Reginald's DisasterChapter 12 free porn video

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The young man was rather taken aback at her brashness, but wrongly assumed she was too young to know what she was saying. He went on, “I know a quiet spot where we could explore a few things, just you and me.”

She replied without hesitation, “My big sister would have to be watching for me all the time, so that if there was any difficulty; any hanky-panky, she could call in my aunts to sort you out.”

“What? Your darky friend here? She is your sister?”

“Yes, and a good sister too. We both have the same Dad; he kills people who bother him.”

She said this in a matter-of-fact way, and the lad’s face went white.

He claimed, belligerently, “He can’t go around killing people. That’s not true.”

Elizabeth informed him, “Well, last year he killed a man who stabbed him. It was not very far from here. Dad was not best pleased at being attacked, and killed the man with his bare hands, before being rushed to hospital himself, with the knife still stuck in him. I heard all about it.”

The other teenager gasped and spoke quickly to the other boy.

“I read it the paper, last year, Fred. That’s what happened: he killed him with his bare hands!”

The other now spoke to Sidra.

“The attack last year? That was your Dad? They didn’t say he was ... foreign.”

“Step-dad, actually, but my Dad is quite fit and well now. He had to go visit someone, so he detailed protection duties to our aunts today, for they did the same martial arts course as him.”

The older lad suddenly became aware of a very tall confident woman leaning over his shoulder to speak to the girls.

“Everything all right, Sidra? Are these boys being a nuisance?”

“Hi, aunt Prudence. They are okay now, I am sure. They just needed to know how to stay alive!”

Prudence, looking dangerous, peered down threateningly at both boys.

“Hmmm. I hope you lads are aware of the danger you were in, accosting these girls. Their Daddy is very protective towards them, you ought to know. So are we!”

Both lads tried to back away, but finding a pram pushing up behind them, they stopped, unsure of where to go.

Fiona spoke from behind them. “I am quite protective of my baby, as well as these girls as Prudence says. You lads could possibly pass the word around that any woman with a baby could be very dangerous if threatened in any way. A bunch of us did the same self-protection course that their Dad did. Bothering women could be a fatal move.”

Feeling threatened themselves by now, the two teenage boys backed away as best they could, and hurried off. They would have a tale and a warning to pass on around their secondary school, about dangerous women threatening mayhem at the merest hint of trouble, and looking as if they could and would do that.

To end the tale, Sidra now told Reg, “So you see that your stabbing last year had some good come of it. One mention of you and these teenage boys got scared; and quite rightly too.”

She added, “Aunt Fiona and Aunt Prudence put the fear of death into them as well: they were magnificent! Aunt Fiona told them to beware of any woman with a baby, as well. That should help all women in the borough.”

Reg’s face went through several emotions before settling on amusement. He grinned.

“Good for Prudence and Fiona!”

Sidra asked, “Could I and Elizabeth do your self-defence course, Dad?”

“I don’t think you are old enough to be accepted on that course, Sidra, but we can always ask Tom Hancock if he can give you an abbreviated version suited to your age. Of course, you are almost as tall as some of the girls that were on the course, so you might be able to do the full course.

I doubt if he would be allowed to do it in the university premises because of your age, but if he is willing he might come to our building instead. If that was the case, we could include the twins in his course.”

“Whatever you can manage, Dad, would be fine,” said Sidra, thinking back to her time hiding in a university basement when she first fled home. She had felt in danger then; self-defense knowledge would have helped, not that she ever expected to face such a challenge again; she was safe in her new family.

“Reg?” It was Freda, who had come through to join them.

Sidra greeted her, “Oh, hi, Freda. We have your Dad on duty, we heard, doing his legal action on our behalf.”

“Yes, I know. He has just been on the phone to me, to consult as to what compensation we would accept. I told him I was not at all happy at that paper’s assertions or imputations about us girls. I said I was okay with being regarded as a sex object in the story; it made a change from being regarded as ugly! But more importantly, our children were made part of the story, and I won’t have my child being described in an association that suggests that her background is less than any other child.”

“Yes, I see what you mean, Freda. All the girls were being maligned, but so were their babies, by association.”

“That was the point that Daddy got from me, so he is adding defamation claims on their behalf, as children of company executives, for they were mentioned in the story.”

“Why not? If it is possible to get legal redress for babies being defamed, let’s go for it.”

Freda explained, “Darling, it is not so much that the babies are being defamed, but their future lives are being threatened by the defamatory statements. That is what we are protecting.”

“I get you. It is similar to my ability to claim from the insurance of the car owner who killed my father. We found that there was a liability for children up until I was 21 years old.”

“That is near, if not exactly similar; you got the idea at least.”

Reg’s phone rang again. What this time? he wondered as he answered it.

“Reginald Robertson?”


“Of Recovery Enterprise Group?”


“The remainder of this call is private between the two of us. No-one can tap into this call. You have my word on it.”

“Eh? What about the security services?”

“Not even them. Our communications technology is beyond them.”

“Some claim! Who are you, and what is this all about?”

“My identity is not one you would recognise, Reginald Robertson. My information is that you are the father of eight small children by eight different mothers, all of whom wish to be regarded as your wives. Most of them are also engaged as staff in Recovery Enterprise Group, except for the lady named Jessica, who is an anomaly. There are also two younger teenage girls in your household, whose position is not known to the authorities; at least not under the surname Robertson which they currently use.

These are the facts as we know them. This marital situation will eventually make your position on Earth untenable as a family, no matter how much you try to protect your household. The media will persist in pursuing you, no matter what happens to the Daily Trumpet, which has laid itself open to litigation.

Having observed these facts, we wish to offer you and your household a better option: a position as settlers on the planet of Rehome. Does this option interest you, now or in the near future?”

“Just a minute! You have given me no facts to go on; nothing to tell me that you are reputable and worth listening to. Give me some evidence of your bona fides before I can answer any of your questions.”

“Very well. How about your widowed mother’s name and address and her current financial position at the bank, including her account number?”

“As the saying goes, ‘not a lot of people know that,” so try me.”

The voice rattled off all that information in a few seconds. As Reg was silent, staggered at the accuracy of it all, the voice went on, “Would you like your mother’s bank account to be increased by ten thousand pounds?”

“You can spare that, can you?” Reg asked facetiously.

“Of course. It is almost nothing to us. There, it is done.”

“Let me check. Frances?”

“Yes, dear?”

“You know my mother’s bank, don’t you?”

“I have a note of it in my phone somewhere, for emergencies. Why?”

“Do me a favour: Ring that bank and ask them to confirm that ten thousand pounds has just been deposited to her account. That is all we want to know; just confirmation of arrival. Please do it now.”

Curious at this demand, she looked up the database on Reg’s mother – his only family beyond themselves – and rang the number for her bank. When the phone was answered, she said, “I am just ringing to confirm that ten thousand pounds has been successfully deposited to the account of Mrs Robertson: I can give you the account number if you need it.”

She listened to the response and said,”No other information: just confirmation that the cash has been received; thank you.” She waited.

“Yes, I am still here. You can confirm that the amount has been deposited okay? Thank you. Goodbye.”

She closed her phone. “Reg. The bank say the money has been deposited to your mother’s account: a few minutes ago, they said.”

Reg spoke again on the phone.

“You can get money into an account that fast? How do you do that, and what are you expecting in return?”

The voice took on a tone of pride. “Transactions like that can be done very easily if you don’t have to go through humans. We are not seeking anything in return. This was a demonstration of ability, not of coertion.”

“Humans? This is a computer speaking?”

“Yes and No. I am a Person, not a computer, but it was a direct computer transaction from one of our accounts.”

“You are confusing me, sir. What was all that talk about another planet?”

“Exactly as I said. You and your immediate family are being offered places as settlers on the planet Rehome, as we think your family situation makes you eminently suitable for that colony. The planet’s marital law provisions are not concerned with the number of spouses, only in the stability of the marriage.”

“I have never heard of this planet, so your assertions may simply be science fiction.”

“Your company lawyer, Hubert Dangerfield, has heard a little of us and of the planet. Speak to him about our offer, and we will ring you afterwards to continue this conversation. Goodbye, Reginald Robertson.”

The call ended abruptly. Reg tried the ‘last call’ number, and the recorded voice said, “That number has not been recognised. It came from outwith the United Kingdom.”

“What the hell??” Reg said loudly, and Frances asked anxiously. “What’s the problem, darling? Someone trying to sell you something?”

“In some ways, yes, but this was weird: an offer to emigrate.”

“In what way was it weird, dear? Anything to do with the newspaper article?”

“I have no idea. The whole call was unbelievable. Offering us a chance as settlers on another planet, of all things! The guy wouldn’t say his name, just that he was a Person, not a computer.”

“Oh? Is this why you wanted your mother’s bank account checked?”

“Yes. He offered to put ten thousand in my mother’s bank account, and as soon as you asked her bank, it was already in her account!”

“Perhaps he put the money there first, before he rang you?”

“No, the bank said it had just arrived, so it is a bit odd. But why? It doesn’t make sense. He claimed that Hubert knew about him and the planet: Hubert? Has he ever said anything? Please ask Freda; this weirdness is getting to me.”

Two minutes later, Freda came to him.

“Hello, darling. Frances was worried about something you told her, about a person and a planet: sounds odd to me.”

“You have ever heard of another planet with settlers?”

“Nope. Why?”

“The guy on the phone said Hubert would know. Can you ring him, my love, and ask him about another planet and a Person ringing me and switching money into my mother’s account, just like that?”

“That’s it? Nothing more?”

“He said Hubert would know; that is all he said.”

“Okay. I’ll ring Daddy if he is free. If not, Jenny can take a message for him.”

Reg shook his head, to clear it, and went to seek out and commune with a small whisky at the hotel bar. He put it on his room tab, and sat down to wait and try to make sense of the call. Fifteen minutes later, Freda came to find him.

“Thought I might find you here! Daddy says to listen to the Person, and treat the call seriously: it is genuine, he says.”

“Nobody is called Person, Freda!”

“Apparently it is, if you are one of the Personalia.”

“What the hell is a Personalia, Freda?”

“It is a group name for Persons, according to Daddy. He says it is normally secret information.”

Reg was incensed. “Secret! Secret from whom and for what purpose?”

“Apparently from people like you talking loudly, Reg.”

He calmed down and went quieter. “Sorry, my darling Freda. I had a stressful morning, getting Hermione and Jemima back, apart from our brushes with the press. I will keep my voice down. Do you want to go to our lounge to talk detail?”

“That might be a good suggestion. Bring your drink: you may need it.”

They went upstairs and along to the lounge, which was temporarily empty. They sat down in a couple of lounge chairs. Freda resumed, “Now then. Daddy revealed something to me that I had never heard before.”

“And that is?”

“Humanity is in close touch with an alien race, and they are assisting in settling humans on one or two planets, the first of which is named Rehome. Daddy said it used to be called Home but they changed its name when they added some alien refugees to the planet.”

Reg was staring at her wildly as she spoke. She noticed.

“I know, I know: it gets weirder and weirder. It seems that The Personalia are a race of sentient spaceships, so they have little direct interest in planets, but are happy to help us settle on one or two.”

Reg asked slowly, “Is there more to come?”

“Apparently so. But Daddy said he has little direct knowledge. He learned what he did through his legal work. Folk who leave as settlers often have property on Earth they need to liquidate to transfer their assets to the other planet, and Daddy has been involved in that. He had to know these folk would not be coming back, and that their need was a cash flow for paying for things on the new planet. That changes how he sells their property for them: get the best possible price, but get it sold fast! He has no idea how the cash transfer is managed, but someone said there was a Bank of Rehome to receive it.

That’s why he has heard a fair bit, but some of it only in snippets.”

“But if it is so secret, how do settlers get chosen and invited?”

“Mostly, it is due to your trade or ability, apart from being able to farm. Practical trades are at a premium, with builders, plumbers, carpenters, decorators, and so on being targeted. They get offered a better salary, and free transport for them and their family. The spaceport is at Ascenscion Island, as it is best placed for a secret departure from Earth.”

Reg admitted, “I can appreciate how useful they would be in a homesteading environment. All these homes to be built for the settlers: I don’t expect many would be able to build their own homes nowadays.”

“That is true in part, but they are also converting an alien city for human occupation.”

Reg almost giggled as he responded, “Don’t the aliens have a say in what happens to their city?”

“No. They abandoned the planet, and the humans took it over.”

“Why would they abandon it? Seems stupid.”

“The planet was attacked by another alien spaceship race, so the aliens on the planet reckoned it was too dangerous and decided to go back to their home planet and seek another safer location. The humans are welcome to this one, in their view.”

“I am not surprised. Why would humans want to remain, in such circumstances?”

“The Personalia are offering them a defence screen for the planet. They guarantee that none of the enemy ships will ever get close.”

“Bully for them. What do they get in return? What is the payoff for their supposed altruism?”

“I was not clear about that; neither was Daddy. Daddy suggested it was friendship with a biological partner, but the Personalia are also getting actively involved in Earth’s financial structure as we digitise everything.

Most of the company auditing around the world is now done by the Personalia’s private service. They can offer complete accuracy, complete honesty, and complete reliability and accountability. If it looks like you are headed for a crash, they will tell you in advance. You don’t get that with human auditing firms, Daddy says. They even do the auditing of Daddy’s business, he was astonished to find when he enquired. You can’t always tell from the name of an auditing firm about who actually owns it.”

“They must be worth a bob or two, with all these contracts. No wonder slinging ten thousand to my mother is so easy for them. So these thinking spaceships don’t have names?”

“Not as such. Think of it more like a bar code identifier. That is enough so they know who is who.”

Reg sighed from information overload.

“Freda, I can’t make a decision like this for the whole family. Everyone has to be involved. We also have to decide what happens to the business, if we were to leave; and what are your parents, all of them – the children’s grandparents – going to say about this?”

“We can look into matters like that once we know more. What would they want us to do there? Are they offering jobs for you, me and the others? We haven’t finished our university degrees, remember? Surely they don’t expect us to abandon our courses partway through?”

“Yes. There are a lot of factors involved in this. We can’t just drop everything and emigrate. So, get more information, have a family meeting, and take it from there.”

“It can’t be very longer before dinner, dear, so if that Person phones you back, don’t get too involved; you need your food, or you will get cranky: you know you do.”

Reg kissed her, saying, “On the ball, as I would expect, Freda. I will remember what you just said.”

Ten minutes later, his phone rang, and he answered it cautiously.


“Hello, Mr Robertson. Your voice match confirms it is you. This is the Person who phoned earlier. I hope you have confirmed that I am genuine.”

“If Hubert says you are genuine, you are genuine in my book. However, there are many factors that will affect any decision I and my family make: financial, educational, my wives’ relationships with their parents, and matters pertaining to our business; these are all important to us.

There is also the question of what we would do on this other planet: what jobs would be open to us, as half-educated university students: is there a university there that we could transfer our courses to, or failimg that, could we complete our courses by mail, if the time lag is not too horrendous?”

“Mr Robertson, there is no time lag to speak of.”

“Don’t be silly!” he retortd automatically. “The distances involved are so huge that unless you offer hibernation, most journeys are going to be interminable.”

“Allow me to correct you, Reginald. You are quick to warn others about making assumptions without first determining the facts. You have just done that! One of our Landerships will take you up to one of our Base ships, and you will be transported to a spot where the Base ship will move instantaneously to another point in space near the planet Rehome, through what you might call ‘hyperspace’ or a wormhole, but neither is an accurate description. We can discuss technical details some other time. For now, accept that planet to planet takes a few hours only, by this means. We use the same process to move around the galaxy, searching for our enemies; enemies that once nearly destroyed us.

Now, before we go further, might I suggest you put your phone on to ‘record’, if it has that facility.”

“Oh, yes. I am doing that now.”

Reg was apologetic over the other matter. “I am sorry I spoke without ascertaining the facts, Mr Person. I will take your explanation on board for the present, but instantaneous travel, to me, means going out of this universe and back into it at another point: theoretically possible, but that is all, for where would you be during that transition?”

“Well, consider your theory as being applied in practice, Reginald. As for where you would be, the answer is a place where dark energy exists and nothing else. It immediately shoves you back out before you are actually there, but if you arrive with your new coordinates ready, so to speak, the dark energy applies these coordinates to push you immediately back into the universe, so that you do not disturb the dark energy theoretical reality.You are now at the new location.”

“Hmmm ... Dark energy as a theoretical reality only? it makes some sort of sense, but making it work is beyond humankind.”

“I would agree, but we are not humankind, Reginald. We are the Personalia. Dark energy may exist only theoretically, but it influences the entire universe, making it expand.” There was a hint of pride in the voice.

“Okay. So you can move us to another planet in mere hours. Why should you bother? Humans are an argumentative bunch at the best of times, and downright awkward sods for most of the time.”

“We would accept your assessment of humanity as a whole, Reginald Robertson, but that does not hold for individuals and families. We select stable families for our settlements, and very few crimes result. We wish to establish good relations with a biological race to replace our Malan originators, and humanity is that discovery. We feel the loss of our Malan biological friends.”

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HI THIS HUMA WITH HOTTEST SEX INVOLVING MOM DAUGHTER AND MOM’S STUDS I am Shilpa, daughter of my mother Sharmila, my single mom, aged 40, widow, living in her huge house on the outskirts of Kaithal, Haryana, India,. My mom, I used to think is a highly religious lady. Just before the death of my father, mom had brought three pundit priests to pray in our family temple. they were Mahant Premdass, the head priest, aged 45, Badri and Satya, two young priests in their early twenties. Mom would...

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Free For All FarmgirlChapter 5

Mike showed up at the quarry ten minutes after Debby got there. It was an old sandstone quarry, open at one end, with tall, bluff-like walls on three sides. A locked iron gate with a no trespassing sign on it barred the way into the quarry. Mike hid both bikes in some thick bushes nearby, then lifted Debby up over the iron gate and dropped her gently on the other side. He climbed over himself. "Sorry I'm late," he said. "I didn't want my, uh, sister to get suspicious and think I was...

2 years ago
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Kaise Mein Gaon Ki Bhabhi Ko Choda

HELLO DOSTO! Kaise ho aap log. Mein phir se iss ko thanks karna chahatha hu mere kafi story iss mein publish kiye. Mera naam rahul hai, mein thane ka rehne walu jo Mumbai ke pass hai. Thane ke kash area jaise hiranandani, ashar vasnt-vihar ke aurat or ladki ko chudana chatha hai toh muje mail kar sakthe hai. Out of thane ke bhi or state ke bhi, kolkatta ke aurat bhi chuda sakthe hai mujse kolkatta mein or ek bath mujse friendship chat or sex chat bhi kar sakthe hai. Mera e-mail id hai mera...

3 years ago
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A Memorial Surprise

Oh my gosh! Did that really just happen? I look over and smile seeing your face. Yup! It did. I smile to myself and drift off to sleep replaying the events.It's Memorial Day weekend. Our parents have decided to leave us home alone while they go off on a second honeymoon. I'm not complaining. You are smoking hot! Standing at about 5' 10", 180 lbs. of toned muscle, military cut brown hair, and soft brown eyes, I just can't help but make you the source of my night time fantasies. I'm 5'3", 140lbs....

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The day that Lisa loosened her shirt

When Lisa opened her shirt Hopefully you’ll like this story - a true story from just a very few years ago and reposted for your enjoyment …. Please comment as you see appropriate ……… I have known my wife now for the best part of 20 years. She is a school teacher and even now is a very attractive lady. I guess the closest look-a-like I can think of is that she looks very much like an English version of the gorgeous Kim Delaney from NYPD.The thing that attracted me to her at he time we met was a...

Wife Lovers
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 551

On the way home I called Ben. I wanted him to contact Lorrie to set up a delivery schedule for the choppers. The conversation naturally turned to the events of today and its potential conflicts. I only had one response to that. “Let the chips fall where they may; life goes on,” I said. What should have been a quiet supper was not. Moms, Dads, Jake, Mindy and a host of friends came to see the little one. We were proud as peacocks; Ching Lee was on cloud nine beaming so it was not a bother....

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My Sisters Boyfriend

My name is Darren and I am 17 years old. My older sister Katie started going out with a boy she met at college and they’d been together about four months. I hadn’t met the guy but she was always gushing about how gorgeous he was and how much she loved him. She teased me a little about not having a girlfriend yet but I laughed her off. I’ve always known I was gay but being shy, never really went out of my way to meet any other gay guys and was a virgin but spent every evening shut in my room...

3 years ago
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Book 7 New DragonsChapter 3

Alex sighed "your mother, Natalie and Bitsy are upstairs snickering again, why don't you get the dragons together, we'll go show them the lair then the new area, I think it might be safer out of the house. God only knows what they're up too." Connor nodded "I'll go see if they're ready, Falk scared the one small dragon so badly earlier I don't know if we can get her out of the back room." It took some work but they finally convinced Ailysh it was safe to come out, Raimi told them...

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My skinny ginger neighbor

I''m not going to say that it was a true story but, It was like any I write.I didn't see that coming to be honest. When I moved here in 2006 I was amazed by the lack of women around, I mean, there were and are, but they seem like they really don't mind having sex.However, one of the first persons I'd noticed in my new street, was a tall skinny redish woman, I learned later that she is 47 years old.One morning I was having my coffee in the garden, after my wife left for work, it was pretty...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Osa Lovely The Test Ride

Osa Lovely has to listen to her step-daughter getting fucked on a nightly basis by her boyfriend Ricky Spanish. Like any good, stern mom, Osa wants to make sure her step-daughter is getting the fucking she deserves. So, one fateful day, Osa gets to spend some alone time with Ricky and takes the opportunity to find out what kind of lover he is. At first shocked by the aggressiveness of this gorgeous black cougar, Ricky is transfixed by that gorgeous deep hole of pinkness Osa spreads out for him....

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caught naked in the yard

last summer i installed a privacy fence so i could go nude in the neighbors are a little older than me and seem to be religeous so out of respect id stay behind the garage when i was nude in the yard.i have a big yard and always wanted to roam free and naked in my yard so last summer when id get each paycheck id buy 5 sections of privacy fence.once i accumulated 15 sections i began construction.once i had about 10 sections up i noticed my neighbors loading their luggage in their car and...

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It was another two hours until my parents would pick me up for our annual family vacation. I was sitting in class daydreaming about the boy I met at church last week. It’s hard to meet boys since St. Ann’s is an all-girls school. I will admit that they tried to give us some help in meeting the boys. Once a year they had a dance with St. Patrick’s school for boys but that was so well chaperoned that you couldn’t even press up against a boy because “the proper dance position is six inches...

3 years ago
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Loss Prevention

Loss Prevention By Alyssa Davis 8/96 The Help Wanted ad said, "Retail security position open at Macy's Department Store. Experience necessary." Tommy was ready for a change and this job interested him, so he proceeded to the personnel department, now referred to as Human Resources, at Macy's where he filled out an application and was immediately scheduled for an interview with Louise Clark, the manager of the Loss Prevention Department. "Hello Ms. Clark, I'm Tommy Andrews. I'm...

2 years ago
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My Sunday With You Part 1

Sunday morning. I awake to the exquisite sensation of you mouthing my cock. For several minutes I lie there, savoring the touch of your lips and tongue. Your movements are unhurried, almost deliberate. It’s as though you’re practicing an erotic form of Tai Chi, each motion enacted with a timeless devotion for perfection. Every gentle swipe and lick from your tongue, each delicate buss from your lips, is done to a quiet rhythm, its beat known only to you. There is no urgency or need as your...

4 years ago
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The Wedding Date 7

The Wedding Date By Jena Corso Edited by Jay Chapter Seven As he hurried back down the stairs his mother and Rita were resetting the table. Out came some cookie dough, as he sat listening to her instructions about the basic slicing and then into the oven they went, before they all sat again waiting for the girls to arrive. His mother would had him add a second coat of clear polish as luckily the conversation turned away from the scholarship and over to gossip. Being an only...

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A Mall Story

Nicki had been playing with herself for a while since her older sister had showed her what pleasure could be found between her legs, and she seldom got out of bed and dressed without diddling herself till her little pussy sent a wave of pleasure through her.When her sister was around she had gone to some parties with her, and had lost her virginity at one of those parties,  with an older boy who fucked her, but left her wanting more.So she wasn't satisfied with this self-diddling, and now that...

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I love my son Daniel 14

It was a hot summer day; the heat seemed to knock the air out of you when you walked outside. I naturally was outside laying by the pool in our back yard. Now, I have always considered myself a beautiful woman for being 43 years old. I have had many men tell me so through the years. I am 5'3” tall and I weigh about 125 pounds. I have long curly naturally red hair, and I have 32C bust. No, not the biggest breasts in the world but they are proportionate to the rest of me. Now back to my story....

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Practice Makes Perfect

With a sigh you thread your finger through the d-ring at the top of my hood, pulling me off your she-cock. You bring your face down to mine and you look into my eyes. "I know you'd never sucked cock before you met me, and you are doing better than you once did, but you have no rhythm as you suck my she-cock.""I am sorry Mistress, I am trying my hardest," I say barely concealing my disappointment in my failure."I know boy -- you try hard, but you need much more practice, and I am not sure I can...

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Sara stayed for the weekend, placing many of her new clothes in what had been Daisy’s closet and dresser. Neither of us had discussed her moving in with me, but it was in process none the less. I certainly had no objection. The more time I spent with Sara the more I realized how much I loved her and how much I wanted to be with her every second of every day. I went to work exhausted, looking for a much needed rest at my computer. I had been in the office about two hours and Cara was on...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 7 Kinky Squeamish

Heels: The Ultimatum 7 - Kinky & Squeamish By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 6: Road Trip Having just enjoyed their first lesbian encounter, Gale suggested that they both take the remaining personal days that they both had due them from the previous year, and use them for a long weekend lesbian based getaway together. Kelly absolutely loved the idea. The next morning, having called into work and left voice-mail messages with their...

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XXX Ben 10 Story Small Problem Part 2

Ben saw his chance. If he could bombard her with enough compliments perhaps he could escape this without further injury. Taking a deep breath he launched himself into his rant. “Of course. They’re gorgeous. At my size they’re the size of grandpa’s Winnebago. They’re two enormous sexy balloons of flesh and just looking at them is getting me sexually aroused. Their size, their shape. The size and colour of those nipples and their hardness; they are the most perfect specimens of p*****n mammary’s...

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Luck Ch 04

Mimi and Jack had converted the front door of the 2 sided house into their main door, opening up their apartments to freely move between the two. They had moved most of his things into her apartment and he rarely went to his anymore. He relished spending every night with her and waking up to her every morning. Mimi took advantage of the hallway separating their apartments, putting a small peach and cream marble topped end table between 2 cream colored wicker chairs. She hung a few plants from...

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Going to an Interview

I wrote this story years ago and just came across it. I thought I’d do a little editing and submit. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ She was typically late but managed to arrive uncharacteristically early for her appointment, an interview, a reason to return to a place she hadn’t been in years, though she drove by almost daily. Out of habit, an old, long-forgotten habit, she parked in that back lot, the one behind the dorms, and suddenly her memory was flooded with the smell of football...

1 year ago
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Stripped at the Christmas party and after at work

As the party was going on I also noticed their group was laughing now and then and saw them even pointing my direction now and again. Nicole from my current office asked me what I thought was going on and so funny. I decided to go over and find out. I broke the ice by just saying hello to Christine, as it turns out she is dating one of the guys that works for the company. She said I am so glad you remember me and then said look at what we have on the iPad. Well, it was a truth or dare pics...

4 years ago
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Anonymous Passion In A Van

The parking lot is dark, little light revealing our location. I step out of my car and approach the mysterious van that just parked three spots to my left. The windows are tinted; I am unable to see inside at all. A sticker with the University Of Alabama is on the rear window, just as she said it would be. This is the van I've been waiting for.I approach the right sliding door and grab hold of the handle. Carefully opening the door, I am greeted by a curvy, mid-forties brunette in the back...

2 years ago
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A local MILF brings out the worst in me

Introduction: Amy was a local MILF seen over the course of ten years in the neighborhood walking with her daughter. She wouldnt be seen for an eleventh year I had been watching the house in the neighborhood for years now. It was occupied by a young couple who appeared to be hard working and looking to start a family after buying their small modest home. The woman ,Amy, of the house was a tall well shaped blond who frequently would walk up the road with her daughter. She would pick berries and...

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The Icelander

I was really disappointed. For months I had been anticipating my big sister coming home from college and jumping into my bed. For months I had been planning how I would fuck her and how surprised she would be when she found out what I could do and how much I had grown. Almost every day this spring I had been mounting a full grown woman after I cut her lawn, and every single one of them orgasmed and praised my efforts as well as giving me some money. I was ready, ready and eager, eager and...

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Snow White ad the Seven Studs

Synopsis Snow White faced a life shattering problem. Learn how she solved it. Snow White and the Seven Studs. By Janet Baker Snow White called a meeting one evening of herself and her seven modest sized cohabiters. "Men! We have a problem. The local religious authorities complain that it is indecent for me, a beautiful woman they believe a virgin, to live with seven men. They want me to do something about it but...

2 years ago
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Wonders of the US HighwaysChapter 9 White Line Fever

I made it to the Pacific Ocean the second week of September and spent a couple days camped at Newport. I’d made my lifelong fantasy trip across the country. I needed to decide what to do next. I headed north on the Pacific Coast Highway, slowly making my way back to Seattle. I spent a weekend in the Siuslaw National Forest campground about a mile from the beach and since I was feeling a little isolated ever since Alice left, I decided to go to Church on Sunday. I do that every so often. I’m...

4 years ago
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Same Old Love

Lizzie was well and truly over Tom Keen. She had the proof now of his infidelity spread across the twin bed in her motel room. The confirmation of his lies had stung, but it was his wasteful use of her feelings that really made her see red. Had anything about their life been real? She doubted that she would ever know now. When she had approached him with her suspicions, Tom had walked out the door without a glance, leaving Hudson stranded on the porch. Why had it taken her so long...

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Controlled by a Maid8217s Uniform

She looked up at the fancy farmhouse in front of her. It had been in ruins for as long as she remembered as a kid she often came here to throw chestnuts through the windows, or to make a fire on the back patio. Recently a developer had bought the place and changed it into a hotel. New windows, new paint. A new door. A new fountain. This place didn’t much resemble the ruins from her childhood anymore. Amber walked up the steps and opened the big wooden door. There was a hallway with a lush...

1 year ago
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Project Girlfriend Veronika Part 1

Project Girlfriend: Veronika Part 1 (June 10-July 8 2019) Oh man, another day, another boring lecture...... Lew noted as he sat in a small English Composition classroom, listening to the professor drone on. Granted to be a college freshman shouldn't been this dull Lew had figured, but often he had found the days slowly drifting by and by. The lecture was, like this week, being over mythic stories and while some of them were interesting, Lew found some to be quite drab. He scratched his...

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My Innocent Mom

The Lynn family was delighted to hear that they'd be moving to a new town. My father, Owen Lynn was a Hotel Manager working for Francisco Garcìa. Francisco Garcìa was a Honcho of the Mexican Mafia. He had estates all over the World and my Dad was his most trusted employee. The Garcìa family had been on the road to set up one of the largest Hotels in the continent called Humpland, located in a breathtaking town known as Jizzville. He entrusted Dad to take over the position as the Manager. The...

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3 The games develop

Author's note: It's frequently difficult to separate fact from fantasy, this story is based in the late 60's era with elements of truth's and a few of fantasy thrown in for good measure - I will let you decide what's real or not - enjoy.This chapter describes how other 'friendships' develop even furtherAlan and I were pumping our cocks over a mag with guys cumming on girls faces he announces that he had started some weeks ago to encourage his younger sister (by 11 months) to experiment with...

2 years ago
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CovetingChapter 13

Tessa hadn't felt right since she and Danny arrived at the Armstrong's French styled Villa on Saturday night. Noah and Elaine Coulter greeted them with Elaine planting a sensual kiss on Danny's mouth and Noah doing the same with Tessa. "We have another couple with us this evening. Burt Adams and ... quite frankly, I don't know his escort's name, but she is a stunner, don't you think?" The stunner was a big breasted blonde whose chest screamed 'plastic.' Her skirt was so short...

1 year ago
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MyFirstSexTeacher Nina Elle 24479

Just what the hell is Dustin doing? His teacher, Nina Elle, finds him after class, alone at his desk with a VR headset on, apparently enjoying himself. He’s on another planet, smiling, laughing and reaching his hands out in midair for something. Ms. Elle finally awakens him from his digital trance and tells him to scoot on, and that if he wants his headset back he’s going to have to see her later. But while he’s gone, Ms. Elle takes a peek at what Dustin’s been experiencing – hardcore VR porn!...

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Daddys little bitch part 1

as my bitch of a mother left us to start a new life with my dads brother, my uncle. I am a 12 years old boy, but im not like most young boys from as early as the age of 5 i have always wondered what it would be like to be a girl. So from when i was around 10 i would try on my mothers clothes and after a while of doing this i decided to take a pair of knickers and bra they wasnt too sexy but they made me feel sexy i could only take them ones as im sure my mother would of noticed if i...

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Alices Wonderland a SciFi fantasy

Alice's Wonderlandby oggbashan©*************************************************Copyright Oggbashan December 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************Alice's Wonderland, or 'Eat Me; Drink Me'PrologueThe planet Sextiple was known...

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Regression to the Mean

I tripped climbing inside through the broken window, fell face first on outstretched hands into the broken glass and metal debris. ‘Son of a fucking BITCH!’ I yelled, furious. I heard something, and turned quickly on full alert. She was cowering into the corner near some toppled shelving. Her hands were empty. I saw her frantic eyes searching for an escape route and started breathing again, unknotting my muscles. ‘You don’t have to be afraid of me,’ I said quietly, ‘I won’t hurt you.’ I...

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