A Mercenary's TaleChapter 15 free porn video

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The weather over the next few days was kind to them, and they made good progress. It was outside a nondescript village that didn’t even have a name that the next problem overtook them. They had just passed through the village and were topping a rise, when they found a group of twenty armoured horsemen waiting for them. The caravan halted. The guards ran to the front and formed a shield-wall. Nathaniel moved to the head of the caravan.

“Yes, gentlemen? How may we assist you?”

The leader sat up straight in the saddle.

“I am Captain Howard, of Lord Blackmore’s personal bodyguard. I am here to escort the Lady Isabella back to her father.”

“Very well, I’ll fetch her, and her husband. They can then decided what is to happen.”

“Husband? What husband? I was given to understand that she was to marry Earl Tathlone.”

“I’ll go and get them. I’ll let them explain it, themselves.”

Donald and Isabella moved to the front of the caravan.

“Good day, Captain Howard. What brings you so far from home?” Isabella said.

The man’s eyes came out on stalks. He hardly recognised Isabella, sitting there astride her horse, dressed in britches, carrying a bow, and with a sword strapped to her side.

“Um ... Milady, we have been given instructed to return you to your father. It seems that the Lord Tathlone is eager to meet you to discuss your forthcoming wedding.”

“You are too late. I am already married. I’m married to Sir Donald, here. I told my father that hell itself would freeze over before I married Lord Tathlone. He packed me off to the convent at Riverdale as a punishment. As you can see we didn’t make it that far. I have met and married a man with more honour, compassion and integrity than all the Lords, Barons and Earls in the entire kingdom. I’m afraid you have had a wasted journey. I will not be returning with you.”

The man shifted uncomfortably in the saddle. “We were told to return you, willing or not. I’m afraid I’ll have to insist you accompany us.”

“And if I refuse?” she asked, knocking an arrow to her bow.

“I’m afraid Milady I must insist. We have been ordered to bring you home, regardless. Bring you home we will.”

“I’m sorry, Captain Howard, you will not. I will personally shoot the first man who tries to lay a hand on me. I’m sure my husband and our men will kill the rest. Return home now, while you are still able, and tell my father and mother that they lost me when they tried to have me marry Lord Tathlone even after I refused. You may also tell my mother that I know of her and the Baron’s liason. I’ll let her be the one to break the news to Ebenezeer, the greasy little man who I was really going to be sacrificed to. Let her know that her plot has been revealed. I will not be returning home; not now, and not in the foreseeable future.”

The Captain looked puzzled “I’m not quite sure what you mean, Milady. All I know is that I have orders to return you.”

Donald stepped forward “Captain, I will ask you to think very carefully about your next statement. Your answer will decide whether your men live or die, today. Look at the sky, think of your wife and children, and ponder what will happen to them if you do not return. Now I will ask the question. Are you prepared to take Lady Isabella by force, killing any who get in your way?”

The man swallowed. It was then spotted Lieutenant Alan, Henry and David.

“You three men. You are instructed to bring Lady Isabella over here. You are in the employ of Lord Blackmore and therefore under my command. Follow your orders.”

“You always were a pompous fool, Howard. We are the personal bodyguard of her Ladyship. She is the one who gives the orders not you. Now, as Sir Donald has already said, do you think this is a good day to die? Unless you ride away, now, men will die today. Let me assure you, it will not be us.”

The man was completely at a loss. He thought to just ride up, demand her release, and return home in triumph. He would never have thought in his wildest dreams that caravan guards would be prepared to fight against his Lordship’s personal bodyguard!

He looked at those before him. There were men forming a shield-wall, and behind them were more mounted men, many with bows. On the wagons were men, women, and boys, all again with bows. Even Lady Isabella was carrying a bow and looked like she intended to use it! He knew if he were to order a charge he would lose many of his troops, and once the fighting started there was a good chance that Lady Isabella could be injured, or worse! There was only one thing for it. He would challenge her ‘husband,’ personally. Once he had defeated the man she would be honour bound to accompany him back to her father.

“Very well. I personally challenge your champion to a duel. When I win, you will then accompany me back to your father.”

“What happens when you lose?” Isabella asked him.

“That is very unlikely. I am your father’s champion. I’m the best swordsman your father has. However, in that unlikely event, then I am willing to allow you all to continue on your journey. Now, bring forth your champion.”

They all laughed when Simon stepped forward with his staff. Donald dismounted and walked over to him smiling. He ruffled his head.

“Not this time, young man. This one fancies himself a swordsman. I’ll deal with him myself.”

Isabella came over and said, “Thank you, young Sir Simon, but even if he really is quite good, Sir Donald will soon put him in his place.”

He blushed profusely when she kissed him on the cheek. The rest of the men smiled and patted him on the back as he returned to his station. Tabitha came over to him.

“You are so brave,” she told him, kissing him then hugging him close.

Donald smiled when he saw this. He then turned towards his opponent, his face like stone. “How do you wish to do this? First blood, unable to continue, or death? Mounted, or on foot?”

“I will fight you on foot. I will chose a knights weapon, swords. We will fight ‘till first blood. Will that satisfy you?”

“As long as you abide by what is agreed. If not I will kill you and every one of your men. You have threatened my wife. As far as I am concerned your life is forfeit. The only reason I will let you live is that you are simply doing as you have been bidden. Cross me and you die.”

“Very well. I am Captain Howard, captain of Lord Blackmore’s personal bodyguard.”

“I am Sir Donald. Captain of Nathaniel’s Honourable Caravan Guards. I am also the husband of Lady Isabella Blackmore. Now, enough of this, let’s get it done.”

Both men saluted each other, then faced off. They circled each other, each watching the other, looking for any possible opening. Howard darted forward, thinking to find an opening. There was a clash of steel, then both men jumped back.

They toyed with each other, each flicking their blades forward, testing each other. First one would attack, then the other. The attacks became more frequent. The sound of steel hitting steel rang out, rising to a crescendo.

A smile broke out on Donald’s face. He was enjoying himself. Howard started to frown. This man was more skilled than he thought. He watched as Donald started to smile. Dammit the man was enjoying himself! The blades flashed faster and faster. Donald’s smile got wider and wider while Howard started to sweat.

He could not believe just how quick this big man was. He was being forced back, further and further. He was being worn down by this giant of a man. He was tiring, it was becoming more and more difficult to block his blows. He was constantly on the defensive. He had no answer to this man. He thought he saw an opening and lunged forward. Donald parried his blow, catching his sword with his dagger. Donald’s fist lashed out, smashing him in the nose, and knocking him to the ground. Blood poured down his face. Donald stepped back.

“I think that is first blood, to me. Do you wish to continue?”

Howard staggered to his feet. He shook his head. “No. No, you have beaten me fair and square. I will return to his Lordship and inform him of your marriage and your decision.”

“That is a sensible decision. You really didn’t want to see your men killed, did you?”

Howard looked at him daggers. He said nothing mounted his horse, then he and his men departed.

“You enjoyed that didn’t you?” Samuel asked him as they made their way back towards the caravan.

“Yes! Yes, I did. He was quite good, you know.”

“Yes, but you were playing with him. I saw at least twenty points where you could have finished it.”

“I know, but he had to be worn down, he had to know he was beaten. I could have finished it almost at once but he would have thought it was a lucky blow. His honour would have made him push it further. Eventually I would have had to kill him. He now knows he was beaten fairly. He admitted so, himself. He knew he could not win against me, but at least he had a fight. He could be beaten and retain his honour.”

Isabella had by this time reached them. She heard what Donald had told Samuel.

“That’s my Donald, always thinking of honour.”

“It was very important. If he had thought that Donald had won by luck, or even worse by subterfuge, then he would have ordered his men to attack and men would have died ... quite possibly some of us. As it is, he knows he was beaten fair and square. He can leave with his head held high and keep the respect of his men. There is no shame in being beaten by a better man, as long as you have done your best.”

“Oh, so if you had beaten him quickly, it could have caused his men to attack?”

“Yes, it could,” Samuel told her

“So how quickly could have you taken him?”

“Within the first thirty seconds. He was slow getting his guard back up after his first attack. It would have been easy to slip under his guard and run him through. As it is he can return and tell your parents that we are wed, and to leave us alone.”

Isabella smiled and shook her head at him. “I’m sorry my love but it will not be that easy. I can feel my mother’s hand behind this. Once she gets an idea into her head it will not be so easy to shake it. I’m afraid she will be like a dog with a bone.”

“So we can expect more visits from the likes of him can we? Next time I shan’t be so accommodating. I’ll just kill them. Let’s see if they keep coming after us when all they receive back is corpses.”

She went to him and put her arms around him “Now, now. I’m sure they wont come back for a while. By then we will be far away.”

He kissed her and replied, “If we’re going to be far away, we had better get going then, hadn’t we?”

They continued on their journey. After a further three days travelling they crested a rise. There before them was the town of Ballam’s Holm. It sat in a shallow valley with a river running along side. The mountains made a spectacular backdrop. They could smell the place long before they reached it. It was a squalid, stinking place. A wall surrounding the town looked in poor repair. There seemed to be no order about the place. Groups of shifty looking men were hanging around the town gates. They made their way towards the caravan quarter. As they did so Nathaniel came over to Donald.

“Something’s wrong. This place never used to be like this. This is just chaos.”

“I know. I came through ... oh, around seven years ago. This was run by the Killross clan. Theodore Killross was their leader. He was a big man. Even I would not wish to cross him.”

“I know. I must admit it’s been at least four years since I’ve been here. I wonder what happened?”

“I don’t think going into town is going to be a good idea. We’ll head upstream over by that copse there. At least then, we’ll have the water before it reaches the town.”

They circumnavigated the town, coming to the river by the trees. Donald ordered all the wagons to be positioned in a defensive semi-circle, with the river at their back. They were about a mile and a half from the town. As they started to set up camp, they saw a group of four men making their way over. They continued to make camp as these men approached. Donald and Nathaniel rode over to meet them.

“Hello, can we help you?” Nathaniel asked the men.

“You can’t camp here. You have to go over to the compound.”

“Sorry, but who are you?”

“We’re members of the ruling council. We run the place. What we say goes. You need to go to the compound and pay the toll. Everyone has to pay.”

“What do we get for the toll?”

“Get? What do you mean get? You get to live, that’s what you get!”

“We’re living, now. Do I have to take it that you are threatening us?”

“Listen, we control this town. This is the only place you can get supplies before Ballam’s gap. Now you wouldn’t want to get stuck there would you? Not with all those bandits and all?”

“So let me get this straight, you want us to go over to the compound so you can rob us, and when you’ve done that, you can tell your friends in the mountains that we have goods worth stealing, so they can attack us there? Do we look that stupid?” Donald asked him.

“Now you listen, and you listen good! We have over one hundred and fifty men here. If you don’t do as we say then we’ll come out and make you! If we do that, well, you have women here, don’t you? I can think of a few things that could happen to them! You wouldn’t want that would yo...”

He never completed his sentence as there was a knife lodged in his throat. He slowly slid from his horse. His companions looked stunned.

“Nobody threatens my wife, and lives! Now take him back, and tell your friends over there that if they want a fight then fine. Come and get it!”

One of the men went for his sword. He too slumped forward with a dagger in his chest. Donald drew his sword.

“Anyone else?” He looked at the two remaining men. They just stood there wide eyed. “No? Didn’t think so. If you want our goods come and get them. We’ll be waiting.”

“You’re all dead men!” one of the screamed at them.

Donald moved his hand, the man flinched.

“Leave, now, while you still can,” he growled.

The men fled, leaving their fallen companions where they lay. Donald retrieved his knives, wiping them on the dead men’s clothes. They returned to the encampment.

“Do you think that was wise?”

“Yes. We have shown them that we mean business, and that we are not afraid of them. There’s one other thing. For an attacker to take a well defended position he needs to out number the enemy by three to one. If he has one hundred and fifty then he doesn’t. They probably don’t know that. They are about to get a nasty shock! The other thing is, they have to be holding the town by force. If they bring all their men out to fight then who is going to hold the town? They have to leave at least a third of their force behind. Now then, let’s organise our defense.”

Isabella came running over to him. “What happened? Why did you kill those men?”

“They threatened you, and all the other women here. No one does that and lives. They know that, now. They wanted us to go to their compound where we would have to pay some sort of ‘toll’. They are bandits. They somehow have taken control of the town. We must now prepare for their attack.”

He called for everyone’s attention.

“You all saw what happened out there. They threatened to use our women for their ‘entertainment!’ I showed them that if they want that, it will come at a very high price. They are now forced to attack us. We haven’t got long to prepare, an hour at most. I need everyone with a shovel to dig a hole about a foot square and a foot deep. The idea is that if they come at us on horseback, then the horse will trip and pitch his rider head first into the ground. I need all of you to help. I want you to leave a gap ten feet wide, from the front of my wagon here. This will give us a path out. Don’t worry, they wont be able to see it when they attack. Those of you without a shovel, go into the woods and cut some briar or hawthorn bushes. Bring them back here, to make a barricade. Those of you with bows, get them, and find a position on the wagons. As soon as we see them, get to your positions.”

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I awoke same as always, in a tangle of flesh. I wiggled my way to the bathroom for a quick stop and then I was on my way again. I stopped in to see Fred after making coffee. “Fred, do you have a map of who is located where in the rooms? On the computer I mean.” “Yes of course Bob, who were you looking for?” “Well I wanted to know the names of the men I was working with yesterday on the smoker and I wanted Tovar’s location as we are going out to locate some trees for the smoker.” “Bob, the...

2 years ago
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DemiGodChapter 16 Betrayal

It only took a few minutes to walk to the edge of the Fount. Bright energy-laden Ether spurted up like water under high pressure from the rift in the ground in front of him. Jake saw what the others could not: the rift between the planes was only about a eighteen inches across, but the stream was nearly quarter of a mile across itself, and shot nearly ten times as high. Jake marveled at the care that must have gone into constructing such a well of power in the mortal plane. Brent had...

4 years ago
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How Did We Even Get Here Chapter 8

A middle-aged occupant, a petite blonde, and a greasy criminal stood in a living room after midnight. It could have been mistaken as the set-up for a bad joke, but the unfamiliar territory did not amuse Bill in the slightest.“Dante, why are you here?” Frankie asked.“I heard you the first time, sweetheart.” Dante advanced to her. “You got my fucking money?”“Hey.” Bill clapped and whistled, causing Dante to glower at him with a raised brow. “Yeah, I meant you, Donnie Brasco. How the hell do you...

4 years ago
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Copyright © 2003 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. The thought of this day echoed through my mind like thunder. The only thing louder than that thought was the pounding of my heartbeat. I tried to closed my eyes relax and breath. I waited for what seemed like years before releasing myself from me....

3 years ago
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NightfallChapter 15

A whole week. A whole damn week! It was his fault actually. Not only he had let her go but he had even pushed her to go when she didn't want to. How dumb was he anyway? She hadn't called. Not even Hannah. Not even Maddy. Maybe she had her own problems, maybe her parents required most of her time but that was no excuse, was it? Alex was finding it hard to believe that she couldn't even pick up the damn phone! He paced his study, irritated beyond belief. He didn't know where she was. That...

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The Interview And After

Nineteen-year-old Matthew Pearson went through the lobby of a multi-story building and the lift at the end was about to close."Hold the lift, please," shouted Matthew and the closing doors stopped then re-opened."Thank you," Matthew smiled to the only other occupant of the lift, a very attractive mature woman who was probably in her fifties or even slightly more. She was dressed in good quality looking business skirt, jacket and blouse."Where to?" the woman asked with her finger hovering near...

3 years ago
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Mother Love Daddy the Cuckhold

James had been tempted to join his mother in the shower but decided against it. He needed to sort out in his mind his plan for the evening, how he intended to deal with his father. He had seen a few videos of men being forced to watch their wives being fucked, the wives tormenting their husbands and ridiculing them, that sort of idea appealed to him, he was confident his mother would go along with it. He was thrilled with the way she had taken to their relationship, he had dreamt of getting to...

2 years ago
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Abinaya And Me 8211 Part 1

Hi this is tamilpayyan again back with the new sex story with my college friend. I hope you guys and girls would like this sex story. Girls can mail me in This story starts from my college life. The heroine of this story is a typical village girl. During the lab in the college we came to know about each other and we introduced ourselves. And started the lab work. Since she is a village girl she didn’t know about computer. I started to work in the computer but she didn’t turn on it. I came to...

1 year ago
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Rajs mother

I am a 28-year-old guy. I am tall and have quite a healthy physique due to which I look younger. On first sight strangers assume I must be around 22 years old. I have a fair complexion. My friends mother is a 42yearold lady. But she has a slim and trim body she looks 36. She has black hair and has a fair complexion. My friends mother drinks every Sunday. Sometimes when she is in a really good mood she lets me join us with a beer.She never lets his son drink more however. Now I can still...

2 years ago
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Harem Building The Southern California ConnectionChapter 8

When I had gotten to work with Ray on Monday I talked at length about my new found wealth of slaves. Ray helped in tweaking the way I should set rules and what to expect from each of the ladies. His insights had been right on the money to this point so I had confidence in what we were planning. We spent hours at breakfast discussing all kinds of issues that would come up with Lisa coming in on Friday. I told them Tuesday evening that they needed to take the next week off from work. We...

2 years ago
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A Labour Leader Blackmails a Housewife

Mera naam Savita Singh hai. Mai ek shaadi shuda mahila hoon. Gujarat me Soorat ke paas ek Textile industry me husband Mr. Brijbhushan singh ( we call him Brij) engineer ke post me kaam karte hain. Unke textile mill me hamesha labour problem rahti hai.Majdooron ka neta bhogi bhai bahut hi kaiyan type ka admi hai. Officer logon ko us aadmi ko hamesha pata kar rakhna padta hai. Mere pati ki us se bahut pat ti thi. Mujhe unki dosti futi aankh bhi nahin suhati thi. Shaadi ke baad mai jab nayi nayi...

4 years ago
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Shivani And Rahul 8211 Part 8

Here is the eighth part of the series. I hope everyone has read and enjoyed the previous parts. The weekend was a group sex day for both mother and son. Rahul would spend most of the weekend in bed with Nadira and Pallavi. Their arrangement of only sex was going great for everyone. Nadira and Pallavi were in love. Pallavi had moved on from Rahul and had dated a couple of guys after Rahul. But he still had an all-access pass to both women’s cunt. On weekdays Rahul does his best to find time...

1 year ago
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Spur of the Moment

Me and my little cousin Nathan were walking in the woods. He had justturned 10 a few days earlier but was already very curious about adult bodyparts. More than once I'd caught him staring at my boner in the morning.My aunt had thought since I was only 5 years older than him, I should sharehis room while I stayed with them during the summer. Not that I minded. Thelittle guy was cute. Brown hair, cute innocent face, smooth little bodythat he wasn't shy about letting me see on the way to the...

2 years ago
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Bagal Wala Ghar Me Ladki Ko Choda

Hi friends i am imran from vizag my appko kahani batane ja rahahu o do saal pehle ka tha tab me 20years ka tha or muje sex bahut pasandhe My family ke sath ek ghar me rent ko rehte the jab kuch problem kr karan ham ko vo ghar khali karna pada ham us ghar ke bagal me or ek ghar me shift huya the after one month ke bad o ghar me ek famly aya the o log char log the usma ek ladki thi jo ghar me choti he o thodi short he lekin uska figure mast tha size to patanai lekin satisfy figure tha uska age...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Danielle G80

Hello and welcome back to GangBangCreampie.com. This weeks episode was more fun than a barrel of monkeys! This week we have the LOVLEY, the DELIGHTFUL, the SEXY Danielle. Danielle is a local girl who’s been making her way through the adult industry for a while now. She’s actually close personal friends with one of our Cocksmen Mitt. Which is kind of how this whole day came to fruition. As always we get to know Danielle over some lunch and a couple drinks. She’s very very...

2 years ago
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The NerdChapter 4 My Sister

Kathy got rid of her ex boyfriend Steve. She apologized for cheating and making a fool of me. Steve was her first boyfriend and they had to break up when he was sent to prison. He was her first love and when she ran into him one day she just got carried away. They came up with the idea of him pretending to be her brother so that they could resume their relationship. She told me she realized he was not what she wanted and that it was me she loved. She knew she had been a bad girl but she...

1 year ago
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a naughty school girl

My alarm woke me for school, stretching, spreading my legs. I ran my hand down my body, across my firm tits, nipples hard from the hot horny dream I had just hand, I ran my hand down my stomach, down across my panties, feeling them wet beneath my fingers. I jumped out of bed and headed into the bathroom, turned the shower on and got in, that morning I made myself cum three times just over the one thought of that dream.I got dressed for school - a short black skirt, tight white shirt, tie, knee...

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The dishonorable misadventures of Roderick the Crow Ch 1

It was a good thing for Roderick to smell again the smell of battle. The sweat of men tinged by the touch of steel armour, the strong smell of horse and of leather. Sounds of men cussing and praying, swords being sharpened one last time, all under a dawn which to a warrior is, possibly, his last. And that would make it beautiful. Upon a large wooden field-table was a map, more worthy to be called a sketch, of the surroundings. “Walter and Frederick will hold the middle with Infantry. I...

3 years ago
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Road Trip

My wife, Pam, and I live in a medium sized town a pubic hair north of the Georgia/Florida line. You may have heard of it; Valdosta. The name refers to Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus and is literally interpreted as "Valley of Augustus". Not that you care about that kind of shit, I just like to tell people because most don't have a clue about the history of the cities they live in. My spouse of twelve years came to me this morning and told me the need was upon her. Unfortunately I knew...

2 years ago
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Elixir of Power Ch 02

The following morning Molly woke up before Lauren, who still slept soundly next to her. Molly just lie in bed staring at the ceiling while ideas about the potion filled her mind. All sorts of ideas of how to use their potion flooded her mind. Today she had plans to use the potion on the waitress, but she just continued to think about who else she could use it on. Then the thought of how Lauren objected before crossed her mind. Molly thought to herself, ‘Well, she said to wait until we use it...

4 years ago
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Tara My Daughters FriendChapter 4

Life went on at the Starr household after Tara left. Helen moved on to high school and gave up soccer. To my dismay and anxiety, she discovered boys. She and Tara kept in touch with via email, but over time they became less frequent so I didn't learn much about her life. And then one day there was a knock on my office door at the hospital. One of the nurses, I can't even remember which, stormed into my office. I looked up from my paperwork. "It's your wife, Dr. Starr." "What about...

2 years ago
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What she cant get at home 3

I received a message a few days ago from a young woman named Stacy, she explained, for her husband, Wayne's birthday, she had agreed and organised a threesome for him, with a friend of hers, and now it was coming up for her birthday, and she really wanted a threesome too, but with another guy!I happily replied back, and after a little chat, we organised a day to meet, and promptly on that day, my doorbell rang right at the correct time, and i eagerly strolled towards it eager to say...

1 year ago
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Peeks Social

Peeks calls itself The Most Rewarding Live Streaming Platform, which I bet gives you some immediate ideas about what you’d like to see on the site. It’s a fairly generic brag, because for all you know, it’s just full of bored virgin neckbeards chatting or gamers racking up kills in some game you’ve never heard of. Of course, I wouldn’t be talking about the joint here at ThePornDude unless there was something worth shaking your dick at, so let’s take a little tour and see how easy it is to jack...

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3 years ago
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On my 18th birthday suit with dad

I graduated when I was 16 and moved out right after graduating and haven't seen my parents since then.Now that I'm turning 18 that week I've decided to tell them I want to celebrate it with them. Just the 3 of us.I thought it would be a quite simple get together but no, after eating out from a restaurant we had another celebration on their house. They bought several kinds of alcohol and mixing and shaking them together like a bartender. That's when they told me that they used to be a part time...

2 years ago
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Bound And Pleasured

I finish checking that the knots in my silk ties are secure, and step back and look down upon Elizabeth. She looks beautiful lying there naked, her arms held taut above her. The ties I'm using to secure her to the headboard have seen too much wear to be worn in public anymore, but they retain their silken softness and strength. Elizabeth is helpless. She is also still dopey, she hasn't fully come around yet this morning after our long night of love-making, although, of course, she knows she has...

2 years ago
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My Asian Dream

It was a Saturday night an Noi an I had been out drinking and playing around town. Was a very hot night so we both had been sweating from the warm weather. returned home an thought we would sit an watch a movie on the TV. We where sitting on the couch when I spoted are neighbor looking through are window from his front room. Are couch sit so we look out over are front yard. I seen that he was watching us so I throught it would be fun to tease him. Noi was wearing a skirt so i starte...

2 years ago
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Crossing Boundaries Part One

Kael fidgeted, anxious to see just what would come of the meeting, a young man with neatly trimmed hair. His father stood before him, taking the lead in the meeting, though it was the first time he had ever been allowed to stand so close to the anthro ambassador of their closest neighbours, a chameleon with a particularly noble look about his strangely rounded face. Long robes fell to the floor around his ankles and he tried not to make it too obvious just how uncomfortable he was in them, for...

3 years ago
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A Year Of Darkness The Sorrowed Part 3

"I stood up and looked into the sky, Damon was out there somewhere, somewhere far. I was going to find him, and then kill him. I wanted vengeance for Devon... That was exactly what I set on doing..." -------------------------------------- I turned around to Russell and Jamie, a look of determination on my face, a feeling of darkness spread throughout my body, I took a heavy breath, and fell to my knees; a mixture of red and black smoke flew out of my mouth, a giant demon,...

4 years ago
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That One Beautiful Milf

Hello again sexy people. Hope you guys are enjoying your sex life and fucking a lot. Firstly, thank you for the amazing response on the previous stories. It was really encouraging. For the first-time readers, Hi! I am a 5ft 9inch tall guy, currently in Bangalore though I travel to Delhi often. I am originally from North India. My junior is about 6.5 inches long with over 2.5 inches thickness. All names in my stories are changed to maintain the privacy. So coming to the story. This story begins...

1 year ago
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Submissived Sailor Luna The Pajama Fuck Out

Its getting late and Sailor Luna wants her step daddy to tuck her in. She walks into his bedroom wearing her pajamas and clutching her favorite teddy bear. When she hears the shower running, she moves into position and starts watching her stepdad shower. Her hands wander under her pajamas and she starts rubbing her tits and playing with herself, watching the hot water run across her step dads body, seemingly pouring from the tip of his cock. When he shuts off the water and turns around, he...

2 years ago
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I could tell there was something seriously wrong when I got home from swimming practice, even before she tearfully handed me the telegram. My mother was still in her robe, having skipped work and probably crying all day. We sat on the couch as I read the military telegram stating that my father had been killed in a training accident overseas. It had been a routine training exercise and none could have predicted or prevented the unfortunate accident. He was lost at sea. When I put the letter...

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