Santa Fe free porn video

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The door bell rang. David had been sitting in an easy chair, reading a mystery novel. It was after ten at night, and he thought that someone being at the door was really unusual. In addition to it being late, he was in a vacation house and normally no one would be there. He got up from his chair and went quietly to the door. He noticed that both the dead-bolt and the chain were locked, just as he had left them when he got there the previous day. He carefully looked through the peephole to the outside.

The outdoor light was on and he could see that the caller was an attractive female, probably in her twenties. Behind her in the drive was a late model sports car, parked right behind his truck. He couldn't see anyone in the car and she looked harmless enough, so he curiously unlocked the door and opened it. He looked her over and said, "Yes?"

She was pretty. She had shoulder length blonde hair and a nice, but not voluptuous figure. She was wearing blue jeans that fit her like a glove and a translucent brown top that stylishly showed off a full black bra. She said, "I'm Julie Cosworth. My step-father, John Williams, owns this place. Who are you?"

She saw a middle-aged man, about six foot tall with a slender build peering back at her from the open door. He explained, "I'm David Jaxx. I work for your father. He told me I could stay here for a few days." Then he added quizzically, "He didn't say anything about you coming up here."

"Well, he didn't know I was coming. I'm going to school in Albuquerque and just came up for the weekend. I have a key but I saw your truck and the lights so I thought I better ring the bell." She thought to herself, "He works for John. He must not be dangerous and he does look okay. A little on the old side but not bad." She concluded that she was probably safe and asked, "Is it okay if I come in?"

"Sure, do you have anything you want brought in?"

"No," she said looking down, "I just have my handbag. I keep clothes and other stuff of mine here. They're in the spare bedroom."

Without looking up, she walked past him and went straight to the kitchen where she fixed herself a tall coke over ice. David started to react negatively to her way of making herself at home but then he realized that it was more her home than his. He considered himself lucky that he had already moved into the master bedroom. She flopped down in the other easy chair, the one he hadn't been using. She asked him if he was staying there alone.

He told her, "I had a fight with my wife this week. I was really upset. Your father is being very helpful to me and he suggested I come up here for a week and cool off. So yes, I'm alone." David was still a little annoyed at having his solitude interrupted and he abruptly asked her, "What's your excuse for being here?"

She felt somewhat defensive and replied, "Well first of all, he's not my father. John's my step-father, although he does treat me as if I was his real daughter. When he and mother divorced a few years ago, I stayed with him instead of moving to New York with her. He's paying for my college, buys me clothes and bought me that car out there. My real father doesn't treat me that good. But thats not really what you asked. I'm here because my fiancé is studying for an exam and he has trouble concentrating when I'm around." She flashed a smile like David should understand why she would be a distraction. He was starting to like her and he definitely understood the distraction part.

She would probably never be a model but she did have the kind of looks that would turn heads. She was wearing heels that probably added a couple of inches or so. David mentally guessed her height at around 5'6". He thought her face was cute, a little bit on the round side with a nicely proportioned nose and mouth, a sexy smile and blue eyes. In the light of the house he could see that her hair color was really a very light brown and sun-bleached to blonde on the ends.

There was silence. They were studying each other. Julie thought that David wasn't handsome, at least not like her boyfriend George, but then he wasn't unattractive either. He had all his hair, nice teeth and seemed to dress okay, particularly since he wasn't expecting company. His feet were bare but he was wearing some nice khaki wash pants and a blue pullover. And he apparently didn't even need reading glasses. His wife was probably missing him.

David continued looking her over. He put Julie's weight at about 120 pounds and he thought her breasts were just the right size for her frame, probably a B cup or slightly larger. Her waist was trim and from the fit of her jeans one would have to conclude that she had very nice legs. David had watched her from the back as she walked to the kitchen. Her ass was certainly an attraction. Yes, he could understand why her fiancé couldn't get any studying done with her around. He thought that maybe it wasn't so bad being interrupted after all.

It was Friday night and Julie finally broke the silence by saying that she had to go back to Albuquerque on Sunday. She asked, "Is it going to bother you if I stay here 'till then?" By now, David kind of wanted her to stay but she was pleading anyway. "I won't be any trouble. I've got friends here so you won't even see much of me."

Well, this wasn't going to help David sort out his problems with his wife, but at least Julie was engaged and there was probably fifteen years between their ages, so it shouldn't be an unbearable temptation. Besides, he was sort of looking forward to having her as company for a couple of days. He said, "Certainly, you can stay. After all, it's really your house. I just hope you can put up with me for a couple of days."

She relaxed her posture and David could tell she was greatly relieved. She suggested that he might want to get back to his reading. Julie told him that she was tired, had been up since seven that morning, and after the drive up from Albuquerque she wanted to get a shower and go to bed. She stood up to end the conversation and headed for her bedroom. David picked up his book and resumed his reading.

From his chair, David could see down the hall where the bedrooms were. It was just a vacation house, really more like a cottage, and although it was comfortable and nicely furnished, it wasn't very big. There were only two bedrooms. David was sleeping in the master which had its own private bathroom. Julie was staying in the one she referred to as the "spare". It was across the hall from the master. The spare didn't have its own bathroom so Julie was going to have to use the guest bathroom at the far end of the hall.

Julie had removed her shoes. Except for being barefoot, she was still wearing her traveling clothes when she came out of her bedroom and headed for the bathroom. David watched her as she walked down the hall. He continued his reading as he heard the sound of the shower running. His mind, however, wasn't focused on the book.

David was thinking that he didn't have much to complain about regarding his wife's wandering interests. He was thinking erotic thoughts about Julie's naked body in the shower. As the sound of it stopped, he imagined her stepping out, dripping wet, grabbing a towel and rubbing it all over her tantalizing body. He was sure she needed help and he wanted to give it to her. As he was fantasizing about what it would be like to be in there with her, the bathroom door opened and Julie came down the hall toward him.

She was wearing a towel and carrying her clothes. She had towel dried her hair but it was still damp and matted. The towel was knotted at the top, near her left armpit. It was barely big enough to cover her. The top of the towel was just above her bust line, leaving her shoulders and most of her chest bare. Even though the towel did a pretty good job of squishing her breasts, there was still a hint of cleavage at the top. The bottom of the towel just reached the tops of her thighs, leaving her legs totally exposed. Julie had noticed that David put down his book to watch her and she liked what she was doing to him. She loved teasing men, especially if they were a little older and married.

David thought her legs were even more beautiful than he had imagined from the jeans. The towel wasn't knotted at the bottom and he was mesmerized by a delightful gap up her left side, almost to her armpit. As she walked up the hall he kept hoping for a quick peak as the towel bounced around on her bare skin. Julie stopped at the door to her bedroom to give David one last look, and very suggestively, (at least in David's mind), wished him pleasant dreams. She went into her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

David thought a little about why he was there. His wife had cheated on him, and he was pissed. He had gone into work and told John that he was getting a divorce. John had convinced him to spend a week in Santa Fe thinking about it. David wasn't sure whether or not it was revenge he was looking for, but he had decided who he wanted it to be with, if it came to that. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on his mood at the time, Julie was engaged and hadn't yet shown any real interest in him. David went back to reading his book.

David read for a couple of more hours before finally giving up and going to bed. It was after one in the morning when he finally got to sleep. When he awoke the next morning, it was around ten. He was already thinking about Julie. He hoped she would stick around today. He took a shower and washed his hair before putting on some shorts and a t-shirt. Julie's bedroom door was open and unfortunately it looked to David as if she had already gone for the day. He dejectedly went to the kitchen to fix some breakfast.

The kitchen overlooked the pool in the backyard. As David was fixing breakfast, he noticed Julie swimming. His spirits picked up. She hadn't left after all. When he sat down at the kitchen table he had a view of the pool through the sliding glass doors. He couldn't see much of her when she was actually in the pool but she kept climbing out of it and going to the diving board. David drooled over her magnificent form, and today, even more of it was showing than last night in the towel. She was wearing a bikini, not the string type, but it was still plenty skimpy and showed her off nicely. As she stood on the end of the diving board, he was getting a profile view of her with her arms stretched over her head - long legs, a sensuous butt, flat stomach, perky breasts, gorgeous tan and all of it only slightly covered by a blue and white bikini.

David was no Olympic diving judge but he knew what looked good. When she dove, her arms were straight out in front, her back was arched ever so slightly, her legs stayed straight and together and she entered the water with barely a ripple. It was poetry in motion. If David had been the judge, Julie would have gotten all the medals. The only time he could actually eat his breakfast was when she was in the pool where he couldn't see her.

Finally, she got out of the pool, went to a nearby recliner, spread it out flat and lay face down. She hoped David was watching. She reached behind her and undid the back of her bikini strap, letting it drop down the sides of the recliner. After about 30 minutes she raised up on her elbows and looked toward the house. The pool was on the East side of the house and the morning sun reflecting off the windows of the house made it impossible for her to see in the house. Julie wanted to tease, but she didn't want to be too obvious about it. She didn't care if David saw her, she just didn't want him to think she had done it deliberately. She was going to have to take her chances and hope he wasn't looking right now. She turned over on her back.

But David was watching all of it. This was too good. If she wanted to show off then by God he was going to get a good look. (He didn't realize that the reflection was blinding her.) He grabbed his book and headed out of the house to the pool deck. As he headed toward her she spotted him and in mock modesty put her arms across her breasts. He sat down in the recliner next to her, which very conveniently, happened to be facing in the opposite direction, looking straight at her. She lay there for a while with her arms covering her breasts and stared at him. This was a bit more than she had expected. On the other hand, she'd been to a nude beach once, so this wasn't really all that daring. Finally she removed her arms and adjusted the back of the recliner to an upright position.

By this time, David was reading his book and trying to pretend that he wasn't even noticing her near nakedness. But Julie knew better. She looked toward his crotch and noticed that his hardened dick had already made a sizable tent in his shorts. She took the bikini top from behind her, taunting him by saying, "It seems that we're both enjoying ourselves." She dropped her top on the pool deck.

The charade was over. David guessed that it was okay to be a little more obvious about looking at her tits. At least it appeared that she had given him permission. He sure wasn't getting anything out of his book. He had read the same paragraph now at least four times and still didn't know what it said.

With the pretense over and David putting his book down, Julie wanted to talk. She said, "Last night you told me you were here because you were upset with your wife. Do you want to talk about it?" David pondered her question as his eyes continued to gaze lustily at her chest.

Julie's breasts were even more beautiful than David had imagined. He had guessed the size right, probably a full B cup. They were firm and didn't sag at all. The nipples were just pink bumps on otherwise perfect globes, set against half-dollar size areolas just slightly darker than her tan. She liked being topless and was beginning to enjoy having David study her breasts, but her nipples showed no signs of excitement. David wanted to suck on them and feel the nipples harden.

David tore his thoughts away from what it would be like to have those delectable orbs in his mouth and told her, "My wife was on a business trip Monday and Tuesday. When she got home Tuesday night, she told me she had spent Monday night sleeping with some guy she met on the trip. I was furious. When I went into work on Wednesday I told John about it and said I was going to get a divorce. He suggested that I come up here to his house in Santa Fe and think about it before doing anything hasty. But I still haven't changed my mind."

Julie looked down and lightly touched her breasts, deep in thought, but about what, David wasn't sure. He hoped she wasn't going to put the top back on. Julie sensed his anxiety, dropped her hands to her sides and looked straight at him. She could tell he was enjoying the view but she shook him out of it a little by saying, "Do you love her?"

It was hard for David to think about his wife under the circumstances, her having been unfaithful to him and Julie sitting across from him nearly naked, but he managed to get out a sheepish, "Yes." In spite of the lustful thoughts he was having about Julie, David knew that he was truly in love with his wife. "We've been married for over fifteen years, we have a son who has just become a teenager and we've always been faithful to each other. Why did she have to ruin it? Why did she need someone else?"

Julie said, "You know, love and sex are not the same thing. When you love someone, sex is usually a part of it, but when you have sex with someone, it doesn't mean you have to be in love. You might be doing it just to have fun. You don't have to be in love with someone to have fun with them."

David thought, "Philosophy from a college student? What did she know about sex and love?" He wanted to end the conversation and even though he knew it would probably be the end of the nudity, he suggested that they go inside and fix some lunch. He was right about the end of the show. Julie put her top back on and quietly followed him into the house. They fixed and ate soup and sandwiches without discussing anything other than the food. Afterward, Julie went into her room to take a nap and David resumed his reading.

A couple of hours later Julie came out of her room and headed down the hall to the bathroom. She was wearing the towel again but this time she was showing the backside to David. Her ass was so tight it barely jiggled. The towel swooped outward from her waist to the apex of her butt and then dropped off sharply, ending just at the bottom of her cheeks.

Below the towel were two of the most shapely legs that David had ever seen. And just under the edge of the towel? It would have been hard for him to imagine a sexier sight. David's jaw opened and he dropped his book. He had lost all interest in reading. He turned on a television sports show to occupy his thoughts while he waited anxiously for Julie to come out of the bathroom.

Julie knew that a sure way of getting a man's attention was by wrapping her naked body in a skimpy white towel. She wasn't trying to get David in bed but her ego demanded that she have his attention. When she had dried off after finishing her shower, she exited the bathroom, once again adorned only in that towel, but now it was damp and it clung to her skin.

Even though David had already seen her wearing a lot less, there was something about the way she looked in that towel that caused his cock to come to attention as he watched her walk up the hall toward him. But then she didn't go into her room! David thought he had died and gone to heaven when she walked into the living-room, right past his chair and lay down on the couch only a few feet away from him.

Julie getting situated on the couch in that damp towel was a show worthy of an academy award. Her movements kept exposing lots of bare skin but she used her hands adroitly to keep from revealing more than she wanted. The couch was angled perpendicularly to the chair that David was sitting in and as she lay down with her head away from him, David thought he was looking under the towel and between her legs. He wasn't really seeing anything, at least Julie didn't think he could, but if tongues got hard, his did.

Julie tired of keeping herself reasonably decent with the towel and covered herself with a comforter that had been on the back of the couch, blocking David's view of all but the lower part of her legs. She wasn't ready to quit teasing yet, she just needed to do it in a different way. Under the comforter she removed the towel and tossed it on the floor. With her being naked under the comforter, David's attention did not wane. His erection had not subsided in the least, it might have even gotten a little more rigid. Julie looked over, seeing the bulge in his shorts and knowingly said, "I guess you're not going to mind if I watch television with you for a while."

No, David certainly wasn't going to object. At this point he probably would have paid her to stay. Watching Julie was way better than anything on television. Julie pretended to be watching the television but she was having more fun with her little game. She kept sneaking peaks at him to make sure he was still looking, then she would rearrange her position on the couch and flash a little skin, just enough to maintain his interest.

After they had been "watching television" for a while, David mentioned that he was going in town for dinner that night and asked Julie if she wanted to join him. Julie thought, "Yeah, and I'm going to keep right on fucking with your mind. I might even be able to get you to take me dancing. That would be a real kick." They settled on seven o'clock for departure.

Julie thought she'd probably teased poor David enough, at least for now. She got up from the couch and went to her room with the comforter securely wrapped around her. David was quite disappointed that she didn't leave it on the couch, and Julie had considered it, but that would have been a bit too much. After all, he had already seen most of her, just not all at one time.

When she came out for dinner, Julie was wearing a short, cottony, silver-white dress that she had chosen because it did such a nice job of showing off her body. It was cut like a tank top, but it was long enough to qualify as a dress. It was scooped low in the neckline, with a couple of tiny straps going over her shoulders. When Julie had bought the dress, it had a built-in bra, but she had taken that out. The dress was made of pretty thin material and it was clear that she was braless. The dress fit her snuggly, all over, and made her panties slightly visible. She wasn't wearing any hose and her one inch white platforms were held in place by several thin straps.

Julie thought that David was tastefully dressed for a man of his age. He had on a white pullover shirt with a knit collar and loose fitting gaberdeen trousers. He wore black slip on loafers without any socks. Julie wondered about the sockless thing but figured it had probably been fashionable a few years back. Overall she thought, he looked pretty good for an older guy and she liked the way he was looking her over. She was definitely wearing something he liked or maybe it was what she wasn't wearing that he liked. Either way she liked his attention.

David opened the passenger door of his truck for her. Julie made a good show of displaying her legs to him as she got in. As David closed her door and went around to his, Julie slid forward until the hem of her dress had risen up to the top of her thighs. Maybe her teasing had started as an ego thing but she was beginning to enjoy David's appreciative glances. She didn't want him to have a wreck but she didn't mind keeping him thinking about her either.

When David got in the other side, the interior light illuminated Julie's contrived display of flesh. He had trouble tearing his eyes away from her legs but as he looked up at Julie's face, he could see just a hint of a smile on her lips. David was sure that this was going to be an interesting night.

On the drive into town, even though it had been dark after he closed his door, Julie had noticed that David looked over at her exposed legs every chance he got. The lustful way he looked at her had been having a very warming effect on her and she was anxious to keep it going. When they got to the restaurant, all of the tables were taken. They were shown to a booth. Julie slid in on one side, all the way next to the wall, as a signal to David that he should sit with her on that side. He did as she hoped.

After they got situated in the booth, she slid forward, again exposing most of her thighs. The hemline of her dress just barely concealed her panties. The table cloth obscured most of her lower legs but it was far enough away from them so that she was providing David with a nice view. He couldn't help but notice and as they were having their pre-dinner drinks and salads, he took many opportunities to feast his eyes on her bare legs.

For her main course, Julie had ordered linguine and shrimp. She deliberately made the eating of it a sensual act. She would take a forkful of linguine into her mouth, then slowly turn the fork over before finally taking it out. She would then use her fingers to push the remaining strands of linguine between her lips, sucking on her fingers as she did so. She would look over at David as she was doing this, gaging his reaction. David was having a tough time eating his own meal.

Things had calmed down a bit by the time the desert came. Julie had pushed her skirt down and she had finally left David alone long enough for him to finish his steak.

As they were eating their desert, Julie again brought up David's marital predicament, "You know, I think you're being a little harsh on your wife. My fiancé, George, and I met while I was screwing his roommate Peter. I had been seeing Peter for some time, nothing serious, but we were sleeping together every now and then."

As if it were a question, Julie said, "You know I like to tease."

David nodded his head and thought, "Yes, I have noticed."

Julie continued, "I used to walk around their apartment when George was there with a just a towel or night shirt on. One time Peter and I got a little carried away and almost did it front of George. We were in the living room and I was down to my panties and a t-shirt before Peter took me into the bedroom. I was sort of disappointed. I think it would have been pretty hot to have fucked Peter with George watching."

David thought, "Oh sweet Jesus, what next?"

Julie could tell she'd said too much. She continued talking, but tried to shift gears somewhat, "George was paying me more attention than Peter, and he was a lot nicer to me. He asked me out one night when Peter was busy. With George, it was more than just sex. We really liked being with each other. One thing led to another and eventually I stopped seeing Peter."

Julie quipped, "I know that's probably all kinda boring."

David didn't really think so but he wasn't going to tell her how hot the part about her sex life had made him.

Julie went on, "What is important is what happened to George and I after that. George asked me to marry him and I knew he was the man I wanted, so I said yes. On another occasion, he asked me if I would have married Peter and I assured him that could not have happened. He asked me if I had ever loved Peter and I told him no way. So then he wanted to know why I had been sleeping with Peter when I didn't love him. I told him it was because Peter was fun and he was good in bed, but that didn't mean I loved him or wanted to marry him. George told me that he never wanted me to stop enjoying myself and that as long as I still loved him, what I did for fun was up to me."

David thought there might be a lesson in what Julie had just said. He would have to think about it. They finished up and left the restaurant.

On the way home they passed a night club and Julie wanted to go in. She had originally planned to get David dancing and torment him a little more. Now she wasn't so sure about that idea, but she wanted to go in anyway. David was a bit skittish about the idea but he agreed that they could go in for a couple of drinks. He just didn't want to stay too long. As soon as they got seated, a guy, about the same age as Julie, started toward the table. Julie said, "He's not really my type - a little short and kinda geeky looking - but if he asks, I'm going to dance with him. I really do want to dance and I figure you're not going to ask me."

David looked around the club. It looked like he was the oldest one there. When the guy got to the table, he asked David if he could dance with his daughter. That hurt. It made David feel a lot older than he really was. David wasn't about to waste time with this jerk, giving him the whole story, so he told him that Julie was his date and that it was up to her who she danced with. David hoped that Julie would turn him down. Julie felt bad for David but she was happy that he had introduced her as his date. She wanted to eliminate any further embarrassment so she stood up and led the guy to the dance floor.

It was a fast dance and Julie twirled and shook her body, mostly her tits and ass, and tried to attract the male attention in the place. With Julie's looks and the dress she was wearing, that was easy. Most of the men in the place were watching her by the time the song ended. She left her partner standing on the dance floor and walked back to the table alone.

Julie said, "He was too easy. He had a hard-on as soon as we got out there. I just rubbed up against him a couple of times but I could feel it. Besides, I don't like the way he treated you. You're a lot younger than my father." Julie took David's arm, like he really was her date, and whispered in his ear, "Now you see that guy out there dancing with the girl with big tits? He's the one I want. He was watching me when I was dancing. I know he's interested. Come on and dance with me. We'll give him something to think about."

It was a slow dance and David knew that he was in for some of Julie's sexy mischief. He really wanted that body of hers up against him but he wasn't sure he could control himself. He was getting an erection just thinking about it. He took her hand and led her to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they started a slow grind. She said, "You're really easy. You're already hard." She rubbed her leg between his, making him even harder. She straddled one of his legs and rubbed herself on it. She put her mouth to his ear and whispered, "Put your hands on my butt. I want to give that guy a good show."

David really did want to grab hold of her ass, but not for the benefit of the other guy. Julie had been tantalizing him with that behind of hers since she showed up last night. He thought, "Well she did ask. I probably won't get another opportunity like this. I might just as well enjoy it." He lowered his hands to her ass. He gripped her, he squeezed her, he ran his hands all over her backside. He was getting really turned on. At this point he probably would have done anything she asked.

David wasn't the only one enjoying the dance. Julie liked rubbing against him and she liked having his hands roam all over her backside. Yes, she was trying to attract that other guy's attention, but she kind of liked the feel of David right now. Julie thought, "If he makes love the way he dances, then he's good. But it can't happen. This has gone too far." Before the song had ended, Julie led a disappointed David off the dance floor and back to the table.

Julie didn't sit down. Her special guy's eyes were still watching her. She took a quick swig of her drink, grabbed her purse and headed for the ladies' room. She wasn't gone long and came back just as the song was ending. David knew that she wasn't wearing a bra, but now her nipples were really standing out from her dress, a lot more than they had been earlier. He quipped, "Wow, I didn't know I was that good."

She smiled at his remark, then explained, "Well it is partly you, but when I went to the bathroom, I had an ice-cube in my mouth. I rubbed it on my nipples until they got even harder. And I took my panties off." She looked down at his tented pants and said, "I guess you like that, huh?"

The song had ended and Julie's target had taken his dance partner back to her own table and headed alone for Julie. As he got there, before he could say anything, Julie stood up and took him back to the dance floor. The band had already started a new number and Julie didn't want to take a chance on getting David insulted again.

It was up-tempo with a driving beat. Julie wiggled her ass and shook her tits. She looked between her partner's legs to see the effect she was having on him, but she wasn't detecting any reaction. Every chance she got she would brush her tits across his arm and let his fingers run across her nipples. When they would come together she would rub a leg between his, but she couldn't feel him either. The equipment was there, it just wasn't reacting to her like she wanted.

The band switched into a slower song. David thought she'd been pretty hot dancing with him but that was nothing compared to the way she danced with this guy. She was kissing him, the wet sloppy kind with her tongue deep in his mouth. She was rubbing her tits across his chest, her nipples still hard and probably getting harder. She was encouraging his hands to wander all over her body. David was sure her partner knew by now that she wasn't wearing any panties. This was the hottest thing that David had ever seen on the dance floor, or maybe he felt that way because he wanted to be her partner.

Julie's dance partner was really very good looking, probably a couple of years older than she, and he was used to having hot bodies rubbed up against him. He'd been watching her since she came in and was already thinking about having her pouty lips wrapped around his cock. He'd been a little slow in reacting physically to her charms until he slipped his hand under her dress and felt her bare ass. Now Julie could feel his meat hardening against her and she loved it. Maybe it had taken two songs but she was sure he was going to be worth it. The song ended finally.

Julie dragged her dance partner over to their table and sat him down next to her. Her dress was already short but when she sat down in the booth, there wasn't much left to the imagination. She was holding his hand as they came from the dance floor and as they sat down she put it on her bare thigh.

The three of them got acquainted. David was no longer Julie's "date". He had become, once again, "a man who worked for Julie's step-father". Julie's hunk was named Paul. He was a bartender in another club but this was his night off. As they talked, David glanced down a couple of times. Paul's hand was still on Julie's thigh, but it was a little higher each time David looked. Julie suggested they all go back to the house, fix themselves some drinks and continue the conversation in the hot tub. David thought they better get out of there while Paul's hand was still visible and Paul was definitely okay with leaving. David settled the tab and they went out.

Julie rode with Paul, supposedly so he wouldn't get lost. David drove back to the house alone, imagining what was going on in Paul's car. Surprisingly, Julie and Paul were right behind him when he got there. Paul asked David if he had an extra swim suit he could borrow. He didn't, but before he could answer, Julie said they had plenty of towels and that was all they would need. Julie got Paul a towel and said he could change in the courtyard next to the hot tub. David went to his room, stripped down and wrapped a towel around his waist. When Julie came out of her room, she was wearing a large beach towel, tied together at the top, just above her breasts. The overlap of the towel was right down her middle and the towel reached almost to her knees. David was shocked that she was really going to be so modest.

Julie and David stopped in the kitchen to make the drinks. In the courtyard she handed Paul his drink and then climbed into the tub. The only light was from the kitchen but David could tell that as she got in she gave Paul a quick look between her legs. David set his drink on the edge and climbed in. Taking the only seat left in the tub put Paul and David on either side of Julie.

Paul and Julie almost immediately started kissing. Then they added a little discreet touching here and there. Finally, lust overcame them. Their hands rapidly explored each other's body. Julie climbed onto Paul's lap and straddled him. Their most intimate parts were still separated by their towels, but that wasn't going to last much longer.

David had been quietly watching them but it was getting increasingly difficult for him to keep his hands from between his legs. This was getting hotter by the second, but David didn't like being odd man out. In his almost forty years he had never done anything like this, but if he had thought they wanted him to become a part of it, he would have stayed. He didn't think that either of them even knew he was there. To keep from embarrassing himself, he got out of the tub and went to his room. He took off the wet towel, willed himself gradually back to normal, put on his pajama bottoms and went into the living room to watch television.

Shortly after, he heard Paul's car leaving and Julie came in the house with a somewhat disgusted look on her face. David asked her what had happened and she said, "He's too full of himself. He didn't care anything about me, it was all about him. He's a loser, probably doesn't even know how much he missed." She was wrapped securely in her towel and went straight to her room.

It was close to eleven and the credits were just rolling from the last regular show. The news would be next and then the late night talk shows. Nothing of importance had happened that day and the news was pretty boring. David wondered why they called it news when all they did was talk about the same old stuff. David watched anyway and by the time the news people got to the sports, Julie came out of her room. David looked up and saw that she had removed all traces of makeup and had pinned her shoulder-length hair up on the back of her head.

Julie was wearing a faded blue, man's dress shirt. David thought, "At least its longer than the dress she was wearing earlier tonight." It was large and hung down to about mid-thigh. Being a man's shirt, it was high on the sides, and David was once again taken in by the sight of her fantastic legs. The shirt buttoned up the front, separating a little at the bottom as she walked into the room, and although David tried, he couldn't see anything other than her glorious legs. In spite of the way she had ignored him while Paul was around, he still had visions of being between those beautiful stems.

Julie knew that she had attracted David's attention, but to be doubly sure, she stopped in the middle of the living room, between him and the television, forcing him to look at her. She asked if she could watch television with him. David shrugged his shoulders. He pretended that he didn't really care. He was convinced that nothing was going to happen between them and he had had all of her teasing that he could take. He was going to go to bed pretty soon anyway. At least thats what he was telling himself.

Julie lay face down on the floor between David and the television. She wanted to make sure that, even while he was watching television, David would have a good view of her. The tail of her shirt covered her ass and the tops of her thighs, but her bare legs were stretched out in the direction of David's face. He couldn't tell whether or not she was wearing panties, but from what he had seen so far, he guessed that she wasn't.

David had been interested in the sports but now all he could think about was Julie. Fortunately for him, his pajama bottoms were the draw-string type. They didn't have an opening in the front. Watching Julie was making David hard again and if there had been an opening in his pants, his cock would probably have been sticking out. As it was, the front was tenting out quite a bit. David thought, "Its a good thing I'm lying on my side. It keeps me from being too obvious."

Julie had her chin resting on her hands in front of her. As the talk show came on she bent her legs at the knees and raised her feet in the air. She was swaying her legs from side to side in time to the music. It wasn't just her legs, her whole body was moving, almost as if she was dancing. David's erection grew as he remembered rubbing his hands over her backside as they had danced earlier in the evening. He had wanted her then and he wanted her even more now.

Julie knew her next move was going to look pretty obvious, but she couldn't think of any way to be more subtle. She sat up and turned around, giving David a quick peak between her legs. She said, "This floor is really uncomfortable. Do you mind if I lie with you on the couch? I won't take up much room."

After the comments she had already made that night, David was pretty sure his hard-on wasn't going to bother her. He suspected that she'd probably like knowing that she had him excited. He told her she could do what she wanted. He assured her that it wasn't going to bother him any. David lied of course. At least at this moment, he couldn't think of anything he could have wanted more than to have Julie's tight body pressed up against his.

David pushed himself back a little on the couch to make room for her. Julie stretched out in front of him, her back to him, the top of her head just in front of his neck. They both smelled clean. The perfume and cologne that each had worn earlier had been washed away by the hot tub and replaced with a faint trace of chlorine. Julie was shorter than David so her backside was about even with his crotch. He pushed his butt a little further into the back of the couch so she wouldn't feel his erection. He draped his arm over Julie's midsection and rested his hand on the couch in front of her. They remained like that until his arm started to tingle. It was almost asleep.

David moved his arm a little and rested his hand on Julie's stomach. He didn't think she'd mind but she drew back, like she was trying to escape his touch. But Julie wasn't trying to get away, she pressed back into his erect cock. David got even harder and she sighed at the feel of it. His hand was now moving a little, gently rubbing the flatness of her stomach through her night shirt. His fingertips were just touching the shirt, moving in ever widening circles. David's fingers grazed the bottoms of her breasts and she squirmed, pressing herself even more into his manhood. David's cock was really straining at the leash. He wanted to be inside her.

David's hand kept making larger circles until it was brushing Julie's nipples. Through the shirt he could feel the tips of her breasts getting harder each time he touched them. As his hand circled down around her abdomen, Julie reached for the top button of her shirt and undid it. Then she slid her hand down to the next button, the one between her breasts, and slowly unbuttoned it. David's hand was near her belly button. He undid the button there and slid his hand inside on her smooth skin. He rested it there, gently massaging her stomach.

Julie was shaking as she continued down the front, unfastening each of the buttons in turn. When her hand reached his, there were only two buttons to go. Julie took David's hand in hers and rubbed it across her belly, along the bottom of her breasts and finally across her nipples. She moved his hand back and forth, first one breast, then the other. As she guided him, he squeezed her nipples and rolled them gently between his thumb and forefinger. They were firm but they still yielded to the touch. Julie moaned softly in response.

They were still pretending to watch television, although neither of them could have told you what was on. While his hand was toying with her nipples, she hurriedly undid the last two buttons. She opened the shirt, exposing her front side fully. While he continued to pleasure the two of them by massaging her breasts, she pulled the shirt from between them. Then she pulled her arms out of the shirt and dropped it on the floor. His pajamas were the only piece of clothing that still separated them. Julie pressed her bare backside into the front of David. Over the last twenty-four hours she had been exposing different parts of herself to him, never expecting that it would go this far. Now she was completely naked and pressed up against him.

With the arm that had been trapped between them, David reached under and around the front of her. He cupped both of Julie's breasts in his hands, playing sensuously with her nipples. She leaned her head back into his chest and closed her eyes. David had been imagining this scene, but he never expected that it would really happen.

Julie took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as David moved his free hand down across her stomach and lightly brushed her cleanly shaved mound. She could feel his hard cock pressing into her backside and hear his heavy breathing as his fingertips traced the tender skin that protected her most sensitive parts. He put his fingers into his mouth for lubrication before continuing. He stroked that delicate area until he had found the nub of her clitoris. He let his fingertips slide gently over it, stimulating, but not hurting her.

Julie was breathing hard. She put her free hand down between them. She pushed the waistband of David's pajamas down until his cock sprang free. She took it in her hand and put it between her legs, right against the bottom of her pussy.

David's hand inched lower until it met the dampness of her pussy lips. He rubbed her labia with his fingers. Julie opened her legs, urgently trying to get his hand inside of her. She put her hand on his and pressed him into her. As David's fingers slid in, she clenched her legs together and let out a little scream. Julie's knees jerked upward and most of her slid off the couch. Her head and shoulders were resting on the floor while her butt was still on the couch. Julie had nearly broken David's arm. He rearranged it as she slid her legs up his body, one of them right under his chin, the other laying across his stomach.

David ducked his head under Julie's nearest leg and moved his face toward the vee between her legs. He wanted to lick his way up the insides of her thighs but there was no time now for such niceties. He plunged his face into her dripping pussy, making raucous slurping sounds as he licked up all the juices. He ran his tongue up and down her lips, savoring the slightly salty taste and musky aroma of her hot sex. Julie moaned in delight.

David's tongue parted her lips and he pushed it as far as he could into her pussy. Julie clamped her legs around his neck and pulled him tightly into her. David's eyes devoured her delectable naked body, his tongue circled the insides of her pussy, his lips pressed against hers, and the tip of his nose gently nudged her clitoris. He inhaled deeply, intoxicated by the heady aroma and told himself this couldn't be happening.

Julie began to quiver. She cried out. Her hips were shaking and she clamped her legs around his neck even tighter. David thought he was going to smother. Julie murmured incoherently and pressed herself tightly into his face as she twitched in delight. He gripped her ass and drank her in as if he had just survived thirty days in the desert.

Julie reveled in the orgasm she had just had as David lightly licked on the insides of her thighs and drank lovingly of the juices that were still flowing out of her. She wanted more but needed time to allow her normal senses to return. Julie inhaled and exhaled deeply as waves of ecstasy coursed through her body. She was delighted that David seemed to understood her. She wanted his touch, but right now she needed the gentleness she was getting.

David wanted more too. His cock was still rigid and leaking precum onto the sofa. He ached for relief and wanted to bury himself inside her. He looked down at himself and realized comically that he was still wearing his pajamas around his hips. While continuing to run his tongue lovingly over Julie's inner thighs and lick gently at her pussy lips, he pushed his pajama bottoms down to his ankles and kicked them off.

David took Julies legs from around his neck and gently pushed her the rest of the way to the floor. He dragged his now naked body off the couch and lay by her side. He put his arms around her and kissed her tenderly.

Julie could taste herself on his lips. She was regaining her strength and wanted to continue. She reached down and wrapped her hand around David's cock. She could feel it throbbing. She wanted it inside of her. She rolled away from David, coming up on her hands and knees, and drew David to her.

David also got up on his hands and knees and knelt between Julie's legs. Steadying himself with one hand on her backside, he took his dick in the other and put it between her legs. With the head of his cock he searched for the entrance to her inner sanctum. Finding it, he parted her pussy lips with his fingers and pressed himself into her.

Julie gasped a little as she felt David's shaft enter. She was still sensitive but her fluids were like a high viscosity lubricant, allowing his cock to slip into her effortlessly. Julie wanted to feel the whole length of David's manhood and she pushed back until his balls pressed against her. David leaned over her and wrapped his arms around her. Julie caught her breath as David cupped her breasts.

The walls of Julie's insides were wrapped around David's throbbing member and all other thoughts were blocked from his mind as he slowly began to slide in and out of her. Julie moved against him, in rhythm with his own thrusts, as David experienced the delights he had been dreaming about.

Their pace gradually increased, providing each with more delirious sensations. David's mouth was open and with each thrust he let out a low guttural sound. Julie's breaths were getting shorter, her pace of breathing matching the movement of their bodies. As David repeatedly plunged into her, she punctuated the sound of David's balls slapping against her with a cry of delight.

The intensity of their movements increased and David's scrotum tightened as he began to experience his orgasm. Julie felt his hot sperm shooting into her. She could sense that her release was near as well. She clenched her muscles tightly, moaned and shook uncontrollably as David drained his seed into her. Their legs were rubbery and they collapsed together on the floor side by side, Julie still with her back to David. She tried to keep David inside of her but as he became flaccid he popped out. The two of them lay there, completely spent, David's hands still grasping Julie's breasts.

The television was still on, but neither of them had paid it any attention since they'd gotten on the couch together. Julie broke the silence between them, "That was fabulous. George is going to die when he hears about this."

David's eyes went wide. It was as if he had been hit by a baseball bat. When he had regained his composure, he stammered, "You're going to tell your fiancé about this?"

"Of course." she said. "He'll love it. And if I wait until he's got his head between my legs, I'll love it too. It will make both of so hot that the lovemaking will be unbelievable. Maybe, if he pays close attention, it'll be as good as this was."

They untangled and struggled up from the floor. Both of them were still naked and Julie hugged him and kissed him lightly on the lips. She said, "Thanks." and walked out of the living room, down the hall to her room.

David was in a daze. He picked up his pajama bottoms and looked at Julie's shirt lying in a heap on the floor. He turned off the television and headed for his room. He had a lot to think about.

When David woke the next morning, before he got out of bed, he called his wife. He told her that he was coming home.

His wife said hopefully, "Forgive me? I'll never do it again."

"You don't have to be forgiven. You didn't do anything wrong. I was the one who was wrong to think you had. Promise me instead, that you'll always do whatever makes you happy at the moment. Just keep on loving me. Thats all I ask."

"David, are you okay? This doesn't sound like you. Of course I'll keep loving you. I'd still love you even if you divorced me."

"I know that. Yes, I'm okay. I don't want a divorce. I want you. I've just learned a very valuable lesson. I hope that when I get home you'll tell me all about your trip. And if you want to hear about it, I'll tell you all about mine. I love you. I'll be home by dark."

His wife wished him a safe trip. David hung up the phone and got dressed. He walked through the living room. Julie had picked up her night shirt and cleaned off the sofa. In the kitchen he found a note from her.

"David, I had a lot of fun sharing the house with you. I've gone back to Albuquerque. Maybe we'll see each other again some time. Thanks for everything. Julie."

Except for the note, there wasn't a single trace that Julie had ever been there. Maybe he had dreamed it. He carried his bag out of the house and locked the door behind him. He was headed home. He couldn't wait to see his wife.

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The Debutante The Delinquint Part 2

"Tonight?" Blair looked over at Jo, who was sitting at the table with her arm held in the air, so that she could be a few extra feet away from the blonde while Blair was on the phone"Um, tonight isn't really... No, tomorrow won't be any better. But what about next month? I'll be available then," Blair offered hopefully. "Oh. Well, of course. If your parents insist that you go with them to the Swiss Alps, you can't very well refuse and risk your inheritance... Yes, of course I understand...

2 years ago
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A French Maid On Duty At New Years Eve

Hi! This is my second story on this site... in my first story, I told youabout my first experiences as a submissive french maid... a maid who wantsto do anything to please her master (I suggest to read that story first!).Being a maid, serving my master... That's what I like to do. Now this storyis more recent... it's about what happend on December 31 2004... on new yearseve! Some exciting things happened... I spend new years eve with a good friend of mine, and his girlfriend. I metthem years...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriends Daughters

I had been dating Vanessa for a few weeks now. She is a gorgeous 40 year-old African- American beauty. Everything was going splendidly. I was a few years older than Vanessa. Being from different races was never a problem. Things were moving along so well that she wanted me to meet her two daughters. The three of them are very close, and Vanessa thought it was the right time for me to meet her' little darlings'. Of course, I agreed. What could be the harm in meeting Vanessa's young girls? If...

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The God Sim

This is the Beginning. In the Beginning, there is nothing. Like the mysterious time before the Big Bang. An empty space, devoid of laws, rules and all life. You will be creating reality. The pawns you place will be your creation. The laws you make will shape their destiny. Create a fantasy world where the only currency was semen. Create a role playing game where the hero must fuck to earn experience points and loot. Load in reality as we know it. Change how the world works. At any time, you can...

3 years ago
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Rick grew up in a family consisting of three his Mom his sister and himself. His sister, Jennifer, was the talk of the town, and his mother could easily have been on anyone's MILF list. They had always been close, and were some of the kindest neighbors in the area, they were also very conventional and had yet to really have much of any sexual education. His mother's father had left right after his sister's birth and that was the last of any sex that she had experienced. With such a quiet and...

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Once again I found myself in the corner of my bed room sitting in the arm chair with my wife slowly undressing. I watch as her black dress falls to the carpet ,she’s wearing white silk panties and bra with sexy stockings. I’m very hard in my pants, She unclips her bra and lets her 36c’s fall from their silk holdings. Her nipples were hard as she softly cateresses her own tits. I am shacking with anticipation ,as she is, but all this was not only for me, there were 2 other people in the room. ...

3 years ago
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Guess whos back

I bought a new dress to wear to an office staff party my husband's employer was throwing. My husband and I were not planning on going and had not been in years but we decided to attend anyway just to get out and do something. The dress was short and maybe a little tight in all the right places, nice heels and of course my jewelry. I was feeling good and ready for a night out. It has been awhile. We arrived and dinner was just about to begin being served. We got in line, made our plates and sat...

2 years ago
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My cousin and I

I'm 19 and my cousin is 18. She comes to visit and I haven't seen her inabout 10 years. She arrives in a short jean skirt and cute yellow tank top, but we don't talk much as we're both nervous seeing each other in a long time. As the day goes by, I find her smoking a cigarette outside and, since I smoke, I join her, protecting her from getting in trouble if her mom finds out. We talk about the last time we saw each other and then after dinner, we decide to watch a movie "Club Dred" in my room....

3 years ago
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Study study

Hi friends, i am jazzy back again to share my new experience with u all. This time it was with a school teacher. Her name is pinky & she was genius. Her age was 28, she was not married and she was doing as a teacher in a school. She is the only daughter of her parents and her mother was dead. Her father was always busy in business & was eager to earn more & more money. He was a cloth merchant & he use to go faisalabad their native place on the purpose of business once in every 15 days. She...

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Hijabi slut fucking and praying

It was the start of another week at work. I work at a small IT solutions company just outside New York. It was Monday and it seemed like it would be a long week. My name is Fariya and my family moved from India before I was born. My family are strict muslims and all the women in my family wear the full islamic dress. I wear a niqab, hijab and abaya or jilbab. I have been called a niqabi or hijabi. I have been wearing this since turning 15. I am not the best looking of girls and boys never took...

3 years ago
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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 21 Lupins Lupins

Next morning, a little before eight o'clock, Valenglay was talking in his own flat to the Prefect of Police, and asked: "So you think as I do, my dear Prefect? He'll come?" "I haven't the least doubt of it, Monsieur le President. And he will come with the same punctuality that has been shown throughout this business. He will come, for pride's sake, at the last stroke of eight." "You think so?" "Monsieur le President, I have been studying the man for months. As things now stand,...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Evelyn 23 Years Old

23 year old Evelyn is one of those club bottle girls and she’s from Miami. She’s blonde, fit, flexible, absolutely gorgeous and she’s about to get rocked. Evelyn is what I like to call a prime candidate. If she actually finds an agent, she’s gonna go far in the jizz biz. From the moment she walks in the door she’s a hoot. I’m pretty sure she’s savvy enough to have figured out where the fake job interview was headed pretty early on. That doesn’t deter her in the slightest. Especially since she...

2 years ago
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Complex Relationship Ch 022

Note: This story will follow several characters for a while but gradually phase out to follow one story from the male’s point of view. At first these stories are not going to be filled with sex. These first few chapters are more about establishing my main four characters over the course of the same day. Later chapters will get more sexually intensive, with the back-story of the four characters I establish here weaving in there as well. Please note that this is intended to be a long story and...

2 years ago
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The Cage Part two

666, start to kick the bed in his cell, call me, the officer, of rot crock prostitute, he is yelling loud, so the other insiders could hear and they say: "666, you are a useless piece of meat". 666, reply, saying he won´t get under control of a rot bitch, yeah...666 doesn´t like anybody, isolated.I came in the row walking quick, on my high heels black, wearing a red mini squirt, pantyhose, bottom pierce and top, plus officer cap, and dark gloasses. I am making steel noise...

3 years ago
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Then and Now

The other day I was at Wal-Mart and in the CD bargain bin I found a Tracy Lawrence CD for five dollars and I bought it. The CD was “Then and Now: The Hits Collection.” After listening to it I realized I could take track one and track six and weave a story out of them. So without further ado I give you “Then and Now.” 6 am Alarm goes off I reach where you no longer lie, but don’t feel quite as lost Every day I drive my truck A little farther into work before your memory catches up Radio...

2 years ago
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High School 1950s

Philip and Patricia had been "going steady" for three weeks now. For Patricia, that meant that she always had a "ready date". No sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. No worrying about whether she would have a date for the weekend. No anixety about who would be taking her to the Prom. For Philip, that meant that he could expect sexual release whenever they had a few moments alone. Of course, Patricia was "saving herself" for marriage, so he knew intercourse was out of the question. And...

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Mothers Day

"She's not going to be around forever. If you wait too long, you will end up regretting it." I was silent, but I knew you were right. "Anyway," you continued, "you know how much she loves you. I know she's old and from another generation, but I think you are underestimating her. I think that not only will she understand, but she will be happy. Happy that you're sharing with her; happy that there is still this side of you; and happy that you have someone who understands and is...

1 year ago
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Get Used To It Sissy 5

Get Used to It! by Diana Prescott Chapter 6 I am still embarrassed as I got out of bed that Thursday morning. The thought of seeing Uncle Mark naked and having to use my hand to bring him to climax Saturday wasn't bad enough but I had to repeat it Monday night as well as last night. Last night he told Aunt Sharon to "show her the nail trick" and I had to use the nails on my free hand to softly tease his testicles to bring him further pleasure. At least night I managed to properly...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Gwen Vicious Sexy Hot New Girl Gwen Gets Down And Fucks

Fresh and sweet Gwen Vicious is loving how you admire her as she shows off her small tits under her shirt. She is eager to get intimate with Dan Ferrari kissing him passionately as she strips down and pulls out his cock to suck. She loves that hard shaft in her mouth and Dan wants to feel her shake that ass all over his face soon! That ass is just too much to ignore. She grinds down on his shaft after the foreplay is over bouncing up and down making those tits shake! Gwen is in heaven and can...

1 year ago
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Live cam sites are always an amazing venue for all people who are looking for something fresh outside of the regular porn videos that we see every day. I would know, I’ve seen so much porn that I can’t stress enough how much real-time connections make the experience better. Then again, I’ve been with so many bitches in real life that even that is getting stale. But this review ain’t about that! Today, we’re talking about the free live sex cam site Streamate.comLive sex cam girls numbered in the...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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StepSiblingsCaught Kiara Cole My Step Sister Is Hot As Fuck

Kiara Cole is so hot she just can’t stand it. She is positive that when her parents left her and her stepbrother Damon Dice alone for the weekend, he went and fucked with the A/C and spent their emergency cash supply. Since there’s no cool air, Kiara decides to give in to her hot temper by confronting Damon. She finds him on the couch in his underwear spraying himself with water to cool off. Damon tries spraying Kiara, too! Once Damon has gotten Kiara on her tits and then her twat,...

3 years ago
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3 in lt 24 hours

Unplanned and never repeated, I had sex with three different guys within a 24-hour period. At the time I did not think it slutty, but the morning after the last one I felt a tinge of guilt and embarrassment. Could not bring myself to share such behavior with any of my friends for a long long time because it was so slutty of me! I only shared the incident with a few close friends until now. It started innocently with a blind date on Friday. I had a planned dinner date with the guy I was dating...

4 years ago
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Hot Sex With Client Shabana

Hi all, Rahul is back again to share one more sex experience. Mallika and I, used to have phone sex whenever we get free time. On Thursday evening, Mallika informed to meet at manthri mall. As we were known well to each other, we spoke freely. I asked Mallika, “what is the purpose of meeting?” She said to wait some time. After 20 minutes, one more lady joined us. Mallika introduced her as Shabhana, working as manager in a private firm. Shabana was wearing formals white shirt and a mini skirt...

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Mated With My Roommate Part II

Kisiko pata toh nahin chalega na bhaiya? Amit asked me while breathing heavily with his eyes closed. I replied nahin tension matt le main toh kisiko nahin bolunga aur shayad tu bhi nahi bolega! I continued, “aab bata ki kaisa laga tujhne, For all those who haven’t read the previous part of this story “Mated with my Room-mate Part I, let me just tell you in short that I’m 23yr old gay bottom. This is my story which happened to me in my final year of Engineering with my room-mate Amit who was in...

Gay Male
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DogStyle WivesChapter 9

Jack Cartwright and Coral McNally were on their way back from their shopping trip. They had the station wagon filled with supplies, items on the four lists they had taken with them. The next shopping trip would fall to another swapped couple. "I've often wondered, Jack," Coral said as they neared the Harp Lake area. "Where does Diamond Creek go after it leaves our property?" "Well, after it flows through the lake, so to speak, it snakes out to the west -- that was it flowing under the...

2 years ago
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As I look in the mirror

Fresh out of the shower I write this little excerpt. How masturbation in front of a mirror fascinates me. How everything becomes swollen, seeing freshly shave lips, as the fingers glide in and out, covered in white cum. I wonder how many people out there do what I just did. Hope you like it. As I come out of the shower I see my hand held mirror. My hair still wrapped in a towel, my body still warm and wet from the shower. I grab my mirror placing it on the floor as I sit down looking at my...

3 years ago
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Seven Case Studies Seven Enabling MothersChapter 3

Case Study # 6: Juanita M. At a nice race track like Del Mar the tote board could look intrusive, out of place. It wasn’t though, gambling is the soul of the venture. My professional tote board is the fee I charge for my services. Fees are necessary to make a living, but they also establish my value, my validity, to my clients. And to insurance providers. Insurance covers most of my costs for many patients. Several of whom were similar to race track patrons. A two-minute thrill at the track...

1 year ago
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Road Trip

Steve, John and Ryan had just graduated College. They were all pre-med students and they had 100 days until they had to start medical school. All three of them had finished in the top 10 of their college class, and had been admitted to the prestigious Harvard Medical School. Steve and his two best friends were sitting in their favorite tavern when he gave the other two the good news. "So I made a deal with my dad when I started college. He said if I graduated in the top 5 in my class that he...

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