Himura Battousia Book 2: Kenshins PastPart 191: Three-Front Battle: Fight 2 Part 1 free porn video

(Gein screams. The force of the succession technique tears Iwanbou apart.)
Kaoru: That was...
Sanosuke: The Hiten Mitsurugi succession technique, Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki.
(It's the first time Kaoru, Megumi and Yahiko have seen it; Otowa and Banjin look apprehensive as well.)
Gein (weakly, from inside the ruined Iwanbou body): Great strength... if not for the shock absorption and sword-resistant armor, I would have been finished... (reaching for the controls) But you failed to kill me, and I hardly think you have any stronger techniques.
Kenshin: Does this mean you'll come out and fight me yourself?
(Iwanbou twitches, but can't get up.)
Kenshin: Gein... as you said, the cutting edge of technology is found in warfare. But there is also the soul to use that technology to improve people's lives. Without that soul, no matter how we try to perfect that technology, we fail and it will be destroyed.
(Gein chuckles weakly.)
Kenshin: If you still want to face me, I'll fight.
Gein: I must decline. I'm far older than you are. Here, without my functional beauty, I lose.
(Kenshin turns to face Enishi, still watching from his balloon.)
Megumi: You can't! That move took its toll on you as well...
Kaoru: Kenshin! You should have your wounds looked at. Come back for now. Come back, Kenshin!
Sanosuke: This isn't the fight to risk your life on! If you go all-out on him now you'll regret it. Wait and we'll get him down. Just withdraw!
Kaoru: Kenshin!
(Kenshin slowly sheathes his sword and turns back.)
Enishi: Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki... the Hiten succession technique. (thinking) It isn't as terrible as I thought...
(All eyes are on him as he walks back towards the dojo. Otowa and Banjin seem to have recovered a little of their confidence.)
Otowa: How could you be so cruel as to keep something like to yourself?
Banjin: Cool... I've got next! Be with you in a sec.
(Kenshin walks straight past them.)
Kenshin: Sano. Take care of this.
Sanosuke: Don't worry about it. You just rest up.
Kenshin: Yahiko.
Yahiko: Don't worry about it. You just rest up.
(Kenshin smiles and walks to the dojo.)
Kaoru: Kenshin.
Megumi: Ken-san.
Kenshin: Miss Megumi, I'll need some fresh bandages.
Megumi: Sure.
(He sits down slowly, putting a hand to his chest.)
Kaoru (thinking): It looks painful... It's too hard, this chain of events that began with the demolition of the Akabeko. This series of one-sided attacks by Yukishiro Enishi must be hard on the heart...
Kenshin (startling her): It's all right. However difficult, I'll fight to the end to protect us all. (thinking) I've found my answer of how to atone for killing Tomoe and the sins of the Hitokiri!
Banjin (kicking the ground): Damn him!
Sanosuke: What's wrong? You're losing it.
Banjin: Shut up! Why don't you quit talking and just die! Your friend's waiting for me!
Sanosuke: What, you still think you're gonna fight Kenshin?
Banjin (driving forward with a punch): What's your bloody face talking about?
(Sanosuke evades him to land a punch to the face.)
Sanosuke: Give up on Kenshin. He's out of your league. Right now you got me!

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