VickiChapter 2 free porn video

Vicki returned home to find her father and son busy watching "War Wagon", Claude Blois's favorite Western. He was a serious John Wayne fan and had passed his fondness for the Duke on to his grandson. Even so, they both rushed to hug Vicki, since they missed her even for those few hours when she was gone.
That was when they noticed Dan, smiling at the scene in front of him. Claude took only a few seconds to catch on to one very important fact: this man was his daughter's new boyfriend. He knew when a man was involved with Vicki. It showed in his body language and the knowing stare in his eyes.
This guy was different, however. For one thing, Claude had a slight unease about Dan, but it conflicted with a stronger sense that this man was here to stay and played for keeps. He might not be perfect, but he gave a damn about Vicki. This fellow wouldn't discard a treasure like her, the way that Tyler had foolishly done. He acted like a man much older than his apparent age of thirty, which made him five years Vicki's junior.
"Daddy, Trevor, this is Dan. We're engaged. He asked me to marry him tonight. Yes, it's fast, but he is not an average guy. These aren't normal circumstances. He knows all about me and still wants to marry me. Why I'm not sure, but maybe he's crazy like the Judds' song," Vicki rambled through the introduction, being truly nervous about this meeting.
"Or maybe he just knows a good thing when he sees it. Pretty damn fast, but it just shows that he's a smart guy. There's nothing wrong with good taste," Claude reassured his daughter as he kissed her in his usual paternal way.
"Exactly. I want to marry your daughter. I decided that soon after meeting her. Yes, I know that she's older than me, but it's only five years apart and we're both adults here. I want to take care of her. It sounds as if you approve, which is good. I also want her to move in with me as soon as possible, along with her son here," Dan spoke for himself at last.
"Alright, but treat her well. You know, don't break her heart. She's had that done to her already, as you know," Claude insisted.
"Clay, is it? Clay, sir, your daughter is in good hands. So is your grandson. I know that you'll miss them, but they're just moving to my place right outside of town. Feel free to visit them and even take Trevor for a day or two. We'll be family soon. I hope that we all get along well," Dan shook Clay's hand.
"So, you're Mom's new boyfriend. What do I call you?" Trevor finally added his two cents. He was truly curious as to what kind of man would date his mother. She was pretty, he knew, but she hadn't very much and none of the dates had resulted in a boyfriend-girlfriend situation.
"Dan is fine. My last name's von Greiner, but Mr. von Greiner is just too stiff and formal. I'm not out to take your dad's place. I'm just here to love your mother and take care of you guys," Dan answered his future stepson.
"Okay, Dan, but I agree with Grandpa. You seem nice and you make Mom happy. Just don't hurt Mom. Dad did that to her, but I have to love him anyway. I don't have to love you or even like you if you hurt Mom," the boy warned his mother's boyfriend. He had clearly grown up faster than most kids his age.
"Don't worry about that, Trevor. Dan's a great guy. He knows about my money problems, too. I think that it's safe to say those days are over. Not that I'm a gold-digger, but Dan's rich," Vicki calmed her son down.
"Well, honey, I know that you're not a gold-digger. Otherwise, you could have landed a millionaire by now. You're pretty enough. Regarding your trouble with the business, don't worry about that. You can keep your business for a while if you like. I'll plump out your capital with my own funds, invest in your firm. Either that or you can sell it and I'll find you a job that will make you happy. You could even be a housewife if you prefer. It's up to you. I would gladly provide for you and let you stay home," Dan offered.
"Thanks. I actually think that the housewife option makes the most sense. I could make décor a hobby or a side job of sorts. I won't have a lot of time and energy for more kids if I'm working all of the time and it would be nice not to need a nanny," Vicki decided.
"I must say that I'm pleased. I want to take care of you and would like to see you avoid the 'supermom' trap that so many women fall into these days. By the way, I don't want a pre-nup. It's stupid and insulting in this case. We'll stay together and very little of my stuff would count as community property, anyway. I want your life to be a much easier one from here on out," Dan told her.
"I know that it will be, honey, thanks to you. If I get too stir crazy, I guess that I can go to the gym or the mall, right? Most of the time, I'll do housework and make home-cooked meals for my family. Speaking of which, I think that Daddy needs a wife or at least a live-in girlfriend, preferably one who can cook. He's used to my cooking, though I haven't had the energy as much lately. Out of curiosity, does this mean that we get a nice honeymoon? If so, where?" Vicki blushed as she realized that she had been rambling again.
"Baby, my place isn't prison. If you need to go to the store, the gym, the mall, whatever, for some reason, go there. If you feel like going to lunch or to the country club with one of your girlfriends, that's cool, too. I don't want you to have cabin fever or feel stifled. I'm not that cheap or paranoid. You're a social butterfly. I accept that fact. I like it about you. There's also PTA, soccer, play dates with other moms, etc. I want you to live the good life, as they call it. Not to brag, but I'm worth more than you can spend in a couple of lifetimes. As for the honeymoon, what do you say to a month overseas? If, that is, Clay here doesn't mind Trevor staying with him for that long. Any preference on the country?" Dan revealed just how nice a life Vicki could expect with him.
"Wherever you choose, dear. I've never done anything close to that kind of thing. I've never been able to go to places like that. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the very idea of what you're telling me. It's like winning the lottery or the sweepstakes, both in terms of love and money. Daddy's always been good to me. I've never had any complaints, Daddy. You know that. Dan, I've been a bit pampered at times by Daddy, but there are practical limits for one of my class. He did the best he could for me. I love him very much and don't take him for granted.
"Now you're telling me that I no longer belong to that class but to yours. It's a hell of a change, but one that I'm happy to embrace. You have no idea how grateful I am to you or how much I love you. It's not that you're rich. It's that you're loving and generous, beyond what I've ever known. You are willing to risk the scorn of those who will frown on me for my background. You don't mind marrying a divorcee who already has a son. You'd take an older woman, too. Honey, I'll go anywhere you wish. I just want a lifetime to show my gratitude and affection for you. I'll follow you to Hell, if I must," Vicki cried as she kissed and hugged Dan in front of everyone. She was so smitten with him that she didn't mind public displays of affection now.

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