MaquisChapter 24 free porn video

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Birmingham. August the same year.

The Chief Executive of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, looked up, startled, as two men entered his office unannounced.

“What?” he asked in surprise, before gathering himself. “Who are you and what do you want?” he asked, wondering slightly why his PA had not even tried to inform him.

“Mister Sturgeon? Mister Connor Sturgeon?” the taller, younger, of the two men asked.

“Yes. Who are you? You need to make an appointment. I’m a busy man, now please leave.” Sturgeon still wasn’t nervous or scared, but he was puzzled. He put his hand out to the intercom, but was startled when the other man grabbed his arm firmly, firmly enough that he found his arm completely immobile. Now he did start to get worried, but he wasn’t a chief executive, in this time of political insecurity and instability, for nothing. He just frowned, annoyed, successfully hiding his nervousness but not his annoyance.

“I understand you have said things against the Prime Minister?”

“What?” His heart leapt and his pulse began to race. Now he began to truly fear. Like all senior executives, whether in public service, or in private industry - and Connor Sturgeon had now been both in his time - Connor knew that anything he might say could and often would be taken out of context, blown up out of all proportion, or simply used against him. With a Prime Minister like Graham Thorn though, one tried to make doubly sure that anything one said was at worst completely harmless and innocuous, and at best actually complimentary. Connor Sturgeon despised Graham Thorn, and though he hid it well, his closest friends and associates knew that, at best, he wasn’t a ‘fan’ of Graham Thorn, but he was as sure as he could be that he had never said anything that could gain the attention of Thorn’s bully boys.

To the untutored eye, Connor looked of typical white Anglo-Saxon stock, though perhaps slightly darker of hair and skin then might normally be expected, but his maternal grandmother was a black African from Nigeria. Connor had never actually met his grandmother, she had died young, but he was proud of his African heritage, and now, with the likes of Graham Thorn around, even a little worried because of it. His wife had been brought up Jewish, though she had never been a practicing Jew, just as he had never been a practicing Christian. As a family though they observed some aspects of both their backgrounds, such as Christmas and Passover.

Connor Sturgeon had two reasons therefore to fear Graham Thorn’s Truth and Freedom, and the increasingly aggressive Safety Patrol: his own racial background, and his wife’s religious heritage.

“I don’t know who could have told you that,” Connor answered calmly, “but whoever it is, they’re lying. I have never spoken against Mister Thorn.”

“So you are a supporter of Graham Thorn?”

Sturgeon wasn’t, but he knew where his safety lay. “Of course,” he said simply, not embellishing his answer.

“And you have never spoken out against Graham Thorn? Never? Not even once?”

“No. Now if that’s all, you can leave my office. I have work to do, and a busy hospital to run.”

What Connor Sturgeon didn’t know, couldn’t know, was that the younger of the two men in front of him had developed a remarkable skill in the last few years, that of reading a persons body language and telling, with a better than average degree of accuracy, when an answer was a lie, the truth, or an evasion. It wasn’t perfect, and sometimes a half-lie was missed, but blatant lies and genuine heartfelt truths were usually recognised.

That man, Lieutenant-Colonel Carter, was slightly puzzled. He believed Sturgeon’s assertion that he’d said nothing against Thorn, yet there was a hint of evasion there. The previous answer Carter had been unable to ‘read’. The answer had been too simple and too short for accurate reading.

He interrupted his colleague. “We have never heard or seen you actively promote Graham Thorn. Why not?”

“Then you have simply not been looking or listening at the right place or time. I regularly extol the virtues of our glorious leader. Now please leave.”

Carter nodded. Their suspicions were confirmed. That whole last speech by Sturgeon had been a lie. He nodded to his colleague. “Okay. We’re good.”

For a moment Sturgeon thought his lies and evasions had been believed. His two visitors however quickly disabused him of that notion. Apart from the chair Sturgeon was using, there was only one other chair. Carter perched himself on the edge of a low table against the wall, while his colleague took the chair.

“You used to have a military wing... ?”

Carter made the statement sound like a question, and trailed it off in a way that made Sturgeon even more nervous than he already was.

“Yes. It was closed some two years ago.”


“Er, well, you ordered us to.”

“Us?” enquired the other, older, man gently.

“You. The government. A Patrol officer came in to see us and ordered us to close it.”

Both men nodded slightly. They already knew Sturgeon assumed they were either Patrol officers in mufti, or were Truth And Freedom party officials.

“And you had an issue with that?” he asked, almost off handedly.

Sturgeon shrugged. He had had an issue with it. A big one. The military wing had helped to train all the military’s doctors and nurses, but had also brought a large number of techniques learned in the heat of combat operations back into the general NHS, particularly for use with major trauma patients. It had been an excellent symbiosis as far as Sturgeon had been concerned.

At the time of its closure, the twenty-one bed ward had had twelve military in-patients. Before the Patrol had had the chance to find them, eight had been moved to other wards and one discharged early. But the remaining three had been too ill to easily or quickly move and the Patrol had taken them away before arrangements could be made to ensure their safety. Sturgeon strongly believed those men were now dead and it angered him. His older brother had been in the army in his twenties, and their grandfather, at eighteen, had been called up just before the D-Day Normandy invasion. Fortunately he had made it to the end of the war, though not without serious injury. Connor Sturgeon had always been a supporter of the military, though in the current climate he hid his support.

“Not really I suppose. It meant that the equipment could be used by the whole hospital instead of just a single ward.” In fact this happened anyway, but the anti-military politicians liked to put it about that somehow the army had better equipment that it denied to other parts of the general public. In reality, the army’s own equipment was often at least two, and often more, generations out of date.

“Hmm.” Again both men knew Sturgeon was just parroting the party line, though Carter now believed, with reasonable certainty, that Sturgeon would not be antagonistic to their requests.

“Hmm,” started Carter again. “Now we’ve got that all sorted out. We need you to do something for us.”

“I’m already cut to the bone. There’s no more cutbacks and savings we can make. Please don’t take away any more of our funding,” pleaded Sturgeon.

“That’s not what we’re here for,” the older man told him.

‘Here for anti-government staff?’ wondered Sturgeon. A good quarter of the hospital staff, he knew, were actively anti-Thorn, most of the rest were at least ambivalent about him. Few now truly liked or supported Thorn, though Neil Conway had been popular in the early days of the Earth First government. Sturgeon wasn’t going to mention any of this though, he had seen enough films, and read enough books, where someone had been caught out by confessing to the wrong crime. “What then?”

“I’m Llewelyn Carter,” stated the younger man, “this is my deputy, Simon Pierra. We need you to set something up for us. Something that as a patriot you should be more than happy to do.”

Sturgeon’s heart sank.

“What?” he asked hollowly.

Pierra was about to speak when Carter interrupted.

“What medical training do you have, Mister Sturgeon?”

Sturgeon looked at him. “None. You do not need doctors running hospitals. Quite reasonably, and understandably, they just want to spend money. You need businessmen. And women. But more than that you need good administrators. I am damn good at both.”

“And if you could help the doctors and nurses do their job better? More efficiently?”

Sturgeon shrugged, puzzled. “I would, but a hospital isn’t only about nurses and doctors. On the clinical side alone, there’s sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists, radiologers...”

“Yes yes,” interrupted Pierra impatiently, “and there’s also cooks and cleaners and porters and clerks and accountants and maintenance people and many others all equally necessary. We’re well aware of that. Assume we are talking about the hospital as a whole.”

“Well, yes, of course. Anything I can do to improve the working of the hospital I would do. That goes without saying. The issue is with the slowly reducing budget we have, plus the ever increasing cost of medicines and equipment. The drug companies and the medical equipment companies do not make my life easy. Even the costs of other equipment: cleaning and maintenance equipment, cooking and eating utensils, even basic foodstuffs are all going up as fast as our budget is going down.”

Sturgeon, almost forgetting who he was talking to, believed he was talking to, leaned forwards, urgency in his voice. “I understand that budgets are tight. I really do. But there are some things that we just cannot do without. We had one of your men in here last week, a young Patroller. He’d been injured in that damn rioting and we had already run out of dressings to cover his wounds.” This wasn’t strictly accurate, but Sturgeon believed he could make the two men understand and accept his need for more money. “We had to use old and out of date dressings. They were sterile as far as we can tell, but there is a use-by date on those dressings packs for a reason.”

Pierra nodded. “We are going to bring in six machines. You are going to install them in various parts of the hospital, and you are not going to mention them to anyone.”

Carter stood up and nodded at Pierra. “I’ll leave you to it.” He left the room, Sturgeon looking after him, startled.

“Er, er, yes, sure. What are these machines? How big? Where do they need to go?”

“All in good time. These machines are secret. No one, and I mean no one that we don’t specify, can know about them. Do you understand?”

“Er. No, not really, but that won’t prevent me from doing what has to be done.” Sturgeon still believed he was talking to someone from the government, and was paying lipservice only in his commitment. That would soon change.

“Good. Now listen carefully.”

The hospital receptionist looked up as two men walked up to the desk. The elder, a man in his forties, his hair just starting to go attractively grey, carried a clipboard. “‘ere luv, sign that,” he said in a broad Brummie accent, stuffing a delivery note in front of the receptionist. “We’ve got four big boxes for you. Where do you want them?”

The receptionist had had similar requests for years. She looked at the form in front of her. It looked like a standard delivery note, like many she had signed over the years. Oddly, the note did not say what was in the boxes, just ‘four boxes’, and the weight and dimensions. “What are they?” she asked, the pen in her hand hovering over the signature box.

“Dunno. Electrical I think.”

The receptionist nodded. “Clinical or administrative?”

“Dunno. Sorry luv. Not done a hospital delivery before. I just assumed you would know.”

The receptionist smiled slightly. “If it’s medical stuff, it needs to go to one place, if it’s for the admin block it needs to go elsewhere. Um. How big are they?”

The two delivery men looked at each other. “Large fridge-freezer,” the younger man, who looked to be still in his teens, with a shock of bright un-naturally orange hair and a face full of freckles and acne, suggested. The other nodded. “Yeah. About that. Say a bit bigger than a standard domestic fridge-freezer. Two metres high maybe a bit more, about one wide and one an’ a bit deep.”

She nodded. “Um. Okay.” She looked around. “For now, just bring them in here. Leave them over there.” She pointed to a corner before scribbling her signature on the docket and handing it back.

Twenty minutes later, the four boxes were standing neatly in a line, out of the way of most of the hospital users. The four boxes were identical, and the only markings on them were a strange logo that she’d never seen before, a long identification code, and the words “NOT TO BE OPENED EXCEPT BY QUALIFIED INSTALLERS” emblazoned across the front. The receptionist shrugged, not really interested. Hopefully someone would be along soon to sort them out. She turned and pushed them out of her mind as she got on with other work.

Queen Elizabeth Hospital was a large hospital, over a huge, multi-building site. About two months earlier and almost a mile from where Connor Sturgeon had his office, one of the emergency generators had shown signs of seizing up, and the on-site engineer, unable to even work out what the fault might be, had called in the manufacturers to investigate. The manufacturers’ engineer had taken one look, spent about five minutes poking ineffectually around, and declared it defunct. Just so much scrap metal. The hospital had, reluctantly, ordered a replacement.

Today the maintenance manager watched as a large low loader edged into the bay at the back of the hospital. On its back was the replacement generator, nearly three months earlier than expected. It was almost forty percent bigger, but, he’d been told, it was over five hundred percent more powerful, far more fuel efficient, and needed a lot less maintenance.

“I’ll believe that when I see it,” muttered the maintenance manager under his breath. “I hope you can take the old one with you when you go,” he told the vehicle’s driver.

“Nah mate. Been told to leave it here.”

“Fuck, there’s almost no room here now. When this one’s in...” he tailed off, irritation on his face. He pointed at the corner of the yard. “The new pilings and fixings have gone in over there, just get it in place. I don’t suppose you’re actually connecting it up are you?”

The driver shook his head.

“Nah, didn’t bloody think so,” grumbled the manager. “Life’s never that soddin’ easy.”

An hour later the new generator was in its final position, but it wasn’t fully fixed down, and it wasn’t wired in yet. The manager walked around it, frowning slightly. It looked like no generator he had ever seen. For one thing the built in fuel tank looked far too small, and there didn’t appear to be any way of plumbing in the main tank. He shrugged and stomped off to ring the manufacturer. He wanted to know when the engineer was coming to fit it, and what the hell he was supposed to do with the old generator. It was lucky, the manager reflected, that the builders who had come in and have the pilings done, had themselves turned up two months earlier than expected. At no point did he ever think it was all staged.

Connor Sturgeon’s face looked more alive than it had looked in years, it had a glow of excitement and pleasure about it. He looked happier, he was happier, than he’d been in a long time.

“I can do all that,” he said, nodding, typing furiously onto his old tablet computer. “When do you need it all done by?”

“The four replicators should have already been delivered. They’ll be in boxes in reception probably. The generator should be being delivered as we speak, and the engineers will be coming in to connect it all up this evening.”

“Okay, and the sixth box? The tube thingy?”

“That’s going to be more awkward. We need space, and we need privacy.”

“Well, if it’s big and awkward to move, I guess it’ll have to be in a room off the trunk...”

“No no no,” interrupted Pierra. “We will get it in using other technology. It’s a place to put it we need. In one sense it ought to be near A&E, otherwise in the same general areas as other scanners, CT, MRI, X-RAY, et-cetera, to take advantage of the high turnover of people going through.”

Sturgeon looked thoughtful. “Not sure of the best place, but I seem to remember there’s a room on the third floor of ‘B’ block, that was going to be used as a backup theatre. Then it was pointed out that it’s too far from the nearest recovery room, so now it’s just used as a store room. It’s still got all the ‘plumbing’ and fixings and stuff to be used as a theatre though.”

“Sounds ideal.”

“So who goes through it first?”

“Up to you, but it must be people you absolutely trust. You must be capable of trusting them with your life, because in effect that’s what you will be doing.”

“Can I call in a few people?”


“My assistant, two of the senior consultants, and the senior registrar.”

“Three medical, one not?”

Connor smiled slightly. “Actually my assistant was a senior nurse until she was forced to give it up due to an injury.”

“Okay. No current senior nurses?”

“Unfortunately most of the nursing staff I deal with directly are the union leaders, and I daren’t trust them with this. Not yet anyway. My band nine, whom I would trust, isn’t in today. The rest I don’t know enough about. Not for this anyway. Hopefully these people will though.”

Pierra nodded. “Uh huh, go ahead then. But carefully, mind.”

The argument had been raging for nearly an hour and there was still no sign that it would finish anytime soon. Three days after Sturgeon had accepted the Confederacy technology into his hospital, it had all been connected up. The four replicators had been installed in various parts of the hospital, the generator had been bolted down and wired in to the hospital’s mains, and the medical tube had been placed in the ‘spare’ operating theatre and wired in. Now they were arguing about who should use it first.

Two days earlier, Sturgeon had called a meeting of the few people he knew he could trust. Like him, they had become very excited, but all Sturgeon had really wanted, was more names, names of people who could be trusted.

Now, today, three days after that first contact, the twelve most important, influential and hopefully most trustworthy people in the hospital were sitting down to discuss how to use their new toys. The new people had initially been sceptical, then wondering, then excited, now furious.

One surgeon wanted all the senior staff to go through first, then the more junior staff. A senior registrar thought it should it should be medical staff, then nursing staff, then other clinical staff, and only then other staff. He hadn’t mentioned patients at all.

The senior nurse present, Connor’s band nine, had argued for putting patients through first. After all, she told them, wasn’t this a hospital? This had triggered arguments about priorities. Acute versus chronic. Quick fixes versus complicated fixes. And yes, staff versus patients. After all, the counter-argument went, if the staff were ill then they couldn’t look after patients, so should have at least some priority.

Sturgeon, in despair, slowly laid his forehead on the table in front of him and began banging it gently up and down. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

It took nearly a minute before anyone else noticed, and then the arguments quickly stopped.

When there had been silence for a good twenty seconds, Sturgeon spoke.

“So. What we have decided,” he said, his head still on the table, “is that you all want your people to go through first.” He lifted his head and glared round the table balefully. “We have been given a wonderful gift here. We have protection, in a way, from Thorn. We don’t have to rely on the Department Of Health. We don’t have to worry about the cost of drugs, of dressings, of cleaning materials, of food, of paint, of water or electricity or gas. You don’t ever have to worry about whether or not you are going to lose a patient, because unless your patient is too bad, that box of tricks will fix him.” He paused and glared at them again. “And all you lot can do is say ‘I want to go first’?”

The one nurse who had said patients first started to speak, but Sturgeon turned on her. “I’ll make the decision. I’ve heard everything you’ve said, and since you can’t make a decision, I will.” He picked up a piece of paper and waved it at them. “I have a piece of paper here. You’ve all got copies in front of you. It tells you how long particular conditions should need in that damned box to get fixed. I think it fairly safe to say most of you haven’t read it. No more than a casual glance at best. I have been advised that war is coming, so we need beds. We only have one tube, so we need to use it in the most efficient way possible. To me that means emptying beds.” He turned sharply to one of the other nurses, a band seven, ward sister.

“You work on renal. How long is a typical dialysis session?”

“Typically four hours, three times a week.”

“That’s twelve hours a week per patient. And of course the patient will be with us longer than that, and for weeks and months on end. That box out there can fix a kidney in about twenty two minutes. It can fix a pancreas for a patient with type 1 diabetes in about the same time. Crohn’s disease and similar can take as little as twelve minutes to fix, depending upon the exact variety and severity of the disease. All of them will save us huge amounts money for the cost of drug therapy. Hearts and lungs take slightly longer, cancers take slightly longer again. Depending on the cancer. Think, people, think.”

He glared around the room. “Those replicators won’t be available for forty days. They are, apparently, working together to upgrade themselves to a bigger class. So until that time, we are going to have to watch our costs on drugs and dressings as per usual. I know I’ve just said beds, but for the next six weeks, it’s cost. We can start to alter that priority afterwards. So. Conditions that cost us a lot of money, particularly chronic conditions, or conditions that use expensive and rare drugs or equipment, get first priority. I happen to know we have a staff nurse who has to be dialysed twice a week. She has the first slot. After that it’s patients. No patient should be in for more than half an hour or so, but they’ll need recovery time. I’m told,” he had started to calm down a bit now, “that an extra hour in the tube to help recovery saves a day in a bed. Well they’re not gonna get it. Basic nursing care we can afford, so as far as I’m concerned, if all we are doing is general looking after, general nursing care, no drugs apart from basic pain relief and a few dressings, I can live with that for now. We can do that. We will do that. Pain relief is relatively cheap compared to other meds.

“So. All of you. Read the notes on what this tube thing can do, and work out on cost savings of drugs and dressing and other equipment, versus time in the tube plus time to recover in bed, the best priority. Then go through the patient lists and sort out a sequence. Add in staff medical history as well.”

One of the doctors gingerly raised a hand.


“What happens if we get someone into A&E that...”

Sturgeon cut him off. “Emergency, acute, life threatening is always highest priority. Priorities can, and will, be changed as events change. As new patients come through the door. That’s no different from now. I would imagine that a high proportion of the patients that come here will never see the tube. There will be others with higher priority conditions, and we will treat these ones as we do now. The triage nurse in A&E will still control that. There is no ‘patients have priority over staff’, but nor is there a ‘staff has priority over patients’, except where the condition states that we would be, as a hospital, as an organisation, as a family, be better off. Better off financially. Better off clinically. Better off morally, ethically and morale wise.”

He stared around the room. Many of them were now reading down the list he had pointed out, some jotting notes onto notepads. In a way he had now lost their attention, but he believed they had gained his vision. Only two weren’t looking at the list, but they weren’t clinical or patient facing staff.

“I want to treat patients again,” his assistant said. “I want to go through that contraption as soon as convenient so that I can be a nurse again.”

Sturgeon smiled slightly at her. “Agreed, Jill. But only when your place in the priority comes up. Not before.” He knew she had kept her registration up to date, but they both knew she would have to do a lot of refresher and updates before she could actually work as a nurse again.

It had been pure chance that had brought Jill to work for her uncle, five years earlier. She had been a band six nurse, a deputy ward sister, on a very busy surgical ward, but a motorbike accident a couple of years before that, had caused injuries to her legs that meant she was unable to stand for very long, so was unable to actively nurse. After her recovery, rather than leave the NHS, she became a medical secretary, then personal assistant to one of the senior registrars. She had thought about going into the classroom and becoming a nurse trainer, but the thought of being away from the hospital environment had turned her off that idea. At the time Connor had been a senior executive in a commercial bank, but a year later he was getting bored. During his career he’d worked in banking, software, financial services, retail services and even, earlier in his career, in hotel management. All of them had been interesting at the time, but in every case, after about three years or so, he had decided to move onwards and upwards.

This time, when Connor was casting around and talking to people, a friend of a friend had mentioned in passing that the post of Chief Executive at a major hospital was about to be announced. It had been a chance remark, but Connor, knowing his niece was a nurse, decided to look into it, looking at it as a new and very different challenge.

He had got the role but it wasn’t until he actually started there that he found out that Jill was working in the same hospital. They kept their family relationship quiet in case of complaints of nepotism, but as he knew what she now did, offered her the option to become his PA. She had jumped at the chance.

Running a major hospital, especially one with such close links to the military, had been a very different experience for Connor, one that he came to absolutely love, and soon found he had a particular aptitude for it. This was despite having never worked with either health care or the military before. The loss of income hadn’t bothered him or his family even slightly, though as normal, many of the unions had complained that he, like all the other senior management, were a complete waste of money and massively overpaid. “Sturgeon’s salary will pay for twenty-five new nurses,” they grandly announced. Connor and Jill, between them, contrived to ‘accidentally’ let one of his monthly payslips fall into the hands of the unions. When they saw the hours he actually worked each week, over eighty, and the overtime pay, zero, and the fact that his pay was actually only slightly more than a senior registrar, the complaining quieted a little. But only a little. His salary would actually only pay for about eight staff nurses, and then only newly qualified nurses on the very basic rate of pay: no increments, no nighttime or weekend allowances and most definitely no overtime.

Jill nodded at his words, looking sad and resigned. “In that case it won’t happen. I’m not in real pain. I don’t need medication or dressings. I don’t need time off work. I just can’t use my left leg properly, it’s too weak, so I can’t stand for long so can’t nurse.

“Are we using this thing twenty-four-seven?” asked one of the senior registrars.

“I think so, if we have the patients to put through, and we have people to staff it.”

There was a slow nodding around the table.

The first fifty-eight patients had gone through without a hitch. Four had been staff, four had been severe life-threatening trauma patients brought into Accident and Emergency by ambulance, seven had been acute emergency medical conditions brought in the same way. All the rest had been chronic medical conditions, patients already in hospital with conditions varying from a chronic MRSA infection to lung problems, cancer patients on particularly expensive or harmful chemotherapy, some dialysis patients who needed longer or more frequent treatments, a couple of type 1 diabetes patients with severe complications and some with other heart, lung or cerebral problems, principally COPD, TIA and strokes, and CVA’s. All the patients had been in a serious condition, though some had not looked it.

Every single conscious patient had been told something different, about what the machine they were getting into was, and all had come out healed in body, even though, in most cases, still incredibly weak, in pain, and all still needing nursing care. A few even went in unconscious, never even knowing they had been in the machine.

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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 17 Connecting the Dots

Once Monique had rested and her fever had dropped to a reasonable level, David helped her back inside the house. While David had certain specific plans in mind regarding the Charlottesville group he held responsible for both Monique's current state and the two most recent deaths, there wasn't anything he could do about it at the moment, so they'd have to wait while he took care of other necessary details. One of which was taking care of Monique. "So, here comes the Grande dame," Tom...

3 years ago
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fingers clenched tight at the clear plastic casing of the pen till knuckles were white with effort. the effort not to scream from remembered pleasure. flesh gone soft and sore throbbed with molten lava of heat that swelled soft tissue into one central sensitive button. moisture pooled between shaking thighs clenched together under an old desk, hoping no one noticed the restrained self-control. they rubbed togeter making all areas around her core slick with juices of her want. each movement was...

2 years ago
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Gay Friend is best thing ever

I was having so much gay sex with my friend we pretty much fucked every week. We would always go to his place to fuck but that changed one evening when he decided to show up at my place out of the blue. He had been going on about how he would be able to come over to hang out even with my gf is around, as she had no idea who he was nor did she know that he loved cock. He was fine with acting straight until we were alone and then he'd turn into a hot gay slut. The idea turned me on but i told him...

2 years ago
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Moms Cum Tribute IV

I did not know if I should approach her about this, the uneasy tension between us or just ride it out. And to be honest, I was getting very horny from the lack of fun time with her and her photos. I wondered if maybe that was her game, to make me incredibly insatiable for the next time. At the end of the week, she nervously approached me just to tell me she was going away on a business trip for a few days. Oddly, she added that I should let my friends know as well, ‘in case they need a...

2 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 5

The drive to Coach Jefferson’s house was long but Brock hardly noticed. He was rehearsing his speech in his head and occasionally aloud. The coach answered the door with a smile which quickly became a look of concern when he saw how tired Brock looked. Brock didn’t even wait for the coach’s questions before he took the lid off the box and started in. “My name is not Brock Miller,” he began. “Well, it is. But it hasn’t always been. Until the first of June my name was Jordan DeVoe. I spent...

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I am a 26 year old married woman living in the South. Typical for the Southern U.S. sex was always somewhat of a taboo subject. The small town that I lived in was big on getting married young, going to church, and having babies. I am tall, blonde, and a tan complexion with brown eyes. I had always been in touch with my own sexuality. The subject was one of fascination for me. I spent my free time surfing the internet for all different types of porn to see what was in the world outside of my...

Straight Sex
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Bobbie By Alyssa Davis I wound my way around to the back door and let myself in to Aunt Mary's house, something I have done routinely for years. Usually I just came over to visit, since I was very close to my aunt. She was like a second mother to me, only I was more comfortable talking to confide in her. She never had children of her own and now, she was a widow. So she considered me like her own son. And as such I did many chores for her. Now that school was out for the...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 852 Shobha bhabhi karwa rahi hai tadap bhari intazar

Narrated by Shobha Bhale main mazaak mein taal rahi thi. Par inki baate aur ye cheeze dekh mere andar bhi uttejna ho rahi thi. Ye kapde pehana kar aur meri ankho mein patti bandh ye dono mere sath jo na karne wale the use soch meri choot mein chulbulahat ho rahi thi. Main: To aankho par patti bandh mujhe andhi banakar kya mere ghar ko lootoge, hahaha! Tushaar: Ghar ko nahi, tumhe, tumhe lootenge! Naveen Tushaar se bola: Ab woh akhiri saman dikhana madam ko. Tushaar bag mein haat dala. Fir jo...

1 year ago
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Sharing is Caring

Marie pushed open the front door of her home and headed straight for the bedroom. She had just come back from a night out with her college friends. Normally she would spent Friday evening with her husband Leo but he had to wake up very early the next morning. Marie quickly got out of her clubbing clothes which for this night consisted of a tiny tight t-shirt in dark blue with a deep cut down the front showing a lot of her cleavage, and short black leather skirt that was not too tight to walk in...

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Teenage valentimes

It was the 14 February 2011 st valentines where many couples try to flatter the other partner to end up haveing long and hard sex with them. this was no different for 16 year old carl, Carl was physically fit young guy; who has a shy personality to go along with his short brown curls. Carl was walking along the warm avenue where his sexy high school girlfriend lived. He had flowers, cards and a lucky durex in his back pocket just In case things went well. HE knocked oh the large red door to...

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How I Became Immortal Redux VersionChapter 3

When I came to again, I was back in the same room above the inn that I woke up in that morning, and my clothes were not just gone, they were nowhere in sight. I wasn’t alone, either, as I discovered Rosita and Penelope on each side of me, kissing my shoulders ... and yes, my neck, too. They both looked at me with a lot of love and I wondered if the bar scene was a dream, but they quickly disabused me of that idea. “No, sweetie, that wasn’t a dream. I hope that it wasn’t a nightmare. That was...

1 year ago
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My Second Assignment To Swetha Mam Satisfied The Lust Of 14 Years Of Sex

Hi guys, this is Vikram back again with my new experience and thank you some much guys specially for your compliment and responses and any girls ladies widows and divorcee who r hunger of sex in and around Delhi can feel free to contact me 100% satisfaction and privacy is guaranteed and contact me at and will always be there for u at any time…….. I will be always available to u at your door steps at any time but please boys stay from asking number because its waste of time. Will not waste...

1 year ago
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Wife asks me to give her mom oral Part 4

Read other 3 parts first. I sat in my driveway at home for a few minutes before going inside. Guilt had began to overcome me, even though I had stuck to the deal and not actually had sex with her mom. But I knew that was going to happen eventually the way things were progressing. And hell, if she knew any of what we had done to this point, I thought for sure she would be done with me. But then I thought more about it, and decided that this was in fact all my wife's idea in the first place. And...

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I know its wrong

Hi, my name is Mark. I'm forty seven years old and I have a beautiful daughter named Megan who's seventeen with my gorgeous wife Sharon. When my daughter Megan became fully developed, I found myself becoming sexually attracted to her the more she grew. I kept telling myself that I had to control myself and never submit to my urges as I was her father.She has beautiful long brown hair, brown eyes, a nice tan, a thick round ass, and huge perky breasts. She is the perfect daughter. She is even...

2 years ago
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Two women straight and lesbian come together part 1

I was sitting on the couch waiting for my daughter, Rachel, to finish getting ready. We were going to a gay and lesbian festival in the park � a fundraiser and luncheon – at the request of Rachel’s new girlfriend Kate. So, as a show of support for my daughter, I said I’d come along. Almost two years prior to this, when Rachel was a freshman in college, she came home one day from school and, over dinner, broke the news that she was a lesbian. Or so she said. The only reason I...

1 year ago
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asking my wife to have sex with another man

a couple of years ago now, i started asking my wife to have sex with a another man, at first she would just say no,but after weeks and weeks of asking, and every time we had sex, i would tell my wife how i wanted this and how i was turned on by thinking of having sex with a man as i watched my wife said yes, but only with a guy who she liked and also that she got to know before they had sex,for weeks i look at swingers web sites, and one day i came across a guy who was in his 30's good looking...

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First time with father Fiction

This story is fiction and wasn't written by me.Melody pulled on her bikini, even tho her pussy was still dripping with her brothers cum she was extremely horny. She left the room and returned outside to the pool, enjoying her brothers stickiness between her legs. Even though she had just had some of the best sex of her life she wanted more. But her brother had passed out from enjoyment, and her mom was gone. So she sat by the poolside horny with no one to fuck. She looked around and seeing...

2 years ago
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My First Cuckold Experience

Part 1 – A true story I used to drive my fiancé Elizabeth (Beth), crazy with talk about my fantasies of seeing her engage in a sexual escapade with a black man. She would always laugh and pass it off, not really paying me any mind. It's just one of those fantasies I've always had. I kept on and on until she told me – mainly because she was getting annoyed and wanted to shut me up – that she in fact DID have a fling with a black guy once. Of course, that had the opposite effect of shutting me...

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The Slave and the Sissy

She had always been very rough with him, the big woman, but this morning was exceptional, and different.  She had come home late from her usual soiree with other local mistresses and had whipped him mercilessly for no apparent reason; she had woken him during the early hours several times, tormented him and had her arse licked while she applied her dildo or had him lick her till she grunted out yet another orgasm, before serving him with cane or whip.  Now morning was here she face sat him; her...

3 years ago
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Oh God Please DontChapter 6 Back to School

Going back to school was one of the strangest experiences of my life. Because some of the students had helped search for me and others had read about it in the newspapers, there was almost no one in the whole school who didn't at least have some idea about what had happened to me. Of course, among the girls, everyone tried to be friendly but there was an undercurrent that told me that the crowd I had originally been a part of now considered me to be little better than a slut. Strangely, the...

4 years ago
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A SHIELD Agents Evaluation

Hearing a knock at the door, Dr. Jemma Simmons jumped in shock, her determined attention pulled away from the device she had spent hours constructing. Straightening up on her stool, the flustered biochemist eyed the metal entranceway suspiciously. Jemma was used to uninvited visitors in her lab, the bus was a hectic place, people, aliens, artifacts, everything came through that door. But to hear a knock? Well that was a first. Leaning through the doorway Skye smiled brightly down at the...

3 years ago
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That one night

My wife and I have been married for ten years. We got married right out of high school at the age of nineteen. Our marriage is a happy one, almost flawless, except that she is not very experimental. She hates giving me blow jobs, and usually only wants to do it missionary. I have tried everything to get her to try new stuff, like watching porno's, looking at magazines, and the works. But she says she doesn't get the point of it. One day a friend of hers from high school called up and said she...

4 years ago
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An Unforgettable Journey

Hi fellas, It’s ronn again with another exciting sex story featuring me and a unknown stranger girl with whom I got a chance to get lucky while going all the way from Delhi to Ahmadabad. Let me describe my self, I’m Ronn from Delhi with a 5″ dick and I love to travel and crazy for sex. The girl in the sex story is Amrita (name changed) who is a gujju girl staying in Ahmadabad with a vital stats of 34-30-36 and the best part in her body is her round long nipple boobs and that swaying ass....

3 years ago
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Fatherly GuidanceChapter 7

Ronnie dropped me off after his morning fuck and pulled away. I was wearing a pair of Daisy Duke shorts and the bottom of my ass showed. Guys were all over me again and I had to fight them off just to get to my locker. Ronnie reminded me about the no free pussy rule and said he had "spies" in school that would watch me and report back to him. He left an open ended statement about what would happen if I went against his wishes. On the way to school he explained about the "student...

2 years ago
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A Ride With A Stranger

Fiona walks through the hotel lobby toward the elevator. She’s had a long day and wants to get some rest before the conference the next day. She especially wants to get out of her heels and take a long bath. “Being a businesswoman can really sucks sometimes,” she thinks to herself. “These heels are killing me!” Her four inch Christian Louboutin heels are stunning with a sharp point, but not great for the back or feet. She smooths down the jacket of her suit over her pencil skirt as she waits...

1 year ago
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A whodunthem story

Max POV.... I leaned back on the bed and groaned, I was sore after our trip to the gym. Alexa just laughed and stretched, watching me die from exhaustion. "I told you that last set would destroy me," I complained and felt the smooth and wonderful sensation of relaxing my muscles. Alexa looked at herself in the mirror, still in her small blue crop top and tight black shorts. She was flat and athletic but my best friend had a really cute face. "At least that's the worst thing you have to complain...

Mind Control
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Accidental Daddy the NeighborsChapter 4

Okay that I was not expecting. Here I was, sitting on the couch with a young woman who might be the accidental mother of my child and she just kissed me out of nowhere. She had her hand on the back of my head keeping me from breaking the kiss as her tongue forced its way into my mouth and played with my tongue. Her hand moved to my thigh. After a couple minutes she broke the kiss. "There." She said triumphantly. "Now I can't say that I haven't kissed a guy that's seen me naked." She...

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Bhai Behen Ka Group Sex

Hello dosto mera nam sameer hai or jo me aap logo ko btane jaa rha hu wo meri life ki sachi ghatna hai. Me iss ka regular reader hu or mujhe bhai bahen ki sex stories bahot pasand hai usme bhi bhai bahen ki group stories mujhe bahot achhi lgti hai or me story read krte huye muth bhi marta hu. Abhi me apni story pr aata hu. Yeh story bhai bahen ke group sex ki hai or isme bahot sare log shamil hai jinka introduction me story ke sath hi karata rhunga. Pehle me apni badi bahen ka intro de du meri...

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Priapus BrideChapter 3

After he is clean, she replaces his cock into the loincloth and stands up. She now, removes her garter belt and sandals, and rolls two elastic garters to hold up her stockings. She then picks up the whip, kisses it and hands it to Sampson. She walks towards the statue. She faces the Roman God of Lust, and raises her hands to him. She cannot reach his hands, but her wrists do reach the cuffs. Her perfect back is towards the audience. The brunette girl approaches her and fastens her wrists...

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A Late Night

Marissa wasn't sure what had awoken her. She'd been having the best dream. * She was at swim practice but instead of the usual crowd she'd had the pool all to herself. She was doing laps, enjoying the solitude and marveling at the ease with which she slipped through the water when she paused for breath. Looking up she noticed someone in the bleachers. She couldn't see much, just an impression of dark hair and a leather coat. She stared for a moment longer, trying to see more, but then ducked...

Quickie Sex
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Fucked My Horny Sister

Fucked My Horny SisterBy: Londebaaz Chohan Julie was still sluggish and continuing to slur as I did very hard and deep thrusting in her cum filled pussy with my vein ridden drill. She was whispering her boyfriend Mike’s name again and again, instead of mine; and demanding to fuck her better and also telling how she loved him so much. I did not give a shit or care less; what she called me at that stage because I was enjoying the utmost pleasure of being in heaven as I continued to dig deeper in...

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Happy Hour

‘Are you almost ready?’ Chris called from the living room. ‘I’ll be done in five minutes!’ I yelled back. ‘You need to hurry up Natalie, the bar isn’t open forever!’ He called back, but I could hear the joking tone in his voice. Chris and I have been together for four years, since we graduated college. Most people say you cannot make a relationship from a one-night stand, but our relationship has been nothing but fantastic. I applied a rich, chocolate eye-shadow to my deep blue eyes, and made...

1 year ago
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Same sex sex slave part two

Following on from the first part of the story, we both stayed naked while we drank our coffee's chatting about almost anything - we both felt that the " chemistry " between us was strong and that we were a good match, we went on the discuss kink in all its forms , what really appealed and what did not, he went on to explaint that he had always felt submissive from an early age, but for him he said he only got ultimate pleasure from being used and abused, on hearing him say that was music to my...

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On My Seventeenth Wedding AnniversaryChapter 6

SATURDAY I awakened with the sun the next day. Blue skies, sunshine, temperatures in the seventies, a lovely breeze wafting through the open windows, my lovely girlfriend in bed with me, my ex bound to the bed in the next room: what was there not to like? I wandered into the kitchen, started some coffee, and visited my guest in the second bedroom. She was awake, and had her own itinerary. "You took your sweet time getting in here! Hurry up and let me loose, so I can pee!" Once again, the...

1 year ago
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The wrestling match

It was the Sunday of WWE Royal Rumble. My girl and I was having a royal rumble party. We had a few friends over to watch it. She had 5 of her friends and I have 3 of my friends over.… It was the Sunday of WWE Royal Rumble. My girl and I was having a royal rumble party. We had a few friends over to watch it. She had 5 of her friends and I have 3 of my friends over. We were all chilling in the living room, eating, talking loudly, and laughing. It was a good old time. My girl call me in the...

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Make It RealA Fantasy Pt 3 Angels First Li

Positioned between her trembling thighs on the bed, he repeated his threatening promise, "You want to waste my precious time, bitch?" he whispered hoarsely while he grabbed her throat with his left hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "now you're gonna pay way or the other!" Guiding his cock with his right hand, he rubbed the swollen head up and down her glistening slit, slowly forcing her labia open. By now her clitoris was nice and puffy, and it felt good against the fat mushroom head...

4 years ago
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House of Dark PleasureChapter 5

The white, fleshy half moons of Mabel's buttocks stared into Mildred's face as the cook positioned herself over the back of the low chair. Mildred's eyes glittered and her tongue snaked out to moisten her dry lips. She was wearing a leather skirt which was so brief that Mabel had caught a glimpse of dark pubic hair at Mildred's crotch each time the mistress of Romily Manor moved. The halter was leather, too: a thin strip that barely concealed the firm, well-shaped but not overlarge...

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Beth 5Chapter 1

"TOMMY! BETH!" I looked up and saw Sue Webber waving her hand over her head. I wasn't surprised to see her, even though we hadn't made any arrangement for them to pick us up. I looked at Beth and got a blank shrug. "I don't know, Tommy." We had just cleared Customs at Nassau International and were waiting for our luggage when our Caribbean friend hailed us. "Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked Sue after the mandatory—and quite enjoyable—hugs. "Waiting for you two, of...

3 years ago
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Two Girls Meet Part 2

I was so happy I was staying at Emma’s place for a whole week. I just wish it could have been more than that. We woke up at about 10:00AM, still cuddled together. I woke up, and gently kissed Emma on the lips. She started to stir, and her hand that was resting behind my head, pulled me closer, and we started kissing for a few minutes. ‘Good morning gorgeous,’ I said gazing into Emma’s captivating eyes. Emma kissed me again, and then said smiling, ‘Good morning to you too beautiful.’ We decided...

1 year ago
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Ah, vintage porn at Erotic Age! This term adopts a different meaning depending on who is reading it. See, porn or rather depictions of sexual acts has been around since the civilization of mankind. You’ve certainly seen them in sculptures, erotic artwork, and paintings going back hundreds of years. The human race has been perverted since the beginning of time. However, if I may give y’all fucks a bit of history, the first porn novel was published in 1748 and things pretty much went downhill...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Truck Driver Ko Diya Blow Job

Hi readers, welcome to the gay world. Sab mere dosto ap apne lund ko bhar nikal kar sahlana chalu kardo kyu ki thodi der main tumha ra lund khada hoke zatke marna chalu ho jaye ga or pani ke favare chodna chalu kar dega. Ye story he mere dost ke bike ride ki. Bo gandu he or use lund chusna bhot pasand he. Ab suno uski jubani. Hi dosto me ek gandu hu or mujhe lund chusna bhot pasand he. Main jabhi bhi bore hota hu to bike ride pe nikal jata hu. Ek din mujhe lund chusne ki chahat hogai thi. Our...

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Everybodys Wish For Wishful Things Chapter XVI

As Jamie and Tyler followed their naked moms into the house, they took another opportunity to ogle their distinctly different but equally perfect derrieres as they swayed in front of them. They both did their own comparing and contrasting, noticing how Charlotte’s ass was full and succulent, with cheeks that bounced as her rounded hips moved to and fro, while Julie’s behind was tighter and firmer, looking like, as Charlotte had said, ‘A Beach Volleyball Player’s ass,’ as the high rounded cheeks...

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Everyday I get up in the morning and put on my crap for work and head to the bus stop right on Hennepin and 3rd and get ready for another shitty day of work but today was different. It was one of those days where everything just seems so surreal and soso. Me a really fresh looking 21 year old and I have a really slim, smooth, muscular build and my face looks 17 and its really a kick in the ass when the cops try busting me for curfew, well anyway I was headed to work and half way there my boss...

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Terry and I were great friends and had grown up together. When puberty struck, we both realized that we were attracted to other guys and were able to rely on each other’s support as our sexual orientation began to develop and flourish. Although we did fool around, we soon recognized that we were not really into one another and were attracted to the same kind of butch guys. As time passed, we both got lucky from time to time and delighted in sharing our adventures about the horny studs that we...

Gay Male
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As usual Ted rang her on Wednesday, by which time she was feeling more positive, consoled by Mike's words and subsequent passionate love making. Ted sounded hesitant and apologetic, and she smiled as the image of him tied naked to the bed with her panties over his face popped into her head. Eventually he apologetically told her that a friend had invited him to the races on this coming Saturday, so if she could make it any other day to come, that would suit him better. Feeling slightly put out,...

3 years ago
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Sexy Anjali

Unka chehara bilkul mere lund ke samne tha, aur unhone meri nikkar niche khich di, jaise hi unhone meri nikkar niche ki mera tight lund tannnnnnn kar ke bahar aa gaya aur unke nose se takara gaya, aur upper niche zhulane laga, mera lund Shobha bhabhi ke mu ke pass tha, aur unke nose ke bilkul niche tha, unhone ek gaheri sansh li, mai samaj gaya ki Shobha bhabhi mere lund ki khusbhoo sungana chah rahi hai, unka chehara mere lund ki khusboo sung kar pura lal ho gaya, ankho me ek alag si chamak aa...

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He swung the car around violently on the deserted road and drove back to check what his headlights had lit up. It was late, very late, and he’d been drinking – but nevertheless he was certain his eyes had not deceived him.He pulled up by the kerb where the bundle of rags had suddenly moved as he drove past. It was raining heavily now and as he searched for some sign, he was getting thoroughly drenched.A slight movement made him turn quickly. And then he saw the eyes. Two large bright eyes...

2 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 6 Bonnie Chancelor Friday Evening

Like I said last time this is all my own writing. I’m typing it into the computer and I’m going to get Jen to read it and tell me if there’s anything stupid but mostly it’s my own writing. I know how to use the spelling checker so hopefully I won’t get any words wrong but if I get some wrong then I’m sorry but I’m trying my best. And Jen says I still have to learn more about grammar so if you don’t like reading what I write ‘cause I don’t know enough grammar then I’m sorry about that too. Jen...

3 years ago
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made my wife a high class prostitute

This story is about my wife rittu with whom I got married in 2004 and before my marriage my marriage I used to fuck prostitutes.I used to spend lots of money fucking whores of different age caste colour and creed..I had a real liking for prostitutes and often used to bring them to my flatAfter my marriage I used to fuck rittu like a whore making her do all the things which I used to get done from a whore.I used to make her wear tight jeans and skimpy top with sexy netted bra and panty inside...

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