Email Reality - Chapter 2 free porn video

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EMAIL REALITY by Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. This piece is about humiliation, degradation and other XXXX sexuality. This is a short story and not sure when or if I'll complete. If you read it I hope you like it and if it's not your thing just stop reading now. Thanks, [email protected]) Chapter 2. "Come here girl," Don motioned me with?his forefinger and then pointing to where he wanted me to stand just a foot or so in front of him. His forefinger poked my penis inquiring, "You have a very small clitty girl?" I stood shocked that I was now in front of this man touching my private and calling it a clit. This was no longer just an email it was a reality. "Well since we only have two days your training will be quite rigorous," Don said and then handed me a composition book and a pen. Instead of the typical black and white cover it was pink and white and the pen was also pink." You are going to write down what I tell you now and you'll use your best cursive penmanship. This book will be your guide and part of your daily chore." Then he had me turn to the beginning and explained I would write at the top of each?page what he was about to tell me.?" "Write this: 'I am a good girl and my name is Jane.' You will write that 100 times today." He laughed adding, "Dick & Jane." "But most important Jane is for you to remember your vow before coming here. You are to feel outside whom you are inside. All the preparation has brought you to obey me and for my pleasure. Feeling naked as I stood there I wrote it down. "I am a good girl and my name is Jane." "Next page," he said. I turned to a blank page and he continued, "page 2: I will curtsy each time a man addresses me and when he gives me leave. You do know how to curtsy don't you?" I started to answer, 'Yes,' but Don pinched the tip of my clitty saying, "don't speak." "Nod your head 'yes' or 'no' from now on and curtsy when asked a simple question where a 'yes' or 'no' will do. If you must speak it should be kept brief." "Do you understand?" I had practiced the curtsy we had talked about in our emails. It was with both legs together, the hands go back along the skirt (if wearing one) and the knees bend. While you come up on your toes. It's almost like a moderate deep knee bend. It was still hard to maintain my balance and Don didn't like my first curtsy/nod saying I should practice and try to curtsy lower stretching my muscles and helping my pussy get ready to pleasure his cock. "Think about sitting on my cock and don't get up to quickly," he said. I looked around the room. The walls were a simple painter white and the blinds were drawn but there were no drapes. It was sparse but it wasn't unattractive. It could be fixed up. "Ok Jane, page 3," and here are the various things I wrote on each page over the next 15 minutes nodding an curtsying after each one. "You will also write page 3:?? I am a good girl and will cum only with permission page 4:?? I am a good girl and will make sure my lipstick and perfume is fresh. page 5:?? I am a good girl I will? wipe cum or spit off me only when told to. page 6: I am a good girl I will always swallow but only when I'm told to. page 7:?? I am a good girl I will not let my pussy leak. page 8:?? I am a good girl my voice will be subdued at all times. page 9:?? I am a good girl and will practice my curtsy. page 10:?? I am a good girl and will obey page 11: I am a good girl, Don stopped me saying, "Go into the kitchen and fill a baggie with ice." I stopped writing and put the notebook on the coffee table scurrying to the kitchen and remembering when I got there I had not curtsied. Fortunately it didn't take me long to accomplish the task since the baggie box was on the table and the ice was easy to find. Upon returning I gave the bag to Don and curtsied. Then I picked up the notebook. Don looked at me with penetrating gray eyes and said, page 10: I am a good girl and will look demurely when a man eyes me. page 11: I am a good girl and will obey the 'bathroom code of conduct.' This particular page I knew about from our emails. We had discussed how if I needed to use the bathroom I'd simply ask. The same was true if I was hungry. In whatever this was to be I was the submissive submitting all during this time. "We'll add to this as needed," Don said, "but right now I think we need to do something else. Do you know what that is?" Don took the bag of ice cubes, some of which had melted, and placed it over my 'clitty.' "You see Jane all of these rules have gotten you excited." I had barely been here one hour and the transformation was unbelievable. "Jane, whenever you have time like this you should be writing. "Pen in hand. Pad in other. Baggie on clitty I began writing, I am a good girl and my name is Jane. I am a good girl and my name is Jane. I am a good girl and my name is Jane. I am a good girl and my name is Jane. I am a good girl and my name is Jane. I am a good girl and my name is Jane. I am a good girl and my name is Jane. I am a good girl and my name is Jane. I am a good girl and my name is Jane. I am a good girl and my name is Jane. I am a good girl and my name is Jane. I am a good girl and my name is Jane. '?At about the 27th time I had written the sentence the bag of ice fell to the floor and my clitty was soft. "Jane show me what you've written," Don asked. Don didn't yell but more simply commanded in a strong baritone voice. He took the pad from me after he put the ice pack on my clitty again. I hadn't even realized my clitty had gotten hard. After my clitty had gone soft again Don asked me who I was? It took me twice to give the appropriate reply "I am a good girl and my name is Jane." "And you will always reply as such when asked Jane," Don instructed. He showed me my notebook and where I had written, "I am a good girl and my name is Jane." Don had put an X next to many of them and a big F in the right column. "Jane you will have to redo the ones I marked an X," Don said sending me back to the kitchen to bring him another beer. "But first take this book," Don reached down to the coffee table picking up a large heavy book which was out of place there. The title was, "Poise and Modeling." "Balance the book on your head and walk around the room," Don said as he sat back and turned his attention to the game on the television, "and girl make sure you don't it." Holding the book I nervously raised it over my head and then began to balance it on the top of my head steadying it with my hands. Slowly I removed my hands and lowered them. The book balanced on my head. My back was arched pushing my bra out and my 'clitty' poking out below. Lower down the white stockings stretched down to my toes tucked inside the strappy white heels. I started to walk but had barely gone two steps when the book slid off my head falling to the carpet with a giant thud. Don barely glanced up saying, "Continue," as he finished his second beer. THUD....the book fell again. Don sent me for another beer and then had me continue my 'poise and modeling.' The butt plug wiggled in my ass. The heels tipped. The book fell again and again. THUD THUD THUD "Maybe I'll need to glue that to your head Jane," Don says as he finishes his third beer. It was the seventh inning stretch in the game. "Three times five plus plus four, how much is that Jane." I quickly answer 29 but know I made a mistake because I was nervous. Don says it's 19 and because I was wrong he added 2 more. "Come here Jane. You need 21 swats on your bottom to help you learn both poise and writing," Don reprimanded. These few steps I take I've thought about long before I had even left my hometown. A spanking. I knew it was going to happen but now it was real. My clitty is getting hard. Don sees it and a small grin crosses his face. He takes my wrist and slowly pulls me over his lap. His hands rub my ass a bit and then he grabs my hair and his other hand goes from rubbing to gone to SLAP! He hits each cheek over and over. At some point I yell. Don says, "No yelling," or else he'll start over from the beginning. I go silent. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! The pain only overshadows the sting and shame. Of course my hard on has shrunk and then Don asks me, "How many is that?" I answer, "Twelve," but it turns out it was only nine. Don says we'll have to start from the beginning and I am to always know how many it is. Unlike the porn flicks instead of counting out-loud I have to concentrate on the number silently. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! "How many is that?" Don asks. "Twenty-three," I reply. (counting the first nine over again) "Good girl," he says as he pulls my panties down and continues SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! I am on the verge of tears when he is finished. My ass is so sore I start to rub it but I'm told not to. For the next two hours Don had me spend 15 minutes walking with the book on my head. I wasn't dropping it as much but my ass was stinging more and more. Although I tried to suffer these spankings in silence I started to tear a bit the last few strokes. I wondered if Don knew and what he thought if he did. I also learned to curtsy when I was seni to do something and also to curtsy after I brought a beer to Don. But it was an odd curtsy in that I wasn't to stand back up until Don either shooed me on my way with his fingers or nodded for me to go. I fell over one time. Don laughed. Water was something I could get without permission and Don seemed to sense when I needed to pee by asking me if I needed to 'pee' at just the right time. We walked to the bathroom together. Don lifted the seat, undid his zipper and peed into the bowl with me standing there. After he was done he shook his penis and some yellow droplets fell on the porcelain rim. Then he instructed me on how to go. I was to leave the seat up, squat with my clitty between my legs and pee without touching the rim. I was doing okay but I was never great at balance and near the end I slipped back and could feel his urine wipe from the rim to my thighs. "Don't forget Jane to wipe front to back," Don said in a way that both mocked my falling and to wipe after I was done. "All girls know this and Jane," he continued, "over the weekend you will know what is expected from a girl like you." By 6 pm I was able to walk almost the whole room with the "Poise & Modeling" book resting on my head. My curtsy was properly executed and my penmanship was acceptable. Don had me take a wonderful bubble bath. It was so nice to get in the hot tub. My ass stung a bit at first but I was also washing off Don's pee from earlier in the day. Lying there with the smell of "Beach Girl" bubble bath by philosophy and Suzanne Vega's voice singing through the ceiling speaker "As Girls Go," I drifted off into the sexuality and sensuality of the day. My clitty hardened. There was no ice to make it soft and although I knew I couldn't touch it (Don's orders) I, nevertheless, radiated. I was enjoying myself. There was a Gillette Embrace razor as well as a tube of Cremo Cream. I shaved my face (though I have very little facial hair, then my legs, arms, underarms. It all happened suddenly and naturally. I was so smooth. My legs felt so Silky as I lay in the tub. The bathroom wasn't fancy. The wallpaper was a lime green and white broad vertical stripe affair. Old enough that is was peeling in a few places. Very standard toilet and sink sat on those one-inch tile floors from yesteryear. A pink towel hung on the towel bar with the initial J. Don had certainly taken some thought at planning. There was even a dimmer and a candle. The flicker from the flame cast a glowing dance on the walls. The door remained opened. Don has said I was not allowed to close the doors in the house but only open them. Don was able to create a balance between punishment and enticement. At one point, when I was standing near him, he put his hand between my legs just below.. My inner thighs seemed to warm over his hand and I was stimulated. But he didn't stop or put the ice pack on. Instead, after a few minutes, he removed his hand and it ended there. "Hey, you need to be ready in an hour Jane," Don said. I was startled as I turned and saw him standing in the doorframe. "We are having a guest for dinner tonight Jane. I've put some clothes out for you to wear tonight. And although you don't have to cook since the food is being delivered you are expected to serve." Nodding a yes I replied. "I'll be ready." Don left and I knew I had to hurry to be ready so I rinsed off. I had washed my hair and figured I'd just put it in a ponytail. Standing there I looked down at my toes and saw the "Tickled Pink" nail polish glow back at me. I had matching stick-on nails I'd put on soon. "OMG," I looked down and there was a pair of 'pink bunny slippers' by the sink. Don must have put them there when he told me to get ready. They made me appreciate my training and my trainer Don. I thought of it as a reward. Stepping out into the bedroom I saw a little black dress if you could call it that. The label inside said "Leg6Avenue". It was really a mesh mini dress with a black horizontal ribbon wrapping around the dress every three or four inches with the skirt flaring from below the waist and lined. However, the lining was pretty see-thru so that was kind of funny and ridiculous. Next to it was a black thong gaffe and a strapless bra with built-in liquid gel breasts. There was also a pair of black strappy heels (like the white ones) and another box and a small evening purse. I combed and blow dried my hair then wrapped a black band around it forming a ponytail. When I was done with my makeup and perfume I opened the box as the card had instructed. Inside was a pair of black dangling earrings, a black bracelet, a gold and black necklace. (Well not real gold and the black was a plastic looking material). Also there was a bigger black butt plug. As I walked out of the room to go downstairs I felt my skirt flowing and the air whooshing against my near naked ass. The black dildo pressed against me, inside me. Consuming. Don was waiting for me when I came downstairs. He handed me a rum and coke and told me it would settle my nerves and then he showed me where the dishes were and said I would eat after he and his friend had finished. He also pointed out the cash and a note card on the kitchen table saying, "Jane you will answer the doorbell when my friend arrives and when the food is delivered you will walk the delivery man to the kitchen and hand him the money and that card. Remember to curtsy and smile." We went back into the living room. Don had me go to the corner of the room. There was a microphone stand with a latex penis attached where the microphone should go. "When you aren't serving you are to stand in the corner of the room sucking this dick," Don said, "and when we have dinner you will bring this into the dining room and suck it there." He walked away and I put my lips around the soft latex penis. "I want to hear you suck and deep throat it Jane, and keep your hands behind your back when you are in the corner." Don said from behind me somewhere. If you are reading this and are neither a submissive nor a dominant you have no idea of the feelings occurring. To you this is just strange. But to me in the corner it was both me and not me. DING-DONG-DONG-DONG The doorbell chimed and pulled my lips away from the penis turning to answer the door. Don was there with Kleenex and my lipstick. "Always keep your lipstick fresh Jane," he instructed. My heels clacked on the wood floor as I neared the door with fresh lipstick applied. The doorbell rang again. DING-DONG-DONG-DONG. I opened the door. There was a middle-aged man standing there. He was typical fifty year old American male. Out-of-shape. He walked in. "Hey Bob, how are you?" Don said. The man had brushed by me and walked into the living room. Don and he did the man hug. "Go get us a couple of beers girl," Don said. I walked to the kitchen and heard Bob say to Don how I had a cute, "fuckable ass." "Oh, Jane is both fuckable and spankable," Don chuckled. "Well, she does need to properly curtsy when a guest comes," Bob said. I couldn't hear what was said next since I was in the kitchen getting a couple of beers. As instructed I came out with both of them on a tray and two cocktail napkins. They were sitting on the sofa and had another baseball game on. I curtsied. "So Jane," Don said, "you forgot to curtsy when Bob arrived. Bob will handle that oversight later but make yourself another rum and cock...I mean coke." Don was a wee bit tipsy it seemed. "Before you go back to sucking plastic cock Jane look what Bob brought you," Don said. He had brought an O RING that strapped around my head and held my mouth open. It slipped over my teeth. I'd only seen pictures of these. This was made of a comfortable semi-soft material so I could bite down a little bit but it was easier to let the tension hold my mouth fully open. A little drunker I was back sucking the penis on a microphone through the O-RING and over the next half hour I was sent to get them both another couple of bottles of beer. DING-DONG-DONG-DONG I applied fresh lipstick and went to the door but like before the bell had rung a second time by the time I opened it. This time I curtsied and smiled so everyone could see. The delivery boy was actually an old skinny man. He was definitely frustrated but he smiled a bit when he saw the O-RING and me in the almost see through 'slut-fuck-me' dress. He followed me to the kitchen. I could hear Don whisper something to Bob and Bob laughed but I didn't know what. The deliveryman put the two white plastic bags down on the table. They had red lettering spelling THANK YOU on them and I handed him the money and note. He looked at the money a bit shocked and then read the note. He handed me the note and I saw his hand go towards his zipper. Written on the piece of paper was, "I am so sorry I am $5 short and also have no money for a tip. Will you accept a blow job for the tip and you can spank me for the $5?"Jane. In no time I was on my knees and his flaccid cock was pushed past the O-RING into my wet mouth. At least he didn't smell badly and it wasn't long before he got a semi-erection. It seemed the O-RING made my mouth saliva more and he held me by my ears and pumped my face. A minute before he came he pulled out of my mouth and jerked his cock finally shooting his cum on my face with most landing on my nose and some dripping down into my mouth. "And now about that $5," he said. I stood up dripping his cum. It wasn't a big load but it was still messy. Then he had me bend over and hold my skirt up. "SHE LIKES THEM HARD," Bob called out from the other room. The deliveryman felt my ass cheeks saying, "I wonder how much a good spank would cost? I think each slap should be worth a quarter. So that would be 4 to the dollar and twenty to the fiver." SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! He laid them in hard and was alternating both cheeks and just below the butt. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! He held me by my ponytail and continued spanking SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! This time I was crying except you couldn't hear it through the O-ring but my tears mixed with his cum washing more from my nose and dribbling onto the floor below. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! He was finished and I was standing and curtsying. The deliveryman walked out of the kitchen back through towards the front door. "That was great Don, thanks," the deliveryman said. "Every time Jack," Don answered. I was crying in the kitchen. "Time to get dinner served Jane," Don called out from the living room. (Chapter 3 to follow)

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Reality in the Twilight Zone

[This little erotic novella is a collaborative effort between myself, and another, who has fleshed out Snama in more ways than one.] Part one . . . Reality in the Twilight Zone Perhaps it was a gentle, anemonic caress of his manhood sheathed inside Snama’s yoni that had awakened Neshe. Or it was just a sleepy stirring of the angelic form spooned against his chest and loins that encroached upon his sleep. Maybe it was a combination of these two. Or was it . . . He was not clear. His eyes...

1 year ago
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Reality and the Ring

Reality and the Ring By Cleo Kraft My Uncle's collection of old junk in his attic included a few odd trinkets and rare artifacts of mysterious origin. Of these were a series of rings in small velvet ring boxes packed one on top of the other and side by side inside a large oaken jewelry box. There were a few hastily written notes on a tattered old document inside, including how to remove one of these rings should it become stuck on your finger. Each ring was magic and could change...

4 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 11

On returning to our quarters to change clothes, Seamus and I were greeted by Cessair and Dealla, who were in an exuberant mood. "You missed the big event!" they told us joyfully. "Big event?" Seamus and I asked. "The mare delivered her foal this morning while you were gone," Cessair told us with a big smile. "We helped!" Dealla added happily, also with a smile. "You have to come to the stable and see her," Cessair told us, insistently. "Maybe we should change clothes before...

2 years ago
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The New Ruler of Reality

You could only stare at the apparently ancient man calmly observing you from across the table in the middle of this total, black nothingness. "What do you mean," you sputter, "I've been 'chosen' to be the master of reality?" He smiled again, "Well, John, I suppose your world has yet to learn of cross-realities and parallel realities... You see, you are not the sole master of all-reality, just yours. There are many, too many for you to even comprehend. Understand me thus far?" At your hesitant...

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False Reality

Tonight she was Caitlin. She had decided her identity for the day when she had woken up in the morning and reassured herself after the doors of the elevator closed shutting off the bells and whistles from the ringing cash registers and slot machines. The silence of the elevator going up gave her time to get into in the moment. There was a lot she liked about Las Vegas but the slot machines weren’t one of them. The only time she came to the casinos was to meet a client. There was just too much...

3 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 09 Transformed Reality

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Nine: Transformed Reality By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies The BEEP, BEEP of my alarm clock went off, drawing me out of sleep. I felt my bed moving. “Too early!” Sam, my youngest daughter, cried out. She snuggled up against my side. “Mmm,” I groaned, my eyes opening. “Don't go back to sleep,” my wife said. She was on the other side of me, getting up. She hit the alarm clock and...

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Shifting Reality

Identical Twins John and Jane Smith have always considered themselves the most average people in existence. Tonight, that same average life will lead them to an astonishing adventure. John and Jane were relaxing in the room they had shared since they were small. Times and furnishings had changed but the pair were still most comfortable together. "Let's see now," A voice said as a man in fine traveling clothes blinked into being in the middle of the room. "I think I've got it this time." "Well...

4 years ago
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12, SUES FANTASY MEETS REALITY.I have a number of on line ladies, this particular one I have never met but she turns me on like crazy with some of her sexy antics. Finally after some months of on line sex we had the chance to meet and this is the story of that meeting.Before we start perhaps it would be in order to describe the lady her circumstances and her passions. I shall not use her name as she needs to be anonymous, she works for a government department and it would be churlish to cause...

1 year ago
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Reality Note

Beyond our world exists a realm of the gods. Each god creates notebooks called Reality Notes to create worlds. Each Reality Note controls the reality in one world. Sometimes the Reality Note is never used and the world progresses naturally. Other times, the god in charge of the Reality Note makes changes. Some do so responsibly. Others just write in whatever amuses them. However there is one god who decided to let a mortal use his Reality Note because "humans are so interesting". He went to the...

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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 9 Transformed Reality

Steve Davies The BEEP, BEEP of my alarm clock went off, drawing me out of sleep. I felt my bed moving. “Too early!” Sam, my youngest daughter, cried out. She snuggled up against my side. “Mmm,” I groaned, my eyes opening. “Don’t go back to sleep,” my wife said. She was on the other side of me, getting up. She hit the alarm clock and then turned on the lamp. “Mom!” groaned Sam, burying her face into my side. I shifted, sitting up. Becky, my eldest daughter, sat up on the other side of...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 57

Mark resumes the Narrative: The remainder of the family had continued with our regular chores while James, Gwyn, Glanda, and John were in Boston with the Commission to convince the New England colonies and the Canadians to join the Confederation. Ships had continued to arrive to transfer units of the British Army to their new stations. The soldiers weren’t the only ones leaving, however. Many civilians were also leaving. It had started with some of the English merchants departing that...

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Email Se Bhabhi Ke Shaanti Tak

I am coming directly to the story, because many of you are seeking for direct fun. Baat january 18 ki hai, mein apna email check kar raha tha, tabhi mujhe ek mail mila, usme sirf itna likha tha ki “Someone wants to meet you”. Generally ye mails log apni khud ki email se nahi karte hai, to mene reply me apna number diya aur likh diya bharose ke saath phone kare, me zarror milunga, taaki jo bhi hai acche se contact kar sake. 2 din baad mere phone pe text msg aaya. Usme likha tha ki mene apki...

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Dear friend. I know that we haven't talked or met for a long time. But you are the only friend who knows my small flaws. In reality you are my only friend. You also know that I am overweight. - or was. I had better tell you from the start. One evening I had put on my lingerie and was getting intoxicated. I accessed the Net to see if I could find anything of interest. I did. The ad claimed that their product could make me lose weight. The price was high - but I ordered it. When...

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Learning to Spell Chapter 4 Total Eclipse of Reality

Learning to Spell Chapter 4 - A Total Eclipse of Reality By GirlyCheerBoy[at] It had been almost eleven weeks since Kaitie had been "born" into her new life. Every day was a reminder of how things had changed so drastically, literally over night. Sarah was immensely helpful in her time of need during this adjustment - when she needed it. It wasn't but a few days that all of the girls, who began to meet weekly at the very least, noticed that it was hard to remember certain...

2 years ago
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Postapocalyptic reality 3

This is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1 reality 2 was not the first time she had seriously considered using her talent to help domesticate a****ls. She often wished she had a Brahmin to help her carry the heavy burdens she had to haul home, or to a trader for sale, so she once decided to capture one. Domesticating the strange two headed bovine that...

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The first few calls were horrible. My voice trembled and cracked, even though I had a written script in front of me for each one and I had practiced them. I even had prepared answers for any possible questions. Or so, I thought. But nothing could prepare me for the awkward silences, the soft laugh, or a nervous cough. I could tell what I was asking and telling them was for many, way beyond their experiences or imaginations. But I got through them. Not all at once, but gradually and it...

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How to Talk to Girls Chapter 7 A New Reality

Chapter 7: A New Reality Leah let loose a muffled scream with her face buried in a pillow. "Magic is actually real!" "Oh. Yeah," Zach answered unexcitedly. "You got turned into a girl right in front of my eyes!" Leah exclaimed, lifting her head from the pillow. "Yeah I guess I did," Zach said with a long sigh. She looked down at herself, "And I've been turning into a girl right in front of your eyes this whole time." "Yup." "Oh my gosh. That's so embarrassing." "And...

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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 16 Broken Rules

Steve Davies I stared in awe at the door. I had edited it after it had been edited. That should be impossible under the old rules. I glanced down at my phone. At the increased abilities of my editing app. My heart pounded in my chest as this rush shot through me. I’d doubled my number edits for the day. After my new modifications, the door showed itself as unlocked from editing. It was like I had greater admin privileges or something. I could edit a lesser version of the app’s...

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A Show of RealityChapter 22

I stared at him a moment, feeling the earth beginning to slip out from under my feet —only metaphorically, although with everything that had happened already I could hardly be more surprised if the floor had started to actually spin. "Sure, why not?" I asked after a moment, speaking too loudly for the room. "We already have reality alteration, why not add a nice dose of time travel to the mix? Tell you what, we've been going about this all wrong. We need to sit tight until the League of...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 12

New characters appearing in this chapter: Thomas LeGras General Clark’s Aide, 5’-7” tall, 145 pounds, 30 years old, brown hair and eyes, a bit of a dandy The site for the town of Lexington was first selected in June of 1775, when a party of surveyors and frontiersmen led by William McConnell camped on the Middle Fork of Elkhorn Creek. When they heard of the patriot victories at Lexington and Concord, they named their campsite Lexington in honor of it. A permanent settlement...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 29

Seamus continues his Narrative: The following new characters appear in this chapter: Sarah MacKenna, Chandra Duncan's Sister, Seamus's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 100 pounds plus, 34C-20-30, 18 years old, long lustrous black hair, brown eyes, beautiful Duncan MacKenna, Oconostota Chandra's Brother, A & A's Husband, 5'-10" tall, 145 pounds, 16 years old, dark auburn hair, gray eyes, a very handsome young man I transferred Black Bear, the Ranger Lieutenant, and myself back to the...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 21

June slipped into July, and we still hadn't found time to return to the Other Reality to visit the girls still there, and to see how they and the Daughters they were carrying were doing. We had planned on returning several times, but every time that we had, something had come up to prevent us from leaving. Aside from the normal work in the fields on the growing crops, and our work in the printing plant, several emergencies had developed to prevent us from leaving. The first was one...

1 year ago
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Slow Reality Part 14

Author's note: Nothing much to say. The end is nigh. This has been fun to write and I am grateful for you slogging through 13 verbose parts to get here. There is a very self-indulgent "before you go" section after the story if you just have nothing better to read. ==================================== Saturday (continued) Haggy and Ingrid arrive at Jeannie and Lisa's apartment about the time that Lisa is finishing her race. Quickly searching for clues, Haggy finds the note...

4 years ago
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Reality Edit App

You must be wondering what Reality Edit App is. It's a magical app that allows its user to alter reality. But to limit its power and prevent misuse, the application now allows only editing of generated statements. You may ask why, but in previous versions of the app, users destroyed the world as you know it and made us, developers, many hours of fixing reality. You may not remember, that every one of you became a very submissive cock-hungry girl or that public nudity was a norm but we,...

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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 4

Characters returning from Grace and Owen: Grace O’Malley, Heroine, former prostitute, 5’-2’’ tall, 110 pounds, 34D-22-34, 21 years old, alabaster skin, long flaming red hair, bright green eyes, some freckles, very cute, has a large but untrained Talent and little knowledge of Magic Owen O’Connell, Blacksmith, Grace’s lover and soon-to-be Husband, 5’-9’’ tall, 150 pounds, 25 years old, light auburn hair, gray eyes, quite handsome, has a large but untrained Talent and little knowledge of...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 22

The Frankfurt of Michael O'Neill's Reality was a far cry from the sprawling modern city of Frankfurt that the O'Connells were aware of in their Reality. However, both Frankfurts were located mainly on the North bank of the Main River on the outer edge of a soft bend in the river. Here was located the original ford which gave the city its name in both Realities. The Frankfurt area had known settlers and farmers from as far back as the neolithic era. The Frankfurt of Michael O'Neill,...

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Welcome to Reality

I stare at my own reflection, still not convinced that that is really me. It’s not how I would usually picture myself; not how I usually saw myself. My eyes seem duller than usual. The hair on my head not quite so lush and verdant, but more hair than I’m used to everywhere else. My chest somehow thinner and not as toned. And, as my eyes roam down the reflection, I don’t quite recognise my cock, which is very strange given how often I look at it and think about it.The mirror is spotless, but all...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Ring of Reality

Simon found the ring in a storm drain, half buried under decomposing leaves, discolored cigarette butts, and disintegrating paper bags and cups and other trash. He was waiting for the train to take him home after a long afternoon of accomplishing very little and the ring's glint caught his eye as he disinterestedly surveyed the gutters. He picked it out of the foul, rotten mess without a thought and slipped it into his pants pocket. The light winter rain washed the brown filth away...

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Girlfriend With Testing Device 1 Reality Blind Boyfriend

Author's Note: This is part one of my smutty little romantic comedy series that I've written as a sort of spiritual successor to Steamrolled's amazing "Girfriend With..." comics. I've got more on my DeviantArt, but I figured it was time to branch out and start uploading the thing to some other sites as well so I can better share it with the world. Look forward to more in the weeks ahead! Please leave a comment! I love hearing from readers! If you'd like to see more of my work, please...

2 years ago
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VR Sex Becomes Reality

I continue my yard work and think of my stepdaughter naked and in the shower and how daddy would love to be in there to start fucking her there. I go inside to get the key to her car and of course, it’s not where we hang all the car keys. She’s done in the shower and must be in her room, I go to the top of the stairs and yell to her to give me her keys. She doesn’t answer after I yell a couple of times. I curse to myself as I go down to her room to get the keys and to give her hell for not...

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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 5 Midnight Surprise

Steve Davies My wife quivered beside me as the app had its three charges back. I had things to take care of. After enjoying Yumiko Itou with my wife in the nurse’s office, I had vowed to help the pregnant girl. Her parents would not be thrilled that their daughter was pregnant. They were a conservative family, like many who sent their children to Rainier Christian High. The world froze. My daughter and her three friends, sprawled across the living room naked and smeared in pussy juices and...

1 year ago
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Editing Reality Book One Naughty Fantasies CreatedChapter 3 Modifying a Mistake

Steve Davies I marched behind Principal Atterbury, fear twisting through my guts. Kyleigh struggled in the iron grip of the older man, her black hair sweeping about the shoulders of her white blouse, her too-short, gray skirt swaying about her fifteen-year-old thighs. She looked at me, confusion on her face. I’d edited reality, modified how she developed. She thought it was right and there was nothing I could do about it. I had one last edit left on my phone, so I could easily fix...

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