Mercenaries 1
- 2 years ago
- 17
- 0
Donald and the others finished training for the day. It had been an exhausting and tiring, but a somewhat satisfying day. The men had worked well and were coming on. Donald had them working in their squads, one squad against another. They had finally figured out that by working together they could defend against a much larger group. Peter had been working with Nathaniel in the office.
“That lad of yours is a little genius. He has a real head for figures. I’d like him to work with me on the books,” Nathaniel told Paul as they packed up for the night.
“I’m sure he’d love that. Farming is all right, but it can be a hard life. If he can better himself then it’s all to the good.”
Nathaniel turned to Donald. “Those shields work well. They seem much better than any I’ve seen before.”
“They are, they are not cheap, however. I told you that good equipment costs, the best costs even more. These are the best I’ve ever come across. There is a family that would like transportation to Bridgeport. I have agreed they may accompany us. These shields are to pay for their passage. It is a very generous donation.”
“Yes, very generous indeed. How much were they going to charge for them?”
“His opening price was a gold crown each. I think I could have had them for half that. This is how much I think they are worth. They really are works of the shield maker’s art.”
“Yes, but that shield of yours, well, it’s fit for a king!”
“Yes, it is, isn’t it? I guess we all have some vanity in us, somewhere. When he brought it out, I just had to have it.”
“I can believe that.”
They formed up in the now usual way, the men with their shields on the outside, the women within and made their way home. As they approached the house, they saw some men waiting for them. Donald loosened his sword in it’s scabbard. He tightened his grip on his shield.
“Okay, let’s see what they want; but if necessary, be prepared to form a shield-wall.”
Samuel watched as they marched in tight formation towards him. He recognised Donald. He would have recognised him anywhere. He felt a strange sense of pride in the way they kept in formation, in how they protected each other from attack from any direction. It was just as he had taught Donald, all those years ago. Donald looked at the man awaiting him. He recognised him at once. He wanted to run up to him and embrace the man who he looked upon almost as a second father, the man who had taught him so much, who had done so much to keep him alive during those early years.
“You’re looking good. I hear you’ve just got married.”
“Yes, I have. How about yourself? How has the world been treating you?”
“Very well. Married with two children.”
“Are we hear to talk or fight? Let me tell you now it would hurt me to have to kill you and your men, but, if I have to, then so be it.”
“I feel the same. I just want to know about the Lady Isabella. Is she safe and well? Also what happened last night at the White Swan?”
“I am safe and quite well. I am also tired, hungry and in need of a bath. Could we please continue this discussion inside?”
Samuel looked with astonishment at the woman speaking. She stood in the middle of their group, but where as the rest were being protected, she was armed with a bow, already knocked, to give covering fire if needed. Donald was watching all around as he always did. Suddenly, he saw a movement. It was an archer.
The shields came up in an instant as arrows rained in. The arrows struck the shields. Samuel had turned when Donald shouted. It saved his life. An arrow hit him in the shoulder. Two of his men were also hit, one in the leg and the other in the arm. Ten men then charged out from hiding. Isabella shot one of the men as he ran towards them. He screamed and collapsed holding his belly.
“Forward six! Defend the wounded!” Donald shouted
They moved forward six paces, placing the shield-wall between their attackers and the fallen town guard. Donald grabbed the uninjured man, and threw him to the rear. The wall stretched across the street. They all crouched down behind their shields. Isabella managed another shot. She was rewarded by hearing another scream. Donald smiled, the adrenalin was up and running. This was what he lived for, this was when he felt so alive. He waited until their attackers were almost on top of them.
“Now, thrust!”
The spears were thrust forward. More screams as men were impaled. He watched the man in front of him slowly slide to the ground. He pulled the spear from the man. He looked up and down the line. Four more men lay on the ground. The others seeing that the attack had failed, turned to run away. Isabella got another one as he fled.
“Get the wounded inside. I’ll check these to see if any live. If they do I’ll find out who they are, who they work for, and what the fuck is going on!”
“Get my wife. Send Rupert to get my wife. She’s a healer. Get her now and the children,” Samuel gasped.
Rupert who was the only one of the guard not wounded, immediately ran off in the direction of Samuel’s house.
“All right, my friend. We have you now. Let’s get you inside.”
The wounded were brought in. They undressed them as best they could. Donald went to check on the wounded attackers. He saw Alan approach one.
“Alan! Get back!”
As Alan jumped back, the man lunged at him, dagger in hand. He missed. The man groaned with the effort and pain.
“Thanks for that, how did you know?”
“Seen it too many times. Look, get your shield. I’ll show you how to approach a wounded man.”
Donald held his shield, keeping his shield between him and the wounded man.
“Right then, are you going to try any more of your tricks?”
“Fuck off, you bastard.”
Donald pushed his spear into the man’s wound. He screamed. The blood flowing even more freely from his wound.
“That looks bad, bet it hurts. Now I’m going to ask some questions. Answer them, and I’ll give you mercy. Don’t answer them, and I’ll make sure your last minutes are filled with torment. Your choice.”
“Fuck off! I’ll tell you nothing” he gasped, the pain even stronger.
“Very well, you had your chance.”
Donald picked up the man’s fallen dagger and jammed it into the man’s leg. He screamed and wept with the pain.
“Don’t want you wandering off, now do we? Let’s go and see I any of the others want to talk.”
They moved to the next man. He had been hit in the leg by one of Isabella’s arrows. He was trying to crawl away. Again, Donald approached him, keeping the shield between them.
“I’d stop if I were you. I want a word.”
The man continued to move. Donald shook his head and brought his spear down, pointing it at his face. He shook his head.
“Who sent you?”
“I can’t. They’ll kill me!”
Donald laughed “And what exactly do you think I’ll do after you tried to kill me, my wife, and my friends? I’m going to count to five. If you don’t tell me what I want to know, I’m going to start sticking you with my spear. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.”
The man lay there shaking his head. Donald stood and rammed his spear through the man’s hand. He screamed.
“Please, please. Have mercy, they’ll kill me!”
“Who will?”
“Roderick. He paid Garth, our leader. If I say more they’ll kill me.”
“I wouldn’t worry about them, if I were you. Unless you tell me everything, right now, I’m going to geld you, and you can bleed to death right here in the street. You tried to kill my wife. Do not expect any mercy from me.”
“No, we were to capture her. Kill you, yes, but capture her ... and any other women and boys. Roderick particularly asked for the boys.”
“Well, that’s a start. Now then, why did they want you to capture my wife, the other women and the boys?”
“I don’t know. They do say that Roderick has a liking for young boys. He uses them as a man would use a woman. He likes to hear them scream and plead. He is one sick fucker.”
Donald could feel his anger rise as he snarled, “And knowing this, you would willingly deliver these children into his clutches? Are you completely without honour?”
“I don’t know for certain. It’s only what I’ve heard.”
“Well, let’s go inside and ask someone who might know, shall we?”
They picked the man up and took him inside.
“Keep him here. We need to check on the rest of the wounded.”
Donald picked up his bow. Alan accompanied him. Donald approached the next wounded man. He drew his bow and shot him from a distance. He rolled him over.
“See, another one with a knife in his hand. He’s knows he’s finished but wants to take one more with him. If they try to move, and show they have no weapons, then I might help them. When they lie doggo like that, then I shoot them before I approach them. I don’t take any chances.”
They repeated the process with the remaining attackers. They searched their bodies for anything useful, other than that left them lying in the street for the dogs and other scavengers. They brought what was useful back in. One had a good pair of boots, another an adequate sword. They all had purses full of coin. Donald went back out to the first man he had questioned. He was still lying in the street. He looked up at Donald.
“Mercy, please mercy, I beg of you.”
“I told you that if didn’t answer me, your last minutes would be filled with pain and anguish. You and your fellows wished to rape our women and children. This is what I do to rapists.”
He rammed the spear into the man’s genitals. The man’s eyes went wide. The pain was so great he could not even scream, all he could do was gasp.
“You’ll bleed out in a few minutes. It’s a shame for you that you are so strong, most would have passed out before now. I promised you your last minutes would be filled with pain and anguish. I am a man of my word.”
Donald could hear the man whimpering as his life-blood flowed out onto the street. He returned to the house.
Isabella was waiting for him. She threw her arms around him.
“Oh, my darling. I was so scared. Why did those men attack us and who are these other men?”
“First we are going to question the one I brought in here. The other men are the town guard come to talk to us. One of them is an old friend. I want to hear what he has to say, before I decide what to do with him.”
They went into the kitchen where the men were sitting. Miriam was cleaning their wounds.
“I got the shaft out, but the head is still in. He said not to touch it until his wife got here. We managed to get the other arrows out. I’ve cleaned the wounds as best I can.”
“Okay, thanks.”
“Hello, Samuel. It’s good to see you again, but it’s not how I’d have wished it. What’s all this about?”
“That’s what I came here to ask you. I had a report that someone was holding the Lady Isabella hostage. There is also the question of four men killed at the White Swan last night.”
“As you can see Lady Isabella’s no hostage.” She stood next to him, her arm holding him tightly. He looked down at her, she had turned pale, she was starting to shake.
“Sit down. Miriam, hot sweet tea and a bucket. Now!”
Donald sat her down. He pushed her head between her knees. Miriam brought a bucket over, just in time. Isabella was violently sick.
“First time?” Samuel asked
“Yes. I had the same reaction, remember?”
“Yes, and you’d pissed yourself. But you stayed in formation. You held the line.”
“He was a big bastard. I thought I was dead. I remembered what you had told me. I waited ‘till he raised his sword to strike, and then stuck him with the spear. I still remember the look on his face, can still hear his scream, still remember the smell. It never leaves you, does it?”
“No. No, it doesn’t,” said Samuel shaking his head.
The tea was brought, Isabella drank slowly.
“So what about those four men last night?”
Donald sat next to Isabella, holding her as she recovered.
“Oh, that was easy. I heard they were looking for us, and offering a reward for information. I went there to tell them to leave. They chose to attack me, instead. Their mistake. One of them was a skilled swordsman, a true professional. I had them call an undertaker to take care of the body. He was a messenger for the Baron. He had some papers on him. I’ll ask the Bishop to read them to you.”
“The Bishop?”
“Yes, the Bishop Rathbone is one of our party. Either he, Carlos or Isabella can read them to you. They tell an interesting story. We’ll be leaving at the end of the week. If we don’t I’m afraid the body count will rise dramatically.”
“Why, what’s going on?”
“Well, it’s the fact that the Earl is not really in charge any more. It’s a man called Ebenezeer. He has made a deal with the Baron to carve up Lord Blackmore’s land between them. He is in league with Lady Blackmore. Ebeneezer’s taken a liking to Isabella and wants her as his slave. If we stay much longer, there will be a few less rulers, or one less ex-mercenary. Things could get very messy. Just one thing, do you know a man called Roderick?”
“Well, we did wonder. Things have been changing just lately, nothing you could put your finger on, just a feeling. We’ve been around long enough to sense these things. In answer to your question, yes, I do know a man called Roderick. He’s the leader of the town council, why?”
“Did you know he likes young boys?”
“WHAT!! No, I did not! Who told you this? Does he have proof? If it’s true I’ll geld the bastard!”
Donald looked over to the man they had taken prisoner. “Well? You better tell Samuel what you told me.”
The man swallowed. He had heard what was said. He knew that his life hung by a thread.
“We were told to capture the women and any young boys. Garth told us that Roderick had especially asked for them. Told us that he liked to use them like a woman. He loved to hear them scream and beg. He’s a sick bastard he is. The Lady Isabella was to be given to Ebenezeer, and we could do what we wished with the rest.”
Donald sighed and said, “This is my wedding night! I was hoping to spend it with my bride! It looks like another late night. Where does this joker live?”
“No, that’s not how to handle it. That would simply make you an outlaw. Let me handle this. My wife will be here soon. I will ask that you and your companions take her and my children in. Once this is over, I don’t think this will be a safe place for them. Exposing their plans will throw them into confusion. It will either force them to act before they are ready, or give up completely. I don’t think people like those will give up easily.”
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I talked her into a date, and we went out to dinner. Her name was Kim and she informed me i was the first person she had dated since her husband left 4 years prior. Her two girls were Jenni, who was 11, and Jamie, who was 13. we had a few drinks and i talked her into taking me back to her place. it was all coming together too easy. We walked in and her two beautiful daughters were watching TV. She told them to go to bed and I watched thier young slender legs work thier was up the...
Thanks dosto aap nay mare stories like ki or thanks aap logo kay comments or emails kay . dosto mare stories lumbi ho jati hain es liya sorry , jasa kay aap logo nay jungle trip part 1 or 2 read kiya ho ga now part 3 hai try karon ga aap ko acha lagay didi to junglee say chudwa kar layt gaye magar mare soch suru ho gaye pata nahi parents ka kiya bana ho ga kes haal main hon gay humaray liya kitna worried hon gay , or dosre taraf hum hain kay humay kuch yaad nahi raha hum khider say aya hain or...
Wednesday 8th November 2017I stood in the bedroom doorway looking at Jill’s long brown hair, splayed majestically down her back and crowning the pillow on which her sleeping head lay. Breathing in one of life’s best aromas, I placed my steaming coffee on my bedside table. Easing back into bed, I instantly felt Jill’s sleeping form react to my presence and snuggle next to me.How does she do that? Not even conscious, how does she respond to my presence and mold herself to me without waking? Is it...
Wife Lovers[Permission is granted to post this story on other websites, as long as it remains unedited, and all parts, including my nom-de-plume, my spelling and grammar mistakes, and these notes, are included. Permission is also granted to utilize the plot device of the wish-granting website "" in stories of your own device.] It was a dark and, thankfully, not-so-stormy night. The forecast was for scattered showers without a spark of lightning for a hundred miles in every direction. He'd...
The first time I felt her body against mine, is a feeling I'll never forget. Her curvy, athletic figure with her long dark hair is an image still burned into my memory. I never thought I would have ever wanted to be with another woman. I never thought I would ache for a woman. In my life, I was as straight as they come. I've always desired men. I loved men. Of course I had the moments in college where you're drinking and playing truth or dare and there is always that one guy who dares you to...
Mark guided them to the Sky Bar on the highest deck. Obnoxious modern music was playing, but it wasn't too loud. After receiving their drinks, Mark commented. “ You are a great fuck. Your pussy is tight and you are flexible. You suck cock well too.” Tiffany smiled and looked down into her drink. Her head was reeling. She must have wanted this to happen. Why else the change of outfit? Something subconscious, she guessed. “Go into the ladies room and push two fingers as far up inside you as...
Wife's first time, was a while ago....I always think about this and it gets me so bloody horny. I'm no writer, so bear with me and I'll try and convey the story as best i can.We used to live in Whitburn, West Lothian after we were married. We had a few neighbours come and go in the time we lived there and all were friendly, but it was not until another young couple moved into next door that the thought of swapping started to awaken.Over the space of about a year we all became very good friends,...
Chapter Two. Doug and I spend the afternoon chatting on the veranda. Sitting on the swingseat, I stretch my legs over his lap and lean back with my hair twisted over my shoulder as my skirt slithers over my lap to reveal my upper thighs. The neck of the dress billows open to show the slopes of my breasts beneath my sheer lilac lace bra. I see Doug’s gaze drift down from my face and I smile in a querying way as if to ask, yes? I sit up and feel my boobs bounce, Doug reaches to cup my cheek in...
Diane, A new beginning Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Somehow the dress just felt right. I had dreamed of this moment for a long time, yet I had always been too scared to even try it! That was the first time I have ever worn women's clothing, and now I know for sure that it was exactly what was missing in my life. I don't know why I had dreamed about it, but quite often over the years, in my dreams, I drew a mental picture of myself as a girl, one that I was sure I could...
My mother and I have always had a special relationship, ever since my dad died four years ago from cancer. My mother was devastated by his death, and has never even considered dating again. But, as I know that her and my father have always had a very lively sex life, I've heard them in the throes of passion many nights, though they don't know so. I've always thought that my mother was the most gorgeous, sexy woman on the planet; she's forty-three, but has the most incredible body you could...
If you were Murgur and you had to choose between a hottie like Capri Lmonde and a video game, what would you do? Murgur just wants to chill out after a long game, but Capri has other ideas. Decked out in hot lingerie and high heels, she struts across the room and gets between Murgur and his game. She takes the controller, then makes it clear that she is, in fact, the one in control of the situation. It would be impossible for Murgur to not be hard with such a hot young thing dressed to provoke...
xmoviesforyouKiara just loves her Step Dad and will do anything to give him a birthday to remember. She knows how much he admires her so she gives him a cake and lets her beautiful little perky tits out for him to enjoy. He won’t be blowing out his candles but Kiara will be blowing that hard cock of his! Charles loves that tight little pussy as he drives his cock right in there. His step daughter has a better pussy than her Mothers and he will be sure to fuck her any which way she wants. Kiaras pussy...
xmoviesforyouMy wife and I were having some sexual issues in the bedroom, I wanted more and she wanted to give less, she was kind of shy and prudish But I did talk her into going with me to a swingers club.Once there for me it was very exciting, For my wife it was what seemed to her like an utter embarrassment to say the least, So it was a No Go if you Know what I mean. Many men looked interested in my lovely wife. She is 42 yrs old; 5' 6" weighs 136 pounds great body with big adorable chest and small waist...
I opened my eyes slightly the light was blinding and the heat of the sun quite intense, where was i? Through squinted eyes I could make out a number of figures standing around hold guns, I suddenly became aware that my hands where tied and I was gagged, as I looked around I was not the only one. As my eyes adjusted to the light I could see about fifty other people tied up in the same manner as me, men and women of various ages and in various stages of dress, we have all obviously been...
"The Changing of my Life" part two It was two weeks later now. Lucy had meant what she said, I was totally hairless, my eyebrows had been plucked and I was wearing a pair of stick on B-cup breasts, she had fixed these on with a type of super glue, which made them impossible to remove. I had no men's clothes, shoes or underpants at all. My room which was now upstairs in what used to be the box room was painted in a pretty pink with a flower pattern all over, my bed was...
The following weekend after I had fingered my sons girlfriend I had arranged for a friend of mine from xhamster to come around and we were going to get Susan drunk and then he was was going to fuck her again. He had already fucked Susan five or six times and really loved fucking her as hard as he could and then fucking her mouth before pulling out and cumming all over face and hair.In the afternoon I had taken Susan to a local pub and started to get her drunk before my friend arrived, after a...
When the internet as invented, it was an astonishing marvel that created a technological singularity that advanced humanity beyond its basic limitations. Cancer was cured, rocket-science became public transportation and global warming didn't stand a chance. As the population boomed and robotics became as advanced as they were, the solar system was suddenly met with a new challenge; overpopulation. Planetary colonization made this a less urgent issue, but at the rate the population soared, the...
I am rajveer, working for an MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height, fair complexion with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex or relationship with mature, committed, married, divorced, widows or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in bed or outside), This incident is about how, I was seduced and had sex with a very distant older cousin sister Shalini, who is married and has a son. She wasn’t my cousin by relation, though our families were very close and our...
IncestSara Yumeka is a cheating Japanese housewife and today she is out with her lover, who is also married. They are chatting about their spouses and how difficult it is to live with someone they no longer love. They have no plans to divorce as that is very expensive and difficult to do. But both of them have each other now and have for some time and it has allowed them to get some joy out of life despite being married to someone they no longer care for. Today is an escape for both of them. It is...
xmoviesforyouFay had been back only a few hours and the atmosphere crackled with a sexual tension. Jack and Fay had the run of Tanya’s villa for the weekend as she was visiting friends in La Rochelle. Leaving a welcome home note for Fay, Tanya had in typical style left a few bottles of Champagne and a well-stocked fridge. The weather was cooler now, rainy and darker and the sumptuous art-deco villa catered for every eventuality. After a flight and a two hundred mile round trip to collect her, the sauna was...
I am Rekha Nair, I am 37 years old. I am 5’8 and weigh almost 68 kgs. I have nice assets 38D-32-36. I was married when I was 19 years to Ranjit Nair when he was 24. He was working with a Academic Institute as an Asst Professor. He climbed up the official position soon and he is the head of the department now, I was instrumental in his promotions and also instrumental in the luxurious life we lead now. Both my kids are in the best of the boarding schools in India. We travel a lot abroad on his...
LesbianHe watched her as she walked ahead of him towards the room, her ass swayed with each step and his anticipation grew. He had seen pictures of her body before, but now, he would get to see the real thing, he sat her bag down and closed and locked the door. She turned to face him, he saw the deep blue of her eyes, the almost perfect face, he had almost hated that face as it had spat rude comments to him online, but now they were alone, as he stared into those blue pools. She could see there was...
I was only 16 when I first started to notice my neighbors. There was an 18 year old blonde, Debbie, who I was very turned on by, but I thought she would have no interest in me. She was a senior in high school, had 36DD tits, long and slender legs and not an ounce of body fat. I would see her at the neighborhood pool frequently wearing a string bikini, which was the style of the day. I was just a long-haired guy hoping to find a good place to jerk off.Debbie's mom, Judy, had divorced just...
The heavy weight and sharp sound of metal-on-metal excites me. Ever since Eric bought my new chrome spreader bar, I've snuck looks at it and secretly held it, wondering when and how he will first use it on me. Will I be locked in it on my back with my ankles above my head? Standing and bent over at the waist? Maybe face down in the pillows with my arms secured to the headboard. I try to imagine all the ways in which I might be taken. I want to know. I stand now before him, trembling, waiting...
BDSMWe went to the late movie and were headed off to your place,(so you thought). ‘Where are you going?’ you asked as I turned off to a side road. ‘It’s a surprise,’ I replied. After a few minutes I pulled into a dirt parking lot, next to a large, darkened Carnival. ‘They’re closed, Steve. It’s too late at night.’ ‘You just wait here. I’ll be right back.’ You watched me from the car conversing with two large men in security uniforms. I returned to the car and took your hand. ‘Come on,’ I...
Myself, my wife and my son are on tour in MP (Panchmari, Jabalpur, Kanha & B’Garh) this summer.We used to go for such trips every year and every time I asked her for some exhibitionism but failed but this time I pursued her for some sort of exhibitionism which she agreed after so many requests. We booked resorts all the places. At Jabalpur, we stayed in a resort which was in a very lonely place and on the hills near Bheraghat. We came there from Kanha on our way to Panchmari. On the way,...
Kissa Sins challenges herself to see if she can handle the new monster cock Dredd! Kissa’s been a fuck machine since she decided to start banging guys besides her husband and I’ve gotta say that it’s been amazing to watch! She’s dressed in a sexy pink bathing suit that barely covers her perfect body. They chat on the couch for a little as Kissa sizes up that huge BBC through his pants before Dredd unleashes the beast. Kissa is taken aback by the size, but that...
xmoviesforyouA strange object was falling through the interdimensional space that flows through the multiverse, a box containing an object that looked like a die that was constantly changing shapes and symbols, which was illegal in over 9000 dimensions due to its chaotic nature. This object is an infinity sided dice. When rolled, anything can happen. Anything from something as mundane as rolling a 6, to the fundamental laws of physics of its current universe being changed. And it was lost between the...
My name is Diana and I live a relatively normal life with my husband Tim on a quiet little cul-de-sac street on the outskirts of Fayetteville, North Carolina. I am a somewhat petite lady in the mid 30s with big breasts, long dark hair and sparkling blue eyes. ‘The girls’ as I affectionately call them are 38D. A couple months ago some new neighbors moved into our little cul-de-sac, in the house that the Johnsons used to own before they moved to Florida to retire. We are a pretty stable group...
Ever since I can remember people have told me what a nice guy I was. I was a nurse at the city hospital; decent looks, comfortably off, kind and caring or so they said. But I didn't have a partner and I'd never ejaculated inside a woman and that was becoming the obsession of my life; I would have given anything for a woman who could take my full length so I could fuck her properly and cum inside her. My problem was that my cock was a full twelve inches when erect. I'd read stupid stories...