Mc Allister's RedemptionChapter 17 free porn video

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"I don't suppose you need to rest," McAllister murmured as he poured some of the god's oats into the Jade's feedbag. "That must have been a race to remember."

The Jade snorted, and bumped McAllister's arm with his long face.

"Well, we have about forty miles to go, tonight, then. We should make it by morning if we keep the cantering down. I don't want to arrive in the middle of the night."

The stallion nodded, careful not to spray any of the oats anywhere. McAllister was not sure if the oats possessed any special property, but he was sure that he would not find any to replace them in this country.

Half rain forest and half swamp, seemingly the only difference between the two was the angle of the land one stood upon. The road certainly wasn't level, even in the swamps. McAllister was rethinking his request of Bronze to drop them off some miles northwest of the city.

Still, it was good policy to reconnoiter the land as one approached, and McAllister kept the approach slow and deliberate, asking at every village for news. Though he dressed strangely and rode a horse, the local population didn't react badly to his presence or his questions, natural as the questions were. McAllister learned the nation shared its name with the capital city, and that the language was Bhangdi.

The clothing the natives wore seemed as strange to him as his was to theirs, he knew. Bright colors, dark colors with golden trim, many different loose styles were worn in the hot jungle and swamps. Monkeys and strange birds were in the tops of the heavily-canopied trees, and strange mosses and vines grew in the tops of the wetland giants.

The clothing of the natives appeared to distinguish them somehow, and some strange recognition system of whom to defer to seemed to be in place. After he spoke in the local language to an old fellow with brown skin and white hair wearing simple brown robes McAllister had the sense that a whole class of finer-dressed residents refused to acknowledge his existence.

In the next village, McAllister addressed the most richly-clothed man he could find to test this observation. The fortunate individual walked, albeit slowly, between what seemed to be a rich house and a roofless temple filled with statuary.

Dismounting, he led the Jade to the middle-aged man. As he neared, McAllister studied the other, noting the smooth, beardless face, and the light of agelong wisdom in the man's eye. "Whither goest, Wise Man?"

Laughter suffused the other's face. "To my study, Kashatriy. Would you come and talk with me while I putter about?"

McAllister fell into step with the man, the Jade shuffling sideways for a moment, then following the lead. After a moment, he asked the other, "You used a word I do not know, naming me."

"Mmm," the other said, "I see. You understand much of what is spoken, but in this case, I mean many things, and the aid you were given is unable to render the meaning fittingly for your ears." He led the way into the small walled courtyard with its odd roof and stonework. "Please, make yourself comfortable," the older man said, "but try not to move any of my markers."

McAllister looked around at the collection of oddly-shaped stone obelisks and sundials, each on a massive plinth, heavy enough to give even Sable pause. Shrugging, he chose one with a broad base, and sat on its base, his back to the obelisk, and squinted for a moment at the mostly-cloudy sky. The roof offered cover from occasional rain, but the heavens could be seen from the wide apron of the courtyard.

"You are an astronomer?" McAllister asked. "You make study of the heavens? I, alas, only know of a few stars, useful for navigation."

"You named me Philosopher and Priest," the other answered, "and Astronomer is not so far from all of that. I named you Ruler and Leader, Doer of Great Things. You are from far away, and perhaps do not quite understand the fullness of the varna, but it is plain to see though you carry a thing of the gods," he gestured at the brooch, "you are not of them. Though you may use the arts of the Philosopher and mage, I do not think you make great study of the subjects. Neither are you of the sort to work with hands or make music, or to labor in trade or agriculture, though you consort with all. So, I place you securely in the Kashatriy. The stars themselves notice you, and they have told me you were near, though I do not know your name."

McAllister returned the older man's searching look with a level gaze. "I am here with a purpose," he said, "and I have no desire to make ripples as I pass. That you could see this, foretell I am near, is disturbing to me. Do you know of a way I could mask that?"

The astronomer nodded calmly. "You could ask the stars to make no notice of you," he said in utter seriousness. "The histories say it has been done, but no one I know of knows how the thing is accomplished."

McAllister had nothing to say to that. Shaking his head to change the subject, he tried, "In your catalogue of skills, do you number Architecture amongst them?"

The suddenness of the increase in intensity of the other's gaze caught McAllister by surprise. "I do. You carry a number of great burdens, and I have seen similar weights before. Why do you ask of Architecture?"

"I should mislike having to fight my way into it, but in the center — I would guess it is in the center — of the Palace of Architecture, there is said to be an object of power, an object used in binding and obduracy."

The other closed his eyes for a moment. "I was very much afraid you would say that. Attempting to take that artifact should put us at odds, and if you survived fighting your way in, you should then expect to fight your way out of the whole city, and then the whole nation."

McAllister held up the brooch he wore, though the cloak was packed in the Jade's saddlebags for the duration of McAllister's time here near the equator, he wore it still on his gray blouse. "You say you recognize this?"

"It is an object which generates a feeling, a sensation of divinity," the older man slowly made his answer. After a moment, he continued, "I am not a priest. I have not seen one before."

"The one who brought the object I seek was a military man, with a military retinue, I believe, and may have worn an object similar to this. His name was Carus, and if I deem it necessary, I may restore him to the world, and you may hear from his lips that I have a prior claim to the artifact." McAllister paused. "Though, it may not be needful for me to remove the artifact, if I can control it."

The other nodded. "The poets say Carus came at Raphael's behest, though Raphael was a figure in no religion of ours. Raphael asked us to keep this object safe. He allowed us to make use of it so long as it did not conflict with his interests." The philosopher-astronomer regarded McAllister for a moment more, and shook his head. "It is the nature of kings and priests to forget that which they do not wish to remember. I do not think you will win permission to take the artifact from its location."

McAllister frowned then, troubled, and the other saw. "Perhaps you should see the artifact before making further plans," the philosopher offered. "If you are not in a hurry to reach Bhangda today, then perhaps you and I could journey there together. If your animal will stay nearby tonight, you may stay here while I work, and tomorrow I shall find a horse and we shall depart for the city."

McAllister agreed, then, unsaddling the Jade and rubbing the horse down while the astronomer returned to his home to prepare for a journey the next morning. "Stay nearby," he asked the horse, receiving a soft whicker in response.

To McAllister it seemed the night started well enough, when the astronomer returned. Charts and dividers, compasses and telescopes were objects he knew, and he settled against the same plinth he used earlier in the day. McAllister soon fell into a half-doze, watching the astronomer, while reflecting on the strange events that had happened to him in this second life.

That he had a second life at all was a constant source of amazement to McAllister, and that the deities he met hadn't immediately acted to end his second life was beyond comprehension. The Agents of Hell certainly tried, and he was aware rescuing Sable would certainly expose him to direct conflict with those Agents once again.

McAllister was prepared to die, to face eternal damnation again, for Sable, of that there was no doubt. Yet, if the terms of the damnation were negotiable, might a citizen of Hell visit one of Hell's prisoners? Might such a prisoner eventually come to be counted as citizen? Such were the thoughts pressing on McAllister, as he watched the astronomer align his lenses and annotate his charts.

Was this the way of despair? McAllister could not believe it was so. Fancifully, he imagined the heavens the astronomer could see, pictured the stars as more than mere luminous bodies, conceived them as entities with a will, caught in a profound dance, required to report their observations through their movements. Yet they had a will and a life of their own, though he knew the world to be round and agreed it revolved about the Sun, he understood what the ancients somehow intuited, that during the day at a time and in a way Men could not watch, the occupants of the Heavens went about their own affairs.

It was those affairs the Astronomer hoped to observe, and McAllister felt a sudden kinship for the man, watching the actions of nobles far above his reach. Though he interacted with a few of the gods of this plane, McAllister felt base and uncouth in the presence of the stars.

It seemed to him the stars indeed danced about him, and were even anxious to show him what they reflected of events that had occurred in the far past, in the immediate past, and in the near future. McAllister felt no shame then, for having watched and spied on them from afar, instead finding welcome and understanding from them.

Strangely moved, McAllister let the fantasy wash over him, the Mother's language-gift somehow seeming to work with the intent of the Denizens of Heaven to show him the meaning behind their movements. Dimly, McAllister understood the astronomer to be transported, pulled along behind him, though lost in the wake of turbulent understanding, falling ever further behind while McAllister swept effortlessly ahead.

A gathering of the gods the stars showed him, each star taking the place of one of the gods, the identities of some McAllister knew coming through the dance, though others he did not know. A great debate was happening in a place McAllister did not recognize, though he knew it to be on the Plane of Divinity for this world. "I saw it in the stars," was a thing he could someday say to his grandchildren, and he took sudden great hope in that knowledge.

Thus it was that with boundless optimism McAllister watched the dance of the stars play out the debate of the gods before him. Through the agency of the star portraying the god, McAllister watched Bronze greet Stilbe, the Goddess of the Western Plains, and their greeting was formal. Together, they approached the Child, the Mother, and the Crone, his patron deity's three-aspected nature somehow clearly shone through the star who represented her. McAllister wondered at that, but there was no time for the puzzle as he observed the three-aspected goddess treat with Bronze and Stilbe. There was no sound, but the gestures and motions were plain, and McAllister found himself moved to near-tears as hand-in-hand, Bronze and Stilbe made a courtesy to his patron goddess.

Arianne, exuding pure allure and desire, left the wings of the chamber to join the three, standing before the large quorum of the gods of this world that McAllister and Sable had taken refuge in. Each of the three embraced Arianne in turn.

The child-Empress of Han appeared then, dim to McAllister's perception, the luminary that portrayed her in the dance of the stars above somehow conveying the fact the child-Empress was not there in body. That the child-Goddess was truly barred from this world McAllister then realized, though the Child, the Mother, and the Crone greeted her worldly representative warmly, with a kiss. Stilbe and Arianne both greeted the child-Empress with a formal embrace. Bronze knelt and gravely shook the child-Empress' hand.

A thing happened then that McAllister understood, though dimly. The Child, the Mother, and the Crone split her aspects, and each stood beside one of her companions. The child stood with the child-Empress of Han, the Mother with Arianne, and the Crone, though not particularly crone-like, McAllister judged, with Stilbe. Bronze again dipped his chin in apology, and the Crone lifted it again with her forefinger. Stilbe and the other females watched, and seemed to approve.

"Sometimes, the gods form alliances," McAllister remembered Madelle saying, or near enough, and the words rang out, soundlessly, across the vignette. None seemed to react to the observation, and he realized again this was but a shadow cast by events, mimicked by the stars. Though he was still greatly hopeful for the future, McAllister was saddened he was not there, participating in the scene.

Whatever subject the congress of gods gathered to debate upon was not revealed to McAllister, as the clouds began to steal across the face of the heavens. He soon drifted into deep slumber. Still McAllister was preternaturally aware of the astronomer's courtyard and the plinths, the small table, and the astronomer himself, awestruck and motionless.

Dawn arrived, as eventually she must, and the elemental night ended.

McAllister woke to the feeling of being watched. Before him, sitting cross-legged on the stone floor of the observatory was the astronomer.

"Who are you?" the astronomer asked. "I have never been a part of such magic. Never have I seen so clearly, though you must have seen more clearly yet. What did the stars show you? They were eager to show you! This is a thing I have never seen happen, never heard of happening, even to the great Brahmagupta or his predecessors." The man nearly quivered with eagerness, but held himself to a slow, measured cadence of words.

McAllister shrugged. "I am what you said I was yesterday, a leader of men, and, I would guess, a doer of things that need to be done. How great those things are ... I could not say."

"The heavens show you great respect. If it is not for something you have done, it must be for something you have yet to do ... I am known as Aryabra, and all my doubts about your purpose here are removed. Will you share with me your name so I can record it in my almanac and history?"

That Aryabra was restrained in the manner of his request sat well with McAllister. "I am McAllister, Aryabra, and, though I am not overfond of telling of my past, I have done that often of late. Let us ride to Bhangda, I will answer your questions in return for your aid in the Palace of Architecture."

The city was large, and crowded. Down on the street, the press of the populace was a force that could not be ignored. Beggars importuned McAllister and Aryabra, fingering the astronomer's clothing. McAllister rode with his saber bare, after finding the third would-be thief's hand on his pannier. The Jade helped discourage thievery also, with frequent strong lashes of his tail and careful placement of his hooves on bare feet.

"How many in this city?" McAllister wondered aloud.

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Your badly timed boners

This is a story all about your dick, and its annoying habit of becoming hard at the worst possible moments. Whether it's in a nude art class, a doctor's appointment, a massage, or wherever else, you just know that your throbbing member is going to make an appearance at some point and make everything incredibly awkward - or incredibly hot. The first time this happened to you, you were...

2 years ago
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Merry Christmas1

By Discreet Lover Copyrighted 2011 It was Christmas Eve. Jesse and Grace sat together on the couch in front of the fire, snuggled together and enjoying being close. It had been a while since they were able to just sit together like this and they wanted to savor every moment of it. The room was pleasantly warm from the fire that crackled in the fireplace; snow fell softly outside the window blanketing the world. The only light in the room came from the fire place and a few candles...

3 years ago
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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 11

David wasn't sure where he was going when he left, but it didn't really matter. All he wanted to do was get out of there before he did something that he would truly regret. He drove around town for twenty minutes before he stopped at a corner drug store to get something to drink. There was an elderly gentleman in line in front of him, and David was still angry enough that he thought he could just punch the man as he fished around in his pocket for the loose change he needed to buy his Coke...

4 years ago
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Dowagers Deception Pt 1 cont

Part One – Galas and Gardens (continued)One week later, Nancy walked into the Country Club after her chauffeur dropped her off. She dressed for the occasion with a tasteful blouse and tailored cream-coloured designer pants. She wore white flat shoes and had a summer shawl over her shoulders. The staff at the Country Club greeted her by name and she heard the warmth in their voices. She paused by a few and inquired into their families and well-being, remembering the names of the children and...

Love Stories
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Sarita Bhabhi Ko Satisfied And Pregnant Kiya

Hello this is Raj,25. from uran, raigad,navi-mumbai 5’8″ in height & i have 6″ good looking. Ye story pichhle sal pahale ki he. mere pados me ek bhabhi rahati hai. uski shadi hue 4 sal hue the lekin usko abhitak koi aulad nahi thi. Uska pati jyadatar bahar hi rahata tha. ghar me un dono ke alava koi nahi rahata tha. Bhabhi mast hot mal thi.bhabhi ka figure 34-28-36 hoga.Bhabhi ki kapde pahananeke tarike vajah se bhabhi aur sexy lagati thi. Uska transparent blouse,blouse ke andar stylish bra aur...

3 years ago
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The First Time Out

My first gay sex was with a fellow that I worked with. He and I had done some serious chatting about sexuality and the gay life. This was the following summer from the first time and I was having no luck getting laid and was very horny. Levis was a nice person, openly gay but not effeminate. He was willing to tell a quizzical youth all the tricks of having sex with men and this youth was open to all talks of sex! It was not too long after, that during one of our talks; we got a little drunk and...

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Compare and Contrast

After what she insisted would be a once-in-a-lifetime weekend spent making love with Mark Cahill, her ‘other’ man, the one who wasn’t her fiance’, Gwen had promised both herself and her friends it would never happen again. Her friends were openly skeptical. Her friends were right. Despite Gwen’s best intentions, the long weekend she spent with Mark wasn’t a one-time event, but the beginning of something very special and very exhausting. From then on she faced trying to cope with the sex drives...

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Dirty Weekend Though Not For Me

Our romantic weekend didn’t start so well for my wife and I. On the Friday night after checking in to the hotel I had booked, she seemed pretty pissed off that the hotel wasn’t as fancy as I had led her to believe. ‘Boutique’ is what it had said in the info. ‘Grotty’ is how she described it, ‘Fucking shithole!’ she added. We went for a meal and spent the evening bickering while deciding that we would try to find another hotel for the Saturday night. Waking up after a sexless night’s sleep, I...

2 years ago
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Daddys Girls Chapter 9 Stacey

As they walked back to the school building, Stacey held Becky back until Beth and Laurie were out of earshot.“Beck… I… I don’t know if I can do this!”“I know! I mean, with Beth it seemed like it just kinda happened,” Becky whispered back. “I’m thinking, I’m gonna have to make it happen, and how do I do that?”“Could you do what she did? Just play with yourself hoping he catches you in the act?”“Hell, Stace,” Becky replied. “I jill myself off all the time. It’s a wonder he hasn’t walked in on me...

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Tammys Schooldays

Somewhere in a universe far far away. Sexual disease is unheard off and people can do what they want, when they want, where they want just so long as they don't frighten the children or startle the horses. I woke at six and padded off to the loo. After peeing I washed my hands and brushed my teeth before heading for Billy's room. Great, Sally had stayed overnight, I liked Sally. It had been a hot night so the pair were lying on top of the covers. Billy with an early morning hard on. I...

3 years ago
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Purification of Endula

In the fantasy world of Endula, the large sprawling plateau rises above the shimmering sea in all directions. Anyone who has tried to sail across the sea has never returned. For centuries, there have been rumors about monster and goblins of the sort living deep in the Dayak Forest. An old wives’ tale every told, but no one believed. Until they attacked. Their eyes set on the destruction of Endula, they attacked villages and farms. It got to the point where major villages erected large walls...

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My Sweet StepDaughter

I stripped off my damp t-shirt (the weather was quite warm) and tossed it over the back of a chair to dry, and suddenly shivered in the coolness of the air-conditioned living room. We sat on the couch, with me partially reclining against the left arm with a cushion behind my shoulders when she suddenly lunged forward and starting tickling me. She laughed and screamed as I retaliated, moving up my body until her hands were around my neck. Because her shirt was mostly unbuttoned, I had a clear...

2 years ago
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Albany New York ORAL ALLSTAR

TIS THE SEASON FOR A FACIAL!!While visiting friends in Albany, New York for a Christmas Party, my friends wife who is also my longtime fuck buddy (We fucked on their wedding day) told me she was excited to receive the gift I had promised her for Christmas. All she wanted was a nice facial in front of the Christmas tree while her husband was next door at the party.... win win!As I entered the party, Avalon ran up to me and threw a Santa hat on my head and gave me a hug as she led me to my...

3 years ago
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Lashes Chapter 16

Chapter sixteen Teen came out a month later and even I was excited to read about Amanda Flowers first prom. The article was well written and I could relive every moment in the story, the excitement waiting for my date, spending the time dressing and doing my makeup by myself, its so easy with Lush, yeah, right, the arrival of my carriage, the limo, and the entrance of my date. It was all very exciting for impressionable young girls. You would have thought I was going to lose my...

2 years ago
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Hi this is sham with another one.. Too much thanks for response for my early story.. This is my friend told this story so I narrated by my own way. Suma sat at her desk in English, the video on JFK played on, she however was distracted by something else, her mind wandered and as she looked up from her desk and she let her vision refocus she saw Tom staring at her from the other side of the room. “STOP LOOKING AT ME!” She let out, the class laughed and Tom looked away laughing. Simone made some...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Kate Bloom Mackenzie Moss My Two Step Sisters

Laying in bed side by side, Kate Bloom and her adopted sister Mackenzie Moss are a sight for Kate’s stepbrother Tyler Nixon. The girls are sexy as hell in their lingerie nighties. Mackenzie isn’t even wearing any panties, which Tyler takes as a blatant invitation. She’s already awake when Tyler comes in and makes it clear he wants to fuck. They debate briefly since Mackenzie believes they’re going to get caught and get in trouble, but Tyler eventually convinces her that...

3 years ago
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From Demure to Slut Wife Chapters 1 2

Introduction: Robin is a demure and inexperienced lady until she meets Harry. Chapter 1 Harry sat at the table watching his wife, Robin, and his best friend and lawyer, Mark dance. Marks girlfriend Tanya sat in the circular booth next to him. Harry smiled as he watched Marks hands cup Robins ass and squeeze softly. She didnt pull away or give any indication that she was offended. He laughed lightly. That was his wife! He had turned her from a shy, demure virgin into a married slut, his slut....

4 years ago
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Sitting Sabrina

Sabrina worshipped her next door neighbor Jane. She had babysat for her from the time she was a baby. To the innocent young girl having a girl almost ten years older than her to confide in was the coolest thing in her life. She would do anything Jane asked of her.From the time she was baby Jane would bath her before putting her to bed. Sabrina never questioned Jane's right to bath her before bed. As part of her bath Jane would wash her hair. Some times Jane would have Sabrina kneel and bend...

3 years ago
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Submission Of Aunty 8211 Part I

Hi this is Kinker again with yet another incident in my life. Yeah i know no body is interest in what i look and how i am, the only thing here matters what is my story… so right away let us jump into the story. This incident occurred when i visited my uncle’s house on my job assignment; i had to stay at their house for a couple of days. I used to go to the site at 10 am and return back at 7 pm. A small into where i am staying … it is a 2 bed room flat and my uncle , aunt used to stay there and...

2 years ago
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Every Inch A NymphChapter 2

Early the next evening, Melanie and Tony were unpacking in their assigned bedroom at the Sunshine Spa, located about fifty miles north of Flagstaff. One of the first goals in Slim's private little party had been the serving of drinks, and by the time Melanie and Tony had found the "recreation room" the laughter had grown more raucous and more relaxed as the excitement of a "healthy" weekend at the spa combined with the stimulation of the alcohol that was being served in exotic fresh...

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Lowborn Ch 06

The journey started pleasantly enough. The ladies of negotiable virtue chatted and laughed, still relating to each other the tales of their latest adventures and clients before leaving town. Indigo whistled as he drove the wagon, and even Raven seemed to be in good spirits as she hiked along, usually sharpening one of her daggers with a whetstone. The sun was shining bright, but a breeze kept the temperature tolerable. The tall, tough grass of the prairie rippled in the wind, reminiscent of...

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Keeping a Slaves Ass Ready

One of the most important things in training a slave, whether she is 18 or 38, is to keep her beautiful young ass pliable, stretched, open and ready for fucking at all times. She needs to be taught that her ass or her pussy must be available and ready twenty-four seven. Girls tend to be very selfish about their fuckholes. They tend to think of them as being personal. You need to convince a girl as part of her Bitch training that her hole is no longer her, but that it belongs to you. She needs...

3 years ago
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Hanging Out with Jake

Casey had been in a long term relationship for some time. She found a new confidence and it began stirring something inside her. She began to have fantasies about other men and women. Being with a woman sparked her interest, but her desire was building to find another man. She didn’t think that she would be capable of going through with anything that would potentially destroy her loving relationship, but the risk made her want it even more.She stumbled across her old high school friend, Jake,...

Straight Sex
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Songs for the Soul Ch 06

The song is an English translation of a Japanese song by Crystal Kay. Kumeko-san, I hope the story lived up to your expectations. The lyrics belong to the song-writer and the artist. I take no credit for them. I have also not changed the lyrics, in whole or in part. Hope you all like it. Please vote. Thank you Ray, for the wonderful editing. Zara. ‘Open up Bobbie,’ yelled an irritating voice from the other side of the door. Bobbie groaned because she knew whom that voice belonged to and...

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Introduction: A young man engages in sex with 31 different women before fallling into the dark, gay underworld. THIRTY-ONE DAYS…PART 1 [chapters 1-6] By Ronan Jackson Jefferson An erotic thriller, for mature readers only. Copyright 2014 by Ronan Jackson Jefferson All Rights Reserved. The full 164,000 word text is available in its entirety from SMASH WORDS, KOBO, SONY, APPLE, BARNES & NOBLE NOOK. Recently made available for the AMAZON KINDLE. ****NOW AVAILABLE IN 6 X 9 PAPERBACK, FROM...

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BlendersChapter 15

Kent McPhersom was the Donald Trump of the Chicago area. He was a very good looking man, a brilliant businessman, and the most eligible bachelor in the city. He was tall, handsome, extremely intelligent, and had dozens of beautiful young women trying to get their hooks into him. He was thirty years of age, popular, and rich. Filthy rich! Kent earned it all himself taking his grandfather's advice to get into real estate. He bought two flats. three flats, and multiple dwellings. By 24. Kent...

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The sun peeking through your shades stirs you from a restful sleep. As you sit up in your bed you can hear the coffee pot perking, and you thank a god you don’t believe in for coffee timers. You shuffle to the kitchen nook in your studio apartment hoping a cigarette and a hot cup of Joe would combat the pounding of your head. As you prepare your cup you smell something you can’t place, and look at your constantly filled sink silently laughing to yourself. With the warm cup in hand you look for...

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A Fantasy Come True

Hi everyone! This is my first ever real incident which took place last weekend. Also this is my first story which I am going to narrate. For feedback feel free to email me. Myself Krush, I reside in Mumbai. My email id is This story is about Sonia , 35 years in age. Let me tell you about her. Her figure is 36-28-34. She is a real beauty. She is fair and a perfect body. So without wasting time I would like to start my story. One evening it so happened that I was returning from the gym and I...

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