MaquisChapter 12 free porn video

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West Drayton, London. September, the same year.

“Have you seen the Saunders recently?” John Avison asked his wife, Gayle.

Gayle looked up from her magazine. “No. Should I?”

John shook his head, slowly, a puzzled look upon his face. “I’m not sure. They were having that big party last week, and I don’t remember seeing any of them since.”

Gayle shrugged, losing interest. “We don’t exactly live in each other’s pockets you know.”

John shook his head. “No, but we normally see or hear something of them. The two younger ones are always making a bit of a racket.”

Gayle, who hated the music that the two Saunder boys played, just shrugged. “Good,” she muttered. She didn’t particularly like Nadeen Saunder. She was sure Nadeen looked down upon her just because she, Gayle, didn’t work in an office, but just part time in a large factory packing biscuits. So Nadeen had a law degree? That didn’t make her special, she wasn’t actually a lawyer or solicitor, she was ‘only’ a legal secretary. Gayle thought Nadeen stuck up, and believed that the younger woman looked down on her.

“I’m worried,” John continued, not noticing Gayle’s reaction.

“Why?” Gayle muttered, irritated. She was trying to read an important magazine article: one of the actresses from Coronation Street was having an affair, apparently, and Gayle needed to know about it.

“What if there’s been an accident or something? Both their cars are outside so they can’t be at work.”

“Huh,” muttered Gayle. That was another thing. So both Nadeen and Mike had full time jobs? Well she didn’t, she didn’t want a full time job. Gayle liked that, by working less than ten hours a week, she could still get money off the state, but because she was working that one day a week, the job centre didn’t push her to find more work. It was a win-win situation as far as Gayle was concerned. She would have to work over thirty hours a week to get the same amount of money, and Gayle really didn’t see why she should do that.

It also irritated Gayle that John refused to do the same thing. The last time she’d tried to persuade him to come and work in the factory for a peanut wage, they’d had a blazing row. “I’m a programmer,” he had told her angrily. “I want to be a programmer. I like being a programmer. I love my job.”

“Well it doesn’t pay. Being a programmer for that blasted charity doesn’t pay you what you’d get on the dole.” Because the Job Centre, and the DWP, saw it as full time work - more than sixteen hours a week, even if voluntary, unpaid work, he did not get a penny from the state.

“I hate being on the dole. If I can avoid it I won’t go on the dole.”

“Well you’re a fuckin’ dick. They’re takin’ advantage of you. The government will give us money to not work, so you go and work and get nothing?”

That had been a month ago, and Gayle still hadn’t totally forgiven him. Okay, they got quite a lot from the charity, in a way more than when he was on the dole, but it wasn’t money, and without his dole money Gayle had had to give up her weekly bingo sessions. It had hurt her social standing with her friends, and Gayle could not forgive that.

“Look,” John said, “I’m gonna go over there. Just to make sure everything’s okay.”

“Just leave them alone,” she said acidly. “If they need help, I’m quite sure they’ll ask.” ‘Someone else’, she added in her thoughts.

“Mike normally asks me to water his greenhouse when they go away, but he hasn’t this time, and I noticed all his lettuces are dying. At the very least I need to go sort that out.”

Gayle just buried herself in her magazine, her mouth tightening itself in her anger.

John, noticing his wife’s reaction, just shook his head crossly and left the room.

Crossing into their neighbour’s garden, John started by watering the vegetables in the greenhouse. The tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and chillies were all ready for picking. When he looked around the rest of the garden, he saw that a lot of the rest were ready for pulling also. Grabbing a garden fork he began by starting to lift the onions, sitting them on top of the soil to dry.

Twenty minutes later, a large bag of slightly overripe broad beans and peas in one hand, he approached Mike Saunder’s back door. It was locked.

John looked at the vegetables in his hand. In a way they had been an excuse to go in and check, but the door was locked. He wasn’t totally surprised, but now he was uncertain what to do next.

There was a freezer in one of the outside sheds, so John found room in it to squeeze the vegetables he’d picked. There was a notepad hanging beside it. Tearing off a sheet of paper he quickly scribbled a note, explaining to Mike what he’d done.

As he approached the front door to put the scribbled note through the letter box, he was accosted by someone coming up the drive.

“Excuse me, who are you?”

“I’m John. I live next door,” John waved in the general direction of his house. “Who are you please?”

“I’m Nadeen’s brother. Why are you here?”

John quickly explained his mission, finishing off by showing the young man his note. “Where are Mike and Nadeen? What’s happened?”

The young man paused and looked at Mike for a moment.

“Look. You’d better come in for a few moments. My name’s Selwyn by the way.”

Selwyn took Mike through into the house, where it was obvious that the party ten days earlier still hadn’t been cleared away.

“Oh hell,” gasped Mike. “What’s happened?”

“They were part of a pre-pack. They’ve been collected.”

“A what? Collected what?”

Selwyn sighed.

“Nadeen and Mike had CAP scores of 6.9 and 7.2. They arranged with the Confederacy to take them, their kids, and a large number of other people. It was all pre-arranged, but there was a cock-up and I couldn’t get here in time, so I got left behind. Now I’m trying to arrange my own pre-pack, and in the meantime tidy this place up so that the authorities don’t find out too soon what’s happened.”

John just looked at Selwyn, his mouth open. “That’s what the party was for?”

“Uh huh. I got stuck in traffic.”

“Oh no,” John muttered automatically. “They never mentioned it. Not once.”

Selwyn shook his head. “Far too dangerous. The government has banned the Confederacy from operating here, so they have to do it secretly. Anyone caught promoting the Confederacy is arrested by the Safety Patrol. If they’re lucky they get a good beating up. If they’re unlucky...” he left the sentence unfinished, but John knew what he was saying.

“I’d have liked to go too,” John muttered softly, more to himself. He looked at Selwyn. “If you really are arranging a pre-pack, would you be prepared to consider me?”

Selwyn looked at him. “Mike wanted to ask you as a fellow gardener, but both he and Nadeen are worried about your wife. What would she say?”

“I heard that being collected by the Confederacy is a quickie divorce. Is that true?”

Selwyn nodded slowly. “Uh huh.”

“In that case sign me up.” The bitterness in John’s voice came across loud and clear to Selwyn.

“Do you have a CAP score?”

John nodded. “6.5”

“So you’re eligible, just, to go in your own right.”

“Yes. Gayle got a 4 dead. I won’t take her, and I think she knows it.”

“Do you have kids?”

“Gayle never truly wanted them. She was too busy partying to be bothered. She only wanted them when she found out that the state would pay her child allowance. And as the mother it would go direct to her. She would just use it to play bingo.”

Selwyn frowned. “Is she an Earth First supporter?”

“Yeah. If she can’t go, then no-one else should. She lost her looks more than ten year ago and... , “ John trailed off, not willing to air his dirty laundry in public.

Selwyn nodded sympathetically. “You are eligible for two concubines. Do you have anyone in mind?”

John shook his head. “Ever since Lester banned collections in the UK, I stopped thinking about it.”

“Uh huh. Well Lester was only Thorn’s lackey. Everyone knows that now, not that it does us much good.”

“Don’t you like Thorn?” asked John, surprised.

“No. I think Conway was ill advised. I think he did the wrong things for the right reason. He wasn’t a bad man, just poorly advised. Lester was a foolish idiot. A weak idiot at that. I can’t decide whether he was bad and nasty, or whether he was just an idiot. Thorn is nasty. I would be inclined to say evil, but I have no certain evidence of that.”

John frowned. He’d voted for Neil Conway, because Conway was doing exactly what he, John, felt should be being done. “I didn’t like Peter Lester, but fortunately he wasn’t PM long enough to worry about. I don’t dislike Graham Thorn. So far he seems to be generally doing the right thing.”

“Not in the slightest. Not even close,” Selwyn said tightly.

“Well at least he’s banned replicators, and we’re not in a war, so reducing the military strength to save money seems to me to be a good idea.”

“There’s reducing, and there’s gutting. Plus, we need to be increasing, not decreasing.”

“Why? To fight whom? The Israelis took care of most of the Arabs; the Russkies and the Chinks are both too far away to worry about, and don’t seem to be bothering us anyway. The Yanks and the Europeans aren’t going to attack us. That is one area I disagree with him on; they’re not dangerous. Not sure we should have withdrawn from the EU, but I’m also not sure we’re actually any worse off for doing so.”

Selwyn shook his head disparagingly. “None of them are important. We shouldn’t have pulled out of the EU, but as you say, so far we’re not really any worse off, but no way are we as well off as they claimed we would be. No. We need the army and the air force because of these aliens. The Swarm they’re called. Or Sa’arm actually, I think.”

John frowned. He wanted to believe in the Confederacy, but had never truly been certain in his own mind what to believe. “Do you believe in them? Even Conway didn’t believe in them.”

“Actually Conway did. It’s Thorn who doesn’t. But he’s a racist, xenophobic, bigot and used all the immediate anti-Confederacy feeling after the palace extraction to blame Blacks, Jews, Yanks, Poles, Arabs and anyone else he could think of for all the woes of the world. He genuinely believes that the Swarm is all a plot by Jews and blacks to do god knows what. Conway sort of approved of the palace extraction in theory; he just felt it was done in the wrong way. He too jumped on the bandwagon. Actually he led the bandwagon, but stupidly he led it the wrong way.”

“So how do you know that the Confederacy and these aliens are real anyway?”

“Things like the replicators for a start. And the teleporters. And the protection screens that the Confederacy use to protect themselves when they do a collection.”

“But 3D printers have been around for ages now.”

Selwyn smiled. “And they’re pretty good. But even they cannot create food that can be eaten, or create highly complex multi-material products.” He shook his head. “And I’ve seen what their medical pods can do. Plus, if you have a real good telescope and know where to look, you can even see some of their ships in low earth orbit. You can even see some of them with the naked eye, but you just see a blob of light.”

John nodded. “I always wanted to believe in them,” he said softly. “I’m glad they’re real. But you know, loads of people believe the Truth and Freedom party.”

“I know,” Selwyn said sadly. “Look. If you’re sure, you need to try and find a couple of people to take as your concubines.”

“I don’t know I could. Not easily. Not with the way Gayle is.”

“Dunno whether I can help. But look. You mustn’t tell your wife. If anything, you must make her believe you disapprove. Actually,” Selwyn paused as a thought came to him. “Look. Take a load of the garden veg, whatever you fancy. Just leave me a load. If you have to tell her anything, tell her you’ve found out they’ve gone, so you’ve taken this as they won’t need it, and if they try and come back and collect it, well, just make it sound like revenge. Okay?”

“But they won’t come back,” John said, puzzled.

“No. But if your wife is the way you say she is, she probably won’t know that. Make her think you’re taking your petty revenge on my sister and her husband. You get the food, and she doesn’t need to think on it any more.”

“Okaaaay. I think I see what you mean. How do I get in touch with you?”

“Do you have a mobile? Especially one your wife won’t answer?”

“Gayle won’t touch my phone. If anything she’d be more likely to throw it away or smash it up. Stop me getting into work.”

“All right, give me your number, and I’ll contact you as soon as I hear anything.”

John wrote down his number and passed it over.

Selwyn looked at it, nodded, and folded it into his wallet. “Grab whatever you fancy from the garden. Not too much though.” He smiled slightly. “I want some as well.”

John smiled his thanks, and the two went back out into the garden. “Best if I take just what I need now, and come back in a few days time to take some more,” he said slowly.

“If that’s what you want,” Selwyn nodded calmly.

“If there’s any left by then.”

Selwyn gave a thin smile. Anything John hadn’t taken within three days, he would take himself. He couldn’t get back before then.

John didn’t notice. He pulled a small cauliflower, half a dozen carrots and a number of chillies. Meanwhile Selwyn had pulled a number of broad bean pods, and passed those over too.

“The onions are out for drying. I’ll keep an eye on them, and the weather over the next couple of days unless you want them now?” Selwyn just shook his head. “And I put a bag of stuff in the top of the outdoor freezer not long ago. Won’t be frozen yet. You should take those.”

“You take it,” Selwyn said with a small smile.

“Thank you,” John said. “And good luck.” Although he hoped Selwyn would contact him soon, he didn’t hold out much hope.

Those five words though, softened Selwyn’s mind. He’d had no real intention of contacting John, but his simple thanks and good wishes, without in any way trying to press him, made him consider John after all. If he was short of sponsors, though Selwyn didn’t think he would be, maybe he would get in touch.

“Well?” demanded Gayle, some five minutes later. “You’ve been gone long enough.”

“They’ve gone.”

“Gone? What do you mean, gone?”

“They’ve been taken.”

“What? By the Patrol?”

John saw a small, almost vindictive, smile appear on Gayle’s face.

“No. The Confederacy.”

“The what?” Gayle half stood. “Why those nasty, despicable little...” her vocabulary failed her. “I hope they end up...”

“They won’t,” interrupted her husband. “They both had high enough scores.”

“In other words they’re gonna enslave other people,” she snarled. “What lovely people we lived next door to.”

“They’re probably gonna have to fight these aliens.”

Gayle paused for only a moment in her tirade. “Rubbish,” she said scornfully. “Everyone knows that was a lie.”

Remembering what Selwyn had told him, John decided not to argue that point. “Well, it means their house is empty, and Mike has left a lot of produce just waiting to be collected.”

“Huh. Well you collect that dirty shit if you want to. I’m gonna have a look in their house.”

“You can’t. It’s all locked up.”

“So how do you know what’s happened to them?”

“A friend of theirs turned up and told me. He was cross because they hadn’t waited for him.” John decided it would be prudent to not tell her too much about Selwyn.

“Well you’d better get back over there and get everything you can. I’m coming with you this time.”

“Don’t you want the reward?”

“What reward?”

“For turning them in to the Patrol?”

Gayle paused. “Later,” she said after a few moments. “Let’s go.”

“Uh,” started John, but Gayle turned on him with a snarl.

“If we turn them in now, the Patrol take everything. Don’t you watch the news?”

John nodded, remembering news items he had seen in the past weeks and months.

“When did they go?” Gayle asked.

“Last week. That was what the party was all about. Apparently.”

Gayle headed around the front of the house, but John stopped her. “No,” he told her. “This way.”

Gayle just looked at him.

“If you go in through the front,” John told her calmly, “people will see us and investigate. At the very least we’ll then have to share, at the worst we could even be charged with breaking and entering or theft.”

Gayle paused. She was wearing a tight skirt and high heels. “Oh very well then,” she huffed. “But you’ll have to help me over the fence.”

“Put some jeans and trainers on,” John suggested, knowing what her response was likely to be. He wasn’t disappointed.

“Don’t be stupid. I do not dress down like some common chav.”

‘No, you dress up like some common tart,’ John thought, but didn’t say. It was true. At forty-seven Gayle wore clothes that were far more suitable for someone twenty-five years younger and six sizes smaller. Almost invariably the clothes she did wear were a size too small: she insisted that they were small, not she large.

It was a struggle getting Gayle over the fence, but John managed it. “Start with the outside freezer,” he suggested. “We haven’t been shopping yet this week.”

Gayle scowled at him, but she recognised the sense of his suggestion.

“It’s all fuckin’ uncooked stuff,” she complained twenty minutes later. “Don’t they know how to do things properly?”

“Properly?” asked John, momentarily confused.

“You know, pre-cooked stuff that I can just ding.”

John just rolled his eyes, fortunately Gayle didn’t see him. To Gayle, cooking meant something that would go into the microwave without too much preparation. ‘Ding’ had been John’s joke when they first got married, but Gayle had taken it to herself. The microwave dinged when it had finished, so to ding something was to microwave it.

“That’s okay, I can do the cooking.”

“You cook?” she asked scornfully. “You’re a man, men can’t cook to save their lives.” For some reason, despite occasional evidence to the contrary, Gayle had it in her head that John was useless in the kitchen.

John didn’t immediately reply. It was true, he didn’t often cook, but that was more because he just let her get on with it, rather than because he couldn’t. Had his mother been alive, she would have told Gayle very different. “I’m sure I can manage,” he said eventually.

“Well just don’t give me food poisoning.”

John hopped back over the fence, and while Gayle passed him various bags and boxes of frozen fruit, vegetables and meats, he hurried back into the house and put it into their freezer. It was more than half full of part used boxes and tubs of ice cream, most of it premium brands. John shuddered. Lifting all the ice cream out first, he put in the new stuff, then replaced the ice cream on top. He would have to sort that later.

“I’ve found that large tub of Ben And Jerry’s you thought you’d finished,” John told Gayle casually. “We won’t need any more after all.”

“Didn’t like that one,” Gayle muttered. Actually she had, she just got bored quickly and wanted a variety. Preferably something they didn’t already have.

“That’s okay. I do, I’ll finish it this evening.”

Gayle silently ground her teeth. “When are we going inside?”

“If you can find a key,” John said. “I’m gonna go and have another look in the greenhouse. Mike’s tomatoes looked wonderful. His broad beans and peas down the back are also ready for harvesting.”

“Don’t waste time with that rubbish,” Gayle snapped.

John knew how to change her mind though.

“If we take this,” he told her, “we’ll have to do a lot less shopping, saving money for your bingo.”

“Oh. Oh, very well. But you do it. I’m not going down there. But hurry up, I want to go inside.”

Remembering what Selwyn had told him, John took about a quarter of everything. If Gayle complained, he’d just tell her the rest was not quite ready. She would never know.

Gayle hadn’t been able to find a way into the Saunder’s house, and was just contemplating breaking a window, when John returned.

“Come on,” he told her. “It’s after four. The road outside is getting busier. We’ll be seen.”

“But I haven’t been inside yet.”

“Do it tomorrow.”

“But I want to report them tonight. I want the reward.”

“You’ll have to leave that until tomorrow night, or the next day then.”

“But I want the money now.”

“If you report them now, you won’t get the money for at least a month.”

“What?” screeched Gayle. “That’s crap. They should give rewards straight away.”

“They can’t just put their hands into their pockets you know. They don’t carry rewards around with them. At the very least it will be a cheque which will take days to get here, and then a few more to clear.”

Gayle thought about it for a moment, then nodded. “Very well,” she said crossly. “We’ll come back tomorrow.”

Despite his protests, they had gone back the following morning, Gayle determined to try and get into the house. John had spotted an alarm, and to Gayle’s fury had refused to risk breaking in, just in case the alarm was working, set, and connected to the police station. “At the very least, it’ll alert the authorities, and if they catch us here, we won’t get any reward,” he had told her. Reluctantly, she had acquiesced.

It took some fast talking to stop Gayle from claiming the reward immediately. He tried to cajole her first. Reminding her that he needed time to clear away any evidence that they had been over there. “If they work out we’ve been there, they might think we had something to do with their disappearance. You really don’t want that,” he told her. When that looked like it wasn’t going to work for long, he added bribery, giving her money to go to bingo. Even so he knew he couldn’t hold her off for long.

In the meantime though, John could cook, and the first thing he did cook with the food they had stolen was a beef casserole. John recognised the food as stolen, even if Gayle didn’t. By adding a drop of red wine and calling it Boeuf Bourguignon, he ‘conned’ Gayle into thinking it was something more special and up market, exactly where Gayle thought she should be, where she thought she deserved to be. Over the next couple of days he discovered he enjoyed being in the kitchen more than he thought, and soon the house was full of wonderful aromas that even Gayle couldn’t deny smelled far more appetising than most of the microwave food she normally ate.

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“Fuck Candace.” That’s what I thought to myself. “Fuck her.” “Fuck her drama.” “Fuck her bullshit.” “Fuck her lies.” “Fuck all of it.” I didn’t need her. I didn’t need anyone. I was Carter. I was rich. I was powerful. I was the sex God. At the moment, I had my cock buried to the hilt up Wendy’s ass. The petite blond girl did have anal experience, but that didn’t stop her from screaming at the top of her lungs while I sodomized her. Luckily, Jamie had a way of shutting her...

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Full Court Press

Five years ago when Morgan was Matt, he was an all-state High School basketball player. Today Morgan had a fantasy, but it might be a little dangerous for her to try to pull it off. Morgan was really proud of how feminine she looked, and until she took her panties off, most people had no idea she’s been born male. It had always been a turn on for her to catch a guy she’d brought home by surprise when they removed her panties and found she had a bigger cock than they did. Most of the time guys...

2 years ago
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His Obsession

She arrived home from work, let herself in the security door of her apartment building. She climbed the stairs to her third floor apartment, not knowing that he was waiting behind the hallway door. She unlocked the door to her apartment and as she did, he came up behind her and forced her into her apartmnet. He shut and locked the door behind them, he covered her mouth with his hand and pushes her up against the door. He told her that if she screams he will have to hurt her. Then he takes...

1 year ago
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Sex with my granny

I’m a 23 year old guy that is just a pervert. This all started when I moved into a neighborhood that had mostly older people. I have never had sex with a mature women a lot older then me before. Most of my sexual experiences where always with girls around my age, except one. When I was 19 I had sex with this 34 year old lady. Anyway, like I said, mostly older people lived here. I used to go walking around the lake we had, and there would be tons of old ladies that just looked sexually...

2 years ago
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The ballroom P

An evening i and my sister we had been invited from a friend of our dad (adult not young like us :-P) in a (quiet) ballroom, we are near the bar of the ballroom when a black guy, a likeable guy, (from a town not too far from the our's he will tell at us subsequently), he comes up close to us and he looks my sister and says "you're very pretty .. can I offer you a drink?", my sister smiles and says "you are very kind ..." and he says "if you like to dance with me" and my sister says "well .. I'm...

4 years ago
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Cesars Summer Story Chapter 1

Cesar's Summer story This is a fictional story. I understand that being sexually used by adults is counterproductive physically, emotionally and mentally for a person and I am grateful that I never was. This story is in no way encouraging anyone to commit illicit acts, in the same way Falling Down is not made to encourage people to go kill everyone after having a bad day, or Star Wars is not made to encourage anyone to go find ways to build weapons that could destroy a planet. I...

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Stacies Stretch

Vince, the biggest of the three men grinned, “look who’s waking up, time to place your bets gents!” On the table was an array of sex toys and phallic shaped items, shaving foam bottles, candles, bottles and dildo’s, arranged in size order. Jon, the man with the gap toothed smile put a wad of notes down next to the deoderant can “I’m stickin that in her, and that’s all that tight little cunt can take!” “Stacie stuggled to take this in, the realisation that she was going to be raped had hit...

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Laura part 20

"This one's for table six," my colleague Saffron says to me as she places two hot cups of coffee on my tray. I take the opportunity to stealthily straighten my tight miniskirt before grabbing my tray and taking it over to the young couple at the corner table. "Ah, thank you!" The young man says with genuine gratitude as I hand him and his girlfriend their drinks. "Can we also order a plate of chips to share, please?" "Sure!" I enthuse. "What flavour would you like?" "Let's try the...

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My perv history no2

It's been a while since I posted about my perv history. The first one is just a regular post. This time I may submit it as a story though, if it's long enough.I saved one of the more taboo experiences for it's own accounting. Remembering things like these help me understand how I became such a man whore. I realize how different my sex life was compared to other people. But I also run into a lot of people who also have a more than sordid history. It's good to know you're not alone.As for the...

2 years ago
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Farm GirlChapter 5

That's the way we went on for a while. After that second attack, it was just like the first. For the first couple of days he wouldn't be able to look at me when I was around, then he would start watching me, staring at my ass and tits whenever we were near each other. In another week he was squeezing and grabbing me as he walked by. Then he would have to fuck me again. The third time was when I was in my bed at about two in the morning. I woke to find him sitting on my bed, his hand...

4 years ago
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Scary Sex Story

My name is Diane and this is my story. It happened on Halloween night just about a year ago. I had been invited to a costume party at my friend Kathy's house. Her party was always the event of the season riddled with casual sex and promiscuous d**g use everyone who was anyone would be there. Kathy had called me personally the night before to remind me of my invitation and to dress appropriately. I was so excited I love Halloween and the idea of slipping into a fantasy of being someone I am...

1 year ago
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The Bonding

Cat, a successful but lonely business woman gets to know a Megan practitioner of the Old Path. Becoming close friends Megan offers a solution Cat's relationship issues. Thinking it crackers but after years of repeated failure in her personal life Cat was willing to try anything..... The Bonding. Starting in business as a teenager, Cat Collins was often held up as an example of how good ideas, ambition and hard work can lead to success but that was only part of the story. The flip...

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The Girl With The Golden Ring

Sunset. The evening burned with shades of autumn skies, purple and orange, rose and red. Blue blackness began creeping in from the hillside behind a shimmering pick up truck, accompanied by the trickling of an overrun creek bed some thirty paces south. When he bought this land almost ten years ago, he was only looking for something to give him credit. Since then, it had made him more of a man. So much of his life was about fighting destruction, he needed a place where he could return something...

2 years ago
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Assassin PracticeChapter 9

Jase wondered what would happen if they made themselves known to the general public. He knew that he wouldn't be ignored by the various governments in the world, no matter what the general public thought. They would be seen for the unstoppable force that they were, and every government would want to control them, if only for self defense. Upon reflection, it would be better to remain a secret for some time, at least until there were more of them with their abilities. Meanwhile, he had a...

2 years ago
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The Cleaning Lady

"Oh that feels good." Steve Fox said to himself as he stroked his hard cock. Normally, sitting in the large boardroom of the brokerage house where he worked was the last place he would've considered masturbating. If things had gone the way he'd originally planned, the 19 year old mailroom clerk would've instead been up in the main conference room pounding the hell out of his new girlfriend Tammy. He'd planned tonight's encounter for weeks. The 34th floor conference room, which as a...

3 years ago
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The Couriers Ripening FruitChapter 2 In the Jungle

Hannah woke with a start as the ship touched down on Alpha Tucana. Her water-filled body jiggled as the spacecraft settled to the ground. She rubbed her eyes and ran a hand across her expanded belly. "Oof," she winced. She felt stretched and sore from the volume of water inside her. On her back on the couch, the giant dome of her belly towered over her. Molly walked over, her round belly stuffed into a spandex top and a pair of shorts. She looked nine months pregnant with the load of...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Brandi Love VR 23135

Brandi in the bathtub! You’ve stepped into luck, literally, when you walk into the bathroom’s at your buddy’s house and find his hot mom Brandi Love having a soak in the tub! She’s taken aback by your barging in on her, so the least you can do is hand her a towel. But wait — now that you’ve seen this sexy MILF’s big tits and fabulously fat ass, she’s asking you to show her your goods. Get the drift? No one else is home, so why not whip out your big dick and show it to sexy Mrs. Love? In fact,...

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Things I Do In Night Journey

Hi friends, this has been a while since I wrote my last sex story. I got busy could not find leisure time for this. I got some emails which were pretty good and I’m sorry that I didn’t reply as soon as possible. Like my last two stories this is also a real life incident. Please read my other stories too. As usual I don’t add anything and whatever in the story is true to my heart. I only change names and places. I’m a fair average size 23 year old man(bitch) with very little hair and a six inch...

Gay Male
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Welcomed VisitorChapter 11 Honeymoon

Grace was a little puzzled when I opened the rear passenger door for her to get in and then went around to the rear driver's side door and got in. Grace asked me "What's going on?" Trying to keep my cool I simply replied "Sit tight, you'll see soon enough." Kimberly got in the drivers seat and we headed out. Down the Gulf Freeway to Galveston and when we pulled up at the cruise ship terminal I thought Grace was going to pass out. The look on her face was priceless. A porter came out...

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Dad is a career military man and is away on some top secret government assignment way more often than he is at home. At least, he says he is. Consequently, Mom and I never lived on a military base after I started school. And we never got to accompany him on any of his assignments. She opted to move in with her parents out in Arkansas. The town was so small that it didn't even have a fucking Wal Mart. When I was ten, Mom moved the two of us to San Diego. I am now nineteen and am attending a...

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My First Sexual Experience 13 YO Pt2

My nipples were popping out which made him harder i said,"Dont worry let me take care of this." then i titty fucked him until he came he said,"lay on your back please."I did what i was told he rubbed his cock against my wet pussy he didnt dare go inside me then out of nowhere he was fingering me! the rest is a blur beyond this point.....

2 years ago
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Exciting Lesbian Cousin With Friend

This is a sex story which happened a long time back. I had finished my 12th exams and went to my uncle’s place during my vacation. My cousin had finished her 12th exam and she also had a vacation. My uncle and aunty were working. So my cousin Jyoti and I were at home during the day time. Jyoti’s friend and classmate Ramya also used to visit her sometimes. So we all were good friends. Uncle’s house had only two bedrooms. So I used to sleep in Jyoti’s room with her. It was a double bed, more than...

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DistributionChapter 13 Separation sucks

The downpour of winter rain monopolized my mind from the time I hit the city limits. Paige talked me through the unfamiliar streets, saying she would remain inside the building until my truck was sighted. "I'll run out and jump in when I see you coming down the street," she said, cautioning me to drive carefully. "These people are crazy. Is it always like this or is it just the rain?" Paige laughed. "The kids are out of school this week. They're in town to exchange gifts that are...

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Well we had only been married a short time and Lisa was almost two moths pregnant but a wild animal in bed willing to try most anything so we were screwing everyplace and she was curious about my past experiences and was a little pissed that I had been with more girls than she had with boys but she pestered me for details so I began to make up things and one thing I had heard about was exotic massages and that really turned her on so we went on the web and started looking over sites and found...

1 year ago
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TeensDoPorn Riley Mae Starlet Material

Riley is barely legal and got comfortable on our producers bed right away. Her ID got double checked of course, you can never be too sure with these young vixens! Riley was overall excited for her first adult video shoot, and decided to break the ice a little by removing some articles of clothing. Those perky tits popped out and were ready to get oiled up asap! When asked how she would rate how sexually experienced she is, Riley answered like a true slut and said that was our producer‘s job to...

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Introduction: Naturist kid falls in love with cute girl. Hero baseball coach be my dad, he [b]11 LOOSE GOOSE After school the next day Jeff goes to Seans house again. After talking about the game, Jeff announces, Im going swimming, OK? Sure. So Jeff strips down to his undies and dives into the deep end. Soon Sean gets into his favorite old bikini. Jeff is delighted to see Sean join him without his pleading. Sean asks, How do you like your baseball uniform? Great! Real comfortable too. How about...

4 years ago
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A Striking Resemblance

>,>, Inspired once more by the art of DeTomasso … This time, bouncing off from the fact he and others have done some many different versions of the character. 1. It was never established as an official thing, and it hadn’t ended on very good terms, but for a few months Margie Bannon had been a sort of apprentice of Lara Croft, assisting her on a couple of expeditions. And during that period she had got very good at mimicking Lara’s style. At first it was just a silly joke between them. A...

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Harry Potter was pounding into Molly Weasley as she was screaming uncontrollably in pleasure. It was the two of them only in the house as the Weasley family wouldn’t be back for a few hours.Harry’s cock was huge and quite a size, Ginny Weasley was lucky to have him. Luckily, Ginny didn’t know that Harry was a womanizer and a cheater.Molly was trying to hold onto the dining table in front of her but the table would move with each pounding. Her huge breasts wouldn’t sway, but it would move up and...

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Oh Mother Perfect Mother

Oh Mother, Perfect Mother By Samantha White. The time is 1894 The place the cemetery on Word Worth Hill. The occasion, the burying of Mr. David Holmes, due to consumption, father of five children, Christine aged ten years, Agatha seven years, Winnie five years, Gracie four years, and Robert three years, and the faithful husband of Mrs Julie Antwon-Holmes. The family lived in an eight-bedroom country house in Hampshire, with maid and butler, as was her position in life required....

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 26 The New Reverend

“Where are you off to, mom?” asked Jessie Harper as she sat watching TV in their living room. Mrs Glenda Harper paused at the mirror above the sofa to fuss over her hair for a few seconds before looking in her purse to make sure she had her car keys. Next, she pulled at her blouse and skirt to make sure everything was straight then stepped into her shoes at the front door before finally turning to her daughter to answer the girl’s question. “ ... um ... well ... um ... well I’m not sure...

4 years ago
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Lucian Ch 4

Lucian, Chapter Four. What if the people you hate become the only ones to turn to? November turned into December, and the weather refused to really get cold. It was wet and misty, though, but that didn't stop Lucian Gaines from running two times a day, just wearing his long lycra tights and a top. The park had maybe become the only place he felt save anymore, escaping the eyes that were everywhere, the whispers and the giggles. Wherever he saw Barbs, he wondered if they might be...

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Disobedience Disobedience My name is Margaret. I am 24 years old, I live in the south of England and I am married to a wonderful man. I was brought up in a conservative family and I was a virgin when I got married. I did not really think that I was unworldly, but my knowledge of sex in marriage did not prepare me for the reality. I knew that couples enjoyed doing other things than straightforward intercourse. For example I had heard of oral sex. I thought that meant that I might be...

4 years ago
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Discipline on The Croft Part 2

The MacDonald croft was on the edge of the village in a spectacular elevated spot, set back from the road and looking out to sea. I had just started walking up the long track leading up to the croft as a Land Rover appeared from one of the fields and turned towards me. Iain MacDonald leant on the door and smiled a greeting to me. “Young Angus! Fine day it is! You’re up and about early for being on your holidays, are you not? I thought young lads didn’t see much before early afternoon surely?” I...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 115

Here are some wry bits of wisdom for all of you. The biggest lie I tell myself is..."I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it." Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller! Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet! I don't trip over things, I do random gravity checks! I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off! Old age is coming at a...

3 years ago
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The Porn Lover

Jake wasn't exactly a porn addict, but he certainly enjoyed it. He had never told his wife, Maxine, about this for fear of insulting her. It's not that she was not attractive, not at all. Quite the opposite. From Trinidad and Tobago, her smooth dark skin only accentuated her amazing body; she stood 5'10", wore a 34D cup and had a perfect ass. Rather, the problem was her routine in bed; she was somewhat...simple in bed. This was the reason why Jake had taken an interest in porn. On this...

Straight Sex
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First LoveChapter 17

As an early Christmas present, he got a new car from his parents, a blue Ford Bronco. He was completely shocked, and Jen teased him. Her own parents were completely clueless, she thought disgustedly, as Ryan started driving down now to see her late at night, and she sneaked him in through her side door. As soon as he walked into her room that first late night, she pulled him onto her bed. They kissed, and she rubbed him through his clothes. Laying on his back, she climbed onto him, kissing...

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The Lady Next Door

                                           Chapter One:  The Back Story(Chapter one covers the events that led up to the story of young Jack being dominated by his much older neighbor, Diane. )                   I don't really recall when the Marshall's moved in next door, but I was either 13 or 14 years old. The details are foggy in my memory, since I was a kid and   they being were a couple in their forties, they were not really on my radar. However, my parents would talk with them if they...

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Jabardasti ka maza

Hi dosto mera naam ravi hain aur mai jaipur ka rehne wala hoon.pehle meri id and my cont no 09783522734 pls call me any female .Haan to main 23 saal ka hoon aur wheatish complexion or well build body ka hoon.maine recently jaipurme join kiya hain after doing my engg.ok ab mai story par aata hoon.hua yeh ki main kisi kaam se noida gaya hua that aur main waha ek 3 star hotel me stay karne waha tha.tabhi meray friend ka jo ki mere saath hi jane wala tha uska phone aaya ki uska village pass me hi...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 287

Terri and Alice had rushed into their bedroom with the new kitten, both of them deliriously happy. They quickly tore the cat litter bag open and poured some into the litter box. Alice stood looking around. "Where do we put it?" "Not on the carpet. Litter will stick to her feet when she gets out of the box and it will be all over the bedroom. The vanity area will be a lot easier to keep clean, and besides ... cat poop stinks," she finished with a titter. Alice grabbed the litter pan and...

4 years ago
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The Twink Down The Street

I live in a mostly white neighborhood and I'm well liked considering I'm the only black for miles.I do alot of cycling and I'm good at repairing the neighborhood k**s bikes.I had just taken my bike from the garage when this beautiful skinny boy pushed his bike on the driveway and told me his cousin Alex said that I had an air pump. Now get this, I've never been one to think that guys are cute but this one. ...God it was as if he were an angel, nothing manly about him at all. He was...

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TJ MorgChapter 6

"Good morning. Do have a seat and make yourself comfortable. I'm terribly sorry, I've kept you waiting but I've been told to get to the bottom of things and enquiries do take time to do properly, don't they? I'm Austen Neville from the Heralds' Office and you are Gunner Petra Yarrow? Good! How has the course been?" Neville looked expectantly at young Yarrow (she should still be in short dresses) for her reply. "The theory gets a bit complicated but working with the guns is...

1 year ago
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Coming Into His Own Ch 06

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Választott awakened. LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. Permission to distribute this work is granted provided that it is redistributed in its unaltered entirety, no fee is charged, and proper attribution is given as to author and original location of posting. Failure to comply with any or all of the requirements constitutes copyright infringement. NOTE:...

3 years ago
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Woman Type 2 Chapter Four

Woman Type 2.Chapter FourI woke early the next morning, the big day! I was nervous and was dreading the embarassement of turning up to school for the first time dressed as a girl!I put on the new white lace bra and panties, carefully concealing my manhood. I slipped the latex breast forms into the bra and adjusted it as I had now become very used to doing.I tied my hair up in a top knot and tied a purple ribbon in it to match my skirt suit. Me and my Mum had discussed in every detail how I...


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