Silent VigilChapter 6: Leaden Seal free porn video

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As Ethan walked along the carpeted hallway, the chandelier outside room two-five-three began to rock back and forth, as though it had been caught in a gust of wind. The electric bulbs flickered, eventually petering out to cast that section of the corridor into deep shadow, a cold draft seeming to creep its way along the floor towards him like a rolling mist. He was too exhausted to be scared now, and no ghost could rival the terror that he had just experienced.

There was an orange light in the gloom, the man in the cap’s pallid face illuminated as he took a drag from a cigarette. He was leaning against the wall beside his door, the same way that Ethan had first seen him, but fully in-focus this time. His eyes were sunken, and his flesh had an unnatural tone, Ethan noting that there was dried blood on his forearms. He looked like he had been dead for days.

“I did what you asked,” Ethan said, indignant. “I went up into the roof, but I didn’t find any answers, just more questions.”

“You’re on the right track, flatfoot,” the man replied as he peered at Ethan from beneath the brim of his newsboy cap.

“No, I’m done,” Ethan snapped. “No more playing ‘house dick’. I almost died up there, and I’m no closer to understanding what’s going on.”

“You gotta follow through with your swing,” the man began, but Ethan cut him off before he could finish the thought.

“What about ‘I’m done’ do you not understand? I’m done being scared out of my wits, I’m done risking my life, I’m done chasing riddles. I didn’t volunteer for this, and I’m not going to die and get trapped here forever, reliving my gruesome death for all eternity like the rest of you. I’m sorry, but I’ve done all that I can reasonably do to help you, and you won’t even meet me halfway.”

“I told you I didn’t have all the answers,” the man in the cap replied, tossing his cigarette and exhaling a plume of smoke. “Wouldn’t be stuck in this joint if I did. Takes a lot of willpower for me to be here talkin’ to you like this, gotta keep my head on straight, remember what’s what. It’s like I’m drownin’ in molasses, and when I struggle to the surface to take a breath, I get a scant few seconds before I go back under again. Now you got me wastin’ that precious time tellin’ you to stop bein’ a chump.”

“Well, you can go find yourself another chump,” Ethan replied as he marched past the specter. The lights began to flicker on again, the man in the cap’s voice receding, like he was calling to Ethan from a great distance.

“Nobody glows as bright as you do, shamus...”

Ethan reached the door to his suite, not looking back as he stepped inside and closed it behind him, locking it for good measure. After waiting for a moment to make sure that the man in the cap had left, he made his way to the bedroom, willing to brave the nightmares if it meant that he could finally rest.


It didn’t make sense, Ethan running his fingers around the circular seal on the wooden pendant that he held in his hand. He was up in the spire again, but the proportions were all wrong. It extended so high above him that it vanished into inky darkness before he could see the top, the crisscrossing support beams now warped and twisted, far longer and thicker than they should be. It was more like looking up into the tangled branches of a jungle canopy now, the I-beams snaking around each other like vines. They were loaded with innumerable candles, burning with bright flames that made them stand out like beacons in the gloom, hot wax dripping as it melted over the rusted metal.

When he looked down, he saw that he was standing in the center of the five-pointed star, the runes that encircled it seeming to twist and move. It was as though they were in a state of flux, hazy and indistinct, spiraling around him. The seal on the pendant in his palm began to glow, as though a fire had been lit inside of it, the sound of faint voices reaching his ears.

They grew louder and louder, until, from the depths of the shadows that surrounded him, faces began to appear. They came in all shapes and sizes, all races and genders, their eyes sunken and dead. Everywhere he looked, there was a disembodied visage, their contorted expressions conveying terror and despair. Their whispering was unintelligible with so many of them speaking at once, yet he somehow knew what they wanted, as though their words were bypassing his ears completely and reaching into his mind.

“Help us...”

“I don’t know how!” he wailed, the sigil on the pendant shining ever brighter. “I can’t!”

“The leaden seal...”

From the pentagram erupted a forest of grasping hands, reaching up towards him as though the floor was no more solid than the surface of a lake. They were pallid and cold, their flesh grey and bloated, pale bone visible in places where it had started to peel away. As those dead fingers clawed at his slacks, dragging him down into the depths to join them, something appeared before him.

As if someone was lowering it from the beams above on a fishing line, another pendant emerged from the shadows, hanging on a length of hairy string. This one had been crudely pressed from grey metal, shaped like a large coin, more runes and symbols etched onto its face.

“Break the seal,” the tortured voices moaned in a macabre chorus, Ethan sinking up to his knees in what felt like quicksand as those grasping hands crawled up to his belt. “Break the leaden seal...”

He reached out and gripped the pendant, a yell of fear and frustration rising in his throat as he tore it from its string.

Ethan awoke with a start, finding himself back in his bed. He wasn’t even surprised anymore, he had expected a nightmare, and he wasn’t going to let it get to him. After checking his phone to make sure that the day shift had begun, he started to pack his things, filling his duffle bag and slinging it over his shoulder. His mind was made up. As much as it bothered him to leave the staff with no facility manager, returning them to the sorry state in which he had found them, the choice was between that and death.

When he arrived in the lobby, he made his way to the front desk, where Spencer was waiting. The old man looked up at him as he arrived, his eyes shifting to the duffle bag.

“Are you planning on going somewhere, Mister Lewis?” he asked jokingly. Ethan didn’t need to answer the question, the serious expression on his face told the whole story.

“I’m afraid that I’m here to give you my resignation,” he said, the concierge sighing with exasperation.

“I had feared that this might happen, but you struck me as a reliable person, Mister Lewis. Your handling of our ... unusual situation has been pragmatic and practical thus far. I’m disappointed, to say the least. I was beginning to believe that you might be the person who would dig us out of this hole, so to speak.”

“My sincerest apologies,” Ethan began, and he really meant it. “The situation here is very different from what I was led to believe when I took the job, and while I have made attempts to adjust, it’s beyond my area of expertise.”

“Have you made up your mind, then?” the old man asked.

“I have.”

“I can’t force you to stay,” Spencer said with a shrug, “but perhaps you’ll humor me for a few moments?”

Ethan had been dead set on getting out of the building as quickly as possible, but he couldn’t deny the kindly old concierge, and so he nodded. Spencer stepped out from behind his desk and began to walk him across the lobby, the two of them eventually ending up over by the executive elevator.

“Do you know what this is?” Spencer asked as he gestured to the gilded doors.

“I never noticed it before now,” Ethan lied, “looks like another elevator?”

“Correct. This is the executive elevator that leads up to the top seven floors. It’s locked, of course, and I alone have the key. Not even Mister West can get up there without my permission. Now, I know that when we had our conversation about you wanting to survey those floors yesterday, my refusal may have come off a little ... strong.”

Ethan began to speak, but Spencer cut him off with a wave of his liver-spotted hand.

“If you’re willing to stay and keep helping us organize this place, I’ll take you up there right now. How about it? I’ll give you a personal tour of all seven floors, and then you can decide what you want to do about them. If it’s your opinion that they should be renovated and opened, then that’s what we’ll do.”

“As much as I appreciate the offer,” Ethan began, “that’s not something that factored into my decision to leave. I’m sorry, Mister Spencer, I really am. But I can’t do this, I can’t deal with the nightmares and the apparitions.”

Spencer fished in his pocket for a moment, withdrawing the golden elevator key and handing it to Ethan.

“Hold this for a moment, please,” he said. His hand returned to his pocket, and when it withdrew, Ethan’s breath caught in his throat. Clutched in Spencer’s bony fingers was a snub-nosed revolver, which he was now pointing at Ethan’s chest.

“Mister Spencer, what are-”

“Quiet now,” Spencer replied, his hand completely steady. “You’re going to turn around and insert that key into the lock, and then we’re going up to the top floors. If you won’t go willingly, then I’ll have to give you some ... extra motivation. Don’t shout for help, now. Mister West hasn’t arrived yet, we’re alone, and you’re riding that elevator dead or alive.”

“What the hell are you doing?” Ethan hissed, his eyes locked on the barrel of the gun.

“Don’t play dumb with me, Mister Lewis. I know that you took the key from my desk, I know that you rifled through my filing cabinets and discovered my little ... collection. Now, I don’t know what you saw up there or what you were able to figure out, but I can’t run the risk of letting you spread what you’ve learned.”

“What? How did you know?” Ethan asked in disbelief.

“An old trick, but an effective one,” the old man explained. “One needs only to pluck a hair from his head, and tape it across a drawer or a door with two pieces of scotch tape. It’s quite invisible to someone who isn’t already expecting it. If the hair is broken when you return, then it means that someone has been snooping. You were quite adamant about accessing the top floors, it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together.”

“Listen, Mister Spencer,” Ethan continued as he slowly raised his hands. “Whatever’s going on here, I don’t want any part in it. I really was going to quit and never look back. So just ... put that gun away, and then I’ll be out of those doors, and you’ll never hear from me again.”

“As I said, I can’t run the risk of you spreading what you’ve learned. It’s a shame, I wasn’t lying when I told you that I found your work exemplary. Fairfax was the same,” he added, a shiver crawling down Ethan’s spine. “He was a good facility manager, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Eventually, he threatened to go over my head and to talk to the owners about the upper levels. I couldn’t risk anyone finding out about my little project, and so...”

“You set your monster on him,” Ethan finished.

“So you encountered my familiar?” Spencer said, raising a bushy eyebrow. “I’m impressed that you lived to tell of it. The mere sight of it was enough to send Fairfax to a padded room for the rest of his days. A more favorable outcome, really. Explaining his sudden disappearance would have been difficult.”

He gestured to the elevator with the barrel of his gun, Ethan turning reluctantly and inserting the key in the lock. The doors parted, and he stepped inside, Spencer maintaining a good distance as he kept the weapon trained on him.

“Why?” Ethan asked as the car began to rise, his heart sinking as though it had remained behind in the lobby. “What the hell is going on in this accursed place?”

“Accursed is right,” Spencer replied. “It would have seemed unbelievable to you only a few days ago, but now, I think you will agree that there are worlds besides our own. This material realm is not all that exists, it is but one facet of reality. The occult, the supernatural, these are all words that a laymen uses to describe that which he cannot possibly fathom.”

The old concierge seemed so eager, almost gloating, as though this was the first time that he had been able to reveal these truths to another soul.

“That’s what the ghosts are, then?” Ethan asked.

“Death is not the end,” Spencer continued, “but I say that not to console you. The very idea should terrify you. When we die, our immortal souls are cast adrift into a chaotic void, and not even those who have crossed over to the other side can say where we will eventually end up. I have always viewed death as abhorrent,” he said bitterly, “as a perversion of life. We have convinced ourselves as a species that it is natural, a necessary part of our lifecycle, and what choice do we have but to accept it? Yet all that death truly signifies is the failure of the organic machines that we call home for the duration of our paltry lives on this Earth. I am an old man, Mister Lewis,” he added with a despondent sigh. “My time is running short. Younger men might one day conquer death through technology, and medical advances, but I cannot afford to wait that long.”

“I don’t understand,” Ethan muttered, “how does having a building full of ghosts help you cheat death?”

“I would not expect you to understand, dear boy. Few are privy to the secret knowledge that I was able to uncover during my search for the metaphorical fountain of youth. It seemed so fanciful at first, but the more I learned, the more evidence seemed to corroborate the myths. These parallel realities are inhabited by beings of great power and intelligence, creatures with abilities that we could scarcely imagine, all meticulously documented in ancient texts going back thousands of years. What was once common knowledge was hidden over the ages, scrubbed from history because of the great danger that treating with these entities posed to the powers that be. Call them Demons, Djinni, extra-dimensional entities or EDEs, they’re as real as you or I. Real being a relative term, of course.”

“So, that thing you have living up there, that’s a Demon?”

“Not exactly,” Spencer explained. “Like all forms of life, Demons share a common trait. The need for energy, the desire to feed, to sustain themselves. There are many ways in which they obtain that energy, from worship, from sacrifice. The very act of reproducing a Demon’s sigil can fill it with nourishing energy in the same way that you might fill your belly with a hot meal. It took months of preparation,” he said, clenching his fist for dramatic effect. “Hours of learning spells and incantations by rote until my throat burned, but I was able to create the ideal environment to summon one of these Demons. I chose Bifrons, the forty-sixth of the seventy-two spirits listed in the ancient grimoires, an entity said to have power over life and death.”

“So that explains the mess I saw in the spire,” Ethan muttered. It wasn’t ‘Onsbifr’, the circular seals had spelled out ‘Bifrons’.

“Indeed,” Spencer replied as the elevator car rumbled beneath their feet. “The conditions must be perfect, the ritual precisely replicated, the lengthy rules of their customs followed to the letter. The Lesser Key of Solomon was all that I needed to learn what tools and steps were required, an arcane text penned in the seventeenth century, based on lore far older. When my ritual succeeded, and he appeared before me, I was ecstatic. But I soon discovered that my offering was ... insufficient compensation for what I was asking,” he added, seeming deflated. His eyes turned to the floor of the car for a moment as he was lost in thought, but then his manic energy returned. “I needed souls, dozens of them, maybe more. But how could I obtain them, save by becoming a serial killer, a job for which I was not at all cut out?”

“The Abbott and Schutzman,” Ethan sighed.

“I scoured the city archives in search of the most haunted buildings, for the most unnatural deaths, and this one was at the top of the list. Its misfortune became my fortune, a haunted place, packed with souls who couldn’t move on due to their trauma. It can take a great deal of time for such a lost soul to pass into the next life, for them to overcome their grief, but Bifrons has power over the dead. I summoned him once more, and this time, I asked him to grant me a familiar. He provided me with a lesser Demon from the many legions of infernal spirits that serve under him, and I promptly sealed it away in one of the building’s Gargoyles,” he chuckled. “It was a perfect vessel. It is bound to me now, compelled to do as I command, regardless of its own wishes. I use it to protect my secrets, to keep the souls trapped here, and to add new ones to my collection when the opportunity arises.”

“And you think that this Bifrons will grant you immortality?” Ethan asked skeptically, “that it can somehow stop you from dying?”

“If not Bifrons, then one of the others,” Spencer replied with a shrug. “I have seventy-two to choose from, after all. One of them will give me what I want, I’m certain of it, I just need an offer too generous to refuse. As for the familiar, it’s mine now, Bifrons couldn’t get it back if he wanted to. Not with the magick that I used to seal it away.”

The elevator came to a stop, the doors parting to reveal the carpeted corridor that Ethan had fled the night before. He could still see the damage that had been done by the rampaging gargoyle. Spencer pressed the barrel of the gun into the small of his back, urging him onward, and he stepped reluctantly into the hallway.

“I’ll have to tell the staff that you fled in the night,” the old man said as he marched Ethan toward the spiral staircase. “You did me the favor of packing your belongings already, so it shouldn’t be too hard a sell. Come on, up you go.”

Spencer walked him up onto the observation deck, then circled around until they were face to face, a good few feet apart to ensure that Ethan couldn’t try for the gun. The door to the balcony was still open, but the storm from the night before had mostly cleared, the sky painted blood red by the rising sun. The exterior was still damp, the wind carrying the scent of rain into the room.

“Feeding time!” Spencer called out. There was a sound like cracking stone, Ethan’s eyes drawn to movement through the grimy windows. One of the hunched gargoyles began to move, jerkily at first, dust and small particles of rock raining from its grey skin as its great wings unfurled from its back. It was like watching an old Ray Harryhausen stop-motion creature come to life, unnatural and twitchy, his instincts informing him that those were not the fluid movements of a living thing. It slowly rose from its crouched position, its rocky hide becoming more flexible, as though it was being softened after years of petrification. Its muscles rippled, its tail waving in the air, its joints seeming to loosen as it stretched its limbs.

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Silent fantasy

I work in a nursing home, filled with several hot coworkers. About half I dream about fucking them. This one fanstey is about the quiet hot blond nurse at late nights. Her name is Kim, she is 5'8", blond hair, curvy body, sweet plumb ass, and sexy big titis, I would say about 36dd. I met her by coming into a station room, and she was playing with her feet. She had taking her shoes off and rubbing her me to stop and stare. Anyway, any we meet, I say hi, and she mumble hi back, so I...

4 years ago
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Silent Waters Run Deep

I would never have guessed how naughty this girl was, but I'm so glad I found out!We have been friends for quite some time, me and Angela. We met via mutual friends, hung out at parties and at home. Angela is in every way your typical young women next door. A bit on the chubby side, blonde hair at shoulder length, always properly and modestly dressed. Everybody would agree she had the cutest smile on her pretty face. And for me it was certainly that pretty face that drew me to her. She just...

2 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 245 Hiten Mitsurugiryuu Sealed

Yahiko: A contest of height, against Kenshin? Against the Hiten Mitsurugi School? Enishi: Well? Do you accept, or not? Kenshin: I've already accepted this fight. Whatever your challenge, I'm here to meet it. Enishi: Excellent. (He takes off his earring and holds it up.) Enishi: The signal. Let's go! (He throws the earring in the air; as it hits the ground, they both leap.) Misao: I knew it! Himura's higher! Hiten Mitsurugi-ryuu-- (Enishi seems to rise even higher in the...

3 years ago
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Silent Intruder

I was looking forward to my sixteenth birthday party with about as much enthusiasm as I would a bad dose of the flu. I'd had a lousy three weeks. Tonight's family get together was a bid by my dear old mum and dad to lift my spirits and, at the same time, celebrate my reaching the official "age of consent". Not that they quite thought of it that way, I'm sure. I didn't think of it that way either, because I'd already done a little bit of unofficial consenting before the event, so to...

2 years ago
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Silent Approval

Part One I'm a Lieutenant in the US Navy, my names Sarah Wilson, I'm a tall brunette, well 5' 8" actually. I'm quite cuddly. With 38D breasts and I usually wear a size 14 (US) clothes. I wear glasses most of the time as I don't get on with contacts. I suppose you could say in and out of uniform, I'm quite a plain Jane. Since joining the Navy I've worked hard. To the deficit of my personal life, No one ever seemed to make a move on me. So I kept myself busy. Got to work with some damn...

2 years ago
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Silent Sorrows

Subject: America 2009 – A frightening look at the future for women in America. Word of warning, this is not what I would consider an erotic story but it is a story that should only be read by adults. In fact writing it caused me pain. Even I find it difficult to read. Something inside me made it come out. Call it fear, I hope, or call it a premonition of what is to come. Is it the sad truth of what it may be like to be a woman in America a few years down the road if those currently in power...

4 years ago
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Silent Submission

I’ve always been the quiet shy kid. That and having to move 3 times during high school crippled my social life. I’m 6 feet tall, short brown hair that curls when it gets long, brown eyes and broad shoulders. I’m straight and homophobic to be quite honest. I had a girlfriend back in California in 8th grade but it was really nothing serious, just someone to walk with during classes. In my high school in Arizona, I did manage to meet a few friends in a job club which offered school...

4 years ago
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Silent Night Lesbian

It was late at night, around ten o'clock and that in common was the usual curfew time. The girls could hear local crowds of people from the outside laughing merrily and chatting gaily, as well as screaming about all sorts of nonsense. Folks around town never had consideration for those trying to get a bit of shut-eye indoors, but they never cared. Nobody cared in this town. This town had strip clubs, bars, and various entertainments scattered around that always made people loud at night....

4 years ago
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Silent Romance

She saw him, too. Her heart stopped for a moment when she saw a man with deep brown hair standing at the opposite end of the field. She saw the powerful but gentle muscles of his arms, his strong chin and perfect lips. Then she saw the gleam of a ring on his finger, the children who ran past him to play with her nephew, and the woman who slipped her hand into his as they began to walk towards the party. It was all just a quick fantasy. Nothing would become of it. She turned back to her...

4 years ago
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Silent Night1

I was watching a movie in my bedroom, and soon found myself falling asleep. Before I was fully alseep, a weird wirling sound came from my bedroom window. My eyes popped open thinking it may have been my husband arriving home early to perhaps surprise me. To my shock and surprise, before I could spring out of bed, I was motionless as I took heed to a strange shadow lurking next to my window; it was as if it appeared mysteriously though the thick glass, and was actually standing a few feet away...

3 years ago
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Silent Lover

As he sits at his computer she comes up behind him and kisses gently him on the neck. He goes to say something but she puts her finger against his lips not allowing him to say a word she wants it silent. She moves in front of him and takes his hand and pulls him up takes him and pushes him onto the bed she leans over and starts to lift his top up as she does this he raises his arms so that his tops slides up and over his head, she drops it to the side, leans forward to kiss his lips but moves...

3 years ago
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Silent No More

Silence, I hate the silence. I hate what it does to me, I hate that it gives me time to think. I don’t like to churn things over in my head as it makes me start to worry and heaven knows, I'm good at doing that. My Master is giving me the silent treatment yet again. I’m bored of being punished like this and thinking back, the last few times I didn’t do anything to deserve it. He’s pushing me to do something, something that I need to be punished for.I check my phone again but there is nothing,...

3 years ago
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Silent Love 3

On Diane's third night at the retreat, hot, steamy dreamsof her and Emma flowed through her mind. She woke up wet and horny and slipped a hand down between her legs. She thought about what it would be like to have Emma here with her in her bed. Emma's full breasts and curvy hips drove her insane. Diane pictured Emma straddled across her hips and sliding up and down on a dildo that Diane would have strapped around her hips. Emma's breasts would bounce up and down as Diane sucked on her hard...

2 years ago
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Silent night

It was dark in my room and the only light was from the hall that my door allowed through. I was home alone and hot, with slow hesitation I grabbed my breast. Tugging and pulling till I was dripping from my skirt. Moans increased of pleasure and echoed through the halls. I took the lower edge of my panties and rubbed it up and down against my pink pussy. So sensitive it won't stop quivering. I quickly remove my skirt and bra to suck on my tit as my hand continues to fondle. A silent yelp lets...

4 years ago
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"Tiffany! Tiffany!" Mrs. Jensen called out.Tiffany was in her room listening to music. It was the day before Christmas. Tiffany was upset since her mother was going to be working on Christmas Eve that night. Mrs. Jensen was a manager at a small diner downtown and had to work hard since her husband died over 5 years ago. It was only Mrs. Jensen and her three c***dren. First there was Dylan, who had just turned 20 earlier that December and was home from college. Then there was Tiffany, who was...

2 years ago
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Silent Roses

Silent Roses My entire body shuddered and shook as the tip of the rose slowlyglided its way from my neck, between my quivering breasts, down my torso,stopping only to circle my belly button, then down further, pausing just abovethe dark, moist warmth that was screaming for attention. It then made its wayback, following the same trail it had taken down, ending as it traces my lips.I gently kiss it, smelling the sweet, light scent, smiling at the dark, eroticred colour, the way the petals...

3 years ago
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Silent Sissy Cuckold

Silent Sissy Cuckold by Throne Danny stood in the corner of the bedroom, watching his wife Tandy get dressed. For most guys, especially if their spouse was as pretty as her, it would have been a pleasure. Not for him. First of all, he was naked except for a pair of very brief panties, lavender ones, through the filmy material of which it was obvious that he was locked in a chastity tube. Second, his collar-length blond hair had been styled. It was cut into bangs and turned under at...

4 years ago
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Silent Treatment

It was Friday night when my wife, Maxine, came into the room where I was watching TV. I recognized from the way that she was dressed that she intended to do some serious partying. This was news to me, for as far as I was aware, this was just going to be another night for both of us spent in front of the telly. "I'll probably be back late, Darling, so don't bother waiting up for me. I have to go, that's my cab." "But where—" was all I managed to get out before she was out of the room...

3 years ago
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Silent Night

Rachel Brandon sat by the fireplace, waiting for the jolly man that had come to visit her every Christmas since she was sixteen. She waited and worried. Was this the year that he didn't return? Was this the year that she finally got pregnant and had his child? As the night wore on, the 28 year old mother of two wonderful little boys asked herself if she was just wasting her time. It had been 12 years since that first visit, and each year she fell more in love with the man with the white...

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Silent VigilChapter 5 Sleuthing

“Did you find what you were looking for in that locked room?” Spencer asked as Ethan handed the heavy key ring back to him. The old man doddered into the office behind the main desk, returning the keys to their place on the wooden board, Ethan following after him. “I satisfied my curiosity,” he replied, a lie of omission. He wasn’t sure if anyone would understand what he had been through in that suite, it was better to keep his mouth shut for the time being. It was quite a leap to go from...

1 year ago
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Silent speaks louder than noise part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Rajin im 19 years old now im 5'3 tall,black hair,brown eyes nad have a 7 1/2 inches story happen when it was my 18th Birthday,my parents decided to celebrate it by picnic at the beach.let me make it sister at that time is 18 3/4 years old,she's 5'3 tall,long curly black hair,bgrown eyes same as mine,have a firm breast w/ small brown nipples,and a big ass,yes our family had really big story goes like this... it...

4 years ago
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Silent Night0

Her and her choir friends all wore matching clothes for the holiday season. A a red dress that was laced in a white fluff at the bottom that went half way up their thighs. They also wore long red gloves that went nearly to their shoulders also laced white at the end. Then of course the trademark stocking cap from Santa. The last thing about them was their red leather boots going up to their thighs leaving a few inches of skin exposed to the chilly air. They just got done singing 'Santa Baby'...

4 years ago
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Silent Wank

Oscar felt a chill on his face when he awoke as a light midnight breeze drifted in through the slightly open window at his bedside. He savoured the feeling, letting the air cool him and calm him down. Heavily and silently he breathed, his heart decelerating only in the slightest increments. Staring up at the black ceiling, he recounted the glorious dream from which he had awoke, grinning. He could still picture perfectly the jaw-dropping figure of his imagined lover, the way her breasts felt...

3 years ago
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Silent Love

Some months after my first sexual experience with another boy an opportunity with another boy at school came my way. The boy and I were both seventeen. He had the loveliest body of all the boys I had sex with – it could have been made in heaven and yet I will freely admit he was not a good looker but it was not his looks that attracted me. His younger brother, as it happened, certainly was pretty and some of the other boys my age had a crush on M. He was a boy who loved the attention and got...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Silent Daughter

Dan was lying on the couch daydreaming. His hand wandered down to his lap where two lovely feet were resting. His hand gently touched them, then began to lightly stroke. They squirmed in pleasure in his lap, rubbing against his cock and causing it to engorge and thicken. That brought him back from his dreams. He looked down to see his daughter's feet in his lap, his hand stroking them. Worse, he felt his cock quickly growing in his shorts. Stunned, he yelled, "Molly, get your feet off of...

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Her Lips Are Sealed

“But I can’t go ... with this...”Carla, Glen Vacher’s 18 year old wife whined, gesturing at her groin as they dressed. She had put her 34C brassiere on and the tangle of her black thong was at her knees. All he could see was her gorgeous round butt and her delicious arse crack. In the antique walnut mirror, a wedding present from Herman and Agatha Gustaben, Carla’s Danish parents, he caught a glimpse of her down turned blonde head, the black straps of her bra carving across her back. She stood...

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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 25 My fate is sealed

I spent the whole day trying to think of ways to prevent Jack from coming again for dinner, but I could not think of a single thing. There was only one hope left. That Jack still held a shred of respect for his old 'best friend', and wouldn't take advantage of my situation any further. "How's dinner coming?" Janice asked as she stepped in the door. "It's ready," I said. "Everything's in the warming drawer, and can be served up at anytime." "You are such a good housekeeper and...

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Lindas New SchoolChapter 9 Signed and Sealed

When the room was back in shape and the jammers were turned off, Linda held up her new cell. "Call me when you're done, or if you need me. I'll be off interviewing resources." "Gossiping with the other girls?" "I always said you were smart. Good hunting!" With that, she walked them to Miss James' office door and, as her father knocked firmly, walked off toward the common room. When she walked into the room, the first thing she noticed was the posture. At her old school, half the...

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Silent Freak Part 1

My mother can be pretty persistent, and annoying at the same time. So I sent a text back reading “Sure, whatever” cause I know she'll be texting me right at 5pm telling me that it's 5pm and asking if I've left the house yet to come pick her up so I can take her to get groceries for the family. I hate these days of the week. Because I also know that she'll bitch and whine for me to come into the grocery store, and she won't take no for an answer, and it's extremely annoying. Like, please...

3 years ago
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Silent Submission 30

I did stay for him to get hard again. And again, he came down my throat. My life changed dramatically following that fateful party with Randy. Over the next two weeks Randy would invite me over after work to hang out and drink beer. But of course he finds a way to get his boner in front of me. Which never failed to get me sucking him. He would greet me at the door with a big smile, welcome me in gesture me to sit on the couch and get comfortable. Definitely nicer than he was before. But...

2 years ago
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Silent Night 2 The Bloody Claus

Alice a Christian born red head, who, admittedly, hated the religion. The only reason she was in it was because her parents were Catholics through and through. She went to catholic school, because the public schools were too vulgar and didn't teach her the things her parents wanted them to teach. However hating her religion she found ways to be a corrupt disobedient girl. Cutting her dresses a bit shorter then sowing a seem around it, not wearing bras half the time, and doing things in...

3 years ago
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Silent Submission 2

I cannot believe what I did to my friend last night. In the most awkward and unforeseen way, my long time best friend had "forced" me to blow his dick. Twice!! At least, I tried to convince myself that he had forced me. I left his house immediately afterwards. I haven't spoken to him since. I just knew he'd call me gay and humiliate me. My mind replayed the events over and over in my head. How could I possibly defend my sexuality after last night? He had called at around 11:30 this...

3 years ago
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Silent Night PT2

He managed to get close enough to rub his massive knob on my labia. I could feel the contact made, and his wet cock seemed to slowly ooze a lubricant. I tried to struggle to break free but I was bound even tighter. I decided that this was it, and that I wasn't able to fight him off, or attempt anything silly, as I would not win, the more that I tried. I could feel the warmness of his cock shrinking to human size, as it slowly worked itself into my cunt. I squinted my eyes shut, in agony,...

2 years ago
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Silent Goodbye

In the dead of the night, I come to you. No words are spoken between us but I can read your body language. The look in your eyes is saying that you want to make love to me. Our lips meet when we embrace. Your hands caressing my face and neck. Your tongue tasting my lips. Your hands softly gliding down my arms to interlock your fingers with mine. You gaze deeply in to my eyes. Still no words are spoken. As we embrace once more, I hear your breath in my ear. I feel your soft passionate lips on my...

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Silent Lovers

Closing her eyes she could feel his mouth go down on her nipple so gently and start to suck. She moved her hand down to her bare pussy and stroked it so lightly. She leaned her breast in further so his mouth surrounded all her areola and caught her breath when he sucked her in. Her thoughts were of his touches, his tongue moving so gently yet firmly across her nipples. Her pussy was getting so wet, she started to finger herself but felt his hand push hers away as he slowly finger fucked her. ...

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