Slow Reality Part 14 free porn video

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Author's note: Nothing much to say. The end is nigh. This has been fun to write and I am grateful for you slogging through 13 verbose parts to get here. There is a very self-indulgent "before you go" section after the story if you just have nothing better to read. ==================================== Saturday (continued) Haggy and Ingrid arrive at Jeannie and Lisa's apartment about the time that Lisa is finishing her race. Quickly searching for clues, Haggy finds the note from Jeannie on the refrigerator. Ingrid, looking in Jeannie's bedroom closet finds the doctor's bag. The bag had originally been Ingrid's and she had given Jeannie the bag for the purpose of the spell casting. The intent had been a passing of the magical torch, so to speak. Opening the doctor's bag, Ingrid's heart falls. Inside are several spell parchments. Glancing through them, she sees her well-crafted and balanced spells and then, in the margins and between the lines, Jeannie's additions and changes. "Why did my sweet Jeannetta do this? HOW did she come up with these complex alterations?" Ingrid had no idea just how much Jeannie had learned from the coven witches and through her own research in the tomes available at the book store. Ingrid also had no idea just how dangerously obsessed her granddaughter had become. Ingrid's first instinct was to hide the doctor's bag. She was embarrassed that she had let Jeannie get so far out of control and feared that if these spells were seen by the Council that she and Jeannie both were in dire trouble. As Ingrid is contemplating what to do with the bag and parchments, Haggy walks in with Jeannie's note from the refrigerator. "Look what I fou..." Haggy sees Ingrid holding the parchments and stops mid sentence. "Are those the spells?" Ingrid slowly nods and says, "I...I was just going to bring these to you." As Haggy scans a few of the spells, she turns pale. The implications of what she is reading could be catastrophic. The last spell, in particular, is hard to take; it's diabolical. The cruelty Jeannie demonstrated in crafting the spell alterations is beyond belief. Looking at Ingrid with a deadly serious expression, Haggy asks "You knew nothing about what she was doing?" Ingrid slowly shakes her head and in a very low voice says, "No." The note that brought Haggy into the bedroom is from Jeannie to Lisa. It says that Jeannie is going to be gone till Sunday but that she has a huge surprise for Lisa when she returns. Jeannie's note tells Lisa to pack a bag for a trip to The Keys and be ready to go at noon. The note also says she'll text Lisa in the morning. It's signed "All my love, Jeannie." Haggy says, "Well at least we know when she will be back. Walking out into the den, Haggy picks up Lisa's iPhone. Let's take this with us. It may be a key to finding Jeannetta." Haggy steps outside the apartment and calls Artemis. "Jeannetta is not at the apartment. She left a note. I'll fill you in on the details. Also, we found the spells she cast. It's worse than I think even you feared. Ingrid is inconsolable, but she is cooperating." Hanging up from Artemis, Haggy calls Flora. "Meet us at the rec center. Ingrid and I are going to try to find Artemis and, hopefully, this Karl person. ================================== In the minutes preceding Karli's race finish, the conversation between Cindy and Lisa is, to Cindy's thinking, not going great. Her attempts to get information from Lisa using euphemisms like describing the coven as a "private club" are not effective. She finally decides to just lay it all out on the table. It is asking a lot for any person to believe a fantastic story of witches and spells, changes to reality, and manipulation of people's memories. Asking it of a person, a near stranger, who has just completed a grueling and physically exhausting sporting event is simply asking too much. But it is vital that Lisa grasp and believe some of this, at least, so that they can find Jeannie and also help Karl. Complicating her ability to convince Lisa is the fact that Artemis was excluded from the casting of the spells on Karli. Because of this, and because she, like everyone else but Jeannie and Ingrid, knows nothing but the current reality, Cindy does not know what has been changed in Karli the last two weeks. Therefore, she can't even tell Lisa what's different about Karli. Cindy only knows that the changes were extremely negative in intent and effect. Otherwise, the magical remnant she found would not have been there. But adding the detail of a magical leftover fragment to her story probably isn't going to help Lisa buy in to this. Cindy is also taking a great risk by revealing the coven's existence and her involvement with it. It is only because of what's at stake that she is breaking the vow of secrecy she swore when attending her first wiccan gathering many years ago. The consequences of her disclosures could be very serious, but she has to risk it and has to get the information she needs about Jeannie's whereabouts and what Lisa has seen the last two weeks in Jeannie's behavior. Lisa listens to Cindy for a while, but the story is too wild. What she is being told is crazy...literally. Lisa believes that Cindy is not in her right mind. Magic isn't real. Witches aren't real. This is nuts! After the mention of the magical fragment leftover, the vergobblestoppen, or something Lisa has heard enough. Though she doesn't know Cindy well, Karl's description of her as a competent businesswoman and good boss doesn't fit the stressed and nonsensical person in front of her. "Look, Cindy, I think you need help and I hope you get it. But, I've got to go. Jeannie is waiting for me and I just want to get home and get cleaned up." As Lisa is standing up to walk away, Cindy sees Haggy and Ingrid approaching. While they are still 10 feet away from Lisa and Cindy/Artemis, Cindy states flatly, "I've told her who we are and what is happening. I'll deal with whatever punishment is required, but we need her help." Haggy asks, incredulous, "Have you lost your mind, Artemis? Who is this, anyway? Ingrid answers with utter sadness. "This is Lisa. She is Jeannetta's roommate and Karl's former girlfriend." Looking at Lisa and believing that she believes what Artemis has told her, Ingrid continues "I am so sorry for what Jeannie has done to you and to Karl and for the part I played in this." Lisa has no idea what Granny Ingrid is talking about, but it suddenly dawns on her that if Cindy is crazy, so maybe is Granny Ingrid and possibly this other woman that she doesn't know. Either that or Cindy's story is real. "Granny Ingrid, are you saying that what Cindy has told me is true? You and are witches?" Ingrid nods and then looks down at the ground. "Yes. It's true. Though I do not know how much longer we will be witches." Cindy turns to Lisa. "You said you talked to Karli...Karl before the race, right? How did she look? Do you know if she started running the race with you or did she leave after you talked to her?" Lisa, still trying to absorb what has happened in the last few minutes doesn't answer at first but eventually says, "Um, Karl looked, I don't know, like a wannabe cool girl. He had purple hair and a bunch of tattoos and piercings. I think he started the race. I looked back after the start and saw him for a moment about three blocks behind me." Haggy, having seen the last spell asks, "Did you see any...uh, strange physical changes? Anything beyond the cosmetic things you mentioned?" Lisa shakes her head "No." Cindy, looks at the race time. It's been 2 hours and 35 minutes since the race started. "Let's wait by the finish for a few minutes and see if Karli comes across the line. If she's not here in 25 minutes, we can split up and go look for her elsewhere. Lisa, please stay with us till Karli is here." Stepping just to the side of where the finishers are coming through the timing line, Flora joins them as they wait. At the 2 hour 42 minute mark, the five women see a runner coming down the block toward the finish. What they see is incredible. Even Ingrid and Haggy, having read the last spell changes and knowing what to expect, are mortified at the creature prancing toward them. =================================== As Karli crosses the finish line, she wonders if she has died and is going through some sort of heavenly receiving line. Standing before her all in a row are Cindy, Granny Ingrid, Lisa, and two women Karli has never seen before. All are looking directly at her with varying degrees of shock, concern, sadness, shame, and anger. Karli stops several feet away from this group. She is a little frightened and does not know what to do. It is Cindy and Lisa who tentatively approach her first. Each take an arm and pull her toward a bench several yards to the side. Karli is aware as she is walking to the bench, that she is still walking on tiptoes. She just can't put her heels on the ground. She is also aware that her chest is enormous. The sports bra has not given way, but the cups are held away from her chest and the tightness of the back and shoulder straps is painful. Her prominent nipples are almost pushing through the thin material at the center of the overburdened cups and the normally supportive garment is hardly slowing the bounce and wobble as she moves. Karli is also aware of the exaggerated sway in her hips as she walks. It is almost a caricature of a seductive walk. She can't see below her chest, but she feels her fleshy thighs rub as they pass each other and the bounce in her chest is in time with her walk. She sees her tattooed arms are extremely thin while her fingers are long and delicate. As she noticed while running, her face feels tight and her mouth is difficult to close. Karli notices now that her lips also feel swollen. Sitting her down on the bench, Lisa and Cindy stand in front of Karli and the other ladies soon join, arranged in a semi-circle. Cindy looks at Ingrid with a vicious expression while the grandmother looks stricken. Lisa looks scared and something else; she has a look of pity and regret. So far, no one has spoken, so Karli tries to speak, but her words are hard to form since her mouth is so puffy and, she realizes, her tongue piercing is back in place. "Wass wong? Why you looking at me dat way?" It is one of the ladies she doesn't know that speaks first. "Karl, my name is Harriet, but most people call me Haggy. Something has happened to you and we need to fix it. Will you allow us to take you somewhere so you can get the help you need?" Karli answers, "I 'eel 'ine. Jus ty-ad." Cindy speaks now, "Karli, we need you to come with us to a place out in the country a few miles. Will you do that?" Looking at Lisa, Karli asks, "Woll ooo cun too?? Lisa looks at Cindy who nods "yes." Lisa turns to Karli and says, "Yes. I will go." The women gather around Karli and try to shield her from onlookers as they make their way to the parking lot. People around the race course area can still see some of this almost unbelievable person moving through. Everyone stares...they can't help it. Getting into Cindy's Mercedes SUV, Karli sits in the middle while Haggy and the other woman she does not know sit on either side of her. Granny Ingrid tries to get into the front passenger seat, but Cindy points her to the cramped SUV back row and half pushes her into the seat. Lisa gets into the passenger seat silently crying. Everyone in, they drive off toward the meeting place. Sitting in the middle of the second row, Karli can see her reflection in the vehicle's rear view mirror. At first, she does not recognize that she is looking at herself, but as she blinks and turns her head, the reflection matches. The comprehension that the image she is seeing is her own reflection hits her like a ton of bricks. Across her forehead, the word "SLUT" is tattooed in red. It appears backward to Karli in the mirror, but she can still read it. She has multiple piercings in both eyebrows and even the bridge of her tiny nose. Her eyebrows themselves are pencil thin and ridiculously arched. Below them, she has huge green vacant looking eyes. Her eyelashes are thick and long and curled both top and bottom and she is wearing enough garish eye makeup for three women. Karli's lips are huge and in a near permanent "O" expression. Her arched eyebrows, large eyes, and open mouth make her look eternally surprised or eternally stupid depending on your view. Karli's mind reels. "This can't be me! Oh, my god, I'm like some perverted blow up doll!" No wonder Lisa can't look at me. What will daddy think when he sees me?" Thinking of her father, Karli realizes that he was not at the finish line with the others. "He must still be at the race looking for me!" Asking everyone and, at the same time, no one in particular. "Wheresss Daddy Bear? Wheress my fawder?" Karli tries hard to enunciate, but words are difficult to form. Lisa's head whips around from the front seat toward Karli. "Your father, Karl?" And then saying it before she can catch herself, "Your father has been dead for 13 or 14 years. Don't you remember?" At this comment, Cindy pulls over to the side of the street and turns to look at Ingrid, undisguised disgust and anger on her usually attractive face. "YOU let this happen. Is this what you meant by 'well adjusted female'? I hope you and your granddaughter live just long enough to endure the same misery you have inflicted on Karli." Ingrid tries to sink into the seat, recoiling at every syllable spoken by Artemis. Pulling back into traffic, Cindy drives as fast as she can toward the coven. Haggy makes the poorly thought out comment from her seat behind Cindy "We can't help Karl if we are all dead. Slow down." Reaching the coven, there are a few more cars parked around the building. The occupants of Cindy's SUV pile out with Artemis watching Ingrid closely like a guard watching a prisoner. They make their way inside, Lisa holding one of Karli's arms while Haggy has the other. ======================================= Jeannie sits on the cold bathroom floor for several minutes trying to deal with what she had seen in the mirror. She had expected to be hideous, but the reality of the potion's second side was beyond anything she was prepared for. Looking at her naked body, it is grotesque beyond belief. Dry, wrinkled, and saggy skin, paper thin in places and covered in boils, warts, and open sores, she looks like a decaying corpse. Long yellow finger and toenails and bony arthritic joints make up this walking horror story. Breathing is difficult and sight and hearing are even more impaired than the first time she went through the effects of the potion. But, it isn't the sight and smell of the deformities that caused Jeannie to collapse, it is the sight of what Jeannie has become. The grotesque person staring back at her a few moments ago from the dingy bathroom mirror had yellowing gray long hair. But what shocked Jeannie was that the face also sported a long yellowing gray beard. Sitting as she is now, naked, she sees that along with the beard "she" has a small shriveled and wrinkled penis. Unlike the parody of an old witch that Jeannie appeared to be when she transformed earlier in the week, this creature is a terrifying parody of an old old man. Still, this is a temporary change. Jeannie fully expects to be restored in less than 24 hours to something like the beauty she had seen when she walked into the motel room. She had not considered the impact of having a penis on the form she would take once the beauty wore off and she became abscheulich, but she is confident that her form will eventually be restored to her full beauty. With her poor vision, Jeannie's eyes cannot focus on her watch to tell the time. She manages to get to her shaky feet and make it to the bed. The bright red LED clock face on the bedside table says it is 11:23am. "I still have 21 hours to go." Falling onto the bed, she croaks, "I can make it." ====================================== Inside the coven, the witches look at Karli with horror. Indeed, the person being helped to walk on tiptoes into the building is, as Karli had thought to herself, a blow-up sex doll made human. One of the witches asks, "Can we at least get those uncomfortable clothes off her? We must have a robe or something loose that she can wear." Cindy turns again to Ingrid, her former friend and peer in the coven order, and says in a contemptuous tone, "Go get her something to wear!" While Ingrid looks for an appropriate garment, Lisa, her eyes still streaming with tears, tries to help Karli remove her failing sports bra. Finally, another witch comes over with a knife and cuts the straps to allow it to be removed. Seeing Karli's breasts now unrestrained, everything about them is over-sized. Thumb sized nipples sit atop coaster sized areolas and each breast is easily half again the size of Karli's petite head. Below the shelf of her breasts, Karli's waist is nipped in thin as if she has been corset trained since adolescence. Though having the sports bra removed provides relief, her shorts are also constricting and uncomfortable. First removing her shoes, with Lisa on one side and Cindy the other, they peel the spandex shorts down her thicc legs and off. With the shorts removed, they can see the gaff Karli wears is digging into her wide hips noticeably. Cindy and Haggy look at each other and considering the scene in front of them, say without words "did you ever think we'd be looking at a situation like this?" Cindy, having been friends of the Simmons family for years know what is hidden under the last garment Karli is wearing. The rest, other than Ingrid and Lisa, do not know Karli's unique physical trait. Carefully, Cindy and Lisa start to lower the tight gaff, expecting to see Karli's manhood underneath. Both are shocked to see a fully formed vagina in its place. Karli does not recognize this last and most significant change, yet, and because her breasts are so large, she can't see what has been revealed. Ingrid returns with a simple linen robe and they slip it on Karli's naked form. Lisa, looking at Karli completely naked, cannot believe this is the same person she was in love with just two short weeks before. Even more unbelievable to Lisa is that this is the result of witchcraft and the most unbelievable thing of all is that Jeannie, her best friend for almost 14 years, is responsible for the person standing before her. Lisa got up not 4 hours earlier to run a road race. Standing here now in a strange building surrounded by "witches," Lisa feels like she has stepped into a bizarre nightmare. Cindy tells Karli, "I know this is confusing and scary, Karli, but you need to relax and let us figure out how to help." Karli is compliant to the point of being totally submissive and follows Cindy's words with rapt attention. Nodding, Karli says, "OK, Nizus Fwankel. Whateber you ssay." Dressed in the loose fitting linen robe, she is escorted to a lounge area and invited to rest on a soft couch. Karli is given a warm cup of tea, similar to the tea Granny gave Lisa the night all of this started. Unused to her new swollen lips, she dribbles tea down her chin, but does manage to drink most of the cup Soon, Karli is relaxed and then, finishing the tea, is fast asleep. Lisa is taken to a small office and asked to wait there. She is also offered the tea, but declines. "But I really could use some water." The door to the office is closed and a witch is asked by Haggy to keep an eye out for her. Haggy tells the witch "She's going through a lot today, so please be kind to her, but don't let her wander around." The witch takes a seat outside the office. Soon, Lisa peaks her head out and seeing the woman sitting there asks, "Can I see Karl? I need to make sure he is OK." After a brief discussion with Haggy, the witch takes Lisa to the lounge where Karli is sleeping. Seeing Karli curled up on the couch Lisa looks at the witch who informs her "She's been given something to help her sleep." Lisa takes a seat in the chair beside Karli and watches her relaxed breathing, her large puffy lips moving as she dreams about...who knows what. ========================================= All of the Council members, plus Artemis and Ingrid, gather around the large meeting table. Haggy stands up to speak. "I want to thank you for coming so quickly today. You would not have been called if this was not an emergency situation." Placing the spell parchments on the table in front of her, Haggy continues "These are spells that have been cast over the last two weeks and are why today's meeting is so critical. We have evidence that the world is out of balance. Judging by the evil in these spells, the imbalance is significant and we must take action to correct it immediately." Turning to Ingrid and Cindy, "I've asked Artemis and Ingrid to join us today because they have knowledge to share in addition to what's contained in these spells. Unfortunately, the witch responsible for the spells has attempted to flee the area. We have good information that she will return tomorrow, but we cannot wait to start addressing the imbalance." An older witch at one end of the table raises a bony hand to ask a question, but Haggy waves her down. "I will take questions in just a minute. For those of you that were here when Cindy, Flora, Ingrid, and I arrived, you saw," Haggy pointing at the parchments, "the subject of this negative magic. The woman we escorted in is actually not a natural born female. She has been changed over the last two weeks to what you saw with the most heinous changes occurring this morning. In a sense, the totality of the imbalance is in that poor creature. If we can reverse the changes that have been made to her...him...then I believe we can restore balance to the world." Taking a sip of water, Haggy continues "Because almost all of these evil changes involve the fabric of reality, we cannot reverse them all today without risk of further imbalance. It has taken two weeks for the changes you witnessed to occur and it will probably take most of that time again to reverse them. With the Council's blessings, we will begin as soon as this meeting is adjourned. The first step will be a complete evaluation of these spell parchments so we can unravel this web of evil and take the right measures to restore balance to the world and to the poor young person who has been so altered by this magic." Motioning to Cindy and Ingrid, "We will take your questions." The old witch at the end, Hilda, again raises her hand and Haggy acknowledges her, "Who created and cast these spells and what is being done to keep them from further misdeeds?" Haggy turns to Ingrid again and nods. Slowly and softly, Ingrid begins to speak. "Hilda, the spells were created by me." There are several gasps of surprise at this admission from one of the coven's most respected witches. "I...I made a terrible mistake and blindly trusted someone I love; my granddaughter Jeannetta. She took the spells I created and that were sanctified by the coven and then altered them in the despicable ways that Haggy has implied. Just as you were shocked at my admission of responsibility, I am equally shocked at the actions of my granddaughter. As I sit here, I take full responsibility for my actions and hers and will await any discipline the Council deems appropriate. In the meantime, I will do all in my power to help remedy the evil changes I set in motion." Hilda asks a second question. "Where is your granddaughter now? Why has she not been brought before us? Why are we waiting? The answer to this question was already given by Haggy, but in the interest of the situation, Ingrid answers it again. "She left an event this morning heading north. We don't know exactly where she went, but believe she is not far away. Jeannetta left a note saying she would be back in Fortis Beach at noon tomorrow. We are going to keep looking for her, but are sure she will be here in the next 24 hours. As the subject of her...her...cruelty is here with us, we don't believe any more harm will come to anyone or the balance of the world." After a few more questions from the rest of he group, a vote is taken to approve Haggy's plan and the Council adjourns. Haggy, Flora, Ingrid, and Artemis will be tasked with the spell reversals. Another meeting for the larger group is set for next Saturday to give an update. Even with the spell parchments in their possession, the complicated nature of Jeannie's spells makes determining the course of action to take difficult. However, the spell cast last night that has been so cruelly realized today is the first order of business. The group creates a counter spell and then with a spell of sanctification completed over it (ensuring it is a balancing spell), the group of four proceeds to the lounge where Lisa and Karli are resting. Lisa is asked to return to the office while the spell is cast. The difficult parts of this spell to reverse are the changes made while Jeannie and Karli were magically linked. Thankfully, the most obvious physical changes were not part of the spell link. Cindy takes the lead as the main caster and, after setting up the ritual material beside the couch where Karli sleeps, she begins the spell, reading from the newly created parchment. The spell will take some time to complete, but the physical changes begin to reverse almost immediately. Lisa is brought back into the room with Karli. The witches have continued to confide in Lisa because they need her help. And, there is a plan to keep Lisa and Karli from remembering what has happened at the coven. As Lisa sits down, she notices immediately that the "SLUT" tattoo is gone and it appears that Karli's face is slowly returning to the face Lisa saw at the race start. The changes continue to reverse over the next two hours and, though it is difficult to see all the changes under the linen robe, the extreme body that Karli was cursed with seems to be returning to "normal." Around 5pm, Karli awakens. Her lips are still pouty, but it is the pouty mouth that Lisa knows and thinks is so cute. Lisa sits down beside her and says "Hey, you. How do you feel?" Karli says, "I think I feel like I'm dreaming. Are you really here? And, for that matter, where is 'here?'" Lisa says, "Yes I am here and I have so much I want to say. But I cannot...not yet. I just want you to know that I love you and that everything will be OK." ================================== During Karli's spell reversal that afternoon, Cindy and Haggy came to talk to Lisa. Haggy saying "Look, dear, we know you have been through a lot and the shock of the last several hours must be incredibly difficult to reconcile. The good news is that you won't have to deal with this stress much longer." Lisa, looking confused, not for the first time today, says, "I don't understand." Cindy picks up the discussion. "After Karli wakes up and you have time with her...him, we are going to take both of you your own apartments. Don't worry, we will not let Jeannie near you. When you get up tomorrow, you will not remember much of today. You will remember everything through when you crossed the finish line, but you will have a blank space from then till the morning. You will attribute that loss of memory to the extreme physical fatigue of the race." Haggy, looking warmly at Lisa, "You have trusted us this far and we need your continued trust. Tomorrow won't be an easy day for you as Jeannie will be brought here and will no longer be your roommate. I know she has been your best friend and dealing with her 'loss' will be hard, but you will get through it...we will be behind the scenes making it easier." Lisa, processing this feverishly says, "So, I won't know you, Haggy, or anything about this place or what has happened to Karl today and I won't have knowledge of what Jeannie has done. Is that right?" Haggy answers, "Yes, child, that is correct. I hope you understand why this is both necessary for us in the coven and is in your and Karl's best interest, too." Lisa says, "Yeah, I think I do. And, to be honest, I never want to relive that moment when Karl found out his father was long dead. As bad as the physical changes to Karl, that look when I told him about his dad was the worst." Cindy touches Lisa's arm tenderly. "That was a horrible moment, but luckily, by tomorrow, his father will be back amongst us." Lisa brightens. "Really?! His dad is alive? Karl's mom didn't murder him in a drunken rage when he was 8 years old?" Cindy shakes her head. "No. That version of reality was created by Jeannie. I am sorry to tell you that she is the author of the bad that has happened to Karli...all of it. That includes you, too, Lisa. She has manipulated your memory and thought processes not just today, but over the last two weeks." ============================ Lisa holds Karli, sitting there on the couch. Nothing is said for a long time. They both just relish being in each other's company. It's nice. Karli does ask at one point, "Why am I wearing this weird robe?" At about 6pm, Cindy comes in and nods to Lisa. Flora brings in two cups of tea and hands one each to Lisa and Karli. Before they drink, Lisa says to Karli, "I'll see you on the other side, my love." Karli looks at Lisa and then at Cindy. Cindy takes Karl's left hand and Lisa's right hand in hers and says, tears falling down her face for the first time "Yes. You will be together on the other side of this. That's a promise." They drink their tea and then Lisa and Karli fall into a peaceful and dreamless sleep. =================================== Ingrid sits on her porch at 9:00am Sunday morning trying, as she has been for almost 24 hours, to understand out how it all went wrong. Trying to figure out how Jeannie fell so far and how she did not see any of it happening. Asking herself for the hundredth time how she could have been so naive and blind to it all. Flora, Cindy, and Haggy are coming to Ingrid's house at 11:00 and they are going together to wait outside Jeannie's apartment for her to arrive. They plan to intercept Jeannie before she goes inside and bring her to the coven. Sitting on the porch, Ingrid's life as she knows it is over. She does not know what punishment awaits her, but she knows that she and Jeannie will never enjoy a life together like they have had since Jeannie was a small child. It's so sad. As she is sitting there, an old Hyundai pulls up in her driveway. It's Jeannie's car. Getting out, though, the person is not Jeannie. It is someone Ingrid has not seen for many years...and she is terrified. Standing up, she says, "You! What are you doing here?! Go away. Get out of here now!" The figure slowly approaches the porch wearing an odd outfit. Ingrid, panicking, runs inside and toward the back of the house. The figure yells, "It's me. I need your help. I won't hurt you." Ingrid makes it to her bedroom and picks up the phone to call 911, but the figure is coming toward her, the twisted and evil face looking at her with a penetrating glare. It says, "I promise I won't hurt you." Ingrid drops the phone and opens the drawer of her bedside table, removing a small 9mm pistol. As the figure enters the bedroom doorway, Ingrid tells it to stop. It continues through the door still saying that it won't hurt her, large meaty hands reaching out. In a flash, Ingrid raises the pistol and fires a single shot. Striking the figure in the upper chest, it turns sideways with the impact and falls over the end of the bed onto the floor. Ingrid stands over the bearded man lying there. It is her daughter's killer and Jeannie's father, Carlos DeSantis. How he got out of jail, she does not know, but Ingrid's pent up hatred for the man that took her only child will have satisfaction today. Ingrid points the gun at the prone figure and begins to pull the trigger. At that moment, the man utters three breathless words, "I'm sorry Granny." ================================== Earlier, at the Sand Spur Motor Lodge, Jeannie woke feeling better. An empty champagne bottle lies on the floor beside the bed. It was the champagne she bought to celebrate with Lisa, but seeing her transformation after the race, she drank it to become numb. The so called beauty potion completed while she slept...passed out. She is hungover, but feels healthy and strong. Raising a hand, though, she knows that all is not right. The hand is large, meaty and strong. It is a man's hand. Getting up, still naked, she...or rather he...looks down at the body now occupied by Jeannie's mind. It's a fairly healthy middle age male body, but it is all male. The large cock she acquired yesterday is there and this time it looks right at home. Jeannie does not dare look in the mirror again. She needs to get to Granny Ingrid so that she can help. Looking at the time, it's almost 8:30am. The only clothes she has that might fit are the running shorts from yesterday. They are very tight on her now much larger frame, but she does pull them on. No shoes or other clothes will fit her. Taking her keys and phone, Jeannie just walks out of the motel room and drives straight back to Fortis Beach and to Granny Ingrid's house. "Granny can help. I still have a chance. I just need to be me again before I see Lisa at noon." Turning into the driveway, Jeannie sees Granny Ingrid on the porch. She looks reflective and sad. Getting out in her ridiculous shorts, Jeannie hears Granny yelling, "You! What are you doing here?! Go away. Get out of here now!" Jeannie puts her hands up. "It's me. I need your help. I won't hurt you." Her grandmother runs inside. Jeannie thinks maybe Granny is getting something to help her change back into herself and follows her in. As she walks through the house she hears Granny in the bedroom. Walking that way, she sees her grandmother through the door holding a phone. Hands held out in front, Jeannie tries to reassure her that she means no harm. But, in an instant, Granny drops the phone and opens the bedside drawer. Jeannie knows what is in that drawer as she had insisted Granny buy a gun for protection. Granny Ingrid pulls out the pistol and before Jeannie can stop her, pulls the trigger. Pain like she has never felt penetrates Jeannie, concentrated in her chest. The force of the shot throws her off balance and she tumbles over the corner of the bed onto her back on the carpet. She can feel the life essence flowing from her chest as she looks up into her beloved grandmother's eyes. Only the look she sees in Granny's face is not love or support, it is pure hate. Seconds later, the gun is pointed at her again and Jeannie, thinking this might be her last chance to say something says, with flagging strength, "I'm sorry, Granny." As these words leave her mouth, the world goes dark. ==================================== Full Moon. Two weeks later. The coven convenes its regular lunar cycle meeting . Normally, about 2/3 of the coven members attend a regular meeting, but tonight almost no one is absent. Once the opening rituals and blessings are performed, the Council representative, Haggy, stands up to discuss the topic everyone came to hear about. In the corner sits a chastened and somewhat unhealthy looking Sister Ingrid. Tonight she will find out her fate. The coven is made up entirely of women, but tonight there is a single male present at the opposite end of the room from Ingrid. He is the other subject of the discussion tonight. Haggy begins with a brief recount of what took place during the first two weeks after the last full moon. Most know the story by now, but she repeats it for the record. The good news is that balance has been restored and there is no danger any longer to the world they inhabit. Also, about four days ago, the victim of the evil magic has been restored to a balanced state as well. The quick action of Artemis and all who participated during that Saturday and the days that followed ensured the continued existence and safety of the coven. Turning to Ingrid, the members of the Council all stand to pronounce judgment on her for her role in the calamity. Haggy reads "Ingrid Greta Dobson, you have violated four separate oaths related to this coven. Further, your violations and carelessness could have led to the end of our existence as a sisterhood. It is for these violations and their potential consequences that you must be disciplined. However, it is the opinion of this Council that your actions, though foolish and ill advised were not malicious. Further, you were of great help as we restored order. Taken together, your violations and your positive actions are weighed along with your long service. The Council has decided to impose upon you a 5 year ban from performing any magic or providing aid to any other witch in this coven. You will be required to attend all meetings for the next five years. Any missed lunar meetings will extend this 5 year ban by one cycle. This is the judgment of the Council. Will all Council members signify your agreement by saying aye?" The entire Council answers in the affirmative. Continuing, Haggy reads. "Ingrid Greta Dobson, you have also been found guilty of violating the trust of another sister, Artemis Frankel. In a private meeting on the last lunar cycle day, you mischaracterized sister Artemis's suggestion regarding Karl Terry Simmons and then secretly blocked her memory of the meeting. You and your granddaughter, Jeanetta Dobson, formerly of this coven, conspired to punish Karl Terry Simmons by transforming him into a female. Sister Artemis never agreed to such a transformation. You have testified that she did not reject the idea out of hand, but asked for time to question Mr. Simmons before any transformation was started. By blocking her memory of that discussion, you prevented the questioning of Mr. Simmons and then took it upon yourself to begin the spell casting process. This violation, coupled with the four oath violations is grounds to remove you from this coven. However, Sister Artemis has asked the Council to be lenient with you in light of what has transpired recently." Putting down the parchments she was reading from, Haggy picks up another parchment and begins again, turning along with the other members of the Council, to the other end of the room. "Will the male visitor please rise and face the Council?" The shadowy figure, with his arm in a sling stands up. "Are you the person formerly known as Jeannetta Dobson?" The man nods, but does not say anything. "Do you admit to having violated the sacred trust of this coven by your actions since the beginning of this lunar cycle? The man again nods. "Because you are now male, you no longer have any magical powers, so there is no discipline required from this body to control magic. However, we are still concerned that you are a danger to society. It is the responsibility of this coven to prevent you from doing harm, as you well know. The Council has debated the appropriate action and determined that it is unsafe for you to be free. Therefore you will be spellbound. You will be escorted to a hotel. A spell will be cast on you so that you cannot leave that hotel unless someone asks you to leave. In the next 48 hours, a Fortis County sheriff will arrive at your room and will arrest and charge you with 2 counts of attempted murder. You will be convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison. This coven will visit you once every 5 years to determine if you are safe for society. If you are found to no longer be a danger, then the spell will be altered and you can be released. Do you understand and agree to this plan?" Again, Jeannie nods. "Does the full Council agree to this process?" The Council again votes aye in it's entirety. Putting down the parchment, Haggy moves on. "Now, to the subject of our annual summer solstice festival..." ========================================= Two months later, Fortis Beach A young couple lies on towels side by side. The gentle gulf tide laps at the sandy beach and the freshening breeze keeps the sun's heat from being uncomfortable. They are holding hands as they lay there. One of the two takes the held hand and brings it to her mouth, kissing it tenderly. "I didn't think that happiness like this was possible. My life could not be more perfect." The other turns on her side and says, "Well I know how it could be more perfect." Sitting up, she reaches into her beach bag and withdraws a small white plastic stick. Showing the stick, she announces "We're pregnant!" Karli sits up suddenly, her breasts almost popping out of her tiny bikini top. "Really!?" Lisa nods, smiling a wide happy grin. "Yep. You did it. You knocked me up." Karli reaches over taking her bride in her arms, joy overflowing, heart pounding. Lisa laughs. "See, I told you losing that race bet would pay off for you." Since Karli missed her race goal time while Lisa made hers, Karli has been forced to do whatever Lisa wants. And what Lisa wants is to make love every day and in many imaginative ways. Karli then, a mischievous grin on his face says, "Uh oh, you know what this means don't you?" Lisa laughing says, "I sure do. You should not have taken Tank's bet that we'd be pregnant before he and Vicky got married. They are still 3 months from getting married. You didn't even make it a month...well we didn't. Now you will have to pay off on that bet." Karli shrugs saying, "At least there is no money involved. I just have to wash his truck every week for a month." Lisa says, "Well, yeah, but you have to do it in a bikini! I'm looking forward to that. We can sell tickets." "I'll do it nude, this news is so good." Karli puts her hand on Lisa's still very taut and trim belly. "Do you know a due date?" "Doctor says February 25th. That date OK with you?" Lisa says winking. Karli winks back "Yeah. That's fine; a new baby on my birthday would be great. Looks like my sister Emily won't be the only mother in the family after all." Suddenly Karli's gaff is uncomfortably tight. "Let's go back to the apartment. I want to celebrate." Karli, standing up and adjusting his bikini bottom and gaff, reaches for Lisa's hand and attempts to pull her up. Lisa pulls Karli down instead and flips her over on her back, Lisa assuming a dominant position on top of her petite wife. Pinning Karli and looking down at her luscious body, Lisa asks, "What did you have in mind? Remember, the race bet was for three months, which means I own you for another month. I think I get to decide the method of celebration and being pregnant makes me really horny." ================================= That same night, the coven met for their scheduled lunar gathering. As they were leaving afterward, Haggy asks Artemis, "Well, how are the newlyweds doing?" Artemis smiling says, "I've never seen anyone as happy as Karli and whenever I see Lisa, she just seems so content. When you are around either of them, you just can't help but smile. I admit I had my doubts when you said the point of perfect balance was with Karli remaining female but with Karl' But, seeing them together, it is true. I guess Jeannie had one thing right; a girl like Karli is exactly what Lisa wanted." The END for us, but just the beginning for Karli and Lisa. Don't you know it will be a happy life? =============================================== =============================================== Before you go... You made it! Thanks for enduring my first foray into writing a story. I hope that you found it enjoyable. Some story notes: The happy ending for Karli and Lisa was always going to be as it is here. Jeannie's ending went through several iterations, including her dying of the gunshot or her going insane when she saw that she had the face and body of her abusive and murdering father. Vicky and Tank were also always going to be together and there are some sections written but not included that go into that (it just didn't fit into the timeline well). Granny was tough to deal with and I'm the least satisfied how she behaved in the middle of the story and with her final fate. Cindy/Artemis is the character that I screwed up the most with early plot decisions. I think she came out OK, but I could have dealt with her better. The Slow Reality aspect was going to be emphasized more, but I found that the story became awkward if I stuck to that plot device. So, though the 3 stages of changes were still there, I didn't play it up after the first few. I don't know that I'll ever write another story, but I would love to have your feedback about the overall story, plot, writing style, etc. if you will offer it. I feel like my writing got better as I went, but know that it needs work. I am tempted to go back and clean up the first several parts; would love to know if you think it worthwhile. Would the story have benefited from a photo based SWI? Seriously, any feedback would be appreciated. When I started writing this, I had no idea whether I would post any of it. Then I decided to post the first part. But, after getting feedback I was hooked. If no one had commented on the early parts, it would have died right there. For me, reading the reviews was inspirational and I didn't want to let anyone down (though I know I did). When people commented that they were not going to read more because of negative plot turns, it really hurt! I have mentioned my appreciation for your feedback in every upload, but it simply can't be over emphasized. When you read other stories you like, please comment on them. From first hand experience, the feedback is remarkably helpful and motivating and I know the authors would love to hear from you. One thing I'd do differently if I do ever write another story is I'd write the whole story or at least a very detailed outline before posting any of it. Writing each part as I finished the previous part meant that I backed myself into corners too many times (many of you rightly called me on details that didn't fit). If I do write again, I'm also going to find someone to proofread for me. Biggest single mistake was the southern drawl; I liked and still like the idea of Karli having that affect, but writing the dialogue was difficult and time consuming. For anyone wondering, yes, I am a runner and am in fact getting ready to run my 10th half marathon this spring. Many of the ideas for the story came to me while training. Speaking of ideas, you almost got a "soundtrack" in this story. While running, I listen to music and some of the songs on my playlist fit the characters. I toyed with putting song lyrics as intros to some of the sections, but thought it too...extra. I'm a big fan of funk covers of pop songs, especially those by Scary Pockets. You can find them on Spotify or YouTube. Just a few to check out from the "soundtrack:" Jeannie's song "Anti-Hero" by Scary Pockets featuring Betty Who (Taylor Swift cover) Karli's song at various parts of the transformation "Into My Body" by Upsahl The song that conveys Lisa's emotions meeting Karli at the race start "Good 4 U" by Scary Pockets featuring India Carney (Olivia Rodrigo cover) Karli walking into The Beachcomber Bar "All Eyes on Me/Under Pressure" mashup by Scary Pockets featuring Therese Curatolo (Bo Burnham cover) Well, that's it. I've got a lot of other stuff, but you don't care about things like Jeannie's last name of Dobson being the maiden name of Samantha on Bewitched. Happy reading. Beau

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How to Talk to Girls Chapter 7 A New Reality

Chapter 7: A New Reality Leah let loose a muffled scream with her face buried in a pillow. "Magic is actually real!" "Oh. Yeah," Zach answered unexcitedly. "You got turned into a girl right in front of my eyes!" Leah exclaimed, lifting her head from the pillow. "Yeah I guess I did," Zach said with a long sigh. She looked down at herself, "And I've been turning into a girl right in front of your eyes this whole time." "Yup." "Oh my gosh. That's so embarrassing." "And...

3 years ago
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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 16 Broken Rules

Steve Davies I stared in awe at the door. I had edited it after it had been edited. That should be impossible under the old rules. I glanced down at my phone. At the increased abilities of my editing app. My heart pounded in my chest as this rush shot through me. I’d doubled my number edits for the day. After my new modifications, the door showed itself as unlocked from editing. It was like I had greater admin privileges or something. I could edit a lesser version of the app’s...

3 years ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 22

I stared at him a moment, feeling the earth beginning to slip out from under my feet —only metaphorically, although with everything that had happened already I could hardly be more surprised if the floor had started to actually spin. "Sure, why not?" I asked after a moment, speaking too loudly for the room. "We already have reality alteration, why not add a nice dose of time travel to the mix? Tell you what, we've been going about this all wrong. We need to sit tight until the League of...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 12

New characters appearing in this chapter: Thomas LeGras General Clark’s Aide, 5’-7” tall, 145 pounds, 30 years old, brown hair and eyes, a bit of a dandy The site for the town of Lexington was first selected in June of 1775, when a party of surveyors and frontiersmen led by William McConnell camped on the Middle Fork of Elkhorn Creek. When they heard of the patriot victories at Lexington and Concord, they named their campsite Lexington in honor of it. A permanent settlement...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 29

Seamus continues his Narrative: The following new characters appear in this chapter: Sarah MacKenna, Chandra Duncan's Sister, Seamus's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 100 pounds plus, 34C-20-30, 18 years old, long lustrous black hair, brown eyes, beautiful Duncan MacKenna, Oconostota Chandra's Brother, A & A's Husband, 5'-10" tall, 145 pounds, 16 years old, dark auburn hair, gray eyes, a very handsome young man I transferred Black Bear, the Ranger Lieutenant, and myself back to the...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 21

June slipped into July, and we still hadn't found time to return to the Other Reality to visit the girls still there, and to see how they and the Daughters they were carrying were doing. We had planned on returning several times, but every time that we had, something had come up to prevent us from leaving. Aside from the normal work in the fields on the growing crops, and our work in the printing plant, several emergencies had developed to prevent us from leaving. The first was one...

4 years ago
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Reality Edit App

You must be wondering what Reality Edit App is. It's a magical app that allows its user to alter reality. But to limit its power and prevent misuse, the application now allows only editing of generated statements. You may ask why, but in previous versions of the app, users destroyed the world as you know it and made us, developers, many hours of fixing reality. You may not remember, that every one of you became a very submissive cock-hungry girl or that public nudity was a norm but we,...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 4

Characters returning from Grace and Owen: Grace O’Malley, Heroine, former prostitute, 5’-2’’ tall, 110 pounds, 34D-22-34, 21 years old, alabaster skin, long flaming red hair, bright green eyes, some freckles, very cute, has a large but untrained Talent and little knowledge of Magic Owen O’Connell, Blacksmith, Grace’s lover and soon-to-be Husband, 5’-9’’ tall, 150 pounds, 25 years old, light auburn hair, gray eyes, quite handsome, has a large but untrained Talent and little knowledge of...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 22

The Frankfurt of Michael O'Neill's Reality was a far cry from the sprawling modern city of Frankfurt that the O'Connells were aware of in their Reality. However, both Frankfurts were located mainly on the North bank of the Main River on the outer edge of a soft bend in the river. Here was located the original ford which gave the city its name in both Realities. The Frankfurt area had known settlers and farmers from as far back as the neolithic era. The Frankfurt of Michael O'Neill,...

2 years ago
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Welcome to Reality

I stare at my own reflection, still not convinced that that is really me. It’s not how I would usually picture myself; not how I usually saw myself. My eyes seem duller than usual. The hair on my head not quite so lush and verdant, but more hair than I’m used to everywhere else. My chest somehow thinner and not as toned. And, as my eyes roam down the reflection, I don’t quite recognise my cock, which is very strange given how often I look at it and think about it.The mirror is spotless, but all...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Ring of Reality

Simon found the ring in a storm drain, half buried under decomposing leaves, discolored cigarette butts, and disintegrating paper bags and cups and other trash. He was waiting for the train to take him home after a long afternoon of accomplishing very little and the ring's glint caught his eye as he disinterestedly surveyed the gutters. He picked it out of the foul, rotten mess without a thought and slipped it into his pants pocket. The light winter rain washed the brown filth away...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend With Testing Device 1 Reality Blind Boyfriend

Author's Note: This is part one of my smutty little romantic comedy series that I've written as a sort of spiritual successor to Steamrolled's amazing "Girfriend With..." comics. I've got more on my DeviantArt, but I figured it was time to branch out and start uploading the thing to some other sites as well so I can better share it with the world. Look forward to more in the weeks ahead! Please leave a comment! I love hearing from readers! If you'd like to see more of my work, please...

2 years ago
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VR Sex Becomes Reality

I continue my yard work and think of my stepdaughter naked and in the shower and how daddy would love to be in there to start fucking her there. I go inside to get the key to her car and of course, it’s not where we hang all the car keys. She’s done in the shower and must be in her room, I go to the top of the stairs and yell to her to give me her keys. She doesn’t answer after I yell a couple of times. I curse to myself as I go down to her room to get the keys and to give her hell for not...

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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 5 Midnight Surprise

Steve Davies My wife quivered beside me as the app had its three charges back. I had things to take care of. After enjoying Yumiko Itou with my wife in the nurse’s office, I had vowed to help the pregnant girl. Her parents would not be thrilled that their daughter was pregnant. They were a conservative family, like many who sent their children to Rainier Christian High. The world froze. My daughter and her three friends, sprawled across the living room naked and smeared in pussy juices and...

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Editing Reality Book One Naughty Fantasies CreatedChapter 3 Modifying a Mistake

Steve Davies I marched behind Principal Atterbury, fear twisting through my guts. Kyleigh struggled in the iron grip of the older man, her black hair sweeping about the shoulders of her white blouse, her too-short, gray skirt swaying about her fifteen-year-old thighs. She looked at me, confusion on her face. I’d edited reality, modified how she developed. She thought it was right and there was nothing I could do about it. I had one last edit left on my phone, so I could easily fix...

4 years ago
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Editing Reality Book One Naughty Fantasies CreatedChapter 13 Nudism Unlocked

Becky Davis I slouched into the house after a long day at my high school. Tonya had ignored me all day. I thought she enjoyed what I did to her yesterday. Did this ever happen to Mom when she seduced a woman she was friends with? Did she have women who freaked out and then wanted to pretend that nothing had happened? That she hadn’t made them cum with her licking mouth? I had enjoyed the seducing her. It was exciting. Tonya was my best friend, and she was so pretty. A petite girl with...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 10

Our Sisters and female Cousins insisted on changing clothes before dinner, and the rest of us waited for them. None of us had a chance to bathe yet, but we had all washed up in our rooms. The Officers' Mess was located on the far side of General Clark's Headquarters in a separate building. During our walk there, I again paid attention to the construction of the various buildings that we passed. I had been doing that since we had arrived here, and had drawn several conclusions. The first...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 4

We didn't get to see Grandfather Michael until well after noontime. We joined him in his private parlor when summoned. "Good afternoon, Grandfather," we both said in greeting after being told to enter. "Well, what do you think of us after spending your first night here, and scaring the staff half to death?" he asked with a grin. "The scaring part wasn't intentional," I told him. "Maybe not on your part," Pat told him in a disgruntled voice. "And just what is the problem?"...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 33

New characters introduced in this chapter: Seamus Patrick O'Connell Pat and Sheena's Son, born 6 November 2052, red hair, gray eyes Mark Michael O'Connell Mike and Shannon's Son, born 6 November 2052, red hair, green eyes Kellen Conroy O'Connell Pat and Cathleen's Son, born 6 November 2052 red hair, blue eyes, dual Talents Kennard Curran O'Connell Mike and Clare's Son, born 6 November 2052, red hair, green eyes, dual Talents The Eternal Flame suddenly appeared in my living...

1 year ago
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Reality Sucks

100% fiction!I don’t much care for reality shows. So how ironic is it that my idea is now the hottest reality show on television, thanks to three sexy TV news anchors, two cute local teens I met while shopping for food, and a lovely bank-teller from across the street. Reality shows, I find, are mostly as far from reality as you can get... or they’re trite... or they’re boring... or any combination of these three. I mean, how ‘real’ is it for gorgeous young adults from southern California and...

Group Sex
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Virtual Reality

“Walls have ears.” You may have heard someone say that; allow me to let you in on the secret – they have eyes and ears and can sometimes see into the minds of the people and creatures who live within those walls. Not every mind, not every wall: just special ones that are open enough, working on the right wavelengths, and so manage to connect. I can’t generalise, I’m a building, I can’t go around doing surveys and interviewing other buildings to aggregate their experience. I can read, I can...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 8

The road to Pouilly-en-Auxois was in decent condition, and we made good time on it. We arrived in the vicinity of the town by mid afternoon, but didn't enter the town. Instead, we bypassed it and looked for a place in a large forested area with many oak, birch and ash trees. With a little looking, we located a nice flat area near a stream and prepared to set up camp for the night. Pat and I unsaddled our horses, and unhitched and unharnessed the ones on the cart. We brushed them down and...

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