Reginald's DisasterChapter 4 free porn video

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The manager noticed Reginald sitting there looked bemused by this conversation, and said, “The local paper were on the phone to ask for an interview with the victims of the train crash. Is Mr Robertson fit enough to be able to cope with intrusive questions? I suspect you would not be vastly keen on questioning at any time.”

“Very perceptive of you, sir. Can you suggest that we are still shaken up and several of us are recovering from minor injuries, and one with concussion, so that we would not appreciate press intrusion for the present? That would be most helpful.”

He replied, “That is no trouble at all, Mrs Robertson ... sorry, I should say Frances, you said to call you. I will advise them accordingly. You can’t keep them away indefinitely, so I would advise getting your ducks in a row before long. The national press may be on to you soon, once they have finished with their stories from the scene and the hospitalised victims.”

“That is wise advice, sir. I will bring Reg up to date and arrange what tack we will take with the media.”

After the manager left, Reg asked, “What was happening while I was out of it, darling? I get the impression that you and the manager had something sorted between you.”

Frances explained yesterday’s private discussion of the hotel’s business problems once he had heard about their own company and its operations.

“I was able to pinpoint where they had been suffering losses, and suggested the means of correcting it; just like we do with our clients, Reg. He has taken my advice and got the hotel finances back on an even keel.

I made no charge for our help, as he was doing so much, with supplies for all of us until we get our luggage retrieved form the station. I don’t know if you noticed, but we slept in the Bridal Suite last night!”

“Oh, no wonder I felt so comfortable in that bed. Was it just you who was there with me? I don’t recall any sexual activity.”

“Correct, and please note that you are under medical orders to avoid stress for a few days, so no sex for you, my lad, until you are considerably improved.”

“None at all?” He almost begged.”

“None at all. Learn again what abstinence is like, Reg; you used to know it, remember?”

“That was a long, long time ago, Frances. I am now addicted to you ladies.”

“We are addicted to you as well, my love. I had to warn off the other girls yesterday. We shall see how you are doing tomorrow.

Now, we have put off the local press for now, but the nationals will get around to us eventually. We have to decide what if anything we will tell them about us.”

“Ah, yes. No mention of marriage, then?”

“That is it. Perhaps we can suggest that our trip here as a company outing that went wrong. Most company outings are day trips, so our longer visit to Scarborough needs some explaining to be convincing.”

“How about a combination of company outing and a training course, where we have our staff meet local firms and discuss any problems they may be experiencing?”

“That has potential, but we need to have a family meeting and make sure everyone is on the same wavelength before ANYONE talks to the media. We must have a specific training plan worked out beforehand, so the next couple of days are going to be work days until we are satisfied we know what we are doing, with no slip-ups.”

“Can I leave you to organise that, darling?” Reg appealed to her.

“Certainly, love. Spend a lot of time resting; try to doze in a comfy chair. You need to recover enough for our visit to the Robsons. We may be able to manage that tomorrow.”

Frances left him while she gathered the rest of the family for a meeting in an available lounge. Thinking about that, she sought out the manager to ask him for the use of a room for a company meeting.

“A company meeting? You said you were on a break, Frances.”

“Change of plan, sir. We have decided this is a staff training module where we bring them to a new town and get them to start looking for clients from scratch. It will indeed be good training for them, especially as they have to integrate caring for their babies at the same time.”

“Are they all members of staff in your company, genuinely?”

“They are, which is what will make this easy. Our two daughters will learn a lot from being with us on this training gambit. They need to see what real life throws at you in the workplace.”

“I can let you you have the lounge on your floor. I have a sign that goes on the door handle saying, ‘Meeting in progress’, which should keep out any intrusions. Will that suffice?”

“A grand offer, sir. Please add that room rent to our bill. The company will pay it.”

He hesitated between saying ‘with our compliments’ and annoying her for amending her plans, and decided he could simply neglect to add it to the bill. He said to her, “I will make sure the room is prepared for your company’s use, Mrs Robertson. It will be ready in half an hour.”

He left her with a smile, while she proceeded to organise her flock for the meeting. She went back and spoke to Reg first.

“Reginald?” This let him know she was in business mode. “We have a company meeting in half an hour or so, in the lounge on our floor. I would like you to attend, even if you just sit there, as it is an official company planning meeting.”

“Oh, sure, Frances. I’ll do that.”

In the next five minutes she rounded up the other adults but could not see Sidra or Elizabeth.

“Where are they?” she asked Jessica, who was most likely to know.

“They have gone to visit the museum, Frances. I told them how worthwhile it would be for their education.”

“I see. That’s okay. We can bring them up to date later; remind me. Meeting in half an our in the lounge on our floor.”

When they all got to the lounge, they found a large table in the centre of the room, with upright chairs all round it. On the table in front of each chair was a small notepad and a pencil. It appeared very efficient, and Frances approved. She must thank the manager for his attention to detail.

Reg appeared, led by the hand of Prudence, who told her, “He was looking a bit lost, so I helped him get here.”

Frances escorted Reg to the table and placed him where she had decided he should sit. The others took their places, and automatically opened their maternity bras to get their babies suckling. That would keep them quiet and contented during the meeting. France nodded to herself; these girls were on the ball.

Sitting down herself, she started the meeting.

“Ladies and gentleman, this is a company planning meeting of Recovery Enterprise Group. Our task is to prepare for a blitz on the borough of Scarborough, looking for new business in this part of the country.

As an aside, not to be minuted, this is also a cover story for the media as and when we are asked about our presence as a group. Our trip is now officially a company training module.

Back to business: You are all intended to learn how to further the activities of our company. It is an exercise in firstly showing the flag of our business, i.e. publicity; secondly exploring a seaside town for possible business contacts, some of which may be connections to assist with expediting future contracts; and thirdly making preliminary steps in taking on new contracts.

Is that clear?”

They all understood the rationale for the change of plan, and accepted the need for it. It would be easier to answer any media question by referring to the business than to their relationships. Jessica was the only one with a question.

“Someone is bound to ask about our babies, Frances.”

“That is the simplest of all to answer. You ask them what happens to women in their own company! Our company has a policy of all staff having the same rights, responsibilities and any perks of the job. Women with babies have no restrictions as long as they can do the work.”

This got Frances a small cheer from the others.

“Right. Down to business. We need to delegate jobs while in Scarborough. With Hermione not available someone else must take on the publicity aspect.” She stopped and exclaimed, “Damn! Hermione and Jemima need to be told what is happening. Jessica, you can’t wander the town with that bulge. How about you take yourself to the farm and brief Hermione and Jemima about the company plan for Scarborough?”

“That I can do, Frances. I’ll get off as soon as the meeting ends. Can I borrow the driver again as he will find the farm easier to get to. I wasn’t paying attention to the route from Scarborough.”

“Go ahead, Jessica. The hire firm will be happy to oblige, I think.”

As soon as the meeting concluded, Jessica got the hire firm’s number and asked them for the bus and the driver, for a return trip out to Seamer. Fifteen minutes later, just as Sidra and Elizabeth appeared at the hotel entrance, the minibus drew up. Jessica went to board, but Sidra called, “Where are you going, Mother?”

“Out to Seamer to speak to Hermione and Jemima. Want to come and se the countryside? You might even see some animals at the farm.”

“Yeaahh! Can Elizabeth come too?”

“Of course. Jump on.”

The two girls chattered all the way, but noticed all the sights as they passed. The Mere seemed to be just a big lake with geese and swans dotted about, but that was more geese than they normally ever saw at home.

It did not take very long to get to Seamer and then in to park outside the farmhouse. The noise of the vehicle brought Mrs Robson to the door, and Jessica waved to her before getting to the bus exit. The girls were right behind her, eager to see the farm.

The noise also brought Jemima to the door behind her mother, and she waved to Jessica, telling her mother, “That is Jessica. Look at her tummy, Mum; I hope she doesn’t have the baby here!”

“Jemima, we are used to births on the farm, with all the animals; just not humans.” She went forward to welcome Jessica.

“Welcome to the farm, Jessica. Who are these young ladies with you?”

Jessica smiled back, and gestured at Sidra.

“This is my own teenage daughter, Sidra, and the other young beauty is Elizabeth, our adopted daughter.”

Elizabeth preened at being called a ‘young beauty’, for she had changed from a tubby teen to a more svelte teenager, with a lovely face and a lively personality, if somewhat shy around strangers.

“Thank you, Mum!” she gushed, giving Jessica swift hug before standing back with Sidra. Sidra was staring around, looking for animals and not seeing any. Jemima noticed, and called to her.

“Sidra; a few of the animals are round the back if I am right: the milkers. You’ll see them shortly, after you have met my marvellous Mum and Dad.”

Jessica spoke softly to Mrs Robson.

“I take it things are fine with you?”

“Yes. These two are completely changed. I don’t know if it is being mothers or having a decent job, or a lovely environment that has done it, but they are so much nicer as young women now. Their Dad is over the moon, and would love to have them home with us, but they say their work keeps them with you and Reg’s family. Apparently the company’s headquarters are in your building: your building, oh my! She says it is huge.”

“That is why I am here, Mrs Robson. The company has had a planning meeting and I have been asked to come here and brief Hermione and Jemima, as they are important personnel in the company.”

Mrs Robson was taken aback at the reference to her formerly wayward daughters as important personnel.

“I listened as Hermione told me about their work and how important she said it was, but I put much of it down to bragging because of the change in them. You mean it is true?”

“Certainly, Both of them have taken on work responsibility in their stride; that attitude has helped them deal with their pregnancies, and you can see they have taken to motherhood very well.”

“Well, that is marvellous. Does your meeting with them have to be private?”

“I am afraid so. Business meetings often have legal ramifications and news of what a company is doing can affect future contracts if it gets out. Your girls understand that.”

“Well, if you want to use the front room, I will stay in the kitchen and show your girls a few old utensils. They will be fascinated and I have lots to do. Mr Robson is out in the fields for now, tending to the rest of the cattle, so he won’t disturb you. If he comes back early, I will take him into the kitchen out of your way; the man never refuses food.”

“Many thanks, Mr. Robson. Jemima, please fetch Hermione for a business meeting with me. You can bring the babies if you like.”

“The babies are asleep now, Jessica. I’ll get Hermione; she was putting them down for their nap. Would you like a cup of tea?”

“After our meeting, dear. It is important that you pay attention.”

“Right.” She called, “Hermione! Meeting with Jessica, now!”

Hermione appeared from where she had been attending to the babies, with a satisfied smile on her face. Once the door was closed and it was just the three of them, Jessica briefed them on the new plans for the next few days.

“This is all because of the publicity that the train crash will bring, and we want attention to be on the company’s ‘outing’ for training rather than on our relationships. We are making it the real thing in approaching local companies and bodies, so you should be aware of the change in case you get dragged into it in any way.”

“Got you,” Hermione asserted. “The trip to Scarborough started as a means of bringing us here, but was converted into a company training course at the same time, as that was thought to be a good idea in itself. Someone was clever about that: Frances, I’ll bet. Do you need us in town by a certain time or date?”

“Not at the moment. We have delegated your work to other girls today. If they need your assistance with any routine they are unaware of, they will phone you to ask about it, and you can take it from there.”

“That’s lovely. It means we can have more time with our Mum and Dad. They are being delightful about the babies, Jessica.” Her eyes lit up as she said this.

“I thought they would be. I know what it is like to be proud of your daughter, and they now ARE proud of you two.”

Tears came to Hermione’s eyes as she acknowledged, “I never thought I would say this, but I love my Mum and Dad, and I am sorry for how I behaved when I was younger. I couldn’t see beyond my own desires, my personal wants, likes and dislikes. They know that life can be hard at times, yet they did everything they could for us, even when we refused to cooperate with them on the farm. I was so selfish.”

Jessica told her how she felt.

“I was in a worse situation: married off to a man I didn’t want, a man who treated me badly, who restricted my life immeasurably. It took me years to pluck up the courage to consider leaving him, and I still hadn’t, yet it was Sidra whose departure made the difference. You have heard of the old saying of the straw that broke the camel’s back? Well, Sidra was that straw. When she had had enough and left, that determined me to follow her if I got a chance. I had no idea if that could happen, but when Sidra phoned me and said escape could be organised, that did it for me, and once instructed what to do, I left without a word and with almost nothing with me.

Reginald and his ladies made everything well. They gave me all that I might need as a woman, got me legal help for a divorce at no charge, and most important of all, they showed me love; the component that had been missing from my marriage for all those years. I had been a necessary appendage to my husband, that was all I was to him.

That love was everything to me. It gave me hope, the chance of a future that I had some say in, the chance to encourage my Sidra to get a good education; the chance of doing what I wanted to do, not what my husband allowed me to do – which was very little.

You girls experienced that same loving environment, where there was no disapproval, no put-downs all the time, no beatings – ever! Only encouragement. No wonder you blossomed in that environment.”

Hermione knew what Jessica was telling her, but reacted, “But Reginald was the factor that made the difference for me and Jemima. He saw the potential within us, and brought out that potential, even when we did not want to believe him. That is why I fell in love with him. I never thought that Jemima was the same way; I thought she was more sensible and practical than me.”

Jessica waved that claim away.

“Reginald is not what you get, girls. You get Reginald and his women, as a team. From what I have heard, Reginald was an introspective nobody until Frances encountered him at university and inveigled him into helping her and a couple of other girls. That was the catalyst that changed Reg into the person he is today: these girls. You two benefited by the family that resulted. Today, at the business meeting, Frances took over and ran it like clockwork, while the poorly Reg just sat beside her and nodded his agreement. That is what you have; a family group with a wide, all-encompassing view of the world that have replaced your Mum and Dad as your mentors. Me and Sidra being Pakistani never made them miss a step: we were people in need, to their eyes. You know you can depend on them, just as you could depend on your parents.”

Jemima had been quiet until now. She finally spoke.

“Jessica is correct Hermione. Reginald is a lovely man, but he is not complete without his women. They stimulate him to do wonders, but first they were the ones who turned him into a more rounded human being, just as we have been turned into more rounded human beings, instead of the self-centred spongers that we used to be.

We have been honoured by being allowed to join this band of women clustered round Reginald. We have a future that we can control, a job that pays well when you remember that we have free bed and board on top, and we each have a wonderful little baby to love and cherish. What more could you want?”

Hermione stared at Jemima, then burst out, horrifying even herself, “What more? Having Reginald as my husband, that’s what!”

Jemima laughed at her. “Join the club, Hermione! Six other women have already got that status, even if not legally so. There is no way you can have Reginald to yourself, sister. I knew this before he even fucked us in front of Frances, or should I say, egged on by Frances? If I can get the same deal these wives have, I will be happy.”

Jessica intervened, “Getting back to the topic of the meeting, girls, are you with us in our strategy? And help us as and when we need help?”

Hermione shrugged, “I was with you right from the start, Jessica. If it is something you approve of, then I know it is a wise move. Correct, Jemima?”

“I am on the same page, sister. You have our backing, Jessica.”

“Thank you, girls. You can stay here for now: let your folks know that you love them and regret your past actions, or rather, inactions. When you leave again, it needs to be with them looking fondly on you.

We’ll get Reg to visit as soon as we think he is okay for it. We need him to be quick-witted then, but he is not up to that yet.”

Jessica opened the living room door and crossed the corridor to the kitchen. Looking in, she found their driver sitting at a table with Sidra and Elizabeth, teacup in hand, and plate of scones and pancakes in front of him.

He greeted Jessica, “Mrs Robertson, you didn’t tell me Mrs Robson was a great cook and baker! She called me in when she saw I was just sitting at the wheel, waiting. Told me you would be a while, and it was bad manners to sit outside when tea and scones were waiting inside. A wonderful woman, just like my mum was before she died. I’d love to have a mum like her.”

Jemima pushed through to announce,

“Too late; she is already taken by me and Hermione!”

Hermione eased in to stand beside Jemima. “She is the best mum in the world! At least until I bring up my child, and he will declare that I am the best mum!”

Jemima flounced, “Huh. My daughter will say the same about me, for I will have modelled myself on Mum.”

The driver giggled, “Hush, girls. You’ll be giving you mother a swollen head.”

Sidra, sitting beside the driver, said shyly, “You are forgetting my ammi, my Mum. She has always been good to me, shielding me from the brute who calls himself my father. She is the best Mum ever, I assure you.”

Jessica smiled, but declared, “A truce, ladies! Everyone seems to have wonderful mothers, so let’s leave it at that. Now that I have briefed our personnel on company business, it is time for me to leave once our driver is replete. Sidra, have you and Elizabeth seen some animals?”

“Oh yes – at least a few. They have chickens in a shed somewhere, and pigs out in a field.”

“When Reg comes to see Mr and Mrs Robson, ask him if you can come as well, to see the animals; if that is acceptable to Mrs Robson.” She turned to look to Mrs Robson for confirmation.

She got it.

“These delightful young ladies will be most welcome. Hermione and Jemima never took such interest in the animals when they were your age, especially when it came to mucking out.”

The young girls gave an accusatory stare at the daughters, and Jemima nodded. “It is true, girls. We did not appreciate what we had here. Learn what you can, next time you come.”

The driver gulped down the last of his tea, and looked longingly at the scones he was leaving. Mrs Robson grabbed a paper napkin, thrust two scones in and wrapped them up.

“Take these with you for a snack on the way home, young man.”

“Thank you, ma’am. You are an angel.”

“I am a mother. That is more important, and I can tell when my baking is liked.”

Jessica and the girls were on their way back to Scarborough minutes later, and their driver had a satisfied smile on his face.

When he delivered them to the hotel, he told Jessica, “Next time you want me to drive you to Seamer, I’ll be happy to do so.”

She replied, “I am supposed to be the official driver, but this bump gets in the way, so I may well do that. Thank you for your work today; you were exemplary.”

“You are welcome, Mrs Robertson.”

When she was inside and had made another visit to the toilet, Jessica sought out Frances.

“Frances, I got the driver to take us out to the farm and back. That may involve an extra charge, for I think we contracted for the vehicle without a driver.”

“Ignore it, Jessica. We have already had the journey from York using him, so it will all go down as company expenses. This is a business expedition, remember!”

“Of course. Silly of me. When Reg goes to the farm, can he take Sidra and Elizabeth with him? They want to see and feed some animals, I think.”

“When he goes, I will go with him, to keep him straight on the facts we are presenting, Jessica. The girls will be a nice distraction.”

“Mrs Robson gave them tea, scones and pancakes, so they will be full for a while.”

“They are teens. They will soon work it off. I hope you didn’t eat too much, Jessica.”

“Oh, no. I had a cup of tea, that was all, and I ran to the loo as soon as I got back.”

“Good. Reg is starting to get restless, which is a good sign. I have the hotel providing him a snack every two hours. Oh, and the luggage has appeared. It has all been deposited in the room where the donated supplies were placed, so pop in and collect what is your stuff. I was glad to get my handbag back; all the contents seem to be intact.”

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I Should Have Taken the TrainChapter 12

I got up with Jeff in the morning and made coffee. He didn’t want breakfast so we sipped coffee until it was time for him to leave for the golf course. As soon as he left at about seven-thirty I rushed up to my computer and checked my email. I felt a pleasant tingling in my belly when I saw that I have an email from Kyra. I know I should feel at least a stab of conscience about what I’m doing with a teenage girl, a girl half my age. But I don’t. She enjoyed the things we did Thursday at the...

1 year ago
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Randi Ki Chudai

Hi guys, I am a 23 year old software engineer living in Delhi and working as a software developer in a start up company in gurgaon. First let me tell you about something about myself, i was a virgin (really, i am not lying even a bit in this story) until this incident, i had 2-3 girl friends before but i never had opportunity to have sex with them although i made out few times, i was even given blow job once but she refused to have sex…girls u cant understand them… all my friends were talking...

2 years ago
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B N B ??? Three day getaway. Just the two of us. Not celebrating anything, nowhere to be, just getting away together. One of our infrequent, recharge the batteries kind of trips. It was our recipe for relaxation. Drive for a couple of hours, find a hotel in the city, and leave our work and worries behind. Our most recent getaway was a little different. We arrived much later than we would have liked. After checking in and getting settled into our hotel, my wife, Holly and I headed for the indoor...

2 years ago
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Die Kaschemme

Ich bin die alkoholabhängige und dadurch entsprechend fettleibige, stinkend ungepflegte Wirtin einer heruntergekommenen Kaschemme, die ich vor zwei Jahren von meinem ebenso versoffenen wie fetten Onkel Toni geerbt habe. In häufigen Alkoholexzessen kommt es hier mit den Stammgästen immer wieder zu den schmutzigsten Praktiken bei zügellos versautem Sex, so daß ich mit meinen 56 Jahren in in diesem Job kaum noch völlig nüchtern werde. Meinen jahrelangen Alkohol- und Tabakkonsum sieht man mir...

1 year ago
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The Chronicles of Erica Bradson Chapter 2

*** Guilty Desire. Two weeks passed since my obscene experience with Malik and we had not spoken since. I returned to my duties as a mother and a wife, hoping that my sinful act would be erased by time. The morning is my favourite time of the day, my husband, my two sons and I gather together for breakfast. It is the only time of the day where we are all together and can talk about the day ahead of us and our plans. It is also the only time when I feel no remorse. I make two eggs to my husband...

1 year ago
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Jill Kassidy 900 383000

Jill Kassidy was born Jillian Belle Johnson in Dallas, Texas, United States, on February 4th, 1996. Jill was a cheerleader in high school, which gave her her first taste of male attention. She enjoyed how boys looked at her, but little did she know being stared at would become her career.A Waitress Waiting to do PornAfter graduating, Jill wanted to get out of her hometown, so she moved to San Antonio and attended college. Like nearly every porn star before her, Jill put in her time as a...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Seducing Cindy Chapter 2 from Cindys perspective

Introduction:After spending the week in Palo Alto with my stepson and his fiancé, I arrived back in New York City, deeply conflicted and confused. The wheels of United flight 1254 touched down at La Guardia airport shortly before six o'clock in the evening. I had been traveling for over eight hours, and in addition to being conflicted and confused, I was exhausted. I took the nearly forty minute taxi ride to my Manhattan flat deep in thought. So much had happened. It would take some time to...

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My Little Buddy My Lover

Oct 26, Week 10, midterms for econometrics, 30% of overall grade and Dr. Schute promised to give us ulcers. I’m on the brink of freaking out this afternoon, Econometrics is a required course, if I don’t do well I will miss the quota for my internship. And this day and age, who doesn’t need an edge? Dano suddenly asked, How come I never see you with a girl? I said, ‘without looking up from my notes, because, I rather have good grades.’ ‘So you’re not into girls?’ ‘Hey, f you,...

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The Shamans SecretChapter 4

A shaft of early morning sunlight fell across Ned's eyes and he opened them. Caitlin lay asleep, her back to him. He rolled to her, caressed her arm and kissed her shoulder. She stirred and rolled over to face him. "Morning," he said. "Morning." "How are you feeling?" "Mmm ... Wonderful." Ned kissed her. He traced her full lips with his finger. She parted them and stroked his finger with her tongue. Then, he traced down her chin and neck to between her breasts and caressed her...

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RookiesChapter 4

Waiting around for the interpreter, I realized I hadn't offered Shiggie anything for breakfast, and it was now almost 2 p.m. During the few days he had been along on our West Coast swing, he'd seemed to be pretty familiar with American-style cuisine, and hadn't made any waves when we'd visited various kinds of restaurants. I could have scrambled the poor bastard a couple of eggs while we were in the apartment, but in all the confusion, I had forgotten. Two o'clock sharp, Amy Parkison...

3 years ago
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Teaching my Son to lick Pussy

It started when Mark was in bed with me one night. He was in high school, has excellent grades and is looking forward to the next chapter in his life. Mark is a bit on the shy side. He's cute, but I'm his mother so I may be a bit biased. He hasn't done a lot of dating. An occasional movie or disco with a young girl from school. Anyway, Then it happened... We werein my bed one morning having a cuddle. It's a king size bed. After about 15 minutes having are coffee and a cuddle, I start to drift...

3 years ago
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Who could ask for a better Wife

One evening I came home from the bar to find that my wife Barbara had a friend over and they were naked in the hot tube. I thought it was odd that she had a naked man in our hot tub but I didn't say anything.Barbara introduced him as an old friend and asked me to join them so I quickly took off my clothes and slid into the bubbling hot water with them. Once in there I noticed that my wife's friend Bruce was sporting a tremendous erection. I tried not to look but never having much time in gyms...

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After the sleepover before she went to work

Note : This story is completely fictional! "Good morning Stevie, how are you today?" "Hey, Mrs. Thompson. How are you, I'm good." Which wasn't the full truth, my asshole was a little sore. Though I decided not to tell my hard dick up my ass only a few hours ago. "How are you?" I asked, still waking up from my "dream." I had always wanted to fuck Jakes mom. She was short, and plump. Not really fat, just plump. With this fat tits. Alot of the cum I spilled while jerking off, was at her expense....

3 years ago
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128. SARAH AND THE SILVER MASTER 5So surprisingly I heard nothing for a couple of days then a message brief but to the point it said; Toms gone away to his meetings today and for the first time in our marriage we didn’t have a farewell screw... God I am so randy... the stitches are not infected I`m glad to say thanks to the spray I think. Will be with you on Friday evening can`t waitSarah It was a long week, I had my fair share of fruit cakes and it was a joy to walk the dogs, my headmistress...

3 years ago
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My Cheating 8211 Part II

Hi guys and gals, thanks for liking my previous story – My Cheating – Part I Everything that happened messed me really bad and I did things that i despise.I do not encourage this sort of behaviour so please understand..What I did was an act of desperation. When i began writing it this story became so long i had to split this story into two parts next part i will tell later. As i wrote earlier my girlfriend smriti cheated on me with two of my seniors ali and azhar,we were supposed to get...

2 years ago
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Transforming Play

Transforming Play By kachakali See an acompanying picture at my caption site: "So, what did you call me in for? What was so urgent you had to call me?" "Dwight, We need you to replace someone for our play in Romeo and Juliet The play starts in a few hours, the director and I are all out of options." "Who am I replacing, Wilma? Dont you have understudies for that? "Well, it's like this. The actress playing Juliet has got really...

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MAU Trekkies Would the Real Jeri Ryan Please Stand Up

Trekkies - Would the Real Jeri Ryan Please Stand Up? Synopsis: Danni - changed by an MAU into an exact replica of Seven of Nine - faces what may turn out to be her ultimate challenge. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Trekkies - Would the Real Jeri Ryan Please Stand Up? She walked down the hall with a grace that screamed feminine charm. Her clothing seemed less closely fit than spray-painted on, and...

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Our Cabin Experience

By Jacob Bard The way I remember it, we arrived at the cabin late afternoon. It was a dream come true. Just you and me in a picturesque cabin located on a snowy mountain side—the perfect setting for rest, relaxation, and romance. The flight to Colorado had gone as planned and we had spent the night before in a hotel near the airport so as to be rested when we arrived at the cabin. It was just as we had envisioned and we were ready for some time to do nothing but enjoy one another and catch up...

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A Squirt Adventure

Jamie flopped back onto the bed, smiling to herself. She rolled onto her side and looked at Kelsey, her legs still spread and the evidence of the night’s pleasure glistening on her thighs. Jamie ran a hand over her friend’s stomach and snuggled up to her side, laying her head on her shoulder as she enjoyed the sounds of Kelsey’s breathing evening out from her third orgasm. The women laid in silence, the early morning sun just starting to peek in through the parted curtains. Kelsey looked at the...

2 years ago
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Road Trip Pumped

A young roadhouse gas station attendant gets pumping....It was Erica who noticed the fuel gauge was hovering on the brink of empty. She was surprised because Bethany never ran on empty. She always needed filler between her legs. Still the brunette didn’t bother her blonde angelic sweetie, who was taking her turn driving as they motored down the endless kilometres of the barren inland highway with their music blaring and pumping out of their old combi van speakers. Erica instead punched some...

3 years ago
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TriptychChapter 14

IT WAS GOING TO TAKE SOME TIME to get everything legally set up. As our lawyer, John MacDonald, said to us, “Nothing about your relationship is covered under Washington State Law. You aren’t married. Therefore, we have to have documents that spell out everything. Your partnership has to be a business partnership as domestic partnerships are limited to two people just like marriage. You’ll have a stated business purpose of owning and investing in businesses and property. For everything else,...

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Second Son In The BeginningChapter 5 Same Day

"Thanks for all your help in getting her ready. I'll stop by and see you the next time I visit home," Logan said. "You're welcome Captain but remember that that ship is your home now and if you treat her right, she'll keep you safe," Sven said. "I'll remember that," Logan said and walked out the door with Danielle in tow. Their next destination was the Guild flight controllers. Because of the enormous amount of traffic seen at the main ports, each guild handled their own members'...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 29

Rebecca The weeks seemed to fly past as I started my new Job. Kenny and Marjory did a lot of the leg work collecting the lists for the council and the various other agencies which could supply us with the names that we needed in order for me to call on the firms concerned. Kenny put them onto the computer with spaces for their reactions and their needs or if it was needed any further action on our part. Marjorie created a little booklet about the aims of our organisation and the degree of...

2 years ago
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Shrewswood TerraceChapter 3

It caught Pete completely by surprise when three years later Mr. Minotas walked into his small plumbing company office in Novato. "You weren't all of that hard of a man to find Pete, but I respected your privacy and excellent reasons for your departure. I had demanded far more from a man, any man, than was possible. I have since accepted that my eldest daughter is quite lost to me and I have moved on with my life as best that this old man can." "So, what has happened to Katharine?"...

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The wiper blades squealed and juddered across the windscreen, as they futilely attempted to push the water away. The noise grated in her head like fingernails across a blackboard. If it were her own car, not a hire car, she would have found a Halfords and had them replaced. She still might. The rain was relentless; the only upside, was that it had driven indoors all but the most determined. The roads were quiet. She deliberately drove through another deep puddle, with feelings akin to...

1 year ago
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The Postman always calls twice

The weather was horrendous! They never get it right. Was supposed to be a glorious day and yet it was raining heavily. I had dressed for the hot weather too, short skirt and vest type top. I was waiting for the postman as I was expecting a delivery. We had had a lengthy chat one morning. He had told me he enjoyed cycling and often went on long bike rides. I remember thinking "Mmmm. I wouldn't mind riding you". Then I spotted him. Saw him come on to my doorstep and heard a knock. I went to the...

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I became slave

I think this has happened about 20 years ago, when I was 18 years age. I was watching palnati SIMHAM movie in a theatre. One youth sat beside me. Whenever heroine Sarada appeared on the screen,he was taking out his dick and masturbating. I astonished to see his dick. It was 12 inches. He was murmering “Sarada, what a nose is yours, you are queen of noses, your nose provocating, nose, nose, nose, nose, your nose, your nose, nose, queen of noses” like that. Seeing his dick, my cock also erected....

2 years ago
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His Tangled Web

He expected me in velvet. ‘I always see you in velvet’ he said, when I admitted velvet skirts were my favourite clothes for relaxation. A style left over from the swinging sixties. A time of love, peace and goodwill to all men. A time I wanted to be part of, but missed by several years, hating the torn t-shirts, safety pins and spiked hair of the punks who coloured my adolescence. I wanted to float, to dream, to spend time doing nothing except watch the sunrise and sunset and the glories...

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A Freshman Named Ashley

In my algebra class, there were many . However, one particular beauty I always had my eyes on. Her name was Ashley, and she was a freshman. She was average height with long, light brown hair. Her face was so perfect it is difficult to describe. It was mature and beautiful, and it wasn't the look of those slutty, cute girls who slept with anyone. She was pretty alright, more than I could have ever imagined from a freshman. Her long eyelashes seemed to beckon to me. She was only 16, but her body...

First Time
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Integration Part 3

Integration, Part 3 My first day at work after realizing I could not hide my breast implants had been better than I could have hoped for. The reactions of my co- workers ranged from a shrug to enthusiastic support, with my friends Anita and Kim taking it upon themselves to bring all of my feminine clothing, makeup and other things out into the open and transform my home into a more feminine (though not frilly) environment. But I faced a bigger challenge: My girlfriend Alli was coming...

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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 6 Trixie

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Princess and the Whore

Tethri yawned as the morning sunlight filtering through her room’s curtains and into her sleepy mind. She rolled out of her wide bed and stood up. From the look of the sun, it was already late, and she had a busy day ahead of her. The uncertainty and rumours that filled the city were good for business, and she had a full list of clients booked for today. “A whore’s work is never done,” she sighed. Princess Sophiana de Phantrile, sole daughter of King Argan of Yanith, yawned as she pushed aside...

1 year ago
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PervMom Eva Long Breakfast And Head

Eva Long is a playful MILF, but even she has her limits. So, when her step son starts pulling down her clothes while she is making breakfast, she gets a little annoyed. Maybe if she sucks him off, he will leave her alone! Later, he comes into the bathroom while she is taking a shower, and she asks him for a towel. He tells her they should have some fun since his dad is gone for the day and she is already naked anyway. She is horny, so she turns around and gets her pussy pounded. Later, Eva is...

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WellFed and WellFucked

My name's Gina. I'm 24 and I live in Panama City Beach, FL. I work at a business office as a receptionist by day. But after work at night I am a homebody who likes to cook. On most nights, I can cook anything. I like going out to dinner as much as anyone, but nothing beats cooking your own meals. I would cook for family and friends, especially on special occasions like birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I would have lots of cookbooks and cooking magazines in my kitchen. I constantly watch...

3 years ago
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Julie goes to the Mall

It was 2 days after the session with Mary and Julie; and I was knocking at Julie's door again to be let in for what she thought would be our usual session of fucking, sucking and creampie cleaning and cumswap/eating fun. Only today I had a thought in mind to take things to a slightly different level. I'd rung her earlier and asked her to be waiting for me dressed in a short skirt and sheer blouse, so that her tits and nipples could be clearly seen as the moved when she walked. Shall we go...

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Wife Enjoys With A Young Stud In The Trail Room

I am in deep love with my wife, we have a very good sex life, even after 20 years of marriage, we get into sex almost 2 to 3 time a week, of late while having sex I often think of my wife having sex with another male in my presence, I fantasize that I am watching the whole show without my wife noticing it, I prefer a fantasy in which she is accidentally taken by some stranger. My wife is 46 years and I am 49 we have a son who is in his 12th standard and we have put him in a hostel in Hyderabad...

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Not Another Christmas Story

Louisiana. Where a really good guy named Bobby lived. Well, I guess there were many good guys named Bobby in Louisiana, but this is the story of one of them in particular.Bobby was well-known in his city, both for his ranch and for being a good person. Among Bobby’s many employees, there was Jesse. Jesse had been working on the ranch for a long time: he was just nineteen when he walked into Bobby’s office for the first time.He was a boy escaping from his life and from a family who refused to...

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Butlers DelightsChapter 14 Generosity

After dinner one evening, when the Emir had dined alone, he seemed disposed to chat to Robinson, and they discussed the latest rugby and cricket news, despairing of England's ability to finish any match off, having put themselves in a winning position early on. "I do find Kobekistan a little boring at times," said the Emir, "Just one long round of problems which people claim only the Emir can solve." "Surely there are some compensations, Sir," ventured the butler. "Oh, yes," said...

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Rashika8217s Chronicles 8211 Part 1 Vivaan8217s Jealousy

The story I’m about to narrate for you all to read is 100% real. No part of it is fiction whatsoever. It includes my experiences as a fucktoy for my friends and seniors who used my body to satisfy their carnal desires. So sit back, and enjoy. I can be introduced as a petite 24-year-old girl, with skin fair as milk and a good figure. My boobs are 34D which compliment my 5’4 height and the slim body type. My interests in sex arose from a young age. I had my first boyfriend at the age of 18 and he...

1 year ago
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Missing You

At night I curl up in our bed all alone. Even though I know you’ll be home with me soon, I can’t help but allow myself to wallow in self-pity for a moment. Cuddling with your pillow and blanket is a very poor substitute for your body. I don’t sleep well when you’re not home. I wake up at least once a night unconsciously seeking you out in the dark. The moments before attempting to fall asleep are simply awful. My body quietly yearns for yours. In the quiet, I attempt to comfort myself with...

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A Tale Of Two Jerrys Ch 03

‘Are you going to that seminar today?’ Alicia asked. ‘Unfortunately I am scheduled for it. I really think that they are barking up the wrong tree with this. I have a feeling that this is going to have the exact opposite effect on what they want’, Jerry said as they continued their walk to the opening shift meeting at the front of the store. ‘I completely agree. I’m not scheduled for the seminar until Friday though. You will have to let me know how it goes’, she grinned. ‘I will. I came...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 20

  Chapter XX   Inside the cabin on the king size bed, her knees drawn up and her heels resting on the edge of the bed Terri watched as Ed stepped closer. Her body overflowing with passion as she stared at the thick black cock standing hard and thick from his hairy crotch. Her whole body trembling with anticipation at the thought of experiencing her first black cock.   When Ed finally stood between her smooth white thighs, Terri saw him looking at her fur-covered pussy. She knew that her...

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