Reginald's DisasterChapter 9 free porn video

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There was another call after they got back to the hotel.

This was from the second pair, led by Prudence, reporting that their target store was in trouble for all sorts of reasons: bad siting, movement of population away, vandalism that made the store look unattractive, and to top it all, simple bad management by the guy in charge. Their formal report would recommend closure.

“The store accounts show this was not a new situation, but one building up as time went on. The manager must have a friend at head office, for the data is pretty clear. The basis for closure has been there for at least a year, if not more.”

Reg’s only comment when told this was, “Once they close that store and pay off the liabilities, the chain should save a fair bit of money. We need to point this out in the report, so that when they conclude the closure, we should be due a payment from these extra savings.”

The Robson sisters had not reported in by the time they were all about to sit down to their evening meal, but it was not clear how much driving on older roads they had to do to get to their store destination. Once you got off the motorway, the roads were more difficult to negotiate, so slower, and they had been left with two in such locations.

Jessica asked to join them this time, and Reg was happy to oblige, so she used the hotel lift to make it easy for her. She asked how things were going at the stores, and Frances brought her up to date while they ate. Jessica was stirred by the impact the girls were making on the store problems, and so quickly too. Sidra and Elizabeth were also interested and listened in.

“I am amazed at how you can send these girls out to distant places and expect good results from them all, Reg. They can’t surely all be good at problem solving?”

Reg explained, “We are not asking them to solve the problems they find, Jessica; just bring them to the attention of the store chain for action. It is an investigation of the facts as we find them. Our ladies are trained by their university studies to get at the basic facts and see where these facts take them; collecting relevant facts is part of studying a topic.

Even in historical subjects, the same process applies. You search out the causes behind the battles and dynastic conflicts, to find what really mattered at the time. Often the officially-stated reasons are not the true ones. Many disputes boil down to arguments over control of resources, or simply access to resources, and often that comes out in the background reading.

At times religious disputes are genuinely arguments over interpretation of religious doctrine, but just as often it may be a power play by one side or the other to be in control of the organisation that rules the religious body.

Battles between semi-autonomous cities for supremacy in medieval times may in fact be the leading families in each city pushing for a fight so that the other family is shoved out of the way in the furtherance of trade routes, or gaining a monopoly over a spice trade or a profitable market in certain goods.

The same principle often occurs in disputes between nation states. A leader may secure his own position by seeking to conquer or humiliate another state. Winning usually goes down well with your population if you are an autocratic ruler. It goes down even better if you get a reputation for winning battles, even if the winning is done by good generals of the ruler. The leader gets the plaudits for the success of the nation’s army.

In the case of our company, every success we have encourages more success, as our executives are emboldened by previous successes to push themselves to do even better. The CEO of Recovery Enterprise Group – me – doesn’t have to do the real work, as long as the staff work assiduously to solve every problem they meet. I act as figurehead, or Frances does when I am not available. The CEO’s job is mostly public relations with clients while the rest of the team performs the successful actions. Our Group as a consequence gains the praise of the client.”

“Well, my man, When the girls all get back with their initial reports it will be up to you and me to go over them and re-jig them into formal company reports to our client. That means we need a standard format to use. I suggest it could be like this: Summary of the contract details, and what these mean for progressing the work our investigators have been doing and our expenses in doing so. This will include travel by hire car, accommodation costs, and subsistence incurred during travel and on site. It is noted that a proposed figure has been mooted, and we therefore try to contain our total costs within that sum as far as is reasonable in the circumstances.

Observations: matters noted by our investigators about the locality, population movement or lack thereof, condition of the building and its surroundings, etc.

The store itself: Notes on interior condition, presentation of goods for sale, and levels of apparent staff customer training and knowledge of stock. Relationship between staff and the management team; relationship between the management team and local suppliers. Relationship with the local community – press and media appearances, assistance to local charities, staff involvement in local festivals.

Crime: Fraud, shoplifting, and other criminal activities by staff or outsiders, and suggested action by the Head Office thereto.

Recommendations: closure; investment; retraining; redeployment of good staff; suggested alterations to suppliers and/or distribution arrangements.

Our estimate of possible savings, if any.

Reg? Do you have anything to add to this reporting format? I have been thinking about it while feeding Jimmy. It gave me a way of keeping my mind active during that sedentary task.”

“Only thing I would suggest is to draw their attention to the part of the contract about fees payable to us on completion. Remind them politely that our fee structure is laid out in paragraph X, and that contractually it applies to any further savings made in other stores of the chain as a direct result of our findings and advice/recommendations.”

“Trust you to look at the income side, Reg.”

“That is my task as CEO: Make sure our company remains solvent!”

Frances rewarded him with a kiss and a hug.

Reg said to all the women, “I am full. I fancy a walk outside and have a look at the views of the beach and the sea. Anyone want to join me?”

Frances looked at Jessica, and both declared with a scowl: “Babies!”, but Sidra and Elizabeth were keen.

“Let’s go, Dad. As we go, you can tell us about the shelling of the town by the Germans in 1914. It seems it was an important part of our history.”

“Once we are on our way. It is a long tale but I’ll try to shorten it.”

They were wandering along the street, but it was packed with parked cars. “I want to get to a street fronting the beach, without cars getting in the way of the view. The Shuttleworth Gardens would suit. The story starts then.”

On arrival, the girls were quite taken with the well-kept gardens and lawns, but still demanded the history of the Bombardment.

“December 1914. The Germans decided they could not survive a face-to-face engagement with the Royal Navy, so thought that a punitive attack on an undefended coastline would drive home a message. Curiously enough, the British intelligence service got word of this attack, but decided to wait until the attack happened, then catch the raiders on their way home. Stupidly, they missed the fleet and the raiders got home safe.

Anyway, the bombardment hit Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby. The raiders cruised up the coast then back down again, and fired around a thousand shells. There were no defensive coastal batteries to stop them. The first shells hit Scarborough at eight in the morning, and shells landed mostly on residential areas, plus the major coastal target, the Grand Hotel. They even attacked the ancient Scarborough Castle on the headland, where there was an army barracks; it was hit.

The death toll was minimal, less than forty I think, with about 500 injured. Talking about injured, there was a convalescent hospital for war wounded from the trenches, and that hospital got a hit, without much damage. Patients who were upstairs were rushed downstairs in case there were more shells.

There was more damage and deaths in Hartlepool, but Scarborough got the publicity as it was a well-known coastal resort. The national press produced lurid headlines about the raid, and again featured Scarborough as it was the best-known of the three towns.

The borough was good at PR and pushed for the army to avenge the bombardment. That was a good line to take, and ‘Remember Scarborough’ appeared on recruiting posters afterwards.

“Did they have to evacuate after the raid?” asked Elizabeth.

“Not at all. The day of the raid, a lot of people jumped on trains to York and London to be safer, but the excitement soon died down and things got back to normal, ready for the summer tourist season next year.”

“So it wasn’t a terrible disaster at all?” demanded Elizabeth.

“It was, for the people involved. It was terrifying for the local residents who were lucky enough not to be injured. One school got hit by a shell, but it was so early that practically no-one was there at the time, so instead the pupils got an early start to their Christmas holiday. The school didn’t re-open until January.”

“You seem to know a lot of detail about this, Reg,” opined Sidra. “How come?”

“Interest. Some stories grab your attention, and then I found a talk on U-tube about the bombardment. It was fascinating to watch.”

They watched as the moon rose over the ocean in front of them. Elizabeth declared, “That’s beautiful, Dad.”

Reg acknowledged the fact. “It is. I have always liked seeing the moon in the sky; I don’t know why. Perhaps because it was on its own, but surviving all the same; just as I was, when I was growing up.”

“Aww, that’s sad, Reg. I had a good early childhood, then it went bad for me. You had a bad childhood, then life got better for you. You never know what lies ahead of you, do you?”

“Currently, I do. We have a company to run, babies to care for, two teenage girls to be parented as best we can, and university courses to complete. I reckon I am going to be busy for a long time.”

They finished their walk in the twilight, getting back to the hotel just as the street lamps were switching on. The girls told Reg they were feeling tired and that after they had said goodnight to Frances and their mother, they were going to bed.

When they found Frances and Jessica in the nursery, Frances was saying goodnight to someone on the phone. Reg asked who that had been.

“Jemima this time. She wanted a time to chat with me.”

“Anything to report yet?”

“Yes and no. They went through the second store as it was not too far from the first; just a few miles, but all they could get from their visit is that the manager seemed to let the store run itself. The store seemed to be fine, with plenty of customers coming and going, and the staff were friendly and chatty. There was just a touch of reserve about them, as if they weren’t telling us everything. The thing is, neither of us could get a handle on what was off about the store, apart from the lackadaisical attitude of the manager.

You would expect that the staff would be happy with that kind of manager, and they were, sort of. There was just that feeling we got, but couldn’t put a finger on what it was. We gave up and went out to our car in the car park. As we stood there talking, a woman came up to us and asked, ‘You girls came out without a shopping bag. Do you want a special deal for some groceries?’ That was odd, but we played along.

‘Don’t mind if I do,’ said Hermione.

The woman, a middle-aged lady, said, ‘My daughter works in there, and she can get you stuff at a lower price, if you want it.’ Hermione volunteered, ‘I could certainly do with some tinned stuff, but I didn’t have time to stand in a long queue.’ ‘If you give me your shopping list, I can get my daughter to collect the items into a bag for you, if you are able to pay cash. The deal is cash only.’ Hermione got her purse out and checked her cash.

‘Yes, I think I should have enough to pay for what I need. Hang on until I get my sister to write down the list.’ She dictated to Jemima what she wanted, and handed it to the woman, who got her phone out and transmitted the details to her daughter. Actually what she did was take a picture of the list and sent the picture, after saying, ‘a shopping list for a couple of girls, dear.’ Next, the woman took us on a walk round to the back, to the staff entrance, and there we waited for a short while, then the door opened. She walked over to the door and accepted a heavy carrier bag. ‘How much?’ she queried and was told a figure. She then came over to us and held the bag open for us to look and confirm it was what Hermione wanted, then said what the charge was.

It was indeed a lot less that one would have expected, so Hermione handed over the cash, saying ‘keep the change if there is any’, then we left.

Hermione led me back to the car, and we got in.

‘What do you think from that, sis?’ ‘To my mind, if it is happening with one member of staff, it is probably happening with a lot of them, and if the price you paid is the wholesale price, then the loss to the firm would be the total profit on these goods. We need to think on this farther and come back in the morning to test it out. No, what we should do is come back just before closing time and watch the back door to see what happens, to get a shot at the scale of the theft.’ Frances had said, ‘How do you think this seemed so easy?’ ‘Two factors, Frances. One, the staff door can’t have any bar code detector for items leaving without being put through the till, and second, the manager is not making any checks to stop this going on. It is theft on a grand scale, for the combination of what they walk off with for themselves, plus what they sell on to other people, must be significant.’ Frances had agreed. ‘I can imagine: each member of staff walking out the staff door at the end of a shift with a carrier bag full of stolen goods. They probably see it as a perk of the job rather than theft, though that woman who offered you a deal was definitely involved with theft.’ Reg took all this in and asked Frances, “So what are they recommending for that store?”

“They will give us their full opinion tomorrow morning, but I would hazard that it will be to close the store and make all the staff redundant. The only other option that comes to mind is that store which was failing despite the good and effective staff. We could suggest that they transfer all those staff to this store and give it a new lease of life.”

“Hmmm. That sounds innovative, if the staff are willing to move to another store. They would need to get a transfer allowance for at least a year, to let them find new accommodation and cover their travel costs while they do that search. We’ll wait and see what Hermione and Jemima have to say.”

“I am okay with that. Another night with you, Frances, before the others get back?”

“Hmm ... yes, I would like that. Are we going for more children, my love, or do you have enough?”

“As always, Frances, that is up to what you and the girls want. Fiona has already says she wants a second. How about you?”

“I have never been keen on my baby being an only child, but with all the others having babies ... I still want two of my own, Reg. Full siblings is a trifle better than half-siblings, I feel.”

They were interrupted by sobs from Sandra, and looked up to see her staring at her phone. She exclaimed, “Bastard mummy’s boy!”

Frances called to her, “What’s the problem, Sandra?”

Sandra scrunched down as if to make herself smaller. “My boyfriend ... my ex-boyfriend; he has dumped me!”

Frances opened her arms, “Oh, Sandra; how terrible! Come here, dear: you need comforting.”

Sandra got up and rushed to Frances and be enveloped in her embrace. Frances murmured to her words of encouragement, “It will get better eventually, Sandra. Teen romances are always getting broken up, dear. It is not the end of the world. Another boy will appear in your life and you will forget all about this one. I hope you haven’t given yourself to him?”

“No, We haven’t gone that far, Frances”, the girl sobbed softly, slowly getting over the initial shock. She continued, not realising the details she was giving out, “I only let him touch me with his hands and fingers. I am still intact down there.”

“There you are then: Nothing for you to be ashamed of, just emotional scarring that will soon heal over. Was he much older than you?”

“Just a year: I thought that was old!”

“He was just a boy, then, Sandra. Has he found another girl he liked? Did she sweep him off his feet?”

“Nothing like that. His mother...” she stopped and went back to sobbing her distress. Frances let her continue crying, and signed to Reg for a drink. He nodded, and went to the bathroom for it. He returned with a half glass of water and handed it to Frances. She persuaded Sandra to sip at it, and this distracted her from her distress.

“Thanks, Frances. I am so sorry to involve you in my troubles, ma’am.” She was recovering her stability and remembering Frances was her employer.

“Not at all, Sandra. You are almost family by now, just like Elizabeth, but you still have your parents to fall back on.”

“Oh. I can’t tell them about this, ma’am. It is too private for me.”

“Nothing is too private for your mother, Sandra. Mothers can be very understanding about love that has gone wrong. Half of mothers experienced the same thing when they were younger; well, except for me. I never had a boyfriend before Reg. You were lucky that way.”

“What? Never had a boyfriend?”

“I was only friends with boys when I was small and they paid no attention to my looks. When I developed into a woman, but my face did not similarly change for the better, it was a turn-off for boys, I am sorry to say.”

“Oh, I am so sorry, Frances. That must have been terrible.”

“Terrible, no. You get used to being ignored by boys at school; as long as they don’t taunt you as being ugly.”

“They didn’t, did they?”

“No, I didn’t get that at school. Enough of them knew my dad was a developer, and they assumed he was a tough guy, so they were scared I would set him on them if they were nasty, so they didn’t try it. I had more bother from the girls, actually. They seemed to think that if they had a boyfriend and I didn’t, it made them superior. I didn’t, for I saw that being cleverer than them made me superior!”

“Yes, I see that. You didn’t miss not having a boyfriend?”

“Not really. I got closer to other girls who were in the same boat, and we had fun together.”

“Oh, you mean Freda and Erika?”

“Not during our schooldays, for we went to different schools, but any girls who did not fit the accepted norm of beauty. That was one of the reasons we fell for Reg: his idea of norms was anything that he liked, and to him, personality, brains and social ability were all far more important than facial beauty. I now look on myself as beautiful in my own way, no matter what the outside world thinks. What I think, and what Reg thinks, is the determining factor in my life.”

“That is wonderful Frances. I always thought there was something special about you and Reg’s other women, but now I know what it is, at its basic level: appreciation of people for who they are, inside. I wish my boy... – my ex-boyfriend realised that.”

“Oh, what did he think?”

“He thought that you, Reg and the others were weird people. He couldn’t understand what I liked about my job with you. He really was short-sighted, wasn’t he, Frances?”

“He definitely was a lad with blinkers, Sandra. It is probably for the best that he broke it off.”

“It was not entirely his doing, Frances. His mother is a bit of a social climber, and she thought her son should not be associated with a girl who worked for you.”

“More fool her. This is a family that is going somewhere. It has a dynamic to it that most families never achieve. Every one of us is actively pursuing social, economic and educational targets to make us better people. I bet that woman is a mayfly, only interested in short-term gaudiness and then falling by the wayside or gobbled up by a predator.”

“You may be right, Frances, but she could be dangerous.”

“In what way? She is a nobody. In reality.”

“Ah, but I told my boyfriend that you were effectively a polygamous family. That shocked him for a while, but he must have told his mother, and that is why she was so down on him having me as a girlfriend; the association with you. She put pressure on him, and as he always did what his mother told him, he broke off our relationship.”

“With that sort of family, Sandra, you are better off without him and his mother. If your relationship had developed a lot more, she might have been your mother-in-law! Could you imagine that?”

“Ugh. That sounds dramatically horrible, Frances. Perhaps having him leave me was the best thing for me, and also for him. I would have been unhappy having an endlessly critical woman as a mother-in-law.”

“There now. You have stopped being upset, Sandra. Good for you, girl. We’ll start looking for a new boyfriend for you; someone who understands odd working hours. Did you know that policemen have many family breakdowns because of the working hours. Spouses often don’t appreciate the stresses that police work under, and that includes shift working that can be changed at a moment’s notice. A similar situation subsists for hospital doctors and nurses, who are under-appreciated by their family and friends.”

“You think that was part of the problem; that I work long hours for this family, including evenings and weekends?”

“I am sure it is part of the problem. Most folk who work 9-5 have evenings and weekends for socialising, but you often don’t. It is an extra pressure on a relationship, if the other side of the relationship is on a 9-5 schedule. That is why, if you want to continue with your career, you need a boyfriend who either is in a similar situation or can understand what life is like for you in your job.”

Sandra’s eyes widened as she thought this through.

“Frances, is this part of the reason why so many of Reg’s wives are at university? They all know the pressures they are under to attain their degrees and that Reg is in the same situation.”

“Interesting proposition, Sandra, but it is more than that, for you could equally cite propinquity as the link. No, all these factors play their part, for you are not likely to meet someone on the other side of the world, nor is a lawyer likely to meet and fall in love with farmworker. In the case of Reginald, we started with the ulterior motive of improving our results in our university classes. Getting to know Reginald better was a cultural shock for him and for us. We had no idea of the life he had lived as a child, and in other circumstances he would never have gone to university. He was still a little boy in a man’s body when he started classes. He did not know what to do or say to let a girl know she is appreciated, but we three had the social background to help us cope with Reg, so we took him under our wings, taught him the essentials, and ended up flying in the sky with him.”

“Frances, thank you for this discussion. You have made me feel a lot better about my life, and I understand more about how you ladies fit with Reg. You are amazing women, all of you.”

“Fine. Now Sandra would like a night off, so that you can get to bed early and have a good night’s sleep? It may help you get over that desertion.”

“You think I should, Frances? That would be great, but who is going to look after the babies during the night?”

“Who do you think? Me and Reg. If I hear a baby crying, I will get Reg to go fetch him or her. Then I will determine what the need is. If it is feeding, I’ll prepare the battle and feed the infant. If it is a nappy problem, Reg has enough experience now to change his offspring’s nappy. He knows where everything is kept. That right, darling?”

Reg, with a sigh, admitted, “Yes, Frances my love. I can do that.”

“Right. You have a double bed in here, so we will sleep here tonight, and you can have our room. Off you go, young lady, but do me a favour and tell Sidra and Elizabeth where we are. I’ll notify Jessica that Reg will come for her if it is her Rex needing fed.”

By morning, Reg was cursing the ability of babies to wake each other up. He had a couple of hour’s sleep before the first one needed a nappy change. His crying woke two others, so he had three to check out. One needed feeding; the other was another wet nappy. He took the hungry one to Frances and set to the nappy changing.

The first one was done and laid back down, and the second half changed when another started up. He let that one cry while he completed the nappy change and laid the baby down safely. He knew never to leave a baby alone on the changing table in case it rolled over and fell off.

Fortunately it was the hunger game again, so another one for Frances. The new one was a mucky bottom, so a clean-up as well as a new nappy and liner.

That was the end of that group crying session. Then little Rex cried for a feed, and he had to carry him through to Jessica’s room for her well-prepared breasts and ready nipples. She said she would take him back to the nursery when he was full and sleepy.

Reg got back to dozing for a while, with a sleepy Frances in his arms again, then another two started yelling. Both were hungry, so he passed them on to Frances, thinking he was finished.

No. He was no sooner back in bed when the first two nappy change babies now indicated they wanted a feed, so he had to help Frances by warming the formula and bottle while she saw to the actual feeding and burping. They were learning the joys of mass parenthood.

Morning was a blessing, as Sidra came in to ask how they were coping with the flock of babies. One started crying as soon as she arrived, so a zonked-out Reg called out, “Deal with that one please, Sidra. We need some sleep after a busy night!”

Reg and Frances slept late, never noticing when Jessica came in to feed Rex again, nor Elizabeth coming in to allow Sidra to have her beakfast. It was only when Sandra burst in that they woke.

“Mr Robertson! Mrs Robertson!”

“Yes, Sandra? What is it?”

“I’ve got a text from HIM, my ex-boyfriend. He says now that he is no longer linked to me, his mother is going to report you to the police!”

Reg and France both smiled at her, and Reg enquired, “What is she going to report, Sandra? Did you ask him?”

“No. I just found the text while I was having my breakfast, and I came straight to you.”

“Yes, I follow that. Why don’t you text him back and ask what his mother intends to report?”

Frances added, “The police will only be interested if a crime is involved. Do that text, dear, for me. It will be interesting.”

The befuddled Sandra typed the text into her phone and sent it off. Then she asked, “Why aren’t you worried, Frances? Polygamy is a crime, isn’t it?”

Frances took her hand. “A little lesson for you, on actual legal matters, Sandra. What is bigamy?”

“Oh, that is where a man marries a second wife while still married to his first wife.”

“Exactly. Now what is polygamy?”

“That will be where a man is married to several wives at the same time. Right?”

“Again, right. Now, tell me what crime your boyfriend’s mother is going to accuse us of?”

“Polygamy, of course!”

“Yes, I expect she will. The police will smile and ask, ‘What is your evidence, madam?’”

“Evidence? You mean, she has to go and get copies of your marriage certificates?”

“She dosn’t have to do that, Sandra; just give the police enough evidence for them to take it further. Just a couple of people who were at the weddings would do. The police would then ask the local registar to confirm that such marriages had taken place: simple.”

“What then? She gets the people as witnesses, and that will set the police investigation in motion?”

“Yes. So she will get nowhere. She will find no evidence whatsoever.”

“Why not, Mrs Robertson?” Sandra asked Frances, emphasizing the Mrs.

Frances beamed at her. “Because Reginald is not married to anyone!”

“But ... but ... you ladies are all Mrs Robertson, aren’t you? That is confusing.”

“Let me inform you, Sandra, about a little detail of our family: We are all known as Mrs Robertson, so that I am Mrs Frances Robertson, Erika is Mrs Erika Robertson, Freda is Mrs Freda Robertson, for the reason that these our our legal names, officially recorded by deed poll.”

“Deed poll? What is that, Frances?”

“A simple legal formality to allow you to change your name to something different. We discovered it when the university administration people refused to accept us calling ourselves Mrs Robertson without legal evidence of a marriage certificate. One of the staff let slip that a deed poll certificate was the only other acceptable evidence. We investigated and found that the new name could include an honorific, and as Mrs is an honorific, we added that to the name Robertson so I am legally Mrs Frances Robertson without being married.”

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ReginaldChapter 6

Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

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Slut Born To Tease Reworked

Slut: Born to Tease (part one). Reworked.I’ve just completed my chosen ensemble for this evening and I'm now standing in my bedroom, looking at my reflection in my full length wardrobe mirrors. I was just about to twirl around to view the full reflection of my pink PVC lingerie clad curvaceous body, when my husband walked into the bedroom, stopped at the doorway and sighed."Are you really wearing that lot tonight?" He said almost despondently."Of course I am!" I replied triumphantly.I was...

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A Misty Holiday

Misty left her third department store frustrated. The advertised sales weren’t really as great as she thought they would be. She hoped that this late November shopping trip would get her holiday season off on the right track, but it was beginning to look like this year was going to be another holiday disaster. To top off her miserable trip, the weather was lousy. The wind blew sheets of rain onto the pavement. They weather forecast was calling for snow, but so far it was just this unforgiving...

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DDFBusty Dominno Mary Rock Nympho Housewife Dominno Seduces Her Maid And Invites Hubby to Join In

Dominno is a bored housewife, and all she ever thinks about is sex. Today, even though her slender young maid, Mary Rock, is cleaning the kitchen, she can’t resist fingering herself and squeezing her colossal knockers. But Mary doesn’t really mind since she has a crush on her sexy boss. Soon, Dominno invites her to the bedroom where they can pleasure each other in ways that only women understand. When Dominno’s husband, Vince Karter, gets home, he’s surprised to see his...

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Marlee Chapter 01

I think it is time for me to tell about my conquest of another white woman. I have had many married white females, single white females, and divorced white females. I must say I prefer the married white females. I call them all MILF’s. Let me introduce myself. My name is Charles Crowder. I go by C.C. I’m a black man, with a degree in business law. That’s right I’m a lawyer. I work for a bank. I live in lower east side of Manhattan. I could take the N-Line to work in Brooklyn, but I prefer to...

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House for SaleChapter 7

Alexis had several meetings to attend over the next two days and found herself feeling more and more frustration with the idea of taking the southeastern region. She could have had another region, but she would only consider the southeast. One day, she met with the human resources and finance people to discuss the terms of her potential buyout. She was impressed with the amount of money she could have, including keeping her stock options. Thursday, when she left work, her head was crammed...

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Poolside Blow Job

 (One of my wife’s adventures after she graduated from college.)My wife and her boyfriend, John, planned to go to the beach in South Florida Labor Day weekend. They made a reservation for the long weekend. Their plan was to go Thursday morning and return home the following Tuesday. They had both requested the days off from their employers.On Wednesday afternoon Regina’s boyfriend learned he would have to work Thursday and wouldn’t be able to leave until Friday morning. Regina decided to leave...

Oral Sex
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A holiday In Crete

- Mika Waltari Sytalkion, or Si-tal-ki-o as the locals pronounced it, was a silent, sleepy place in the noon-tide heat. The predominantly dark blue shutters of the old town were firmly closed, protecting the slumbering populace within from the worst of the dust and heat of the long summer day. In shady sandstone doorways, between the white balusters of balconies and upon...

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Kenny BurnsChapter 2

Dad finished with the customer and turned toward us. "And who is this young lady?" "Dad, this is Francie Reilly. Right now we are exploring a relationship. You'll hear all about it at dinner tonight." "What's to hear about?" "How, when, and where we met. While away on vacation I tracked her down after six years. I've become acquainted with her family and now she is here to become acquainted with mine. I'm hoping before too long you and Mom will take some time and travel to meet...

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New Control

I'm no stranger to the concept of chastity and orgasm denial / control; but recent events have really opened my eyes to it and I now feel I can speak about my experiences with it now having been subjected to it for an extended time. Unlike my previous experiences with being controlled through chastity, this time I feel well and truly broken -in a totally submissive way. I had believed that my time with it before was all there was to it as previous lovers and Owners had locked me up from time to...

3 years ago
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More fun with Bunny

After the first time I had sex with Bunny, she became my personal whore for a while. That might see a bit harsh but she loved being called that. The next class we had together after we fucked she kept making eyes at me and blew me kisses. After class she pulled me into a closet and shoved her hand down my pants grabbing my cock. "I've been waiting to suck your nice cock all day" she said while stroking my stiffing cock. "May I suck it for cum?" Of course I said yes, and she dropped down to her...

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Im A Sex Addict

What do you want ? "This bus driver going to pull over so we can fuck you" the tall dirty blonde Asian boy said. What ? Amber said. "Got it bro, I need my sleep anyway"'the bus driver said as he pulls into an empty parking lit. Amber gets up and tries to run towards the back exited when this short dark black hair Asian boy then block her and Amber sits back down. "Were going to fuck you until you cry for mercy" the tall dirty blonde Asian boy said "and Greg the first to get...

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Panty Polygamy

Panty Polygamy By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Tuesday At three o'clock, that Tuesday, I slipped into a hot shower to begin my preparation for my Tuesday husband's five p.m. arrival. Mr. Richman is such a dear. Of all my five husbands, he's the one who appreciates my wifely, homebody femininity most. So I try to be extra femmy for him. Every Tuesday at precisely five p.m., his electronic key becomes active and he can enter my luxury apartment on the 6th floor of the...

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Stories from the Sub

Scanning the Craigslist casual encounter section again. She couldn't understand why it's so hard to for a girl to get laid. Well, that's not entirely accurate. It's not that hard to get laid but Cricket wanted something different. Nick text, "Come over." "Ugh!", Cricket slammed her phone down. Nick was a good hard cock that was always ready to 'go'; but they had dated for a year. A year too long, in Cricket's opinion. For some reason Nick had never developed a spine. Even after Cricket trained...

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The Bounty HunterChapter 10

As I walked away from the two corpses at my feet, I couldn’t help but sigh. This was already the third attempt at such a trick this week. I just wished that people would be innovative in their attempt to kill me. Sadly, that wasn’t to be. Everyone had more or less had the same trick up their sleeve. You would guess I would be tired of such tedious attempts at my life almost every other day but you would be very wrong. I loved it. The shot of adrenaline that burst through my veins when...

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Hot Autowala In Mumbai

Ek raat ki baat hai.. Raat ke karib 12.15 ya 12:30 baje honge.. Mai aur mera ek colleague  (Raj) office se nikale.  Hum saath me kaam karte hai. Raj aur mai dono laghbagh ek hi age ke hai. Mai 25 saal ka hoon aur wo bhi 25-26 saal ka hi hai. Hum dono ne ek sath hi office join kiya that to hum kafi acche dost bhi ban gaye hai. Waise to aap sabhi ko pata hoga ke din me Mumbai ke auto wale kitna bhav khate hai. Unake tewar hi kuch aur hote hai…per raat me unke misaj kuch badle badle rehate...

2 years ago
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Just How Bad Can a Day Get

Today started badly and just got slowly worse. Three days ago my eighteen-year-old son had been CAP tested, got a 7·1, and volunteered. But of course there was no collection. 7·1’s are not exactly exciting. If he’d been in the nine’s they would have taken him straight away. Then this morning he got call-up papers, told he had been drafted into the army, and that he had to report to Bracknell in Berkshire. Of course, we just happened to live in the middle of the north York moors, so two hundred...

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The President Addresses the Nation

The President Addresses the Nation By Rosie Julie Weiss carefully put the hot dish down on her dining table. Her husband, Jake, and her son, Tommy, were hungrily awaiting the steaks she served them. They didn't even wait until she sat down at the table, they dug right in. Julie looked at her men with pride. Tommy was beginning to look more and more like his father gentle faced and slim. Not quite tall as him, but Julie never cared for too tall men. She wasn't a tall woman herself,...

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Conniving Sub Sister

"Donald, come here this minute." The strident voice of Margaret Mackie hammering up the stairs broke the tranquillity of Donalds bedroom. The fifteen year old rolled over and clambered off his bed, wondering what he'd done wrong this time. He quickly ran through his current thoughts and actions and could find nothing for which he should be worried. Still puzzled he made his way downstairs. Ever since his father had died three years ago his mother had become more and more waspish and, as...

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The Sexy GirlNextDoor Part One

As a sweet sixteen-year-old boy, I started my life of having transvestite proclivities. Being sexy for men and making their cocks hard for me became my favorite thing to do for pleasure. I already had a boyfriend, the blonde college boy lifeguard at my community swimming pool. He had seen me wearing some sexy little hot pants and come on to me, one day. The fact that he was handsome and all the girls wanted his cock made me proud to be the girl who was getting to suck him, daily. Every day, I...

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CATHLEEN. Diary of a lesbian hooker of the 1930s. PART 3Most of the bosses, underbosses and capos in the mob in Boston were married. Many of them had a mistress or two on the side. Most of the time, the wife was aware of it and said nothing. Most of the mob wives I met were in their late 40s to early 60s. Pretty well all of them had married for the money and some actually preferred it when their husband had a mistress. They could then lead their own life, as long as they were discreet. I met...

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIIChapter 4 Trysting With the Maids

The following day James traveled to Albany, the state capitol, on business purposes. (His comment to me was that he had need to purchase some politicians, either one Senator or two Congressmen, whichever would prove cheaper!) He planned to spend the night and then return the next day, and for once had traveled without me. These small trips occurred on a monthly basis, and we always spent some time on a small holiday, answerable to nobody and nothing but our own decadent tastes. However, James...

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Daves Diaper Disaster

Dave's Diaper Disaster By Squeekdamouse "All right you kids, I'll see you in a week!" Mom shouted from downstairs, she was away to a women's empowerment retreat with her neighbour. "Bye mom, have a good time!" Dave shouted rushing downstairs hugging her tightly. "Seeya Mrs Leslie..." Fee said poking her head around the door. "Make sure he behaves himself Fee..." Dave's mom said. "Awwww Mom, I'm all grown up now..." Dave complained. Dave's mom ruffled the fur between his...

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Jamaican Resort

The Indulgence Resort in Jamaica is an exclusive vacation destination that includes everything in one price: food, lodging, bar tabs, beach accessories, etc. They are self-contained villages whose purpose is to supply Sun, Surf and Sex to their guests. Couples and singles are welcome. Beautiful visitors from around the world come to spend a week or two on their pristine beaches, in their hot night clubs, and in their steamy pools and Jacuzzis. This resort has two large dining rooms, three night...

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A bunch of First

            It was the spring of 83 and I was in my Junior year of High school. I had a job at a beach just off of Long Island and would usually spend the whole weekend there because it was just too far to commute to from home. Being the oldest son of 6 kids my parents were very trusting and let us pretty much run free, as long as we kept our grades up and the cops from the front door.               I remember on this Friday, leaving school after half a day and heading to the beach. Not...

First Time
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How I Started

Hey- This is a personal story. Let me know what you think. Mostly true...'cept names and a few other things...enjoy!!!!!!!!How Rebeca StartedThen, out of the blue, I received a friend request on F-book from the man who started me out. At 43, he was 31 years older than me when he and I played. I was on summer vacation and discovered masturbation in an unlikely way. Mom and dad had split up, so mom was at work during the week. I’d watched a series of movies that involved prostitutes that...

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My MIL 8211 My Wife 8211 Part V

Its been over a week now and me and my MIL have started living a life of husband and wife in the absence of my wife. I come back from home, play with her and have fun and I was addicted to her warm mature pussy. I wanted to take this to the next level, I wanted a honey moon with her make her my own and fuck her to eternity. I never disclosed this to Lakshmi my MIL, buti was always planning for it in my mind. That Friday, I told her. Me: Lakshmi, I want to tell you something MIL : Yes, what is...

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First Time as the Slut

After I went through puberty it didn't take very long for me to start jacking off. A few close friends and I started talking about sex when we could. We talked about what we would like to do and who we would like to do. One of my friends Rex had an older brother that had lots of porn mags stashed in his closet. One weekend Rex invited me(John), Jack, Cliff and Gary over for a back yard camp out. We got the tent set up and Rex's dad grilled hot dogs for us that evening. Rex's brother left around...

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Unexpected Evening

It had been years since Tim and Katie had enjoyed an evening together. After years of talkthey finally were able to meet up for a meal and a few drinks. As they sat and enjoyed theirmeal they reminisced about all their fun nights together and the things that they wish thatthey had done. The two of them enjoyed each other’s bodies to the fullest but there was stillso much left undone. They talked about the night they first met and Tim fucked her hard untilhe shot his load deep in her cunt. And...

2 years ago
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A DecisionChapter 2

Melinda must have been cramping, I decided, because she rolled off the bed for a minute. She returned shortly and the withdrawing the dildo trick began again. This time, something was different. The dildo felt different. It was wider. It wasn't the same hard plastic material as before. I must be one of those new silicone models I'd seen on the net. It felt different, but good once I adjusted to the new width. Melinda stroked shallow as my muscles stretched and she kept the motor off. Maybe...

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Miss Invisible

This was was prompted by Literotica’s 2016 Nude Day Story Contest. It’s a lighthearted tale featuring voyeurism and exhibitionism. Thank you to my editors, who were very kind and patient with me. Any remaining errors belong solely to the author, because she can’t stop tweaking things. This work has only been posted to and should not be found anywhere else. – – – – – – – – – – Kara finished her laps around the track and maintained her pace as she headed for the sidewalk. Her...

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Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part Three

Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part 3 I did manage to get a little sleep. After Tiffany finally zonked out, and the continual grinding on my thigh and the relentless playing with my nipple rings stopped, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Friday night was the last full night's sleep I had gotten since Marcus took over my computer, and my life. I woke up before my alarm went off, which was a good thing. I was tangled up in limbs so securely, it took me several minutes to snake my way...

2 years ago
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That Unforgettable Night

That Unforgettable Night I wake up suddenly in the dark, realizing while I was sleeping, my wife began giving me a blowjob. I don’t mean just your average sympathy BJ that many wives give when they are trying to just get it out of the way. It’s actually the most amazing BJ I have ever experienced and/or could imagine. I so badly want to ask her to turn on the lights, so I can see what my cock looks like in her mouth, but I know she likes the lights off. So I let it continue as is, in the dark.

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Ricks GiftChapter 5 Planning ahead

As we drove through Vancouver to pick up the girls I noticed Sandi had a disturbed look on her face. "Ok, what's up Sandi?" "Oh nothing I was just thinking." she replied. "About what?" I inquired. She turned to me and asked, "Do you think there are more people out there as powerful as you are?" I wasn't sure how to respond. "I... I don't... know. I guess there could be. Why do you ask?" She smiled at me as she said. "Well you are really a good-hearted man unless you are...

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HandsOnHardcore Chloe DarkEyed Damsel Chloe Gets Fucked Like the Dog She Is

Dark-haired beauty Chloe is ready for some serious action today. She’s dressed in her latex outfit, complete with dog collar, that leaves her colossal knockers exposed, and she’s trying out the whip that will soon send the naughty girl into heights of ecstasy. Her boyfriend Kristof is sure surprised when he gets home, but he gets into the spirit of the occasion by grabbing her by the leash and walking her around like a dog. After a nice blowjob, Kristof starts in on her snatch with...

3 years ago
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Wild Sex With Tulsi And Sneha

Hiii this is charan back again with nice story .I wanted it to translate in telugu for telugu people . It happened between my two teachers and me .So boys mee sullalu tayaru cheskondi and amailu ,auntilu me pukulu tayaru cheskondi rasalu karchukodaniki .Mee viluvaina abhiprayalu leka evaraina natho matladali anukunte nanu sampradinchandi na mail id ki :- Naa b tech ipoina tarvata nenu groups coaching ki velle vadini. Chala mandhi vachevaru apudapudu alasyanga velthe place undedi kadu .Ekkada...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Forbidden Wish Chapter 3 Keilys Futa Surprise

Chapter Three: Keily's Futa Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I sucked on my sister's futa-cock, newly sprouted into my hungry mouth. Sunset just passed, the moment, according to B the futa-fairy, when the magical energy in the world, or something, change. When the “curse” the futa-fairies gave my sister and me triggered. At sunset, my cock shrank back into the little clit my sister nursed on now while her bud sprouted into this huge shaft filling my mouth. My first day as a...

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CagedChapter 3 Coming in from Behind

A few hours into her sleep, something woke her with a start. There was no one in the room to wake her. It was almost like someone shouted into her brain. And she woke from the middle of an intense dream too. She was dreaming again about licking Master Thomas' shoes. But, in addition to wearing the shoes, he was also behind her, fucking her; and beating her with the bamboo switch. As soon as she got her bearings, the slave realized that something was different. Her legs weren't all...

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FilthyPOV Rachel Rivers My StepDaughter Has a Thing For Older Men

My wife and I have been having an issue with her step-daughter, we found some pictures on her phone that no 18-year-old girl should have. I sat Rachel down to talk to her about what was on her phone, in a cute way my step-daughter explains to me that she has a thing for “older” guys. I kinda could tell she was into older guys, whenever my friends would come over to watch football she would dress really inappropriately in front of them, her Step-Mom yelled at her a few times for...

2 years ago
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OHGIRL Back To Work

I was bent over the side of my bed as the neighbor, from down the road, pumped his cock hard into my cunt, from behind. It had been two weeks since my youngest daughter had caught me fucking two men in my bedroom and here I was again, high on weed and letting my neighbor fuck me. It had all started when Shawn had gotten me to smoke a joint with him as a prelude to an awesome fuck session that commemorated our 20 years as lovers. Even though he had been a downfall in part of my early life, he...

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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 8

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 8 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

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sex with bhabhi

By: sandeep Hi ISS Readers. My name is Sandeep, basically from north India but currently working in Hyderabad. I am 5’4″ with average in build and looks. Well that’s enough about me. I am writing a true incident of my life happened around 5 years back when I was in college. I was doing my engineering, and since I was quiet shy and simple guy so I preferred to stay in a rented house instead of the college hostel. The house where I was staying was a two story building with first floor having two...

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Jennys 16th YearChapter 8

When Jenny came home after school she opened the door and it was quiet inside the house. She was hopping her dad was home. She locked the door and went upstairs. Undressing she got a clean towel and walked into the bathroom. Jenny turned on the water, adjusted it for the temperature and stepped in. She washed herself with her favorer body soap and cleaned her body making sure her pussy was clean and the day’s sweat and urine was completely gone. Then she douched to make sure and turned off...

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