StacieChapter 7 free porn video

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I'd started the day with in a very happy mood -- self satisfied, even. That was gone. The combination of meeting Paddi-Ann and hearing Morley's comments had brought me back to earth rapidly. So there it was: the age thing. And there was also classism in Morley's comments. Stacie wasn't of "our" class.

I thought that I was too young to be a silly old fool. I shouldn't be going through change-of-life already. Was I wrong? Could this thing work? I'd thought that both Stacie and I went into our relationship with our eyes open. Perhaps not. But in my heart I knew that no matter what happened I couldn't and wouldn't give her up. I'd never experienced the kind of wholehearted, selfless love that was natural to Stacie. Whatever happened, I thought that we could stick it out. Someday, we'd be sitting by the fire surrounded by our grandchildren, and we'd laugh about the people who thought that our relationship couldn't last.

As for Frank Morley, I resolved to ignore his remarks. In the Canadian system, law students have to "article" to complete their training. Articling students, like interns in medicine, have completed their academic training. Articling gives them training in the real world. In some firms, they may provide cheap labour. Lawyers sometimes compare them to medical interns in teaching hospitals. Mack and I had resolved to make the experience in our firm as rewarding as possible to the students. However, their future could be in our hands. A negative report from a senior partner in the firm could hurt their chances, for a couple of years at least. Morley was already embarrassed enough. Oh I'd take an extra look at his work just to make sure. But I wasn't about to let a silly comment jeopardize his future.

I laughed to myself as I thought about how the coffee room story would be embellished as it made its way around the office. In due time, I was sure that Larissa would give me the version she heard. She'd probably be the last to hear, since everyone knew that she and I were close friends.

Latoya called me that same afternoon. "Jack," she said, "were you serious about my coming to work for you?"

"Yes, of course. I'm not in the habit of saying such things frivolously. When can you start?"

"That's just it," she said, "I can start any time. I spoke to my supervisor. She says that, since it's the slow season in traffic court, she thinks that they'd waive the usual notice clause. She's a really nice person, and she seemed genuinely excited for me. She said that working at a real, honest-to-God top law firm would be great in my resumé no matter what."

"Great. When would you like to start?"

She said quietly, "Would next week be too soon?"

I laughed. "Not at all," I said, "that will give Stacie a chance to show you around personally."

That evening, I recounted my conversation with Latoya to Stacie. "That's just like Toy," she said, "She's a real go-getter. I love that girl."

"Tell me more about her."

"Well, when my mum and I went to live in the Park, Toy was one of the first people I met. She was three years older than I was. She was already in junior high, and I was a snotty-nosed brat. But she took me under her wing. I've been there ever since."

"OK. Tell me more."

"Toy wasn't much liked by a lot of people. You see, she was known as a 'brain' in school. She got great marks always. She worked very hard to get them, just like I have, but other people didn't see that. They just thought that she was the teacher's pet. I think that made her try harder to fit in. She was always pretty, but she soon found ways, sometimes the wrong ways, I think, to emphasize her best points. I could understand why she did it, but I didn't worry as much about how I looked. And I didn't want to. That's one of the main reasons that I went to St. Joseph College. There weren't any boys there, and all the girls all wore the same uniform. But Toy was in the public system. I think that she had the peer pressure thing a lot harder than I did. Then there was Ben."

"Who was Ben?"

"Ben was this kid that she met when she was in grade twelve. He was a white kid, really handsome and from a well-off family. He dated Toy for a while, and she was in love with him. Since we were best friends, she shared all of this with me. I remember how torn Toy was about whether she should have sex with Ben. In the end, she gave in. She was totally devoted to him. She'd do anything for him that she could, and I don't mean just the physical thing. But some of the physical stuff was very hard for her. I remember how she cried when she told me about how much it hurt when he put it in her bum. But she let him do it. She loved him, and she thought he loved her, too. Right up until..."

"Until what?"

"Ben went out with a bunch of his guy friends from school. They were kidding him about his black girlfriend from 'the projects.' Ben made some remark about 'once black, never go back.' And then he said that they hadn't lived until they'd had some black sex. Only he didn't say 'black.' He used the 'N' word. And he didn't say 'sex.' He used the 'C' word. It wasn't long before the story was all over her school Toy was crushed. I don't think she's dated since then."

I couldn't think of anything to say for a moment. How would a sensitive teenage girl react to hearing that her beloved boyfriend had called her a "nigger cunt?" At last, I said lamely, "God, what a terrible thing for her. The poor kid."

"Yeah. She was a mess for a while. In some emotional ways, she still is."

"That explains how she reacted on Friday night."

"Yeah. Of course, Toy was really happy for me. But I know that she was thinking how much she'd wanted to be in my place. A few years ago, she thought she'd be the first of us to have a ring on her finger. I really want things to go well for her. I owe her so much. When I met her, I was a frightened, confused eleven-year-old girl. She gave me confidence in myself. She's even given me a place to stay sometimes when things got too bad at home. Even my interest in law comes from Toy. She's always wanted to be a lawyer. Now, thanks to you, maybe she will be."

Stacie and I continued to be marvelously compatible. Our home life was serene, helped no end by the always efficient and charming Charlotte. Our lovemaking became even better, hard as that was to be believed. Stacie was a generous and passionate lover. She was the aggressor as often as I was. It was not unusual for me to park the car in the garage, say hello to Charlotte, and then be led upstairs by the hand. Once in our room, I could look forward to marvelous sex. It functioned as a great appetizer.

Not that one needed to work up an appetite for Charlotte's cooking. Years ago, someone had given me a subscription to Gourmet magazine. Then, I got a free trial subscription to Food and Wine. For some reason, I'd maintained both subscriptions. I had bound volumes of both magazines in a bookshelf in my kitchen. I hardly ever opened them, except to look for barbecue recipes. Charlotte, however, was mining the collection to good effect. Our table was the equal of any restaurant in town. I had serious worries about my waistline.

One evening, after Charlotte had surprised us with a particularly wonderful meal of venison, the three of us were enjoying coffee and brandy in the study when Stacie introduced a new topic into the conversation. "Jack, if we're going to be married before school is in session, we really have to start planning the wedding," she said.

I groaned. I think that all men instinctively dislike weddings. I certainly wasn't averse to being married to Stacie. If someone could just have waved a magic wand to make it happen, I'd have been more than happy. No, it was what one had to go through to achieve the married state.

Charlotte stood up. "I guess I should leave you two alone to make your plans," she said.

Stacie looked distressed. "No, Aunt Charlotte. You're an important part of this wedding. You promised to give me away, remember? Besides, I need your advice. It's obvious that this one," she punched my arm, "is not going to be much help."

I smiled at her. "I'm afraid you're right, sweet cakes. I'd be most grateful if you and Charlotte and Latoya and whoever else plan the whole goddam thing. I'll do whatever is required. I'll wear the monkey suit and dance to any tune you play."

Over the next few days, there was a flurry of activity from Stacie and Charlotte. They'd extracted from me all the names and addresses of my family members and close friends. They'd started a spreadsheet on the computer. They had family members and friends from both sides. They were working on a seating chart for the church and the reception. Charlotte had checked out the prices and facilities of the various banquet halls. Stacie was in sole charge of the arrangements for the wedding service. That's where the problem arose.

I came home from a round of golf one Friday afternoon to find Stacie in tears. I took her in my arms and asked, "What's wrong, baby girl?"

"Oh Jack, ever since I can remember I always wanted to be married in the Catholic Church. But we can't!"

"Why not?"

"Because the Cardinal has a ruling that no one in the Archdiocese of Toronto can be married in a church unless they've been a member of that parish for a year. I've never really joined a parish. I've gone to church a lot, but not always to the same one. So we can't be married in the church. This is just terrible."

I held my sobbing girl in my arms, trying to comfort her. In the back of my mind, an idea was forming. Suddenly, I had it.

"Darling, I believe that I know a priest who will marry us."

Stacie stopped sobbing and looked up at me, daring to hope. "Who?"

"He's a friend of a friend. He's a Jesuit -- a brilliant guy. In fact, he's a former college president. His name is Father Jack Costello. Jack and I have had dinner and drinks together several times. I think that he finds me good company, partly because I'm not Catholic. Anyway, here's the point. Jack is associated with Our Lady of Lourdes, the Jesuit church on Sherbourne Street. As he once explained to me, the Jesuits are in the archdiocese, but they're not of the archdiocese. They have their own boss, who's called a 'Provincial.' As long as they don't make too big a thing of it, they don't necessarily have to abide by all the rules the Cardinal lays down. I'd be willing to bet that Jack will marry us at Lourdes."

"Oh my gosh. Can you call him? Can we talk to him?"

I called Jack Costello. He was noncommittal, but he didn't say no. He would interview us the next day, Sunday, in the afternoon. He'd come to our house.

Over the next week, we continued to talk to Father Costello. Stacie's mood vacillated between exhilaration and despair. One evening when we were on the way home after one our counseling sessions, she collapsed in tears. She sobbed, "Oh Jack, Fr. Costello will never marry us. He keeps finding so many reasons why he shouldn't."

I patted her hand. "Precious, please don't worry. Jack just has to do his priest thing. He's making sure that we're serious. That's all. Believe me."

It turned out that I was right. Finally, Jack agreed to officiate. We set a date, August 17th, and saw Jack Costello regularly for marriage instruction.

Shortly after we began our marriage classes, I got a call from my niece Heather in Calgary. She wanted to come to Toronto for a visit. Naturally, she wanted to stay with me. I told her that couldn't foresee any problems and that I'd call her to confirm. Of course, I wanted Stacie to agree to the visit.

At first, Stacie was leery. The idea frightened her, she said. I tried to tell her that Heather was just a fairly typical teenager. She was fifteen, four years younger than Stacie, and not a terrifying person in any way. Besides, I reasoned, if Stacie was to be part of the family it was about time that she met at least one of them. In the end, she agreed. I phoned Heather, and the visit was arranged.

Heather was the only daughter of my sister Sally and her husband Jean-Pierre Lemire. Sally was a thoracic surgeon, and Jean-Pierre was in real estate. Between them, they probably made significantly more money than I did. Heather wanted for nothing. She was spoiled, but I wouldn't call her a brat. She was a sweet kid, and, even though we were separated by most of a continent, I'd always felt close to her. I was looking forward to her visit. Stacie, on the other hand, was not.

Heather arrived that Friday. Stacie reluctantly accompanied me to the airport to meet her. We waited at the appropriate gate. Stacie was doing her best to impress her fingerprints into the flesh of my left hand. There was a steady stream of passengers coming out of the gate. Then, there was Heather.

Actually, I heard her before I saw her. "Uncle Jack," she squealed and launched herself in my direction. I was caught between the two girls. Heather was doing her best to squeeze me to death, and Stacie was unwilling to release my hand. In retrospect, I realize that the scene must have appeared quite comical.

At last Heather released me and turned to Stacie. "And you must be Stacie," she said. "Gosh, you're beautiful! What are you doing with this silly old fart?" She poked me in the ribs. "I'm sure we're going to be great friends. It will be great having somebody besides this stuffy old relic to talk to."

"He's not stuffy at all," Stacie began. Then she realized that Heather was joking. She laughed along with Heather. The two girls embraced. It looked as though they already on their way to being friends.

I led the way to the car. Heather and Stacie followed chattering away. I couldn't help but be amused by the physical difference in the two. Both girls were beautiful but in very different ways. Stacie was petite and curvy, while Heather was tall and slim. Stacie was a golden blonde, and Heather was a brunette. Heather had an almost olive complexion while Stacie was fair. In an odd way, their differences seemed to compliment each other.

At the end of the procession was a Skycap, wheeling a cart filled with Heather's luggage. I was glad that the Mercedes had a large trunk.

The two girls chatted nonstop all the way home. At last we arrived. Heather was to stay in the en suite room on the second floor. We took turns hauling her bags upstairs For the first time, I wished that my house had an elevator. At last the bags were all deposited in Heather's room. Heather commandeered Stacie, and I went downstairs. I was badly in need of a drink.

I took my drink up to my office. I thought that I'd take the time to read up on a couple of cases before supper. I was making pretty good progress when Charlotte's voice came over the intercom. "Jack, supper's nearly ready. Will you please collect the girls and bring them down?"

"Sure thing," I said. I headed down the hall. As I neared Heather's room, I could hear the girls chattering away.

"You know, Stacie," Heather's voice said, "you're so fucking beautiful. It's just not fair. I'd kill to have tits like yours. I mean, I'm not flat chested, but I'm barely a B cup. You've gotta be at least a D, right?"

"Yes, about that," Stacie replied. "But I don't see how you can envy me. First of all, these," she was obviously indicating her breasts, "make it hard to get clothes that fit. They're way too big for the rest of me. But the worst thing is the way that some guys stare at them. I'm tired of having people talk to my chest. I feel like saying, 'Hey, I'm up here. My boobs can't talk.'"

Same as Stacie
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Anne Shows Savannah A New Way To Have Sex

Savannah and her husband had been married for twenty years. They always had a great sex life, but for the past few years her husband suffered with erectile dysfunction. This put a damper in their sex life and left Savannah aching to be pleased sexually.He pleased her orally, but she just wished to have marathon sex sessions. She begged her husband to get Viagra. Sometimes he’d get it, but not all the time. When he did take the pills, their sex life was amazing. However, he didn't get them that...

Monster Sex
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Rob Jenkins Part IIIChapter 3

Carolyn met Becky in the lobby, and they came to my office. I greeted them and tried to encourage Becky to be relaxed. Carolyn showed her around the Jenkins Bank floors, and they took a less extensive tour of the law firm's offices. She introduced Becky to the group that handled my personal business. Carolyn found the contact person who would handle Becky's accounts and left Becky with the bookkeeper. Becky was told how she would be reimbursed for expenses and paid for her contract; it...

2 years ago
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My New Need

Hello Doctor, I hope you're doing well. I’ve got good news. My doctor submitted her approval for the first SRS (sexual reassignment surgery). Since I'm not responding very well to HRT I'll be castrated so that my breasts will hopefully respond. I'm thinking of trying to have it done online. I think I would be able to get a lot of people to watch and pay $100. to watch. I know that this is kind of long but I’ve been writing it for a few days now, and it is as much for me to kind of work things...

1 year ago
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Translesbian Experience Spanking Liz

Leanna was an older gurl, she said she was 40 in her personals ad, but she was just actually just over 50 which I found out when we finally got to her place. I met with an older person once before so I was actually looking forward to it, the more experience thing definitely plays out with older partners.She picked me up and brought me over to her place after we exchanged a few emails in response to a personals ad I had posted on craigslist. I debated if I should even go, I didn't want to meet...

1 year ago
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an email from a work collegue

THIS IS A GENIUNE E MAIL FROM A WOMAN I WORK WITH, WE HAVE BEEN DOING THESE FLIRTY E MAILS FOR A WHILE NOW, SO I AM GOING TO SHARE A FEW. SHE HIDES THE "NAUGHTY" WORDS IN CASE IT GETS PICKED UP FROM OUR I.T TEAM.We have slopped off for a nights stay at a forest lodge, its dark when we arrive, I say I'm just going to slip into something more comfortable and disapear into the the bedroom. You light the log fire and get the wine and glasses. You sit on the sofa watching the flames of the fire,...

2 years ago
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Child MagusChapter 13

Erica and I finished getting dressed. I felt a little better about her mindset regarding the craziness of the situation, but I was still worried about what the future held for all of us. I knew the bond heightened our emotional and physical attraction to each other, but I hadn't considered how strong that bond was or how deep the emotions really ran. Nothing was going to be the same for me, ever, and the sooner I came to grips with that, the better I would be able to handle the bizarre new...

3 years ago
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Staking out virgin territory

The idea I finally settled on was to get her drunk, then just wing it. I decided to execute at a party my cousin was throwing the next week at his house while his parents were out. I sidled up to Maddie in the living room, chatting with a few friends. She was wearing, despite her “modesty” a low cut tank top and spandex leggings. Her cute ass looked great, as did her perfectly formed tits. I needed to find a way to get her away from her friends. “Hey Maddie,” I said. I quickly reasoned...

3 years ago
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School Reunion

Robert Sherman had been undecided about attending the school reunion which was for former pupils that had left the school between forty-five and thirty-five years previously.He had left forty years previously and he had left under a bit of a cloud and with a sore backside.Three days before he was to leave the school he and Shirley Watts, they were both aged seventeen at the time, were caught in a very compromising position as his penis was in her mouth.They would both normally have been...

4 years ago
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Robin Girl Wonder the reboot

ROBIN GIRL WONDER - the reboot I recently stumbled across Fraylim's wonderful "Miss-Adventures of Robin the Girl Wonder" drawings again, and decided to write a completely new version of my Robin Girl Wonder story. This time I'll faithfully stick to the storyline as presented in Fraylim's art. I enjoyed re-imagining this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's a link to Fraylim's art online: It's fun and sexy. if the link...

3 years ago
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His Angel ch 4

The following months would test Amanda’s love for Douglas to the limits. She would soon find out how hard it would be to handle the long weeks of separation. It was July and he was on the phone telling her he was on his way to California. He most likely will be gone four weeks this time. He knew it would upset her, because so far they have not been apart for more than three weeks at a time. He chose his words carefully, when he talked to her. ‘Amanda, I know this is hard on you. I told you it...

3 years ago
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Legend of Zelda Melody of Synstra

It was not long after the Carnival of Time in the town of Termina was finally held that Link decided to leave and continue the search for his dearest friend. Everyone around gave him their gratitude and waved goodbye, as he mounted Epona and set off into the sunset. Years pass. Link has definitely grown throughout that time along with Epona and his enchanted garments. Traveling during that time was peaceful, save for the very rare hitch or helpless villager, but never a grand adventure like...

4 years ago
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Girl Scout Cookie Delivery Thin Mints

It was shorty after 10am when I heard the door bell. I rolled out of bed and put on some tan cargo shorts. I could not find a shirt. "Coming!! Be right there." I said. I was bare foot as I looked out the privacy hole in the front door. Who was outside my front door. I was not expecting anybody today. I saw a girl with a big white shirt tucked into her tight blue jean skirt. She had brown hair and a small green sash was hung over her shoulder. She had a small green beret on her head. I could see...

4 years ago
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stacey part 2 my situation my rules

Hi everybody sorry it has taken so long for the next instalment but my dad read the first part of my sexually awakened autobiography and wasn’t happy, not about what I had written as he believes that I wouldn’t and haven’t published it, but of all things to be upset about, it was my grammar. so this time, and for some time to come, although it is me typing my own words, I was either sat with my daddy, or, I would have to show him what I had written to check and correct any grammatical...

2 years ago
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Broke Virginity To My Hot Gf

Hi guys this is Shoaib, I am 20 years old, student from Mumbai. I am a thin boy compared to my age but have an athletic body with a 6inch cock. This is my first story so please excuse if I make any mistake This story is about my girlfriend; I won’t tell her name as I respect girls and give importance to their privacy. She is a year elder to me. Coming to her stats, she has a plump figure of 34-30-32. It was around two years since our relation and we both were virgin, we made a plan to enjoy the...

1 year ago
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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 16

Cindy McCabe, Monday February 9, 2015 Janine Jordan, ‘JJ’ to her friends, watched the pretty mid-twenties dark-haired woman from across the truck-stop restaurant. There was something familiar about her. She’d noticed her as soon as she came in, tall and too thin, dressed in perfectly fitted jeans, blue sweater, expensive western boots and jean jacket, her hair pulled back in a ponytail that reached almost halfway down her back. She wasn’t a local – Janine knew them all – probably just a solo...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Lovely Married Neighbour

Hai this is aser i am a great fan of iss i want to share my real life story which happened to me during my summer vacation. First let me tell about my self i have personality with 5ft7″ height and a cock of 7″ longer and 21 years old my first real sex experience happened to me with my neighbor she is of age 37 and has a voluptuous body and has two children and stays adjacent to my house i know her from my child hood and never thought that she would be my sex teacher Generally i use to chat with...

3 years ago
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Chapter 2 Skinnydipping Nancy Series

Paul had a small convertible sports car and because the weather was so nice, he put the top down for the short ride to his place. The wind and road noise tended to discourage much conversation, so Nancy took some time to review the events of the last day in her mind to try and make sense of everything that happened. She felt surprised at herself for having sex with a man she barely knew and equally surprised at how much she enjoyed his attentions. After so many years of little or no sexual...

2 years ago
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The End and The Beginning Ch 0506

We did not stay long in the cooling bath. We rinsed each other off, and then she skipped from the bathroom and returned still dripping wet with her shampoo and conditioner bottles. She sat in the tub with her head back as I washed her hair, drawing my fingers through the luxurious density of it, and dripping dollops of lather on her breasts and knees, and then watching them slide down her body. Her hair washed, we scrubbed each other more thoroughly, I’d been inside her ass and she must have...

2 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 12

Sitting back with my cup of tea I was patting myself on the back, I'd done a bloody good job and I knew it. My bubble was about to be burst. "Tony, the guests are calling for the chef, they would like to compliment you on the meal." "Jeeze Sally I can't do that, what would I say to them?"
 "Of course you can Tony, just tell them you enjoyed cooking for them and you appreciate their compliments." Sally led me into the dinning room or should I say I floated behind her? Then my...

2 years ago
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You Give Love and Filipinas a Bad Name

There are some telepathic conversations in this story. In order to make these conversations easier to follow, each character’s thoughts are in italics. Jonnie looked at me confidently. “You like to look at me. I don’t care, and I won’t complain to my mom as long as you buy me some of the things I want,” She said. Jonnie was the daughter of a friend. She was fifteen, slim but not skinny. She had long, straight black hair and a face that was somewhere between pretty and breathtakingly...

3 years ago
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One night at the Adult Shop

I stopped in this adult store one night, and went in the booth that has 2 glass windows to see if there was anything going on. No one there, I started to wank it and soon I heard someone to the right of me. I saw a dude looking at me, and I moved closer to the window and kept wanking. He was doin it too when I heard someone in the booth to the left. Two girls! They were looking at me, and him. I just about came. I wanted to see what would happen next. The chick was with another girl, I heard...

3 years ago
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My cute little boy 3

Introduction: cuntinued story of a moms lust. Mike took off for work that day and was going to be gone for a week. I spent the day trying to clear my mind on what I had done but to no avail. All I could think about was Mike eating me out this morning and me cumming and forcing out my juices mixed with his sons cum into his mouth. I got wet thinking of it. John spent most of his day playing wii or watching tv. Not even acting like anything happened. I played with myself several times during the...

3 years ago
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ConfessionsChapter 6 Secretarial Sucker

It was late when I got up off the floor and helped Irene to her bed. Even though she'd drained me with her snug cunt and tight ass I felt a stirring in my groin from her submissiveness. For no particular reason I peeked in her roommate's bedroom before I left and I got a shock. On the other girl's bed was a sheet of paper that I picked up and read. The message was brief but quite clear. Irene was telling her to be away tonight so she had been lying when she pretended surprise that her...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Zerella Skies 10182022

Zerella is a struggling artist trying to sell her paintings. She had a customer Danny Mountain come in to buy some of her art. She wanted $1000 per painting but Danny only had $500 to spend. Danny mentioned to Zerella that he too is an artist and maybe they should trade each others art. Zerella wanting to support other artist though that was a great idea. So Danny had Zerella cover her eyes with her hands. Then Danny pulled out his big cock and told her to open up her eyes. Zerella was blown...

4 years ago
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My 18th Birthday

It all started a few years ago, the day after my 18th birthday. It was a hot summer day, and I had just graduated from high school. I may not have knew much but if I knew one thing it was that I was super horny. I couldnt stand hearing about how all my freinds boyfreinds dick was so big. I wanted something. So, one day I went out for a jog and saw the sexiest middle aged woman ever, she had beautiful breasts, an ass so nice you could sleep on, she was just all around beautiful. I wanted to fuck...

1 year ago
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Let It SnowChapter 8

After Rebecca returned crashing to Earth, Sarah then turned to her and asked, “Truth or Dare?” “Um, Truth! I’m not quite ready for a dare just yet, as you can see,” Rebecca confessed. She would have blushed if she could, having truly enjoyed the heights of sexual ecstasy before they collapsed and left her utterly exhausted. “If there were any celebrity in the world that you would like to breed you, who would that be? And by that, I also assume that you would fuck him so many times that you...

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Beauty found pleasure in pain, inflicting pain on others. Men and women paid her handsomely to unleash her inner beast on them. In her basement, Beauty had designed a paradise where she inflicted pain for pleasure. She always enjoyed preparing for her clients. Slipping her body into her latex jumpsuit, she breathed deeper as she dressed. She loved feeling it caress, fondle and embrace her body. The rhythm of her breath raised her voluptuous breasts. Beauty's thigh high stilettos molded...

2 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 27 Family

We were all curious when the big wagon pulled up and five women tumbled out and started raising a big tent with the help and shouted orders of the two burly men. A few questions led to a lot of volunteers. They were building a whorehouse and those who helped put up the tent were promised first crack and reduced rates. I ambled over and found three quite sturdy, dirt plain and tired looking women, one very young girl with a slim body, bad teeth and a mop of golden hair and a women who...

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