An Email To JenniferChapter 3A free porn video

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Jennifer and Mark's lovemaking had intensified ever since the revelation of what the three young boys had done to Jenn. Having to tell her partner, her lover, that she had been blackmailed by a thirteen-year-old boy into having sex with him, had been traumatic to say the least. Then to explain how the boy, Justin, had forced her to submit to his close friends wishes had been even more devastating to Jenny.

Justin had used blackmail to start the lustful affair and then he took pictures of Jenny's demise, which he used to further his goal of controlling Jennifer. There was no way the distraught woman could allow Justin to distribute the incriminating photos to the directors of the YMCA or to any of her close family. Her goals of working as a youth counselor would surely be severely jeopardized if the knowledge of her infidelity were made public.

The devilish boys had ensured Jenn's loyalty by using these pictures against her and then their devious plan of exposing her affair to her partner was uncanny. They covered Jenn's sexy body with hickies and knew that she would have to explain to Mark where she had gotten them. The plan worked to perfection and the complete story was unearthed to her lover, except for a few omissions, which were far too shameful to include.

Mark remained in a constant state of aroused desire from hearing what the boys did to his dear woman but the sordid facts didn't infuriate him like Jenny expected. He was turned on by the fact she had been used, even abused by someone and the reality it was mere boys made it even more arousing to him. For the past three days, their lovemaking had been thoroughly ecstatic for Mark. His mind was constantly filled with visions of his lovely girlfriend being fucked by Justin and his friends, Ray and Todd. The image of Todd having anal sex with Jenny was more than his sane mind could withstand, especially when he knew Jenn felt that type of sex was immoral and taboo.

The anticipation of Jenny being forced to comply with the boys' wishes once again was driving Mark crazy. He sought to have her do whatever they wanted and do it as soon as possible. Mark found it hard to wait for it to happen and wished he could call Justin to speed up the impending affair. Every day when Jenn got home and told him that nothing had happened, he was sort of dejected that the boys were prolonging the wait.

Mark would cherish an evening at home with Jenny and the anticipation of undressing his beautiful spouse at bedtime would drive him crazy. Even her assurance that nothing happened during the day didn't take away from the butterflies in his abdomen when they undressed. He wanted to find evidence of Jenn being unfaithful and studied her sexy body for any telltale signs. The hickies the boys tattooed on Jenn's flesh were still visible and Mark could hardly wait to find more.

The threats Justin made to Jennifer were still vivid in Mark's crazed mind. He relished finding a real tattoo or a body piercing on her like the boy had promised. Not knowing what or where only added fuel to his inflamed brain. Geez, he thought, a tattoo and he pictured one. He could hardly wait to see where the wicked boy would have a picture inked on his precious Jennifer's body.

Mark contemplated Jenn's gorgeous flesh being pierced and the thought heightened his passion to tremendous proportions. Then he wondered what he would say if Jenny came home with her nipple pierced. Oh gawd, he should be the one dictating what should be happening to Jenn's sexy body, not measly teenage boys, he told himself.

Tuesday started out badly and got even worse as Jenn's day progressed. First she was late for work with the traffic snarls and numerous traffic holdups. Then she found an ominous note on her desk and stared at it for many seconds before actually picking it up. Jenn knew immediately that it was from Justin.

"I have not forgotten our arrangement. You are my personal slut and I know you are more than willing to do whatever I wish," he wrote and Jenn's eyes filled with tears. Oh gawd, had he waited for this exact moment to do this, she wondered as she glanced at the next line. "I told you how much I love my girls to not wear any undies. You are to remove your bra and panties and go the rest of the day without them," he wrote and Jenny became thoroughly distressed.

Mark had insisted she wear a sheer, loose fitting blouse, which was no problem as long as she wore a bra. She closed her eyes and pictured what her erect nipples would look like through the flimsy material. The dark, rosy nips would be very visible as the light colored material offered very little security and Jenn quivered with the shameful thought. Then she pondered as to why Mark had insisted she wear a short skirt today of all days?

Jenn noticed Justin lingering near her counseling room and she knew the disgusting demand had to be fulfilled. She stared at the boy with a most pleading look but he merely returned an evil smirk. Justin crinkled his face in a questioning manner and indicated she comply with his note. Jenny was about to find out just how devious a teenage boy could be, especially when his mind was filled with lustful imagery.

Justin seized the moment to demonstrate his superiority and stepped into Jenn's room. "Here, I thought you might want to see how gorgeous you look without clothes," he whispered and handed Jenn an envelope. She didn't have to open it and knew what the devil had printed off in an effort to force her to comply with his request. He gave a quick jerk on the photo paper inside the envelope and revealed enough of the top picture to make Jenny's pretty face go beat red in embarrassment.

"I'll just close your door so you can remove your undies without anyone seeing the glories sight," he informed the distraught woman. He then closed the door behind him and decided to wait in the hallway for a few minutes. It would allow Jenn enough time to obey his order.

Rather than barge back into the room, Justin gave a light knock on the door so that Jenny would be forced to invite the boy inside. A second tap brought the desired result and Jenn uttered the desperate invite. "Yes, come in," she said just barely loud enough for Justin to hear.

Justin smiled when he opened the door and saw that Jenn was sitting in her interview chair with her shoulders slumped forward. She was doing her best to hide the obvious fact that she wasn't wearing a bra but he could see the faint, rosy color of Jenn's hardened nipples.

"Now that is how I like my sluts to dress," he whispered and it made Jenn shudder with awkwardness. "Just so you know, I took the liberty to change your appointment schedule and Sarah Andrews will be seeing you for your next appointment," Justin told her. Jenny wondered why he would make the switch but much to her chagrin, she would find out why in a matter of a few minutes.

A soft knock on the door startled both Justin and Jenn and interrupted both their lines of thinking. "That is probably Sarah and I should be going so you can have her all to yourself," he said with a hint in his voice that he knew more than he was telling. Jenny saw the hard, well-built girl appear in the door way and her appearance gave her a fright. How could a pretty, young teenager do that to herself, Jenn wondered as she saw the various tattoos and piercings adorning Sarah's body?

Jenn took a close look at the girl who was what most would call beautiful if not for the body markings. It was probably a way for a teenager to rebel against her parents or against authority. Jenn could never accept such personal abuse to ones body and felt a twinge of sympathy towards the girl. Sarah was fairly short at 5'3" or 5'4" and was well endowed in the breast department. Her hips were well rounded and she had a very sexy figure for a fifteen year old. One thing that many of the male patrons of the center found appealing was the fact Sarah didn't mind flashing skin every now and then.

Sarah always wore a sleeveless top of some sort and that was to show off the tattoos on her arms. Both upper arms had been inked as well as her left forearm. Also visible were portions of tattoos on her upper back and on her lower back at waist level, as she liked wearing clothes that revealed her slim midriff.

What Jenny found most repulsive were Sarah's many rings and studs pierced on her various body parts. The ones in her ears Jenny could tolerate but the golden trinkets in her eyebrows, her lip, her nose and even her tongue were degrading to any woman. A little shiver ran through Jenn's body when she thought of what other parts of the girl's body could be pierced?

"I am here for my appointment Miss," Sarah said and smiled directly at Justin. He excused himself and as he passed the young girl on his way out of the room, the two exchanged words. What they whispered could not be heard by Jenny and they wanted to keep their deep, dark secret from their counselor.

The door shut quietly but it echoed in Jenn's ears as every noise and sound was amplified by her heightened senses. She felt like the world was closing in on her and for some strange reason, Jenn sensed that Sarah's pleasant smile was counterfeit.

Jenny remained seated and the girl walked right up to her chair without a pause. "I think it would be sweet to try being a counselor for a change instead of some piss-ass tramp. Why don't we change places so I can try my hand at being the person in charge," Sarah said in a most assured tone. Jenn looked up at the girl and was about to scold her for being so obstinate. She decided against it when Sarah's look seemed to radiate, superior confidence. With a shrug of her slender shoulders, Jenn stood before the shorter girl. Glancing down on Sarah, it gave Jenn a feeling of having the upper hand even though she complied with the girl's wishes.

Jenn's skimpy attire was forgotten for a brief moment and her sole focus was on what the girl was asking her to do. "Why don't you lie on the sofa for a change and I will counsel you Miss prim and proper," Sarah said with a hint of mockery in her voice. Jenn looked stunned for a few seconds but finally decided to play the little game with the girl. Slowly she shuffled to the narrow, leather settee and sat on the edge.

Sarah came up to Jenny and guided her into the proper position so she was now the submissive young offender who was about to be chastised by the adult therapist. "Now young lady, or should I say bitch, you just lay there and I will fuck up your mind with my vast wisdom," the suddenly powerful girl whispered. Jenn lay motionless and stared with wide-eyed astonishment at the stern looking girl. Sheepishly, Jenn reached for the hem of her skirt and did her best to keep it pulled down low enough to shield her nakedness from the girl.

"Justin asked me to help him out. Since I have many body piercings and tattoos, who better to see that you get some done in the proper places," she said and smiled with the satisfaction of knowing Jenny was about to be her underling. "He wants me to take you to the parlor and have something done to your body. Sort of get it marked to remind you that you are his slave," she told the shocked woman who suddenly realized that this young girl was working with Justin. "Of course you must appreciate that I am an expert at it and I have 18 piercings and too many tattoos to count," she informed Jenn.

It was time for action and Jenny attempted to sit up but the young girl's strength took her by surprise. Sarah's hands went to Jenn's slender shoulders and pushed them back into the hard leather sofa. The girls face was mere inches from Jenny's and her stern look told the complete story. "Just lay there tramp and I'll let you know when to move," she whispered with an unyielding tone.

When the dainty fingers slipped to the top buttons of Jenn's blouse, the frightened counselor refused to move a muscle to resist. Their eyes locked in deadly peril and Jenny felt totally overcome by the teenager. She stared into the dark cesspools and allowed the fingers to undo the top button, then the next and the next without so much as one bit of opposition. Her breathing became very rapid and uneven when the flimsy material was shifted to the sides and the cool air flowed over her burning flesh.

"Please, Sarah, please don't," Jenn moaned with a desperate voice. In a frantic move, she ripped her eyes from Sarah's and glanced at the numerous, exposed markings on the girl. She prayed that none of them would be duplicated on her body. Jenn felt a sickness in the pit of her stomach when looking at the ugly, golden trinkets adorning the girl's flesh, especially the lower lip and nose. There was no way Jenny would ever get anything done like that under any circumstances. Seeing the many tattoos covering the girl's arms gave her a deep feeling of discomfort. Jenn admitted to herself that the odd small drawing in an appropriate location was nice to see on a woman.

Suddenly, Jenny was shocked back to reality. "I see by your hard nipples that you need to have them pierced like mine are," she said in a low, steady voice. The girl's fingers reached out and Jenny's hands moved to block her advance. In a split second, Jenn realized that this young girl was taking charge. A slap echoed through the enclosed room and Jenn let out a little sob as the girl swatted her hands away from protecting her domain.

"You may not realize it but Justin has told me all about you," Sarah said and waited a torturous few seconds for Jenn to understand her plight was hopeless. Jenn's tummy quivered violently from the fear that her dilemma suddenly got worse.

"He told me that you would be my servant. He said that I could do anything that my little heart desired to your sexy body and you would be willing to cooperate fully," she said. Jenn was spellbound with utter astonishment and when the girl slid her tiny hand across her chest, she remained perfectly still.

"Wow, you have hard nipples and I love the way they stand out. Do you like it when I squeeze them like this?" she asked and pinched the pebbles between her strong fingertips. Jenn glanced downward and noticed how the girl had exposed her immense treasures to the world and was taking unapproved liberties. Boldly, Sarah pulled Jenn's left nipple and extended it far above her boob. There was a slight pain but it was ignored because of the degrading actions of the teenager.

"I am not sure whether to have both nipples pierced or just this one," she said and pinched the bud harder, which made Jenn's body quiver. "So tell me, did you have sex with Justin?" she asked and continued before Jenn had a chance to respond. "How old are you?" Sarah asked and waited a painful few seconds while Jenn tormented over the questions.

There was no doubt about Jenn's obedience as Sarah could see that the woman was unable to defy her demeaning approach. It was time for severe measures and Sarah spoke with authority. "I asked you a question, answer me or else," she voiced the ultimatum and Jenn shook in fear. Then the offensive teenager pinched both of Jenn's tender nipples as hard as she could in a show of superior force.

"I, I am 21," Jenn whispered softly. Sarah gave another swift squeeze on the two swollen nips and demanded a further response. "No, no we didn't have sex as Justin is too young for me," Jenn lied and was instantly filled with guilt. The girl was far more mature than her 15 years and knew right away that Jenn was lying. She moved her face to within inches of Jenn's and demonstrated her greater strength.

"Listen bitch. Justin has confided in me and I know you are lying," Sarah said and it was her turn to tell a fib. The boy had not really told her much of what happened between the two but Sarah was smart enough to assume a young, virile teenager would have sex in such a situation. She held Jenn's steady gaze and demanded she answer her damning question.

Jenny panicked and assumed the girl knew everything that happened when the boys blackmailed her. Coming to a fork in the road, had she taken the one she was on and continued to lie, she would have overcome Sarah's powerful position. As happens in many instances, she chooses the wrong path and it would be her ultimate downfall.

"Yes, oh yes, we had sex but he forced me," Jenn told the suddenly gleeful girl. "He blackmailed me and made me do things against my will," she whispered and sobbed out loud. Sarah's mind was racing a mile a minute from hearing the sordid facts and she needed to know all the raunchy details. "Do you know that Justin is only 13 years old and you fucked a boy," Sarah said in a steady, sure voice. She wanted Jenn to feel total humiliation and defeat. "You fucked a boy," she repeated for effect and more humiliation. "So was your orgasm with Justin as good as one with your boyfriend?" she asked, hoping that in fact the woman did experience a climax.

Jenny didn't know what to say and really didn't know how to give the girl any more false evidence. Her distraught mind rushed back to the afternoon with the boys and she sobbed. "Oh, he forced me to do it and when he put his thingie in me, oh gawd I couldn't stop it," she moaned in a most flustered state. "Oh gawd, I will never forget the first time he pulled my hips across the pool table and embedded his big cock," Jenny told Sarah and the girl was unable to breath anticipating what else the woman would confess. "Oh he kept doing it until I came. Oh it was so wrong but they both held me down for Justin," she whispered without realizing she compounded her dilemma.

Sarah thought fast and knew that Justin was always with Todd and Ray. She assumed they would be in on any affair involving Justin and she decided to press the issue. "You are a 21 year old slut and had an orgasm with a boy, a thirteen year old boy. You creamed all over his teenage cock like a true slut," the girl whispered in Jenn's ear. Then she caressed the two swollen nipples with tender care. Jenn watched with horror as the girl swooped down and surrounded her right bud with her lips. It was like slow motion as Sarah's mouth closed on the nip and Jenn's tummy jerked wildly when a hard, metal stud raked over the swollen tip.

Jenn's mind swirled madly wondering how things got so out of her control. She lay motionless on the sofa and allowed the young teenager total freedom. Jenn felt a sudden relief as Sarah removed her torrid mouth from her chest but it was temporary as her next question punctuated her demise. "So Toddy and Rayboy fuck you too?" she asked and Jenn wondered how the girl knew so many particulars. Oh gawd, she said over and over in her troubled mind. Justin must have told the girl everything and told her all the horrible details of that afternoon.

The stare of the girls deep, blue eyes shocked Jenn into answering her damning question. "They just took me and I couldn't stop them," she muttered and felt a need to confide in her therapist. She was the patient and Sarah was her mentor. Jenny had sinned beyond anything imaginable and felt a dire need for a confession. The small room became eerily quiet and Jenn felt tiny and overcome by a superior force.

"Ray took me on the pool table and I couldn't move. He bent me over the side and fucked me with his cock right in front of Justin and Todd," she confessed and continued. "Then Todd did it in my bum and I have never done that before," she moaned, distraught with the immoral declaration. "He fucked my ass and Justin raped my clitoris like a madman. Oh, he made me cum again and again and kept twisting my clit in his fingers, oh gawd I can't remember cumming so hard in all my life," came Jenny's guilt-ridden confession.

Jenny sobbed non-stop and it made Sarah feel like someone with influence. The role of counselor was exciting and invigorating as most of her life was the reverse. She constantly fought regulations and authority and eventually wound up in the YMCA young offenders program.

Sarah grinned and decided to torment the woman to the nth degree. "I know what you mean about Justin. He has the biggest cock and the one time he had me in his parents games room, I wouldn't let him touch me with the fucking monster," she informed Jenn. "He was going to do me on the table like you but I turned him down," she said. "I played with his cock until he came all over the fucking place and shot that white shit all over the table. I wonder what his parents would say if they knew," she said and smiled at Jenn's puzzled reaction.

Things were out of Jenn's control and when Sarah revealed the fact she had refused Justin's advances, it disturbed her more than ever. She was a grown woman who couldn't resist a thirteen-year-old boy's demands while a mere teenage girl had. The recollection of what happened in the dungeon was vividly imprinted in Jenn's memory and she could see herself rolling on top of a green pool table while in the grasp of three boys. All three devoured her immense womanly delights with the enthusiasm of aroused teenagers.

Suddenly Jenn's thoughts were snapped back to the present when Sarah whispered to her. "Geez, I love the way you shave your pussy. It looks good enough to taste. Have you ever had a girl eat your cunt?" she asked and smiled at Jenn's frightened look. Jenny realized with shock that in her prone position, her skirt had ridden high up on her hips, exposing her most private riches. She moved to straighten the hem of her skirt but the girl's serious tone stopped her immediately. "Maybe you didn't hear me at the start! I said that Justin gave orders that you were to cooperate fully with anything I desired," she told Jenn which halted her breathing.

Looking past the girl's smaller frame, Jenn could see that Sarah had a perfect view of her lower extremities. The hem of her skirt was already at the top of her shapely thighs and with the girl sitting on the sofa at Jenn's knees, she could see everything. "You know. I am not sure if a tattoo should go down there or up here," she told the shaking woman and indicated a spot on Jenn's titty. "It certainly would look nice about here," she said and drew a small picture near the top region of Jenn's left breast.

It was time to tease Jennifer to the maximum and Sarah was up to the task. "Maybe a ring in your nipple and I will say that rings look absolutely superb in nips like yours," she told Jenn. Then her daring fingers shifted to the neglected bud and she squeezed it violently until it brought a moan of protest from the prone woman. When Jenn moved to oppose the assault, Sarah let up on the pressure and it brought a quick end to the fight.

"Now you have been a very bad girl and the therapist has to punish you," Sarah said with a grin. "You be an obedient girl and let Sarah discipline you like you seem to like to do to us teens when we break the rules," she whispered in an attempt to tease Jenn. Then much to Jenn's dismay, the girl's mouth dropped to meet her own. With steadfast determination, she held her lips tightly sealed until Sarah's daring hand swooped between her naked thighs.

Jenn wanted to voice her protest, which worked to Sarah's advantage and suddenly, Jenn felt the studded tongue caressing the inside of her mouth. No other woman, or girl had ever kissed her, and it made Jenny's mind more confused than ever. The tongues met midstream and in a matter of seconds, the strong one overcame the minor struggle.

Without any warning, the girl ended the kiss and shifted her body so she looked Jenn directly in the eyes, her face meager inches away. "Have you ever made love to another girl," she asked and could have stopped there but wanted to add to Jenn's turmoil. "Have you had your pussy eaten by a girl and have you sucked another girl's cunt," she questioned the beaten woman.

Jennifer decided to make a valiant effort to get out from under the teenager's control before Sarah actually did what she threatened. "Please, Sarah, please don't do this as I am the therapist and you are under my control," she said and it made the girl laugh out loud. The sound of the girl ignoring her protests made Jenn feel violated which was exactly what Sarah wanted.

Sarah held her stare and indicated to Jenn that the roles were reversed. "Open your legs so I can feel your womanly passion. Tell me, are you wet and wanting me to feel your pussy?" she asked and smiled with utter confidence. Oh gawd, Jenny thought, I am probably wet like she said and she will think it is because of what she is doing. She hesitated to comply with the girl's orders and didn't move a muscle until she felt the insisting hand pressing into her milky thighs.

"I said open your legs bitch so I can feel your dripping pussy," Sarah said and motioned for compliance. Jenn had never felt so conquered by another person and when her legs spread slightly, her body gave a shiver of discomfort. "You have the wettest pussy I have ever felt. You are not as fucking good as you think you are and I am going to show you what a lesbian does to a slut's pussy," Sarah whispered.

Jenny felt like she would faint when the slender finger split her soul with the greatest of ease. The experienced girl knew exactly what to touch and she pinched the puffy clitoris between her skilled fingers. Jenny let out a few quick, short gasps when the tender bud was caressed and she was unable to stop her hips from thrusting upward. She closed out the pretty face, which was in front of her and rolled her head side to side as she struggled to stop the assault.

"That's a good girl, spread your legs wider as I want to eat your cunt," came the voice of Jenn's new master. Her whole body was quivering from the degrading actions of her hips and her world suddenly collapsed when a long, slim finger entered her private grotto. She could not see what was happening but her body was well aware a fifteen-year-old girl was molesting her. When the golden stud hit her throbbing clit, the most earth-shattering spasm rocked her lithe body. For some unknown reason Jenn's body was on fire and the flames were licking at the center of her being.

Sarah suddenly put the butterfly between her teeth and battered the tiny, pink wings with her tongue like the expert she was. At 21, Jenny was no match for a girl like Sarah whose maturity was that of a woman twice her age. The hungry mouth rocked Jenn's epicenter and Sarah stretched the most sensitive flesh until Jenny cried out. "Oh gawd, what are you doing to me," she begged the girl but no voice was heard. "Oh, oh, oh, not that," she pleaded and felt her body being consumed by the most intense lust of her life.

The sound of bare, sweaty skin slapping against a leather sofa roared throughout the small room and Sarah swallowed the evidence of any ecstasy from her newfound lover. She nibbled the clitoris like it was a tender, loving possession and Jenn's orgasm went over the crest of the highest mountain so fast it made her faint. Up and down her hips thrust wildly and it was all Sarah could do to keep solid contact with the raw, throbbing blossom. The juice was sweet nectar from a honeybee and Sarah stung the rose petals with her poisonous stinger. Jenn didn't have any cares or concerns other than the explosive climax and rode the dramatic roller coaster to a stop on a plateau, which was still hidden in the fluffy clouds.

When the wet, smelly lips closed over her own, Jenny returned the kiss with equal zest. She was aware of tasting her very juices and that didn't prevent her from cleansing the darting tongue. Her tummy fluttered madly from being defiled so readily and drank the saliva as if it were her very own.

The one-hour session was about to run into overtime, as time was a forgotten element to the two. "Oh gawd, I am so fucking horny that I think I might come without you touching me," Sarah said to her lover with great concern. She used every ounce of staying power to prevent the orgasm from bursting from its shell and wanted to prolong the lust. She sought to humiliate the woman by having her reciprocate and fulfill her lesbian desires. The final reward for a girl like Sarah was to have an innocent woman, one who was not a true lesbian, forced to taste the delights of another woman. Her decisive compensation would be watching an authority figure succumb to her teenage requests.

Jenny took in every detail of the girl as Sarah almost ripped her own clothes off. She tossed the garments far and wide and stood fully exposed in front of her servant. In a short few seconds, Jenn studied the complicated drawings, which covered the pale, white flesh, and it amazed her that a person could go to such extreme. It was almost like a magnetic attraction when her eyes focused on the shinny metal dangling between the slender thighs. Jenn could see nothing else but the two or three golden rings, which were obviously sewn into the girl's flesh. She was suddenly filled with fear that Sarah may have the same thing done to Jenn's prized jewel.

She was vaguely aware of being shifted and her body moved so that she was knelling between the spread legs of the young rascal. Sarah plopped her body down on the edge of the sofa and the internal flames made her temperature rise many degrees. In the most disgusting and degrading display of erotic desire, Jenn watched as Sarah's fingers went to the puffy labia. She spread the swollen lips and revealed three rings, which were pierced, into her pink clitoris. Jenn's eyes remained fixed on the ghastly sight and didn't hear the orders. "Get your fucking tongue on my pussy and eat me now!" Sarah moaned in wanton fashion.

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Femail order part 3

It was Monday morning. I showered and shaved. As Mrs Robinson had taken away all my male underpants, I would have to wear knickers to work. (It wouldn't be the first time). But when I opened the drawer I discovered that she must have taken my male socks as well. I decided to put on some black stockings as these would be less noticeable than tan ones if my ankles were showing. Of course this meant wearing a suspender-belt. By the time I had fastened my stockings to the suspender clasps...

3 years ago
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Femail order part 4

I woke up early the next morning. It took me a few moments to get used to the new sensations round my body. I fondled my tits. A wonderful sensation. My cock wanted to grow but seemed to be pushing against a locked door. This made me feel more girly. Not only did I have tits, but I couldn't get an erection any more. I didn't need the glass by my bedside. Conscious that I needed to look my best in the office, I shaved my face twice and used the depilatory cream on my legs. I had decided...

2 years ago
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Femail order part 5

After I had finished my housework, I needed to do some shopping and ended up at the supermarket. Julie was on the till as usual. She gave me a big smile. "Hi Didi," she said. " I saw Aunt Helen on my way here and she said to be sure and go round to her house between 3 and 4 on Sunday afternoon. Then she can sort you out." There was a queue of people at the till so I thanked her, smiled and left. I made my evening meal and watched TV for a while before going upstairs to bed. As I put on...

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Femail order part 6

It seemed almost the normal routine to put on a skirt and top to go to the office the next morning. I checked my appearance carefully to make sure I was demurely attired. Although I knew that I was wearing pretty silky knickers and stockings with suspenders, I didn't want everybody else to see them. I realised that Julie had been quite correct. In public I needed to look like a professional office girl, showing no more of my pretty legs that was decent, and avoiding opportunities...

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Femail order part 7

Over the following days and weeks I settled more and more into my new lifestyle. I bought more clothes and shoes so that I had more outfits suitable for my job in the office. I couldn't keep wearing the same things all the time, could I? Julie helped me make more space in my wardrobes by taking away the rest of my male clothes. And she taught me how to use more makeup and to look after my skin with moisturiser and so on. She was also helping me in the evenings, making me practise...

3 years ago
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Femail order part 8

It was the Friday evening, a week before the wedding weekend. Julie came round with a present for me. I wasn't sure what it was at first. It was made of black rubber and looked a bit like an ace of spades. Thin at the top, expanding to quite a bulbous shape, then narrowing down to a narrow stem, with a flat base like a wine glass. "It's a butt plug," she explained. "When you've got it in you'll find you clench your buttocks a bit more and it will improve your posture. You'll naturally...

3 years ago
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Email BlissTo The One I Love

(SHE EMAILS) So when you think of me, do you see yourself behind me.. pushing my hair away from my neck so that you can kiss and nibble my neck.. along my shoulder.. your hands running down my arms across to my breasts where your palms cover them.. warming them in your embrace.. your thumbs rubbing over my nipples making them harder.. while nibbling at my neck. One hand moves down lower, while the other works persistently on my erect nipples.. moving lower down to my mound.. your fingers...

4 years ago
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Email as foreplay

The following emails went between myself and a girlfriend shortly after we first met. We had gotten a bit frisky in a hotel stairway before we had to go our separate ways. For a few months after we kept in touch with sexy emails then great phone sex before meeting again. (see photo's - "Chunky sexy girlfriend")I've edited out most of the chit chat and give you here the the good bits.-----------------------------Been thinking about you often since that weekend but ermm well, errr…… Imagining...

4 years ago
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Voicemail by Virtual Scott I was in my daughter Mimi's room balancing the phone handset on one shoulder and trying to paw through the stack of college admissions paperwork. I'd gotten a busy signal again. I cursed the guidance counselors under my breath as I almost dropped the entire file on the floor. My finger, which had been headed for the "redial" button on Mimi's fancy phone, jerked and hit the last, unlabeled, speed dial setting instead. I realized my mistake when instead of...

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Emailing the teacher

B: “Dear Mrs. C: I know I shouldn’t do this, but I worship you. You are in my thoughts day and night. I can’t get you out of my mind. Your figure is perfect, and your face is beautiful. Signed, your adoring admirer. Jacob Jones.” T: (receives the e-mail, is astounded, but also flattered at the unsolicited admiration. Decides that she will risk sending him a reply, assuming that no one else will see the e-mail exchange) Dear Jacob: I am pleased and flattered to receive your e-mail. It’s nice...

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Email What will I do to you

I will: I will book a room at a hotel on the ground floor near to the entrance. Tie you to the bed by your legs and arms and blindfold you. Then I will gradually strip your clothes off cutting and ripping them where necessary. I will get baby oil and massage it all over you until you are slippery, glistening and relaxed. I will then let you lie there in suspense for a while in anticipation. You will hear me draw the curtains, including the nets and turn all the lights on so that anyone ...

2 years ago
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Email Se Massage Or Chudai Tak

Hello friends thanks for yours views for my last two stories n aap sabhi mere baare me to jante hi h, mera naam rishi h n mai haridwar me ek company me job krta hu, Meri last story publish hone ke baad mujhe kai males or females ne mail bhi kiye unme se ek mail mujhe yahi haridwar se bhi aaya jo ek lady ka tha. Maine bhi use thanks khe kr reply kr diya n after that I have another mail from that lady, named sarika in late night n she ask me to chat Via hangouts. And humne apne baare me chat ki,...

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Email What will I do to you

I will: I will book a room at a hotel on the ground floor near to the entrance.Tie you to the bed by your legs and arms and blindfold you.Then I will gradually strip your clothes off cutting and ripping them where necessary.I will get baby oil and massage it all over you until you are slippery, glistening and relaxed.I will then let you lie there in suspense for a while in anticipation. You will hear me draw the curtains, including the nets and turn all the lights on so that anyone entering the...

2 years ago
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EMail to Dear Abbey

Dear Abbey, I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. It all started a couple of weeks ago. There I was, heading rapidly for 40, with a brand new baby. It's amazing what a good night out with plenty of booze brings. My husband, Brian and I had gone to a work related 'Do' 12 months previously and got ourselves heated up in the limo on the way home. We had burst through the front door, horny as all get out, and without thinking of our 15 year old son upstairs, let alone giving any...

4 years ago
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I say You say

Saturday morning, the sun is shining through the curtains and we’re going out for the day, you’re taking me shopping which you never normally do and I reckon you have an ulterior motive. The car is hot and my legs are sticking slightly on the black leather seat, it smells like the hot summer day that it is, and my arm is resting on the hot surface of the passenger door enjoying the breeze from the open window. There’s a tension in the air it’s a good sort of tension but it unnerves me...

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Daddys Virgin Breeder

I did not write this story. This is purely fantasy. But ai find it super hot and wanted to share. Daddy's Breeding Slutbyaquamarine77©Ted couldn't pinpoint when exactly he decided to impregnate his daughter. It was probably a culmination of his Catholic upbringing, and his wife's rejection of his sexual advances. Just so you know where he's coming from, a little backstory is necessary. Ted grew up in a very Catholic household and went to a strict Catholic school. He was never very religious,...

3 years ago
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Neon light

I remember watching you across the dimly lit floor, your body moving rhythmically with the music, your hands tracing the outlines of your slender partner, the passion between you evident. Together you danced, your bodies speaking an ancient language of swaying hips and sensual limbs. You danced in tandem, reacting and responding to one another, working into one another and then away again, teasing, tantalizing. Gently you drew her body closer to yours, your hips pushing into hers, gyrating...

1 year ago
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Saturday Date Night

We pay the bill and leave, you driving, the anticipation killing me in the passenger seat. We talk as we drive, about how we haven't had full-on sex yet, how you are still nervous about having me try to take your thick cock in my small tight ass. I've sucked you before, barely getting half of it in my mouth, though you never complain, and certainly you cum like a river as I suck you off. You smile at our conversation, still hiding something. You weave through the city, pulling into the...

2 years ago
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The Road to ChaosChapter 3

“82 degrees ... that’s what. Beaches, hung lifeguards, sun ... warmth! What was it last night? 52? Can’t we go any faster?” “CynthiaMae Flintkote, you’re the one who wanted to swap the Basilisk for the Sailbait.” JW said. “If you wanted fast we should have kept the Cat.” “Basilisk was falling apart... Sailbait had just been through refit.” “You’re a vindictive wench.” “Ah ... recognition ... and I didn’t have to be a dead artist.” “I’m not talking to you for a week.” And he didn’t. He...

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Horny sister

When I was 18, I was living with my 24-year-old sister. She has a very high paying job as a fashion designer, and lives in her own house with a pool. I got kicked out of my parents house, so my sister let me move in with her temporarily until I get a job, and I get enough money to get back up on my feet, and get a place of my own. My sister and I have always been good friends, and have gotten along well throughout our whole childhood. We hardly ever got into any major fights. And we always were...

1 year ago
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A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows Part 4

A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows by Karen Page Chapter 4 Monday lunch soon came and another rehearsal. This time however I was better prepared and it obviously showed in my performance. I used what I had learnt on Saturday but didn't give it the full monty. "Well done Bill," said Mr Abbots. "This was a much better performance." "Thanks." "It looks like your sister enjoyed it as well." I turned to see her get up come towards me as Mr Abbots turned and walked to talk...

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A New Look at Life

A New Look at Life By Lauren Bliss To say Leighton Johnson had it rough would be an understatement. He was small, but pear shaped, which wasn't the standard figure typically gifted to a growing boy. You could almost call him skinny, if not for what his bullies called his bubble butt. At only five foot, two inches tall, he was much shorter than the average ninth grader. His mother, being what one might describe as a holdover hippy, never took him to get a haircut. It was too dark and...

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For All We Know

Hi Folks, How do you follow last week? You don't. You just write another story and realize that some of them are going to do well and others will go over like a fart in church. The last two have been relatively aggressive so this time I wanted to do something little different. Two of my biggest influences are DQS1 and AlleyKat08. In the last story he graced us with, he mentioned that he doesn't think that cheaters are necessarily bad people they've just made mistakes.AK08 is radical about...

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Clementine in HellChapter 17

"I suppose you know what you're getting yourself into, Amanda" said Jeremy. "And you'll have to tell me what to do. I'm a bit new to this." "You are totally new to this! But it is in at the deep end for you! Just give me some water to swill my mouth with and the bucket to spit blood into at the end of each round. Clean up any cuts - and there will be lots! These gloves are lethal mon ami! You can't do much else. And wish me luck, because I fucking need it!" Jeremy sighed. This...

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dressing up

have been ‘dressing’ from a young age, the usual situation occurring, finding an aunties pink satin brassiere, a long line one which just hung on me, but that didn’t matter and also the matching corset also too large, but it felt so natural to wear these items, it gradually developed into wanting to dress more and more frequently, then it was dressing from there on.My final transformation started about 7 years ago my wife had arranged to go away for a weekend with friends, a sort of girls...

1 year ago
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The Land Lady Fucked To The Brim

Hi All. I am Darshan from Ahmedabad, married and 28 yrs old. I am decent and above average looking man and always had an inclination towards mature ladies. This incident happened to me when I was in Mumbai for three months on an official assignment. Would appreciate your feedbacks on this submission. I am reachable on I was transferred to Mumbai but I was not ready to relocate. Since there were some serious problems in the Mumbai branch I was told that I can come back after aligning the work...

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Beau my wifes fuck buddys wedding nig

When our friend Beau decided to get married, he asked if we would be so kind as to do their video. It was a hobby of mine to do videos for weddings, proms, football games and school dances. We agreed and as we finished up with the nights events of videoing almost everything, He invited us to return to the hotel where they both worked and had met for a few drinks and an after the wedding night party with a few friends in their wedding night suite. It was a huge guest seating are with a...

4 years ago
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The Charity Dinner

The Charity Dinner - Chapter OneJemma found herself in something of a predicament. This is not what she had in mind when she left for the charity dinner earlier in the evening. Definitely not. Right now she was suspended three feet off the ground her legs and arms spread wide and she was completely naked. Her magnificent breasts dangled provocatively and her long blonde hair hung down partly covering her face. A ball-gag was stuffed in her mouth and strapped around her slim neck.Jemma really...

3 years ago
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Life can lead you down many strange paths. At nearly forty years old I tried a lot of them. No, I'd never been married but I had one hell of a time in my younger days. As a teenager I'd been a randy little bugger known for a high score count. In my twenties I'd turned into the office wolf and shagged my way out of several good jobs and some good relationships, if it comes to that. No, none of my relationships ran the course. We would set up house together for a while but in the end they...

2 years ago
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How I met Melissa 2

My tongue left a wet trail across her throat as I sought out the hollow of her other armpit, she shivered with pleasure as I sucked at the tangy flesh I found there."Oh God Jackie," she gasped and leaned back against the wall.I slid my tongue, slavering wetly down to her breasts and sucked at each swollen nipple in turn before carrying on down over her stomach.Her panties were moist, clinging to the contours of her slit, the heady aroma of her juices filled my nostrils as I ran my tongue down...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 223

This one is compliments of Chuck ... with thanks... Political incorrects Low Battery: A man saved his girlfriend's phone number on his mobile as 'Low Battery'. Whenever she calls him, in his absence, his wife takes the telephone and plugs it into the charger. Give that man a medal. Two Thai girls asked me if I'd like to go bed with them; they said it would be just like winning Lotto! I agreed, and they were right. We all stripped off, and to my horror, we had six matching...

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A Picnic made in Heaven

A Picnic made in Heaven By BBWLOVER56             Have you ever wanted to enjoy an outdoor outing with someone that you really enjoy being with? How about having a picnic just for two? Would you also consider making mad passionate love out in the open? Let’s see if we can find that perfect setting in this story here, shall we?             Imagine riding horseback out in the fields of Montana where the skies are blue and the sun shining it’s warmth down upon us, now imagine we top a hill...

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Terraforce AcademyChapter 2

Orion rose early to talk to his dad before he left for work. It was a restless night of sleep or better described as no sleep. He couldn't shut off his thoughts that the new class was so Terraforce could evaluate him. "Hi, Orion!" Dad greeted. "Ready for your new class?" "Was I supposed to prepare something?" he said worriedly. "No," Dad said with a bemused chuckle. "Do you know what kind of class it is, Dad?" "Probably an excellence class because you are smart." "Could it...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy Date

My Fantasy Date by Gail Robbins We meet on a transsexual dating site. We find a sense of compatability and want to get to know each other on a more personal level. You ask me out on a date and we agree to meet. We've been on a date. It's been so lovely - dinner and a show - you've been the perfect gentleman - now we're driving home. You've invited me to your place for a little desert and maybe a nightcap. I said yes. The cheesecake was delicious, and now we're sitting on the...

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Stein Um SteinChapter 2

By the time he arrived in his office the anger he had felt last night had returned etching a despondent glower on his face. The weight of his actions, for the near future amassed heavily on his shoulders. Only those that knew him well, would notice any difference, all they would see is the usual sad angry man, stooped over trying to hide from his own insignificance. Just before noon he was quizzed by Charles Chiswick about his delay at the port. Had Martin not known the things he knew now,...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 55

I slept very well since I was so exhausted from everything they put me through. When I woke up, I once again had to pee. So without even thinking about it, I flipped up to drink my morning piss. I still didn’t like it, but was getting used to doing it. I drank it all down and then licked my cunt to a good orgasm. I love that first thing in the morning. I went to the kitchen and daddy had already started the coffee so I helped him fix our breakfast. We ate together in silence. I guess he had...

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What happens in the dark part 2

The signs were there, and I’m not just talking about the signs of Damian being a vampire. Of course those were there too, his being so pale and his unnaturally flawless skin. It explains why I only saw him at night as well. But no, I’m not talking about those signs, I’m talking about the fact that it was so clear that he liked me, or in the least wanted to fuck me. I’m sure I knew I had to, I had never been one to ignore the obvious. No, I knew, I knew from that one night. I felt his teeth...

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The House at the End of the StreetChapter 3

Melinda was quite chipper the next morning, barely saying a word of contention to Heather. In fact, her only reaction to her older sister's usual jibes and teases was an increasingly smug smile. After Melinda had dressed and was heading out the door, Heather came up from behind her and laid her hand on the edge of the door, pushing it back closed. "What?" Melinda demanded, looking up at her older sister impatiently. "What are you up to?" Heather said, narrowing her eyes. Melinda...

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Nans visitor

Nan’s visitor. A visit by her ‘nephew.’ She was bored. Nothing and no-one to keep her company or to talk to. So Nan decided to have a look on the Internet and see what was going on in the outside world. She had a look at a few sites and came across a Dating site which looked alright. So she joined and wrote out her profile stating that although she was seventy seven – she was only interested in gentlemen between 40 and 55 years of age. She was looking for a regular, casual relationship in...

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Cheating Wives Leila Relapses Chap 5

Leila was in full hoochie wardrobe. Red ankle strap vinyl high heels with pink Swarovski studded toes, red spandex short shorts, a belly ring and pink cross-heart halter top, her thick mane of black hair pinned up in a bun with three large red barrettes. Her eye shadow was a metallic fuchsia with violet streaks in the corners. She wore a gold thong, no bra and Ace had smeared butter on her tits, so the halter-top clung to her full breasts in a way that isolated them in some subtropic steamy...

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Going FishingChapter 2 Atlantis

"Isn't Commander a high rank for such a small command?" asked Lieutenant Tanaka, puzzled. "Normally yes, Lieutenant, but if this project proves a success Commander Koenig is destined for command of a flotilla of these boats. It's always good for the Fleet Commander to have experience with the ships he's ordering out — maybe he won't try to order them to try operations that will only result in shattered hulls and dead crew." "Yes, Sir, I think I understand." "If this voyage is...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 147

Laura's breasts were so damaged from her rough sex with Karen that she could not risk seeing anyone for two weeks, until the bruises completely vanished. Her breasts began to feel better in a couple of days, but the blotches and weals were shocking and took a long time to fade. Doing without sex was doubly hard because so many beautiful women kept phoning her, wanting her, wanting her urgently. Some of them, like Yvette and Shavon, were desperate to see her because they could only rarely...

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The lady and the Gardener written by female

A lady is sitting in her living room wearing a tight bask and thong set and black and red stockings extenuating her long shapely legs . On the TV her favourite erotic movie. Outside the man in the garden is working himself into a sweat and soon needs to come in to the house to get a well earned drink. Upon entering the house, calling out. The lady exclaims that he should get a drink and sit himself in the living room next to her. When he enters the living room the movie is still playing, the...

4 years ago
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Hospital Bathroom Encounter

I work EMS and have had some very interesting experiences in my job. Some people say EMS stands for Extra Marital Sex and it can be like that. Working in highly emotional situations late at night and in close quarters creates emotions and feeling. Relationships can develop and then after friendship flirting and finally possibly a hot and heavy sexual relationship that can only be described as pure lust. Such was the relationship I had with Cindy.Cindy and I were about the same age 38 years...

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Selinas Surprise

Selina's SurpriseRiding up the elevator to Selina’s penthouse suite, I relived the day’s events in my mind. I had finally closed a competitive multi-million-dollar server deal my team had been working on for almost a year. Now, to add more greatness to the day, I was starting a 10-day holiday.. Oh, and yes, I will be spending the entire time with my young lover and sexy mistress, Selina. My wife Bea was home in the States doing her endless volunteer work and did not join me on this trip (lucky...

4 years ago
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A Feminine Family Sequel to Flipping the Frat

A Feminine Family (Sequel to "Flipping the Frat") @2005 by Karen Elizabeth L. May not be distributed or posted on a pay site. It's been some time since I took my revenge on the old officers of the Sigma Tau fraternity. They used my brother Joey's desire to become a member to lead him into doing things so filthy and perverted that no decent person would stomach them. Joey was blind in his drive to join the frat. He had been willing to put up with dressing as a girl, attending...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriends and IChapter 3

I headed home early from the set to see Diamond and was surprised to note a car out front. Looking it over I didn't recognize whose it was. Opening the front door I headed down the hall towards the bedroom. As I neared it I noticed sounds coming from inside; one of them was Diamond moaning. When a male moan soon joined in I couldn't believe it. Standing at the door the thought of busting in and having it out with whoever it was crossed my mind, but as I thought about it she wasn't worth...

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