Cursed! free porn video

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Still, Ziega spread her thoughts, touching Air with a wordless note of gratitude.

When, for the first time in her adult life, Ziega had left the wilds, she had trekked to the great city. She hadn't seen civilization since she was a small child, nor a single sentient soul since her mother died eight years before. The spetacular sight of so much built had awed her deeply.

Even more than the buildings, were the people. So many Ziega couldn't even think of the word for a big enough number. It scared her, but her fear was soon replaced with mere uncertainty. Everyone seemed to ignore everyone else. Jostled by her very first crowd, Ziega had felt more alone than she had in the wilds.

She also noticed that when certain people in the crowd brushed by her, mostly young female orcs like Ziega, she felt a strange urge deep in her gut to keep touching them. Surprised by the strange sensation, it took Ziega quite a while to figure out that what she was experiencing was attraction.

Ziega's mother had taught her about sex, of course. She had shown Ziega what a kiss was and how to perform one. She had taught Ziega how to use her fingers to evoke pleasue from the soft flesh between her legs, and about how a male and a female could merge their bodies into a harmony of creation.

Not thinking clearly, Ziega had reached out and groped one of these passers-by, and had been punched in the face by a smooth blue fist that belonged to the tall troll woman Ziega had grabbed, and then dragged off the street and thrown against the wall of a building.

"Wha'joo be tryin' ta steal wi' those grubby lil han's, girl?" The troll had hissed.

Ziega, who had taken much much worse abuse at the impartial hands of gravity alone, wasn't hurt, but she was a bit stunned. "I wasn't! I didn't mean to," Ziega had stuttered.

The troll had glared at her with anger, hand tightening around Ziega's neck, but Ziega's fear and innocence had been real and the troll must have seen that, because she eventually slackened her grip and asked, "Wha'did'joo mean by it, then?"

Ziega had felt herself blush. "I just... couldn't help myself."

The troll's hand had been gentle against Ziega's neck, then, almost a caress. To Ziega, who had been alone her entire adolescence, being touched anywhere by someone else was just as much of a shock as the troll grabbing her breast or her crotch would have been. The trolls hand and fingers felt alive on Ziega's skin, and it didn't matter that those strong blue fingers were curled around her neck. No part of Ziega's body was used to that feeling. It made her chest flutter and her loins swell with moisture.

The troll's expression had softened as she had read mere embarrassment and lust on Ziega's face. Eyes full of understanding, she had released Ziega and told her about a place some called the Greatmother's Brothel.

"If joo got ta gold, most a' da girls'll take a female custa'ma," the troll had told Ziega, winking. "Migh' even give ah cute virgin like joo a discount. Heheh."

Ziega had glanced down, squeezing her legs together, deeply surprised at how strong the feeling of being touched by another living person had been, and when she looked up, the troll had disappeared into the crowd.

Feeling a little overwhelmed, Ziega had searched out a place to be alone, settling down with her back to a large rock in a small, shaded alcove near a decorative pond. Thoughts of the troll's touch whirled around with thoughts of what the troll had told her and vague memories of things her mother had taugh her, mutating in her mind into fantasies of sex. Of another woman's breast squishing into her own, of exploring those breasts with her hands and lips while fingers not her own probbed at her gaping, needful nethers.

Ziega's hands had rubbed over the the soft green skin of her belly and hips, quickly slipping downward into her furs and through her folds, fingers digging urgently inward, stroking her hole and sliding up to her clit. She had used both hands, one in front, one from behind, so she could rub her clit and bury a few fingers in her cunt at the same time.

The blurry, indistinct fantasy had played through her head, unrefined but powerful. In what had seemed like no time at all, Ziega had came, head thrown back in a breathless whimper as her loins clamped down on her fingers and pleasure blossomed upward from her groin.

In the few weeks since then, Ziega had been visiting the Greatmother's Brothel, just sitting around on the comfortable chairs and watching or listening, sometimes having shy conversations with other patrons or the working girls when they weren't busy with something or someone else.

She had expressed her desire to hire one of the servicers to give her her first sexual experience, and while they had encouraged Ziega, they always seemed to distracted to talk terms with other more outspoken patrons competing for their attention. Ziega was still a little unsure which girl she wanted to hire, though, so for the time being she was more or less content with simply visiting the tavern, and exploring the magnificent and seemingly magical bathhouse.

Being able to clean herself with hot water for the first time in her life was very enjoyable, even if she was starting to get a little frustrated that her own hand was still the only thing that had ever been amidst her netherlips. It was becoming difficult to watch the others fondling each other, a hollow ache bubbling up in the pit of her stomach when Ziega snapped back to reality after letting herself fantasize about hands and lips and breasts rubbing on her body.

Dressed in her usual furs, consisting of a wide belt of black fur worn over the shoulder that completely covered her right breast, a thin strap of lighter leather that only covered the nipple of her left breast, and the leggings that consisted of a loincloth sown to a pair of thigh-wraps along the inside of her legs and a narrow strip of thicker black fur than hung in front, Ziega made her way back to the Nest, as Greatmother Arjah's establishment was affectionately nicknamed.

Cutting through an alley to get away from the crowds, Ziega found her way blocked by three shadowed figures. A large cowering figure was whimpering in pain as the other two stood over them.

Ziega felt her pulse pick up as she inched closer.

"No, I won't," the victim sobbed in a deep but very feminine voice.

"Yes. You will. Answer me," the larger of the other two figures growled.

Close enough to see now, Ziega froze, eyes going wide. A battered female tauren huddled on the ground under the burning, litereally burning, eyes of a cowled male orc. Beside the orc--Ziega's eyes widened even more--was a beautiful naked woman with demonic features. A succubus.

The orc raised a fist, shimmering with dark energy. Before he could strike the tauren again, though, the succubus turned her grinning face towards Ziega. Ziega gasped and the succubus giggled. The orc glanced up and said, "Get rid of the girl," and didn't spare Ziega another thought.

Frozen with a sort of numb fear, Ziega forgot all about calling the elements or fleeing. She could do nothing but keep her eyes locked on the bouncing, nude body of the succubus as it pranced toward her. Ziega's eyes followed the succubus' hand as the demon reached out and lightly caressed Ziega's face. She shivered as tendrils of warmth seemed to writhe outward from the contact points.

The succubus' eyes widened with glee. "Ooh! A virgin! And not just a virgin, but touch-starved as well!" the demon giggled. "Too bad master wants you gone. I could have so much fun with you. Oh well."

A rolling burst of energy seemed to travel into Ziega's body from the succubus' fingers. Ziega gasped, falling to her knees as a powerful orgasm tore through her. As the pleasure faded, Ziega felt something else happening between her legs. Something terrifying.

Not even caring that the succubus was watching with enjoyment, Ziega shoved her leggings down over her hips, exposing her crotch. Ziega screamed at what she saw. Her flesh down there was melting. Roiling together and changing. Her sex was gone!

But it wasn't gone. It was changing. As the outer skin smoothed down, Ziega's clit began to grow. She felt churning in her gut like something was trying to burrow out of her vanished vagina. Her clit was still growing, retaining a distinct shape but swelling in size. It was already longer than a finger and twice as thick.

Ziega could only watch in horror as the new appendage continued to get bigger and bigger while the burrowing sensation in her gut reached the loose, silky skin where her precious hole used to be. A slit appeared at the end of the thick shaft that used to be Ziega's clit as it finally stopped growing. The burrowing sensation stopped too, as two round organs dropped into the loose skin under the shaft.

Staring mutely at the hard shaft and hanging balls, Ziega was in shock. She knew what she was looking at. She'd never seen any this close, nor ever felt any burning desire to, but she could still recognize male genitalia.

"Ooh that looks inviting," the succubus cooed. "But if I fucked you that would break the curse!"

Ziega's head snapped up. "Curse?" she asked desperately, hands hovering around her new cock, afraid to touch it.

The succubus giggled evily again. "O'course. It'll only break if you have sex."

"But I'm... I can't..." Ziega whimpered, looking down at the throbbing shaft once more.

"Now get gone before I do something else to you," the succubus sighed.

Recoiling in fear, Ziega stumbled to her feet, pulling her leggings up. She gasped as the supple leather rubbed up the underside of her shaft. Hands trembling, she managed to get her leggings on, but had to pull them up a lot further than usual to cover the head of the throbbing phalus. Once it was covered and hidden by the thick strip of fur on the front of the garment, Ziega turned and ran.

Ziega stumbled as she went, in an agony of pleasure as her cock rubbed on the inside of her leggings and the crotch of the garment squeezed up bewteen her balls. She only made it far enough to be sure she was out of danger from the warlock before she had to stop and slump down with her back to the rocky wall.

She pushed her leggins down again, moaning as her new cock bounced free and her bare butt landed on the stone ledge running along the base of the building. Less than a minute of running had brought her close to orgasm. Unable to think to do anything else, Ziega tentativly grasped the thick flesh with both hands. Her cock throbbed, sending a wave of orgasmic need pulsing through her.

Groaning, Ziega tightened her grip on the shaft and began to stroke it, panting as her hands moved up and down the warm rod. It only took four strokes to bring the burning need to a crest. Ziega grunted as the orgasm took her, the thick shaft spasming in her grip and pumping gobs of white goo into the air as her hips jerked upward. Somehow she had the presense of mind to aim so her cum all landed on the ground and not on her.

But even before the last pleasureable spasm, Ziega could tell something was wrong. She didn't feel relieved. The throbbing shaft wasn't getting soft either. If anything, she felt hornier. Moaning with frustration, Ziega wrapped her hands around her cock again and gave it a few more firm strokes.

"Auah uuh!" Ziega gasped as another orgasm pulsed through her after only three strokes, spurting more cum into the alley.

Breathing hard, Ziega whimpered as again the orgasm seemed to have the opposite effect that one usually did. Her cock throbbed, hard as ever. With a cry of frustration, Ziega attacked the heavy phalus, determined to sate the throbbing need this time.

Unfortunately, after only two jerks, she orgasmed again. She forced her hands to keep moving this time, stroking the shaft with fervor as her body writhed in orgasm after orgasm. She moaned deeply, continuing to automatically move her hands, each haphazard jerk producing another orgasm and a second's relief.

The alley arround her was splattered with more white cum than it seemed possible was in her body when Ziega finally forced herself to stop. She stared at the pulsing shaft and heaved a sob of frustration. The succbus had told her, hadn't it? Only sex would break the curse.

Tears spilled down Ziega's cheeks as more sobs of frustration shook her. She'd wanted sex from the moment she'd thought of it, but she still hadn't been able to have it yet. How was she supposed to now? The Nest. It was her only hope.

Gritting her teeth, Ziega lurched to her feet. She grasped her cock again, and all she had to do was squeeze firmly, once, and her cock spasmed, setting her body awash with pleasure and making her knees tremble. That orgasm wasn't any more helpful than the previous ones, though.

With another sob of frustration, Ziega pulled her leggings up. Bracing herself for the pleasurable agony, she set off at a determined pace. After only ten steps, she came again. Her cock strained against the leather of Ziega's leggings, spraying her belly button with hot, gooey cum.

Ziega stumbled, supressing a moan, but she kept going. She wasn't that far from the Nest. She could make it.

Her cum was shockingly warm as it trickled down her shaft. This didn't help. The warmth combined with the lubricating effect the cum had between her flesh and the leather of her leggings only served to create a more pleasurable trap for Ziega's new appendage.

With each orgasm, the additional cum created an even more wet and squishy environment inside Ziega's leggings. She had to stop and hold still every few steps just to keep from falling down in the thrall of a continuous chain of orgasms.

Her lurching, half-strides finally brought her to the door of the Nest. Ziega wrenched the door open and stumbled inside, gasping, "Help!"

Ziega looked around wildly and spotted the muscular and busty orc Grenka alone behind the bar. She was wearing only a brawler's harness that covered her crotch, belly-button, breasts, and not much else. Ziega had spoken briefly to the talented bartender, and had found the other orc to be a genuine and frank, if somewhat simple, woman.

Desperate eyes locking onto the scantily clad orc, Ziega lurched forward, swallowing a moan as her cock spasmed again. Grenka looked up with surprise, gasping softly at Ziega's disheveled appearance.

Digging blindly for her money sack, Ziega stumbled across the room, gasping, "Help! Been Cu-ursed! Ne-eed... you!"

As Ziega collided with the bar, upending her sack of coins on the polished countertop, Grenka leaped backwards, looking startled. "A curse? Don't get it on me!"

The other patrons, some sitting at tables enjoying drinks, others cuddled up on the cushy sofas and armchairs, all gaped at Ziega as she whimpered in clear distress, sagging against the bartop.

"N-not contageous!" Ziega gasped, reaching pleadingly for Grenka, trembling from yet another orgasm.

The nearly-nude orc's expression quickly shifted to one of concern and uncertainty. "Well, in that case... but I don't know anything about magic."

Swallowing another moan, Ziega took a deep breath and said in a rush, "Don't need to. Curse needs woman to break it. Tried myself. Couldn't. Need you. Please!"

Grenka nodded. "Okay. Don't worry. I'll help you." She hopped gracefully over the bar, landing next to Ziega. Grenka gently grabbed the more slender orc girl and tried to help her stand.

Grenka's warm hands on the bare skin of Ziega's shoulders sent twin shocks of warmth creeping through her body. She gritted her teeth through another moan, falling into Grenka's arms as her cock spasmed in it's gooey prison.

"What do you need?" Grenka asked, catching Ziega's weight and scooping the lighter orc up into her arms.

Ziega hadn't had so much as a hug in eight long years, and now this warm and fleshy woman who wasn't wearing much at all was carrying her like a bride. Another orgasm made her body jerk in Grenka's arms. Ziega gasped, "T-take me-ee upstairs."


"Y-yes," Ziega forced out in a strained mumble. "O-only sex wi-ill break the cur-urse!"

"Oh!" Grenka exclaimed, nodding. "Let's go, then!"

The other orc carried Ziega swiftly up the stairs and into one of the rooms, kicking the door shut behind her.

"This is my room. Nice huh?" Grenka asked as she set Ziega down on the bed.

Ziega nodded mutely as she was set down and flopped limply back onto the bed. Laying flat made the prominent bulge at Ziega's crotch distinctly visible, and Grenka eyed it with surprise and interest as she dropped her harness to the floor and climbed naked onto the bed.

With a moan, Ziega's hips gyrated softly, and Grenka saw the bulge pulsate visibly. The curvier orc's hands went to the fastenings on Ziega's furs, starting at the top and working her way down. Ziega's urgency was too much for a slow undressing, though, and she shoved Grenka's hands down towards her leggings while her own hands scrambled at her chest.

Ziega yanked the fur off, baring her firm, ample cleavage as Grenka gasped in surprise at what she found when she pulled Ziega's leggings down. A deluge of gooey white cum splooshed out over Ziega's hips as her pulsing cock bounced up, and the inside of her leathers were completely caked with the stuff.

"Oh my," Grenka breathed, eyeing the big, creamy shaft.

Wasting no time, Grenka swung her leg over Ziega's chest and bent forward on her hands and knees. The larger orc's voluptuous breasts swung down, grazing lightly over Ziega's belly as her smooth, puffy slit hovered over Ziega's face, already glistening wetly.

Ziega came again when Grenka's fingers encircled the base of her cock, splashing cum off Grenka's parted lips which were less than an inch from the tip of Ziega's throbbing organ. Ziega's head lolled on the bed as her body twitched and trembled under the larger orc, submerged in a tempest of pleasure now that Grenka's eager lips had closed over Ziega's spurting cockhead.

"Mmmmphf!" Grenka exclaimed, wriggling on top of the smaller, thrashing orc as her mouth filled with cum. Her tongue slathered around the pulsing head, collecting as much of the gooey substance as it could, but Ziega's eldritch erection just kept ejaculating. Try as she might, Grenka couldn't swallow fast enough to keep the copious flows of cum from spilling passed her lips and down the afflicted orc's shaft.

Lost in something close to orgasmic oblivion, Ziega only then first noticed the juicy green cunt dripping onto her face. It was hairless and shapely, with the glistening pinkish inner folds blooming between the bulging outer lips. Eyes momentarily snapping into focus on that engorged flesh, Ziega lurched upwards with a cry of desire and mashed her mouth into those hot, yielding netherlips.

Ziega didn't really have any idea what she was doing, but she was far to consumed by the orgasmic storm of pleasure to care. Thought and inhibition couldn't exist with constant orgasm obliterating everything but pleasure. In a fervor, Ziega ground her face into Grenka's pussy, kissing and licking and sucking, her gasping breaths breaking across Grenka's wet flesh as the other orc's feminine juices painted Ziega's face from chin to forhead, dripping all the way to Ziega's ears.

Grenka moaned happily around Ziega's thickness, her strong and agile tongue lapping forcefully at the head of Ziega's throbbing shaft as it pumped a seemingly never-ending stream of cum into Grenka's mouth, most of which spilled down Ziega's cock and flowed out over the smaller orc's hips, onto her belly, and down between her legs. Not having noticed that Ziega's cock had already produced more cum than could possibly have been present in Ziega's body, Grenka continued to lap at the hot, gooey meat in an eager effort to suck it dry.

Even though the only stimulation her own sex had recieved was the haphazard grinding against Ziega's face, Grenka felt the teasing waves of pleasure claw through her body that indicated she was close to an orgasm of her own. Her hips gyrated as she sucked on Ziega's cumming cock, mashing her pussy harder into the slender orc's face, but Ziega suddenly wrenched herself away from Grenka's wanton loins, gasping.

"No-ot work-king!" Ziega cried, forcing the words out through the constant orgasmic convulsions. "Mouth w-wont brea-ake the curse!"

Grenka lifted her mouth off of Ziega's cock to ask what the smaller orc wanted her to do, and immediately got a face full of cum. She was still holding Ziega's cock by the base, and at this point any stimulation at all would make Ziega cum. Spluttering, Grenka quickly pointed the thick shaft at her chest and squished her breasts down around it. The creamy shaft continued to throb violently against Grenka's chest as it was enveloped by her breasts, spraying globs of cum in between Grenka and Ziega's bellies.

Having the larger orc's warm weight squish down on her was another whole new set of sensations for Ziega, her thoughts fogging over with pleasure again. It didn't take long for Grenka to decide that a simple good hard fuck would be the thing to do next, and lift herself up off of Ziega.

Losing the blissful envelopment of Grenka's body on hers was enough that Ziega actually stopped cumming for several seconds and was able to focus on the other orc as Grenka turned herself around, restraddling Ziega so they were facing each other. Grenka grinned at Ziega as she positioned herself over the smaller orc's momentarily calm erection.

As soon as Ziega took in the sight of Grenka's cunt slowly descending towards her eldritch appendage, and the thought crossed her mind that she was about to feel that hot hole engulf the oversensitive flesh, Ziega started cumming again.

Cum shot up and splashed off of Grenka's netherlips an instant before they gave way to Ziega's tip and the subsequent spurts of cum dissapeared into Grenka's sultry tunnel as her well-lubricated flesh slid down Ziega's throbbing shaft. Ziega thrashed beneath the larger orc, gasping moans punctuating every breath as pleasure stronger than anything that had come before washed over her.

Grenka bottomed out quickly, her loins mashing down around the base of Ziega's pulsing cock, moaning deeply as Ziega's cum pelted her cervix. Waisting no time, Grenka leaned down on top of Ziega and rode her enthusiastically, grinding her clit on Ziega's pelvis as she went down on her elbows and kissed the other orc hard. Her tongue speared sloppily into Ziega's mouth and the smaller orc spasmed, throwing her arms around Grenka's back and clutching her so tightly that their breasts mashed together with enough force to squirt Ziega's previously deposited cum out from between them.

Grenka came, screaming her pleasure into Ziega's mouth as their bucking bodies slapped wetly together and Grenka's squelching walls gripped spasmodically at the hard, pulsing phalus they enveloped. Grenka didn't slow down her undulating and built up to a second orgasm within moments.

Sucking on Grenka's tongue despite the somewhat unpleasant taste of the male cum she had produced and clutching the other orc as tightly as ever, Ziega finally felt relief as the fel magic ruptured. The time between each orgasmic spasm increased until, with one last spurt of cum, Ziega's eldritch erection went still and started to fade.

Grenka broke the kiss to catch her breath as she trembled in the wake of her double-orgasm. Her eyes widened in surprise when she felt Ziega's cock continue to shrink passed flacid and disappear entirely. Ziega was frozen, relief washing over her as she felt the transformation reverse.

Her testicles retreated into her body, burrowing upwards. The skin around them folded in on itself, flowing inwards and changing into the muscular walls of her vagina, while the outter skin swelled up around the base of her cock, which was shrinking back into her and morphing into her clit.

"Huh?" Grenka lifted herself up a little bit, looking down between their bodies with mild confusion.

Ziega lurched up, staring desparately down between their cum-soaked breasts and bellies. There it was, the orifice between her legs she knew and loved. She was back to normal. With a cry of joy, Ziega burried her head in Grenka's shoulder and started sobbing, tears of relief spilling from her shut eyelids.

"Oh honey," the heavier orc cooed, sitting back on Ziega's thighs and gathering the young woman into a tight, squishy hug.

Ziega's tears mixed with her cum on Grenka's pillowy chest as she sobbed with relief, mumbling, "Thank you."

Grenka twisted herself down onto her back, pulling Ziega ontop of her. Ziega took a deep breath, letting it out as she settled down on the other woman, keeping her eyes shut and letting her lips find their way along Grenka's neck.

Grenka smiled, wrapping her arms around Ziega and murmuring, "There there."

Eventually, Ziega giggled and pushed herself up on her elbows, smiling at Grenka. "Thank you," she breathed, giggling again. "That was not how I imagined losing my virginity but I'll take it."

"You were a virgin?" Grenka asked in surprise.

"Mmmhmm," Ziega nodded, spreading her legs a little more and mushing her restored pussy down against Grenka's mons.

"Well you were very energetic for a first timer," Grenka said, slapping her palms down on Ziega's rear.

"Mmmh," Ziega moaned, wiggling ontop of the other woman with a soft giggle. "Leave them there. It feels real nice having hands on my butt."

Grenka grinned, massaging the younger orc's asscheeks as Ziega placed a tender kiss on her lips. "So you're happy with how this went?" Grenka asked.

Ziega nodded. "But I am a little dissapointed that my pussy has still never been pleasured by anyone but me."

"We can do something about that if you want," Grenka said.

"Really?" Ziega asked, feeling a little anxtious wobble in her gut and her pussy flush with anticipation.

"Of course," Grenka said kindly, patting Ziega's bottom and slipping a finger into the crack of the younger woman's ass, questing down for Ziega's hot hole.

Ziega let out a soft gasp as Grenka's finger slid between her netherlips, trembling mildly ontop of the other orc. She pressed her lips tenderly to Grenka's again, savoring the moment. Finally, she was having sex.

Ziega spent the rest of the night in Grenka's bed with her, exploring the pleasures of fingers, tongues, and dildos with eager joy. After many hours and many orgasms, Grenka cuddled her to sleep. As her eyes fell closed, a smile grew across Ziega's face. Bliss.


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Monday At WorkI didn't return home until Sunday night. I was dreading Monday and work, having to face Robert there after the events of the past few days. I prayed I could conceal from everyone there our new relationship. A forlorn hope I was to come to learn, but I still had it. At least work wouldn't be the freezer my home was when I returned Sunday at midnight. Joe was asleep in our bed and I went in he woke up looked at me and then rolled over and didn't say a word. I knew then my marriage...

3 years ago
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Miss Umeki on the Train

Each morning, when the office workers hustled down the freshly swept streets to the train platform for the ride into their places of employment, Miss Umeki would be putting on the final touches of her facial mask of feminine perfection. She would sometimes spend sleepless hours just waiting and thinking about what kind of ride she would have in the morning to the center of the city on the crowded train. The grey trains were always packed with workers and shoppers and others like her of a...

3 years ago
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BEEP BEEP BEEP Your alarm goes off, you quickly reach and hit dismiss on your phone. You look at your phone, its 8:00, and then you grin as you realize it's your birthday. You jump out of bed, naked as can be, and walk to your bathroom for a shower. You stop on the way to look at yourself in the full length tri-mirror that's just outside of the bathroom.

3 years ago
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Gluteus Maximus Chapter 14

Previously in "Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter ThirteenI looked up at Ray Wickes looming over me, pumping into me, his thicknessstretching me to the max and I couldn't imagine that any moment in my lifecould ever be better. Then I felt it.It was that sensation from deep in my ass, leading to the tip of my dick.I started to squirm and breath funny, hyperventilating and making thathigh-pitched chick sound."Oh! Oh! Oh!" was all I could mutter as I felt my whole body start toquiver out of control."Oh...

4 years ago
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Sabrinas New Love

The smells of his apartment lingered in my mind long after I left. Scented candles, fresh coffee from the kitchen, and the distinctly masculine scent of his bed. I enjoyed laying on his bed in the morning. Naked beneath his sheets, I studied the painting near the bed. A rich, deep floral painting that added to the warmth and sensuality of his room. He had a small studio, more of one large room really, in an old Victorian house. He filled it with warm blue tones and rich gold accents. Several...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Temptations of BabylonPart II

I was looking down at the people crowding around one of the cable cars heading up California Street when someone cleared their throat behind me. I whipped around. Behind me was a beautiful brunette wearing a short blue dress and white heels. She looked sophisticated, like she belonged in an expensive apartment like this. I wondered if she was a neighbor. "Excuse me," I said. "Hi. I'm Christine," she said. I felt as though she expected me to know that name. "I'm Mike. I live here...

2 years ago
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Emotional Trauma

By : Pri16179 Hi, am Priyanka. I’m doing Mba in Bangalore this happened 1 year ago. It was a very bad experience for me. I was emotionally shattered. I went to a therapist for 4 months now. He said I should get it out from me and tell it to others to feel lighter and grow stronger. So here I am telling my story. It started in 2010 Feb, when I started dating Vivek. He was my classmate. We had worked together on projects and assignments so we were close. He asked me out and I found him nice and...

1 year ago
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A week to remember Part 1

Ugh! I’ve had one helluvah week. My boyfriend left me for my roommate. She then, moves out sticking me with all the bills…bitch! And to top it off there’s pink slips floating around the office, so my job might be in jeopardy! I was beyond stressed and decided to take a soothing bubble bath/ After stripping off all my work clothes and pulling my hair up in a ponytail, I sank down in the tub to relax. As I was soaking in the tub I began to caress my supple 38 C breast, massaging my nipples...

2 years ago
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Brother Lusts Sister

I used to always wonder why involving in taboo is so exciting, but later I understood the secret of this excitement. Like as doing an adventure will make us thrill, similarly stepping into “taboo” will excite your inner pleasures. Incest is one of the top “Tabooed things where doing it is completely prohibited, i mean prohibited in society. I can simply say “Incest is the most beautiful and thrill filled experience which can’t be explained until one experiences it, and that too with your loving...

3 years ago
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Pauls Introduction

Even though I was a football lineman in high school and then at a small college, I always knew I had an urge for womens clothes and being submissive. I recall having thoughts of being in a cage in my parents back yard as my friends played hide and seek. I used to snitch stuff and then go into the woods to an abandon house to dress up. The risk of being found and used was such a rush. But there was one Halloween - I was probably 16 or 17, I mustered up the courage to go out trick or...

2 years ago
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Hello, for those of you wondering why the first chapter isn't already diving into the story, it is for the reason as a type of hub for everything I will post and/or edit. Do not fret, I will try and make weekly updates if I can, though I will not take longer than an entire year, just remember I still have a life besides writing smut and similar things. I am currently writing a book so don't expect me to update this regularly. ~Virtual —Introduction— You walk in the shoes of Icarus Knight, a...

4 years ago
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Manly Maiden Voyage

I open my front door to you standing there with a big red bow tied around your chest. ‘Happy Valentine’s Day!’ you say, grinning ear to ear. “I’m your present from James, I hope you like me,’ you add with a little uncertainty noting the surprised look on my face.   A big smile lights up my face and I take you by the hand and eagerly pull you inside. Then I frame your face between my hands and kiss you deep and fiercely. You wrap your arms around me and nestle me against your growing erection....

2 years ago
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Deja Vu

I was laying on my bed in my room. My TV was on, but I wasn't really paying that much attention.Truthfully, I was browsing the magazine in my hands. Not the one I appeared to be leafing through... that would be a 'Popular Photography', which was visible, camouflaging the true subject of my attention. Inside the Pop Photo, was the most recent copy of 'Mayfair'.I suppose I didn't really need to hide it. I was eighteen, and legally able to buy the magazine, but I also didn't need to stir the pot...

3 years ago
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Mothers Sex Slave

Mother’s Sex SlaveSon discovers the pleasure of being a sex slave to his mother This is a personal account of my life’s experiences. All the characters and incidents are real. I dedicate this article to my beautiful sexy loving insatiable mother, Bharathi Devi from whose cunt I was born and have been trying relentlessly to go back into her cunt.My name is Shiva. My mother, Bharathi Devi is sex goddess, kamarani, kamarupini, Kama swarupini, Kamuki, Kamadasi, kamadevatha, Kamakshi, Kama...

2 years ago
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the summer I became Suzie chapter 2

CHAPTER 2My eyes follow a trail of goosebumps to where Jack's gentle tongue teased my sensitive nipples to life, driving me crazy. He reached into a pocket of his discarded shorts and pulled out a tube then demanded I turn around so I could see my pussy."Wiggle that ass and tell me how you loved sucking Harry's cock"! Jack grated."Oh yes, I loved sucking his cock.""Can you still taste his cum in your mouth Suzie?" "Oh yes, I love that too." Then after pulling my lace thong off he squirted the...

2 years ago
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Bookstore Seduction

Several minutes pass when she notices me browsing in the same aisle. I'm broad shouldered. My demeanor is also unrushed and casual. As I slowly search through the books along the aisle, I'm moving gradually in her direction. I move closer, selecting a book now and then. She glances briefly in my direction. My hair is salt and pepper, a bit longer in the back. Day-old, well trimmed stubble. Inside she feels a tingle of chemical attraction to this complete stranger. Every few minutes I...

3 years ago
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Renee Renews Her Vows

I had been doing my typical thing all winter long, working around the house, remodeling, and refurbishing my older bathroom and bedroom, while I continued writing new stories as a side income. My full time job became less important due to increased income from royalties I began to receive from different online publishing companies. I was making almost twice, what I was taking in as a marketing rep for the once well off operation I was involved with. It’s popularity declined due to bad business...

1 year ago
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More Discovery with Chuck and Shirley

The year following Shirley and I getting married, our last year of high school, our friends teased us mercilessly. Shirley was continuously besieged by her girl friends to answer sex questions. They would always get one of Shirley's straightforward answers too. When we would get home and be doing chores she would tell me what was asked and what she told. This usually got me going a bit. Just thinking of the individual girl and what they would ask made me fantasize a bit of what it would be...

1 year ago
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Shashi Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

This part is in continuation of my previous parts. Please read the 2 last parts to understand the further story. Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Sorry for the delay in posting this story coz I was busy these days a bit with my next target, that I ’ll will tell later. Yeah, I ’m back with the next part of this series shashi bhabhi part 3, the concluding part. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m deven shastri, residing in the capital,...

2 years ago
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Gods of War

Covering her face, the thought occurred to Gwen that maybe Falin felt the same about her as she felt about Falin. Gwen had done a lot more than kissing in her day, but never had she felt the electricity pulsating through her like she did with Falin. It was incredible. The little shocks went right to her core. It was all she could do to try and break the kiss. What she really wanted to do was shimmer Falin to her bed chambers and make use of that beautifully carved oak bed. Turning toward...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Thoughts

My wife and I have been married over fifteen years now. Three kids later and settled down into a somewhat normal life. I work the afternoon shift at the factory and she works day shift over at the insurance office. I usually get home around midnight and she is usually asleep. Sometimes she waits up for me if she can. She told me her hectic schedule makes her tired and sometimes she just needs to relax. If she's awake, I lay with her for awhile and talk. If she's asleep, I usually go on the...

2 years ago
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The Affair Continues

The Affair Continues I woke up the next morning and stayed in very casual gurl mode. I just put on a wig, minimal makeup, jeans and a t-shirt. Despite wanting to call him as soon as I got dressed I decided to wait until mid -morning. I tried to get some work done, and actually I did accomplish a few things, but my productivity was limited by distracting thoughts of sexual escapades. Giving up on patience I called his cell around 10 AM It rang a few times and then I heard his...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 20 Unanswered Questions

I was reluctant to break the silence, at first, and more afraid of the answers I might get to the questions I needed to ask. Alistair stared out over Redcliffe Village, expression distant. I turned to sit on the wall of the balcony. "It was you who left me this." He showed me the amulet around his neck, the one that had been fixed by Eamon. I nodded. "Why didn't you say anything?" "You were sleeping, and I didn't want to disturb you. And I didn't want to draw attention by giving it...

2 years ago
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A Transcendent Experience

Just writing this down is a problem. I never thought that choosing the right pronoun would lead me to endless inner debate. And I’m a college teacher! I should know these things. And I should have known better than to go down the path of temptation. It was summer, two years ago. I was leading a six-week program for American college students in Italy. My wife was going to come over for two weeks after the classes ended. With her visit in mind, I got a really nice furnished flat. Classes...

2 years ago
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Exam Fun

Hey guys, this is rahul ( not real of course) from chennai and I am 19 years old. I am a frequent reader or iss and now I have decided to put my own true story. Let me first describe myself, I am 5 feet 9, a little dark and fun loving guy. You can contact me by my email Coming to the story, this incident happened when I was doing my twelfth. We were just a month away from our board exams and everyone were studying hard. I was very good in physics and maths and I used help other people a lot in...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Aria Alexander Smiling Aria8217s Pussy And Mouth Drilled

Longhaired, exotic brunette Aria Alexander has a trim body, natural tits and a bubbly personality. The Texas girl teases stud Mike Adriano with her shaved pussy, visible clit and hot white ass; he eats her spread, bald beaver and tongues bunghole as she rubs her butt on his face. Aria’s cocksucking leaves lipstick on Mike’s jumbo boner, and her monster webs of gag spit cascade like a waterfall. He crams his cock in her wet cunt; she masturbates and howls as she’s porked. Her...

2 years ago
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MageChapter 2

The following day I spent time with Mage Roxanne going over the various possible approaches to the Orc cluster of Earths. Each one had issues with the possibility of them tracking us and leading them back to our cluster. “Melanie says there’s no evidence that they can detect phase shifts, but lack of evidence isn’t proof and my gut feeling is that it leaves us too exposed,” Roxanne sighed after we’d butted our heads against the various methods proposed. “Just a thought. Why don’t we do a...

3 years ago
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A Ghostly Encounter

You walk up to the Mill Creek Inn grasping the gift certificate. The week of divorce proceedings has been hell and you really needed a break. You remembered that yousr sister gave you the certificate for your birthday. Deciding that a nice weekend in the country is just what you need, you got in your car and headed straight into the heart of amish country. You slowly walk up the front steps and on to the porch. The door squeaks a bit as you open it. A kindly old woman with grey hair and a warm...

1 year ago
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Weekend CaptiveChapter 10

No one stirred until noon. Billy awakened first and rose stiffly from the chair he had slept in; he went to the kitchen where he opened the inevitable cold can of beer and found a cigarette. He didn't see Linda's nude form on the couch until he returned to the living room, searching for his shorts. What I need is a quick run into the sea, he decided, to give me an appetite for breakfast. However, seeing the young girl innocently sleeping and no one else around brought his cock rising up,...

2 years ago
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When the bullet hits the bone

When the bullet hits the bone Author's note: This one was inspired by the old song "Twilight Zone" By Golden Earring. You can find a version of the song here: Harry Quinn paced back and forth anxiously across the tiny hotel room. "It's two A.M., and he's late. He's never late." While he waited he thought about the downward spiral that brought him to this place. It wasn't too long ago he'd been a normal high...

4 years ago
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Never To Forget

Never to ForgetBy: Londebaaaz Chohan Twenty Eight years! It is a very long time but for Jorge Diaz, it was only like yesterday. He remembers it like yesterday. He was a senior at high school, just turned 18 couple of days ago. His driving license was like the biggest joy for him because, it announced his adulthood. Driving past the local adult books and other paraphernalia store for the last almost a year, he had always wondered why it was such a taboo to visit that store. Today, he was free,...

2 years ago
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Strangers on Flight 2345

The waiting at Gate Three A was more than Zoe could deal with. What the fuck was taking so long? Not only was she tired, but the annoying baby screaming bloody murder behind her was beginning to give her a headache. She glanced at her watch and figured they would be calling seats at any time, she’d hoped. Just then an airline rep came on and made an announcement: “Good evening passengers of Flight Twenty Three Forty Five. We appreciate your patience this evening and will be boarding shortly....

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Moms Boy Hunger

Chapter 1 He was so young. Couldn't have been more than eighteen. And here I was old enough to be his mother. Lord, my own c***dren were his age.Why was I doing this? It was insane. Respectable women don't do things like this with the young boys they hire to cut the grass.But his cock was so big. I'd noticed it right away in the crotch of his tight jeans when he'd come to the door politely asking if I wanted the lawn mowed. I just couldn't stop myself from seducing him.My cunt had been itching...

3 years ago
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Having an Affair With My Sisters Friend Part 1

I'm Amber and 30. I'm 5'1 and have a nice brother named Lee. One Saturday I went to the Colchester zoo with my brother, my 5 year old daughter named Jessica. My friend named Karen and her 6 year old son named John also tagged along. Our two husbands both had to work. We were all looking at the bears. “John don't knock on the glass,” Karen said. “OK mommy,” John replied. Then we started walking again. We saw a bunch of different animals. Everything from tigers to monkeys. It was a nice day out....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 26 A Mistake

With Minara safely out of the way he could move to the second part of the plan. The Grojan would be gathered in one place tonight so it was time to visit the City Guard and make his presence known. First he changed into his traveling leathers, then he made for a local stream and removed the hair dye he had smothered into his hair. Once it was all removed he walked back to the city. As he reached the outskirts people started to notice him and a crowd started to build behind him. He heard the...

1 year ago
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My Wife is a Whore

My wife Wanda is a whore. She has been a whore most of our marriage.For the first few years she was a faithful wife, never once giving any indication of what was to come. She is a short, fat, redhead, 5' 2" 240 lbs. She is one of those little short fat gals that just exude sexuality, a nice big rounded ass and awesome 42DD tits. She has never had any problem finding men that wanted to fuck her, and those that have fucked her sweet pussy have always come back for more. It really was my fault she...

2 years ago
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Newlybedded Bliss

I knew the second that I fell in love with her. She was beautiful and perfect and sweet and everything a man could ever want in a woman. Kat was my soulmate and I’d finally made her mine. She stands about five feet, nine inches tall compared to my six foot, four inch frame. She’s got the prettiest long blonde hair and eyes that change from the color of a bright sky to the color of rainy gray clouds, but my favorite part is that they are always sparkling. She always seems to have a laugh or...

First Time
3 years ago
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My Daughter In Law Day3

I feel asleep planning what I wanted them to do in the morning. I could hear them chattering excitedly in the kitchen as I awoke. I headed directly to the shower as I wanted to let the games begin. Drying off, my cock was begging for attention , but I just slipped a robe on as I went in the kitchen for coffee. Becky and Monie smiled, asking when we could start. They were eyeing me because my robe had opened and they had got a glimpse of my semi hard dick. I told...

1 year ago
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Hard to ChewChapter 8

Dawn was still three hours away, the desert air crisp, the sky scattered with stars. At a time when the desert quiet is usually broken only by the sounds of Great Horned Owls and other night predators, Patrick was awakened by a sudden noise unlike anything he had ever heard. A sound beyond imagination, it was as loud as a hundred lightning bolts let loose at the same time, causing a clap of thunder to roll and roll and roll. It sounded as if the earth itself was being ripped apart. Then, with...

2 years ago
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Training my new slut fucktoy part 5 Dinner

Once again in the shower Victoria is on her knees, cleaning my balls and cock lovingly caressing it followed by the rest of my body. I leave the shower and dry off but this time leave the room and my sweet little fucktoy to finish cleaning herself. Once she is finished she asks,Is there something my Master would like me to wear tonight? I smiled and said please pick out a nice sundress I will be taking you to out to one of my favorite seafood restaurants. I am in the living room waiting as if...

2 years ago
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Karl Blossoms into Kim

I run an Engineering Consulting Firm, small operation, just me and a few assistants. One is an intern , Karl, he attends college at night and interns for a few dollars, just to gain some experience. Now before I go further, let me describe Karl a little. Karl is about 19, thin and he has believe it or not some rather shall we say delicate features. For instance, he has hardly any facial hair, he is a little soft spoken and shy and he has hair down to almost his chest.Now I must confess, I am a...

1 year ago
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Are you the kind of mother fucker that is horny as fuck for all kinds of Filipino pussy? I’m talking that you are so obsessed with Pinay pussy, that you cannot keep yourself from wanting to take your cock out and rub it all over your device’s monitor as you look at page after page of Asian goddesses.If you are that kind of mother fucker and know that there is really nothing in the world that is going to satisfy your appetite for all things Pinay, then you need to go to a tube site that features...

Asian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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It was more than twelve months since the young women had moved next door in all that time we hardly spoken, just the odd good morning, how are you, the garden looks good that sort of thing. Not at all an unattractive women Helen I found out her name, looked about 5’4” probably carrying a few more pounds than she should, but she still looked good when she trotted off to work in her too tight pencil skirts and 3” patent shoes with bare brown legs. Her clothes all looked rather threadbare but...

1 year ago
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Midnight Stop

It had been about eight hours since I had stopped to take a piss and needless to say, nature called. I was about halfway through New Mexico on my way to Amarillo for business. I was a long way from home and it was actually getting pretty late. I had planned on stopping in Albuquerque, but I figured this small town would suffice. I exited and maneuvered my way into a gas station a mile down the road. As I pulled in I noticed a few semi's parked in a lot next door. The light's were out in all the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Only Red Ch 01

The mailman approached the house and Jazz (Jasmine) opened the door hurriedly thinking this could be the day. The mailman smiled wearily and muttered, ‘Have a nice day.’ ‘You too,’ Jazz said when taking the mail, noting three bills on top of the heap. But beneath them was the long official envelop she was waiting for: notice of the dissolution of the marriage between Jasmine Eva Young and Archer Rex Young known to Jazz as Scumbag since the evening she caught Archer and her former best friend...

2 years ago
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Wanking into lodgers panties

My sister used to have three lodgers, all hot girls between 22 and 25. All of them used to work regularly 9-5 so almost always there was no-one around there during the day at all. My sister lived away and had given me a key to call in and pick things up or do some odd jobs.Pantie-Wanker Heaven!One way or another I was often there. I always arrived at around 9:30 am after everyone had left for work. Usual routine: turn off the alarm (the fact it was on when I arrived meant that I knew there was...

2 years ago
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Virgin Foursome

When Vince was sixteen, he still hadn't ever touched a pussy, not even with his hands or his mouth. But suddenly, at this time in his life, he suddenly wanted to - except he was so awkward around his classmates that he never even dated! Where he wasn't awkward was in the yard where he was king of the pool that his parents had for him and his outgoing little sister, Heather, now thirteen. By being pretty much a loner, Vince would often have no friends over to the pool, while Heather had a...

1 year ago
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Bhai ki ladki ki mast chudai

Hello dosto, mera naam rahul hain aur main 26 saal ka hu aur delhi main rehta hu,maine ISS par bahut stories padi hain par kabhi aaj tak koi experienece nahi kiya. Bahut icha hoti thi meri bhi sex karne ki. Yahi soch kar muth mar liya kar tha. Par aaj tou story main aap ke saamne pesh kar raha hu woh mere saath don din pehle hi ghati hain. Main do din pehle apni mummy ke saath ek dur mama ke bete ki shadi main Noida gaya tha, waha bahut saare guest aa rahkhe the sab se jaan pehchaan hui, logo...


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