Reginald's ChildrenChapter 7 free porn video

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“Foam filling? The inflammable stuff that is now illegal?” asked Reg.

“Hey, you are probably right, Reg. Either the house owner had this sofa sitting there for years, or Fitzgerald brought it in by his own choice.”

“Sergeant, the regulations on furniture foam filling came into force in 1988, so the sofa must be pretty old, not to say decrepit, unless it was not used much previously. Can Fitzgerald possibly claim the explosive must have been there already? It seems unlikely, if such an explosive did not exist until recently.”

“No, it is almost impossible for the sofa to have been present in rented premises for all that time. The landlord would be in serious legal trouble if he still had flammable furniture in use by his tenants, so we think Fitzgerald brought the sofa in, specifically so he could utilise this prepared hiding place.

Forensics say the fastenings holding the material into the filling were more modern, and they found a fingerprint on the plastic bag containing the explosive. The fingerprint matches Fitzgerald, so the major task is identifying the explosive as stolen.”

Reg proposed, “If he was claiming to have independently invented the explosive, he would have needed a laboratory to do it. This stuff, as I understand it, is pretty rare and has only been made in small quantities, with some technical difficulty. If he just had material stolen from the university labs, it would only be a few grams. If what he has is much more, then either he has a high-tech lab to make more, or what he possesses has been adulterated with other material to make it more manageable and less unstable. Even for that case, he would need facilities not readily accessible.”

“Interesting,” Sergeant Phillips murmured. “I wonder if the local bobbies thought about that. I will make enquiries on that matter. I don’t even know what the quantity was that they found; they didn’t inform me.”

He proceeded to make some notes in his police notebook before speaking again.

“By the way, Reg, I was interested in how you managed to hide Mrs Sadaf during the visit of the police a few days back, so I visited the council planning department and asked to see the plans for your building.”

Reg protested, “It is not MY building, Sergeant. It belongs to Mr LeBrun, or to his company: I was not clear on the legal ownership, exactly, but his company lawyer says it is his, personally; so I expect that is the case. We are tenants in the building, according to his records.”

Sergeant Phillips laughed in delight as he confirmed, “It is listed as owned by Paul LeBrun, Reg, and I found that the building has a basement that I didn’t know existed. Is that where Mrs Sadaf was secreted?”

“She was not secreted, Sergeant, merely sent down to the wine cellar to compile an updated inventory. I knew nothing about the basement either, until I got home that day. The basement is where the wine cellar is located, and the central heating boiler as well.”

The policeman looked embarrassed as he revealed, “The plans I saw show the entrance and stairway as off the front hallway, but I was present years back when the building was searched looking for drugs. There was a door in the hallway, but it was just a walk-in cupboard for raincoats and hats.”

Reg smiled back, “You are quite correct, sir, but the back wall of the cupboard turns out to be a secret door to the basement. There is a concrete stairway down into that level. We have now explored the place, and found some odds and ends.”

The Sergeant’s eyes widened, as he joined the dots and made a picture. “The counterfeit notes? Were they down there?”

Reg nodded. “The package was found in a cupboard in the basement, and we deduced they must be forged notes, as they were so clearly new. You don’t store stacks of new genuine five pound notes in an unlocked cupboard!

I saw that some of the five pound notes are ones no longer in circulation, so I reckoned these, and probably the rest of the bale, were worthless; forged or not. Just to be on the safe side, we handed the whole lot over to your staff.”

“That’s right; they were indeed forgeries. Was that the lot?”

Reg chose his words carefully. “That package was the only thing we discovered there that we could identify as probably illegal, so in accordance with the law we passed it to the police.”

The policeman’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Reg’s face. “I see. The only identifiable illegal material, you say?”

“That is the case, sir.”

“One presumes there was more.”

“Indeed so. It was a basement used for storage of all sorts of things. There were several shelves with packets of plastic zip-lok bags, scales and funnels; all of which had multi-purpose uses, of course.”

“Of course. The fact that they could have been used in a drug distribution operation had nothing to do with it?”

“Could they have been used in that way, sir? My goodness? I never knew! Dear me. Would you want these things to be handed in to you at the police station?”

Terence grimaced. “No, thank you. It would just be a nuisance to my men, for no good purpose, with the criminal dead and buried. Nothing else?”

“As I explained earlier, nothing that one could identify as being illegal or part of an illegal operation. There were some artworks stored down there, but I have no idea if they were originals or just copies; the wine cellar also has a good collection of wines, but all of that would have come into Mr LeBrun’s ownership with his purchase of the building. We told him of this art collection, and he is removing it for examination by experts, to see if it has any value. He has left the wines for us, it seems, so we have made an inventory so that we know what we have sitting there.”

Reg made as if to have a sudden thought, and remarked, “You don’t think the wines or the artwork could have anything to do with that drug business, do you? Would there be some means of identifying any of it as stolen property? Can you identify bottles of wine in that way?”

“I very much doubt it, Reg. Mr LeBrun has taken charge of the artwork?”

“He either has or will do in a day or so. He proposes to ascertain whether each item is original, an innocent copy, or a deliberate fake. He told me he would check the final inventory against lists of stolen art, and hand over any which can be identified as stolen property. He is an honest man, is Frances’ father.”

Sergeant Phillips nodded wearily. He could see that he had no leverage to apply. He commented, “I hope that some at least will be stolen property, so that the owners can have them back.”

Reg agreed. “My father-in-law will ensure that happens if it proves to be the case, Sergeant. Oh, I just remembered: there were some ledgers that we found sitting in an old safe in the basement, with lists of names and such. We haven’t had a proper look at them. Would you like to see them?”

The Sergeant’s head jerked up and he exclaimed, “Would I? You bet! This may be evidence of his drug operation, or his counterfeit money operation, or both. When can I have them?”

“I brought them upstairs yesterday. I expect you could have them now, if you think they may be of interest to you. You will return them if they are not related to crime, Sergeant?” Reg was determined to maintain his innocent stance.

“Of course. If they are innocent documents, I will ensure they are returned to you, Reg; probably bring them myself.”

Reg led him to his study, where the ledgers were laid carelessly on a chair. He gestured, “Help yourself, Sergeant. I hope they prove useful to you.”

Terence grabbed up the set of books, and flicked open the cover of the top one. His eyes were glued to the writing, and he could be heard speaking softly to himself. “Good, he’s here ... that one’s in prison ... that one’s dead ... oh, I didn’t know about him...” He suddenly came to be aware that Reg was peering at him with a concerned look.

“What do you think, Sergeant?” he asked, all innocence.

“No, it is a fine collection of ledgers, Reg. I recognised a few names on the very first page, so I think it unlikely you will see these back again. They will be evidence in some cases, I do believe, if we can find the deceased’s fingerprints on any of these ledger pages. Have you handled them, yourself?”

“Oh, not inside; only the outside covers. Excellent, then, if they have some value to you. Take them away, Sergeant, and get yourself home to your family soon.”

“Thanks again, Reg. Give my regard to your ... your whole household.” He grinned to acknowledge that he meant everyone in the building, including the non-evident Jessica.

Reg grinned back, then escorted the policeman to the door and outside. Waving goodbye to the departing policeman, he returned inside and nonchalantly returned to his study to tidy things up. He had left it untidy so that the ledgers would fit that scenario of carelessness and nonchalant abandon. He chuckled to himself as he organised the study again. That discussion had gone well!

After that, he returned to chat with his family until mealtime.

Once they had all eaten, Frances noticed Reg checking his watch for the time, and wondered why. Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door, and Reg jumped to his feet to answer it. Frances wondered again at this sudden activity; it was not normal for Reg to hide things from her.

Reg returned with a well-dressed lady, face fully made up, and carrying a capacious business briefcase. Reg introduced her.

“Ladies, This is Mrs Dawn Thyme – genuinely her name, I assure you – and she represents Allure Beauty. She is a professional beautician, and I have engaged her to apply her talents to every lady in this household, prior to our appointment on Saturday: hair, faces, and hands. I want my girls to be at their best; and to my astonishment she tells me she can make improvements to my face as well – probably make me look like a clown!”

His joke allowed everyone to laugh while Dawn cast her gaze over the assembled women. She at once realised that her cosmetic task would be a serious one, but she knew her stuff, and welcomed a challenge. While Reg excused himself to bring in the twins, she explained her presence.

“I was phoned by Mr Robertson a few days back. He explained that you were all going to a wedding on Saturday, and as a treat he wanted to pay for each of you to gain some effect from our services. He specifically asked that I come in advance to meet you and get a look at you. We prefer to take a head and shoulders photo of each lady, allowing us to do advance planning for what suits your visage, to show you at your best.”

Frances took the opportunity to make a comment.

“You will see that you have your work cut out for you, Mrs Thyme. Reg has no qualms about our looks; he takes us as we are. He loves us for our inward beauty, he says!”

Mrs Thyme had been speculating what to say to them; but now she relaxed.

“Excellent! That is my task, madame: to present your inner beauty in a more outward way. We have techniques to do this quite effectively. Misdirection is one of these. If you have a stunning hairstyle, and an attractive sparkling necklace, attention is drawn to them rather than to any possible defect or blemish around your face. A set of breathtaking earrings can also assist this process, but just like theatrical make-up, good cosmetic artistry can enhance your features in any way you desire.”

Erika burst into tears, and Dawn rushed to apologise for anything she had said to disturb the young woman.

“I am so sorry, madame, if I have said something to upset you.”

Erika pulled herself together, and responded, “Not you. I am not upset, just overwhelmed that Reg would do this for us. He is a wonderful man!”

Just then, Reg and the twins came through the living room door. He went to speak, but Frances raised a finger to her lips, so he halted, confused, not knowing what had been said before he walked in.

Frances told Mrs Thyme, “We know we are not pretty, Mrs Thyme, but Reg sees things in us we never believed possible. It seems he even senses a beauty that we failed to notice. We need nothing for Reg’s benefit, but if you can do anything to help us look better to the outside world, we will be pleased to cooperate with you. I am so very impressed with Reg’s thoughtfulness. You can get started right away, Mrs Thyme: photos, you said?”

“Yes, I need to take these away, along with height and body measurements. This lets me and my team prepare our plan for each person. If someone is very tall, like this lady,” she gestured at Prudence, “then a dress featuring horizontal lines will be an advantage in de-emphasizing her vertical stature. We can do enough with her facial characteristics so that her hair and jewellery need not be so attention-grabbing in her case.”

Prudence nodded agreement. She assured Frances, “She knows her stuff, Frances. Let’s just go with the flow, and make Reg proud of us on Saturday.”

Mrs Thyme smiled pleasantly, and said to Reg, “Your sisters appear to be pleased with your gift, Mr Robertson, It will be a pleasure to do our best for you.”

Reg smiled back. “Thank you, Mrs Thyme. I don’t actually have a sister, but the thought was admirable. I shall leave you to start your work.” Mrs Thyme stared at his back as he left. She was lost for words. If they were not his sisters, what were they to him? Cousins, probably, she decided, here for the wedding, and relaxed.

Reg ambled through to his study. He had an appointment with Sidra, as soon as she was free from the Thyme preparatory treatment.

He was heavily involved in an examination of so-called ‘bulletproof’ glass, which was composed of alternate layers of glass and plastic: an extension of the laminated glass idea that dated back to 1909. In the modern version, the glass might shatter, but the surrounding plastic layers held it together and spread the impact energy to the sides, so that the forward impact into the second glass layer was much reduced. The layers ended with a final polycarbonate layer to prevent spalling inside a vehicle or room.

To make the glass sheet more protective against higher impact weapons, you simply added more layers sufficient to prevent even a high-velocity bullet from penetrating all the way through. If it did get through, its energy was spent, so it should no longer be able to cause harm.

These extra layers made the windows much, much heavier and more opaque, such that they became impractical for a car windscreen. The light coming through a windscreen has to be sufficient for good visibility of the road ahead. Reduced visibility would make the windscreen illegal on the public roads; so the windscreen could not be as bulletproof as the other windows. The partition between driver and the rear compartment, though, could be made to the toughest standards. The driver remained the most vulnerable to attack, and stopping a car could be as effective as shooting through it, if you could then approach it with heavy weapons.

Reg could see that increasing the thickness of the plastic might increase the resistance to pressure blows, but that again would probably decrease visibility of the exterior. He wondered whether at least one of the plastic layers could be replaced by a shear-thickening liquid agent, sealed around the edges. On impact, it would absorb the force and turn solid. Would it return to its liquid form afterwards? That might be a technicality to be solved by experiment.

His thought experiment was interrupted by Sidra arriving and tapping on the study door.

“Ready for me, Reg?”

“Sure, Sidra. What are you working on today?”

“Hydraulics. What the dickens does it do? How does it work? The textbook makes it sound terribly complicated.”

“That is what textbooks try to do, Sidra: Make you think how important the book is, and how knowledgeable the author is.

Hydraulics actually works in a very simple way, Sidra. Assume you have a liquid in a tub, with a plunger fitting tightly on top and an open pipe through to another empty tub. when you push the plunger down, it transfers that push to the liquid, which then pushes through into the other tub. If there is no receiving tub, and the pipe is narrow, it shoots out at higher pressure, just like a water pistol. In essence, that’s what hydraulics is about: pushing a liquid around from one place to another, but the pressure that is pushing it changes when the pipe is narrower or wider. The narrower the hole it has to go through, the higher the pressure that results.

All the detail in hydraulics is an extension of that principle, usually involving calculations based on factors such as the density of the liquid, its surface area, its volume – the total supply available in the storage tank – the diameter of the pipe, the pressure being applied, and so on. That is a mathematical equation used to solve a hydraulics question. You need to know maths to work things out in many disciplines, but that’s all that you are doing.

Water flowing in a river or a canal is the same principle. The water is being pushed down by air pressure from above, and pulled by gravity, so the force is always downhill.

In a canal, if the canal is not perfectly level, the water will flow towards the lower end, under that downward air pressure and the force of gravity. The canal is the tub, and the lower end of the canal is the pipe the water is being pushed towards. That is why engineers are perfectionists about the contour of a canal. If a canal is running through the countryside, completely level all the way, it is called a contour canal, and the water doesn’t move at that stage. Add water at any point, and the extra height to the water imparts a push towards the end of the canal. Remove water at the end of the canal, and all rest of the water in the canal starts flowing towards the point of loss.

Exactly the same principle applies to gases, where it is known as pneumatics, but with one major difference: gases can be compressed into a smaller space; liquids can’t.”

“I get you. You make subjects seem easy, Reg.”

“They ARE easy, Sidra, as long as you don’t make things so complicated by trying to do too much at the one time. Most subjects can be more easily understood by dealing with them in smaller bits, then adding these amounts together later.”

Sidra went off with her science textbook, much happier with her studies. Reg went back to see how the beautician was doing, and found her packing up to go. Reg expressed surprise at her speed.

She told him, “It doesn’t take all that long with a digital camera, and all the rest was simple measurements of the ladies. When do you want them all to be ready? Saturday morning?”

“Yes. The wedding is at eleven, at the university. How long do your staff need to prepare the ladies?”

“I can’t say for certain, but I will bring my full team, so that there will be no delay. The ladies of your household seem a cooperative bunch, I have to say. They really appreciate what you are doing for them. Quite altruistic, I thought. They have a high regard for you, I noticed.”

Reg ignored the implied question. Instead, he changed the subject.

“Can I emphasize a point, Mrs Thyme? I don’t want my girls caked in make-up. Less is more, in my view. Do whatever you feel is right in the way of hair, clothes and jewellery, etc., but minimal cosmetics to achieve the look you want, if at all possible.”

“We are not miracle-workers, Mr Robertson, but we pride ourselves on our talents. I agree with you on the quantity of make-up. The artistry is how to put it on to achieve the desired effect. All my staff are fully trained to my exacting standards, and their work will be supervised by me. Our target is for the final effect to be displayed, but not the tools of the trade, which hopefully should be invisible to the casual viewer.

We can be here at eight a.m. to make a start on Saturday. There will be four of us in our team. We have a van we use for transporting the clothing and other choices to be made: you are merely hiring the dresses and the paste jewellery for the day, but should any client later wish to purchase, genuine originals can be obtained.”

“Good. Now that you have seen the task, Mrs Thyme, what do you expect the final bill to be?”

“Several thousand pounds all told, Mr Robertson. I hope you will manage to settle the account when you get it.”

“The money will not be an insurmountable obstacle, Mrs Thyme. Your bill will be paid in full, when presented.”

“Now that is a most helpful attitude. I can offer a five per cent discount if the bill is paid within the week.”

“I shall abide by your rules, dear lady, if you perform as well as I expect.”

He saw the lady out, and returned to the living room, where there was considerable chatter. The girls all stopped to look at him when he opened the door and entered.

“Well?” he asked, petulantly. “Am I good or bad for this surprise?”

“We did mull it over, and concluded that you want us to look our best on Saturday, so you passed the test of acceptability, Reg,” he was informed by Prudence. “Frances took a little persuasion, but she came around. I had to point out that she raised no objections while the beautician was here.”

Frances came in with, “I was always personally okay with the idea, Prudence. My concern was for the rest of you, so I was speaking as chief wife with my duty of care to the fore.”

Prudence accepted this explanation. “All right, then. You have a full complement of approval, dear man. We will probably not be recognised by our friends on Saturday, if they are around campus when we arrive. I got the impression this is a full makeover, Reg. Am I right?”

“You are. They have a range of clothing for hire to suit every client, and paste jewellery to match. Incidentally, if you take a fancy to any of the items; the clothes, and the genuine jewellery, are available to purchase if requested. I am easy with that, should your taste run to such pieces. Just nothing too expensive, please: my budget couldn’t stand that sort of demand!”

This produced general laughter, with only Sidra and Jessica being unsure of the joke. Holly leaned to Sidra and whispered, “Reg grew up in poverty, but now he has some cash to his name, and it embarrasses him. He switches between not spending and being overly generous.”

Sidra passed this on to her mother, who whispered back, “We do NOT ask for money, Sidra!”

Sidra was quick to note the common sense of this instruction, and replied, “I agree, ammi.”

A couple of days later, the beauty squad descended on the household for the initial preparations, and Reg did not know what to do with himself, as the visitors took over the house. He was told not to disappear, as he had to be ‘done’ as well, as soon as the ladies were ready. He had dressed in his new charcoal grey suit, which Frances had laid out for him to wear. Along with the suit, there was a new dress shirt that he had not seen before, and a new set of underwear as well. He was permitted to choose a dress tie from a range on the “Allure” clothing van, and selected a pre-tied silver silk cravat that was simple to affix at his neck. Mrs Thyme approved his selection and patted him on the shoulder. “That will do nicely, Mr Robertson. The idea is for you to look nice, but not outshine your ladies.”

She leaned closer to say quietly in his ear, “A little bird told me you are married to four of these girls; the ones who call themselves Robertson. Everyone seems happy, so I shall say nothing more, sir.”

Reg remonstrated, “There is nothing illegal involved, Mrs Thyme. We had a Commitment Ceremony, which is just as binding on us as a marriage. This is what the girls wanted, and I am devoted to them, for ever.”

She gazed at him in astonishment, but still warned him, “See that you never let them down, Mr Robertson. They deserve the best; but you are indeed trying to do your best. I can see that in their reactions. Whose wedding are you going to today?”

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BrittanyPart III

I lay there in bed next to my sleeping wife and I all I could think about was what Brittany had mentioned to me in comparing the taste of my cum to my own daughter’s. It was the last thing she said to me before scampering off to Jessica’s bedroom but to be honest she could have recited the Gettysburg Address and all my mind would have registered was the fact that Brittany and Jessica had, at some point, had sex. I’m not sure how it’s possible but I dozed off with that image in my head.The next...

2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 19 Many Irons

When I arrived at the beach I found Allison, Lizzy, and Shannon playing basketball. As soon as I appeared Lizzy turned to look at me. The other two followed the motion and spotted me coming across the sand. "There you are," Allison said. "I was beginning to think we wouldn't see you at all tonight. Where have you been?" She met me at the edge of the court and kissed me hello. Shannon and Lizzy lined up behind her. I kissed her and Lizzy and then took Shannon aside, "Shannon, I'm...

2 years ago
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98 A PUNISHMENT IN CENTRAL PARK “So, Avis, Jon your husband has sent you to us for some much needed correction!” She stood erect, defiant even; well dressed, I am not good at sizes but 5ft 6 or so not a young woman it is true but tidy, Her shape was still feminine for her age which I suspect was very late 40s early 50`s, fairly good looking, though her features said that she had seen life and not always from the best side, she had something about her. breasts well defined, though I had as...

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A Flame in the Night Ch 01

Welcome to my fantasies and many thanks for reading my story. Generally this series is a tale of erotic romance blended with other light diversions. But take notice! Be patient about the sex, this story was meant to tease, and not much sex happens during the first five chapters. So I don’t want you frustrated if you’re looking for something quicker. And although I say this is ‘a story … to a woman’–actually, it’s a mixed bag and either gender might enjoy it depending on the chapter. Finally...

2 years ago
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Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 9

November 29, 1845 - December 19, 1845 I didn't know it at the time, but this started a very peaceful period in our lives. We now had eleven people living in a twelve by twenty-four foot cabin. There isn't much privacy when there are that many people living so close together. We had an area with blankets and tarps around it for us to sleep in. This took up about seven feet by eight feet. There was another area for Abby's bed that was five feet by six feet. All three girls slept in there....

3 years ago
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Caught by an older man

Back then I still had the body to wear my little white bikini, and I did as often as I could. I was 5’6, brown hair, blue eyes, 120 lbs with perky b cup tits that were almost a c cup. I was hot and knew it. One afternoon, when my parents were both at work and nobody was supposed to be dropping by, I had an idea. I would sunbath nude and get rid of my tan lines! I set up my lawn chair and pulled off my bikini. Put some sunscreen over sensitive areas so they would not burn and...

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Terri Taken

Zack grinned and then licked his lips, as his long firm fingers traced a path along the expensive silky-smooth pantyhose material. The sheen of the material still almost sparkling in the dim light of the back of his cube van.As his hand passed over the last half dozen strands of snug rope, he moved his palm around under the soft thigh flesh, quivering under his finger tips. His fingers finally meeting the swollen rows of flesh and pubic hair sticking out of the shredded hole in the crotch of...

4 years ago
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Sissy Captions Transcribed

Pet had a new assignment last night. Certainly video reinforcement of her slutty sissy desires was on the agenda. But this time, she used multiple neural pathways for her reinforcement. very nice hypnotic trainer, with lots of flashers and captions. But... i wonder? What do ALL those captions really say?Thanks to pet... we now...

1 year ago
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Daniella III Daniella Domina Part 3

Fuck!The word screamed inside Eric’s head, but the shock was such, as ice-water deluged him from balls to chin, that all he could do was suck in air and clench his ribcage. Then before he could catch hold of his gut reaction he spat out the words. “Fuck—you little …”He swallowed the rest, but wished to Christ she hadn’t heard that much. She was smug enough already.The sensation of intense cold ebbed, and all the others returned—the sore nipple and stinging face, and of course the throb of the...

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Twists of Fate Ch 01

Hellu guys!! Here is a new story I’ve been working on. Inspiration hasn’t hit me yet to continue the chapters of To be transformed or not so hope you like reading this series while I work on the further chapters of the former one!! Keep the votes, rates and comments comming!!! XXX ‘Oh shit!! Oh shit…’ she murmured as she rushed through the crowded corridors of her university. She was late of Prof. Tam’s Economics class. That old man was one of the meanest people she’d encountered in the 21...

2 years ago
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I was walking to the button when l heard someone called me and l turned to see a lady l knew somewhere “.lt’s been quite a while,isn’t it”,She smiled and l entered her shop. I wanted to shake her hand but she saw me gazing at her huge boobs. She drew my hand to her breast and l squeezed gently. She was on her knees,opening my trouser zip.She brought out my rod,into her mouth,and she sucked it.

2 years ago
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Sex during a crowded concert

As I got home that evening, my sweet wife told me we were going to a concert in a local club. Anita described the main act was a percussion band whose music was loud and hot; all that beat could wake the dead. It was standing room only and, as we got there early there, we were lucky enough to be right in front of the stage. So Ana was happy.She had dressed very sexy, wearing a pullover top without bra, a short jean skirt without even a thong and high heeled boots.She really looked so hot.I was...

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How did I get here

A lot of people ask me how I got here. To be honest, sometimes I wonder that myself, but here is my little snippet about how I discovered my sexuality.I should start off by saying some of this is really difficult to share. I have lost friends, been labeled weird, even had family members catch on and treat me differently. I cannot tell you how many times I've been referred to as "the wild one" by family members, and it hasn't always felt endearing. Despite this, I have grown a Fuck IT mentality,...

3 years ago
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Closing Time

I look up from my laptop and look outside. It’s the end of a long day researching for my thesis, gathering books, scouring archives. It’s almost closing time. There are windows everywhere in this library. During the day you can see out across downtown, but now the windows are like mirrors because it’s so dark outside. I see you in the reflection of the window on the other side of the room, You’re moving books around on a desk, cleaning up, putting things away. I should look away, but I’ve been...

3 years ago
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Laying The Record Straight

It's a few hours before opening time at Duke's. Rita and I are going over plans for a 75th birthday party we're throwing a week Wednesday night. Sal Harper is one of our favorite regulars. A retired ACLU attorney, she's sassy, spirited, and needle-sharp, with a bottomless supply of stories about the city's queer history. Besides that, she's made herself Duke's unofficial mother hen, giving out advice and support to any of the stray kids that wander in looking for a glimmer of solace. Both of us...

4 years ago
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Aunty Ki Tel Malish

Hi, frnds mera naam Chintu ha mei kuch time se Hissar (Haryana) mei reh raha hu. Meri age 25yrs height 5-10 ha rang gora or achi body hai. Mera lund (dick) 7 inch ka hai plz koi bhi 18-40yrs ki ladki , aunty,aur bhabhi mere ko yaad kar sakti hai or meri sewa le sakti ha meri email hai Ab mei aapko apne jeevan ke pehle sex ki sachi ghatna ke bare mei batata hu.Baat un dino ki ha jab mei bcom final mei tha hamare pados mei ek aunti jo ki 40 ki umar ki thi raha karti thi unka name meenakshi tha...

4 years ago
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The Kendall Chronicles Part 3

Greg traced his fingertip up a trail of juices on the inside of my thigh and slipped his finger into him mouth. “Mmmm, that tastes nice. Sit on the counter.” It was more of an order than a statement. I quickly moved onto the counter with my legs dangling off the edge. Greg stood in front of me and placed a hand on each knee and spread my legs. He leaned forward, kissed me and said, “Slide your ass over here.” while pulling me forward. Greg knelt down between my legs and placed one of my...

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paki hijabi eats my cum

this is a real story, i just changed her nameI started working at an off license while going to college. One day, my colleague Suji, whos family owns the shop, was a 18 year old Paki hijabi from London who lived 15 mins away from the shop. This was the first time she came to work with me and second time i saw her. i have her on my fb friends listShe is 5'3, nice tits and a booty. Her parents are divorced. and she isnt your typical paki girl. beautiful and cute face. she was wearing short black...

2 years ago
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Episode 42 8211 Relieving The Exam Fever

In our previous episode, Borah and Juhi were having fun at their deserted office. Borah who was working late to finish some urgent work was seduced by the beautiful Juhi. She, in the pretext of thanking Borah for helping her out in the past, took him to one of the deserted meeting rooms and then surrendered herself to him. Borah too, took full advantage of the situation – he made her come by eating her cunt nicely. And then he had fucked her at least twice before leaving. In the meanwhile, back...

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Susan My Wife Fucks Our Driver

My name is Venkat and I am from Chennai, India. My wife, Susan and I have been married for past 3 years. Before marriage, Susan was a senior to me at work and was a year older by age. Also we were from different faiths, she being a Christian and I a Hindu. Our families, both hers and mine, were completely against this alliance. But we stood by each other and got married. We cut all formal ties with our families and moved to Mumbai immediately after marriage. Susan, now a 30 year old, has a...

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Dont Miss He Said Ch 04 Pt 01

Greetings again, readers! Your humble raconteur returns with the next exciting installment of ‘Don’t Miss,’ He Said. It’s time again to join Alphonse, Elena, and the rest of the gang for another bit of fun. More conflict with Gospel, and more romance for the couples. Here you are. Alphonse Rosethorne, take command of your story…Carry out the plan of the day! ************* ‘Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.’ Franz Schubert: ‘Ave Maria ...

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NubileFilms Lady D Paula Two Beauties

Decked out in high heels, a thong, and a bra, Lady D. checks herself out in the mirror to make sure she’s looking hot for her threesome with Paula and Dan. The horny couple can’t wait to bring in a third person for their pleasure, so when Lady struts across the room to join them they’re all smiles in anticipation. Dan is fortunate to be in the middle as both girls flank him and start using their hands and lips for his pleasure. His pants are soon pulled down, revealing his hard cock that Paula...

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The Kennel Master Part 3

“Morning, Sam!” A cheery female voice pulled his attention from the tablet as he stood outside pen 15. “Oh, hi, Emily. How are you?” A young woman was making her way down the aisle between the two pens towards him with two leashed dog-slaves and a German shepherd preceding her. For the most part Sam’s operation concentrated on female animals; there were other dealers who specialised in males and training them wasn’t his forte. However, his staff were an innovative bunch and as a result of...

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A Beautiful Feeling

I have always believed that sex is a token of love, a feeling of completeness and oneness. Agree that it is also a need for the body, but when you have sex with some one you dearly love then it is a completely different experience as compared to any lust-full relations. At that time love overtakes lust and sex is just a way of expressing this love. When you are in the arms of your loved one, then there is no better feeling than that. Hi. I am raja from Mumbai. but my friends call me lovely name...

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Stepdad Rape

Ugh. They were fighting again and Jax sounded drunk. My mom was crying and trying to calm him down. "Baby please, not like that. You're being too rough. When you're drunk you hurt me." "Fucking Cunt, you don't wanna let me in that pussy? That's my pussy bitch." I heard a slap and my mom must've fought him. I heard a grunt and a loud yell. "Ow! Fucking bitch." I heard him stomp past my room to go sleep it off on the couch. I relaxed a little. She was safe for tonight. I hated...

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BlacksOnBlondes Abella Danger Melissa Moore 09202016

Look at black cock sluts Melissa Moore and Abella Danger! They’re fucking together for the first time, and their prize is none other than Prince Yashua! Before they share Prince, Abella and Melissa share each other. It’s an ass-lover’s delight, starting with Melissa pulling Abella’s butt plug and sucking on it, to Melissa and Abella eating ass — before The Prince makes his appearance! It’s on from that point, as Prince destroys all sorts of holes before...

2 years ago
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My Anal Adventure with Jack

It had been a few days since I heard from my new sex partners, Jack & Molly – a sex loving couple - Our initial sexcapades had been so intense that I was getting my pussy wet just thinking about them. My roommate had to go out of town to the village to see her parents, so it left me alone. The pool was nice and warm, nude swimming was all ways a favourite past time for me. The phone woke me out of my daydreaming. "Hello." I said. "Hey! What's up?" Jack said on the other end. "Not much,...

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Downsizing Ch 05

Monday Morning rolled around way too early for Dani. She got dressed up in her normal attire, put on her make up, and was waiting impatiently for Stacy to finish getting ready. Dani made the comment, ‘You know, you should be quicker than me still.’ Stacy was kind of hung over from their last night as a man and a woman couple. They both knew that the new position would require that Dani be in character all the time from now on to support the company in his new position. When they arrived at the...

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Dark Skyrim

You arise from your bedding, moaning. Yet another early, freezing day. You climb out of bed, fully naked, as your nightdress is still damp from when you washed it the day before. You look out of the window and see it is still dark. Five in the morning was early enough in winter for it to be as dark as it was at midnight. You would have given your right hand in order to spend a few more hours sleeping, but the fruit stall you run in the Whiterun market needed to be opened early so you could not...

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Moms Gangbang

effrey had been away at college for almost a year, and was coming home for Thanksgiving. His mother, Sara was excitedly looking forward to it. His father had passed away right before Jeffrey left for college, and Sara was very lonely. She was 41 years old, and very shapely. She had large breasts, and dark blonde hair. Jeffrey couldn't understand why she didn't move on with her life. Jeffrey had just finished talking to his mother on the phone, and had asked if he could bring a couple of friends...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 75

You have to love those Newfies... A road crew supervisor in southern Ontario hired Herb from Newfoundland, to paint the yellow line down the middle of highway 10 heading up toward Wasaga Beach. He was skeptical about hiring him since he didn't have any painting background; however, he appeared enthusiastic and told him that he really needed the job. At least his wife Lorrie-Jane, told him so. He explained to Herb, that his work day would be to complete 2 miles of centerline on the road. He...

1 year ago
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Making Her Yearn for More

I’ve been watching you, flirting with you, but you have been resistant. I could tell you had thoughts about me, but did not have the courage to show yours cards. I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands this time. I knew you were working late and figured I could slip in and take my shot. I walked into the building, thinking to myself… she is yours, just go after her. I would like to act as though I have all the confidence in the world, but like others, I have my doubts. I...

3 years ago
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RomanceChapter 9

Romance: Another country heard from:9. "Jack? What are we going to do with all this?" "I don't know," he answered, "All I wanted was some swords to train with." "Why did you buy all this junk?" That particular piece of junk was a Priest Gorō Masamune tachi, similar to one recently returned to Japan and worth half a million dollars. "That Rheinmettal 88 is a pretty rare bird. I couldn't pass it up. It's a Flak 41. Uses a longer casing than the original Krupp designed...

2 years ago
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Proactive Interview

I spotted her walking in front of me from the subway and enjoyed the roll of her hips and the bounce of her ponytail. We entered the building and the elevator together. “Looking for work?” I asked her. She was fresh and young, really lovely. I felt my cock squirm. She nodded. “Interview.” I handed her my card. “Doesn’t work out, come see me. Tenth floor.” I got out and she stayed on. She was as tall as I am, at least in her heels. An hour later she knocked on my door. I asked her in and she...

Group Sex
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Sandy and Frank Ch 10

I said that there were two specific occasions where their activities were certainly not platonic, one of which, of course was the episode just described. The other, in some ways, was more important because it was a major step up in their relationship. This came about because of my attendance at the annual Northeast Political Science Association Conference which normally runs three days in the middle of November. Obviously, I would be gone overnight, leaving Sandy alone at home. Usually during...

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If Youre Not Paying It

CHAPTER 1 Wednesday "Andy, for crying out loud, we need to talk about this. I haven't bought any clothes other than pantyhose in the last year and a half since you demanded that we cut back. My panties are falling off of me because there's nothing left of the waist-band, I'm wearing a skirt and blouse that are years out of style, the arches in my shoes are killing me and, if it weren't for the fact that Karen wears her school uniform or sweats all the time, she'd be a laughing...

2 years ago
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In Pursuit of Jade

A few years ago in my place of work I was hired around the same time as a spunky young girl named Jade. She was so funny and crazy we immediately hit it off.We did our fair share of flirting.One occasion we spoke about our doos and fonts in the bedroom. She explained that nobody had ever come in her mouth nor had she done anal. She suddenly turned to me and said "if we had sex, I'd let you do anything!!!". I was flattered, but just saw it as naughty banter.Another time I was in the changing...

3 years ago
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James Decent into Cuckoldry 3

Summary – Jamie’s submissive training continues. Karen invites a friend over to play. Previous Story Summary – Karen teaches Jamie how to dress and act like a slut. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be of legal age to read this adult story. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives! James Fagioli woke up the next morning...

4 years ago
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Fetish between Siblings

We knew we were wrong but that didn’t seem to stop my sister, Belinda, and I. Belinda moaned as she held her ass cheeks apart slightly bent over in her bedroom. I was on my knees with my face buried between her firm smooth ass cheeks. I too moaned, but her deep ass crack muffled the noise. Belinda had one of her tits hanging out of her sports bra as she held up her soccer jersey with one hand. Her other hand fondled and pinched her nipple as she felt my tongue alternate between her puckered...

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Daddy Locke

Not to much later I woke to find my Daddies hand on my bare tummy and his face buried in my hair. I tried to hold back my giggle and turned so I could face his naked chest. I let my lips lay against his chest and sat there waiting for him too move, nothing. I became curious and grabbed his hand placing it on my hip, he tightened his grip. My hand traced down his side and along his hip to the top of his boxers, ‘No I shouldn’t. He’d be furious with me,’ I was battling my emotions on whether to...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 497

???????????????? Smokeyjoe has some time to think and this was the result. Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard when he lives in the jungle without a razor? Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat? Why do banks charge a fee on ‘insufficient funds’ when they know there is insufficient funds? Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet? Whose idea was it to put an ‘S’ in the word ‘lisp’? What is the...

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