MetamorphChapter 4 free porn video

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The weeks turned into months. Dan was wearing tracksuits almost exclusively now, since he was losing weight and his waist size decreasing. He'd started out at a forty-four, and now, nine weeks in, he was now a forty. He was pretty proud of that. He was still large and had a belly, but he also now had shoulder muscles, the first time in his life. His biceps and triceps were growing and getting harder. His legs looked great.

The boxing was really taking off. The two sparring partners he had were still trying to take his head off, but they were now a lot more respectful of his reach and his power. In any given practice, he could land hits on them and sometimes make it count. He'd already knocked both of them down during sparring and he felt pretty good about that.

Unfortunately, what it meant was that they were just getting more vicious. Since they didn't already know they could take him on any more, they were getting nastier with their punches. He got an elbow in the face at one point that had blood streaming out of his nose. A few times he had kidney punches that were very painful. Greg saw it and did nothing about it, and Dan just shrugged and figured that if he could deal with this, he could deal with anything in the real world.

Whenever he could, Dan got Greg himself up into the ring to spar. He figured Greg got to watch him spar and see his weak spots; it was only fair that he got to see some of Greg's. Dan had never lost sight of that end match. He wanted all the information he could possibly get.

Something else happened one morning. Dan was waiting to use the leg squat machine in the gym one evening, and he noticed it was being used – by the same guy who had called him a butterball that one time. Dan just went over and sat on a machine opposite and just waited, quietly, drinking water. He could see the man had noticed him and was trying to catch his eye. Dan just wasn't interested in another confrontation, and after waiting for five minutes got up to leave.

The man suddenly finished his exercise and sat and said, "Hey ... don't go. I'm almost done."

Dan looked at him and decided on impulse to wait it out.

The man said, "Hey look. I think – no, I know – the last time we encountered each other I was unpardonably rude. I ... look, I need to apologize. I was having a really bad day – well, week, actually – and you just got in the firing line. I'm sorry I was rude."

Dan honestly didn't know what to say. No one apologized to him. He didn't know what the next move was, so he said, "Umm, sure, I guess."

The man looked at him and said, "I've seen you around here a lot recently. In fact, you've always been here whenever I've been here. Some kind of crash weight loss course?"

"Something like that, " said Dan.

The man nodded and said, "Yeah, I've seen Greg do it a few times. I'm Caddy by the way. My mother named me Card, Card Nelson and, well, everyone calls me Caddy." He stretched out his hand.

Dan looked at the hand, and then, on another impulse took it, shook it and said, "I'm Dan."

"So Dan, what's the occasion? Got a movie part or something?"

"No, nothing like that. It's ... personal."

"Ahh, sorry I pried," said Caddy.

"It's ok. You weren't to know. I know it's weird, but it's something I have to do."

"I get that," said Caddy, nodding. "We all have our Everest's to climb."

And that was the start of a new friendship. Caddy was in the gym three times a week and they started getting a smoothie at the juice bar at the end of their workouts and talking. They talked movies, actors, books they'd read. It turned out Caddy was an agent, and the moment he heard that, Dan determined he would never tell him he was a writer. This was the first friend Dan had that was worth a lot professionally, and Dan wanted no hint that he was using him. When asked what he did, Dan said he was a 'professional nerd' and that he worked in a comic book store. Caddy accepted that.

Over the next two weeks, they became better friends – Caddy showed Dan pictures of his wife and kids, and explained that they were in France on a European tour right now. Then he invited Dan out for dinner. And Dan went. He had no idea what to expect – a car came and picked him up - and found himself at Morton's Steakhouse in Beverly Hills. The two had a great evening, and Dan even indulged in two glasses of wine, the first alcohol he'd had in months.

After the dinner detritus was cleared away, Caddy sat back and said, "Right, time for a brandy and then you can tell me exactly why you are doing all this exercise?"

Dan was caught. He had just enjoyed an awesome meal – that was going to cost him time on the skiing machine tomorrow - and now he was cornered. The brandy arrived and he took a mouthful and decided What The Fuck. He was going to tell it to Caddy. No one else knew apart from Donnie – it would do him good to talk to someone.

"My wife of years cheated on me," he started.

Caddy nodded and said, "Yeah, I had a feeling it was something like that. You never talk about a wife or girlfriend, but you aren't gay. I see your eyes following some of the hotties at the gym."

"She cheated on me with Greg Hamilton, who runs the gym."

Caddy's eyes widened at that. "Seriously? And you are there, what, to get the skinny on him before you take him to the cleaners?"

Dan looked down and said, "No, not quite. Greg offered me a deal. A way to get back my self respect and loose the weight."

Caddy frowned. "Is this some kind of cuckold thing? You get his services while he gets your wife's?"

"NO." said Dan, forcefully. He was aware other people had looked around at his raised voice, so he lowered it. "No, it was broken off when I walked in on them in New Orleans. He came to me and offered me this. At the end of the training, I get to face him in the ring."

Slowly a large smile wiped itself around Caddy's face. "Dan, I think you need to start at the beginning here. I think there's a hell of a story here."

So Dan did. He told Caddy of his marriage, of June, of the fight, of him going to New Orleans, of the aftermath and of Greg's offer. During it, they had another brandy. Dan shrugged – he wasn't driving so why not.

At the end, Caddy just sat back and said, "Jesus Dan. Fuck me I don't think I could do what you are doing. You so even tempered. I'd have hired someone to take him out by now. And her. It's one HELL of a story."

Dan just smiled back. He was feeling no pain at this point, due to the wine and the brandy.

"In fact, my friend, I wonder if I might have your permission to commission a treatment of this? This is something I could sell to the Hallmark channel, at the very least. Beat down large husband reinvents himself to take back his woman? They'd eat that up."

The smile froze a bit on Dan's face. He sat there, not knowing what to say. Then something Greg said, about opportunities came back. 'Fuck it, ' thought Dan, 'faint heart never fucked a pig.' It was a phrase his father used and Dan had never really understood until now.

"What if I could save you the trouble?" said Dan.

Caddy looked at him, confused. Then his face cleared. "Don't tell me. You're a writer. Of course you are. Everyone in LA who is not an actor wannabe is. Why didn't I see that?"

"Umm ... look, the thing is Caddy, I don't have that many friends. If I had told you I was a writer, you'd have filed me into that group and thought I wanted something from you. I just ... want to hang out. I didn't want you to think that."

Caddy smiled slowly. "Yeah, I can get that. It is an occupational hazard. So, you already have a treatment? Can you send it to me? You have my email address. I'll take a look and ... well Dan, I have to say, I have no idea if you can write or not. I want you to be prepared that I might say 'thanks, but no thanks' and take it to some one else ok? I don't want there to be any implied promises here."

Dan laughed quietly.

Caddy said, "What's so funny?"

"Caddy, I've been in LA for almost eight years. I've never had anyone look at my stuff except to stamp Rejected on it. You just looking at it is more than I've had since I got here. You know it has no ending yet though?"

Caddy sighed. "Well, it might be because it stinks dude. Be aware of that. But if it does, I'm still your friend, ok? As for no ending, well, it will soon, right? Now, no more shop talk. I want to know what you are going to do when you get home."

Dan's smile went sadder and he said, "I honestly don't know. One day at a time. I need to get past the anger first. That colors everything and while the concept of scorched earth is attractive, I need to get past that. I do love her, but I just don't know if I can deal with the sheer betrayal of it all, you know?"

Caddy looked at his friend sympathetically. "You need to get loaded Dan. And thankfully, I am just the man to help"

And so they did. Dan was dropped off at 4:30am and the next day was one of the most painful ones he'd ever had. His head hurt and his body did not want to cooperate. But he struggled through. And during lunch, he emailed his treatment to Caddy.

Caddy didn't reply till that evening and his email was simple.

'This is great. I should have trusted in your ability. There are two questions now. The first is, can I represent you and the second is, is there a script to go with this? – Caddy.'

Dan just looked at the email. It didn't register. Had he just got an agent? It looked like it.

Once it registered, Dan jumped up and danced around, hollering and whooping. After a minute of doing that, he realized how ridiculous he looked, and he just wanted to tell someone, and that brought him up short. The only person he wanted to tell, he couldn't. He just couldn't tell her. And that brought him back down to earth.

He crashed into the easy chair in his apartment and really started to think about the future – how he felt, what he wanted and what his options were. And they weren't happy thoughts.

Two days later, Dan fired off the script he'd written for his experience, - called 'Metamorph' – to Caddy. He'd waited two days to go through the script again, for another pass, adding and tweaking dialog and adding in two new scenes. He was on pins and needles waiting for a response, and he got hit twice in the ring from Greg because his mind wasn't 100% there. Needless to say, after the second belting, he put the script out of his mind and concentrated on trying to beat the snot out of Greg instead.

Instead of Caddy emailing him, Caddy showed up at the gym instead. Dan saw him come in, but was working out on the bags at the time. Forty-five minutes later, Dan was sitting at the juice bar, impatiently waiting for Caddy to join him. When Caddy slipped into the seat next to him, he smiled at Dan and said, "I'll just bet you've been chewing your nails, waiting for me, haven't you?"

Dan just looked at him and Caddy held up his hands, 'Ok ok, it was cruel of me to work out first. But you know all about that. Ok. So here's the deal. The script is good. There are some small issues with it, but frankly, as a first time writer, you've hit the nail on the head. Your script is almost shootable – there aren't too many locations, the characters resonant and there's consistency. I've been talking with the Hallmark Channel on your behalf and they are more than interested. I think they want to buy it – they've certainly been talking that way. However, there are three obstacles. The first is that you need to come to my office and officially sign on the dotted line so I can represent you. The deal is a three-year exclusivity – so you are mine for three years. I get 15% of what I negotiate for you – that's the standard rate – and we also act as agents for any other works you may have. I will also get you work as a scriptwriter on other shows – they are always looking for new views on their stuff. That's the gist of it, anyway – it's all very boilerplate and standard, what we offer all new writers. Assuming you are ok with that, then it's just a question of coming in and signing.

The second is that you are not part of the union, and you have to be. So the way we deal with that is that Hallmark buys the script, gets fined by the union for buying from a non union writer, they – or rather, we – pay the fine and then we apply for membership on the back of the fact you have a script purchased. It gets around the whole catch 22 thing, and it's what we do for everyone. It'll cost you $5k out of you initial earnings and while being a member of the union is necessary to get work, also understand it's a commitment. You have to pay your dues to get the health benefits and all the rest of that. Which are, by the way, extendable to your wife. I don't know if that really matters, just mentioning it.

OK, so those are easily solvable. The third is that the script is incomplete. There's no third act yet. I know that's because you haven't gone through it yet, but without an ending, I can't sell this. Hallmark is hot to trot, but we need that ending. What do you propose?"

Dan was shell-shocked. Everything he'd ever wanted was being presented to him on a plate. Now he had to eat it.

"I can do that. In fact, how about this? How about I give you, oh, three different endings, and they can pick the one they like the best?"

Caddy sat back, considering that. "You can do that? Wow, that's unusual. Normally a writer is so in love with his story and creations that that idea would never fly. The guys at Hallmark will love this, and love you. How soon can you get those done?"

Dan thought hard. "Give me a week?"

"That's awesome. I wish all my scriptwriters could turn stuff around that fast. I'll make some calls tomorrow and we should be able to wrap this deal up in a month. Understand though, selling the script doesn't mean it gets made. But it does mean you get paid."

"Yeah, speaking of that..." said Dan, "umm, not wanting to sound greedy..."

Caddy laughed and nodded to the juice bar attendant and indicated a strawberry/apple smoothie.

"You want to know how much? Ok, lets see ... standard theatrical, non network channel, 90 minutes, that should be ... yeah, the standard WGA rate is about sixty five K."

Dan's eyes widened. "Sixty five thousands??"

"Yeah, but since they've been enthusiastic, we can boost that. I think the top end range is around one hundred and twenty k. I suspect that with a bit of negotiation, you should clear a hundred grand on this."

"A ... hundred... ?" Dan was shaken.

"Dan, you are a professional now. This is what good writers command. Trust me, if this goes the way I think it will, you will be in demand. You'll be asking a lot more of that once you've sold a few scripts and people see what you can do."


"Dan, take a moment. It's all good. It can all fall apart of course, to pour some cold water on all this. But, you've got people in your corner now. You aren't alone; you've got me looking out for you. Now go away and write me some good shit so I can sell it and we all get paid and laid."

Dan looked at Caddy.

"Ok, well, maybe not the last one, although frankly, you could use that too."

The smoothie arrived and Caddy picked it up and said, "Cheers Dan. To the future!" and sucked down a long pull.

Another three weeks went past. Dan cracked a rib in the ring when a bout got particularly nasty. He knew he'd broken the other guys nose, even through the headgear. Even Greg scrambled up into the ring to separate them.

After looking at the other guy, Greg came over to where Dan sat, nursing his left side.

"Hurts like a motherfucker, doesn't it?" he said. Dan nodded.

"What's worse is that there is nothing we can do about it. They don't even tape up broken ribs any more. You just have to suffer through it and take Advil. It's going to be very painful tomorrow, so you have a day off. Come back on Thursday."

Dan nodded, still in pain.

"Oh and Dan. Think about this. You broke that guys nose. Think you could have even thought of doing that when you started?"

It was painful. Dan went back on Thursday and took it very easy. It wasn't long before he was in agony, and Greg sent him to the hot tub. Dan was amazed at how much you used his ribs in almost anything he did. Almost every act was agony for two or three days and he was popping Advil like it was tic-tacs, before it became a dull throb and eventually subsiding. In the meantime Dan polished the script he'd prepared for Caddy and Hallmark, with its three endings. They'd still not decided which ending to pick, and so Dan just polished up all three.

In the mean time, he also started in on something new. An idea he'd had while working out, and he wanted to see if it had any legs.

And then it came. The long email from June. He knew it had been coming since he read the transcript from Megan and June weeks back. He had no idea if he was going to read it when it did arrive, but, of course, he did.

Since then, June had continued to send him texts, never letting up. The emails still came; she'd bought a cat for company, calling it Heinz since it was an orange tabby cat. They had an in-joke regarding Heinz Baked Beans, a British delicacy. When they were at U of W together, they had an English friend who had introduced them to Heinz Baked Beans on toast. They both fell in love with it and bought tins of Heinz Baked Beans whenever they saw them.

She was still working at HBO. They'd started primary shooting on the first episode of War Moments in Italy, and she'd had a few long meetings with Tom Hanks, and been invited out to dinner with Steven Spielberg – one of Hanks' friends – and his wife. She'd declined – regretfully – because her husband wasn't there to escort her. Spielberg had offered a rain check until he returned from his business trip, which is where she'd told him Dan was.

But it was late in the day when the long email came in. Dan could see it on his iPhone, but couldn't get the will up to read it, until he was done for the day, and could read it on his laptop.

He sat down in the little apartment with a smoothie, with vodka added – Greg would have had a fit – and he opened the email.

Dear Dan,

I have no idea if you'll read this, but in the chance that you will, I have to say things. If you don't, well, I'll say them in person to you when I see you. Assuming you come back. Please come back.

I've been seeing someone – a professional psychologist. I was advised that this would be a good idea, since I still don't really know why I did what I did. I needed more background, and so I've been seeing Doctor Bellingham for the past few weeks. Can you believe I found her through yelp? I thought you'd find that funny.

So, according to Doctor Bellingham, I am suffering from a perfect storm of circumstances. Our relationship being where it is – more on that in a moment – being away from home without you for the first time, being over stressed and tired from working too hard and taking on too much too fast, seeing the whole experience as something 'outside' our life together.

I am told by the Doctor that this is somewhat common. Apparently I'm a compartmentalizer. I divide up my life into small separate cases – you may have noticed I don't talk that much about my day to day work life. You've never pried, and I really appreciate that, but apparently it's another example of this on my part. My behavior in New Orleans was another example of this – everything was compartmentalized. What I did there was nothing to do with my life with you in LA. I think I understood this at a conceptual level, but I didn't understand why or how I could think that. Because it just came naturally to me, because of who I am and what I do, I thought everyone was like this. That's why I kept trying to tell you that what happened there had nothing to do with us – it was no reflection on your or our life together.

Of course it wasn't any such thing and of course you'd be hurt and our relationship damaged and it was just my own self defense mechanisms trying to divert the over whelming guilt that was being generated from what I had done. It doesn't really explain why I did it again – or perhaps it does, I don't know. I wish I could ask you what you think.

So you asked me why. According to the Doctor, there are two aspects. One is that I subconsciously felt like I was carrying you in the relationship. I don't want you to read that and think I am trying to blame you – that's not it at all. I'm trying to explain what my brain was doing. I'm a producer – by definition what I do is produce. I make people do their jobs and get it done. But with you, I can't. You are my husband, my partner. I cannot push you in the way I do at work, nor do I want to. But the lack of success you've had bothers me. Again, this is ­not your fault in any way; I know you've tried and LA has just been a closed door to you. I know you have the talent but just can't get that foot in the door. That would be enough to frustrate any man. But it's contrary to who I am. Not only could I not help you because of what our relationship is based on, you made it clear you didn't want me to anyway. I respect that ... well, mostly.

In the interests of honesty, I need to tell you, I have taken some of your stuff to meetings with me. I have tried to get you work, in a way that you'd never know. I just ... had to. It's part of who I am and part of what I need to do for you. I think that, looking back, this was probably more of a hindrance to you than the help I thought I was giving. Too many of the people and producers I was talking to weren't interested in you or your writings – they just wanted me around. In my defense, any time I saw that I broke off whatever negotiations might have been happening, but now I think about it more, I do have to wonder if your name became synonymous with the woman-who-wouldn't-put-out. I don't know but either way, I have to apologize again. There's going to be a lot of that in the future, I suspect.

Anyway. I think that because I wasn't able to be a producer for you, I resented you for that. I think my subconscious thought I was carrying you. Without being personal, I'm sure you can see why I would think that. I doubt anything I am saying is not something you've already thought. I don't mean to try and make you think that the way you are is wrong or incomplete – far from it. I love who you are. I just need you to understand where my animal brain was.

I think that this resentment coupled with my own guilt about what I'd been up to in New Orleans was why I provoked you when I was in LA, and why I was so short with you. None of that you deserved or expected – that was my own fucked up wiring being put on you. I'm sorry my love. I can't say that often enough.

So there's the low level resentment, and then there's the other part that I've been advised is part of my personality make up. I don't honestly buy this on a conscious level, but I'm told it's there and explains part of what I did.

Apparently I have some deep-rooted submission streak. Not a huge one – not anything that makes me need to wear any of those stupid clothes or run around and call any one master or get slapped around or anything like that. Just a need, at times, to have a man tell me what to do. To be, in the words of Doctor Bellingham, 'Firmly Guided'. It's not all the time, and not all the time in a specific situation either – it's not like I need to be sex slave all the time when sex comes up or anything. Just, the more overloaded I get, the more I need this outlet where I am not in control. Where I am told, firmly, but not abusively or arrogantly, what is going to happen. I dunno if I really buy it, but it would explain why I went with Greg in the first place. Not wishing to hurt you, but he is a very masculine man, very firm and very pushy. If you knew him, you'd know what I mean. He's like the ultimate Alpha male, even if he is extremely shallow and has the morals of a skunk.

From what I'm told, I just responded to that in way I wouldn't normally do so, because I was so stressed at the time. I was so in charge during the day, that when I wasn't, it was necessary for my personality to be fulfilled or something. If I'd not been so stressed, and not been far from you and home, in my own little bubble of the world, I'm told it's very unlikely I would have done what I did. Still, I was and I did and I need to fess up to that.

I don't know if that's any comfort to you. For me, I'm not sure I buy into it. I've never consciously felt the need for a man to tell me what to do in the past, but maybe it's something I didn't even know I needed on occasion. Where that leaves us, I don't know. Like I said, I know for a fact that I don't suddenly need a dominant alpha male ordering me around – but perhaps I need more analysis to work out exactly what I do need in those situations. Of course, on your part, you'd not even know that I needed it at the time, especially if I didn't. I don't know. My head is going round in circles and I don't know what to think. I so wish you were here to talk to. You'd know just what to say so I could make sense of it all.

So now I need to apologize. For everything. I tried to before, but I think you thought I was apologizing for getting caught. At the time I probably was. I wasn't even processing everything properly. I know I hurt you, but I was more worried about you being hurt than I was in being responsible for what I'd done. Now you aren't here, I understand even more deeply what I had, what I needed that you gave me – things I didn't even know I needed to the depths that have become very apparent.

I knew I loved you. I didn't always know why, but now I do. You are good person Dan, you need to know that. You did nothing wrong. You made me happy, your supported me in ways I wasn't even aware of, you made me laugh, you made me great food, you respected me and my choices, you made me wet with anticipation and you were (and are?) my partner, my lover, my friend and my husband. You were even more a victim of this than I am, even with the hurt I have now. I deserve it; you do not. You are a good man, a strong man and an understanding man. When you make love to me, you make me quiver. The sex with Greg was good, but it was the newness of it that made it exciting, not what he did to me or the size of his cock or what his body looked like or anything as dumb as that. No one will ever love me the way you do and I despair every day when I realize you may never come home, or if you do, you will not be able to love me again.

I apologize for everything. Particularly for the anal sex episode. You were completely right in what you said. I should have told you it was Greg's suggestion. I just couldn't at the time. I knew you were hurt and I knew I was responsible and I knew that if I told you that, it might send you over the edge, and I just couldn't risk that. They say the truth will set you free – but I just want to be in jail, with you in the same cell.

I'm so sorry for doing that to you. I will point out that I wouldn't give him that until you had it, but that's a poor excuse for what I did and why I did it.

I should say, it was good though. I'd do it again for you in a heartbeat. I don't regret doing it at all, and I hope you don't either. I just regret why.

Since we are talking total honesty, I need you to know I haven't seen Greg again since that night, apart from going to him to see if he might be able to find you when you were gone initially. There was no hint of anything sexual, I just was desperate. He didn't find you and there's been no contact since. You haven't asked but I feel that you should know, we were together four times in total, counting that night you found us. I don't know what you'll do with this information, or if you even want to know, but there it is.

He did get fired from the movie by the way. The next day after you saw us in fact. Although after I talked to them, reading between the lines, I think the production company were ok with that. His work with Justin was already done and he was just sucking up money. Fifty grand extra they didn't have to pay out was fine with them.

Before you left, you asked me how I would make this up to you. How I would rebuild the trust and faith we had. I've been thinking a lot about that and I honestly don't know what to do. The thing is, I cannot make you trust me. I cannot make you have faith in me. All I can do is keep going, not faltering and giving you no reason to doubt me. The trust and faith must come from you. I don't know if the damage I've done will even allow that – that's up to you I'm afraid and yet again I have to say sorry for putting you in that position. I just hope you love me enough to give me that chance. I'm not asking you to forgive me or forget it; I know there's no chance of that and nor should there be. I just want the chance to be the wife I should have been all along. That I was till I fucked it all up. It's up to you really.

Same as Metamorph
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SexAndSubmission London River Anal Graduate

Grad School gets very interesting for student Seth Gamble when the Dean’s Wife, London River gets involved. London is a stunner, Blonde Bombshell, huge tits, long legs, dressed in a tight pink number with black high heels. The Dean’s wife is lounging by the pool when Seth arrives and convinces him to study her body for extra credit. Mrs River thought she was signing up for a quick pussy eating but opens the door for Seth’s dominance. Tied up in tight restrictive rope bondage...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 19

When I did wake up fully, Constance and Roberta were standing over my bed. As I opened my eyes, I found I couldn't properly focus, so other than knowing someone was there, I couldn't tell you anything about them. I tried blinking to see if that would help and things began to swim into focus. "Hello there," I croaked. Renata and Constance spoke at one. "You are awake. The doctor predicted you would rejoin the living almost two days ago, and now you are finally here." Constance was...

1 year ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 16

Donnie finished the paper he knew was due and sat back from his iPad. He would leave it for a few hours and then review what he had written and perform the first edit. Just zoning out for a moment, he thought about his disagreement with Daryl, one of the other members of the SNP focus group. Donnie remembered asking the question who do the banks serve? but now he wondered if a better question might not be what are the banks there to do? "Oh, so we're feeling all deep and philosophical are...

1 year ago
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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Splendor in the Grass Tuesday morning, September 23, we had only enough time to spend half an hour exploring each other in the park, on the grass, hidden from public view by several bushes and trees, before we went to work. And that same day, we met for lunch, too. That night, I wrote: “Thank you for the wonderful, brief and tender few moments we had in our special, secluded spot in the park among the bushes this morning, as you focused on MY bush. Lying under you on the grass as...

3 years ago
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Learning To Be A Slut

"We expect your complete surrender and submission. You have agreed to become a sex slave and you remain one until we release you. For the duration of your time here you will do what we say, accept what we do to you, and cooperate eagerly. At times you may be bound and gagged. Your permission will not be required." I listened to these instructions in a state of fear and excitement. Maria, one of the other women in the room and a friend, was not new to this. It was she who had...

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Meri pyaari kunwari behnon, Mera naam Nagma hai. Aaj main aapko meri kahani batati hoon. Yeh meri zindagi ki sachi kahani hai. Aap log yauvan ke dahleej par kadam rakhte hi zindagi ke haseen anubhavon ke barey mein rangeen sapne dekhna shuru kar diye honge. Aise sapne maine bhi dekhi thi jab mein 18 saal ki ho gai thi. Meri janam ek madhyam vargiya parivar mein hui. Mere pitaji kisi sarkari company ke daftar mein choti si post par kaam karte the. Maa ek ache ghar se thi lekin sampradaya aur...

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I Pushed My Wife Into The Arms Of Another Man================================================================================“ I couldn’t believe what I had done. I was really stupid!“ I thought out loud.Lets go back a few months ago when this story started. My TARA and I are in our early 40’s and hadbeen together for 20 years. I had been my wife’s only partner and things were good between us. Oneday out of the blue I decided I wanted more out of life so I just moved out of our home and into...

1 year ago
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Summer With My Busty Mallu Vallyemma

Hi friends. My name is Rajeev and I am from Kerala. This is a fantasy work of mine about how I fucked my sex goddess Vallyemma (father’s elder sister-in-law). She is a busty lady around 55. Her husband owns a small hotel nearby. Her husband, my vallyechan is a workaholic guy. They stay near my home, just walkable distance. Vallyemma has a daughter and son, both are married and settled away. This story happens one year back, when her son came home on a vacation with his family including his...

3 years ago
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Sophia Bushs Dressing Room Disaster

It was a wet and windy day on the set of one tree hill, the cast and crew were filming a cheerleader catfight scene between the sometimes friends and rivals Rachel Gattina and Brooke Davis - played by Danneel Harris and Sophia Bush.The girls where rolling around on the ground pulling hair and ripping at each others uniforms... for the past 10 minutes, when the director yelled "CUT" that's a wrap for the day. About fuckin time screamed Sophia i'm fuckin freezing as she stormed off to her...

2 years ago
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In Bed With Nargis

  This happened when I was 19 years old. Mine is a true experience which I will recount now. I was in my second year of college. There was a female named Nargis of 35 year as our neighbour living alongwith her mother. She was a widow. She was working in a private college as lecturer for maths as she was a post graduate. She had a very nice structure with firm boobs. I had a very good friendly relationship with her. She would do all the work at home & I would often help her at work at...

1 year ago
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Always Faithful Chapter Seven

“You had sex with Greg again today; I thought I could taste him when we kissed. I could really taste him just now, licking your pussy.” “Yes, I did have sex. We left work early, I went to his place. We did it twice.” “I was sure, at least once. I could taste him in you; I could taste you with Greg.” Laura heard their code phrase, “You liked it, didn’t you?” Dan didn’t respond. “There should be plenty still inside me, Greg gave me a lot today. Come stick your dick in me, into the hot pool Greg...

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Saturday Afternoon Tea

My bedroom is decorated tastefully with beautiful rich black furniture, black drapes and champagne colored carpet. I take a lot of pride in how my home is kept and while it gets messy from time to time, I attempt to keep things up. I had been cleaning all day one Saturday while my husband was away in class. I decided to run to the grocery to get something to cook for dinner. While perusing up the seafood aisle, I ran across an old friend, Michelle, I hadnt seen her in years. She looked good, we...

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LegaciesChapter 10 DC Contingent Scheduled Visit Preparations for Visit

Our morning jog had now been joined by all including the General and the Doctor well as the new pilot, who had been readily accepted and integrated into the group. Of course we were accompanied by our security detail which created quite a procession as we wound down our ever changing route. Fortunately today the sky was overcast which held down the temperature to a tolerable level. Now, even the laggards were finishing the five mile circuit in time for breakfast. This gave everyone a feeling...

1 year ago
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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband

My life had become miserable. It had taken two years of marriage for it to happen, but it had become much worse in the past few months. The worst part about it was that it was clear that my sweet wife’s life had also become miserable and that she thought it was my fault. And maybe it was, but I didn’t know why. I suspected it was because I’m a miserable example of a man and she deserves better. I’m a lousy lover. I have a tiny dick and I come too quickly. Even if I lasted longer, I don’t have...

2 years ago
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The JAG Crew Gets It OnChapter 5

Harriet wanted to experience her first sexual encounter with the luscious Mac in her own bed, there where she and Bud fucked whenever they were having a good hot lusty sexy coupling as husband and wife. She could have led Mac to the couch there in the family room and anywhere in the house, but Harriet wanted to do it there in her bed. Mac went along with her quite willingly as Harriet led her by the hand. They were like two teenaged girls getting ready for their first girl-girl bisexual...

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First Kiss 4 ndash Fillow 1

B.t.V.S. - First Kiss 4 – Fillow #1"Look, Red, all I was saying is B needs to chill out, okay? I ain't no leader," Faith grumbled as she paced back and forth in Buffy's room. Willow was sitting on the bed, watching."Buffy's been going crazy with everything, Faith. No one wants to listen to her anymore, because we're not getting anything done and we keep losing Potentials. We need to make some headway if we're going to have any chance of beating the First. You can help us with that. Buffy just...

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The Chair Shoppe

The Chair Shoppe 1-4 Part 1Kevin, along with several others young men, stood nervously while guests at the Hotel filtered into lobby where all the Shoppes were.The first floor housed different Shoppes catering to the special items only found on the Femina Islands.A PantyPets Shoppe, but unlike the others on Merchants Road, it dealt in very exclusive & expensive panties. Made from silks & other exotic...

1 year ago
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Date with sexy Cheryl Cole

Your at home looking at pictures of Cheryl Cole, the English beauty from Newcastle. She has been in the public eye since she won a competition called Popstars the Rivals. She was going up against other girls for the chance to be in a girlband, there were five chances to get into the band and Cheryl won one of them. Ever since then she and her Girls Aloud bandmates have been lusted for by every man in the UK. While looking at a particular picture of Cheryl, one that you really like, there is a...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 99

Present – Jens, Ben and others – The trip The twins no sooner finish talking with Alexi when Gretchen says, “Jens, Liz wants to talk to you.” I ask Liz, “How are you feeling mother-to-be?” Liz frantically replies, “Jens I’m ... I’m ... I’m going a little crazy because Bernie has our wedding setup for three days from now.” I congratulate her, “Liz, that’s great news, I’m impressed that Bernie did everything himself.” Liz confesses, “Well, he did hire a wedding planner but there’s a huge...

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One Hell of a Storm

Karl lay in his bed covered by only a thin cotton sheet.   It was too warm in the Mediterranean summer to wear anything for sleeping beneath the sheet.   Indeed, it was too warm for him to sleep at all so he lay there, thinking about the 3 days so far of his holiday.   Or rather, he thought about Chrissie, with whom he had been staying for those 3 days. In truth, he knew very little about her.   She was at least 12 years older than him because she had told him she wouldn’t see her fortieth...

Straight Sex
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A TS Friend Part 3

I went home drained after unloading so much of myself into Kim in the SUV. I had said goodbye to her at her door and was driving home. I got home at a decent hour and went to bed. The following day at work, I could only think about how wild a time we had together and began fantasizing about the whole affair when my cell phone went off. Amazingly enough, it was Kim sending me a text inviting me to her place that evening for a barbecue and to sit around the pool in her backyard. After work I went...

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First Time For SisterChapter 9

Hanson Allen put his feet up on the railing of the porch and sipped the iced tea his mama had just handed him. He was wondering whether or not he should bother borrowing his dad's pickup to drive to Elsie Shelton's that night. What he really wanted to do was see Billie-Ann Wheeler, but almost a week had passed since he'd given her the books at Basset's Pond and there'd been no sign of her either at the pond or walking the dusty roads. It was a pretty sure bet she'd decided not to go...

2 years ago
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A Week to Remember Ch 02

Laying here in a semiconscious state, I remember the dream about meeting Helen for the first time. As I slowly wake, I feel her back against my chest and my arm draped across her sleeping body. A smile comes to my lips as I realize that this is really happening. I rise up propping my head on my elbow as I watch her sleep. She is so beautiful and peaceful as she lay there softly breathing. As much as I hate to wake her, I can’t resist the urge to touch her. My fingers slowly and softly move up...

1 year ago
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Soiled Sheets

Sit down. We’re gonna have us a talk. I thought your ma and pa raised you better. You do not go ‘round laughing at someone carrying sheets all covered in piss, asking if they done wet the bed. What if the answer were yes? Your gramma and I are getting on in years. Controlling your body ain’t always easy when you get old. You can’t go ‘round shaming folks for things they can’t help. Course I reckon I know better than just yellin’ at you. yellin’ just gets folks all riled up and digging in...

4 years ago
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HootersChapter 4

Arriving at Cheekay's residence, they greeted Cheekay-la; and were ushered into the dining area where Cheekay-la had prepared a feast. The low table was bowing slightly, groaning under the weight. Small, lush pillows provide a place to sit or recline by the table. They had to ask what many of the delicious dishes were, but one was easy to figure out -- small powdered wheat cakes-something like silver dollar pancakes, which they then topped with fruit, and honey. Another was a slow cooked...

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The Landlords Protg Pt 01

Five parts, all finished. Storeys: 1st floor (UK) = 2nd Floor (US), Ground Floor (UK) = 1st Floor (US). Some lifts (elevators?) in Britain are numbered 0 (Ground) upwards, and some according to US numbering. Makes life fun for us! All characters in sexual situations are over eighteen. ***** Chapter One The slim young woman was sitting on the carpet of the lounge in her first floor, one bedroom flat, playing with her three year old daughter when they were both startled by a loud hammering...

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About sexual fidelity

Whenever you meet a girl looking for a boyfriend they will almost always tell you:“I demand fidelity from my partner. It’s on the top of my priority list”OK, fine with me. The problem is that most of the women demanding sexual fidelity are not giving their men the counterpart. As soon as the relation start to get old, they start to hold back on the only thing that guarantee that fidelity: SexWhat man would cheat on a woman who:Blows his man on a regular basis.Plays with his cum and drink it...

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300 Miles on the Erin Canal

CapturedTaking one last sip of her rum & Coke, heavy on the rum, Erin handed the stack of paperwork to the tall man sitting next to her at the “Down & Dirty Dalliances” meet and greet.  As she handed the papers over the man confirmed: “And you are sure you want to do this?” Erin steeled her shoulders and looked him square in the eye responding, “Yes Sir, what is life without a little adventure now and then?” Feeling everyone's eyes on her made her nervous and it was getting late, so with her...

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My mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi everyone am Rajeev, 21 year old guy, a student, living in Pune, Maharashtra. I am a great fan of ISS; especially i like the Incest stories that are posted here. Thank u guys for sharing your awesome experiences. It really turns me on. I would like to know u all out here. I m open to all kind of relationship with ladies of all age group. Please do mail me at my Email id: secrecy and Good relationship is promised, waiting to hear from u all. Mom! The...

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Shandya 1

The year was 2004, I was in college and like most college going boys of my time, i was shy, timid but high on hormones. Internet was a new thing for us and computer was more of a novelty than necessity. My father worked as a financially adviser so we had the luxury of a computer at home. Cyber cafe was a cool place to hangout then, friends meet and discuss all random, topical things. Some of my friends discovered porn and we used to surf hours looking at models in hot outfits. Downloading a...

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First Lesbian Encounter With My Irish Neighbor on

Maureen and I had been lesbian lovers for going on three years now. As crazy as this seems we met at a PTA meeting and became friends. She had just moved here from Ireland and knew no one, but for some strange reason Maureen and I had a special attraction to each other almost instantly. We were both happily married to two great guys. We had money, nice houses, new cars and were “good girl” suburban house wives with five k**s between us. Who would guess that today we were madly in love with each...

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New friends 3 Bens stay

I got a call during the day on Thursday to say would it be ok for Ben to arrive tomorrow as he was having the materials delivered on the Friday and needed to be on site, plus would need to get some prep work done on the Saturday morning. Sam was visiting their daughter so he would be alone. I said it wouldn’t be a problem. When I got home and told Chris, she went about tidying up the spare room and making the bed for him. By the time I got home on Friday Ben had arrived, his van was parked...

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My Box pt7

''Tony, I was finishing all the closi...'' he stopped me mid sentence. ''Shut the fuck up , get yo shit. We fenna take you home,'' he started gathering my things ''Why you so mad,'' I said getting my stuff. ''If this shit go right this will be my first child, now do you think I want my child and my girl in bad health?'' I looked over and saw that Mr. Big Fella was standing behind him. ''I can take myself home if you gon' have a attitude,'' I started walking off he...

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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 4

"Ohh fuck... Sarah..." he whispers. She crawls up to him, and kisses him softly on the lips. "Mmmm..." She pulls away, and brings her mouth to his ear. "I set my alarm," she whispers, "we can do whatever we want." She sits up, and gently rocks her hips, rubbing herself against Steve's crotch. "Ohh god..." Steve moans. Sarah looked so hot. She was wearing just her panties, and a thin shirt. Her young, petite body sat on top of him, with her legs wrapped around either side. Her...

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 10

Mary laid back on the couch, relaxing after her shower, she had turned on the television and thought about calling the Agency to let Gerald know about the contract he would have to finalize for her, then she thought about Rollie and the date she had with him tomorrow night. He told her he would love to have her come over to his house, so she could get used to him. She had laughed when he told her that, because she knew what he meant. It was an idea that she enjoyed. Mary got up and walked to...

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Giving Tuitions To My Sisters

This incident occurred when I was in post graduate college. I had to take a room nearby my college and I was not interested to stay in boys hostel. My parents feared I may be addicted to drugs, smoking or alcoholism. They arranged a small room at my father’s friends friend. The room was small but it was quite enough for my PC, table a cot. Daily I used to get up early and get freshen up and go to college and back from college on time and my daily time pass was studying or browsing the net. My...

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My First Gay Experience

Well, the site people sort of lost my first gay experience story and can’t upload it again coz I don’t have backup for that but I will tell u about it in concise. My gay experiences started when my neighbor tried to molest me. He was teenager then. But, later on I realized that gay sex is good for me. I started liking it. For that matter, my first victim was my same neighbor’s younger brother, Anu. We used to play together. Once I asked him if he wants to play doctor-doctor (nice name of game...

Gay Male
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Incredible ChangesChapter 384 Routines

I’m okay with that way more than you can imagine. The girl found her uniform clothes laid out on the bed next to where I had some slightly dressy shorts and a button-down shirt for me. She was funny, though. I couldn’t use a towel to dry between her legs, but she was fine asking me to use some scissors to cut back all the hairs on both sides of her gash. They made her uncomfortable because they curled into her split to poke her like a whisk broom. I don’t need the place in my head to...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 591

Compliments of Loyal Reader ... yes I know a couple could be repeats... We went to breakfast at a restaurant where the “seniors’ special” was two eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for $1.99. “Sounds good,” my wife said. “But I don’t want the eggs.” “Then I’ll have to charge you two dollars and forty-nine cents because you’re ordering a la carte,” the waitress warned her. “You mean I’d have to pay for not taking the eggs?” My wife asked incredulously. “I’ll take the special.” “How do...

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My Sexual Journey ndash Part 3College Hottie cumonm

Sexual teases and talks with my hot college classmate came to a point where I couldn't control myself from fucking her and lose my virginity. Read what happened.Then came Friday, I and my beautiful engineering college classmate cumonmesus were on a video call and as usual, she was wearing a green sare and top a golden color blouse which barely covered her boobs and down below, she was wearing a black bra and a red panty. It was obvious she was looking so sexy...i saw her on this saree on my clg...

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At Risk

At Risk By Cal Y. Pygia Diane was proud to be a shemale. She loved having a beautiful face; long, silken hair; fabulous breasts; a firm, flat tummy; functioning male genitals; long, shapely legs; and firm, compact buttocks. She loved wearing makeup and dressing in fancy, frilly clothes. She also loved the way men ogled her and women--some women, at least--envied her. A few, she was sure, were even attracted to her sexually. Most of all, she liked the incongruity of having a woman's...

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POV Briana Banderas Lola Taylor Lets pick up a whore in Moscow

Briana and I wake up to some bad news from the pornstar we were going to work with today because she’s not gonna make it. My wife – who’s incredibly smart – and, also, can speak Russian, takes her phone and calls a few friends until she finally gets an understudy in less than five minutes. Her name is Lola and she likes to say that she’s a whore precisely because her name is Lola. Awesome! A pornstar and a whore? We couldn’t ask for more for a Cumlouder...

2 years ago
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Movie Theater

I, although always horny, am usually too scared to have sex in a public place. That being said, the idea of exhibitionism has always been a huge turnon for me. My boyfriend, Leon, is a total badass, and completely hilarious. He’s not afraid of anything, which is something I love about him. He makes me more open to trying crazy shit. Which is why, that Friday night two weeks ago, I was surprised to hear him ask me if I wanted to go see a movie. It seemed too normal, too tame, I knew something...

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Blood Vengeance

Note: This story takes place in a fantasy world, with humans, elves, orcs, giants, centaurs, minotaurs and more. It also revolves heavily around feminization and "sissification" of people who previously identified as men, largely in the context of relationships between humans of different races, or between stereotypically "fairer" and more "savage species". It could involve impregnation of former men, castration, and other topics that some people might not find appealing. If extreme...

2 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 51

It has been a couple since the return trip. Things at work are going smoothly as Alan works to transition into the life of retirement. He hasn’t yet told anyone of this. Selling his business will be quick so there is no rush. What the trick is going to be is finding the prefect ranch. Already he has several lined up. He didn’t even tell Kennedy when he spoke to her briefly and set up a meeting time later in the week. Right now, none of it matters. He has had another wonderful night with...

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Candys Night Out

I was sitting in the living room staring out the window when the car pulled into the drive at three o'clock in the morning. Had she done it? Had she actually gone out and fulfilled my fantasy? Had she really made love with another man, or had she just sat in a lounge somewhere sipping on a drink and waiting for last call and closing time? I would soon know. It had been a fairly quick thing, everything happening in the space of three days. I'd had the fantasy of her fucking another man for...

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Nina In America

I sat at baggage claim, logged into CHYOA like an idiot. I had wanted to write more, but instead I was reading Nina's Adventures by Inked. My manhood raged inside of my jeans as I waited. I couldn't go to the bathroom because the flight would land any minute. As if on cue, the arrival/departure board flipped to show the plane I had been waiting on had landed. My guest was here. I stood up holding a sign that said LeoKnowsBest. Even still, I noticed her before she noticed me. She had on rock...

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Boob Job

In the winter of 2019 my best friend, RaeAnn decided to get her nipples pierced, a significant event for the girl who had the biggest tits in our high school class. She asked me to go with her. So we set out for the piercing parlor, Raul's Of Salem, up Route 28 past Rockingham Park just over the Massachusetts line. We talked to several very pleasant artists, any one of whom could have been Raul himself. She decided to go ahead and I stayed beside her while it was done. When it was over Rae was...

1 year ago
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Extracurricular Play

He wraps his arms around my waist sliding his hand up my chest, cupping my breast and squeezing as he whispers huskily into my ear, "I'm desperate for you." I grin as I wrap an arm around him, bending backward over his desk a little so that our hips press together as I lick the shell of his ear, nuzzling his cheek with my own. He exhales deeply as his hand runs through my curly hair, pulling me close to him. I feel stark pleasure coarse through my body as he rests his other hand on my bare...

Erotic Fiction
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The Perfect Pieces Ch 03

Author’s note: Chapter 3 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 03 ‘ ‘Steal Your Face!’ ‘ Amber announced happily, looking up at the round window near the apex of east side of the roof. She wasn’t lying about liking the Grateful Dead. I had filled the window with a frivolous stained glass ode to The Dead. A purple and red skull with a lightning bolt across the top. It was from the mid-70s album that Amber so accurately named. ‘It fits, doesn’t it,’ I...

4 years ago
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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 13 Thanksgiving Dinner Part 2

In all the furniture shifting, the coffee table had been pushed against the wall directly below Mum’s painting. That made it difficult for me to retreat to my favorite place – but not impossible. I sat on the coffee table and slid back to lean my back against the wall. I kicked off my shoes and crossed my legs inside my skirt. Carefully I smoothed out my skirt and made sure that it draped down to completely cover my legs, my ankles and my feet. The material of my skirt stretched between my...

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