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Day Thirty-six, 8:49 AM

I had just reloaded the rifle, when three more of the Neanderthals stepped around the building. I was surprised by what was in their hands, but I moved before they did! I grabbed both girls and hurled them to the ground, as the Neanderthals opened fire. Rolling to the right, I was trying to bring my rifle up, when Jane opened up with her Marlin. The first man went down. I fired twice, and the last two men flew backwards as the rounds hit them.

"Get in the cave and close the door!" I shouted.

I ran for the barn as two more men stepped around with M-16s. I fired before they could spot me. The first one flew backwards and Jane and I both hit the second one. The girls ran for the door, and slipped inside.

I ran down the length of the barn and peeked around the building. Bakai was lying on the ground, groaning. A knife was in her stomach.

Looking around, I saw three more of the Neanderthals running away. Taking aim at the first one, I fired. He went flying as the bullet hit him in the spine. The other two continued running. I let them go, as they were out of range. I looked around for any more danger.

I looked slowly around for any movement. Not seeing anything, I knelt beside Bakai and checked her over. She was crying in pain.

I touched her cheek and said, "Bakai! Hold on, love. I will get you into the cave and Jane will help you."

Stepping to the corner I saw Jane, Charlene and Kari standing there with AK-47s. I shouted out to them.


They came running, and I watched for any more surprises, when they reached me, Jane handed me her AK-47, and knelt beside Bakai, while Charlene stripped the weapons off of the dead. Naomi and Kat ran outside, and over to us. They helped with removing the guns and ammo off of the dead, while I turned to Jane.

"James, carry her to the RV, I have my surgical set up inside the garage part," Jane said as she stood up and took her gun back, and my M-1.

I bent down and gently lifted Bakai. We walked swiftly to the garage. We stepped in, and Charlene and Kari slammed the doors closed as we walked over to the RV. Naomi was already lowering the tail of the RV and I walked right up and set her on the sterilized table. Charlene came in behind me, and went into the living area with Jane, where they stripped down and pulled on surgical garb. I was running my fingers along Bakai's cheek and I kissed her.

"James. Out!" Jane said as she came in and went to the glass medicine cabinet and pulled out a vial and needle. Turning she hit the button on the garage door.

I nodded my head and walked down the rising ramp as it started rising. It snapped shut after I had exited, and the AC came on. I went into the house to change as the girls gathered to wait for some word about Bakai. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up.

Coming out, I checked with the girls and nothing was heard yet, so with Naomi, Kari's and Kats help I lowered the first of the two ultralights. We pushed it out the door. I then went back to the armory. I came out with a backpack of hand grenades, two of the AK-47s, a web belt, ten clips, a hand held radio, and a pack with three MREs in it. Handing the three empty canteens to Kari she took off as I went to the plane. I loaded the rifles and hung one on the left side of the seat. I placed the other in the passenger seat. I draped the strap over the back of the seat to keep it in place. Both would be in easy reach when I flew the plane. I placed the pack on the back of my seat. The grenades went on the passenger seat and I put the seatbelt through the backpack's straps.

Kari came back and handed me the canteens. I stuffed them in the pack. I kissed each one of the girls.

"I love you all," I said. "Do what Kari says until Jane comes out. I have the radio set for channel three. The base is set for the same. I will also have the helmet phone on. If everything goes ok, I should be back in about an hour."

"Kill them, James. Finish this and come back to us," Kari said.

"Love you, Daddy," Noka and Kai said at the same time, as David and Donna hugged my legs. Returning the hugs, I kissed all of them and shooed them back inside. Pulling the door closed, I went to the ultralight, and climbed in. It had been years since I had flown one, but the controls were similar to the one I had flown before. Starting the engine, I pressed the throttle to full. I quickly began moving down the asphalt road that Kalib gave us.

I reached take off speed, lifted off into the air and started climbing. I was keeping an eye out for any of the giant birds that had attacked me before, as I gained altitude. I was over the river and had just reached one hundred feet.

The view was breathtaking. The waterfall to the north plunged over eight hundred feet to the valley floor that we lived in, and the rainbow was huge.

Banking south, a frown came to my face as I flew over the forest and headed for the ramp we had come down, after rescuing David and Donna. I knew that was where they had to have come from, but the question was, how fast could they run? I climbed to over five hundred feet above the ground. I pulled the binoculars out of the case that was pre-attached to the side of the pilot's chair, and looked down. I was scanning but couldn't see them as I flew along. Turning more southerly, thinking they had come from further down the valley, I flew until I spotted movement. I focused on the two men running. I dove down towards them as I pulled the right side AK-47 off of the chair.

Taking aim, I fired at the first man and missed as they separated. Banking around I took aim for one that was running for the forest and fired again. The second burst missed and I flew back around and dropped to the deck. The man was running all out and I fired. One of the rounds from the burst clipped him in his leg and he went down hard. Coming back around, I reached over and pulled one of the grenades out. I dropped it as I flew by. The explosion picked the man up and hurled him several feet as I went past him.

With a snarl I said, "That's one of you fuckers."

I turned the plane and changed the clip, then banked around. I headed back towards the other one, and looked for him. I flew over the ramp, and he wasn't on it so I dropped altitude, and went looking over the plains. I zigzagged as I searched for ten minutes, and I couldn't find him.

Unknowingly, I had over flown him three times while I was looking. He was lying between some boulders along the cliff wall. He watched me fly away.

I turned and scouted down the valley. As I flew along, I spotted a side valley and decided I would check it out.

I would later call it the Valley of Bones, after what I found. Flying over the valley floor, I saw hundreds of skeletons, from mastodons to buffalo. Even the grass looked sickly.

I was about half way down the valley when I almost crashed into the ground. Sitting in the middle of the valley was the shattered remains of what looked like an American A-4E Skyhawk aircraft. I recognized the plane because I had built one. What confused me was all the death. I dropped lower, and flew over the aircraft. That was when I noticed the large bomb, which was broken into several pieces. Everything that was around it, was dead.

I knew what the bomb was, because I had seen enough of pictures of them with my dad being in the Navy, stationed onboard a carrier. I was looking at a B43 nuclear warhead. How it got here, I didn't know. However, I did notice that the fourteen-foot weapon was broken into three pieces.

Banking hard, I climbed and headed back down the valley, with a prayer that I hadn't gotten a dose of radiation. I banked south, with a shiver going down my back, and flew out into the main valley.

I was still looking for trouble and keeping an eye on my fuel gage when I spotted the next pair of valleys. Turning, I went up and over a small outcropping of rock and into the first valley.

I noticed smoke in the distance, and overflew the first of five camps of Cro-Magnons. They were pointing at me and thrusting up into the air with their spears but I ignored them. Turning, I flew back out of the valley and darted south again towards the other valley entrance.

Going in, I noticed the valley was narrower and the wings barely fit through the opening as I flew. The valley entrance twisted and turned, eventually I broke out into a valley that was very large and I started scouting it. There were lots of fruit trees growing here. They looked like apples, oranges, and some pear trees. The girls would love fresh fruit, as some looked ready for picking. Flying towards the northern section I flew over what I thought was grass but was about nine feet tall and realized it was wild corn.

Dropping down to ten feet I was looking at the hundreds of ears of corn when I jerked the wheel back and climbed quickly. I just missed what was a tail of a plane sticking out of the cornfield and I circled around. Looking down, I spotted five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers and a PBM-5 Mariner sitting in the center of the corn. They looked brand new and I wished I could land and examine them, but there was no place to do so.

As I continued circling, I spotted the remains of another plane further up the valley and I flew over to it. I saw that it was a giant cargo plane. The hull looked intact, but the tail and the wings were snapped off. The engines were missing, and I wondered what had happened to them. Turning, I headed back to the entrance and out over the main valley.

Turning a little south, I flew out and over the lower valley. I spotted thousands of animals and about a dozen tribes of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. I flew back up over the encampment, and another waterfall that was about a hundred feet high. Flying up the river, I spotted more game and more danger in the form of tigers, lions and several saber tooth tigers. I was flying towards home when the radio crackled to life.

"James, are you ok?" Jane asked.

Pressing the mike on the helmet I responded, "Yes, I am. How's Bakai?"

"James, it will be touch and go for awhile. I haven't done surgery on a human patient in years, but I think she will be ok. We just have to keep her in bed," Jane said.

"Thank God. I got one more of the bastards, but one got away," I said.

"Ok, we will deal with it when we can. Find anything?" Jane asked.

"You're not going to believe the shit I just found. I'm landing, be there soon," I said as I brought the plane down on the road.

Taxiing up to the cave doors, the dogs were going ballistic. I knew I needed to take them out and let them run and play. Shutting the engine down, my family came out to greet me. I kissed each of my wives and then held my children. I noticed all the adults were carrying firearms. I approved! I was going to make sure everyone knew what they were doing with them.

Handing the guns and grenade back to Kari, I said, "Take this to the armory for me. I want to see Bakai."

"Sure, love," Kari said.

"Forget it," Jane said. "She's sleeping and I want her to sleep. I'm glad Kalib supplied some fake blood for us. She needed three bags of it while I sewed up her insides."

"Fake blood?" I asked.

"Yes, it's some type of chemical that works like human blood. Kalib gave us five boxes of 500 units of them. The good thing is, it doesn't have to be refrigerated. You just add water with a syringe, and shake it. Then you hook it up to a person and it's like whole blood," Jane repined as we walked into the garage.

"Cool, I'm glad he supplied it," I said as I thought to myself, 'Now if we can get him to clean up the radiation in one of the valleys, I would be even happier.'

We walked into the RV, and I peeked in at Bakai. She was sound a sleep with Charlene sitting beside her, reading a book.

Charlene smiled at us, and I walked over and kissed her. I kissed Bakai on her forehead, and we walked out to let her heal.

We went out and I said, "She looked so weak."

"James, she was badly hurt. I just wish I had better medical equipment, but I didn't think of getting medical equipment just for us. I grabbed equipment that could work on both animals and humans," Jane replied as we walked out of the RV and headed for the living area.

Sitting down in the living room, I held Bakai's children when they climbed onto my lap. The kids fell asleep, as I started talking.

"Jane, we have a major problem," I said.

I moved Noka off my lap and then did the same to Kai. Covering both of them we went over to the other couch and sat down. I booted up my laptop computer, which was sitting on the coffee table.

"What type of problem?" Jane asked.

"There is a valley to the south of us, it is filled with dead animals, I guess you could call it the Valley of Bones," I replied as I brought up a picture of a B54 nuclear weapon.

"What would do that?" Kari asked as she brought over a pitcher of lemonade and glasses.

"This," I said as I turned the screen so they could see the picture.

Both of them looked at the picture, and Jane's skin went pale under her tan as she looked at me.

"Yes. A nuclear bomb. And there is an airplane crashed right beside it," I said.

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NonStop Service Part 8

We walked through the airport attached at the hip. My hand was on Syd’s ass and her hand was on my ass. We didn’t care who looked and who didn’t.  We were enjoying each other’s company without a care in the world. We only care about each other at this point in time.  We got to the gate and went through security and got ready to head out to our private plane. Sydnee stopped suddenly in the hallway.“Syd, what’s wrong?” Syd looked at me and she looked like she was going to have a breakdown and...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Sucking a complete stranger

One night, maybe 6 months ago, I was checking Doublelist for men to suck. It was getting late and I was needing to be used even more than normal.I came across this guy who seemed interested so I chatted him up. We talked about me sucking him and what he was going to do to me. After a while, him being non-committal, I asked him if he was going to let me suck him or not. He had been going back and forth, seeming interested and then being hesitant. He told me he had a girlfriend but he wanted a...

1 year ago
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Udays Toy ft Anna KournikovaChapter 4 Dinner For One

Wrong on both accounts, Anna! The young Russian produced a long-winded sigh of disappointment when that realization was her first coherent thought after waking up... Initially, she had kept her eyes closed. Afraid to find out that the 'bad dream' theory would be falsified. But that ostrich tactic didn't help much; even through closed eyes, the bright morning sun woke her up like the day before, and was evidence enough in itself that she was not in her own bedroom at home. She stared...

4 years ago
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First Experience Part 2

John told me to kneel at Mary’s head and face him so I could watch as he fucked her. My balls were touching the top of Mary’s head and my stiff cock was pointing at John. He leaned forward so his face was just above Mary’s and took my cock in his mouth. He stopped fucking his wife but stayed inside her as he moved his mouth up and down on my dick. This was a first for me and I wasn’t sure how to react. It felt good. No different from another woman. Mary reached up and placed her hands behind...

1 year ago
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The exchage program

It all began after the year-end exams. I was 18 at that time, and I had knocked into a fellow student while pondering my next chemistry project. I was mesmerised. I had seen her before; Alicia was one of the students at the literature class. She didn't have the largest breasts, however they were perfect and perky. She had long brown hair, always with a smile and always at the gym. It was that day that changed everything. I got to know her more, eating lunch and hanging out... March 11th, one...

3 years ago
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Thats What Friends are For

“It’s John Anderson! IT’S JOHN BLEEDING ANDERSON!” my mind crowed while my stomach turned cart wheels. The mad woman was running round inside my head again and I prayed that she’d keep her damned voice down before he heard. John’s arm was round my waist and his hand was resting lightly on my hip. I glanced round the table in the social club that my school friends and I were sitting at and and breathed easier. Nobody was staring aghast at me so I guessed that my internal-idiot hadn’t given the...

3 years ago
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Saving AmandaChapter 2

I’ve done all I can for her with my limited medical supplies. My radio tower and satellite dish were both knocked out by the storm and there’s no way to send for a rescue helicopter. At least her vitals are normal, her breathing is steady, and she’s resting well. When I first discovered her, I thought she was dead. I shot that bear five times before it stopped trying to get back on its feet. I had to roll him off her to check for a pulse. She was nearly naked, and bloody as hell as I lifted...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Aunty My Sex Goddess

This is my 1st story, I have been reading ISS since a long time. This story is about how I lost my virginity to aunty after so much hard work. First let me introduce myself, am Zayn from Kerala, 18 years old. I am football player so I have an athletic body and a good 6 inch dick. I am an aunty lover, I love aunties with big boobs. Now am coming to the story. Sorry forgot to introduce the heroine; her name is Sajna (fake name). She is in her early 30’s, am not sure about her figure but her boobs...

2 years ago
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All holes filled

Hi as some of you know from Mike’s stories I’m Chris; since he put the first story of how I became the slutty wife many of you think I am I’ve enjoyed reading them online. Sam and Ben were at first a little pissed but seeing the read count has given us all a buzz. One thing about me and Mike is that I might not tell him straight away what’s happened but he knows as soon as. Anyhow Mike suggested I use the logon as this was my story so here goes. Our neighbours Bill and Chris have a corner...

4 years ago
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Leather Armchair

Julia wrote: Becky, my pussy is so warm and juicy this evening. Don’t you wish you could be here with me? I’d instruct you to make me a cafetiére of hot, strong coffee and bring it to me with a slab of dark chocolate. I’d sit in my brown leather armchair with you kneeling at my feet. Hold on. I’m going upstairs to change. You must stop reading this e-mail for 5 minutes and wait for me. Start timing now, no peeking. Hi. I’m back now. Look at the pictures to see what I’m wearing. Hasn’t the...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor Computer Tech

The Neighbor Computer Tech She was crying when she knocked on my door. I recognized her as the woman from next door so I opened my door and invited her in. Between the sobbing and the crocodile tears she managed to tell me that she had broken her husband’s computer and that he would kill her. She begged me to fix it for her. I told her that I would have a look at it. She also said that if he ever found out that I had touched his precious computer that he would kill me too. I was not...

3 years ago
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A Weekend with my Big Sister Part Two

We woke around 10 am. Georgia got up first; I heard her go through to the loo. Through the bathroom door she’d neglected to close, I heard her pissing loudly into the bowl. After a stream lasting almost a minute, I concluded she’d been a bit desperate. Two minutes later she came into the bedroom with a glass brimful of orange juice and placed it on the dressing table beside the purply pink vibrator she’d used on me earlier. She gave my shoulder a shake.“Come on, Jay, its ten already, here’s...

1 year ago
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White Briefs

I had been sent to an all boy's school. All of the boys in the cottage I was placed in were 16-18 years old, some just got bad grades, some had a run in with the law... some just had no where else to go. I was brought to the school by our town's juvenile officer. I was a "problem" child, I guess. I missed a lot of school, got poor grades and didn't "fit in" with the crowd, this lead to fights, mostly me just getting my ass kicked. The school looked like some little prep school for rich kids,...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Twelve

Thanks to Charlie for your guidance, advice and editing skills. They both disappeared into the shower together and by the sounds of the moans emanating from the shower there was more than washing going on in there. They both reappeared red faced and flushed. I laughed. "You girls need another shower, a cold one might be more appropriate though." I couldn't believe how easy it was, I was expecting jealousy and uncomfortable silence, but this was nice, Alecia seemed different,...

2 years ago
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Erotic SnippetsChapter 10

‘We’re going to the movies now?’ I said dubiously. ‘What are we, like, a couple?’ ‘God, Willow,’ Jesse said. ‘I thought you were good at math. There’s three of us. We can’t be a couple. A couple means two.’ I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder in response to his stupid quip. ‘What’s wrong with the movies?’ Myles asked, grabbing my eraser and tossing it from hand to hand. We were walking through the hallway after class was through, getting ready to go home. ‘We’re all still friends,...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriend madd Me a Sissy Part3

Here's the 3rd part of my story, I hope I didn't make you guys wait toolong. Hope you enjoy, its best read one handed ;-)My Girlfriend Made Me a Sissy - Part 3-------------------------------------------------I lay on Jess' bed waiting for her and wondering what would happen forages. She was in another room getting ready for her new lover, I wasalready dressed up. Pale blue, see through panties and matching bra, ashort black skirt and a blue vest top. With my make up done to show off mypretty...

1 year ago
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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 22

On May the 10th 1940 Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and France were invaded by German forces. The 'phoney war' was over. The Dutch capitulated in 4 days, the Belgians two weeks later. France would last a little longer, just 47 days. Much has been written and analyzed about the speed of the collapse. Exaggerrated claims have been made, and are still being made, of the complete superiority of the German armour, both numerically and tactically, and even that the Wehrmacht far outnumbered their...

2 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 41 The Trail Ices Over

The trail in their search for their escaped guest had gone cold. The promise of the possible identification of their missing man a few weeks earlier had grown cold the night of the massive gang war shootout at the hotel a few miles north of Fort Sam Houston. Using a recreation of the escape, the Criminal Investigations Division – Special Investigations unit found a link from the exit of the base grounds out to a local Walmart. There, the main subject was seen on security footage purchasing...

3 years ago
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The Best Cuckolding Experience In Bangalore

Hi everyone. This is Yash, back with a new sex story. Firstly I would like to thank everybody for your overwhelming response and looking forward to hearing from you this time as well. I thank Indian sex stories for the great stuff you do as well. I am a 25-year-old male from Bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive and absolutely love hooking up with women online. All those people out there who think that a guy who watches their lady with another man cannot fuck her or cannot...

1 year ago
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My Girl and Me

As she lowered her pussy down, my lips immediately found her clit and my hands grabbed her ass cheeks to hold her to me. I knew she went wild when I got after her clit, so I concentrated on it with lips, tongue and teeth, teasing her unmercifully by alternating the attack on her sensitive bud. I would suck on it, and then flick it with my tongue, stopping that to next dip to her pussy to lick up some of her juices and taste the sweetness of her before again returning to her clit to nibble on...

1 year ago
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More fun with Jenny

Note : This story is completely fictional! "Ohhh daddy please don't cum yet," Jennifer screamed as she rode her father's cock. "Don't worry sweetie. I got something special planned for my little slut of a daughter tonight." "Really daddy. What are you going to do to me?" She thrust herself harder against his cock. Her pussy throbbing with another orgasm building up. "You are going to have to cum first sweetie. Cum on you daddys big cock has he pounds your tight pussy." Jenny pounded harder and...

2 years ago
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Dad and me Tonight after dinner, I called out to my dad: " Dad, I want to talk to you about something in the lounge privately, is that OK?" He replied: "By all means, let us." We adjourned to the lounge where one of our servants brought us each a drink and then left. "What is it my son?" "Dad, can I be open and honest with you about everything?" "Of course you can, my son" "I have noticed that your wives are seeming to be neglected sexually and they seem to be...

3 years ago
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sister inlaw part 2

Sorry the delay in completeing the story. Cause I aways wanted to see your cock. Lise apporched me put her hand on my cock over my shorts and kissed me. her hands rubbing my cock make it hard in seconds.I pushed her away saying this isn't right, your drunk and my sister in-law, and you just turned 18. So she says, I see the way you've been looking at me. tell me that you have never fantazied about me and I will stop right now, cause i have fantazied about you ever since i say your cock 2...

3 years ago
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Happily Ever After Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Cable Car Tuesday ran away from me. Wednesday we finished up the outside painting. I was anxious to get to work on the interior. I kept careful notes about the number of hours that Aunt Melissa put in. I attempted to pay her at the rate of ten dollars per hour. She laughed at me and told me to put my money away. Dumb struck, I didn't know what else to do so I followed her instructions. We brought the ladders back inside and I began...

2 years ago
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Out of My Hands

Not being in control has its merits!The summer before we left for college had been filled with sexual experimentation.  I had been masturbating, as all healthy males do, for some time.  It was gratifying but was still only a solo experience. We would do some heavy petting, some touchy-feely, but that was as far as it went. In the privacy of my room, I would relive our experiences and perfect my technique. Sometimes just stroking, other times frenulum play, always adding to my self-pleasure with...

1 year ago
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Market ForcesChapter 2 An Organisation

I looked again at the photographs. I'd often fantasised about having Rebecca like that but somehow things had never worked out that way. I handed the photographs back to Clegg. "There's only one trouble with your suggestion though," I said as I pulled an envelop from my own jacket, took out the sheet of paper within and handed it to Clegg. He peered at it and read it out laughing, "Rebecca, I'm sorry. This will be a shock but there's no easy way to say it. I think we should end it....

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