Glamour Shots Chapter 19
- 4 years ago
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I had Mark pick me up by the mall, saying I had some things I needed. The excuse got us out of his house and also separated my life with Anna from my business with Mark and Kyra; the way things were going Anna was just as likely to try vamping Mark -- and perhaps Kyra as well.
What might have been a useful distraction under other circumstances was more likely to have merely added another pair of eyes when I didn't want them and to introduce further complications. I didn't think Anna was really interested in another guy yet anyway since she hadn't dealt with all the possibilities we could cover between ourselves let alone the variations Hailey introduced.
I greeted Mark and Kyra warmly, though taking the front seat next to Mark probably pissed Kyra off a little. She'd get over it.
From the way Mark drove he'd had a bad morning. I rested a hand on his lap and asked what was up.
"You tell him," Mark muttered.
Well! Wasn't he going to be a cheerful companion today.
"Dad's been on at him to invite his girlfriend home to meet them as well. Then he wouldn't let up when Mark told him he didn't have a special one yet."
"Apparently I should bring them home and fuck them until I find one who is special! Never mind that a love 'em and leave 'em attitude is likely to make the supply dry up."
"Are you interested in girls at all, Kyra?"
She had already said she was hetero but that might have not been quite honest at a time when she didn't perhaps trust me as much.
"No thank you."
"Okay. I was just thinking that might have been one solution; if you were each dating the other's lover. Oh well, next idea."
"You bored with me already?"
"Not in the least Kyra. Just trying to find possible solutions."
"I don't think there is one while I'm under Dad's roof."
"And moving is not an option; you're certainly not going and leaving me behind!"
"He'd only track us down and make us come back while we are underage."
"So something else then," I challenged. "How about a third couple. Let's see if the two girls were lesbians and the other guy bi or gay we could mix and match. If he was straight, you'd have to find him suitable Kyra though perhaps we three could get together as well."
"That's rather a hard task -- two lesbians who aren't out and a guy of varied sexuality, all of whom can get along and none of whom will blab. It makes moving out seem practical!"
"I have to agree brother dear. Something a little more useful next time Tiger."
"Well I did suggest a single lesbian -- though she could be bi as well. I wouldn't mind." I didn't suggest a straight girl who didn't mind sharing me with two others; someone might just find one.
"Yeah, right." At least Mark was grinning.
"Where are we headed?" I noticed the suburbs vanishing and pondered on our destination. I'd taken a good look behind; twisting sideways in my seat to face Mark allowed me to look at Kyra and out the back window as well. There was no-one so, unless the car was bugged, we had the privacy we wanted and I had used a little device that checked for active transmitters to ensure just that.
"Dad's got a little place just out of town. I think he uses it when he's entertaining. You know, some big shot who wants a couple of girls; the sort you don't want being photographed with you at some hotel."
"The big shot or the girls?"
"The big shot, but I guess he wouldn't want his wife seeing the girls either."
"Your mother, sorry, Beverley doesn't care?"
"Beverley knows better than to comment let alone complain. At home Dad is the perfect husband and, for some, father. If he keeps his other activities discrete then she doesn't lose face or a pleasant lifestyle. I think she knew what she was getting herself into."
"I know she does. I heard her say something once how she landed on her feet even if it was like stepping into thick molasses -- 'you aren't sure if you can get out if you want to and, even if you do, you will never get it all off'," Mark quoted.
"Are you sure it was molasses Mark?"
"Can you imagine Bev saying 'Shit' Sis?"
"Not when Smelly Michelly is around."
"She doesn't fool around too then?"
"What! You into MILFs as well?"
"Well in deference to present company I'll deny any thought has ever crossed my mind but she isn't too hard on the eyeballs. I was just curious whether the goose copied the gander."
"The goose would be stuffed and served for dinner if she did. Father dear has certain old-fashioned ideas about a wife's role."
"And a son's."
Mark sounded depressed again.
"This place is some way away?"
"Maybe twenty minutes."
"And it's all like this?"
"What, farmland? Yeah."
"And you can drive while being distracted?"
"Huh? I guess."
"Then you seem in need of a little distraction."
I reached over and began to rub Mark's crotch. He was quite willing to be distracted and, when she heard his zip, Kyra leaned forward to see.
Getting Mark's prick out was a challenge but he helped and soon his erection stood up proudly.
"Mind if I look a little closer?"
"Be my guest."
I knelt on my seat much as the girls had done for me yesterday and started by letting my tongue slide all around the knob.
"You want me to steer bro? You look as though you need to pull over."
"I'll be right; it's just good."
I made my cheeks pucker and "good" became an inadequate term if I say so myself. I didn't try any special moves -- driving down the highway with someone blowing me was one thing but I was risking my life here and I really didn't know how attentive Mark would be.
Anyway, sometimes you want to make with the cream and other times you want that churn to keep going until you produce butter. (Mom and I stayed with a cousin for a week on a commune before they decided she wouldn't fit in. I wasn't about to leave her though I could have then so my life turned out rather differently than it might have.)
Mark wasn't going to get butter this time and I made him come in record time, getting an almighty "Arrrgh!" as he filled my mouth.
I swallowed all but a little leakage and then sucked on him for a while to empty him out before sitting back up.
"God that made me hot! What did you do to make him come so fast?"
"I think it was more that Mark has been saving it up for me."
"No way! I hear him in the bathroom."
"Well you complain about me."
"I don't go 'Huh Hunh HUNNNNH AHHH! YES!!', do I?" Mark challenged.
"Well it was only the once."
"Does it help if I admit I jerk off too?" I asked.
"It does if I can watch, or help."
"Then it's not jerking off Kyra," objected Mark.
"It is if I only help by finger-fucking myself -- perhaps with his fingers."
"Mmm. Do I get to lick them clean afterwards?"
"You're terribly oral Roger and, speaking of which, you've missed a bit."
Kyra leaned forward through the front seats and licked the side of my lip.
"You do know most girls would have a problem licking up their brother's cum."
"I think most girls I know would have a problem even touching cum. They seem the most uptight group of bitches around when it comes to actual sex. Either that or they want to be seen as ultra-pure."
"Cock wouldn't melt in their mouth sort?"
"You know I've never understood that saying. If butter wouldn't melt in your mouth isn't that like saying you're frigid? Maybe that is their problem."
I would have had to say that the girls I had come into contact with hadn't seemed withdrawn, asocial, or anti-sexual. I wondered if the girls reacted to the Pringle name as much as the boys -- not wanting to put Kyra offside, perhaps as a rival for some boy, but not revealing their confidences as they might have done to a true close friend.
Kyra hadn't actually made a one-on-one friend though over the years different girls floated in and out of what would normally have been a "best friend" slot, none staying for long before reverting to a more general status. They were sociable; Kyra and Mark weren't unpopular as such, but rather had a reserved popularity.
None of this mattered other than to make my presence more valued.
"What is there to do at this place?"
"Horses mainly though that was just an excuse for us to come out here. If you want to, we can go for a ride but otherwise we can move the tack around and give them a rub down and just say we did."
"And do our riding indoors instead?"
"Or outdoors," suggested Mark with a grin, "it's a lovely day."
"I got a bit of sun yesterday so I'd better not spend too long out in it or I'll be trying to explain an all over tan or sunburn."
"Where did you go?"
"Up to the lake. I managed to get Anna, my foster-sister, to tag along so I was never alone with either of the others. I don't think things went quite as they had expected."
"You're a bastard you know."
"Not really. We all had a good day out."
"Now if you could get two of them to pair up we'd just need another bi-guy."
"Pair up! I bet they'd run a mile if they saw a pussy."
I didn't say in which direction and, since that matched Kyra's own outlook, she didn't see anything unusual in my statement.
"Do you come here often then?"
"Not really unless it's to get out of the house. We have to check if Dad is using it but otherwise we can come anytime. Someone comes out to see to the feed and water and to exercise the horses but they disappear if there are any guests so there are no inconvenient people around. Fortunately they only need to be here for an hour or two and start around dawn so that means there will be no inconvenient people around while we are here either."
"What about the rest of your family? Mightn't they turn up?"
"Michelle has some treat planned and Dad and Bev will be with her all afternoon. We've been given orders to present you for dinner at six so I hope you packed the change of clothes I told you to bring."
"Mark you worry too much. Of course I've got them. Anyway, you could have just swung back past my place and I'd have picked them up."
"Yeah but that would have been half an hour we could have spent more productively here."
"And we don't want to waste a second of that," added Kyra.
"Then what are you crawling along for?"
Mark accepted the challenge and we sped up, breaking the speed limit by twenty then thirty then forty kilometres per hour. Mark handled the traffic well and I didn't feel unsafe beside him though I turned around so my seat belt was draped properly across me.
Perhaps I could have gone for butter!
No, there was no need for me to dislocate my jaw and put up with the steering wheel and handbrake for that long. I did make a note to give Hailey a very special thank you when I could though; I appreciate her efforts much more now I had been through the same situation.
We turned into what looked like a Spanish hacienda, a ranch house and courtyard surrounded by sunbaked clay brick wall and the house itself having the exposed ends of the roofing beams studded along the front wall.
A similar garage opened at the press of a button on Mark's remote while an obvious stable was further over, on the other side of the garage.
"Door opener, hey!" I teased. "Not quite the old west!"
"Nor is the satellite dish out the back, the Jacuzzi with wide screen TV mounted on the wall next to it nor the games room."
"What sort of games?"
"Let's just say it stays locked when Michelle comes out to go riding but we know where to find the key!"
I actually already knew of the property. It had been listed as being owned through a shell company so it never seemed to be connected with Adam Pringle; certainly the IRS hadn't worked out the financial link and the FBI hadn't been tracking him or his guests at any time that they had been there. It probably helped that it was only used by him about once a month except when he visited the stable where Michelle's horse was agisted.
That ownership was recorded by the FBI, as were a couple of innocent visits. I don't blame them for the omission at all; Adam was nothing if not capable and did his best to separate home and business -- much like me. Our own records only showed two visits with three names of his guests (one came both times) and eight girls who apparently provided a selection and possibly a show.
There was a donkey in the stable and, though there was no hard evidence, suspicions were held that he too provided occasional entertainment.
We moved into the house and I was impressed by the tasteful way technological marvels had been installed without destroying the western ambience. Where possible speakers, screens and controls were hidden behind panelling and inside the arms of comfortable lounge chairs or dropped from the ceilings.
I was shown through the rest of the house. There were business facilities with what I was sure would be well encrypted lines and an elaborate dining room. The kitchens here would have been capable of turning out anything up to a lamb on a spit or a banquet for the dozen people seated around the dining table, plus their offsiders presumably waiting, and eating, elsewhere.
Once again, I checked each room as we went through but there was no sign of our being eavesdropped upon.
The bedrooms were quite lavish.
"You don't have to worry about condoms here." Kyra opened a drawer where there were half a dozen large boxes of different types. "I guess some of Daddy's friends don't want to take any surprises home to their wives, or regular mistresses."
The bathrooms associated with each were as lavish, with marble tiles from floor to ceiling around every surface that wasn't mirrored.
There were several separate lounge rooms as well, each stylishly furnished and all with well stacked bars. I imagined rival gangs of Al Capone era gangsters meeting with each being to left to wait in isolation while their bosses talked.
There was a pool table to match that at the Pringle home -- no wonder Mark was good with a cue -- and then, in a sheltered area that was neither really inside nor outside, was the heated Jacuzzi.
"What do you want to do first?" asked Mark.
"This." I kissed him without reservation. "And then this," and Kyra got the same treatment.
"Were you serious about the horses?" I asked when we finished.
"What, making it look like they'd been out? Yeah. Unless you don't like them; we can skip the whole thing."
"I haven't really had a lot to do with them. I mean, I know which way is up and I can stay in the saddle of a dude ranch horse but that's about it. They're pretty to look at and can smell nice -- when the stable doesn't smell of horse piss -- but I don't know that much about them."
"Perhaps if we just let Roger walk around the corral. I'll take Thunder for a run and then we'll tidy up."
"Don't you ride?" I asked Mark.
"I can. I don't care for it much; one more thing Dad shoved down my throat until I didn't enjoy it any more."
"Well I've got something I wouldn't mind shoving down your throat later."
"Or mine?" asked Kyra.
"Or yours," I conceded.
"Let's get them saddled."
It was easier said than done.
The horses weren't kept in the stable unless the weather was bad. Instead they were able to roam around one of the nearby paddocks as they wished. Mark went out with a couple of halters and a pocketful of carrots.
"Shouldn't we help?" I asked Kyra.
She moved to snuggle in against me. "I might be able to but they'd shy away from you. He'll be right, you'll see, and in the meantime..."
Kyra, it seems, was not one to waste a moment.
Mark didn't show any sign of minding though when he found us kissing and Kyra topless, other than to ask us to stop long enough to close the gate for him; he paid more attention to the two horses he was tying to the rail.
"Thunder" was obvious; he was not exactly black, more a dark charcoal grey; just a hint of ash to lighten what would otherwise be a horse called "Midnight". He was a tall gelding -- don't ask me how many hands high -- and appeared to be spirited despite his surgery.
The other, a mare with a reddish-brown coat and a white blaze over almost all her forehead, was more docile and certainly attractive. I don't mind redheads!
Mark gave me two sets of reins, loading up each arm carefully. He then took a saddle and blanket from a rack and indicated I should lead the way back outside.
Kyra had a hand brush and was giving both horses a brisk rubdown where the saddles would go. I guess you didn't want some burr underneath the saddlecloth when you put your weight onto the saddle.
She had done Lydia -- no origin was given for the name -- and Mark soon had her "dressed". I was surprised that, instead of a saddle, Kyra had simply put a plain leather belt around the barrel of Thunder's chest, just behind his forelegs.
She saw me looking. "I like to ride bareback sometimes. Without stirrups it's nice to have something to hold onto if necessary."
I would have worried about falling and being dragged with my fingers caught beneath the strap. When I reconsidered, I doubted that need happen unless one pushed the bulk of one's hand through instead of just the fingers. Far be it for me to impugn her judgement in any case!
Kyra was bareback herself but it appeared that wasn't going to be sufficient. Off came her shoes and then her jeans and panties so she stood naked next to her beast.
"Won't you give me a hand up?"
Mark waved me over as he rechecked all the straps on Lydia's tack.
"Cup your hands; right, now bend you knees; okay, and lift."
Kyra straightened her leg just as I put some oomph into the lift, my legs bearing the brunt of the effort. She swung her other leg over and settled herself.
"Can you open the gate for me please."
I did so and Kyra clicked her tongue and indicated somehow that the horse was to move out. She walked him a little way, possibly to avoid spooking my mount and then dug her heels in to start a trot that smacked her butt down onto the horses wide back. Again, and Thunder cantered off. The slapping lessened and Kyra was away.
I turned back to Mark. "I think I can manage her out there. The worst that's going to happen is I fall off isn't it?"
"Pretty well though that could kill you. The ground's good here; we pick off any stones that grow a couple of times a year and there's no sign of 'dogs or snakes that might leave holes the horse could trip in. If you feel you can do it I wouldn't dream of cooping you up. You won't catch Thunder though, you'll have to wait until he returns here. I'll put a pizza in to heat so if you're looking for me I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Okay Mark. See you then."
He waved me off and I was successful enough not to look like a complete dork. Riding did feel good and if I quite readily rated myself as an informed novice -- more informed than I'd let on -- I certainly wasn't at the same ease I enjoyed behind the wheel of any car.
Lydia was a dream though; she accepted my commands as being clear and forceful enough to suggest I wasn't to be trifled with which was a major step. She too trotted then cantered and a crossed the paddock in seconds, turning down the long race that Lady Godiva was tearing along.
I couldn't have caught Thunder in a fair race but he slowed before horse or rider were aware of the pursuit.
"Hi there."
"Roger! I didn't think you were comfortable out here."
"I'm surviving so far. I haven't had much experience but I did have a good instructor for the brief time I got to see him. A perk of some work experience."
"Well you sat that canter okay."
"It was far bouncier before."
"You just need to stand in the stirrups more and adjust yourself to the rhythm of the trot."
"It doesn't bother you? Bouncing around bareback?" I was being deliberately naïve.
"Roger honey, I have got what, around 300 kilos of muscle as the worlds largest vibrator between my legs. I live for the bouncing around."
She grinned at me and took off again to prove her point.
Heading slightly downhill, I coaxed a gallop out of Lydia and then had to wonder if I had been overconfident. I kept both feet in the stirrups and lost neither the reins nor my seat. I wasn't disgracefully far behind Kyra either when we reached the end of the run.
"God that feels good. I get a happy from the saddle but riding bareback I feel every muscle under me moving as he walks or runs. You would really have to be a girl to appreciate it."
I was sorry I couldn't bring Anna out here. I think she would get on well with Kyra despite Kyra's lack of desire towards girls.
We took the race at a canter once more and Kyra then galloped back while I rode at a more controlled pace. I couldn't really afford a few weeks in hospital at this stage.
Kyra pointed to the corral and continued her gallop back there but though she had Thunder tied to the rail she indicated I shouldn't bring Lydia inside.
"Just loop her reins around the rail a couple of times and get your pants off -- I need you now. No! Take your shoes off first. Sheesh!"
I did so and hung my pants over the rail.
"Get back on your horse."
I needed to climb the fence slightly since the stirrup was just a little higher than I could easily lift my foot. The saddle had been warmed by my body so wasn't cold though I stuck to the leather a little.
Kyra followed me up the fence and stood carefully on one of the posts. She reminded me of the Karate Kid practising his crane kick.
I moved Lydia in closer and Kyra slid a leg across the saddle in front of me.
"I would have thought you'd have faced the saddle horn." I didn't begrudge having her tits pressed against my shirt front nor her cheek against mine.
"Too hard against my clit. This way I can rub against you; much nicer!"
She settled herself on me. "Think you can keep us to a walk?"
"I can try."
Kyra put her arms around my neck and leaned back towards Lydia's head.
"Giddy up," she told me. Lydia obeyed as well.
When a horse is walking, the saddle seems to slide underneath you; this translated to quite a nice gentle and persistent fucking motion and Kyra found my mouth over and over as she expressed her gratitude for my presence. Other than the fact that I was enjoying it every bit as much, I was really only a human dildo since Lydia was doing all the work.
I was willing to share the acclaim but Kyra seemed only interested in kissing me. Poor Lydia missed out!
I didn't ask before giving a quick dig with my heels but I had been gentle and was rewarded with a trot that, at another time, I would have considered to be a nuisance. I concentrated on keeping my balance and let the jolting lift us both to drop back down again. Kyra gripped me more tightly and sat still to keep us from falling.
I was deeply embedded and each bounce served to drive me briefly deeper and to rub our external parts in a manner Kyra, especially, found gratifying. Though I had spent the previous day drifting from orgasm to orgasm I couldn't resist the feelings that arose from this novel experience.
I came, fountaining up inside Kyra and she pleaded with me to bring Lydia back to a walk. I slowed us down and Kyra began to grind herself against me. The saddle movements added a chaotic touch to the pattern she traced against me and we had to come to a complete stop to disengage before we reached the corral.
"I have to say you two looked to be enjoying yourselves out there."
"Mark! You've got a boner!"
"Well just because I don't want to jump out of a plane doesn't mean I can't find a film about skydiving exciting."
"Have you considered doing the training though?" I asked.
"Huh? What training?"
"Okay, I'm stretching the analogy. You need to have a girlfriend to keep your father happy and you don't like the idea but, really, there isn't a lot of difference -- though I'm sure you would notice what difference there is."
"So I should screw a girl to make my father happy?"
"No, but how about if he caught you screwing a girl?"
"Isn't that the same thing?"
"Not if he catches you soon enough. Now you don't have a problem looking at a gorgeous naked women." I pointed at Kyra.
"But she's my sister."
"You know some people would say that makes it harder to say no. Let me assure you that Kyra has everything a hot-blooded young man could enjoy and more."
"Thank you."
"You are welcome my sweet. God that was fun!"
"Let's get the horses cleaned up then and we can all have some more."
Mark and I removed Lydia's gear while Kyra attended to Thunder. I was trusted to manage the saddle while Mark lovingly brushed the mare down. I remarked on it to him.
"I like the horses themselves but don't want the hassle that goes with competing as my father wanted. It wasn't a matter of going out and doing my best, I had to be the best every time I competed; Second was failure. I hated getting up on a horse in the end."
"So you somehow contrived a way of avoiding all competition?"
"A fall, a minor break in my leg but then I was too scared to get back on. I even had therapy. After that I couldn't get back on without exposing my fears as a sham."
"I'm surprised you wanted to come out here then."
"Well Kyra likes to ride. She is okay on horseback but never looked like making a jumper. That might end up being Michelle's fate but not quite yet. Anyway, there is more to do than ride here -- and more privacy."
Mark grinned at me and Kyra turned to grin also.
Anyone coming by then would have seen a very odd sight -- Mark fully clothed, myself in just my shirt and Kyra completely naked attending to a stallion whose penis was extended from it's sheath. It would have been impossible to explain.
The horses were given a couple of carrots and let free while Kyra and I carried our clothes back to the house with Mark.
"Throw them down there," Mark pointed to a table. "You can have a shower and then we can eat."
"Why not turn the oven down and join us?"
Mark's eyes lit up. "Okay."
I stripped of my shirt and Kyra led me to one of the bathrooms where she turned on the shower.
"Just be a minute."
Kyra disappeared elsewhere and I adjusted the water from the twin needles to a comfortable temperature. She took a little longer than necessary to fetch the towels she had in her arms when she returned but I guess she was entitled to some privacy at certain times.
Mark had already joined me and we took great pleasure in soaping each other's body but Kyra complained we had left nothing for her. I merely pointed out that meant she could be pampered. Mark was reluctant to get involved and I decided to try my luck.
"Kyra, do you mind helping with a demonstration?"
"I guess not."
Ah! So nice to have a trusting helper.
"Okay, let me get behind you. Right."
I stood close behind her, my erect prick resting vertically along the grove of her but so that it was aimed directly up her spine.
"That okay?"
"Makes me want to bend over and get fucked again."
"I'll take that as a yes. Mark, would you stand behind me the same way please."
He did and I quite understood Kyra's comment.
"Have you both made a note what that feels like?"
They confirmed they had.
"Okay, well just bear with me for a second."
I slid out from between them and, turning, put one hand on Kyra's belly and the other on Mark's butt.
"Move forward lover. Just stand like you were with me."
"Just see what it feels like; you're not being asked to do anything else."
Mark shook his head and stepped into position behind his twin sister.
"What do you feel that's different Kyra?"
"Well some of the soap has washed away so he's not as slippery as you were. Mark is a little higher and I guess I can feel his balls more."
"And you Mark?"
"As she said, Kyra's shorter than you and her butt is bigger."
"In a nice way Kyra, love. In a very nice way," I assured her before addressing Mark again.
"Okay but if you had your eyes closed, would you have noticed any difference if I hadn't been against you first?"
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This story starts with the new house I was working on, you see I am a plumber and were fitting out a new house with all the plumbing you know putting in the taps and building the new showers. Any way it started with the house next door it was also a new home that had just been built, I had been on the job a few days before a bloke from next door asking if the was a plumber that could take a look at a problem he had with the double shower and felt that there was a leak. I told him that I would...
Rev. Franklin Rain's Vampire Sex Club involved many of the rich and famous in our area, the rich were corrupt and I sensed we had better be prepared. After school I took the girls to my friend's farm; there had been several Walter PPK-S .22lr semi-auto pistols and several small .22lr revolvers with 3 and 4 inch barrels, with a choice between six and nine round cylinders, in one of grandpa's boxes, all looking and stainless steel. The girls loved the instruction and time with me. Katie said...
100% fiction! Hi there! My name is Beth. This story is about how opened Pandora’s Box, and man, did I love what was inside. I’ll start by telling you alittle bit about myself, I’m rather tall for a woman, close to 5’10” but I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not small, by any means, actually I’m quite heavy. Clothes can be quite expensive for me, as I have to buy plus sizes, the upside to this, is my breasts are actually quite huge by today’s standards, 46DDD to be exact. I don’t really care for...
IncestThe night of 14 February engulfed the ocean. In the distance we can hear the laughs and chatting of the nightlife buzzing about. The sand is soft and cold beneath our feet, we have been walking along the beach arm in arm in the cool summers evening. The Atlantic licks softly at our ankles sending sweet trembles up your legs. The moon has cast a silver streak shimmering against the water. I turn you to face the ocean the abyss at my back. I grip your hands in mine and pull your arms around me....
(The following is a short story of consensual, romantic sex between an older woman and much younger man)Lizzy came home from her real estate job late in the afternoon, pleased to see Rob’s truck in the yard, the young handyman she’d hired to do some work around the house. At 66, Lizzy wasn’t up to the task of painting lawn furniture or fixing various things that always seemed to be need painting or fixing.The single woman was long divorced, but happily so, dating now and then but engaging in no...
~~Julias~~ It didn’t matter how many times Julias stood before the triumvirate, he never felt safe. Viktor was old. Michael and Maria were there as well, and while they were older and stronger than Julias, it was Viktor that made his inner-beast recoil. Sometimes Julias wondered if his sire would try another torpor, before his strength grew to the point that he’d need Kindred blood to survive, and not kine blood. Every time he stood before him, he started to worry more and more about that...
It’s the general consensus that accountants are a staid and boring bunch. You know, that is mostly pretty accurate. It’s not an exciting sexy job ninety-nine percent of the time. I work for a large company, on the twenty-fourth floor, in an office tower in Toronto, right in the middle of the financial district. I’m a Junior Partner so I do get an office, which is nice. I can look out at the city through the floor to ceiling glass windows, and out at the bustling office through similar windows...
You find yourself beside a small brook that trickles merrily through a dense forest. The thicket around you is eerily silent, but the stream babbles on. The moss on the stones that line the creek are vibrantly green and full of life, a subtle contrast against the dense wood around you, a faded, dark-verdant color, tinged with the black of decay. As you follow the winding brook through the foliage, silently stepping from stone to stone, something in your mind lazily stirs. You cannot stop moving...
FantasyI was sitting by the fire pit in my backyard when my brother walked up. “Hey Mike, a couple of your ex’s friends just showed up. Should I tell them to fuck off?” “No, it’s fine. I invited them over for the party,” I said. “Seriously? Are you going to smash?” I rolled my eyes. “I wish.” “Do it, dude. That would show Jasmine for being such a bitch and running off with Jeff.” “Totally,” I said as I jumped out of my chair and made my way back inside my house. “Hey, Mike!” Josie said as she...
FetishHai my name is Sindhu. I am from Hyderabad. I am very pretty girl of 22 years. I have sexy structure my sizes are 36-24-35. I used go through this web site a lot and love all these experiences especially group sex. I had many encounters and I decided to share with you. I will tell most of my encounters. It’s very long story so I will explain in parts. Each and every encounter is real. My lust towards sex started at the age of 18 only. You have to believe it. It’s because of my step brother...
I knew mom had been out late, I knew she probably came home drunk. I was hoping that she was alone. I walked down the quite dark hallway with just my boxers on trying to be very quite listening. As I came to mom's bedroom door it was open and a light on her dresser was on. I peeked around the corner and found mom alone, naked on her bed. It looked as if she had sat on the edge of the bed and then just laid back, her feet still on the floor and her open showing off her pussy. This was new, as...
Dad had got us tickets to the Olympic swimming events for my 15th birthday. The first final was in the 200 meter breaskstroke, and we had seats right over the starting blocks. “So who are the Americans in this race?” My sister Katelyn asked. “Just Jared Kelley. Montoya didn’t make it through the semis.” “Is he the nudist one?” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, if that’s what you’re here for.” “Why is he a nudist?” Mom asked. “I dunno, some sponsorship thing.” “Is he going to win?” “No one can...
She always hit Sean up after a break-up via SnapChat...And this time she was getting divorced. The ultimate break-up. They were together for two years and married for one when she discovered several videos of her husband's "friend" Annie touching herself on his phone. Annie. His "lesbian" friend. She left him in the middle of the night, leaving behind a note that just said, "Fuck you and Fuck Annie." She stayed with her mom for a little while, and then decided she needed a change of...
Straight SexHi Guys, let me introduce myself, I am Sandeep from Hyderabad works for a Software Company . I am currently 34 and my stats are 5.11, with 72 kg. I have read many incest stories but felt like would this really happens in India, until I personally experienced. Yes, I have experienced with my bhabhi (wife’s sister) very recently. Her name is Sneha. Let me go into details. Sneha is such a girl, she never express her feelings in public, bit shy, and somewhat traditional and more devotional. She is...
IncestHi main jay hu aur main ahmedabad ka rahene vala hu.Aaj aap logo ke samne meai apni true story batane ja raha hoo. Mujhe pura bishwas hai ki apko ye pasand ayegi. Lekin isse pahle ki mai apni kahani suru karu mai Chachi ke bare me thoda sa intro apke samane rakhta hu.meri chachi ki umar 40 sal hai aur unka figure hai 38-30-40.Chacha ke jane ke kuchh din ke baad ki hai. Aaj mai apko ye bataunga ki kis tarah se us din Chachi apne ke hawas ki sikar bani. Chachi apne beti ke saath sahar me rahati...
Hi, indian sex stories dot net friends, this is the 3rd installment of this series and this part is a very long one since it contains a foursome and a entry of a new character. Have fun. Chapter 3: The morning began just like the way he had ordered his cumsluts. Both of them were up and on his bed at 7 giving his morning boner a blowjob. Alex once again woke up to this amazing feeling. “Good Morning Bitches! Did you sleep well?” “Yes, Master,” Amy replied, “thank you for all the fine...
IncestThe first words that Albert uttered to his friend, on the following morning, contained a request that Franz would accompany him on a visit to the count; true, the young man had warmly and energetically thanked the count on the previous evening; but services such as he had rendered could never be too often acknowledged. Franz, who seemed attracted by some invisible influence towards the count, in which terror was strangely mingled, felt an extreme reluctance to permit his friend to be exposed...
That afternoon, Steve showed up unannounced. "Maybe I'm being paranoid," he said, "but there's some weird stuff going on and I don't trust my phones to be secure. Aaron, our lawyer says the police don't have any reports of a missing ape. On top of that, Adamson's Labs denies any knowledge of her. That may not be too surprising if Bonnie was taken illegally. They wouldn't want to be in the limelight if that were the case." "Well then, that lets us off the hook, doesn't it?" I...
Veronica sighed softly, admiring the slumbering figure in her bed. He was much younger than she, with less experience as well, but that lent to the sweet eroticism between them. A dim overlay of light shone softly on his face. Feathery breaths escaped parted lips; dewy and rich, capable of broad, curlicue smirks. He wore a snowy shirt in bed, three buttons left unfastened at the hem. One of the tails had fallen aside and the other bunched shyly above the waistband of his trousers. With eager...
Fetish"Oh, oh! Fuck your mother, Walter! Fuck Mummy's horny pussy! Harder, Mummy's going to cum now! Fuck Mummy's cunt as hard as you can!" Patty was on her back, her legs up in the air, whimpering and moaning as her son labored on top of her. Walter had been ready to go to school when he'd decided he wanted another fuck in his mother's pussy. She'd protested at first, as she always did, but he'd had little trouble persuading her to lie on her back and spread her legs. His pants...
We had known each other for many years but when we first met, Missy, was dating one of my best friends. Even from that first time we saw each other, I was instantly attracted to her. I would never act on it, I had known Jack since high school and would never do that to him. Missy and I hung out a lot though, even grabbing breakfast the morning after parties, hell most of the time it was me picking her up to bring her to the party. Her and Jack broke up when she moved back home and eventually we...
Hello all. Maxx here from Pune. 34 years old, 6′ tall regularly-ish workout at the ‘office gym’. Hence, not ripped and all, but got something close to a good physique. I work in a big IT company. Married to a very loving wife with a kid. This is a story about how I ‘accidentally’ got to fuck my ex just a few months before my marriage. About my Ex: We started dating a few months after I started my first job in Kolkata, back in 2010. She was studying BCA in a well-known college in Bhubaneswar. We...
Today is the third day since Kenshin left the Kamiya dojo. He should already be on the second half of his journey, but-- Misao: Himura. Hey, Himura. It's lunchtime already. It's time to eat. Hey! Hey, I'm talking to you. Hey! (losing her temper and throwing a kunai at him) Quit ignoring me! Kenshin (bleeding profusely): Ohhhhh (that hurt!) Misao: What! You're deliberately walking through the forest. You're still trying to lose me, aren't you! Kenshin: It's not deliberate. It's just...
My wife told me one evening that her friends boyfriend had been kicked out of his marital home and needed a spare room for about six weeks until he sorted out things and moved in with her friend. I was not over keen but knew it was pointless saying no. So John moved in the following day and went out for the evening on his returned we chatted and retired to bed. The next morning I left early for London and part forgot John was there. I wondered later how she would behave with him knowing her...
Cheating WifesThis morning, I wasn’t working, day off and started about doing some housework. It's chaos around here at the moment and having about keeping up with housework the house tends to get dusty and horrible. Not to mention the dog coming in and out of the house with wet or dirty paws. Anyway in the morning I received instructions via sms from hubby to open all the curtains and blinds in the front of the house and strip naked, which I immediately obliged. I love being naked around the home. The next...
The Wanderer stood at the threshold to his bedchamber, gazing through a small gap between the curtain and the edge of the frame. He peered at the still form of Sirinna as she lay on her bed, her sides rising and falling slowly and steadily. He had already checked on Amanda moments before and found her fast asleep as well. Carefully, the merchant slipped past the curtain, crouching as he made his way as silently as possible towards the exit. He was not concerned with Sirinna waking and seeing...
As we got older we understood more what we were doing. I distinctly remember we were both at some summer school in a sports hall when we were about 8 or 9, the sort of thing your mother sends you to because she doesn’t want you being stuck at home all day during the summer break. We would both say we needed to use the toilet, and we’d go into the same changing room and ‘play’ with each other some more. Around this time was the first time I watched a porn video and saw a blowjob (my parents...
Their completely different work schedules had not allowed them to engage in any sex play over the last week; they had only just managed to secure a single over-nighter in a big city hotel room before their schedules parted them again. Their stark reality was that they had to accept work in binges, whenever it came. This trickled down into everything in their lives, especially their sex life. Be that as it may, Lori had not forgotten Peter's skillful teasing from the previous weekend, and...
My boyfriend Conrad has this black friend of his named Troy and this guy is quite the character. From the first second I met him, I knew he was trouble. He flirted so openly that it almost became a game between us. Conrad would tell me that it was just harmless fun and to enjoy it. One night, I was kind of out of it, and in a weird mood while everyone was over at our place partying. Troy asked me what was wrong and I told him nothing really, just in a mood. "I think I've seen this before. You...
“Now look up at me.” My newest director told me, as I stroked his cock over my open mouth. I was shooting a Jerk Off video with a guy who had booked me for a private shoot. “Stick out your tongue and just lightly lick the tip and tell me how much you love to suck cock. Tell me how you want to taste my cum and feel it shoot all over your face.” I did so as I jerked on his stiff, white tool, running the tip of my tongue on his purple head. “You know you want to cover my face with your hot, sticky...
It had become a common occurrence around the drought ravaged farms of the valley.? Small time farmers without any other recourse were forced to sell their daughters to whoever would be willing to pay something close to the asking price.? Margaret Stephen’s father was such a man.? His youngest daughter was his little angel; unlike her older sisters he had been unable to ever bear taking his belt to her when she misbehaved.? Not that she was exactly a brat; she was just a bit willful at times.?...
Story about a sissy boy who is punished by his mother for being such a pervert.Note from Pussyboy – this is the story that was the inspiration for my video and picture gallery session with the same title.Mom Punishes My Sissy CockWhy did I feel such pleasure when my mom humiliated me like she did? It was a question I had asked myself many times before and here I was asking it again as I stood before her naked, hands behind my back, my cock hard as a rock in anticipation of the punishment she...
The guardsman Roquan had hired to keep watch at the Manor gate opened it just enough to allow Amanda and Sirinna to pass. He smiled at them, allowing his gaze to roam over their naked bodies in a manner that bespoke more of appreciation rather than lasciviousness. Amanda even smiled back at him as she passed. As the two of them soon turned from the main road, they passed into the encroaching darkness of deep twilight. It lasted for only a few moments. Magical torches lined the sandy path...
“Wake up sleepy head,” he whispered in her ear as his hands found and squeezed her nipples. The morning found their naked bodies entwined. Gwen’s eyes opened and she was instantly aware of the events of the night before. Racked with guilt, she was determined to somehow bring order back into their lives. “Daniel, we have to talk,” she said as she arose, put on a gown and headed for the door. “Or you could just come back to bed,” he said smiling. “That’s what got us into what happened last...
In the days that followed that fateful night, I slowly began implementing some new rules and changing some things about my wife to suit my purposes. The first order of business was the way in which my wife attempted to dress herself. I immediately went through her belongings and threw anything out that was even remotely baggy or unrevealing. This didn't leave much for her to wear, so we went shopping for some new clothing. Much to her chagrin, I began choosing clothing that was a size too...
January, 1813 The brig Darlington had been specifically built for transporting passengers and mail. She was under government contract to connect Plymouth and Gibraltar, and her passenger quarters were purpose-built and more than adequate. Thomas had his own cabin whilst Mirabel and Florence shared the adjoining one. Other passengers included an Army major, two Navy lieutenants on their way to new appointments, and the wife of a Gibraltar ship chandler returning from visiting relatives in...
Suddenly a warmth filled my body. This was unusual because before now I was not aware of having a body. But with the sudden warmth, came the input of my senses. I could hear my own breath, could smell my own sweat and could taste a sweet aftertaste in my mouth. The warmness subsided and I could feel a cool breeze caressing my skin. I knew that I could open my eyes and see what my body looked like but I chose not to. A whole new world of senses opened itself to me and honestly, I was a little...
For the next few weeks I walked around the camp like a lost soul. Jim and Tara returned but I really didn't feel that upbeat. I guessed I kinda missed Angela a little too much. I vowed that I wouldn't let another woman get in my heart after Judith left. I tried to harden my heart toward Angela, but it didn't really work. A week before the concert in Boston, Don Vito called me, "So what time are you picking my daughter up for the concert?" "I wasn't invited as her guest, " I...
If there is one thing a Social Government Agency responsible for the welfare of children hates ... and yes ... a Governmental Agency can hate ... after all ... they are the sum of their human parts ... it is opposition. Those parts firmly believe that what they do is RIGHT and GOOD and since they are RIGHT and GOOD and in the BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILD, therefore any opposition whatsoever is EVIL and WRONG and NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD. The ACFCSS suddenly realized that, given...
HI my name is Tessa,My friend Stacy and I are going to the beach, We walked by some girls playing vollyball.They asked us if we wanted to join,we looked at each other and shrugged and said sure.Stacy and I were on different teams.Her team won,but thats ok its just a game.We went swimming for a while, then layed down on our towels for a suntan.Two of the girls that we were playing vollyball with came over and asked if they can join us,I said sure.They introduced themself as Molly and Sara,we...
LesbianThat evening Joan found herself wishing her son would go down to visit Fawn. She knew Fawn would fuck Ted, she had said she would, in so many words. If he would go down to visit with her, maybe he would fuck her in the living room, and she could watch them on the telescope! Somehow, the idea of seeing her son fuck the sweet girl sent shivers of pleasure between her thighs. The idea of seeing her son's precious cock thrusting into the blonde-haired cunt she had sucked off that afternoon...
“I hope so, because if this is heaven then my father lied to me” he half cracked a smile as he spat up some blood. Rayne and I held an arm each as we both supported him to his feet. “Can you walk?” I asked. “Yes” he paused breathing slowly “yes, I think I can!” He stood for a moment, breathing heavy though his mouth. “What happened?” He asked in anguish. “You were betrayed your highness! This was a trap!” I told him, still holding him up. “By whom?” his face covered in blood and full of...
Freehold Breakfast was a lively event. The previous day's flyby was still a topic of conversation, but one that Waylon would just as soon forget. He'd been angry at the Navy's arrogance, but after he'd cooled down he realized that using the drone to return the favor may have been monumentally stupid. There hadn't been any fallout, so far. The carrier and her escort had departed the area immediately afterwards. That worried him. While he couldn't see the U.S. Government wasting a lot...
I had been separated for about 8 months, still dealing with some issues, drinking quite a bit. By this point, I had already "hooked" up a number of times at the bookstore theater. Not just getting blown, but also now sucking cock...and loving it. I started to think about it a lot, especially when I got drunk. The problem was, I lived a decent distance from the theater. So, I started checking out Craigslist. I was amazed at all the men looking to hook up. Most were straight, or bi. The cock pics...
You knew instinctively that you were about to smash into a tree as you had a pretty clear picture of the area you were fighting in and where everything was. It was a good instinct to have in a fight. Always know your surroundings. Your armor would take the brunt of the hit you were about to receive you knew as you flew through the air. All you had to do was angle yourself a bit to allow your armor to protect you. Your shield took a pretty big hit from the Drake's tail which is why you found...
FantasyWe try to protect our loved ones from the brutality of this savage world. When we lose them or when they're taken away from us. We are left with nothing but disappointment with ourselves and our inability to protect them. Sometimes there're no moral boundary that we cannot break to get them back. The boundaries we once adored. The helpless nature of the frail and vulnerable and the toxic nature of the shrewd and powerful is this story about. I am no writer. But I have stories to tell....
I was standing outside my principal’s office waiting for him to call me in, and punish me. I wasn’t scared because I knew that, just undoing a couple of more buttons of my shirt will save me from getting punished. But I didn’t know that this time it wasn’t easy to escape. As my English teacher came out of the principal’s office, looked at me, and then left, I knocked on the door. “Come in,” I heard my principal’s voice. My principal, Mr. Wayne was thirty-seven years old, good looking man....
During my freshman year at college I found that the best parties were at the fraternities. There was always plenty to drink and plenty of hot guys. While my roommate Kim and I were at the football games we were often invited to several frat parties. We couldn’t decide which to go to, so we decided that we would hit several. They were all close enough to stumble to. We got four other girls from our dorm floor to go as a group. We all got dressed up, looking hot but not to slutty. I was wearing...
Group SexHello to all my friends. Main arya aapka dost,main iss ka regular user hun aur humesha story padh ke ek baar to muth marke hi sota hun!Main ek avarage looking banda hun ! 5.5 meri height hai ! Mera lund 6inch lamba aur 2.5 inch chouda hai. Abhi apna business karta hun aur maharashtara se hun, jyada bore na karte huwe apni story ko shurwat karta hun. Yeh meri pehli story hai to please agar kuch galti ho jaye to mujhye maaf kar dena aur aapke suzaw mujhye mail karna ! Main 26 sal ka hu aur yeh...
When Brandy stepped into the bar the next afternoon, she could hardly believe her eyes. All the booths were filled and customers were standing two deep at the bar. "Hey, boss lady," Dave grinned, stepping close to her as she pushed her way to the back of the bar. "That promotion idea of yours sure worked. I just spread the word to a couple of guys and they did the rest." Brandy had the insane urge to turn and run but she knew better than that. If she welshed out on her bargain, these...