Santa and the MILF
- 4 years ago
- 33
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Rachel Adams smiled and stretched like a cat under the feather comforter in the big comfortable hotel bed. She was wearing a dark blue silk pajama top loaned to her by Marcus. She couldn’t remember when she had had such a good night’s sleep. She had awakened in the midst of a mildly erotic dream – she and Marcus were sitting on the rug in front of a fireplace in some kind of lodge and the way he looked at her made her body tingle with the promise of erotic delights.
As she became aware of her surroundings, she discovered she was alone in the bed and in the room. Suddenly her mommy alarms started going off. Where was Sarah? Where was Marcus? All pleasant dreams and the comfort of her surroundings were thrust aside as she sat up in the bed in a panic. Had he taken her? Was he some monster who had lured her to this hotel just to abduct her daughter?
Calm down. Marcus is not a monster. There had to be an explanation. She got out of bed and moved to the French doors. There was a sliver of light at the gap in the curtains. She pulled them open and her heart leapt with relief.
Outside in the bright early morning sunlight was Marcus and Sarah. They were bundled up against the cold sitting side by side at a small table on the large rooftop deck outside the room, and Sarah was laughing. They appeared to be playing some kind of board game. Both had insulated plastic cups in front of them and Rachel could see the steam escaping from the hot beverages. Next to them was a small folding table that contained what looked like breakfast dishes.
Sarah was dressed warmly in a down jacket, corduroy pants, red boots and a winter-white newsboy cap. Rachel was puzzled. Where had those clothes come from? Her daughter looked relaxed and happy, the sadness and uncertainties of the last days and weeks long gone. Rachel smiled. Sarah looked like some ad for ‘Nordstrom Kids’ How had he managed that? She thought about Pru. Had Marcus somehow in the night ordered up clothes for Sarah? Was that what the telephone conversations were about after they got to the room? He appeared to be a resourceful man and obviously was able to make things happen.
Rachel’s stomach growled. How can that be? She had eaten her fill the night before, so how could she possibly be hungry? Against one wall in the room was a black marble counter and on it was a tray with an insulated cover. She uncovered the dishes and discovered an array of food, from oatmeal to scrambled eggs and bacon, and fresh fruits neatly sliced. Next to the tray were two black carafes which were labeled ‘coffee’ and ‘cocoa.’ She poured herself a cup of coffee, which smelled wonderful, splashed in a little cream, grabbed a slice of perfectly cooked bacon and moved into the bathroom.
As she munched on the bacon she examined herself in the mirror. The harried and worried woman who had greeted her in the mirror just yesterday was absent, although her current crisis-induced thinness made her look waif-like. A look many of her east-side acquaintances would kill for. Eat your hearts out, girls.
She pulled a brush through her shoulder length auburn hair thinking about yesterday’s magical evening, and how it contrasted with the weeks and months before. After Marcus put Sarah on the bed, Rachel got her undressed and into her pajamas. During that process Sarah barely moved. Oh, to be young and able to sleep the sleep of a child!
In her exhausted and slightly tipsy state Rachel hardly took notice of Marcus on the phone. She desperately needed a shower. She pointed at the bathroom and he had nodded his understanding.
Rachel spent a great deal of time there letting the hot water soak away the tension in her muscles away. She also spent a long time washing her hair. They hadn’t had any hot water for a week before their eviction, and in the grubby hotel they stayed in the two nights previously, the rust-stained fittings had given up precious little hot water and the shower’s cracked and moldy surfaces were no place to spend any time.
When she finished her shower she thought she heard Marcus still on the phone. He was obviously a success at whatever it was he did and probably had business even on Christmas Eve. Dressed in the thick white hotel robe, her body glowing from the wine and the hot water, she couldn’t face putting on the under-things she had been wearing, so she figured she’s just sleep in the robe. When she opened the door to the bathroom, she discovered a dark blue silk pajama top hanging on the door knob. She picked it off the hanger and slipped back into the bathroom. Rachel hung the robe on the hook on the back of the door, and put on the soft garment. It came to her knees and obviously belonged to Marcus. As she buttoned it the sensuous material brushed her very sensitive nipples, making them stand out. She smiled, and said to her reflection, “Rachel, there is no way you can go into that room looking like this. What would Marcus think?”
She frowned, trying to remember the last time she and Dave had made love. He was always so busy, as was she, that they rarely had time for intimacy. Dave was a good lover but toward the end they hardly saw each other and communication seemed to take the form of text messages, even though they were often in the house together.
Marcus had removed his shoes and was in slacks and shirt sitting on the small sofa. He was just putting his phone away as she came back into the room. He hadn’t turned on any more lights since they arrived so the room was still only illuminated by a small lamp near the bed. She felt self-conscious as his eyes followed her, and she knew he could see her nipples as they hardened again in reaction to his inspection. She quickly got into the side of the bed nearest the bathroom and pulled the covers to her chin. Had Sarah not been there would she try to seduce him? Everything about the evening had been romantic, and with the wine and the feel of him as he comforted her there was no doubt about it.
“Thank you for the pajama top. I was afraid I’d have to sleep naked...”
She blushed. Why did I say that? Actually she loved sleeping naked, but after Sarah was born she moved to wearing pajamas since it was not uncommon for her to have to get up in the night to see to her daughter. The pajamas were easier than fumbling for a robe in the dark, and a darn sight warmer in the cold house at night. Sadly, Dave didn’t seem to care what she slept in.
She blushed again, when he said, “You look beautiful in it. The color suits you, and it is a cold night.”
Was he referring to her prominent nipples? She wanted to tell him it wasn’t the cold that affected her, but held her tongue.
“They have lots of spare blankets and pillows, so I’ll just bunk here on the sofa.”
Up to that point she hadn’t even thought about the sleeping arrangements. “Oh, I’m so sorry to turf you out of your bed. Will you be alright on the sofa?”
He laughed his nice laugh. “Believe me I’ve slept in many places a whole lot worse.” Then his expression turned serious. “It’s a small price to pay to see you smile.”
She blushed again.
Now it was his turn to use the bath. He moved to the lamp and turned it off, and then moved close to her side of the bed. “Good night, Rachel.”
“Good night, Marcus.”
Rachel lay in the dark for a few minutes. The clock showed a few minutes after ten, still relatively early, but she was exhausted and with the meal and the wine and the hot shower and mostly of the lack of worry for a change, she easily drifted off to sleep.
Rachel absently brushed her hair in front of the bathroom mirror as she relived the evening before. He told her last night that he knew she was in trouble. How had he known? She would have to ask him. Was he her guardian angel? No, he was definitely flesh, and from what she felt when he held her last night as she cried, also muscles. He had the body of an athlete – not some bulked up ball player, but maybe more like a competitive cyclist. And later, oh yes later ... when she’d awakened and in the darkened room had seen his restless shape on the too small sofa. There was some light from the street lights through the gap in the curtains on the street side windows.
She got out of bed and went to him. She could tell he was awake.
He quickly sat up, the falling blankets exposing his bare chest. “Rachel, are you okay?”
She hesitated and swallowed. “Marcus, there’s plenty of room on the bed.”
“I’m fine, really.”
“Nonsense,” she said with humor. “I’ll just move Sarah over here. She won’t even notice, and you can have that side of the bed. I should have thought of that earlier.”
“You sure?”
“Yes,” she said softly, her heart suddenly beating faster.
Sarah didn’t even stir as Rachel moved her to the sofa, covered her, and kissed her sweet face. She felt so fortunate to have her. She was a blessing.
Soon the two adults were in the bed, Rachel acutely aware of his presence only inches away, but before she could think about it much more she was asleep. Sometime later she woke to find him spooned against her and his strong arm protectively draped over her bare hip. As she lay there she sighed with contentment. Sleeping in his arms seemed like the most natural thing in the world. Smiling, she had gone back to sleep.
She looked at the smiling face in the mirror as she relived the memory and especially the feel of his body pressed against hers. Had she dreamed that part? She shook her head and almost laughed. No, it was definitely real. She couldn’t recall that she had ever felt so protected and secure and loved in her life.
Loved? Was she falling in love with him? Did he love her? What nonsense! That idea was most certainly the fantasy of an affection-starved urban widow. She hadn’t even known him a day yet!
Shaking her head as if she could push thoughts of the night before away, Rachel left the bathroom in search of her clothes. She hated to put on anything she had with her since it all needed to be washed, but there wasn’t much choice. She opened the closet across the small hallway from the bath and her breath caught. Her few items of clothing had been replaced by a number of women’s outfits, which included underwear, shoes and bags!
“Marcus what have you done?” she asked aloud.
Most of them still had Nordstrom tags on them. Ah, the ever resourceful Pru again. Rachel wondered what Pru must have thought as she went through her store picking out items of clothing and accessories for a woman Marcus had just met. Had Pru’s dreams of a future with Marcus been shattered?
“Tough luck, Pru, I’m not letting him go.” She spoke aloud, and then laughed at the absurdity of that statement as she picked out matching light blue panties and bra, some skinny jeans and a soft red cashmere cowl neck sweater. All the items fit her perfectly. Obviously Pru had a good eye for sizes since she had only seen Rachel for what, five minutes? And most of that time she was drooling over Marcus.
She slipped on a pair of ballet flats and moved to the French doors to the rooftop deck, grabbing a piece of toast on her way, and refilling her coffee cup.
She paused, watching Marcus and Sarah. He poured her some cocoa from a carafe on the table and they seemed to be in an intense conversation about something. Both were smiling. Marcus was dressed in wool slacks, ankle boots, a navy sweater, and a dark brown leather jacket. He really is a fine looking man. Her mind went back to the night before and the image of the two of them spooned together. Rachel’s body tingled, and she shivered.
“Good morning you two and Merry Christmas!” she said as she stepped out. The air was crisp, but the rain had passed and the sun was up – and the view – it was spectacular. The deck overlooked the sparkling blue waters of Elliot bay, and the snow-capped Olympics to the west provided an unbelievable backdrop. It was going to be a magnificent Christmas day.
Sarah jumped from her place at the table and ran to Rachel. “Mommy, you were right ... Santa found us!”
Hugging her daughter she caught Marcus’ eye, and mouthed, “Thank you.”
He responded with a slight smile and a shrug.
As Rachel approached the table she saw a game of Chutes and Ladders, something she had played in her own childhood. She wondered where he found it in this era of electronic games, and on Christmas Eve to boot.
“And Santa brought me this coat and hat and these new pants and these boots!” She put one foot forward so Rachel could inspect a pair of red boots with a faux fleece trim.
Rachel bent over and hugged her daughter. “Very nice, obviously you were a good girl this year.”
“Can we go and open your presents now?”
“My presents?”
She turned and looked at Marcus. He smiled and nodded.
“I still have a present under the tree, but Mr. James said I should wait to unwrap the last one until you woke up, so we played games and I ate oatmeal and drank cocoa. I thought you were never going to wake up, but Mr. James said you needed your rest so we came out here. Can we go in now?”
All this was said in a jumbled rush which probably reflected too much cocoa as much as the excitement of Christmas morning. Rachel smiled and nodded.
Marcus got to his feet and went to Rachel. “You look wonderful. I hope everything fits. It was kind of a rush thing...”
As Sarah disappeared through the door to the room, Rachel hugged him and kissed him on the lips. What was only meant as a quick kiss to show her pleasure and thankfulness, caught both of them by surprise, and it lasted far longer than either had planned.
They broke apart as Sarah’s insistent voice from inside the room brought them back to reality. Reluctantly they moved their bodies apart a few inches and their breathing began to return to normal.
Still holding her, he said, “Guess we better go unwrap presents.” She never wanted him to let go. And she definitely wanted many more kisses like the one she had just experienced.
Speechless, Rachel only nodded. He took her hand and gently led her back into the room. She mused that she probably would have stood frozen on the deck for a long time had he not taken her hand.
Rachel watched her daughter at the far side of the room take a present from under the tree. The tree? How had he done that? It was not a real tree of course, but it was authentic looking, and perhaps three feet tall with twinkling white lights. It was on the small table in the corner across the room, near the windows. How had she missed it earlier?
“Sit here Mommy.” Sarah pointed to an upholstered arm chair next to the window.
Marcus watched with great amusement as Sarah handed her a foil wrapped box. As she opened it Rachel was amazed to see an iPhone. “Oh Marcus ... thank you.”
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I needed a part time job to bring more money in or move to some run down apartment that I could afford. I looked in all the papers, on the internet, I asked people if there were any jobs I could do but nothing. In the paper from the town next to the town I live in there was an ad for a club dancer, I knew that was a stripper, I said I would never do anything like that but I was broke and almost homeless. Plus it was in the town down the road, no one would find out. Let me describe...
It was late Christmas eve and Olivia was laying in bed feeling quite horny and with everyone in the house asleep she started to slowly move her hand down her naked body until she got to her already wet pussy and she gently started to rub herself trying to think of someone sexy using her and that is when she thought it would be hot for Santa to catch her being naughty but little did she know what was going to happen in the next few minutes. As she played she had her eyes closed and as she...
Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure naughty fiction. Any similarities to any person living, dead, undead, fictional, et. al is purely coincidental. This is my first story. Critiques are welcome.We all need a little extra money this holiday season. So for some extra cash, I became a mall Santa. Took the course, rented my costume, ho ho ho I'm ready to go. All I have to do is sit for a few hours, have some cuties sit on my lap, listen to their wish lists and smile for the camera. Simple...
I was a little elf going to work and pack gifts all day at the mallit was a nice thing to do during december and it paid some extra moneyi was all dress in my green leggin and little elf costume getting in the bus back from workthere was a older guy in his santa costume waving at me in the backi was invited to seat with him''hey how was you day little el''''good good i packed gift all day''''good of you , you make santa proud''both laughing keep playing our ''role''''so what are you doing...
Santa BabyNikkie SilkIt was the last Friday night before Christmas, and the pub was packedwith office workers intent on celebrating the Christmas spirit bygetting as drunk as they could manage. Slade were belting out ‘MerryXmas Everybody’ over the speakers and the whole pub was raucouslyjoining in with the chorus. People were kissing under pieces of plasticmistletoe and more than one office romance would begin, and probablyend, that evening.The group that had grabbed a table to the side of the...
Santa Baby I live for feedback [email protected] It was the last Friday night before Christmas, and the pub was packed with office workers intent on celebrating the Christmas spirit by drinking as much as they could before closing time. Slade were belting out "Merry Xmas Everybody" over the speakers and the whole pub was raucously joining in with the chorus. People were kissing under pieces of plastic mistletoe and more than one office romance would begin, and probably end,...
I won't bother trying to describe myself. You've all heard my description-- "nose like a cherry", and a "belly that shook like a bowl full of jelly" and all that shit. What the prick who wrote all that about me didn't know was what was hanging under that bowl of jelly. What's the point of fulfilling all those wishes for everybody else if you can't help yourself out once in a while?I get around a bit, about once a year. Most of the time I'm just hanging around the old pole, trying...
The elder from... John was starting to lose track of time so far he'd seen the? He guessed it was a sun set twice that meant according to them that two years had passed already on the outside. So far the only magic he could do well was the thought talking to the elders and a few others. Sitting John tried to go through everything the elder elf Granle had told him. Another failed attempt later there was a knock at his door, "I thought you might want something to eat and drink. You have...
I was building up the fire ready for departure, two shovels front right, two front left, when I heard the voice of a buffet steward calling to get my attention. I leant my head out of the cab door and froze, but not from the cold December air. Tilted up at me was a small pixie face, dusted with freckles, surrounded by shining brown hair, and smiling blue eyes. I was speechless. Suddenly I realised that she was talking to me, and I was staring, not hearing a word she had said. ‘Sorry — I didn’t...
As the title says santa is a big lad. total fiction as I have a very good imagination. The date was 24th december and the christmas eve party was in full swing, every male was in a santa outfit and wearing a mask. The rules where everyone put the keys in a basket and then deliverd a sack to that house, and you couldnt pick your own key.I picked the house 3 doors down a great family and a hot wife he had as well, I grabbed my sack of presents and went on my merry way. The lady of the house had...
Santa Knows Who's Naughty and Nice By The Rebel The long Yule night was passing slowly as the winter storm howled outside the huge old house. Upstate New York is used to snowstorms of unusual intensity but this winter storm was epic. Tonight was Christmas Eve and magic seemed to be in the air. Tonight was a night in which all-good men and women should stay snug before a roaring fire while hugging their love ones. If Santa were going to make his rounds tonight it would truly be...
Sitting at the table still trembling, John eyes spied the mirror he'd left next to the chair when he'd shown it to Torran and Triance. Rising he unsteadily walked over and lifted it. Strange he thought the surface was murkier than mirror like. Shaking his head he remembered Mother Nature telling him that it would help him for now. That what needed to be done would be shown. Also that it would be confusing at first. Shaking his head again John thought, ‘I just want to know where she is...
It all started one Saturday morning. I was home all alone. My mom and dad went away for a lover's retreat all weekend. It left me alone to indulge in my most favorite pastime. You see I don't get into sports or anything like that. I like to dress up like a girl. I don't want to be a girl or date men. I just like to look like a girl every now and then. To me it's fun and a real challenge to see how real I can look. To me I look just like a girl when I am fully dressed. I think I could fool...
This story is non fiction but would love to be Santa Claus.It was close to christmas and my parents decided to have a fancy dress house party, people had to dress in seasonal costumes. As the guests arrived all types of costumes where there from snowman to not so little elves to santa's help[ers anf of cause santa him self.My parents dressed in great costumes mum was a sexy santa helper and dad as The grinch. The party was swinging booze and food aplenty, I got chatting to a couple of identical...
We’d loaded up the service car with the presents, trolleys, boxes of food and drink, and spent the empty stock working readying the train for the influx of excited families. The lead steward asked me if I’d pop up to the loco when they’d run round and do drinks for the crew while the rest of the buffet crew helped with settling the passengers. The loco crew would have been on several hours before us lighting up and getting up steam for the day’s trains, so they’d be grateful for a drink. I...
It was five days before Christmas. Everything was on schedule, reindeer fattened up, elves wrapping and packing toys, and Santa checking his list. The naughty list had grown this year. Santa was wondering why, when he heard on the North Pole News Station: “Mayan calendar predicts end of the world tomorrow. Earth is in a panic.” The elves heard the news and stopped working. They got up from their benches and gathered around Santa. The female elves all sat at Santa’s feet. A couple sat in his...
This is a follow up story to my wife's 40th birthday present. To review briefly, we shared a fantasy for years about having a young man enjoy my wife's hot sweet nectar and finally with some teasing, I got it set up and she enjoyed a young black college man. I watched them but she didn't know it.I suggested that perhaps we could repeat the event for her next birthday but that it should be a threesome with her enjoying me and a lover. She jokingly suggested that perhaps it could be sooner,...
It was as if Santa himself had granted my every naughty wish, as if the white bearded old man had been watching me on a hidden cam in my room and knew my confused mind, I might have been thirteen, but my libido as a girl for older men, Santa wanted me to let them know I was available.'Ho Ho Ho', this jocular old man in a red suit, sat at the head of our dinner table, his hand sometimes straying onto my thigh, with a gentle squeeze, just inches from my crotch, yes that high on a girls bare leg,...
My husband Mark and I had finally reached the point of financial security we had been working so hard to achieve. We had been married a little over five years and we were elated because our offer had been approved on the house of our dreams. We were scheduled to move in a few weeks after the New Year. When Mark and I got married we sat down and talked long and hard about what goals we wanted for our future together. We had both come from middle-class families...
SANTA MARGARITA WOMEN PRISON To A. ? thanks for the initial inspiration and for a continuous, unflagging support. PART 1 Before the crack of dawn, prisoner Nadia Serna was awakened by the engines? roar in the prison courtyard. She knew instantly what was going on and what to do. Without thinking, she dropped to the floor and rolled under the bed, just in time to hear the front door being broken down. Suddenly, the building was filled by excited shouts and thumping of boots on tiled...
My husband Mark and I had finally reached the point of financial security we had been working so hard to achieve. We had been married a little over five years and we were elated because our offer had been approved on the house of our dreams. We were scheduled to move in a few weeks after the New Year. When Mark and I got married we sat down and talked long and hard about what goals we wanted for our future together. We had both come from middle-class families and...
The door bell rang. David had been sitting in an easy chair, reading a mystery novel. It was after ten at night, and he thought that someone being at the door was really unusual. In addition to it being late, he was in a vacation house and normally no one would be there. He got up from his chair and went quietly to the door. He noticed that both the dead-bolt and the chain were locked, just as he had left them when he got there the previous day. He carefully looked through the peephole to the...
Straight SexIt was late Christmas eve, well by now it is Christmas day like maybe 3:00 am was the last time I looked at the clock at least so I had gave up waiting to see if Santa was coming. I checked my sack at the end of the bed with a little kick to find it was empty, I don’t know perhaps I dozed off for a while and missed him, I thought it was worth checking. Any way 3:00am had passed and my eyes started to shut. Then I heard the squeak of my door handle, I shut my eyes tight a prayed “Please let it...
One day my wife and I drove to Santa Barbara for some shopping for her birthday. We live in another town about 110 miles away. We spent about three hours shopping and trying on different clothes, and made many purchases. One of the items my wife Margaret bought was a sun dress that I picked out. The dress was somewhat see-through if the light hit it just right. I didn't think she knew at the time that it was see-through. I told her she looked great in it and she should wear it for the rest of...
MILFI stood at the windows in the family room looking at the snow falling. Slowly, it erased the tracks of the kids as they had played themselves out that day. Only the lights from the Christmas tree and the full moon reflecting in the yard lit the room. I took another sip of the last of my 16 year old, port wood finished Balvanie. I sighed in remembrance of Christmases past and allowed the nectar of the Highlands to warm me and relax me. "I'm glad they went down early tonight," the joy of my...
The door bell rang. David had been sitting in an easy chair, reading a mystery novel. It was after ten at night, and he thought that someone being at the door was really unusual. In addition to it being late, he was in a vacation house and normally no one would be there. He got up from his chair and went quietly to the door. He noticed that both the dead-bolt and the chain were locked, just as he had left them when he got there the previous day. He carefully looked through the peephole to the...
Suzanne was bent over him holding a large mug of steaming coffee in her hand. Jack peered at her through one squinted eye, then swung his feet to the floor and sat up stiffly. The coat from his Santa suit, which had been draped over his upper body like a blanket, slid off and fell to the floor, leaving his bare arms prickled with gooseflesh under the short sleeves of his t-shirt. Suzanne handed Jack the coffee and opened the fist that had held the mug. On her palm were three reddish-brown...
John Timberland was getting frustrated no matter how calm or at peace he was still nothing happened. Sighing again John tried to move the toy that was in front of him with his mind. A small smile lit up his face when it started to slightly vibrate, then nothing. The elder from ... John was starting to lose track of time so far he’d seen the? He guessed it was a sun set twice that meant according to them that two years had passed already on the outside. So far the only magic he could do well...