ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
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Chapter 11
Puzzled, he informed her, “Yes. I just lifted them straight out, then moved them into the trench I prepared for them. They just felt right, the way they were. Why?”
“They felt right, as the base was heavier than the rest of the concretion, that’s why. I have looked at both of these, and there is a glint of gold showing on each base. Gold is heavier than silver, so there is a natural tendency for the find to sit in that orientation. I suspect the gold coins – from what I saw, they are coins – were placed in first, and then the silver ones to cover them. It would hide the fact that there was gold present, if anyone saw the bag of coins. It is a sensible decision to place them in a bag that way.
Reg, I now need to photograph the underside of each concretion. Can you hold each one up again, and this time hold it steady with the base facing me, so I can get a good shot?”
Reg flexed his arms for a moment, to prepare, and then lifted the first one as she directed. It did not take her long to take the picture, then he replace the lump and moved to the second one. It too was quickly pictured, and he was able to put it down safely.
“What now, Mrs Newsome?” He was sure of her marital status, as he had earlier noted the wedding ring on her left hand.
“We have to weigh each find. I have a set of scales in the car for that purpose. I also have to fetch two plastic boxes and packing material from my car. I’ll do the packing in here, for convenience, and then we can carry the boxes to my car boot. There are good handles on the boxes.”
The weighing was done quickly. She explained that detailed accuracy at this point was less important due to the presence of soil and other detritus that would be included in the concretion.
It turned out she had what looked to be felt blankets to wrap round the concretions, then once each was in a box, it was stuffed around with quantities of plastic bubble-wrap to absorb any movement in the box. The second was done likewise. With the boxes having handles, she and Reg could easily carry one box at a time to the car and place them in the boot. There she had inbuilt straps to hold the boxes in position while she was transporting them back to York.
With that done, they went back inside the house for Reg to fill out a Finds report for each concretion, as to when and how he found it, and the depth at which found. This included his name and address, age, phone number, email addy, general location of the Find – the farm name and its address – then the GPS location on the farm. She next completed the description for him, as she knew the terms to be used and which details to be applied. She got Reg to read it through, with her explaining as they went, so he would know what it all meant.
She next had to obtain the details of the owners of the field, and their agreement as to their share of the find’s value. Next, signatures and dates for both parties to the agreement. She explained the procedures that would have to be gone through before any financial offer was made to the parties. Reg was already aware of that, from his previous experience. He asked for, and was transferred into his own phone, a copy of each of the photographs she had taken.
Finally, she was ready to leave, and handed over her card, so that they could contact her at any time for an update on progress.
They waved her off on her trip back to her York office, and went inside. Reg found that Jessica and Sidra were in the kitchen with Mrs Robson. Sidra was learning about the various farm-sourced ingredients, and how they came to be ready for use. When Reg entered, Sidra rushed to him to explain how the carrots were grown from seed in drills in the field, and how sandy soil was best for carrots. She had been told how other vegetables were grown: parsnip, turnip, kohlrabi, kale, cabbage, and so on. Sidra had been surprised to discover that Brussels sprouts were grown in England, just like cabbages, and that the sprouts were like little cabbages growing on the sides of the plant stalk.
Reg was surprised that this was new to her, then twigged that most vegetables appeared magically in the supermarket, with no data on the growing of them. He pointed out that Brussels sprouts seemed to have appeared for the first time in Belgium in 13th century records. He explained that many foods had place names attached to them, indicating a strong historical association; like Parmesan cheese, and Parma ham; Bath buns and Arbroath smokies – smoked haddock.
He asked Sidra was she aware that milk came from cows? She blushed and said, “I do now, Reg. Charlotte took me to see the cows and explained how they were milked. It comes out of their udders – things like breasts, through teats – long nipples.”
Reg smiled. “So, just like a baby gets milk from its mother?”
“Yes, but it looks so different. Mrs Robson says it comes out in long squirts if you do it by hand, but it is almost all done by machines now. Sounds horrible!”
Charlotte added to this knowledge, “Cows only give milk once they have given birth to a calf, Sidra. Cows are bred by us to produce large quantities of milk, so that the calf still gets its share, but we humans get most of it, sold through the shops.”
Jessica added, “Sidra, that is one of the difficulties about becoming a mother. Your breasts fill with milk, and you have to feed your baby regularly or your breasts get sore. Women who have to be away from their baby for a while might express their milk using a breast-pump, which is not too different from what is used to extract milk from cows. The expressed milk is then given to the baby, giving it a regular feed.”
Sidra grimaced, “Yugh!” and turned to her mother, “You’ll have to do all that?”
Her mother said, “Of course. It is one of the joys of being a mother. Having a baby means taking on all the responsibility that it entails, Sidra. Not so keen on the idea now?”
Sidra was silent. Jessica smiled to herself, satisfied that her point was taken.
Mrs Robson looked at Jessica enquiringly, and raised her eyebrows in query. Jessica took notice, and gave in.”Yes, Charlotte, I may be pregnant, but it is by choice.”
Charlotte frowned. “I thought you said you were separated from your husband?”
“I am.”
Sidra tapped Mrs Robson on the arm. “Reg. She got Reg to do the job.”
“Reg? He of the many wives? Why?”
“By the time I gave birth to Sidra, I had discovered what a brute my husband was, so I determined not to have more children he might eventually beat. Now that we are free of him, I want more children while I can, and Reg was to my mind suitable. His wives approved of my decision and my request to them.”
“So you got Reginald to get you pregnant? You must like him a lot, to ask that of him and his wives.”
“He is a very lovable young man, and quite fertile with it. All his wives are pregnant.”
“ALL of them?”
“Yes, all five.”
“I thought you said he had four wives.”
“He did, but another girl asked to join the Commitment, and eventually the wives permitted her to join, so it is five.”
“So is number five as facially challenged as the others?”
“No. She is pretty normal, but had a bad family life after her widowed father remarried. She and her stepmother hate each other, it seems. She is happy now, and lives with the rest in the large house they have.”
“Yes, I understand Mr Robertson struck it rich at our nephew’s farm.”
“He did, to some extent, but the house they live in belongs to the father of one of the girls. He is glad to have the Robertson family staying there, as it is a long-term investment for him, and a lived-in building is not the worry that an empty building can be.”
“That’s true, especially in an urban setting. My nephew told us about where Reg was living: he was impressed. A large building, he said.”
“Yes, it is. We have been made most welcome there.”
Mrs Robson gave a start. “Oops. Need to get that lunch ready, Jessica. Let’s get back to it, eh?”
As they worked to prepare the meal, it occurred to Jessica that the two daughters were not present to lend a hand.
“Charlotte, are your daughters not able to prepare food? Excuse me if I am out of order, please.”
“A sore point, Jessica. These girls imagine that everything should be laid on their plate, and that they shouldn’t have to labour in any way.”
“Gosh. Back at Reg’s home, everybody mucks in to prepare things. We have the twins who are nominally cook and housekeeper, but all the girls are happy to help with anything that needs doing. It is only their studying that stops them doing more.”
“Perhaps I should send my two to the Robertson household for relationship training?” She laughed as she said this, but there was a hint behind her laugh that she was semi-serious. She clearly felt her girls were not pulling their weight.
“I don’t think you would get a response from Reg to that suggestion. He would want to refer it to his wives for a decision. That man involves his wives in most decision-making, and they let him participate before they decide by themselves what they want to do.” Jessica smiled as she said this, even though it was accurate.
“Hmmm...” was all Charlotte would say in reply.
Reg was in the farmhouse living room, chatting with Charles, while the two daughters listened politely to the dialogue, then the pair gradually lost interest and wandered off to find another conversation more of interest to girls. Reg was quizzing Charles about the difference in how farming here differed from what his nephew did.
Charles Robson explained, “Part of it is down to the type of soil, which is dependent on the underlying geology. You may have a soil which is primarily clay, or primarily sand, or perhaps a good loam; but that is a tiny part of the whole. There is the question of height above sea-level, as that affects what will grow well, and weather conditions in the locality: whether you get a lot of sun on your fields, or have a hill causing a shadow. Then you have the question of arable, pastoral or mixed. That affects what you do in the way of manuring, crop rotation, and so on. Finally, there is the matter of knowledge, education. My nephew is a geology graduate and that background imparts knowledge about how to farm his land more efficiently and effectively.
I would happily admit he knows better than me how to run a modern farm. I grew up as a farmer and run this farm based on the knowledge I built up over the years as I grew up, watching my father, and then my elder brother.”
Reg was fascinated. “So there is no single correct way to run a farm?”
“None. Some farmers are trying new breeds of cattle and sheep; other have introduced deer, alpacas, ostriches, and other new species such as water buffalo. These farmers are still learning, but they have developed a market for their produce, and will probably thrive, farm subsidies or no farm subsidies.”
“Wow. I still learn something new every day.”
“Your Jessica said you were much into education, so I am glad to hear we can still teach you things.”
“Sir, there is too much out there NOT to learn something every day. And please, she is not MY Jessica; she is her own woman, making her own decisions about her life, now that she is free to do so.”
“More or less. She escaped from an abusive husband, so is still hiding from him. We are helping, and she is enjoying taking charge of her own life again.”
“I presume that applies to her daughter as well?”
“Indeed. In fact, it was Sidra who first ran away from home when her father started beating her as well. She was found by kind people, and we were asked to look after her, sort of as a place of refuge, as we had the space and could offer protection. We are home-schooling her for her school exams. I am hoping she will get good enough results to go to university. We will finance her there, if she gets in.”
Charles gave a grunt, and said, “I wish our girls had studied more, and achieved better results. They have turned into a couple of layabouts, and I can’t even see signs of them getting married. Putting on weight hasn’t helped either.”
“How old are they, sir, if I may ask?”
“Jemima is twenty and Hermione is twenty-one, almost twenty-two. There is eighteen months between them. I worry about these girls and their future. They don’t fancy farm work, yet there is no indication of them doing anything else.”
Reg thought about these young women. While not exactly pretty, they had pleasant, homely faces, just like their mother, and both had reasonably good figures, even if the elder one was letting her weight creep up far too much, and her sister seemed to be following her. He did not see signs of innate badness, so he assumed they simply had no goals in life, and were letting things slip.
He asked his host, “Charles, could I suggest that your girls come and live at our house for a while? The reason for that proposal is that I think my wives and staff might be able to instil some ‘get up and go’ into them. If we can’t do something along these lines within three months, we will return them to you, regretfully. I will hate it if I am wrong!”
“Young man, I am astonished that you would make such an offer. It does appeal. Let me speak with Charlotte, to see what she thinks, and I will let you know later. When do you go home? I am assuming you have finished with your detectoring, as you have found a substantial hoard.”
“I had allowed myself two days of searching, sir, and this is the second day, so I think it is not worth searching the remainder of the field; not unless another coin turns up in another part of the field!”
“So you are going back to your hotel this afternoon?”
“That is the plan. Before we go home I want Jessica and Sidra to see some more of Scarborough, such as the Castle and the harbour.”
“How about if I ask you to take Hermione and Jemima with you to town as your guides, to let them get to know you? If we decide they are to go with you, I want to be sure that they do not actively dislike you!”
“Sounds a wise approach, sir. I am happy to oblige. I could bring them back to you and get your decision around tea-time.”
“Fine. Let’s leave it at that. I’ll tell the girls about going in to Scarborough with you. Will there be enough room in the taxi?”
“When I ring the driver, I’ll warn him, if there are to be five of us.”
“I expect there will, if for no other reasons than getting to know you.”
At this point they were called to lunch by Mrs Robson.
“Come along, boys. Come and see what Jessica and I have prepared for you: Mutton chops, Pakistani style.”
“Sounds interesting,” commented her husband. Reg added, “Jessica is a good cook, so they should make a fine meal together, Charles.”
Jessica came round to join Charlotte, and said, “We had to make a few adjustments to take into account what ingredients Charlotte had available, but we tasted the result, and I was happy with it.”
The Robson sisters were called, and slowly everyone was seated at the dining table, and Charlotte brought out the casserole dish with the chops. She dished out portions for each member of the family and the visitors. Sidra was first to dive into her meal, and sample it. She said, surprised, “Hey, this is different from usual, but tastes great!”
The others were quickly trying their food and soon started clearing their plates. There was enough to allow for small second helpings, until the casserole was emptied.
Charles was eager to tell his wife, “That was delicious, Charlotte and Jessica. We should have this again. Get Jessica to give you the recipe, dear.”
Reg was equally impressed. “Jessica, that is a very worthwhile recipe. If you have adapted it anew today, keep a note of it. It might be worth selling to one of the companies that market ready meals.”
“Thanks, Reg. Mrs Robson and I worked together on it, so it is a joint recipe, to be accurate.”
Charles meanwhile had spoken to his daughters.
“Girls, I want you to go into Scarborough with Mr Robertson, Jessica and Sidra. Show them some of the sights and get to know Reg better. I may have a suggestion for you girls when you get back home. Reg will ensure you get home safe.”
The two girls were puzzled at this sudden enthusiasm for visiting town, and with their visitors. They decided that their mother and father wanted to be alone with adequate privacy, for some reason, so they went along with the request, having nothing else to do at the time.
Charles Robson told his wife that their girls would be going into Scarborough with the three guests, and that Reg would ensure their safe return home. Reg phoned the taxi firm, and explained that there would be an additional two adults for the trip back to Scarborough. The firm happily told him that all their cars could seat five comfortably, and asked when he wanted the taxi to be at the farm.
He checked with Mrs Robson as to when the girls would be ready to go, and gave a time to the taxi firm.
The girls dressed warmly, as it was still winter, and the taxi arrived, ready to load them all aboard. Reg told the driver they wanted delivered to the hotel, and he soon had them there; it was only a few miles into town.
Getting out of the taxi, Reg escorted the ladies into the hotel and up to their rooms. He showed the Robsons around his and Jessica’s room and got them to sit while he ordered drinks for them all. He asked what each wanted to drink, then phoned down the order to room service.
While waiting for the drinks, he asked the two sisters to tell him a little about themselves.
Hermione led off, speaking for both, as the elder sister.
“We went through primary school and then high school, and got reasonable certificates, but neither of us had any ideas about a career. We like hanging about together, and occasionally going into Scarborough to meet other school friends, and having a laugh. We have a regular appointment at our hairdresser, who also does beauty treatments.”
“Do you not want to do anything around the farm?” Reg asked.
“That smelly place? It is either beast manure smells or tractor engine oil stinks; we don’t want to have to deal with that.”
“What about domestic tasks, helping your mother? Surely that is more to your liking?”
“Drudgery, as far as I can see it!”
“So how do you see your life in the future? Sitting around doing nothing much and depending on your parents to provide the cash for your entertainment?”
Hermione stared at Reg in surprise, and spoke slowly, thinking about her words.
“I don’t know: I haven’t thought about it much.”
“I see: a life of watching TV, listening to music, getting yourself prettified regularly, and going out with the girls. What about boyfriends?”
“Haven’t met one that interests me yet. Neither has Jemima. I constantly get afflicted with references to the Harry Potter books and films, so boys who mention that get the bum’s rush: mere kids, in my opinion. Neither of us is in a hurry anyway to give up our freedom for a man’s benefit.”
Reg commented, “Interesting, wouldn’t you say, Jessica?”
Jessica gave a grin and said, “A pretty short-sighted outlook on life, I would say, Reg. Limited intellect, limited ambition, limited prospects; a sad life eventually. Sidra has a far more interesting set of experiences, and she is only sixteen.”
Jemima and Hermione looked over at the teenager. “Her?” demanded Jemima. “She looks terribly normal. What has she ever done?”
“You mean, apart from putting up with being beaten by an abusive father, running away from home, abandoning schooling, and taking up home-schooling where she has to basically teach herself? Nothing much else, I suppose, apart from casting eyes on a married man.”
“Eh? She fancies a married man? Why? That sounds stupid.”
“Yes, with your limited experience of life, I expect it sounds that way; especially as the man has five wives and a girlfriend already!”
“Good God, woman! That sounds pretty weird, not to say illegal!”
Jessica accosted her, “Explain what you mean by illegal, Hermione.”
“Well, marrying five women; that is illegal.”
“I didn’t say he married them, Jemima. I simply said he had five wives.”
“You are just spitting hairs! English law says you can only marry one woman.”
“Exactly. He hasn’t gone through a legal wedding with anybody, though. They have all committed themselves to be his wives, and are treating him as their husband. They are all happy to do so.”
“Just a private harem, then?”
“If any of them were here, Jemima, you would get a strong telling-off. They all love him; I have seen it for myself: it is a true marriage.”
“You have? Who is this paragon that can get five women to throw themselves at him?”
Jemima gazed at the woman, shaking her head at such denseness.
“You were speaking to him a minute or two ago, girl.”
Both sisters swung round to stare in shock at an amused Reg. “What? This guy? The treasure hunter? He is younger than us: I don’t believe it!”
Reg told them, blushingly, “I can hardly believe it myself, I can tell you!”
“You have five women fawning over you?”
“Not quite. Rather, I have five women telling me what to do, and how to do it!”
“And you are running around with a girlfriend on top of that?”
“I expect you could use that allusion, but it is not quite what is the reality. My wives approved of me starting a baby with her. Is that not so, Jessica?”
“It certainly is. I am looking forward to having your baby, but I will definitely be last in the queue, as all your wives are expecting already.”
Hermione had been standing with her mouth open. Now she closed it enough to speak.
“Good God! That means you have five, possibly six children on the way? How old are you, Mr Robertson?”
“Nineteen, Hermione. Me and my wives are all at university, studying for various degrees, as well as running our household as best we can. Our cook and housekeeper do most of the housework, though.”
“For Pete’s sake: it goes on? you have a cook and a housekeeper, as well as five wives? How big is your house?”
“You know, I have never counted the rooms, but it is on three floors. It doesn’t belong to me, though. It is owned by the father of my chief wife.”
Jemima turned to Hermione, to comment, “This guy is full of surprises, sis. I don’t know what to think of him now. Do you think we can trust him to behave himself around us?”
“While we are in Scarborough, with witnesses, I think so, Jemima. This Lothario wouldn’t dare touch us.”
“Touching you is not my intention, girls. Educating you, perhaps, but that is a different matter.”
“Educating us? You intend to do that this afternoon?” She looked at her watch: “In two or three hours?” she challenged. “I wish you luck!”
Reg smiled, deprecatingly. “Naturally not. It is not as easy as that. First of all, I don’t really know you yet; you are still strangers to me. I want us to go out and about in Scarborough, so I can see what you like, what you don’t like, and your interests in general.”
Hermione gave him a distracted look. “What are you trying to do, Mr Robertson? I can’t fathom you out.”
“Why don’t we all go out for a walk, and you can show us the sights? You have a harbour here, and a castle; that’s right?”
“Of course. You probably can see the harbour from your window here in the hotel. The castle is not much further away: it sits on the headland between the two bays. Just boring old stonework, in my opinion, apart from being bombarded in 1914.”
Reg picked up on that.
“Bombarded? An ancient castle? How come? Why would anyone want to bombard an ancient castle? Oh wait a minute: 1914, First World War?”
“Correct,” admitted Hermione. “A couple of German warships appeared nearby and shelled the town for half an hour before scarpering off. I heard that around 500 shells landed in and around the town. The Grand Hotel got hit, and many houses, but not that many people were killed. I am sure you could look it up if you were interested.”
Reg praised her. “Sounds to me that you are quite interested in history, Hermione. Did you enjoy that at school?”
She brightened up as she looked at the young man. He was showing an interest in anything he heard, so she told him, “I did fairly well in history, and got a GCSE in it.”
“Well done! I am a great believer in education. That is why I and my wives are all doing university courses, and I want Sidra to get enough GCSEs to go to university as well.”
“You do?” Hermione queried. “Why? What is the point? Why go to university?”
Reg gazed at her in astonishment, and finally answered, “What is the point of living, Hermione? You have to want to do SOMETHING with your life, surely!
Do you imagine that you should simply grow up, procreate, and die? Education makes life interesting! You can utilise what you learn: make your life better; more satisfying. You can not only improve your mind, but often you can improve your economic circumstances through gainful employment or starting your own business, all of which assumes you have been adequately educated for the task. Education expands your horizons, girl. Life is SO much more fun if you know things.”
“I never thought of it that way. Our schoolteachers just hammered their subject to make us learn enough to pass the exams. That seemed to be the raison d’etre for their job.”
Reg told her, “Probably true, as far as it goes. Did you notice that you used a French term there? That surprised me. Did you study French, Hermione?”
“A little, but didn’t take it to the GCSE level. I got A-level English, though,” she said with some pride.
“You seem to have absorbed some French, at least. Were you aware that a lot of the English language is derived from French?”
“It is? Pardon?”
“Yes. Pardon is another word that comes from French, as is parboil, in cookery; mortise, as in a mortise and tenon joint in woodworking; or the word jest, for a joke: that comes from the French geste. It goes on and on.”
“So YOU studied French at school?”
“No. It wasn’t one of my priorities, but English language was, and that’s how I learned that so much of our language derives from French. It is why so many words in English end in -re (which the Americans have changed to -er, to make it easier to spell; as in metre becoming meter, and thus confusing it with an electric or electronic meter).”
“So why did you make English language a priority?”
“So that I could better understand what words actually meant. English is a bastard language. Most of the words are derived from French, Latin, Anglo-Saxon, Scots, and some from Spanish and other languages. Many place-names are compound words that tell you about what the place was originally. For example, Scarborough is a borough based on a Scar – a rocky outcrop, in the Norse language. That prefix tells you that Vikings were here long ago. Borough is from an old Anglo-Saxon word, burg, so the name comes from two languages and hints at the history of the place.”
“Yet you have never been to Scarborough before now?”
“Never. The languages used in the name is enough to give me clues about the place, along with general English history. Of course I knew that the Norse Vikings were in Yorkshire long enough to give many places names from their language. Whitby, down the coast, is from the Old Norse for ‘White Settlement’, and Grimsby is Old Norse for ‘Grimr’s town’; ‘-by’ means a settlement or town. Just in case you thought the -by was short for ‘bay’, the Norse word for bay was ‘vik’, giving us the place-name Wick, on the coast of Caithness, or Brodick (broad bay) on the Isle of Arran, or Lerwick (muddy bay) in Shetland; but Alnwick in Northumberland, far inland, comes from the Anglo-Saxon word -vic meaning homestead or farmstead. So Alnwick is homestead beside the river Aln, Prestwick is priest’s farm, and Berwick is barley farm, from the old word ‘bere’ for barley.”
Jemima was impressed. “You seem to know an awful lot, Mr Robertson.”
Reg admitted, “That is because I didn’t have much of a family life while growing up, unlike you girls. I was an only child, and my widowed mother didn’t care for me much, so I was on my own a lot, and spent much of it reading up on subjects that interested me. You girls have a loving set of parents, yet you don’t seem to properly appreciate them.”
Jemima and Hermione started to look embarrassed., so Jessica stepped in.
“Girls, I know from experience that young adults do not necessarily go along with their parents’ wishes. It may be a fault, but not a serious one unless you choose to make it so. If you love your parents, and I am sure you do, it should allow you to demonstrate that by cooperating with them as best you can.
Note that I am not giving you instructions, just some useful advice. I can pass on a story I got from one of Reg’s wives: it may interest you.
Frances and the other girls wanted the parents to attend their Commitment Ceremony, and Frances told Reg he had to invite his mother. His mother! This is the woman who did such a bad job of raising him, so he was not keen on doing so. He knuckled under only when Frances insisted that even if his mother hadn’t treated him well, it was no reason for him to treat her badly in return: He should be a better person than that, she said.
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
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She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...
“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...
Hi dosto… Mra naam marish hai..Mai patna ka rehne wala hu.Aaj mai apko apni life ki pheli sex ke bare me batane jaa raha huu.Av meri age 25 saal hai.Aj se 7 saal phele jo hua wo mai kavi nahi bhulskta or umeed hai ye pdhne ke bad ap v nahi bhulpaaoge.Tb mai 18 saal ka tha or 12th std m pdhta tha.Mere ghar me mai..Mere bhaiya or meri bhabhi hi rehti thi..Mummy or papa village me rehte the.Dosto ush time pe mujhe sex ke bare me kuch bhi pata nahi tha but mere body me harmonal changes ke karan...
Kelly Kapowski was very open-minded when she masturbated. Sometimes, goal was to finish quickly and just be done with it, other times she really enjoyed building the pleasure, and maximizing her arousal to the point that it was almost unbearable before she came. Having as many siblings as she did, she was usually quite quiet while she was playing with herself, because she did not want to draw attention to what she was doing. She also had a job, at a video rental store, and this was in the...
Part Four PAUL Miki and I had a lovely weekend, well Sunday really. I was dressed up to kill and we went as normal to the gay bar in Clapham and later went to a fancy restaurant where we had an excellent meal. Miki got quite a few envious looks that pleased me no end. Though I also got some dark looks from some of the white males, the thought being that a white woman shouldn’t be consorting with a black man. But it was really a common sight in that part of London to see white women with black...
BisexualHi, I am Sally. I work as the receptionist at the local surgery, I am looking to go to medical school but until then I have a very mundane job at the surgery. I am single and live with my mum and step-dad. I never really knew my dad and mum at thirty remarried when I was nine and my step-dad who was much older accepted me as his own. We were always an open family and my parents often lounged around the house in their underwear and encouraged me not to be afraid of nudity, I came to accept it...
Three days had passed since Elaine Griffin and her crew had taken 100 Czech men and 100 Czech women on board her newly redecorated sub. It was like a giant eel-shaped hospital-medical facility. The Czech men and women came from all kinds of backgrounds such as military, civilian and once these people have children, they would either be taken care of by their biological parents (that is if they do work) or by some government-run institution (like Nazi Germany's Lebensborn program). The men...
CHAPTER 1 Eva Everett was dropping out of college because she thought the systems sucked and she’d stupidly chosen to study biology instead of drama only to find her interest waning faster than her staccato sexual interest in any guy. Now her interest in drama was returning. What a fucking mess, she’d fumed, coming to the ‘I’m quitting’ decision. Her counselor had summed it up neatly. ‘Eva dear, consider pulling the plug before you become dead in the water’. Clichés for sure but in Eva’s...
My name is Malik 22 years old and i came from typical south Indian Muslim family. My mother’s name is “Yasmin”, her age is 38, she was married at the age of 16 and after I born my dad went to Saudi. My mom is very fair and beautiful lady having chubby figure with size of 38-26-40 and especially her butts are so fleshy. My dad worked in Saudi and one day when he was in work he slipped from steps and got hit in head and died there, the incident soaked our family. We don’t know what to do for...
Alicia and I went to a house in Palmdale to whore For Al Lombardi. Our whore names were Brenda and Janet, She and I were hugging and kissing on the pink bed. I had most of my clothes off, and Janet still had most of hers on. I wanted to get things going. I looked into one man's eyes. ''I need some dick to suck tonight. Can you help me out?'' I blew him while Alicia played with my pussy and slid her tongue in and out of my ass. We had practiced a little before we left Los Angeles. The guys at...
So we are sat in the front room bord,,nothing on tv and iv been looking at xmaster all morning and feeling horny as hell. so i look to my beautiful wife and ask if she is up for fulfillling my fantasy she looks at me and ses "what would you like me to do" finding it hard to say what i want, i thought id write it,, i start by taking the laptop up stairs and placing it the bed room so i can vidio every thing that is about to happen. i then strip so i can go and take a shower as i get in the...
Sunday, July 4, 1971 They had the big wagon with all the seats decorated for the Fourth of July holiday with red, white, and blue bunting I observed as an excited Anna pulled alongside the loading platform. After shutting it down, Anna jumped from the tractor onto the platform and into my arms. "I missed you!" she whispered as we embraced. Then she kissed me again before turning to greet her pregnant sister and the others. I introduced her to the newbies as my doctor and soon-to-be mother...
This was his first day to pick his own poke girl. Touya was so happy to get his own pokemon. He ran out of the house with out his backpack or running shoes so he could get to the pokemon lab. Arthur Maple smiled as Touya came in to the lab. "Hello Touya. Your 18th birthday is a big day, isn't it?" He said smiling. "Yes, Professor. I'm finally old enough to get my own pokemon girl" Touya said happily. "You have a choice of 15 pokemon here" The professor said. Touya walked up to the table. The...
Memories of a girlfriend from the 80’s – The next day To get the full picture, you should first read ‘How we met – She got the magic juice (Part 1)’ I made breakfast for both of us in the morning. I had some shopping to do across the border which was about an hour by car from my home and I offered to drive her home which was about a 10 minutes drive and on my way. However, she convinced me that we should spent the day together and she would go with me across the border. We drove by her flat...
Hello dosto, mera nam Ashish hai aur main Bihar ka rahne wala hu. Mujhe 10th pass hone ke bad se hi sex mein kafi interest aane laga tha aur iski sabse badi wajah thi mere dosto ka porn dekhna. Khair inn sab bato ko chhod kar main aapne story par aata hu. Bat uss samay ki hai jab main 12th ka paper de raha tha. Mere ghar ke bagal mein ek sexy se chachi rahti thi jinka figure tha 38-36-40. Mere ghar ke log kisi relation mein 10 din ke liye ghumne nikalne wale the. Aur main ghar pe porn dekh dekh...
My sister and I had always been close, so she was not suprised when I presented my "evidence" to her. Of course she didn't like it, but that didn't stop me from presenting my plan.Angela and I made a deal. She would be my sex slave for the next two weeks, on Monday and Friday afternoons, and that she would try to get Mary Ann in a compromising position for my camera so I could blackmail her too. I promised Angela that We would destroy the photos IF she got her friend, Mary Ann, nude on the bed...
Limousine Fuck Ride SurpriseThe long black limousine pulls up to the curb at my place in the heart of Sydney. My gift has arrived, something special. I’m licking my lips as I climb in the back with my silky smooth stockings and pink satin dress riding up and hugging my arse. To my delight, a woman is inside.“Meet Jill” Mike says.” You are going to fuck her pussy while I fuck you doggy style“She is very sexy, luscious Jill; with her bright red lips. She is wearing fishnet black stockings up to...
Group SexA cold stream of air attacked my body, waking me up. It was day five; the fifth day of trying to survive in a wilderness where there's no cellular signal. I'm starting to think God is punishing us and I don't even believe in God, but at least I have someone to blame to make me feel better. No more texting on the iPhone, no more going over to a friend's house and drinking under-age for no reason but to be immature, and no more smelling pancakes in the morning. Sometimes I think that rescue won't...
IncestHello readers. I am Sam aged 25 and had been regular visitor of ISS, visiting this site and going through the blog is almost daily. I thought number of times to share my experience but somehow could not do it. May be was not very comfortable sharing my experiences. Today thought of sharing my experience with all the readers. Incident happened to me in the month of may. I had to travel from Lucknow to Delhi by train. I had a confirmed reservation in AC IInd side lower birth near to gate. It was...
For about 2 months nothing was said about the night that Anne modeled nude, then during a conversation between the husband and wife about doing something to relieve the daily tension they were going through with all the problems they were trying to overcome Anne asked Matt if Paul needed her as a model again. Matt Emailed Paul it took him a few days to get back to Matt with this request. Paul wanted to know if it would be OK with Matt if Anne met him at the door while she was naked, also Paul...
Hi to all, This is my first story & a real one.I am a guy of 30 today.It actually started in 2001.As both my parents were working I was always left alone at home.I always watched Tv or played games on my PC.Then my mother decided to have a full day maid as i never had my lunch on time.Now, this lady who happens to be my father’s worker’s wife who was 32 then started coming to work. She was whitish , flat stomach nice firm boobs & had a sexy smile on her face always. Initially I just watched her...
Liuz was tired and confused as they crossed the bridge. All around him was unfocused activity, shouts and movement seemingly without cause. Something had disturbed the camp in the night, and like hornets in a shaken nest soldiers and civilians now swarmed looking for the danger. Or, like him, fleeing the danger. Kasia walked beside him, holding her fabric doll as she yawned. She had not said much, the hard work of the past few days having taken its toll. He wasn't even sure if she was...
"When I get out of this rope Rosemary, you are going to bloody pay for this?" My voice cracked with rage and frustration."You talk awfully tough for a woman tied to a bed Miriam." Her voice was playful, clearly enjoying my frustration.I wriggled against the ropes tying me to the metal bed frame and cursed myself for being seven kinds of idiot for not being smart enough to see where my little plan would take me.I should rewind to the beginning of this little episode, so you can properly...
HumorI met Wayne when we both worked at the old Park Lane college in Leeds.We went to the The Craven Heifer Inn on Grassington Road in Skipton. We had arranged it by email; he had sent a lovely invite to my address just after 12 noon. He parked the car then left the car to make a phone call outside round the back of his car. After the call, as we entered the Inn Wayne commented on the beautiful colourful flower tubs outside and the fact that the Inn had accommodation. We went to the bar and I went...
Straight Sex"There is just one little complication." Kevin said taking the brush from my hair he sat on the bed behind me. "Hmmm?" I was a sucker for my hair being brushed. We'd taken a short nap, we were semi dressed now. Kevin had his jeans back on now. I managed to get back into all but my jeans. "I can't umm." He lifted my hair over one arm and the brush went through smoothly. "Well. I can't be seen with you yet privately." "What?" I spun around on the bed looking at him in...
100% fiction! My name is nick this story had happened when i was 24 i had a few experience with women cuz i was into studding and work so i had no time to find a girls for me tell now. After a visit of My aunt Nia it all changed. It all started when i had a call from my mother telling me i need to be home befor 2 O'clock cuz she had to go out of the city for business and won’t be back tell the day after and that Aunt Nia is coming to visit she'll be at home by 2:30 I said ok and finished my...
IncestChapter Nineteen Splinters exploded as the bullet hit the wood beam, two feet above the gymnasium doors as Sofia ran after the girls into the large empty space, the sound of the men's running feet disappearing as the doors closed behind them. Four seconds she thought, four seconds to get these girls hidden, but where? Sofia looked left and right at the white painted walls, shadows and bands of light shining off the glossy surface from the skylights above looking like demons clawing...
Not much took place until the following week end. Saturday was a big gamewith a rival team and with the help of Chuma we won 78 to 96. Needless tosay that was the big news story of the day. As I said I was never a bigsports fan so I just listened to music and graded papers. Chuma came inaround eight thirty in the evening. I got up and congratulated him on thewin."We're gonna celebrate tonight!" He said.I stared at him. "By we you don't mean me do you?""I sure do. Get your robe on." I said,...
"Good Neighbor Madge III" We stood at the doorway with waving goodbye to my parents as they backed out of the driveway leaving me with "aunt Madge" for the entire summer this time! I had survived the ten day stay with her before when my folks went on that convention meeting and true to her words she kept me dolled up like a little girl in lingerie and dresses and even high heels for nearly the entire time knowing full well that I didn't dare mention any of this to anyone for fear of...
Note: All persons used in this novel are fictitious. Although the areas used in this novel are real, the streets, buildings, roadways, recreational areas, and other points of interest used to make this interesting reading for you, are neither at the exact heights, or in the location described. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this is not the story for you. As I have it notated now, those scenes will be evocative rather than aggressive. They also will be a few and...
The river runs strong and free, carving out rock and the very earth, forever shaping the land.The surface broke, and the king of the river rose with a mighty splash to greet the humanoid figure that was approaching the river.'Welcome, boy,' Achelous said, and as he laughed the stream joined in with him. 'Another one of love's fools. Come to reclaim your sweetheart.'The river king was a sight to behold. Ten times larger than any man, he had four long scaly arms, each with an enormous, jagged...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSheraton Fishermen's Wharf, Thursday night "Where are you staying tonight? What's your short-term schedule?" "Hotel tonight and tomorrow. Fly to JFK on Sunday evening for a code-share to London with Virgin Atlantic. Back Wednesday night. On the National to Atlanta run for Thursday, and Friday, a couple of trips per day, hotel in Atlanta when that's last in the day, and DC otherwise." "Want to stay with us tonight? If we shift back to East Coast time or haven't really gotten off...
Hi, my name is sunitha. I am from kerala. I am 21 now and just completed my degree. Here i am writing my own experience in sex which started one year ago when i was studying degree final year. There are four members in my family, my father, mother, sister and me. My father is working in government service. My mother is house wife and my sister is two years younger than me. I will describe us. I was 20 at that time. I am slim, fair girl with 32aa-28_36 size. I don’t know my sister’s size but she...
IncestBarbara Blockings entered her house to find it empty, as she expected. All three of the children were away for the weekend, with the boys camping with friends and Marcia spending the weekend with a couple of girlfriends at a second home in Ocala. It wouldn’t be all that many years before all of them would be gone to college or beyond, she mused, and then what would she do? This house was too much just for her, or even for her and Jerry, if they were to get back together. It was no use...
Robert Wallace was a timid man. He had very low self-esteem and was very shy around women. He didn’t date at all and spent most of his time watching porn. He had sex with escorts, but would lose his nerve around regular women. He was an average looking guy. He had a good job and lived in a nice house. He was getting tired of his routine. One night, while he was surfing on the internet, he saw an ad for a sex “robot” doll. He clicked on the ad and was amazed by the video that they had...
ToysI'm a 21 year old attractive crossdresser from Mumbai, India. I am sharing a true story of how my roommate turned into a permanent fuck buddy!I've been crossdressing for 10 yrs now and have my own collection of all kinds of stuff you can think of. I moved into the city 2 years back and rented an apartment with a guy called Vishal who I didn't know at the time. The first few days went in unpacking and setting up my room and trying to build a decent rapport with Vishal, have some drinks once a...
CrossdressingShe had prepared for this morning, anticipating that one of her recent students would call into the cafe. Wesley had just left school and was now eighteen. He had started to come to the cafe over the last week. She wasn’t sure if he was stalking her or hoping to bump into her. She had made an extra effort this morning. A different perfume, slight change to her hairstyle. She wore a plain blouse and a summer skirt. Only she knew that she had left the underwear at home. She had a long thin...
Part 1, 2 and 3 So this story is 3 parts, and is rather long. It has plenty of sex in it too. One thing that has always amazed me about this site is the amount of bondage and controlling of women you guys seem to like. I can’t write about that because I really don’t have a clue how that works. I mean Carol and I experimented with tying each other up and then teasing, but no hitting, or things like that. Oh, and the beastiality on here too. Sorry that is gross to Kim and...
Geography Classroom, Medway High School 2:36pm, Thursday, March 1, 1979 “ ... This song is called, Beds Are Burning,” I said with a sense of pride in my voice. As I was thinking of songs to play for this presentation, I just happened to remember the band, Midnight Oil. Then, I quickly stumbled upon this wonderful song and I just knew we’d have to play it. (Note: This song is from 1987. However, I liked how it fit with our presentation on various Australian performers or groups and their...
“No,” Border said. “Although ... you were in our top ten, ‘shoot on sight’, list.” Then she laughed... “Not really ... but you were a person of interest. That particular president didn’t get re-elected ... come to think it ... he was appointed to fill out the term. Now I’m pissed. Anyway ... you’re good.” While Border Patrol was looking to see if there was an actual list ... probably by computer ... Visa was doing the same. I think one could safely say that Visa can search the Internet with...
I have been in the Forces for 1 year and decided to visit my Nan in her home state. I called her to confirm that it would be alright and gave her the dates of my arrival. The plane arrived on time and as I left the Customs area I looked around to find Nan standing on the sidelines, waiting for me. I rushed across to her and grabbed her in a big hug and kissed her lovingly. I was so glad to see her. I had turned 21 and joined the Forces and hadn’t seen her since then. The thing is that...
IncestDear Diary, I finally had my first college practice today! It was so exciting. High school was fun, but college is a whole different story. It was really impressive to see my name and info on the roster: "Shannon Hale, Guard, 5-8." So cool! Walking into the locker room, the first thing I noticed was that I was one of only a few white girls on the team, which made me kind of nervous. My high school was all white, because we were from such a small traditional town. The starting point guard is a...
Heather and I were married, not to each other mind you. Heather and Grant were neighbors to Terry and I, and we got together often. Not 'that' kind of get together, just evenings together playing board games, watching movies or just visiting.Heather was the sexiest woman I knew. Some women are nice to look at, but a few women rouse primal lust in men, Heather was one. My wife Terry is good looking, but Heather was more than just attractive. The way she carried herself when she walked, how she...