MaquisChapter 28 free porn video

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Reading, Berkshire. May.

There was a thumping on the front door, followed by an angry shout. “Open up in there.”

Sue opened the door of the refuge. It was on a bolt and chain, so only opened a few inches. “This is a place of sanctuary for abused and battered women,” she told the person on the other side coldly. “If you need to talk to us, please arrange an appointment.” She made to close the door, but a foot was shoved into the door to stop it closing. To Sue and the other refuge helpers, this was nothing new. Nor was their standard way of dealing with it. She picked up a heavy lump-hammer from off the table and dropped it from a height of about five feet onto the toe of the shoe. It bounced off.

“Steel toes caps, bitch,” came the snarled reply. “Now fuckin’ open up before we smash our way in.”

Sue looked properly at the people the other side, and realised it was a Security Patrol. She managed not to show her extreme distaste, but after a moment nodded. “You’ll have to remove your foot so that I can take the chain off.”

“No need. We’ll remove it for you.” Bolt croppers were pushed through the gap and gripped the chain. Nothing happened. Sue just watched, a sardonic smile on her face. Whoever was manipulating the bolt croppers took three more attempts before withdrawing them. “What the fuck?” came the muffled exclamation. “The croppers are damaged. ‘Ere, look.”

“It’s high tensile tungsten steel,” Sue told them calmly, managing to hide her amusement. “Let me close the door and I’ll take the chain off. And by the way, this door and the frame around it are all designed to stop angry husbands and boyfriends from just bursting their way in. You can’t just batter it down.”

“You’ve got ten seconds then,” came the furious reply. The foot removed itself, and Sue quickly unlatched the door, standing well clear as she opened it. As she expected, the door was slammed open, the intent obviously to try and catch her. However solid doorstops inside meant the door only opened to a fraction over 90 degrees. This was a deliberate design decision: a safety feature to prevent injury to the staff and volunteers from irate boyfriends, partners and even on occasions parents. Because of the force of opening, the door bounced back again into the face of the first two people through it.

Sue stood back and managed to look sufficiently contrite that the senior officer, who had not been at the front, didn’t just beat her. It was obvious to her that he had in fact been mildly amused at what had happened to his men, yet was publicly annoyed at her.

“How can we help?” She managed to ask politely.

“You have someone in here called Meg Simpson?” the officer demanded.

“Er, I don’t believe so, it’s not a name I recognise and I know most of the names. Let me have a quick look in the register. Sue went behind a reception desk and removed a large A4 sized book. Quickly flipping through it, she reached the page she needed and began to run her fingers down the page.

It was snatched out of her grasp by the officer, who quickly looked down the list of names himself.

“Here, you can’t do that,” Sue cried, reaching to take back the book. Her hand was slapped down, and then again a second time when she again tried to take the book from the Patrol officer’s grasp.

“Fuck off,” he growled.

“Don’t swear in here. This is a no swearing house.”

He just ignored her. “Not here.” He threw the book back at her and stormed out. It was just as well that the patrol officer didn’t know that this particular book was a con. It was maintained daily as if it was real, but every name in it was fake. It was there for this very purpose, of putting off partners of domestic abuse victims. The fact that it also put off the Patrol was a very useful bonus. In reality they didn’t have a register, that was far too dangerous. Despite the existence of the fake register, it was still possible someone could get hold of any real register, so one was not kept. But no-one would ever believe that, so the mock one had a dual purpose. All the information was in the heads of the people who helped to run the place. Meg Simpson was in the refuge, in hiding from her husband, an Assault Unit Leader in the Security Patrol. And a thug, bully and wife beater.

As the five men with him followed him out, completely by chance Sue looked into the eyes of one of the men. Her jaw dropped and her own fear hit a new high. To her intense relief the man, who had obviously recognised her, just shook his head minutely and left.

“Oh hell,” she whispered.

For the rest of the day she was as skittish as a cat on a hot tin roof.

“I was seen by someone who knows I used to be a copper, and knows where I worked,” she told Garth, her partner, that evening.

He looked at her, concerned for her safety. “What did she do?”

“He. Nothing. He sort of shook his head at me. Just a tiny shake. Sort of hiding it from the others. You know?”

“Almost as if he didn’t want you to tell on him?”

Sue paused and thought back.

Since her escape, thirteen months earlier, from High Wycombe Police station, she had not gone back to the town. She had only ever gone to Wycombe to work, but now she and her partner remained close to home on the outskirts of Reading. He had been a soldier for twelve years, retiring some ten years earlier, and had then joined the ambulance service as an ambulance technician. What some called an emergency medical technician. He’d never wanted to take the extra step up to paramedic: the tiny salary increase wasn’t worth all the extra responsibilities, or the extra year of training. The two coped. Just. Sue now helped out at a local women’s refuge, but all it really did was to get her out of the house and stop her going stir-crazy.

“Yeah,” she said. She wondered, but still worried.

Bob Garrick was scared. He didn’t show it, indeed he hid it well, but he was scared. Scared for his life. It was over a year since he had told his then boss, Matt Jacobs, that he was resigning from the Truth And Freedom party. The next few hours and days had gone very badly indeed, far worse than any of the men and women he had worked with could possibly have imagined.

The anti-TaF, anti-Thorn riots that the police had been expecting after the ‘postponement’ of the national elections hadn’t materialised in anywhere near the strength that they had been expecting, but those few riots that did occur were loud and angry in their opposition to Thorn. TaF, and the patrol, had responded brutally and murderously. The police had struggled to keep the two sides apart. Indeed they often ended up being targetted by both sides, but as soon as a couple of TaF political officers had been arrested, the patrol’s real brutality was turned on the police specifically.

The fights had turned into a Police versus the TaF, with the anti-TaF protesters standing on the sidelines and mocking both sides. Within a few hours though, the TaF had beefed up its presence in the town, and the police had beaten a retreat back to the police station, where they had been surrounded and barricaded in for nearly thirty hours. When the TaF had brought up shotguns and handguns and started shooting at the police station, the police had responded by using their Authorised Firearms Officers to try and incapacitate anyone holding a firearm.

It hadn’t worked for long, the TaF had simply brought in more and more people with heavier and heavier firearms, and eventually just overwhelmed the police. Jacobs had called for reinforcements from Thames Valley Police HQ, and from other local stations, but none had ever arrived.

Towards the end, an injured Jacobs had sought out Garrick, returned his TaF membership card and pin, and given him a task. Re-join the TaF and go in under cover. At that time Garrick was officially manning the custody suite with Sergeant Sue Stears, and between the three of them they had devised a hasty plan. It had sort of worked. After a fashion, but not in a truly successful way.

When the TaF had finally entered the station, they had found a battered and injured Garrick, arms raised and holding his TaF membership card high. Jacobs and a number of the other senior officers had been handcuffed to various metal stanchions and pipes, as well as to each other. In the mean time Stears and a few other younger constables, three women and two men, had quickly changed out of their uniforms into civilian clothes and had been locked into the cells, with D&D chalked on the boards. They were going to pretend to have been arrested as drunk and disorderly, and thrown in the cells to recover, and then been trapped. The TaF men that had already been arrested were then released by Garrick in his TaF guise. The only person he didn’t release was PC Taylor who knew the truth, had seen Garrick restate his police oath, his attestation, and knew Garrick was betraying them. Instead they had slipped him a bottle of vodka, knowing Taylor, as a bit of a lush, would drink it. What no one else knew, was that Garrick had spiked the vodka with bleach. It was a desperate ploy, and one that Jacobs and Stears would not have approved of, but it was the only way he could think of to stay alive, and to keep at least some of the others alive.

There were also eight seriously injured or dead police officers, and though only Stears and Jacobs knew it, another twenty-one men and women were hiding in outlier rooms and buildings, hoping to escape once the fighting had stopped.

Sadly fourteen of these people were found. Garrick would have nightmares to the end of his days over what the TaF had done to the men and women in the station. Luckily Stears and the few others in the cells, plus seven others hidden outside, plus the off duty men and women all escaped.

To Garrick’s relief, the highly intoxicated Taylor died before he could be interrogated. His internal organs were badly corroded by the bleach, but there had not been quite enough to kill him quickly. Unfortunately the alcohol in the vodka hadn’t quite been enough to dull Taylor’s pain and he died in screaming agony, something else Garrick would remember to his dying day. Unfortunately Garrick himself wasn’t totally trusted either, and had been interrogated a number of times over the following days and weeks by various TaF interrogators.

Eventually, grudgingly, as he seemed to have done everything right, and had released all their captured men, they let him stay. In fact they had conscripted him into the Safety Patrol, but had stamped his file to say that he was not to be promoted beyond Trooper.

Unfortunately for Hugh Rowland, the only person who knew he was locked in the back of a prison van was Detective Superintendent Ian Bound. Bound had been knocked unconscious early in the fighting and then executed by the TaF before he could regain consciousness in hospital. No one even approached the vans for nearly four days, by which time Rowland was himself unconscious and very ill. Those four days had been very warm for the time of the year and he had all but cooked in the dark blue van, which had been parked in the open, soaking up the heat of the sun. He had been taken to the local hospital suffering from severe and acute dehydration, renal failure, heart problems and severe clinical shock. There wasn’t an A&E locally and the junior doctor on duty in the minor injuries unit had taken one look at him and decided that it was just a matter of time, that there was nothing that could now be done other than make him comfortable. Although Rowland had had nearly four litres of saline infused, and two units of whole blood, he died five hours later of general systemic failure.

No one missed him, not even his own colleagues, but the TaF executed the few remaining police officers still in their custody in revenge for what had happened.

In the aftermath, Graham Thorn had formally sacked every single police man and woman in the country. Their refusal, months earlier, to arrest certain high court judges had made him angry. What had happened here had made him both furious and fearful. He sacked them outright, and ordered other employers to think twice about employing any of them.

Garrick had remained under cover ever since, gathering what intelligence he could, but he had no one to pass it on to, and no way of contacting any of the few former colleagues still out and about. Most of them in fact believed him to be a traitor and avoided him. The small number who knew he wasn’t, never came near him, and he didn’t know how to contact them. It worried and scared him. How many other people, in other patrol stations, were in the same boat, he often wondered.

He had been transferred away from High Wycombe very quickly, first to Oxford, then Swindon, and just that morning to Reading. On his first job he had seen someone he recognised. He prayed she hadn’t recognised him, and it was only when the Patrol he was part of were all leaving that she had looked at him. It was obvious that she had recognised him, the fear in her face had mirrored what he was feeling.

Now he was scared. What would she do? Would she do anything?

He thought back to the last few hours before the station had finally fallen to the Patrol, and what he was supposed to do, what he’d been asked to do. Never mind that a couple of days earlier he had volunteered to do it, when it came down to it he had almost balked at the idea. He was glad Sue and a few others had managed to escape, even if some of them did still blame him. He hoped Sue herself didn’t blame him for what had happened.

“I need to talk to her,” he muttered to himself. He was sitting on the toilet, not because he needed it, but just to get a few minutes alone. He now knew where she worked, but he wasn’t sure whether he could get to see her alone. He was rarely without a minder of some sort; he assumed the squad-leaders had been told not to fully trust him, though they probably hadn’t been told why.

It was three days before he found himself without a minder for any length of time. He wasted no time and set off at once to see his ex-sergeant. He wasn’t stupid however, and took a slow meandering route through Reading, stopping at a number of places to do a bit of personal shopping, hooked up with a couple of known touts and informers, and all the while kept a sharp lookout to see if he was being followed. Twice he thought he spotted someone following him. The first time he watched for a few minutes, but the person hopped on one of the few buses still running, and left Bob on his own. Nearly twenty minutes later, he thought he was clear, but then spotted someone who seemed to be taking a close look at him. He crossed the road and headed back in the direction he had been coming from. He lost sight of his possible pursuer and decided to go into a small coffee shop.

There were not that many coffee shops around any more. Just twelve months earlier there had been lots, but many of them had closed now: lack of customers mostly, but many junior Patrol members weren’t above doing a bit of ‘fund-raising’ for themselves and forcing shop keepers to pay protection money. Those that had managed to survive, despite the cost of ‘protection’, did so because the few customers remaining had little choice about where they shopped.

Bob ordered a coffee and a toasted tea-cake and sat by the window. He’d picked up a copy of The Sun. It was a horrible paper, but it was almost the only one still publishing that didn’t blatantly kowtow to the government. The majority of the paper was sport, and most of that was premier league football: Manchester United had avoided relegation by the skin of its teeth, and Sheffield Wednesday had just been promoted to the Premier league for the first time in a lot of years.

He ordered a second coffee about half an hour later, and sat and read, and occasionally looked out of the window. At no time did he spot anyone that aroused his suspicion. Eventually, after nearly two hours of this, he decided he really was alone and carefully made his way to the refuge.

“Hi,” Bob said when Sue opened the door of the refuge. “Can I talk? It’ll be quick, I need to get back before anyone realises I’m gone.”

Sue looked around, then nodded and opened the door wider to let him in.

“What do you want?” she asked brusquely. Sue looked haggard and gaunt. But Bob was no better: to Sue, Bob looked like he had aged at least ten years.

Bob understood her almost harsh manner. Matt Jacobs and she had been good friends, his murder had upset her badly. She hadn’t seen his death, but from what she had heard reported afterwards, it hadn’t been very nice. Bob had seen it in awful detail and wanted to forget everything he had seen, but knew he never could.

“I’ve got loads of stuff, but I’ve no one to pass it on to. I don’t know who or how or where.”

Sue stared at him. “What sort of stuff?”

“Mostly out of date stuff now. Who’s going where. When government ministers are going to be in the area. And which ones. I’ve got lots of names, and I’ve tried as far as possible to note down everyone who has committed a serious offence.”

Sue gave a bitter laugh. “That’s a good one,” she said, “what am I supposed to do with that?”

“Nothing. Not really. I’ve been in Reading for less than a week, so most of it is for Oxford and Swindon. I do know that Boase and his sidekick Harewood are supposed to be in Reading next week. That’s valuable info.”

“When and where?”

Next Thursday. As I understand it they’ll be in The Oracle shopping centre, though I’ve no idea why, so I can’t tell you exactly where.”

“Anything else?”

Bob pulled out his note book and handed it over. “Everything I do know is in there.”

Sue looked at it in surprise. It was a standard issue police notebook. She opened her mouth to speak, but Bob interrupted her.

“I’ve got a couple more, filled, but not with me, and a few more empty ones at home. Can you use them, or get them to someone who can?”

Sue shrugged. She had absolutely no idea what to do with them, but it seemed a waste to just leave Bob dangling like this. “I almost don’t care what you get, just keep getting me stuff. Absolutely anything and everything.”

“Bring it here?”

“Noo,” Sue said slowly. “Go to, er, there’s a coffee shop on, er, no, do you know the Wynford Arms on Kings Road?”

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Group Sex

Hi all, I am Samit and I am doing my college. I am basically from Karnataka and I live with my aunty. My uncle is working as a software engg in London. He comes home in 5 yrs or so. My mom is working in a company. She is all the time busy with her company tours and programmes. To be frank she was a very horny woman and was like a sex goddess. My aunty is just 42. I was very much interested in my aunty but she never paid me any attention. I never knew the reason. I tried to seduce her in all the...

2 years ago
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My first time witha a shemale

I was holiday in Spain with my friend and his Mum when i was 17, we didnt have any problems getting served in the bars so went out every night drinking. Half way through the holiday we all went out and me and my friend ending up in a club quite the worse for wear, a girl was dancing against a pole and keeped looking at me so i look backand maintain eye contact, she danced in my direction so i danced up to her and as she started to grind against me i started feeling her tits, she turned round...

3 years ago
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The blue-breasted mother stood over her warm fledglings with contentedness, and perhaps even pride. Her babies yipped, and the sun shone. The forecast called for a cloudless, eighty-seven degree atmosphere throughout the day. Inside, bathing, Denise watched through the bathroom window, the version of reality she witnessed, a polar opposite. The robin family huddled to preserve their warmth. The mother and father froze at a sacrifice for the cuddling newborns. The wind blew a branch from their...

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Nobodys Watching

My cigarette dangled as I poured another glass of whiskey (vodka? gin?). I watched Tony and Cassy from the window above my sink of unwashed dishes, kissing by their new mini-van; all smiley and bouncy. They weren’t as virtuous as they looked. They couldn’t be. As attractive, as desirable as they were, they had their flaws, their sins. I looked over at Kitchen Jesus. He knew. “We know too. We know their sins!” I sighed. The voices usually went away if I ignored them. I gulped down my drink and...

1 year ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 30

My Wonderful Obsession Part 30: The Trophy Wife The worst thing about going through a breakup is how it makes you feel afterwards - like a complete and total failure, for instance. Actually it's even nastier when it happens twice in a row. And I know what you're thinking: 'Chin up, Sandy old girl - third time lucky!' or something trite like that. Kath tried that line on me and I told her I had no intention of going through that nightmare again. "Even with Rob?" she kidded. "Especially...

4 years ago
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Hi, my name is Susan. My husband, Jim, and I have been married for almost seven years; so maybe what happened to us is a modern day version of "The Seven Year Itch". During my years growing up I sometimes heard grownups talk about "The Seven Year Itch" when someone they knew began having sex outside of their marriage. I never thought I would have sex with another man, but in my case, I did it with my husband's encouragement. I never once wanted to give myself to anyone. I was, and still...

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Taiji Se Shararat 8211 Part V

Hello doston kaise hai aap sab, umeed karta hun aap sab ache honge, aur mein iss deri ke liye maafi chahta hun, aur mein un sab logon ka tahe dil se shukriya karna chahta hun jinhone mere kaam ko saraha, iss baar bhi apne comments/suggestion mujhe mail kare. Aage ki kahani,…Thakan ki wajah se meri aankh lag gayi, kuch der baad maa ne mujhe uthaya shaam kareeban 4.00 – 4.30 baje the, maa ne mujhe kaha haath muh dhole aur neeche aake chai pi le, mein fresh hoke neeche chala gaya, maa taiji aur...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Viviania Brunette Babe Gets Banged Outdoors

Romanian brunette beauty Viviania gets a hardcore pussy fucking outdoors in this sizzling summer sex in the jacuzzi episode of DDF. The curvy babe is making her way through college by cleaning pools, but she doesn’t mind it at all because it gives her a reason to get wet and wild. And maybe, just maybe a lucky owner will be lucky enough to catch her naked as French stud Dorian Del Isla does in today’s hardcore premium porn scene. He’s quick to join her and get a blowjob and...

2 years ago
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Michelle 1

I was visiting a friend of mine who was having a weekend long party to show off the new house. It had everything, a big boat dock, pool, garden, the works. This house, originally built by some drug dealer in the seventies, spared no expense. The most interesting part of the house was the bathroom in the master suite, it covered a quarter of the second floor of the four bedroom house. It was bigger than the master bedroom. The primary feature of the bathroom was the Jacuzzi hot tub,...

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Induction at the Bureau of Extra Normal Affairs

Now that Rachel had been accepted into the Bureau it would probably be many weeks until She received Her first assignment. In the meantime there was an extended period of training and instruction. Some of which would be at the hands of Rowena– who specialised in “Persuasion Techniques” both of the soft and hard variety – but there were as many instructors as skills that it was required any agent should know. It was made very obvious to Her though that as seventh daughter of a seventh...

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doctor female 22 13 yr old boy physical lost beg

This is my doctor fantasy:I just turned 13 and I am at the doctors with my mom she waits outside in the waiting room. Only one doctor, female Ms.Brooke Sanders, 22, 5ft7in, 110lbs, brunette,new doctor.She asked me to go into the room and she asked my mom to stay in the wating room, inside the room was a cushioned bed/booth covered in paper. She weighed me and measured my height. Then she asked me to sit on the edge and asked me to open my shirt so she could check my lungs and heart. Her fingers...

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The officer

"POLICE! STAND STILL!" you immediately do as you're instructed. "Up against the wall, arms outstretched. Spread your legs." Again you comply. You lean slightly forward on your outstretched arms, legs spread level with your shoulders. "I'm officer Walker, i'm stopping and searching you under section seven, do you have anything on you that you shouldn't have?" "N-no." you stammer, wondering what this is all about. "Name?" "Smith er Sarah Smith ." "OK Sarah, i'm going to search you."...

3 years ago
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The Slave Girl Chapter 3

Chapter 3Burdett sighed. Casually, he walked to a bush and cut a withe. Corey watched, shivering, while he trimmed it down to an instrument of punishment. "I´m sorry." She said nervously. "I´ll shut up and keep quiet."He did not answer. When the supple wand was to his liking, he said pleasantly: "Hold your hand out, Miss Corey Gibson."She put both hands behind her back in shocked mortification. "You can´t!" She exclaimed incredulously. "You wouldn´t...?""Why?" There was a wealth of caustic in...

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TO UNDERSTAND THIS STORY YOU NEED TO KNOW THE TV SOAP STORY CORONATION STREET. THE STORY IS FICTION ken looked at his granddaughter Amy and told her to go and get Simon for his tea, Amy begrudgingly went upstairs she put the landing light on but the bulb had still not been changed and the landing remained in darkness, Amy approached Simon’s room and stopped when she saw the door was ajar and Simon was standing naked his back to the door, Amy smiled as she admired Simon’s naked bum, to her joy...

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Kya Socha Tha Kya Ho Gaya Part 2 Komal Ko Choda

Next day guitar class me maine mere song ki practice start kar di. Us din main “Kaise mujhe tum mil gayi” song pe practice kar raha tha. Main iss song ki practice 3 din se kar raha tha aur mujhe aaj woh complete karna hi tha. Maine jaisi hi pehli line gaana aur bajaana start kiya waisehi mere baaju me baithi Komal uski practice karna rok di, aur mujhe dekhne lagi. Main thoda uncomfortable ho gaya. Maine socha maine kuch galat to nahi gaaya na. Ab maine mera song complete kar diya. Maine komal...

1 year ago
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Wind of Change Circa 1975

Whitehall Primary School was in the last week of a mid-term break and with only a few members of staff on the premises and no obstructions from interfering children, it should make his survey a lot easier to complete. The car tyres crunched in the deep snow and the windscreen wipers squeaked across the windscreen as he manoeuvred the car carefully through a pair of black metal gates before pulling to a halt in the school car park. He waited until Lou Reed had finished singing ‘Perfect Day’...

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i want this house a fantasy story

Cassandra stood staring out the kitchen window at the view across the country side , it was her second viewing of the house , she had viewed it a few days earlier with her husband and they both fell instantly in love with it .at the first viewing they instantly offered the asking price but the estate agent said he would let the owners know but as there was still two more couples to view the house that week he said he couldnt take house of the market incase they beat their offer .cass was gutted...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 14 The Healing Begins

As the chopper settled down in the front yard Jesse saw how many changes had occurred in his absence. His snow cat had been repaired and was now parked next to the equipment barn. Someone had painted Harold's old snow mobile a bright red. Jesse almost didn't recognize it. Billy came out of the horse barn, an egg basket in one hand. He waved at them with the other hand. "Hey Jess," he greeted them, "Marie, glad you're home. I sold a side of beef to that crazy French chef in Steamboat....

1 year ago
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Inter sex with mami

She had also written many submissions like swapping on holi, sex with bhabhi etc. We share all our things. We are gr8 companions or rather say we are gr8 lovers. It all happened 4 years before in 2004. My mami, ritu was married to my mama in 1996 when I was younger. We lived in the same house, my mom, me, mama, mami; their 2 children. When I was in 9th I came to know about sex fantasies & relation b/w man & woman. By my 10th I was completely trapped in the world of sex. I was so addicted to sex...

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The day I did my first Creampie Fist story I have

I was 16 going on 17 and I had only had sex with one female in my lifetime, I wanted more that all I knew I craved it but I had to show some sort of self control. It was my second year of high school and with every girl that passed all I could think of was what I would do to them. I felt like I was going crazy I started to hear the voices talk in my head telling me to just do it and ask one of them if they would sleep with you but I was too shy. Then I saw her she was a new girl at school she...

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The StormChapter 7

Malcolm and Caroline awoke about mid-morning, Malcolm nestled against his wife’s bare ass, spoon fashion. Reeves and Phoebe had returned to her room after a few brief trysts the night before, and now the married couple slowly woke by themselves. As he commonly did, Malcolm woke with what he called his “piss hard-on” and snuggled closer to his wife, rubbing it in the crack of her cheeks. Reaching around, he gently cupped one of her large breasts and began to lightly caress the nipple. It...

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A Week At The Office Part Two

As I pull into the car park the next morning, and park in the numbered bay that has been reserved for me, I am a little surprised to see that I am here before You.   I glance at my watch and see that I am in fact 20 minutes early.   I know how You despise lateness, and I am determined to make You especially proud of me this week.   As I shift in my seat, I can tell that my pussy is already wet, and marvel at how just the expectation of seeing You can do that to me.   The first time I met...

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Addicted To My Cum

I know that I mentioned in my story about my “Ebony Goddess” that I had never been with a black woman before. It had been true that I never kissed, felt the bare breast, or pussy of a black woman before her. HOWEVER, I did have a great deal of sexual contact with a young, black woman many years before that.It started when I had moved into my house – right next to a path that led to a side entrance of a small park. One evening, I decided to just go sit on one of the 2 benches there, which I...

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East Meets West

If you are looking for a story filled with sex, then you are probably in the wrong place. I don’t write sex stories. I (hopefully) write interesting stories that contain sex. It has been said that women need a reason to have sex, while men just need a place. Like most generalities, that is generally wrong. I think that most people actually need to have a reason to have sex and if they care for each other, if they love each other, then the sex will be even better. All the participants are at...

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The Prince Ch 11

Being in love leaves you vulnerable in a way that nothing else does. However, that vulnerability will not inspire fear when the love is true. Instead, it will leave you feeling safe as though you have finally come home. This is true even when you may not have realized that you had ever been gone. But, in the end it is what we all long to find and must work even harder to keep. Enjoy… His face changed. The expression he wore was a distant one. It did not belong to the room that they were now in...

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The Hole That Twitches

When my girlfriend Cindy dumped me I was convinced it was about the sex. Honestly, I was never a good lay. In my twenty-four years on the planet I had never, not once, brought a girl to orgasm while fucking. As a firm believer in equal-opportunity orgasms, I would use my fingers and tongue to bring them off. It worked; I got pretty good at it. But when it was time to do the deed I'd be so aroused that I would come right away. Into the pussy I went and bingo, it was over. Yes, I was the...

Straight Sex
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?Probably an accident,? said his sixteen-year-old daughter Megan, who was sitting next to him in the passenger seat. Slim and pretty, she was the apple of her father?s eye, particularly since her mother had passed away eighteen months ago. Her dark brown hair tumbled down to her shoulder-blades, and her winning smile and bubbly personality made her one of the most popular girls in her school. This evening she and her father were returning home from the state cheerleading competition, where...

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Mother Myself and My Friends

So, my name is Mike and I am 25 years old right now. I am going to tell you a story, or should I say experience, I was lucky to be a part of about 6 years ago. It all started on a cold winter day sometime in January when I decided to visit my parents. I live far away from them, and once a year I visit them, just to see how they are doing. I rarely talk to them on the phone, so I got an epic surprise when I saw my mother Alice with new astonishing boobs. Yeah, that's right my mother got herself...

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Pornstars Tube

I spent the morning with Pornstars.Tube, a video site whose theme is apparent the moment you see the title. It’s still a little unusual to see the dot-tube Top Level Domain, but you ain’t going to buy a dot-com with a spot-on, one-word name in this day and age. Anyway, it makes for perfect branding in this case, the whole domain name rolling off your tongue as easily as big boys like Pornhub, YourPorn and RedTube. Maybe that’s a factor in why they’re pulling so much fucking traffic, with well...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Seduced In Skirts

Seduced In Skirts a story by Prim One morning in late Spring, Geraldine Courtline burst into her cousin's bedroom, and complained as bitterly as usual as she stood before the full length wardrobe mirror surveying her appearance. "I'm devastated, Sybil. I have absolutely nothing to wear for going into town. You'll have to go without me." Sybil Grange continued to apply crimson to her lips, glancing at her cousin in the mirror to see that today's tantrum...

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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 4 More Helena

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sadharan ma ko banaya gulam

Anish ek chote se gao mein rehta tha. Woh 21 saal ka ladka tha. Anish ki ma Vidya bohut hi sadharan aurat thi. Uski gaand moti thi boobs bade the aur savali rang ki thi. Lekin jis gao mein woh dono rehte the uss gao mein ladko ko ladkiyo se bohut uppar mana jaata tha. Vidya ko bhi bachpan se yahi sikhaya tha ki ladkiyo ko ladko ke har aadesh ka palan karna hota hai. Anish ko hamesha se apni ma ke maze lena pasand tha. Kabhi ma ke aate jaate ma ki gaand par haath rakh dena. Kabhi ma ki saree...

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