AimlessChapter 6: Enforcer free porn video

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After Floozy left, I found Master in the living room watching a soap.

“Master, I noticed you have an exercise room and a pool here. You’ve said things that tell me you’re unsatisfied with my weight, and my doctor gave me some links for exercises. I am requesting permission to work out when I have some free time here.”

“Are you going to lose all that flab?” he asked.

That stung, but I didn’t let myself react. “That’s one of my goals. He also gave me links for Kegels and other targeted workouts.”

“If you have the time, go for it, Peanut. Just make sure your chores are done, and remember to pick up your brat.”

“Thank you,” I said. There was no way I could avoid doing chores, and I would never forget to pick up Shirley.

I didn’t have any workout clothes, so I figured I’d work out in the nude. I found the exercise room, and started my first task, a couple of miles on the treadmill.

It was very boring. Even the stuff on the holo was boring, as I apparently didn’t have Master’s access to the premium programming, leaving mostly soaps, talk shows, and news playing this time in the afternoon.

Then I got a wonderful idea.

I ran to the bedroom and checked out my tiny dresser. As I suspected, there were all sorts of dildos in the drawers. I found one that approximated the size of Master’s dick, and brought it back with me. I went onto the treadmill and placed the dildo in my mouth. Shutting my eyes, I was able to zone out. A while later, I looked at the readout and found I already ran about fifteen miles!

I didn’t have much time before I would need to retrieve my daughter, so I took a quick dip into the pool to get rid of my accumulated sweat. I then rinsed off in the shower, and put my uniform back on. In the bedroom, I got my slippers and put the dildo away so I could fetch Shirley.

The exercise room and pool became my favorite activity that didn’t involve Master’s cock (except for the dildo). The best time of day for me was right after lunch, since it gave me about three hours straight while Master was otherwise busy. Then I would be freshly showered and ready to pick up Shirley.

Master found me in the exercise room a few days after I started my regimen and noticed the dildo.

“Did your doctor suggest using that as a prop, Peanut?”

Master’s voice startled me out of my reverie, and I realized how I must have looked. I blushed, pulled the dildo out of my mouth, and said, “I found this in the little dresser. I pretend it’s you. It helps me relax and focus on doing a good workout,” I said, the words all ringing true.

“Well, suit yourself!” He laughed and went about his business.

One day, as Shirley and I were driving home from the day care, Shirley asked me, “Mommy, is Daddy a nice person?”

I didn’t have any idea where that question came from. I wanted to answer her truthfully, but there was Master’s order not to “talk shit” about him in front of her.

“Well, Pumpkin, everybody can be nice at times, and sometimes, they can be mean. That doesn’t make them nice or mean people. Do you understand that?”

“Uh, huh.”

“Has your Daddy been nice to you?”

“Uh, huh.”

“Have you ever seen him be mean?”

“Only to you.”

“Me?” I was surprised. Usually Master never did anything to me in front of Shirley. “What are you talking about?”

“Well, I had a bad dream a few nights ago. I went to find you, but Daddy was spanking you.”

“Spanking me?” Master may have done all sorts of things to me. If he ever spanked me, it was a slap on the ass before he fucked me. It was never an extended spanking.

“Yes. He was using his ... thing.”

Oh. She walked in on us having sex. “Pumpkin,” I explained, “Mommy and Daddy were ... playing together. You know ... how you used to play at the shelter?”

“They don’t allow us to hit each other at the day care.”

“That’s because they don’t want anybody go get hurt. When Mommy and Daddy are alone, we play. Sometimes, it’s a bit rough, but we don’t really hurt each other.”

“Oh.” Shirley thought about that for a while. “That makes sense.”

“I’m glad I can help. If you ever have any questions such as that one, feel free to let me know and I’ll answer as well as I can. OK?”

“I didn’t want you to be mad that I was watching. You sounded like you were crying.”

I bit my lip on that. She was only six. She didn’t need to know about the birds and the bees. Yet.

“Mommy wasn’t really crying. Do you remember when I got you that little ring for your fourth birthday?”

“Uh, huh.”

The ring in question was a kid’s toy. It was a cheap metalloy ring with an imitation diamond. Not worth much, but then again, we didn’t have anything. I skipped a meal in order to afford that toy after she fell in love with it at the second hand shop. She cherished that ring, and while she didn’t wear it every day, I bet is was still in her possession.

“Well, when you opened it up on your birthday, you were happy, right?”

“Uh, huh.”

“Weren’t you crying at the same time?” I asked.

There was a pause. “Oh. I see. You were getting what you wanted, but didn’t think you were going to get?”

The girl was sharp, I must give her that. “Yes, dear. We’re getting close to home. I’m going to need to make dinner soon.”

“I told Ricky at day care that you cook. He said his mommy has the kitchen cook for them. Maybe I could ask Daddy...”

Obviously, Shirley knew the pecking order in the house. Her Daddy was my Master. I ignored that, but explained, “No, dear. Mommy is learning how to cook on her own. We have nice food here, and I’m trying to learn to cook nice food. Cooking is a nice skill to have. Not everybody can cook. You love my food, don’t you?”

“It’s much better here than at the shelter.”

“That’s because I cook and we have so much nicer things to work with.”

“I think I understand.”

“You go tell Ricky that it’s a matter of pride that I cook in this house. I’m quite happy to do it.”


We got out of the car.

It was a Monday. For just over two weeks, I was living my life as a slave. I was now sitting in “waiting room” at the day care, completely nude and awaiting the next employee to come into the room to rape me.

I’m not sure why Master set this up. I got absolutely no enjoyment when anybody other than Master touched me sexually. Instead, I got humiliation and the attendant horniness that came from having complete strangers use me, and maybe that was Master’s intention. I’d pretend to have an orgasm with most of the guys when they fucked me. The lesbian girl Marge was probably too smart for me to try to pretend to cum, but she never gave, she only took from me, so I didn’t need to try.

When I came home with Shirley, Master was furious.

“Where were you all day?” he demanded.

My blood turned cold. I was in deep shit right now. I’m not sure how the wires got crossed, but I was going to be punished. It took nearly all my willpower to turn to my daughter and calmly say, “Shirley, please go to your room.” It’s a testament to how well behaved my daughter is that she did so without question.

I turned to Master and said, “I was doing what you wanted. I was at the day care.”

Master, for all his wickedness, waited until Shirley left. “All day? Why were you there all fucking day?”

“To have random day care employees have me suck and fuck them, as per your orders.”

“I never gave such orders.” Master’s voice sounded suspicious as if he was thinking I was trying to escape his control.

My body was shaking uncontrollably from the anger in his voice, despite the fact I knew I didn’t do anything wrong. I still managed to explain, “They give me a phrase, have me repeat it, and then have me repeat it a second time and I cannot remember it. I thought that it was your instructions.” It took a lot of willpower not to cry.

“Temporary override,” Master said quietly. “Under New Orders,” he said under his breath. “Latin, right?”

I shrugged. “I remember the phrase being under new orders.” I burst into tears. How could I have disappointed Master? I was a terrible whore!

“Son of a bitch.” He looked furious, and I cried more. “Listen, Peanut, I’m sorry I yelled at you. You were doing what you thought you needed to do. In fact, you did what your collar ordered you to do.”

I think that was the first time in his life that Master apologized to me. Except for the night he left me, and he was just putting on an act then.

I now knew he was angry, but his anger wasn’t directed at me. My tears stopped. “You know I wouldn’t do anything to cross you, Master.” My body was still trembling with fear. “I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I know I wasn’t here to make you lunch...”

“Don’t sweat it. When is the next time? Another two weeks?”


Master seemed to think for a while, and then he smiled. “Things will be fine. Now, how are you doing with your exercise regimen your doctor gave you?”

“Very well, Master. Just a few more pounds to go for my target weight. I’m also starting to build muscles.”

Master nodded. “I’ve noticed you’re building stamina.” After a pause, he added, “Keep your focus on the muscles, you’ll hit your target weight. Let’s try a new focus plan for you, starting this evening after supper.”

After supper was usually my alone time with Shirley. However, an order was an order. “As you wish, Master.” Although I liked my current regimen, it was now replaced because of his new orders.

That smile he wore on his face was the same kind that I hoped I would never see on his face again. However, his anger wasn’t at me, and it was the first time I saw that smile that I didn’t soil myself, which was lucky, since I wasn’t wearing any underwear to soil.

The new exercise regimen focused more on muscle tone. It also involved something that was popular quite a number of years ago called Kick Boxing. He gave me fewer chores so I could focus on the new regimen. This took up most of my afternoons, only pausing to cook meals and pick up Shirley.

I seemed to quickly work through weights on the cable machine. Each day, I added a bit more weight, and after a week, I still didn’t find any weights too heavy for me. However, the machine warned of jumping too fast to greater weights, so I did them gradually as it suggested.

One day, as I was preparing to lay down in my bed space, Master called me to his bed.

“Yes, Master? How may I please you?”

“Humor me, Peanut. Do you know how to arm wrestle?”

I shrugged. “I’ve heard the term. I have no reference, though. I don’t want to disappoint you with my ignorance.”

Master gave me the basic details. It sounded something boys would play at in school.

“Now, the bed isn’t the best place to try this, but I want to do an arm wrestle with you.”

“Whatever for?”

“Humor me.”

“You know I cannot hurt you, nor do I want to.”

“I know that. Here, put your elbow on the bed. Like that, yeah. Now ... OK. Now, we hold hands. You count to three and then we go. You cannot let go of either hand. Got it?”

I nodded.

Master looked at me expectantly. “This isn’t a sport where people get hurt, Peanut. Don’t worry about hurting me. I want you to do your best. Don’t hold back.”

I nodded again, and then remembered I needed to count. “One ... two ... three...”

Immediately, I felt Master attempt to push my arm down. Surprisingly, I held my own. Now, I knew he was much bigger and stronger than me, but for about forty-five seconds, we went back and forth, usually staying right in the middle. and then we kept at a draw. Finally, after another minute or two, I started to give way. He smiled at me and started to push my hand down, but I still found some energy left and got us back almost to the point where we started.

“Stop!” Master ordered.

Immediately, my arm relaxed, and as I did, so did Master’s.

“That was very good, Peanut.”

“I didn’t think I could hold my own that long.”

Master just nodded.

“Now, I want you to suck my cock. Let your mind go limp...”

My mind emptied. I gave Master a long, slow, and gentle suck, just the way I used to do it before he started having me learn a technique called “Deep Throat.”

As my mind emptied, I was aware that Master was giving me instructions ... but just as the words were there, they disappeared into nothingness. I simply enjoyed the closeness I was sharing with Master, not thinking of his words. Just be happy, my mind said. Be a good little whore.

Eventually, I was blessed by Master’s first spurt. He was on some expensive therapy that increased his production of semen, and was no longer having issues keeping up with my needs and desires, and I received quite a mouthful.

I fell asleep on the bed soon thereafter, although I woke up in the middle of the night and went back to my little blanket on the floor. (It was becoming my favorite place in the house to be alone other than the exercise room and pool.)

The next time I needed to be at a review at the day care, I took Shirley and let her go with the teacher. The I waited in Benjamin’s office. I put my purse on the desk where Benjamin was sitting.

“Hello, Jess. Tu in novum ordinem.”

Nothing happened. It seemed to me that something was supposed to happen. “What did you say?”

“Can you repeat it to me?”

“Tu in novum ordinem. Is that Latin?”

“Repeat it once more.”

“Repeat what?” I knew the phrase, but something told me to pretend not to remember it.

“That’s fine. You’re under new orders, Jess.”

I didn’t think so. I just sat there.

“Remove your dress and get ready to go to the waiting room.”

I removed my dress. Benjamin watched me. I think he really enjoyed this. Undressing in front of this creep did not make me happy. I was under orders to undress, but not from him. I’m not sure where those orders came from because I didn’t remember receiving them. However, I knew my orders and they were from Master.

“Give me a blow job.”

“Certainly,” I said, sounding obedient, but not meaning it whatsoever.

I walked over to where Benjamin was sitting, and unbuckled his pants. He let me pull his pants and boxers down. I looked at his cock. It was pathetic looking.

I moved my head down, and then, without any warning, I took my right hand and cupped his balls. Tightly.


“Keep your voice down, or I will burst them like balloons!”

“How ... What ... How are you doing this?”

“It’s easy. Find the smallest thing on your body. That would be your dick. Then squeeze.”

“You’re collared! You can’t do this!”

“Yes. However, collared or not, I’m not your company’s personal fuck toy.”

“Stop, please! You’re hurting me!”

“I’ve been raped by multiple members of your staff, and you are complaining about a tiny bit of pain? Maybe I should just rip these off!”

That was a bluff. However, Benjy didn’t know it.

“Please! I’m sorry...”

“Sorry doesn’t excuse rape. Now, you’re going to slowly remove your jacket, shirt, and anything else you’re wearing.”

“What are you going to do?”

I gave his balls a tighter grip.

“OK! OK! I’ll do it.”

I tied Benjamin up with some twine I brought with me in my purse. Once I was sure he was secure, I asked him how to contact Marge.

Same as Aimless
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Her heart sinks but she doesn't let him see it while thinking, "Get it over with, scumbag. Tell me to suck you and then let me leave." His demeanor gets serious as he says menacingly, "I am into Bdsm and love things like percussion instruments, humiliation, bondage, control and raw sweaty heart pounding fucking in every hole that you have!" Her expression doesn't changes as he continues, "Now your make-up is totally unacceptable now get that gorgeous ass into your car and drive where...

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The Last Bookshop Possession

He could almost hear the screeching of brakes as his mind jarred to a halt. A prickly jangling terror chilled his body and brought beads of sweat to his brow.Sitting at the table, he looked down to his coffee cup. Its once heady aroma smelt rancid enough to make him feel bilious. With a trembling hand, he put it down gently. Bone-chilling horror soaked into every muscle, he closed the book and pushed it away. A growling in his stomach churned it over and he felt his nausea rise.The smug...

3 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 13

In nothing short of lynx-eyed rage, Lydia Newell wasted no time in reaching the Crescent Valley Police Chief by telephone. Nor did she mince words with the barrel-chested official in conveying to him what she thought of his "little whore niece!" "What the hell, Lydia, I-I can't believe it!" Link Morgan stammered in immediate jealous anger. He'd been sitting behind the scarred desk in his grubby Town-Hall office, staring idly at the half-empty bourbon-bottle he'd been nursing, while...

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Dans Distortion Part 1

Dan's Distortion .* * * Part 1: Notes from Nobody * * *. Distortion [n]: deformity; falsification "What a horrible fucking day!" declared a handsome man in a soggy coat, as he made his way across the four lane road. Things were not going so well for Dan Miles today, a story that could be told simply by the scowl on his face. The morning started with a note from his fiance, declaring that she was leaving him for his best friend Carl. He didn't understand it,...

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sister for Christmas

My younger sister Kristy and I have always been very close. Since we are only a year apart, my parents treated us like we were a twin set of boys. By that I mean we took baths together until we were about 10 and we were forced to sleep in the same hotel bed on family vacations until I was 16. We finally needed our own beds because even though we were close we still always fought about everything, just like any other brother and sister.When we were younger my sister was quite the tomboy. She...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 42 Changes Changes Changes

“Hey, Will, have you got a few minutes to talk? We’ve got a proposal we’d like to talk with you about,” Paul Christie said to me, when we had finished our first sound check for the New Year’s Eve concert in Victoria Park. Paul had established The Party Boys back around 1983 along with Kevin Boritch, and since then it had served as a place for anyone between groups to join and play with. Even some big international names – Joe Walsh, Eric Burden – had played with them. “We hear you guys are...

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First One Then the Other

Chapter 1 When this happened, it was the summer between my sophomore and junior year of high school. I'm an only child and live with my mom and dad. My dad is a Vice President at a local bank and my mom teaches elementary school. She has a sister, my Aunt Tina, who also lives near us and also teaches in the same elementary school as my mom. It was the school I first went to and it was weird having them both there, they're identical twins and really do look quite alike. But, now I'm in...

1 year ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter 23

The Sissy Farm. Chapter 23. List of Characters. Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice My Younger sister Aunty Bev Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady's academy Doctor Shirley Williams My endocrinologist. Miranda A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine AKA Uncle Penny My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James AKA Auntie Jamie...

4 years ago
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Atlanta Gloryhole Part 1

I love glory holes and when I found myself in Atlanta I went downtown to an old favorite arcade on Cheshire Bridge Rd. I cruised the videos and toys for a while. This place was hopping. Guys and women of all types: Bi, gay, straight, Hispanic, black, white, working class and white collar, were in the store. Of course only the guys were going back to the arcade. I went to the arcade and went into booth number 5 which has holes on both sides. I put $20 in the machine and stripped out of all...

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i walking walking hme from a late night around 5am spotted at glance woman standing on front door in a robe what caut my eye was the glimpse of fishnet i assumed she was waving her husband off i lit a cigartte as car turned corner the woman waved at me i went over and said morning said her name was ann her husband as gone away for a few days asked if i was single reply yes asked if i fancied a coffee to wake me up i went inside her robe opened i said u av woke me up fishnet baby doll on she...

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The Cosca Episode 1 Family ValuesChapter 3

"So is that the message? That your ... family ... is preparing to unilaterally stop the Sa'arm by destroying entire planets?" "Not the entire message," Joe answered. "We are preparing ourselves to do just that. We are willing, however, to eschew that action if the Navy, and by extension, the Confederacy, effects a change in policy that insures the survival of Earth and its natural inhabitants." "So you are going to try blackmail..." "Admittedly, it is an attempt to influence from...

4 years ago
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My Mates Slutty Little Sister

After Dave’s 21 st , I had the ‘entertaining’ job of walking a hammered eighteen year old girl home. Only five minutes into the walk I had managed to be so clumsy as to stumble into a rubbish bin and fall completely over. In doing so, giving my mate’s little sister the opportunity to escape from my grip. Pulling myself together I got back up to find where Lauren had gone to, a hard task to do in the complete dark and being drunk myself. “I found you!” I laughed and walked closer to the petite...

1 year ago
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A man discovers that he likes gay sex

I had never even thought of having sex with another man…let alone get on my knees and suck his hard cock. But that’s what happened one afternoon last week. My name is Jason. I’m forty-one with an average build. My wife considers me good looking but I think I’m just average. We have a good and active sex life. She gives me head on occasion and I love going down on her. She also loves fondling my rather large genitals… especially my balls that hang quite low. My cock...

2 years ago
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Getting ByChapter 30

It was weeks after Amanda's death before I was able to begin to function again. Gav and Sophie were as devastated as I when I told them the news. In the world in which I grew up, two year olds did not understand death. Sophie did. Death is not an uncommon occurrence these days, and she knew from the beginning that her mother was not coming home again. She was younger and more resilient than I, but that didn't dimish her own suffering. It just allowed her to bounce back more quickly. Gav...

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Padosan Ki Chudai

Hi dosto, sabse pehle jo meri story padh rha hai usey mera chaddi khol ke lund khada krke salaam, ab mera introduction mera naam AJAY KUMAR MEENA hai or mein govt collage kota se BA kr rha hu. Ye story aaj se 3 mahine pehle ki hai jab mere pados me ek aunty rhti thi jinki bhatiji{devar ki ladki} rehne aayi thi unke yha kuch dino ke liye kyonki vo STC ki prepration kar rhi thi or hum rhte the vha achi choching hai or vo swai madhopur me rhti thi or vha achi choching nhi thi isliye vha aayi or...

3 years ago
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My Mothers Lover and Me

Having returned home after visiting some friends, I had found my mother and one of her contractors naked and recovering from sex on the pool deck. I was shocked. I was aware she had arranged a meeting with him, but had no idea that sex was to be the reason. My mother had been a widow of five years and, to my knowledge, had not entertained a man since my dad’s death. This was a bit overwhelming. One aspect that was even more surprising to me is the age difference between her and the guy...

2 years ago
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Worth a shot

We're both stood there in my room, nervously eying each other up. You drop your bag on the floor and the moment you do I jump on you. I start kissing your lips and caressing my hands through your hair. You push me off you and slam me against the wall. You then start biting my neck, harder and harder. I try to scream but you put your hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. With every bite your teeth get deeper and deeper until you pierce my skin. You step back as blood starts to drip down my neck....

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Come and Get It White Boy Gay

I had been really looking forward to this evening. About a week earlier I had got an email from this guy on an adult website. He lived pretty close to me, and was also interested in meeting up with a like minded individual for some no strings attached ass fucking. Well, this was what I was into, so I replied and agreed to meet up. Over the next few days we exchanged details, he was a South African who had come over here several years ago and he worked for the local council. He was actually gay,...

4 years ago
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Her body throbbed. She stopped the car in the driveway and shut everything off. A tiny whimper popped from her smeared lips and she sank into the seat for a moment. Her pussy pulsed inside her soggy panties. She squeezed her thighs together, thinking about the hard cock that rammed into her hungry hole only a few minutes before, pumping a gusher of hot come into her cunt. Finally swinging her high heels to the concrete, she locked the car and crossed to the stoop and paused. Her fingers...

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Summer SailingChapter 12

DAY 11 “Hello sleepy heads. How’s the Greek God? We have a race to win. The honour of Aristotle Travel is at stake.” Oh dear, the ‘Greek God’ term had stuck. I was going to have to live with it, I could tell. But what was this about a race? All the skippers were to meet at 11am, I had ten minutes to wash, dress, drink a coffee, and row over to Shag. “Hi Chris, okay, all here? This is an optional event, and we all have to do it.” Craig smiled. “No, not really. It’s just for fun. You’ll...

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FidleChapter 42

thud thud thud “Ow.” thud “Ohhhhhhh...” thud thud “What the... ?” Blinding flashes of muddled memory. Nervous system reboot. Pain. Lungs rattle into motion. More pain. Eyes struggle open. The floor. A bottle. A chair. Unexplained sparkling near the window. At least I didn’t... Digestive system reengaged. A desperate and pathetic crawl to the bathroom. Just barely in time. The cool porcelain whispered of sleep. He listened. thud thud thud “Ow.” thud God, what a horrible...

3 years ago
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Memoirs continued

We continued the rounds of the workhouse and at one point found Miss Harrington sitting on a chair pretending to be dusting. When I challenged her, she sort to suggest that elderly ladies like her should be treated with respect and not be forced to do menial work. She even tried to suggest that I was already exceeding my role and would petition the vicar for my removal. Seeing the vicar played little part in my appointment, I almost laughed at her but just said, "We will see, Miss Harrington,...

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Public masturbation in hot tube

We today I decided to go swimming at a hotel. So i was enjoying my afternoon with a few people swimming. Then a birthday party was in the next conference room. They all came in the pool to swim. And all I could do was stare at all them sexy ass ladies in small swimsuits. 11 thin ladies, 4 bbw, 6 mature chubby ladies. A few younger teens. Well I'm sure we all know what happen. Lol I said in a corner in the pool. Watching as they get in the pool hoping to get a glimpse of some pussy while they...

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Campsite Cuisine

FANTASIES II We have decided to camp out near a river, one that seems to lazily drift by, but flows enough so the mosquitoes aren’t attracted to it like they would be to a pond. It is the early part of September, when the weather is still warm during the day, but deliciously cool at night–just right for our outdoor tryst! There are pine trees around, just enough for privacy, but not so many that we can’t watch the sun as it dips lower in the sky, settling beneath a blanket of green, blue and...

2 years ago
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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 9 Aliens

The FBI Comes to Find Jenny Because of the Past. John had been on the internet all morning long. Many of the cities and counties were running out of funds for the unemployed. This would resolve itself if people went to God and simply asked: “What am I to do?” John continued to play the “what if?” game. He laughed at himself. No one was going to starve on his watch. By adding money to the economy at the base of the food chain, will be much like planting seeds in a good growing environment....

1 year ago
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Mr T Blackmails after Volleyball Trip

My dad's friend Mr. T, also my team’s assistant coach was driving me home after the volleyball game out of town. At my house he said”your folks aren’t home I will walk ya in” I looked at him and asked "ok?" As soon as he closed the door behind him he said "Get naked Alice. Take your clothes off." I was shocked and scared. I had had a crush on Mr. T but was confused. "Get naked or I will tell your dad I caught saw you getting double stuffed by Lorenzo and Mark in the locker-room last week you...

2 years ago
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First time

Continuing with my life stories, this recounts my very first man. I was still a teenager and still at school. Those were mere technicalities and certainly had no bearing on my libido and overwhelming desire to experience a man for the first time. I had heard through various sources and local papers that there was an increasing issue with gay men cruising in a certain park in my town. I had to find out more. One day I told my parents that I was staying late at school to catch up on some...

4 years ago
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Barbaria Act 3 Chapter 4

Personal Narrative Lady Miralda I didn’t eat very much at the banquet. I was too excited, bubbling away inside all the time. Many of those just released must have felt as I did. It was like a miracle. One moment, a cringing submissive, obedient to the whip; the next moment, freedom. FREEDOM! And along with it, perhaps best of all, the downfall of the allpowerful Princess Alexena, once Mistress of the known world. How incredibly wonderful it had been to see her naked in suspension... then...

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Coming home early Nicoles story

Author’s note: This is actually part 2 of the series. Please read ‘Coming Home Early’ to get a little more background. As always, voting and comments are greatly appreciated. This is a different type of story for me, and would like to hear what others think. Thanks. ——– Matt got out of the shower and started to dry off with his mind racing. Nicole wouldn’t tell him the rest of the story from when his boss had stopped over yesterday. Did she tell her of a promotion? A raise? That would really...

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It was a hot afternoon just like any other. I lay on the long couch in my apartment sitting room with my shirt open, trying to catch as much blowing air from my ceiling fan as I possibly could. My eyes were closed but I was far from being asleep.My eyes came open when I heard a knock on my door. I wasn't expecting any visit from anybody on that day – it was merely one of those days when I preferred being alone with myself and my thoughts. I got up and went and opened the door."Hi there, Jimmy,"...

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