Unexpected Shower with Daddy Part 2 of 3 Chapters 4 5
- 3 years ago
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Five days prior to the 1st Anniversary of the Órarduine landing on Ananu Sarah, Erin, Keriann, and Siobhan were discussing the upcoming celebration as they walked toward the East Tara Pavilion. Looking toward the pavilion Sarah said, “That looks like Ariu, Cabd, and Iodla.”
“That it does,” replied Keriann. “This is a pleasant surprise.”
On reaching the Pavilion they said, “Good morning, Goddesses.”
“Good morning.”
Ariu continued, “We now understand why you all decided to move the opening ceremony to the amphitheater.”
Iodla added, “Although the view from the pavilion is beautiful, especially early in the morning.”
“We think so as well,” responded Keriann. “However, the view from the surrounding fields isn’t very good when there are a lot people. Also we believe that this location has a special significance to many of us, so we were concerned that beginning the Landing Day celebration here would lessen that.”
“We’ve noticed a lot of people come here to meditate.”
“Even You all,” responded Keriann with a smile.
“True,” replied Cabd. “The pavilion you added made this location more special that it already was.”
Smiling Siobhan said, “I sense that there is more to all of You being here than just coincidence.”
“Good perception,” said Iodla. “We gather that you are all aware of the request for a place dedicated to Goddess Leité.”
“Yes, thanks to Sam and Kelsey briefing us before publishing their articles that revealed there were multiple deities in the universe.”
“The articles were well done, as was their explanation of ‘guest privileges’. Goddess Leité was impressed with it as were We.
“The real reason We are here is that what started out as a simple request for ‘guest privileges’ has become a bit more complex. An element of that is the arrival of Meynote’s family, which he wasn’t aware of until a few moments ago.”
Sarah asked, “Is this a result of the incident at 5th Fleet Headquarters?”
“As a direct result, no,” replied Ariu.
Keriann said, “I thought his family lived in a very remote area of Atewa with no one living within a day’s travel.”
“That is true. However it was surrounded by an Atewa nature preserve with restricted access. While there were poachers, there were only a few until recently. Not long ago a group saw one of his family’s children in their alternate form and thought it would make a nice trophy.” Sarah, Erin, Keriann, and Siobhan gasped. “Well the poacher’s shot missed. The group didn’t give up and spent several hours tracking the cat. On returning to their camp they were surprised to find it trashed. After checking the damage they concluded that, based on the tracks, it was done by at least one large cat. The damage was extensive enough that they decided to salvage what they could then leave. If it had ended there everything would have been fine, however it didn’t. Their stories about trophy size cats that they almost bagged in the refuge began circulating. This resulted in more hunters entering the refuge.
“As to timing, the poachers seeing the cat occurred well before you were at 5th Fleet Headquarters. It was even before then that the spouses noticed the increase in poachers. Once they realized the increase was continuing to rise they decided to contact Meynote, following the instructions he had left them. When there didn’t receive a response they began making preparations to conceal their presence. As they did this they prayed to Goddess Leité for guidance.
“Several days later Goddess Leité appeared in a clearing near their home and began walking toward them. Her approach to them was similar what we did the first time We met you. When they saw Her it took them several minutes to realize who She was. They quickly recovered from their shock and were ready to offer her refreshment and food when She reached them. Once the forms were met, Atmeriza, Ciarriaze, and Wiazmeria apologized for bothering Her. After She reassured them they told Her of their concerns regarding their security and their inability to contact Meynote.
“Leité told them that their difficulty in reaching Meynote was likely due to the circumstances of his current assignment. I anticipate that he will be transferred to another System due to events and associated complications with his assignment.
“This surprised his spouses as they were expecting him to return in the near future. Leité gave them a brief description of what happened. She did give them a thumbnail sketch of Celia System, the inhabitants on Planet Ananu, and the new Atewa Fleet Base being constructed here.
“After answering questions about Meynote’s future location their conversation shifted to the status of the preserve that surrounded their property. The spouses were puzzled by the increasing number of poachers as it was wildlife preserve with restricted access. Atmeriza noted that until recently there had been very few poachers. Wizameria pointed out that poachers were not a problem when Atewa Fleet Special Ops used the preserve for training exercises. Leité told them that She would look into the activity in the preserve, especially the area near them. Before leaving She suggested that they stay within a kilometer of their home site until this was sorted. She also urged them to continue their preparations to reduce their visibility. Before departing She raised the question as to whether they would interested in moving closer to where Meynote was. While his spouses liked the idea they expressed concerns about their need to periodically change form.
“To make a long story short Goddess Leité made Kara’s team aware of Meynote’s family’s situation. When Fidelma and Morrigan heard of the situation they decided to have a gander to see if they could assist. Kara’s team used their contacts in Atewa Fleet Spec Ops to gain some resources. Once their Spec Ops contacts learnt that the requested assistance was to support the family of a former member they had all the unofficial assistance they needed.
“In spite of that it didn’t take Leité long to conclude that the best solution would be for his family to relocate, with here being her preference. So after Leité shared with Meynote’s spouses what she had learnt, they agreed. Several days ago We assisted Leité in transferring the family to the valley where you landed when you visited Us. This morning We brought them to Meynote’s office at the Atewa Consulate. Your teams in the Atewa World are sending you a full report on their involvement, who assisted them, and the intel they picked up. Morrigan and Fidelma may bring some of it with them when they return. Kara’s Team has their remaining possessions and will ship them here as soon as possible.
“To be clear, Our transfer of mortals between Systems is something that We only do in exceptional circumstances. Our hesitation in doing this is due to the potential for unintended consequences. One is that it can complicate Our relationship with the mortals concerned, as I believe you can imagine. However, a more serious issue is that some mortals don’t tolerate this form of transfer very well, and may not live very long. It can also have an undesirable impact on the fabric of time and often in ways that are not obvious even to us. A favorable aspect in this case was that the transfer was supported by two families of Deities with the assistance of several of your Mentors. It was successful and they show no ill effects due to the transfer, although we will be monitoring them.”
“Thank you,” said Keriann. “We had discussed with him the possibility of us assisting with bringing his family here, if that is what he decided to do. Even if we had decided to do something today it would be several weeks before we could actually do anything due to the distance.”
“Leité indicated to Us that Meynote was in favor of it. He was reluctant to indicate this due to concerns on how it would affect your interaction with him, especially since it was so soon after arriving here. To be frank, We are surprised that Leité became so involved in this. However, We and Leité have similar views on Our interactions with mortals when they are sufficiently evolved to understand and appreciate the subtleties. In this instance We see Her involvement as an indication of Her appreciation of his assistance to Her.”
“To change the subject,” said Erin, “are we all set for Landing Day Ceremonies?”
“We are. Leité plans attend with Meynote and his family. The children regard Leité as an aunt.”
Cabd inquired, “While we haven’t specifically said so, you do realize that Meynote’s spouses and children are shapeshifters?”
“Yes,” replied Sarah with the others nodding. “We don’t see that as being an issue provided we don’t try to hide it or let it take on a negative connotation. Aren’t shapeshifters often referred to as ‘weres’?”
“Yes, but shapeshifter sounds much better,” noted Siobhan. “‘Weres’ has a negative connotation on Earth while I don’t think shapeshifter does.”
“That is my impression as well,” responded Erin.
Ariu said, “I’ve asked Anna, Mark, Moya, and Keri to assist their children in settling here. Sam and Kelsey had a strong urge to visit Meynote this morning, so that should help the adults.”
“Excellent choices,” commented Siobhan.
“Yes, well done,” added Sarah, Erin, and Keriann.
The comments caused Them to blush, which surprised Sarah, Keriann, Erin, and Siobhan.
“Thank you,” They replied.
“Good evening, Meynote,” said Maeve of Sarah’s Clan as she walked toward the Tara dining area.
“Good evening, Maeve. Everyone seems to be very anxious for the Landing Day Celebration to begin.”
“Well we think we’ve accomplished a lot since arriving here. More importantly, I think all of us are well on our way feeling that this is now home.”
“I agree that a lot has been accomplished. I am not sure I know of any other group that could achieve this much in the time you’ve been here.”
“Thank you. How is your family doing?”
“I am surprised by how quickly they are adjusting. The coaching your children are providing mine has taken a significant burden off my spouses. We really appreciate Keriann’s Clan inviting us to stay on Iarracht.”
“Well our ships are like a small community, so becoming acquainted is easier,” responded Maeve as they entered the dining area.
Meynote’s spouses were waiting near the entrance with Eleánóir of Keriann’s Clan. On seeing Meynote they said, “Good evening.”
“Good evening. Did you have a good day?”
“Yes,” replied Atmeriza.
“Ladies,” Meynote said to his spouses, “this is Maeve of Sarah’s Clan.”
“We know,” responded Ciarriaze as she gave Maeve a hug. “We met her family earlier today.”
“So have you met their sister clans?”
“If you mean the Councilor Clans, I think we’ve met all of them. It is hard to remember all the names though.”
Smiling Maeve responded, “We have that problem as well. You are welcome to sit with us at dinner.”
“We are,” laughed Eleánóir of Keriann’s Clan as they approached the serving line.
“Well then, let’s fill our trays and have a seat. I am hungry.”
As they were going through the serving line Meynote queried, “Where are the children?”
“They are with Sarah’s and Siobhan’s children on Dóchas,” replied Wiazmeria. “After their physicals they spent most of the day getting acquainted with the Learning Centers.”
“I thought you needed to be telepathic to use them.”
“They are more efficient if you are,” responded Jill of Sarah’s Clan. “In this case, our children are acting as a bridge between your children and the system when necessary. Today they’ve been taking tests and expanding their vocabulary to include the common words used here.”
Seeing Meynote’s puzzled expression Janet added, “We’ve found that people feel more comfortable here if the words they often hear are meaningful. So we begin by teaching the names of objects and actions in more than one language. In your case it is Atewa, Standard, and Órarduine. Once they have a grasp of those, we begin having conversations in each of those languages. The courses include writing and reading as well. The lessons are tailored to the student.”
“Best of all we can use them,” said Wizameria. “They have courses similar to those we had in school, so it looks like we can pick up where we stopped.”
“Excellent,” responded Meynote with a smile. “You all seem much more comfortable today.”
“Oh, we are,” beamed Atmeriza.
Ciarriaze said, “Sally and Aoife introduced us to their lions. After the celebration the lions are going to show us where we can exercise safely.”
“Tara and Emma suggested a way for us to carry our clothes with us after we shift.”
Eleánóir said, “You know, if you wandered around Tara with the lions while in your other form would soon be accepted as one of the lions companions and no one would be the wiser.”
“An interesting idea,” responded Atmeriza apprehensively.
Several times during dinner people would stop by to speak with someone at the table. When it was close to time for the evening meeting Keriann said, “Meynote, it appears that a lot of people are curious about your spouses. If they are agreeable, you could introduce them at the beginning of our meeting this evening.”
Emma said, “If you do you should introduce yourself as well, although many have seen you around, they may not know your name or that you are with the Atewa Consulate.”
“Ah...” he stuttered as he hesitated.
“Meynote, we are fine with you introducing us,” said Ciarriaze with her spouses nodding.
“Well, if you are sure?”
“We are,” they replied.
“Keriann, how do I arrange this?”
“Already arranged, I’ve alerted this evening’s hosts.”
“But...” started Wiazmeria, “oh, you used your telepathy.”
“Yes. It can be very handy.”
“I can see that it would be nice to have at times.”
“Were you all evaluated for telepathic abilities when you had your physicals?” queried Joyce.
“I don’t remember anything like that, but it could have as I wasn’t paying close attention because we were anxious to see Meynote.”
Judy said, “Would you mind if I reviewed the results?”
“Not at all, but why?”
“Well you indicated that you were in a hurry and you don’t remember the telepathic evaluation, so I suspect the staff skipped some of the less critical items knowing you would be back to review the results. By reviewing the results of your physical beforehand I can schedule you for any tests that were missed. While you are there we can go over the results and do the telepathic evaluation.”
“That is fine. How about two days after Landing Day?”
“Sounds fine. You can schedule the visit using your communicator, by doing it that way you will be reminded and it will also be noted on my schedule.”
“Oh, I never thought of keeping the communicator with me, I left mine on Iarracht.”
“If you’re sure about the date, I can initiate it from mine. You will receive a request to confirm.”
“Can all three of us come together?”
“Sure.” After a moment she added, “Done; now all three of you will receive an appointment notice, with a request to confirm.”
“Ah, I just received it,” responded Ciarriaze. “But how?”
“Using telepathy I asked Star, Dóchas’ Master AI, to place the appointments on my schedule for the 3rd of Fivmonth. By the way, an alternative to not having the communicator nearby would be to use one of the general use terminals at Tara or on our ships.”
“Is there a tutorial on using the communicator?” inquired Atmeriza.
Joyce said, “The device has one. There is also one accessible on the Learning Center terminals. My preference is the Learning Center, since I can try while following the instructions.”
“Well it looks like I need to spend some time in the Learning Center after tomorrow’s celebration.”
“I think all three of us do,” added Ciarriaze.
Meynote smiled as he watched his spouses. While he had been hesitant about moving his family here he was very pleased to have them with him. It was obvious that his spouses were more comfortable here than they had ever been in the past.
Sarah said to Meynote, surprising him, “A part of their comfort comes from not having to worry about being outed as shapeshifters. While they are not announcing their ability, they know that if it is discovered or noticed it will not cause them a problem. I didn’t mean to surprise you.”
He looked at Sarah and winked.
“Have you been evaluated for telepathic ability?”
Meynote shook his head no.
“Why don’t you go with your spouses when they visit Judy? Besides, they will appreciate you going with them. Although it wasn’t mentioned the children should also be included. I am surprised Judy didn’t include them.”
“Because I thought it was being too pushy,” said Judy. “If the children come at the scheduled time, fine. If not, we can schedule them for another time.”
Meynote thought, “So telepathy is an essential characteristic of the Órarduine.”
“I am not sure describing it as ‘essential’ is correct,” replied Sarah. “It is an enabler, and has a significant positive impact on many aspects of our lives.”
After dinner Sarah said to Meynote and his spouses, “We are going up to Dóchas and can give you a lift to Iarracht if you like.”
“There should be one of Iarracht’s shuttles at the space port,” said Meynote.
Wiazmeria added, “Even so, it seems to make sense for us to ride with them. I know that each ship has a scheduled shuttle service between orbit and Tara but each time we’ve made the trip it seemed like it was a special journey.”
Joyce responded, “I suspect you used the Iarracht Command Staff shuttle. By doing that, it was available when needed by either of your groups.”
“But that would have inconvenienced them and we definitely don’t want to do that.”
“I can assure you that you haven’t as we have alternatives.”
“Are we going to walk?” queried Alison.
“It is a nice evening, so we are agreeable,” replied Ciarraize.
“What time does the Celebration start tomorrow?” asked Atmeriza.
“After breakfast at 12:00 hours,” said Jill.
“So late.”
“Atmeriza, you forgot that the days here are 30 hours long,” responded Ciarraize.
“Oops. I forgot.”
“It takes some time,” noted Jill. “The formal part of the celebration will start at 14:00 hours followed by the air show. After that it is whatever you want to do. In the evening, 3 hours after sunset, there will be a light show.”
“We are looking forward to it. It has been a long time since we attended something like this. It will be interesting to have Meynote’s special friend Leité with us all day tomorrow.”
Sarah queried Meynote, “They don’t know who She is?”
He thought, “They do, but may not realize you all do. It could be that they are just being cautious.”
“Makes sense.”
Landing Day, Sarah’s Clan was just finishing their morning exercises when Keri inquired, “Moms’, how soon will you be ready to go to breakfast?”
“Just as soon as we shower,” replied Alena.
“Good we will meet you in the dining room.”
“Fine,” replied her parents.
Some thirty minutes later they entered the Dóchas dining room and were surprised by how many were already there as the breakfast period had only just begun. Seeing their children had selected their food and were already seated they went through the serving line and joined them.
“Good morning,” said Sarah’s Clan to their children.
“Good morning,” they replied.
“So are you all ready for today’s activities?” queried Iris of her parents.
“We think so,” they responded.
“Especially after the formal stuff at the amphitheater,” added Alison.
“So what are your plans today?” inquired Sarah of their children.
Jordana said, “After breakfast, those not participating in the air show are going to meet the other children on Iolar. The other Command Staff children will join us there to watch the ceremony and air show from there. After lunch all of us will come down to Tara.”
Keri added, “Jar, Blee, Winz, and Maz will join us on Iolar.”
Erin said, “I haven’t seen you with them recently, how are they doing?”
“That surprises me, as they’ve been spending most nights on Dóchas. They get a little frustrated with some of the adults in their group who are slow in adjusting to their situation.” Seeing her parent’s expressions she quickly added, “While they are happy to be alive and free, a few of them are finding it difficult to adjust the change in their environment as well as the way things work here.”
Moya added, “From what they’ve said, the Elders are frustrated as they haven’t found a way to motivate them.”
Aoife asked, “Do you know if they are participating in the celebration?”
“We believe so,” replied Kennith.
“Then we will make sure to look for them.”
Iris said, “What are your plans for the day?”
Sarah replied, “After the Opening Ceremony and air show we plan to visit the various activities and entertainment areas. We will probably participate in some, but most of us need to be back here before dinner so Briana’s Clan can participate.”
“How long can we stay?” asked Earnán.
“Well you will have some very small children with you so you need to make sure they don’t get too tired.”
“Well we only need to chaperon them until after the air show.”
“Okay,” said Sarah firmly, “then you need to be on Dóchas by 26:00. You must stay in groups of five or more. Absolutely no one is to go off with someone you’ve just met or know slightly.”
“Is there a problem?” asked Marnia with a worried look.
“Not a definitive one,” responded Terry. “We are comfortable with you all out on your own at the celebration, but we also realize that there may be some who would take advantage of you.”
“Okay, I understand. Should we take our personal weapons with us?”
“Of course. While you do need to keep an eye on your surroundings, you should relax and enjoy the activities.”
“That sounds contradictory.”
“In some respects it is, but with your link and by staying in a group you shouldn’t have any surprises.”
“So situation normal,” responded Deirdre, “and you are just reminding us.”
“Sort of,” responded Sally. “In some ways it is a reminder, but it is also meant to point out that the composition of our family at Tara Ardchlár has changed. While we have no indications that it is more dangerous, the complexity of our family has grown so we don’t know everyone as well as we used to.”
Branwen said, “May I?” When she had everyone’s attention she continued, “Relax and enjoy yourselves while remaining a little paranoid about your surroundings, people, food, drink, etc. While it sounds hard, I know that you all can do it and still have a good time. I know I am looking forward to it.”
“You can join us,” said Alena.
“Thank you, but we just finished eating. My sisters and I have a few things to check on. We will see you at the ceremony.”
“We will look forward to it,” said several of the group before she departed.
Sarah said, “Children, I didn’t mean to come across as a wet blanket. There are times when my worry meter pegs for obscure reasons.”
“You didn’t,” replied Keri and several others.
Tara said, “I think it is time for us to get moving.”
“We’ll see you after the air show,” said Moya, “wherever you are.”
“Look forward to it,” replied her mothers.
At 12:00 hours the eight Councilor Clans stepped on to the stage of the amphitheater which was filled to the brim with attendees. On seeing them the audience quickly quieted down. When it was quiet the Councilors said, “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” roared the audience.
“It is a great day to be here in Celia System, on Planet Ananu at Tara Ardchlár on Gaillimh Isle.” After the cheers subsided they continued, “Today celebrates our landing here, a major step in establishing a new home. We’ve accomplished a lot in the last year. Due to everyone’s efforts we are well on our way to establishing our home. During the past year we’ve had the added benefit of more people arriving from multiple worlds and assisting in those efforts. Among those arriving have been a significant number who have opted to become citizens of Ananu.
“Another blessing is the presence of the Atewa and Monque Fleets in this system. They’ve joined us in the use of the entertainment and recreation areas as well as assisting in supporting and maintaining them. Recently the dependents of the Atewa Fleet relocated here to live alongside us while their quarters at their base near the 7th planet are finished.
“Our passage to this point in time has been filled with a few trials and challenges. In responding to some of those challenges we’ve lost a few family members. While the numbers are small we will always remember in our hearts and prayers the sacrifice they made so our family could survive. At this moment we will take a moment to remember them and pray for their well-being and wish them the best.”
As their prayers ended 2 flights of 4 Star Fighters in a V formation approached the amphitheater from the East. When each flight was overhead, the Star Fighter on the right of the lead abruptly turned up and quickly disappeared as the formation continued west. The Star Fighters made hardly any noise as they passed overhead, but their presence prompted everyone to end the moment of silence by looking skyward. The amphitheater was still so quiet that all you could hear was the soft breeze rustling the nearby leaves.
Once the Star Fighters were out of sight the Councilors said, “When we were seeking a planet to be our home, we were fortunate to discover this System. Based on our explorations of this planet we believe this System’s Deities have guided the creation of a master-piece. From our perspective, we feel that we were blessed to find Celia System and would like to offer the ‘thank you’ shown on the monitors to Them.
“Shall we?”
The audience responded by quietly standing to join the Councilors in saying, “God and Goddesses of Celia System, Planet Ananu, we thank you for the effort You spent in creating and nurturing this planet and this System. With Your guidance we seek to honor You by taking good care of it while causing as few changes as possible due to our presence. We thank thee O God and Goddesses.”
As their prayer finished a golden glow surrounded the amphitheater followed by a large image of Goddess Canu and God Laghdha appearing to float above the stage. Who together said, “Thank you for your compliment.
“I am Goddess Canu and with me is God Laghdha. We welcome you to Our System and Our World. Our family is very pleased that you chose this System as your new home. In the year you’ve been on Ananu We’ve learnt a lot about you. We are impressed by the values you hold, your character, and your ethics. Because of these attributes we believe it would benefit both of us to have a more interactive relationship with you than you’ve had with other Deities in the past. Let us be clear, whether you, as individuals, choose to have a relationship with Us or not is solely your choice. To establish how this more interactive relationship will work We need to discuss this with you in the near future. We believe it is best to leave the arrangements for that in your Councilor’s hands. Now today is a day for you to celebrate the impressive accomplishments you have achieved since arriving, please go and celebrate with Our blessing.”
As She finished speaking the golden glow dimmed and Their images faded away. To the Councilors She said, “They will remember most of what they heard. As to our proposal to discuss our relationship, they will sort of remember it when you schedule the meeting. We do not want anyone to feel that they are required to believe in, or pledge themselves, to Us. This should be interesting.”
“Yes, it will be,” replied the Councilors.
The Councilors said, “This closes the ceremonial part of the Landing Day celebration. Next up is the air show. We understand that it can easily be seen from where you are sitting. It is your choice whether or not you stay to watch.
“We wish you the best. Enjoy the celebration!!”
As the Councilors finished speaking, two Star Fighters appeared flying in formation about 100 meters above the ground moving from east to west. The formation did a slow rotation around their travel vector as they passed by and the show was underway.
Sarah said, “Are these the modified versions?”
Kelly replied, “Nope. It turns out the only changes needed were to the controls. The craft’s AI can sense which control system is needed. As a safety measure a pilot can override the AI’s choice, but it can get ugly if the pilot fails to interact with the AI.”
“Thanks. I don’t remember seeing anything indicating that the issue was resolved.”
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This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2014 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...
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IncestBrooklyn has a long history with the priest at church. It’s complicated, and complex, and now Brooklyn is realizing that maybe things have gone on for long enough. Maybe it’s time to end the cycle that has engulfed their life for so long. This is going to be harder than it sounds, but Brooklyn knows that something has to change, because enough is enough. Christian, her priest, isn’t going to release one of his flock that easily, especially one that is as hot as Brooklyn. He pays Brooklyn a...
xmoviesforyouLindsey groaned in frustration. It had been so long since she had felt a real hard cock inside her pussy. Damn! What was the matter with him, she thought as she looked at his shamed face. He hadn’t even been able to cum himself. For years, she had overlooked his reluctance to initiate sex and invariably when she did start it, it was unfulfilling and strained. Her husband, Steve, refused to go to the doctor. No doctor- no prescription. No prescription- no viagara, or anything else. Well,...
Hi. Welcome. This is Stacy. I’ll be your host for this story. The following serial novel is surprisingly true for the most part, and the inaccurate parts are mostly for narrative structure. All of the characters exist, and most of the events have occurred. This is an important story. It’s about sex and slavery, but it’s also about your life, and my life, and how we get through it all. It’s an experiment, but it’s also a manifesto. This has all happened for a reason. I want to change people for...
Elena fell asleep after her brutal ass-fucking, and when she awoke, she could feel the pain. She lay there awhile, thinking about the two sexual sessions she had had with Alex. "That's more sex than my boyfriend gives to me in a month," she thought. "And he certainly never gives it to me rough like that." She decided she hated love as a part of sex. "I like it rough," she now admitted to herself. But then she thought about her daughter, realizing now how much she missed her. She...
The next day dawned bright and clear, and Ruth Connors took that as a good sign. She sighed and settled back on her fluffy flowered pillows on her bed as the sun streamed in through the window, making a delicate lace pattern upon the thick lime green carpet. Just then the telephone rang and Ruth gave a little start at its melodious notes, having forgotten for a moment that there were things that a mayoralty candidate's wife should do if she wanted her husband elected. The familiar voice of...
Grandma slowly began to rub my pussy. I felt the wetness on my pussy as her hand slowly massaged my pussy lips. I was unable to control myself and leaned on the railings on my elbows. I felt my legs go weak as she continued on kissing me and teasing my pussy at the same time. Suddenly, I got tensed as I saw someone standing behind grandma, looking at us. Seeing my shock, grandma turned her head and looked back. I quickly pushed grandma’s hand away and pulled up my shorts. Grandma turned around...
Lesbianoe Sims was your typical everyday teenager, he was 18 years old and finishing up his senior year in high school and was looking to graduate near the top of his class. He typically ran track everyday after school but today his practice was rained out and he had to return home early. He was not to horribly upset as he was tired from all the practices they had been doing lately and was looking forward to a day off.He walked quietly to his car in the rain and threw his gym bag into the backseat as...
Authors Note – This story is a result of my inner monolouge combined with a sleepless night, alot of coffee, and a wild imagination. It’s also my first short story in years. Let me know what you think please! Let me tell you a little something about regret. For I am it’s scholar I sit here on the edge of this man’s bed his head is lowered, one hand firmly resting on the bed side table beside him. My hand rests on his as I take his appearance in as I have done countless times before. The...
It took many weeks to verify her story and ultimately her identity. No one had heard of her, not her name nor her super heroine status. She explained that she or rather her "body" came from a planet most referred to as "Earth-2" and that this planet was not even located in the same universe of alternate realities of ours. I mean "Power Girl", what kind of name is that? Then there is the costume, essentially a swimsuit with a huge cut out around the cleavage of her breasts. if that isn't a...
Dealing with a new stepdaughter is not easy, especially when it’s a teenage brat like Kimmy Kimm. Peter Green knows his stepdaughter is a naughty girl, so when he catches her masturbating in the filthy old shed, he’s not surprised. However, after he has a talk with her & she starts kissing on him – he’s shocked but totally tempted. Peter bends Kimmy over & starts to fuck his stepdaugher from behind. He makes her orgasm & shake as he pounds her little pussy in...
xmoviesforyouCopyright© 2006 The sun blazed high in the late August sky. It wasn't the hottest day of the summer. The heat was oppressive because it touched that nerve of fatigue at the end of summer, when a person tired of hot weather. It was two o'clock. Paul had finished everything. He had taken his work-out in the cool, early morning. He finished mowing the lawn at about eleven. He had some lunch after that and completed packing after that. In a larger sense, Paul was finishing up a big chapter in...
I had noticed she had glanced at me several times already, with a small cute smile on her lips. Then, the moment i had feared came. She pushed the ”stop” button, she was going off at the next stop. I looked at her nonstop by now, already a bit hard, my mind razing with stuff i could do with her. Then, when she was standing at the door, the unbelievable happened. She looked at me, and with a tiny movement on her head, she nodded to me to also get off at this stop. Like nothing had happened, I...
Greetings ISS readers, the story will for the most part be written as a narrative since I do not write very good English. The story is fantasy and never happened and is only written for the enjoyment of the readers. Please read and enjoy Part 1, 2, 3, 4 before reading this Part 5. My name is Raj and staying with my mum’s sister Anita (I call her aunty) in Pune since I was a 2 years old. For me aunty is more like a mother to me and I have grown up with my cousin Prya who is 2 years my junior. By...
IncestI have spent most of the day getting the back yard ready for my little surprise. Since it will be dark when you arrive home to me, I strung up some lights all around the gazebo that surrounds the back porch and hot tub. I purchased some tiki torch lights; I positioned them so they are just surrounding the hot tub. The sky is clear and the stars are shining brightly. The moon is lighting up the night sky and the water in the pool is just shimmering. I have laid out towels by the pool side and at...
Straight SexAfter starting a new position at work, I started spending less and less time out in the warehouse with my favorite coworkers and more and more time in the boring ,cold office. I missed my coworkers, my friends, and I missed walking around freely. Sitting in such a small office made my legs restless and my back sore. I stared blankly at my computer screen, I had been working on the same project for over an hour and still hadn't made any progress towards finishing it. My...
Doctor Peters IAngela Meyers opened the door to the medical suite. Perspiration made her yellow cotton sun dress cling just under her ‘D’ cup breasts. It wasn’t that hot out. The perspiration was mainly due to nerves. She had not been to see a doctor in nearly two years. When old Dr. Griffin had retired his patients and files had been taken over by a young physician just out of med school. Angela had never met Dr. Cynthia Peters but she had received the letters informing her of the change. Now...
Sorry for the short chapter. You lease go back and read the earlier chapter of this semi- true story. All the people and places have changed, the events are real but divulged upon to make a better story. ——————4am Lindsay and I were awoken from our naked slumber to the lights being turned on and the sound of Lindsay's roommate Kristen gasping. Hooooooly shhhhhhiiit. Youu two were fuughhkking!!!" Kristen yelled out in a drunken slur. She stood at the foot of the bed and stared at the mess that...
"Hey Tom", I heard as I watched the school bus drive off. "what are you up to later?"I turned around to see Mark Romano standing behind me. Mark lived at the end of the street, around the corner from the firehouse. We weren't really friends, but we got along all right. "Why, what's up", I asked. "Do you think that you could help me out with my math homework?"Normally I would have blown him off but Mark had a sister who was a year older than us and after seeing her at the last weekend she had...
I have to say it’s good to know there are other people out there living the Cuckold lifestyle. Sandra and I are from the South of England, have been married six years and have a daughter together. I love my wife very much indeed. As well as being a very attractive woman with a great figure she is popular and fun to be with. There is nothing I enjoy more than having her on my arm or of spending time with my family. With all this in mind I’m pleased to say that Sandra is also a self-made slut for...
Hi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Chennai. This is my story for Xhamster and the story I am going to narrate happened when I was studying in 11th std in Madurai, when I had been to my Aunt’s and Uncle house to stay and study as there was no college in our town. I am fair in color, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8 inch dick. I was aware of the woman anatomy at that age by reading sex stories and watching...
Bossed into panties - Part 3 Chapter 8: Maid in trouble With recent events praying heavily on his mind, Peter drove to Lucy's house in a bit of a daze, barely noticing the journey. He really didn't want to go but he knew there'd be trouble if he didn't, and right now he couldn't see any easy way out of their blackmailing antics. Lucy opened the front door and beckoned him in. "Good, you're on time. Come on then, don't be shy. My parents are out for the evening so we won't be...
Now I got left here with these randoms not knowing fuck all but it didn't take long for my natural instincts of a man to kick in and start to sus out what's happenin, now I had been drinking all night and had a few pincers so I was in a great mood, fucks me what anyone else had been doin but as far as I could see they were just smoking the glassy. Ange shouted me a few more drinks so I pulled out my bag of pills and offered them all one each, Maddy was first to grab one and quickly swallow...
Jill Ebber was laying on her back on her small twin bed. She was naked except for a pair of pale yellow bikini panties. Her small tits were flattened to almost non existence. Her brown nipples stood erect with her small left hand laying on one of them. One of her fingers was gently making circles on one of her nipples making her lips turn up in a sweet smile. Her right hand crept under the waist band of her panties stopping only when her fingers found her damp pussy. Jill softly stroked her...
I was weak, very weak as I opened my eyes. I was in a darkened room lying on a bed. My hand rubbed against the sheets of the bedding and could tell that they were silken. The room itself was large. I looked around and saw a fire and heard it crackling in the fireplace. I faded back out to unconsciousness. An indeterminate time later, I woke again. Still weak, I looked around. I noticed a bleary figure tending the fire. I called out to it but my voice would not work. I was too weak to speak....
The world is boring. Surely the world would be more interesting if it could be distorted to match your deepest desires. Well what if I told you that now it can! You're wish is my command. Where I'm from, I'm called the Distortioner. I take what you know about reality and change it to be what you want. Nothing is off limits. Just simply tell me your name and your desires for your new world, and with a flick of my wrist, this world will cease and your brand spanking (well not necessarily, eh?)...
Fantasy"You shall have it, Muriel my dear. I hate to think how much this will set me back, but it was worth it! The dinner is, what, three days from now?" Gloria responded, "Yes, dear. Three days from tonight. The dresses arrived just in time. Now Penny and I need to pick up our necklaces, to set off the dresses." "Necklaces? You have necklaces? I don't remember seeing them." John expressed his doubt. Gloria smiled sweetly. "They are being made for us as we speak, darling. Nothing...
This is my first story and a huge fantasy for me. I am little nervous, so please don't judge me too harshly but I do look forward to feed back. The story goes from past tense to present, that way you have background before being drawn in. I hope you like it! * About a year ago, I met the woman would fulfill my dreams and then some, over the Internet. I have always fantasized about finding a woman, I could relinquish all my control and sexual needs to. Someone who understands how to control my...
Rod and Angie had been married seven years. They had been struggling financially the entire seven years as Rod had worked two and sometimes three jobs trying to accumulate enough money to start an auto repair shop. Everyone came to him when they had car problems and were happy to pay him to fix their cars. They knew he was honest and wouldn’t gouge them. He was also understanding of their financial problems and more than once fixed someone’s car at his own expense until they could pay him. He...
The next day the phone started ringing early with moms wanting to know when to pick up their daughters. I found out it's not enough to put out a flyer with that information on it and then repeat that information at the party. Some people just had to have verbal confirmation at seven in the morning. Debbie's mom wasn't one of those who called early, nor did she arrive on time. It was nearly two in the afternoon when she deigned to make her appearance. She looked as if she had been through...
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."R. Frost I was contemplating how to approach this when David announced landing, or in his words "Get your ass up here and land this tub o lard!" I was in the left seat in no time, went through the landing checklist as we descended, applied 35 degrees of flaps, throttled back to 220 knots and let her settle on the runway. Slight forward touch of the yoke and rotation was...
iCarly: One Night Part 2 – Next DayBy ProfNigma - Carly woke up hours later, in a complete haze, and looked over at her bedside clock. 6:00AM... she was due to wake up for school in 45 minutes. To be honest, she was still unsure if last night had actually happened, and that that if she turned over to look, it might actually be real, or worse, a dream.It wasn't courage or even curiosity that made Carly turn over, but a freak out over a sound she was hearing. She slowly turned to see her best...
Picking up his two bags after going through customs, he made his way to the front door of the terminal. It was good to have his feet on the ground. As Michael walked out into the sunshine, he saw Miyoko's beautiful face smiling at him. She told him that she had a cab waiting and to follow her. They got in and sat back. He took her face in both of his hands and began to kiss her lightly on the lips. She just moaned, "Ooohh Michael, I need you." It only took fifteen minutes to the...
I am GAIL A family under surveillance and an intercepted voice command to a Google-Smart-Speaker - "OK Google; Help me be a Girl," has ramifications that ripple across families while bringing change to three young lives and possibly to mankind. Chapter 1. I am Gail your narrator. That a story needs a narrator is a truism; since all the information I need is at my finger-tips, I am best placed to narrate these very recent...
The rest of the afternoon was pretty quiet. Tamara took a nap after our pool time. I went to my study and logged onto the Internet. There was an e-mail from my mother. She detailed the past two weeks in Europe. They were back in London where my cousin had just graduated from Oxford and there was a party for him. She wrote they were heading to The Netherlands on Tuesday. I responded to her e-mail and reminded her about her grandchildren's birthdays coming up. I asked her for ideas for...
I sat and watched as Beth got closer to me. I knew this would hurt a lot, but I had no choice but to let it happen. She was smiling really big now and said, “Now my pet, I am going to give you something special. I don’t care if it hurts. Really I hope it does hurt, because I love to give you pain. Then when I am done Kim is going to give you something else and yes it will also hurt you.” I couldn’t say anything back to her. I knew if I did, I would be hurt even more. So I kept quiet. Jeni...
Author’s notes: When Aaron refers to Pamela as darling, the g is silent. It was difficult to select a category for this story. There are elements of Romance, D/s, hints of Non/ Consent Reluctance. In order to submit, I had to chose one. TIGRESS TO KITTY By Beagle9690 September 2009 As I sit here reading her laptop diary, my submissive lover has been standing in the corner for almost an hour. Pamela's buttocks are freshly spanked because I caught her masturbating in the bathtub without...
I am relaying this encounter, it did not happen to me, but I know this woman and I guess he had a delicious fuck.Helen was sunbathing in the archipelago, on one of the numerous islands available, small rocky enclaves, with little stretches of beach measured in meters.Swedes use them, most preferring to choose deserted sites, and with privacy, comes nudity.Helen was dropped their by her husband, who promptly weighed anchor and sailed back to complete business, then return.Helen set out their...
When Nicole arrived at the farm, Annabelle was standing in the barnyard waiting for her.“Park the car alongside the house,” Annabelle said.Nicole gripped the steering wheel in fear. She had been planning to use the few moments behind the barn to clean herself off, but now Annabelle was standing next to the car.“What’s all over your back,” Annabelle said harshly as Nicole got out of the car.“I’m sorry, Mistress Ann.”Nicole whined, but Annabelle cut her off with, “The truth! Start at the...
BDSM"Dear Merlin, I am sure you have many questions. Well, maybe you don't. You were always kind of slow. So, in case you haven't noticed, you can control the world. The minds and bodies of every human and animal, even the very fabric of reality. Our family stems from a long line of wizards, starting with Merlin himself. Yes, fairy tale Merlin. When the father dies, the son inherits the powers. It's usually not the firstborn son, because most of us Merlins live a few hundred years. I was born in...
Mind ControlI am Rajesh, again came from Hyderabad. I sent stories of my sex encounters with two of my colleagues. Later I sent another encounter with the daughter of my dream girl Sujatha. I have yet to receive the views of the readers on my stories. Now I will share my joy of encounter I had with my house-owner Mrs. Lalitha (name changed because of privacy) in two parts. It was happened when I was studying my graduation. I will tell about her. She is brownish in color and 34-32-40 of size and aged about...
THE SPACE SERPENT (c) 2017 by Anthony Durrant As the long, silvery, serpentine creature spiralled its way into Earth's solar system, the scanners from our home world were trained on it. They watched as it hurtled toward Earth's Spacedock Complex and wrapped its coils around the huge space station, destroying it completely and forever. Then it just hung there in space, doing nothing but biding its time, quietly observing the planet below, even as Admiral Natasha Pandora and her crew...
Hi friends mera nam ravi hai aur mein punjab ka rehne wala hu mein Indian sex stories ka regular reader hu koi bhi bhabi aunty ya girls wanna interest to meet me than mail me ….. Ab mein apni story par atta hun yeh story mere aur meri pados k ek aunty ki hai …. Hamare pados mein ek family rehne k liye ayi thi family mein 3 log the husband wife aur unki 7 saal ki beti kuch hi dino mein hamara aur unka relation bht acha ban gy mein bhi nukr ghr jaya krta tha mujhe aunty bht hi sexy lagdti thi...
The following new characters appear in this chapter: Eryn & Ellyn Parks Maureen and Allen’s twin Daughters, at 15 years old they are 5’-4’’ tall, 115 pounds, 34C-21-33, with long red hair, green eyes, some freckles, and they are very pretty. The next four weeks at the Hardtrick farm were full of challenges for me. It seemed like I gained more weight every day. Shortly none of my clothes fit me, and Jill took me to obtain maternity clothing. Initially they fit me like a tent, but...
I met M while on a trip to Israel for work. A group of us had gone out to a local night club to soak up some drinks and enjoy the beautiful women that populate the country.I had chatted up a couple of girls when we first there I was enthralled with their dark hair and eyes and was enjoying their company when a redheaded vision appeared next to us at the bar. She was older than the girls I had been talking to. She had on a tight black dress hugging her curves and drawing attention to her...
Another Morning Surprise, or two... by Janet Harris 2007 As you'll remember, I fell asleep after a long day as Jenny, not knowing if I would wake up again as her or as someone else, since that is what had happened the night before. Well, the next thing I knew, I was staring at the green digits of the alarm clock I had owned as a man, feeling rather disappointed. My first thoughts were "What a vivid dream!" but then I began to reflect on all that had happened to me the day before....
Chapter 1 - I Got A Job My name is Shirley. I am 34 years old and have been married to John for 16 years. I have a 15-year-old daughter Betty, who has a best friend Susan who stays with us often. Susan is also 15. We are basically a happy family, but debit is beginning to wear us down. About a year ago we bought a rather large mobile home and put it in an expensive mobile home community. We also bought an extra car for me since my husband worked long hours. I was looking for work, but since I...
THE GIRL FROM OLONGAPOHospital man Second Class ?Doc? Sagan sat in the Cherry Bar sipping his third San Magoo. Three bar hogs tried jumping into his whites, and he chased them away. He wanted to sit alone, smoke his cigarettes, drink his beer, and drift into dreams of another time, another place. He could not afford dreams in Nam. Dreams got you killed. One moment of inattention and you died. One moment thinking of Sally at the drive-in, and you checked out. Here, in the Cherry Bar, in...
by ABCuckold (Mf, Mm, forced, voy, impreg.)family Problems By A. B.I really felt that this was the first day of my life - the best and the most wonderful. Everything was totally and completely perfect. And why shouldn't it be.Two weeks before, I graduated from college. My new job with one of the up and coming Internet companies started in two weeks. Best of all, today I married the most beautiful and loving woman I'd ever met. Now we are at one of the nicest (and incidentally most expensive)...
It was Sunday afternoon, around three or so and I was headed back from Manhattan Beach. Imperial Avenue runs all the way from the beach into Inglewood and beyond. I have my thumb out, looking for a ride. Now you might ask why is a fourteen-year-old hitchhiking in a major city, crime being what it is. Well there is a good answer; I just started smoking last year, when I was in the 8th grade and because I am a minor I can't just go buy a pack, so I hitchhike rides and beg cigarettes from...