Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 8 Party Aftermath
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Seeing as how the other girls seemed to have passed out, or just collapsed, Samantha made the decision that her and Kyle should head up to her room to finish off that day. That way they could go right to sleep after. Agreeing, the boy uncuffed her hands and helped her off his lap. He didn’t bother to put away his still hard member as Samantha took his hand and lead him toward the stairs.
Wonder woman didn’t start to put her clothes back on until she was back in the hall. Samantha came up from the stairs and saw her starting to dress. She came to a pause as she saw a girl ... with a cock, or was it a boy with tits. Taking a quick look at the face she found the former to be the case not the latter. All of a sudden arousal flooded through Samantha’s body, and a wicked idea popped into her head.
She waited a moment for the girl to get her bottoms on and then continued toward her bringing Kyle up the last couple of steps. She stopped again and turned. “Babe what do you think of her.” Kyle ran his eyes quickly in and down Wonder Woman, her large tits still exposed. “She’s fucking hot”. With a grin she started to move again and came up to Diana. “Hey, you know my boyfriend and I think you’re really fucking hot. Think you might want to spend the night with us?” Wonder woman glanced at Kyle unsure. “That was my little sister you were just with in there, she has a great mouth on her, doesn’t she?” Samantha said, pushing. The other girl couldn’t help but agree.
She knew Sam had seen her cock, but she didn’t think the boy had. “Uh huh are you really sure?” she asked somewhat hesitantly. “oh, we are sure aren’t we babe” Samantha said turning to Kyle. “oh fuck yes” came the reply ‘the law’. “If you don’t come of your own volition I may just have to cuff you and take you in” he said, twirling his fuzzy cuffs on one finger as he put a southern twang in his voice. Samantha reached down and gripped her boyfriend’s cock and stroked it. “Look how big he is, don’t you just want to suck on it?” She shifted her gaze back to her boyfriend. “If she sucked you off, you would be willing to go down on her right ... you would promise that” Kyle nodded emphatically. Sam’s grin just grew wider as she took Wonder Woman’s wrist with her other hand and took them all into her room.
Once inside Samantha pushed Kyle down onto the bed, as he lay there and worked on getting his clothes off, Sam leaned her head and put her lips next to the other girls ear. “Get him off with your mouth”. Understanding what was going on Diana didn’t take off her bottoms before she climbed between Kyle’s legs and started to suck on his pussy flavored cock. As she began, Sam slid her hands underneath her and played with her large tits.
In their parent’s room, Jax just couldn’t hold back anymore. With a heavy grunt he got off, shooting his cum deep into the strange girl’s quim. He assumed that was enough for the girl to reach her organic bliss as she looked to be having the hardest climax in her young life. That massive tool was able to reach all her girly parts. Like the two eager wenches before her she rolled off to the side of Jax’s body and lay flat as little aftershock tremors ran through her body. The last girl got off his face. “Do you still have enough for me?” she asked eyeing that large wet tool. Most of the coating was pussy juice, but there was some of his cum on there too. She unconsciously liked her lips.
Getting up he turned the girl around and put her down on all fours and then got behind her. “ I am sure I got one more in me.” he told her, and then plowed into the girl, spearing deep into her as she cried out in pleasure mix with stretching pain.
Through all of this activity, in her room Robin continued to sleep exhausted by all the people she pleasured that night
Cyndi roused herself enough to go to the linen closet and grab some blankets, tossing them over the snoozing bodies of her two friends. Making her way upstairs, minorly irritated to see Jax’s door still closed, she slipped into Robin’s room and crawled into bed next to her. Sniffing, she could tell that there would be some serious cleaning required in the morning, but there was no way she was going to wake up the exhausted girl. Gently cuddling her friend, she too passed into sleep.
Kyle laid back, living the dream he had come to enjoy whenever he hung out with Samantha. She was never one to begrudge him a little extra, even sharing her sister with him for chrissakes! Now she was letting some hot chick from the party suck him off while she played with the wonder woman’s tits.
“Oh fuck that’s good!” He moaned in pleasure and knowing that his cock was still covered in Samantha’s juices only made it hotter. She’s tasting the both of us and loving it, I bet she’ll eat you too!” Looking down, he saw the dark haired head of Wonder Woman bobbing up and down his shaft, and he began to pump upwards into her mouth in urgent need. “Fuck, I swear, she’s better than, well, she’s as good as you ever were” he moaned, secretly amazed at the sensations. It was if the girl had a velvet vacuum in her mouth, she was sucking him like a calf on an udder.
Motioning at Diana to stop just as Kyle was ready to cum, leaving him randy and eager for more, Samantha moved out from underneath and helped roll Diana onto her back. “Come help me, it’s her turn!” Pushing Kyles face between the girl’s knees, she watched as he began to kiss up her thigh, pausing when he got to her shorts, suddenly confused. Watching, he saw Samantha open Diana’s shorts and pull out a huge prick, larger than his, and began to suck on the head. When he pulled back, confused, though still intensely aroused, she grabbed him and pulled him close. “Isn’t she hot?” she moaned, stroking the shaft and kissing up and down the side of the shaft, pointing it at his face. “C’mon, you know you want to, I can see it in your face. Just take the tip into your mouth!”. Samantha slowly pulled the girl’s shorts down with one hand, working them off of her bottom, keeping her other hand slowly stroking the cock and holding it towards Kyle. “Like this” she said, leaning up and pulling the head into her mouth, sucking on it hungrily, her eyes locked on to Kyle’s, taunting, teasing, begging him to do the same. Pulling her mouth free, she stopped pulling on the shorts and reached for Kyle, drawing him nearer. “It’s soooo goood” she promised, licking her lips and watching him get closer and closer.
Despite how horny he was, reluctance still showed on his face. “Babe you promised if she went down on you, you would go down on her.” Samantha teased, though she looked rather serious. Like everyone else at the party he had been drinking all night, so he wasn’t even close to being sober or in his right mind. Slowly the look of uncertainty dropped away and the look of hunger filled back in. It was helping that Samantha was referring to Diana constantly as a she. Moving a little closer he flicked his tongue out and dragged it across the tip. This little action caused Diana to moan out and Kyle glanced up at her. Following his girlfriend’s direction, he wrapped his lips around the head as his right hand came up to grip the shaft.
Now working on mostly instinct he kept his lips wrapped around the shaft as hard as he could and slid his mouth down the throbbing shaft. He was careful to keep his teeth away and worked to slide down the length until he was reaching the area where his comfort zone ended. Stopping he pulled his head back up, and then went down again, his hand starting to move in time with his head, stroking any part of the monster that did not fit in his mouth.
“Oh god babe, that is so hooooot” Samantha said as she watched her boyfriend suck his very first cock. Seeing him suck on the girl’s cock was getting Samantha utterly drenched between her legs. Quickly pulling off her nurse’s costume she moved on up to wonder woman and straddled her face, pressing her pussy to the girl’s mouth. Diana didn’t hesitate to slide her tongue through the other girl’s wet folds, tasting her pussy. As she was eaten out, Samantha kept her eyes locked on her boyfriend’s bobbing head as he picked up speed, remembering things that he liked.
This was the first time Rachel (Wonder Woman Diana’s real name) had ever been in a threesome before and it felt like she was getting overloaded with sexual energy. She could feel herself passing the point of no return, but she could not sound out a warning since her mouth was full of pussy. Samantha however did not miss the signs and she knew the girl would blow at any moment. Leaning forward, she put one hand on the back of her boyfriend’s head. For a moment Kyle thought she might make him take more of the cock, but she didn’t press down and he simply continued sucking as he had been. With a muffled grunt Rachel came. Kyle’s eyes went wide as he felt his mouth fill with cum, but when he tried to pull off Samantha used her hand to keep him in place. He didn’t know what to do as his mouth began to fill, near to bursting and so without any forethought, he started to swallow, taking big gulps as he drank down the boy girl’s nut.
As wonder woman’s climax subsided Sam let her boyfriend pull off. “Babe, you have never made me so horny as right now.” Another idea hit her. She glanced at the girl cock and saw it still had some life in it so she climbed off the girl’s face and lay down next to her. “I want you to fuck me” Samantha told Rachel, and still as horny as fuck she climbed between Sam’s legs. She took a few moments to line herself up, but then plunged inside. Sam let out a loud moan as she reached down and took the hot girls ass cheeks and spread them. “Kyle fuck her” was all she said as she kissed the other girl.
Reaching over to the bottle of lube his girlfriend kept on hand, Kyle squirted some of it on his hand and started to work the stuff on and in wonder woman’s backside. He applied it several times before he got into position behind the girl and placed the head of his cock to her ring and started to push in.
Rachel had been sucked off several times since she decided that she was in fact a she. This however would be the first time she had ever been fucked in the ass, but she was so turned on she really wanted that cock in her ass.
Samantha had never been fucked by a girl, well, that was not quite true, she and Steph had played with her strap on a few times before she had tried it with Kyle. But that was nothing like this. And Wonder Woman was so fucking big, it was like fucking her brother, only with a shaved body and huge oh so suckable tits. As she parted her legs wide and took the pounding that the girl could give, she felt things slow down as Kyle lined up and began to fuck along in time with the two of them.
“Good! So good!” She cried, running her hand across the heaving bosom of the girl fucking her. She could see Kyle’s intent face bending over Diana’s back as he began to fuck her ass. “What’s your name, anyway, you glorious fucker?”
“R-Ra-Rachel” the girl panted, pausing her own motions for a moment to push back and welcome a cock inside of her for the first time. Groaning, she pushed forward in reaction, spearing once again into the eager cunt of the girl beneath her on the bed.
“Oh fuck!” Rachel cried, feeling Kyle’s long thin cock slide into her lubricated back door. This was so intense, so much better than she had imagined. Leaning down to lock lips with Samantha, she continued to work her hips back and forth, both fucking and being fucked at the same time.
“God, baby, this is so hot” Samantha cried once the two girls stopped French kissing. “I can’t wait to have you in the middle, it would make me so fucking horny I will never let you go. Ever!
Watching Rachel be sandwiched between them, Kyle tried to imagine himself in the same position, and he just could not quite make himself do it. It was too, well, gay, wasn’t it? Still, Samantha was so into it, and he was not one to kill the golden goose so he said nothing, just kept fucking the ass of the strange girl beneath him. That part was amazing he had to admit, and once he had gotten over the shock, he had not minded the other. It was all so wrong, it was good.
Minutes passed, the three becoming one as they fucked together in a kinky tableau so far beyond their previous imaginings. Samantha kept encouraging Kyle to get in the middle until she caught him protesting less and simply needing to be pushed. Pushing up on Rachel’s shoulders, she got the girl to stop fucking her for a moment. “Switch girls, give me Kylie’s cock now!”.
Rachel obediently stopped and pushed back against Kyle, moving to the side as he plopped free of her behind.
“Samantha, you can’t be serious” Kyle said, his cock hard and throbbing as it bounced in front of him.
“Come on Kylie, give me your nice cock too, all us girls that love cock need to stick together!” Samantha had long suspected that Kyle had some fluidity to his nature, and ever since she had started fucking him with the strap on a couple weeks ago, she had been looking for a way to make him admit it, and accept it. “Please baby, for me?” she said, trying another tactic.
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Group SexSometimes we do things that have no rhyme or reason. We just do it without thinking. My name is Jillian Springston and I and my family live in a small town in Southern Indiana. If there were such a magazine called the "All American family", the four of us could well be on the cover. By the four of us, I refer to myself and my husband of nineteen years Jake; my daughter Lisa and my son Brian,who just graduated from high school this past June. I of course am on the high end of thirty something,...
Chapter 16: Aftermath Toppsy and Lulu awoke in their quarters. They had both been dressed in light pink panties, and a matching negligee, which covered most of their prodigious breasts. As both of the blonde dancers arose from the beds and stretched their limbs, they looked at each other somewhat quizzically. "What's the matter, Lulu?" asked Toppsy. "I don't know. You look...different...somehow today." "I was just thinking the same thing about you, but I can't put my finger on it."...
Chapter 11: Aftermath After being spun completely around on Rhiannon's massive cock, Barocca had finally had enough. Her tortured body could take no more, and she was nearly u*********s. By now, Rhiannon's pillar of flesh was fully supporting Barocca, and was the only thing keeping her upright. Rhiannon stood up, and now Barocca was supported on Rhiannon's cock in a horizontal position, like some obscene shisk-a-bob. Across the room, Calista's communicator made a series of beeping noises. ...
I wrote this one, thinking about what the future of one of the Old Man's "customers" might be, after he was done with them. SRU: Aftermath By Morpheus I remember it starting with that store. I had been going through the mall, when a store caught my eye. The name written out clearly above in a sign said Spells R Us. Shrugging, I went inside, thinking that with a name like that, they ought to be selling something like D&D stuff or magic tricks. Either way, I...
This story is part of the continuing adventures of Katie and Jeanette, two college-age witches. They are now members of the Mu Phi sorority, and use their powers to help the girls. To fully understand the story, you should read "The Consequences of Date Rape", archived at fictionmania. I've tried to make this story stand-alone, but as a sequel, it really helps if you read its predecessor. The story of Katie, Jeanette, and the Mu Phi sorority is open, should someone wish to...
Were-Wench: Aftermath By Ellie Dauber Copyright, 1999 Authors note: Some people were nice enough to ask what happened to Marya and Mike after "Were-Wench". I guess after playing with the story for some 10 years, I wasn't quite ready to give them up. ****************** It was about four in the afternoon when the phone rang. "Ryan here," I said. The voice on the other end was very familiar, and very, very sexy. "Mike," she said in a half-whispered growl. "This is Marya. Are you...
WITCH CHRONICLES 13: AFTERMATH By JRD Lois and her two "sisters" walked into the bar. Even though she and one of her siblings were obviously too young to drink, no one in the bar cared enough to run them away. They sat at a table, and a woman who might have been pretty when younger came up and asked, "What'll you have?" Lois said, "Scotch." The woman nodded to Lois's sisters. "And them?" The two had already started fondling each other. "They'll entertain themselves." The...
The Day Tucker Became His Sister - Aftermath By Wolverine Six months after Peter and Dash defeated the Entity, life around Tucker's house had finally come as close to normal as it would ever be. Nothing would ever be the same as before, but no one could expect that. Tucker finally accepted the death of his father, who had died at his hands. Fear still possessed much of him though. Tucker knew that somewhere within him were a mindless slut and an agent of darkness. Whitney, or...
A Brief History of the Events Leading up to and Following What Is Now Referred to As The Sssification of the White Man In late 2012, the world changed thanks to a great man. Evil, yes. Misguided, probably. Dr. Omar Bell is not a good man, but he is a great one. He is so great, in fact, that he completely altered the course of history. No other man, villain or hero, can claim to have changed the world as much. As everyone knows by this point, Dr. Bell (a...
Why I Became a Man: The Aftermath By Heather St. Claire TO: Robin Bryson, CEO FROM: Dr. Emilio Sanchez, Medical Director DATE: February 23, 2090 RE: Resignation Robin, please consider this memo to be my resignation from the Body Exchange Institute, effective two weeks from today. I can no longer be part of an organization I cannot ethically support. In all of our promotional materials, we claim to be dedicated to the highest standards of client care. That claim seems especially...
Chapter 18 - Aftermath By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Leslie watched the elder Kaylock be loaded into the ambulance with mixed emotions. The paramedics could not tell her much about his chances though, she would have to speak with the doctors at the hospital. The man's entitled attitude had made him unlikeable, but seeing anyone injured always bothered her. It was one of the reasons she had pursued law enforcement as a career. Ron found himself handcuffed...
HistoricalAftermath By Ellie Dauber © 2015 This story is based on a Lorna Samuels caption. Thanks, Lorna, for this one and for all your great work. This story first appeared (and can still be found) in the "Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes Mixed Tape." I'm posting it separately, with Jenny North's permission. There was no mention of the story in any of the reviews of that Mixed Tape, and I'd like to see what people thought of it. I thank Jenny for the opportunity to be part of her Mixed Tape and...
Aftermathby Nicole LarsonMy head was pounding--absolutely pounding--when I woke up. A spear of sunlight had shot through an errant slat in my vertical blinds and lanced right into my eye, waking me up. The pain was close to unbearable, but I didn't have the strength to stand, or even move, other than to drape a hand over my eyes. I told myself to go back to sleep. Too early to deal with a hangover, especially one of the epic proportions this one seemed to be taking on. It was as I was falling...
LesbianRopemaker Aftermath ( RopemakerStory III)by C The band of fifty or so fairieshad waited at the northern border of the kingdom for three days. Likeall fairy military personnel, they wore uniforms: a shift, sleevelessbut with epaulettes, along with the usual panties and pumps, all matchingtheir hair.A messenger reported to the commandress, a strong-featured fairy withsilver tresses: "No word yet, Mistress."The commandress turned to her officers. "Your assessment?""They've been caught most likely,...
--- I Dream of Demie 23 - The Aftermath (MF, magic, mc, nc) by Krosis of the Collective --- I floated in darkness, disembodied, bereft of myself. Demie and I had been forced to kiss by the mind control power of her brother, Eros, who had somehow been trapped in a Playstation 4 as the video game Eroji. Someone was screaming. I couldn't hear it so much as feel it. Anger...no, anguish. If I still had my heart, it would hurt to hear this sound. It was Demie! I had never heard her like that...
"Okay everyone, listen up." Sergeant Budzinski's voice echoed in the large room as he stepped off of the transporter pad. "I need all of the sponsors to collect their concubine's ID cards, make a list of dependents under fourteen that are to be picked up, and detail everyone's medical needs." Private Williams approached Budzinski juggling an armful of the ship's PDA units. "If each of you sponsors will use one of these handheld pads then processing the lists will be easier and faster....
A Swingers Aftermath (The morning after a dog had fucked me) I sat in the kitchen, feeling so bad at 9am, nursing a hangover and sipping coffee, Carol then quietly came in too, pouring herself a coffee from the pot and she sat down. She didn't speak for ages, but then, looking closely at my face, she looked around theatrically, touched my hand gently and asked in a low confidential tone something on the lines of, 'How I was feeling about it now, the next day.' When I started to mention my...
Janey, Julie, and Sir – The discussion and the aftermath – From The Upgrade [Reader beware: Intense sexual action.] After Natasha and Eddie left for home, Julie explains her love of Eddies bottom, with Janey’s assistance. Stroke, FFM, Incest, sisters, water sports, anal I was in the shower, relishing in the warm water, when I was joined by the sisters. I decided then to ask Julie about her infatuation with Eddie’s, and before that, Kitten’s, ass parts. I told her what I noticed when she was...
Friday, April 8, 2005 (Continued) and a look forward. [I'll jump ahead to describe the aftermath of the latest jock stupidity. I won't bother describing the rest of the crap that went on regarding Biff#4. Especially with the school's strong encouragement that the police do so, Biff#4 was arrested, charged and convicted. Most importantly for Julia and me, he was also expelled, so there was one less violent moron in school. By the time I graduated in just over a year - I had no doubt I'd...