Maeson's AssistantChapter 15: Gifts While He’s Away free porn video

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Maeson gathered Kimber up, going first to undo the ropes and cuffs, then lifting her smaller body in his arms to carry her upstairs to the bathroom. Wishing he had thought to draw a bath earlier, he put her down on the toilet. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips; a little I love you in the small peck and got a bath going for her. Using the bubble soap, he drew her a bath making sure that the water was warm enough to relax her overworked muscles.

It was hard not to be aware of the parallel between the movie and the two of them at that moment. Kimber had undergone some hardcore bondage for him. She had submitted to him and now he was taking care of her, showing how much he cared for her in the same way that Grey had for Lee in the movie. The similarity was perfect and he had a feeling that Kimber would appreciate it even more since she, he suspected, was touched by that scene.

With the bath ready he turned to Kimber, lifted her up in his arms, settling her head onto his shoulder and gently lowered her into the water. When Kimber tried to make a move to take care of herself he put a stop to it quickly, “No, you’re going to relax,” he told in her a gentle but firm tone, “you are mine to take care of, and I want to show you how much I love you.”

Maeson took care of her; he washed her, from hair to toes, his big hands slowly rubbing her arms and legs. He washed away the sweat and sex, gentle hands stroking her ever careful. He took extra care with her sex, breasts and bottom since he had worked her so hard he imagined they would still be very sensitive. It was quiet, and relaxing.

When he had finished washing her, he went downstairs and brought back a small plate of fruit and bread to her, as well as some chilled juice. Stripping down, he put everything in reach, then slipped in back of her, naked, positioning Kimber so she could lay against him. He fed her, piece by piece even holding the juice for her so she could sip from the glass. Maeson wouldn’t allow her to do anything for herself, repeating his earlier order, “You’re mine to take care of. I love you, now be still and relax.”

When Kimber was done with her food, he got out first, got a fresh towel for her and helped her from the tub. He patted her dry, and helped with her hair before he took care of himself. Then leading Kimber to her bedroom, he laid her down and got behind her, wrapping his long arms around her to hold her.

“Mom and Dad won’t be back for a few hours, sleep Kimber, take a rest,” he told her softly.

Kimber had slipped in and out of a pleasant lassitude, touched beyond measure by his gentle caring actions. Rousing once, she felt him slip in behind her in the tub, and fruit, fresh delicious wonderful fruit was placed against her lips. As she chewed slowly, leaning her head back against his chest, she had felt her body’s soreness fade, and her muscle strength return just a bit. Unused to such care and love, she cried silent tears of happiness, her cheeks stained with a wetness not coming from the bath. She wished this feeling would never end.

“Take a rest...” she heard, her body dry, hair damp, as she lay against the soft sheets, sinking down, feeling her body draw down deep and relax. Again, he was behind her, his arms protective and strong, and she was safe, she was home, she was at peace.

As Maeson finished packing his bags for a two day trip he started going through his mental checklist.

Airline ticket, check. Carry on – check Charge cards – check Laptop – check Presentation – in his briefcase – check Cell phone – check

It looked like he pretty much had everything. It was Wednesday, he would be gone three days, flying back on Saturday.

All was going well and he took a deep breath. He really couldn’t believe his good fortune, though it was less fortune and more work on his part. After he had come home, looked for a job and found nothing he really wanted to do, Maeson had started investing as a way to make a little money and just to have a look-see on how he could do. To say the least, Maeson had done better than well. As it turned out, he had a knack for day trading, and about three weeks in he had given up the idea of finding an actual job and started working on his personal portfolio which had gone extremely well. He had started playing with some money from his parents, and he had done well with theirs as well.

It was a little over two months into the summer and Maeson had a portfolio that would take some people five years to grow. To say the least, he had a job, He was a day trader and he was now taking the large step of attracting an investor. That’s why he was flying out to L.A. He was meeting with Philip Dawson, a hedge fund director that he had gotten into a number of conversations with. He was put off originally by Maeson’s young age, but since he had sent Philip some figures he had been invited to come and spend a couple of days with him, show him his portfolio and if all went well, Philip was going to invest in Maeson’s day trading business. He wanted to convince Philip to give him money. With that he could grow even faster, and establish more of a name for himself.

Maeson would not need a job then. He would have made one, a good one, a really good one. He would be living a life that most people in finance would never touch, ever. It turned out math really was good for something, and he chuckled to himself.

Finished packing, he called up the stairs. Kimber was going to drive him to the airport, and to let her know he was ready, he called for her, “Kimber, can you come down? I am almost ready to go. Just one more thing!”

Turning around, Maeson opened the top drawer and pulled out a small black case that resembled something like one of the fancy pen cases, only this didn’t contain a pen, this was for Kimber.

Finishing up with the bathroom, Kimber looked it over, nodding, deeming it clean and tidy. She heard the tiny silver bells jingling as she moved, their constant song a gentle reminder of her service. Absently brushing against her breast, she felt the small slender hoop pull against her nipple - interrupting the rhythmic sound of one of the bells. Ears perked, she heard Maeson call her, and she hurried to her rarely used room (other than sleeping briefly while dodging parents, before often sneaking downstairs). Making sure her dress was ready for their trip to the airport, she nodded her head to herself and hurried downstairs to meet her master.

When Kimber got to his room, he waited for her to settle into a submissive position before he addressed her. It wasn’t to say that he didn’t smile at her, he was not some super serious about himself master, he just wasn’t able to maintain that type of demeanor constantly -- it would be quite taxing. He did want Kimber to follow certain forms, like kneeling at his feet. Often, he would put out a hand and help her up, like he did now, “I got something for you,” he told her with a small satisfied grin. With the hand he had helped her up he turned over her palm and put the clamshell black box in her hand, “Open it.”

Like the nipple bells that he had given her a week or so ago, which he had to congratulate himself on (‘cause they were a brilliant idea), this would be a small reminder of her status, but also a promise of what was to happen after he returned.

Inside the box was a medium sized silicone butt plug, with a bit of extra flare to hold it in, but also a chain that could be removed. A small tail with a bit of weight, “This,” he explained “is for you to wear when I am gone.” Maeson waited till he had Kimber’s attention and she was finished looking at it before he continued. “While I’m gone you’re going to wear it, removing it only to void, and clean. The chain tail will be off while everyone is home, and on when you are alone in the house naked. Also, while I am gone you have homework,” he explained capturing her eyes. “You’re going to research how to best to clean your bottom thoroughly, so when I return you’ll be ready.”

Maeson paused, letting it sink in, then asked the question, “Do you know why I’m having you do all of this?”

Looking up from her kneeling position, Kimber took her gaze from the new anal tail he had given her, her mind only a little taken aback by its appearance and purpose. Thinking carefully, she nodded, “I think so.” she said, “sir.” Not quite sure if she was right, or how to say it. “You want to, um, fuck my ass... ? And you want me to, remember my station--when you are gone? Sir?”

She was not sure what she thought about his intentions, she rarely considered it. She had gotten so used to being doubly penetrated by his increasingly large collection of toys, that she did not consider it a dirty or bad place, just unusual. She imagined him sliding into her, claiming her until she cried out under him. Flushing with the direction of her thoughts, she looked up at him obedient and patient, cheeks red but otherwise unchanged.

She had not quite figured out how to be naked around her parents, (like she increasingly longed for), though she had been increasingly casual, wearing at most a simple dress or a very long shirt. At first her mother had raised an eyebrow at her when she arrived at breakfast, nipples poking through her Pooh shirt. But as her father did little more than grunt hello, this too became ‘normal’. Maeson of course, had mock teased her, but she had played it off as being comfortable in her own house. Again, her mother looked at her for a long time, before looking away and saying nothing, perhaps deciding that making an issue out if it would only make it more obvious Kimber was growing up. She loved it when they were gone, either at work or just ‘out’, she could return to what she considered her new normal. Her natural state was no longer dressed, that much she knew.

She did smile remembering the first time she had worn her shirt after the piercing. She was sure her father was going to say something, but he never did, and her mother had taken to patently ignoring her daughter’s more egregious behaviors.

“Yes, and yes,” Maeson confirmed both statements with a nod of his head. “The plugs have been training your bottom for me to take you,” he explained “I think you’re ready for it, and” he stopped pausing to consider how he wanted to put it. He did indeed want to fuck Kimber, and her ass seemed a natural place to take her. He didn’t intend to take her pussy without her say so, since that was in its own way the most intimate of places Kimber could give him. “I’ve thought about this for a while, and I’ve wanted to claim you, to be inside of you. So yes, I want to fuck your ass. Your pussy, on the other hand,” he told her pausing for a moment, “is the most intimate place you have. If you want to give yourself like that, I would love to take you -- but that decision is yours. You might have given yourself to me, but you are still a person, my sister, and love you. I want that part of you to be yours to give.”

With a nod, Maeson considered it said, and he was happy with the way it came out. Though he waited for a moment for Kimber to respond. For him this relationship was far more than a dalliance and he wasn’t going to endanger it by rushing. Already Kimber was the most intimate relationship, physically and emotionally that he had ever had. Something that he was going to foster for as long as she wanted to wear his collar.

Kimber had not realized he was waiting for her to say okay to anything, she thought perhaps he just did not want to have real sex with her. But now that he said all of that, she could see how, perhaps, her virginity truly was the last gift she had to give, and it should be willingly explicit, not assumed. It was actually rather touching, if a bit at odds with how she had been picturing their relationship. She had sorta thought he was just waiting for a good time, or even a bad time, to escalate. Rethinking in her mind, she considered how best to ‘tell’ him. Obviously not right now, not when he was leaving, not when he was making so many preparations for the ‘other’ kind of sex. But she did not just want to ‘say’ it out loud. She decided to think about it while he was gone.

“I understand, sir, and I will be ready when you get back. 100% ready, and yes, I know what that means. Please ... can we go soon, I wish to get back and undress for as long as possible, and practice for you ... before evening comes and dad gets home.”

Maeson looked thoughtful as he took in what Kimber had said, and he was mildly surprised. He wasn’t sure if she had meant she wanted him vaginally, or not, but he didn’t want to draw the conversation out, he had a flight to catch, and he had to get his mind on the presentation this weekend. A lot hinged on it.

That Kimber wanted to be naked was actually, not much of a surprise and it made him smile. She had come such a long way from naïve little sister, and now she was becoming a very dedicated slave. Even mom had mentioned, not about the slave part, but that Kimber had become much more responsible about her chores and helping out around the house. Dad? Well he had been stand offish as usual with his own head in work and such. It wasn’t that he was not aware of what went on around him, but his mind typically was on work, even at home, something that Maeson understood. If it wasn’t for Kimber his mind would be on work as well, trying to make his future secure.

Picking up two other things before they left, Maeson held them out to Kimber; a credit card, and a smart phone. “These are also for you,” Maeson told her. “The cell phone is obvious, it’s so we can talk, or chat while I am away and we don’t have to use the house phone. The credit card is for you, it has a two thousand dollar limit in case you need anything. It’s in my name but it is your card. I’ll up the limit on it as I can afford more, but,” Maeson shrugged, “it all depends on this trip. Mom and Dad don’t know about the card, but if they find it, tell them I gave it to you. I’ll talk to them, ok? So,” Maeson asked, “get dressed. I’ll put my things in the car, and Kimber, Just a shirt, no panties or shorts. See you in the car.”

Kimber rose, silent and obedient, with a smile on her face - ‘NO sullen servitude here today thank you very much!” she thought as she went upstairs to get a shirt. She carried her new phone, tail, and card in her hand a bit incongruously. Setting her new items down on her dresser, she made a spot for the tail amongst her underthings, hiding it away in case her parents came home unexpectedly. Crossing to her closet, she held up one of her favorite blouses, white with small subtle pink heart accents, and smiled, slipping the fabric over her nude form and buttoning it up carefully. It was not very long, and every step she took seemed to cause her backside, or front for that matter, to peek out as if playing a game of hide and seek.

Back downstairs as quick as possible, she waited, uncertain, for Maeson to come, hopefully with something for her to put on before they went to his car. She hoped that there would not be traffic, eager to get back home and do the research he had suggested. Shaking her head, she stopped herself - she was not eager for him to leave, but, if he was going to leave, she wanted to get it over with -- the sooner he left, the sooner he would return!

After taking the time to send out an email to Phil that he was just setting out now and would meet him for breakfast tomorrow morning, he picked up his bag and headed up stairs to meet up with Kimber. Seeing her dressed in just her blouse, he smiled at her mischievously, “I like it, and now why don’t you get your cute little bare ass into the car sister mine. I’m driving, you can drive back.” Maeson had no intention of giving Kimber anything else to wear on the way over, on the way back he had a skirt packed for her, but he wasn’t going to tell her that until they got the airport.

The drive over was uneventful really, no traffic and a pleasant day. The entire way over Maeson had his hand on the inside of Kimber’s leg where he trailed his fingers over her sex slowly up, and down.

Slipping out to the car, keeping her shirt as low as possible while moving as quickly as possible, had raised Kimber’s heart rate significantly. Maeson’s hand on her thigh, teasing her, touching her, during the ride to the airport - only made it continue to pound within her chest. She could not help but moisten under his attack, and she could feel her body opening to him as she continued to be of service to him, even as they drove across town. The seats in his car were not conducive to much more than the contact he was giving her, or she might have been even more ‘open’ - she was feeling quite -- adventurous -- perhaps because he was leaving.

When they got to the airport Maeson pulled into the parking garage and went to the second floor so it would be a short walk onto a sky bridge into the airport itself. Their airport really wasn’t a large one, but it was enough to catch a major flight. Pulled over, shadowed by the overhang, Maeson put the car into park and put his arm on the seat back just above Kimber’s shoulders and leaned in. Possessively he cupped her sex as he looked into her eyes, “Are you going to take care of what’s mine?” He asked her, lovingly, but playful as well. She was his after all. “I value what I own, and l own you, and love you dearly, so ... take care of yourself while I am away. Which includes using the card I gave you for treating yourself.” After a moment, he moved his fingers sliding them against her. “I’m going to text you when I get into my hotel, but I won’t talk to you till tomorrow. In the meantime, when you play with yourself, you may orgasm, but you will say my name, and a proper thank you to your master. Clear? Beyond that,” Maeson told her with a tender smile, and reaching up to stroke her cheek, “I love you and I am going to miss you.” With as much passion as he could muster, Maeson laid a deep kiss on Kimber, and when he broke it he let his lips linger on hers.

Then, he got out, unzipped the side pocket on the carry on and pulled out the short skirt he had folded up that was a bit short, but still a skirt. Reaching through the window he handed it to her, winked playfully, and headed out with a wave to catch his flight.

His kiss, and his cupping of her slickness, claiming her, reminding her of her place, left her flushed and ready for so much more --- and he was leaving. “It’s yours, sir ... all of me ... is yours. Of course, I will take care of, what’s yours...” she moaned as he touched her one more time before leaving. Her mind was imagining what she could do with his credit card ... discarding one idea after another - clothes had little meaning for her right now ... perhaps a massage ... or a wax treatment...

Realizing he had given her permission to ‘enjoy’ herself, perhaps as much as she liked, as long as she called out his name, she looked up at him, blushing, but eyes bright with excitement. “I will, I promise, I can’t wait until you text ... or we talk tomorrow...” She took the skirt, laying it on the seat next to her as she unhooked herself. Looking around carefully, she slid the garment up her legs, raising her hips quickly, before opening the door and moving around to the driver’s side. A quick wave goodbye as he turned just before moving out of sight, and she was alone.

When Albert got home he saw both of the kids were gone which was great. It gave him a chance to get in, get a swim and enjoy a beer. It was the end of a nice day, finally, so when he relaxed into the deck chair (after a dip) and it creaked a bit in protest he could close his eyes and just let his mind drift. Albert was a complete contrast to his son, while Maeson was all tall lean corded muscle, Albert was broad shouldered and big. He had black hair streaked with grey and stormy blue eyes. He was a little older and had a bit of a paunch going, but his broad shouldered and muscled chest helped to hide that and the only reason it was visible now was that he was sitting and wearing his swimming trunks. Albert easily had an older rugged guy thing going, something that his wife Teresa liked, and reminded him often of. He looked more like a construction worker, than a desk jockey, which was because, like his son, he believed in working out often and keeping trim. At fifty-two he was still attracting the casual eye of women.

Same as Maeson's Assistant
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Gifts 1

“Good morning,” I replied groggily. “What was that kiss for?” With a giggle, she pointed to the calendar. I realized what day it was, my birthday. “It was just a gift. Want another one?” she asked, sitting down next to me on the bed. I looked at her with confusion, disbelief and surprise. I was turning 16 today, and my sister, who was 14, was giving me a “gift”. Not sure what to do, I just sat up in my bed and kept looking at her. She smiled at me with a sort of shy, but...

2 years ago
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Birthday Gifts

Calendars are vicious things, Dave mused. Too empty and they scream "you have no life!" Too full and the scream "you have no time!" And as for just right—there was never a "just right." Just the continued lurch from one extreme to the other. Dave thumbed the pages in his Daytimer. There was certainly no "just right" here. The entire month of May fell on the "no time" side of the ledger and June looked just as bad. He was going to need a vacation. Hell, it hadn't been long enough...

4 years ago
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Christmas Gifts pt 1

The first half of his college freshman year was the most sexually frustrating period of Luke Gerard's life. He was tall, handsome with his mother's blue eyes and his dad's dusty blonde hair, and had taken a baseball scholarship at Brown University. All of these factors lined up to get him laid, and he had still been dumb enough to try the long distance think with his high school sweetheart Kelly Gibbons. So he had resisted. He had been faithful. And he hadn't been home three hours before she...

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Suhara of Curses Chapter 9 Gifts

Jaux woke up to find herself right outside the room with Theema's artifacts. Her back was propped up against the cold gray stone of the hallway. She might have believed she dreamt the whole interaction with the goddess, if her skin didn't feel so tender where the tendrils had carved in. She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but the hallway was still empty and it looked like no one had found her yet. Strangely enough, when she inspected her arms for the marks Theema left, she only saw...

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Forbidden Desires 8211 Part 4 Wedding Anniversary Gifts

There was a knock on the door. Shahid got up and opened the door. It was Prashant. “Hey, sorry to disturb you, kids, but I wanted to talk to you about something,” said Prashant. Roja laid there on the mattress, covering herself with the blanket facing us and listening to the conversation. “Ok… go on,” said Shahid. “Well, today is our 30th anniversary, and I want some wedding anniversary gifts for her, and it kind of requires your help,” he said. “What is it? I will be glad to help,” Shahid...

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The Gifts of SummerChapter 4

~A woman named Jen wrote to tell me there was a particular moment in "Sisters: Ch. 02" that she felt was the hottest thing she'd ever read, and she begged me to include something similar somewhere in "The Gifts of Summer." As a consequence, one scene in this chapter is the direct result of Jen's request.~ 'What an incredible Christmas it's been so far, ' Summer thought, smiling to herself. 'Christmas Eve, a glowing fire, and Jake took me on the living room floor with everyone...

2 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 8 Gifts From the Sky

Thule's day was shorter than Earth's, but because everyone lived in domed settlements, the colonists kept to Earth time. As a result, on this Saturday morning Thule's star was dipping below the horizon. This Parade was special, even for a Promotion Parade. To Samantha's astonishment, she was advanced in grade to Decurion – the youngest in the Confederacy. To her amusement, she still outranked her father – promoted to Sergeant-Major and made Company Sergeant-Major of the First Company,...

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Gifts 2

Katie and I looked at each other, eyes wide and jaws dropped. Then we looked back to our mother who was now completely naked. I could feel my dick hardening in my sister as I looked at my mother. She stood about five foot, seven inches tall, and was very sexy for her age. Her 36C breasts hung firmly from her chest. Her body curved in all the right places, and no execs fat was to be found any where on her body. Her light, strait, brown hair was cut just below her shoulders and her eye...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 13

After the first of the year in 1989, Jada Seldon had surgery to restore her ability to conceive. Lily Richards assisted at the request of her friend and they did the best they could but, once they cut her open, they knew they weren’t going to be able to offer Jada much hope. The Saudi doctors had removed more tissue than was necessary… Lily and the other surgeons were forced to splice a section from one of her tubes so they could reattach the other one… she would have only one functioning...

4 years ago
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The Gifts

I hate the weekends that your job takes you out of town but also know that they are a necessary evil with your company. I had planned a spring-cleaning weekend, you know cleaning the house, mowing the yard, just general busy work and of course missing you, but only after sleeping half the day away. So I was very surprised to have the doorbell ring before noon on Saturday. Swearing and groaning, I stomped my way to the door muttering ‘this had better damn well be the neighbors saying they need...

1 year ago
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3 Sticky Gifts for Her 17th Birthday

3 Sticky Gifts for Her 17th Birthday Maria was lying on the bed, rubbing his cum around her nipple with her finger. Kevin laid there, her hand on his now softening cock, satisfied once again. Maria says: “I want to do something special for my 17th birthday this year. Something I have never done and I want it to be memorable.” She and Kevin throw around some ideas when Kevin says: “Well Maria as much as you like sex you should have a small gangbang.” “Oh my God Kevin I don’t know. What do you...

4 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 39 Gifts For The Sluts

That evening after dinner we were all sitting in the lounge. The twins came out with some bags and lay them on the floor beside my husband. He looked around the room at us.“I bought some gifts when we were in the town.” He called Anne over to him and handed her a bag. She took out a box, opened it and took out a strapon with a large 8” dildo.“Put it on.” He instructed her. She dropped her dress to the floor and stepped into the strapon. We all watched as she adjusted it on her body. “Now fuck...

2 years ago
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The Unexpected VisitorChapter 9 The Gifts

"I want you hot in my arms So soft on my bed You get the key to my heart Oh when you wear that sweet dress But you're too physical, physical to me" - Physical (Nine Inch Nails) I left the shop and walked towards our apartment. Sandra's serious voice had me really thinking that something was amiss. Sandra had pointed out that Jessica could never leave me, at least not until her mission was completed. Did that mean that Jessica and Sandra had broken up? No, they were too much in love...

1 year ago
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A Dream for Anne Hathaway

Les Miserables is such a boring movie, but there are two saving graces; Amanda Seyfried and Anne Hathaway. I would fuck both of these fine ladies with my big juicy cock in a heart beat. Sadly, I doubt that this will ever become reality...I look around me and I'm not sure where I am. Then I remember Les Mis and realize that I'm in France in 1815. I'm in some shitty little room with a rickety old bed. The door creaks open behind me and I see Anne Hathaway standing there in her old timey dress...

3 years ago
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Tina At The Hideaway

The Hideaway was an old bar in Redwood City. It was located between the Mexican barrio and an industrial area of mostly small shops. The owner at the time was a friendly Latino, rumored to be a gangster of sorts.The Hideaway catered to a very diverse bunch. Mostly men, though there were usually some women there. About half the patrons were Mexicans, mostly legal and mostly employed in the area. The other half were mainly Caucasian small business owners, like myself, and their employees.There...

2 years ago
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Some Birthday Gifts Keep Giving

“Hi, honey; you're home early,” Mike said.Liz replied, “Yes; for once, traffic was light.”Mike pointed towards the kitchen table and said, “A package came for you; what is it?”Liz examined the box and responded, “It's a gift for myself since someone forgot my birthday.”It hit Mike with a jolt. “Oh my gosh, honey, it was three days ago.” Mike stumbled over his words. “I am so sorry. Happy belated birthday. I’ve been so busy lately I can't believe it slipped my mind.” Then Mike moved towards...

3 years ago
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Runaways Runaways By JensenDenmark 1. Holiday Amber met me at the park. We had left our High School separately so we could not be sighted. I rode my skateboard at the path toward the park. It was a shame that we had to keep it so secretly. Amber waited for me. She was 15 like me. ?Darling. I was afraid that your mother had picked you up.? ?No. I told her that I had to study extra for a project.? I kissed her. ?Lets go down to the creek, so we can have some undisturbed time.? The creek...

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Gifts Given And Received

Part the First: DiscoveryThe eighteen-year-old had no idea how special she was. She was well on her way to adulthood when current boyfriend was struck by her ‘anomaly’. This is the crux of our title words.The boy told a friend, a reliable confidant, of his marvelous discovery, “I finger-fucked her, finger-fucked her good, man. I knew she really enjoyed it because she twisted, fucked my hand back, groaned and moaned.”“I’m calling ‘bullshit’ on you,” his buddy replied. “I know her and she is a...

Wife Lovers
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 40 Gifts of Rabbits

I held Brittany in my arms as the door to the skating rink opened. Esther and the male concubine Petey stepped into the hallway. Kitty immediately noticed the young man. "Oh, a loincloth. I like the look." Petey blushed and stepped a little away from Kitty, who immediately turned to Esther. "The AI suggested that Brit and I be here now. What's happening?" Esther sighed. "Let's just say that Governor Johanes offered us an extremely clear example of the kind of leadership he offers....

1 year ago
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Desert Gifts

Please realize this is not meant to be a happy go lucky feel good Christmas tale. If you are looking for such tale then you may want to skip this one as it includes divorce, war, death, and a man who loses everything before finally discovering young love. It is light on erotica compared to my other writings. If this still intrigues you then please read on. This is what I wrote for CAW 9 before deciding not to participate. I release it as I always want to write something like this and appreciate...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Gifts

"You sure you don't need me, Sir? I don't mind sticking around." "No, Don. Go on, enjoy a few days off before we get swamped." "All right, then. Thanks." Don left his boss, who was in remarkably good spirits considering how close Christmas was and how busy they would get in a week. However, he decided, if the boss said take some time, Don wasn't one to argue. He knew he'd be working his ass off soon enough, so he'd get while the getting was good. After speaking to the boss, he...

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Play It Again SamChapter 5 Special Gifts

When I woke up I discovered Vicky lying across my chest and Jen's head comfortably resting on my left shoulder. Because both my girls wore their hair long, one red the other black there was this wonderful colorful display of feminine tresses all intertwined covering my torso as if on a painter's canvas. I felt so lucky. I knew there wasn't a prayer in hell of me making it out of bed without waking them but when nature calls and all that, what choice for mortal man. I wiggled my way out...

3 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 46 The Gifts

The day of the graduation dance arrives. I wait impatiently for Dahlia to come out of her room. The limo waits in the driveway, and we are beginning to be late. When she steps out of her room, it is worth the wait. She is in a red strapless dress. The skirt goes down to the floor, but there is a slit ending near the top of her thigh. The dress is stunning, and sexy, yet eloquent. It’s the perfect look for one of my girls. “You never cease to impress me. Right when I think you can’t get any...

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The Castaway

The Castaway By Kasumi This is my third story posted to Fictionmania. If you enjoy it, I'd love to hear feedback in the comments, and please check out my previous efforts, CosPlay and the multi-part Just Another Day in Paradise! Even if you don't love it, constructive criticism to help me improve my writing or ideas is welcome too. This story contains themes of transgenderism. If this offends you, please stop reading now. February 26th 2012 So I found this journal in one of...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 07

The dark forces were getting even more desperate to stop the ‘chosen ones’ from foiling their attempts to destroy the universe. They had set their own dark master plan in motion and it was progressing without them constantly having to manipulate the free will of some uncooperative humans. They had discovered enough dark human souls to carry on the plan for them… they only had to pop in every once in a while to make an evil suggestion if the humans were unsure what to do… So the dark forces...

1 year ago
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Gifts of the Future Ch 15

The aftermath of September 11, 2001 sent shockwaves worldwide… but even more so throughout the U.S. than anywhere else. There were almost immediate backlashes against Muslims… even ones who’d been living in the country all of their lives! Various Islamic organizations in the U.S. denounced the tragedy as acts of violence perpetrated by evil-minded individuals, but that did little to ease everyone else’s minds… all Muslims were being perceived as evil-minded… Nuri Madani and other young Middle...

2 years ago
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Gifts From a Spirit

Chapter 1 A soft snowfall blanketed the earth that late night Christmas Eve. The stillness of the evening was broken only by the occasional car that went through the sleepy suburban neighborhood. Julie McPherson heard a car go past as the crunching of the tires against the icy pavement broke the silence. Soon, the sound faded into the distance until it was quiet once more. ‘Probably someone coming home from a party,’ Julie mumbled to herself sadly. She was tired but not sleepy as she...

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Ancient Gifts

First Name- Main Character Last Name- Main love interest Writer's notes: see guidelines Somewhere in Chile... "Look at this!" my colleague said excitedly, holding the torch to the ancient stones surrounding us. "An ancient text I guess, seems to be preceding the Incas! It looks like an animal of some sort is depicted, so maybe a farming manual or agricultural record?" I glanced at the letters, using my natural gift for languages combined with my major in South American Ancient Cultures. They...

Mind Control
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 7 Extravagant Gifts and St Croix Trip

Mark Monday did not start out as well as the weekend days with Elsa and Cindy. I was up at four-thirty and immediately checked my texts and emails. I had a message from John Thornberry of my London Office that one of the deals to trade around some cash and chemical plants in other places around the world was falling apart. He needed me in London ASAP. I went and kissed the girls goodbye, but neither woke up enough to take in that I was leaving. I put Elsa’s cellphone beside the bed, and...

4 years ago
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After the Exodus Runaways

Runaways By: Malissa Madison Kitten, had grown up in an orphanage, mistreated and abused. All she really wanted in life was to be a girl. She'd discovered her desire at ten years of age right after she was orphaned. The name on her birth certificate though was Daryl Simpson. She'd watched how people fawned over the girls, and how they always got pretty things. The first ones who ever got presented to prospective adopting parents were the girls. So few of the boys ever got adopted...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 02

The Supreme Power of the universe was making sure the final phase of the last hope for humans to finally realize their full evolutionary potential was set in motion the night of December 24, 1977. Only those humans who were ‘pure of heart’ and ‘strong of mind’ had been given ‘gifts’ that would strengthen as they were passed to each generation. And those ‘gifts’ would be necessary in order to combat the dark forces of the universe that were threatening the future of their world… The Guardians...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 11

Wayne Seldon warned Megan North that, with just the little bit of information she had, it might take him a while to discover the whereabouts of the person who’d supposedly worked with GM back in the 70’s… if they were even still alive… or ever really existed at all! He mentioned to her the possibility that the phone call she’d received had been from some crackpot who just wanted to send her off on a wild goose chase! Megan told him she’d already thought about that, but it was the only lead...

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Birthday gifts for Jill

Dan and I lived in a two bedroom split level apartment where most of living space was on the main level and only the master bedroom and master bath were upstairs.   We had moved into this apartment right after we got married. One day Joey called me at worked and started telling me his sad story.   The bottom line was that he needed a place to stay for few months and I said, “Joey, I cannot promise anything but I will try to convince Dan somehow.” Dan agreed to let my cousin Joey stay with...

2 years ago
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Older Husband Gifts His Wife Fuck Boy For Birthday

Hello everyone! To all my readers, I am writing after a long time because my previous story took more than six months to get uploaded. Anyway, I am glad to be back after a really long time. This time, I’m going to share a beautiful encounter I had with a cuck couple. They were very open-minded, genuine, and fun! (This is a true incident, only the names are fake.) So, let me tell you all about the couple. We will call the husband’s Roy and his wife Shivani. Roy was quite old and much elder to...

4 years ago
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Special Gifts

Halloween. Kids strolling from house to house, their plastic pumpkins half-filled with sugary treats. But that was in the happy parts of town. Not where I now stood. Here it was dark and lonely. Somehow the street lights seemed a little dimmer. The air was damp and chilly. I looked up and down the empty street before reading the sign once more, and even then I paused before entering. The sign was wooden and hand carved, perhaps once colorful, but now weatherworn and dull. It read: 'Madam...

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Pyx 3 The Christmas PartyChapter 9 Gifts and Stories

Christmas Eve midnight mass did not start at midnight, like I thought it would. It started at eleven pm, and ended just after twelve am. Everyone counted down to midnight, and then wished each other a Merry Christmas. It was almost like New Years Eve. Before that, there was some pageantry; Father Matthew gave a short message, and the nun choir sang some Christmas carols. The sanctuary was beautifully decorated, with poinsettias and a large Christmas tree. It was a little formal for my...

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