Sag es nicht meinem alten Herrn
- 2 years ago
- 43
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“She’s still with Chugad?” Bremer asked as they walked up the lane towards her father’s domen. She had her long, blonde hair braided behind her, a few stray wisps flying around her face. Her soft, brown eyes looked over at her friend and she couldn’t help feel for him. They’d been friends almost from the first day that he’d started at her father’s – back when she was taller than him. Now, the five-feet, five-inch young woman had to look way up to see the blue eyes of her friend.
There’d been a time, just after Yren had reached his majority – she was older than him by a few months – when she thought more might develop. She did love him – but after a time she realized the love he had for her seemed to be more of a friendship or sibling love; there was the hint of something more but try as she might to fan those flames, they had never developed. A romance just didn’t look likely.
“Yes,” Yren responded simply. He found that after Issa’d actually left with the bard, his jealousy had slowly simmered down. Now, although he still felt pains in his heart, he mostly felt numb and he wasn’t certain why. “She’s asked for the rest of this week. Elva isn’t happy – but I think that’s because Bena has to leave on Firstday and Issa has spent no time with her.”
“That isn’t the only reason Elva is upset,” Bremer theorized. “I’m sure she expected Issa to choose you as her instructor.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Yren shrugged. “Elva realizes it is Issa’s choice just as I do.”
“Doesn’t it hurt?”
Yren sighed. “Yes. It does. I’ve tried very hard to put away my jealousy but I find that it isn’t as easy as I’d hoped. I’m content with it, however.”
“Do you plan to ask her to marry you when she returns?”
Yren paused a moment, choosing his words delicately. “I know now that my... studies ... hurt her. I probably should have waited the two seasons until she reached her own majority; I even might have, if I’d realized what was happening at the time.” He pursed his lips. “Now, though, I think it is for the best. I don’t regret a single moment I spent with Vana – or with Teran. Looking back, I don’t think I’d change a single encounter.”
“Besides,” he said with a deep breath. “Her choice of Chugad doesn’t bother me – though I think she may be making a mistake. It’s more the disrespect she’s shown me surrounding her choice.”
“Because she didn’t choose you?”
“No, that’s not it. It’s the fact she chose to use the matter of her choice as a weapon, dangling it and dangling it and then thrusting it home whenever she could. It’s the fact she thinks I should now wait two seasons for her rather than us be together.” Yren shrugged. “Perhaps I really should have waited for her.”
“That’s stupid,” Bremer interrupted. “The whole point is for someone with experience to teach you; for another to pass on what they know. Putting two inexperienced lovers together and expecting it to work is like – like – like taking two unblooded woodsmen and telling them to teach each other to fire a bow.”
Yren looked at his friend. “You miss being in the woods, don’t you?”
Bremer flushed. “Is it that obvious?”
“To one who knows you. It’s not too late, you know.”
Bremer looked at Yren suspiciously. “Did Teran talk to you?”
Yren looked confused. “Well, yes. Teran talks to me nearly every day – when she’s around. We haven’t talked about you, though.”
“She’s been talking to me about coming back,” Bremer admitted.
“You should.”
“I will,” Bremer agreed. “Soon. I just need to make sure my father and sister are looked after.”
“That isn’t your responsibility,” Yren pointed out.
“Maybe not,” Bremer agreed. “But family is family. If something happened to Elva or Ardt, wouldn’t you do what was needed for your family.”
Yren didn’t say anything for a few moments after that. He knew his slightly older friend was right. He hoped that Ardt and Elva would live forever – but if something happened to them, he would do what was necessary.
“Do you know what Sir Givens wants with me?” Yren asked.
Bremer considered for a moment. “It’s not for me to tell.”
“So, you do know,” Yren chuckled wryly. “You’re just not going to share it with me.”
“You know I’d tell you anything, Yren,” Bremer responded sincerely. “There are no secrets between us. But this – this is not my story to tell. It has to come from someone else.”
“Is something wrong?” Yren asked, suddenly worried. He’d thought Sir Givens had just wanted to ask him for some extra training hours; the Viscount’s new guard members didn’t seem to be catching on as quickly as the Count’s – Earl’s, he corrected himself. Sure, it had been couched as an emergency – but Yren thought it was just a way to get him from the smithy without Ardt causing a fuss. Bremer’s demeanor belied that answer, however.
“We’re almost there,” Bremer said, not looking at her friend. “Dad’ll explain it to you.”
Sir Girvan met them at the door. “Yren. Thank you for coming so quickly.” The man turned to his daughter. “Bremer, can you make our friends some tea. They’ll need their rest after talking with Yren.”
“Guests?” Yren asked, his brows raised, as Bremer hurried into the house.
“I’ve three knights inside,” Tergin explained. “How much do you know about the Royal Knights?”
Yren searched his memory. “Very little, honestly. I’ve heard stories of them but I don’t think I’ve ever met one.”
“You will today,” Tergin sighed. “For the past several hundred years, the King or Queen has kept a battalion of knights in Callisto – they’re called the Royal Knights or the Queen’s – or King’s, depending on who sits on the high throne - Royal Knights. Do you remember how a battalion is organized?”
Yren thought for a moment. “A Battalion has four to six companies and each company has three to five platoons. Each platoon is made up of three or four squads and each squad has four or five soldiers.”
“By rote,” Tergin chuckled. “I know you can quote it to me – I’m just unsure if you know what it really means. It’s hard to understand the organization of an army – even harder when it’s an army of knights – without seeing it firsthand. Unfortunately for you, we’ve been lucky enough to know mostly peace for the past century or so.” Tergin sighed loudly. “Oh, there’ve been the skirmishes up north but that is more a nuisance than anything. We’ve been without a true war for a long time. I fear that may be coming to an end.”
“Never mind; that’s the story my guests will speak of,” Tergin waved the boy to silence. “The knights inside are from the Third Platoon. The Queen organizes her knights exactly like the army is ordered. Her battalion is broken up into companies, companies to platoons and so on. The first company is tasked with guarding Callisto – but the platoons within that company have specific responsibilities. The First Platoon of the First Company are the High Majesty’s – the Queen’s, currently - Personal Knights; they’re responsible for her safety and rarely, if ever, leave her side. The Second Platoon are the Low Majesty – the High Majesty’s first husband or wife, in this case King Drace’s - Personal Knights and they have the same responsibility for him as the First Platoon has for the Queen. The Third Platoon is responsible for the eldest child – the First Prince or Princess. The Fourth Platoon is responsible for the second eldest and so on.”
“The King and Queen only have two children, I think,” Yren remarked.
“True,” Tergin nodded. “With each other, at any rate. The ascension is – difficult to explain and a topic for another time. There have been more in the past – but that doesn’t matter. My point here is the man and women in the house are members of the Third Platoon and should be treated with the same respect you would treat any knight – only better because they are my friends. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” Yren nodded. “I just don’t understand what I’m doing here. Do they need swords or new armor? If they do, it would be easier to measure them at the smithy.”
“Just treat them with respect and listen to them, okay?” Tergin grunted.
Yren followed Tergin into the house, ducking his head as he walked in. The door was seven feet tall so he needn’t have bothered but Yren always ducked anyway. Sir Givens had asked him about the habit once and Yren would only say it had something to do with the bricks; the doorway looked smaller than it was.
“Yren Dray-Tulat, allow me to introduce you to Gillen Hawksley, the First Knight of the Queen’s Royal Third Platoon,” Tergin intoned with some formality.
Yren bowed his head. “M’lady.”
“Her title is ‘Honor’, Yren,” Tergin explained.
Gillen’s eyes widened as the young man filled the room. He hadn’t looked quite so tall from outside the window. Now, she could see he was perhaps a foot taller than herself and maybe measured two of her across the shoulders. In short, the dark-haired young man with the bright blue eyes was a small mountain made flesh. He wore a stained linen shirt that was rolled up above his elbows and she was impressed with the corded muscle snaking down his forearms and around his wrists. His fingers were long, but she could see an easy strength to them. His chest was wide and thick, the loose-fitting shirt couldn’t hide that, and his shoulders rounded up almost to his jaw. She could suddenly believe Tergin’s stories of the man’s strength – but big, muscled men were typically slow and had difficulty moving; Tergin claimed otherwise with this young man.
“Tergin tells me that you are one of the best warriors he’s ever trained,” Gillen stated, watching the young man’s face.
“Sir Givens is quite kind,” Yren replied, his curious gaze taking in the knight. “I’m afraid he probably over-estimates my abilities.”
“I’ve never known Sir Givens to over- or under-estimate anyone,” Gillen asserted flatly. “Please, sit down. It’s straining my neck to look up at you.”
“Sorry, Honor,” Yren replied, taking a seat at the table. Andwynn had cleared the pieces of broken chair away earlier and moved a bench to the side of the table in their place.
“Better,” Gillen approved as Yren sat in front of her. She looked over at Syl who gave a slight shrug and bounced her eyebrows. Uud was similarly unsure. Neither could tell anything from the man just by looking at him – but then, she hadn’t expected to.
Gillen measured her words carefully. She didn’t know this young man and, even though Tergin vouched for him, she didn’t necessarily trust him; trust was never given, only earned. “My mission is sworn to secrecy so I can’t share overly much with you. Suffice it to say the Queen ordered my platoon to escort some precious cargo to Callisto. Unfortunately, we’ve met with some – resistance. Have you by chance heard of the Red Guard.”
Yren thought quietly for a moment then shook his head. “I can’t say I have, m-Honor.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to have heard of them,” Gillen shrugged. “They are... “ She paused, trying to explain them. “Call them a well-trained portion of the Empire of Kortho’s army. An elite force of fighters, so to speak. It appears the Emperor of Kortho is interested in the cargo the Queen ordered us to protect. He sent a portion of the Red Guard to – acquire her - it.”
The euphemism the knight used didn’t fool the young smith but her slight slip confirmed Yren’s suspicions; if the Third Platoon, as Tergin said, was responsible for the safety of the Princess, then she was likely the precious cargo. Yren looked at the three knights, his face showing his confusion. Still, these were knights, so he held his tongue.
Gillen sighed, sensing the young man was more clever than she originally gave him credit for. She might not have picked up on it so quickly if it weren’t for her years of working with the Royal Knights; no one expected intelligence from such large women and men. It was as if normal people expected the gods to be fair – that they should grant size or craftiness but not both. She herself had started with that fallacy long ago – but she had been cured of her misconception by working besides men and women who were both big and strong and intelligent. “Go ahead and ask your question.”
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Carmen und Paulina arbeiteten bei einem Juwelier in der Innenstadt. Während Paulina als Verkäuferin angestellt war, arbeitete Carmen als Filialleiterin. Sie war mit 27 Jahren noch sehr jung für den Job. Ihre Kinn langen dunkelbraunen Haare band sie sich oft zu einem Zopf zusammen, so auch an diesem Tag. Dadurch dass sie viel Sport machte, hatte sie eine sehr schlanke Figur. Auffällig war ihre Oberweite von 75 F, weswegen schon ihre Mitschüler sie anstarrten. Paulina war 30 und hatte rote lange...
From the last story They said their good-byes and left. I turned to Cindy. "Hmmm. My birthday's next month. I can't wait to see what I can come up with for that." Cindy laughed. "Bastard." She slapped my arm playfully. "You can't stand not to have the upper hand or get the last laugh, can you?" "You know it!" Recurring Cast Dennis, 41 years old, 5' 11", 175 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, Cindy's husband. Cindy, 41 years old, 5' 4", 105 pounds, brown hair, blue...
Prudence and Ted had been submerged to their necks in the water for ten minutes. They seemed to just be talking, as far as Mirriam could tell. Prudence was laughing, at something. Mirriam felt much calmer when they left her alone, and she felt much more in control of herself. Watching them, she thought about everything that had happened. Ted was a mystery to her. He wasn’t like any other man she’d ever met. He was so open ... so direct ... so willing to say what was on his mind, even when...
"Vickie darling, how nice to see you. Do come in," smiled Andrea motioning for the niece to enter the apartment. "Your mother called several times. I wasn't sure you wanted her to know about your apartment yet, so I simply told her you were out." "Actually I came to check on Yuki. I haven't heard anything from her and I wanted to see if you had her address so I could write her." "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. I closed two new accounts this week and then had to leave town to confer with...
By nightfall I had spent some time and more than a few of Susan's shillings in Princeton taverns and had a reasonable idea of what was going on. Lord Cornwallis had headed toward the river with most of his force, moving a lot faster than Howe ever thought about except when he was pursuing Loring's wife, so big old Washington and his straggly bunch of continual losers was in trouble down at Trenton, the Princeton Tories said. "Cornwallis will bag him," seemed to be the consensus. He had...
A Learning Process: A Quickie With Lepicki • July 1958 A week or so after another great night with Ellaree, Vic’s stepfather asked him to drive him to Astoria to see his old friend Frank Lepicki; Vic didn't turn Bob down for one very good reason. He saw a very good chance to see Frank Lepicki's real cute daughter again. It had been five years since the two of them made out on the back seat of her father's car and Vic was wondering if she remembered how close they came to doing it. If she...
In the early days I was a little wary of Indian maids – I heard about how prized their virginity was and how much trouble you could get in to with their family, friends and the police if you messed around with them. Now I realize that they are women like women everywhere – they have desires, they get wet and they like to fuck, what more can I say?There are many stories I could tell, but there are certain things I like: I find it a turn-on if a maid calls me ‘Master’, or is just too obedient...
After being on Xhamster for a while now and having posted several picture's of my wife, i have been ask to put up a few stories about the woman and what she/we get up to, so here goes: When i first time i saw her i knew i had to have her, this may come as a bit much to some of you because she isn't the best looking woman out there, in fact she is pretty ugly. Don't get me wrong, i love my wife to bits, and i'm by no means a good looking man. She describe herself to everyone as being short fat...
Kira Perez loves to cosplay. She had several outfits that she was eager to show to her boyfriend. However, that wasn’t the only thing she was eager to do. Kira also loves to suck on fuck. After showing him all of her different outfits, she decided to take things a little further. She pulled his cock out and began choking on it for some time. From there, her pussy was penetrated in multiple different positions, making her cum several times. Finally, it all culminated with Kira taking a huge load...
xmoviesforyouWell its indeed great pleasure to thank Indian Sex Stories for providing such a large Collection of sex fantasies and erotic stories and thanks for the inspiration from ISS and special thanks to lady from Venus who introduced me to ISS and which made me write this story based on the events of my life . OK, here we go well this story happens in the back drops of a cosmopolitan city Bangalore now a day’s know as bengaluru.This set of events revolves around two people Usually they say that men are...
More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....
My Handyman experience I Have lots of stories to tell you all, this is another i think you will enjoyI was asked to price a job for a letting agency who were looking after a small flat, the garden patio slabs needed to be dug up and replaced as they were loose and uneven, I viewed the work and gave them a price, the landlord agreed the price and we arranged to start the work the following week.I arrived at the premises and the tenant came out to introduce herself, a lovely lady i guessed was in...
The game had reached a critical moment, and we watched with bated breath, ready to cheer or jeer, when we were interrupted by a crash from upstairs and the sound two angry female voices raised well above respectable levels. 'I said, don't touch my stuff!' 'I didn't touch it-you shouldn't leave it laying around in the hallway!' 'If you'd just watch where you're going-' 'Girls!' I bellowed, 'come here!' After a beat of guilty silence, the twins stomped resignedly down the...
I am laying on the red satin sheets the way my Dom, Mike, toldme to, playing with my now erect nipples my newly shaved pussy throbbing and leaking my juices with sexual excitement. “I have a surprise for you my cum slut” he says. He opens the playroom door and lets his friend Tony in. I gaspedin shock as Tony only has a towel wrapped around his waist. “Tony is going to fuck your pussy while Ifuck your arse, this is the fantasy I know you have wanted.” Tony and Mike both drop their towels andI...
We like a good challenge over here at HMF, and this girl was a tough nut to crack for sure. The best juice is always worth the squeeze and we had to keep reminding ourselves of this as our girl, Ellie, was a bit aloof and didn’t seem to want to get into the swing of things right away. Right off the bat she can’t seem to stop touching this newly done make up! Yes, those are your eyelashes now girl! Rest assured, we will get that Ellie-juice a’ flowing and sometimes the best way to kick those...
xmoviesforyouTitle: Wonder Woman takes one for the team Author: slaveboyusa Date: 12/11/2009 Please send comments to: [email protected] Synopsis: Wonder Woman’s car breaks down in the middle of the suburbs. Wonder Woman becomes the prisoner of two boys. They have something nasty in store for her. Wonder Woman was driving through a residential part of town one Saturday afternoon. The weather was warm, so she let down the top of her convertible. The wind was playing with her long...
Hello ISS Lovers! This is an erotic parody of the popular Hindi serial. I have not strictly followed the same format. Hope you will enjoy this. Please do mail your comments to Thanks. What a memorable day at “SHANTINIKETAN”! As Mihir strolled inside the room, Amba Virani, his grand mother was standing in front of the mirror revealing her back to him. ‘She still looks hot at 62’, Mihir told himself with a secret smile. She was apparently not looking perturbed by any means although she was...
Incest(The mid 90’s were a great time for incest erotica from incest magazines.) I’ve been reading your magazine for about five years, and I’m finally getting around to writing about my family. At twenty-eight, I am the second oldest and only son of four children. My sister, Bonnie Jo, is twenty-nine and looks exactly like my mom; Stacy is twenty-five, beautiful, and twice as smart as she is good-looking; and Mary, thirteen, is the youngest. My dad is forty-seven, strict and religious. My mother is...
Allison was even happier than she’d been before – she was almost disgusted at how happy she was except that well… she was too happy to be! Ever since the night when Todd first said that he loved her, she’d been floating on air. And not only that, but he seemed to realize now that she needed to be punished every so often – without the anger behind it that her infraction in front of Brad brought. So every couple of days he’d set her a list of chores to do, and she’d try to get them all done. The...