MayhemChapter 3 free porn video

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Gossip rags are like cockroaches: there are millions of them everywhere and you just can't kill them. The names change from "Galaxy" to "Nova" to "Star Struck" but they're all the same. I never saw the cameras nor the low-lifes behind them but starting the next day there were pictures of Tink on the back of my bike all over the bloody things.

Apparently I was her sex-slave, or she was my kidnap victim or some other outrageous bullshit. It was annoying. Luckily I don't answer my calls and I never programmed Sara to be nice. I wonder if the creeps even knew they were being so cleanly and exactingly eviscerated by an AI. I doubt it; my guess is most of them would have lost a battle of wits with a sponge. They were persistent however, I'll give them that. When the second one almost got onboard the Katherine I asked Marmaduke and Binky to come down and help keep the pests off the pier.

Marmaduke and Binky, a.k.a Sergeants Samuel and Stanly Kolbe are two more members of the Lost Boys. They're fraternal twins and about as different as two sides of the same coin. They're big boys, about ten centimeters taller than I am but that's where the similarities end. Sam is as dark as Stan is fair and built like a brick, kind of like me. His body doesn't slope down from broad shoulders to a cute narrow waist like the heroes in the vids, no, they go straight down, just like a brick. And let me tell you there isn't a gram of fat on that boy anywhere, just solid muscle. I've seen him out-arm-wrestle Crystal's Bob without breaking a sweat. Remember Bob, the one who bends rebar? I think Sam could straighten it out again. Bob wanted to get him a tryout with the Bucs but Sam wasn't interested. I think he was afraid he would really hurt someone and he was probably right.

Stan is fair as I mentioned; blonde with the narrow hips and handsome as a vid star. He's also, as Mike so delicately puts it, "Queer as a three peso gold piece." Sexual orientation doesn't mean that much to people nowadays and even less to me than most. I couldn't care less who my team members climb in bed with just so long as it's not me and that goes double for Mike. Yeah she's pretty, even beautiful but I'd rather sleep with a live grenade with the pin pulled; it's safer. Anyway, Stan doesn't have Sam's muscle but he's the best at what he does: blowing things up. He just purely loves making little tiny pieces out of big things; it's good to see a man enjoy his work.

The brothers were in between jobs so they came down to help keep the pests off the pier, usually by seeing how far they could throw them into Tampa Bay. I swear I actually saw one of them skip. Sam used the brute force method, Stan had more finesse. They squabbled like a couple of old maids over who got the best distance but I refused to get involved. Besides it wasn't really a contest; brute force has a finesse all its own. Sure the marina has its own security but for the most part they just hung back and watched. I think they were making side bets themselves.

After a few days it all died down. I hadn't been seen with Tinker Bell since that bike ride so the public was probably getting bored with it and besides it must have been getting pretty expensive with all that camera equipment ending up in the bay.

Anyway it was a huge pain in the ass and I was glad when the day for the charter came. I'd been out for two days before that so we needed a quick turnaround to get ready for the Friday-night sailing, but that wasn't a problem for the cleaning crew. They were real pros and we'd done this many times before. Sally was going to help me out for the weekend cruise along with a couple of other girls we often brought on part-time for bigger crowds. She generally didn't like doing that during the season but since the Bucs were out of town and I promised we'd be back in before the game, she agreed.

She helped me greet our guests at the brow and direct them back to the lounge while the rest of the guests were arriving. I told you before I liked having pretty women work for me. Well pretty doesn't quite cover what Sally looks like. Try pure sex with red-hair, creamy white skin and more curves that a country road. I keep telling Bob he doesn't deserve her and he agrees, but then I'm not sure any mundane man deserves Sally. But she loves him like there's no tomorrow. No accounting for taste, right?

As I said before I work the higher end of the trade so I'm fairly used to the rich and their hangers-on coming and going but I don't think I've ever seen that many limos piled up at the end of the pier like I did that day. If that's the kind of money you find in the music business then I am definitely in the wrong line of work! There were the obligatory old rich men with their arm candy ― either trophy wives or weekend rentals ― old rich men with their pretty boys and a few old battleaxes with either arm candy or pretty boys. Quite a mixed bag all around, but no Antigua Delmar as of yet. Not that it mattered all that much to me; her guests could wait with the rest of us and drink expensive hooch (smuggled of course), eat off the buffet and schmooze with each other and try to keep their hands off the girls and their eyes on Sally's ass.

According to the guest roster everyone was aboard except the hostess and it was getting close to the scheduled sailing time when the biggest limo of them all pulled up right onto the pier. I figured it had to be Tinker Bell so when she popped out of the rear of the land yacht I wasn't surprised. The woman that got out after her did surprise.

I told you Antigua Delmar was pretty, more than just a cute kid and Sally is a knock-out and my wife Kathy, the love of my life, was a very handsome woman; none of them even came close to this vision. She appeared to be a little taller that Tink, shoulder length honey-blonde hair, perfectly proportioned body and get this, the most perfect legs I have ever seen in my life! She should have been under glass in the Louvre. I think my heart stopped.

"Breathe, Danny, breathe," Sally chuckled and nudged me with her elbow.

"Huh? I don't know what you mean," I gasped.

"Sure you don't," she smirked. "And next you'll be telling me you didn't even notice her."

"Notice who?" I had her fooled, I'm sure of it. She kept chuckling, annoyingly so, until Tink stepped over the brow and threw her arms up to me.

"My sex slave!" she hollered. I groaned.

"I thought you were my kidnapping victim," I answered as she hugged me.

"You read what you want; I'll read what I want," she said. Turning she introduced the goddess standing behind her. "Captain Chaos, this is Cynthia, my manager and my mother."

"Pleased to meet you, ma'am," I said. At least I hope that's what came out. It could have been incoherent guttural noises but if it was I didn't want to know. "And that's Mayhem, Daniel Mayhem."

"So you're the one who kidnapped my daughter and ran off with her on that ancient death machine and then forced her into that den of iniquity." Touching her hand was like holding onto spun silk.

"Den of iniquity? Oh, Bennie's. I'll have to remember to tell him you said that; he'll like it." I think she pulled her hand back, I'm not sure I could have let it go by myself. "As for the bike ... Well, she forced me to."

"I'm sure she did," she said laughing. Her laugh was like the tinkling of small silver bells, the sound of water over stone in a meadow brook ... What? Oh, yeah. Okay it does sound corny but I don't think my brain was functioning all that well right then.

"Shall we show the ladies to the lounge and prepare to get underway, Captain?" Sally prompted.

"Um, of course. Miss Delmar?" I offered my arm to Antigua; I didn't trust myself with Cynthia. Together we strolled into the lounge.

When we entered there was a general uproar and I don't think I've seen more kissing and hugging since the last orgy we chartered. Orgies are fine with me, by the way, so long as I'm not obligated to join in; it's one of the reasons everything we have is leather: it's easy to clean. As expected, Tink was the center of attention although where I saw a pretty young woman, I think these sharks saw nothing but dollar signs; but such is business.

I gave my obligatory welcome aboard speech; blah-blah-blah, happy to have you; yada-yada-yada, everything is here for your pleasure except the girls, Brian and me; play nice, have fun, don't fuck with me or you get hurt. Okay, I don't say that last part with exactly those words, but they get my meaning and it was time to shove off.

I forgot to mention Brian, or Cubby as we know him, the last of my Lost Boys, Staff Sergeant Brian McNaught. Brian works a lot of my charters, especially the larger crowds, as extra security. He's not as big as some of the other LBs, not quite so imposing; has a pleasant demeanor, doesn't get excited, reacts appropriately and is as deadly as a pit viper when needed. I've seen Cubby put down a pro wrestler almost twice his size with a simple wrist lock and calmly explain the error of his ways while almost tearing the recalcitrant grappler's arm out of its socket. He's one of reasons Bob has no problems with Sally over-nighting with us, and the other girls feel safer here than at home in Tampa. As with the rest of my team money seems to mean nothing to him but if I asked him to toss a troublemaker over the side the only thing he'd ask was if I wanted him dead before he hit the water. They say the mark of a true friend is not that they would help you when there is trouble but they also help you bury the body afterwards. My team would ask how many bodies and if it would be easier to rent a backhoe.

I finished my speech, shook a few hands and kissed a few cheeks then left the feeding and care of the passengers up to the professionals, i.e., Sally and the girls assisted by Sara, my AI. I made my way up to the bridge to "help" Sara with ship's movement. She doesn't need my help but she's a good girl and tolerates me. I actually have two bridges although I could just as easily con the boat from my cabin. The navigation bridge is totally enclosed and is the second highest deck on the boat. The flying bridge ― the place I usually like to stay ― is the uppermost deck and is mostly open with the exception of a canopy. The view is better and I like the feeling of being outside in the breeze. If the weather's bad I can always go inside.

We had boarded late in the afternoon so by the time we got underway it was pretty close to dinner time but after a quick consultation with Cynthia ― that was nice ― I decided to postpone the meal and leave the buffet open until we exited the bay. I've found the passengers generally enjoyed the transit out of the harbor and seeing the city as we glide by. After that my job becomes pretty much to sit back and look important.

To tell the truth my job is the least important onboard. Navigation and ship handling is so automated these days with the AIs it could be done by the man and a dog routine. You know, where the only living creatures on the bridge are a man and his dog. The man's job is to feed the dog and the dog's job is to bite the man if he tries to touch anything.

Nice work if you can get it.

I usually just stay up there for most of the trip, especially the fully automated ones. Lets the passengers do what they want and not feel embarrassed by me walking in on their fuck-fests. Sara will tell me if there's any trouble and on this cruise I have Sally and Brian to mediate any of the small glitches. Lighting up a smoke I watched Tampa and then Pinellas Park slide down our starboard beam and tried not to think of Cynthia down below.

I truly do love the open sea and even though the Gulf is usually little more than a big pond I still enjoy being out in the open air with the sea all around; it sometimes feels like it's just me and the sea. I wonder what it would have been like if I had taken the appointment to Annapolis instead of the Point. Back then I was just a kid from Indianapolis and didn't know the affinity I'd feel for the open water. I think I would have made a pretty good naval officer if I do say so myself. But then it probably wouldn't have mattered. The Muslims had nukes but no navy to speak of; the wars were down and dirty land fighting and the Navy was stripped of both officers and crew to feed the meat-grinders both in the Middle East and SA. In all likelihood I would have been just another squid handed a rifle and sent out into the jungle or the sandbox to die. The survivability of those "lateral conversions" proved to be about the same as the chances of winning the state lottery: not good.

As strange as it seems probably the only reason I survived was the fact I chose Army and was selected for the UN Special Forces. True, the casualty rates in the SpecFor were even higher than the normal grunts but for some reason my team survived intact, with the exception of one very early on. It was what they called a "statistical anomaly," which is brass-speak for "fucking impossible." Oh, we got more than our fair share of the really nasty little jobs, the kind they don't expect you to return from, but we were always able to come back alive and reasonably whole. I think it was a fluke ― read miracle ― or karma or whatever else you want to read into it but the UN somehow threw together a team that meshed like no other that I'd ever seen. We were tight, still are I guess. After the wars we all retired at the same time and when Kathy and I moved to Tampa to set up a charter business they all came with us. I think they hurt almost as much as I did when she was killed in that bombing. I think she had become their surrogate mother, even to Top who was just a few years younger that we were.

"So this is where you're hiding," someone said from behind me. I must have been zoned out because normally I would never have let anyone sneak up behind me like that ― getting old I guess. I glanced back over my shoulder and saw Tinker Bell pulling herself up the ladder and stepping onto the deck.

"Permission to enter the bridge, Sir!" she mimicked with a snappy salute.

"Permission granted, sailor," I growled. "Somebody's been watching old movies again."

"Never stopped," she said plopping herself down in the chair across from me. "I love them. They're fascinating and who knew you could make something that entertaining and without a dick or tit in sight."

"It was a different era I'll admit," I answered. "I think they would consider what's usually made today nothing more than porn with a plot."

"Sometimes they don't even bother with a plot." She added and I could only nod. "So what is it you're doing up here?"

"Running the ship of course," I replied.

"Yeah right," she snorted. "With your feet propped up and smoking that ragweed. You look really busy."

"I work smart, not hard."

"Your AI does all the real work," she pointed out.

"That's working smart," I responded. "All of us in high leadership positions learn to delegate tasks to those most suited for the job."

"Okay, you delegate," she giggled. "So what else do you do?"

"Supervise mostly," I shrugged, "and evaluate the tactical situation."

"What tactical situation?" she scoffed.

"Well, for instance, that fellow following us," I pointed to the charter boat off our port quarter at about 500 meters. "If this were a combat situation I would be wondering who they are and what they're up to. They've been stuck to us like stink on a fart since we left port."

"Okay, I can see that," she said looking at the aforementioned vessel. "But this isn't combat so what are you doing?"

"Wondering who they are and what they're up to," I answered. "Sara, who is that off our port quarter?"

"Charter Vessel Ocean Breeze, Daniel," Sara immediately replied. All vessels had the mandated IFF (Identification, Friend or Foe) screamer installed that allowed anybody to ascertain the name, speed and course of any vessel underway. "Registered to Captain Charles Brennen, Port of Tampa." I knew Chuck, a decent enough guy but he usually trafficked in the lower end trade. It didn't answer my question as to what he was up to.

"Sara, open up the ship-to-ship. Ocean Breeze, this is Gulf Dream, what are your intentions, over."

"Gulf Dream, this is Ocean Breeze, we are steady on, no maneuvering intended, over"

"Brennen, this is Mayhem, you're dogging my wake, what the hell are you up to?"

"It's a free ocean, Mayhem, I'm just out on a charter making a living same as you."

"Fine, how about you back off another half klick or so? I don't want you spoiling the view for my passengers."

"Sorry, no can do. Your passengers are the problem, Mayhem. You got Antigua Delmar on board and I've got a boat load of reporters that want to know what's going on."

"Too bad. They should have wangled an invitation. Since they don't have one how about you back off a bit?"

"I can't do that, Mayhem," he sounded nervous for some reason. It wasn't long before I found out why.

"Shit!" Tinker Bell muttered. I looked over and saw her looking at the Breeze through one of a pair of binoculars I had spread out around the bridge. "Fucking floaters!"

"Language, little lady," I chided. "What do you mean floaters?"

"Remote cameras," she said, she started shaking and I thought she was going to cry. "I can never get away from those fucking things! They follow me wherever I go! Now I'll have to spend the rest of my time inside. God, I hate those things!" I picked up another pair of eyeballs and took a look at the Breeze myself. There was some motion on the rear deck; there were a couple of people with a number of boxes spread out around them. Suddenly a number of dark, plate-shaped objects floated up and started coming our way.

"Settle down, Tink," I chuckled. She had started to head towards the ladder but stopped and looked back at me. "Sara, get me Brian."

"Yes, Cap?" came his voice from mid-air.

"You busy?"

"Not so you'd notice," he replied.

"Get your boom-stick and get to aft-deck, port. Incoming, hostile, not critical."

"Sir!" His voice cut off suddenly.

"What are you up to?" Tink looked at me suspiciously.

"Just a little target practice," I grinned and walked over to the locker on the bulkhead. I pressed my thumb on the lock and it opened, elevating a 6mm standard infantry rifle out for me to grab.

"Oh, shit!" Tink hissed as I lifted it up and looked through the scope checking its true.

"What's the matter, lamb chop? Never seen a rifle before?"

"Not up close and personal," she admitted.

"Welcome to my world," I grunted and looked over the back rail seeing Brian already there at ready arms. A few of the guests must have seen him grab the piece and go outside because five or six of them were standing behind him looking confused.

"Sara, tell our guests standing outside there is nothing to worry about but I'd like them to back away from crewman Brian a few more meters." It took a second or two but the message must have reached them because they did just that.

"Brian," I started, "those objects coming towards us from the vessel port-aft of us are cameras. They intend to bother our guests with them and that annoys me. You take the three to the left and I'm going to take the three to the right. I want them splashed."

"Maybe I should take all of them, Cap. You know you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if you were standing next to it." Even as he spoke he lifted the rifle in one smooth motion, shouldered it and squeezed off three quick shots in succession.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

One of the cameras exploded in mid-air; another flipped end over end and smashed into the sea while the third nosed over and gently dove directly into a wave.

"Show off" I muttered. His crack about the barn hurt. Okay, so I wasn't the best shot in our team, not with a rifle anyway, but I wasn't that bad. I lifted my own piece, sighted the first floater and squeezed off my shot. It started tumbling so I shifted to the next one in line. Again the squeeze and the gentle recoil pushed back into my shoulder as that one disappeared from the scope field. I lined up the last one and ripped off another shot just as the damn thing jigged on me. A complete miss!

"Shit," I hissed and looked down at a grinning Brian giving me that I-told-you-so look. I flipped him the finger and sighted the last floater as it headed back to the Breeze.

"Not so fast, baby," I whispered. I sighted in and as it tried to jig again blew it apart, the pieces coming down about a hundred meters from the Breeze.

"What the hell is going on here, Captain?" I heard behind me and I turned to see a thoroughly pissed off Cynthia Delmar hoisting herself up the ladder and onto my bridge. She'd changed into what they probably call a cocktail dress or maybe a strapless evening gown although to me it looked more like a gown-less evening strap for all it covered. I mean yeah it covered all the unmentionable parts but it was skin-tight, silky and left nothing to the imagination. I think my heart stopped again for just a moment.

Same as Mayhem
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Note: This is a completely fictional story... My father was in the military, and therefore for the first 8 year of my c***dhood I didnt have a hometown. It wasn't until my 9th birthday that I met an actual friend. His name was Tye. Tye grew up next door to me. His father was also active duty military and quite often our parents would cook and bbq during the summer. For the years to come, Tye and I grew to be best friends. My father retired from the military, and we settled in our same town; in...

2 years ago
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Seduced Young WifeChapter 8

Mark Shaffer settled back comfortably into the plush first-class seat on the Nassau-bound turbo-prop, and smiled contentedly. His fingers curled lazily around the drink resting on the pull-out table in front of him, and his thoughts turned pleasurably to the events of the last few days. His meeting in Miami had gone off better than expected. He had hoped to get away to Nassau in three or four days, but here he was, already on his way. George Stewart was a man who didn't like to waste time,...

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Erotic Threesome Sex Story Rich Boy Fucks Girlfriend And Hot Classmate

Hello guys, a very warm welcome to all. This is a real story and my first story. The story is long, please read it fully. The characters in the story Armaan – The spoiled son of a rich businessman with 6.5″ height. Priya – A bookworm with great boobs of size about 38 and ass about 34. Tina – Armaan’s so-called girlfriend. She is a sex addict with a milky white figure of 34-28-36. So, let’s start. This was the time of 12th standard tuition classes when there was no need to attend college as...

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Sersi Returns

The honking of car horns and constant construction created a symphony of urban chaos every afternoon right outside of Sam Holden's New York City apartment. The lower east side had changed a lot from the decrepit slums Sam grew up in, but things like the sounds remained unchanged. Over the many years, Sam let the apartment go into dis-array having had it passed down to him through a couple of generations of his family. It was in need of a lot of repairs and upgrades and cleaning in almost every...

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Whip em Out

Whip ‘em Out I was thirteen when I first noticed that my father was a domineering man. He intimidated me but he had absolute control over my mother. She never failed to obey his every order. It started out simple, well at least after I noticed, that is. He would tell her what to wear, what to fix for dinner, and what to purchase. She would get him his beer, snacks, and even turn on the light for him. After I had become a teenager I also noticed that he told her what to wear at...

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Lavender Regret Pt 02 Prelude

I’m late for chemistry, stepping into the lab just a few seconds after the bell. I could get away with it on a normal day, but Dr. Hausen is at the front of the class with an unfamiliar student. A new girl. St. John’s doesn’t get a lot of new students in the middle of the year, senior year especially. I duck my head under the professor’s stern glare, heading for my seat. ‘Find a seat,’ the professor tells the new student. I missed the introduction apparently. She’s pretty, with light brown...

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Having fun with a Mom her daughter3

I was at one of those box stores getting paint supplies for the cabin Hope & I bought for our “play dates” with Amy or any other new “toys” without any nosey neighbors. I was heading to the checkout when she caught my eye. She was in front of me about 2 rows ahead and turned into the garden area. What caught my eye was that killer ass. I decided why not? I followed her into the garden section & walked past her. Long black hair pulled into a ponytail, long legs leading to “that die...

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The ProtectorsChapter 4

Liz stayed with Helen while I went upstairs to use my cell phone and to wait for my call to 911 to be answered. I was in a hurry for them to get here because I wanted to visit the crime boss before he had a chance to prepare for us. Our questioning had produced an address that was supposed to be the gang's headquarters. If we were lucky, we could end this reign of terror tonight. The address we had was another of those abandoned manufacturing plants. This one was surrounded by a large...

4 years ago
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Maa Ke Sath Suhagraat

Hi dosto main Karan fir ek baar hazir hu aap ke beech ek aur real chudai ki kahani leke. Iss kahani ki heroine hai meri sexy maa Shilpa aur hero hu main khud. Main, Karan, 21 saal ka hu Delhi se. Mera lund 8 inch lamba aur 4 inch mota hai. Meri maa Shilpa ek bohut hi mast maal hai. Shilpa ki age 42 years hai. Shilpa ki figure 36-30-36 hai. Rang gora kisi ka bhi lund khada kar sakti hai. Mere dad Dubai mein rehate hai, saal mein bas 2 baar hi Delhi aate hai. To ab main apni kahani pe aata hu. Ye...

4 years ago
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Mr B Chapter One The Drive Home

“Thanks for picking us up Dad!,” called out an athletic honey blonde girl.  Danielle was hurriedly walking toward the sidewalk of a busy one lane road from a wide grassy track and field area, flanked by two other girls at each of her sides. A playing field occupied by various people could be seen in the distance behind them. A shiny black Mustang convertible rested alongside the curb. Leaning his waist against it's passenger's side door towered a broad shouldered middle aged man with...

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For BustyBecca18

'Miss Green, is Becca in class yet?' 'Yes Mr Keys, will I show her in?' 'Yes please, and you can head off for an early lunch, take your time as well. I feel she needs to feel some proper discipline and it could get unpleasant.' You walk in, and you look just stunning in the regulation school uniform with black seamed stockings and knee boots. Your hair is tied in two pony-tails and your black bra is clearly visible, holding its sweet cargo under your see-thru blouse. My cock start throbbing....

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 10 Deal or No Deal

April 5, 1990, Chicago, Illinois As I drove towards the Loop to meet Dante for dinner, I had a lot on my mind - Kara, NIKA, my sister, and the meeting with Dante. I tried to push the other stuff out of my mind and think about how I’d respond to what Zeke had tipped me about. Obviously, it was something we’d be interested in, but I knew Dante well enough that the entire project was fraught with potential trouble, not to mention the fact that he’d try to structure our agreement to be heavily...

1 year ago
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Give and Take

“You might be better starting with something a little smaller,” I said, running my hand along the thick ebony shaft. The fact that he didn’t say anything made me look over in his direction. “What?” I asked, noting the sheepish look. “Errr… I did start with something smaller.” I felt my heart skip a beat and my stomach flutter. “So you’ve already tried sticking something in there?” “Maybe,” he said, somewhat evasively. “Really?” I was testing the weight of the eight-inch toy. Solid, heavy;...

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My interest in bra’s began when I was nineteen, I remember getting ready to go to bed and washing up. Mom just left the shower and I saw her white lacy bra hang out of the red wicker hamper and I picked it up. I don’t know why her white silky and lacy bra turned me on but it did and that bra found its way into the back pocket of my jeans and the bulge covered by a flannel shirt. When I thought of the times I saw a bit of moms boobs, well that only made romancing her bra a lot nicer. When I...

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El Ojo De MalicioChapter 4

The First Rule of The Cheerleaders' Secret Fuck-Buddies Club: You do not talk about The Cheerleaders' Secret Fuck-Buddies Club. The Second Rule of The Cheerleaders' Secret Fuck-Buddies Club: You do not curse star athletes. Sitting down, I avoided the eyes staring at me. I'm not friendly in the male department, but I could have used another guy in the room. Magdalena lived in an apartment with her mother and grandmother. From the living room size, the place couldn't be very big....

4 years ago
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Seduced And Lured The Office Maid

Dear readers   My previous stories have been accepted and published for which I thank the editor. Hope my present real experiences based story will also give you all fantastic sexual pleasure. The whore of this story was a sexy utility woman engaged as a part-time lady sweeper in my officer. Her name was kantamma , to describe her aged about 35 years mother of two children of short height of 5’2 “ dressed in colourful traditional sari and blouse. She is a Telugu lady of dark complexion, but...

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Jakes mom is hot

You had spent the night over at your best friend?s Jake?s house. It had been a good evening. You had watched a couple of really gnarly horror movies with your buddy, secretly drank a few beers and gone to bed really late. Jake had to wake up very early to get to work so by the time you woke up sunlight was pouring through the window and Jake had already left. Getting out of bed you quietly go to the bathroom. You close the door behind you and try to empty your bladder, but since you are...

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Full House

  When I decided to answer the advertisement in the newspaper I wasn’t the least bit nervous. The door opened and a friendly young woman greeted me then brought me inside.   Her personality was warm and bubbly and she was quite talkative.   She mentioned that I would have to interview with another person beside herself, which we agreed was fair to the whole household.   I sat, put my portfolio down, accepted her hospitality and sipped a glass of cool water she gave...

Straight Sex
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Romping With Elder Sister Sangita

This story is about my elder sister and me. Our family is my father, mother, and then Sister Sangita and I. we are typical middle class family living in this town. My father is worker in the factory and most of the time he is out of home working hard in order to meeting our economic needs. Mother is housewife staying at home all the time busy with her typical housework. My sister is 4 year older than I am. We had normal brother-sister relations. Since I am younger in the family everybody loves...

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KellyChapter 15

The morning after her return from Germany, Kelly was in the Army hospital at Mike’s bedside when he awakened. He looked up and found her staring at him, while tears were rolling slowly down her cheeks. The surgery on his shoulder had been completed successfully with all of the shrapnel removed. “Hello, darling,” he said softly. “What’s wrong?” She ignored his question. Instead, she replied. “How do you feel? How’s the shoulder?” “It’s been better. But you didn’t answer me. What’s...

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Once Upon an AlienChapter 6 Snakes and Artifacts

There was no question in Cody's mind about 'fast and hard or slow and sane' in this instance. Based on what Cody had heard before the soldiers had been interrupted, this Captain didn't deserve the slow and sane route. That didn't mean Cody wouldn't use his extra sense to ensure the Captain was telling him the truth. The story the captain told was surprising as well as frightening, and he only tried to lie one time. When he lied, Cody immediately informed Maria of the lie and asked her...

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My Unexpected Festival Highlight Part 2

I would never have considered going to a festival by myself before, but I was having an amazing time on my own. Not just due to my new experience with Truffle Boy but the whole thing in general. Doing just what I wanted without having to consider others, and I don’t mean that in the selfish way it sounds! The memories of Thursday night were constantly on my mind and I was like a dog on heat. I was constantly horny and getting erections. Despite having an amazing night on the Friday, I...

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God we shouldnt she gasped

Okay, so, this was a quick one I wrote this morning because it's a Tier 4 lockdown and also pissing down outside. I haven't read through this scene. It's straight off the keyboard, which means there are likely to be fuck-ups and typos, etc. Please forgive any errors in the text. I was just writing as the scene unfolded.Anyway, here it is. Thanks for reading. Feedback is appreciated.Ricky - Cambs, UK - 23rd December 2020“You can’t ever tell.”“I won’t,” I said.“I mean it. We’ll both be in so much...

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I Dream of DemieChapter 16 Eudora

Demie didn’t come back for a full week. Kate was quite glad for the attention, though I was getting a bit tired of ass fucking. Gets your dick covered in shit, y’know? Had to shower every time. Demie stood in the apartment entryway as the door closed behind her, arms crossed. She looked at me, still seeming pissed. Knock knock! Annoyed at the interruption, she turned and opened the door. She still looked human so she wouldn’t freak out... ... the demon on the other side of the...

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My firs time as a crossdrese

Hi,i am 19 and i have always liked wearing womens clothes.While wearin them i always imagined there was a nice older guy fucking me and cumming on my face. After a while i decided to try my fantasy for real. I got in contact with an older men and we decided to met. He said that he would come for me in a car and that we will go to his house and have a lot of fun. I was so nervous and could hardly wait to meet him. The next day i was waiting for him at a spot where we arranged to meet. He came...

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FateChapter 21 Mel and James

Carol and I were at it all night. I had loved and enjoyed Peggy all these years, thinking she was the best at everything. But now I had found that Peggy had birthed her equal, if not her superior. We did it all, Carol and I... no subtle nuance of the sexual, the sensual, was left unexplored. No subject left untouched that could bear on our relationship. We talked and made love, talked and fucked, talked and sucked. My daughter, our daughter, was now my mate. She was my soul mate, my sex...

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I sat on her because I'd had enough. For over ten years she'd been the bee in my bonnet and I'd told her time and again that one day I'd have enough of her sarcasm, barbs, snide remarks, cuts and jabs and if it continued I'd turn her over my knee.She was a friend of an old girl friend. The girl friend and I had broken up within weeks of starting to go together but in that time I'd met a circle of the gal's female friends and she was one. After the breakup I still saw most of the gals around...

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Twisted Fates Part 2

Twisted Fates 2 Willow sat at the circle's center. Sweat in rivulets ran down her slim form dripping off her prominent breasts, her elbows, and pooling around her on the floor. She glances at the mirror again, seeing her reflection. Her flame red hair swept back falling well past her shoulders, pale as ivory skin splattered with freckles, firm breasts that had never been touched in all her thirty-five years, delicate hands and feet; but the most remarkable feature were her eyes, so...

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Get That Girl A Uniform

Get those girls into uniform! It was a quiet Sunday in Midford, a small English market town. The pedestrianised centre allowed shoppers to window shop on a quieter crisp January day with a beautiful blue sky after an overnight frost. Susan Jenkins was the manager of the local branch of 'Go!' a travel agency. She didn't normally work at the weekend, but there was a lot of work to do to prepare a promotion to encourage people to book their holidays early. She had asked her son Jack...

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3 Stops Starts for 7 sessions C

In 2002 and 2003 when I was 23-24 years old, I decided to do a series of interesting masturbation challenges and I made detailed notes of the results. Here are the notes from one of those challenges:Challenge #3 - 3 Stop's & Start's per session for 7 sessions.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATES: September 19, 2002 - October 7, 2002 LENGTH: 18 Days, 13 Hours, 19 MinutesChallenge: To use the "Stop and go" method (Bring myself close to...

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A Night Of PassionThrill And Excitement

Author: Amit Amit strode into his house and locked it from inside. Then he freshened up and started undressing. It was raining outside and there was some chill in the air which made goose bumps rise all over his skin. If his wife had been at home this would have been a perfect time for sex. But he had something else in mind for the cold and grey afternoon. He undressed till the underwear and dropped on the bed rubbing the hard boner that had erected due to the icy weather. The day had been...

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Being late for Work

*This is my first story. Comments and Criticism welcome. Thanks to someone special who read it first and told me to post. I lift my head and look at the clock. “Fuck,” I whisper to myself. I was meant to be up over an hour ago for work. I quickly rush out of bed get showered and ready and leave for work 10 minutes after I’m meant to start. I get to work only half an hour late which wasn’t too bad considering how long it normally takes me to get to work. Just as I get into the building, I run...

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Her Puppy Shared Parts 78

Part Seven Kathy sat down beside me, taking me tenderly into her arms, wrapping them around me like a blanket of safety from the world, while my tears flowed down my cheeks, mixing with the cum humiliatingly smeared across my face. Not tears of pain or sadness, but tears of being overwhelmed, my mind struggling with the idea of being shared again and again with a man, my sense of self and sexuality unbalanced by the suspicion that I was going to enjoy it, and come to long for it. Yet even as...

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CondominiumChapter 12

About six-thirty that evening I was into another scallop wrapped in bacon and talking with Jean Power and Chris Hanson about real estate trends in the city. The party was well underway. To my surprise, someone lifted my left arm – still holding the empty toothpick, and slipped in next to me in an intimate way. I got a kiss on the cheek. "Kristi! You made it." She gave me a megawatt smile that made my insides melt into a pasty mash of puppy love. Kristi looked beyond beautiful or...

2 years ago
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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 4 Bear

The second odd murder in Kansas City was discovered by an early morning jogger. Sunday. Loose Park, just south of the Plaza. The dead woman was placed between the pond on the west and Wornal Road on the east. She was wearing a clean red dress and had been carefully posed. Young, in her early 20s, she looked almost serene, lying on her back. Her ankles were crossed and her hands folded neatly over her tummy. The dress looked carefully ironed. Everything was eerily tidy. Except there were...

4 years ago
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Day TripChapter 6

Damn, we needed more people. Three people just were not enough to build a comfortable life style. There was just too much to do. With an infant to care for, Jean was not able to carry one-third of the work load. When Angie's baby came along, we would really be in trouble. Oh, well, we had no choice, so we would just try to cope. This was a wonderful day trip for the senior girls of Ms Lofton's championship highschool softball team. They had been promised an extra special treat for...

3 years ago
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Annie and Her Trees

August 4, 2019I hear a knock at my door. I open it and am shocked at who stands there - Edward!Before I can speak, he takes my hand and leads me out the door."What are you doing?" I yell, trying to escape his grip."I am taking you somewhere," he says, increasing his pace. "And you will come quietly or you will promptly learn about one of my fetishes. I allowed you your temper tantrum the other day and now you will allow me this."I am caught off guard and quietly climb into his truck. We...

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The Measure Of a Man Ch 02

It was Sunday morning and Terry woke up, rubbing his eyes, blearily. He could feel something warm and wet on his rapidly hardening dick. He looked down his body and saw his wife, Marge eagerly licking and kissing his length. As he felt his cock growing under her ministrations, he couldn’t help but let out a small moan, it felt so good. Marge heard him and looked back up at him. She stopped what she was doing and gently wanked his cock as she said, ‘Sorry, for waking you up, love. But I...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 35

Dad was spending the weekend with Deana again, so after school on Friday Linda and I stayed at home and made love from when we got home from school until hunger drove us downstairs for dinner. After that we cuddled on the couch and first watched The Pink Panther, then I went upstairs and got the porn I had gotten a few weeks before. This was the first chance we had to actually watch it. It was a rather silly story, the main actress had ended up joining a company that sent out massage girls,...

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