Shooting in Hannah Version BravoChapter 13
- 3 years ago
- 20
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She turned it back on the next morning. It was Saturday so I slept in. When I woke up I felt good and when I feel good I like to work out. I was doing that in the corner of the garage Dad had let me set up a weight bench in when Hannah wandered into the garage.
She was wearing a jean skirt and halter top. It was well into June and things had warmed up. She came over and stood, watching me do sit-ups. I had my feet under some weight and my butt on the bench so I could go down an extra foot. My hands were crossed on my chest.
“You make that look so easy,” said Hannah.
“The more you do it the easier it gets,” I said, rising and falling at the pace I liked.
She sat on a box and watched me. When I changed over to doing bench presses she stayed.
“No plans today?” I asked.
“I feel like we need to talk,” she said.
“About last night?”
I put the bar on the rests and sat up. I picked up a ten pound dumbbell and started working my right biceps.
“Are you sorry it happened?” I asked.
“That’s the problem,” she said. “I’m not sorry.”
“Why is that a problem?”
“I thought if I did that to you, I’d know what it was like and then I could use it to control Steve. Now I know I can’t even control myself.”
I put the weight down.
“Look,” I said. “It seems to me the answer to your problems is simple. Just don’t go out on dates and you won’t get horny and want to do things with Steve or any other guy.”
She stared at me.
“For such a genius, you sure are stupid.”
“Tanya Clarke does it,” I said.
“Tanya Clarke is a lesbian,” said my sister.
“And you know this because?”
“She doesn’t go out with guys,” said Hannah.
“That doesn’t make her a lesbian,” I said. “It makes her a girl who doesn’t have your kind of problem because she’s smart enough to recognize that guys can be a pain in the ass.”
“You’re not a pain in the ass,” she said. “Except that girls like you too much and get scared.”
That made me feel pretty good. It was complicated, though. The guy who all the girls ‘just want to be friends with’ is the guy with a constant case of blue balls.
“Okay,” I said. “Some guys aren’t assholes, but you never know until you’re around them for a while. Tanya doesn’t gamble and all I’m saying is that if you didn’t gamble then you wouldn’t have a Steve problem right now.”
“I don’t have a Steve problem,” said Hannah. “I have a Bobby problem.”
“What the heck does that mean?” I asked.
“It means I had a really good time last night and I’m going to want to do it again.”
“I don’t see that as a problem either,” I said, as I felt blood start coursing into my cock.
“Let me explain it to you, then,” she said. “When I go out with Steve I get horny, but I don’t want to do anything about it when I’m on the date. He doesn’t like that and eventually, unless I cave, he’s going to dump me. If he dumps me then maybe, like you say, I’ll start going out with some other guy, but it won’t make any difference. Any guy I go out with is going to want what Steve wants. Meanwhile, when I get home from a date and I’m horny, you’re here. I do like doing things with you, and each time I do them I want to do more. So no matter what I do, I’m going to have to deal with somebody like Steve, and I’m going to want to do things I shouldn’t do with you. Now do you see my problem?”
“Half of your problem is that you think you have to have a boyfriend so people won’t think you’re a loser. I bring up Tanya again. I’m a guy and I know lots of other guys and not one of them think Tanya’s a lesbian. In fact, you’re the first person who ever said anything like that to me. Maybe you should talk to her about how she does that. The other half of your problem is that you like fooling around and I’m the only guy right now you feel like you can fool around with. You’ve got the rest of the summer and one more year of high school to get through and then you’ll go off to college where you can be on the pill and do whatever you want with whoever you want. If you think about it, why would you care that much what people in this school think about you? They’re not going to college with you. A year from now nobody in this town will even think about you. What they think about you in the next year won’t mean squat.”
“Okay, I get that,” she said. “But what I think about me does mean squat.”
“And you think you’re a pervert,” I said.
“No. What I think is that if I keep doing stuff with you I’m not going to be a virgin when I get to college!“ That last part was yelled and I winced because the garage doors weren’t insulated.
I stood up and went over to her as she started to cry. I put my arms around her and she kind of melted against me. But only for a second. She pushed back and said, “Ewww, you stink. You need a shower.”
“Okay, but don’t go anywhere. I don’t agree with your premise about your virginity and we need to talk about this some more.”
“Okay, but it won’t help,” she said, wiping her cheek with the heel of her hand.
“Yes it will,” I insisted. “I don’t think things are as dire as you do.”
“Go take your shower,” she said. “I won’t go anywhere.”
I went into the house and to my room. I stripped down and tossed my sweaty clothes in the hamper. In the past there had been some discord about sharing a bathroom with my sister. She spent hours in there and sometimes I had to use Mom and Dad’s, or the one in the hallway just off the living room. It was a half bath, with no shower or tub. In this case, though, I could use our shower so I went in there and got the water running. I didn’t lock the door. I never locked the door. That had been a bone of contention in the past, too. More than once Hannah walked in on me while I was taking a leak or sitting on the toilet and went complaining to Mom about it.
She wouldn’t be complaining today, though, which was made obvious when, right in the middle of my shower, my sister joined me. It isn’t a big enclosure, and there’s no way, if two people are in there, they can avoid touching each other.
Hannah’s intent wasn’t to avoid touching.
“I thought you didn’t want to be tempted,” I said as she slid her arms around me and pressed the front of her body to the back of mine.
“That’s not what I said at all,” she said. Her hand smoothed over my chest and my nipples tingled as her hand rubbed over them.
“Don’t you think this is dangerous?” I asked.
“Mom and Dad went to look at garage sales,” she said.
“You said you want to do things you shouldn’t. If you think you shouldn’t do something, that means you don’t really want to.”
“That’s not true, either,” she said. Her right hand moved down and my balls tightened in anticipation. By the time her hand found my cock it was iron hard. “I know we shouldn’t do this because nobody in the world would say it’s okay. That doesn’t mean I don’t still want to do it. I just know we shouldn’t.”
“You’re making my head hurt,” I said. That wasn’t really true. I wasn’t even thinking about my head as her hand slowly stroked my penis.
She let go of me and turned me around.
“I can’t stop doing this, Bobby,” she said, as water streamed down her face. “I can’t.”
“Then we have to decide how to control it so it doesn’t go too far,” I said.
“Which is exactly why I started doing this,” she said. “So things wouldn’t go too far on a date.”
“You have your fuck toy,” I said.
“Don’t call it that,” she said as she slid her hands under my arms and pressed her breasts against my chest. I could feel my cock touching her, but it was on her abdomen. “That’s gross.”
“You have your ... little friend?”
“That’s better.”
“You have that, and I can learn to get you off other ways,” I said.
“What about you?” she asked.
“Getting me off is easy,” I said.
“I’m horny,” she said, looking up at me through squinting eyes.
“I have an idea,” I said.
“I’ve never kissed you. Maybe kissing me will be too weird and it will calm you down.”
She closed her eyes.
“Maybe,” she said. “It does seem a little freaky to think about doing that.”
I didn’t point out that we were naked, in the shower, with my boner pressed against the skin right in front of her womb, only two or three inches away from something it should never have anything to do with. That was a lot freakier than kissing, at least in my book.
So I kissed her. I half expected her to pull away and go “Ewwww” but that’s not what happened. Let’s just say it was a good kiss. And a long one. When she pulled her lips from mine her eyes were still closed.
“Nope,” she said, dreamily. “Not freaky at all.”
I felt something leak through my cock.
And that’s when I realized that we did, in fact, have a problem.
We got out of the shower and dried off, bumping into each other as we did so. Hannah’s hair is long and straight and drying it involves a time-consuming process of her bending over to let it hang straight, and pressing it between folds in a towel. She combs it during this process.
We left my bedroom at seven-fifteen, making only the potential mistake of leaving at the same time. We were wearing fresh clothing, though neither of us had taken a shower. Had anybody else been up they might have reflected that we both got dressed in the same room at the same time, as opposed to one of us (me) getting up and getting dressed first, and then the other (Hannah) getting dressed while there was some privacy. We had a lot on our minds just then and weren’t thinking about things...
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This was very different for us than the relationship we’d had in the past. It’s hard to describe. If you could interview young married couples about the difference they feel between having “married sex” and “having sex specifically to make a baby” I suspect you’d learn some interesting things. Generally, of course, we don’t do that kind of interview in this culture. Or anywhere else that I know of. Most people have heard anecdotal evidence, however, of how trying to get pregnant and not being...
Now that Hannah’s portfolio was complete, we no longer had an excuse to take racy pictures. I think that’s the way we both saw it at the time. School also started and our days were full again, with little time or opportunity to take such photographs. She was a senior now, and that put her in a different social class. That lasted until November, when Steve finally realized he wasn’t ever going to get a piece of ass from Hannah and broke up with her. He made it clear why he was breaking up...
We were lying side by side again. We’d caught our breath but said nothing yet. Finally I couldn’t keep it in any longer. “Did Janet really tell you Todd fucks her?” I asked. “She was really drunk,” sighed Hannah. “And you believed her?” “Who admits they have sex with their brother if it isn’t true?” “Did she cry about it?” “It was the opposite. The way it happened was that we’d been drinking that peach brandy, and she said she wished Todd was there. I asked her what she meant and she...
I heard warning in her voice when she told me to tell her everything. I know that sounds silly, considering the circumstances, but I decided to take her at her word and started again, trying to think of how things happened, and in what order. “We had never kissed,” I said. “We started doing that and it just got worse. Then one night she put her mouth on me ... to find out if she’d puke or not.” “And, of course, you wanted to know if you’d puke or not if you returned the favor,” said...
I thought that was it. I’d gotten caught, but it made her feel good so she didn’t burn me. I thought it was over. Months passed and we got along a lot better. It wasn’t like we were best buddies or anything, but we no longer snapped at each other and we chatted about stuff once in a while. Our parents noticed it, and expressed pride that we were growing up. Then Hannah entered a Valentine’s Day contest that was put on by a local photo studio. It was characterized as a search for...
She started to leave, but then turned and came back, reaching for my hand and pulling me to my feet. We stood close. “Thank you,” she said. “Sure.” I know it was stupid, but it’s what came out of my mouth. “It will be okay,” she assured me. “Night.” Then she reached for my face and kissed me. We had never kissed. I couldn’t even remember her kissing me on the cheek. Her lips were soft, and warm and the next thing I knew my arms were around her, my hands on her naked back, and her hot...
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“You actually want to keep going?” I asked. This was hard to believe. “Bobby, getting these pictures taken has been crazy fun,” she said. “They’re just pictures,” I said. “Actually ... they’re pictures that gave my own brother a hardon,” she said. “How fantastic is that?” Fuck! I’d hoped she’d forgotten about that. The fact that she’d remembered (and was even celebratory about it), got in the way of me noticing that, magically, her self-doubt had disappeared and she was on the “Hey! I’m...
Now remember that what I just described in the last chapter took place over the space of two hours on a day after there had been years of discord between us. Thinking back on it now, it reminds me of one of those movies where the guy and girl hate each other for most of the movie, except the audience knows they’re really drawn to each other and don’t want to admit it. Then there is the scene where there’s a breaking point and they suddenly can’t keep their hands off each other. And they live...
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A couple of days passed before we did any more work on her portfolio. She had stuff to do and so did I. The next thing on the list was called an editorial fashion shot, which was supposed to show how you expressed yourself in photos. She was supposed to move around, jump, run or dance. You see some of that in TV ads about clothing for young people. The models in those ads are smiling as they get all energetic and show off the clothes, like wearing those clothes is the best thing they ever...
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This was turning into a very awkward conversation. The girl in the next door apartment had as good as invited herself in for coffee. Normally that would have been fine, in fact more than fine. Hannah was single, in her mid twenties and good looking. She was slim with a nice figure and shoulder length brown hair. But as he was making the coffee, she’d seen a print out from a local mistress that he’d accidentally left on the coffee table. And to make it worse he’d annotated it with possible...
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It was a pretty typical Tuesday, overcast, windy, the moisture on the wind hinting at the rain that would eventually come.Hannah was sat at her desk, looking out the window at nothing much. At 23 and working at a local Council Housing Office she didn’t have many like minds or similarly aged people to talk to. Just older, sensible, conscientious, housing officers and admin support staff. Lame.The job was mostly okay though, she spent most of the time talking to people on the phone. A relatively...
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"Do you remember Hannah?" Mark asked.He and his wife Caitlin were visiting us for the weekend. The four of us were out for the evening down by the harbour, eating out at Valantino's, our favourite Italian restaurant. Jess always looked forward to their visits, had fussed all week so that everything would be perfect for our dearest friends from the scene."How could I forget a woman like Hannah," I said. And I meant it. Jess punched my arm, told me to behave.Just then the waiter arrived with our...
Voyeur"Do you remember Hannah?" Mark asked.He and his wife Caitlin were visiting us for the weekend. The four of us were out for the evening down by the harbour, eating out at Valantino's, our favourite Italian restaurant. Jess always looked forward to their visits, had fussed all week so that everything would be perfect for our dearest friends from the scene."How could I forget a woman like Hannah," I said. And I meant it. Jess punched my arm, told me to behave.Just then the waiter arrived with our...
VoyeurThis is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a story around a mother, Gloria Daniels and her daughter, Hannah. Gloria is 45 and Hannah is 23. Both women are trim, with straight blonde hair. Gloria has her hair cut short while...
Hannah woke up the day after. The two other guests had already left Hannah noticed. It didn`t quite dawn on Hannah what exactly had happened only after 5 minutes of slumbering. At first she got scared, or shocked rather. She lie completely still, thinking about whatever had happened the night before. Upon some pondering of consequences she started thinking about what actually had happened, how Julie had gone down on her, how Toby had fucked her from behind and how she had sucked the balls and...
Group SexJust before we got to our bedroom, Hannah stopped and kissed me full on. We she broke the kiss, she told me that tonight was her way of saying thank you to me, and that I should enjoy myself. Finally, she explained that Claire was almost exclusively into women, but she was also besotted with Hannah, and was totally submissive to her. If my male urge to have sex with Claire took over, I would have to use a condom. Otherwise, anything goes. She squeezed my hand as we went through the door to find...
Julia leads Hannah to their bathroom, dragging her by the hand as she practically ran up the stairs. Both girls were wound up and craving release after what had just happened. But Julia was clearly a woman on a mission. "What the hell, Juli," said Hannah, rubbing her wrist as Julia shut the door, "you almost took my hand off. calm down." "I'll explain later," said Julia, who was now looking at Hannah with a wicked grin, "just turn around and bend over." Hannah sighed but did as she was told....
SpankingShe liked the idea of being boyfriend/girlfriend but wanted to rib him. “I could go out there and tell them the truth. That you just deflowered your underage blood-related sister!” she retorted. “Don’t you dare!” He then proceeded to wrap his arms around her body and his lips around her mouth. The towel and sheet fell to the floor. Their bodies hugged tightly to each other, flattening her breasts against his chest and bending his messy dick against her belly. His hands went under her butt...
Hannah would be entering high school next year and she was already developing into a sexy young thing. She had budding breasts, no bigger than apples, that she loved showing off. John frequently saw the young girl in tight tops that showcased her tits, her nipples threatening to poke through the fabric. Her ass wasn't thick yet, but it looked firm and John loved to imagine smacking it when he jerked off. He knew Hannah had caught him leering at her a few times and the girl seemed to love...
Jay Ravenholm was almost home. The burly, buff-looking man was driving down his snow-covered home street. He had a muscular frame with a thick, tanned neck and bushy, blonde eyebrows. His hair, short, but spiky was the same kind of bright blonde. He was, in short, a hulk of a man, which helped him greatly in his job as a bouncer for a high-end jewelry store downtown. His fancy, mandatory evening dress was itching to be taken off and replaced with something more casual. After a long day,...
Finally, after squirming and seeming a little antsy, she spoke up. “I’m not really tired, so, want to hang out at your place for a while?” “Sure,” I replied. Thoughts of potential sexual exploits entered my mind briefly, but Hannah and I hadn’t even come close to making love yet, so I honestly didn’t expect too much action tonight. Hannah and I had been dating for a few months now, and believe me, I’ve taken a bit of abuse from my friends for not having gotten anything more than a few...
As we drove to work the next morning, Hannah told me to meet her in reception at twelve so we could go shopping. Because the office ran a flexi-time approach to lunch hours, and provided the time was made up, staff were allowed to lunch between twelve and two. So, at one minute past twelve we met and headed out into town. The cool air round my legs felt different through the tights, but by now I was fairly confident that no one would give me a second glance, especially with Hannah beside me....
A couple of weeks later, Hannah came home and told me that the rumours had been true, and Claire had been promoted. As Hannah had been at the company the longest in her department, everyone expected her to apply for Claire’s old job, and the general consensus was that she’d get it. Hannah was determined to get it as well, telling me that the extra money would come in handy for the wedding. I didn’t tell Hannah at the time, but I also hoped she got it, but for more selfish reasons. If Hannah...
Hannah got up early her first day and got dressed. She put on her skirt and white blouse. She made sure to pick something that looked good but was not to revealing. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was hot, she knew it. She was Asian, tan and athletic. She ran track in high school and in college. She worked out at least 4 times a week and watched what she ate. She loved looking good. She felt a little horny looking at herself. She had not had sex in over 6 months. She graduated college...
“Where is she?” my sister asks her son as she watches the servers place small dishes on the spinning glass table top. The food is already coming out and my nephew’s girlfriend isn’t here yet. Not good. I glance at my sister. She’s clearly getting annoyed, but then again, she is always annoyed. Honestly, I love my sister but I wouldn’t choose to be around her if I could help it. Shit luck for me, since she’s my boss. “I don’t know, she should be here by now.” He responds to her in English,...
Meeting Hannah SisyphusI hadn’t been to New York City in over twenty years, and in fact, rarely leave my off the grid cabin in Maine for any cities. I shop at a local food co-op in our small town, pick up mail at the post office, sometimes get a bowl of soup or a cup of coffee and exchange greetings with friends and neighbors then head home, happy to drive down the long dirt road through the woods and walk the path up to my quiet life.I had just completed a book of poetry and my brother told me...
Straight SexPrologue. In the beginning was the foot and the foot was the means of motion, next came the ox wagon, horse and camel, the river steamers arrived to carry people and goods along the great river, after that and before the motor car came the mighty railway, sweeping contemptuously aside all other means of transportation arrived. Thus it was in my country. Along the railway line grew up townships to feed the fuel hungry and water thirsty locomotives, and to serve as places to which farmers and...
A story in the sex date universe of stories. Updated and edited for clarity March 2022. This story takes place in a universe created by EazinAlong where parents set up sex dates for their teens. Pretty simple concept. The first story was published in 2016 and recommend reading it first. I consulted with EazinAlong about the story and he reviewed it, though all punctuation errors etc. are mine alone. He also has a new Hannah story in the works. In this story, a neighbor boy Zack has a sex date...
I switched the six-thirty alarm off with a groan and turned to cuddle Hannah. After our customary two minute huddle, I kissed her and then wearily got out of bed. Without thinking, I sat down on the toilet and relieved my bladder, and then took off my bra and panties before stepping into the shower. The soothing warmth of the water managed to ease some of the ache in my body from the activities of the weekend. When I returned to the bedroom to get dressed for work, I was only partly surprised...
This is part of the 'Bettina and the Picture Book' series of stories included in the 'Polheim Chronicles'. Hans and Hannah Hans was annoyed. His watch, a gift from his mother, had stopped. Itwas fully wound, and he could see no reason for it to not work. But workit would not. Dependent on it for timekeeping at the school, he had nooption but to take it to a watch repairer. The only one that he knew ofwas in Frankfurt, and so, the following Saturday, he caught the early trainto the city,...
Hannah was a woman with many problems. First she had now been without a job for three months. Her savings were just about gone and she was past due on her mortgage, car and credit cards. Then there were her three k**s! Her older daughter Candy was now fucking her boyfriend every chance she could. Her son Jake was turning into a pervert. He had been caught doing a peeping Tom on just about every girl or woman in the neighborhood. Then there was Amanda her youngest daughter who was so quiet that...
Shift Happens: Hannah and Tom by Kaitlyn Autofield ****An hour before the Great Shift**** "Nice place you got here," Tom began flattering Silvia as they walked into her apartment, "You'll have to forgive Jake. ?He just got out of a relationship." "Well," said Silvia, "he certainly has taken Kiara's fancy." "Kiara seems to take every man's fancy," Hannah muttered trying to get Tom's attention, "And I wouldn't be surprised if there were a couple women in the mix." "Hannah!"...
They chose a few things and went into the fitting room, and walking into a stall together. "Alright, Hannah, I'm going to try these bras and panties and stuff on, and I'm going to model them. Tell me how they look, 'kay?" Hannah answered with a slight nod, and tried on her bathing suit first. She rubbed her hands over body, not satisfied with the amount of fat on her behind. "I guess I'll have to get a bigger size.." she sighed. "Go ahead, Shia, it's your turn now." Hannah sat...
Hannah woke up the day after. The two other guests had already left Hannah noticed. It didn`t quite dawn on Hannah what exactly had happened only after 5 minutes of slumbering. At first she got scared, or shocked rather. She lie completely still, thinking about whatever had happened the night before. Upon some pondering of consequences she started thinking about what actually had happened, how Julie had gone down on her, how Toby had fucked her from behind and how she had sucked the balls and...
100% fiction! my sister Hannah was at home ill this week, her college was informed about it and she would be at home until she was well enough to drive back to Manchester and back to college. Hannah was 20 and I was 18, and unlike her I still lived with mum in Southampton. She was a mummy's girl and was forever being spoiled by mum even 300 miles away. mum would be forever sending money up to her, clothes, and anything else she would ask for. I walked in to the living room to see Hannah in her...
Incest(Blonde Teen Hannah is at cheer leading practice texting her older male friend Jim about getting together later). “Hey, howz practice.” Asked Jim. “Like boring, can’t wait to see U. U were the greatest. Best Ever.” “For me too Hannah.” “I’ll call my Mom now. Tell her I am going to hang with you for a while.” “Be nice, say pretty please.” “I’ll try but she is such a tight ass. Later.” “Be nice, let me know Hannah.” One hour later Hannah called Jim, distraught. “I hate My...