Ferien bei Tante Jessica Teil 1
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Mia hatte ihr Abi gerade in der Tasche. Manche Leute würden sagen, dass es doch ziemlich überraschend war mit welch gutem Ergebnis. Insgesamt hatte sie eine glatte 2,2, trotz ihres Rufes als Schulmatratze. Ausgerechnet das Ergebnis in der mündlichen Matheprüfung in Mias ausgewiesener Schwächedisziplin war eine 1,7. Zwei der drei Prüfer waren männliche Lehrkräfte und es kam der einzigen weiblichen Kraft im Raum fast schon unheimlich vor, dass Mia tatsächlich auf die Fragen immer genau die...
Teen„Los, schieb IHN rein!“ „Wo? In deine Fotze?“ Mit einem Grinsen wandert mein Blick zu den Anderen, die sich begeistert die Schwänze reiben. „Du weißt genau, dass ich keine von diesen billigen Fotzenutten bin. Also… Entweder du fickst mich jetzt in mein Arschloch oder ich lass mich vom Nächsten voll stopfen.“ Lexa schaut sich ihre strammen Mitschüler mit lustvollen Augen an. Die Gruppe von insgesamt zehn Leuten befindet sich auf dem Knabenklo der Schule. Es ist kurz vor den Sommerferien und wie...
Rööööööt Rööööööt, weckte es mich. Mein alter Wecker war wirklich nervtötend. Müde schlug ich mit der Hand nach dem Gerät und schaltete es über die große Taste auf der Oberseite sofort aus. Endlich Ruhe, dachte ich mir, es waren schließlich Ferien. Um genau zu sein war heute der erste Tag der Schulferien und ich war froh, dass ich die Schule erst einmal für ein paar Wochen hinter mir lassen konnte. Ich war mit meinen 21 Jahren zwar keine schlechte Schülerin, aber eben längst nicht die beste,...
IncestMan sah Claudia König ihre Krastbürstigkeit nicht an. Eigentlich machte sie eine eher unschuldigen Eindruck aber das täuschte. In Wahrheit hatte sie es ganz faustdick hinter ihren blonden Haaren, besser gesagt sie war sogar ein Biest. Immer war sie nur auf ihren Vorteil bedacht und zögerte dabei nie ihren Prachtkörper für ihre Zwecke einzusetzen. Dies war schon während der Schulzeit so. Sie war an sich eine sehr gute Schülerin, aber sie hatte in der 10. und 11. Klasse massive Probleme in...
Bei Oma Ellen und Opa Werner angelangt klingelte Leon an der Haustür. Als die Tür geöffnet wurde standen Oma Ellen und Oma Heidi splitternackt im Hausflur zur Begrüßung des jungen Paares.Leon starrte seine Oma Ellen an, die er bisher noch nicht nackt gesehen hatte. Sie glich ihrer Tochter, Leons Mutter Sabine. Tolle Rundungen genau an den richtigen Stellen und volle runde Brüste, die bei Oma Ellen allerdings etwas mehr nach unten hingen als bei seiner Mutter. Ellens blank rasierte Fotze sah...
Vor dem Haus standen einige Linden, dessen Blätter bereits dem Herbst verfallen waren und den Boden rund um das Haus herum bunt färbten. Wabernder Nebel umhüllte die kahlen Bäume und verlieh ihnen einen gruseligen und mystischen Anblick.“Wow, schau dir das an, Hannes. Das sieht ja wunderbar aus.”Mein Freund, den Blick starr auf die kaum zu sehende Straße gerichtet, lächelte nur. Er weiß genau, wie sehr ich auf Panorama-Ausblicke und Ferien fernab der Zivilisation stehe. “Das ist ein wirklich...
In der Einfahrt zum Nachbarhaus, die unmittelbar an die von Ellen und Werner anschloss stand ein großer SUV, die Türen waren offen. Vor dem Wagen stand ein etwa 40 jähriger Mann, sehr sportlich und gepflegt. Auf dem Rücksitz saßen ein Mädchen und ein Junge, so um die 13-14 Jahre schätzte Leon die beiden. Im Gegensatz zu dem Mann, der eine normale heller Haut hatte, hatten beide Kinder, bei denen es sich offensichtlich um Zwillinge handelte eine kaffeebraune Haut und krause Haare.„Ach das sind...
Sie freuten sich schon seit einem Monat auf ihren Urlaub, schon seit dem Tag, an dem sie die kleine Hütte gebucht hatten, abgeschieden, an einem klaren Bergsee, nur umgeben von Wäldern und Bergen.Als der letzte Arbeitstag vorbei war, schwangen sie sich gut gelaunt ins Auto und fuhren zu der Berghütte. „Was ist denn da los?“ fragte Fred, als sie vor der Hütte ankamen. „Weiß nicht, vielleicht die Putzfrau … ?“ „Hallo, habt Ihr Euch verfahren?“ „Nein, wir sind schon richtig hier. Wir haben diese...
1. Kapitel Wir wollten an diesem wundersch?nen Sonntagnachmittag mal wieder etwas Aufregendes erleben. Deshalb hatten wir uns in unser Auto geschwungen und waren - zun?chst auf's geratewohl ins Blaue gefahren. Das es dann so aufregend werden sollte, hatte sich keiner von uns beiden gedacht. Aber der Reihe nach. Wir, das sind Sabine und ich. Wir beide sa?en also in unserem Auto und fuhren ?ber die Landstra?en. Sabine hatte - dem Wetter angemessen - ein leichtes Sommerkleid an. Wie ?blich hat...
Willi betrachtete seine Zimmergenossen. Ein Mädchen im Gothic Stiel mit Schwarzen Stiefel, Netzstrumpfhose, schwarzem Minirock, schwarzen Locken und einem Pony und Schwarzem Shirt lag auf einem der Betten und ignorierte ihn. Ein Junge mit braunen Haaren unterhielt sich mit einem Mädchen, das einen kurzen Rock, weiße Sneakers, overknee Strümpfe und eine helle Bluse trug und blonde Schulerlange Haare hatte. In einer Ecke telefonierte noch ein Mädchen in leggings, die ihren großen Po betonten. Sie...
TeenAntonia 18 Tonia gerufen - 1,65 groß - Maße 78 68 87 - BH Cup A - leicht rundliches Gesicht, dass von einer hellbraunen. Lockigen Haarmähne umrahmt ist, große braune Augen – süße, Brüste, etwa so groß wie halbe Apfelsinen, prall und fest – einen festen runden Po – lange Beine mit strammen, muskulösen Schenkeln und ein kleines Bäuchlein dessen Nabel mit einem sternförmigen Piercing geschmückt ist. Petra 18 - 1,67groß, - Maße 81 62 91 – BH Cup B – Gesicht leicht Oval umrahmt von hellblondem,...
Ich heiße Linda, bin 21 Jahre alt und komme aus Düsseldorf, dort studiere ich auf Lehramt und habe für die Sommersemesterferien für 6 Wochen einen Ferienjob als Animateurin in einem Hotelclub in der Türkei erhalten. Da ich mehr als gut Tennis spiele soll ich dort als Assistentin der Tennislehrer eingesetzt werden. Mein Zimmer teile ich mir mit Mandy, die bereits zum dritten mal hier arbeitet. Sie hat mir den Club gezeigt und meinte, wenn du möchtest kannst du hier viel Spaß und mehr haben. Was...
BDSMDies ist eine abweichende Erzählung zum ersten Teil. Am zweiten Tag auf der Polizeistation führte man mich am frühen Morgen einem Richter vor. Der verurteilte mich für 12 Monate Besserungsanstalt, Prostitution war in der Türkei nur in staatlichen Bordellen erlaubt, ansonsten verboten und auf Grund meines Alters, wollte man mir erlauben ein besseres Leben zu führen. Das Urteil wurde ohne einen Anwalt und Anwesentheit eines Botschaftsmitarbeiters gesprochen. Ich konnte es kaum glauben und fing an...
BDSMThis took place a decade ago, maybe a little longer. I had been enjoying some porn of people having sex in public and was getting quite horny. This is still a genre I really enjoy, but at the time I was really fascinated by sex in public areas but far too shy to ever do anything about it.Between videos I scanned Craigslist to see if there was anything interesting.I ran across and ad on Craiglist involving sex in a restroom and answered it. The man claimed to live not too far away in an...
My wife and I have been married 27 years and have been swinging since before we were married. Jeena is 5'5" tall and about 120 pounds with an athletic build and a tanned body . We started out playing with couples only but soon found out there were way more men after her than women after me. If she saw a guy she liked, it was OK with me if I could watch. Our favorite couples club in town would allow single guys in the club only on Fridays. I could always judge her mood by which night she wanted...
The monsoon of ’14 is a big game changer in my sexual life. When you learn your way around the grey areas of human existence. I was 20 then, a pitiful, inexperienced lad with an addiction to pornography which served as my only means for a sexual ride. My name is Sameer, a resident of a rather peaceful town in Kerala. Dark in color with a fairly athletic build, born and brought up in a middle class family, and certain affinity towards older women. From my first porn viewing days I’ve always...
NOTE: this chapter contains no sex, but it advances the plot of the story. CHAPTER 3—Dinner and a Thunderstorm ‘That was incredible,’ she whispered softly as she wrapped her arms around me and put her head on my chest. ‘I could tell. Ready for a shower?’ I asked as I walked towards the ladder out, collecting her floating swimsuit pieces as I went. ‘No evening swim?’ she asked me, eyes still closed. She was hanging on me in the water, legs wrapped around my waist, arms around my neck, head...
I'm like many men who never thought this would happen. The shock I feel is hard to describe. If anything, I feel no emotion at the moment. I am about 48 hours out from breaking this open and I am struggling to make sense of the whole thing to see where this need to go. I am 37 and my wife is 33. We don't have k**s.My wife's best friend left her husband as he confessed to having an affair for the past 6 months or so. She came to stay with my wife and I a few days while she sorted out her life...
"So, are you looking?" she pondered, sitting on the bed with me.I rubbed my face with both hands for a moment. I stayed quiet because I didn't know what to say."I know you feel bad, but don't, because I've forgiven you," I told her before I glanced back at her. "It happened, and there isn't anything that can be done to reverse it. We've both come to terms that we might be bisexual now, so let's just call this a draw," I explained before I placed my right palm on her leg. "We got into a...
InterracialPart III Denise Denis walked Stephanie back to her place, which wasn't that far from the restaurant. He wasn't sure how much he should tell her about how this came to be, if anything. As a result, they drifted along in silence until Stephanie broke it. "You're very quiet." "Yeah, I'm sorry. Today's been a real eye-opener one way or another and being arrested wasn't really top of my list of things to do." "I can imagine." "I'm not sure you can. The arrest was by far the...
This story is where I plan to write holiday chapter's involving vampires, succubus, possibly were stuff like wolves , futas , stuff like that, and possibly other Halloween creatures. Follow different characters, including me through their life as it gets changed during the holidays.
FetishTwo high pillars of have been erected where Jonothon is to be given his treatment. He is clothed in nought but a short, thin skintight little cotton shirt. His head has been shaved of all hair except for a little slime-gelled cone of blond hair in the middle of his forehead. He has been restrained between the pillars with thick, wet tentacles around his legs and arms, his arms are raised at his sides, his legs are wide. Above his head, a big block of thick yellow slime like vaseline is...
Introduction: It was Myras turn now…. Part#2 Before Myra could turn around to investigate the noises in the bushes behind her several sets of large hands took control of her little body. She screamed in surprise. The last thing the girl on the ground mumbled to her was enjoy it. She was carried off away from her. A giant hand controlled her head by grasping the back of her neck. Other large hands grabbed her wrists like vice grips and she was whisked up off the ground when her ankles were...
ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS’ COLONY CH. 4 Sisyphus I thought about the sexual adventure I was having with Angel, how wild, imaginative and honest it was. Role playing lets us be more uninhibited and explore places we might not otherwise go. I thought about how we played off of each other and got so fully into each other’s games. There was definitely chemistry between us and I found myself wanting to know her better and to take what started as play to another level. So that night when it was my...
I had just reached the undamaged forest when a shuttle shrieked down to crash through the brush behind me. I turned to watch as Cariss in battle suits burst out and spun to start running. They fired into the forest but the trees and brush stopped anything from reaching me. I slowed and started walking as I changed direction slightly. It was a little later that I heard them still following. They must be using a sniffer to follow my scent. I glanced around and moved through the brush into an...
The Compulsion By Margaret Jeanette Tori Hellmann sat reading the Saturday morning paper. She looked up to see Peter, her husband of two years walk through to get a cup of coffee. He was wearing a dark blue straight skirt with a red and white stripe up the side. He had on a white blouse with lace trimmed bell sleeves. She smiled at him as he passed through going back to his computer. She stopped reading for some time, thinking of how he had told her on their second date that he...
CHAPTER 1 Redman Gallagher and wife Drew kept putting off the decision but finally the twins pressed them for the verdict: Who would go on to college. The parents argued, shouted, slammed doors and swore at each other. ‘You’ll be going to college Danny,’ said his sister. ‘Dad will wear mom down.’ ‘But Blaze that’s not fair. You are my academic superior and dad and mom have to admit that.’ ‘To misquote, nothing is fair in love and war. We agreed not to negotiate with them and to accept...
Thanks to the remarkable design of the external female reproductive system, Jack found himself guided directly to his young partner's vaginal portal with minimal effort. "OK, Emmie," he murmured as once again Jack pushed against the tiny opening. "Easy, sweetheart," he whispered when he felt the girl's body grow tense. Sliding his free hand from her hip to the soft flesh of her lower abdomen, Jack began to massage Emily's tummy just above her pubic arch. He pushed a little harder, and...
Several incidents and people are based on me, my life and experiences when I was young, so I am enjoying embellishing them with fantasy elements and sharing them. Thanks I appreciate the responses and comments about the story. Keepem coming. Ok so here are PARTS 1-4. I had to put all four up, because part 2 was not at all to my liking because unfortunately, I posted and saved the unedited text, instead of the one I meant to post. So of course, I emailed to see about editing and or deleting...
Ann and I had two more days to spend in New Orleans before we had to return to Birmingham. We slept late each morning and had a big Brunch both days. We spent our afternoons doing things we had never had time to do on any of our other visits to the city. We saw the Aquarium, rode the Street Car, and saw the museum. We engaged in gentle, slow, loving sex when we went to bed, then slept as if we were dead. The morning came when we had to leave. We had a last swim in the pool and packed up...
Kathy peeled her sheer stockings off her lanky long legs as Mommy steered the big white car into the parking lot. "Well, here we are," Mommy smiled bravely as she eyed the foreboding dark brick building in front of her. A brass sign next to the massive front door read "Trojan Home for Wayward Boys." "I wonder why they wanted us to meet them here?" Kathy asked tentatively as she tried to peer through the heavily barred windows. She thought -- but she wasn't sure -- that she saw a...
Maybe I wanted it to happen. Maybe he sensed I was open to it, I don’t know. However it came about, an older boy in the neighbor made me suck his cock. I was very young and he was several years older. Somehow, we found ourselves alone. He wanted a blowjob, but was too mean or proud to admit it. He had to aleast act the part. After some threats and talking about wanting his cock sucked. He stood in front of me and pulled his cock out through his zipper. I tried not to stare at it and at first, I...
Hey lusty guys, if a sexy lady wanted you to bang her pussy behind two parked cars in the middle of the night near a pub, then would you fuck her hard or make an excuse? My husband once got such an opportunity, but he refused to pull out his penis because he wanted to take a piss very badly! At least that was the bloody excuse he gave me. My husband and I had gone to a local pub with our friends on a Friday night. I’ll tell you what provocative cock and pussy game I had in the pub in my next...
College years were crazy for you! You could recite many wild stories about parties and girls, but the hottest of them would be easily the ones related to a girl called Sarah. She was a steaming hot babe and she got you into the kinkiest adventures ever. One time she mixed up with the blonde professor, Ms. Cherry and in the end seduced you to join them, another time she lured you into a threesome where she shared her love among two hard cocks. She was a delight and now it is time to relieve...
xmoviesforyouSrijana 38c-34-40 was a woman of very high character and she very well knew that her son in law which is me will see to it that all is taken care of where her daughter is concerned. Her daughter sandhya 34cc-32-36 is married to me and is my wife for last 14 years. The only problem she is facing is shrijata 34b-29-34 marriage, my young sister in law who was all of 10 when I was married to her sister who was full and ripe of 18 then. Sandhya one day very casually suggested that why don’t I speak...
IncestAs Susie strode out of the library, grinning like the cat who is about to get the cream, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the girl scramble to her feet, roughly hitching up her knickers and tugging her skirt down. Her face burned with embarrassment as she picked up her bag and followed her back to her office.Susie held the door open and motioned Cathy inside, before silently locking the door and sitting down behind her desk, leaving Cathy standing before her. She opened the girl’s laptop...
Oral SexI would’ve tested my limits and made passionate love to both girls until the break of dawn. Max needed something different, though. I big-spooned her as she snuggled back, snoring gently. Sam took the ladle position. I had had issues sleeping with others in my bed before. Girlfriends who had kicked, rolled, talked, or wrong-cuddled all night long. This was right-cuddling. The difference was warmer, tighter, with significantly fewer fingernails in my neck meat. I breathed in the smell of...
It’s Halloween and Johnny Crusty has come back to wreck havoc. But really it’s just Rory’s boyfriend, David, dressed up like Johnny to scare the girls. It scared Rory enough to runaway, leaving David and Callie Black alone for the night. Callie is one of Rory’s best friend’s and she has noticed that Rory doesn’t treat David all that well, so Callie decided to show David the appreciation he never gets by fucking his brains out, giving David the best treat...
xmoviesforyouBrains and boobs ... what could be better? Just add a lucky discovery! Looking out over the ocean from her balcony, Tracy reflected again on how lucky she was. Although a nerdy girl at high school, she'd chosen to study a Masters of Sports Medicine at college thereafter to combine her intellect with her passion for health & fitness. All her hard work & study had paid off when she graduated top of her post-graduate class, and that's when luck had kicked in. Of all the colleges in the country, a...
Sex With Stranger“This meeting of the Maple Street Chowder and Interplanetary Rocket Society will now come to order,” I intoned from my lofty position as High Chief Muckitey-Muck, Lord of All He Surveys. “Yeah, yeah. Get on with it” murmured my worshipful sycophants. “Is there any old business?” As usual, Old Jeb was the one waving his hand. He must redo his nail polish right before each meeting. “Yes, Jeb? Have you redone your nail polish again?” “No, I just don’t know if this is old business or new...
"What took you so long?" The sight that greeted Scott's eyes made his pulse quicken. When he arrived at the apartment, he opened the door and walked in. Sandra's voice from the bedroom told him that she had beaten him back. He walked in to find her stark naked and stretched out on the bed with her legs spread wide apart. She had both hands on her pussy and her fingers were holding the lips of her cunt wide open. "JESUS!" "Would I make a good whore?" Sandra giggled. "I've always...
She turned and looked at me then she closed the door behind her. We had shared something to gain something but I am sure we had both also lost something during the game. ‘Shit!’ I think as I jump to my feet. ‘Where am I and what the fuck am I doing here?’ was screaming in my head. She turned and looked at me then she closed the door behind her. We had shared something to gain something but I am sure we had both also lost something during the game. ‘Shit!’ I think as I jump to my...
First TimeSliding lotion over my curves as I step out of the shower, enjoying the smell of cocoa butter and coconut as it wafts through the air, and anticipating the hours ahead. The aroma makes my pussy tingle with memories of past rendezvous, some brief and others enthralling, all thoughts give me a rush of sensations over my skin. I slip on a new leopard print bra, sexy black dress, no panties and red heels. I can feel the lubrication between my legs as I step in to the car for my short drive up to...
SUNDAY My boxers. Fold. Her panties. Fold. My t-shirt. Fold. More panties. Inside-out. Fold. Her bra. Hang up. Sports bra. Fold. More boxers. Fold. I placed all of the folded laundry into the basket and returned to our bedroom where I proceeded to put everything in dresser drawers. "Done," I said. Walking back into the living room. I collapsed on the couch and grabbed the TV remote. I started scanning Netflix for something to watch. I feel like I've seen every...
Amanda in Taiwan – Chap 3 As soon as I left, you turned to your new friend and started asking questions that he never would have expected from another Asian. But he appreciated the honesty of your forward behavior, and as a normal thirty-something male, he found you irresistibly sexy and appealing. First, you asked him if he thought you were hot. When he became immediately embarrassed, you realized your mistake and started again. “I’m so sorry,” you told him, “I was not...
(This story is true, but I must hide certain facts like names) Hello, I'm writing from Indianapolis, which from this point on, I'll refer to as Indy. I am a 41 year old marketing executive for a large corporation that deals in sports apparel. We have a contract with the NFL, so I travel to numerous games during the year. This past weekend, I was in Honolulu for the NFL Pro Bowl. On Monday morning, I boarded a flight from Honolulu to Indy for the Super Bowl. I always fly first class, It's much...
Straight SexSPLIT TAILS RANCH, PART 5 She didn’t realize she was holding my hand until the girls came running up to us. They stopped and stared before breaking into huge grins. She looked down, flushed to the roots of her hair, and let go. It just wasn’t done in the day and time, especially if the woman was newly widowed. It especially wasn’t done with the man who had killed her husband. She was expected to wear black in mourning for a year, but she steadfastly refused. “To do so would honor the...
I want to thank aardvark for his idea. I am only expanding on his idea. Chapter 1 Introduction Hi my name is Zack Meyers. I want to share a secret with all of society. In our culture live a group of men who prey on women. I don't want you to get the wrong idea, they don't rape or beat them. This group is more diabolical then that. They mount the women. No, No, No. Not stand on them. They physically pour themselves inside the hapless victims. They then are able to posses them....
Some of Michael's new abilities were beginning to take hold as he was slowly trying to regain some normality back into his life. Having remote access to one's psyche may prove to be more of a curse than a blessing, however. Fortunately for us humans, that aspect is not likely to become probably for a significant future. Although, being able to call one's significant other from one's built-in cellphone to see when he or she is coming home from dinner would be extremely cool. "Get...
Day Fifty-five - Saturday Was this a bad dream? I was pinned down so well I couldn't move. There were heavy weights on both of my legs - I couldn't move either of them. My arms were pinned down as well. There was something that had a familiar fragrance over my nose, but something was tickling my nose. Something was tickling my dick too, and it felt damn good. Ah, that was Sue's sweet smell. I took a lick. Her taste too. She was kneeling on my arms with her delicious pussy directly over...
With a weary sigh, a young woman with luxurious light brown hair streaked with blonde flopped down on a queen mattress between a pile of clothes on hangars and a box labeled “Stuff that goes with other stuff”. She fumbled absently behind her head for her purse, finally grabbed the strap, and pulled her wallet out. She pulled a twenty (her second to last one) out and lay patiently on the bed staring at the ceiling and hoping the air conditioning would take hold at some point and begin to...
Marek led Heather downstairs and along the corridor to a door opposite the entrance to the study. Taking a small bronze key from his trouser pocket Marek unlocked the door. Heather followed Marek into what should have been a small room squeezed in between the dining room and a living room. She gasped in surprise at the sight before her. The room confused the eye, it appeared to be an immense room it’s walls completely covered in doors there were stairs leading up to landing after landing...
(If you want to submit a chapter you can send it and I'll approve it if it's good.) You walk into the gym signing yourself up for your town's annual Cuntbusting and Ballbusting fight! The CB/BB fight is a yearly event held by your town where all bets are off. You are meant to aim for all the sensitive bits until either one of the fights gets knocked out or surrenders. Everyone loves the event and many people come to look at it and others come to compete. The winner (last one standing) gets the...
Fetish“If you need to calm down, or need to calm him down, then you need to be willing to explore this,” said Bob. “Think of it like this. If you want to have a flower garden, then you have to just accept that your hands are going to get dirty.” Both girls were now kneeling beside the men, who were lying on their backs, a few feet apart. “It’s not my hands I’m worried about,” said Julie, who was staring at her father’s rampant erection. “I know you said all we’d have to do is jerk you off, but...
"Ohmigod, it's beautiful," I squealed, looking at Lisa's hand, "And it's huge! What is it, two and a half carats?" "Two seven-five," said Lisa, "and look at the cut and clarity. Jim does good work." "It really is great. Congratulations," I said, giving her a hug. "There's something else Brian. I want you in my wedding party." "I'd love to," I said, then paused. "But I would think Jim has some other people, like maybe everyone else he knows, that he'd rather have as ushers, don't...
He felt the environment close around him. His closest by his side but a thousand times removed with the turn of a page and the strum of a guitar string. Sunlight broke through the dust streaked glass, the heat of it seeking out the areas of his body most affected by its earlier attention. A million different thoughts broke the air around him. Each one lapping over the other as the travellers around him screamed silently at the departure announcement board. His so called gift felt more like a...
Robby Echo and his new stepmom Kate Dee are just getting to know each other. Over ice cream, Kate starts asking Robby questions about himself. Each of Robby’s answers is flattering to Kate, who’s really digging it. When Kate asks Robby his favorite outfit that he’s seen her in, he pushes the envelope by saying that it was when he walked into the bathroom last week and saw her in a towel. That prompts Kate to ask Robby his favorite fantasy, which is revealed to be getting...
xmoviesforyouIt was his own fault. He had spent far too long admiring himself in the mirror and revelling at the sight of the erotic garments he had donned and time had slipped away from him. Just the feeling of these silky garments against his skin made him hard as they always did and a masturbation session would soon follow.The mirror on one side of his sliding closet doors reflected the image of a tall and tanned young man with long dark hair and slightly feminine features. If he had been born a girl,...