The Strawberry Patch Book 2: Lost And FoundChapter 15: Terry’s Story 05 – Good And Bad Breaks free porn video

August – Year 2
“Who is there?”
“It is us, the Babies.”
“Were are you?”
“Is this a dream?”
“No, it is life. We love you and we are sorry for the pain.”
“What pain?”
“The pain that is to come.”
“We don’t understand.”
“We love all of you.”
We woke the next morning at around 6:00 and quietly made love again.
“Oh, Terry, that was wonderful. Thank you.” Blossom kissed me. “Now we have a small issue to deal with.”
“I was as quiet as I could be!”
“Yes, you were very quiet. The issue is that we only have one bathroom and shower in the house. You have an hour drive to get to work this morning, so I suggest that we check to see if the bathroom is empty and then use it fast. If it is not empty, then we will need to put on our robes and hit the kitchen for coffee and wait for the folks to get done.”
The bathroom was empty, so we put on our robes and quietly went to the bathroom. We jumped into the shower together and got clean very fast. We got out and dried each other quickly, put the robes back on and went back to Blossom’s room, then we played with each other, like giggling teenagers, and went to the kitchen.
Blossom began making coffee in an old percolator pot and I dropped some bread in the toaster and got out the butter. We were just getting ready to pack up our things and leave when Gwen and Bill came out of their room.
“Morning kids.”
“Morning sir.” “Morning dad.”
“Good morning dear, good morning son.”
“Good morning mom.” Blossom was glowing.
“Good morning ... mom. I like the sound of that.”
“Me too ... son. You two need to get on the road soon, right?”
“Yes, we were getting ready to pack and take off when you came out.”
“Did you sleep well last night. Me and the wife didn’t keep you awake, did we?”
I was looking at Gwen and she was trying to not laugh when we made eye contact. She blushed when I raised my eyebrows.
“William! That is enough of that. You know Blossom gets embarrassed when you talk about our sex life in front of her.”
“Why? Just because she didn’t get any last night?” I just kept my mouth shut.
“DAD! For your information, I DID get some last night and this morning and it was wonderful! Just like it usually is.” Blossom sort of blurted that out.
“Well good for you! Terry, welcome to the family. Keeping the womenfolk happy is a family tradition.”
“Thank you, sir.” I shook the offered hand and we laughed about our wives, as only husbands can.
“Welcome to the family, son.” Gwen hugged me. “Now you better scoot or you are going to be late for work.
I quickly got our bags from the bedroom, while Blossom stripped the sheets with the large wet spot off the bed and put them in the hamper in the hall. She met me at the front door, where we repeated the last actions in the kitchen, only this time Gwen gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I loaded our stuff in the trunk and I opened Blossoms door for her while her parents watched. I got in my side and drove off, back to Houston.
“Ok. Say it.” Blossom looked at me while putting her hand on my shifting hand.
“Say what?”
“What you have been wanting to say since last night.”
“Come on! You know.”
“Your dad is a real piece of work?”
“And your mom is a real gem. I can’t wait for you to have a baby if you are going to get her shape. She is hot!”
Blossom just looked at me, her face expressionless.
“You were looking at my mom’s body?”
“Well after hearing them last night, and after sleeping with her sexy daughter, I kind of figured that I am the luckiest guy in the world to have married a woman who will look like Gwen after she has a baby and is more mature. You are going to be one hot momma!”
“You know what? What they say is apparently true.”
“What is that?”
“Girls have a tendency to grow up and marry guys like their fathers.”
“Is that good?”
“Until you teach our children to pull your finger.” We laughed and then got very quiet.
“Terry? I had a strange dream last night.”
“Me too! We were talking to babies.”
“They were talking about pain.” Blossom scrunched up her face.
“I know. They also talked about them being babies. As in more than one. Twins.”
“I know. Twins. We did well, but I’m scared, Terry. It was weird.”
I turned on the radio and listened to the traffic report to see how bad it was going to be. It seemed that I-45 was clear all the way up to our exit. We relaxed a little and talked about plans for the week until I pulled into the warehouse parking lot. I got out and kissed Blossom when we changed sides.
“Call me when you are done with work.” I said after our second kiss.
“I’m not going in today.” Blossom looked at me and smiled.
“I wanted to be ready in case dad didn’t like you or if we had a bad trip. So, I took a vacation day.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would have taken one too.”
“I figured if I needed a day off from work, that I would need a day off from you too.”
“Oh. Ok. Well then call me when you leave the house so I can be ready for you when you come to get me.”
“Of course, and I will have a very nice dinner ready for you when you come home. Oh, and since I have your car, I am going to start moving stuff from my apartment into yours. Ok?”
“Yeah. I guess that would the next thing that should happen. I hadn’t thought about it.”
“And at the same time, I will move some of your stuff, extra underwear and shaving stuff and some clothes over to my apartment. Just in case you stay over with me.”
“And I will start looking for a bigger apartment since we are going to need room for a nursery.”
“You really believe that the babies talked to us and you really believe that you caught the magic bullet, huh?”
“Oh yeah. I am so knocked up I can taste it.” She smiled so big, I wanted to go home with her.
“Hang on a second. I’ll be right back.” I ran into the office and came back out a few minutes later.
“Let’s go home!”
“What about work?”
“I told them that I just got engaged and I wanted to start moving my soon-to-be wife into my place. They told me to take a personal day.”
“Oh Terry, you didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes I did. Just like I have to marry you. I have to do these things because I love you with all of my heart. I love you forever.”
“We love you forever too.” FLASH!
I felt a shock go through me. What the heck was that?
“Terry are you ok?”
“Uh ... yeah ... since you are over there, you drive.”
“Ok.” Blossom looked at me with some concern.
What was that? It happened again. I was concerned. Between the flashes and the babies talking in our dreams I was starting to freak out.
“Terry? Are really ok?’
“Yeah. I just had a sudden ... something. It was like a picture suddenly flashed before my eyes and the babies spoke to me.”
“What did they say?”
“They said that they love all of us.”
“All of us? What does that mean?”
“I don’t know.”
Blossom was quiet all of the way home. I was as well. I was thinking about my future and what Blossom must be thinking. I thought of all of the possible problems. What if I was married and had a wife and a kid. A kid. Damn that would mess things up.
When we got home, I sat on the couch and pulled Blossom onto my lap and wrapped her in my arms. She laid her head on my shoulder and began to cry. I knew it. I knew that she was scared and why.
“Blossom, I know what you are thinking.”
“Really and what is that?”
“You are thinking that if I remember who I am that I will leave you. You are afraid that I am already married and maybe I have a kid. Well I want to tell you something. Right now, I have fallen in love with you and I know that will never change. If I wake up tomorrow and remember that I have another as a wife, I can’t see me forgetting that I love you.”
“But then what do we do? I am having your baby.”
“We will have to work it out. If I am married, then I must have a wife that loved me. I hope that we can work all of this out. I have been reading up on amnesia and I can’t find any cases where the memory came back and the period during the amnesia was forgotten. People who get their memory back just remember. They do not forget the things they were doing. I love you, and that will not change.”
We sat on the couch for a long time before I noticed that she had fallen asleep. I took her to bed and undressed her, then I undressed myself and got into bed with her. I spooned to her back and put my arm around her and placed it on her soon to be belly. At some point I fell asleep too.
We woke up that afternoon and made love before getting up and going out to dinner. There is a Texas Roadhouse near my apartment, we asked to be seated in a back booth, where we talked about everything we could think of. We talked about work and music and baby names and what ifs. The what ifs included what if I was married and what if I had one or more kids and what if my wife didn’t want me or if she did or didn’t want Blossom in the picture.
By the end of the night we really had a good idea of how we were going to handle all of the things we could think of. When we got home we really felt better. We showered together and made love again. I kidded her about being pregnant and getting real boobs.
“I thought you like little boobs.”
“I do. I love them because they are yours. I will still love you if you end up with huge boobs and I can wear your bra like a hat.”
“It happened again, didn’t it?”
“Yes. Damn, now I am scared. Hold me Blossom. Hold me tight.”
She wrapped me up in her arms and we fell asleep.
A few weeks later I came home one night to find Blossom sitting in my spot on the couch with a bag in her lap. When I walked in and did not get the usual assault on my lips, I knew something was up.
“Hi hon. Are you ok?”
“I’m late.”
“Where were you supposed to be?”
“I was supposed to not be pregnant.”
“Oh. That kind of late.”
“I bought a pregnancy test. Help me take it.”

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