A Mercenary's TaleChapter 12 free porn video

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Donald and the others finished training for the day. It had been an exhausting and tiring, but a somewhat satisfying day. The men had worked well and were coming on. Donald had them working in their squads, one squad against another. They had finally figured out that by working together they could defend against a much larger group. Peter had been working with Nathaniel in the office.

“That lad of yours is a little genius. He has a real head for figures. I’d like him to work with me on the books,” Nathaniel told Paul as they packed up for the night.

“I’m sure he’d love that. Farming is all right, but it can be a hard life. If he can better himself then it’s all to the good.”

Nathaniel turned to Donald. “Those shields work well. They seem much better than any I’ve seen before.”

“They are, they are not cheap, however. I told you that good equipment costs, the best costs even more. These are the best I’ve ever come across. There is a family that would like transportation to Bridgeport. I have agreed they may accompany us. These shields are to pay for their passage. It is a very generous donation.”

“Yes, very generous indeed. How much were they going to charge for them?”

“His opening price was a gold crown each. I think I could have had them for half that. This is how much I think they are worth. They really are works of the shield maker’s art.”

“Yes, but that shield of yours, well, it’s fit for a king!”

“Yes, it is, isn’t it? I guess we all have some vanity in us, somewhere. When he brought it out, I just had to have it.”

“I can believe that.”

They formed up in the now usual way, the men with their shields on the outside, the women within and made their way home. As they approached the house, they saw some men waiting for them. Donald loosened his sword in it’s scabbard. He tightened his grip on his shield.

“Okay, let’s see what they want; but if necessary, be prepared to form a shield-wall.”

Samuel watched as they marched in tight formation towards him. He recognised Donald. He would have recognised him anywhere. He felt a strange sense of pride in the way they kept in formation, in how they protected each other from attack from any direction. It was just as he had taught Donald, all those years ago. Donald looked at the man awaiting him. He recognised him at once. He wanted to run up to him and embrace the man who he looked upon almost as a second father, the man who had taught him so much, who had done so much to keep him alive during those early years.



“You’re looking good. I hear you’ve just got married.”

“Yes, I have. How about yourself? How has the world been treating you?”

“Very well. Married with two children.”

“Are we hear to talk or fight? Let me tell you now it would hurt me to have to kill you and your men, but, if I have to, then so be it.”

“I feel the same. I just want to know about the Lady Isabella. Is she safe and well? Also what happened last night at the White Swan?”

“I am safe and quite well. I am also tired, hungry and in need of a bath. Could we please continue this discussion inside?”

Samuel looked with astonishment at the woman speaking. She stood in the middle of their group, but where as the rest were being protected, she was armed with a bow, already knocked, to give covering fire if needed. Donald was watching all around as he always did. Suddenly, he saw a movement. It was an archer.


The shields came up in an instant as arrows rained in. The arrows struck the shields. Samuel had turned when Donald shouted. It saved his life. An arrow hit him in the shoulder. Two of his men were also hit, one in the leg and the other in the arm. Ten men then charged out from hiding. Isabella shot one of the men as he ran towards them. He screamed and collapsed holding his belly.

“Forward six! Defend the wounded!” Donald shouted

They moved forward six paces, placing the shield-wall between their attackers and the fallen town guard. Donald grabbed the uninjured man, and threw him to the rear. The wall stretched across the street. They all crouched down behind their shields. Isabella managed another shot. She was rewarded by hearing another scream. Donald smiled, the adrenalin was up and running. This was what he lived for, this was when he felt so alive. He waited until their attackers were almost on top of them.

“Now, thrust!”

The spears were thrust forward. More screams as men were impaled. He watched the man in front of him slowly slide to the ground. He pulled the spear from the man. He looked up and down the line. Four more men lay on the ground. The others seeing that the attack had failed, turned to run away. Isabella got another one as he fled.

“Get the wounded inside. I’ll check these to see if any live. If they do I’ll find out who they are, who they work for, and what the fuck is going on!”

“Get my wife. Send Rupert to get my wife. She’s a healer. Get her now and the children,” Samuel gasped.

Rupert who was the only one of the guard not wounded, immediately ran off in the direction of Samuel’s house.

“All right, my friend. We have you now. Let’s get you inside.”

The wounded were brought in. They undressed them as best they could. Donald went to check on the wounded attackers. He saw Alan approach one.

“Alan! Get back!”

As Alan jumped back, the man lunged at him, dagger in hand. He missed. The man groaned with the effort and pain.

“Thanks for that, how did you know?”

“Seen it too many times. Look, get your shield. I’ll show you how to approach a wounded man.”

Donald held his shield, keeping his shield between him and the wounded man.

“Right then, are you going to try any more of your tricks?”

“Fuck off, you bastard.”

Donald pushed his spear into the man’s wound. He screamed. The blood flowing even more freely from his wound.

“That looks bad, bet it hurts. Now I’m going to ask some questions. Answer them, and I’ll give you mercy. Don’t answer them, and I’ll make sure your last minutes are filled with torment. Your choice.”

“Fuck off! I’ll tell you nothing” he gasped, the pain even stronger.

“Very well, you had your chance.”

Donald picked up the man’s fallen dagger and jammed it into the man’s leg. He screamed and wept with the pain.

“Don’t want you wandering off, now do we? Let’s go and see I any of the others want to talk.”

They moved to the next man. He had been hit in the leg by one of Isabella’s arrows. He was trying to crawl away. Again, Donald approached him, keeping the shield between them.

“I’d stop if I were you. I want a word.”

The man continued to move. Donald shook his head and brought his spear down, pointing it at his face. He shook his head.

“Who sent you?”

“I can’t. They’ll kill me!”

Donald laughed “And what exactly do you think I’ll do after you tried to kill me, my wife, and my friends? I’m going to count to five. If you don’t tell me what I want to know, I’m going to start sticking you with my spear. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.”

The man lay there shaking his head. Donald stood and rammed his spear through the man’s hand. He screamed.

“Please, please. Have mercy, they’ll kill me!”

“Who will?”

“Roderick. He paid Garth, our leader. If I say more they’ll kill me.”

“I wouldn’t worry about them, if I were you. Unless you tell me everything, right now, I’m going to geld you, and you can bleed to death right here in the street. You tried to kill my wife. Do not expect any mercy from me.”

“No, we were to capture her. Kill you, yes, but capture her ... and any other women and boys. Roderick particularly asked for the boys.”

“Well, that’s a start. Now then, why did they want you to capture my wife, the other women and the boys?”

“I don’t know. They do say that Roderick has a liking for young boys. He uses them as a man would use a woman. He likes to hear them scream and plead. He is one sick fucker.”

Donald could feel his anger rise as he snarled, “And knowing this, you would willingly deliver these children into his clutches? Are you completely without honour?”

“I don’t know for certain. It’s only what I’ve heard.”

“Well, let’s go inside and ask someone who might know, shall we?”

They picked the man up and took him inside.

“Keep him here. We need to check on the rest of the wounded.”

Donald picked up his bow. Alan accompanied him. Donald approached the next wounded man. He drew his bow and shot him from a distance. He rolled him over.

“See, another one with a knife in his hand. He’s knows he’s finished but wants to take one more with him. If they try to move, and show they have no weapons, then I might help them. When they lie doggo like that, then I shoot them before I approach them. I don’t take any chances.”

They repeated the process with the remaining attackers. They searched their bodies for anything useful, other than that left them lying in the street for the dogs and other scavengers. They brought what was useful back in. One had a good pair of boots, another an adequate sword. They all had purses full of coin. Donald went back out to the first man he had questioned. He was still lying in the street. He looked up at Donald.

“Mercy, please mercy, I beg of you.”

“I told you that if didn’t answer me, your last minutes would be filled with pain and anguish. You and your fellows wished to rape our women and children. This is what I do to rapists.”

He rammed the spear into the man’s genitals. The man’s eyes went wide. The pain was so great he could not even scream, all he could do was gasp.

“You’ll bleed out in a few minutes. It’s a shame for you that you are so strong, most would have passed out before now. I promised you your last minutes would be filled with pain and anguish. I am a man of my word.”

Donald could hear the man whimpering as his life-blood flowed out onto the street. He returned to the house.

Isabella was waiting for him. She threw her arms around him.

“Oh, my darling. I was so scared. Why did those men attack us and who are these other men?”

“First we are going to question the one I brought in here. The other men are the town guard come to talk to us. One of them is an old friend. I want to hear what he has to say, before I decide what to do with him.”

They went into the kitchen where the men were sitting. Miriam was cleaning their wounds.

“I got the shaft out, but the head is still in. He said not to touch it until his wife got here. We managed to get the other arrows out. I’ve cleaned the wounds as best I can.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“Hello, Samuel. It’s good to see you again, but it’s not how I’d have wished it. What’s all this about?”

“That’s what I came here to ask you. I had a report that someone was holding the Lady Isabella hostage. There is also the question of four men killed at the White Swan last night.”

“As you can see Lady Isabella’s no hostage.” She stood next to him, her arm holding him tightly. He looked down at her, she had turned pale, she was starting to shake.

“Sit down. Miriam, hot sweet tea and a bucket. Now!”

Donald sat her down. He pushed her head between her knees. Miriam brought a bucket over, just in time. Isabella was violently sick.

“First time?” Samuel asked

“Yes. I had the same reaction, remember?”

“Yes, and you’d pissed yourself. But you stayed in formation. You held the line.”

“He was a big bastard. I thought I was dead. I remembered what you had told me. I waited ‘till he raised his sword to strike, and then stuck him with the spear. I still remember the look on his face, can still hear his scream, still remember the smell. It never leaves you, does it?”

“No. No, it doesn’t,” said Samuel shaking his head.

The tea was brought, Isabella drank slowly.

“So what about those four men last night?”

Donald sat next to Isabella, holding her as she recovered.

“Oh, that was easy. I heard they were looking for us, and offering a reward for information. I went there to tell them to leave. They chose to attack me, instead. Their mistake. One of them was a skilled swordsman, a true professional. I had them call an undertaker to take care of the body. He was a messenger for the Baron. He had some papers on him. I’ll ask the Bishop to read them to you.”

“The Bishop?”

“Yes, the Bishop Rathbone is one of our party. Either he, Carlos or Isabella can read them to you. They tell an interesting story. We’ll be leaving at the end of the week. If we don’t I’m afraid the body count will rise dramatically.”

“Why, what’s going on?”

“Well, it’s the fact that the Earl is not really in charge any more. It’s a man called Ebenezeer. He has made a deal with the Baron to carve up Lord Blackmore’s land between them. He is in league with Lady Blackmore. Ebeneezer’s taken a liking to Isabella and wants her as his slave. If we stay much longer, there will be a few less rulers, or one less ex-mercenary. Things could get very messy. Just one thing, do you know a man called Roderick?”

“Well, we did wonder. Things have been changing just lately, nothing you could put your finger on, just a feeling. We’ve been around long enough to sense these things. In answer to your question, yes, I do know a man called Roderick. He’s the leader of the town council, why?”

“Did you know he likes young boys?”

“WHAT!! No, I did not! Who told you this? Does he have proof? If it’s true I’ll geld the bastard!”

Donald looked over to the man they had taken prisoner. “Well? You better tell Samuel what you told me.”

The man swallowed. He had heard what was said. He knew that his life hung by a thread.

“We were told to capture the women and any young boys. Garth told us that Roderick had especially asked for them. Told us that he liked to use them like a woman. He loved to hear them scream and beg. He’s a sick bastard he is. The Lady Isabella was to be given to Ebenezeer, and we could do what we wished with the rest.”

Donald sighed and said, “This is my wedding night! I was hoping to spend it with my bride! It looks like another late night. Where does this joker live?”

“No, that’s not how to handle it. That would simply make you an outlaw. Let me handle this. My wife will be here soon. I will ask that you and your companions take her and my children in. Once this is over, I don’t think this will be a safe place for them. Exposing their plans will throw them into confusion. It will either force them to act before they are ready, or give up completely. I don’t think people like those will give up easily.”

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Black cock was good to fuck but had a shocking sec

I meet a very nice well fit older black male in the Bar at a Hotel i stayed in on a weeken trip i had.We got along real well, and had alot of fun and much great sex that weekend.i asked him if he was married or if he had k**s... But he was singel and no k**s.And on Sunday when we spilt up, we promised each other to do this again..But it took almost Six months before i heard from him again.Then he said that he had been out of the contry on work, and he wanted to hook up again.And he invited me...

1 year ago
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Padosi Rekha Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hello friends mera name ajay hai aur me gujrat k ahmedabad se hu. Me iss ka purana reader hu aur mene iss ki sabhi story read kar chuka hu. Pahele me apane baare me batadu me dikhne me smart hu aur meri age 23 hai. Mere dick ki size 8 inch hai jo koi bhi aurat ko satisfied kar sakta hai.To friend ye meri first story hai koi bhool ho jaye to maaf karna. Ye 6 mahine pahele ki hai. Agar meri story pasand aaye aur nahi bhi aaye to bhi muje mail kare aur ahmedabad ki ya gujarat ki koi bhi aurat ya...

2 years ago
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My Slut Wife does a special Display

My wife and I were driving to the adult theater once again, a normal occurrence for us, at least twice per month. I enjoyed taking her to the adult theater and have her play with the variety of men that ventured in to see a movie, but she provided a different level of enjoyment.We had found a new blouse for her to wear, a sheer blouse that left nothing to the imagination. Cheryl was hornier than usual, and was quite anxious to get to the theater for some sexual fun and games.As we drove she...

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154 AVIS HER DAUGHTER AND THE BLACKS. I was sitting quietly in the lounge chair, dressed only in my nightgown and didn’t hear my daughter come up behind me until she reached around and cupped my tits and leaned over behind me and began to kiss my neck. “Oh honey” I said softly as she licked and kissed around my neck and ears, sending shivers down my body at her tender kisses and hot breath, while she continued to caress and squeeze my tits. “You like that don’t you mom?” she asked. “Yes...

1 year ago
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The House In The Woods

According to my maternal aunt Sally, my parents had to get married. My mother was just seventeen, and my father was almost twenty-one when she discovered she was pregnant with me. That meant my mother was a minor, and my grandfather was going to file criminal charges if my father didn’t marry his daughter. He complied, and the whole deal was swept under the carpet or hidden in the closet as they tried to live a normal life. Actually, that wasn’t too difficult because my father had taken a...

3 years ago
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Neighborly SwapChapter 7 Another Meetup

The next week passed uneventfully. I worked that weekend, so I spent time on my off days during the week knocking off the chores Brenda and I listed. In the course of some yard work, I noted Linda standing at the window, as if watching me work. I waved to her, and she started, paused a moment, and waved back with a faint smile. The next day, I was cleaning up the back yard. As I straightened up once, stretching the kinks out of my back, I saw my pretty neighbor looking over the fence at...

3 years ago
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But Who Am I ReallyChapter 5

Hugh woke up at 5AM the next morning, the unwilling victim of jet lag. He looked over at Erin, sleeping soundly. "How can he sleep so soundly?" he wondered. With a start, Hugh realized that he had just referred to Erin as 'he'. Unable to get back to sleep as the morning light began to filter in, Hugh decided to get dressed and walk to the local bagel shop to fetch some breakfast. After slipping into some old jeans, Hugh looked at Erin's bra on the chair. He had not worn it since they...

1 year ago
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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 2

Sultry: Another country heard from; 2 If you think the bank vault room was crowded ... you'd be right. The Seven were in their parts when then they appeared in the vault. What was even more confusing? They all had boxes. But, wait, there's more. Seven stuck her finger in the hole, eight boxes appeared. Eight? Yes. One of the eight was for Sultry. Sultry stuck her finger in the hole and HER box materialized. It was empty except for a note: Past Due. Charges for ten years:33...

1 year ago
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He turns the cup once more, the little tea that is left inside swills around and he watches as it slowly re-finds its stillness. The little spoon by the side of the saucer makes another darker spot on the tablecloth as one more drip of tea falls and the teapot gives out its last final blast of steam. Across the table lies an empty space where the person he is waiting for should be sitting, ‘late again’ thinks Adam the main person involved in this tale. He remembers the first time that he and...

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It all began one Sunday afternoon. He was looking through his Facebook account when he came across her in his friend’s profile. He was immediately attracted by her everyday beauty but most of all he was captivated by her smile. The picture showed her sitting on a balcony in a beach outfit her toned legs resting on another chair with a drink in her hand smiling directly at the camera.His pulse and heartbeat quickened as he clicked on her profile for information but little was gained due to the...

1 year ago
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Dirty Kelly 2

Dirty Kelly part 2Kelly was on her third gin and tonic, all complementary of her as yet unnamed friendly barman, and hadn't heard a thing from Ray, until her mobile started ringing. 'Babe, I'm stuck in traffic. Been an accident by the look of it. Been ambulances and fire engines flying always. Don't know how long I'll be''Ok. I'm in the bar. Better hurry up, I'm getting pissed, and their is a man after me. Get changed quick and meet me in the bar. Love you' 'Love you too babe. Be as quick as I...

3 years ago
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As I entered this Kroger around me on Michigan near Elizabeth, I saw this tall, thick-assed white chick! I instantly let out an audible, "DIIAAAMN!!!" fully on purpose to see if I'd get a sneer out of her or whateva'. To my surprise, she came back with, "Well thank you, hon!" Two things occurred within me at the same time...my jaw dropped, & my dick got rock hard! She had just accepted this sluts challenge to a duel. Beaming like I had no business doing so, I shot at her with, "Anytime...

4 years ago
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CorruptionChapter 4 Upgrades

"Collette, you know where the coffee is," Bran instructed. "It's going to be a long night, so why don't you make a pot? Caleb, your batch of nanites is ready. I propose that you go first because Al has a better idea about what to expect. If there is an unforeseen problem, he has a better chance of correcting it on the fly. He can also be prepared to coach the rest of the Companions in how to handle the treatment." "Okay, but," Caleb replied dubiously, as he was settling into his...

4 years ago
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Indian Family In USA

Sunita, and Anita were both born in India. Their father had join a software firm in USA and moved his family to the U.S. when the sisters were very young. Sunita was now 18, and Anita was 19, and they were very close. Their parents had raised them very strictly according to Indian culture. Anita had just gotten her own apartment, and to her parents disapproval, moved Sunita in with her. As the girls spent their first night away from home, it was as if a new world had opened up for them. Anita...

3 years ago
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Little SisterChapter 20 Spring Planting

My time with the Governor was quietly seismic. Though no one said anything, it was clear the ground had shifted. On one side of things, FD Consulting was soon turning down business. I hired a full-time secretary and a 24-hour message service. It still was not enough. My reputation with Paroles and Pardons soon expanded into sentencing issues and similar criminal law concerns. A law firm contacted me about a bill with an upcoming vote. In case it was not obvious, legislatures pass laws....

3 years ago
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Massage Club 2

I had been getting my 'massages" for a couple of months when my husband had to go out of town for a few days. I called the club and told Peter what was happening and if he can fit in a late evening massage on Thursday. He said he could so I was quite excited the next evening when I went to the club just before 9pm. The receptionist took me to my usual room and said "good night " as the club closed at nine. I stripped off , completely now, and I was lying with the towel over me when David, a...

4 years ago
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Abducted to Ambitious

This story is a tribute to an original story piece called ‘Alien to Ambition’ written by The Greyman and published on both TheOverflowingBra website and his DeviantArt account (http://mrgreyman.deviantart.com/). Many of the characters in it and universe they inhabit are completely his creation and all credit goes to him for it. I just hope I and my fellow contributors can do it credit. You feel as though you are drifting, your mind clouded as though trying to rise from a heavy sleep. Your limbs...

2 years ago
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The Sexy Neighbor

I was only twenty three when my grandparents passed away and left their beautiful Victorian style mansion to my brother and I. They had lived a long and beautiful life in the mansion where they had raised my mother and her siblings. When they dies, my parents refused to sell the house because of its family history. The only problem was that the house was about three hours away and much too far for my parents to move in to. My family decided to keep it as a vacation home, but it was in need of a...

Straight Sex
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Ex Boyfriend Ne Bnaya Randi

Hi m ishana back with another experience after being gangbanged by my ex bf and his friends… Mere ex bf or uske dosto ke sath chudne ke bad se me bht horny rhne lagi apne ko hmesha fingering krti rhti or shivam ke msg or call ka intezar krti rhti. Fir ek fin intezar khtm hua or shivam ka call aya S: haye meri rand badi yad aa rhi thi teri Me: mein khud tere lund ki pyas ungli se bhuja rhi S: mere hote hue ungli ki kya jarurat ye lund tera hi to h a jau teri pyas bhujane Me: haa aa ja bht...

1 year ago
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Busty Adventures of Brittany Ch 091

Jeff heard a noise coming from downstairs. It seemed like someone was trying to open the door. It was around 4:30a.m and some stranger had just open the front door. Jeff knew it wasn’t his parents. They were all ready home and asleep. He knew it couldn’t have been Brittany because she has to get up in another hour or so to get ready for school.He quickly got out of bed and heard the stranger’s footsteps going across the hall to where Brittany’s room is. Jeff slightly opens his door and sees...

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MasterPC The Tech 003

Disclaimer: If you're not 18 or legal adult in your locality, please skip this one. Thanks! MasterPC: The Tech 003. By TransXBunny ----- Tuesday Morning. I can honestly say I'm not used to getting up at 5:30 like Vicki and Angelina do. As a male, I get up at quarter to 7, hit the shower, get dressed, and grab a bagel or something else on the way out the door for work. However, getting up did have a perk, I showered with Angelina this morning, and we washed each other before the...

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Virgin Guy With A Hot Sexy Neighbour Lady

Hi everyone,my name is arjun(not real) age of 26 from andhra pradesh vizag.Not being late over the story I would say this is a fantasy of how I made sex with a mature hot horny women who is my neighbour.   This is just a fantasy I had and I never had real sex till now. My fantasy story .All this was my pure imagination so any girls and women from vizag can mail me at I will be at your service and your identity will be kept absolute secret.Mail me ladies.   So the story goes like this,I live...

1 year ago
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Getting Some Asian PussyChapter 7

Tom couldn't believe how the weeks since Larry had left him to watch out for his young Korean wife had evolved. Tom had never actually thought that he'd end up fucking Larry's wife more times than he could count during the time his friend was away on his trip but that was exactly what had happened. And now that he and Susie were driving to the airport to pick up Larry on his return, Susie had just taken Tom's cock out of his pants and sucked him to orgasm as they'd driven down the road....

4 years ago
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It was next day.Janna had done her best to stay alone with me.And,she had succeeded.My wife has gone to her friends.I was at the beach.I was taking sun bath on the sands.And, of course,I was waiting Janna.Finally,I saw her coming.She was wearing a small bikini.A white bikini with flower design.There were laces of her bikini.I pretended sleeping.She came, looked at me.Janna; I know you are not sleeping.She was pretending as if nothing had happened one day ago.Me; shall we go to rocks?(I stared...

1 year ago
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Locker Room Gangbang

One minute I was sitting alone in the locker room, the next I was surrounded by five guys. I had no idea what was happening, but I was defiantly scared. ‘What’s your name?’ One of them asked. ‘Eric.’ I responded, my voice shaking a little. ‘Well Eric, here’s the deal, my name is Mike, and my buddies and I couldn’t help but watch you while you were taking a shower and you got such a pretty little body we just wanted to come over and say hi.’ ‘I’m not gay.’ I blurted out. ‘Well, neither are...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Ginger Gray Penelope Kay Is That A Shark In Your Pants

Penelope Kay and her friend Ginger Gray are having fun playing with sharks to celebrate shark month. Penelope’s stepbrother Rico Hernandez comes in and asks what they’re doing. When the girls explain, Rico announces that he’d be the dominant shark. He goes on to tell Penelope that maybe she’ll bleed on shark week so he can be the shark. Penelope rises to the challenge as Ginger looks on, claiming that she’d bit Rico so hard. When Rico says maybe he’d like it,...

3 years ago
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How I Became a Submissive Bisexual Love SlaveChapter 1

Hi, I'm Amanda, most call me, Mandi, (some call me a slut, but I'll get to that shortly) and I've lived in England all my life. That's sixteen years now. It's been an interesting sixteen years, well, it's been an interesting last four years, see, this mostly started when I was twelve. I first became aware of sex and all that when I was about ten and was scooting around on the bed one night laying on my stomach. Mmm, that felt good, I thought, and put my hand down to find out exactly...

2 years ago
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Getting Great News From My Son

"Please tell me you had sex with her, Todd," I pleaded, sitting next to him. "I know I am your mom, but I need you to admit to me that your cock made it into my daughter's pussy," I muttered, grabbing his right arm. "Tell me it happened, dear son. Confess that you defiled her like the hung man you are," I demanded, bringing my face close to his.He stayed quiet for a moment. "Yes, Mom. Celica and I had sex," he divulged, failing to look at me."Yes!" I screeched before I kissed his cheek and...

4 years ago
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True Mage ChroniclesChapter 8

I entered the dining room to find Shalyndria at the table’s head, still wearing the teal dress from earlier. Terrance sat to her right with Milla next to him, both in uniform as always. Petra sat on the left, wearing a burgundy dress with a low v-cut showing more of her small pert breasts with an empty seat between her and the head of the table. Once I took the chair left open for me, Shalyndria pulled a rope behind her sounding a bell down the hall. A few moments later, Tessa and another...

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