The Soccer Mom Who Saved EarthChapter 2
- 4 years ago
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Robin Hampton and Megan Watkins skidded to a stop beside the coach and Robin’s daughter. Mitzi sat up, her right hand going to her forehead.
“Owww,” she complained.
“What happened?” asked Robin.
“I don’t know,” moaned Mitzi. “He went all goofy and started flopping around and then head butted me.”
“He’s unconscious,” said Megan, who was Robin’s best friend. She also happened to be the mother of Todd, who was Mitzi’s boyfriend.
“Do you think he had a stroke?” asked Robin.
“He’s a little young for that, don’t you think?”
Chuck groaned.
“What should we do?” asked Robin. “Should we call 911?
“What if it turns out he just fainted or something?” asked Megan. “Do you know how much they charge for an ambulance ride these days? It’s obscene!”
“We could take him to the ER,” suggested Mitzi.
“We’re not an ambulance,” said her mother.
It must be noted here that while stereotypes are rarely good things to employ, that is not always the case. Robin Hampton was a natural blond, ex cheerleader, for whom math, science and just about any other subject had been a challenge. Robin was the epitome of the dumb blond, primarily because she was a dumb blond. That said, she was still a wonderful mother, in spite of being a single one. She had a good imagination, but some difficulty in recognizing the difference between fantasy and fact. That was mitigated by the fact that her children kept an eye on her. They were a very close family.
“Since he’s not bleeding, we don’t have to be an ambulance,” said Mitzi, who knew exactly how to phrase things so that her mother understood them. “We can just give him a ride.”
“Oh,” said Robin. She leaned down to slap coach’s cheeks gently. “Wake up, Chuck,” she said. “We can’t carry you to the car.”
Coach Dillworthy opened his eyes. They focused on the deep cleavage between Robin’s heavy breasts which were, at the moment, gently cupped in a straining halter top.
“Boobs” he whispered, and smiled.
Robin, who had had a thing for Coach Dillworthy for over two years now, but had never acted on it because she was six years his elder, felt a familiar tingle in her loins.
“Are you all right?” she asked.
Izzlestax strained harder than he had ever strained in his entire existence. He’d found a set of pathways that he sensed would control his host, but he also sensed something was amiss. Logically, he should be in complete control by now. He explored, sending his senses further through the tissue and felt something that, he had a gut feeling was pain in the host. It was remarkable how similar thought patterns were between species. His host was injured. That must be the problem. He found and explored autonomic nervous impulses that controlled major organs. They seemed to be in good condition. He didn’t want to ask for recall and try again. Getting control over this host had been difficult enough. He suddenly realized he hadn’t made an initial report and opened a comm channel.
“Izzy to base,” he projected.
He waited for someone to answer the comm channel.
He sent again: “Izzy to base, come in base.”
Still nothing.
He switched over to mental impulse, which would establish mind meld with Sergeant Dulpprizwa. Dulpprizwa’s consciousness should have appeared in the host’s mind as a shining blue sphere that Izzy could touch with an imaginary tentacle. That was how Izzy had always visualized a mind meld. He communicated through the tentacle.
But there was no sphere.
He came to the conclusion that he was cut off from the ship for some reason. He had no idea why that was, but he suspected, instinctively, that it had something to do with that pain tag he’d noticed as he explored the host brain. He decided to explore further.
He started looking for the hosts sensory inputs.
“Chuck?” Robin let him look. That was normal for a man, and she wanted him to be normal.
“Thirty-eight dee,” said Chuck, blinking.
His hands rose from the ground beside him and came to grip her breasts, as though they were rocks on a climbing wall. He twisted them in opposite directions gently and said “I lust for thee, orbs of desire.”
Robin gasped and leaned back. His hands, now claw-like, attempted to follow and reattach to the mounds of her breasts.
“Chuck!” she scolded. “I can’t believe you did that!”
“I can,” muttered Mitzi under her breath. Ever since she had succumbed to coach Dillworthy’s rather blatant attempts at seduction, she had noticed that he had a breast fetish. Not that she minded. He was very very good at nipple love, and he didn’t short her on foreplay. But she saw how he looked at other girls’ breasts. He was a horndog, plain and simple. But he was a much more mature horndog than guys her age, including her boyfriend, who truly had a one track mind. But coach, as lusty as a good pair of breasts made him, had never been this bald-faced about things. Something was wrong with him. It was obvious. “We need to get him to a doctor,” she said. “Something is really wrong with him.”
“Help me get him up,” said Megan. “Let’s get him to my car. It’s the closest.”
The essence of Izzlestax couldn’t sweat, because its physical shell was in a climate controlled cylinder. And making the host sweat wouldn’t do any good. Izzy’s problem was that this host was unimaginably difficult to control. He had found the portion of the host brain that was active, and held the host’s essence. That essence was incredibly strong. While Izzy could exert complete control over various parts of the host brain, he could not yet control the whole package, small as it was. And trying to use the rest of the brain was like yelling in an empty cavern. All he got were echoes of his thoughts.
The hosts visual organs suddenly began working and Izzy analyzed the inputs. The host was operating on his own for the moment. Izzy decided to just ride along and gather intel. He needed more information and practice before he could completely take over all the functions of this human brain.
He secured the part of the brain he was currently inhabiting. Idly he explored, trying to find what tasted like memory centers. Locating some he explored and found a stash of information on the body he was inhabiting. His current resting position was in something called the prefrontal cortex. It had something to do with behavior, but wasn’t used all that much, which was why he was able to wrest control of it from his host. He was quite sure now that the host had some kind of injury, but still seemed to be functioning reasonably well.
He felt the host attempt to gain control over the prefrontal cortex again, and retreated into that part of the brain to secure his control. The barrier he put up could not be breached by a mind this undeveloped. He was sure of that. He would just watch for a while and figure out how to control this human. He wasn’t about to admit defeat to those on the scout ship. He tried again to establish contact with the ship, but there was still nothing.
Captain Xixxnoir was no longer bored. Lieutenant Izzlestax’s communications had cut off after that last word, which meant nothing in the language the Blagtox used. He snapped to Rilpak to research it in the archives of intell about this planet. Rilpak was under the hood, where he could call up any of the electronic communications that had been intercepted coming from this planet for years. The Blagtox were always scanning the universe, looking for primitive electronic communications. Such signals meant the inhabitants had achieved a certain technological level that allowed them to locate and harvest resources and flourish in the process. That almost always meant that the Blagtox could flourish there too. If the natives couldn’t be co-opted into the empire as slaves, they were simply destroyed and used for food. Or mulch, if they tasted nasty. In addition, the signals could be used to learn a lot about the inhabitants as a scout ship approached.
“Got something!” came the muffled voice of Rilpak. The hood rose. Rilpak punched a button which sent information to the big screen so they could all see it. Two Earthlings appeared on the screen. They were Earthlings of the human variety, which were suspected of being the most intelligent on the planet. Much was known about humans. They had sent thousands of hours of descriptive information out into space, as if they were showing someone what they were like. It was through these signals that their language was decoded. It turned out there were different languages, which suggested they had co-opted beings from other planets, though that was not agreed upon. The only vehicles they had that appeared to be able to leave the atmosphere of the planet were incredibly primitive, inefficient tubes powered by chemical combustion. They seemed to be proud of that. Many of their electromagnetic signals displayed those vehicles rising from the planet in clouds of wasteful thermal reactions. The spectra collected over the years was difficult to interpret sometimes. For example, the earliest of recordings always showed humans covering most of their bodies with clothing, some of it obviously functional, most of it not. Later signals, however, sometimes showed them with little or no clothing on. The most recent interceptions had tons and tons of data showing them with clothing on, then taking it off and interacting physically, only to put clothes back on. There was an intense debate on whether parts of the planet were heating up due to volcanic activity.
“I love your fucking boobs,” said the male on the screen. He reached for twin mounds of flesh on the female’s upper torso, and squeezed them, as if they contained some substance he was trying to make come out.
Rilpak spoke. “The mounds are collectively called boobs, breasts, tits, hooters, flappers, bullets, milk bags, bazongas, melons, chest puppies, fun bags, headlights, the twins, and some few dozens of other names. All humans have them, but they are functional only in the female, who manufactures something called milk in them and then feeds it to infant humans.
He punched another button and a new picture blossomed on the screen. It was a close-up of one boob, with human fingers squeezing a dark nodule located in the front center of the device. As the fingers squeezed, thin streams of white liquid burst from the nodule, going in different directions. As Rilpak cycled to yet another picture, a miniature human opened its mouth and sealed around a similar nodule on an adult female human’s chest. This one was protruding from the female’s clothing.
“This may be the feeding of an infant human,” said Rilpak, pleased with himself for finding and tying together the various disparate recordings.
“Why would Lieutenant Izzlestax be hungry?” asked the captain. “Are you telling me he jumped into the body of a human infant? How could this be? How could an infant be the most predatory creature within range?”
“I’ll keep looking,” said Rilpak. “Maybe there’s some other meaning for the word.”
“What did you find on the other words ... that string that might have been a sentence?”
“I got nothing on them at all,” said Rilpak. “I tried all the languages in the database.
“Keep trying,” said Captain Xixxnoir, as if it was his own idea.
Robin and Megan walked on either side of Coach Dillworthy, who was taller than both of them, and a lot heavier. They staggered as his feet stumbled along between them. He looked down at each of them in turn, and his hands came around their backs to cup a breast in each one. He squeezed and giggled.
“Bippity boppity boob!” he chanted. “There’s something stiff in my tube!”
“Chuck!” gasped Robin as he squeezed her left breast.
“That knock on the head tipped over his naughty box,” grunted Megan, whose right breast was being massaged by the big, handsome man.
“Stop it, Chuck!” yipped Robin, even though she’d had delightful dreams about this very thing happening.
“My cock’s all hard. It’s full of lard,” sang Coach.
“You know,” said Megan. “Roger has been neglecting me lately. Maybe I should just take Coach home and nurse him for a bit.”
“So spread ‘em wide, babe and let’s fuck!” yelled Coach. He stopped suddenly, dragging the two women to a stop as well. “No wait,” he said, looking all around. “That didn’t rhyme.”
“Come on, Coach,” said Robin. “Just a little farther, and we can go for a nice ride to the emergency room.”
“I have an emergency!” he said, his voice sounding like he was trying to be a radio announcer.
“Yes, you do,” said Megan. “So start walking again.”
“It’s in my pants!” he barked. He leaned down to peer at Robin’s face. “Hi, Robin. I don’t feel too good. I think I could use a stiff one.” He blinked. “No, wait. I mean I have a stiff one. You could use a stiff one. I’ve been trying to give you one for years, ever since Tom took off.” He blinked. “Am I supposed to be talking about this? Why does my head hurt?”
“Just sit down in the car, Chuck,” cooed Megan, turning the coach so that his backside was pointed at the door Mitzi was holding open for them.
Then, just as they got him into the car, he lost consciousness and went limp again.
“Should we unfreeze the rest of the landing party?” asked Munwavvatii. He’d been on at least a dozen first contacts, and none of them had gone like this one. He felt nervous for the first time in his career.
“It’s a little premature for that,” said the captain. “I don’t think it’s likely that he jumped into an infant. Besides, his vitals look fine. He’s probably just having a commo problem. If the host mind is so primitive that they don’t have telepathy yet, then he’ll have to grow that capability in the host brain. That takes time.”
“I’m just worried because he did communicate, and now he’s not,” said the first contact specialist.
Captain Xixxnoir flicked a minor tentacle toward his control panel. The picture of the human infant eating at the breast of the female disappeared and was replaced by a six section chart showing the cognitive function centers in Izzlestax’s brain, there in the transfer tube.
“As you can see, his brain is registering no distress. He’s just having a commo problem,”
Izzy took stock. His host was injured. That much was obvious. It had gone dormant, which meant it was probably trying to repair the damage. Izzy decided to help.
He let his consciousness float around the body, looking for things that didn’t make sense. He paid particular attention to the area where the two lower appendages met the torso. That had been a very active area when the host was awake. He traced neural pathways and examined the condition of tissue. He located areas where tissue was being replaced, but it was only on a cellular level that appeared to be routine maintenance. He went on.
“Aha!” he said, finding a tube, which was obviously supposed to transport something, but which ended abruptly. The end was closed off by scarring. The end of another tube nearby displayed the same problem. Somehow, this tube had been severed, and the ends had scarred as it healed. He had no idea whether restoring it would help, but he had nothing else to do. Searching the part of the brain that he had converted to his use, he sent signals, causing the muscles to push the two severed ends together. Calling on the cells that were making repairs in other areas, he surrounded the joint with them. It took him almost an hour, but he finally confirmed that the connection was viable now, and that other cells, shaped like little round balls with a tail, could now travel through it without problem. Once he was certain proper function had been restored, he tried waking the host. It didn’t work. Then he tried to establish communication with the ship again, also without success. Giving a mental sigh, he kept looking for things to repair.
“Mrs. Hampton?”
Robin looked up into the dark eyes of a doctor who reminded her of Doctor Foreman on the TV show House.
“I go by Ms. Hampton,” said Robin, automatically. Ever since her husband had discovered he was gay and took off to live with his best friend, Danny, she had decided that the married honorific put up barriers to advances from men ... real men. Never mind that Tom had gotten her pregnant when she was just sixteen.
“I’m Doctor Neuman. I understand you brought Mr. Dillworthy to the hospital?”
“Uh huh,” said Robin.
“Did you see what happened to him?”
“No,” said Robin, who usually took questions very literally and answered them the same way.
The doctor had obviously expected to get additional information, and looked annoyed. Mitzi raised her hand, as if she were in school.
“He was talking to me one second, and he had some kind of fit. He flopped around on the ground and then banged his head on an aluminum bench. That’s when he went unconscious.”
“Oh,” said the doctor, looking the girl up and down. She was delicious looking in her loose soccer uniform. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” said Mitzi, politely.
“Do you know how to contact his family?” asked Doctor Neuman.
“He doesn’t have any,” said Mitzi. “He lives alone. His parents are dead and he doesn’t have any brothers or sisters or anything like that.”
Her mother looked at her in surprise.
“I didn’t know you knew so much about Coach,” she said.
Mitzi decided not to tell her mother that she’d learned that, and much, much more as she relaxed, after Coach Dillworthy fucked her socks off in his bed and they engaged in pillow talk before he fucked her socks off again. Coach was always good for going twice. She was very happy he’d had a vasectomy and she didn’t have to worry about when, during her cycle, he fucked her socks off.
“I think he told us about that on one of our road trips,” she said, innocently.
“Well, we need to do an MRI, and he’s still unconscious,” said the doctor.
“Well then go ahead,” said Robin. “I’m sure he’d want you to do one.”
Doctor Neuman looked at her like she was crazy.
“I can do it without his consent if you’re sure he hit his head,” he said to Mitzi.
“He hit it hard,” she said, helpfully. “And he woke up and talked gibberish and then passed out again.”
The doctor nodded, turned away, and hurried through swinging double doors.
Izzy had only inhabited one foreign brain before. He was a Lieutenant not because of his experience, or time in service. His great uncle was General Zaggtorbex, in sector nine of the empire, and had pulled some strings. His previous host had been a marine species, that had enough intelligence to know it was hungry all the time. It also knew how to search for food, which consisted of pretty much anything it could get its razor sharp teeth into. Izzy had almost dropped to the same level before they sucked his essence out of the creature. He had convinced the medics that he was fine, though he had to undergo counseling for the nightmares he had. That creature’s brain was where he learned how to identify pain centers in a brain. His host had been in pain a lot, usually when one of the others of its’ species was trying to eat it.
So Izzy thought he’d been through the toughest experience there was out there. This species was clearly more advanced and more intelligent than that fish had been. But try as he did, he couldn’t break through to communicate with his superiors on the ship. Furthermore, his host kept becoming dormant without any warning. Izzy didn’t become dormant when that happened. He was just trapped in a brain that, while it kept his host alive, wasn’t giving Izzy any information to work with. He’d found the organs that processed sound, and he could hear voices of other humans, but his vocabulary wasn’t up to the task of translating them.
For example; A male voice had just said “Process to MRI STAT. May be a bleeder. Move it! Move it! Move it!”
Now what the fuck did that mean?
He was pretty sure he’d found the visual works too, but the host had external protective shields over the eyes, and they were deployed at the moment.
He visualized clamping a minor tentacle onto the aural input and heard the sounds that meant technological machinery. He felt the host body moving laterally. Since the legs weren’t moving, and he could feel pressure on the skin covering the back of the host head, he decided the host was lying down.
“Clear?” came a disembodied voice.
“All clear. Slice ‘em and dice ‘em,” said another voice.
“You better hope the chief doesn’t hear you say that,” said the first voice.
Then all hell broke loose, and Lieutenant Izzlestax held on to his own sanity for dear life.
It was as though he suddenly had his body back, and something was trying to tear him out of the host’s brain bodily. There was a screaming wail as what felt like unshielded cosmic rays bored through the host’s brain. There was no place to hide from the deadly rays, and all Izzy could do was add his own silent scream to the electronic noise and beg the sixteen gods to let him live.
“We’ve got a problem!” yelled Sergeant Dulpprizwa, who had jumped up and was looking at the transfer tube. “He’s screaming into the mind meld!” His major tentacles wrapped protectively around the scutum that protected his own brain and he winced. “I can buffer the noise, but he’s in some kind of major distress.”
The captain turned to Munwavvatii. “Wake up the rest!” he snapped. “We may have to go get him.”
Rilpak had abandoned the porn he’d been watching. The human males only had one tentacle, and it was stubby and useless at first glance. Even extended it only grew a few inches. But it was what they did with that tentacle that was so bizarre. They actually stuck it up inside the female! Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought of doing something like that. Once they took over this planet, though, he was going to try it. It must be a lot of fun, because the male did it a lot, inserting the tentacle and then pulling it out, only to insert it again. Over and over they did that until it appeared to cause them intense pain. It had to be painful, because inevitably, they cradled the tentacle in their hand and it bled in long, white spurts. He closed the hood. “What if we can’t get him out of the host?” he asked.
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This is the conclusion of this story, please read Soccer Mom Screws up to understand the problem Kelly and Toby have. Toby walked into Kelly's room in his briefs, he had dried cum in his briefs. Her first reaction was to cover her tits, but it seemed pointless, she looked at him “hi honey I know we need to talk”. Toby looked directly at her, “we need to talk damn right we do, first off you are officially the team cum dumpster so congratulations it’s on the internet. Secondly, I have now been...
" I want your stiff, young cock!""But mom, er I...""No more games, Kyle, it's time you fucked a real woman."Kate is my stepmother, my real mother took off when I was three, maybe that's why I have always had this sick fixation on her, or maybe her tight, tan body was too much for a healthy 18 year-old to bear. I don't want to overanalyze, it was hard enough keeping up with my class load and being the midfielder for a division I NCAA soccer team. She earned her right to be called a soccer mom...
Author’s Note: All persons in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old. ***** Leticia Clark is a tall, blonde forty year old divorced woman who is raising two teen-aged sons on her own. Her former husband pays her very generous child support and even sends her money for her personal expenses so she can be a full-time mother but otherwise has nothing to do with her or their children. One of her favorite activities is taking one or both of her sons to their soccer games and practices,...
I retired from the Marines a year ago and was sick of living in a military town. I decided to move to an upscale suburban family neighborhood for a change of pace. So here I am in Florida playing cards with my new group of friends I jokingly refer to as my “Glen Cove Avenue Soccer Moms”. All of them happened to be suburban housewives in their mid-thirties to late forties. They were all very good looking classy women who had been “sentenced” to be suburban housewives by their rich husbands. Well...
NOT MY STORIES I FOUND EM ON A HARD DRIVE N THOUGHT I SHOULD UPLOAD EM..I am a 48 year old mom ; I am posting these stories in the order that they happened ; so for those that want to know specifics ; they have been changing all along . As you know my young friends gangbanged me in my first post and then I was introduced to the world of porn in my second post. I decided to quit my job 1 week after I appeared on stage at the adult club . My husband was upset but I told him it was not worth it...
So it’s been months since my adventures with Kristie and Summer began and I have enjoyed great times with both of them. It had surprised me when Summer had told me Kristie had revealed the secrets of our rendezvous. But word was spreading throughout the soccer group. How did I know? Well it is a little obvious when you begin receiving explicit texts from another soccer mom. Mandi was one of those soccer moms that I hadn’t really thought about sexually but it isn’t to say she isn’t desirable....
Janet Malone was a widowed soccer mom who was built like the proverbial brick chicken house; she was truly a MILF (Mother I'd Love to Fuck). She was the victim of a very bizarre circumstance. Her husband died on the night of the day that she was told that she was pregnant with a daughter. His death was very strange: he had died of asphyxiation when an aerosol can of foam he was using to seal some air leaks around a garage window blew up in his face. The foam polymer had squirted foam deeply...
As she waited in her car, Brenda couldn't believe she was here again. Her short, shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat evidence of her apprehension. My God. I'm a happily married wife and mother, why can't I stop doing this? Brenda was the prototype Soccer Mom. She was thirty-three-years-old, married ten years, living in the suburbs with a nine-year-old son and seven-year-old daughter. Her husband was just what she dreamed about as a girl. Loving, handsome, dedicated to her and the kids, a...
BDSMHe was excited about lunch. Not because he would be going to Chez du Monde, but because it would be a ‘Coaches Lunch’. You see he would be having lunch with Shannon. She was the coach of his daughter’s soccer team. And he held the illustrious title of assistant coach. It was an innocent lunch. Why was he so excited?……. It had been early fall. His precious five year old daughter would be playing on her first soccer team. He could barely contain his excitement. He had played all his life which...
I'm not sure how this happens to me but here another true story in my life.I love playing and watching soccer (as it called in America)Every where else in the world its called FootballEvery four years they have the World Cup.Were the best 32 teams in the world compete.I was born and used to live in Germany.I know a little German but not much.I always cheer for the German Football team and Team USA.The German team (Deutschland) as its better known is very good in FootballI watched all most all...
Main characters: Nicole Adams: 38, housewife and mom of Ryan, blonde, 5’7, 111lbs, 32C-23-34, slim and tanned Marcus: 25, coach of Ryan football team, black, 6’2, muscular, 10in dick Ryan Adams: 9, son of Nicole, 5’2 slim, athletic Rachel: 35, housewife and Nicole’s BFF, blonde, 5’6, 112lbs, 34D-24-36, slim and tanned Chapter 1 I am Nicole, a typical suburban housewife, married to Daniel Adams for 12 years. Daniel travels for work a lot and I stay at home to look after our son, Ryan....
This is my first post here on the site so let me start with a little about me. I am a 45 yr old man and i have had a pantyhose fetish for as long as i can remember. In fact my first pantyhose experience took place when I was too young to understand what I was feeling. It was very innocent I was horsing around with my aunt and I tickled her feet which happened to be covered with pantyhose. Over the years I have always been turned on by women in pantyhose. Teachers in school, friends mother's ....
Now let it be said I was perfectly happy having Kristie to play with and I know she loved being played with but I couldn’t help but think if Sarah knew about it. I just figured until she actually said something about it, I wasn’t going to say anything and just, well enjoy the rides. It was about a month later from my first encounter with Kristie and we were getting together at least twice a week. But then, the unexpected happened. It was early in the afternoon and I received a text from...
Wife LoversShe found a vacancy in a local soccer club for a assist to coach and she went to the interview there with the resume.She wore a yellow chudithra and have done with makeups and lipstick and she had a shawl which barely covers her tits.She took her bike and went on to the place and there were so many there and most of them are males and every men oogled at her hot body and they were tearing her dress in their sight. The interview was done by the head coach itself and...
Please comment....It happened last night. The guys had all been debating whether Mom would ever really do anything or not. For the last two weeks, once we finished our soccer training, Jim, John, and Steve would come over and we would all strip down and soak in the hot tub and drink a couple of beers. College was a lot different than playing in High School.John noticed it first, on the second night that we were out. The bedroom blind parted just a little and if you watched carefully, you could...
Marianne Smith huffed up the stairs, a basket balanced on her hip as she trudged along on her chore to pick up the clothes her two kids left strewn about the house. Blowing the strand of dishwater blond hair from her face she moved into her daughter Bethany's room and found the usual litter of panties, skirts and shirts lying on the floor and the bed. As she began to pick up the clothes she heard a muted cry of surprise coming from further down the hall. Normally Marianne would have ignored...
Kelly had been single for six years; her husband had left her and their son Toby for a younger woman. Kelly was a MILF as all Toby’s friends told him, she had a good size pair of tits, great tight ass short red hair and nice legs. Toby had tried out for the soccer team and was the last kid accepted on the varsity squad. He wasn’t all that good, but the coach felt sorry for the kids who didn’t make it, so he decided Toby would stay. The two-star players were Calvin or Cal and Joseph or Joe...
“you’ll need to get up soon” she said “remember dad’s not here this week to take you to Soccer so I’ve got the short straw”. “I know” I replied “thanks mom” “Ok, Darling” she said “what do you want for breakfast?” “just some eggs would be good mom please” I replied. I know I was spoilt by my mom but I was an only child so kind of made the most of it. She turned and started to leave the room, as she walked I could see her round ass move from side to side in her robe. She stopped on...
Chelsea made a pass to Diana. The ball bounced off Diana's feet. She sprinted forward to regain control of the ball, and was immediately surrounded by two opponents. Diana tried to get through the defenders but the bigger girls eventually fended her off. It was a match between two varsity high school girls' soccer teams. I was an assistant coach of the home team, Peterson High School, in which Diana and Chelsea were playing for. It was a close match between these two teams of enthusiastic...
Costume Gun: Goth Girl to Soccer Mom By Heather St. Claire Today is a big milestone in my life. But my wonderful husband, my three darling children and my beloved mother will never know about it. It may seem like an ordinary day in the life of a very ordinary 29 (soon to be 30) year old. But there is something really special about it because beginning today, this average yet oh-so-wonderful day, I will have spent more days of my life as a female than a male. I'm not much to look...
The soccer tournament (revised) ©2011 By Jennifer Morrell Please let me know what you think about my story, using the review functionality on the site. Keep in mind that English is not my first language. Reposting this story elsewhere on the internet is allowed as long as it free of charge and if I am acknowledged as the author. I posted this story earlier this month and I would like to thank Leah for her review of my story. I hope you like the alterations I...
THE CASE OF THE SOCCER CRIME By Anthony Durrant When the members of the Hutchison High School soccer team entered the gym, they found a woman standing in front of a portable blackboard in the middle of the floor. Taking a piece of chalk from a shelf under the blackboard, she wrote the name MS. SUBAYYAH STANDISH on its surface, and said, "My name is Ms. Subayyah Standish, and I was called here by Coach Sawyer to substitute for him this year while he deals with...
Keiko had been the boys' soccer team manager at her Japanese high school along with her best friend Akiko a few years before and was still crazy about all things soccer, a sport I only have a passing interest in. When she met Mark met at a party they connected through soccer and him being an Englishman who played soccer was an added attraction for her. Soon after, she introduced him to some Japanese guys who played in a local amateur soccer league. Mark didn't have a car so Keiko would...
TrueTHE SOCCER PARTY 1. “C’mon guys, you can do it! Go!” It was a bright and warm Thursday afternoon. The Richfield Community soccer field was hosting a game between their local team the Cougars against their cross-town rivals, the Tigers. The field was swarming with the 18 year-old boys from both teams. The sidelines were populated by parents cheering the game on. Sitting alone on the bench for the Cougars was Tommy McFarlane. Tommy was small for his age and somewhat still socially awkward....
IncestI watched 16 yelling, screaming brats reducing to shambles the dribbling drill I had designed for them, and I asked myself how in the hell I got involved with coaching a boys’ soccer team. I don’t know shit about soccer. I should have been out drinking, and trying to get laid. Nobody but a dummy like me lets his “community oriented” boss talk me into coaching his son’s soccer team. We were two games into the season, and we’d lost both games badly. The k**s were playing with enthusiasm, but hey...
I watched 16 yelling, screaming brats reducing to shambles the dribbling drill I had designed for them, and I asked myself how in the hell I got involved with coaching a boys’ soccer team. I don’t know shit about soccer. I should have been out drinking, and trying to get laid. Nobody but a dummy like me lets his “community oriented” boss talk me into coaching his son’s soccer team.We were two games into the season, and we’d lost both games badly. The k**s were playing with enthusiasm, but...
Brenda lay on the bench staring out the open window. At first, she only heard silence the after last sound of her Master’s car disappeared. Then she started to hear other sounds from outside she hadn’t noticed before. The breeze rustled the leaves on a tree, birds chirping, a train in the distance. All such normal everyday events. Brenda looked at the pony and the reality of what had just transpired crashed into her consciousness. This was by far the cruelest Master had ever treated her. Even...
BDSMVictor and I had moved to Savannah. On the first months living there, every black man in the neighborhood thought I was a horny white married bitch and some of them for sure had fantasies with me, dreaming about fucking me as a slutty soccer mom…Then one afternoon my husband and I were in the back yard sitting on our patio when a moving truck pulled up to the house that was for sale across the street from ours. Victor and I walked to the front of our house to see the new neighbors were a middle...
When you think you've won a great prize, you may have to conclude that you lost a whole lot more ! The author of this story filed this story only in Fictionmania. If you want to use this story in other webpages you are free to do so as long as you do this free of charge to other readers and email the URL it is filed in to [email protected] Soccer for suckers by J.C. Arby We arrived at The Amsterdam Arena at 13.00h. Today's match between Ajax and Feyenoord would start at...
School was starting in a few days, and the fall sports teams were busy practicing. Football was practicing in the mornings, soccer and tennis in the afternoons. Josh and Jake had both tried out for the football team and had made the junior varsity team. I was on the varsity soccer team, playing my right defensive position behind Skip Horvath, a senior and one of the stars of our team. Skip was chosen for All-Conference honors as both a sophomore and a junior, and was second-team All-State...
SOCCER MOMS – PART 3 (and last)Wendy’s house was older than Sheila’s and the rooms were smaller. Wendy and Sheila chatted downstairs after the girls went upstairs to get ready for bed. They could hear the water running and the footsteps. “I think our girls have retired to their bedroom”, said Wendy after listening to the silence.“Mmmmm….I bet they won’t lose any time”, said Sheila her voice quivering in excitement“They may wait until we get into our room”, suggested WendyBoth women had given...
The upside of coaching the Ravens, a U-17 team instead of U-18 like the Strikers, was that most of the players were juniors, which meant that they would playing club soccer for two years before they graduated. That gave me more time to develop their skills. I started the first season with my head on straight and my moral compass pointing in the right direction. I managed to make it all the way through a busy and successful Fall season with no inappropriate thoughts. Well, OK, I had a few...
Chapter 4 In the early morning Jake was having a dream, a dream in which he stood at the side of the football field wearing that horrid princess dress. The girls were playing soccer behind him while he was facing the overly packed stadium, all his buddies and past dates sitting on the first rows, pointing and laughing at him. "Oh my I can't believe I ever had sex with such a sissy," "No wonder he lost to a girl, he looks way daintier than she does," "What a faggot, he's a disgrace to...
By : Tahirmlk2007 I have been a Soccer referee for over 6 years now, being from sports background I was well built, tall, fair with athletic body and size of 6.5” of dick. I have been involved in several unusual situations, but none of them come close to what happened to me this past weekend. I had been invited to referee at a soccer tournament several miles from where I live, and since the fields were reported to be in good shape, and the teams normally quite competitive, I accepted the...
IncestSOCCER MOMS – PART 2Wendy finally drove off after dropping Sheila home to cook dinner for the girls. The women had exchanged cell phone numbers.“Call me from a safe place when the girls are in the bedroom together”, whispered Wendy“Ok. I hope I can see something. I don’t know if they’ll want to keep the door open. My room is not next to Linda’s, but I can see in it when I stand in my doorway. I’ll do my best to report and keep one hand on phone”, joked Sheila‘Do your best. Keep your ears open....
Watching her husband pulled out of the drive wave Christy waved goodbye to him from their living room window, then turn to yell at her eleven year old son Ron, to hurry up getting ready for school before he missed the bus. Ron ran down the stairs, waved at his mom and was out the front door. “Have a good day at school,” she said as she saw him run down the street. With a big sigh in her breath, Christy turned to walk into the kitchen and began clearing the table of dirty dishes....
One As she waited in her car, Brenda couldn’t believe she was here again. Her short, shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat gave away her apprehension. My God, she thought. I’m a happily married wife and mother, why can’t I stop doing this. Brenda was the stereotype soccer mom. She was 33 years old and married for ten years. She was living in the suburbs with a nine year old son and seven year old daughter. Her husband was just what she dreamed of as a girl, loving, handsome and dedicated to...