MetamorphChapter 4 free porn video

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The weeks turned into months. Dan was wearing tracksuits almost exclusively now, since he was losing weight and his waist size decreasing. He'd started out at a forty-four, and now, nine weeks in, he was now a forty. He was pretty proud of that. He was still large and had a belly, but he also now had shoulder muscles, the first time in his life. His biceps and triceps were growing and getting harder. His legs looked great.

The boxing was really taking off. The two sparring partners he had were still trying to take his head off, but they were now a lot more respectful of his reach and his power. In any given practice, he could land hits on them and sometimes make it count. He'd already knocked both of them down during sparring and he felt pretty good about that.

Unfortunately, what it meant was that they were just getting more vicious. Since they didn't already know they could take him on any more, they were getting nastier with their punches. He got an elbow in the face at one point that had blood streaming out of his nose. A few times he had kidney punches that were very painful. Greg saw it and did nothing about it, and Dan just shrugged and figured that if he could deal with this, he could deal with anything in the real world.

Whenever he could, Dan got Greg himself up into the ring to spar. He figured Greg got to watch him spar and see his weak spots; it was only fair that he got to see some of Greg's. Dan had never lost sight of that end match. He wanted all the information he could possibly get.

Something else happened one morning. Dan was waiting to use the leg squat machine in the gym one evening, and he noticed it was being used – by the same guy who had called him a butterball that one time. Dan just went over and sat on a machine opposite and just waited, quietly, drinking water. He could see the man had noticed him and was trying to catch his eye. Dan just wasn't interested in another confrontation, and after waiting for five minutes got up to leave.

The man suddenly finished his exercise and sat and said, "Hey ... don't go. I'm almost done."

Dan looked at him and decided on impulse to wait it out.

The man said, "Hey look. I think – no, I know – the last time we encountered each other I was unpardonably rude. I ... look, I need to apologize. I was having a really bad day – well, week, actually – and you just got in the firing line. I'm sorry I was rude."

Dan honestly didn't know what to say. No one apologized to him. He didn't know what the next move was, so he said, "Umm, sure, I guess."

The man looked at him and said, "I've seen you around here a lot recently. In fact, you've always been here whenever I've been here. Some kind of crash weight loss course?"

"Something like that, " said Dan.

The man nodded and said, "Yeah, I've seen Greg do it a few times. I'm Caddy by the way. My mother named me Card, Card Nelson and, well, everyone calls me Caddy." He stretched out his hand.

Dan looked at the hand, and then, on another impulse took it, shook it and said, "I'm Dan."

"So Dan, what's the occasion? Got a movie part or something?"

"No, nothing like that. It's ... personal."

"Ahh, sorry I pried," said Caddy.

"It's ok. You weren't to know. I know it's weird, but it's something I have to do."

"I get that," said Caddy, nodding. "We all have our Everest's to climb."

And that was the start of a new friendship. Caddy was in the gym three times a week and they started getting a smoothie at the juice bar at the end of their workouts and talking. They talked movies, actors, books they'd read. It turned out Caddy was an agent, and the moment he heard that, Dan determined he would never tell him he was a writer. This was the first friend Dan had that was worth a lot professionally, and Dan wanted no hint that he was using him. When asked what he did, Dan said he was a 'professional nerd' and that he worked in a comic book store. Caddy accepted that.

Over the next two weeks, they became better friends – Caddy showed Dan pictures of his wife and kids, and explained that they were in France on a European tour right now. Then he invited Dan out for dinner. And Dan went. He had no idea what to expect – a car came and picked him up - and found himself at Morton's Steakhouse in Beverly Hills. The two had a great evening, and Dan even indulged in two glasses of wine, the first alcohol he'd had in months.

After the dinner detritus was cleared away, Caddy sat back and said, "Right, time for a brandy and then you can tell me exactly why you are doing all this exercise?"

Dan was caught. He had just enjoyed an awesome meal – that was going to cost him time on the skiing machine tomorrow - and now he was cornered. The brandy arrived and he took a mouthful and decided What The Fuck. He was going to tell it to Caddy. No one else knew apart from Donnie – it would do him good to talk to someone.

"My wife of years cheated on me," he started.

Caddy nodded and said, "Yeah, I had a feeling it was something like that. You never talk about a wife or girlfriend, but you aren't gay. I see your eyes following some of the hotties at the gym."

"She cheated on me with Greg Hamilton, who runs the gym."

Caddy's eyes widened at that. "Seriously? And you are there, what, to get the skinny on him before you take him to the cleaners?"

Dan looked down and said, "No, not quite. Greg offered me a deal. A way to get back my self respect and loose the weight."

Caddy frowned. "Is this some kind of cuckold thing? You get his services while he gets your wife's?"

"NO." said Dan, forcefully. He was aware other people had looked around at his raised voice, so he lowered it. "No, it was broken off when I walked in on them in New Orleans. He came to me and offered me this. At the end of the training, I get to face him in the ring."

Slowly a large smile wiped itself around Caddy's face. "Dan, I think you need to start at the beginning here. I think there's a hell of a story here."

So Dan did. He told Caddy of his marriage, of June, of the fight, of him going to New Orleans, of the aftermath and of Greg's offer. During it, they had another brandy. Dan shrugged – he wasn't driving so why not.

At the end, Caddy just sat back and said, "Jesus Dan. Fuck me I don't think I could do what you are doing. You so even tempered. I'd have hired someone to take him out by now. And her. It's one HELL of a story."

Dan just smiled back. He was feeling no pain at this point, due to the wine and the brandy.

"In fact, my friend, I wonder if I might have your permission to commission a treatment of this? This is something I could sell to the Hallmark channel, at the very least. Beat down large husband reinvents himself to take back his woman? They'd eat that up."

The smile froze a bit on Dan's face. He sat there, not knowing what to say. Then something Greg said, about opportunities came back. 'Fuck it, ' thought Dan, 'faint heart never fucked a pig.' It was a phrase his father used and Dan had never really understood until now.

"What if I could save you the trouble?" said Dan.

Caddy looked at him, confused. Then his face cleared. "Don't tell me. You're a writer. Of course you are. Everyone in LA who is not an actor wannabe is. Why didn't I see that?"

"Umm ... look, the thing is Caddy, I don't have that many friends. If I had told you I was a writer, you'd have filed me into that group and thought I wanted something from you. I just ... want to hang out. I didn't want you to think that."

Caddy smiled slowly. "Yeah, I can get that. It is an occupational hazard. So, you already have a treatment? Can you send it to me? You have my email address. I'll take a look and ... well Dan, I have to say, I have no idea if you can write or not. I want you to be prepared that I might say 'thanks, but no thanks' and take it to some one else ok? I don't want there to be any implied promises here."

Dan laughed quietly.

Caddy said, "What's so funny?"

"Caddy, I've been in LA for almost eight years. I've never had anyone look at my stuff except to stamp Rejected on it. You just looking at it is more than I've had since I got here. You know it has no ending yet though?"

Caddy sighed. "Well, it might be because it stinks dude. Be aware of that. But if it does, I'm still your friend, ok? As for no ending, well, it will soon, right? Now, no more shop talk. I want to know what you are going to do when you get home."

Dan's smile went sadder and he said, "I honestly don't know. One day at a time. I need to get past the anger first. That colors everything and while the concept of scorched earth is attractive, I need to get past that. I do love her, but I just don't know if I can deal with the sheer betrayal of it all, you know?"

Caddy looked at his friend sympathetically. "You need to get loaded Dan. And thankfully, I am just the man to help"

And so they did. Dan was dropped off at 4:30am and the next day was one of the most painful ones he'd ever had. His head hurt and his body did not want to cooperate. But he struggled through. And during lunch, he emailed his treatment to Caddy.

Caddy didn't reply till that evening and his email was simple.

'This is great. I should have trusted in your ability. There are two questions now. The first is, can I represent you and the second is, is there a script to go with this? – Caddy.'

Dan just looked at the email. It didn't register. Had he just got an agent? It looked like it.

Once it registered, Dan jumped up and danced around, hollering and whooping. After a minute of doing that, he realized how ridiculous he looked, and he just wanted to tell someone, and that brought him up short. The only person he wanted to tell, he couldn't. He just couldn't tell her. And that brought him back down to earth.

He crashed into the easy chair in his apartment and really started to think about the future – how he felt, what he wanted and what his options were. And they weren't happy thoughts.

Two days later, Dan fired off the script he'd written for his experience, - called 'Metamorph' – to Caddy. He'd waited two days to go through the script again, for another pass, adding and tweaking dialog and adding in two new scenes. He was on pins and needles waiting for a response, and he got hit twice in the ring from Greg because his mind wasn't 100% there. Needless to say, after the second belting, he put the script out of his mind and concentrated on trying to beat the snot out of Greg instead.

Instead of Caddy emailing him, Caddy showed up at the gym instead. Dan saw him come in, but was working out on the bags at the time. Forty-five minutes later, Dan was sitting at the juice bar, impatiently waiting for Caddy to join him. When Caddy slipped into the seat next to him, he smiled at Dan and said, "I'll just bet you've been chewing your nails, waiting for me, haven't you?"

Dan just looked at him and Caddy held up his hands, 'Ok ok, it was cruel of me to work out first. But you know all about that. Ok. So here's the deal. The script is good. There are some small issues with it, but frankly, as a first time writer, you've hit the nail on the head. Your script is almost shootable – there aren't too many locations, the characters resonant and there's consistency. I've been talking with the Hallmark Channel on your behalf and they are more than interested. I think they want to buy it – they've certainly been talking that way. However, there are three obstacles. The first is that you need to come to my office and officially sign on the dotted line so I can represent you. The deal is a three-year exclusivity – so you are mine for three years. I get 15% of what I negotiate for you – that's the standard rate – and we also act as agents for any other works you may have. I will also get you work as a scriptwriter on other shows – they are always looking for new views on their stuff. That's the gist of it, anyway – it's all very boilerplate and standard, what we offer all new writers. Assuming you are ok with that, then it's just a question of coming in and signing.

The second is that you are not part of the union, and you have to be. So the way we deal with that is that Hallmark buys the script, gets fined by the union for buying from a non union writer, they – or rather, we – pay the fine and then we apply for membership on the back of the fact you have a script purchased. It gets around the whole catch 22 thing, and it's what we do for everyone. It'll cost you $5k out of you initial earnings and while being a member of the union is necessary to get work, also understand it's a commitment. You have to pay your dues to get the health benefits and all the rest of that. Which are, by the way, extendable to your wife. I don't know if that really matters, just mentioning it.

OK, so those are easily solvable. The third is that the script is incomplete. There's no third act yet. I know that's because you haven't gone through it yet, but without an ending, I can't sell this. Hallmark is hot to trot, but we need that ending. What do you propose?"

Dan was shell-shocked. Everything he'd ever wanted was being presented to him on a plate. Now he had to eat it.

"I can do that. In fact, how about this? How about I give you, oh, three different endings, and they can pick the one they like the best?"

Caddy sat back, considering that. "You can do that? Wow, that's unusual. Normally a writer is so in love with his story and creations that that idea would never fly. The guys at Hallmark will love this, and love you. How soon can you get those done?"

Dan thought hard. "Give me a week?"

"That's awesome. I wish all my scriptwriters could turn stuff around that fast. I'll make some calls tomorrow and we should be able to wrap this deal up in a month. Understand though, selling the script doesn't mean it gets made. But it does mean you get paid."

"Yeah, speaking of that..." said Dan, "umm, not wanting to sound greedy..."

Caddy laughed and nodded to the juice bar attendant and indicated a strawberry/apple smoothie.

"You want to know how much? Ok, lets see ... standard theatrical, non network channel, 90 minutes, that should be ... yeah, the standard WGA rate is about sixty five K."

Dan's eyes widened. "Sixty five thousands??"

"Yeah, but since they've been enthusiastic, we can boost that. I think the top end range is around one hundred and twenty k. I suspect that with a bit of negotiation, you should clear a hundred grand on this."

"A ... hundred... ?" Dan was shaken.

"Dan, you are a professional now. This is what good writers command. Trust me, if this goes the way I think it will, you will be in demand. You'll be asking a lot more of that once you've sold a few scripts and people see what you can do."


"Dan, take a moment. It's all good. It can all fall apart of course, to pour some cold water on all this. But, you've got people in your corner now. You aren't alone; you've got me looking out for you. Now go away and write me some good shit so I can sell it and we all get paid and laid."

Dan looked at Caddy.

"Ok, well, maybe not the last one, although frankly, you could use that too."

The smoothie arrived and Caddy picked it up and said, "Cheers Dan. To the future!" and sucked down a long pull.

Another three weeks went past. Dan cracked a rib in the ring when a bout got particularly nasty. He knew he'd broken the other guys nose, even through the headgear. Even Greg scrambled up into the ring to separate them.

After looking at the other guy, Greg came over to where Dan sat, nursing his left side.

"Hurts like a motherfucker, doesn't it?" he said. Dan nodded.

"What's worse is that there is nothing we can do about it. They don't even tape up broken ribs any more. You just have to suffer through it and take Advil. It's going to be very painful tomorrow, so you have a day off. Come back on Thursday."

Dan nodded, still in pain.

"Oh and Dan. Think about this. You broke that guys nose. Think you could have even thought of doing that when you started?"

It was painful. Dan went back on Thursday and took it very easy. It wasn't long before he was in agony, and Greg sent him to the hot tub. Dan was amazed at how much you used his ribs in almost anything he did. Almost every act was agony for two or three days and he was popping Advil like it was tic-tacs, before it became a dull throb and eventually subsiding. In the meantime Dan polished the script he'd prepared for Caddy and Hallmark, with its three endings. They'd still not decided which ending to pick, and so Dan just polished up all three.

In the mean time, he also started in on something new. An idea he'd had while working out, and he wanted to see if it had any legs.

And then it came. The long email from June. He knew it had been coming since he read the transcript from Megan and June weeks back. He had no idea if he was going to read it when it did arrive, but, of course, he did.

Since then, June had continued to send him texts, never letting up. The emails still came; she'd bought a cat for company, calling it Heinz since it was an orange tabby cat. They had an in-joke regarding Heinz Baked Beans, a British delicacy. When they were at U of W together, they had an English friend who had introduced them to Heinz Baked Beans on toast. They both fell in love with it and bought tins of Heinz Baked Beans whenever they saw them.

She was still working at HBO. They'd started primary shooting on the first episode of War Moments in Italy, and she'd had a few long meetings with Tom Hanks, and been invited out to dinner with Steven Spielberg – one of Hanks' friends – and his wife. She'd declined – regretfully – because her husband wasn't there to escort her. Spielberg had offered a rain check until he returned from his business trip, which is where she'd told him Dan was.

But it was late in the day when the long email came in. Dan could see it on his iPhone, but couldn't get the will up to read it, until he was done for the day, and could read it on his laptop.

He sat down in the little apartment with a smoothie, with vodka added – Greg would have had a fit – and he opened the email.

Dear Dan,

I have no idea if you'll read this, but in the chance that you will, I have to say things. If you don't, well, I'll say them in person to you when I see you. Assuming you come back. Please come back.

I've been seeing someone – a professional psychologist. I was advised that this would be a good idea, since I still don't really know why I did what I did. I needed more background, and so I've been seeing Doctor Bellingham for the past few weeks. Can you believe I found her through yelp? I thought you'd find that funny.

So, according to Doctor Bellingham, I am suffering from a perfect storm of circumstances. Our relationship being where it is – more on that in a moment – being away from home without you for the first time, being over stressed and tired from working too hard and taking on too much too fast, seeing the whole experience as something 'outside' our life together.

I am told by the Doctor that this is somewhat common. Apparently I'm a compartmentalizer. I divide up my life into small separate cases – you may have noticed I don't talk that much about my day to day work life. You've never pried, and I really appreciate that, but apparently it's another example of this on my part. My behavior in New Orleans was another example of this – everything was compartmentalized. What I did there was nothing to do with my life with you in LA. I think I understood this at a conceptual level, but I didn't understand why or how I could think that. Because it just came naturally to me, because of who I am and what I do, I thought everyone was like this. That's why I kept trying to tell you that what happened there had nothing to do with us – it was no reflection on your or our life together.

Of course it wasn't any such thing and of course you'd be hurt and our relationship damaged and it was just my own self defense mechanisms trying to divert the over whelming guilt that was being generated from what I had done. It doesn't really explain why I did it again – or perhaps it does, I don't know. I wish I could ask you what you think.

So you asked me why. According to the Doctor, there are two aspects. One is that I subconsciously felt like I was carrying you in the relationship. I don't want you to read that and think I am trying to blame you – that's not it at all. I'm trying to explain what my brain was doing. I'm a producer – by definition what I do is produce. I make people do their jobs and get it done. But with you, I can't. You are my husband, my partner. I cannot push you in the way I do at work, nor do I want to. But the lack of success you've had bothers me. Again, this is ­not your fault in any way; I know you've tried and LA has just been a closed door to you. I know you have the talent but just can't get that foot in the door. That would be enough to frustrate any man. But it's contrary to who I am. Not only could I not help you because of what our relationship is based on, you made it clear you didn't want me to anyway. I respect that ... well, mostly.

In the interests of honesty, I need to tell you, I have taken some of your stuff to meetings with me. I have tried to get you work, in a way that you'd never know. I just ... had to. It's part of who I am and part of what I need to do for you. I think that, looking back, this was probably more of a hindrance to you than the help I thought I was giving. Too many of the people and producers I was talking to weren't interested in you or your writings – they just wanted me around. In my defense, any time I saw that I broke off whatever negotiations might have been happening, but now I think about it more, I do have to wonder if your name became synonymous with the woman-who-wouldn't-put-out. I don't know but either way, I have to apologize again. There's going to be a lot of that in the future, I suspect.

Anyway. I think that because I wasn't able to be a producer for you, I resented you for that. I think my subconscious thought I was carrying you. Without being personal, I'm sure you can see why I would think that. I doubt anything I am saying is not something you've already thought. I don't mean to try and make you think that the way you are is wrong or incomplete – far from it. I love who you are. I just need you to understand where my animal brain was.

I think that this resentment coupled with my own guilt about what I'd been up to in New Orleans was why I provoked you when I was in LA, and why I was so short with you. None of that you deserved or expected – that was my own fucked up wiring being put on you. I'm sorry my love. I can't say that often enough.

So there's the low level resentment, and then there's the other part that I've been advised is part of my personality make up. I don't honestly buy this on a conscious level, but I'm told it's there and explains part of what I did.

Apparently I have some deep-rooted submission streak. Not a huge one – not anything that makes me need to wear any of those stupid clothes or run around and call any one master or get slapped around or anything like that. Just a need, at times, to have a man tell me what to do. To be, in the words of Doctor Bellingham, 'Firmly Guided'. It's not all the time, and not all the time in a specific situation either – it's not like I need to be sex slave all the time when sex comes up or anything. Just, the more overloaded I get, the more I need this outlet where I am not in control. Where I am told, firmly, but not abusively or arrogantly, what is going to happen. I dunno if I really buy it, but it would explain why I went with Greg in the first place. Not wishing to hurt you, but he is a very masculine man, very firm and very pushy. If you knew him, you'd know what I mean. He's like the ultimate Alpha male, even if he is extremely shallow and has the morals of a skunk.

From what I'm told, I just responded to that in way I wouldn't normally do so, because I was so stressed at the time. I was so in charge during the day, that when I wasn't, it was necessary for my personality to be fulfilled or something. If I'd not been so stressed, and not been far from you and home, in my own little bubble of the world, I'm told it's very unlikely I would have done what I did. Still, I was and I did and I need to fess up to that.

I don't know if that's any comfort to you. For me, I'm not sure I buy into it. I've never consciously felt the need for a man to tell me what to do in the past, but maybe it's something I didn't even know I needed on occasion. Where that leaves us, I don't know. Like I said, I know for a fact that I don't suddenly need a dominant alpha male ordering me around – but perhaps I need more analysis to work out exactly what I do need in those situations. Of course, on your part, you'd not even know that I needed it at the time, especially if I didn't. I don't know. My head is going round in circles and I don't know what to think. I so wish you were here to talk to. You'd know just what to say so I could make sense of it all.

So now I need to apologize. For everything. I tried to before, but I think you thought I was apologizing for getting caught. At the time I probably was. I wasn't even processing everything properly. I know I hurt you, but I was more worried about you being hurt than I was in being responsible for what I'd done. Now you aren't here, I understand even more deeply what I had, what I needed that you gave me – things I didn't even know I needed to the depths that have become very apparent.

I knew I loved you. I didn't always know why, but now I do. You are good person Dan, you need to know that. You did nothing wrong. You made me happy, your supported me in ways I wasn't even aware of, you made me laugh, you made me great food, you respected me and my choices, you made me wet with anticipation and you were (and are?) my partner, my lover, my friend and my husband. You were even more a victim of this than I am, even with the hurt I have now. I deserve it; you do not. You are a good man, a strong man and an understanding man. When you make love to me, you make me quiver. The sex with Greg was good, but it was the newness of it that made it exciting, not what he did to me or the size of his cock or what his body looked like or anything as dumb as that. No one will ever love me the way you do and I despair every day when I realize you may never come home, or if you do, you will not be able to love me again.

I apologize for everything. Particularly for the anal sex episode. You were completely right in what you said. I should have told you it was Greg's suggestion. I just couldn't at the time. I knew you were hurt and I knew I was responsible and I knew that if I told you that, it might send you over the edge, and I just couldn't risk that. They say the truth will set you free – but I just want to be in jail, with you in the same cell.

I'm so sorry for doing that to you. I will point out that I wouldn't give him that until you had it, but that's a poor excuse for what I did and why I did it.

I should say, it was good though. I'd do it again for you in a heartbeat. I don't regret doing it at all, and I hope you don't either. I just regret why.

Since we are talking total honesty, I need you to know I haven't seen Greg again since that night, apart from going to him to see if he might be able to find you when you were gone initially. There was no hint of anything sexual, I just was desperate. He didn't find you and there's been no contact since. You haven't asked but I feel that you should know, we were together four times in total, counting that night you found us. I don't know what you'll do with this information, or if you even want to know, but there it is.

He did get fired from the movie by the way. The next day after you saw us in fact. Although after I talked to them, reading between the lines, I think the production company were ok with that. His work with Justin was already done and he was just sucking up money. Fifty grand extra they didn't have to pay out was fine with them.

Before you left, you asked me how I would make this up to you. How I would rebuild the trust and faith we had. I've been thinking a lot about that and I honestly don't know what to do. The thing is, I cannot make you trust me. I cannot make you have faith in me. All I can do is keep going, not faltering and giving you no reason to doubt me. The trust and faith must come from you. I don't know if the damage I've done will even allow that – that's up to you I'm afraid and yet again I have to say sorry for putting you in that position. I just hope you love me enough to give me that chance. I'm not asking you to forgive me or forget it; I know there's no chance of that and nor should there be. I just want the chance to be the wife I should have been all along. That I was till I fucked it all up. It's up to you really.

Same as Metamorph
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Ring of Rheoli - Part 4 (Continued from Part 3...) --------- Suzie --------- I watched in amusement as Katie, once Jake's best friend Kyle, passionately made love to this stranger. It was like stepping into a porno, except this time I was the director. I took the Capri out of Katie's hand as I watched, she wouldn't be needing this now. Her legs spread wide for this handsome stranger, a look of desire on her beautiful face, a look of terror in her vibrant blue eyes. This...

4 years ago
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Meeting my wife for the first time

I thought I would share the first time on how my wife and I hooked up. We were both 22 years of age. I just got out of the service and she was a senior in college. We had a mutual friend set us up. I wasn't big on blind dates but I was like well it's been awhile since I was in the service and always in the field. She came to my door that night at my apartment to pick me up. We were going to go meet up with some people at a bar on campus. When I opened the door to let her in we chatted...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ki Chudai

Hi dosto me Rozar phir aa gaya apni ek aur kahani lekar ye us samay ki ghatna hai jab me 20 saal ka th aur meri chachi 28 saal ki thee . chacha – chachi ki shadi ke baad se hi bahar jakar naukari karte the aur saal bhar me keawl do mahine hi ghar par rahte the baki k 11 mahine wo bahar rahte the to chachi apne maa ke ghar chali jati thee lekin jab se ham log wapas ghar aaye to chachi ka maa ke ghar jana kam ho gaya aur kuch din baad chaca aaye aur chachi ke sath rahnae lage . Are main to batana...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 181 Cactus Club

Still having no idea what the plans were for the day, Alistair and I were up early, prepared to leave at a moment’s notice, but we were the only ones. We had breakfast in the dining room, a buffet that was far more comfortable than the formal dinner had been, but aside from a handful of other guests, we were the only ones there. Aedan stumbled down as we were finishing up, flushing and changing the subject when we asked about Zevran; it made me want to ask inappropriate questions about what...

2 years ago
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Kimberly 20Chapter 7

Kim knocked on her aunt's door. We heard "Come in!" shouted from inside, so we walked in, finding Jen and Laci in the kitchen in their trademark nightshirts. The odor was the welcome smell of bacon cooking. I saw hash browns. I saw my waistline expanding and said so. "Nuh-uh, Timmy," Kim said. "We're gonna go for a walk in this beautiful weather, so enjoy your breakfast." We were seated around the table, breakfast plates empty, coffee before us, talking. "I need to talk serious...

3 years ago
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Talk To Me

His first and largest jet of cum leapt from the swollen head of his cock and glazed her extended tongue. Still lying on her side, the semen dripped from her tongue to the corner of her mouth, some landing on the bed, as he continued to spurt into her, or wherever she was aiming him. “Fuck, baby…” he whispered, over and over. “Fuck. Fuck.” When he seemed to be finished, she took his cock back into her mouth and sucked it gently, swallowing what he’d pumped into her, a warm salty spray that was...

1 year ago
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Weekend at Jakes House

The next morning came and one by one the boys all left Jake’s house because their parents wanted them to come home. My parents however said it would be okay if I stayed there all weekend. I woke up pretty late and Jake was sitting on the couch just watching TV. I decided to not say anything because I still wasn’t to comfortable with what happened last night. I sat down and Jake’s naked body was only a few feet away from me. Wow what a night. Jake turned his head and looked at me, “So what’s it...

4 years ago
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The Brave Little Tailor

THE BRAVE LITTLE TAILOR By C Once upon a time, in the tiny village of Schmetterlink, there lived a poorbut honest little tailor named Gottfried. He dwelt and worked in a one-roomhouse on the edge of the village. He labored hard from sunrise to sunset, andyet he had barely enough to survive. Thus he was very upset to learn one daythat someone, or some thing, was pilfering his meager stores of food. He hadgone into his larder early in the morning to fix his usual breakfast of stalebread and...

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Vanessas Secret Part 3 the conclusion

Vanessa's Secret Chapter Three Conclusion By Jason Morgan Vanessa plans for her freedom and some revenge against her her family. This is the final conclusion of this tale as she plans for her future with Michael and his powerful family while making plans to take down her own family who sold her into slavery. But, will she really be free? Part 3 Vanessa slept alone and felt safe all night for the first time in many long years. It was such a foreign feeling that she didn't really...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 A Slimes Gotta Eat

The sloshy sounds of water rippling along the top with each step until a new smell hit Jace’s senses. His hand tightening around the hilt of the sword while letting his eyes adjust to the dim light that pierced through the thick fog. Breathing slowly with the rise and fall of his chest was the only movement Jace dare attempt while trying to figure out the source of the new smell. A soft split splat, split spat, sound crept closer and closer. Turning towards the sound Jace saw the...

4 years ago
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The Restaurant Part Four

The Restaurant Part Four Publishing date - - about 270 years in your future. (In the past few chapters) We have learned that The Restaurant always delivers satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment. But, those goals are just the first step of the ladder, a ladder which is quite tall indeed. At The Restaurant, if you only reach that very first step, if you only have complete happines and total fullfilment, then that means failure - one thing which will never happen at The...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 25

I was still thinking about that meeting with the Karthanian as I sat at the table in our Den and had dinner the next day. Har-Hi took a plate and sat next to me. He forked himself several slices of roast beef on an open bun he gave me a side look and said. “If I see you stare at your food that way I would almost suspect you are contemplating doing something about that Karthanian situation.” I pushed a pea around with my fork and said. “Of course not, there is nothing we can do anyway. We...

2 years ago
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Fun with sr Ch2

I slept in as it was summer break, and when I awoke, my s****r was sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV in her pajamas. I looked at her crotch and I swore I could’ve seen a wet spot from last night. I was sure that she hadn’t noticed that I saw her last night, so I didn’t dare to mention it. I sat down next to her and began watching TV with her, not daring to speak for fear of her finding out what I knew. After a few minutes, she broke the silence. ‘b*****r?’ ‘Yes?’ ‘Can I use...

3 years ago
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Pretending Ch 06

Pretending Ch. 02 © 2009 All Rights Reserved Sunlight peeked through the blinds and prodded Connie awake. She took a moment to orient herself. I don’t have piles of books on top of my computer, she thought. Then she remembered where she was and turned her head. Simon lay behind her, his hand on her waist, sleeping like a log. Her first instinct was to jump out of the bed, but she resisted. That would wake Simon up, and she wasn’t sure she was ready for that yet. Instead, she moved his arm...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 9 Earths Cores Are Peculiar

Staring at the rock he sat on, and then confirming yet again with his Soul Sense, a stupefied expression spread on Zax's face. A stash of Earth's Cores! A cluster of more than one hundred Earth's Cores! Some embedded in the rock, some underneath it. "Such a great number! At least one must be! At least one!" Among the so many Earth's Cores Zax nervously said to himself. "D ... D ... At least one golden pillow, D level Earth's Core!" The one in a million Earth's Core ... Was it...

3 years ago
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Androgen Insensitivity

Androgen Insensitivity A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome is a rare disorder, but not as rare as many may realize. In fact, 1 in every 100,000 genetically normal males are born with this condition. The consequence is that in many cases it is never known that they are in fact, male. The bodies of people with AIS are totally unable to respond to any male hormone. Even at birth the genitals will appear female, and upon puberty the body will only...

2 years ago
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Akanksha Jadhav My Childhood Love

I that time I was in 12 class. It was festive season and my parents had gone to home town in bihar. I had stayed because of the syllabus of the school. There was a girl in my class. Her name was aakanksha jadhav. I had a crush on her. But i was quite scared to express my feelings. We were good friends. But it just ended there. I wanted it to move it further. I am a green belt in taekwondo. That day we had a vigorous class. After class my friends prompted me to go and express my feelings to her....

4 years ago
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Wet but not Forgotten

Copyright© August 2004 On my way to buy a fish and chip meal I noticed a small thin elderly woman standing at the bus-stop in the pouring rain. I wondered to myself why is she standing there, the bus drivers are on strike this evening, but then I forgot all about it. On my way back with my car now smelling of lovely hot fish and chips and the thought of sitting by the fire while this continuous rain beat down, I saw the woman again still standing there. Drawing up opposite her I leant over...

3 years ago
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Chris BeakerChapter 15 Atomic

So here I was, trapped inside or rather above a nuclear reactor, with the remains of several victims of Marcus Anderson, it seems that this was his dumping ground for those who displeased him. Thanks to Aristotle who completely ignored my warning about future knowledge I had managed to help Sally Randall who had been used as bait to get me to follow her into this place. She was now ... well she was safe if where I sent her to was ready for her, anyway I had more important things to sort...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 125

There were no emergency e-mails or calls during the night. That was a welcome relief on the drive to the college. I drove around the college to check out the street by the construction entrance. There were signs posted to 'Drive slow - loose gravel". It was like driving down a well kept gravel lane, a little rough but level, and no pot holes. The door to the office had hardly closed before both Shirley Short from HR and the head of IT came in. The IT guy said, "I don't know what you said...

4 years ago
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The Cap Card

The guy in front of her wasn’t having a good day. They were in line at her usual lunch place, waiting to pay, when he dropped his CAP card. He’d pulled his credit card from his wallet and his CAP card came out as well, landing with his name and score showing: Carl E. Brennan 7.1. The big 7.1 was impossible to miss, and Harriet didn’t miss it. Looking worried, Carl quickly picked up his card and turned to pay the cashier. Harriet left her food at the counter, followed him out and saw him go...

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Maine Mere Madam Ko Choda

Hi mera naam Yuvraj hai. Main aaj aapko mere life ka ek incidance batane ja raha hu jo ki real hai. Pehle main mere bare main aap logo ko bata du. Main nasik k ek private college main b. Tech kar raha hu. Regular jim jane k karan main kafi tagada aur majboot hu. Ab main mere hasina k bare main aap logo ko bata du jo ki meri madam hai aur meri appartment main meri flat k saamne rehti hai. Uska naam Amruta hai. Wo dikhne main madhuri dixit jaisi hai. Wo hamesha sari pehanti hai. Wo shadi shuda...

2 years ago
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Bible Study Gone Bad

But Mr. Williams did. Jesse sat down in class, quickly straightening her dress and immediately talking to her friend next to her. Mr. Williams watched her from his desk, her tiny breasts beneath her lovely sundress, the way her hair bounced on her shoulders, and her curvaceous legs. That’s when he noticed the small line of cum running down one of her legs. Mr. Williams didn’t know what to think of it at first, but when Jesse reached down and licked it off her finger with a dazed look on her...

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I Want to Play a Game the Game ContinuesChapter 6 Sucks to be You

Monica and Jessica came to at around the same time. The last thing either of them remembered was having yet another huge fight in the park behind campus and now here they were, prisoners trapped in a narrow corridor. The girls, like those from the previous game, were bound facing away from each other. This time though instead of being on all fours they were positioned on their knees with hands cuffed behind their backs around a pole that ran from floor to roof. Each girls' calves were...

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Living With My AuntEpisode 12

"Are you ready for this?" asked Jill when I arrived at Jill's house so that Kelly could bring us to her place in her car. "Yep, I think so," I answered. Jill was pulling a tee shirt over her nude body When Kelly walked in, the first thing she said was "Thanks for wearing loose fitting clothing. That way, there won't be as many indentations in your skin." I had put on a tee shirt and jogging shorts that morning, pursuant to Kelly's orders. The drive over to her place in Kelly's car...

3 years ago
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Sallys Garden

I’d just got my driving license and I was allowed to borrow my parents car on condition I did the errands like drop my kid brother off to play with his friends and all that crap that my parents had had to do before I passed the test. I didn’t really mind. Anything to get to drive. That very first week my brother had to be dropped off and collected at his friend Darren’s house. Darren lived in the next borough and it was quite a complicated drive if you wanted to avoid the M25 ring road. It...

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My Bitch1

At 18, Derek was a senior and as popular as they come. He was 6' tall, slender, and muscular with short, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was handsome, but not rugged-looking. The girls swooned over him, and he had had plenty of girlfriends. The guys liked him because he was athletic but not a jock, playing only volleyball, and his disposition was essentially gentle and kind, but he could also have fun with the best of them. The first day of school began in its usual noisy fashion....

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Slaves the whole story

Chapter 1: Introduced to the Art Lenarta had been idly fingering herself on the bed, as Galifssae and Reesha walked the boy into the chambers. She smiled. She'd been trying to imagine how he'd look, and she was pleased to say that he was even prettier than she'd hoped. The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be. The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called. As he was walked further in,...

1 year ago
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A Good Time On the Farm Pt 2

I was feeling no pain and really no inhibitions. I'd always loved sex and always took advantage of really erotic moments. Hell, let Rob diddle me with his finger or something. I was buzzing and horny by now. I was totally naked and the cool spring breeze brought my nipples to attention fast. Rob reached up and took my left nipple in his rough fingers and tweaked it, while his other hand was busy around my lower parts. He pushed me back just bit, spit on his fingers and started rubbing my clit....

Group Sex
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Place at His Table

Herb held her hand over the table. It was obvious to her he was falling in love with her, but she didn’t know that she felt the same way. She thought life would be different when she left Tom, her first husband. He was a good man, a good provider, a passionate husband and a courteous lover. He had just gotten… gotten…, well he had gotten boring. It wasn’t his fault, there were the pressure of raising three kids, paying the bills, keeping the house maintained, mowing the lawn and trimming the...

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Sleeping beauty

I'd woken up early, early, horny and feeling just a tad sadistic, watching you sleep in the half light, your thumb in your mouth, listening to the soft breathing as you dreamed, a plan formed in my mind.Carefully I moved around the bedroom, raiding the toy draw, selecting the things I'd be needing, you never looked more beautiful than when you were asleep, safe, relaxed, I loved watching you sleep.Softly and slowly, careful not to wake you I buckle the cuffs around your wrists, easing your arms...

3 years ago
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Bizarre family

I had been dating this beautiful, sexy, sex-crazed woman for about 3 months; her name was Linda. Linda was 38 at the time, 5’7, 125 lbs, with long blond hair, blue eyes, nice sized tits, a great ass (which she loved fucked!) and a sweet, shaved pussy, with long pink lips. Linda loved to fuck, and she loved morning and noontime sex, not just waiting unlit night. She loved watching my cock go in and out of her, and loved to be on top so she could see better and be in control. It was late...

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The Samurai Lovers

Samanosuke was older than Ukyo, perhaps nineteen, and was one of the more skilled swordsmen in the castle. He was also Uneme's lover and a good friend of Ukyo. Samanosuke was a rougher in comparison to Uneme. His hair was pulled back in the samurai topknot, his face was scarred slightly, and his hands were rougher and calloused. He was taller and more muscular than Uneme or Ukyo but he too was beautiful in his own right. What made him even more desirable was the fact that him and Uneme took...

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Seducing My Young Gurgaon Sister Riya

Hi all, my name is Siddharth and I am from New Delhi living with my family which consists of me, my sister and mom. My mom is a housewife and my sister is working with me in the same company in Gurgaon. Her name is Riya and she is 23 currently. I would like to share some of my experiences here. So I and my sister Riya work for the same company and she is reporting to me along with 14 other team members. We commute to the office by car mostly. I never thought I would be writing this about my...

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Id love to suck her cock

When i was in my mid 20s i lived with this cunt. She would mentally and verbally abuse me every day. There was one day we argued for almost an hour and it almost got physical. So i got the fuck out and took a drive. I went to this store that had all kinds of magazines. I went to the adult section where there was all cock magazines. I was into cock long before i hooked up with the opposite sex. But there was this magazine slightly off from the cock magazines and there was a woman on the cover...

3 years ago
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Did I Cheat On My Husband 8211 Part 1

That day was very special as well as very important for me. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity because it could be the turning point of my career. So I have to give my best in every way, not only my presentation but also my outlook. As like every day, I had a fight with my husband for some minor issues. He was a very frustrated guy, had no job then. Maybe his male ego hurt him every time as he had to live under his wife’s salary. He lost his job some time ago, that’s why I had to take the...

2 years ago
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MySistersHotFriend Angel Gostosa 30937

Angel Gostosa was out with her friend buying clothes for college and when her dad saw her wearing what she bought, he called her slutty. That made Angel very mad, so mad that she took her belongings and moved in with her friend. She explained everything to Donny, her friend’s brother, and that on day, she wants to be a model. Later, Donny peeped when Angel was changing and she noticed. She was turned on so much that she lets him know its OK and would actually like to fuck from time to...

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L Is for Lucy

This was it. IT! THE chance of a lifetime. The sort of evening I'd been waiting so long for. A couple of times I'd thought my chance had come but each time something had gone wrong, someone had changed their mind. Either Mum, or Dad, or Stephanie, someone had decided to stay in. Or decided that I should go out with them. But this time it was going to be OK, it was going to work.Stephanie - well, no problem. She was away at college now. She was a year older than me. I was heading off on my own...

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Why Not To Tell Her Miguels Story

"My breasts are probably bigger than hers." "No, Susan!" I replied automatically. "This is the last time," Susan whined. "I promise." "It was the last time with Michelle! It was the last time, the last dozen times. I should never have told you about the Institute test!" "I can't believe I've been wrong every time," she complained. "It's so unfair!" "Look at who you keep comparing yourself to," I said. "Which one is it this time?" "Her," Susan said...

4 years ago
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I am picking you up in 10 minutes

This is another true story from my three-month affair. I am at work and I get a text.... "I am picking you up at your office in 10 minutes to suck on your beautiful cock." I respond back, "I am in a meeting. Can't." Her response, "9 minutes. Make it work." I fake a phone call to get out of the meeting and send a text to my boss, telling him that my alarm went off at home and the police have been called. I am downstairs and in her car in 10 minutes. We drive to a secluded park nearby. She...

Quickie Sex
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The Nutty Nurse

Not an unattractive lady she took pride in her appearance and healthy lifestyle and was the sort of girl who got the second glance from the opposite sex in the street however she did have a reputation amongst friends for being possessive towards the men that she dated. Her work contract had come to an end and her new contract wasn't due to start for another twenty eight days so she had planned to make use of some of this down time by taking a two week trip to a remote part of the north of...

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Silver Blue and Gold Ch 03

Molly had a great time with Maddy and her friends, Ginger and Sharon. She hadn’t had a girls' night of any kind in forever, and they all got along famously. Not a lot of jewelry got made, but they had a blast anyway, and made tentative plans to do it again. “Oh, that was fun,” Molly said with a happy sigh as she helped Maddy clear away the dishes. “I haven’t done anything like that in so long.” “Really?” said Maddy. “That’s too bad.” She picked up a tray with the decimated remains of a cheese...

Love Stories
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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 28

Keith could barely move his legs by the time he reached the Western Terrace on the mountain. He’d gained 150 meters in altitude in just over two kilometers and his legs and lungs were near collapse. He looked down from the shelter of the colossal figures that faced out across the valley at the deserted village below. There was movement there. He could make out two figures starting up the hill the way he had come. He ducked his head and moved along the northern processional around the tumulus....

3 years ago
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Very hot wife

My name is Stacy I've been married almost a year now to my husband Rick We have many friends and throw lots of parties Rick is 25 5 10 and good looking I'm 5 2 brown hair i weigh 105 have a full breast and a nice ass or so im told I've had some great sex with Rick but i havenever know such pleasure as I did with ricks cousin James It was Wednesday when james came over to have a few drinks with rick and me after 3 hrs of drinking i was felling really good and said I was going to bed rick and...

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Delta OriginalChapter 1 Visiting Allan

Sparky kicked up a stink about being left at home. Lee told Sparky straight out she had too many responsibilities to go haring off to different continents to socialise. Sean and Lee had taken the faeries home from Clarksville to find a village full of babies. Muirin and Ide had both managed twins. Muirin had sons and Ide had daughters. Searc, Feme and Taillte all had sons. Faeries are a communal clan. If a baby cried and a woman had milk, it was fed. Sparky’s three daughters soon had lots...

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The Internship Pt 1

I had first met Joe Bass my senior year of highschool during a career fair and he immediately offered me his summer internship opening. He was a kind person and not bad looking for a middle aged man so I took his offer and came to work for him the summer before I started college. The Job mostly consisted of answering the phone outside his office and amusing him when he would come out and make small talk with me. I had just turned 19 and there was no question my figure had responded well to...

4 years ago
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Annas New Career1

As she wiped the cleared tables, just one customer remained – a business man in his mid thirties who had arrived late. She did not mind, as people like him usually tipped well, so she made sure she was especially attentive to him. He finished his desert and coffee, she walked across to his table. “Will there be anything else sir?” she asked. Her accent was distinctly Russian, but with a very sexy timbre. “No thanks, everything was just fine”. He looked round the deserted restaurant, then...

3 years ago
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The business trip

What a relief, the journey from hell has finally come to an end and you will finally be able to relax in a few minutes when you have checked in to your room. You look at your watch with a mixture of amazement and dismay – 24 hours to get from Aberdeen to Cairo – bloody French Air Traffic Controllers, and British Rail, or whatever they are called these days, and Egyptian immigration! Still here now – the door is opened for you, suitcases disappear with the bell boy and your check-in details are...

3 years ago
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The Runaways

Mindy stood in front of the mirror and adjusted her veil for the tenth or eleventh time. She hated to admit it at this late date, but she wasn't at all sure she should do it. She wanted to do it, God knew that she loved Rob with all her heart, but the question was, "Should she do it?" Should she start her marriage to Rob on a lie? Rob was going to slip his ring on her finger believing that she was a virgin when the truth was that she was anything but. There would be a least - at least! - a...

2 years ago
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Big Mature Farmers Wife at Hay Time

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing on my first day, Mary the farmers wife big colossal tits were hanging down, swaying from side to side in her white bra as she bent over. Mary had told me yesterday to meet her down in the hay field after offering me some work because her husband was in hospital for a hernia operation. It worked in well with my other job as a milkman, delivering bottled milk in the mornings. As I got closer to the tractor I became a little more excited with seeing her big...

4 years ago
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The Era of The Dead Maniacs

The federal government doesn't know how to deal with this unpredictable situation, the authorities quickly created walls around the city, restricting the problem. Second, when some of the only uninfected people tried contact – virgin girls of 18 years or more -, they received instructions throwed by drones that advised: 1.Closed places aren't secure; you have to run away all the time, preferably in an open and visible place by all sides. And does not carry baggage, it may retard you. 2.You have...

4 years ago
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Cala De Sirena

Don Taylor's vacation was not starting the way he had hoped. His divorce had finalized just weeks before he was to fly off with his wife on what was supposed to be a second honeymoon to save their marriage. Since the trip was already paid for and non-refundable, and he already had the vacation time approved, he thought this would be a good time to reassess his life. However, at 45, he never thought he'd be single again. He still deeply loved his wife, and didn't understand why she left him,...

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