Soccer Mom
- 3 years ago
- 29
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The girls stripped down and entered the showers together. To a psychologist, they would have been a delightful group to study. The diversity of the group was unusual, especially considering their choice of boyfriends, which was as un-diversified as things ever got. Of course, unknown to the psychologist, would be the glue that held them together - their attraction to, and satisfaction with, Coach Dillworthy. He gave them all the hard core sex they wanted, which left them fully capable of exerting wonderful self-control when they played with their boyfriends. More important, though, was the fact that, as their sexual worlds had expanded and opened up, as they learned first to tolerate each other’s attraction to Coach, and then later to happily allow it, it brought far reaching changes to their mini culture. When they got comfortable being a harem, they eventually learned to recognize in each other, what Coach loved in each of them
Which is the long way of explaining why, when they got into the shower, there was a lot of washing of each other under the hot water.
And, since they knew the boys wouldn’t be allowed at this sleepover (Shelby’s parents would be home this time, ) they also knew that this night would be a game of tennis with no balls, so to speak. So the shower together was the warm up for what was later intended to be a nice, long daisy chain later on.
And it would have been just like that too ... except that Earth was invaded by aliens that evening.
When Rilpak pushed all the buttons, and the transfer tubes glowed and gassed up and all that stuff, the five essences of Sergeant Dulpprizwa and Raxxi’s One, Two, Three and Four shot out of the ship and through the moon, just as Izzy’s had. They had the rough coordinates of where Izzy had landed, which meant they could navigate, more or less to within a few city blocks of his location. But fate plays a role in any invasion, and this one was no different. That’s because the five mental essences were looking for the top five predators in those few square blocks.
One of them turned out to be Ricky Simpson, who had watched Coach feeling up the two women that Ricky had fantasized about constantly, ever since he got to Kingston and found out they were the members of the parent soccer pep squad who routinely showed up to help at practices and games. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d flogged his log, thinking about Megan and her perky little tits, which she almost never encased in a bra, and which gave him an almost permanent hardon. And Robin was just as bad. Except Robin was Chuck’s. Many a time they had watched Robin walk by, or dance at the edges of the field, urging the girls on. Chuck would lean towards Ricky and say something like “Man, I’d love to bang that drum.”
So Ricky was revved up that night, sexually speaking, because he did plan on staying the night, and he hoped like hell Megan did too, because he was going to finally give it a shot. Her comment about her husband’s neglect had brought him to high alert.
And it was that predatory nature that drew the essence of Sergeant Dulpprizwa, who landed in Ricky’s brain with the same kind of success Izzy landed in Chuck’s. The difference was that Ricky was in the bathroom, sitting on the pot when it happened. His body experienced a series of waves, just like a fish out of water, at which time his bowels were evacuated more perfectly than at any time in his previous life. Luckily, it was in the can. Then he lay there, half stiff, half on and half off the throne, as Dulpprizwa navigated the same mass of empty and apparently abandoned neural pathways. The difference, however, was that Ricky didn’t bang his head, and his prefrontal cortex was working just fine. So the sergeant was able to find his way around, and secure control of the host much more quickly and much more securely.
He stood up and examined his surroundings. He queried his host for information on what was going on. When he realized what the body had just done, and looked into the water-filled bowl, he shuddered.
“These things are nasty!” he said to himself. Then he used half a roll of paper to carefully clean his host’s body, pulled the pants up, and spent five minutes trying to figure out the thing the host thought of as a belt. Finally getting it as tight as the host seemed to want it, he was presented with the concept of “zipper,” which seemed even more complicated.
He abandoned that part of the ritual and left the little room to go find his advance team, and Lieutenant.
The other four top predators in the neighborhood just happened to be together. And they happened to be motivated by the same type of predation as Coach Simpson.
Their leader was Jerome Washington, who filled that role both as the team quarterback and off the field too. His cohorts were his star running back, Raul Peters, his star wide receiver, Todd Williams and his star end, Randy Hampton. He had gathered the group to perform what they all thought of as a military style assault/ambush on their girlfriends.
“Takesha said they were doing an extra practice in the gym before going to the sleepover at Shelby’s” Jerome said to the little huddle, gathered by the old unused incinerator behind the school. “Now we know they always take a shower after practice,” he went on. And we know that old man Jackson leaves this door open for them. “Our mission, should we decide to accept it, which we do, of course, is to sneak into the school, make our way to the girl’s locker room and see them fucking naked!” His last word was delivered in a high-pitched squeal of excitement, unmanly in the extreme, but nobody would have thought to bring that up. Jerome was the man!
Randy pulled a can of black shoe polish out of his pocket and displayed it. “Camouflage!” he whispered.
“You think that will work for me?” asked Jerome, his voice dry. Jerome was blacker than the polish.
“Randy!” whispered Todd, whose girlfriend was Randy’s twin sister. “Are you really going in there, man?”
“Shit man,” said Randy, who had been licking his sister’s twat since they were twelve. She could jerk him off better than he could do it himself. Of course he couldn’t admit that to his teammates. “I see her naked all the time at home. Ain’t no big deal. Besides, I ain’t gonna be looking at her, dude!”
“Oh man! This is gonna be so fucking cool!“ panted Raul, who had been trying to see Maria naked for over a year. She let him see her tits, but that was it.
“Ready men?” whispered Jerome. “Keep it quiet. Let’s move out!”
Quietly the wannabe (and soon to be, ironically enough) studs slipped through the boiler room, into the hallway and down toward the gym. They heard the showers before they got there, and female voices. Those voices weren’t speaking, though. They were ... moaning. Carefully, the boys crept to where they could stay in the dark, but peek into the shower room.
They saw Mitzi, on her knees, her upturned face glued to Takesha’s pussy. Takesha was pulling at her fat nipples and was one of the moaning voices. To one side of them Maria and Shelby were kissing and rubbing their soapy bodies together. Shelby’s hand was moving rapidly between Maria’s legs.
A surge of adrenaline and other hormones flooded the boys bodies. They tensed, ready to pounce; instinct and heredity ordered them to dash forward and claim their mates. In short ... the urge to do something ... to take action was too much to resist.
“Get naked!” hissed Jerome. To be honest, Jerome didn’t actually plan on doing anything in particular once they burst in on the girls. He just wanted to be naked in the shower room with them. The other three boys hadn’t known about the getting naked part. That hadn’t been discussed in the planning stages of things. But they, like their leader, were high on teenage hormones, and the thought of being naked with those naked girls in there was very appealing. They didn’t know what the girls would do, but no matter what happened, it would be a tale to tell ... something to remember for a lifetime. In record time, the boys dropped their clothes, dancing with excitement. Four extremely erect penises jutted, aimed toward what the boys wanted ... needed ... would somehow conquer!
Raxxis one, two, three and four couldn’t possibly resist either. They sank into the four boys as a group, just as Jerome was taking his first barefooted step toward the moaning girls.
“This is my larder, Chuck,” said Robin, standing beside the open door of her pantry. “Is this what you wanted to see?”
“Nooooooo,” wailed Izzy, through his host’s malfunctioning body. “We’re here to conquer you! You have to give up. Take me to your reader!”
Megan looked at her friend. She was a little giddy already. Knowing she was going to stay the night - she had already called her husband, who told her it was fine, because he had to work extra late anyway - her imagination had already gone a little wild. Ricky was so cute, and he was staying the night too!
“They want to conquer us,” she whispered to Robin. She felt her nipples spike, and looked down at her tank top. They were poking through, making it obvious. She decided she didn’t care.
“We have to give up,” said Robin, who was beginning to get excited herself. She was pretty sure Chuck was finally making a play for her ... teasing her ... working up to asking for something more than just friendship. And that excited her too. She saw her friend’s nipples and knew what Megan was thinking. They’d talked about it often enough. Her own breasts were firmly ensconced in a sturdy bra. She wished they weren’t, so that Coach could see them wobble. He’d made it obvious he was impressed with her boobs.
“Why don’t we get ready for bed?” she suggested to her friend. “Then we’ll get Chuck all settled in and I’ll show him my Kindle. We can read him a story. You can borrow something from Mitzi’s closet. She’s got all kinds of sleepwear.”
“Good idea,” said Megan. “I’d hate to have to wear these clothes all night.”
“All shock troops appear to have integrated with a host successfully,” said Rilpak, staring at his board.
“Establish communication with them,” ordered Xixxnoir.
“Base to Sergeant Dulpprizwa,” intoned Munwavvatii.
“Kind of busy here!” came the immediate and complaining voice of the sergeant’s body, in the transfer tube.
“No problem,” said the first contact specialist. He punched another button. “Raxxi One, come in please.”
“Rrrrgaltmfpht!” gasped clone one’s body.
Clone Two spoke without being contacted. “Transfer very difficult. Host has incredible defenses and astonishing amount of brain that is unavailable to me, or is shut down or something. I can barely control it.”
“Is one with you?” asked Xixxnoir.
“All of us are together,” said Two. “Three and Four appear frozen. One was flopping on the ground, but is standing now.”
One’s voice came again. “In ... control ... now. Some ... kind ... of substance ... internal ... sucking my strength.”
“Do we need to recall you?”
“No,” said Two. “It’s difficult, but with a little time, they’ll get as much control as I have. Wait. The females have noticed us. I’ll report back later.”
Since the contact was mental, there was no sound of it breaking. Xixxnoir looked at Munwavvatii.
“This has never happened before ... has it?”
“Not in my experience,” said the first contact specialist. “I’ve worked on two dozen projects, and of course the archives have data on hundreds of others. Nothing like this has ever happened. We’ve always been able to easily take over the minds of natives.
“Maybe we should just recall everybody and use the disruptor on the whole planet,” said Rilpak.
“You’ve seen the list of resources on that planet,” said the captain. “It’s literally worth its weight in glaxnors. If we destroyed it, they’d boil our bodies and serve them to the Zillwags.” His protoplasm darkened. “Besides, we can’t recall them unless we can establish a good mind meld with them.”
“Vitals?” asked Munwavvatii. He sounded worried.
Rilpak looked at his board. “All within normal. Some readings are high, but they’re in the midst of an assault. That’s normal.”
“Then all we can do is wait,” said Xixxnoir.
The four girls heard something in the dark. They didn’t recognize it as the sound of bodies flopping around as they were taken over by alien invaders, but that’s what they heard. Unfortunately, for the invaders, they had chosen precisely the wrong time to enter a human male’s brain. Raxxi Two, having entered Randy’s brain, had better luck because Randy was used to seeing his sister naked, and licking her pussy. For him, this was exciting, but not overwhelming. The other three boys were not in that situation. The brain they were thinking with was between their legs, in a little flesh pouch. The brain the Raxxi clones invaded was the other one, which was not working well at all, having been saturated with chemicals the Blagtox had never encountered before.
In short, once the levels of certain hormones reached a critical level in a human male’s brain, no Blagtox in the universe was capable of exerting full control over it. Of course the Blagtox weren’t aware of this little fact. That’s because nothing in the universe was as determined as a human male in the midst of attempting to breed.
And so it was that, as the girls crept toward the sound in the dark, three boys, only partially in control of themselves on a conscious level, (and that part inhibited by the presence of a startled and scared alien mind, ) rushed into the shower room to claim their prizes.
There was shrieking aplenty.
Raxxi Two followed the others with halting steps. Of them all, only he was cognizant enough of what was going on to try to report. Part of his consciousness announced finding the source of the feedback that was making it almost impossible to control his host. He looked down to see a single, puny tentacle extending from the groin of his host. It was laughably small, and he couldn’t figure out how to manipulate it, but it was definitely the source of the problem.
Raxxi Three’s body shrieked in its transfer capsule. All three Blagtox on the ship quivered with shock and surprise.
“Warning!” shouted Raxxi Two’s body. Then his mind meld kicked in for a few seconds. “Earthlings have only one tentacle. It controls them instead of the brain! Very strong. Too strong.”
“Recall him!” snapped Xixxnoir.’
Rilpak’s tentacles flashed across his board.
“Too late,” he moaned. “The mind meld vanished.”
Had the boys been themselves, the girls could have controlled them. But the unnatural alloy of human and Blagtox allowed what was left of Neanderthal man in each boy to take over. Squealing, and then screaming girls were wrestled to the floor of the shower. The Blagtox could only watch in horror as that single tentacle was used to spear the females. That it was a mortal wound was obvious as all resistance left the females, and they lay, more or less sedately as the hosts assaulted them over and over again with that tentacle.
It happened so fast that not even Raxxi Two could make another report. And it was one other thing the aliens didn’t know about, that did them in. They couldn’t be blamed, really, since no race in the universe other than the human race, suffered premature ejaculation.
Four boys climaxed in their girlfriends. Jets of creamy teenaged cum - very virile cum - entered the bodies of the Fearsome Four, who were, at that moment, almost as a group, comparing their boyfriends with their shared lover.
Chuck was way ahead.
Then, as the peak of hormones associated with orgasm flooded the boys’ bodies, the environment became toxic to the Blagtox invaders who, with no warning, found it impossible to retain consciousness. Their minds were expelled from the host and, since there was no recall process in the works, those minds floated aimlessly for a few seconds. Had there been another host handy, they might have darted toward it. But they were too weakened to search beyond the confines of the shower room.
Just like that, four of the first six aliens to invade the Earth ... died.
Alarms went off, first one, then joined by two more at the same time, and then the fourth, causing havoc on the ship.
Rilpak’s tentacles flashed helplessly across his board, hitting reset buttons, searching for some way to make the information on the board untrue. A major tentacle slid by him to hit the button that silenced the alarms.
“They’re gone,” he whispered, shocked beyond anything he’d ever experienced.
“Who’s gone?” asked the captain.
“The clones! All of them. Just gone!”
“What do you mean gone?” asked Munwavvatii.
“Dead!” shouted Rilpak. “That’s what I mean. Gone! Dead! Their minds are nowhere to be found!”
“Impossible!” snorted Munwavvatii. “There must be some failure with the instruments.”
Rilpak slid backwards. He looked at the mission specialist. “See for yourself,” he rasped.
Sergeant Dulpprizwa hadn’t reported in yet. He knew he should have, but he had nothing to report, other than the fact that the human mind, with its vast empty spaces, was a pain in the ass to control. He wasn’t about to call the ship and admit that he couldn’t conquer one lousy human, much less the rest of the planet. What he needed was his assault team, so they could gather intel and make a plan. He could sense that the Lieutenant was close by, but he was in this structure that had all these passageways. It was like a maze. He wanted to make contact with Izzy first, and then he’d be able to report he’d done that.
He moved down the hallway confidently. The host had fought him at first, but he’d been able to exert his control well enough to make the host go where he wanted it to go. There was a door at the end of the hall that had English letters on it that spelled out “Mitzi.” That was close to the Blagtox word “Mitzbragum” which was the process by which the outer skin of a Blagtox was encouraged to molt so that it could grow bigger. It was, based on his sketchy research, something akin to what went on in those porn videos Rilpak was so interested in. He knew it felt wonderful. He’d only been authorized to do it once so far. He felt a surge of energy in his host body as he contemplated the joys of Mitzbragum. He pushed at the door, but it wouldn’t move. Impatiently, he lent his psychic energy to the host body and pushed again. There was a groaning, creaking noise and the door broke into pieces and flew inwards. He stepped into a room that was full of pink, the color that all Mitzbragum chambers were painted.
He realized there was a human female in the room when she screamed. He looked at her. The humans had four appendages, two that they manipulated things with, similar to how tentacles were used, and two for moving around with, which was just a stupid, inefficient way of motivating. That was one reason why they should be conquered. They were wasting resources. The human female was holding what many of them covered their outsides with, at the end of one upper appendage. The host’s body jerked and he was overwhelmed with the English word “naked.” Then a flood of other concepts assaulted his consciousness as his control began to slip.
“We have come to conquer!” he made his host say. “You must surrender immediately!”
Megan had screamed as the door burst inward. When she saw Ricky, she was at once reassured, and confused. That he had broken down the door was clear, which was a little excessive. That he wanted her was also clear, which wasn’t excessive at all. He was so commanding ... so in control! She felt moisture flood her pussy. It had been so long since she’d had anything in there except her vibrator. And he was so cute! She wanted to do this, so she let herself go.
“Then I surrender,” she said, dropping the nightgown she had been about to put on. “Approach, oh conquering one, so that I may pay homage to you.”
Dulpprizwa was having more and more trouble controlling his host. Its upper body tipped forward, requiring that the legs move to keep the body upright. They did so without his conscious command. He recognized that this human female had spoken words of surrender, and he concentrated on that, trying to get his host to deliver the rest of the message.
“You must accept our terms of surrender,” he rasped.
“Oh I will,” she said, running what his host told him were her hands over what his host told him were her breasts.
The host stepped forward again. He ordered it to stop.
It ignored him.
He realized his mind was getting fuzzy, as if he was being drugged. Frantically he analyzed the available data. It was something in the nutritional liquid that circulated within the host’s body, feeding the various bits and parts, another inefficient and wasteful process. The Blagtox injected nutrients directly into their protoplasm, where, like gas in a canister, spread out and equalized everywhere.
The female approached him and sank to the floor. That was appropriate. The Earthlings should grovel. It was their destiny.
“Oh look what I found!” said the Earth woman in a high pitched voice.
He looked down and saw that part of his host’s flesh was protruding from that zipper thing he’d been too impatient to deal with. It looked like a fat finger, pointing at her.
“Goody,” she said, and while he tried to work out what that meant in their strange language, her head moved forward and her mouth opened.
“Shit, shit, shit!” gasped Rilpak as dials on his board began wavering. “Now the sergeant is in distress. What the fuck is going on here?”
“We’re going to have to probe them,” said the captain.
“Sir, they have the technology to detect our probes,” Munwavvatii reminded him.
“I don’t care. We have to get some data. This is going all wrong, and we have to figure out why. No race has threatened the empire before this. We’ve never lost more than two or three drones in an entire conquest. Now we’ve lost four at once? And their leadership is either incommunicado or in distress? Send that drone!”
“Drone away!” sang out Rilpak.
Robin led Chuck into her bedroom. Her mind was whirling. So much had happened. So much could happen!
“Are you glad you’re here?” she asked the man she’d lusted after for two years.
“Oh baby,” Chuck’s actual consciousness got through. Then Izzy tried to grab control. “It’s our destiny.”
“I don’t know what to say,” she sighed. “I never knew how you felt. Would it be all right if I slipped into something more comfortable before I get you ready for bed?”
Chuck’s mind leapt, and Izzy felt like he’d been slapped a dozen times. “Oh yes!” the body said.
“You won’t peek, will you?” asked Robin, making it clear she expected him to say no, but peek anyway.
“You must surrender!” gasped Izzy.
Robin pulled off her tank top and, before she could lose her nerve, reached behind her to release the bra. It fairly sprang from her breasts, which dropped an inch. It felt so good to have them naked that her hands went to massage them without conscious thought.
“Boobs!” whispered Chuck
“What was that?” snapped Captain Xixxnoir. “Was that Izzlestax? Has he finally made contact?”
“I think so, sir,” said Rilpak. “But it was just that one word ... the same as before. Then he was gone again.”
“Is it a warning? Is this boobs thing some kind of weapon they have that we don’t know about?”
“I don’t know, Sir,” said Rilpak, helplessly. “Maybe the probe will tell us.”
“Beautiful boobs,” whispered Chuck.
“Thank you,” said Robin, blushing. “But you’re not supposed to be peeking. I’m going to take my skirt off now ... and my panties too. Don’t you peek, okay?”
Izzy felt like he was attempting to move through an atmosphere that was trying to crush him. He knew it was the host, interfering with his control, but it just got stronger and stronger. All he could do was watch.
The female dropped the rest of her clothes and stood, facing the host. Izzy was overwhelmed with the words “shaved pussy!” but he had no clue as to what the host was talking about. With sudden realization, Izzy knew that what was happening to the host was being caused by the female! In all the electromagnetic data on this planet, the male always seemed to be in control of everything. But now the female was doing something that was robbing the host of all control. The thickness he had been fighting grew even more, and his own consciousness began to get fuzzy. Frantically he pushed hard.
“Take me to your breeder ... pleeeease?”
The female stood still long enough that Izzy had some hope that she’d go away.
“Oh Chuck,” she said softly. “Oh baby. I’m not on anything. If we do this ... you might breed me.”
Izzy felt the little control he had snap, and suddenly he was merely an observer. The host body went toward the female, who reached for it. She tried to eat the host’s lips, but he fought her off. Izzy was aware, on an academic level, that his host’s body had heated up significantly, so he wasn’t surprised when it started shedding the coverings on it. He just wished that there was some way he could get all this information back to the ship.
He didn’t know it, but he was about to get his wish.
“Oh Ricky! Oh baby! Fuck me Ricky!” Megan’s thrashing body told the barely conscious Dulpprizwa that she was trying to resist the dominant male, but the knives on the ends of her fingers dug into the male’s flesh, pulling him against her and causing the male pain. Still the male lunged against the female, lying on top of her, apparently trying to squash her. Dulpprizwa’s consciousness was too overwhelmed to do much analysis, but he, like the lieutenant, had come to the conclusion that the females on this planet had some kind of capacity to exert control over the males, and that when they did that, it made the male brain almost useless as a control mechanism for the body. Belatedly, he tried to make contact, to get some kind of report off. He could tell that he wasn’t going to be able to retain any control at all for much longer.
“Dulpprizwa to base!” he sent frantically.
“Report!” came a scream in his consciousness. What was happening on the ship? Were they under attack?
“Found Izzy. He’s here. Females have power,” he gasped. “Males uncontrollable! Danger!”
Then, as Ricky Simpson, the twenty-two-year-old student teacher and assistant soccer coach of little Kingston, Missouri achieved his fantasy of fertilizing Mrs. Megan Williams, MILF extraordinaire, he unknowingly defended Earth by killing Sergeant Dulpprizwa, of the Blagtox empire with hormones associated with his orgasm.
“We just lost Dulpprizwa,” whispered Rilpak. “He blinked out, just like the clones.”
“Where’s the probe?” rasped Xixxnoir. “We have to get some data!”
“It’s approaching the last known location of the Sergeant. Their defense forces have detected it and are responding.”
Colonel Patrick Davis, USAF and watch commander on duty at NORAD watched the screens over the shoulder of the two airmen who were operating them.
“It’s faster than anything we have,” reported Airman Cranston. “Anything anybody on this planet has,” he added.
“Sir, on the trajectory it’s currently on, the only military installation it could be heading for is Fort Leonard Wood,” said Airman Black. “ETA five mikes max.”
“Where are the interceptors we scrambled from White?” asked Col Davis.
“Fifteen miles out and closing, Sir.”
“What’s at Fort Wood?” asked Davis.
Cranston punched buttons. Another screen flashed to life. “US Army Chemical School, Sir,” he barked. “There’s a marker that says they have the facilities there to store chemical and biological warfare agents.”
“Do they have any live agent there?” asked the colonel anxiously.
Cranston punched more buttons.
“Affirmative, Sir!” he barked. “Quantities classified!”
“What do you mean classified? We’ve got clearance for every fucking thing!”
“It doesn’t say, sir. It might be just enough for training, or enough to wipe out the whole state.”
“Authorize the interceptors to go in hot,” said the Colonel.
“Sir, that’s a populated area.”
“Not if whatever that thing is hits and releases nerve agent all over the state of Missouri,” snarled the Colonel. “Tell them to take it out!”
He turned and plucked a red phone receiver off the wall. He didn’t have to dial. It started ringing on the other end automatically.
Izzy was now a prisoner inside the host. He had determined that the injury to the host, whatever it was, had affected the brain in such a way that it didn’t operate normally. And, since it didn’t operate normally, Izzy couldn’t control it normally. Now, all he could do was watch what happened and hope that he would eventually be able to either switch hosts, or report back to the ship. He was convinced that, if he could get into a normal human, controlling one wouldn’t be any problem at all.
I am what is commonly called a soccer mom. But in this case I guess it is to be taken literally. My own two sons grew up playing soccer. Over the years I drove God knows how many hundreds or maybe thousands of miles; to practice, from practice, to games, from games, to the sporting good store, etc. You get the idea. My sons played for the Centerville Centurions for their four years of high school, and I was at every game cheering them on to victory and consoling them in defeat. Naturally I came...
Group SexRobin Hampton and Megan Watkins skidded to a stop beside the coach and Robin’s daughter. Mitzi sat up, her right hand going to her forehead. “Owww,” she complained. “What happened?” asked Robin. “I don’t know,” moaned Mitzi. “He went all goofy and started flopping around and then head butted me.” “He’s unconscious,” said Megan, who was Robin’s best friend. She also happened to be the mother of Todd, who was Mitzi’s boyfriend. “Do you think he had a stroke?” asked Robin. “He’s a little...
Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women. His older brother...
Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women.His older brother Fred...
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In the part of the big city, where the old neighborhoods have decayed, is a house that is owned by a group of men who use it for their hobby. It's not a nice hobby but these men are not nice. They know they're not nice. They enjoy being not nice. They're good looking men who dress well. They have money and respectable jobs and more than one pretty housewife and mother has returned the flirting smile of any one of these men as they push their carts down the aisles of a supermarket or be...
SOCCER MOMS Part 1After having brought up her daughter by herself for the last 15 years, Sheila was rather good at it. Her husband had left her with a 3-year-old daughter. He went for some milk with the car and never came back. Neither did the car. Sheila’s daughter Linda was into a lot of sports. She was attractive, well-built and lots of fun. She was a little older than most of the girls in her class since she had missed most of one year after a skiing accident. Sheila was nearly 40, middle...
Laura has always been the good girl all her life.She was the type of woman who would walk down the street with an infectious smile, and would regularly call her parents to make sure that they were doing well and that they ate right. With a personality like hers, it was no wonder that she was the darling of her neighborhood and workplace. At 46 years of age, she could still step foot on any college campus in America and turn as many heads as a 20 year old student could. But despite all her...
Soccer MumsA Story by Ninja5.?Come on Jillian, kick it. KICK IT.? Joyce Smith a local real estate agent and team coach paced up and down the sideline. She screamed orders at the girl’s soccer team. Despite her desperation the team had fallen behind and wasn’t making good on any chance to equalize.A small group of scattered mothers sat on the side lines and watched. As Grace sat watching her daughter run to intercept the other teams star striker she let out a cheer for her daughter. She...
Lucy lay back on my leather sofa, her naked slim tanned legs were wide apart, showing off her wet used pussy that I had already fucked twice that day, but I wasn't finished and she seemed eager for more as well.I knelt between her legs, and then moved up until I was just inches from her, before I took hold of my almost completely hard cock, despite I had cum twice already, and then rubbed it up and down her wet slit, teasing her lips with my big bulbous head."Oh, god" she muttered flexing her...
Just like a vampire can create another vampire, so can one slut create another. My name is Kate. I'm a soccer mom, kind you have dreamed about because I like to fuck. Picture a 47 year-old female, 5'7'', 135 lbs., 36C chest, light brown hair streaked with blonde highlights, and a taut, toned body. I was working out three times a week with my friend Catherine and I wanted her to be more than a friend. It started one night when my husband, Mike, began exhibiting me to his poker playing friends. I...
On a Clear Blue Sky Sunny Day, a Mom was in the driver-seat of a dark blue Mini-Van, She was about 5'11, long blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, button nose, and a wonderful smile, She was dropping off her 16-year-old daughter off at the soccer field for her soccer practice, that was a few feet away from the high school. I looked both ways, in case I see some cars and trucks driving by, I walked casually walked across the street up to the open driver-side window of the car, until The Mom saw...
Mind ControlSo I guess being married to a Soccer mom makes me a Soccer Dad. But as we all know some Soccer moms are hot and incredibly horny and will fuck anything. Well I have always had this feeling that Soccer moms talk about everything, including their husbands and significant others, if you know what I mean. Well anyway I digress. My wife is attractive and she has mentioned to me some of the other moms think I am good looking to which I always laugh. But little did I know where that would land me. ...
MILFSoccer Mom Gets Caught I work clean up at the local bowling alley. It is fairly easy work but it starts at midnight during the week and two in the morning on Friday and Saturday. Basically I empty trash, restock the bathrooms, and clean and polish the floors. Once a week I have to clean the mechanism that handles the bowing pins. Then one Tuesday night after the women’s bowling, I was let in as usual and the owner went home. I heard a noise coming from a hallway so armed with...
EXECUTION OF A SOCCER MOM A future fiction/fantasy by Jill Crokett Prolog The United States had changed profoundly by the early 22nd Century. Terroristshad detonated a nuclear bomb in Southern California a half-century earlier,throwing America into a spiral of ethical decay and economic collapse. The paranoia that followed brought on the revocation of basic rights andthe amending of the Constitution - removing the clause forbidding "crueland unusual punishment" and replacing it with a clause...
So I guess being married to a Soccer mom makes me a Soccer Dad. But as we all know some Soccer moms are hot and incredibly horny and will fuck anything. Well I have always had this feeling that Soccer moms talk about everything, including their husbands and significant others, if you know what I mean. Well anyway I digress. My wife is attractive and she has mentioned to me some of the other moms think I am good looking to which I always laugh. But little did I know where that would land me. ...
Lucy my hot blonde soccer mom neighbour from next door rolled onto her stomach on my brown leather sofa, and quickly with my hard cock ready to fuck again, I slid between her open naked tanned legs, and placed my bulbous cockhead up against her wet pussy.After brushing up against her pink little moist lips a few times, I pushed between them and slid in to that magnificent tight hole, and even though I had already fucked it once, I really needed to do it again.Lucy groaned happily as I...
So it's been months since my adventures with Kristie and Summer began and I have enjoyed great times with both of them. It had surprised me when Summer had told me Kristie had revealed the secrets of our rendezvous. But word was spreading throughout the soccer group. How did I know? Well it is a little obvious when you begin receiving explicit texts from another soccer mom. Mandi was one of those soccer moms that I hadn't really thought about sexually but it isn't to say she isn't desirable....
MILF(In a previous story I introduced Serena and made mention of an incident that happened while she was on vacation at the beach. Several people have asked me to relate that story. I'm sorry its taken so long to get to it. I finished rubbing the oil over my legs and stretched out on my blanket. I had lowered the canvas chair, adjusting it to the point where it supported only my upper body. I wiped my hands clean on a towel, picked up my book and slipped my sunglasses back on. The sun felt...
This is the conclusion of this story, please read Soccer Mom Screws up to understand the problem Kelly and Toby have. Toby walked into Kelly's room in his briefs, he had dried cum in his briefs. Her first reaction was to cover her tits, but it seemed pointless, she looked at him “hi honey I know we need to talk”. Toby looked directly at her, “we need to talk damn right we do, first off you are officially the team cum dumpster so congratulations it’s on the internet. Secondly, I have now been...
" I want your stiff, young cock!""But mom, er I...""No more games, Kyle, it's time you fucked a real woman."Kate is my stepmother, my real mother took off when I was three, maybe that's why I have always had this sick fixation on her, or maybe her tight, tan body was too much for a healthy 18 year-old to bear. I don't want to overanalyze, it was hard enough keeping up with my class load and being the midfielder for a division I NCAA soccer team. She earned her right to be called a soccer mom...
Author’s Note: All persons in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old. ***** Leticia Clark is a tall, blonde forty year old divorced woman who is raising two teen-aged sons on her own. Her former husband pays her very generous child support and even sends her money for her personal expenses so she can be a full-time mother but otherwise has nothing to do with her or their children. One of her favorite activities is taking one or both of her sons to their soccer games and practices,...
I retired from the Marines a year ago and was sick of living in a military town. I decided to move to an upscale suburban family neighborhood for a change of pace. So here I am in Florida playing cards with my new group of friends I jokingly refer to as my “Glen Cove Avenue Soccer Moms”. All of them happened to be suburban housewives in their mid-thirties to late forties. They were all very good looking classy women who had been “sentenced” to be suburban housewives by their rich husbands. Well...
NOT MY STORIES I FOUND EM ON A HARD DRIVE N THOUGHT I SHOULD UPLOAD EM..I am a 48 year old mom ; I am posting these stories in the order that they happened ; so for those that want to know specifics ; they have been changing all along . As you know my young friends gangbanged me in my first post and then I was introduced to the world of porn in my second post. I decided to quit my job 1 week after I appeared on stage at the adult club . My husband was upset but I told him it was not worth it...
So it’s been months since my adventures with Kristie and Summer began and I have enjoyed great times with both of them. It had surprised me when Summer had told me Kristie had revealed the secrets of our rendezvous. But word was spreading throughout the soccer group. How did I know? Well it is a little obvious when you begin receiving explicit texts from another soccer mom. Mandi was one of those soccer moms that I hadn’t really thought about sexually but it isn’t to say she isn’t desirable....
Janet Malone was a widowed soccer mom who was built like the proverbial brick chicken house; she was truly a MILF (Mother I'd Love to Fuck). She was the victim of a very bizarre circumstance. Her husband died on the night of the day that she was told that she was pregnant with a daughter. His death was very strange: he had died of asphyxiation when an aerosol can of foam he was using to seal some air leaks around a garage window blew up in his face. The foam polymer had squirted foam deeply...
As she waited in her car, Brenda couldn't believe she was here again. Her short, shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat evidence of her apprehension. My God. I'm a happily married wife and mother, why can't I stop doing this? Brenda was the prototype Soccer Mom. She was thirty-three-years-old, married ten years, living in the suburbs with a nine-year-old son and seven-year-old daughter. Her husband was just what she dreamed about as a girl. Loving, handsome, dedicated to her and the kids, a...
BDSMHe was excited about lunch. Not because he would be going to Chez du Monde, but because it would be a ‘Coaches Lunch’. You see he would be having lunch with Shannon. She was the coach of his daughter’s soccer team. And he held the illustrious title of assistant coach. It was an innocent lunch. Why was he so excited?……. It had been early fall. His precious five year old daughter would be playing on her first soccer team. He could barely contain his excitement. He had played all his life which...
I'm not sure how this happens to me but here another true story in my life.I love playing and watching soccer (as it called in America)Every where else in the world its called FootballEvery four years they have the World Cup.Were the best 32 teams in the world compete.I was born and used to live in Germany.I know a little German but not much.I always cheer for the German Football team and Team USA.The German team (Deutschland) as its better known is very good in FootballI watched all most all...
Main characters: Nicole Adams: 38, housewife and mom of Ryan, blonde, 5’7, 111lbs, 32C-23-34, slim and tanned Marcus: 25, coach of Ryan football team, black, 6’2, muscular, 10in dick Ryan Adams: 9, son of Nicole, 5’2 slim, athletic Rachel: 35, housewife and Nicole’s BFF, blonde, 5’6, 112lbs, 34D-24-36, slim and tanned Chapter 1 I am Nicole, a typical suburban housewife, married to Daniel Adams for 12 years. Daniel travels for work a lot and I stay at home to look after our son, Ryan....
This is my first post here on the site so let me start with a little about me. I am a 45 yr old man and i have had a pantyhose fetish for as long as i can remember. In fact my first pantyhose experience took place when I was too young to understand what I was feeling. It was very innocent I was horsing around with my aunt and I tickled her feet which happened to be covered with pantyhose. Over the years I have always been turned on by women in pantyhose. Teachers in school, friends mother's ....
Now let it be said I was perfectly happy having Kristie to play with and I know she loved being played with but I couldn’t help but think if Sarah knew about it. I just figured until she actually said something about it, I wasn’t going to say anything and just, well enjoy the rides. It was about a month later from my first encounter with Kristie and we were getting together at least twice a week. But then, the unexpected happened. It was early in the afternoon and I received a text from...
Wife LoversShe found a vacancy in a local soccer club for a assist to coach and she went to the interview there with the resume.She wore a yellow chudithra and have done with makeups and lipstick and she had a shawl which barely covers her tits.She took her bike and went on to the place and there were so many there and most of them are males and every men oogled at her hot body and they were tearing her dress in their sight. The interview was done by the head coach itself and...
Please comment....It happened last night. The guys had all been debating whether Mom would ever really do anything or not. For the last two weeks, once we finished our soccer training, Jim, John, and Steve would come over and we would all strip down and soak in the hot tub and drink a couple of beers. College was a lot different than playing in High School.John noticed it first, on the second night that we were out. The bedroom blind parted just a little and if you watched carefully, you could...
Marianne Smith huffed up the stairs, a basket balanced on her hip as she trudged along on her chore to pick up the clothes her two kids left strewn about the house. Blowing the strand of dishwater blond hair from her face she moved into her daughter Bethany's room and found the usual litter of panties, skirts and shirts lying on the floor and the bed. As she began to pick up the clothes she heard a muted cry of surprise coming from further down the hall. Normally Marianne would have ignored...
Kelly had been single for six years; her husband had left her and their son Toby for a younger woman. Kelly was a MILF as all Toby’s friends told him, she had a good size pair of tits, great tight ass short red hair and nice legs. Toby had tried out for the soccer team and was the last kid accepted on the varsity squad. He wasn’t all that good, but the coach felt sorry for the kids who didn’t make it, so he decided Toby would stay. The two-star players were Calvin or Cal and Joseph or Joe...
“you’ll need to get up soon” she said “remember dad’s not here this week to take you to Soccer so I’ve got the short straw”. “I know” I replied “thanks mom” “Ok, Darling” she said “what do you want for breakfast?” “just some eggs would be good mom please” I replied. I know I was spoilt by my mom but I was an only child so kind of made the most of it. She turned and started to leave the room, as she walked I could see her round ass move from side to side in her robe. She stopped on...
Chelsea made a pass to Diana. The ball bounced off Diana's feet. She sprinted forward to regain control of the ball, and was immediately surrounded by two opponents. Diana tried to get through the defenders but the bigger girls eventually fended her off. It was a match between two varsity high school girls' soccer teams. I was an assistant coach of the home team, Peterson High School, in which Diana and Chelsea were playing for. It was a close match between these two teams of enthusiastic...
Costume Gun: Goth Girl to Soccer Mom By Heather St. Claire Today is a big milestone in my life. But my wonderful husband, my three darling children and my beloved mother will never know about it. It may seem like an ordinary day in the life of a very ordinary 29 (soon to be 30) year old. But there is something really special about it because beginning today, this average yet oh-so-wonderful day, I will have spent more days of my life as a female than a male. I'm not much to look...
The soccer tournament (revised) ©2011 By Jennifer Morrell Please let me know what you think about my story, using the review functionality on the site. Keep in mind that English is not my first language. Reposting this story elsewhere on the internet is allowed as long as it free of charge and if I am acknowledged as the author. I posted this story earlier this month and I would like to thank Leah for her review of my story. I hope you like the alterations I...
THE CASE OF THE SOCCER CRIME By Anthony Durrant When the members of the Hutchison High School soccer team entered the gym, they found a woman standing in front of a portable blackboard in the middle of the floor. Taking a piece of chalk from a shelf under the blackboard, she wrote the name MS. SUBAYYAH STANDISH on its surface, and said, "My name is Ms. Subayyah Standish, and I was called here by Coach Sawyer to substitute for him this year while he deals with...
Keiko had been the boys' soccer team manager at her Japanese high school along with her best friend Akiko a few years before and was still crazy about all things soccer, a sport I only have a passing interest in. When she met Mark met at a party they connected through soccer and him being an Englishman who played soccer was an added attraction for her. Soon after, she introduced him to some Japanese guys who played in a local amateur soccer league. Mark didn't have a car so Keiko would...
TrueTHE SOCCER PARTY 1. “C’mon guys, you can do it! Go!” It was a bright and warm Thursday afternoon. The Richfield Community soccer field was hosting a game between their local team the Cougars against their cross-town rivals, the Tigers. The field was swarming with the 18 year-old boys from both teams. The sidelines were populated by parents cheering the game on. Sitting alone on the bench for the Cougars was Tommy McFarlane. Tommy was small for his age and somewhat still socially awkward....
IncestI watched 16 yelling, screaming brats reducing to shambles the dribbling drill I had designed for them, and I asked myself how in the hell I got involved with coaching a boys’ soccer team. I don’t know shit about soccer. I should have been out drinking, and trying to get laid. Nobody but a dummy like me lets his “community oriented” boss talk me into coaching his son’s soccer team. We were two games into the season, and we’d lost both games badly. The k**s were playing with enthusiasm, but hey...
I watched 16 yelling, screaming brats reducing to shambles the dribbling drill I had designed for them, and I asked myself how in the hell I got involved with coaching a boys’ soccer team. I don’t know shit about soccer. I should have been out drinking, and trying to get laid. Nobody but a dummy like me lets his “community oriented” boss talk me into coaching his son’s soccer team.We were two games into the season, and we’d lost both games badly. The k**s were playing with enthusiasm, but...
Brenda lay on the bench staring out the open window. At first, she only heard silence the after last sound of her Master’s car disappeared. Then she started to hear other sounds from outside she hadn’t noticed before. The breeze rustled the leaves on a tree, birds chirping, a train in the distance. All such normal everyday events. Brenda looked at the pony and the reality of what had just transpired crashed into her consciousness. This was by far the cruelest Master had ever treated her. Even...
BDSMVictor and I had moved to Savannah. On the first months living there, every black man in the neighborhood thought I was a horny white married bitch and some of them for sure had fantasies with me, dreaming about fucking me as a slutty soccer mom…Then one afternoon my husband and I were in the back yard sitting on our patio when a moving truck pulled up to the house that was for sale across the street from ours. Victor and I walked to the front of our house to see the new neighbors were a middle...
When you think you've won a great prize, you may have to conclude that you lost a whole lot more ! The author of this story filed this story only in Fictionmania. If you want to use this story in other webpages you are free to do so as long as you do this free of charge to other readers and email the URL it is filed in to [email protected] Soccer for suckers by J.C. Arby We arrived at The Amsterdam Arena at 13.00h. Today's match between Ajax and Feyenoord would start at...
School was starting in a few days, and the fall sports teams were busy practicing. Football was practicing in the mornings, soccer and tennis in the afternoons. Josh and Jake had both tried out for the football team and had made the junior varsity team. I was on the varsity soccer team, playing my right defensive position behind Skip Horvath, a senior and one of the stars of our team. Skip was chosen for All-Conference honors as both a sophomore and a junior, and was second-team All-State...
SOCCER MOMS – PART 3 (and last)Wendy’s house was older than Sheila’s and the rooms were smaller. Wendy and Sheila chatted downstairs after the girls went upstairs to get ready for bed. They could hear the water running and the footsteps. “I think our girls have retired to their bedroom”, said Wendy after listening to the silence.“Mmmmm….I bet they won’t lose any time”, said Sheila her voice quivering in excitement“They may wait until we get into our room”, suggested WendyBoth women had given...
The upside of coaching the Ravens, a U-17 team instead of U-18 like the Strikers, was that most of the players were juniors, which meant that they would playing club soccer for two years before they graduated. That gave me more time to develop their skills. I started the first season with my head on straight and my moral compass pointing in the right direction. I managed to make it all the way through a busy and successful Fall season with no inappropriate thoughts. Well, OK, I had a few...
Chapter 4 In the early morning Jake was having a dream, a dream in which he stood at the side of the football field wearing that horrid princess dress. The girls were playing soccer behind him while he was facing the overly packed stadium, all his buddies and past dates sitting on the first rows, pointing and laughing at him. "Oh my I can't believe I ever had sex with such a sissy," "No wonder he lost to a girl, he looks way daintier than she does," "What a faggot, he's a disgrace to...
By : Tahirmlk2007 I have been a Soccer referee for over 6 years now, being from sports background I was well built, tall, fair with athletic body and size of 6.5” of dick. I have been involved in several unusual situations, but none of them come close to what happened to me this past weekend. I had been invited to referee at a soccer tournament several miles from where I live, and since the fields were reported to be in good shape, and the teams normally quite competitive, I accepted the...
IncestSOCCER MOMS – PART 2Wendy finally drove off after dropping Sheila home to cook dinner for the girls. The women had exchanged cell phone numbers.“Call me from a safe place when the girls are in the bedroom together”, whispered Wendy“Ok. I hope I can see something. I don’t know if they’ll want to keep the door open. My room is not next to Linda’s, but I can see in it when I stand in my doorway. I’ll do my best to report and keep one hand on phone”, joked Sheila‘Do your best. Keep your ears open....
Watching her husband pulled out of the drive wave Christy waved goodbye to him from their living room window, then turn to yell at her eleven year old son Ron, to hurry up getting ready for school before he missed the bus. Ron ran down the stairs, waved at his mom and was out the front door. “Have a good day at school,” she said as she saw him run down the street. With a big sigh in her breath, Christy turned to walk into the kitchen and began clearing the table of dirty dishes....
One As she waited in her car, Brenda couldn’t believe she was here again. Her short, shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat gave away her apprehension. My God, she thought. I’m a happily married wife and mother, why can’t I stop doing this. Brenda was the stereotype soccer mom. She was 33 years old and married for ten years. She was living in the suburbs with a nine year old son and seven year old daughter. Her husband was just what she dreamed of as a girl, loving, handsome and dedicated to...