Reginald's ChildrenChapter 12 free porn video

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Jessica pulled her phone from her handbag, and phoned the Robson girls’ parents to get permission for them to stay the night with her and Sidra. After apologising for not having the girls home by now, she explained, “We are all suffering from delayed shock at the attack, and I believe a night of comfort at our hotel would go a long way towards helping your girls recover. I have cleared it with Reg, so there is no problem with paying for it.”

“Good grief, Jessica,” said Mrs Robson. “I am glad that you are there for them. As a mother of a teenager yourself, you know what needs to be said and done for my girls to be reassured. Keep them with you for now, as it will be good experience for them: let them understand better what real life is like. We can sort out costs with Reginald at a later date.”

Jessica remembered another point she needed to make about timing. “Oh, regards Reg: he is being kept in hospital overnight at a minimum. He was pretty tired and sore when we saw him; but as for longer, we don’t know yet but I doubt he will get out very soon. That is a medical decision, and the police haven’t taken his statement yet.

We were supposed to go home tomorrow, but that may have to remain on hold for a bit. We’ll let you know. If Reg still wants to take your girls to our home, we will need to visit your farm to have the girls collect what clothes and gear they need for an extended visit, and let them say ‘cheerio’ to you.”

Ending the call, Jessica did a quick mental check of the capacity of the Volvo if all five were to travel south. She decided it was a practical proposition, if they took enough breaks on the journey. She got herself back to the girls and took them to the car for returning to the hotel. The girls advised where you could best park a car at this time of day, and they walked to the hotel from there.

The hotel staff were very understanding about the aftermath of the attack, and quickly agreed to move a second double bed into Jessica and Reg’s room. They were horrified that one of their guests had been injured in their town, and did their level best to cater for the visitors’ needs.

Jessica’s phone rang, and she quickly answered it in case it was the hospital.

“Jessica Robertson,” she announced.

Frances’ agitated voice demanded, “Jessica, what has happened with Reg? We got a call to confirm we are Reg’s next of kin. Apparently he is in hospital.”

“Yes, but he is fine, Frances, in the sense of not in danger. He was knifed while protecting us, and the hospital performed an operation to remove the blade safely. He was talking to me in the ward not that long ago, but is probably asleep by now.”

“Oh. That is why they wouldn’t let me speak to him, when I rang the hospital. They just said it wasn’t possible for anyone to speak to him at this time.”

“Well, put your mind at rest: he is on the mend, Frances. He was a real hero, defending me and the girls.”


“Oh, yes. You wouldn’t know about them. The two daughters of the Robsons at the farm. Reg arranged for them to come home with us, for relationship training, or you might say counselling. They clearly need to learn how to respect their parents and other people, Frances, so Reg thought that as you and your team did so well with him, you could help them as well.”

Frances was cautious. “What exactly are we talking about, Jessica? It is not just another two girls who have taken a fancy to Reg? He is not up for grabs, you know.”

“Gosh, no. Reg was horrified when I asked him a similar question. He sees it as helping them to be better people, in return for the kindness shown to him by their parents. I didn’t mention it, but he found another couple of lumps of coins or something. It was enough to bring a woman from York to collect them as Finds.”

“Another woman? Reg seems to attract them without fail!”

“This one is a middle-aged married lady, so not a worry, Frances. Reg called her a Finds Liaison Officer. She went back to York with his lumps, after taking loads of photos.”

“Oh, yes. Reg dealt with a guy of the same title here, last time he found something. So he is going to get some more cash from his detectoring?”

“I have no idea, but I suppose so. The lumps were quite heavy, but no-one was sure what all was in them, except there were silver coins showing on the outside. Reg was a bit cagey about what else might be the contents; something to do with the weight.”

“Yes. It is all guesswork until they separate out all the material, and start identifying each item. That could take ages. When are you seeing Reg again, Jessica?”

“In the morning. I think they wanted to make sure he slept a lot while he was with them, to get the wound edges to knit together. They don’t want much movement at the beginning, one of the nurses said to me, so they are trying to keep him flat on his stomach and not moving much. Sleep is a good way of achieving that end.

At some point they will want him out of there, to free up the bed, for hospitals work on making maximum use of a bed. If you are not a properly ill patient, they want you out and gone.” Jessica appeared not to agree with this policy.

Frances was also thinking about Reg’s release from hospital. “Will he be able to travel by car, or should we get a private ambulance to bring him home?”

“No idea, Frances. I’ll ask while I am at the hospital tomorrow. Are you and the others coping?”

“It is amazing, Jessica, how much we miss Reg in just a day or two. It is like a part of you is not there. If I could, I’d drive to Scarborough to bring him home at once, but I don’t want to do anything that might harm him. I love that man of mine!”

“I understand. Frances, a confession: Reg told me he loved me! It just popped out, without him thinking about what he was saying, and when I quizzed him about saying that, he admitted that it was true. It had just crept up on him, he said. I was delighted, but I don’t know how you will feel about it; me being an older woman and all.”

Frances was not surprised. “Jessica, it happens with Reg. It often seems inevitable. He finds it so easy to fall in love with women who are loving towards him. He responds in the only way he can: loves them back. That’s how he came to love all of us girls here. If you questioned him, he would probably admit to loving Holly and Carol, although he would never dare to admit it to them. Sidra is another, though he is trying to love her as a daughter; I can tell. Elizabeth is too new to consider in that way, but she is certainly in awe of him.”

“I have noticed these effects, and Sidra loves him as well, even though he is so insistent on her passing her school exams and going to university afterwards. He is like the father she should have had: loving and pushing at the same time. She grows by the minute under his tutelage.”

Frances turned practical again. “When you are at the hospital tomorrow, ask about a private ambulance to take Reg home to us. Get the details and we can work on it; all right?”

“I can do that. If all goes well in that line, I and Sidra will drive back with the two Robson girls. I’ll let you know when to expect us.”

Reg came awake, to find it was morning. He wondered how he had slept so long, and asked the nurse who woke him. She smiled at the question.

“Mr Robertson, you woke up twice during the night, and we gave you a sleeping draught each time, so you went back to sleep almost immediately. You will be needing to pee by now, I expect. Let me get you a male urinal to use in bed; we don’t want you to get up yet.”

She produced the moulded papier-mache unit for Reg, lifting the bedclothes and slipping it under his naked body and into position. He found it easy to use, despite lying on his front. These one-use pieces of equipment were perfect for their purpose. The nurses emptied them at the ward wash-room, and the papier-mache item went in the recycling bin.

She returned and told him, “The police are due shortly, to take a statement from you, Mr Robertson. We told them they weren’t getting to see you until now, but they didn’t seem over-anxious. It appears that your actions were accepted by them as genuine self-defence. The local paper’s correspondent was here, but got his story details from the ambulance men and the A & E staff. He may be back to get a quote from you, but who knows? It will depend on when the weekly paper is printed.”

Reg said anxiously, “My memory of the event is pretty hazy now, I’m afraid. Hopefully more will come back to me when they ask their questions.”

This turned out to be true. The policemen – they always seem to come in twos – went through the events of yesterday, and Reg found he could tell them the story from his viewpoint at the time. He explained that he did not know what had happened to his attacker after the blow, until the ambulance crew told him the man was dead. He emphasised that he never at any time envisaged killing the man; merely tried to disable him to prevent the attack going any further.

“I was quite disturbed when they told me he had died. No doubt the ambulancemen can fill you in on what I said at the time. My memory is a bit hazy about some of the events. You don’t make notes at the time, I have found!”

The police constables nodded as he told it, and occasionally asked for more detail, until he finished with the ambulance delivering him to the hospital. They had already interviewed these men.

“One other point, Mr Robertson. The blow you used against your attacker: was that accidental or what?”

Reg saw that they were giving him a chance to claim it was accidental, but instead explained the truth, “I and my family voluntarily undertook a self-defence course at our university, run by a sports doctor there. This was after an attack on one of our members, thus we wanted to be able to respond protectively. He taught us some moves we could use in emergency, if we thought our lives were threatened, or that of one of our friends. We had to practice until it became automatic, but he emphasised that we should never try to kill, unless our own life was threatened.

The blow I used was one we practised, but this was the first time I have used it in earnest. I did it without even thinking. I had been hit, and later found it was actually stabbed, clearly with intent to kill or severely disable me, so I responded accordingly. The was no malice on my part, merely an attempt to stop an attacker from continuing his attack. It was unfortunate that he seems to have died, but that was not my original intent. I merely wanted to disable him in return for hurting me while I was defending the girls.”

One of the men told him, “That pretty well confirms what the witnesses saw, Mr Robertson. You are lucky to be alive, after being stabbed in the back. The guy who stabbed you, and died for his pains, was known to us as a troublemaker of the worst sort. No-one except his family will regret his passing. We have to get your statement printed, then you have to sign it. We will be back for that.

We have to report all the facts to the coroner, but it is unlikely that there will be a formal inquest, as we will be reporting that your action was reasonable in the context of attempted murder on you. Unless you hear soon to the contrary, you may go home when you are discharged by the hospital, assuming you have first signed your statement. We should by then be able to confirm the coroner’s decision.”

Immediately after they had left, Jessica came in, worrying again.

“The nurses wouldn’t let me in earlier, Reg. They said you had the police with you.”

“Quite correct, Jessica. They took my statement, and will be back with the printed version for me to sign. It looks like I will probably be free to go home then, though I am still very sore in the area where I was stabbed.”

He paused. “Do my wives know about the attack, Jessica?”

“They certainly do! Frances phoned me for details, as the local police had notified her, as the next of kin, that you were in Scarborough Hospital. She was somewhat frantic about your condition, so I had to assure her that your injury was not life-threatening, and that you would get out soon. She was anxious about your future, and talking about getting a private ambulance to take you home.”

“Really? I must ask the hospital here if they can send me home by NHS ambulance, before Frances goes overboard on that. She is a wonderful girl and I love her dearly, but she takes my welfare too much on her shoulders. Oh, did you tell her about Hermione and Jemima?”

“I did. As expected, she assumed you were collecting even more women, but I explained your altruistic approach, aiming to help out the Robsons.”

“Thank God for that. I was starting to worry about springing these girls on her without advance warning.” He switched subjects and looked up at her from his awkward position. “Jessica, the nurses have kept me on my front and asleep for much of yesterday and all night, so that I would not move around and disturb the wound. Could you ask them about when I might be allowed up, or turn over, or whatever change is allowed, and when I can get home, and how?”

“I’ll go and do that now. Sidra wanted to see you, but I held her back until I found out your current condition. Do you want her to come in while I go make these enquiries?”

Reg was agreeable with that, so Jessica left, and shortly Sidra hurried in, trying to appear to walk nonchalantly. She quickly looked him over, then decided she should kiss her hero.

Reg accepted the kiss, and went through the same tale that he had related to her mother. She wanted to give Reg another hug, but he immediately advised against it for now, as it would not be good for his wound. She nodded, accepting this as a valid reason.

Instead, she asked, “Can I bring Jemima and Hermione in to say a quick hello? They are outside, and want to greet their new hero.”

“Tell them it will be just for a minute or two, Sidra. Explain that I am still knackered, will you, so that they don’t stay too long?”

Worried again, she rushed off to report this and quickly the Robson girls were by his bed. This led to friendly kisses to his cheek and enquiries after his health, and apologies for his treatment by local thugs. He shrugged off the apologies as best he could the way he was lying, declaring it could happen anywhere. He asked about their parents, and what they were saying.

Hermione, taking the lead as the elder sister, told him, “We are going to visit them today and pack our bags. We are driving with Jessica and Sidra to your home to stay for a while. It seems your wives want to teach us a few things; what exactly, we are not sure, but Mum and Dad have approved it. Your place is not a hippy commune, is it?”

“God, no. It is a standard happy community. We just happen to have more wives in the family than usual.”

He paused for a breath. “Now, about visiting my home, I am not sure when and how I am getting out of here, but once you have collected your gear you girls should certainly go with Jessica in the car we used to get to Scarborough. It is a good-sized car, so there should be enough space, even with your luggage in the boot, as there are only the four of you.”

“Sidra said you were tired, so we’ll be off, Reg.”

He remembered his manners. “Thanks for coming in, anyway, girls. It was kind of you to do so.”

Almost as soon as they had left, Jessica was back to his bedside, with breaking news.

“Reg, the hospital wants to transfer you to the hospital nearest your home, for continuing treatment. It gets you out of their hair, passes the buck, and frees up the bed for other patients. That’s not the way they put it to me, but that’s what they meant!

Oh, and the admin people I spoke to called me Mrs Robertson, which cheered me up no end, I can tell you; until I wondered if they thought I was your mother!

They say you need a couple of days more bed rest in a hospital to let your wound improve, then the local doctors may let you home in a wheelchair for a few more days, before you start gently exercising your body. I think that such exercise does not include sex, though they refrained from coming straight out and saying that, my love! You must be down in their records as ‘married’, for them to almost suggest that restriction.”

“Oh well, I will put up with that deprivation for a few days, but I have got so used to making love to at least one girl every night that I will feel deprived. You and I managed fine, didn’t we, my dear?”

“We did, Reg. I am looking forward to your speedy full recovery, in every way.”

Jessica went back to the administrators to get the details of the planned move, and reminded them that Reg had to sign his police statement before he was moved. That spurred them to phone the police station and get the statement up to the hospital for signing right away. They gave Jessica a guarantee that “Mr Robertson” would be transferred later that day if the receiving hospital could be sure of a bed being available.

That allowed Jessica to collect her charges and take them to the farm at East Ayton for Hermione and Jemima to gather their things for an indeterminate stay at the Robertson household. Charlie and Charlotte were amazed at how much more considerate the two girls were already. Of course, regarding Reg as their hero had made a big impact on the pair. They were now keen to follow his instruction. Jessica’s advice had helped as well.

They said a tearful goodbye to their parents, and Jessica promised the couple that their children would be well looked after. She drove them back to Scarborough, to collect the bags of Sidra, Reg and herself, signing out and paying the bill by credit card. She reckoned she could be home before dusk, if the roads were not too congested and she didn’t feel too tired.

She phoned Frances, and warned her of their likely arrival time; and told her of the probable and expected transfer of Reg to the local hospital by NHS patient transport. That satisfied Frances, who now relaxed her previous concern. She would be able to get her hands on her husband soon.

Jessica now got everyone into the Volvo, and headed for home. It was only after she had been driving for a while that her unconscious mind reminded her of what she had earlier thought to herself: the phrase ‘heading for home’. She was now subconsciously thinking of the Robertson house as ‘home’.

She wondered if it was related to Reg confessing that he now loved her, or that she now felt comfortable within the Robertson household. She concluded that it didn’t really matter. It was now ‘home’ to her, and that was a comforting thought.

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“Glen, can you press ‘Play’ for me,” Casey said, and I leaned across from the couch, and pushed the button on the CD player. Immediately, the room was filled with the sound of a crappy rap song, as my sister began to rehearse her latest baton twirling routine, for the fiftieth time. Okay, maybe it wasn’t the fiftieth time, but it seemed like it. There are only a certain number of times you can watch a skinny twelve-year old girl prancing around, throwing a baton in the air and catching it,...

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Skeletons in the Closet

- Skeletons in the Closet ---- - -- Jack sighed heavily in laziness as he finished settling down onto the carpeted floor of the small nine by seven foot empty walk-in closet. He stared up to the lightly cracked, but otherwise textureless ceiling, waving his eyes around the bare light bulb in an effort to avoid blinding himself on the magnetic spectacle. The walls were starch white and speckled with the holes of the last organizational design. It was his job and time now to invent...

1 year ago
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K T and FamilyChapter 5 Crown Fire

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Things appeared fairly normal at first. There was some polite press interest. There were promises of pictures from Justin. People from Dad's companies did interviews for magazines. Behind it all, the serious interest was growing. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Jason's picture was worth a lot more than that. The fire was laid. The flash point was probably the report on the Today show, though it was hard to tell. Then, Aunt Francine did the...

4 years ago
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Abduction of the Scarlet Witch

Wanda Maximoff strode through the New York Metropolitan Museam and smiled as she moved through the crowd of people that had gathered there for the auction. Wanda was also known as the mutant called the Scarlet Witch. She was a member of the superhero team known as the Avengers. The heroine was at the museam as a representative of the Avengers. An auction of Avenger memorabilia was being held at the museam. It was all a charity benefit to help raise money to aid the homeless people of New York...

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A Little DifferentChapter 4

Our marriage had never been better. Even the world around us seemed better. The summer weather was great for once and on top of everything we were going to have our holidays shortly. We were mainly to stay at home but we had booked a short trip to Berlin by bus. It was cheap and with the mortgage on the house to be paid we had to be careful about our spending. It was two weeks after the wonderful Saturday night and one week before our holidays began. We had our weekly group meeting at work....

1 year ago
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My Wifes Friend Ally 2

This is a story about my crazy two days of fucking three beautiful girls, my wife Staci, Ally, and Deanna. Two weeks after our night with Ally, it was the night before her wedding. I was invited to the rehearsal dinner because of my wife being in the wedding. So, after work I headed to the restaurant where we were eating. There was a separate room just for us upstairs. I quickly found my wife, along with making eye contact with Ally, who gave me a wink and a big sexy smile. Ally was wearing a...

2 years ago
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Kylie and Joe my neighbours

I had just moved into a new apartment, but after a week was beginning to regret it because my neighbours were very loud.Now I'm talking about then having loud conversations, or shouting at each other, or arguing, I'm talking about sex!Yes, I could hear them at it day and night, they were like horny non stop rabbits and after a very long sleepless seventh night, I had finally had enough.I quickly marched out of my apartment, down the hall and stopped right outside their door, before I banged on...

3 years ago
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Immune To My Beauty Chapter 3

Of all the restaurants in all of Boston, the man of my fantasies is in the same restaurant that my coworker has brought me to on the night when Carlo has a ‘longstanding commitment’ that kept him from accepting my dinner invitation. He’s currently under the table and licking the pussy of a cougar in a booth just across the room from me. I wonder if he knows that the puma that almost killed him is also called a cougar. Surely he must have heard it called that before he moved to Italy. Odd things...

2 years ago
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Harry loved sex and could not get enough. He had a huge cock that was always hard and ready for a wet pussy. He also loved tits and pussy as much as he loved fucking. Then he met Sara a homeless girl. She was beautiful and sexy and had a great body. She had big full tits and a sexy bubble ass. The best thing about Sara was she loved being with Harry and let him fuck her as much as he wanted. She was sitting in the den and Harry walked in and sat in his chair and told her to strip naked. As she...

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Crystals QuestionsChapter 16

Crystal motioned to Rob. "C'mere." He walked over, his stiff cock bouncing slightly in the dim light of the break room. She leaned forward and squeezed her breasts around him. She liked the feeling of his hardness against her softness. His cock popped out of her flesh just far enough for her to lean over and lick the tip. She felt him shiver each time she did that. Rob abruptly pulled back, then leaned down and kissed her "girls". She crooned softly as he did that. Breasts were meant...

3 years ago
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My Mom and My Dream Girl

IntroductionMy name is Will Chapman. I’m a 19-year-old college student, 5’8” and 160 lbs with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. I have always had trouble with girls my own age. It wasn’t that I was not good looking; it was because, despite being 19, I looked like I was 14. Whenever I went out with my friends, people we would meet often asked if I was someone’s little brother. Girls would always say that I was “cute” which would drive me absolutely insane. Needless to say I had trouble...

4 years ago
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Submissive Sluts Suprise

I was always toying with my partner about being a Sub Slut. In my personal life I am quite the opposite so it would be a tough transition for me but was still interested somewhat. We have pretty much done it all sexually and some things were much more enjoyed than others , but both of us always open to new possibilities. We always felt that if two consenting adults agreed on something and no one was forced than it did not matter how crazy, kinky , or bizarre it may seem. I have turned out to be...

3 years ago
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Helping Bobby LearnChapter 2

Courtney, for having that shy streak, apparently trusted her own instincts, because the next time she came over, when he said "Hi" it was with a kiss on the lips. And it was more than a quick, friendly kiss too. "Bobby's not here," I said, partly teasing and partly not. "He doesn't have to be here for that kind of thing," she said. "But If I'm going to let you do things, I need to feel comfortable." "Have you figured out what these mysterious things you'd like to do are yet?"...

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Rileigh Unchained Ch 03

I spoke with Ali for a few minute before I took off, making my way to my parents’ house. It wasn’t as bad as I pictured it. I don’t know why, but what my mom said to me this morning did something. I was able to hug my mom and dad goodbye and that was about it. It was a short visit, but I’m glad I went. I made it home, but I couldn’t bring myself to pack anything. Everything in this house was left the same way it was, before Grayson died. It just didn’t feel right to move anything or to even...

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Instant Woman Part Two

In the last installment a man was using the bathroom when all of a sudden he is transformed into a woman. After checking and verifying a few benefits of being a woman he or now she realized that she was at her in laws house at a rather large party. Trying not to be heard or seen goes through several of his sister in laws rooms to find clothes to fit her body. After finding what she needs and with an idea to go around the party as a female guest. She was about to go down stairs when...

4 years ago
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Pados ki bhabhi aur uski nanad ko khub choda

Hello friends (chutwaliyo + lundwalo). Ummeed hai aap sab apne tarike se apni chut/lund ki pyas bhuja rahe hoge. Sorry main bahut dino baad apke samne nai story lekar aaya hu. Ye real nahi balki kalpnik hai ummeed hai isse aap apni chut me ungaliya aur ladke lund ko muth jarur marenge. To main jyada samay na lete hue apni story batata hu. Meri age 20 saal ki hai aur main college ki padai ke karan city me ek room kiraye par lekar padta hu. Mere room se koi 4-5 ghar chhod kar hamare pados me ek...

3 years ago
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No Changing Room

No Changing Room My daughter had really wanted to check out the vintage clothes at that particular store. Vintage being the ‘in word’ for used, previously worn, or things that someone else threw away. There was no changing room and I was not about to purchase anything without her trying it on. At home we had a pretty open relationship for a father and a daughter. With only one bathroom we had long ago giving up any notion of privacy. If I were shaving she would come in and sit on...

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Neha Seduced Another Cousin 8211 Raj

I m back again with my new experience. I was received huge response from my readers for my last story “Neha seduced her cousin”. Thanks for all my fans and one thing all my lovable fans…muhaaaaa…….Those who don’t know me, for that peoples I am introducing myself. I am Neha. From Pune. Only 18 year’s old girl. Very Fair, 5 feet 4 inch height. Having very sexy body. I have too big boobs. My size is 34-28-34. First time I seduced my cousin Sachin. I don’t want to do sex with Sachin again. So...

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Hot Wife In Slutty Web Series

I heard a low whistle, but this was nothing unusual when I took my wife out. My wife is nothing short of a bombshell. Three years of marriage and a baby had little effect on her perfect figure. In fact she had blossomed into a ravishing beauty of 24 years. Her skinny jeans from our college days were still ok, only a little tight around her shapely ass. Luckily her pretty boobs had only grown in cup size, to 34D, without sagging a bit. She had grown out her hair to below boob length, getting a...

2 years ago
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My First Days Of Sexual Maturity

Hello everyone, my name is Subhash Kumar. And before everything to start I don’t want to give away a lot of details like everyone does. Simply to put together I’m slim and doesn’t have a long penis (4.5 inch). This is my first story I’m going to write and it will be a little amateurish because I’ve never wrote anything online except on my personal blog. All I can promise is reality and not like many fake stories we see. This is about a period of time during my sexual maturity. I’m 27 now and it...

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Motel Vacation

Motel Vacation By: Lyrissa "Mister Todd Stewart?" "That's me," the unassuming man replied with a faint smile, as if he was still thinking of a moderately good joke. "Right, yer in room 47, whole weekend. Are you sure you don't want breakfast included?" the portly middle-aged clerk manning the desk asked. Todd shrugged, still smiling. He was dressed in a very plain yet professional-looking suit in a washed-out brown colour with only a purple tie adding a splash of colour to his...

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Sisterly Love Luna and Riley Ch 04

Notice: This story progresses quite slowly, especially when compared to other, short erotic stories. Just a heads up, this one isn’t quick. Chapter 4: Dinner and a Movie Soon enough, the afternoon had arrived and Eleanor called to the kids to begin getting ready for their night out. Emboldened by the things Riley had been saying about her appearance, Luna decided to actually wear something a bit more revealing out of the house. She opted for a silvery mini cowl neck dress, that had high...

1 year ago
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BFFS Tori Montana Natalie Porkman Alina Belle Milk And Nookies

Ambitious babes Alina Belle, Natalie Porkman, and Tori Montana have dreams of being the girl scouts best sales team. But when all their cookie inventory falls victim to some serious spillage, the girls are up shits creek! They are super upset that they are going to lose the competition, and they are willing to do anything to get back into the race. Even if that means bending the rules a little bit. So, they come up with a crazy plan. They are going to distract their stingy neighbor just long...

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Lucky Afternoon Part 3

I was awakened by Nikki turning over so that now her little butt was pressed to my groin. In this position, of course my cock rested between the cheeks of her butt. I pulled her closer and found that she was awake also and she sexily wiggled her butt to excite me. She turned to face me and suggested that we need some condoms and lubricant. I agreed and she suggested we run out to get these items and possibly grab a pizza or something to bring back to the room. I thought for a moment and...

3 years ago
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Dr Fredirick controls the family

Dr. Fredrik Peterson was a research scientist and a complete pervert. He would be the first to admit this. Being a fairly small man and not very attractive to women, his usual sexual experiences were limited to solo masturbation whilst watching porn movies, his favorite movies being always concerned with non-consensual sex and humiliation.For some time Peterson had been working on Subliminal Perception; the ability to control a subjects mind through invisible one frame pictures inserted into...

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OuroborosChapter 4 Now Sir a War is Won

I woke in the morning to Bryan kneading my breasts and poking my butt. Morning wood, trying to give me a splinter. "Hrrrrr ... moring" I said, sleepily. "Hey, Laurie. Loved feeling you naked next to me all night." The poking at my butt continued. "Yeah, I can tell ... Well, I guess I know what you want, huh?" I said, disentangling myself from his arms and laying flat on my back. Bryan took the invitation and got on top of me. I wasn't surprised when he guided himself to my slot and...

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Late Date

"Well, young lady, it's about time you got home. You're two hours beyond curfew. Where have you been?" "Uh, just out?" "Parking with your boyfriend again I expect. Well, how far did you let him go this time?" "Daddy, we were just talking - that's all" "Sure. That's why your blouse is buttoned up wrong and you skirt is all wrinkled, right?" "We were just kissing and stuff" "It's the 'and stuff' I'm worried about. I bet he had his hands in your blouse, feeling your...

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The Unofficial Cheerleaders

Two girls who were twin sisters, Connie and Ronnie, wanted to be Cheerleaders. They were Juniors in High School. However, since they claimed they had fucked every member of the football team the school didn't think they should represent the School. Most of the kids thought they were just bragging with no truth to the story. After all, how would anyone get away with fucking 25 boys on the football team? Of course, they would never tell when or where they did it. The truth is always better than...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 5

Jackson sent word out over the Ringed Amusements employee tablets that there was now plenty of initial interest in booking girls for public events, as well as more intimate one-on-one sessions, and that anyone interested in making a ton of money over the next week should leave their schedules open and wait for further instructions. Amber and Tyler tapped around on their tablets, looking for details, but none surfaced. Tyler eventually looked over at the hostess station again, where Zoe...

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A Boy and His dungeon XIV

Friday morning, Jill and I were on our way to London to bring Jennifer home. We rented a small trailer, and the three of us had all of Jennifer's things loaded, including her scooter, and were on the road by mid afternoon. The drive back to Swansea passed quickly. We arrived in the early evening, unloaded everything and returned the trailer to the rental yard, had dinner at a coffee shop, and went home exhausted, lacking the energy for anything more than cuddling together. Saturday...

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The proposition

I'm 38, mother - always faithful to my wonderful husband of 8 years. I've managed to keep my figure together, but still, I can't believe I did this. Jake was the organizer of the conference I attended at the Joule Hotel in Dallas and, by chance, I sat at his table with 8 other people for lunch. I don't think we exchanged more than a couple sentences then, but later, before dinner, in the underground bar, he sat down with me. He invited me to dinner and I accepted on the condition that we split...

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