Haunted by the PastChapter 16
- 2 years ago
- 19
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Gossip rags are like cockroaches: there are millions of them everywhere and you just can't kill them. The names change from "Galaxy" to "Nova" to "Star Struck" but they're all the same. I never saw the cameras nor the low-lifes behind them but starting the next day there were pictures of Tink on the back of my bike all over the bloody things.
Apparently I was her sex-slave, or she was my kidnap victim or some other outrageous bullshit. It was annoying. Luckily I don't answer my calls and I never programmed Sara to be nice. I wonder if the creeps even knew they were being so cleanly and exactingly eviscerated by an AI. I doubt it; my guess is most of them would have lost a battle of wits with a sponge. They were persistent however, I'll give them that. When the second one almost got onboard the Katherine I asked Marmaduke and Binky to come down and help keep the pests off the pier.
Marmaduke and Binky, a.k.a Sergeants Samuel and Stanly Kolbe are two more members of the Lost Boys. They're fraternal twins and about as different as two sides of the same coin. They're big boys, about ten centimeters taller than I am but that's where the similarities end. Sam is as dark as Stan is fair and built like a brick, kind of like me. His body doesn't slope down from broad shoulders to a cute narrow waist like the heroes in the vids, no, they go straight down, just like a brick. And let me tell you there isn't a gram of fat on that boy anywhere, just solid muscle. I've seen him out-arm-wrestle Crystal's Bob without breaking a sweat. Remember Bob, the one who bends rebar? I think Sam could straighten it out again. Bob wanted to get him a tryout with the Bucs but Sam wasn't interested. I think he was afraid he would really hurt someone and he was probably right.
Stan is fair as I mentioned; blonde with the narrow hips and handsome as a vid star. He's also, as Mike so delicately puts it, "Queer as a three peso gold piece." Sexual orientation doesn't mean that much to people nowadays and even less to me than most. I couldn't care less who my team members climb in bed with just so long as it's not me and that goes double for Mike. Yeah she's pretty, even beautiful but I'd rather sleep with a live grenade with the pin pulled; it's safer. Anyway, Stan doesn't have Sam's muscle but he's the best at what he does: blowing things up. He just purely loves making little tiny pieces out of big things; it's good to see a man enjoy his work.
The brothers were in between jobs so they came down to help keep the pests off the pier, usually by seeing how far they could throw them into Tampa Bay. I swear I actually saw one of them skip. Sam used the brute force method, Stan had more finesse. They squabbled like a couple of old maids over who got the best distance but I refused to get involved. Besides it wasn't really a contest; brute force has a finesse all its own. Sure the marina has its own security but for the most part they just hung back and watched. I think they were making side bets themselves.
After a few days it all died down. I hadn't been seen with Tinker Bell since that bike ride so the public was probably getting bored with it and besides it must have been getting pretty expensive with all that camera equipment ending up in the bay.
Anyway it was a huge pain in the ass and I was glad when the day for the charter came. I'd been out for two days before that so we needed a quick turnaround to get ready for the Friday-night sailing, but that wasn't a problem for the cleaning crew. They were real pros and we'd done this many times before. Sally was going to help me out for the weekend cruise along with a couple of other girls we often brought on part-time for bigger crowds. She generally didn't like doing that during the season but since the Bucs were out of town and I promised we'd be back in before the game, she agreed.
She helped me greet our guests at the brow and direct them back to the lounge while the rest of the guests were arriving. I told you before I liked having pretty women work for me. Well pretty doesn't quite cover what Sally looks like. Try pure sex with red-hair, creamy white skin and more curves that a country road. I keep telling Bob he doesn't deserve her and he agrees, but then I'm not sure any mundane man deserves Sally. But she loves him like there's no tomorrow. No accounting for taste, right?
As I said before I work the higher end of the trade so I'm fairly used to the rich and their hangers-on coming and going but I don't think I've ever seen that many limos piled up at the end of the pier like I did that day. If that's the kind of money you find in the music business then I am definitely in the wrong line of work! There were the obligatory old rich men with their arm candy ― either trophy wives or weekend rentals ― old rich men with their pretty boys and a few old battleaxes with either arm candy or pretty boys. Quite a mixed bag all around, but no Antigua Delmar as of yet. Not that it mattered all that much to me; her guests could wait with the rest of us and drink expensive hooch (smuggled of course), eat off the buffet and schmooze with each other and try to keep their hands off the girls and their eyes on Sally's ass.
According to the guest roster everyone was aboard except the hostess and it was getting close to the scheduled sailing time when the biggest limo of them all pulled up right onto the pier. I figured it had to be Tinker Bell so when she popped out of the rear of the land yacht I wasn't surprised. The woman that got out after her did surprise.
I told you Antigua Delmar was pretty, more than just a cute kid and Sally is a knock-out and my wife Kathy, the love of my life, was a very handsome woman; none of them even came close to this vision. She appeared to be a little taller that Tink, shoulder length honey-blonde hair, perfectly proportioned body and get this, the most perfect legs I have ever seen in my life! She should have been under glass in the Louvre. I think my heart stopped.
"Breathe, Danny, breathe," Sally chuckled and nudged me with her elbow.
"Huh? I don't know what you mean," I gasped.
"Sure you don't," she smirked. "And next you'll be telling me you didn't even notice her."
"Notice who?" I had her fooled, I'm sure of it. She kept chuckling, annoyingly so, until Tink stepped over the brow and threw her arms up to me.
"My sex slave!" she hollered. I groaned.
"I thought you were my kidnapping victim," I answered as she hugged me.
"You read what you want; I'll read what I want," she said. Turning she introduced the goddess standing behind her. "Captain Chaos, this is Cynthia, my manager and my mother."
"Pleased to meet you, ma'am," I said. At least I hope that's what came out. It could have been incoherent guttural noises but if it was I didn't want to know. "And that's Mayhem, Daniel Mayhem."
"So you're the one who kidnapped my daughter and ran off with her on that ancient death machine and then forced her into that den of iniquity." Touching her hand was like holding onto spun silk.
"Den of iniquity? Oh, Bennie's. I'll have to remember to tell him you said that; he'll like it." I think she pulled her hand back, I'm not sure I could have let it go by myself. "As for the bike ... Well, she forced me to."
"I'm sure she did," she said laughing. Her laugh was like the tinkling of small silver bells, the sound of water over stone in a meadow brook ... What? Oh, yeah. Okay it does sound corny but I don't think my brain was functioning all that well right then.
"Shall we show the ladies to the lounge and prepare to get underway, Captain?" Sally prompted.
"Um, of course. Miss Delmar?" I offered my arm to Antigua; I didn't trust myself with Cynthia. Together we strolled into the lounge.
When we entered there was a general uproar and I don't think I've seen more kissing and hugging since the last orgy we chartered. Orgies are fine with me, by the way, so long as I'm not obligated to join in; it's one of the reasons everything we have is leather: it's easy to clean. As expected, Tink was the center of attention although where I saw a pretty young woman, I think these sharks saw nothing but dollar signs; but such is business.
I gave my obligatory welcome aboard speech; blah-blah-blah, happy to have you; yada-yada-yada, everything is here for your pleasure except the girls, Brian and me; play nice, have fun, don't fuck with me or you get hurt. Okay, I don't say that last part with exactly those words, but they get my meaning and it was time to shove off.
I forgot to mention Brian, or Cubby as we know him, the last of my Lost Boys, Staff Sergeant Brian McNaught. Brian works a lot of my charters, especially the larger crowds, as extra security. He's not as big as some of the other LBs, not quite so imposing; has a pleasant demeanor, doesn't get excited, reacts appropriately and is as deadly as a pit viper when needed. I've seen Cubby put down a pro wrestler almost twice his size with a simple wrist lock and calmly explain the error of his ways while almost tearing the recalcitrant grappler's arm out of its socket. He's one of reasons Bob has no problems with Sally over-nighting with us, and the other girls feel safer here than at home in Tampa. As with the rest of my team money seems to mean nothing to him but if I asked him to toss a troublemaker over the side the only thing he'd ask was if I wanted him dead before he hit the water. They say the mark of a true friend is not that they would help you when there is trouble but they also help you bury the body afterwards. My team would ask how many bodies and if it would be easier to rent a backhoe.
I finished my speech, shook a few hands and kissed a few cheeks then left the feeding and care of the passengers up to the professionals, i.e., Sally and the girls assisted by Sara, my AI. I made my way up to the bridge to "help" Sara with ship's movement. She doesn't need my help but she's a good girl and tolerates me. I actually have two bridges although I could just as easily con the boat from my cabin. The navigation bridge is totally enclosed and is the second highest deck on the boat. The flying bridge ― the place I usually like to stay ― is the uppermost deck and is mostly open with the exception of a canopy. The view is better and I like the feeling of being outside in the breeze. If the weather's bad I can always go inside.
We had boarded late in the afternoon so by the time we got underway it was pretty close to dinner time but after a quick consultation with Cynthia ― that was nice ― I decided to postpone the meal and leave the buffet open until we exited the bay. I've found the passengers generally enjoyed the transit out of the harbor and seeing the city as we glide by. After that my job becomes pretty much to sit back and look important.
To tell the truth my job is the least important onboard. Navigation and ship handling is so automated these days with the AIs it could be done by the man and a dog routine. You know, where the only living creatures on the bridge are a man and his dog. The man's job is to feed the dog and the dog's job is to bite the man if he tries to touch anything.
Nice work if you can get it.
I usually just stay up there for most of the trip, especially the fully automated ones. Lets the passengers do what they want and not feel embarrassed by me walking in on their fuck-fests. Sara will tell me if there's any trouble and on this cruise I have Sally and Brian to mediate any of the small glitches. Lighting up a smoke I watched Tampa and then Pinellas Park slide down our starboard beam and tried not to think of Cynthia down below.
I truly do love the open sea and even though the Gulf is usually little more than a big pond I still enjoy being out in the open air with the sea all around; it sometimes feels like it's just me and the sea. I wonder what it would have been like if I had taken the appointment to Annapolis instead of the Point. Back then I was just a kid from Indianapolis and didn't know the affinity I'd feel for the open water. I think I would have made a pretty good naval officer if I do say so myself. But then it probably wouldn't have mattered. The Muslims had nukes but no navy to speak of; the wars were down and dirty land fighting and the Navy was stripped of both officers and crew to feed the meat-grinders both in the Middle East and SA. In all likelihood I would have been just another squid handed a rifle and sent out into the jungle or the sandbox to die. The survivability of those "lateral conversions" proved to be about the same as the chances of winning the state lottery: not good.
As strange as it seems probably the only reason I survived was the fact I chose Army and was selected for the UN Special Forces. True, the casualty rates in the SpecFor were even higher than the normal grunts but for some reason my team survived intact, with the exception of one very early on. It was what they called a "statistical anomaly," which is brass-speak for "fucking impossible." Oh, we got more than our fair share of the really nasty little jobs, the kind they don't expect you to return from, but we were always able to come back alive and reasonably whole. I think it was a fluke ― read miracle ― or karma or whatever else you want to read into it but the UN somehow threw together a team that meshed like no other that I'd ever seen. We were tight, still are I guess. After the wars we all retired at the same time and when Kathy and I moved to Tampa to set up a charter business they all came with us. I think they hurt almost as much as I did when she was killed in that bombing. I think she had become their surrogate mother, even to Top who was just a few years younger that we were.
"So this is where you're hiding," someone said from behind me. I must have been zoned out because normally I would never have let anyone sneak up behind me like that ― getting old I guess. I glanced back over my shoulder and saw Tinker Bell pulling herself up the ladder and stepping onto the deck.
"Permission to enter the bridge, Sir!" she mimicked with a snappy salute.
"Permission granted, sailor," I growled. "Somebody's been watching old movies again."
"Never stopped," she said plopping herself down in the chair across from me. "I love them. They're fascinating and who knew you could make something that entertaining and without a dick or tit in sight."
"It was a different era I'll admit," I answered. "I think they would consider what's usually made today nothing more than porn with a plot."
"Sometimes they don't even bother with a plot." She added and I could only nod. "So what is it you're doing up here?"
"Running the ship of course," I replied.
"Yeah right," she snorted. "With your feet propped up and smoking that ragweed. You look really busy."
"I work smart, not hard."
"Your AI does all the real work," she pointed out.
"That's working smart," I responded. "All of us in high leadership positions learn to delegate tasks to those most suited for the job."
"Okay, you delegate," she giggled. "So what else do you do?"
"Supervise mostly," I shrugged, "and evaluate the tactical situation."
"What tactical situation?" she scoffed.
"Well, for instance, that fellow following us," I pointed to the charter boat off our port quarter at about 500 meters. "If this were a combat situation I would be wondering who they are and what they're up to. They've been stuck to us like stink on a fart since we left port."
"Okay, I can see that," she said looking at the aforementioned vessel. "But this isn't combat so what are you doing?"
"Wondering who they are and what they're up to," I answered. "Sara, who is that off our port quarter?"
"Charter Vessel Ocean Breeze, Daniel," Sara immediately replied. All vessels had the mandated IFF (Identification, Friend or Foe) screamer installed that allowed anybody to ascertain the name, speed and course of any vessel underway. "Registered to Captain Charles Brennen, Port of Tampa." I knew Chuck, a decent enough guy but he usually trafficked in the lower end trade. It didn't answer my question as to what he was up to.
"Sara, open up the ship-to-ship. Ocean Breeze, this is Gulf Dream, what are your intentions, over."
"Gulf Dream, this is Ocean Breeze, we are steady on, no maneuvering intended, over"
"Brennen, this is Mayhem, you're dogging my wake, what the hell are you up to?"
"It's a free ocean, Mayhem, I'm just out on a charter making a living same as you."
"Fine, how about you back off another half klick or so? I don't want you spoiling the view for my passengers."
"Sorry, no can do. Your passengers are the problem, Mayhem. You got Antigua Delmar on board and I've got a boat load of reporters that want to know what's going on."
"Too bad. They should have wangled an invitation. Since they don't have one how about you back off a bit?"
"I can't do that, Mayhem," he sounded nervous for some reason. It wasn't long before I found out why.
"Shit!" Tinker Bell muttered. I looked over and saw her looking at the Breeze through one of a pair of binoculars I had spread out around the bridge. "Fucking floaters!"
"Language, little lady," I chided. "What do you mean floaters?"
"Remote cameras," she said, she started shaking and I thought she was going to cry. "I can never get away from those fucking things! They follow me wherever I go! Now I'll have to spend the rest of my time inside. God, I hate those things!" I picked up another pair of eyeballs and took a look at the Breeze myself. There was some motion on the rear deck; there were a couple of people with a number of boxes spread out around them. Suddenly a number of dark, plate-shaped objects floated up and started coming our way.
"Settle down, Tink," I chuckled. She had started to head towards the ladder but stopped and looked back at me. "Sara, get me Brian."
"Yes, Cap?" came his voice from mid-air.
"You busy?"
"Not so you'd notice," he replied.
"Get your boom-stick and get to aft-deck, port. Incoming, hostile, not critical."
"Sir!" His voice cut off suddenly.
"What are you up to?" Tink looked at me suspiciously.
"Just a little target practice," I grinned and walked over to the locker on the bulkhead. I pressed my thumb on the lock and it opened, elevating a 6mm standard infantry rifle out for me to grab.
"Oh, shit!" Tink hissed as I lifted it up and looked through the scope checking its true.
"What's the matter, lamb chop? Never seen a rifle before?"
"Not up close and personal," she admitted.
"Welcome to my world," I grunted and looked over the back rail seeing Brian already there at ready arms. A few of the guests must have seen him grab the piece and go outside because five or six of them were standing behind him looking confused.
"Sara, tell our guests standing outside there is nothing to worry about but I'd like them to back away from crewman Brian a few more meters." It took a second or two but the message must have reached them because they did just that.
"Brian," I started, "those objects coming towards us from the vessel port-aft of us are cameras. They intend to bother our guests with them and that annoys me. You take the three to the left and I'm going to take the three to the right. I want them splashed."
"Maybe I should take all of them, Cap. You know you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if you were standing next to it." Even as he spoke he lifted the rifle in one smooth motion, shouldered it and squeezed off three quick shots in succession.
Crack! Crack! Crack!
One of the cameras exploded in mid-air; another flipped end over end and smashed into the sea while the third nosed over and gently dove directly into a wave.
"Show off" I muttered. His crack about the barn hurt. Okay, so I wasn't the best shot in our team, not with a rifle anyway, but I wasn't that bad. I lifted my own piece, sighted the first floater and squeezed off my shot. It started tumbling so I shifted to the next one in line. Again the squeeze and the gentle recoil pushed back into my shoulder as that one disappeared from the scope field. I lined up the last one and ripped off another shot just as the damn thing jigged on me. A complete miss!
"Shit," I hissed and looked down at a grinning Brian giving me that I-told-you-so look. I flipped him the finger and sighted the last floater as it headed back to the Breeze.
"Not so fast, baby," I whispered. I sighted in and as it tried to jig again blew it apart, the pieces coming down about a hundred meters from the Breeze.
"What the hell is going on here, Captain?" I heard behind me and I turned to see a thoroughly pissed off Cynthia Delmar hoisting herself up the ladder and onto my bridge. She'd changed into what they probably call a cocktail dress or maybe a strapless evening gown although to me it looked more like a gown-less evening strap for all it covered. I mean yeah it covered all the unmentionable parts but it was skin-tight, silky and left nothing to the imagination. I think my heart stopped again for just a moment.
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Straight SexIt was a Tuesday evening and I had arranged a second viewing on a property after work - only this time I was without my girlfriend. I was late thirties and i'm told that i'm a fairly handsome guy. In fact i've never had any trouble getting a girl, although I was never arrogant about that fact.I met the agent at the apartment and as my girlfriend and I had already agreed, this was the property we wanted to buy together. Luckily for me she had to work late and so I visited Hannah on my own for...
When Jazzy walked into her condo, she threw her keys and purse on the entrance table, kicked off her heels, and padded into the kitchen. Throwing open the fridge, she pulled out a bottle of water, uncapping it and taking a long drink. What in the hell was I thinking; going to that type of club is so unlike me. I was not brought up to be like that. Jazzy headed back into the entrance hall, carrying her bottle of water. She grabbed her purse and went into the bedroom and sat on the bed, taking...
NovelsThis is a story I never even told Ginger, my sister. Her friend, Janet may have told her, but I doubt it.One really hot summer day in Florida, I was home alone. Mom & Ginger went shopping at the mall and they took Mikey with them. I had just finished my first year in college. Rough year. So I was trying to enjoy some me time, sitting around in my shorts and nothing else, watching TV. Just as I was getting a little comfortable when there was a knock at the door.Grumbling under my...
Chapter 1: Meeting Judy This sexy incident occurred one summer when Tom was a cadet at the Air Force Academy. He'd finished up his junior year and the Air Force had sent him to an Air Force base in the Midwest part of the country for a period of four weeks. Before the dozen or so Air Force Academy cadets had departed from the Academy for their summer tours, an organizer for a debutante ball at the base where they would be had contacted them and asked if they would be willing to serve as...
Hello ISS readers, this is Saroj Sharma again from Rajasthan. I got so many inspiring, good comments on my previous three real stories, that I am submitting this new story. For new readers of ISS, who did not read my previous stories I want to tell them that I am recently married Post Graduate girl of 25 doing Govt service. My height is 5ft 6inches and vital statistics as 36-26-36. I have sexy features and always wear sex provoking dresses in home. My husband is highly sex loving person having...
IT'S ONLY A DREAM, ONLY A DREAM, ONLY A DReam, only a dre........ I felt myself regaining consciousness, coming up from the depths of a deep sleep. I could see a pinpoint of light at the end of a long tunnel and I started towards it slowly and involuntarily. After what seemed like an eternity the light began to grow larger until it suddenly winked out, finally there was a feeling of great discomfort followed by an explosion of brilliance and then I someone gave me a swat on the...
Jabba the Hutt was by far the most notorious crime boss in the galaxy. Respected by some and loathed by many others, the oversized slug gained a reputation over the years for his ruthless personality and fast rise to power in the criminal underworld. Dabbling in everything from spice running to slave trading , the Hutt amassed an overwhelming fortune throughout the years. Like many of his species, Jabba grew sedentary in his later years and began overindulging himself in the fruits of his...
Every day for the rest of the week, Sean and Anna asked, ‘Is today the day we go see the judge?’ Friday morning, before Jason got up, Dani sat down with the two of them and said, ‘Monday will be the day we go to the judge. Today is Friday. Tomorrow will be Saturday, then it will be Sunday, then Monday.’ She counted off the days on her fingers as she spoke. ‘In three more days, Jason and I will talk to the judge.’ ‘What about me and Sean?’ Anna asked. ‘You and Melanie will go to Auntie Leah’s...
My boyfriend, Samuel, had asked me to bring my toys along and of course I did. I had several, but every girl needs to happy, right? It was a warm day, mid-may, and we where inside watching some bad tv. Samuel sighed, “I’m bored….go get your toys for me…” I raised an eyebrow and ran off to get them. I dumped a rope, butt plug, vibe, nipple clamps, dildo and some lube into his lap grinning. “I’m in charge for the day, ok?” He asked. I nodded and go wet. I’ve always been a sub and loved when he...
Hello All,This story is about my step sister and me.My name is Salim, I've been married for over 4 years now. I was born and raised in a higher middle class household. My parents were a lot open with us and did not force us to anything, including religion and taught us to follow our hearts. My mother passed away due to a sickness when I was 9. My father avoided getting married again for a few years but family pressure and his medical condition forced him to marry a distant relative who had lost...
One evening my wife and i had an evening out , with our k**s at her mothers. After a good dinner we went to a bar and spent the rest of the evening drinking. I noticed the bartender trying very hard to see my wife's breasts. So I mentioned it to her, and she answered she had noticed him too. What do you think?, I asked her. He does seem nice, why?, she replied. Oh I thought that maybe you'd like to help his view and open a few buttons, I answered. My wife was silent for several minutes and...
Der Osterurlaub Kurz vor Ostern teilten mir die Herrschaften mit, dass wir ?ber die Woche vor Ostern und die Woche danach in einem Haus an der See sein w?rden. Sie gaben mir den Befehl alles N?tige vorzubereiten. Neben den normalen Hausarbeiten sorgte ich f?r die ben?tigte W?sche, Kleidung und packte zuletzt noch eine Tasche mit Ketten, Reitgerte und Knebel zusammen. Am Tag vor der Abreise reinigte ich noch den Wagen. Der Reisetag begann zun?chst wie jeder andere auch. Nach dem Fr?...
I could finally do all the things that i couldnt do whilest living under my parents roof. I could walk around naked, i could buy fleshlights, i could cum all over mysleft and slowing lick it off while siting in my living room if i wanted to. And... I could finally fuck whoever or whatever i wanted to. As you can tell i am a pretty weird guy. Well for some backstory when i was my friend and i were experimenting with alchohol and we didnt really know what to do. It was my birthday. My...
Amanda's Story Amanda was in her room surfing x hamster.com when her iPhone rang, “Hello.” Amanda answered. It was her best friend inviting her out to a rave party on Halloween. “Where,” Amanda asked? It was not like Amanda had planned anything for Halloween evening, it falling on a Monday this year and she was much past the age of Trick or Treating. ‘What the hell,’ Amanda thought and she agreed to go to the party with Sarah.The party was a rave that moved around so you never knew when or...
Malcolm and Caroline awoke about mid-morning, Malcolm nestled against his wife’s bare ass, spoon fashion. Reeves and Phoebe had returned to her room after a few brief trysts the night before, and now the married couple slowly woke by themselves. As he commonly did, Malcolm woke with what he called his “piss hard-on” and snuggled closer to his wife, rubbing it in the crack of her cheeks. Reaching around, he gently cupped one of her large breasts and began to lightly caress the nipple. It...
So me and my folks just moved into this new town and it’s wayyyyy different from the hood I’m used to. 1st off it’s fuckin clean. No trash blowin down the streets like tumble weed, no addicts running around…shii’s nice. And the people kinda nice too! Smiling, sayin hi, askin if I need help…police rolled past and just smiled and waved at me! Like WTF??? People don’t even lock they doors at night! Feel like I’m in the fuqin twilight zone. Issa nice...
xmoviesforyouI know I sound like a complete wild child, but I lead somewhat of a double life. Most of the time, I’m working hard as a substitute teacher (I just finished a University teaching program and received my teaching certificate 2 months ago). I love teaching and I’m one of the few student teachers in my graduating class that is already on the substitute list in this district. I have a very straight-laced and professional demeanour which is one of the things that impressed the administrators who...
My place is less than ten minutes from town, so I went straight to the Sheriff's office first. The duty man at the front desk asked me to wait while he got the Sheriff. Sheriff Dan Smythe came out with his election campaign demeanor, sticking his hand out to shake. I had to smile at the guy, as I remembered him from being a couple of years younger than me, and had always enjoying winning a class officer position. I suppose we don't change that much over the years. Dan took me back to his...
I woke up about eleven the next day. My soft cock was crusty with the leftovers of my sister's pussy juice and my dried jizz.As I thought about it my cock started to squirm and lengthen. The memory of fucking Karen's willing mouth, juicy snatch and her big bouncy tits was making me hard. The image of Mom fingering herself while she watched made my now-swollen snake twitch.A knock on the door interupted my thoughts."Come for brunch," Mom invited through the door."Okay, be right there," I...
IncestMyself Dev from Delhi. Married with a beautiful wife and two kids. This is a story about me and my extra marital girlfriend after my marriage. After few years of my wedding I ran into lots of problems with my wife which drifted me away from her and I had to take refuge on internet for solace. I met this woman Mehek from Mumbai and had two kids. Our affair started in next three months after we met first time. We met, we loved each other we had bed rocking love making and we were very happy. The...
Avi Love is sitting down and enjoying a rousing round of her favorite video game, using a wireless controller and headset. She is an aggressive gamer, cursing at the other players and boasting when she wins, but she’s having a good time. She’s talking back and forth with her teammates over the headset. Mackenzie Moss enters the living room, calling out that she’s home. She approaches her gamer girlfriend and leans down, giving her a kiss. Avi is still mostly focused on the...
xmoviesforyouBrandon and Jay were walking to work and Jay was excited. He hadn’t said anything but Brandon noticed the skip in his step and the constrained delight in his voice each time he spoke. He didn’t want to ask but Jay kept shooting him these little glances like he was just waiting for him to inquire. Finally, Brandon conceded defeat. “Okay, tell me.” “Tell you what?” Jay asked with an enormous smirk. Brandon felt like punching him. Not hard, just enough to wipe that smug, satisfied look off his...
Hi ISS readers. I m a huge follower of this site. Some of the stories I read here made me pre-cum and I couldn’t stop masturbating. Coming to the story.This happened a month ago. I am a B.tech student from a reputed college in Delhi. I am average built decent looking . my height is 5′ 10” and my tool length is 6.5 inches and diameter is 2.5 inches. Being an engineering student I studied late nights. And like every single male I fantasized about me doing intercourse with women. sometimes I...
am looking forward to telling my aunt how I feel about her.When I was 15 I was as horny as anyone I knew. I am now 18, much bigger in muscle and in the pants. One thing that hasn't changed about me is how horny I am and how much I fantasize about fucking my Aunt Michelle. My aunt is now in her early 40's but has the body of a 20 year old. She has bleach blonde hair and weighs about 125 pounds. She works out all the time and it shows with her firm, round ass, and her perfectly sculpted legs and...
Across the soft green plain, the predator stalks his prey. Ears laid back against his skull, he flexes his claws. Soon the enemy will feel their sting. The interloper would pay for invading his domain, just as all the others have. The predator seizes the chance for a surprise ambush. In a blinding rush he leaps to the attack, vicious claws spring free and sink into soft unprotected flesh. On the couch Greg and Beth kissed passionately. Tonight was their third date. Greg had almost cheered...
Hello friends and Indian sex stories, I am a big fan of you. And hi readers, I Pravin, 26 years old from TN, staying in Bangalore. I am interested in female domination, slave to couples, cuckold things etc. And I am basically a submissive character. Here my sex story is based on these things. And sorry for the grammatical mistakes. This sex story is full fiction, I repeat this story is not real. But I badly need it to be real. Please read my previous parts too. Adithya went to buy dinner...
Ralph was sitting in the glassed-in cubicle which served as his office when Howard arrived at the Auto Circus lot the next morning. He waved, his round face beaming cheerfully, and motioned for Howard to join him. "Morning, Howie," Ralph said enthusiastically as Howard entered the office. He shook the younger man's hand. "How's the head today?" "Not too bad," Howard confessed, his voice a little rueful. "I guess I did over-indulge a little, though." "Nonsense, my boy....
Mission Impossible? Chapter 9 Amber woke slowly; her mouth felt like an aspirin bottle?dry and stuffed with cotton. She moaned, sat up, and pushed her hair out of her face. She wanted to retch. She moved to the edge of the bed, forced herself to stand and stumbled her way into the bathroom where she splashed cold water on her face to help her focus. "What happened?" Amber wondered. "I only had half of a Gibson." She looked in the mirror to see her hair messed, eyes...
My name is John. And I'm a gay man. Not flaming mind you. Not some frilly guy that makes you uncomfortable when he walks into the room. No. No flashy walk. No flashy clothes. No. I'm just a regular guy that likes... well... guys. I wouldn't normally even consider myself gay. I've found it's just easier than using one of today's definitions. It's just the way I feel. I always thought it was normal. Some guys chase after sports or money. Other guys are chasing after girls in skirts....
'well jack i think i'm going to take you out for something to eat i don't feel in the mood to cook tonight' julie says'but mom how can i go out like tis ? how can i eat ?''its ok i'll feed you stop complaining ' julie says ' i better check your cock before we go out see if you need any relief''please don't i'm fine''nonsense' julie undoes jacks jeans and pulls them down around his ankles with his boxers then takes hold of his cock'um well it is soft so you could be right' julie strokes his limp...
About fifteen minutes later, Carly came into Kevin’s room and climbed into bed beside him. “They told me to go get some rest. Why is Grandpa so mad?” She asked. Kevin snuggled up to her and said: “He has a lot of responsibility and somebody loaded him up with some more. How’s your mom?” Carly’s brow furrowed. “Umm ... I don’t know. She keeps saying she killed daddy. She wasn’t there. She was in Kansas. I remember it.” Her gaze clouded for a few moments then she spoke. “He picked me up from...
Melinda stood in her shop reading the paper. It was all over town, 6 women had been sexually assaulted but none of them could id their attacker. They all had the same story, they woke up feeling a cock moving inside their bodies but when they opened their eyes, there was no one there. Melinda being the town ghost buster, as her husband Jim jokingly called her, knew she had to get this ghost to cross into the light. The only problem was, she didn’t have any idea where he was. Most of the...
I was on the road home when I realized that I had committed a cold blooded murder. I knew I should feel some kind of remorse but I didn't. What I thought was that I was sorry there would be some other piece of trash who would take over. The business would go on because they needed the business it really didn't need anyone of them to continue. The business would always be there in some form to pray on the innocent trying to cope. The only way to kill the business was to kill the customers...
I have had two great loves in my life,but they have both left me so I am alone but the desire to have a man has not left. My first lover broke me in to please him he loved having me suck him off and I enjoy doing it. My second lover enjoyed the lessons that my first taught me and now I miss sucking the most. I read a confession of a woman who picked up guys just for sex no love or right names. One night I got dressed up and went to a singles bar there were a lot of old guys there so I thought I...
Erotic FictionThe Pinch Hit Bride (A Fantasy Of The Delights Of Transvestism) by Deborah Leigh Johnson aka Miss Karen-Anne Brown Hi. My name is Tommy, Tommy Girard. I am fifteen years old, and it is mid way through a Friday morning. At this moment, I am sitting in my sister Janet's room. And, I am torn with guilt, with fear, with a sense of perhaps betraying a loyalty, and, mostly, a sense that I have to do this thing that has been asked of me to do, for my sister. Let me...