Feeding Time at the Zoo
- 2 years ago
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Feeding time at Zoo
Author: Rotneb
Synopsis: Susie and Several other young female students take on a challenge by their professor to runs naked race to Zoo to hand over a gift letter. The challenge is that the naked girls are the gift as live feed for the Zoo's carnivores. All expect the gift letter will be repealed shortly after the handover because it's all a joke. But the girls' legal responsible person stays away from the Zoo. Then the carnivores at Zoo will be spoiled with tasty live feed.
The story is only fantasy
A challenge
Susie stood excited and waited together with twenty-two other young girls from the university's first vintages. All the girls were turned up to perform the challenge as their professor had given them during a meeting about animals’ conditions in Zoo’s two days ago.
It all started with Professor Sherman Winters had discovered that Leah, one of his biology students had been naked in a cage next to three other cages with naked girls during a protest against the treatment of animals in the zoo. The naked girls’ bodies were painted as wild animal. Leah was painted with stripes like a zebra in the cage and next to her sat a naked woman painted like a tiger.
The four cages were provocatively placed next to the audience's entry to the Zoo. The protest was led by representatives from animal welfare organization "Stop the Animal Holocaust 'or abbreviated SAH.
The professor was provoked by the banners of 'Release the animals free - All animals are born to a free life in the wild', 'Animals in the zoo loose their natural instincts' 'Animal cages in Zoo are too small' stood on posters close to the cages.
Professor Sherman Winters was the clear opinion that the city's Zoo takes every possible environment considerations to the animals and he invited the naked girls in the cages to a meeting at the biological faculty with the theme: Animals behaviour in captivity.
The meeting had assembled a nearly full auditorium and the discussions were intense. The professor insisted that all zoos gave the animals the possible freedoms they were entitled to.
The representatives from SAH clearly showed that the animals' instincts became dulled by staying in protected environments.
The carnivores hunting instincts become dulled, when the zoo only feed the carnivores with pieces of dead meats and at best with whole animal carcasses. The carnivores became not training to chase their prey up and kill them. On the other hand, the preys become spoils by losing the natural behaviour by fleeing from the carnivores. The prey killings are the natural selection of healthy and strong populations. Unfortunately it is seen that more and more were diseases and especially hereditary diseases spread rapidly among the prey populations.
Leah went so far that she had said that a tiger in the zoo would become confused if she stood naked in front of the predator down into the tigress square. The zoo tiger would be so tame that the tiger would not attack her as a living prey.
Susie smiled at herself. The poor professor had said that he would donate one million dollars to the animal rights organization ‘Stop the Animal Holocaust’ if Leah and other girls just dare to race naked from the city hall square and out to the Zoo and provide a gift letter to the Zoo director, in which at least ten naked girls gave themselves as a gift to the Zoo as carnivores food.
Professor Sherman Winters would trigger the donation of one million if Zoo director officially accepted the carnivores feedings gift, and moreover the naked girls fully entering the Zoo area.
The professor want the gift letter then becomes dissolved, and then the young girls become exempted to complete the slightly macabre joke. Of course he expected to see the girls to his next biological lectures and SAH would get a grand donation to the organization's future works.
The young female students was given a period until the next day at noon to take the challenge. Susie's boyfriend Michael had set out to get some of the young female student to accept the professor's challenge. With some persuasion had Leah and the tiger girl, Melody, joined as voluntary naked runners.
"What about you, Susie?"
"I do not know. I've never been naked in public before." Susie had some anguish, but had finally given up and accepted to take part into the naked race. Michael ends up with twenty-two voluntary participants to race naked from the city hall square to the goal in the Zoo.
The professor had smilingly taken a copy of the gift letter that Michael would hand over to the director of the Zoo at the young girls' behalf.
The girls agreed to be completely naked when they make their runs to Zoo. The girls should be stripped totally down, inclusive to remove jewellery, watches, chains and any piercing. The girls must not wear anything on the roads to Zoo.
The young female student stood now on the city hall square. The bell had just turned eleven. Susie had only her short white summer dress and a pair of outdoor shoes on her feet, nothing else, not even panties.
Susie was clearly nervous and timid. Soon she had to standing completely naked in front of her fellow students who had turned up in large numbers, and many other people was curiously attracted to the crowd in front of the City Hall.
Of course Susie knew that several other universities held naked runs. Among other things, was held unofficial 'nude mile race' or naked race for spring break events. Susie felt yet this race will be something special and she had only let herself be persuaded by Michael because he was her boyfriend. I wonder what my family would say tomorrow when they read the newspapers and see that she has been running naked through the city. Well it will probably be fun for her two years younger brother and his companions, but her parents?
Michael interrupts her thoughts.
"Girls, it’s time to make you ready to the naked race. Put your clothes in one of the three boxes. Kenneth brings these boxes with him to Zoo in his car."
Susie hesitated a little while. Others especially Melody and Leah quickly got their clothes off and put into the cardboard boxes. After a few minutes they stood twenty-two young girls completely naked at the square. Kenneth and a few of the other students removed the three boxes of clothing. Susie looked after the boys, when they disappeared between the spectators with the girls’ clothes.
The discomfort by standing completely naked in front of the spectators got more of naked girls to try to cover their breasts and pussy with the hands. Susie felt really embarrassed. There was no way back, Kenneth drove away with her clothes and she could only get her clothes back when she arrives to Zoo.
"Then you can start the race naked girls. You get your clothes again about the two and a half mile away inside the Zoo. Enjoy yours naked race.?
Michael and a couple of the other guys laughed against the naked girls. Susie could have strangled him; he could just wait until tonight
The naked girls started shy and somewhat reluctant to move toward the street that led them against the Zoo.
Two and a half mile was long away and Susie figured that the police might stop the naked girls before they arrived to Zoo. She feared that she was jailed; it might ruin her criminal record.
The twenty-two naked young girls were running at the road beside the sidewalk. People on the sidewalk turned them surprised to look at the girls when they ran over. Soon the naked girls were followed by cars and bikes outside at the street.
Susie was happy that the weather was with them, it was warm and the sun shone down from a nearly cloudless sky. I would at least be sun tanned all over my body, she thought a little ironic. Her strong shyness resolved after the first ten minutes of the race. In fact, she could do nothing by her nudity during the race. She concentrated on her racing, so much that she didn't saw Fred drove his car up beside her. Michael sat on the passenger seat.
"Wow then, here we have the war of the planets," Michael grinned at her, "It looks really good, Susie. I think people enjoy your naked race."
Susie looks furious at Michael. Of course had she and the other girls their naked breasts freely swinging during the race, but why Michael would make fun of it. Susie was it quite deliberate. She had looked at girl bodies free movements in front of her. She had seen how the muscles worked during the race and actually thought about that the muscles actually were pure meat. She got a little sex fantasy and thought that the girls would be ideal preys for the Zoo's carnivores. The fantasy has actually excited her little. Michael has brought her back to the naked race.
"Do not listen to Michael. You all looking fire good as you racing naked here in the streets." Fred smiled sweetly to her. ?People admire you. Just be proud that you dare do this naked race. Shift Michael out with me if you want. I'm ready, Susie."
"You get her, of course not." Michael turned to Fred, "Get this car started, we must going to the Zoo and help the others to make ready for the gift letter ceremony."
Fred came on the accelerator and the car disappeared out the road.
Houses, shops and people were passing by the naked young female students. Susie felt the warm noon asphalt against her naked feet. She was afraid of stepping on broken glasses or other sharp elements. She stayed close to the front of the racing naked girls. Only a few of the girls had fallen behind and they were the only one who has been arrested by the police.
The last part of the trip was to racing up the hill road to Zoo at the hill top. The naked girls reached up to the Zoo's entrance highly breathlessly. Susie was happy when she saw Zoos big sign. Soon she would have her clothes on again.
The breathless naked girls were shown up on a low platform beside the entrance. Quickly there were created a large audience in front of the platform. The naked girls were a little confused; they did not expect them to be exhibited on the platform in front of an audience. Seventeen nude girls arrived to Zoo. The five other girls were arrested by the police and Michael erased the arrested girls’ signatures from gift letter.
The audience began to photograph and take movies of naked girls on the platform.
"Michael, we want our clothes." Susie and the other girls were annoying to stand naked exposed on the platform without something happened.
"Of course, girls, but we're not finish yet, right? Zoo has not received the gift."
"No, but you promised to bring our clothes with you."
"Yes, yes the clothes are still in Kenneth's car, where it should be a little longer. As you all know, you do not need clothes at the gift ceremony and you must go naked inside the Zoo area before Professor Sherman Winters pays his donation. We expect only that the director of the Zoo come out here. He has only been told that we have a gift for him and Zoo, not what kind of gift. You must have a little patience. Enjoy the lovely weather; while, however, we enjoy you naked girls."
Nearly ten minutes later the director of the Zoo arrived along with a few zookeepers.
"What's going on here? What all these naked girls doing here in front of Zoo? Was it not a gift to be handed over to the Zoo?" The Director pointed appalled at the naked young girls on the platform.
"Mr. Director. I will shortly hand over a very exciting gift to the Zoo." Michael gave the director a very warm and firm handshake. "I'm sorry, but these young naked girls must attend at the Zoo's gift ceremony."
"That I accept then."
"It was lovely. Will you please come up on the platform so everyone can see this gift ceremony? "
Zoo's director followed Michael up in front of the naked girls. Michael was in his element, he smiled at the naked girls, while the director was embarrassed by the naked girls company.
"Mr. Director, staff of the Zoo, dear spectators. My name is Michael Johnson. "Michael spoke in a brought megaphone.?I must now convey Zoo a very unique gift, but first a little about what the gift is for.
If you could ask a lion on it even wants to hunt and kill its prey by itself, or if the lion would have the prey served killed, it would probably reply: 'Just throw the dead preys into us; we do not want to hunt.’ This complacency the lions also use in the wild where they doesn’t have a zookeeper to serve food separately. In the wild the lions steal preys from other carnivores who have been hunting. Therefore, it is easy for the lions to take them the passive position and suppress hunting instinct.
It has long been standard practice that most zoos in the U.S. to fed carnivores with minced meat, because it may offend the zoo guests to see an entire animal eaten by the carnivores. See how it happened with Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi at Thailand. This is animals without any kind of natural instincts; the tigers have become human's pets and clothes dolls.
As director of the Zoo you can agree with, that carnivores very easy loose their natural hunting instincts and the carnivores quickly adapt to prefer the pleasant method? So the carnivores have no knowledge of hunting live preys in the future."
"Unfortunately, I can not disagree with you. However, I must say that the zoo may be the only place where the animals survive in the future and we give the animals the best environmental conditions as possible. It is true that carnivores lack the challenges and the exercise by not being able to hunt and kill their own food. But if the zoo permits this, it may well be a bloody affair and many people will feel pity for the preys. I do not think the audience would like to see carnivores hunt living preys."
"The great protection of animals in the zoos leaving the prey too boring and the prey may be missing natural motion." Michael continued. "Prey animals lose quickly their natural fear and willingness to escape carnivores. There is no natural culling of sick animals and hereditary diseases are spreading among prey herds. The wild preys end up as farm livestock like cows, sheep and pigs. As director of the Zoo you said a moment ago, 'I do not think the audience would like to see the Zoo carnivores hunt living prey.’ Would it be reasonable to investigate this claim by an experiment?"
The director looks doubtfully at Michael. "I do not know whether we can permit this. Moreover, the prey animals are subjected to the animal welfare laws and Zoo's position are clear; preys must be killed quickly and without incurring the unnecessary pain and stress. I agree that an aspect is the nutritional, partly because stomach contents of fresh prey contains good and necessary vitamins. Thus it is the stomach carnivores usually bite a hole as the first. Like many dog and cat owners know, it is also good for carnivores to gnaw at bones as they massaged the gums and strengthening muscles and connective tissues of the mouth and jaw. If the carnivores do not get bones to eat, there is great risk that the teeth eventually become loose and may fall out. This fact is often seen as a side effect in many zoos, exclusively fed with minced meat. Our argument against these zoos is that they thereby sacrifice the welfare of carnivores in exchange for the audience's ethical protection. But by putting alive prey animals into the predator areas may harm Zoos reputation."
"But Zoo brings live mice in to the reptiles as snakes. And many other animals are fed with live insects. Even in your small section of carnivorous plants are live flies used as feed for the plants. Is not it a bit of a double standard? As I see are smaller carnivores and carnivorous plants being fed constantly with living animals? It is only the large carnivores, who must not be fed with live preys, why?"
Director looks a little surprise to Michael.
"Yes, it can seem as a double standard."
"For an experiment with live prey to the large carnivores it might be ideal if we insert preys that would not be covered by the animal welfare laws?"
"It could be a solution and interesting. However, there are still grounds to remember the audience ethical attitudes."
"Look at these lovely shapely young naked girls." Michael and the director turned them against the naked girls. There was a chill through Susie's body as Michael briefly caught her eye. "This is living meat. This is the gift to Zoo. This is predator food. I will now read the gift letter's text."
"Stop, these naked girls can not be a gift to the Zoo ..." The director so confused at the naked girls. The audience stood speechless and silent.
"Yes they are. The gift letter, which simultaneously is a legal document, reads: The undersigned protesting against making wild animals inactive into Zoo. I would like to see the wild animals will live as naturally as possible in captivity or the wild animals were put back into the wild and the animals were allowed to live their lives without human interference.
The Zoo carnivores will lose their natural hunting instincts when they are not challenged by living prey, but must eat of slaughtered animals for the sake of audience misguided ethics. Carnivores bored. I want to carnivores and audiences have a chance to experience the Zoo's carnivores use their natural hunting instincts, before it is too late.
I accept to be a voluntary gift to the Zoo. The gift is the live feed for the Zoo's carnivores. As voluntarily live feed for the Zoo carnivores disclaims the signed all human right from the time the gift letter award to a responsible person for Zoo. Zoo receives the gift completely naked and without identification. Zoo will have free dispose of the gift, since all rights are renounced.
Only Michael Johnson has my legal responsibility for this gift after Zoo receipt of the gift letter. With the renunciation of my human rights as predator food, must I be disenfranchised any legal right after the gift transfer.
Gift letter's purpose can only be lawfully withdrawn if both Michael Johnson and the signatory party receives from Zoo, agreed the termination. Which means that want at least one of the two signatories to retain the gift letter's purpose, must the gift letter's purpose is maintained. Final date and signature of these naked girls are standing here on this platform."
"I can not receive this gift letter on behalf of Zoo." The director seemed completely shocked.
"Of course you will Mr Director. That's these naked girls’ volunteer wishes that Zoo must receive them as a gift." Michael was insistent; he thought of Professor Sherman Winters condition that the gift letter should be handed over to the Zoo before the money could be paid to SAH.
"We have to go into my office, so we really can get talked about the gift letter." The director shook his head. "It is not possible to Zoo to receive the naked girls as predator food. I can not permit this. Get the naked girls into the Zoo's area. Out here at the entrance they stand somewhat provocative."
A bit surprising the naked girls was led into Zoos areas by the zookeepers, while Michael, the Zoo Director and the other zoo staff entered the Director's office. The naked girls felt them insecure in the new situation as they stood on the lawn near the entrance.
The Director of the Zoo seated his guests around a table and looked thoughtfully at Michael. "Michael Johnson, what is this for a gift letter you tried to give me outside the Zoo entrance??
"It was a legal gift letter sign by the naked girls. The naked girls turned up here at Zoo as a voluntary gift to the Zoo, a gift only to be used as living food for the carnivores. The girls has made their wishes clear to be ready for the carnivores feedings by being completely naked and totally free of piercings, jewellery and other elements that can destroy the carnivores teeth. It also means that none of the naked girls have anything on those who can identify them. They are only in the zoo as real animals and as I told as a very special gift to Zoo"
Zoo staff examined very carefully the gift letter's wording, and a lawyer was summoned. Soon it became the legal questions brought into focus, was it possible for the naked girls possibly waive their rights as humans?
It was also discussed whether Zoo ethics may allow that naked girls could be available as live food for the carnivores and whether there may be spectators present if there is to be carried out feedings with the naked girls.
Discussion with Michael Johnson in centre was intense, especially because he insisted that the Zoo must receive the gift.
"The naked girls have made me legally liable for the gift document and its purpose. The naked girls expect their gift to the Zoo are taken seriously. All seventeen nude girls has voluntarily accept with their signing that from now they can only be solved from the present document's purposes if both of us, zoo's director and I agree to waive the gift document. Right now, I must insist that the gift document not become dissolved yet. I think the naked girls wishes that the gift has to be used for the purpose.
Indeed, the naked girls can become a magnet for Zoo audience if the naked girls are exhibited in one of the Zoo animal cages and perhaps it would be more attractive if the naked girls would still be put on the predator menu. I would consider repealing gift letter's purpose when we are approaching an actual predator feeding. Right now we use the naked girls want to be a gift to the zoo's carnivores. "
Zoo's director had to admit that the naked girls had told him and others that they had voluntarily accepted and signed the gift letter as live food donation to the Zoo's carnivores.
A little later the phone rings in response to a previous question to the Ministry of Justice on the legal acceptance of the naked girls’ gift letter.
"Hello, yes, yes, I will communicate."
"Hear all; Justice Ministry has just announced that the naked girls’ legal papers were accepted officially. Thus it is only up to the Zoo and the two signatories to decide on the naked girls will be accepted as a gift to the Zoo. They also gave the message that it is not finally decided that the naked girls can be used as live feed for the carnivores. Therefore this is a temporary permit only granted for the display of the naked girls in cages in front of Zoo visitors.?
"Did the Justice Ministry accept that it is possible that the naked girls can become feed for the carnivores?"
"Yes, it seems so if the Zoo officially likes to receive the gift letter with signatures from both the zoo's director and Michael Johnson. But it may take several days before the last legal aspects fall into place."
"What did you say, Mr. Michael Johnson?"
"Since the naked girls have made me legally liable for the gift letter and the enclosed unique gift to the Zoo, it is very difficult for me to revoke the gift. The naked girls are quite aware of the gift letter's content and meaning to them. Had the naked girls wanted it, would the naked girls having failed to sign the document. Therefore, I on behalf of naked girls maintain the transfer of the gift to the Zoo."
"Thanks to all who participated this meeting." The director looks around. "We have dealt with the naked girls’ gift letter in all ways and I have reached a decision. Zoo accepted this incredibly unique gift.
Basically, I can only thank Michael Johnson for the gift, because the naked girls from now on will be free from any forms of human rights and therefore can not affect their future. Thank you.
Zoo management is still unsure about all the naked girls can be used as live feed for carnivores. The legal part will of course finally be settled in a few days. Once the approval available, must Zoo naturally follow gift letter targets and feeding the carnivores with live prey. Then we can examine the audience reactions.
Michael Johnson. When we come to the Zoo's lawn, I will ask you to officially hand over the gift letter and the gift to the Zoo."
"That will be my pleasure and joy."
On the lawn inside the front of Zoo's entrance the naked girls stood very close to the audience. A little too close Susie feels. Time passed very slowly for the naked girls and they began to be restless and nervous.
"The meeting has lasted a long time. Think you if the Zoo accepts us as a gift? "
"It was the condition to which the professor asked for before he donates his money to SAH. We've voluntarily taken the challenge. But I become afraid like you if they come from the meeting and tell that we are food for carnivores."
"Michael will immediately terminate gift letter values, so there will not happen something awful to us." Susie was sure of it. "Uh, this is not funny. Right now, I regret that I said yes to participate ..."
"Hey look, now they come from the meeting, so we can finally get our clothes back on."
"Oh, it will be nice. I'll never do this again, I feel me very humiliated. People have taken pictures and movies of us to an entire porn shop. What shall I tell my family about this?"
"Yes, it is difficult to explain. We become a laughing stock."
Michael and the director went on to stands between the audience and the seventeen naked girls. Michael spoke softly to the naked female students.
"Hey girls, we are ready to receive the professor's one million. Will you stand up in a row with your face turned toward our large audience so everyone can see our unique gift to the Zoo?"
"Saying Michael, the gift," asked one of the other naked girls Susie while the girls started to put them up on a number in front of audiences. Susie was a little uneasy.
"Yes, I'm afraid that Michael wants us to go longer than agreed."
"Uh, not too far, I hope."
"Shut up, what if Michael is waiting to stop us until the last moment when we are quite ahead of carnivores cages as live prey. He should stop as soon as the gift letter was transferred. I want my clothes as quickly as possible. This is too degrading of us in my taste.?
"We're crazy, that we accept these. OK, we have given our signature, so we may probably implement it."
"Yes, but shut up when the people stare at us, especially the men. It is more than they can handle. Enough, I am shy, but it's actually fun."
A unique gift
The naked girls stood ready in front of audiences.
"Zoo personnel, dear Zoo guests and Mr. Zoo director." Michael spoke again into the megaphone. "We have now finished a meeting to discuss these naked girls gift to the Zoo. Before I official transfer this gift letter to the Zoo's director, I want one of these young beautiful naked girls tell little about the gift. As I mentioned outside the entrance, is the gift to the Zoo real preys who alive must feeding the Zoo's large carnivores. The gift is these lovely young nude girls.
Leah, would you like to tell us a little about to stand here as a gift to Zoo?"
"Shall I, okay.? The blond naked girl came forward and received the megaphone. "I was one of the four girls who demonstrate naked in front of the zoo a few days ago. I sat in a cage painted like a zebra. A protest organized by the animal welfare organization "Stop the Animal Holocaust 'or abbreviated SAH. We protested against that animals are kept in cages, that zoo animals do not have challenges and become apathetic. Worst is it probably for the carnivores, they gets only served dead carcasses or cuts of meat. In short, the carnivores bored and lose their natural hunting instincts ...?
Leah did a little art break.
"Zoo does not believe that carnivores can eat live prey in the zoo. The nature's reality must not enter the Zoo. Why not? Because the zoo's management believes that the audience can not bear to see real life under natural conditions. The natural life is too dramatic and bloody.
We humans eat meat and go hunting for preys as the carnivores. Many times becomes the preys only wounded and must be hunted up to the final bloody killing.
People go to the butcher to buy meat from slaughtered animals, which have suffered from hearing other animals’ death screeching into the slaughterhouses. Why can the audience not bear to see carnivores hunt live preys here in Zoo? Why must the carnivores not get the challenge, having to capture and kill its own preys?
We naked young girls seem the carnivores must have real living feed. Therefore we are totally naked here at the Zoo and that's why we give ourselves as a gift to the Zoo. Our gift to Zoo is totally naked and these preys are ready to be put to down to the Zoo's carnivores alive ..." Leah was interrupted.
"You can not be a gift; you are indeed protected by your rights as human."
"You can not go to the carnivores; you will be skinned to death. Go home girls."
"We can not just go home. The gift letter gives us naked girls legally abandon all our human rights to be live food for carnivores.
Look at us. We are completely naked and unprotected, we have nothing to tell who we are; we are like zoos other animals. The audience sees only living meats. It is this living meat we give to the zoo that the audience can see if carnivores still have their hunting instincts.
Of course we are scared, really scared and we are here only because Zoos management lets the carnivores dulls down in their cages or on their green spaces. We are the only animals who can be exposed directly to the predator because it is our present exempted unprinted purpose. Consider our gift as a protest that could give carnivores a better environment in the zoo, where carnivores can live a more natural life with natural hunting at live preys."
Zoo director ask for the megaphone.
"Naked girls before I receive the gift letter from Michael Johnson, I need to know whether it is voluntary, you are completely naked in this Zoo?"
"Yes it is entirely voluntary. Nobody forced us. "
"Why are you here, completely naked?"
"We are a gift to the Zoo. We have all signed the gift letter as voluntary carnivores’ preys."
"The gift is live feed for Zoo's carnivores. Are you aware that this is serious, right? When I receive your gift letter is your signature fully legally valid and we need after the transfer of deed of gift treats you in accordance of the target as described at the gift letter. Therefore it is necessary to ask again, have you voluntarily signed the gift letter? "
"Yes, yes, we do."
"Naked girls, it means that Michael Johnson could hand over to me your gift letter and gift? Remember from the moment Zoo has received your gift is all human rights deprived of you, and only Michael Johnson will be legally responsible for you. Upon receipt of the gift letter will nobody listen to your rating, nobody will understand your situation, and nobody will have pity with you. You will be treated as other Zoo animals, and you will of course be used as living prey for the carnivores. Michael Johnson is the only one who can negotiate for you if things must change in the gift letter."
Susie felt an exciting atmosphere rise. It was just before challenge's climax. Professor Sherman Winters had demanded that the naked girls’ gift letter was given to the Zoo Director, before it again could be repealed. Everything was now ready for a transfer and, in principle, would she and the other naked girls become Zoo's property in a short time.
Susie felt she already became sexually excited and body juice began to run down her thighs. Susie was embarrassed and bent her head. Her situation was so exciting that her body began to scream after a rape. But in front of the audience could it not happen. Oh Michael, get this gift letter handed over to the Zoo. Hurry Michael, otherwise I get an orgasm in front of audiences, hurry. Several of the naked girls react as Susie.
Michael smiled to himself when he saw the naked girls' overt sexual response. It amused him and he took his time, so naked girls could go even higher. Finally, he turned again towards the Zoo Director.
"Mr. Director, at these seventeen nude girls behalf should I hand over to you this gift letter with the supplied unique gift, these delicious naked girls for feeding of Zoo's carnivores."
"Thank you. I am happy to receive this special gift on behalf of the Zoo." The director took the gift letter. "I must ensure that the letter's target will be granted. This means that these naked girls from now is Zoo's property and will be used in consultation with researchers as live prey for Zoo's carnivores when the final official permission has been confirmed.
These nude girls would henceforth be exhibited and handled like other animals in the zoo. I have just been informed that the naked girls can be exhibited in a panther cage at the predator area. The cage is ready to be used."
During the protests from the naked girls, the naked girls were led through the Zoo of verdant zookeepers against the waiting exhibition cage.
The route passes the tiger and the lion square.
?Meet the tigers, naked girls; some of you get the pleasure that come very close to these magnificent big Siberian tigers.?
The naked girls look terrified at the big carnivores in the open tiger square. If Michael does not soon have them free of this gift letter, would their lives end here as living food for the carnivores?
The lions met the naked girls with high roar as if the lions knew that it was their food as passing in front of them on top of the concrete wall as surrounded the lion’s useable area. A shock was running through the naked girls.
The cage as the girls had to be closed into had plenty of room for the seventeen nude girls. Actually it was a temporary cage that had been used for leopards until these carnivores had a better covered space to move on.
The cage back wall and the rear half of the side walls and ceiling and floor were made of concrete. While the front of the cage and the rest of the side walls had a solid steel mesh with ten times ten centimetres large openings. The front grid of the cage was tilted down somewhat outwards. An iron gate in the one concrete wall was opened.
"Yes, it's your cage sluts. Come on, enter the cage. You become Zoo’s beautiful exhibition."
"Oh, do not push so hard, I'll go into it voluntarily."
"Well, you are now formally a zoo animal, so there are not much you can complain against."
"We are not animals."
"Well, we exhibit otherwise only animals in the zoo, but you have a little right, you naked girls are only carnivores live feed. Get your meat into the cage naked girls and remember that the Zoo now has power of attorney over you like the other animals here at the Zoo."
The iron door being slammed shut and locked behind naked girls.
"Yeah, then the door is locked naked girls, it was easy for you to become animals in Zoo. People will with guaranteed come to see you exhibited, and in particular will many guests come to see you when you later shall participate feeding of carnivores.
Your food as animals is water and vegetables like the monkeys. As exhibited animals is your toilet directly on the floor of the cage. Every evening we had to clean the cage after you.?
The naked girls were left shocked and helpless in the cage exhibited as animals in the zoo.
?What do we do now??
"What can we do? It was not this I had imagined with the damn gift letter. I wish I was one of the girls who were arrested by police."
?Yes, they were lucky. Uff, I've never been naked in front of people before.?
"Well, now we are forced to continue this show whether we will or not. Damn, why would Michael not stop this? It is so humiliating to us."
"Yes, we are only fun for him. What about the other guys, they could help us out from this damn cage. Oh, they laugh at us because we were so naive that we signed that damn gift letter. They let us cook here a few days for fun. Shit, not one of them must have sex with me when I get out of here. "
?They must, otherwise we end up as tiger food.?
?Erik didn't allow this, we are engaged. He will do every thing to liberate us.?
?Do you think he can? No, it's only Michael who is authorized to act on our behalf to the zoo. Michael can be sadistic enough not to cancel our gift letter, just to see us be put out to the carnivores as live food.?
?Oh no, you must not say so.?
?I hope it does not, but right now we are certainly not worth much. Zoo has accepted us as feed for carnivores and what do you think the audiences want? The audience will enjoy the entertainment as in the old Roman Empire arenas.?
?Someone must stop this madness.?
?Prepare yourselves, now comes the audience. They want to see us as naked animals behind the bars.?
Zoo had given the public free to come to the cage with naked girls. The guests flocked to the zoo, as the people had seen the naked girls racing through the city and especially because people had heard that the naked girls were a gift to the Zoo, a gift as live feed for carnivores.
Everyone wanted to feel the thrill in front of the cage to see the naked girls as coming food for the carnivores and very quickly the audience accepted that the naked girls were standing like animals in their cage.
Several of the naked girls' classmates attended.
?Hi Lisa I never thought you went with.?
?I did it because Hannah signed up and now here we are both. Get us out.?
?Why? You’ve even wanted this.?
?Look at us, we is completely naked in a cage for public viewing as though we are only animals. We can not hide our naked bodies. As you can be seeing, people know us almost better than ourselves. Just looks how they shoot us with cameras.?
?Do not be so sorry you are beautiful and shapely. You should be proud of it.?
?I am not proud of this. I'm naked and exhibited publicly. It is so humiliate to stay here. The damn thing to Michael has just left us here at the Zoo and he said that he would provisionally not try to remove the purpose of the gift letter and that we should stay here temporarily."
?I've heard about it. It's actually why I came to see you and the other girls. I never thought that you would show yourself naked in public. I think absolutely you look damn good without clothes here in Zoo and see how many people have come to see you.
Okay, okay, I speak with Michael. If he insists that he does not wish to provisionally lift the gift letter, I can not do much, only his signature is legally valid in your case. So you can get to stand here for several days, perhaps weeks."
?Oh, I'm so afraid Harry. Try to do something??
?Naturally, but I think the zoo already see you as predator food.?
?But, but they can not do it, can they? Oh Harry, we are humans.?
?Yes and no. You've voluntarily renounced you all your human rights to be ready as living carnivores' feed.?
?Yes, but you know we didn't meant it.?
"I know, but you are all trapped in your own web. Look at yourselves. You are really sexy in this cage with all the lovely delicious naked meat. You are totally naked and anonymous, and you have nothing that can identify you. Only you and I know that your name is Lisa outside this cage. But inside the cage, you are an animal and a gift as Zoo has received as live predator food, nothing else. The audience is already looking forward to the first predator feeding. All are fascinated by your sexual aura which also reinforces Zoo’s guests’ excitement and anticipation for the coming drama."
?But... but you still love me??
?Yes of course I do, but right now I can not do anything for you, and I get probably another girlfriend if you are eaten by lions. I'll like to see the feeding of the carnivores, if I can get seat. I think it will be an exciting show if it is implemented.?
"I cannot anymore. Did you hear what Harry said, he just get another girlfriend when I'm eaten by the lions. I don’t think that Michael wants to help us. We have to be their entertainment." Lisa stood crying in the middle of cage.
It was hard for the naked girls to accustom them to be displayed naked in the cage when the Zoo's guests could looking unimpeded into the cage. The worst was when the naked girls had to pee or do great. The naked girls were trying to keep them as long as possible, but it had to happen sooner or later in front of the guests. The naked girls became ashamed and felt them very humiliated.
The cage with the naked girls became a good advertisement for Zoo. The naked girls drew large crowds to the Zoo. Even after several days in the cage the naked girls find it hard to accept the audience's heckling and blatant talk among them. It seemed as though all but the naked girls expecting that the carnivores should be fed with the living naked girls.
?Dad, she's almost like mom when mom did not have clothes on." Susie looking at a little boy of four years, as pointing at her and then look up at his father.
"Yes, Alan, she resembles a little after mom but remember she in the cage is an animal, she has no clothes on and she is naked like other animals. You can see people not go around without clothes, right?"
?Then I freeze.?
?There you can see. It is only animals that go without clothes, so it is animals inside the cage. Do you remember we saw tigers being fed last time we were here in Zoo? These animals you see here in the cage are food for the tigers.?
"Would the tigers eat them? Shall we see the tigers being fed today?"
"No, not today but we shall see the feedings another day. Then you will see these animals in the cage be deployed living down at the tigers square, so the tigers can hunt these animals to kill them and eat them."
"Oh, I’ll see the feeding dad; we must see it. We must, dad? Oh, Daddy? "
Some young men a little older than Susie stood grinning and egged each other.
"Well, Marcus, now you can see all the ass and tits you could wish."
"Yeah, shut up where is it delicious, we will also see your lovely cunts sluts?"
"See the naked monkeys in there. Honk, Honk, Honk."
"It's just lion food. It's damned good meat the carnivores are fed with in Zoo."
"Do you think that's only thing what the naked girls want here in Zoo? I could like to spend one hour inside the cage together with these sluts."
?Yes, they are ready to a big rape party. They will guarantee enjoy it.?
Very often the naked girls crying when they felt them particularly humiliated.
"Forget it Karin, it will probably be even worse so we must try to live with their cursed obscenities. We can not flee from the audience."
In the next three days the naked girls became public humiliated in the cage without anything happened. The naked girls slept every night in the sleeping space behind the cage and each morning they were forced into the cage through the low hatch of the zookeeper for daily public viewing.
To entertainment of the Zoo visitors the naked girls got served their food in the exhibition cage, so the audience could see them eat vegetables like monkeys. Soon the naked girls were called ‘the naked apes'.
The naked girls were very worried when families and friends came to see them. Of course, the families deplored that their daughters stood naked in the cage and was sorry that the girls had voluntarily signed gift letter. But done was done and the girls were eighteen years or a little more of age and of course they could even spend their lives as they wished. Susie's brother showed up with his friends.
?Hey sister it's a surprise to see you naked in this cage like an animal.?
?Help me out. It's not fun to stay here.?
"You seem to find yourself very well here. I've always dreamed of seeing you and a lot of other naked girls in the Zoo cages instead of the boring dull animals."
?Yes, Kent, this is how I like to have girls, completely naked in a cage.? One of Susie brother's friends laughed. ?Then we could come and pick them when we needed a nice pussy and a loud noise.?
?It's nice that the girls are naked in this cage. You can really be inspired by all the tits and asses, yes, and easily accessible cunts to a wonderful night with your girlfriend?? Susie's brother and his friends amused them.
"It's a bit annoying to listen to you young men. There is only meat for carnivores in there." An elderly man tried to break friends' amusement.
?Not at all, we are already warmed up to our girlfriends tonight and then we can play predator with them. I envy the carnivores this lovely delicious meat. Just it was me who had to put teeth into these tasty naked girls."
Susie wept as Kent and his friends disappeared again.
Just after noon on the fourth day came Zoos director with his secretary to visit the cage with the naked girls. Actually the Director distress the sight of the naked girls every days, it gave him renewed desire for sex with his wife, and now he had a message that would make the naked girls even more exciting to him and probably also for the audience.
?Naked girls.? He began. ?Your unique gift letter is legally recognized by the International Juridical Commission. You are from today approved to being live food for Zoo’s carnivores. This means you can now fulfil gift letters conditions. I have not spoken to your legal representative Michael Johnson, I hope he pops up.
If he, and thus your naked girls want the gift letter should be deleted and you shall be free, I am still ready for this. So the decision that you surely must be living predator food is up to your legal representative.
Anyway, today is Zoo planning the predator feedings at the nearest future and you will be put on the carnivores menu. You will be informed later. "
Susie stood speechless, staring after the director who disappeared in the crowd. He had just said that she and the other naked girls in the cage officially were recognized as a live food for carnivores. He would not talk to the naked girls, since they had no human rights and was without identification, like animals. The naked girls were now entirely dependent on Michael.
But where was Michael? The naked girls had not seen Michael since they were put into the cage.
A sign was set up on the cage with the text: Carnivores feed.
The naked girls were quiet and nervous the rest of the day. The following night was a nightmare to the girls and the girls trying to console each other.
The next day became a feeding plan for predator set up at the naked girls’ cage and already next weekend it were planned to feeding the African lions with naked girls.
Experiential would six naked girls be exposed into the lion square. Biologists would follow lions’ responses to the insertion of live prey.
Normally the lions hunt in the wilds only for the necessary preys to a meal. The question became how lions in the zoo respond to live preys? Will the zoo lions kill all the preys with the same or will the lions only kill what was necessary for a meal and leave the rest of the preys for later use when the lions were hungry again.
Usually became the lions fed twice in a week in Zoo, every Wednesday and Sunday at one o'clock pm and there was always great interest among the audience for carnivores’ feedings. Susie had often witnessed these feedings even though it was slightly disappointing with slaughtered meat chunks were thrown down to the lions. The meat was often from fallen animals Zoo got cheap.
This Sunday feedings was moved to twelve o'clock noon because the lions should have live feed. Of course, the naked girls had expected and feared that Zoo came with a plan for the predator feedings. A strange feelings spreading among the naked girls in the cage when the feeding plan was communicated to them. The naked girls could not comprehend that they were on the carnivores menu. The nude girls were really afraid and only Michael could help them. But where was Michael?
The audience clearly changed position since there was no more doubt that the naked girls would entertain at the feedings as live prey for carnivores. Susie heard people's new comments.
"It is incredible that these naked beautiful young girls in a few days to be live food for carnivores. It is both frightening and fascinating."
"It's scary to think about. Think that they voluntary want to be skinned to death by ferocious carnivores."
"Yes of course. Sunday will be the great feeding day. It will be so exciting."
"Ugh, I'm glad that I'm not one of these naked girls. Think to being skinned to death by carnivores."
"Yes, it sounds scary. It gives me the excitement of thinking about it. It’s gorgeous shapely live nude girls to be feeding the carnivores. It is not a movie, its reality. It will be exciting."
The audience was set up for a drama on Sunday. It would be the most amazing feeding at the Zoo.
For the young girls in the cage it was not a problem that they were completely naked. Zoo could keep them in the cage completely naked, just they should not be predator food.
The naked girls began to get accustomed to their nakedness after four days in the exhibition cage even though the audience is constantly staring shamelessly at them.
Some of the girls really enjoyed the fact to show their shapely body, above the crowd, yes some of the girls provoked by showing their pussy wide open to the public, while other girls fondled by their bodies and especially their breasts.
The audience liked to be shocked. It also made it easier for audiences to accept the naked girls as live meat to carnivores feeding. It was shameless naked girls who do not deserve a better fate.
At the evening when the naked girls were locked into the sleeping area behind the exhibition cage, the most of the girls crying. Susie cried and one of the other naked girls, Mary, put her arms about Susie shoulder to comfort her.
Susie felt it as she got a shock when she felt the heat from the other girl's bare skin. Susie freed herself for a moment. Susie was afraid of Mary. Susie had never in his teenage years touched or fondled by another woman. It was lesbian. Susie turned frightened against Mary.
"Sorry Mary, I know you would not hurt anyone. I am just so scared and I'm not used to other girls touch me. Yes, I need some comforting right now. Come ..."
"Shut up Susie, I also need for solace. We must console each other in here, nobody else will comfort us."
Soon after they sat two naked girls closely entwined each other and wept. Indeed, Susie began to like the other girl's touch. The naked girl's skin felt much softer than the skin of a man. Shortly after the two naked girls lay petting into the hay.
Nearly all the naked girls was together to comfort each other. The consolation was soon becoming more intimate. Susie and Mary began to cuddle with each other's breasts and soon had Mary fingers down at Susie pussy. Susie responded to it and Mary began to rub vigorously on Susie clitoris.
Mary slid down Susie naked body and landed between Susie legs. Mary began to licks Susie's pussy and soon was the sex juice activated. Susie screamed of pleasure and Mary tried to drill her tongue into the warm moist pussy. Susie came to a great orgasm and she began to rub in Mary’s hair. Susie pulled Mary up and grabbed greedily at her naked body.
A couple of other naked girls joined the two loving girls and soon the naked girls laying in a loving pile into the hay. The naked girls were playing for a long time with each other and then decreased gradually in an exhausting relaxed sleep.
The naked girls slept for the first time quietly since they were put into the cage like animals. Mary and Susie sat confidentially together throughout the next day in the exhibition cage.
Feeding African lions
Too soon it was Sunday morning. The naked girls were scared and shaky nervous, and they had slept poorly this night.
"I can not keep it out here. Michael should have contacted the Zoo so we can be set free."
"I do not know how long Michael is waiting? Maybe they let us stay here until the last moment for the sake of the spectators. People need to stop this madness."
"I do not think people want to stop the feeding. We've all heard how people expect that the lions are fed with six of us today. I'm really scared. I will not die that way. Where the hell is Michael??
"Why must we die? I want to be married and to get children."
"I wish too, but right now we are here totally naked and unprotected. Zoo can do whatever they want with us, we can't do anything as we have no human rights because they have our cursed gift letter. Shit."
"They can not let us go alive into carnivores, right? We are humans?"
"Our biggest mistake is that we have come here completely naked. Everyone is aware that we are living carnivores feeding and that only because of Michael's waiting. I think it fits Zoo well because we seem attractive, sexy and looks good."
"It's like in ancient Rome; people want to experience thrills in the arena when they see a naked woman being thrown to the lions. In my and the audience's imagination, it has already become an exciting sexy end and sexy excitement for us. We have not a chance."
'I am piss indifferent to your sex fantasy. Wake up. If nothing happens we will be eaten by lions. How do we get hold of Michael, the damn thing? If he does nothing are six of us lion food today.
"She is right. Right now we are only living meat ..."
A couple Zookeepers enters the sleeping area to set the naked girls out into the exhibition cage.
"Well, you are already awake naked girls. Yes, it is the big feeding days to the lions. I can see that you already are ready with your delicious fresh meat. Lions must welcome this."
"You can not feed the carnivores with us."
"Of course we can, that's why you are here."
"We do not want to die. We want to talk with Michael Johnson."
"He is coming soon."
Even before the clock was ten o'clock morning standing Zoo guests in line to get inside Zoo. Everyone wanted a good place to see lions being fed. The guests in the queue smiled at the few remonstrant that went with protest banners against using naked girls as feeds for carnivores. The Zoo guests expected that it would be a really scary and exciting day of celebration.
The helpless naked girls still hoped that Michael came to help them out from Zoo and long away from the carnivores. The girls were inconsolable, they knew that the time was approaching when no help was to get.
Finally Michael approached together with people from the Zoo; it became as a relief for the naked girls.
"Michael, get us out of here." The naked girls shout at each other.
"Hello, girls, you look great in this cage. You should always stay in the cage so people can really admire you as animals here in Zoo."
"Oh, Michael, we are tired of this game. Get us out. We want our clothes."
"It goes as well, girls. Zoo guests are so excited and waiting with anticipation that the lions being fed with six living hot naked preys. Do you really disappoint the Zoo guests?"
"But, Michael, you must get us out of here."
"I would then like to have you all out. But who of you wanted to lift the gift letter's legal validity? Well, none of you. So when I had to loose you from the gift letter, none of you who wished that I did. What then?"
"What say you, Michael? Do none of us want to be solved by gift letter's provisions? Do you believe it? It was a clear agreement that you repealed the gift letter immediately after the transfer of the letter. That was the agreement and we want out now, with the same. None of us wants to die at the Zoo as food for the carnivore. "
"But why did you not say it before?"
"We've been waiting for you, so you could fix it. We're glad you came. This is a nightmare."
"There is none wants from you girls to remove the gift letter. Everyone takes it as a clear acceptance from your naked girls that the gift letter's objective may be carried out."
"We will free of the gift letter's objective. We will not be live food for the lions."
"Naked girls, Michael Johnson are right. None of you wanted to repeal the gift letter to the Zoo. You have had ample time to make wishes on it. Now there are less than two hours to the first feeding, and people have flocked to Zoo in order to see carnivores being fed. Michael Johnson has told Zoo's management that he obviously will not approve a waiver of gift letter if one of you should lose the desire to be feed. It would be wrong both against you and against Zoos expectant audience. This means that you all are ready to forage for carnivores. Today six of you will be used as lion feed."
"Nooo, you can’t do it."
"You've even accepted the gift letter's contents, by failing to file request for waiver. Michael Johnson could not even lift the provisions. Your wish was missing. It means that he has now accepted gift letter on your behalf and now the time limit for termination of the gift letter clearly must regarded as over. We can not wait any longer. We must have six of you prepared for the feeding of the lions."
"Stop, stop we will not."
"It's too late naked girls. Take six of the animals to the kitchen and make them ready for feeding."
The audience flocked to the Zoo for seeing the lions being feed. It looks to become a great public celebration.
"It's a long wait for the kids; the zoo could very well begin the feeding earlier."
"The children must have patience. The lions will be fed on time. I am happy to Zoo have built grandstands so everyone can look down into the lion area."
"Mom, mom, when should the lions fed, is there long time yet?"
"Be quiet Alan and Megan. Feeding is twelve o'clock, so there is one and half hour yet, but we must stay here otherwise other people take our places. Here, take some popcorn. There you can see it is a long time that the children must wait."
"Of course, but I do not think it is lot of time for the naked girls who shall be live food to the lions. I think they have it awful now."
"The naked girls have even chosen their fate. I feel no pity for them."
The naked girls were screaming in panic, when three burly zookeepers came into the cage to select the six naked girls who should become lion food.
"I'm not entirely happy that we have to choose six naked girls as lion feed. These are some fucking lovely girls."
"They are, but they are here only as animal feed. Well, we only need six of them, the rest can you see in the cage in the next few days. Well, we have the first."
The zookeepers grabbed a brunette beside Susie. The naked girl screamed and beat to be free. The zookeepers threw her down on the bottom of the cage and wrung her arms behind her back to put her hands in handcuffs. The crying naked girl was lifted to stand.
One by one, was six of the naked girls selected and then handcuffed. The SAH girl Melody was one of the selected. Melody was terrified. Hard and brutally threw the zookeepers the naked girl down on the floor. She fought desperately against superior forces, and soon she stands crying along with the five other selected naked girls.
The six naked girls were pushed out of the cage, out in the lovely sunshine and led forward the pathways to a gray building with a sign: Only accessible to staff - Preparing of carnivores foods. The six naked girls were led in through the front glass door and into a large room which resembled both a kitchen and a small slaughterhouse.
Melody's blood froze when she saw all the slaughtered meat. There were also other carnivores to be feed today, but not with live food. Anyway, it was meat from animals that had been alive like her. Once the lions had killed her she would only be like this bloody red meat. She wept with fear.
"Meat you must stay here until it is feeding time to the lions for about one hour. We have a little surprise to you, but we must wait a few minutes."
Few minutes later arrive four zookeepers into the kitchen.
"Naked girls it is impolite to play with the food, but we will spend some time to play with the lions' dinner."
"Naked meat, lean you over the kitchen table there and spread her legs with nice distance. That’s nice meat. Boys it's served. Look at these pretty cunts; they are just ready to go being filled."
Melody stood across the table, she was well aware that she were raped. The zookeepers behind her took his pants off and quickly grabbed the zookeeper her hips and pushed a stiff cock against her pussy. Melody did not react. He should not have the pleasure to give her an orgasm. He drove into her and she tried to be cold and indifferent. He pumped away and it irritated him that she did not respond.
Suddenly he grabbed her hair and forced her head backwards. She screamed of the brutal treatment.
"To hell, get started up slut. I can be even more brutal if you want it."
Melody gave in and began to accept his stiff cock. What did it mean? It was certainly the last rape of her. The zookeeper exploded inside her without she even got really started. Melody felt disappointed and cheated, but quickly took another zookeeper over. This time she tried to follow suit with the man's rhythm. Melody lost all sense of time and surroundings around her. She and animal keeper followed each other's movements and soon she felt they both were one flesh. She got orgasm simultaneously with him.
"Beautiful slut takes my cock into your mouth and suck."
The zookeeper pulled her down from the table and sat her on her knees in front of him. Melody stared at the damp stiff cock. Should she have this cock in her mouth? She had always refused to take the boys' cocks in her mouth. It seemed disgusting to her. She tried to avoid the zookeepers big cock which seemed longer than her mouth was deep.
The zookeeper got her mouth open and the front of his cock slid into her mouth. She could feel the heat from the pulsating cock. With a jerk, he pushed his entire cock into the mouth of the naked girl. The cock hit Melody's palate and slid down into the upper part of her oesophagus. The cock lay down on Melody's tongue.
Melody could feel her mouth enclose the pulsating cock as the animal keeper now pumped back and forth inside her mouth as the cock was inside her pussy. She felt that she juiced in her pussy. Suddenly felt her tongue his sperm fluid come and a fraction of a second after the explosion of hot liquid against her neck. The cock sprayed fluid far deep in her throat. She coughed heavily and he pulled his cock back.
"She is damn good enough. Be so good, next. I must rest."
This time Melody was laid on her back on the table. It hurt in her handcuffed hands as was pressed down against the table, but she got an okay rape which resulted to a new orgasm.
?Hurry boys, you had to get the lions into their sleeping area so we others can get the live feed placed out on the open lion square. We have a little less than half an hour before feeding time and our delicious live food should have little time to adapt to the environment."
The four zookeepers went out of the kitchen to make the lion square ready for feeding, while the three remaining zookeepers spooling the naked girls with a garden hose to be cleaned after the mass rape.
Melody had it ever-lovely after the rape, but slowly began the realities to emerging. The male zookeepers had filled her with sperm and maybe there was a child started in her, a child who would never be born. She was just lion food. She wept.
"It's time meat. Walk naked girls."
Helplessly the six young naked girls led out of the kitchen and out into the sunshine again. The naked girls were led direct towards the lion area. The handcuffed naked girls were in panic as the side door to the lion square was opened. The girls refused to entre but were determined and firmly pushed into the area.
The audience cheered when they saw the naked girls. Melody looked around on the gray high concrete wall that surrounded the lion square. At the top of concrete wall, she could see the many zoo guests at the stands as were built for this special event. The zoo guests had just come to see her and the other five naked girls being chased as food and skinned to death by the hungry lions. It was like an arena in the ancient Rome.
One by one they were the naked girls freed from their handcuffs. The iron door was slammed shut in behind them. The naked girls clung to each other to seek solace. After a few minutes the naked girls agree that some of them might get a little more time to live in if they scattered them on the lions square. Lions would probably not hunt them all from the beginning.
A lion roars from lion’s night barn behind a hatch in the rear concrete wall. The naked girls stiffen afraid. Was it now?
"Dear audience, now we have lions live feed inside the lion square. In a minute the door to the lions will be opened. Everyone must be excited about how lions will address the live feed. For some fine souls, I must warn that it can be a bloody show."
Melody stared despairingly at the hatch to the lions. Then went the hatch up and the lions jumped out at the area. Only two of the girls ran, the others stood as stone supports totally paralyzed by fear. Lions jumped after the two fleeing naked girls. The first of the girls were quickly overturned. A pair of lions began to lick the naked girl who was at full consciousness. The lions made no sign of wanting to kill her and the audience was disappointed with the lions. The naked girl stood up and walked away.
The second running naked girl was hit hard in the back of a leaping lion, so hard that she broke his neck and fell lifeless to the ground with the lion over her. The lion was confused and pushed easily to the naked body. The other lions came and tried to get the naked girl to move, but she was dead. After some time lay the lions in the shade of the concrete wall and ignore the naked girls. The lions did not know what to do with the naked girls, the lions had adapted that people took care of them, and naked girls resembled the zookeepers. The audience was disappointed.
As the clock approached thirteen the lions began to grow uneasy. It was their normal feeding time. After some time the lions began to roar up against the place from which there always was thrown down meat chunks down to them. A half an hour went on without anything happened. There became no food thrown down to the lions.
One of the lions sniffed at the dead naked girl. Then the lion bite in the naked girl’s stomach. The lion’s sharp teeth went through the meat. Surprise removed lion the meat and intestines came out of the naked body. The other Lions had seen what happened and going near. Soon all the lion ate of the naked body.
Melody knew that a lion might eat more than twenty kilograms at each meal, why at least two or three of the naked girls would be hunted down and killed afterwards maybe them all. She could hear the lions crush bones with their strong teeth. It sounded loud, too loud, Melody froze it could be her bones. Upset, she looks around. She saw only the gray concrete wall with the excited spectator at the top; she could not escape from the lions. She was afraid for her certain death. Oh, just the sound of crushing bones did not sound as loud. She wept; it was soon her bones to be crushed between lions big sharp teeth.
"Ugh, it's so scary exciting," Carolina clung to her boyfriend, Peter. "I did not believe that the lions could find out that the naked girls are their food. Peter, when I close my eyes I imagine that I am one of the five naked girls down there in the lion pit. Think how exciting it must be to stand there completely naked as lions’ food. You are a beautiful and shapely and admired by the many spectator. Everybody looks at you and shortly you will be chased by the lions. It may be so exciting to run completely naked in front of the lions as their preys, while the audience follows the exciting hunting. Peter I am quite warm and moist between her legs. Screw me."
"But, but Carolina, we can’t do it here with all these people surrounded us."
"Peter makes ready, I sit up on your lap. I want a bang. I imagine that I'm the next naked girl who be hunted by the lions. I run, come rape me before the lion put his teeth in my meat. Come, oh, I'm a good prey for a lion. Oh please rape me."
Carolina had sits herself above Peter's cock which was stiff and ready. Peter felt he was raped when Carolina opened his pants. He looked quickly around and discovered that several young couple sat as himself and Carolina. Several had been sexually excited by the lion feeding with naked girls.
Peter took against Carolina when she lowered her hot throbbing cunt down and encircled his eager cock. She moved her up and down as she imagined the lions chased her naked. She whimpered in fear as she neared climax. Peter tried really to follow her.
"One of the lions has caught you." whispered Peter excited he could hardly wait any longer.
"Oh, oh yes, the lion attacking, I comes." Almost screamed Carolina and completed a magnificent orgasm while Peters explosion inside her.
Ashamed and embarrassed the loving couple looks around, but everyone else seemed focused on what happen down in the lion square.
Carolina was still sexually excited and looking down towards the lions, who lay in a heap and ate the remains of the naked body. In fact, the naked body was dismembered and the remaining bones crushed in the bloody jaws. She smiled up at her boyfriend, who stared fascinated at the spectacle in front of them. She could hear people comment on what happened and listened to a small group of young children in front of her.
"Look the naked women is nothing but meat." One of the little boys says instructively.
"Yes, we know as well. You may also be eaten by lions."
"I would be more careful. It was so exciting when the naked ladies were put into lions and now eat the lions one of them."
"She is just lion food. She's naked. I saw the cage with naked ladies, there are many more yet."
"Now there are soon no more food back and see how red the lions is on their mouth."
"It's blood"
"I know as well. Do you think the lions caught more of the naked ladies and eat them?"
"It will be me." Carolina did not say it aloud, but looking then against the five remaining naked girls. I am one of them. She trembled with excitement; she closed her eyes and saw themselves quite naked down among the naked girls. She was naked and completely defenceless against the sharp teeth, she looks against the lions large canines. The lions roared they were ready to hunt for her. She is their prey, their living meat. Again roared a lion, he is hungrier. The reality removes her fantasy image.
Several of the lions had has finish to eat and begun to move toward the five naked girls. It all went slow to the sound of lions roar and growl. The lions stopped almost thirty meters from the naked girls. Then the preys could not stay calm anymore. The naked girls responded immediately when one of them sat in the race and they all ran in a flock. The hunting instinct came up into the lions. The lions reacted quickly this time and chased the naked girls.
Carolina saw with a plug of envy after the beautiful girl bodies which ran down in the lion square. She saw how their beautiful muscles played the under the naked skin while they run. She looked at their bouncing and swinging breasts. She saw how the naked girls' race featured the pretty shapely legs, the shapely hips and buttocks swung beautifully during the hunt.
The girls' panic screams almost drowned in the enthusiastic audience heckling for hunting. Now, something happened in the arena.
A lioness ran quickly up the side of the rear naked girl and forced her away from the other naked girls. It gave another lioness opportunity to jump up on the naked girl back. The naked girl fell screaming to the ground with the lion on her. Her screams ended abruptly when the lioness sat canines in the prey animal's neck and bite. The naked body tried desperately a defence, but the lion kept firmly in the prey, the naked body ended with some nervous tremors and the prey was then completely quiet.
Other lions had killed another naked prey, Melody.
Not many spectators looked at the nude girls in the exhibition cage this Sunday. All the zoo guests want to see the lions being fed. Susie and the naked girls could hear the crowd cheer when something happened. Susie feels pity with the six naked girls. She was glad that she not was one of them. She looked down at her naked shapely body and got tears in her eyes. Just now must the lions ate and tore at the naked bodies.
Against her will must Susie admit that it was just meats and bones. She did not entirely understand why she felt her sexually aroused. Instinctively she clung arms around the nearest of the other naked girls.
First stiffened the naked girl because there stood a few spectators outside of the cage, but Susie hot body got Rose to give after. Long stood the two girls and just touched each others naked bodies. Where was the life-affirming, Susie felt life completely out of her outer parts? After a time, the two naked girls lay close together hurled at the cage floor.
Another couple of the other naked girls joined the two playing girls, while the other naked girls were too embarrassed when they saw more spectators come to.
For spectators, they were naked girls only predator food, so no one took umbrage at the girls' sexual play and it was just fun to the children.
Zoo closed for the audience and one hour later two female zookeepers arrive to close the eleven remaining naked girls into the sleeping space behind the exhibition cage. The naked girls were as usual, fed on fruits and vegetables.
"You had the right meat. The lions were apathetic and spoiled. They did not realize that your friends were their food. The lions let them actually be alive in the beginning. Okay one of the preys was killed in an accident but the lions saw her not as food. The Zoo guests were really disappointed. The lions waited long after normal feeding time until they began to put teeth into the naked dead body." One of the zookeeper oriented.
"Yes, only then got zoos guests what they came for, an amazing hunt." The second zookeeper continued smiling. "It was really exciting to see the lions hunt and kill two naked girls more. By closing time the lions were saturating and they lay and rested them contented. The last three naked girls staying just now in a small cage, but being put out on lions square again tomorrow morning before the lions is out. Then the lions can decide when they needs a little bit of meat."
Hungry crocodiles
The next day met zoos Directors and the zookeepers of carnivores with some biologists and animal psychologists. Michael Johnson was specially invited because he was still legally involved in the gift to the Zoo.
"Then we have for the first time in this zoo's story fed the big carnivores with live preys." Zoo Director began. "I must say that I felt disappointed at the lions’ first reaction. Michael Johnson, it was true what the naked girls postulated. The carnivores seemed dull and uninspired, yes; they did not want to chase their food themselves. Lions waiting to zoos staff would feed them. It was embarrassing. Well we got started. What do your gentlemen and ladies notes?"
"As an animal psychologist, I believe the director is right. The lions seemed like they had lost the natural hunting instincts here in the Zoo. I am really glad that the naked girls shown us that the zoo lions must be inspired and activated in captivity if the zoo lions still be attributed as wild animals. At the beginning seemed almost tame lions to facing the naked girls."
"You can say what you want, but when the lions finally had found out that the naked girls were their meat, so it was the prettiest hunt I've experienced as a biologist. I've seen countless lion attacks on prey. The naked girls could not be a better and more beautiful prey for lions in the Zoo. All Zoo visitors, adults and children knew that the naked girls were only lion foods and therefore were feeding naturally ...?
The evaluation process continued in a positive atmosphere and new research findings were planned for the next predator feedings. Already Wednesday afternoon should Nile crocodiles are fed as Wednesday was half day off for schools and businesses.
Zoo had only seven large Nile crocodiles and several small crocodiles that might not be able to influence the hunt for the live food. It was assessed to use five of the naked girls as food for crocodiles; the rest of the naked girls could be used as food for the Siberian tiger the subsequent Sunday.
"... There become so empty here in the zoo when all the naked girls are used as predator food. Unfortunately, we are obliged to follow the letter's gift goal. Thank you for today, see you Wednesday."
The meeting ended and most of the participants took the road past the cage with the naked young girls.
Michael and Professor Sherman Winters tried to pave their way among the audience. It was hard to get there; everyone would be up to the cage with the naked girls.
"I warned the girls." The professor smiled.
"Well, I was unfortunately too late to save them, but they know the risk at the time they sign the gift letter."
"Michael, I'm not entirely sure that you have been completely honest with the naked girls. I'm lucky not to prove anything. The naked girls are amazing as the live predator food ... "The professor became silent as Michael hushed him and both of them concentrate on a young couple in front of them.
"... But you can’t do it Carolina; these naked girls are all a special gift to the Zoo."
"Peter, you do not understand me. I was so fascinated by the naked girls in the lion square. When they came to the lions, the naked girls knew that they had been shut in there as living meat. It's like when we play butcher where you tie my hands on my back and I stand completely naked and defenceless in front of you while you grind one of your butcher knives. Frankly Peter, sometimes I really wish you hang me up in my legs and butcher me as a naked pig. I love the death kick."
"It's murder, Carolina."
"I know. But it is not murder if I am deployed into the Zoo's carnivores as preys completely naked, defenceless and expectant to what will happen."
"Carolina, waits until you've seen the next feeding on Wednesday before you decide on a request to the Zoo to be preys. I would lose you if Zoo says yes that you may be living carnivores feed. Wait for the hell ...?
The professor smiled at Michael. "We have set something in motion. There will always be meat enough for these kinds of erotic extremes."
Michael looked for Susie. Now there was only one class of kindergarten children between him and the cage. Susie stood farther into the cage. Where was she beautiful and shapely? It was fun seeing her inside the cage; he got sexual thrills of the sight. He thought of the hot sex tours she had given him. Well, now he had to find a replacement for her. Rita was ready and she was not a bad replacement.
"Susie, Susie." Michael saw the naked girl looking up and slowly come toward the cage front. He smiles to the naked girl. Where was it exciting to see her behind the cage bars? He had used her in bed and now he just banished her as live feed for carnivores. Shut up his cock grew in his pants. Yes, it was her fault that the naked girls were live feed. She was meat for him, lovely living meat. He wanted to see her being eaten alive by the carnivores. He wanted to see a predator put teeth into her juicy hot young meat. He remembered how delicious and beautiful she voluntary had run naked through the streets and arrived to Zoo, how she had stood naked at the platform as a gift animal to the Zoo. Yes, it had been so easily to give the naked meat away to the Zoo as a feed supplement for carnivores. It has also been so exciting to give the other naked girls away too. It was a lot of meat and where it has been exciting to see the lions kill and eat it naked meat.
Last night he had loved with Rita so she hardly could walk home.
"Michael. Save us. "Michael looked towards the naked girl as stretched her arms out toward him. He looked at the professor who still smiled.
"Isn't it your girlfriend?"
"Yes, or more correctly, she was my girlfriend until she volunteered as meat for the carnivores." Michael pushed himself past the kindergarten up to the front of the cage.
"Beloved Susie, how do you looks good." Michael put his arms in between the bars and took on the naked body and pressed it hard against the cage bars. His cock would have her; the cock would out of his pants. He held back because of the many children, the cock had to wait for Rita later that day. "Susie you are a magnificent animal in this cage."
"Michael, help us, the lions have already eat six of us. I will not die."
"But, dearest friend, you and the other naked girls are indeed a gift to Zoo, a gift that can not be rejected any more because carnivores feeding are underway. You've even chosen this."
"Michael, you should have saving us out of this again. You promised ... "The naked girl was crying and Michael relaxes his grip on her body.?...you promised to repeal the gift letter and Zoo Director was willing to give us free, but you did not come. Why??
"I had so much else to do at the time, so unfortunately this project has to be continues. But surely it must be so exciting for you to stand in a cage like an animal?"
The naked girl went crying away to the cage’s dark.
Without compassion became five naked girls selected Wednesday noon as food for the Nile crocodiles. Susie left off, but Leah got her hands on her back and locked in handcuffs. Terrified was Leah and the four other naked girls led weeping out of the cage and up to the preparation kitchen where more lustful male zookeepers just waiting to get a bang with the delicious naked crocodile food.
Leah was tired and stood uncertain with legs astride after the mass rape. She was filled with sperm, both internally and externally. Her breasts were sore after the many touching, yes, several times had someone wrenched hard in them.
Most of the zookeepers had now left the predator kitchen to make ready for the feeding of crocodiles. Leah only looks quiet and tired after them. The rape had been more than she could manage. It was welcome when one of the zookeepers began to spray the five naked girls with a hose so they could be fresh and clean for rape debris. Leah was freshened up something, but went straddled toward the door out into the zoo.
The five tied naked girls being pushed forward by zookeepers and get out on the sun hot black asphalt. Leah follows dull with the others. The Nile crocodiles were waiting.
Leah felt the sun's rays give her new energy while they walked through Zoo's garden and past the many cages and caves with exotic animals. She looked at the colourful parrots and colours lived her up a bit. Kangaroos hopped fun around in their square, and she saw the rhinoceros which stood still and try to see what it was for some naked animals that passed near them.
They met no people yet, but Leah could hear a buzz of human voices grow in strength the closer she and the other naked girls came the crocodile area. Then swung the way and Leah saw the dense human wall that surrounded the large open area with the Nile crocodiles. The naked girls stopped hesitating for a moment, but the zookeepers pushed the naked girls towards an opening in the crowd.
The naked girls were stopped in front of a large iron gate with a large sign. ‘Zoo staff only. Feeding platform – Nile crocodiles'. Another sign said "Danger - Keep of fence '.
"The signs apply of course not crocodile feed." One of the zookeepers smiling as he opened the Iron Gate. "Step up meat."
The naked girls were pushed up and out on a platform surrounded by a four feet high railing. The platform reached nine feet farther out from the spectator fence, beyond the crocodile lake. Leah gasped for breath as she looked down at the crocodile as lying at the lake shore just below the platform. Sudden she heard a high metallic sound when the metal door was slammed in after them. Leah was captured together with the four other naked girls on the platform.
An expectant jubilation broke loose when the naked girls appeared on the platform. The living feed was ready for an exciting experience. After a minutes heard Zoo Director voice in the loudspeaker.
"Dear Zoo guests. The time is almost two Wednesday afternoon; it means 'snapping hours' to the Nile crocodiles, feeding time. This feeding will show that human is perfectly acceptable preys to a crocodile. Especially Nile crocodiles are notorious for attacks on humans. It usually happens in connection with frivolous bathing or when a river must be crossed.
Crocodiles are efficient killing machines with lots of teeth. Crocodiles are often silent and waiting for their prey, but may explode in a sudden attack. When prey is maintained prefer crocodile to get the preys down towards the water where the crocodile usually starts a roll.
But all this can be seen when our naked preys entre out to the island in the middle of the crocodile lake where everyone can follow the drama. Now, we only wait for the clock strikes two this afternoon."
"Naked girls, when the clock strikes two, this hatch are opened, so you can entre this wooden bridge leading out to the crocodile Island." A zookeeper gave the instructions to the naked girls. "You have ten minutes to get out on the island and this is an ample time. Then the wooden bridge will be demolished. If you're still are on the bridge, you will drop into the water by the bridge remains to the hungry crocodiles. If you reach out to the island it is up to you and the crocodiles how long you can keep you alive. It’s up to you whether you want to reach out to the island in time before the bridge will be demolished."
Leah observes the narrow fragile wooden bridge which was built in four sections. The four sections came together out to the little island, well ninety feet away. Each section was composed of three parallel tree trunks. The middle tree trunk in each section was opposite to the two others, so the thickest part of the trunk were the two other tree trunks were thin. None of the tree trunks were more than ten centimetres thick and perhaps only five centimetres, where they were sparsely. The fragile bridge began just off the feeding platform and about nine feet above the crocodile pit bottom. The narrow wooden bridge sloped down to the meeting with the Crocodile Island.
Leah was shocked. It would be hard for the naked girls to keep balance on the narrow round tree trunks. She could easily lose balance and fall into the water with crocodiles. Leah shuddered. Could the bridge carry all the naked girls at once? The bridge was so fragile that crocodiles could easily destroy it. Anyway the last part of the bridge was so low over the lake and the island that a crocodile could easily take her or another naked girl.
Leah senses the audience silence. All waited in excitement that the clock struck two so feeding can begin. Leah stood trembling, nervous and scared. She looked down at her naked body; she saw her nice big firm tits sticking out. She knew that had a shapely body. Everything would soon be meat for the crocodiles. She had no more tears when the animal keeper freed her hands from the handcuffs.
She knew that the time nearing. She stared out towards the island where several small crocodiles lay dull in the sun. She looked down below the platform. There were the big crocodiles with open hungry mouths; they knew that it was feeding time. Leah looked straight down into a red dark mouth into one of the largest crocodiles. She shuddered when she saw the many teeth and the dark opening behind the mouth that led down into the animal's stomach.
A clock struck two blows and without notice was the hatch opened out to the narrow wooden bridge.
The naked young girls stared in fear at the slender almost rickety wooden bridge which led down to the crocodile island.
"Forward meat, it is the crocodiles 'snapping time'." The zookeeper pressed lightly against the naked girls as they were forced to go forward. Caution the first naked girl came out at the narrow wooden bridge of trunks.
The spectators held their breath with excitement, now began the drama.
"Behold, now is the naked girls at the bridge, where is the beautiful." Carolina leaned against Peter and held on to him. Sexual feelings rolled up into her body. How she would like to be one of the girls on the narrow wooden bridge? She imagines her how it was to standing complete naked at the wooden bridge and look down into the jaws of hungry crocodiles. Think to stand there and know that she was their food, their meat. Carolina felt the wonderful sexual arousal to know that her death was near. She felt that everything would end up in a big kick, a great orgasm into death. She gets wet by thinking herself as meat for the crocodiles. She expects that the carnivores put teeth in her delicate naked meat and she become eaten.
Peter said nothing; he knew Carolina fantasies and if he said anything she would guarantee respond quite erratically.
"Look Peter, all five naked girls are out on the wooden bridge. What a beautiful meat, see how they move them beautifully. The highlight is really to see the girls’ naked meat above the crocodiles. Oh, I would like to be one of those naked girls as wearing her meat down to the crocodiles in front of this large audience? All admire the naked girls' bodies; it is the highest a young woman can achieve, a death in the beauty and admiration."
"But ... but the naked girls being eaten." Peter took care of it already when he said it. Carolina sucked it for him.
"Peter, I must die once in my life. Why not die in beauty and admiration in front of a large audience. I feel it will be so exciting and amazing to face a ferocious hungry predator as its meat. "Carolina looked up at her boyfriend."I'll go up and talk with the Zoo Director, if I might be allowed to attend as ..."
Carolina saw that one of the naked girls got problems on the narrow wooden bridge. Quick turned Carolina her head. The naked girl lost balance and screamed as she fell down towards the lake water and crocodiles.
The flimsy wooden bridge swung dangerously and the four other naked girls stopped. Leah heard the scream and the splash as the naked body broke the lake surface. Leah peered down into the lake. The naked girl came up to the surface.
"Help me up. Oh, hurry you, the crocodile comes." The terrified naked girl was screaming in panic into the lake water. The crocodiles responded already when the splash sounded. Crocodiles that had lain on land threw them into the lake. The crocodiles as followed the naked girls on the wooden bridge were quickly over the naked girl. Soon after, the water was boiling of crocodiles that would have their share of the delicious naked meat. The naked girl screaming shortly before she was dragged down under water and a bloody red stain spread over the spot where the naked girl had been
The four naked girls on the narrow bridge stood petrified and looked down in the stormy red lake water where the crocodiles were fighting on meat chunks. Then began the anterior naked girl to go out toward the island where only a few small crocodiles. Leah nearly ran after the girl in front of her. Soon all the four naked girls stood on the island and the fragile wooden bridge was destroyed by the zookeepers. The four naked girls were isolated on the island.
The crocodiles were still busy with their dinner out in the lake, and were not aware of the four naked girls on the island. The island's few small crocodiles disappeared hurriedly into the lake.
Leah knew that she had only gained a little more time to live. She looked towards the audience who stood close around the crocodile square. Not one of those people would help her; they all only waited for the continuation of the bloody spectacle. She felt she was in an ancient Roman arena and waited for carnivores.
Of course the big crocodiles discovered the live nude meats on the island. The audience cheered as the crocodiles began to chase the naked girls. What a fantastic show. Soon there were many crocodiles on the island; especially the seven large Nile crocodiles attack the naked girls. Leah heard a scream of pain. She knew that a crocodile had got hold of one of the other naked girls.
Leah jumped over an open jaw which slammed into the empty air. Leah was terrified how long could she avoid the huge jaws with many sharp teeth?
The audience followed tense the crocodiles hunting of the naked girls. It was an exciting experience. One of the big crocodiles had got hold of the leg of one of the naked girls and pulled her struggling and screaming down towards the water. The audience saw the crocodile start rolling with its prey before it disappeared into the lake's deep with the meat. Several crocodiles followed into the water to get their portion of the meat.
Leah began to get tired of the constant hunt at her. She screamed in panic as a crocodile caught hold of her left foot. She declined. Another crocodile caught hold of her right upper arm. Both crocodiles pulled in opposite directions. It did terrible hurt. The pain increased as crocodiles drew. Suddenly cut a pain through her shoulder and she saw her blood topple out where her arm has been for a moment ago. Her arm was ripped off. She looked in pain at the crocodile standing with her right arm in his mouth, while the second crocodile pulled her screaming down towards the lake. She saw several other crocodiles follow her. As she reached the water the crocodile that had hold of her leg began scrolling
Leah was thrown around, all hurts. In her panic, she was afraid that the crocodile breaking her leg. Deep down her she knew that it did not meant any more. Leah tried to breathe in the heated roll, but got only water. She slid into an emptiness she would not out off. She felt that she was comfortable and everything exploded in a white light. She was only meat for the crocodiles.
Later, when the crocodiles were sunk down into the lake water, down to digest their meal went Carolina to the Zoo Director's office, despite Peter's protests. The director did not return to his office before half hours later. Meanwhile, two other young girls arrived. The girls sat embarrassed and looked at each other without telling why they were there.
"Well, I have beautiful guests. I would otherwise close the office for today. Okay which of you came first?"
Carolina selected and followed with the director into the office where she was placed in a chair facing the him
"What can I do for you, young lady?"
"Well, look, I have seen the feedings of the carnivores both on Sunday and today. It was so fascinating." Carolina began a little hesitant. ?In fact it excites me really every time and I fantasize myself to be one of the naked girls that were carnivores food. Yes, how can I become one of the naked girls as Zoo using as live feed?"
"I do not think you're ready for it? You've seen the naked girls are killed and eaten by carnivores. It can be both violent and bloody."
"I ... I know it, but that's all what I want. I want to stand naked in front of the carnivores to be their prey. This is what I want. How can I get the opportunity it?"
"Young lady I can not give permission. It is only the naked girls who voluntarily gave their signature in the deed of gift to the Zoo who are eligible.?
"But ... you can just add my name, then I signing the gift letter, too?"
"Well, it could be an option but it is on the edge of the legally valid. I try to consider it while I talk to the other two young ladies? You can wait outside."
Carolina sat outside in the waiting room while the other two girls came into the director. Then he called them all three into the office together.
"Young ladies I understand you all are eighteen years and therefore being fully adult and you all three want to join in the feeding programs with naked girls. I understand that it is a burning desire to you. You must know from the moment you have put your name on the gift letter to the Zoo, have you lost all human rights and will only be predator food here in the Zoo. As you know will none of you survive feedings? Is that clear? "
All three young girls nodded a yes as answer and the director continued.
"Of course I am happy to have more live preys to our predator. It also gives the audience more experiences and simultaneously has researchers more opportunities to explore predator's psyche and reactions on live preys. If you sign your name on the gift letter, I would immediately get you to the cage with the remaining naked girls. Once you have signed you must strip completely naked here in this office. All your clothing must be of even the piercings and other jewellery; you may not have anything on your body which can harm carnivores’ teeth. Here is the gift letter."
The three girls wrote them on gift letter and soon stood the girls completely naked and embarrassed in front of the director. He summoned two of Zookeepers and shortly after was the three naked girls on their way down to the cage with the naked girls.
Carolina felt very excited to walk naked past the various animal cages. She was even an animal, she was curious to know how it was to stand naked in a cage while people stared curiously at her.
Then there were nine naked girls in the exhibition cage. Carolina and the other two newcomers told the other naked girls about feeding to the lions and crocodiles.
That night Susie and some of the other naked girls wept them into sleep.
Tigers playing with the food
Carolina enjoyed the next days in the cage. She likes to be in focus of the audiences’ curiosity. Carolina was fully aware that she only lived on borrowed time and she dreamed every night that she was faced with the hungry carnivores. Carolina and the other two newcomers naked girls’ enthusiasm began to infected some of the other naked girls in the cage.
It was not because Susie looking forward to the next feeding, but she was happy for every day she stay alive into the cage in front of Zoo visitors. Indeed Susie became happy when people came to the cage to show the digital pictures they had taken of naked girls. Of course was Susie proud of herself she looked good at the pictures. Yes, her nice tits hung a little bit and maybe it was her hips a little wider. But as the audience said it gave her some nice well shaped, meaty legs and a good ass. Susie would have been embarrassed before, but now she begins to accustom herself to stay completely naked in front of the audiences.
Already Sunday must the tigers be fed with live food and the nude girls began to be troubled at the Saturday. Six of the naked girls had to be used for the feeding and the last three naked girls will be used as fodder for the polar bears later. Actual expressed the audience a little annoyance that there soon were no more naked girls in the exhibited cage and the Zoo management considering a more permanent cage with naked girls in the Zoo.
Both Susie and Carolina was among the six naked girls who were selected as a live tiger food. Susie wept as she was led out of the cage with her hands handcuffed behind the back. She felt slightly irritated the garden path pebbles sticking up in the soles of the feet when she and the other naked girls were led to the preparations kitchen where several male zookeepers had come to the now traditional rape of the carnivores live fed.
Susie tried to set itself to resist, but she was defenceless. Her legs were spread and soon she felt the first cock up her pussy. The zookeeper nudged and soon fell Susie into the rhythm. Actually, she got an orgasm when the zookeeper explodes inside her. Susie was not allowed to rest before the next zookeeper took over.
Susie could hear the other naked girls moan during the rape and she was not better by herself. Gradually she felt good sore throughout the body. She could hardly more and yet the men continued the rape.
Susie was nearly unconscious when they stopped the rape and she was awakened by a bucket of cold water. Her muscles ached and her pussy was pretty sore. Susie became raised up together with the other five naked girls to be washed clean of sperm as the naked girls were well filled up with male juices, so much which it drives down their naked legs.
"Shut up it was a rape. Now I'm ready for the tigers." Carolina murmured to Susie.
"I have never been through such a rape before." Susie whispered back. "I can hardly walk, my pussy is so sore."
The four zookeepers who had been left in the kitchen to prepare the tiger fed, smiled at the naked girls, while the girls were cleaned.
"We have still fifteen minutes before you're going to the tigers, meat. You can relax a little and be yourself."
The naked girls were nervous and scared with their own thoughts. Susie thought of her carefree childhood and her teenage years, yes it was yet her last teenage year this year. She would never become twenty years. It was only because she had known Michael, shit. He had tricked her, yes almost forced her to sign the moronic gift letter. She looked around at the other naked girls. We are only food for the tigers. Susie tried in vain to free herself from handcuffs behind her back. She trembled with fear; she could not escape her fate. The time passed too quickly, fifteen minutes was nothing.
"Then we go meats. The tigers are waiting for their feeding. You only need to bring your meat with you to tigers. Come meats."
The door was beaten up and the six young naked girls were led out into the beautiful summer weather. They were led to the back door to tiger’s square, why the naked girls could not see the audience.
A tiger roared and the naked girls stopped scared.
"Forward, meats, you can hear the tigers they are hungry and want their food."
Shocked and without commitment, the naked girls went to a glass door at the high concrete wall that rose up in front of the naked girls. A red paintings on glass door told 'Tigers - Only access for Zoo staff.' The naked girls were shut into a small vestibule where there was both an installed elevator and a spiral staircase which wound up eighteen feet in height.
"Meat, you must bring your meat up the stairs to the feeding place. Come on."
Carolina stepped forward and took the first step up the stairs. The other naked girls followed behind. Susie had no more tears left she and was considering throwing out from the stairs and being smashed against the concrete floor. But she didn't do it; she was too scared to get serious about it and followed the twists of the stairway up towards the top, where the stair ended in a small building which also was the lift’s terminus.
"Well Meat, we're in time so we are waiting here unto the Zoo director calls you to the feeding platform as you can see out there." The zookeeper pointed to a broad platform with an iron railing. Susie could only see the end of the platform toward tigers square, but she could not see the tigers or the audience from the small building. They were somewhere down there below the platform.
A few minutes later sounded the Director's voice in the speakers.
"Dear Zoo guests. Today we attend the third feeding which will be deferred live feed for carnivores. I have been asked to provide the following: tigers must now be fed with whole live nude girls. It may be too bloody for a few small children to see the zoo's tigers kills and eaten the naked girls. But to hunt, kill and eat live animals give tigers a chance to use many of the senses and hunting skills they would use in the wild. This provides variety and challenges to their lives that contribute to the tigers’ overall wellbeing.
The tiger is an incredibly powerful predator. It lives mainly of medium-sized prey as deer, antelope, wild boar and tapir. Fortunately, it is seldom that powerful attacking and killing people. Mostly because tigers normally are shy of humans. In zoos, the tigers see many people each day, so it will be interesting if our tigers want to accept their naked preys as meal.
Let's get the feedings animals out at the feeding platform."
The naked girls were pushed into the feeding platform. When Susie came to the platform iron railing and she looked down at tigers square, she was terrified. She stared down at the sandy landscape eighteen feet beneath her where eleven large tigers looked hungry up against her. The platform rose somewhat over the edge of the eighteen feet high concrete wall. Actually sloped the last seven feet beyond tiger square to prevent the tigers to jump up. Up to the audiences wall was there brought a large lake to prevent the tigers to jump up on the some lesser concrete wall as surrounded the most of tiger square. Susie stared helplessly at the audience who stood close around the lower concrete wall. Nobody wanted to save her. She should be part of the audience's entertainment today
The scared and nervous naked girls were lined up close to the simple metal railings while the big tigers roared up against them.
"Where are the large and beautiful, I really like to be these beautiful carnivores food. It's exciting, it's so exciting." Carolina was the only one who was delighted with the beautiful beasts.
"Then we got the live feed on the platform.? The director continued. ?Dear zoo visitors, it must be exciting to see if the naked preys can challenge tigers to hunt. Remember, the Tigers have the longest canines of all cats and is an efficient killing machine. In the wild the tiger usually slowly creeps against the preys until 10-25 meters distance.
The tiger attack then the preys and bites it in the neck, while the tiger still has the back legs on the ground. When the preys are killed, the tiger drags it into hidden behind bushes, often near water. Tiger eats then what it can before you save the remains and lies down to sleep. When the tiger has slept it comes back to its prey and eats more.
I do not know if that is what we are experiencing today, as the tigers in the Zoo only being fed twice a week. But there is food enough for all eleven powerful tigers into the square. The tigers are accustomed that fed being thrown down from feeding platform and it will also happen today. There are eighteen feet down to the ground, what the naked girls had to cope without major damage. But should one of them sprain or break a leg, there is no harm done. Tigers will only see the naked body as food. I hope for several exciting hunts. Have fun, audience."
The audience clapped and whistled in excitement. It was the third predator feeding with live nude girls, so the audience welcomed eagerly the stunning bloody spectacle. All photo and film equipment was brought with to Zoo on this day. It surprised many that the director had been forced to warn families with small children to see tigers kill and eat the naked preys. Damn the children loved to see carnivores being fed with live preys. That was how it is going on in the nature, everyone can see it on television and otherwise how would carnivores get food? The spectators, who was too delicate and had complained, could indeed just be gone.
This was the true reality. The audience looked up at the six naked girls who stood in front of zookeepers on the platform with large hungry tigers eighteen feet beneath them. Where were these naked girls beautiful and shapely? The naked girls made the scene so beautiful and cameras focused at the nervous shapely naked girls. This peacefully scene took place just a few minutes in honour of photographers.
Carolina stared fascinated down towards the big beautiful cats which stood just below her. As the upper part of the gray concrete wall sloped outwards, it was like to float in the air above the tigers. Only the iron railing protects her against the tigers. It was incredible to stand here as one of the naked girls. She had dreamed about this in her fantasies. Now her fantasies come true.
Carolina stood anxiously waiting what would happen now? She would not to be the first who came down to the tigers, she would like to see how the tigers treated their preys before she jump down into the tiger square. She wants to be sexually aroused by the situation to the big kick when it was her turn. Carolina fantasized herself how the tigers would play with her as it was the cat playing with the mouse before tigers made their large canines in her naked meat. Carolina shook with excitement.
Susie was, as the other naked girls shaken, nervous and scared. Susie looked with horror over the railing down to the growling tigers. It was gruesome to look down towards the big teeth in carnivores open mouths, teeth which soon end her life. Susie looks despairingly at the audience. Nobody will help her and no one has pity for her. She is only meat as tigers are fed. Susie could feel the expectant mood. With all the cameras to record her death, she would live on with people in digital form on computers and perhaps on paper and online. She smiled slightly by her dark humour.
"Meat, it's feeding time. Who of you will be the first to meet the hungry tigers?"
They tied naked girls were scared and nervous. Nobody would be the first to jump down to tigers. A tiger roar did the naked girls even more scared.
"Well Then I choose the first live meat. This will then be the one of you with smallest breasts. It is fair enough for the audience. "Susie relaxed; she should not be the first to jump down to the tigers. The zookeeper looked along the six naked girls who all try to press their breasts forwards.
"You are all well equipped but you will be the first to jump." The zookeeper pointed to a shapely brunette. The girl screamed when two zookeepers came to lock her handcuffs up so her hands were free.
"Meat, from now you has three minutes to yourself to climb over the railing and jump down to the tigers. Otherwise we throw you down there."
"No ... no, I am not going down there."
"Well, then we throw you down immediately."
"I ... I'll do it myself." The naked girl holds her hands up to her head and wept. She tried to wipe her eyes and looked down over the railing edge down toward the waiting tigers. The naked body shook with fear. She rubbed herself for to feeling herself a last time. Small breasts? She thought they were nice and solid; they were so warm and lovely to the touch. She looked down, had she a chance? No, she knew that she was killed by the teeth as soon as she came down to the tigers.
The naked girl took on the banister with both hands. She looked back toward the other naked girls. They was meat like she, they must also down to the tigers. But she did not want to be the first. She looked towards the audience, they only wanted to see her being killed and eaten by the tigers. The audience took her death as an exciting experience.
She swung her right leg over the banister and was seated. She felt the cool wrought iron against her pussy, but nothing came up in it. She tried to get some sexual excitement but managed not true, although she slipped a little back and forth on the banister. The naked girl looked downwards; she was half over the banister. Tigers sensed that she was their meat. She breathed deeply and took a foothold to her right leg at the outside of the platform.
The naked young brunette swung her left leg over the railing and stood just outside the feeding platform. She turned slowly around to standing with her back to the banister. The hours glaze shaped shapely naked body was sharply marked in front of the banister for a few seconds. Suddenly Susie saw the naked girl let go of the railing and jump into the air.
Susie looked down. Tigers pulled slightly away and the naked girl landed on the ground between them. She rose confuse between the tigers. The tigers waited, their food used not to being alive. The naked girl stood terrified, she was paralyzed with fear and dare not do anything. The tiger sniffed at her. Then a large four hundred kilograms heavy tiger jumped up on the back of the naked girl and put his teeth into her neck. Soon were all tigers in the process to flay red bloody meat of the dead naked body
"Next. It is you, Meat." A black haired beauty got opened her handcuffs. "It's a clean tits competition today, every time the smallest breasts feeding the carnivores. Yes meat, you also have three minutes to come down to the tigers. Get started the feedings, meat."
Gently placed the crying black-haired naked girl her stomach on the railing and swung gently her right leg over the railing and looked for a place to stand. When she took the edge of the platform's outer portion swung she also left leg out over the railing and straightened up.
"See you in heaven, girls." A second after she let herself fall. Tigers were surprised and the naked girl stood up and began to run down towards the lake in front of audiences. Two huge tigers chased the naked girl. She was quickly overtaken and killed. The two proud hunters immediately began to flay meat from the naked body.
It was a more difficult decision to select the next preys for the tigers. The zookeeper felt on Susie tits and a dark haired girl's tits. He took his time. It became the dark-haired as the next, but Susie knew then that she was the next in the queue.
The dark-haired naked girl hung long in the arms; she would not escape the banister. Finally strikes the zookeeper her fingers and she fell against tigers. She screamed when she hit the ground.
Susie looked at the screaming naked girl, it was obvious that she had broken her left leg; it lay in an unnatural angle. The screaming naked girl did not see the tiger that attacked her from behind. The screams were interrupted when the tiger biting the big canines through the naked girl's neck. Shortly after the tiger dragged the naked body a little away and began to eat the meat. More tigers join to the meal.
Susie shook with fear. She knew what was coming
"So it's you, meat animal. You have three minutes from now to jump. Have fun." The zookeeper gave her a smack in her ass.
Susie grabbed the railing with both hands and leaned her out over it. She looked down toward the eleven big tigers, which were eating their meal. There was meat everywhere and the ground was stained with red blood. Tigers gnawed into the bones and meat, their fur around the mouths was completely red coloured with blood. It was a terrible sight that met her. It was her turn. She looked out toward the audience and tried to find Michael. He was there, she was sure he would enjoy that the tigers killed and ate her. Susie knows he would build a sexual gratification up to a date with some girl tonight. She didn't found him, but saw that the other spectators were in a tense expectation of something living meat must down to the tigers.
Susie let her fingers run up her naked body then she again took hold of the railing and swung her right leg over the banister. For a moment she sat on the banister before she noticed the platform floor edge at the foot. When she stood solid swung her left leg over the banister. It was strange to stand outside the railings and to look down into the tiger square where tigers having their meal.
Slowly she turned, so she stood with her back to the banister. She looked down her naked body.
She saw only meat and further down under, she saw the tigers eat meat from the naked girls who had taken the trip down into the tiger square before her.
Susie took a deep breath, she felt life, she felt the sun's warm rays, she felt the slight breeze, she heard the zoo guests, she heard the tigers growl at each other, she heard the bones being crushed between predator teeth. She shuddered shortly would the tigers crush her bones between his teeth, and her naked meat would become fleet of her body so it was unrecognizable and eventually ending up down into the tigers stomachs. She was not ready yet.
"Three minutes." It sounded behind her.
She jumped forward a little while she loosened the grip at the banister. She felt a brief moment that her breasts not want to followed her. It was as if they protested. The earth came quickly towards her. She fell and struck herself. It hurts to land. She rose up. A pair of the tigers looking shortly at her as she almost dragged her away, down toward the lake. But the tigers did not respond, they were well underway with their meal, there was provisionally plenty of meat and bones. Susie shook her head. She should be killed now. She turned around in time to see the next naked girl jumping down into the tigers square. Neither the late naked girl got nor the tigers attention and went down to Susie.
The two naked girls saw the last naked girl jumping down to the tigers. The naked body was lying completely still; she was knocked unconscious by meeting with the ground. Tigers finished their meal and were satisfied. Most tigers lay at the grass and licked their bloody paws. Few of the young tigers went to the unconscious naked girl and sniffed at her. They let her lie.
The tigers were not interested in Susie and Carolina, who stood down at the lakeshore. Tigers were fed. Shortly after raised the naked girl, she was very confused. She stood in the middle between tigers who just growled a little of her. Then she limped down to the lake, down to the two other naked girls.
The tigers ignored the naked girls the rest of the afternoon. Only one tiger showed interest. It snuck up on the naked girls and threw himself forward and caught Carolina between its claws. The tiger licked Carolinas naked body with his rough tongue. So let the tiger her go, she had only been caught for hunting's sake.
"I was the prey, do you see it. The tiger could have devoured me. It was fantastic and then the tiger only licked me." Carolina was completely euphoric.
"You bleed from your shoulder."
"Yes, this is my blood; the tiger sets his claws into me. It was a real kick. I wanted to be trapped as preys by a predator. There was at least three hundred kilogram laying on me. It was so exciting."
Susie looks sceptical of the naked girl. Did she really want to be eaten by the tigers?
The tigers were shut into their sleeping area for the night without having interested them too much for the remaining three naked girls. The tigers had eaten them fill for today.
The audience was gone and the three naked girls stood alone into the tigers square. A zookeeper threw some fruit down to the naked girls.
"Oh no, they leave us down here."
"Why not, we're just food for the tigers. Tomorrow we will probably be eaten, so let us enjoy this night."
The three naked girls sat and talked in a long time about the tigers which actually listed them as other cats who only killed and ate the preys they need to make them saturate. Carolina told the other two about how she became sexually aroused as she saw the carnivores attack the naked girls, so much that she would like stand naked in front of carnivores by herself as their food. She anticipated the great sexual excitement as when she was attack by the tiger this afternoon. It had tickle deep into the soul when she had felt the rough tongue licking her stomach and her breasts. It had been so exciting and she had believed that she was eaten then.
The naked girls allowed themselves to excite the idea that they should be eaten the next day. They began to fondle each other and soon they lay on the ground in various linking. Susie enjoyed the other two naked female bodies and she went exploring. She got her own part and she let herself enrage to multiple orgasms when she fantasized herself forward to meeting with tigers the next day.
Carolina got it all to sounds exciting. In a sense they all three were curious to being preys for tigers. The naked girls had only their meat and bones to offering. Their naked bodies were only tiger food.
Michael was cursed many times that night. The naked girls were asleep in each others arms as the sun rose. The zookeepers let the naked girls sleep when the tigers would only be closed out as the Zoo guests meet up to the square. Actually, the naked girls woke up only half an hour before the Zoo open the gates to the audience.
Only slowly began the audience to arrive around tigers square. It was almost kindergartens who filling up on the concrete walls. The three naked girls could hear the children's enthusiasm that there still was live feed to the tigers. The children could hardly wait in excitement on the hatch was opened as the tigers could get out to get their food. Many adults thought it was a shame for the children that they had to wait so long.
After one hour there were filled up in the stands around tigers square. The naked girls became more and more nervous in the tense atmosphere, none of them expected to survive this second day. Even Carolina seems to be nervous and scared, she had still her fantasy desire to be chased naked by the tigers, but she also had a desire to continue her life. Carolina was sorry that it was impossible.
Without warning became the hatch opened. The three naked girls only realized it when the audience cheered. Now there should be something. The tigers come slowly out of the hole in the concrete wall. A pair of tigers began to sneak down to the naked girls at the lake. The girls had seen them, but where could they flee to?
Then the tigers attacks. Susie was overthrown on the ground with a big tiger above her. She looked screaming up in the tiger's large open mouth; she stared with terror at the large canines. Suddenly leave the tiger her.
Dazed and terrified Susie raised herself; actually she had not received a scratch of the tiger. She had never looked at such big canines before.
Two tigers have toppled Carolina, but they had not killed her yet.
The third naked girl was now chased by the tigers she ran in panic. To escape she changed direction and suddenly she ran up against the other tigers.
Susie stared at the hunt. The naked dark-haired girl was really a wonderful prey in front of the tiger. Susie admired the muscles play into the naked body and the girl’s breasts jumping up and down during the race.
The naked girl discovered her mistake by race up against the other tigers. The other tigers became also interested in the hunting and suddenly disappears the naked girl with a scream in the yellow striped tiger seas. She screamed in pains a few times and then Susie could only hear a tiger roars. The two tigers left Carolina and went up against the other tigers to participate into the meal. Susie saw that there were several bloody scratches after sharp claws in Carolina naked body. Carolina got up when Susie came to her.
"I thought they ate me. What happened?"
"We are the last two. Hanna has just been killed; she is the tigers’ first morning meal ..."
"Hi Susie, well, you're still here. You look damn good down there between the tigers. I am looking forward to the tigers chasing you."
"Michael, your damned shit." Susie looked up at the crowd and found Michael, he grinned down at her.
"I was playing tiger with Patty last night. She liked the fantasies that she was standing down together with the tigers like you do now. I chased her and we had a great sex time when I caught her. She is damn good in bed. She is really a nice replacement for you."
Susie look with terror against Michael, she had been sacrificed in order that he could get himself a new girlfriend. She stood naked and completely defenceless against tiger’s claws and teeth. She looked up at the spot where a naked body just now became torn to pieces by tigers. She could hear the tigers’ teeth crush bones.
Susie shuddered and held around her naked body, it was so warm and soft. She shook her head. It was only meat she touched, delicious meat. Just it soon was over, she could not stand it anymore.
She rubbed her breasts and forgot to look up. A tiger with a bloody mouth crept against her. She discovered the tiger just before the attack. Instinctively she ran. Tiger responded when its preys tries to escapes. This was hunting, the tiger sprang forward. The naked girl ran in panic and the Zoo guests cheered, it was what they had come to see, a great hunt game on the live preys.
Suddenly she felt the weight of the tiger on her back, its claws drilled into her shoulders. She fell down. The tiger roared over his hunting success. The tiger to enjoy the hunt and lets the naked girl free. Susie stood up and began running in panic with the tiger behind her.
The tiger took it calmly, a preys was easy to obtain. Again, the tiger jumped up on the back of the naked girl and the claws added new open wounds. The tiger licked the blood of the nude body. The tiger like cats enjoyed playing with the preys; it was the cat playing with the mouse.
The audience was quite wild with the hunt and it was as if the tiger sensed it. The tiger let the naked girl crawl out from under him and again started a new game. Susie was totally out of breath, she fought the desperate battle for her life like a mouse. She wants to live. Once again she tried to run away, but her only wavering. She was exhausted, and blood drive from the many wounds on her naked body.
Tiger rose again behind her. She felt the sharp canines penetrate her neck meats and drill into the spinal bones. The moment she hear a squashing sound that sounded throughout her naked body. She saw a huge flash of light, as if the universe exploded in a Big Bang. She registered, not the emptiness that followed.
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“Can I have the last sip?” Aubrey asked, looking up at me with her big blue eyes and a smile that could have convinced me to do anything. Treason, murder, convert to Scientology, literally anything.“Of course,” I said, handing her the blue slushie we’d been sharing. She took it and wrapped her lips around the straw to suck out the last few slurps of sugary blue deliciousness. That alone shouldn’t have been enough to rile me up, but I knew what her mouth could do and a majority of our...
“Can I have the last sip?” Aubrey asked, looking up at me with her big blue eyes and a smile that could have convinced me to do anything. Treason, murder, convert to Scientology, literally anything.“Of course,” I said, handing her the blue slushie we’d been sharing. She took it and wrapped her lips around the straw to suck out the last few slurps of sugary blue deliciousness. That alone shouldn’t have been enough to rile me up, but I knew what her mouth could do and a majority of our...
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Steve was working at the local zoo where he had worked every Saturday for 2 months to earn some pocket money, he was alone in the gorilla compound. Chin was his favourite gorilla and he always brought chin some fruit when he did chin stroked his head as much as to say thank you. The zoo was quiet today due to heavy rain. The door to the compound opened and July walked in she was 16 years old 2 years older than Steve, she was well known for being a bully and had a fearsome reputation, July went...
Ang left work, completely pissed off, her boss, Sarah, having been a bitch all day long, giving her one shit job after another. She thought she had been hired to take care of the monkey exhibit at the local zoo but so far all she had done was clean up elephant shit and work in the kitchen cutting up raw meat for the tiger exhibit. Her boss really had it out for her she decided. She seemed nice enough at first, showing her around the zoo and telling her what her duties would be...
It's been six days since your grandfather had passed. You were willed his zoo. A piece of farm land with a house dead center that your grandfather collected every exotic, domestic, wild, farm and marine animal he could get. You were left the zoo due to you're love of the animals. There are nine of you to work together. Three boys, three girls and three futa girls. All of you cousins. Now for legal terms what is your gender male, female or futa?
MatureMy wife and I had only been married for a few years and we were still discussing fantasies. One of my favorite and one I always brought up was seeing her and another guy. She didn't want to agree but when we had sex she was a freak when I discussed this fantasy. We went to the Zoo one day and the orangutan was feeling frisky and as he was watching all the patrons he would spray water on the guys in the way of a pretty girl. he soaked me and when I moved away to dry off, My wife was fairly...
So its been a pretty mild winter so far, so we decided to go for a trip to the zoo. Me, my wife and her sister Peggy (yes, shes still with us)got in the car a drove to the zoo. It was about an hour drive and I had to sit throught the usual chatty BS while I drove. I zoned out because I dont really care about handbags or purses or Daughtry's new cd. So we finally get there and start to walk around. I guess most of the a****ls were up and moving around due to the weather, quite a change from...
Jane has been in charge of the Bonobo enclosure for a couple of month, and she was enchanted with them. She has come here from ** where she had been in the staff of the local zoo, working with the Chimpanzees. She liked these lively and curious apes but their irascibility and mischief making especially of the hot tempered males- was a pain in the ass. You had always had to be on your guard never turn your back to them or else. She had heard of course, like everybody else, about the love apes...
After the trauma of finally deciding to visit a gay bar, I was totally blown away by how exhilarating the experience was. I knew I was gay but my ‘closet’ door was practically bolted shut. I had indulged in nondescript homosexual encounters while at school, but they only consisted of an occasional wank or fondle, and were very infrequent. I could have been far more proactive in those days, but I was always scared of being exposed for ‘degenerate’ behaviour.Eighteen months before I had moved to...
Gay MaleNo matter how old you are class field trips are the best, and since I was eighteen, this was likely one of my last field trips before I went off to college. This trip was really exciting for me because, unlike most of my classmates, my career was going to be hands on with a****ls. For college, I was planning on becoming a Herpetologist, someone who studies amphibians and reptiles, but I was mainly going to study snakes. The zoo had recently renovated its reptile house, so I was extremely...
I live in the zoo with master, luckily he didnt want to ruin my natural beauty so he didnt change me.Master has over a hundred slaves, but only about 5 women. The others are all turned into a****ls. He removes their clits, most of them get no pleasure. They all wear beautiful make up and paint, and most of them have special tails.They are all masters a****ls.They are made to feel worthless, like a****ls. They were sold by their parents on their 16th birthday. They belong to master.He punishes...
I woke up around 5am. My breasts were so full of milk, I was in pain. Lea was still sleeping. She was on her back, the blanket covering her large breasts. I delicately positioned myself on all fours over Lea, my aching breasts above her face. I kissed her forehead, she opened her eyes and smiled at me. I lowered myself, presenting one nipple at her mouth. She immediately started suckling hungrily. She moved from one nipple to the other, milk dripping from one breasts as she sucked on the other....
FetishNote: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry.Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...
Love StoriesMy own foray into debauchery began innocently enough. Growing up in rural Wisconsin, I, like any other number of people my age had our assigned ‘chores’ to do on our parent’s farms. Some of my own chores included feeding the animals twice a day morning and evening. It was during one of these evening feedings that my experimentation began. Part of the regular routine was to feed the calves their milk replacer, which was basically a powder that you mixed with hot water and then...
Feeding Time By Richard Brooks I wasn’t sure how long it had been since the last time Mistress had come to check on me. In the constant darkness of the basement, I often lose track of time. I was curled up in my cage, sleeping fitfully. My collar rubbed uncomfortably against my skin. My cock strained against the rubber sheath that I was forced to wear under the chastity belt which was rarely removed. My hands were sweating in my latex opera gloves and I could not remove them...
"Oh. My. God, this is the girl I saw here last week," - said Mike quietly, pointing discreetly at a girl who just walked into the restaurant. I followed his gesture and saw her as well. My mouth went dry instantly, rivaled only by the instant stirring in my pants.You see, me and Mike are long-time friends and roommates. When we were teenagers together, we discovered that among other things we have in common, we share the preference for a certain type of women's figures. Well, not quite. Mike...
When Father Mortimer checked into the hotel it was eight in the evening.The room was a basic no frills double with a small bathroom. He would never stay in such a hotel if he was attending one of his ecclesiastical conferences but for what he had planned it was just perfect.He got down on his knees and bent his balding aged head over a black gilt leaf Bible he had respectfully placed on the edge of the bed.“Blessed Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins,” he muttered and crossed himself three...
SpankingI want you to know this is not my fault. This is not the story I was writing. But once I brought Princess into it, well she sort of took over. I could not stop it and I had no choice, don't you see? She just decided it was her story and that of her new daddy, Jim, and her mommy too. So you see I had to write it this way, I had no choice at all. I was sitting there feeding the ducks, at least something needed me. I had been doing this for year, every day, and twice a day. This little black...
Project Immortal Soldier: the military’s latest weapons program. In a nutshell, the greatest scientific minds in the country had discovered a way to reanimate the dead, and we wanted to use this technology to bring back fallen soldiers so they could once again server their country, this time as undead zombies. You haven’t heard of this program? Well, it’s all quite classified of course. Anyway, I had been observing operations at project headquarters for maybe a month when Captain Alcott, who...
Trish went to do her first round for the night watch. She had to check all of the animal cages and environments to make sure that they were all secure. She walked back to the office to take her break, and she noticed the bottle of cologne in the trash. She took it out and examined it for a few minutes before spraying it onto herself. She was confused when she couldn't smell anything, but she shrugged and put the bottle into her purse. At exactly midnight, Trish went out for her second...
Life is boring. Always was. Always will be. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd rather stay alive than die, but somehow, it always looked like something was missing in my life. Or wrong. Wrong as in "not right"... I graduated from a prestigious high school and after some long and super-boring weeks, I ended up signing my very first contract for a big company. My girlfriend followed me and sure enough, we finally got married as she was planning for the both of us. She was elated, and so was I. Turns...
I was standing in a corner of Miserere Park, with a cigarette in my hand that I had lit up a few minutes ago. It wasn’t cold, but there was a cool breeze that felt nicely on my face. Sunset was over, all the street lights were already turned on. I was leaning against a street light post, while slowly absorbing the nicotine, not in a hurry, enjoying every puff. My eyes were going from one place to another in that area. I was always surprised by the kind of creatures that hang around there or...
Vose sem saber recebe um convite para ir para uma ilha de luxo com tudo pago. Depois de pessar um pouco vosse lembra-se que voce tinha participado num concurso que tinhas visto numa revista. Então tu começas a preparar a tua mala para ires de Ferias a ilha.
FetishThe next morning I woke up and I felt someone was in my bed with me. The memories of my late husband came back to me. I can still feel his hard cock on my back as he laid behind me. He would kiss my neck as his Cock moved through my ass crack, his pre-cum getting my butt all wet, but my pussy was even wetter. I would then Lift up my leg and then I’ll reach between my legs and guild his big cock into the entrance to my cunt. He would fuck me slow and play with my stiff nipples. He was always a...
The next morning Dave and the young couple headed off to Yeppoon via Biloela and Mount Morgan, then called into Rockhampton. Although this was much longer than the direct route, Dave was keen to visit these places, especially Mount Morgan, a very historic town. Their first port of call there was to the restored old railway station originally built in 1896, which now doubled as the information centre. Dave was given a sketch map of the town with information on the various points of interest....
I had just turned eighteen when mom got pregnant. Dad's an over-the-road truck driver and is normally on the road for two-three weeks at a time, then at home for a week. It was during one of the weeks he was at home that he and mom conceived what would become my little sister nine months later. He was back on the road when she learned that she was pregnant.Life at home changed then. Since dad is gone most of the time it fell to me to help mom out. In fact, I changed my plans to attend college...
Hi, this is Anitha again. In the previous two parts, I had explained how my brother-in-law and his friends Vimal and Ramesh had sucked milk from me. In this part, I’m going to narrate the actions that took place later. After that weird Saturday night, it was hard for me to sleep. The next day both me and Ramesh acted as though nothing happened the previous night. And at night they left. Days passed by and I completely forgot about that incident. One day I left my baby boy with the neighbors and...
Some greater power must have intervened in the next week and a half. Wendy and her beautiful, thirsty niece seemed to be in different orbits. Jenna spent several days and nights at Taylor's house, and even took a weekend with their family when they went out of town to a resort in New Jersey. Wendy did miss her-she was a remarkable and very helpful young lady-but when all her feelings about Jenna's absence were distilled, it was relief that was left. She was stressing to some extent, about...
Wendy Spencer was deeply relieved when her neice came bounding down the stairs the next morning and announced, "Taylor invited me to spend the whole day with them and sleep over! Is that ok, Aunt Wendy? Can I go?" "Sure you can, honey," Wendy said, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. Jenna skipped to her and hugged her tight, thanking her. Wendy stroked the girl's head, remembering the wild and alarming sensations that invaded her body just hours ago, when Jenna suckled at her breast. She...
Jeremy attacked Wendy's nipple like a soldier on liberty. She winced, then relaxed as she decided she would switch nipples. The right one was sore from double duty: Jeremy in the afternoon, and Jenna at bedtime. She would give it another couple of minutes, then switch to the left. She was feeding him in her room for a reason this morning. She wanted to watch TV while she did, and not be drawn into thinking about last night's intense, beautiful, and somewhat confounding experience with her...
THE AMAZING MR. MORTIMER My girlfriend Rachel and I had decided to take a two week vacation to PuertoRico. I had first come across the girl on the streets of San Juan. She cameup to me and begged me for some money. At first I was going to say no. ThenI noticed how beautiful this young girl was and I was intrigued. I startedto reach into my purse to get her something, and she smiled at me. She hada very beautiful smile. It was in fact an entrancing smile. I kept her close to me with small bribes...
My wife and I are both 35 years old and have been married for 10 years now. My name is George and my wife's name is Sharon. Five years ago we moved into a new house in a new subdivision. Our next-door neighbors, John and Mary, are the only neighbors that have been here as long as we have. While John and Mary weren't what I would call close friends of ours, we do get along with them quite well. Mary is a very attractive brunette about 5 feet 6 inches tall and a very sexy body. John is about 6...
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the internet is for porn! Unfortunately, not all smut sites are created equal, and many often either have a weird mix of super and shitty features, and others can be complete crap. Rarely, you'll find some which range from good to being good googly-moogly great.Where on that totally legit sex quantifying spectrum is Spizoo? Keep on scrolling to find out, friendly fuckers.There Are Sexy Scenes And Sexy Scene StealersThe first two signs of a gutter smut...
Top Premium Porn SitesNote: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry. Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...
Hi, guys, this is Anitha with my second part of my story. After that incident both my brother-in-law and his friend never came to our home. Chandran would avoid coming by saying that he has a lot of work pressure so he is not able to come. I too felt a bit relieved about it. We had a marriage to attend. The bride is a close relative of ours. So my hubby and I went to the wedding leaving my baby with my mother-in-law and enough milk in bottles. That day I wore a heavy orange color silk saree...
IncestHi, my name is Anitha and I am 26 years old. I am married to Saravanan, 30 years old, for the past 3 years. We have a one-year-old baby boy and so I’m still a lactating mother. I’m 6′ and my stats are 34-26-34. My hubby takes care of me well and we have no issues between us. My husband has a brother named Chandran. He has just finished his MBA studies and works in a firm. We all stay in Bangalore but my devar lives in a different locality and comes to see us every weekend. One such weekend when...
IncestIntroduction: Now that Carla has induced a flow of lactation, she needs to feed to protein requirements with a special diet Feeding the flow The first time Carla felt the flow from her nipples, she was on the goat milking machine. The next suckling session was a few hours later when Bruce joined her in bed. Nearly every two hours she had someone or something providing suction on her nipples to induce lactation and now it had begun. It felt wonderful and she could not wait for the flow to...