The Devil's DiscipleChapter 9: Saturday February 5: Welcoming Anne To The 'Family' free porn video

My eyes were closed but I was awake. I sensed Anne look from me to my father, felt her disengage herself from the hands we had on her breasts and sit up. Suddenly a vision came into my mind and that could only mean one thing, my brother was back. It was just after six-o-clock on Saturday morning, she was resting against the soft backboard.
'She's considering what to do next little brother, and she's thinking about what happened. About how you changed your mind on Thursday night and decided that a good nights sleep was preferable even though she was begging for it.'
'Me! Somehow I have this feeling that we both decided to wait until last night.'
'Whatever. Anyway now she's thinking about how she insisted on going to work, even though her mother could've been waiting, which fortunately she wasn't. And lastly of course there was last night, meeting Connie for the first time and the event she'd been waiting for. The orgy!'
I watched Anne put on a full length dressing gown and walk out of the room towards a light. Keeping my eyes closed I followed her through the study, into the kitchen and saw Connie at the same time she did.
"Would you like a coffee?" She was dressed similarly to Anne and was sitting at the breakfast bar drinking from a mug.
"Love one." Anne sat on the other stool while Connie poured some from a percolator. "I thought you were with that Michael fellow?"
"Oh I was, but the poor little fucker could only take so much and he passed out on the dining room floor." She smiled knowingly. "I guess you must have worn out Cyril but considering recent events I find it hard to believe that you did the same to Winston."
My ears pricked up as Anne nodded in confirmation. "Cyril certainly, but I think Winston would have kept going if I'd been willing. I just don't understand where he gets the energy."
"Me neither, this has been something new. I mean before this it was always wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am and you only got seconds if you were either, lucky, very patient or very good with your mouth which, fortunately, I was."
"Can we talk Connie?" Anne was watching as she poured cream in her coffee.
"Mighty lot to take in all at once I'll bet," offered Connie as she served the coffee with more than a little sympathy. "Stranger would come in and see what was going on last night and come to only one conclusion unless they knew these two." Anne could only nod her head in agreement. "So yes, I can understand you wanting to talk about last night."
There was sudden movement next to me, that surely meant that my father was going in search of Connie or Anne, or maybe even both.
'It's both Winston, he's guessing, correctly of course, that Anne and Connie are together.'
'Then I should follow him shouldn't I?'
'In a few minutes, give him a chance to lead them to the lounge.'
I turned my mind back to Anne's conversation with Connie.
"You're not kidding Connie." Anne was busy answering Connie's response to her request for a chat. "I mean I guess the last thing I expected was to finish up in a threesome with Winston and his father." I couldn't help but smile as Anne looked at Connie and put an arm around her shoulder. "Don't misunderstand me Connie, I wouldn't change what happened last night for anything, Cyril is a sweet man and a pretty good fuck into the bargain."
"I'll do my best to explain." Connie took a sip of her coffee and adjusted her position on the stool she was sitting on. "I'm sure that they won't mind if I tell you part of the story, after all I think it's only fair you get some sort of an..."
"... Explanation Connie? Of course, and if you pour me a coffee I'll tell the story."
They both looked around and like me saw my father standing in the doorway dressed in pyjamas and a dressing gown.
"But first let's go into the lounge where it's more comfortable."
Anne followed Cyril into the lounge, sat in one of the armchairs and watched as Connie came in with his coffee, put it on the table and sat next to him on the couch.
'No need to move until father has finished the whole story.'
I listened as my father told the whole story leaving nothing out. Listened as he spoke about the iron rule of his wife and how she was killed in a car accident and that we weren't terribly upset by it. He went on to tell how that sort of bonded both of us together, about how we found Connie and nursed her to a complete recovery after a period in hospital. Not once did he mention my brother in the story.
'That's just what I was waiting for little brother. All right now you can go.'
I jumped off the bed, grabbed a dressing gown and quickly made my way to the lounge in time to hear Anne ask a question.
"Was last night fairly normal for a Friday night in this house and will I be expected to behave much as I did if I'm to stay as a friend of Winston's and be welcome in this house?"
She was looking at my father but I gave the answer from the doorway. "It's like I said on Thursday night Anne, sex in this house is for fun, it's like eating your favourite dish in your favourite restaurant, you'll always go back to it but sometimes it's nice to eat a different but equally tasty dish. We treat sex as fun because to take it any more serious than that is to risk fucking up even the best relationships. My father and I are the way we are and this house runs the way it does. Just remember that I'll love you no matter what. It won't matter whether you're fucking me, my father or any other guy at one of our parties because sex isn't what love's about, love is about this." And I pointed to where my heart would be as I walked in and sat on the arm of the chair next to Anne. "You experienced the party, you know by now how things happen in this house, I suggest the ball is well and truly in your court."
Anne didn't say anything, instead she stood up and walked over to Connie, pulled her off the couch and led her to me. Then she went back, untied my father's dressing gown, got to her knees, looked in my direction and smiled as she pulled his pyjama bottoms down and sucked his rapidly inflating cock down her throat.
Connie stripped off her dressing gown and was immediately naked. Then she slipped a hand inside the crotch of my pyjama pants and pulled out my cock which under her steady stroking became erect almost instantly. "Uuhhhmmm! Up for it are we?"
I grinned picked her up bodily, and while she held onto my cock lowered her down until I was fully sheathed in the depths of her talented pussy and scraping against her clit as I lowered my face down to taste her succulent tits.
"Sit still," she breathed, "let me fuck you."
I did just that and revelled in the feel of her as she used her muscles to squeeze my cock tightly. She was wet and getting wetter by the second as she pressed her 38 DDs into my chest and I reached around and grabbed the cheeks of her arse with my hands.
"Oh yes, oh yes, OHH YEESSSS! Fuck me baby fuck me with that hot cunt!"
And she did, she began bouncing on and off my cock at a furious rate setting her tits to bouncing as she squeezed my cock tightly and scraped her clit along its length.
"Oh God who'd believe it?" she said. "Who would believe that my little pussy could take a thick 8-inches like this and never want to let it go. OH GOD FUCK ME, FUUCCCKKKK MEE, FUUUCCCCKKKKK MEEE!"
"Oh God I'm coming Connie, I'M COMING!"
This wasn't a threat any more, not with Colin around. At least I hoped he was around. 'Colin, Colin, you haven't deserted me have you?'
'Are you kidding, and let pussy like this go to waste.'
"Come for me Winston, come for Connie, squirt your cum into my cunt. Come on baby mix your cum with my pussy juice and make a mess of me."
"You fucking bet I will Connie." And just as I spoke I shot what seemed like a gallon of semen into the depths of her pussy. "Feel my cum baby, feel me coming in you?"
She nodded hungrily unable to speak, and then she kissed me as she began to rock once more on my ever erect cock. "Oh baby," she grinned, "I love it that you stay so hard these days Winston." Connie turned her head to where my father and Anne were now fucking, with her also on his lap. "What about you Anne what do you love?"
Anne grinned as she happily bounced on my father's cock. "I love it that Cyril's cock feels so good up my cunt, love it that he hasn't come yet, but most of all," and this time she laughed, "most of all I love it that I can fuck so often and enjoy it so much!"
Later that same day I was parked outside the same neglected looking block of flats I'd seen so clearly in those visions supplied by my brother. An enclosure surrounded by a waist high brick wall and a tatty wooden gate was full of foul, smelly rubbish bins, papers and broken beer bottles.
The driveway was littered with early model Ford Falcons and Holden Commodores, most in bad need of repair, some were beyond it while the odd one was a newer, more recent model.
From the first of two open windows came the deafening sound of somebody's, and mine I have to admit, favourite heavy metal band. The song was 'The Battle of Evermore' by 'Led Zeppelin'.
That good heavy metal seemed to be competing with a noise coming from the other open window, something pretending to be music that they called rap though I called it rap with a capital 'C'!
Then from below another open window that I hadn't noticed before a long haired man dressed in baggy shorts, singlet and thongs was laying down the law to a fat woman who was leaning out of that window trying to give as good as she got.
The warm morning and even warmer afternoon had clearly given some people a thirst judging by that and other alcohol induced, foul-mouthed arguments that seemed to be going on in several places. Add to that the number of dogs trying to make themselves heard over the noise and it was no wonder — her parents aside — that Anne was so keen to move out.
Her family was in the first block and I was just beginning to get a little impatient when she appeared, she was dressed in a plain light blue cotton skirt, a loose fitting rather tatty looking white blouse and carrying two suitcases and a bag.
I jumped out of the car, raced up the driveway and took a suitcase and a bag from her.
I was just about to walk back to the car when I saw two people standing by the stairway. The man, who was dressed in jeans and a check shirt had the biggest beer gut I'd ever seen, I mean compared to him I was lean and athletic. His wife was taller than him, almost as fat with stringy hair that looked badly in need of a wash and she was wearing something that looked like it was made out of old rags.
The man was first to speak. "Fucking good riddance I say."
'He's thinking, she's going with him! Thinking that someone with his daughter's looks can do better than a fat prick like you. His thoughts little brother not mine, okay.'
Anne's mother was even more forceful. "Yeah you ungrateful bitch! Just don't come back when things don't work out. Don't come back here when you get fed up with this fat prick."
I looked at Anne and smiled but my thoughts were elsewhere with Colin. 'What's she thinking? Her mother, what exactly is she thinking, I mean I think I get the general drift judging by what she said but I need to know, you know, to give me a reason to hate them even more when I return."
'You won't need any ammunition as you should know by now. But I do suggest that you concentrate a little more on Anne.'
It was then that I realised Anne had a hand on my shoulder and was pushing me towards the street. "Come on Winston they're not worth the fucking effort."
The father though had to have the final word as we reached the car. He had followed us down and was standing by the rubbish bins. "And don't bother coming back for the rest of your stuff, if we can get money for it we'll sell it, if we can't sell it we'll give it away and if we can't give it away we'll probably just fuckin' burn it."
"KEEP IT!" Screamed Anne as she moved aggressively towards her father. "JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO NOW, NOW THAT YOU DON'T HAVE A DAUGHTER TO FUCK!"
The slap echoed around the whole block. "You lying fucking bitch. And anyway even if I was fucking you, your type of slut are ten-a-penny, there's always one willing to spread their legs for a few dollars and a couple of drinks. So piss off and see if I care." He slapped her again and Anne reeled back, tumbled to the ground, sat and looked at her father as she felt her face. Then she gave him a single finger salute, stood up moved to the passenger side and got into my van.
'Are you going to help me here? This bastard needs to be taught a lesson.'
'Of course! Why don't you pick him up and throw him somewhere, your choice. I'm sure Anne will get a kick out of it and I don't think it'll do any harm to the way she feels about you.'
I was so confident in my brother by now that I didn't even hesitate, I walked over to her father grabbed him by the neck and groin, picked him up easily, tossed him two feet over my head and watched as he landed face down in the enclosure amongst the bins, papers and broken bottles.
I moved to one of the walls and looked over as he struggled unsuccessfully to get to his feet. "You know what your problem is?" When he didn't answer I continued. "You've been a prick for so long you don't know how to behave decently."
I looked to see if Anne's mother was still there but she'd already gone back inside after that single statement. Instead we'd succeeded in getting the attention of several other people in the block and a couple from a next door house, the cause of which I hoped was ruin to any sort of decent reputation Anne's father may have had.
'Oh you have little brother, you have. And if what I'm reading from some of their minds is anything to go by Anne's parents are going to be given an extremely difficult time.'
'Good!' And with that thought I jumped in the van and burned rubber moving away from the kerb.
Anne nestled close to me, put her right arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "I guess I should be used to it by now Winston, but seeing you do something like to that to my bastard of a father just... just makes me..."
She was unable to finish so I said, "You don't have to say any more Anne, let's forget about him and concentrate on the future, this is the start of a new life for both of us."
'You'll have me in tears little brother if you keep that up. Now do you remember asking me what her mother was thinking?' I gave the proper response and waited for Colin to continue. 'Her mother, and her father for that matter, thinks that you're nothing but a fat slob. Now we know what you're going to do don't we? After all nobody thinks of you like that and gets away with it do they? Especially when they are as fat and as ugly as they are. And if you didn't kill them for what they did to Anne you'd kill them for your own pleasure, or because I wanted you to, now wouldn't you?'
'You fucking bet I would, ' I answered. "And I know exactly what I'd like to do. Pop both their big fat bellies, cut his dick off and slice right through her cunt with my knife!"
'I don't exactly think that that'll be a good idea Fred, after all coming so close on top of Thursday nights little episode might make people think that the same person might be involved and we wouldn't want you doing anything that would develop into too much of a pattern would we.'
'All right maybe I won't do anything to their genitals. But I'll tell you one thing, he'll know what it's like to have something hard penetrate him, and I'm not talking about my dick either. Now what about Anne, are things still the same?'
'Of course! I told you I didn't have to do much to turn her into a spunky little sexpot, or to make her love you, and unless I change things nothing will stop her from loving you or doing whatever you want.'
I looked at Anne who was slouched back in the seat with a look of self-satisfaction on her face, she was clearly happy to be out of her parent's life. Then I looked at the sun still burning down. Today's forecast was proving to be correct. In the early evening the temperature was still in the low thirties after reaching a high of forty-two Celsius during the day.
I checked my watch — it was six-thirty — and estimated that we should be back at my place — allowing for the stop to pick up a couple of slabs of beer — by a quarter after seven, which should have given my father, with the help of Connie and Maria our maid, more than enough time to fix up the spare bedroom for Anne. Also the party should be well under way, the pool and spa in use and the barbecue going, and hell maybe even this early some of the bedrooms would be in use.
Finally we arrived, it was about five past seven. I noticed the usual cars plus a couple I hadn't seen for quite a while as I drove through them, found a space and parked. I delighted in Anne's bemused expression as we got out of the van, watched as she looked at all the cars and didn't give her a chance to ask before I started explaining. "We decided to kill three birds with one stone as it were; first a party to welcome you 'home', second a celebration of our successful adventure on Thursday night and third and last the closure of what we hope is a profitable 'business deal'."
Anne grabbed her bags out of the back of the van while I grabbed the two slabs and headed around the back. "We'll say hello to pop and get rid of the beer."
'Good idea Fred, you know something tells me you'll like what you see around the back, plus father has some good news for you.'
I saw Connie immediately, she was standing near the French windows that led to the games room. She looked radiant in a simple but very fetching white bikini that highlighted her dark hair and her dark, even tan as she talked to the Foster brothers who were also dressed in bathers and wet from a dip in the pool. My father was over by the barbecue doing what he does best at these soirées, eating drinking and watching.
In the pool playing with a beach ball were three girls and the owners of the two cars, men I hadn't seen for a while. One of the girls in the pool was Francie McKinnon, a well-developed blonde who was becoming quite a fixture around the place while the other two must have come with the men because I hadn't seen them before.
I gave the beer to Michael and Terry Foster and walked over to my father. A slight nod of the head was all that was needed for me to know that everything had been concluded successfully. My father turned a large piece of steak before he put down the tongs, grabbed Anne in both hands, pulled her to him and kissed her passionately.
Seated at one of the tables on the patio were two 'family' members, Morrie Dixon and Joe Collins. With the two of them and seated across both their laps having her tits and pussy played with was another orgy regular, a very naked redheaded girl named Betty Hart. They waved a greeting as I helped with the bags and headed inside.

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