- 4 years ago
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John is really shortsighted, and his myopia is now compounded by presbyopia, so he has to change his eyeglasses. His optician recycles old glasses thru the local chapter of Lions, so John willingly gives him his own.
But the optician has a hefty backlog, so, when the jeweler nearby closes the shop and greets him, he asks him a favor: to collect the old glasses and bring them to the Lions dropoff location.
The jeweler accepts, as the location is near his bank, meanwhile John’s ophthalmologist phones him.
‘Hi, doc,’ John answers, ‘What’s the matter?’
‘Do you still have your old eyeglasses?’
‘Not quite. Why are you asking me about them?’
‘Because I have a patient I’m taking care of ‘pro bono’, i. e. for free, and she needs eyeglasses like yours.
She is a widow with two little children, and she can’t work without glasses. If she buys them, they won’t cost her less than $300, if you give her yours …’
‘The problem is that I’ve just disposed of my eyeglasses. I’ve given them to my optician, who is turning them to the Lions.’
‘To the Lions? Don’t worry, I’m a Lions member and I will trace them. Thank you very much.’
‘You’re welcome.’
Soon after the phone call, the newscasts interview a jeweler who has just been robbed:
‘Are you OK now?’
‘So and so. Even though the loot was of trifle value, I’ve been very scared.’
‘Of trifle value?’
‘Another shopkeeper asked me to bring something to a location near my bank, I accepted, but took my takings out of my briefcase and replaced them with the things I was asked to bring.
When the robbers approached me, they didn’t have the time to search my car, so they fled with just my briefcase.’
‘You’ve been quite lucky and cunning.’
‘Perhaps. But I’d like to ask the robbers to turn the loot to the police — even though it’s of trifle commercial value, lots of people need it.’
John and Jane recognize the jeweler as John’s optician’s neighbor, and realize that the ‘loot of trifle commercial value’ was most likely made up of old eyeglasses — so the widow won’t receive John’s glasses.
John phones the ophthalmologist, telling him the bad news, and Jane scolds the optician by phone.
The optician replies, ‘Ms. Jane, lots of shopkeepers have been robbed lately — even one who just sells macaroni. I think that the robbers haven’t eaten anything but spaghetti for a quarter.
The police don’t have a clue, even though the witnesses’ and victims’ descriptions of the felons are all alike.’
‘May I interview the jeweler and some other victims?’
‘Tomorrow morning? Maybe. But I don’t think that you’ll succeed in what the police have failed so far.’
The next day, John and Jane meet the jeweler, they choose a heavy filigree necklace for Jane, and ask the jeweler something about the robbery.
‘Why are you so interested at it?’
‘Because I had given the optician my glasses half an hour before I was told that a poor widow badly needed just them.
If we don’t find them within a few days, her employer will fire her.’
‘I don’t think you’ll find them very fast. This gang has been harassing us shopkeepers for more than a year, and we’ve noticed that they dispose of trifles several weeks after the robbery.
Moreover, they often smoke the items, probably in order to destroy fingerprints and DNA samples.
By the way, my insurance has an excess clause of $5,000, and had I really been robbed, I’d have been short of them.
So I’ll be more than willing to pay the $300 the widow’s eyeglasses will probably cost.’
‘John’s optician won’t be able to make them in time anyway. We have no choice than finding the robbers. Could you describe them?’
‘You can ask anything of me, madam. There were eight robbers on six cars. One stopped in front of me, the other behind me, and then a gunman blasted out from each car.
They had AK-47 rifles, my car is bulletproof, but couldn’t withstand these rifles’ shots, so I had to surrender the briefcase.
Then four Porsche’s approached, and the gunmen and the drivers that had brought them to the crime scene got into the cars, which disappeared before the police could arrive.’
‘Could you describe these people?’
‘They were all males, in their twenties, tall and agile. They were more like professional sportsmen than professional robbers.’
‘It may explain why the police hasn’t got a clue yet. If no conviction has yet been bestowed on them, the police may not know them.’
‘Right, madam. They may not be our neighbors, but they apparently know our neighborhood well.’
‘Were the robbers well coordinated?’
‘Yes, they exactly knew what to do and didn’t even say a word.’
‘There is a renowned high school nearby, isn’t there?’
‘Yes, sir. What’s your opinion?’
‘Perhaps the robbers are alumni of this school, who were in the same sports team.’
‘The police share your opinion, but haven’t been able to find incriminating evidence against anybody.
Sorry, that’s all I know.’
Jane then spends the whole day perusing old digitalized newspapers in order to find news about the sports teams from that school, but surrenders at last.
‘What’s the problem, Jane?’
‘The suspected high school has never had a soccer or baseball team — sports with 11 or 9 players’ teams. So, how could these eight robbers assemble?’
‘Couldn’t they be the merger of two basketball teams? Or a basketball team with its reserves?’
‘You may be right … the greatest coordination is required among the first drivers and the gunmen, while the other four drivers need little more than being able to blaze their escape way.’
Jane now focuses on the basketball teams, and on another sport.
‘Eureka! Matzati! I found it!’
‘What have you found?’
‘The swimming team! Swimming is both an individual and a team sport.’
‘And the swimming relay features just four swimmers, who coordinate among themselves without saying a word!’
‘Should we inform the police?’
‘I wouldn’t do that, because if we are mistaken, we would be guilty of libel.
We’d better talk to an attorney first — he’ll be able to modulate our suspects into doubts, and have the police help us.’
‘I know how to get some evidence, John.’
The suspects are four men aged 22: Jack Grocer, Ron Smith, Matt Taylor and Phil Teller. They often meet in a bar in which they just drink lemonade.
Jane enters the bar and asks the bartender to add some mint leaves to her lemonade — since the bartender lacks them, she takes a satchel out of her pocket and drops some leaves into the drink.
A woman with an I-cup breast may not go unnoticed, and Matt Taylor asks her: ‘Excuse me, madam, what are you adding to the lemonade?’
‘Mint. It makes lemonade very tasty. Would you like to try it?’
‘I and my friends enjoy lemonade, and would love to. Would you like to sit at our table?’
Jane sits among them, pours mint into their lemonade glasses, and, as promised, the lemonade becomes pretty good.
‘Where have you learnt to add mint to the lemonade?’
‘It’s a common Israeli drink. The Bible says that the Promised Land is the land of milk and honey, I say that it’s the land of lemonade with mint.’
‘Are you Jewish?’
‘No, but I managed to learn some Hebrew. By the way, why are you the only customers here abstaining from booze?’
‘We are sportsmen, and booze impairs our performance. So we content ourselves with lemonade.’
‘Which sport?’
‘Swimming. We compose a relay team, and participate to all state swimming championships.’
‘Do you earn very much?’
‘We aren’t professionals, and we earn our living otherwise. My name is Matt, and I work in a lingerie shop, he is Jack, and h
e cooks in a fashionable restaurant, Ron is a car repairman, Phil works in a bank.
We aren’t rich, but we love our jobs. How about you, madam?’
‘My name is Jane, I telecommute as a software developer. I’m married, but hubby has lost any interest for me.’
The swimmers watch Jane’s tits and laugh their heads off.
‘I love being in the nude at home, and that was my mistake — if nakedness becomes a habit, it engenders boredom, not excitation.’
‘We disagree — in training and competition we meet lots of quasi-naked women, and we’ve never developed tolerance!’
‘But we’ve developed addiction: the more we see, the more we crave for it!’
‘Perhaps female swimmers are prettier than me.’
‘No. On our honor, no. You’re the best-looking woman we’ve met.’
‘I couldn’t figure a cuter client for my shop,’ Matt adds, Jane looks at him intently and he says, ‘We also make custom lingerie, if you allow us to take your measures.’
‘I’ll be more than happy to do that. It isn’t easy to find a bra that fits me, and a fitting pair of glasses too.’
‘You need glasses?’
‘I’m now wearing contact lenses, but they don’t correct my eyesight completely. I can see that you all are cute, but without my eyeglasses I can’t appreciate your full beauty.’
‘What has happened to your glasses?’
‘My husband gave them by mistake to the Lions club, and I’ve been unable to retrieve them so far.
I’ve ordered a new pair, but it won’t be ready for a week.’
‘Would you like to peruse my collection of eyeglasses, Jane?’ Matt asks, ‘They are of all shapes and lens power, so you might find the one that fits you.’
Jane laughs and answers, ‘And in the meantime you’ll take my bodily measures. Ok, I accept.’
So Matt and Jane bid farewell to his friends, and go to his apartment.
‘This is the key to my flat,’ Matt says, ‘I have to go to the cellar to fetch my eyeglasses’ collection.’
Jane enters the apartment, finds it tidy and clean, full of good books about sports, textiles, art, philosophy, even medicine, and regrets that she has to have him arrested, if …
‘Jane, here are the glasses,’ Matt says while bringing in a cardboard box full of used eyeglasses, and Jane instantaneously finds John’s goggles.
She removes her disposable contact lenses, puts the glasses on, adapts her own eyes to their lens power, and ascertains that they really are her husband’s.
‘Excellent! They really fit my eyes. Thanks, Matt.
Are you able to provide me with the right lingerie as well?’
‘If I take your measures now, it’ll be ready by Friday evening.’
Jane doesn’t waste time in answering — she slowly removes her shoes, her coat, her pullover, her skirt, her shirt, her stockings, her panties, her bra, and raises her arms over her head.
Matt gulps with delight, takes a tape measure, and Jane’s measures with it:
– Height: 5’5′
– Overbust: 45′
– Underbust: 32′
– Waist: 22′
– Hip: 30′
‘Your measures are incredible — it’s nearly impossible to find a woman with such features. And there is no sign of cosmetic surgery on your body!
My heartfelt compliments! Have you ever thought about participating in a beauty contest?’
‘No, Matt, I wouldn’t be at my ease. Could I become a good swimmer instead?’
‘Your bust is too big for speed swimming, and I wouldn’t sacrifice it. You might become a good synchronized swimmer, and I could introduce you to an excellent coach.’
Matt strokes Jane’s arms and shoulders, hugs her, and Jane hugs him in turn, letting him feel her big bust against his breast, but then says, ‘Gosh!’
‘What’s the matter?’
‘I’m afraid that I’ve started menstruating.’
‘Don’t worry, it doesn’t upset me. Tomorrow I’ll wash the sheets.’
‘But it does upset me. Look!’
Jane puts a hand under her vulva, strokes it, and collects some blood gushing from it.
‘Oh, I understand. Wait a minute, darling.’
Matt goes to the bedroom, opens a drawer and gives Jane a sanitary towel.
‘Thanks, Matt. Why do you keep such ware in your house?’
‘Women often find themselves in this predicament. What are you going to do now?’
‘I’d like to go home, Matt. Sorry, you’re the kindest man I’ve found, and one of the most handsome, but I cannot do anything while I am in this ‘predicament’. I even find difficult to work in these conditions.’
‘Ok, I’ll bring you home. By the way, regular physical activity, like swimming, may help you with that.’
Jane dresses, and Matt takes her home. There he finds John, the jeweler he robbed the day before, a police constable, and the widow the ophthalmologist promised John’s old glasses.
Matt says, ‘You’ve diddled me, Jane. You’re not just beautiful, but also cunning. My compliments.’
Jane, almost weeping, replies, ‘Matt, why didn’t you dispose of the old glasses as soon as you realized what they were?
Because you four aren’t as ruthless as the stereotypical street robber, and you were going to return them as soon as you could do that without being apprehended.
Sorry, that widow needed them pronto, so I had to dupe you.’
‘I should have …’
‘I don’t think you’re a rapist either, Matt, or a murderer. I only risked falling in love with you.’
‘Did you …’
‘Matt, I just hope that your counsel will take you out of prison as soon as possible. I’m sorry that you chose to become robbers and not honest professionals.’
The constable says, ‘If he tells us the names of the other four drivers, he’ll get a substantial mitigation of sentence,’ recites the Miranda formula, shackles Matt and, before taking him to prison, he tells the widow, ‘I’m sorry to say that your glasses are a piece of evidence we need at tomorrow’s trial.
I have to take them into custody until conviction.’
The widow replies, ‘You’ve recorded the whole talk between Matt and Jane through her hacked cellphone. Isn’t it enough?’
‘Sorry madam, without the glasses the talk is of little value. But the conviction is expected by tomorrow afternoon. Can’t you wait until that?’
‘I’ll do,’ the widow says, and goes out with the jeweler.
Once they are alone, Jane takes out the sanitary towel Matt gave her and wonders, ‘Perhaps I should frame it. It’s the best love token I’ve had from a man.’
John replies, ‘I couldn’t give you any because you’re not a real woman, but a shapeshifter, and you’ve never menstruated until tonight.’
‘I’m sorry about Matt … he deserved me, but he should have met me before I had married you, and he shouldn’t have become a violent criminal.’
‘Don’t be so harsh … he and his teammates have never fired a shot in their robberies.’
‘You’re right, but … he could have never replaced you. I love you, John.’
‘I love you, Jane.’
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Introduction: Going to prom as a nerd, has never ended so wonderfully. So this is my first story. Please comment everything you feel necessary and vote fairly. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to post them. THANKS! ???? Behind Those Glasses Prologue I breathed deep. I could not remember how I got here.. but its morning. I twist my head looking for some indication of what I did last night and I see a head. HOLY SHIT… who the fuck is in my room? I sat up, looking at the body...
Introduction: Going to prom as a nerd, has never ended so wonderfully. So this is my first story. Please comment everything you feel necessary and vote fairly. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to post them. THANKS! ???? Behind Those Glasses Prologue I breathed deep. I could not remember how I got here.. but its morning. I twist my head looking for some indication of what I did last night and I see a head. HOLY SHIT… who the fuck is in my room? I sat up, looking at the body...
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It was a crisp winter's day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...
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Harold saves her husband (Part 1)This is a sequel to the earlier story “Harold Plays The Hero” ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan June 2006The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This is the first part of the sequel. . ...
Harold Saves Her Husband Part Three Copyright Oggbashan July 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.Although apparently set in part of 19th Century India, the locations, incidents, customs and activities are in a fictional world that does not, and did not,...
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There is one thing in this world that will always be consistent, the sexual desires of a teenage boy for older women who are clearly out of their league. Having been a teenage boy and knowing how much truth there is to it I decided a little story about a young G.I. and a barber might be something worth sharing…Harold was 17 years old when he enlisted into the military. He was about 6 foot tall, 160 to 175 lbs, medium build, black, and in pretty good shape due to high school athletics. He was...
Harold Saves Her Husband Part Two Copyright Oggbashan November 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************“Why is it called The Dancing Room?” Lisa whispered to Queen Serena. I could hear Lisa’s question and...
I was born a freak. At eighteen and a half, I'm still a freak--and I love it. I didn't always think that way, however. For a long time, I thought it was a curse. "How," you ask, am I a freak? Very simple, really. I was born with two cocks. No, really, I was. I've still got 'em too. You see, two cocks and either one or two sets of balls in their own sacks, is a condition known as biphallia. Google it if you don't believe me. It's a really rare condition, but it does happen. In some...
Copyright Oggbashan November 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* ‘Why is it called The Dancing Room?’ Lisa whispered to Queen Serena. I could hear Lisa’s question and Serena’s reply. ‘He couldn’t call it a...
Copyright Oggbashan June 2001/July 2002 Minor revisions July 2015. The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.None of this story has any relevance to a historical India. It is a fiction based in a mythical country which is one character's imagination of what India might seem to be...
Introduction: A mother and daughter are being neglected by their sports obsessed, aand probably cheating husbands. The trophy wives decide to cuckold their husbands with a famous, ribald punk rocdk band at the bands after concert private party (orgy) CUCKOLDED BY A PUNK ROCK BAND SPORTS FIRST / WIVES LAST: Dale and his step son-in-law, Jerry, were seated in front to the 72 inch TV screen in Dales spacious family room. It was almost 5PM in San Diego, and they were getting ready to watch a...
Copyright Oggbashan July 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. Although apparently set in part of 19th Century India, the locations, incidents, customs and activities are in a fictional world that does not, and did not, exist. These stories are set in an imaginary...
This is a sequel to the earlier story ‘Harold Plays The Hero’ ******************************** Copyright Oggbashan June 2006 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. This is the first part of the sequel. I have posted it to encourage me to complete the story. ...
Centerfold Daughterby Beating Off Bob ([email protected])***Bob buys his favorite girly magazine only to find his daughter and her best friend featured in the centerfold spread. If that isn't bad enough, there's a strange man's cock in his little girl's pussy. What's a father to do? (Mff, ped, mf, bi, inc, mast, oral, exh, preg)***Chuck Nelson hummed to himself as he approached the news stand. The new issue of Playpen was out and he always looked forward to that. It was a hard core porn...
Harold was no longer a virgin! But, not even that could prepare him for the question that Jeanne had just asked him. “Do I know what a blowjob is? I am 18 years old and just lost my virginity all I have done for the last 2 years is dream and read about sex. Yes, I know what a blowjob is.”“Good, then I suggest we take a shower so we can see what part a blowjob has in our evening.”This was turning out to be one hell of a first time for Harold and Jeanne was even having a good time. How many...
SPORT’S FIRST / WIVES LAST: Dale and his step son-in-law, Jerry, were seated in front to the 72 inch TV screen in Dale’s spacious family room. It was almost 5PM in San Diego, and they were getting ready to watch a football game. Dale’s luscious wife of three years, Celeste, came strutting into the room with an ice cold longneck beer bottle in each hand, and gave them to her husband and son-in-law. Immediately following her came the equally plush bodied Sonia, Celeste’s...
Copyright Oggbashan June 2001/July 2002 Minor revisions July 2015. The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. None of this story has any relevance to a historical India. It is a fiction based in a mythical country which is one character’s imagination of what India might seem to...
I won't soon forget the night with my lover Ella, no longer my granny but a mature woman in her early seventies who knows exactly what is going on in life and loved life itself. Ella knew what was going through my mind or what was left of it as I lay in her bed wearing her skirt;blouse; black patent hiheels as I romanced her gold half-round reading glasses with the small pearls beaded neck chain wrapped around my cock, she knew that symbolicly I wanted her as I romanced her half-glasses and...
Hello there, Buck here. It is a different title, for sure. You must be wondering where is this going. Way back in the day when I was somewhat less than a teenager, my mouth got me in trouble quite often and since I and my brother and sister were babysat by Gran, well, she always made sure that Mom and Dad did know of the bad words I said at times. I knew I had to clean things up as I had that white bar of soap stuck in my face.I also knew that Gran would get her comeuppance for ratting me out...
IncestI can remember playing pretend games with my friends when an ordinary thing like a hollow tree was a ship going out to war and, less dramatically, pretending that pair of sunglasses had the magic power to see through clothes. Of course, those silly games I used to play were a lot of fun when I was young. My friends and I would put on those pretend magic glasses around my sister or one of her friends. It would cause them to instantly start covering themselves as if those magic glasses could see...
Introduction: Things go from bad to worse when an orphaned 17-year-old takes shelter from zombies in an empty house. Technically fanfiction (The Last of Us), but I dont think you have to be familiar with the game to enjoy the story. Written for a friend. The house is empty but not dusty. Something tells you not to mess with it, but youre exhausted and starving, and it doesnt make sense not to rest in the only shelter for miles away. You move the furniture in front of the doors and take your...
There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...
My name is Kevin, and I returned to my hometown in the Portland area after graduating from the University of Oregon with a business degree. Then I took additional training to become a real estate agent in my father’s real estate company and found immediate success in the market. My two best friends from high school, Brad and Tom, also found good jobs in Portland, following their graduation from Lewis & Clark College.Brad, Tom, and I hit the bar scene pretty hard the first couple of years after...
SupernaturalFather & Son CuckoldsThis is my story. It's a bit unusual in relative to the relationship most husbands have with their in-laws. I felt I needed to tell it because of all the twists and turns I and my family (my mom and dad) have experienced as a result of my relationship and marriage into the Jones family. The problem is where do I start? Where should I begin? I guess I should begin with the obvious.My name is Victor and my wife's name is Vicki. We are both in our late twenties. Our...
Chapter 4: A preparation for cuckoldryStory so far: Chris’ prostate surgery resulted in erectile dysfunction and a penis so foreshortened that it precluded normal sex. His wife Mandy soon decided on separate bedrooms and banned Chris from hers. Mandys friend Xena has slowly but surely been shifting Mandy’s attitudes towards men and sexual liberty. Chris has seen this mirrored in her growing frustration, her increasing contempt towards him in private, and in her more than explicit exhibitionism...
Story so far ........ Xena, my wife Mandy's close friend, is a sadistic narcissist who played both of us in a game that dramatically changed both our lives. But before I explain how the game played out, I need to talk more about Mandy and the vicissitudes of our own unusual sex life............Chapter 2: MandyMandy is an attractive woman, with a strong personality that men find appealing. She is strong willed and confident, driven in what she does and persistently achieves her goals. Dominant...
I'd like to tell you how I was initiated as a bull to a couple dedicated to cuckoldry. This happened many years ago when I was a young student in Glasgow. I had won a place to study at Scotland's foremost art school and had travelled there a week or so before I could go into the hall of residence I had chosen for the first term. I had tried a few B&Bs in the area but hadn't liked what I saw.So I went a bit further out towards Kelvingrove Park and at the first place I called at the landlady...
Synopsis I was an occasional cross dresser. My wife caught me. She was very much upset. Our marriage went downhill from that point. Little did I know that she had planned my d?nouement. My life took many interesting turns after that.Categories CD TGKeywords High Heels French Maid Bestiality BondageCuckoldryBy Janet BakerShe returned unexpectedly from shopping and caught me at the computer wearing a bra with forms u...
She was old or more to the fact of age, she was ancient in terms of human life. She had walked the earth for centuries searching for the men she craved to survive on. Men of wealth and means, men of fame and fortune and men of great physical stature, she had them all over time, used them all and in most cases killed them for their life-sustaining source she needed to survive.Yet that had changed in the eighteenth century when she had met Harold. Harold had loved her and provided for her...
Horror10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park. 9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park. 8. Me and some mates took turns spunking into our friend's sister's dirty panties. 7. Snogged a woman at a party after two guy's had spunked in her mouth. 6. Had sloppy seconds with a woman at a party. > 5. Licked another guy's cum from girlfriend's pussy.
Chuck Nelson hummed to himself as he approached the news stand. The new issue of Playpen was out and he always looked forward to that. It was a hard core porn mag that had the best models in it, both male and female, and he never failed to have ample jerk off fantasies as he examined the mag during the month. In fact, he liked them so much he hadn't thrown a single one away in the two years he'd been buying them. Ever since his wife had died, he hadn't had the stomach for re-entering the...
19 year old Harold "Harry" Buchanan was a bright young man with all kinds of potential. He got excellent grades in all his classes and was not anywhere near ugly, with short black hair, broad shoulders and a slim 5'11" frame. He came from an upper middle class family, so he was always well supported. He was considered to be funny, well read, and likable. However, among all of Harry good qualities were his quirks. He had barely any friends, no job, and no girlfriend, he had never even been...
IncestThis is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18. A note from the author: As always, comments, kudos, and criticisms are welcome and encouraged. Please comment. Comments are the writer's only reward for their work and contribution. It...
After the incredible blow job in the bus journey (Part 3), we reached home. We both knew what happened but still we didn’t discuss about that. It was always a untold relation with her now. After that nothing more happened for few weeks, but in the middle I can see a change of behavior in her towards me. She use to look at me and give me a naughty smile and also when no one was around she use to lower her saree on her waist and also sometimes bend in front of me to show her cleavage. I always...
He was my friend, he was my colleague, and he was my mate in arms. I, well, I was his best man. Although I am of Indian origin, I was born and bred in the US of A. After I had finished college, I joined the American army where I met Paul. We enrolled together and had been placed on many tours of duty, abroad and at home together. We both had many wounds of war and many tales to tell. Paul was getting married to his childhood sweetheart. I had no one special, but I had experienced the adult...
InterracialI would in all probability never have discovered that Jessica my darling wife had cucklded me with a cad and lothario, Bunty Broomstead to be precise, had my Darraq Motor-Car not broken down twix the Dog and Duck Inn and Hampstead New. I was quite discomfited. The Darraq was usually so reliable. Unlike Jessica. I do not declaim to be the most jovial of coves, nor the most attentive nor passionate of lovers but for my sins I had sampled none but that bitch Jessica for seven tedious...
THIS IS PURELY FANTASY - part 3 of 3 partsInto the fifth month Cuckman suggested that my wife take part in a proper boudoir photo shoot. He would arrange an appointment for her to attend a studio and be made up and then photographed in sexy underwear. Cuck then said that the studio he had in mind was near to him so I would have to book a hotel and pay for it for her stay as it would be more convenient. The shoot was to be late afternoon so she could travel up and check into the hotel before...