MaquisChapter 28 free porn video

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Reading, Berkshire. May.

There was a thumping on the front door, followed by an angry shout. “Open up in there.”

Sue opened the door of the refuge. It was on a bolt and chain, so only opened a few inches. “This is a place of sanctuary for abused and battered women,” she told the person on the other side coldly. “If you need to talk to us, please arrange an appointment.” She made to close the door, but a foot was shoved into the door to stop it closing. To Sue and the other refuge helpers, this was nothing new. Nor was their standard way of dealing with it. She picked up a heavy lump-hammer from off the table and dropped it from a height of about five feet onto the toe of the shoe. It bounced off.

“Steel toes caps, bitch,” came the snarled reply. “Now fuckin’ open up before we smash our way in.”

Sue looked properly at the people the other side, and realised it was a Security Patrol. She managed not to show her extreme distaste, but after a moment nodded. “You’ll have to remove your foot so that I can take the chain off.”

“No need. We’ll remove it for you.” Bolt croppers were pushed through the gap and gripped the chain. Nothing happened. Sue just watched, a sardonic smile on her face. Whoever was manipulating the bolt croppers took three more attempts before withdrawing them. “What the fuck?” came the muffled exclamation. “The croppers are damaged. ‘Ere, look.”

“It’s high tensile tungsten steel,” Sue told them calmly, managing to hide her amusement. “Let me close the door and I’ll take the chain off. And by the way, this door and the frame around it are all designed to stop angry husbands and boyfriends from just bursting their way in. You can’t just batter it down.”

“You’ve got ten seconds then,” came the furious reply. The foot removed itself, and Sue quickly unlatched the door, standing well clear as she opened it. As she expected, the door was slammed open, the intent obviously to try and catch her. However solid doorstops inside meant the door only opened to a fraction over 90 degrees. This was a deliberate design decision: a safety feature to prevent injury to the staff and volunteers from irate boyfriends, partners and even on occasions parents. Because of the force of opening, the door bounced back again into the face of the first two people through it.

Sue stood back and managed to look sufficiently contrite that the senior officer, who had not been at the front, didn’t just beat her. It was obvious to her that he had in fact been mildly amused at what had happened to his men, yet was publicly annoyed at her.

“How can we help?” She managed to ask politely.

“You have someone in here called Meg Simpson?” the officer demanded.

“Er, I don’t believe so, it’s not a name I recognise and I know most of the names. Let me have a quick look in the register. Sue went behind a reception desk and removed a large A4 sized book. Quickly flipping through it, she reached the page she needed and began to run her fingers down the page.

It was snatched out of her grasp by the officer, who quickly looked down the list of names himself.

“Here, you can’t do that,” Sue cried, reaching to take back the book. Her hand was slapped down, and then again a second time when she again tried to take the book from the Patrol officer’s grasp.

“Fuck off,” he growled.

“Don’t swear in here. This is a no swearing house.”

He just ignored her. “Not here.” He threw the book back at her and stormed out. It was just as well that the patrol officer didn’t know that this particular book was a con. It was maintained daily as if it was real, but every name in it was fake. It was there for this very purpose, of putting off partners of domestic abuse victims. The fact that it also put off the Patrol was a very useful bonus. In reality they didn’t have a register, that was far too dangerous. Despite the existence of the fake register, it was still possible someone could get hold of any real register, so one was not kept. But no-one would ever believe that, so the mock one had a dual purpose. All the information was in the heads of the people who helped to run the place. Meg Simpson was in the refuge, in hiding from her husband, an Assault Unit Leader in the Security Patrol. And a thug, bully and wife beater.

As the five men with him followed him out, completely by chance Sue looked into the eyes of one of the men. Her jaw dropped and her own fear hit a new high. To her intense relief the man, who had obviously recognised her, just shook his head minutely and left.

“Oh hell,” she whispered.

For the rest of the day she was as skittish as a cat on a hot tin roof.

“I was seen by someone who knows I used to be a copper, and knows where I worked,” she told Garth, her partner, that evening.

He looked at her, concerned for her safety. “What did she do?”

“He. Nothing. He sort of shook his head at me. Just a tiny shake. Sort of hiding it from the others. You know?”

“Almost as if he didn’t want you to tell on him?”

Sue paused and thought back.

Since her escape, thirteen months earlier, from High Wycombe Police station, she had not gone back to the town. She had only ever gone to Wycombe to work, but now she and her partner remained close to home on the outskirts of Reading. He had been a soldier for twelve years, retiring some ten years earlier, and had then joined the ambulance service as an ambulance technician. What some called an emergency medical technician. He’d never wanted to take the extra step up to paramedic: the tiny salary increase wasn’t worth all the extra responsibilities, or the extra year of training. The two coped. Just. Sue now helped out at a local women’s refuge, but all it really did was to get her out of the house and stop her going stir-crazy.

“Yeah,” she said. She wondered, but still worried.

Bob Garrick was scared. He didn’t show it, indeed he hid it well, but he was scared. Scared for his life. It was over a year since he had told his then boss, Matt Jacobs, that he was resigning from the Truth And Freedom party. The next few hours and days had gone very badly indeed, far worse than any of the men and women he had worked with could possibly have imagined.

The anti-TaF, anti-Thorn riots that the police had been expecting after the ‘postponement’ of the national elections hadn’t materialised in anywhere near the strength that they had been expecting, but those few riots that did occur were loud and angry in their opposition to Thorn. TaF, and the patrol, had responded brutally and murderously. The police had struggled to keep the two sides apart. Indeed they often ended up being targetted by both sides, but as soon as a couple of TaF political officers had been arrested, the patrol’s real brutality was turned on the police specifically.

The fights had turned into a Police versus the TaF, with the anti-TaF protesters standing on the sidelines and mocking both sides. Within a few hours though, the TaF had beefed up its presence in the town, and the police had beaten a retreat back to the police station, where they had been surrounded and barricaded in for nearly thirty hours. When the TaF had brought up shotguns and handguns and started shooting at the police station, the police had responded by using their Authorised Firearms Officers to try and incapacitate anyone holding a firearm.

It hadn’t worked for long, the TaF had simply brought in more and more people with heavier and heavier firearms, and eventually just overwhelmed the police. Jacobs had called for reinforcements from Thames Valley Police HQ, and from other local stations, but none had ever arrived.

Towards the end, an injured Jacobs had sought out Garrick, returned his TaF membership card and pin, and given him a task. Re-join the TaF and go in under cover. At that time Garrick was officially manning the custody suite with Sergeant Sue Stears, and between the three of them they had devised a hasty plan. It had sort of worked. After a fashion, but not in a truly successful way.

When the TaF had finally entered the station, they had found a battered and injured Garrick, arms raised and holding his TaF membership card high. Jacobs and a number of the other senior officers had been handcuffed to various metal stanchions and pipes, as well as to each other. In the mean time Stears and a few other younger constables, three women and two men, had quickly changed out of their uniforms into civilian clothes and had been locked into the cells, with D&D chalked on the boards. They were going to pretend to have been arrested as drunk and disorderly, and thrown in the cells to recover, and then been trapped. The TaF men that had already been arrested were then released by Garrick in his TaF guise. The only person he didn’t release was PC Taylor who knew the truth, had seen Garrick restate his police oath, his attestation, and knew Garrick was betraying them. Instead they had slipped him a bottle of vodka, knowing Taylor, as a bit of a lush, would drink it. What no one else knew, was that Garrick had spiked the vodka with bleach. It was a desperate ploy, and one that Jacobs and Stears would not have approved of, but it was the only way he could think of to stay alive, and to keep at least some of the others alive.

There were also eight seriously injured or dead police officers, and though only Stears and Jacobs knew it, another twenty-one men and women were hiding in outlier rooms and buildings, hoping to escape once the fighting had stopped.

Sadly fourteen of these people were found. Garrick would have nightmares to the end of his days over what the TaF had done to the men and women in the station. Luckily Stears and the few others in the cells, plus seven others hidden outside, plus the off duty men and women all escaped.

To Garrick’s relief, the highly intoxicated Taylor died before he could be interrogated. His internal organs were badly corroded by the bleach, but there had not been quite enough to kill him quickly. Unfortunately the alcohol in the vodka hadn’t quite been enough to dull Taylor’s pain and he died in screaming agony, something else Garrick would remember to his dying day. Unfortunately Garrick himself wasn’t totally trusted either, and had been interrogated a number of times over the following days and weeks by various TaF interrogators.

Eventually, grudgingly, as he seemed to have done everything right, and had released all their captured men, they let him stay. In fact they had conscripted him into the Safety Patrol, but had stamped his file to say that he was not to be promoted beyond Trooper.

Unfortunately for Hugh Rowland, the only person who knew he was locked in the back of a prison van was Detective Superintendent Ian Bound. Bound had been knocked unconscious early in the fighting and then executed by the TaF before he could regain consciousness in hospital. No one even approached the vans for nearly four days, by which time Rowland was himself unconscious and very ill. Those four days had been very warm for the time of the year and he had all but cooked in the dark blue van, which had been parked in the open, soaking up the heat of the sun. He had been taken to the local hospital suffering from severe and acute dehydration, renal failure, heart problems and severe clinical shock. There wasn’t an A&E locally and the junior doctor on duty in the minor injuries unit had taken one look at him and decided that it was just a matter of time, that there was nothing that could now be done other than make him comfortable. Although Rowland had had nearly four litres of saline infused, and two units of whole blood, he died five hours later of general systemic failure.

No one missed him, not even his own colleagues, but the TaF executed the few remaining police officers still in their custody in revenge for what had happened.

In the aftermath, Graham Thorn had formally sacked every single police man and woman in the country. Their refusal, months earlier, to arrest certain high court judges had made him angry. What had happened here had made him both furious and fearful. He sacked them outright, and ordered other employers to think twice about employing any of them.

Garrick had remained under cover ever since, gathering what intelligence he could, but he had no one to pass it on to, and no way of contacting any of the few former colleagues still out and about. Most of them in fact believed him to be a traitor and avoided him. The small number who knew he wasn’t, never came near him, and he didn’t know how to contact them. It worried and scared him. How many other people, in other patrol stations, were in the same boat, he often wondered.

He had been transferred away from High Wycombe very quickly, first to Oxford, then Swindon, and just that morning to Reading. On his first job he had seen someone he recognised. He prayed she hadn’t recognised him, and it was only when the Patrol he was part of were all leaving that she had looked at him. It was obvious that she had recognised him, the fear in her face had mirrored what he was feeling.

Now he was scared. What would she do? Would she do anything?

He thought back to the last few hours before the station had finally fallen to the Patrol, and what he was supposed to do, what he’d been asked to do. Never mind that a couple of days earlier he had volunteered to do it, when it came down to it he had almost balked at the idea. He was glad Sue and a few others had managed to escape, even if some of them did still blame him. He hoped Sue herself didn’t blame him for what had happened.

“I need to talk to her,” he muttered to himself. He was sitting on the toilet, not because he needed it, but just to get a few minutes alone. He now knew where she worked, but he wasn’t sure whether he could get to see her alone. He was rarely without a minder of some sort; he assumed the squad-leaders had been told not to fully trust him, though they probably hadn’t been told why.

It was three days before he found himself without a minder for any length of time. He wasted no time and set off at once to see his ex-sergeant. He wasn’t stupid however, and took a slow meandering route through Reading, stopping at a number of places to do a bit of personal shopping, hooked up with a couple of known touts and informers, and all the while kept a sharp lookout to see if he was being followed. Twice he thought he spotted someone following him. The first time he watched for a few minutes, but the person hopped on one of the few buses still running, and left Bob on his own. Nearly twenty minutes later, he thought he was clear, but then spotted someone who seemed to be taking a close look at him. He crossed the road and headed back in the direction he had been coming from. He lost sight of his possible pursuer and decided to go into a small coffee shop.

There were not that many coffee shops around any more. Just twelve months earlier there had been lots, but many of them had closed now: lack of customers mostly, but many junior Patrol members weren’t above doing a bit of ‘fund-raising’ for themselves and forcing shop keepers to pay protection money. Those that had managed to survive, despite the cost of ‘protection’, did so because the few customers remaining had little choice about where they shopped.

Bob ordered a coffee and a toasted tea-cake and sat by the window. He’d picked up a copy of The Sun. It was a horrible paper, but it was almost the only one still publishing that didn’t blatantly kowtow to the government. The majority of the paper was sport, and most of that was premier league football: Manchester United had avoided relegation by the skin of its teeth, and Sheffield Wednesday had just been promoted to the Premier league for the first time in a lot of years.

He ordered a second coffee about half an hour later, and sat and read, and occasionally looked out of the window. At no time did he spot anyone that aroused his suspicion. Eventually, after nearly two hours of this, he decided he really was alone and carefully made his way to the refuge.

“Hi,” Bob said when Sue opened the door of the refuge. “Can I talk? It’ll be quick, I need to get back before anyone realises I’m gone.”

Sue looked around, then nodded and opened the door wider to let him in.

“What do you want?” she asked brusquely. Sue looked haggard and gaunt. But Bob was no better: to Sue, Bob looked like he had aged at least ten years.

Bob understood her almost harsh manner. Matt Jacobs and she had been good friends, his murder had upset her badly. She hadn’t seen his death, but from what she had heard reported afterwards, it hadn’t been very nice. Bob had seen it in awful detail and wanted to forget everything he had seen, but knew he never could.

“I’ve got loads of stuff, but I’ve no one to pass it on to. I don’t know who or how or where.”

Sue stared at him. “What sort of stuff?”

“Mostly out of date stuff now. Who’s going where. When government ministers are going to be in the area. And which ones. I’ve got lots of names, and I’ve tried as far as possible to note down everyone who has committed a serious offence.”

Sue gave a bitter laugh. “That’s a good one,” she said, “what am I supposed to do with that?”

“Nothing. Not really. I’ve been in Reading for less than a week, so most of it is for Oxford and Swindon. I do know that Boase and his sidekick Harewood are supposed to be in Reading next week. That’s valuable info.”

“When and where?”

Next Thursday. As I understand it they’ll be in The Oracle shopping centre, though I’ve no idea why, so I can’t tell you exactly where.”

“Anything else?”

Bob pulled out his note book and handed it over. “Everything I do know is in there.”

Sue looked at it in surprise. It was a standard issue police notebook. She opened her mouth to speak, but Bob interrupted her.

“I’ve got a couple more, filled, but not with me, and a few more empty ones at home. Can you use them, or get them to someone who can?”

Sue shrugged. She had absolutely no idea what to do with them, but it seemed a waste to just leave Bob dangling like this. “I almost don’t care what you get, just keep getting me stuff. Absolutely anything and everything.”

“Bring it here?”

“Noo,” Sue said slowly. “Go to, er, there’s a coffee shop on, er, no, do you know the Wynford Arms on Kings Road?”

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The academy part three

PROLOGUE FROM PARTS ONE & TWO: Kenny Thomas is an eighteen year old senior who has spent the first three years of his high school career being kidded and ridiculed about his enormous penis!!! His mother has found a special school that specializes in helping young men cope with this affliction, and today is the first day of classes at BP Academy!!! Miss Diane Dawson is the director of the academy, and she has just spent over and hour interviewing both Mrs. Thomas and Kenny!!! At the end of the...

3 years ago
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Hookah Heaven

Drew walked into his favorite late-night spot. It was a little hookah bar that was well hidden in the heart of Chicago. Drew came here to unwind and get some company for certain evenings. Drew was one of the owner's regulars and a big spender. She made sure that he had a private room and a waitress or belly dancer for company. Anything that went on was always consensual and kept between him and the girl. As he opened the door the powerful scent of flavored tobacco enveloped him like open...

2 years ago
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Best of FriendsRevised1

It was a Tuesday, sunny and warm. School passed by quickly, luckily, and I grabbed my bag from my locker. Adam met me halfway down the hall, and we walked side-by-side to the exit. I saw a girl from my grade, Jessica, walking up to me and I stopped. "Hi, Cody." she said softly. She didn't try to talk quietly, it was just the way her voice was. "Whats goin on, Jess?" she smiled up at me and twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. "Well..I was wondering. Did you maybe want to go...

2 years ago
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Tamarillas Choices the Pg13 VersionChapter 11 Things are Not Always What They Seem

Tamarilla looked around as Bartholomew flew off with Serri. I will miss having Serri around. True her escaping caused the Elves and the Emperor's soldiers to hunt us, and made us go into a haunted forest that was really not haunted, which almost got us all drowned, well except for me because the captain said that I would never drown. Then we got captured by Rhonda's army, luckily we escaped and found Bartholomew. Just to think none of this would have happened except for Serri. Even though I...

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Four Girls A Guy and Spaceship

In the year 2023, Roger Anthony and four other astronauts were placed in suspended animation and launched into space, for what was supposed to be the first manned mission to the outer planets of the Solar System. Unfortunately, their ship's computer experienced a malfunction and did not wake them prior to the point of deceleration. This eventuality had been predicted, and mission control would have dealt with the problem, had not mankind been ravaged and civilization brought down by a...

2 years ago
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Epic XXX Session On Cam With Hot Indian Model Kajol

The pandemic has been tough all around. It truly has. Many people got laid off from work, others can’t find a job and blue balls are causing mayhem from Kansas to Calcutta. Shifting our activities from analog to digital meant that we were downsizing our staff, but business was booming. Luckily, those fuckers let me stay, and they even gave me an enormous bonus to boot! Life was good, but not all good. Porn has gotten old to me. All those plastic tits and fake moans that once made me rock hard,...

3 years ago
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The King in Yellow Chapter Eight

“Good morning, Doctor. Where is Dana today?” asked Dmitri, as Katya entered the room and took her seat in front of him. “That is not your concern.” she replied, “You are to answer my questions this morning.” He did not let his face betray his satisfaction and was also quietly pleased at her choice of outfit; her dress was much more feminine – and much more revealing - than the usual charcoal-grey skirt and jacket. “Today, I would like to learn what happened to “Magda”. I think you know who I...

1 year ago
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Aunties big surprise

This is fiction and not real! The whole thing started when a bunch of friends were sitting around smoking, drinking beer and shooting the shit about sex. A big case had been in the news recently about some woman who did some things with some people she shouldn't have, and what the court had done to her in response. Most weren't too morally against it, but said the authorities had overreacted, but my buddy's sister mentioned something that got me thinking. She said My God, what would you do if...

2 years ago
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Vennoa the Halfelf SorcererChapter 22

The party headed into the other tunnel. It was also a short tunnel, and led to yet another cavern. This time, instead of women and children, the cavern had a raised platform of sorts carved into the stone. On the platform, there was an older-looking kobold seated on a throne-like chair made of rock. He was not wearing leather armor like the other kobolds they had fought. Instead, he was wearing clothes made of colorful cloth. A long staff rested against the throne. Beside the old kobold were...

4 years ago
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Threes Company

Well, one night a group of friends and I had decided to go out for a night of drinking and dancing. Mostly girls I worked with but a couple of the guys tagged along too. We started off with something to eat, then started club hopping. Drinking and dancing from bar to bar, getting slightly more loose as we went. Late into the night/early morning, a few of the girls decided to go to a club that didn’t even open until 2am to finish out their night of partying. I was pretty lit by this time...

3 years ago
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My first time in highschool part 1

This story is about my first time in highschool My junior year at my local highschool couldn't have been any better if I wanted it to be. Every day I had an hour and a half off block which I went home for. My friends and I often went to my house to play playstation or pass around a baseball. A few weeks into the year two girls decided that they would like to come back to my house and hang out with us. We didnt think anything of it at first, but one of the girls, lets call her Alexis, always...

First Time
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My fun night at the sex club

A few years ago, I met a woman on-line who also lives in Arizona and she wanted to meet me at the sex club where my photos were taken in the folder “At the sex club”, IF they ever finish converting and uploading.She was a stunning, long haired brunette with long, sexy legs that were displayed to their best by the short skirt and stockings she was wearing with a pair of black boots, (I had told her previously what kind of clothing really turned me on). She had seen my pictures on-line so she...

3 years ago
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Inherit My Heart Ch 07

Chase woke around 7am, Elizabeth wrapped in his arms, her back to him. His dick was hard and nestled between her warm thighs. He could feel her wet heat on his cock. It would be so easy to slide into her and make love to her, but he needed to wait. Only a few more hours and she would be his wife and then he could make love to her whenever he wanted. For now, he used every fiber of resolve he had to just hold her. His arm was heavy under her weight and he tried to shift it without waking her....

4 years ago
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How I Got My Wife To Be Shared For The First Time

My wife got a free massage but ended up being seduced. She found out bigger is better.After I tried for 3 years to talked my wife into being shared I finally made it happen. It took a calculated risk but in the end I got my wife to except it. I had asked my wife on a number of occasions about her fucking another man but I was rejected each and every time I had asked. I knew I needed a different approach.I was going through the personal add site in my area when I came across an add that said,...

3 years ago
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No Pain No Gain

It was a cold, dark Winter's night. Priya was supposed to meet her friends for some fun after hearing rumours that there was going to be a big party in some old mansion, but her friends hadn't turned up. Tired of waiting for them in the darkness and feeling cold, she went across a big field to the mansion and decided to sneak into it alone. People were gathering at the front but round the back of it she found a door unlocked and carefully walked through it.As she crept into a cloak room she was...

2 years ago
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Gender Machiavelli Today The girl was bored. She looked at the television, seeing the show, but not really watching it. She was dressed in a teal waist cincher with matching panties, stockings and a garter belt; her pert breasts free and available, as if anyone was here to enjoy them. She was bored, and she was hungry. The door opened, and the lab tech walked in. He had a clipboard, and a bored expression. "How are we doing today, Amanda?" "How should I be doing?" She...

3 years ago
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Ida gits it but good so does Sylvia

"You know we are in the kink capital of the universe here in the Bay area, San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley? There are so many pervs here it's like a fucking New York gotta take a number. I'm not quite heterosexual, neither is Woody, nether are you, it seems. I could see if I could help you meet some people here who are kinky but not insane, who would treat you, not mis-treat you. If you were going to be around for a few more days....""Oooooooohhhh. I have to get on the train next...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Lina

The forest is silent, eerily silent, there are only Lina and the Deer, this is what defines her future as a huntress for her village, this is the final challenge for her ritual of maturity. If she succeeds, Lina will not be considered a child anymore in the eyes of the Village and she will be recognized as an adult woman. She needs to kill this deer, the one who deceived many hunters throughout this forest. He´s smarter than most deer and killing him would be perfect for her reputation, no more...

4 years ago
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Our Vacation

Our Vacation Story   It’s a cold windy day and Sherri and I are at the airport ready to leave for a warm vacation at a beautiful all inclusive resort in Aruba .   While sitting in the waiting area for loading onto the plane you start talking to the woman next to you to find they are also going to the same resort and like us so happy to get away from our miserable winter.   She introduces herself and husband Frank to us and tells us this is their 12 th year anniversary and are looking so...

3 years ago
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Moving house

I've just moved to a new area, and when I see you in my nearest pub, I decide I like it round here. You recognise me as you live near me and noticed me moving in, and we get chatting, making the usual small-talk. I tell you I'm a chef. "Well, how about coming to my place and cooking me a meal?" you ask, cheekily. Who am I to disagree? I go back to your place to cook the meal. As I cook, you take a shower and change. We chat over a 3-course meal and are getting on well together. After the meal...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 67

Allie, it turned out, needed no assistance from anyone but Adam. She had already cum four times and she was starting to tire. Still, she didn't want to quit. It still felt good to be wrapped around Adam's pole. It still felt wonderful to have her arms wrapped around his neck and her lips pressed against his. Karlie took no convincing. She had been given a week's worth of orgasms in a five-hour window and she wanted more. She had never been more aroused in her life. She linked hands with...

2 years ago
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NotMyGrandpa Dani Blu How Stepgrandpa Got His Groove Back

After his wife’s passing, Filthy Rich is ready to get out and start dating some young women, but when he comes back having struck out every time, he finds comfort in his sweet stepgrandaughter Dani Blu. Dani helps her stepgrandpa get a better outfit and realizes that she could help him with his urges as well. Later that day, Filthy comes back home to find Dani napping on his couch wearing sexy lingerie; when she awakens, she confesses to him that she’s more than willing to help him out so he...

4 years ago
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PrisonChapter 10

It was July on a Sunday afternoon I was in the yard with two young inmates, working on their abs. We were just getting ready to finish for the day when I saw one of the guards approaching us. When he was near enough, he said, “Jack, you have a visitor.” I got up looked at him and said, “It can’t be for me; my parents came last week.” “It’s for you, a young man your age.” The only person I could think of was Tyrone. I grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat off my face as I started to make my...

3 years ago
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Radha Mom8217s Family Affairs

That night I slept under the bed only. Since my spying went on till 1 am that night I just fall asleep there only. Early morning I woke up with the sound of alarm coming from next room. I think Radha mom must have set the alarm. I checked the time. It was sharp 5 o’clock in the morning. I quickly started peeping through the hole. Dim light was on and Radha mom was sitting on the bed and was sneezing. Her hair was all over the place, she was checking her sari. I think Rakesh half woke up due to...

2 years ago
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School Knickers A shared enjoyment Part 6

At the hotel, Wendy laid out her freshly pressed uniform, took a bath and, having got me to dry her (very nice!) started to get ready for the convention downstairs. Wendy always started with the blouse (no bra. Her breasts large and firm.) then her tie, stockings and suspenders, gymslip and, finally, she pulled on her navy blue school knickers. The sight of seeing her in her full ‘film’ uniform brought back so many very happy memories from when we first met, And looking down at my trousers my...

5 years ago
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Sabbatical for the Soul Day 1 Day One

He awoke to rays of sunlight splashing a golden cast on the smooth white ceiling above. As his eyes slowly focused on the scene in front of him, he could not help but feel that something was off, although he was unable quite put his finger on what that was exactly. As he slowly emerged from his nap, it gradually dawned on him. ~My ceiling is painted gray...not white.~ This splash of revelation jolted him from his slumber. As the shock washed through him, he realized that the sun...

3 years ago
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31 January 2016 Ki Raat Aunty Ke Sath

Hello Main vishal kolkata se fir aha gaya ek nayi story satay ghatna par hain meri pehele story ke liye bauth logo ne mail kiya thank you for all specially aunty from delhi chaliye story suniyega.Bor nhn karna chhata Main 31 jan 2016 ko night club gaya tha freind ke sath karib 8 baje mera dost mohit mera school freind hain hamare yaha shimmers bol ke night club hain.Tho fir hum do dost club mein gaye party kar rahe thay dance karne ke liye mere dost ne kaha lekin maine mana kar diya karib 9.30...

4 years ago
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The Dressing Room

My boyfriend and I had a date coming up. Lately our dates had been ending up with steamy sex, so I wanted to buy a sexy outfit and some new lingerie for our date. I had visited several stores, before I finally found a few things I liked. I wanted something sexy and just a little bit slutty. It had to be just right. I dressed with sex in mind when I left the house. I’m not a stick thin model. I have curves. Maybe more than most men would like, but my boyfriend loves having something to grab...

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Dream Fuck Came True Part 2 Fucked John

In my previous story, I told you about how John fucked me hard in the pussy in his flat and later he dropped me in my room on his bike. Since I was tired by all the fucking we had in the night and in the morning, I slept immediately. I woke up around 2 in the afternoon and all I could think about was John. Flashes of how he gave me immense pleasure by sucking my tits and pussy and by fucking my pussy with his hard cock were the only things going on in my mind. I had forgotten all about what I...

2 years ago
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Milky Way To Heavenly Sex

Hi, this is Malathi from Hyderbad. I am married and my husband has business and travels a lot. Once my husbands friend is going to USA on some project and left his wife at our house for couple of weeks as his parents are out of town and they will take her back once they come back. She came here with 1 year baby. After one day my husband has to go Delhi for 2 days and he left he also felt happy that I have some company at house. On that night I woke up in the night and her baby was in bed but...

4 years ago
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I Needed A Pay Hike But Ended Up Getting A Lucrative Job Offer

Hello readers, Welcome to my secret diary & thank you for stopping by. I’ve wanted to start this blog for a while ,but have really no idea why I waited. It took me a while to be truly convinced that I should start it. Wanting is one thing but actually believing, I should because someone would want to read it is another. In the battle between my heart and mind, my heart won eventually and here I am! I am sharing my experience whilst the stories and characters are real, the names are fictitious,...

4 years ago
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Sweet Dreams

In this story, you will be able to take the role of the main character August who finds himself in the world of one of the many TV shows, video games, and movies out there, either as himself or in the shoes of one of the main characters. Could be based around certain episodes or details, the show/movie/game entirely, or just completely made up from scratch! There are a lot of different worlds to be explored before August wakes up... (Side note: I'd highly recommend starting the game in 'Score'...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday

She couldn’t resist standing in front of the full length mirror to get a complete look at her new dress and make some final adjustments to the belt and neckline. Austin had bought it for her birthday, today. He said he had seen it in a window downtown and had gotten excited thinking about how the rich purple silk would lie on her beautiful body. He loved her body and she was pretty happy with it herself. She studied her figure in the mirror. She was 40 today. Her breasts weren’t large, but...

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