Healer's TouchChapter 24 free porn video

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After Kat had been recognized by the Aresericans as one of their own, the stage was set up for the Transfer of Power Ceremony. Kat watched as King Mica and Queen Aria prepared for the Transfer. There was a hushed awe as the people of Areseric waited for the ceremony to begin. Kat watched as Rand and Gracie once more returned to the stage. She watched them approach the small altar that had been draped with a beautiful brocade covering. She held her breath, as on one side Mica and Aria stood, while Rand and Gracie approached and then knelt, on the other side of the altar, facing Mica and Aria.

At her side, Charles traced his thumb across the palm of her right hand. She shivered as pleasure raced through her body. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. He grinned back at her.

Stop that!


It's rather distracting and I want to see this.

I'd rather see you naked ... and riding me.

Charlie! Kat scolded as heat flared even higher. She tried to concentrate on the ceremony occurring in front of her.

Can you imagine that, Hellkat? My naked skin rubbing against yours while you enjoy my entire body?

Charlie, stop it!

I can but I hope you are ready for our bonding, because I don't think I am going to be able to stop once I start. I want you that bad, Katrina. My body is telling me to claim you and it's not very happy about the delay.

Kat moaned softly as his deep growl filled her head.

"Quit teasing me, damnit." she whispered softly next to him.

Charlie brought her hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to her palm. Kat nearly melted with pleasure as his lips parted and his tongue traced a wet pattern on her skin.

She moaned softly again - the pleasure was so intense!

He smiled and shushed her as the ceremony began.

King Mica smiled reassuringly at his son as the ceremony to transfer the rule of Venus began. Arianna stood on one side of the altar while Clara stood on the other, as each woman represented a certain sect in the Venusian culture; Arianna represented the healer sect while Clara represented the precognitive sect. Their ceremonial duty was to give their blessings to the future King and Queen of Venus.

"I, King Mica deCarthwright, am honored on this day to relinquish my rule to my son, Randall, the Prince of Venus. He has proved himself to be a kind and generous leader to the people of Trila. He is strong in magic yet grounded in the belief that his people come first. He is husband, a father, and a powerful wizard. I am grateful to pass on the noble legacy of our family to him." Mica said in a deep and steady voice. As he did, he knelt down in front of Rand facing him on the other side of the altar.

"And, I, Queen Aria deCarthwright, am relieved to pass on the mantle of Queen, to my daughter by marriage, Grace deCarthwright. She is steady as a rock, while still managing to keep my son on his toes," she paused as laughter filled the amphitheater, "She will help guide Venus into the future with a strong and steady hand. She is a wife, mother and a witch that has no limits, other than the ones that she imposes on herself.

She has shown with her love of Rand and her children that she is a kind and caring woman. She has also shown mercy for those that have scorned her, when no mercy should have ever been expected. I am proud to give my crown, this day, to her." Aria followed her husband's example and knelt down facing Gracie.

"I have seen many prophesies in my lifetime," Clara began in a strong voice. "but none that have left me shaking my head in amazement and disbelief, as has Grace and Randall's. From the very beginning they have been joined yet separate. I can testify to the fact that Randall is a very patient man - and that my niece is a very headstrong woman. But in the end, what was separate is now joined together and is much stronger for it. At this time and in this place - the future I see now is a good and strong one. There will be trials and tribulations for them; but in the end, they will overcome whatever comes their way with the same love and devotion that has kept them together for the last twenty years. From childhood - to young wizard and witch - to fully bonded chosens, they are your King and Queen." A cheer filled the air as Clara knelt down facing Arianna.

Arianna waited for the crowd to quiet once more before she rose and began to speak.

"I have the grave but pleasant duty of blessing Prince Randall and Princess Grace as they assume their rightful places on the throne. As a healer I see into the person without any shields or barriers of any kind. I can see the deep love and devotion that Randall and Grace have for each other; but under that, I see an even deeper devotion to our planet. To the land itself. They will insure that our way of life continues on. That our land prospers even in time of need. They will be the 'fertilizer' that Venus needs to continue to thrive into the future. My blessing is given with great love and the deepest respect to these two young people who are and will be the life blood of our planet. Arise King Randall and Queen Grace! Your planet has accepted you as the beginning of the next phase of it's life." Arianna's voice swelled as a white light enveloped the altar and the couple that was kneeling in front of it. She, too, then knelt again facing Clara. The light intensified and the new King and Queen rose.

A gasp of wonderment filled the air as the light slowly faded and in its soft rays stood King Randall and Queen Grace. In front of them, Rand's parents knelt offering their oath to the new king and queen. On either side, both the healer and the oracle were offering their blessing. Tears of joy filled Kat's eyes as she watched Gracie walk around the altar and gently pull her mother by marriage to her feet.

"There is no need for that, QueenMother. Even as I am now Queen of Venus, you, Aria will always be Queen to me. As you will mold and guide me in the correct direction - for from this day forward - you will be the Advisor to the Queen of Venus."

Gracie said in a firm and steady voice.

A gasp came from first Mica and then the crowd. The queen had never acknowledged her advisor in the past. The advisor had always worked behind closed doors. With Gracie's acknowlegment, she had just made Aria the first Official Queen's Advisor in the history of Venus.

"Gracie, you once more have stolen my thunder." Rand said. "But I cannot blame you. And, Dad, if you thought that you were going to fade into the background, I am sorry to tell you that I cannot allow that. I hope that you are here to help me and our planet for many years to come." Rand said as he embraced his father. The crowd roared it's approval as the new king and queen left the stage followed by his parents and then both Arianna and Clara. The First part of the Renewal Festival was over and the Second part

would begin as the Moon began to rise.

As Arianna praised the moon for it's powerful influence - Kat was ready to shoot it out of the damn sky. As dusk approached the need to 'rape' her mate was growing ever stronger. Even standing ten feet away from him, she could smell his scent on the gentle breeze. It was unique to him ... a scent of musk and a spice all his own. It teased her - it tempted her - it drove her mad until she was ready to drag him to the nearest closet and have her way with him.

Kat impatiently watched the ending of the Renewal Ceremony. In the center of the amphitheater, Arianna joined by several other healers, finished the ceremony by scattering a special blend of herbs and incense into the wind. It was tradition to have the healers bless the land for a fruitful harvest and the renewal of life that it brought.

The healers' voices rose one more time before falling silent. Kat gasped in awe as the Sun set and the first stars peeked out; and then watched, again impatiently, for the moon to appear. Since arriving on Venus, she had not understood this moon's existance. She knew that from Earth, no moon of Venus was visible; she had been deeply shocked when it had appeared on her first night's stay at the palace in Trila. Rand had tried to explain it to her, but the scientific jargon of 'it' was beyond her comprehension. Evidently the first wizards of Venus had captured a comet somehow, and trapped it between the land and the shield that protected the entire planet. But none of the wizards had expected the side effects of having a large comet in such a close proximity. The first mezclar and it's resulting bondings had been quite a shock to all of Venus. But they eventually had quit trying to examine 'why' or to truly explain the 'mystery' and accepted it as a part of their unique culture.

Arianna joined Kat as she watched the crew of men arrange around the elaborate altar a flower-bedecked trellis that gave the stage a beautiful setting. She locked eyes with Charlie who was supervising the process. Heat flared deep in his eyes and Kat caught her breath as she started to move towards him.

"Oh no you don't," Arianna scolded as she stepped between Kat and her son. "There will be none of that! If I have to wait - so do you."

Kat focused on her 'soon to be' mother in law. She could tell by the tense line of her shoulders that she too was feeling the overwhelming effects of the mezclar. As her grandfather joined the two women, Kat gave him a small smile. It was as much of a smile as her over-strung nerves would allow.

"Are you ready to get married?" Jason asked her, before taking her arm and tucking it beneath his.

"I don't know if I am ready or not. But I'm running out of time here, Gramps. The moon is nearly full and this damn mezclar has me totally on edge. Is it possible for a healer to go crazy from extreme lust?"

"I don't think so," he chuckled as led her over to the spot where they would start the ceremony. "But I have faith in you, Kitty. Just hold it together for a little while longer. OK?"

"I sure hope it's not misplaced, Gramps. I feel like I am try to jump out of my skin! How long do I have to wait after we are married to leave?" she asked as Charlie took his place next to King Rand. She stared at him hungrily. He was mouthwatering in his ceremonial robes. She couldn't have asked for a better man, she realized as one of the altar boys came up to Charlie. Charlie leaned down to listen to the child, then he smiled at him, and dug a piece of candy out of his pocket - giving it to the child before rumpling the boy's hair. The boy ran off to join his friends, and Kat knew in that moment if she hadn't already been deeply, hopelessly in love with him, she would have fallen for him right then and there.

"I hope you plan on having a lot of children, Katrina. That boy loves kids." Jason commented as music began to play, signaling the beginning of the Joining Ceremony.

Charlie turned as the music swelled and he watched as his chosen was led towards him by Master Iason. He swallowed roughly as he took in the sight of her. She looked like a princess or the queen that she was becoming. Desire flooded his system until all he could think about was picking her up and impaling her on his cock binding them together for all eternity.

He knew logically it was the effect of the mezclar; but her image had him hard and ready. All day she had been in his thoughts until he imagined he was going to go out of his mind with need. He had been of diminishing use as the day progressed as he had barely managed to oversee the last-minute preparations for the final festival.

He smiled down at her, as she joined him in front of King Rand. She smiled back before turning her attention to Rand.

How long does this damn thing last? she asked him.

Patience, Hellkat. It will be done quickly. The actual bonding ceremony isn't very long. Unlike your Earth weddings, the bonding ceremony is very quick. The need that is experienced by the bonded couple doesn't allow for all the pomp and celebration that you are accustomed to. The celebration comes after.

After? ... WHAT AFTER?

After we complete the bonding ritual and satifsy the demands of the mezclar

Rand's voice as he started the ceremony broke through to them and they both turned their attention to him. And as Charlie had promised - the actual ceremony was quick. Before Kat could comprehend it, Rand was asking for the binding cloth. As Arianna held it out to the King, she felt a surge in the powers of her chosen. She risked a quick glance at him, and nearly moaned. Once more his green eyes had gone silver and his power shown brightly under the combined but controlled desire and need.

"As King of Venus, I bless this cloth with bonds of the chosen," he said in a clear voice. He took Kat's right hand and Charlie's left one. Joining them together in front of him, he smiled reassuringly at Kat. He slowly wrapped the cloth around their wrists.

Charlie took a deep breath and nearly groaned. The nylon of the joining cloth that he had chosen was causing his powers to flair; and the scent of the 'mellitus sensus', in the small bouquet Kat was carrying, was already tugging on both of them and inflaming them even more.

"Relax," Rand said softly as he finished tying the nylon around their joined hands. "It's almost done."

Kat swallowed roughly as she nodded. She could feel the power that was surging wildly though Charlie -it mirrored the turmoil within her. Deep inside herself, she could feel her own new powers rising to meet his. They needed to hurry this up, she thought frantically. Her control over her own power was shaky at best. What was she going to do if Charlie lost control of his?

You won't loose control, Sister. I have faith in you.

Philip? How...

When I released your power, it forged a pathway for us to communicate. It's much like the one that you have with Charlie. Now, Sister, focus on Rand and you will be fine.

Philip stood at the edge of the crowd and watched as Rand completed the Joining Ceremony. He could already feel the back wash of their joining. Healer Arianna hadn't lied; he was going to be in for a long week. He had contracted a priestess that would be able to help him through the fall out; and although he hated the idea of having to pay a woman to sleep with him, he couldn't ask a complete stranger to let him use her in such a manner. Priestess Zarita had come highly recommended by certain people. Because of the urgency of this situation, in fact, he had an appointment with her in less than a hour.

"I, now, am happy to present to the people of Areseric, your King Charles and his new chosen, Queen Katrina." Rand said in a loud voice. The crowd all fell to their knees in respect as Charlie led Kat back down the aisle. They paused next to Councilman Dean. Philip couldn't tell what Charlie had said to him; but he stood and tugged Arianna to the aisle and then up to the altar. Philip shook his head and laughed as the Joining Ceremony for the King's advisor and his mother started.

"What's so funny?" Kat asked Phillip as she and Charlie stopped next to him.

"Nothing really. You had to make sure that he made an honest woman out of her?" Philip asked Charlie.

"Yep. My mother has been running from him for a long time. I wanted to make sure that she didn't slip through his fingers again." Charlie said hoarsely as his body cotinued to tremble. It was obvious his longing to see his mother bonded was fighting with the stronger desire for his chosen.

Fortunately for them, Arianna and Dean's joining was as quick as Kat's and Charlie's; and very soon the older couple were hurrying down the aisle towards them. It seemed that Dean was even less patient than Charlie, or he simply wasn't resisting the mezclar.

"Charlie what are you doing here - why are you waiting?" Arianna asked as they joined

her son and new daughter in law.

"I just wanted to make sure that you did it. Congratulations Mom." Charlie said deeply as he briefly hugged his mother, before she moved onto Kat.

"Welcome to the family, Katrina." Arianna whispered as she hugged her. "Now, take

that stubborn son of mine and put him out of his misery." she joked as Stephan pulled

on their joined hands. It was obvious that he was more than ready to put Arianna out

of her "misery". "I'm coming, I'm coming." she laughed.

"Not yet you're not. But soon," Stephan promised as he dragged Arianna off toward his palace quarters.

Kat giggled and just shook her head until Charlie leaned down and scooped her up in a fireman's carry and started back to the second floor of the palace where his suite was located. She shrieked in a very unlady-like manner as her right arm was pulled back slightly while his left arm was holding her legs against his chest.

"Put me down, you fool! I can walk." She protested, wiggling and trying to slide back down him. The people around them cheered with great understanding as they left.

"I'll put you down when we reach our suite," he said before he slapped her backside with his free hand and kept it there to still her wiggling.

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I knew that I was in trouble when I heard those brutal black men could not get my husband in the phone.Victor was still at his office; as I had been at the local mall for some late shopping. After getting some sexy lingerie stuff, I went to the parking lot.There three giant black guys came out from a dark van and grabbed me, dragging me inside. They closed the door and the van moved…I was now on my knees, a collar holding my head to the floor; making me bend like a praying Muslim. My red dress...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 106

Tate Benedict was correct: Meredith Anderson, aka Shawna Young, was no dummy. She wasn't the best student in her high school class but she was close. Just as she was not the best athlete in her school but she was near the top. She agreed with Tate that a group of starlets had little reason to offer to spend time with her. They had been very polite and, if she were honest with herself, they were nothing like she expected them to be. One by one, Meredith was introduced to the rest of the...

3 years ago
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The Next Day

This story is a continuation of a previous story I wrote titled A Husband, His Wife & Her Girlfriend I would suggest you read that first if you want to get the whole story.It was the rocking of the bed that first woke Cathy up. The steady rhythmic motion stirred her from her deep sleep and suddenly all the memories of the previous night flooded back into her brain. She remembered the intense orgasm she had had when Stephanie had used the vibrator to bring her to climax, the satisfaction of...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Camila Cortez Colombian Maid Fuck Fest

I have a filthy house, and I need a dirty girl to clean it. Camila Cortez seems adequate for the job. She has a perfect body and beautiful brown eyes. She was shy and worried about the agency but fuck those people. It’s a little secret between us. With the help of some cash, she takes it all off. She so sexy cleaning naked. I can’t help to whip it out and jerk off right in front of her. She’s a little shocked. But she knew what to do. She sucked my cock so good. She turns...

3 years ago
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Moth Ch 002

Posted on literotica.com with permission of author Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * Two years after the seer had died, Lei’s parents still, on a nearly nightly basis, commented that life was harder without a seer. Oli’s parents, who, as he, were butterflies, commented to the same end on a nearly daily basis. Lei and Oli had first met the day they had left their respective first cocoons — Oli at dawn, Lei at dusk — and since then they had been inseparable, at dusk and dawn. Twilight,...

1 year ago
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Are you hankering for some JAV goodness but don’t know where to turn? Bro, I have an entire section just devoted to JAV porn over on ThePornDude! What the fuck do you mean you’re fucking lost?!But if you just can’t choose a site to get off to, I have just the place for you to try today. It’s a site called Arc JAV. For the horny fuck that doesn’t mind spending a few bucks (more on all of that in a moment), it’s a kick ass fucking place to go when you want to have access to an ungodly amount of...

Asian Porn Sites
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Why Lucifer Played Cupid

All my life, I had the feeling that I was somehow wrong in being an angel. I'd always had certain desires that seemed strange for a celestial being. Even as a cherub, when I saw the Seraphim soaring upward... my impulse was to go down! But finally, I thought I saw what part in the Lord's grand plan I was to play. No doubt, you've heard all about that apple business, only you've never heard my side of the story! How else, but through my disobedience, was Eve made pregnant by Adam! Let me...

2 years ago
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Morning Glory

The past three days had been torture. Heather and her husband were staying with me while their house was refurbished. Being so close to Heather without being able to spend time alone with her was agonizing. As night followed day, my sexual frustration grew and grew. A fleeting glimpse of Heather as she left the bathroom gave me a tantalizing glimpse of her in a cotton nightdress. The sun shining through the window behind her showed her body in silhouette. It was a body I had had before. It was...

Wife Lovers
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Just Desserts0

For my part, I was pretty glad. I thought Lisa was pretty cute--a little bookish, maybe, and shy. She had short brown hair and glasses. She didn't wear a lot of makeup, and didn't wear showy clothes, but from time to time, you'd catch just a glimpse of her body beneath some article of clothing she wore, and you'd get this hint of a really great body beneath her unflattering clothing. She owned a pair or two of jeans that were really tight, which she'd usually wear with an oversized,...

1 year ago
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Passion at the palace

Note : this story is completely fictional! It was a warm, tepid, windy evening in Saudi Arabia. The magic carpets were glistening in the moist dew, a moistness which was only to increase... Maramaramara, his thoughts abroad with the distant breeze was at the end of his quest.it had lasted 2 years and now it was nearly complete. the palace gold was nearly his. these two years had been ones of intrigue and inspiration as he encountered many different characters who thought him many different...

4 years ago
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Jims Discovery 1

Jim was halfway through his afternoon in the office. He hated his job. Well he didnt really hated it, it was just too boring. Especially on such a nice friday afternoon. He tried to concentrate but he couldnt, the job was just too boring, but then was saved by the bell. Or rather the ringing of his phone. He looked at the display and saw the number of his mother. "Hi mum, how are you?", Jim answered the phone. "Hi Jimmy, im fine, how are you?" "Great mum, but im at work, so i dont have too much...

2 years ago
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Naughty mother even naughtier daughter story 3

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...

3 years ago
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Danny Comes to Stay Part 1

As we undressed for bed, Alex said to me, "I feel kind of sorry for Danny.""Sorry for him?  You're kidding me!"It was hard to believe he would feel anything but mistrust for my ex.  He hadn't been keen on Danny visiting us, and sure as hell hadn't been comfortable with him staying over with us for the night."No I do," he insisted.  "Being holed up in that tiny Cornish village without any cute guys to help him pass the time.""It was his choice to take the job down there," I reminded him.  Danny...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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JulesJordan Bobbi Dylan Beautiful Bobbi Dylan Wants To Be Taken To Limits By Dredd

Size Queen Bobbi Dylan Finally Gets Her Chance To Fuck Dredd’s MONSTER Cock! Rambunctious and ready Bobbi makes her way to the upstairs bedroom while slowly shedding off her lingerie. She does a dance in the doorway and rubs her hands all over her body before making her way inside to get comfy on the chair. Bobbi fingers her tight pussy, licking each one clean after pushing it deep in her wet snatch as she anxiously awaits Dredd’s arrival. He comes in naked and ready so Bobbi gets right to work...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock Ch 06

For a moment Elaine wondered where the disappointment was coming from. Maybe she was just annoyed with herself. She was usually meticulously punctual. But it wasn’t like she’d promised to meet him. It had just been a ‘maybe’. Shaking her head, she had a new appreciation for the term ‘wasted’.   Who am I kidding? she wondered. The guy could be a nut. Simone said he wasn’t but who was Simone? Maybe HE was ‘Simone’. Surely no one was that devious. She had to admit it was possible. Elaine...

2 years ago
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Substitute WifeChapter 2

Richard had courted Vivian for her smiles. When she was pleased, the entire room lit up. She should be pleased at her wedding, for God’s sake. She looked worried, though, throughout the ceremony and the feast afterwards. When they were back at his town house and had separated to dress for bed, her maid, Phyllis, rapped on the connecting door and he went in. Vivian was lying with the sheet pulled up to her chin. If she’d looked worried during the service, she looked terrified now. Well,...

2 years ago
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Beware of strangers

Beware of stranglers Role playing is a fun way to get a few fantasies in and get real dirty. I have a few role play fantasies. I have one that is in the dark side but turns me on. It starts off with letting my lady know, via text message, "beware of strangers". Before she gets home, I get my favorite cockring on, head out and take a drive. Giving her 30 minutes or so I pull up to our place and knock on the door. When she opens the door, she half way hiding behind the door. She is wearing a...

1 year ago
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Brandy 2 Chapter 1

Four Years LaterBrandy graduated from college, moving into the city, away from home, hoping to start a new life. Her parents still looked at her differently since they found out about her and Michael, not even him moving could changed anything. She had found a good job as an advertising assistant, able to afford an apartment by herself. She enjoyed her privacy. She dated on and off, but nothing steady, most men her age interested in partying and getting her into the sack and then they moved...

3 years ago
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My First Mature

One of my first mature lovers was a divorcee named Jean who is 58, and a former work colleague. Jean worked in the same office, still does in fact.We first had got together when I had been dropping her home for a few weeks, and as a thank you she said that, if I did not mind, she would like to make me some dinner.I have always found older women more attractive and I had more than a few wanks thinking about Jean so I was happy to spend some more time with her. We had a nice meal, than sat in her...

2 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 4 First Time

After the shower Helena decided to have a beach walk. Putting on a pinkish red bikini, light blue skirt, bath towel, beach bag and soft sandals. Locking her door at her unit, She started to walk along the street towards Tugun beach, passing the surf club. Looking at the beach she decided to walk north towards flat rock. There were a few people on the beach sitting, walking, playing, but the surf was only about 30cm. So no surfers to check out. Arriving at flat rock there was a young man...

1 year ago
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Vibachaari Soothil Matter Poten

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana thirumanam aagatha vibachariyai eppadi oothen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vimalkumar vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Thirumana vayathil irukum naan oru ilamaiyaana vibachaariyai matter poda vendum endru aasai paten. En nanban adikadi vibachaarigaludan matter poduvaan, en idam niraiya kathaigal soluvaan. Avan kathaigalai ketu konde irukalam endru thondrum, thirumanam aana auntygalai avan...

2 years ago
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moms new sissy

My name is Dan. I'm doing okay, you? I see. Well if you are going to be listening to my thoughts please keep the volume down, I am trying to think. Some things are going on that have got me very mixed up and I have to concentrate. Like most overly complicated things in life, a woman is involved.I have to admit that I have always been bothered by my penis size. I've seen smaller dicks online by typing 'small penis' in google but mine is defiantly nothing to boost about at around five inches. I...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 25

On the other side of town, the man Agatha was thinking about walked up the ramp to Erica’s house. He knocked. Something in her voice had told him to knock. When she answered the door she looked pale, but otherwise normal. She stood back and he walked in. By the time he turned to look at her again, tense had been added to pale. “I’m pregnant,” she said simply. Erica had thought long and hard about whether she should face the man she’d made a baby with or not. She didn’t have to, as far as...

4 years ago
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10 October 2008Chapter 13

Rita placed her arms around Dan’s neck, moulding her body to his. She looked into his hazel green eyes and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Since we’re both celebrating our anniversary, it’s only fitting to give each other a nice gift. It’s been said that variety is the spice of life. Paul and I enjoy a very spicy marriage. You can put your hands on me where you like.” Dan looked towards the tables trying to find Paul and Susan. “You don’t have to worry about Susan. My Paul will be good to...

3 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 52 Board Meeting

Both Helena and Fred woke at 6am, dressed and went to the coffee shop for a hardy breakfast of sausage, eggs, bacon, tomatoes, toast and for Helena 3 cappuccino’s. They both felt hungry and Harry knew it was going to be a draining two days for them. Returning to the unit they showered and dressed in a professional business manner. Julie arrived at 9am and took them to the airport. They would call her when to return to the unit. As soon as Helena entered she greeted Danielle, again she...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 158

"What's his problem?" Allie asked. The other women watched open-mouthed as Adam stormed out. "I'm not sure," Rebecca replied. She glanced around the corner and saw the front door close. "I think we pissed him off. What were you talking about beforehand?" "The same stuff," Allie answered. "He was telling us why we should take less." "And we were arguing with him about it," Trinity added with a frown. "Then Becs comes in and it's like suddenly he isn't an idiot because one...

2 years ago
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A Knock At The DoorChapter 9

Sara Adams stepped from the shower and looked at her nude body in the full length mirror on her bathroom door. She saw a shapely 47 year old woman looking back at her. Her dishwater blonde hair was dripping wet and the ends hung on her shoulders. As she looked in the mirror she lifted a breast and caressed the nipple. It hardened between her finger and thumb. Her other hand trailed down her slightly puffy belly to her shaven pussy. Her men liked her pussy clean and smooth and there was not a...

1 year ago
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Dirty Old Pervert 4

Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good. Woody Allen I spent the next day recovering from my excesses of the earlier night. One masturbation session and one session of hot sex with a young woman should be enough to exhaust a man of my energy levels. I did not even think about sex all day long, and whenever I did not have floaters or a mild sex headache, I spent my time working on new exercises for Savannah and Joy, and...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetXSpankMonster Alex Coal Right To It

Light-eyed cutie Alex Coal is super energetic and full of spunk, and today, she’s excited to get into some hot action on the couch. She shows our stud her pussy, and it’s already soaking wet, so he dips down and licks her clit until Alex is gasping and squirming in orgasmic heat. The pale princess opens her mouth wide and gives our stud a slobbery blowjob, getting every inch of his cock with her tongue. Then, her eyes roll back in her head as he drills her snatch. It all culminates in a...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Real Elder Sister

By: Vipulverma01 Hi everyone I’m Vipul and I am going to tell you a real incident of my life which happened four months ago. I am an engineering student and I am an average personality boy. I am 18 years old with a cock of 7 inches. I have a family of four members me, my hot elder sis my mom and my father. My sis is divorced from her hubby and living with us from last two years. She is having a very sexy figure with her large sized boobs and ass. She is of average height and is 25 years old...


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