The Strawberry Patch Book 1: The BabiesChapter 12: Erin’s Story free porn video

June – Year 1 Mr. Obvious, huh?
All I said was that I loved Erin and I did not want to hurt Lynn. So let me track this. Paul loves Lynn. Lynn loves Paul. Paul loves Erin. Erin loves Paul. Erin loves Lynn. Lynn loves Erin.
Ok. I can live with that. Wait! Erin slept with Dara. Knowing Dara and Erin it was probably more than sleep. And how did Erin’s tits get so caked with dried milk? I walked into the bedroom and right past the one nude woman in bed and the other nude woman that was getting in bed and went straight for the door.
“Paul.” Still walking.
“Paul!” Still walking and thinking about everything.
“Huh?” That got my attention.
“Paul, where are you going?”
“I don’t know. I think my brain blew out.”
“I guess all of this is a shock to you.” Lynn spoke softly.
“You think?”
“Paul, the truth be told, we kind of plotted against you.” Erin looked at me with some apprehension in her face, even as she was diddling her left nipple.
“Come to bed, hon, and we will fill in the holes. After this morning we should return the favor.”
I looked at Lynn and got into the bed. I climbed over her and settled on my back. Erin quietly settled in on my other side. Lynn’s breast was lying against my one side, while Erin’s large breast was laying on top of my other side. The two women were drawing random shapes in my chest hair and occasionally tracing onto the others breast.
“Ok. Who wants to go first?” I asked.
“You go first Paul. Tell us what is going through your mind. We will fill in as we go.” Lynn sounded scholarly in request.
I took a deep breath and let it out and then as I was about to speak, I took another.
“Ok. I love Lynn. I have since we had our first date. She is kind and soft and sweet and I have trust in her. She has filled the emotional needs I have been having for several years. She is also just sexy as hell with the tattoos and the bald head and the twinkling eyes and the great ass.”
“Now I have come to love Erin. I started off lusting after her because she kept flashing her nipples at me. But she kept working her way into my heart and then after last night, when she told me that she was not married, I fell over the edge and realize that I have very strong feelings for her, no, I DO love her as well. She fills different needs that I was not even aware I needed filled.”
“Now I am lying in bed, naked, with two naked women that I have grown to love, and I am scared shitless that I am now going to hurt one or the other of them and therefore, lose one or the other of them.”
“Well let me tell you about Erin and me so that you can understand the new us.” Lynn began.
“No! Let me tell my own story. I feel like Paul needs to understand me better.” Erin asked.
“Ok sweetie. You have the floor, or the bed, or whatever.” Lynn giggled.
“Paul, as I told you last night, I wear my wedding ring at the bar since I was always in a position to be hit on by men. As a woman with a great ass and large, jiggly breasts tipped by large hard nipples, I was a constant target, especially as the night went on and the men drank more.”
“The truth is that I had to divorce a man that I had loved deeply. I had married him and shortly afterwards I found that I was pregnant. I thought that we had helped each other through the tragedy of my baby’s death from SIDs, and the only thing deeper than our relationship was his betrayal of it.”
“I had cut my hand badly early in a shift while prepping lime and lemon wedges for that evening. I went to the ER and had several stiches and was told to go home and not back to work. So, I walked into our home to find my husband of about five years, my soulmate, in bed with our neighbor. He was on his back and she was riding him and screaming at the top of her lungs. He was loudly encouraging her with his hands on her hips as his hips were driving up into her.”
“I just stood and watched for a few seconds and then took out my phone and started to record a video. Finally after several minute, I was starting to feel sick so I coughed and said “Honey, I’m home!” from the bedroom doorway.”
“My former friend and neighbor just turned her head and smirked at me. She was like “Look at me fucking away your whole life.”
My husband just dropped his arms onto the bed, our bed, and lay there waiting for the next move. I grabbed a small jewelry box on my dresser and hit the bitch across the side of her head, causing a bloody gash.”
“Then I grabbed the whore by the hair and pulled her off of my husband’s dick and onto the floor. I dragged her fat, naked, ass towards the front door and then outside onto the front porch. Once we got outside, I tripped her so she fell down onto the porch and then quickly went back inside and slammed the door shut.”
“The bitch began beating on the door to get back in. I don’t think that she even knew that she was still butt naked. I returned to my bedroom to find my cheating husband putting on a shirt having already pulled on his pants.”
“I made my way to my nightstand and opened the drawer. I reached in and placed my hand on the locking mechanism of my gun lock box.”
“I very calmly spoke to him, “Grab that whores clothes and get out of here. Don’t come back. If you do I will shoot you.”
“Of course, he said “Honey, I am filing for divorce. I can’t stay with a woman who would kill my child.”
“My reply was to scream, “I said get out. NOW!”
“I pulled out my 9mm pistol and after checking the safety I loaded a round in the chamber. My husband knew I am a dead shot and that I might be just pissed enough to carry out my threat. He quickly picked up his lovers clothes and ran to the front door, where the woman was still pounding on the door. She began to get quieter as she realized that she was standing on the front porch, in broad daylight, naked, with her screams drawing the attention of the neighborhood. She also began to realize that her head hurt and that there was something warm running down the side of her face.”
“My husband got to the door just ahead of me, I still had my pistol in my hand, so he just jerked the front door open and he ran out, grabbed her by the arm and quickly led her back to her house next door with all of the neighborhood looking on. The woman’s husband would hear all about the incident that evening when he went around asking his neighbors if they had seen his wife.”
“I set my pistol down on the kitchen counter and called my dad. When he answered, all I could say through my crying was “Daddy, help me.” I finally explained what happened and I asked dad if he could find me a good divorce lawyer. He, of course, stepped up and did all he could. The next week I had my husband served where he worked. I walked away at that point and let the lawyers fight things out. My lawyer told me that ninety days later I would be divorced and that was it, I was alone. My work shifts kept me motivated to get out of bed and my friendships with various regulars at the bar, like Mark and Marcus, allowed me to vent when I needed.”
“But no one was closer to me than Lynn. Lynn is a survivor of a different sort and I was one of the few people at the bar who knew about her cancer and the affect it had on her body. The two of us formed a close bond.”
“A few months later, after a particularly bad night where we were both rudely hit on and pinched and accosted to the point that Mark and the bouncers had to throw out a couple of drunk guys, we went to my apartment. After an hour and a half of girl talk and wine drinking we got a bit amorous. While sitting on the couch, we began to neck.”
“I said during one of our breaks, “Lynn, sometimes I think I should just start playing for the other team. Women seem to ‘get it’ more than guys ever will.”
“She said, “I know. I haven’t had anything between my legs for as long as I can remember. Instead of wine I should be having some Dickins Cider!” and she laughed out loud.”
“I asked her what was so funny. And she said “Duh! Dickins Cider? Dick Inside Her!!!”
“We went back to cuddling and doing a little necking until I finally told Lynn “Have I ever told you that I think you are one of the sexiest women I have ever known? Maybe it is your attitude or those tats or your bald head. I don’t know, but some nights at the bar I get wet watching you dance.”
She didn’t bat an eye. She told me, “Erin, I have to admit that I get a little twinge every once in a while when you slip a nip out of your top. You have great tits.” I knew she liked my tits!”
“We kissed a little more and then I asked her if I could tell her a secret? She said “Sure. We’re friends.” So I told her that I like my tits too.”
“Lynn asked me “Why is THAT a big secret? And I told her “Because I like to suck them when I play with myself.”
“She looked at me like I just fell out of the stupid truck and told me that if hers were that big that she would do the same.”
“I looked at her and confessed “No, Lynn. It’s not that I can. It is that I like the taste of my own milk.”
“She opened her mouth and I swear that she spoke without moving her lips, she gasped “What?!”
“I told her that I liked to milk myself. And that is when she figured out that I must have had a baby.”
Erin got quiet and stopped tracing on my chest. It seemed like she had not thought about that for a long time. I was thinking that maybe that is why she kept her milk; to subconsciously remember nursing her baby. After a long pause Erin continued.

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