Jenna was picky, and that good.
Jenna bought a couple of things at a young women's outlet while Wendy browsed a kitchen specialty place. By two they were back home. Wendy was happy to have the afternoon with Bill on his day off. While Jenna went upstairs to put her new stuff away, Wendy, found Bill in the garage, tinkering with the lawnmower.
"Hey handsome."
"Well, hello to you, supermom."
She went to him and slid his arms around his waist as he straightened up. "Teenage kid is going to go play somewhere. I think we should too." She nibbled on his ear.
"Hmm... that sounds pretty damn enticing, but... I don't know..." He teased her dramatically, pretending to weigh his options. "... fix the lawnmower, get it on with hot lookin' wife, hmmm... tough one..."
"You bad, bad man," she said, slapping his behind hard.
"There's more where that came from, if you're into that sort of thing."
"I dunno. Let's go find out."
Giggling, Wendy hurried upstairs, delighted that Jeremy was sleeping soundly after their big outing. She was pretty sure that Jenna had gone over to Taylor's and that were preparing for their sleepover tonight.
Wendy was in the bathroom when she heard Bill come in, and heard the familiar chirp of his Nextel.
"Aww, goddamit," Bill muttered as he flipped the phone open. "Yeah... what's up?"
"Bill, awful sorry," the voice came squawking through the speaker, "more of the same problems up at the new plant. We need you up there ASAP."
He sighed heavily just as Wendy came out of the bathroom, a towel around her slender body.
He completed the conversation, and she made a face. "You gotta go."
"Yep. Goddam place is managed by a bunch of idiots. They promised to get someone a month ago that new that new computer system, and they still haven't."
"And they need Bill Spencer, the only man in eastern Pennsylvania that knows how to work it."
"Unfortunately, yes."
She went to him and kissed him. "As soon as you get it fixed, will you tell those idiots that someone else needs Bill Spencer too?" She pressed her towel-wrapped body to him.
He grinned. "I will."
"I love you honey. Be careful and come back soon. Any idea... ?"
He shook his head. "It's a two-hour drive each way. Be back as soon as I can."
"Just drive careful. Remember to get some coffee if it's late. I want you home in one piece."
It was one-thirty in the morning when Bill Spencer dragged his tired butt out of the car and up the front steps. He entered quietly, figuring Wendy would be asleep. He went upstairs and opened the door to the bedroom, finding it dark. He took a couple of steps toward the bed, towards the shapely curves under the blanket, and heard her breathing deeply. He wouldn't wake her.
He decided he'd have himself a drink after his long drive, and his frustrating call-out, which had ruined his night off. He was glad they at least paid him time and a half for that kind of aggravation. He took off his shoes to avoid making more noise, left them outside the bedroom, and padded in his socks down to the kitchen. There, he poured himself a Jack Daniels with a couple of cubes of ice and a splash of water, and sat on the barstool in the quiet kitchen. Maybe there was something on the tube. Just then he noticed the security monitor, sitting on the opposite counter, on. The vivid black and white image of the baby room was on the screen. He peered closer to look at his tiny, sleeping son. It was dark, but he could still see the little tyke, nestled up in the blanket, lost in sleep. He smiled, still amazed and thrilled that he had a child now.
He remembered buying that video system and was glad that it worked so well. There were two cameras that came with that thing, weren't there? He couldn't remember now. Yes, there were two, but where had he put the other? Had he even used it? He took a sip of the whiskey, and then remembered, yes he had, but where? Goddam, he was getting old! Was it out back, to watch the back entrance, or just outside the garage, or... he punched the button that said, "channel 2" on the video set, and instantly the picture changed. At that very moment that the picture changed, he remembered that he had installed the first camera in the other bedroom, because they thought that was going to be the baby's room. They had decided not to use that room, then, and instead of taking it down, he had just put the other camera in the new baby's room, and figured he would take down the old one later. But life had gotten in the way, and it was still there, and...
What on earth was he looking at?
Bill Spencer peered closer, sliding his stool up to about a foot from the small screen. Was that... ? It was the bedroom Jenna was in, and the light was on. She was still up and--dear Jesus in heaven, his eyes must have been deceiving him, but they weren't.
There, in crystal black and white clarity, was his fifteen year old niece, kneeling on the floor by her bed, surrounded by a pair of pajama covered legs. That must be Taylor on the bed, he thought as he saw dark hair coming from the top of the screen. Taylor's head was cut off from the rest of the image, but without a doubt, there was Jenna, her face up against Taylor's chest, which was bare... bare! He could see one breast, and Jenna's head was blocking the other. Taylor, he now realized as the image became more in focus in his brain, was leaning back on her hands as Jenna, kneeling between her legs, a hand on each of the other girl's long pajama pants, was... was... what was she doing? It looked like she was doing something to her breast! Kissing... ? Just then his niece moved her head, looking up towards where Taylor's face was, and said, "Doesn't that feel awesome?"
It was then that he realized the sound was up. He turned it up a little more, and stared, transfixed and barely breathing, as he heard Taylor reply, with a little giggle, "Yeah."
He swallowed hard. Good god, these girls were playin' around with each other! He felt suddenly guilty that he was spying on them, but then, this was his house, and his camera, and--Jenna spoke again:
"Wanna to try it on me?"
"Mm-kay," came a quiet response.
He watched Jenna get up, and her head disappeared past the top of the screen. But he saw her arms move, and saw her top being pulled off, and the next thing he knew, there his niece was, in just a pair of panties, as the top fell on the bed.
"Holy Jeezis..." he muttered out loud to himself. He shouldn't be watching this, he thought. These are kids, they're just experimenting. Hell, maybe he should stop them. Should he? He pondered it, and at the same moment realized that his cock was stirring in his jeans.
He looked around the kitchen just then, and at the foot of the stairs, but no one was around. What the hell do you do here? He thought. But his eyes were drawn back to the screen, and he felt paralyzed at the scene unfolding in gray-toned splendor before him. He took another swig of the whiskey, as Taylor slid off the bed and went to her knees, right where Jenna had been. Jenna took her place on the edge of the bed, and spread her legs, leaning back a little just as Taylor had done, and the taller, dark haired neighbor shuffled forward on her knees a bit to get closer. Then-and this time it was quite clear, as the angle had changed just enough-Taylor leaned her head forward and started to suck on Jenna's young breast.
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Wendy Spencer was deeply relieved when her neice came bounding down the stairs the next morning and announced, "Taylor invited me to spend the whole day with them and sleep over! Is that ok, Aunt Wendy? Can I go?" "Sure you can, honey," Wendy said, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. Jenna skipped to her and hugged her tight, thanking her. Wendy stroked the girl's head, remembering the wild and alarming sensations that invaded her body just hours ago, when Jenna suckled at her breast. She...
Some greater power must have intervened in the next week and a half. Wendy and her beautiful, thirsty niece seemed to be in different orbits. Jenna spent several days and nights at Taylor's house, and even took a weekend with their family when they went out of town to a resort in New Jersey. Wendy did miss her-she was a remarkable and very helpful young lady-but when all her feelings about Jenna's absence were distilled, it was relief that was left. She was stressing to some extent, about...
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Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Sunday 25th January 2015Sunday evening“Careful, they’re a little bit sore.” I felt Sue’s body stiffen a little, as if to prove the point.“Sorry, do you want me to stop?” I asked as Sue snuggled into my body and I gently stroked her nipples, as she lay with her back on my chest as we watched some mindless Sunday evening TV show.“No, it’s okay, just be gentle and go slow.”I smiled as I got my reward, her nipples hardening between my fingers as I caressed them, being careful to...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Sunday 25th January 2015Sunday evening“Careful, they’re a little bit sore.” I felt Sue’s body stiffen a little, as if to prove the point.“Sorry, do you want me to stop?” I asked as Sue snuggled into my body and I gently stroked her nipples, as she lay with her back on my chest as we watched some mindless Sunday evening TV show.“No, it’s okay, just be gentle and go slow.”I smiled as I got my reward, her nipples hardening between my fingers as I caressed them, being careful to...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Friday 23rd January 2015Cat on a hot tin roofThat’s exactly how I felt in the ten days after Sue and I took the momentous decision to see if the reality with Francis would be as good as the fantasy. (Only for some reason I could never picture a cat on a hot tin roof, the picture that always came into my mind was Dr. Seuss’ Cat in a Hat, complete with that tall red and white knitted hat. Go figure!)I was climbing the walls with anticipation and excitement. I’d waited for this for...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Friday 23rd January 2015Cat on a hot tin roofThat’s exactly how I felt in the ten days after Sue and I took the momentous decision to see if the reality with Francis would be as good as the fantasy. (Only for some reason I could never picture a cat on a hot tin roof, the picture that always came into my mind was Dr. Seuss’ Cat in a Hat, complete with that tall red and white knitted hat. Go figure!)I was climbing the walls with anticipation and excitement. I’d waited for this for...
Wife LoversRobert put the car in park when they arrived at Mary’s huge suburban home. Excited and aroused, Kayla was ready for her next sexual adventure, and she wondered if Robert might be part of that.“Will you be staying?” she asked the handsome Uber driver.“No, Mistress Kayla,” he answered. “I am serving penance.”“Oh?” she asked. “Did you come without permission?”“Yes, Mistress Kayla.”“Are you..?” she trailed off and glanced in the direction of his crotch.He answered, “Yes, Mistress Kayla.” As...
BDSMHi, this is Anitha back with the next part of the story. After that day I was feeling a bit off beat. I was really having the thought that I was about to cheat my husband. But things rolled on. On Saturday Chandran came to our house. I was wearing an orange saree that day. We had dinner and had our talks. While we were talking my baby started crying. So I took him to my bedroom and fed him and when I was about to put him to sleep my hubby also came. He too slept along with the baby. I came to...
IncestSo last summer my neighbours went on holidays for a week and asked me to feed their fish while they were gone. They gave me a key and i had the perfect opportunity. I entered their empty house, went straight upstairs and found her bedroom. I had a hard on just from being in the room she has been fucked so many times in. I searched her pantie drawer and picked up a handful, inhaling the smell. I found the sexiest pair of panties i could and wrapped them around my raging hard cock. I started...
Bob Davis was in trouble, and it was real trouble. His cock was stiff and he was getting a blow job of sorts, but not by choice and not the kind of blow job he wanted ... maybe not the kind of blowjob he could even survive. It felt like his balls might just get sucked out through his dick. As he frantically tried to get away from the cute young female whose mouth was firmly attached to his cock, thoughts flashed through his head on how he got in this mess... Mandy was a cute girl, of average...
Hello.. I want to tell you about how i started to breastfeed my stepson and start to have new lovely bond with him till now. Before let me introduce myself. Myself riya and i am my husband’s second wife. His first wife was actually my elder sister who had meet with an accident and expired so later on my family made me marry my sister’s husband only. He has teenage child shreyas who was now also my son. Days passed on and i gave birth to a baby boy. My relationship with my step son was not good....
IncestScarsdale, New York: Sunday 31st March 2019Hi, this is Sue.Pete and I have argued long and hard over whether or not we should share the fuller story that he shared in abbreviated form in Chapter 10. I love Pete and understand why he only wanted to share an abbreviated version of my final night with Francis. After all the things that happened that night, Pete just wanted to draw a veil over everything and move on as fast and as painlessly as possible. That’s why Pete’s description of collecting...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Sunday 21st October 2018Of the four of us, I must have been the last one to see that there was already someone waiting for us in the private room. I was bringing up the rear, Francis up front pushing Grace in the wheelchair and Sue sandwiched in the middle.“James, what are you doing here?” Francis’ deep voice boomed out, the tone of his voice matching the surprised look on his face.“Honestly, I’m not too sure. Grace texted me and asked me to come over to meet you all. I’m a...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Monday 24th September 2018All of the compliments and praise from my boss’s boss now seemed a distant memory as I screwed up the courage to park my car and enter the lion’s den. Once a happy home, this evening I felt like a poor grunt entering Snipers' Alley. From the cars parked in the drive, I knew Sue and Francis were in there. And to me that could only mean one conclusion to all the thinking Sue had done about our marriage.Taking the deepest of breaths, I left the...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Saturday 22nd September 2018How had it come to this? Just a few hours ago I’d been spooning and making love to my wonderful wife. Declaring my love to her as she told me she’d always love me. And now, just a few hours later, she was gone. Nowhere to be seen in the house. Replaced instead by an envelope on her pillow, on a pristine and perfectly made bed.Back in 2015, we’d pulled the plug after a weekend of fun with Francis, thinking better of it. We’d survived the horror...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Monday 6th August 2018Central Park was beautiful this time of year. I looked out over the still waters of Harlem Meer, enjoying the relative peace in our bustling metropolis, enjoying the aroma of my fresh coffee. Glad to finally have escaped from the madhouse atmosphere of our home, finally able to find some peace and quiet to contemplate the future.In theory, it had cost me a half day’s leave. But one of the benefits of being a boss is that no-one really cares if you...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Saturday 4th August 2018Hell, I was tired. It had been the week to end all weeks. Wall to wall meetings, clients and colleagues who seemed hell-bent on bickering and arguing about every tiny detail. Somehow me and my number two guy, Steve, had managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. But it had been a real stressful, roller coaster ride of a week.And now it was one twenty in the morning and I felt totally wiped out. My shoulders ached, my legs hurt from the long...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: March to August 2018Hi, this is Sue. Pete’s muse in the story he’s been recounting. I’ve been sitting here watching Pete writing about us for the last four months. And I feel it’s about time I put pen to paper to tell my side of the story, especially as sometimes I’m getting a bit of a bad press.I think the first thing I want to say is an echo of something Pete said a few chapters ago. He used a misquote from Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. ‘If you prick us, do we not...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Monday 12th February 2018I slept fitfully that Sunday night, waking a couple of times to a mind full of thoughts about Sue and Francis. The thoughts were a swirling mixture of arousal and worry. I loved the thought of my beautiful wife together in bed with her big African lover. But at the same time, I never totally escaped the fears and worries about where this might lead. Playing with matches were the words in my head.During my two spells of insomnia, I thought back to...
Wife LoversJFK, New York: Sunday 11th February 2018The cup of coffee was a life-saver. Strong, black, Grande. Full of the flavors of Africa.There are very few friends I like enough to get me out of a warm bed at six a.m. on a New York winter’s morning. But Francis, especially in his current state of mourning was one of those few friends.But without that steaming cup of Ethiopian black, I’d have been little use to him as I helped him with his bags. He gave me the length of hug normally reserved only for...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Friday 19th January 2018As Sue’s FaceTime call was cut-off by Mikey I felt like a man in Purgatory. The excitement of watching Sue with her three young, college-age black lovers had been a huge and intense high. And now it was gone. It felt like a huge hole had been ripped in my chest. The blank seventy-five-inch screen, so full of life just seconds ago, seemed to now mock and torment me. It felt as if I could only stick my head in the screen I’d be able to see the goings...
Wife Lovers35,000 Feet above Central Africa: 13:00 Thursday 4th January 2018“Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve just commenced our descent into Lagos International Airport. Could you please return to your seats, put your seats upright, and stow any tables and electrical devices you’ve been using. Please ensure your seat belt is buckled up as our cabin crew will now start collecting up the headsets.”To a weary traveler, these words are as familiar as the rosary to a devout Catholic, or as the words of the Talmud...
Wife LoversJFK Airport, New York: 21:00 Wednesday 3rd January 2018“Hurry up, honey,” Sue shouted over her shoulder as she scurried towards the departure area.“If you don’t hurry up …” before her words trailed off as she bumped into someone coming in the opposite direction.Working out how to respond to Francis’ proposition about accompanying him to Nigeria had been a really hard call. He was a good friend and we knew he was hurting and needed the support of his friends. Thinking it through and coming to a...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Monday 12th December 2017Sue slowly came back down to earth, the tension now gone from her spent body. As her eyes opened and she looked at me I realized there was no hint of embarrassment or shame in her face. I’d thought that now the excitement had passed, there might be some adverse reaction. But Sue’s face was pure undiluted contentment. Fully satisfied and not caring whether the lover who’d pleasured her was male or female.As I kissed her softly and we shared a moment,...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Monday 11th December 2017Monday was a catch-up day at work. With Sue’s young Ghanaian admirer now safely back on a different continent, I could catch up on other projects and admin tasks I’d not worked on during his stay. I was just tidying up at work and looking forward to spending the evening with my two women when I got an incoming text.‘Hey Pete, are you free for a quick chat at my place on your way home? I have a proposition I’d like to discuss with you.’Things were...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Saturday 11th November 2017 Sue finally stopped looking up at the sky, having finished whatever profound thinking the evening’s turmoil and her conversation with Francis had provoked. I saw her turn and wrap her arms tight around herself as protection against the sub-zero November temperatures. As I heard the front door open and then close, I felt a sense of dread and fear as I awaited the coming conversation. The booze, panic, and sleepiness of my brain combined to...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Friday 10th November 2017Friday night is party night. Most guys all around the world were out with their girlfriends or wives. Me? I was stuck at home while my woman was out with another man, thinking to myself ‘how the hell did we end up here?’Sue and I were a dedicated, loving and conventional couple. Twice we’d tried something different, and twice we’d stopped. How does the old saying have it? Third time lucky.Sitting alone in our family home, thinking of all those other...
Wife Lovers35,000 ft, Eastern Seaboard, Sunday 04:00 5th November 2017Someone very smart once said, ‘When the facts change, I change my mind.’Four in the morning, still two hours left of my long journey home, and a less eloquent version was, ‘only a fool never has second thoughts.’I was definitely having second and possibly even third and first thoughts. In my case, the facts that had changed were that I no longer had Grace by my side and I’d no longer be eight thousand miles away. I’d be right here in...
Wife LoversKaronga, Malawi: Monday 23rd October 2017Sue continued to look at me with that strange expression. I was really struggling to read her and know what she was thinking.Anger? Indecision and desire? Hurt feelings? I couldn’t be certain, but my gut told me she was going through all of these.I toyed with asking Grace to leave so we could talk. I was about to reject this and play some power game with Sue, but I knew this wasn’t the real me. It might have given me some small victory, but this had...
Wife LoversKaronga, Malawi: Monday 23rd October 2017As the sun streamed through the hotel window, I couldn’t get the words out of my head. 'I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom for me and you. And I think to myself what a wonderful world.’Louis Armstrong’s velvety tones serenaded me into another week. All felt good in the world. The project was still a mess. But that was only work. What mattered was that Sue and I were back on firm ground. We’d spent all weekend re-connecting and...
Wife LoversI’d already forgotten his name by the time we reached his apartment, not that it really mattered. I’d had a few drinks before he’d even come in and sat down next to me, too busy flirting with the bartender to notice until I felt his hand upon mine, pinning it gently to the bar as he introduced himself. Dan, perhaps, or Dave. As I said, I’d been drinking. We’d struck up a conversation. Nothing deep. Tonight, I wasn’t interested in deep. I was only here for one thing. Sex. He wasn’t the hottest...