Precious Turns Up the Heat
- 2 years ago
- 38
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— Note to the reader: the very first part of this story has a strong basis in true events. For that reason, I have concealed both her name as well as my own in order to preserve anonymity. I apologize if that makes certain parts a bit confusing to some readers. —
How well I remember her walking through the doors of the treatment center, in tears and trembling, her life a mess and her marriage on the rocks due to her drinking. Her husband stood next to her exuding an aura of arrogance and antipathy, his eyes like chips of ice. He was ashamed of her and she knew it. As a unit manager, my job included doing intakes and I did my best to make her feel at ease. Her eyes did not meet mine until her husband left the building. Then she broke down, sobbing uncontrollably and trembling in fear. I embraced her and held her until the sobbing ceased. Her paperwork painted a picture of a woman who, at 32 years of age, had never been on her own. She had lived with her parents until, at age 19, she married the first (and, in her mind, only) guy willing to take a chance on her.
Beauty she had – not the stunning good looks of a woman who thought highly of herself or made herself up to be someone she was not – but rather, that simple, wholesome look of a woman that had never bothered with makeup or hairstyles much less manicures and the like. There was nothing artificial or superficial about her. One look at her and you knew that her long, deep brown hair was the same color now as it had been all her life. There was no deceptive, acquired front cover with this one either. No facade of toughness or duplicity – no mysteries to be investigated – no impenetrable defensive walls to be breached. She wore her heart on her sleeve and one look into those big brown eyes revealed any unspoken feelings. Her sensitivity and vulnerability struck me forcibly.
That’s not to say she didn’t have baggage. In addition to a history of Alcoholism, she had a severe social anxiety disorder that caused her to have frequent panic attacks. But these drew me to her rather than repelled me. She was in need of constant emotional reassurance. She wasn’t, in truth, hard to settle down when these attacks came. All she needed was to be told that everything was all right and she needed to be hugged. This triggered a deep paternal instinct in me that I had never felt before. I loved her almost immediately though I told myself repeatedly that it was just that same kind of plutonic love that a person in this field of work develops for many his or her clients – the kind of love that is based on empathy and an honest desire to help those afflicted with the disease of addiction.
I am very proud to say that I maintained this lie, even to myself, for her entire month stay at the treatment center. I had always despised those men who inappropriately took advantage of vulnerable women and I would not allow myself to drop into that pitfall. Additionally, there is the matter of professional ethics. While the fact that I was not a certified counselor insulated me from the legal trouble that becoming romantically involved with a client could bring, it would still be considered highly unethical and would undoubtedly loose me my job. Finally, there was her husband, as cold and unsupportive as he was, she married him and he was true to her despite his patronizing attitude. Perhaps he held some redeemable qualities that were hidden from me. Nonetheless, I couldn’t help but think that this separation from him would be an ideal chance for her to grow as a person with an identity that was not bound to his.
And grow she did. Sure, there were times when she’d come apart … times when her anxiety would get the best of her and panic would set in. This is when she just needed to breathe, to be reassured and to be embraced. Often she would come to me at these times and, true to my conviction, I managed to keep these embraces well within limits that would be considered perfectly appropriate to any one in the field…they did not, however, feel appropriate to me. But she grew and she thrived as she learned the basics of recovery from addiction not to mention ways to manage her anxiety.
One month later she left. All the staff considered her treatment a huge success. Despite my secret grief, her leaving was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. She came to the office, checked out, gave me a spine cracking hug, kissed me on the cheek and proudly walked out the same door through which she’d so despairingly walked in just one month earlier. She was beautiful. She carried her own bags, her chin held high, and she walked right past her husband making him follow her out of the building with a perplexed look on his face. Indeed, she was not the same person who walked in crying one month before.
I took a quiet, tearful moment in the restroom and then put my business face back on and went back to the endeavors of helping the unit counselors teach addicted individuals how to live without chemicals. Her innocence and vulnerable beauty, however, remained etched in my mind and heart for a long while. Things of which I once took no notice would remind me of her: a smile from a stranger on the street, a scent of freshly washed hair unspoilt by any styling products, tears in a pair of brown eyes…the list goes on and on. The fact of the matter was that I was also no longer the same person that I was before she walked into my life. But she was gone and I could only hope that she was well. Months passed…then years and the memories began to fade.
I am a firm believer that few things, for good or ill, happen in this world by accident. I am not religious, but my own twelve years of recovery from addiction (not to mention eight years of working with other addicted people) have taught me that there does indeed seem to be a greater power at work in the cosmos. Atheists and skeptical agnostics may say that what happened was coincidence. Perhaps they are right, but I choose to believe that my walking into that recovery convention some five years later on a cool September Friday afternoon was fated.
The typical workshops and meetings were similar to the countless others that I had attended. In fact, nothing about that afternoon struck me as out of the ordinary. I arrived one hour before the first workshop, I checked into a room at the Convention Center Hotel, I registered for the workshops I intended to take in, and I attended these workshops with a attitude of patience, despite the fact that I wasn’t really hearing anything new. I had resigned myself to the monotony of these conventions that had once, some ten years back, excited me beyond my wildest dreams. I was numb to them. The dance that inevitably followed dinner was likely to be no different…the novelty of these functions had long ago worn off. I longed for the thrill of early recovery, when everything seemed new and exciting–when just being alive and drug-free was an epiphany.
I attended the dinner and was not even planning on going to the dance but reconsidered when I heard that there was going to be a live band instead of the usual DJ. I went back to my room, showered, shaved and dressed in slightly more presentable clothing. I walked into the dance and discovered, to my disappointment, that while the music was indeed live, the band seemed to be playing slightly mangled versions of the same dance music I had heard at these things a thousand times before. I cursed under my breath, “They could have at least gotten an amateur blues band or something.” I stopped just a few steps from the doorway, meaning to turn, leave the hall, and seek the quiet of my room, when someone ran into me from behind. I turned, annoyed, only to be struck dumb. A woman with a familiar face stood there blushing and trying in vain to stammer out an appropriate apology. When she recognized me, she fell silent.
It was her…but then again, it wasn’t. It was her, with her same innocence, her same vulnerability, her same revealing brown eyes,
her same natural hair, her same genuine beauty, but there was a glow about her that had not been apparent five years back … not even on the day when she left treatment. I recognized that aura immediately. It was the light that illuminates a woman who is at peace with herself and her life. It was the light that starts at some point in the recovery process and continues to grow as the person becomes aware that there is life after addiction. It was the luminescence that only shines from a person who has found joy in life’s victories and pleasures, all the while demonstrating acceptance of its sorrows. She was there…standing in front of me with that same warm smile that had pierced my heart so many times during that one short month five years prior. I had found her and I had found her doing well. It had been years since I had felt so alive.
Without uttering a word, in fact, without even thinking, I took her hand in mine and led her to a nearby empty table. Her friend, whom I hadn’t even noticed until that moment, gave her a sly smile and joined a rowdy group of dancers on the floor. For a moment that seemed like an eternity, neither of us spoke.
She was there, her long brown hair framing her soft innocent face. She was there in a gorgeous blue satin, strapless dress that revealed her delicious shoulders and neck while accentuating her soft curves to perfection. I hadn’t noticed how tall she was – perhaps because when I had known her she never really stood to her full height. She had lost none of the qualities that had endeared her to me but her newly found confidence and self-esteem shined forth from her dark eyes. If anything, the years in recovery had nurtured her more humble qualities thereby intensifying her beauty.
She spoke first and when I looked up into those honest eyes I saw tears trickling down her cheeks. However, unlike with the tearful woman whom I had admitted to treatment, she was completely unabashed by her display of feelings. There was no apology for her tears. There was no shame in her eyes.
“I wanted to tell you how grateful I am for all that you did for me…I don’t think I would have made it through treatment without your support,” she said in a soft voice that grabbed at my heart.
“No, it is I that should be grateful for it is the ones that make it…the ones like you…that make working there worthwhile,” I stammered. “I certainly don’t stay there for the lousy $9.00 and hour,” I added, vainly attempting to take some of the cheesiness out of my response.
She blushed and smiled. The tableau of silence broke and we talked and laughed and cried. We reminisced about her stay in treatment. I explained the few changes that had occurred in the place since. She told me, with relish, of her new friends she’d made in recovery. We discussed the revelations that recovery offers and the evolutions of our own emotional and spiritual selves. She told me of just about every aspect of her life that had been positively impacted by her recovery.
She still suffered from the anxiety but her friends were understanding and supported her through the panic attacks. Indeed it occurred to me that even just her being in a crowded dance hall was evidence that she was managing her anxiety with ease. It was then that our eyes met and I noticed that there was some trouble there. She never could hide her feelings, her eyes gave her away every time. It was also then that I realized that there was a very important piece of her life that she had intentionally left out of conversation. I held her eyes in mine and could tell she knew that I was onto her.
I didn’t have to ask. Tears brimmed on the edges of her eyelashes as she tumbled head long into the story of her doomed marriage. The story was typical. After a few months where it seemed that everything was fine, her husband became resentful of the time she spent at recovery meetings and functions. Despite her very honest pleading that there was nothing going on with any of them, he became jealous of the men at the meetings and the hugs they gave her. Most of all, he became angry that his primary purpose in the relationship…holding her together emotionally…was not as necessary as it once had been. He resented her newfound independence and, when she would not relinquish it, he left her. The divorce was finalized 3 years ago.
My heart leapt into my throat but I had to be careful. I knew enough about love and relationships to realize that rebounding a woman off the demise of a 15-year marriage was dangerous. Three years had passed since the divorce but there was still pain in those lovely brown eyes. I fumbled around in my mind for a sensitive, non-offensive way to word the question that I needed to ask.
“That was three years ago…do you still have that many bad feelings about it?” Needless to say, I wasn’t pleased with the way this came out. She, however, took no offense.
“Oh…it took some time…maybe a year or so…to get over the fact that he was gone. But that’s not what is bothering me now. I’ve actually come to view the divorce as the best thing to happen to my recovery, even though it was hard,” she said in a matter-of-fact sort of way, “Its just that…I’ve…well…sort of been having…some trouble with…you know…finding anyone now that I’m over him.”
At first I was astounded. She was looking down at her lap and, for a minute, I was reminded that same sorrowful woman that walked into the treatment center—shy and insecure. I let my eyes take in her delicate, sad face, her soft shapely curves, her modest, yet perfectly rounded breasts, her entire simple, elegant, unadorned, beautiful figure. Why, I asked myself, would this gorgeous woman have trouble finding a man? I looked at her again. She was not at all petite, being a bit too tall and having a little too much flesh. Nor did she have this voluptuous or athletic look that seems to be in style these days. Though she was not an ounce overweight, she had just the beginnings love handles that she, thankfully, did not try to nip, tuck, or hide in some torturous control top. Her abdomen was not perfectly flat, but rather had the very shape that you would naturally expect on a woman of her age (37 now). She was in no way overlarge or flabby or in anyway unattractive to me. She, in my eyes, was perfect—soft, simple, curvaceous, lovable and very real. Above all else, she had that beauty that could only emanate from the inside.
But then it occurred to me. It was not due to any unattractive quality in her that she had trouble finding a suitor. It was her lack of confidence in herself as a lover. Sure she has gained some self-esteem. She felt alive and useful and confident in her recovery but had never come to see herself as desirable to men. Her divorce most likely destroyed what little romantic self-image she had ever had. She wordlessly transmitted a signal to others that she was not approachable…unworthy…that she would probably dissolve into tears or would turn tail and rocket off like a deer if approached. It was her underlying fears and insecurities that stood in her way–fears and insecurities that undoubtedly were escalated by her anxiety disorder. I had this insane desire to lean over the table and kiss her full on the teeth, but I was saved from that folly by the approach of her friend.
The friend had obviously noticed my close observation of this woman’s features and I prayed she wouldn’t think I was some kind of pervert for my desires far transcended simple sexual lust. But my fear seemed to be unfounded. The friend smiled warmly at me as she informed us that she was turning in for the night. I thought that I had caught a wink of her eye as she turned to leave the hall. I looked around to find, much to my surprise, that hours had past and that the dance was starting to wind down. As if on cue, the band took up a love ballad that sounded as though it might have been a horribly tortured attempt at “Wonderful Tonight” by Eric Clapton exce
pt without lyrics as the singer, thankfully, had stepped off for a break.
All the proverbial chips were on the table and now was the time to play my hand. She was easily far enough along in her recovery to allow for romantic involvement (indeed the ethical and legal standards only demand 1 year). Furthermore, she was single and the slight trembling in her hands spoke volumes about her needs. She needed to be held and now there was little need for me to mask my own feelings toward her. She started and looked up as I abruptly stood and walked around the table to her.
“Please, dance with me,” I said, holding out my hand for her.
Her trembling increased slightly as she looked up at me and mouthed voiceless words of protest.
“I never dance…I…don’t know how…to dance…really.” She was finally able to stammer.
I took her hand, bent down and whispered in her ear, “I’ve always loved you and I just want to hold you. You can do this. It would be good for you to take this risk. Trust me as you did five years ago.”
At this she smiled and her eyes misted over. She stood slowly and I marveled again at her height. She placed both her shaking hands in mine. With teary eyes looking into mine, she whispered, “I’ve always loved you too.”
I started to tremble myself as her soft words washed over me. Almost involuntarily, I placed my arm around her shoulders and led her out onto the nearly empty dance floor. Her shaking increased dramatically once we were on the floor. Her breath was becoming shallow and fast. I could tell her heart was racing. She was nearing a panic attack, not due to me, but rather, in response to so many eyes being on her. I bid her to close her eyes and I embraced her there in front of everyone, holding her close and tight. “Nobody is judging you or I right now, and, if they are, their verdicts are irrelevant,” I whispered in her ear, “There is nothing wrong with what we are doing…nothing at all. This is our moment and the only people who matter are you and me.”
As I whispered we slowly started swaying to the sound of the music, my hands around her shapely waist and her hands around my neck. Her head was on my shoulder, tucked softly into the nape of my neck below my ear. Her soft, warm breath started to slow down, as did the desperate beating of her heart. The sweet scent of her long soft hair and her light perfume were mesmerizing as she gradually relaxed with a sigh. Her body was lithe against mine. She was soft and warm, vulnerable and fragile, and, most of all, completely open to me. Never before had any person been so precious to me as she was at that moment.
She lifted her head as if to speak but no words came and she started to look away. Tears sparkled in her eyes as I reflexively took my right hand from her waist and placed it softly on the side of her face. My fingers twined into her soft hair and, with my thumb, I gently wiped a tear from her cheek. Slowly but irresistibly, I turned her head back until our eyes met. It felt as though a hand had reached into my chest and clutched my heart. Her eyes, her mind, her face, her body, and her sweet tears: all her attributes and liabilities worked in flawless unison. She was perfect.
As the song ended, we embraced and I held her closely. As we parted, I gave in to the inevitable. I leaned into her and, before she could recoil, I kissed her softly on the lips. A sudden fear of her reaction came over me but she responded with that kindhearted smile. She blushed as I took her hand and led her off the dance floor and out the door, both of us heedless of the audience we had drawn in the dancehall. I felt a warm sensation radiating from the very center of my being.
Out in the hallway we stopped and faced each other, both her hands in mine. Thoughts raced through my mind. I certainly did not intend to ask her to my room. Pushing a premature sexual encounter with this woman would be highly unwise. It would also be totally unnecessary, at the ripe age of 33 my sex drive, while still healthy, was not the raging storm of hormones that it was some 10-15 years back. But if I could just finagle one more kiss my dreams would be sweeter that night then they had been for a number of years.
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Author's Notes by Bill Hart This was initially intended to be the second posting of the collaborative crossover set in the 'Spells R Us' and 'Altered Fates' universes written by myself and Raven. However, after finally making contact with Raven, we decided my story could be posted first, with his story becoming a prequel of sorts, instead of the lead in. Before I do anything else I would like...
–As I had mentioned at beginning of Part 1, the names of the main characters in this story have been kept anonymous due to ethical concerns. Sorry if this make parts of the story a bit hard to read. — Again in silence, we drove back to the hotel. We entered the lobby to find Gina milling around almost as though she had been waiting for us. The other girls were all sitting on one of the nearby sofas “WELL!!” she barked expectantly as we approached. I felt that a fight was about to break out as...
“I’m scared.” He was behind me and leaning over my back. His left arm wrapped around my waist, brushing my hair away from the right side of my face with his other hand, kissing my neck, giving me tender love nips on my ear, and softly said, “I am here, you are MINE, trust me, I will not leave you.” Those two simple words; trust me, played in my mind over and over again like a record on a phonograph hitting the same spot due to a scratch. I did trust him. I waited to give the person who loved...
AnalCARNIVAL OF MIRRORS: FOUR FATES By BobH (c) 2004 Cedar Junction, MA, May 16th, 1987, 2:40 pm: Hot dog franks sizzled on griddles, sugar was spun into floss and onto sticks, vendors hawked their wares. The crowds swirled around happily, shouting and laughing, unaware of the danger that lurked among them. Reed Carter rubbed his stubbled chin thoughtfully and took in the scene before him with the experienced eyes of a predator. The fair had come to town two days earlier, the rides...
Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex The men closed in on her. They were all around, everywhere she saw men. Hands pulled her skirt up to the top of her thighs. A hand reached under her dress, the man laughing. “RIPPPP.” Her blouse was ripped off and wrapped around her neck. Next her bra disappeared. Megyn felt hands grabbing her breasts. The black bitch pulled up her head. “Snow White, you get ready for some heavy ghetto fucking.” A rough hand yanked her straight up by her...
Hello, little bird. You may not know it, but we have much in common you and I. You were born to fly free on the wind, but fate has betrayed you and now you live in a gilded cage. You are cared for but still a prisoner. I wonder, do you miss flying through the clouds? Or is the golden cage your home? I ask myself this often. I am Asius, a slave to the House of Quintus Lucius Antonius, Legatus Legionis of the Legio Primigenia. As the commander of an entire Legion, General Antonius is a very rich...
After a weird sort of a breakup with Samer and even wieder oral sex with Hassan immediately after my break up, I've decided to be alone for a while. I figured it would be best for me to actually decide what to do when there is no pressure to do anything. But the pressure was there, some pressure came from Hassan who was really impatient to see me again; other sorts of pressure were mostly self imposed. The only place no pressure came from was from Samer.But, let me rewind this story a little...
Hello, little bird. You may not know it, but we have much in common you and I. You were born to fly free on the wind, but fate has betrayed you and now you live in a gilded cage. You are cared for but still a prisoner. I wonder, do you miss flying through the clouds? Or is the golden cage your home? I ask myself this often.I am Asius, a slave to the House of Quintus Lucius Antonius, Legatus Legionis of the Legio Primigenia. As the commander of an entire Legion, General Antonius is a very rich...
BDSMFor a long time I have known that I was not like other guys. My first gym shower showed me that, the black guys cocks the size of grown men at age of 17. I sat and watched, trying not to stare as they walked past me cocks swinging from side to side huge balls, my God huge fucking balls mine looked nothing like these cocks. My first contact came by accident I was playing basketball with a couple of black guys, trying to guard this guy he dunked on me his big dick smacked me in the face as the...
Matty got up much earlier than usual for a Saturday morning. Slowly Matty stumbled into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. As she left the bathroom, she noticed Derrick was in the study on the computer. They were the only ones at home. “Hey Derrick, where is everyone?” Matty’s voice surprised Derrick, she usually would still be asleep for a few more hours.Derrick smiled at his younger step sister. What a beautiful and sexy woman she had grown to become. She was 20 and he was 22...
WYATT'S FATE by J R D Trisha Colton ran into the office of Emily Drasberg, ignoring the protests of the secretary who tried unsuccessfully to interpose herself between Trisha and the office door. Trisha stopped cold when she saw Emily. The woman was fantastic! A platinum blonde bombshell with breasts that could've been on a centerfold in one of those "Juggs" type magazines. They must've been an F cup at least. Trisha had always been predominately attracted to men, but this...
Disclaimer: The following story contains numerous adult themes, including, but not limited to, cross-dressing, BDSM, forced sex. It is a work of fiction and any resemblance between any of the characters and anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Again, this story is intended for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. If you are offended by any of the preceding words, please do not read on. Thank you. Nina's Fate by Nina ...
Howie's Fate Howard Hessman has a fight with Nicole and he is given a lesson on life. Nicole was in a foul mood. She had a fight with Howie the night before that ended with the both of them splitting up. She thought she could get it out of her system by doing a workout on the unarmed combat course. Needless to say, it failed to do anything. Except to give her a sore arm. The nightstick drills also failed to do make her feel better. She wanted to talk to Bobbie, but Bobbie was in...
HITCHHIKERS FATE By The Ghe It has been a challenging but exciting few months for me. Last summer, I had gone off with almost no preparation or warning into the wilds of the United States, leaving behind all my cares and worries. My name is unimportant, because all I have wanted is freedom from myself, and the prison of office life I had spent years building around me. Most of the time I was able to find my way walking or catching a bus in the suburbs, but lately, I've had to spend...
Wishes of Fate An old shaggy man greeted us when my wife and I entered the tattered old shop, a door down off LeGrand Street. Looking back it seems odd how this old place was open so late at night or early in the morning as it was nearly 3am Saturday. My wife (Teresa) and I had been out drinking and partying since early Friday evening. To say the least by this point we were both feeling quite intoxicated. "Hello and welcome, I am Bill the proprietor of this fine shop." ...
Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate Chapter 1 - Rise and Shine! A piercing, ear shattering scream filled the room I was in. I couldn't quite place the voice at first, as I struggled to make sense of it all, but it didn't take long for me to feel the vibrations in my throat and the hear the sound coming emanating from my mouth for me to understand that I was the one who was screaming. A very GIRLY, high-pitched scream. Let me rewind a bit for a second here. You see, the reason why...
Shishio: Now what would a whipped dog be doing here all by himself? Houji:... A whipped dog. Yes, as Lord Shishio says. Shinomori Aoshi! You've already lost to Himura! Your time to fight is over! How dare you show your face here! Get out! Aoshi: It is as you say, Houji. If you call me a whipped dog, I cannot deny it. But Battousai accepted a challenge from this whipped dog without trying to get out of it, and lost strength by taking unnecessary wounds. This, too, is truth I cannot...
“Almost there,” Alyssa said, glancing up at the Sector Map. She leaned forward to tap an icon on John’s console and switched the holographic display to the local System Map for a clearer view. The Invictus raced towards the gravity well of a red dwarf star, where the Brimorians had deployed a temporary comms beacon. It was the last link in a communications chain that snaked across the Kintark Empire to the Enclave border, allowing the armada to keep in contact with Deep Lord Athgiloi. John...
If Marina had gone straight back to her hotel, then that would have been the end of this story. But Marina did not go back to her hotel. Instead she decided to visit Mr Marcelinus, whose invitation to the pair three years ago had been the start of the nightmare of Angelina's disappearance. She had the address and had little difficulty finding the house, which was a villa in its own grounds and very grand if dilapidated. She rang the bell and a maid let her in. Mr Marcelinus came out of a...
Although it’s a cliché, it was love at first sight. Emma was 16 and Ray almost seven years her senior. They married a year later and began their lives together. As the years passed they lived ordinary lives, purchased a house then a larger one after the two sons arrived and settled into a busy but comfortable life. The boys grew up, married and left home and they were just a couple once again. They were both virgins when they married and their sex life was ordinary but frequent. Emma...
EroticNote : This story is completely fictional! Zoe, Liz and Jilly wandered down the hill from Liz's home overlooking the Portuguese beach. Zoe and her big sister and niece turned a few heads of the locals as they headed for the beaches only restaurant for brunch. Sunny beaches and golden sands were a theme throughout the sisters lives. Their father had been a servicemen and they't been service 'brats@ brought up on the move on dads overseas postings. Zoe a career woman was at the end of a months...
EroticAlexis hurried to the kitchen to grab the phone and stop the annoying, continual ringing. “Hello?” Alexis mumbled into the phone. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for almost a hour now!” Sandi, a good friend of Alexis’s said in her usual cheery voice. “So I’ve heard.” “I see you’re still in a bad mood?” Sandi asked. “I am not in a bad mood,” Alexis snapped. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “I’m sorry Sandi.” “Don’t worry about it, I’m used to it,” she said in a quiet...
-Lewis Carroll, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" *** "I know people are afraid of me," Lily said. "And I understand why. So I won't take it personally if you prefer not to work with me directly." Ashe's pen scratched across her notebook. She looked up only occasionally. The room was blank, white, antiseptic, marked only by the dull sheen of the one-way mirror. Lily wore a hospital gown; it was the smallest size the clinic had but it hung off her like a sail. She had electric...
Our vacation was non-stop sex with all sorts of girls and some guys. The first week passed by as a blur of bodies in our cottage, mostly naked. Sapphire was fantastic to have around, as sometimes I'd fuck her holes while we watched Ruby and Diamond with whoever they brought back to the cottage. One time we had a nice orgy of all girls going on while keeping the blinds open on the window and we had all of the boyfriends and husbands watch. The girls also tried out several cocks, and we...
Well after the Sybian Night at the strip club success, the owner begged us to do another due to demands from customers, so we did another but featuring Diamond as the center of attention, and we pulled nearly $40,000 profit for ourselves that night, a couple weeks after the first one. We also came up with plans to have a monthly 'party' that guaranteed me a nice monthly bonus, so i was looking forward to hosting that. The girls and I ended up booking a 3 week vacation at a big resort in...
Chapter 2 - Diamond With Ruby's promise of a surprise that night, I of course came back to the strip club again. I arrived about 9:30pm and was enjoying the stage shows and seeing the pretty girls walking around. I had to turn down several girls offers to provide me with their lapdance services. I didn't see any sign of Ruby, and I hoped that I wouldn't be let down. Then a few minutes after 10pm, after the latest naked girl left the stage, the DJ came on to announce the next dancer....
“I’m scared.” He was behind me and leaning over my back. His left arm wrapped around my waist, brushing my hair away from the right side of my face with his other hand, kissing my neck, giving me tender love nips on my ear, and softly said, “I am here, you are MINE, trust me, I will not leave you.” Those two simple words, trust me, played in my mind over and over again like a record on a phonograph hitting the same spot due to a scratch. I did trust him. I waited to give the person who loved...
Hello everyone.. I am Jaggannath from Bengaluru.. I am 28 years old.. I am average looking guy with 6feet height and average body.. Any horny girls/aunties can contact my mail for friendship and more.. This is my first story in ISS and a real one which took place almost 3 years ago and continued till she got married last year.. This incident is between me and my cousin Preethi.. She is one year elder to me.. When this incident took place, I was 24 and she was 25.. We both were close among all...
IncestWe moved upstate just in time for school to start. I began the seventh grade in a completely new setting. Country life was all I knew. Life in the suburbs was a huge culture shock. On the first day of school I was dressed like I was ready to buck some hay into the barn. Picked on and humiliated, I spent the remainder of the day after school in my room crying. My ass-kissing brother fit right in. He was instantly in the “popular” crowd and was out with his new friends. My mother, Anna, came...