Stepdaughter-to-be_(1) free porn video

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The rest of the day went as usual. Thankfully Amy went back to bed and stayed there until some time in the afternoon. Rachel and I went out and spent a normal Saturday together, though the entire time I could swear I still smelled Amy on my fingers. I had to get that girl alone, and soon. The whole day out my brain was working overtime on how we could spend some quality time with Rachel out of the house. She kept asking if I was ok because she would find me deep in thought, and I just kept repeating that I was fine, just tired, or thinking about work.

We got home and Rachel started to make dinner. I was sitting in one of the dinner chairs and we were having a nice conversation when Amy came downstairs. She looked incredible. She had on a very tight T-shirt with no bra, showing off her amazing tits, her hair coming to rest at her shoulders. Completing her outfit was a short denim skirt that ended a good six inches above her knees, and some cute little white ankle socks. I couldn't help but think this outfit was for my benefit. It was just sexy enough if you were paying attention, but not so bad her mom would freak out. Rachel was cooking and was completely oblivious to the way her daughter was dressed. I don't think she wanted to admit to herself that her little girl was growing up. To be fair, I had never paid attention to the way she dressed before yesterday either. Amy came and sat down across from me to join in the conversation and wait for dinner to be ready. She was in unusually good spirits today, I knew why, but Rachel was certainly pleased with the way she was acting, and didn't care so much for the reason. I was also pleased, but for different reasons. Every time Rachel had her back turned, Amy would start teasing me. She was eating carrots and celery sticks, and she kept dipping them in ranch and slowly licking them off, all the while looking me right in the eyes as I'm trying to carry on a normal conversation. She was not gonna make this easy.

After dinner, Amy volunteered to do the dishes and Rachel and I crashed on the couch, tired from our day out shopping. After about ten minutes, Rachel was nodding off on my shoulder. She must have had one glass of wine too many. I was having fun with her by nudging her every time she would pass out. Amy came and sat in the chair next to the couch with her legs pulled up under herself in that wonderful teenage girl way. She quickly joined in in the fun by clapping her hands and making loud noises to wake her mom over and over. After about ten minutes of this, (and ten times waking Rachel) I realized, quite by accident that Amy wasn't wearing any panties. As I said, she had her legs tucked up underneath herself, and she was leaning over to tickle Rachel's toes. She lifted up a little in the chair and I got my first look at her beautiful pussy. With the light from the lamp, I was able to see all the way up her creamy thighs to the perfect little place where they met. I immediately stopped fucking with Rachel and just stared at Amy's crotch. I realized after a few seconds that she had stopped playing around too and was looking at me through half closed eyes. She gave me a wicked smile and ran a finger up her thigh to quickly swipe across her pussy lips. She slid her hand back down to her knees and stopped. She did this two or three times and each time she would spend just a little more time with it before giving in to it completely and finger fucking herself as I watched her, and she stared at me. I just sat frozen in place and watched her as she slowly slid her middle and ring finger inside herself over and over, and her breathing began to speed up. She sat up and flung one leg over the arm of the chair to allow herself better access, and then continued with what she had been doing.

She mouthed the words “I want you to fuck me tonight” as she was building up speed.

Rachel stirred just then, and Amy immediately stopped what she had been doing and sat up a bit. Rachel looked at me groggily and said it was her turn to go to bed early. She leaned back to kiss me goodnight and then got up to go upstairs, and I thanked my lucky stars she didn't notice that I had a huge erection once again. I swear, she wasn't two stairs up and Amy was on her feet and walking toward me.

“Finally! We can be alone” she said as she sat down in my lap and put her lips on mine, her tongue in my mouth in seconds. I was in heaven. I put my hand on her upper thigh just inside her skirt, and slowly started stroking her thigh up and down, moving it further and further up every time. My fingers came in contact with her amazing little pussy for the second time today, and I was rewarded with another of those sexy little squeak moans that I had fallen in love with. I no sooner touched her when she said-

“Put your fingers inside me again, Mark”

Who could deny such a request? I slid just my middle finger inside her at first, getting it wet and slowly swirling it around her outer lips, and then added another one. I was now curling two fingers inside her pussy, sliding them upward each time to hit her G-spot with each stroke. She leaned back onto the couch, to where she was sort of laying across me with her ass on my lap and her head on the arm of the couch. I slid my hand under her shirt and slid it up until her firm little titties were exposed. She sort of gasped a bit when I gently pinched one of her nipples with one hand while stroking her G-spot with the other.

“Cu-” she grunted.

“What, Sweety?” I asked, knowing full well what she was trying to say.

“Cum. I'm going to cum!” She said in a husky voice, trying to be quiet, but still get her point across. She started to arch up off of me as her orgasm came to her. I was mesmerized watching her again. It was truly a thing of beauty.

“Mark?” -- Fuck. Oh fuck. Oh Fuck! It was Rachel, thank God she was still at the top of the stairs, but I had no way of knowing how much she had heard. I love this woman, but she is a real cock blocker!

Amy froze in place, too terrified to move and trying to ride the waves of her orgasm in silence. I had to act like normal, Rachel couldn't see us, she was at the top of the stairs.

“Yeah honey” I said in my best 'everything is normal' voice.

“Can you bring me something for my head? It's pounding from that wine and we don't have anything up here”

She could not have worse timing. I love her, but right now I could have killed her just to fuck this girl that was on my lap. Amy slowly slid off my lap onto the couch and slid her shirt and skirt down. I mouthed to Amy -'I'll be right back' and said to Rachel -

“Sure, Babe, I'll be right up. Let me find something to bring to you.” Fuck. Once again, I had to hope she wouldn't notice my cock in it's current state. I went to the kitchen and grabbed something for her head, the evil part of my brain wishing just for a second that I had some chloroform. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room to see Amy sitting back on the chair, but now she was completely naked! She was giving me that look again, and she did the 'come here' thing with her finger, beckoning me over to her. I could spare a second, right? I was sure Rachel had gone back to bed to wait for me to come up. I leaned in to hear what she wanted to whisper to me-

“I'll be waiting right here for you to come back downstairs. Don't be long.” And with that, she put two fingers in my mouth and I could taste her juices on them. My God. I licked them clean. She tasted like heaven and I nearly came in my pants for the second time in ten minutes. I couldn't wait to bury my tongue inside this girl. I went upstairs, stopping in the bathroom to get a cup of water for Rachel. I sat down on the bed and she sat up to take the pills. After swallowing them she thanked me and laid back down. I thought I was in the clear so I offered-

“Hope you feel better” Knowing it was lame and terrible even as I said it. What kind of guy doesn't even sit with a girl for two seconds when she's got a headache? The kind of guy that has a naked fifteen year old downstairs to fuck.

Apparently Rachel also thought I was an asshole because she said-

“You're just gonna leave me here to die? My head is killing me and you want to leave me in my final moments?!?” She was joking with me, thinking it was funny. If only she knew my situation. I guess in hindsight, she probably wouldn't have appreciated my situation the same way I did, but still.

“No, of course not” I lied “ I was just gonna take off my shoes and lay down with you for a little while until you feel better” I felt like I covered pretty well for it, and she agreed. She smiled at me and patted the pillows next to her. I slipped off my shoes and hoped Amy would understand and wait for me. I laid with Rachel for well over and hour as she talked about everything under the sun. I thought she was tired? I guess the ten minute “pass out” she had had revitalized her. Wonderful.

About 10:30 I heard Amy from out in the hall.

“Goodnight Mom....Goodnight Mark.” The second half of that sentence told me a lot. She had grown tired of waiting for me downstairs, but the tone of her voice told me she might wait up for a while in her room.

“Goodnight, Honey” Rachel called out to her as I offered “'Night.” I could only hope we would get our chance soon enough. Rachel had seriously gotten a second wind and would not shut up, talking about plans for the house and the yard, blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong, I'm normally very involved and present in my relationship, but at that point my mind was elsewhere. At some point I grew tired and started to nod off myself, my last thought as I drifted off was 'Rachel is a really deep sleeper'. It didn't really register then, but soon would.

Finally, the time had come.

My eyes blinked open and I took a second to get used to the darkness of the room. I looked over at the clock and it showed 1:22. I looked over my shoulder at Rachel as she slept soundly beside me. I looked up at the ceiling and laid very still for about five minutes listening for any sound other than her regular sleep breath, and heard nothing. I slowly raised up and got out of bed, going through the door, and closing it behind me. I then made my way down the hall to Amy's door. I rested my hand on the knob for a second and listened once again for any sound from my bedroom. Hearing nothing, I slowly tuned the knob in my hand until the door opened and I quickly slipped inside. I closed the door behind me and then leaned on it. I just stood there for a moment taking in my surroundings, not wanting to trip over something and make a huge crash. I watched Amy sleep from across the room. She was on her side, her shoulder length, dishwater blond hair wrapping around her throat and coming to rest on one tank top covered breast. She had her blanket pulled up to her waist and was breathing slowly.

I carefully made my way across her room until I was standing at the foot of her bed, my cock starting to rise just thinking about what was about to happen. Just then, she stirred and rolled onto her back, raising one arm up above her head to rest it on her pillow. This had the effect of stretching her chest out a bit, and made her even sexier, if that were possible. It was like she was offering herself to me, and I was about to take her. I slowly started sliding her blanket down toward the foot of the bed, exposing her inch by inch. Her perfect, flat little stomach came into view, and for the first time I noticed she had a bit of an “outee.” I made a mental note to nibble on that later, and continued to pull her blanket down. She was wearing very tight, sheer, almost see-through 'boy-short' panties that I was able to see all of as I brought her blanket all the way off of her. 'She sleeps as heavily as her mom' I thought to myself as I bent down to touch her soft thighs. I slowly slid her legs apart just enough to give myself a place to lay down, and then slid my hand up her leg and down underneath to feel the soft back part of her upper thigh. I gently probed the lower part of her panty-covered ass cheeks as much as I could without waking her. If at all possible, I wanted her to wake up to the feeling of my tongue inside her. Very slowly so as not to wake her (not yet, anyway), I lowered myself down between her legs and carefully reached up to grasp the waistband of her panties, preparing to remove them if I could. I slipped my fingers inside the elastic band and gently lowered them down enough to see just the top of her pubic mound. I leaned in and nestled my nose in the small patch of hair, and enjoyed the clean smell of it. She smelled vaguely of strawberry shampoo and some kind of flowery lotion. I slid her underwear down just a bit more and her beautiful lips came into view. I just laid there and looked it her sex for a few seconds before setting to work. She shifted just a bit and I was able to pull her panties down her thighs to her knees and then off without any trouble. I could swear she did that on purpose, who knows, maybe she did.

Laying before me, completely exposed was my dream girl. Less than thirty six hours had passed since I came home early yesterday to find her on the stairs. I couldn't believe how far how fast we had come. The time had come, I pulled her lips apart just a bit and gently licked her lovely lips up and down. The second my tongue came into contact with her clit, she woke with a start like an electric shock had hit her. Thankfully she didn't cry out, that could have been very bad.

“You came! I was so sad when I went to bed, I figured I would never get to be alone with you.” She said, running her fingers through my hair as I continued. “This isn't a dream, right?”

“Huh uh” I replied, through muffled lips.

“Thank God! Then don't stop!”

I had no intention of stopping until my face was coated in her juices. The taste of her pussy was amazing! Everything about it was perfect, the clean smell, she had no hair below, exposing her lips to my eager tongue, and the taste! Oh my God she tasted so sweet I could eat her pussy forever. I continued to enjoy my work, licking her from bottom to top, pausing each time on the upstroke to nibble and suck on her tiny little clit before heading back down to do it over and over.

“Put your finger in me” She commanded, and I was all too happy to oblige. I slid my middle finger inside her and curled it upward to once again stimulate her G-spot as I had his morning in the kitchen. The difference being this time, I was able to taste her as well, making it that much better for me. As I continued to lick, suck and finger her, her breathing increased its tempo and she began to lift her ass off the bed a bit, grinding her pussy into my mouth. Without any more warning she arched her back and lifted her ass a good foot off of the mattress and came for me. Once again she was able to be completely silent, screaming without making a sound as she came against my mouth. I could feel her sex throbbing against my tongue and she clamped down on the finger I had mashed into her G-spot as her body was rocked with her orgasm.

She slowly came back down to earth and laid back on the bed. She grabbed my head and pulled me up to her to plant kisses all over my face like a little kid. It flashed through my mind that she pretty much was still a kid. After a few minutes though, she calmed down and began to kiss like an adult. She slid her tongue into my mouth and started to remove my shirt.

“We have all night, but I need you to fuck me, right now!” She said, now moving her hands down to the waistband of my pajama pants. She slipped her hand into my pants and wrapped her hand around my cock.

“My Goodness! What have we here?” She mused “Is this for me?” I nodded as I pulled her tank top over her head, and finally she was laid out before me, completely naked and willing. Not just willing, eager!

I laid down on my back and allowed her to pull my pants off of me. She struggled a bit as the elastic band hung up on my cock, until she figured out she needed to lift them up and over it, and then pull them down. I just laid there and watched her slim form in the moonlight coming through the window as she sat up on her knees to remove my pants all the way. She then straddled me at the foot of the bed and laid her face down on my upper thigh. She slid her smooth hand up and cupped my balls as she planted a small kiss on the head of my cock. She smiled up at me and I realized that she was nervous, and kind of hesitant to go any further. I hoped she wouldn't back out now, I don't think I could take it.

“Are you ok Honey?” I whispered to her, knowing what the problem was. “I know you are nervous, and if you don't think you are ready to go any further, I'll understand” I lied.

“Oh you're not getting out of this, Mister” she said with a smile. “I'm just savoring the moment, you know?”

With that, she slid her body up mine until we were face to face. I rolled her over and looked her in the eye one last time.

“Are you sure you're ready for this?” I asked.

She bit her lower lip and nodded at me. I placed my cock at the entrance of her pussy, pausing for just a second. She looked me in the eye and as I pushed forward gently and slid just an inch or two in with little resistance. It came to me that she had said she had fucked herself many times and I probably didn't need to be so careful with her. I slid my cock back in a bit and then pushed forward all the way until I was buried to the hilt inside of her. Her pussy was so tight I nearly came with the first full stroke. I had forgotten what it was like to fuck teenage girls, it had been several years since I had fucked one.

“Oh God, I feel so full! You feel amazing inside me!” she said right into my ear.

I began sliding in and out of her, slowly at first, gradually picking up speed and slamming my mouth against hers. I was done with being gentle with this girl. At this point my cock had been hard damned near all day without any release and she seemed want to up the ante with every stroke.

“Oh yeah. Fuck me, Mark. Fuck me harder with your big cock!” she said to me through gritted teeth, as she reached behind me to grip my ass and pull me into her. I pulled all but the head of my cock out for a split second and then slammed all the way into her with full force. She just grunted quietly and begged for more. I was all to happy to oblige, and I continued to fuck her with everything I had until I saw her start to speed up in what I now knew was her sign that her orgasm was coming.

“I'm cumming, Mark!” She said. I had held off as long as I could, I simply couldn't wait any more. We timed it perfectly as she hit her peak at the same time and was arching up into me as I slammed into her one final time and came harder than I ever had in my life. I buried my face in the pillow next to her face and cried out as I felt her cunt rhythmically grip and release my cock as she came with her face in my chest. We laid locked together for a few minutes before my cock began to shrink and slowly slide out of her. I lifted up off the pillow and kissed her as I pulled out of her. I rolled over on my back and took a breath, laying there in disbelief at what had just happened. She rolled over and laid her head on my chest, sliding her hand down to gently stroke my cock. As soon as her fingers came into contact with the head of my cock, I winced a bit.

“Did I hurt you” She said, stopping immediately and looking concerned.

“No, Honey. It's just that a man gets very sensitive right after sex. What you were doing felt great, you don't have to stop.” I told her.

“Ok. Just make sure I don't hurt you.” I was touched with her concern for my wellbeing. She quickly forgot about it and moved on.

“Oh my God. I could fuck you a million times. That was so much better than my fingers.” She said. I wasn't really sure if she was talking to me or just thinking out loud. “I can't believe we wasted so much time. I should have thrown myself at you the minute I saw you.” She mused.

“Sometimes it's better to wait. Makes it all that much better when you finally go through with it.” I told her.

“If you say so. Can I put you back in my mouth again, or will I hurt you more?” She asked, looking up at me with her big, sweet brown eyes.

“No.” I said, trying to come across as diplomatic. “It's fine, but I don't know if it will lead to anything, I'm an old man, remember?”

“You're not old, you are just right.” She said, and then set to work cleaning my cock and balls of our mixed juices. I thought she might be grossed out by all the cum on me, but it was the opposite. She acted like she was eating ice cream, licking all around the base of my cock, removing every last drop of our previous session before initiating another one. As I lay there watching this beautiful girl lick my balls, my cock started to grow once again. She lifted up and sunk the entire length into her mouth and down her throat. I couldn't help but notice the similarities between mother and daughter in terms of cocksucking style. She coated my cock in saliva and began stroking it as she licked up and down the length from my head all the way down to my ball sack.

“Can you cum again? I want to taste your cum again.” She said, without missing a stroke. She was born to suck cock.

“Keep up what you are doing and I can.” I told her as I watched her continue to slurp and suck me into her warm mouth. She sped up and dribbled more saliva onto the shaft as she stroked me up and down.

“I want to taste your cum again. I didn't get the chance to enjoy it last night. Tonight I want to savor every drop.” She told me, all the while stroking me slowly up and down, and popping the head of my cock into her mouth about every third word. I had just cum ten minutes ago, and if you had asked me two days ago if I could cum twice in ten minutes I would have laughed in your face. The feeling of her hair draped down over my thighs, her soft, slick hands on my cock and the fact she was begging me to cum in her mouth was too much for me to handle. Out of the blue I felt my orgasm coming. True to form, she noticed my stiffening body and rapid breathing and began sucking and stroking harder. She lifted off my cock for just a second and looked me in the eye-

“Cum in my mouth, Mark, please!” She begged. My orgasm hit me like a freight train, the first of five or six jets of cum hitting the back of her throat. She moaned as the second and third spurt hit her. She kept stroking and I kept cumming, not sure if I would ever stop. Two or three more shots went into her mouth and, try as she might, some of it dribbled out the sides of her mouth and onto my belly. She licked on my cock like a lollipop as she cleaned it off once again, and then licked up the small amount she had missed.

I dropped my head back onto the pillow and laid there completely happy for the moment. I didn't care what the future held, I just laid there and floated in complete happiness. After a few minutes I looked down at Amy and realized she had fallen asleep with her little hand wrapped around my cock and her head on my thigh. I put one arm under my head and just watched her sleep, thinking of how I could spend more quality time like this with her in the very near future. I laid there watching her sleep for almost an hour before I slipped out from under her, picked her up and laid her back down on with her head on her pillow, and covered her up.

I slipped out of her bedroom and down the hall into my own room. Rachel was still sleeping, totally unaware that I had just taken her daughter's virginity twenty feet away. I slipped back into bed and between the sheets and looked up at the ceiling. 'I wonder what tomorrow will bring?' I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

Part four if there is interest. She was promised an ass fucking, remember?


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"Why are we here? Were you watching us last night?" accused Veronica as she and Brittany stood with Betty in the apartment observation room. "Of course not," lied Betty. "But I have arranged for you to find out what kind of boyfriend you have." "What do you mean?" "He likes them young, doesn't he?" smirked Betty, looking at Brittany who dropped her eyes in shame. "I don't understand..." began Veronica. "You will," replied Betty as their attention was drawn to the...

1 year ago
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Tammy and Josh Part 3

Today was Friday. Josh flew home from high school and quickly changed his clothes. He flopped down on his bed and began to watch television. But his mind was on Tammy. He pictured as she was last night, in the bathroom with her shirt off. It was all he could do to not rub his cock just thinking about her. “Josh?” His mom stuck her head in his door. “Listen, dear. Your father and I are going out for the evening. We will probably be home very late, so I already set it up with Tammy for you to...

2 years ago
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The Neighbors in 3BChapter 10

Friday afternoon I left work at 4:00 and headed on home. Traffic was horrible and it took me the better part of 90 minutes to make the 20 mile drive. I spent all of Friday evening cleaning my house, doing my laundry and paying my bills on line. I was getting things done early so that I'd be ready to leave at first light and make my way north to Santa Barbara. It was a three hour drive up there but I'd fallen in love with the area when I was in college and had visited the area on several...

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SilkPanties22 Fourth stab at humor in sex

Man pretends to be a woman on an adult story/chat site...SilkPanties22 (Fourth stab at humor in sex)One of my newfound hobbies, so to speak, is reading and writing sex fantasy stories on a sex fantasy website. It is a site I stumbled across while innocently reading an article on sex fantasy. Since joining the site I have found myself fascinated by the number and variety of sex fantasies. It has provided me with countless hours of entertainment. Reading people's fantasies is sort of a way to get...

1 year ago
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This vacation was turning out to be a disaster, no, that wasn't quite right, more like a big disappointment, but however you described it, Melinda was wishing that she was back home in the states rather than being alone in even such an location as Naples!!! The food was great, the sights were even better, but she was just so damned lonely she could hardly stand it, because after having lived with Josh for the past three years, their break up had almost crushed her spirit!!! Her best friend...

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Business and Pleasure

Neil was working late again. It was just after Christmas and the orders hadn’t slowed down yet. That meant his role in Sales Support was in demand. It was good in one way, but he was burning the candle at both ends. He was normally a nine till five guy, but working till seven, at least meant he got fewer distractions. He often founding himself answering queries and becoming entangled in various conversations during the day. In the evening he could just get on with it. The absence of distraction...

Office Sex
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Girls Best FriendChapter 6 Lee

Lee Martin sat by the window from where he had watched the sun rise. He had awakened an hour before dawn, unable to sleep or think of anything but what Millie had told him. She was pregnant! And what were they going to do about it? Whamo! Right smack in the friggin' mouth! For eons, he'd just sat and stared at her. They'd gone to her house from the stinko-party, in the wee-hours, of course, and plodded right into her bedroom, stripping to ball-it in the same old style... no prelims, no...

3 years ago
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Prurient ParishionersChapter 24 Audreys Acquiescence

It had been almost two weeks since he'd initiated Daphne's nether portal and after his brief period of sexual satisfaction from his niece, his sister in law and then the young student Daphne, Reverend Gillis was incredibly horny. His young houseguest didn't help the situation for she seemed to intentionally display her considerable sexual allure. JJ was in his office with the door closed and sipping on a fine cognac that George Smart had given him for no special reason. It didn't quell...

2 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 49

Laurie was quieter after Daddy left, working with me finding homes for all of her dolls and stuffed animals. She asked if it was OK to put her Raggy Ann next to mine and we did a little shuffling so the two would fit on the same shelf. I was surprised at the number of them as well as how well taken care of they were. Vivian had talked about being homeless and living out of her car and I had no idea how long things had been that way. I'd assumed for most of Laurie's life, but there were too...

2 years ago
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Open Day at NMUChapter 3

"Can you give me a hand?" Steven moved to the bathroom door and peered inside, discerning the girl's shape through the translucent plastic. "Beth?" The curtain flicked to one side and she handed him a bottle of gel. "Do my back. I can't reach properly." "I'm not sure." "Please." Steve ejected a generous dollop of soap onto his hand and smeared it liberally over her skin. He savoured the smooth softness of her flesh, trying desperately to ignore the growing presence in his...

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How Anna discovered she is a little whore Part 2

Part 2: Daddy to the rescue? I woke up with a groan, my hand flying to my eyes as the morning sun washed over my face, waking me from my deep slumber. My muscles ached with an unfamiliar throb, protesting violently as I tried to sit up against the headboard. Wait. Headboard? My thoughts froze up, my eyes widening in shock as memories from last night smashed into me like a fright train, making goose bumps wash over my naked flesh. The man appeared in my minds eye, his face shrouded in...

1 year ago
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Silhouette Scenesbyjaybee©"Dad," my twenty-one year old daughter called out, "It's Mom on the phone - she wants to talk to you."I groaned inwardly. If my wife wanted to talk, it meant only one thing - she wanted more money. Either that, or another costly favor. "Just a minute, sweetie," I shouted back, "I'll get it."To my relief, my daughter replied, "Wait - don't bother. I'll bring it out myself."Ah! This was life Darcy. Lazy, relaxed, and most of all, pampered by an adult daughter who still...

2 years ago
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Alexis a moment in time Part 4

When I left that afternoon, Alexis was still there ...knocked myself into her office ...closed the door. "So ...thank you for putting me in a really awkward position ..." I said. "Sorry lost me ..." she said. "Frank ...lunch giving your blessing" I continued. She truly looked baffled ...I told her what happened he induced me into going to lunch with him ...what happened in the cab ...and that I am not interested in his affection. "So how did it feel...

1 year ago
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What is and What Should Never Be

The Background I’m no genius, but I’m not as dumb as my husband thinks I am. It’s been my experience that most men are clueless about their relationships with women. And my present husband is no exception. He’s my husband at present. It remains to be seen if he’ll be my husband in the future. Every man has something to hide, and every woman knows it. When George walks into the room with me, I know within thirty seconds if he’s hiding something. It’s an evolutionary imperative. ...

3 years ago
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1Anm Yeni Hayat

Bu sabah kalktığımda herşey bambaşka görünmeye başladı gözüme. Artık yurt dışındaydım ve ailemden uzak kalmış olan genç bir kızdım. Ve garip olanı bu durumuma alışmaya başlamıştım daha ilk anlarda. Ailemin beni apar topar yurt dışına gönderme nedenini şimdi hemen söylemiyeceğim ama bu ufak ingiltere kasabasında sanırsam yeni bir hayat kurmaya başlıyacağım. Apar topar kiraladığım bu kasaba evimi dün gece taşındığımda tam olarak inceliyememiştim. Ve incelemekte istiyorum, ama karnım...

1 year ago
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The Long Road Back Ch 03

I stopped talking. I didn’t know what to say. I could hear mom weeping but I didn’t look at her. I understood now why she did what she did. But that didn’t mean that I had completely forgiven her for sending me away. I felt Hawk squeeze my hand and looked at him. He just looked at me sadly but didn’t say anything. Then I did what I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to do. I looked over at Robert. It was like his face was made out of stone. There was no expression on his face whatsoever. His...

1 year ago
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His Wish

“I know Mum but I fantasise about being spanked. Who better than you?”   “One of your friends perhaps?”   “Well yes, but I really would prefer you. It’s much more realistic. My Mother spanking me for being naughty.”   “Daniel you’re 23 years old and I haven’t spanked you for 6 years.”   “But if I’m naughty and earn a spanking why not give me one?”   Mum smiled and said “Don’t get me wrong, since you have got back from Uni there have been plenty of times I’ve wanted to put you across my...

3 years ago
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Ill Be Your Slut Part 1

Hip-hop clubs are my favorite place to dance. The bass is blasting and a sexy rap is causing all the people to gyrate their hips. I feel so sexy in my turquoise dress that barely covers my bubble butt. The color goes nicely with my long blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin.I am shaking my ass to this hot song when I feel someone pressed against me. I look back and see my sexy black man. His dark skin is a beautiful contrast to mine. He grabs my hips and pushes on my back forcing my ass closer...

2 years ago
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Simms world 2025

Welcome to Simms 2025 virtual xxx meeting place. Here you can craft your own persona and interact with other Simms of other creators. Simply plug your personal data port into the simm interface and your mind will be channeled into the world of Simms 2025. However be advised that this is only a beta test model so you are advised to back up your personality matrix before entering in case of corruption. Now if you will input yourself and choose a simm body and choose your companion from the other...

1 year ago
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Reddit Ebony Porn

Reddit ebony, aka r/Ebony! Do I really need to specify what exactly r/Ebony/ is all about? It is there, in the name, so I am sure that you already fucking know. So, if you are here to see some gorgeous black girls expose their beauty, and do all kinds of naughty shit, you are in for quite a treat. Take your time and explore; you are bound to love what this subreddit has to is a free site, so you can browse as much as you want. If you are new to this place, the first thing you...

Reddit NSFW List
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Nymph World

Vignettes from an alternate reality of ultra-casual sex and massive sexual appetites, with an emphasis on ubiquitous public sex and cum-eating. Here, women have the same intensity of sex drive we associate with the horniest of men, leading to peace, prosperity, and an insane amount of fucking. In public, in the office, in church, with your spouse, with your best friend, with a brand new acquaintance - sex is always appropriate for the situation and a desire to fuck is always reciprocated, even...

3 years ago
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B IS FOR GIRL chapter 5 B Is For Ballroom Dancer

"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 5: "B" is for Ballroom Dancer I didn't have to wait until the following Wednesday to find out what "ballroom" was. On Saturday, after breakfast, mummy told me we were going shopping in town. "We're going to get you a lovely new dress," she said. "For your ballroom dancing lessons." "Ballroom... dancing?" I said. "But mummy, I already do ballet dancing." "I know you do," mummy replied. "And now you're going to do ballroom dancing as well. I hope you're...

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ഇന്ത്യൻ സെക്സ്‌ സ്റ്റോറീസ്‌ എന്ന ഈ സൈറ്റ്‌ എനിക്ക്‌ ശരിക്ക്‌ ഭ്രാന്തായിട്ട്‌ ഇപ്പോ ഏകധേശം 4 വർഷങ്ങൾ തികയുന്നു….എന്റെ പേരു സാഗർ…തൃശൂർ ജില്ലയിലെ ഒരു ഉൾനാടൻ ഗ്രാമത്തിലെ യാഥാസ്ഥിതികമായ ഒരു കുടുംബത്തിലെ 6 മക്കളിൽ 4ആമത്തെ സന്തതി…..കഥാനായിക എന്റെ വാപ്പാടെ സഹോദരി…34 വയസ്സ്‌… നമ്മുടെ സിനിമാനടി സരയുവിന്റെ തനി പകർപ്പ്‌….ആർക്കും ചപ്പി വലിക്കാൻ തോന്നുന്ന ചുണ്ടും… നക്കി ചുവപ്പിക്കാൻ തോന്നുന്ന കഴുത്തും വലിയ മുലകളും ഒതുങ്ങിയ അരക്കെട്ടും ഓളം വെട്ടുന്ന ചന്തികളും ഉള്ള ഒരു നടുവരിയൻ കമ്പി ചരക്ക്‌ എന്നു വേണമെങ്കിൽ...

2 years ago
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Fire and Ice

The setting is just right. Soft candlelight, a blazing fire near by, a great dinner and a beautiful lady, this is going to be a night to remember. Returning after placing the dishes in the kitchen you sit across from her. There is nothing to say. You simply stare at her face. Her face is shaped like a heart framed with wavy brown hair. She's watching the flames dance. A tiny pink tongue slowly peeks out to wet her lips. "Enjoy the dinner?" you ask. Smiling and turning to face you she nods....

2 years ago
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Puppet Master

"Another pint of bitter please," he passed his glass to the barman, as he did he caught the whisky glass of the bloke beside him and knocked it over, "Oh shit I mean sorry, let me get you another," he bought the whisky, "I've seen you here a few times, my names Andrews, Declan Andrews." The bloke thanked him for the drink, "That's strange, my names Andrews, Shaun Andrews," they laughed about maybe being related and started to drink and chat. Shaun was worried about his wife, and...

1 year ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 24

"Yes, General. I am fully aware of what your instruments and theory's have told you. But as I have told you before; We are but a woman's University. An institution of learning." Susan said into the phone as Jill came into her office. It was three months after the night of Susan's induction at the temple. Jill smiled at her and sat down. Susan reached out and squoze her hand a moment. "Yes, General, I know that. But your technicians have been over every square inch of this place."...

4 years ago
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The Rolling pin

My master was cross, I could tell by the tone of his voice. 'Carlos tells me you have been flirting with men on the web site' he said. I immediately made a mental note to do Carlos a serious injury as the earliest opportunity. 'I'm sorry master' I said. He asked me how many pairs of panties I had sold, I told him only one. He reminded me that it was my task to sell five pairs as punishment for a previous misdemeanour and I had failed him. I was sad that I had disappointed him. He asked...

1 year ago
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Spicy Tranny HD! Is there even a need for me to formally introduce this place, or is it safe to say that we all know what kind of content has to offer? Sure, you might not know the exact details of this place, but it is fucking obvious that this place offers all kinds of porn videos featuring the lovely ladyboys. This should be enough to let you know if you want to continue reading my review or not, since if you are not into tgirls, then what the fuck are you even doing...

Shemale Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The GovernorChapter 21

There is love, and there is sex. August Ling was in love with Tematha, but that was different to the desire to fuck as much cunt as he wanted to. On his return, he bedded Grand Duchess Melanie and Lady Petunia in the same night, in the same bed. They still shied away from looking at each other naked, that was not what a lady did; but they still stripped when told, sucked his cock when required to, and presented their now experienced thighs to his entrance. He positioned Melanie under...

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Pleasure and Pain

Alana walked through the door of her house after a long day at work. All she could think about was that she totally screwed up her most important friendship last night. She was at a club cruising for someone to take home and had a few too many drinks, looking across the bar she saw Jesse, her best friend Meg’s boyfriend. She had decided to go over and chat with him, one thing led to another and they were having sex in the bathroom of the club. Just as she’s having the best orgasm of her life,...

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The butler did it

Evening all Now then, where to start? I previously talked about mine and ‘eeyore’s’ (boyfriend) attempt at ’swinging’ (although technically for the most part our version is commonly refered to as ‘cuckhold’), and during our chat I briefly touched upon ‘Butler’. Now he will definately be one of those that sticks in my memory, for all number of reasons! He was a tad older than us, average height, very easy going and non-aggressive, laid back and easy to chat to… oh and did I mention a bloody...

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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 41 Beatitude

Ariel went home with Rania ‘to help clean her up and get the paint off.’ We didn’t see her for two days. “Aagh! You’re hopeless!” Blankenship screamed when he saw my thirty-inch rendering of The Garden of Earthly Delights. “How can you create something with such detail that is so flat? Don’t you listen in class? The whole point of perspective is to create depth and direction. Stop thinking of the horizon as a point out in the distance. The eye creates the horizon. If the world was truly...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 15 The Interrupted March

On the last day of January 1815, Jarvis Braxton-Clark got married. It was common knowledge in the battalion Lord Ashford’s daughter was marrying simply to discharge the debt her father owed to the Braxton-Clarks. Jarvis Braxton-Clark was marrying in order to father a son on an Earl’s daughter and advance himself and his family in Society. It was a business transaction pure and simple, and the poor woman had been sold into marriage just as surely as an African is sold into slavery. I wondered...

1 year ago
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Fucking Pooja Aunty

Hello ISS readers, this was an incidence which happened when I was in college, I used to stay in Thane, Maharashtra and aside my flat was a Maharashtrian family…Uncle was working in Government and Aunty was a teacher in a government school and they had 2 kids. The star of this story is Aunty and her name is Pooja….she is short around 4 ft 11 inch….milky white skin…. little healthy….with a big ass and a juicy lips which is ready to be sucked as soon as somebody c it…As soon as I saw first...

2 years ago
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Hers for The Day

Hers for the day By: lsa3 For personal use only. All rights reserved. Duplicate with this copyright messageintact. He lost the bet, her team won the game. He regretted thefact that he had been such a smartass because he “knew” he couldn’t lose thebet and now she “owned” him for a day. From 9AM till 9 PM she could do what shewanted with him and he could not protest or object. She owned him and could doanything she wanted with him or to him. The look on herface said it all. ...

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THD Melinda Chevalier Entry 5

Dear Diary, We are beginning to talk less and less now, it seems. My heart still yearns for his attention and I still find myself wishing things were different. My thoughts still gravitate towards him and they flood my mind every time I get a moment alone. I still continue to dream of him at night but recently my dreams have become more of nightmares where he is involved. I have also begun to notice that I can be more easily distracted during the day now that it has been a few months, though,...

Love Stories
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Hero the EscapeChapter 10 Conflicts

The youngest Justiciar in Griffin Empire, knelt next to the overlarge four posted bed draped with purple sheets embroidered with golden griffins. “Pardon the intrusion, Empress.” The middle aged blonde woman viewed her servant through the apex of her magical bracelet which granted Truesight. “What brings you to my chambers at this hour, Justiciar Dana Hershim?” Empress Lara Nori wasn’t worried about betrayal, Justiciars didn’t become who they were for any reason other than to serve the...

1 year ago
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Autobiography of a Wanker

Masturbation, more because of the general attitude towards it than because of the act itself, has had a turbulent history, at least from the nineteenth century onwards. It was called “self-pollution” and considered to have a debilitating effect and even to cause blindness. Now it is recognized by psychologists and sexologists as a necessary sexual outlet for youth and adult, man and woman alike. This essay, however is not concerned with masturbation as a sexual or social phenomenon – it is a...

1 year ago
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the beer fest

Its the beerfest tonightThe memory of the first time i attend one a year ago still making me hornyI went im Laval, a city north of montreal , beerfest by metro waiting for my friend when i got a text he woudnt comeso i stayed alone going from booth to booth tasting some fine craft beergot a bit drunk too fast with all this heat and sunmy daythey were 2 nice black dude working at a new micro brew place near Quebecthey had nice beer but why i came back to this boot was the quantity theyd poor,...

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Its All About Faith Pt 07

by Phillip Johnson Chapter One Hundred Thirteen The three guys talked over breakfast and coffee at Ma’s Kitchen, and the four women were several tables away deep in conversation barely taking time to eat. Doug finally went over and told the women they were going back to a bench on the town square and they’d wait for them there. At least that way they could watch the people as the town slowly came to life again. On the way, some guy stopped them and thanked them for saving Discovery, shook...

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David finally got what he and I wanted

After talking about David seeing her naked I told her my feelings of wanting to see her fuck someone else. She would never believe me and just say that’s what you say now. Wendy said there was no way she was ever going to do it. I would bring it up and she would get mad but then be so wet later. I would ask her why and she would just say she was horny. One night after dinner we were watching a porno I had picked up, a rare occasion. She will not usually watch them with me. About 20 minutes in...

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