HealerChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 18
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Kat stirred before opening her eyes. The last thing that she remembered was watching a presentation for the Renewal Festival. Oh no! The meeting! She looked around wildly. She had fallen asleep during Charlie's council meeting! What an idiot she was!
"Calm down, Kitty-kat." Charlie's voice was sleep roughened. She realized then that she was snuggled into his lap like a small puppy.
"I fell asleep."
"Yes, you did," he agreed as he pulled her closer. "Are you still tired?"
"Ah..." she looked around the room nervously, noting the dimly lit surroundings.
"Well, I could use another hour of sleep, myself." He rested his head on top of hers.
"I have things to do!" she squeaked as she wiggled off his lap. She winced when she felt the cool floor under her bare feet. She looked around frantically for her missing shoes. She finally saw them resting on the floor next to his chair. "My shoes!"
"Yes. I took them off. I assumed you would be more comfortable without them." Charlie explained. "Come back here. We don't have anything that is pressing." He held his hand out, his posture relaxed and his eyes sleepy as he reclined in the huge chair. Evidently she wasn't the only one that had dozed off.
"My lessons!" she protested as she slid her shoes on and backed towards the door.
"I've been meaning to speak to you about that, Katrina," he sighed before rising.
"What about it?" she twisted her fingers nervously.
"I know that you need to take these lessons before you can be registered; and as our future queen, you have to be registered but once these lessons are done, I don't want to ever see you using magic."
"What?" she growled as her back stiffened.
"You don't understand, Katrina. I won't have a wife that has uses her power against me. My first wife was a master at using her power to her advantage and my disadvantage. But not this time! This time I will be the dominant one in our marriage."
"So you are judging me because your first wife was a bitch. I won't even go into how unfair that is, Charlie. But no one said that we had to get married. In fact, I never planned on marrying any man, let alone a king from another world. I guess being a king's mistress is more than most women could hope for." She laughed bitterly. "Believe it or not, Charlie, I came here to escape this very thing on Earth. Did you know that they lock up children that have "powers" on Earth?"
Charles paled.
"You mean that you were..." Emotion flared in his eyes.
"It doesn't matter, Charlie. Forget I said anything. The last thing I want from you is pity. I'll be your chosen, since Rand left us no option on that score. I'll do my duties as such but other than that I believe that we would best be suited to live separate lives." Kat turned to leave the meeting hall.
"I don't think you understand, Katrina. There is no such thing as living separate lives, when you have a chosen. Once we bond, Kat, and believe me we will, there is no going back. I won't be able to survive without you."
"Find a way because I won't marry a man that refuses to accept all of me." Kat opened the suite's door and left closing it firmly.
Charles stood by the table as he watched the door close behind his chosen. In frustration, he slammed his hand against the table. He barely felt the pain in his knuckles as he broke the skin. It had definitely not gone as he had hoped. In fact, he was in a worse position than he had been earlier.
Turning, he hit a button on the communications console. Immediately Councilor Dean's voice filled the room.
"I need to talk to you, Dean."
"I'll be right there, Charles."
A few minutes later, Stephan walked back into the meeting hall. He noticed that the king was standing at the window by himself.
"What is it?"
"What do you know about Kat's background?" he finally asked without turning around.
"Not much. I know she came back with Prince Randall. She lived in North America, the United States, I believe."
"I need you to do some digging, Stephan. Find out everything you can about her. I want to know where she grew up and her family."
"If I'm not out of line here, Charles, wouldn't it be better to just ask her?" Stephan offered. It seemed like a sure recipe for disaster.
"She won't speak of it. Plus I want you to find out Earth's customs on Magic."
"All right. Give me a couple of days and I'll have everything you want."
"Thank you, Stephan. But before you leave, I want to talk to you about something else." He turned around and walked towards Stephan.
"What?" Stephan asked as he observed the tension in the other man.
"My mother. I want to know your intentions, Councilor."
"I was wondering when you would notice." Stephan sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"It's quite obvious to anyone that is in the same room with the both of you."
"Charles, I won't lie to you. Your mother is a special woman and I've ignored the need to claim her for many years. First, I was married and then she was grieving for your father. But I think back now and realize that I let a good thing slip away. And I'm trying to recapture it."
"So you are trying to make up for lost time?"
"Yes and no. I'm definitely trying to make up for the time that we've lost but that's not all that's involved. You know that I never bonded with my wife? It was because I knew that she wasn't my chosen. "My other half." The first time I laid eyes on your mother was at my wedding reception. It was then that I realized who my chosen really was — because the first time I touched her - I knew I had made a horrible mistake. But I had given my oath to Hope and I am a man of honor."
"So you stayed in a marriage that was a sham?" Charles looked at him with a look of disbelief. Divorce wasn't common on Venus but it did happen.
"No not a sham. Hope did everything she could to be a wonderful wife to me. And I tried to be the best husband I could be. But I knew that something was missing. I was content and I'm sure that I made Hope happy. Then came her death in the accident. Now finally your mother has come out of her own grieving and I'm not going to wait any longer. She's my chosen and I can't, no, I won't let her walk away again."
"So you intend on bonding with my mother."
"Yes I do, just as soon as I can convince her." Stephan said determinedly.
"I wish you the best, Stephan. I know my mother. She is a stubborn woman."
"No more stubborn than your soon-to-be wife."
"If I can get the ring on her finger. She just informed me that we aren't getting married. She'll be my mistress, though, if I want. And she's prepared to fulfill the duties of chosen but thinks that we are going to live separate lives."
"What! Has anyone explained to her what being a chosen entails?" Stephan stared at him in shock.
"I doubt it. She has seen Rand and Gracie together, along with Jonathan and Patience but I don't believe anyone has gone in depth with her about exactly what it means. I tried to tell her about the real meaning of 'bonding' but I don't think she understood."
"Then show her." Stephan advised.
"I plan on it." Charles smiled in anticipation.
Gracie studied the man that was kneeling in front of the fire, coaxing it to life. They had been moving around every day. She assumed that it was to keep Rand from tracking them. Philip seemed to be a decent enough wizard. He was constantly making sure that she was comfortable; but the fact that he had kidnapped her was a 'sore spot' between them. She knew that if she weren't so far along in her pregnancy, she would have escaped the first night. She had more than ample ability and power to overpower the young wizard. But in her advanced state, she figured it would be better to stay with Philip until her husband came.
"I'm surprised that you don't have a spell to start the fire."
"I don't ever use fire spells." Philip said harshly, pain evident in his eyes as the fire flared in front of him.
"I just don't. Leave it at that!" He turned away from her, picking up the trail food. Placing the tinned meat in the small pan, he moved it over the flickering fire.
Gracie sighed and tried to find a more comfortable position as she sat awkwardly on the ground. Philip looked over at her. He walked over to the zephti and pulled off his bedroll and hers. He knelt down next to her and spread them out.
"Lie down!" he growled before turning back to the cooking meat. She watched as he flipped the meat with ease. It was obvious that he had done this many times. It made her curious to know more about her captor.
"It's obvious that you have done this before..."
He looked up at her quickly. Confusion was apparent on his lean face.
"Kidnap the Princess? Not to my knowledge."
Gracie chuckled.
"I would hope not. I was referring to the cooking. You must enjoy cooking over an open fire."
"I've spent my share of time traveling. Nothing tastes better at the end of the day than a nice hot meal."
"Then you must spend quite a bit of time in Areseric."\
"Princess, I've been exiled from my home. I'm not allowed back in Sandova. Until your husband lifts the ban, I'm a wanted man. An outcast. So don't expect me to apologize for my actions because I have nothing left to lose. My brother is dead and my family is gone. I have nothing and no one." he said as he took the meat out of the pan and placed it on two tin plates.
"I wish I could say that I am sorry about your brother, Philip but I can't. He injected my sister with raz-ice and a powerful aphrodisiac. She is pregnant and she still is battling both of the addictions. I find it hard to not hate him."
Philip looked at her with a weary grin as he added some of the fried potatoes that he had started earlier.
"I never claimed that he was a nice guy, Princess. Just that he was my brother."
"So what's the plan? We keep moving around until you get what you want? I hate to burst your bubble but I'm at the end of my endurance here. If you keep pushing you are going to be delivering my babies. Then I would hate to be in your shoes when Rand catches up with us. He wants to be at my side when our children come into the world. I wouldn't want to be the one that denies him that." She shifted uneasily as she tried to find a more comfortable position to stretch out and ease her back. It seemed to be an impossible feat as of late.
"Well let us hope that Rand makes the correct choice." Philip reached across the fire and handed her the plate.
"One can only hope," Gracie responded softly as she accepted the plate.
The following morning, Arianna watched as Katrina poured over the text in front of her. When she looked up to find her staring, Kat colored.
"What? Is something wrong?" she asked Arianna.
"There's something familiar about you." Arianna said as she came closer. Sitting down across the table from her, she picked Kat's hand up. Immediately she felt the familiar surge of power. She turned the hand over and lightly traced the lines on Kat's palm.
"Going to read my future?" Kat teased.
Arianna chuckled.
"Oh, child, if I could predict the future, I'd predict my own first. Can I ask you something?"
"I guess," Kat replied, startled.
"Your mother, was she a healer also?"
"No." Kat said flatly as she looked down at the paper in front of her.
"I hate to pry, Katrina, but it seems to me that you and your mother have a strained relationship?"
Kat didn't reply at first — pulling back on her hand — she rose and walked over to the windows.
"Strained relationship? My mother turned her back on me a long time ago, Arianna. We have no relationship - we have nothing." Kat paced back and forth next to the windows. Staring outside, she seemed lost in thought. Arianna joined her looking out at the gardens below.
"I'm sorry if I struck a nerve, Katrina. Each person who has power, whether it be healing or magic, leaves a signature. Your signature is very similar to an apprentice I once had. I thought maybe she might be related to you. I taught her about twenty five years ago. I had just passed my master's test. She was my first student." Arianna watched Kat carefully. She didn't bother to add that Eleanora had also been her first failure. She had almost given up her teaching robes. If it hadn't been for the support of her husband, she would have.
Kat turned back to face her. Kat's expression was like reading a closed book — nothing was revealed. "I'm sorry I was so defensive, Arianna. As far as I know I am the only healer in my family. If there were any others, it was a long time ago and no one has ever told me about it. My family is not even the stereotypical broken home."
"Broken home?"
"My parents were never married, Arianna. I lived with my mother and grandfather until I was six and then I lived at the ITS until I graduated. I did not have an idyllic childhood."
"How sad," Arianna replied, her empathy showing on her face.
"Don't pity me, Arianna. I survived. That's what I do best." Kat said with a rueful smile.
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xmoviesforyouCammy woke up slowly, sore between her thighs from the intense pounding she took and with a deep ache in her shoulder from His teeth. The graphic events of the night before came rushing back to her as she lay safely in his powerful arms, he really wasn’t kidding when he said the fuck of her young life. Here though, quietly laying with his strong arms protectively, perhaps possessively wrapped around her, she felt protected, safe for the first time in a long time. Sighing contentedly as she...
Pulling my tights back up over my semi-erect dick, I lay back on my mat. Licking my lips, tasting the cum from Jeff's first lesson, I drift off into my own little world. Jeff, still standing after pounding your ass full of cum while you were in downward dog, turns over to where I'd just laid back. His cock is still rock hard and he's slowly stroking it. "Hey! don't think you can get away without doing your stretches as well" he says while stepping over to and kneeling down near my head. "Wait...
Samantha read the glitter covered label attached to the box. It simply read "I hope you're pleasantly surprised." She'd saved the present from her new friend Eric for last. They'd only met a few weeks ago and it wasn't yet clear which direction their relationship was heading in. Probably just friendship, but there was something about the way he looked at her... she could have sworn that once or twice his eyes had betrayed a desire for her, but it was unlikely to lead anywhere. Whenever...
would u like to sit down on the bed and spread ur legs open... close ur eyes and lay back... i kneel infront of you and place my hands on ur boobsmhmmi squeez your boobs softly and slowly move my hand n pull ur nipples gentlyi then lift my self up to ur boobsand i start with soft kisses on ur left breat and then i move back to the right breati slowly and softly kiss around your nipples while every few kisses i flick my tongue on ur nippleand i start to suck the right nipples softly and gently...
Christmas eve turned hot in an instant. So let’s follow suit to find out what happened next. Rimi couldn’t escape his clutches and started moaning while riding on his dick. Rimi was unable to stop the Foreigner from fucking her. He had his eyes on her and now got the best opportunity to fuck her and took it. He was fucking her hard, slapping her ass, biting her boobs while making her constantly ride him on his lap. Rimi, now powerless, has already given into pleasure. She held his head and...
Chapter 11 ‘We love because it’s the only true adventure.’ She entered the hallway tentatively. He couldn’t see much detail since the light from the candles was inadequate for him. But he could see her outline and shape. She was as nicely proportioned as he expected her to be. Moving closer still, he saw her eyes begin to glow. There was no evil source of light emanating from them. They simply reflected the available light in the room, appearing eerie as they did so. And there was something...
This goes back to the first time I realized I had a love for nylons. This is true as best I can remember. The beginning of my love for nylon stockings and pantyhose. I remember when I was a young, While siting at my mothers feet watching tv I was playing with her feet, they felt so smooth and silky. It was a warm summer morning mom was reading I was in my under shorts she must have liked what I was doing to her feet and never asked me to stop. I was really starting to feel something strange in...
I left Sygor to watch Winslow’s headquarters, while the rest of us packed up and headed out to sweep the rest of the buildings about us. I wanted to make certain none of the bad guys were hiding in them, before doing anything else. I figured that securing our back would give me time to come up with a plan to take Winslow down without getting half my men killed. As we left, I ordered Tonko and his men to take the prisoners we had over to the mess hall and leave them there, for now. It would be...
My name is Joe and since Alexis and I hooked up a few months back we have had one sexual adventure after another. Today is Monday and we are both at work, we work together for a telemarketing firm. She lost a bet yesterday and has to do anything I say today which she didn’t think was that big a deal till I showed her the wireless Butterfly masturbator. For those of you not familliar with them, this one has a 4′ penis that slips into a woman as well as a vibrator that rubs the clit. After...
By the time I turned eighteen, my brother Jake had been off at college for almost five years. Not that he was anywhere near graduating or anything like that. I would hear my parents complain that he kept changing his major and that was why it was taking him so long. I didn't really know Jake all that well. He was four years older than me and was often distant seeming, but I had always thought he was handsome with his dark hair and green eyes. I'm not the only one who thought he was cute. Lots...
I was camping in Yosemite one time in college, when I couldn’t get to sleep one night and decided to take a walk through the woods. It was the middle of summer, so it was warm enough to walk outside in just pajama bottoms and a T-shirt (and sandals). We had camped way out in the middle of nowhere, so nobody was around for miles, or so we thought. So while my friends were sleeping, I slipped out of the tent and strolled out through the forest. Yosemite is gorgeous at night, the woods were...
"Ah Lord Pinkerton?" an emboldened mature lady around my mother's age accosted me as I lounged amiably enough with my cronies at the Misses Fotheringay's ball at Southam Courtenay, "Have you met my daughter Molly?" I looked past the matron and there through the fug of intoxication I believed I beheld an angel, a great vision in gleaming virginal white, and at second glance an improbably plump one, "No, I haven't had the pleasure," I agreed uncertainly for the sweet Mull-berry wine...
"Jamie?" the young man asks with confusion as he answers his front door. "What are you doing here this early?" "I'm here," I tell the expectant young man, "Because I love you... Stuart." Stuart closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "You love me... But?" Stuart asks, making me smile and roll my eyes at the handsome transman's paranoia. "No buts," I say. "Plenty of ANDs, though. I love you AND I want to be with you. I love you AND I'm IN love with you. I love you... AND I...
I was talking over phone with my to-be wife about 2 months before marriage. During this time I asked lot of questions about her family and all. One day just casually she described about her elder sister but that description was too hot for me. She mentioned that her name was Sima before her marriage and after her her husband changed her name to Diya. ( But I like to call her Sima only.) My wife told that Sima is 3 years elder to her. She is like the most beautiful girl in there collage. Her...
I was hanging out at home when my sister called and said she’ll be late from work but her boyfriend, Jake, would be coming over soon. I told her not to worry, I’ll keep him company until she gets home. I happen to know a dirty secret about Jake; he cheats on my sister. My friend Jessica told me that he’s fucking her. I asked her how is he in bed. She said he is amazing and he has a thing for sexy feet. Ever since she told me that, I keep fantasizing about having my toes sucked by a...
xmoviesforyouAUDIO MEMO; NEENA ALEXANDROVNA TO SVETLANA NIKITECHNA Physiology has played into my hands and provided an excellent teaching opportunity! I went to collect Vyera early this morning to get her started on her work for the day. She has had a language lesson each day with regular testing, to make sure she is absorbing what she has been taught. Afterwards, she has been working as an assistant to the Domestic Staff and has been given all the menial tasks to do, such as cleaning the floors in the...
Sandra Noce was working at her desk in the accounting department of Jones and White Inc. She had worked at JWI for the past eight years working her way up from AP clerk to assistant controller in charge of cash management. She had worked her way through college while working full time and was proud of her skill in the day to day management of all of JWI's bank accounts, and investments. She was well paid but felt that she was worth more, but then what employee doesn't think they are worth more...
It was late at night. I was asleep. In a dream state, I felt your hand reach down beneath my underwear. It was you. You lifted up the lace and felt your way to that sacred place. My clit became hard and I knew what was about to happen. My body responded and I became wet at the command of your touch. I was in a daze.Your fingers opened my lips and entered my pussy. They went deep into my hole in a rhythmic way. You were nervous but you turned me on. Your fingers went so deep inside me I thought...
Straight SexMeanwhile in the Embassy, the ex-Ambassador's wife was appalled to find that she was locked in a small bare room, and her tongue had indeed been bound tight with string and that the string was getting tighter as it got damper. Her daughter was in the Ambassador's study with the Acting Ambassador, Khalid Hourani, and was not enjoying the experience. "Strip," he ordered her. "Why?" she whined, "What is happening?" "You heard His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live...