A Well Lived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 27 In Between the Visits
- 2 years ago
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Chorley. August: the day the Swarm arrive.
Jimmy didn’t even look up at the knock on the door. He ignored it, sinking deeper into himself. He didn’t want any more sympathisers. Couldn’t cope with them. Mary’s death hadn’t been a real surprise, she’d been poorly for many months now, but the suddenness of the end had been more than he could deal with.
The knock repeated itself. Harder and longer. Again he ignored it. “Go away,” he muttered to himself. “Leave me alone.”
After the funeral two days earlier, he had bid his last guest goodbye, and then sunk into the armchair, from where he had barely moved since.
His anger exploded when the banging came again, louder and more insistent, and this time didn’t stop. Flinging open the front door, he glared at the small, middle-aged man standing in front of him holding a clip board.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?” yelled Jimmy, grief making his anger stronger. “Can’t you just leave me alone?”
“Mr James Todd?”
“Go away. I’m busy.”
Jimmy made to close the door, but a foot was interposed between the door and the jam.
“Mr. Todd. According to our records you don’t have a television licence. That is a criminal offence punishable with an immediate fine of one thousand pounds, or if you refuse to pay, of up to seven thousand five hundred pounds. A television licence is now three hundred and fifty eight pounds and fifty pence. You now owe one thousand three hundred and fifty eight pounds and fifty pence as long as you pay it right here right now.”
“Go away you stupid little man,” said Jimmy dully. “First off I don’t have a television, and haven’t had one for six years, and second off a licence for a pensioner is only one hundred and twenty. And if you don’t know that then you’re an incompetent, and if you do: a fraudster.” Free TV licenses for pensioners had been scrapped nearly a decade earlier.
“What do you mean you don’t have a TV? Why not?”
“Because I don’t want one. Now go away.”
“You’re a liar. Everybody has a television. You have to have. Now pay up. A television licence is mandatory.” There was a very brief pause. “Mandatory means you have no choice,” Jimmy was told in a very condescending and insulting tone of voice.
“I. Don’t. Have. A. Television.” Jimmy repeated slowly and carefully as if to a young child.
“Rubbish. How do you get the news if you don’t? You must watch the football and the soaps, everyone does.”
“Well I don’t. There’s no news on TV any more, I’ve never watched soap operas, and if I want to watch the football I go and watch it live.” Jimmy looked at the ID badge his ‘visitor’ was wearing. “Look Mister Malcolm sodding Slaithwaite. I don’t have a television. Which part of that statement manages to escape you? Which part of that statement are you too stupid to understand? Now go away, I’m busy.”
Again Jimmy made to close the door, and again he was prevented from doing so.
“Mister Todd. If you don’t pay up right now I will have no choice but to inform the authorities that you are refusing your civic responsibilities.”
“CIVIC RESPONSIBILITIES?” roared Jimmy. “WHAT FLAMING PLANET do you live on?” His voice quietened slightly. “A licence is not a civic responsibility. It’s a legal requirement if you have a television, and only if you have a television. I don’t have a television, therefore I don’t need a licence. Come in and check if you don’t believe me.”
“You must have a television.”
“No! I mustn’t! There’s no legal requirement to have a television if I don’t want one. We didn’t want one as there was never anything on worth watching. We had better things to do.”
“Then how do you watch the news?”
“I’ve just told you, I don’t. There is no news. Not any more. It’s propaganda by this fraudulent, immoral, evil, good for nothing government.”
Slaithwaite’s face went red. “What do you mean propaganda? That is the honest news. Graham Thorn only allows the truth to be broadcast. He doesn’t allow all the lies that the BBC and ITV used to broadcast. As for Sky, CNN and the others, they were so blatant about their lies that they had to be banned.”
“Thorn? Truth? That man wouldn’t know the truth if it got up and bit him. I don’t trust him. That man is the ultimate liar.”
Slaithwaite looked shocked. “How can you not trust Graham Thorn? He’s probably the best Prime Minister this country has ever had.”
“Best?” Jimmy managed to sound very scornful. “I’d rather have Thatcher, Blair or Cameron than Thorn any day. I’d trust any of them far more than I’d ever trust Thorn.” Jimmy looked at Slaithwaite’s shocked face. “You’re probably too young to remember Thatcher,” he started, but Slaithwaite interrupted him.
“I remember her. There is,” Slaithwaite stopped what he was going to say and and stared at Jimmy, frowning. His expression rapidly changed from shock to anger and hate. “I know who you are. You’re a recidivist. A revolutionary. You are a traitor.” He put his hand on Jimmy’s chest and pushed backwards. “I’m going to report you for this. And you’ll still have to pay the fine. And the TV licence. And that crack about fraud and incompetence won’t be forgotten either.”
Jimmy allowed himself to be pushed backwards. At seventy five he should be weaker than Slaithwaite, who looked to be in his mid to late forties. “Thorn is the real traitor,” Jimmy said coldly. “A traitor to the British people. A traitor to the human race. The whole of the human race will be improved just by his death. I’m just glad he hasn’t got any children to carry on his...”
Slaithwaite slapped Jimmy hard. “You’ll regret that. Thorn is the ultimate patriot. He has saved us from invasion by the Americans and the French and the Irish. From the Jews, the Moslems, the blacks. Hadn’t you noticed there’s less of them around?”
“Oh I’d noticed alright. It’s because he’s doing a Hitler. A Stalin. Shipping people he doesn’t like the look of to the gulags and the gas chambers. He’s a murderer. It shames me that someone like him is allowed to breathe the same air as the honest people of this country. But it shames me more that people like you support him and refuse to see him for what he really is. And even more that people actually believe his lies.”
“Right,” snapped Slaithwaite. “I’m reporting you. Sit there.” He pushed Jimmy into an armchair, and stood about three feet in front of him, glaring at him as he pulled an old and battered mobile phone from his pocket.
Jimmy might have looked weak, but three and a half years earlier he had been put through a Confederacy medical tube. He sat forward, rubbing his back as if it was aching. In reality this allowed Jimmy to get his feet and body in the position he needed. He paused for a moment, watching Slaithwaite out of the corner of his eyes. He waited until the younger man looked away from him, to his phone, then struck. To Slaithwaite’s complete shock Jimmy was on him before he realised there was a problem. For a few seconds he believed he could fight off the old man, but then, as he realised Jimmy was far stronger than he appeared, fear began to replace his arrogance.
Barely a minute later Jimmy looked down at the corpse, barely panting from the exertion. The position of the neck showed clearly that it had been broken by twisting. “Shit,” he muttered. There was no way he could shift the corpse out to his car. It was parked on the busy street and there were a lot of people around.
After a few moments’ thought, he lifted Slaithwaite’s corpse as if it were just a bag of sugar and lugged him into the bathroom. Dropping him into the bath, Jimmy hurried into the kitchen. He hunted around for the sharp knives. This had been Mary’s domain and she’d been fiercely proud of her abilities in the kitchen. Jimmy rarely cooked, not because he couldn’t, but simply because Mary just hadn’t let him. Only in the last three days of her life had she been unable to do the cooking.
He eventually spotted the knives in a block behind the bread bin. Pulling the two largest, and sharpest, he took them into the bathroom. “Oh fuck,” he breathed. He just didn’t know where to start. Forty odd years earlier, as an SAS trooper, he’d regularly had to live in the field, and had often had to butcher a wild rabbit or bird they had caught for dinner. He thought he could still remember how to do that, but this was completely different.
He tested the knife on Slaithwaite’s thumb, and found that while it cut through the skin, eventually, it wouldn’t cut through the bone. Jimmy put Slaithwaite’s hand on the side of the bath, put the knife over the bottom joint of the thumb and pressed down with all his weight. There was a click as the knife suddenly went through, separating the bones, but there was still a thin strip of skin linking the two parts. That came away quickly enough afterwards, but it all showed that the knives were not truly sharp enough.
“Not a chance,” muttered Jimmy. “This’ll take far too long,” he thought. Now what?
There were some secateurs, pruning shears, in the garden shed. Because they lived in the ground floor flat, Jimmy and Mary had taken it upon themselves to maintain and look after the garden on behalf of all the residents. Jimmy knew the secateurs were sharp, he’d not long sharpened them.
He got the secateurs and as he turned spotted some croppers lying nearby. They would go through a branch about an inch and a half thick, so he picked those up as well, hoping they would go through some of the thicker bones. He had no saws or stronger cutting gear, so this was the best he could do.
Forty minutes later the second knife broke. He threw it down in disgust. The secateurs and croppers had only got him so far, now he needed to remove flesh to allow the croppers access to the bones. In those forty minutes he had removed all the corpse’s fingers and toes, both hands and feet, and the left fore-arm. He had tried to remove the upper arm as well, but the croppers had been unable to open wide enough. The same problem occurred with the knees, so he’d not even tried with the hips. He had nicked himself a few times on the sharp knife, and had got blood farther than he’d wanted. The knife had snapped when he’d tried to slide it down and into the right elbow, to sever the radius and ulna from the humerus.
“Bastards,” he growled in frustration. He needed a proper butcher’s cleaver, more sharp knives - preferably stronger ones than the two he’d broken - and lots of bags. He needed to get the body to the yard to be disposed of through the replicator. And he needed rags, lots of them, to clean up afterwards.
Slaithwaite’s clothes were already bagged, all the pockets emptied. All the money had gone straight into Jimmy’s own pocket: no point in wasting it, but everything else had been put into another bag for disposal. He sighed, picked up another, even smaller knife, held it for a moment just looking at the bloody corpse and then threw it down. “Not a bloody chance,” he muttered. “I need help.”
Washing his hands carefully, he picked up his phone. Slaithwaite’s mobile had been dismantled early on, the battery removed and the SIM taken out and chopped up. He had then used the croppers and a hammer to take the phone apart and destroy it beyond repair or accessibility. This might be slightly overkill, but Jimmy was more than a touch paranoid about his safety and security.
“Bill first,” he thought. He dialled.
“Hello?” came a woman’s voice a few seconds later.
“Sue, is Bill there? It’s Jimmy.”
“Yes Jimmy,” came a dry, resigned voice. “I do recognise your voice you know. Be quick, I’m about to serve up dinner.”
There was a pause.
“Jimmy, you okay man? How you doing?”
“I need urgent vermin help.”
There was a small silence while Bill digested this statement.
“Uh. How urgent?”
Jimmy considered. “It’ll wait a short while, but not too long. The smell is likely to get up.”
“Ah. You’ve managed to kill at least one rat?”
“Just one, but there’ll be others about I suspect.”
“Ah,” Bill’s voice dropped slightly. “Shall I ask our granddaughter?”
It was Jimmy’s turn to go silent as he puzzled over Bill’s question. Our granddaughter? “Oh. Yes. That’ll be fine.” He twigged that Bill was talking about Sophie. He’d not met the woman, but both Ted and Bill had been really pleased and proud at how she and her friends had progressed.
“Okay. I’ll get in touch now.”
“One other thing. Any chance you have a spare sharp knife? I was cutting some raw beef earlier and mine snapped. It’s not a problem if you don’t, I can get one tomorrow.”
At the other end of the phone, Bill smiled slightly. He knew what Jimmy was asking. “Sure, I’ll get her to bring a spare one over.”
“Cheers mate.”
“No problem. You take care now.” The two men hung up.
Jimmy hurried back into the bathroom and began cleaning up. Filling a bucket with warm water and sloshing in a tiny amount of bleach, more to kill the smell of the blood than for any real deep clean purposes, he poured it slowly and carefully over the body, sluicing as much of the blood and other bodily fluids down the drain. Grabbing two old tea-towels, he quickly wiped up the splashes of blood on the floor and walls. They then joined the dead man’s clothes in the bag.
It was nearly two hours before there was a ring on the door bell. Jimmy looked through the peephole as well as checking the little spy camera. There was a young woman carrying a small holdall, and three young men. They appeared to be relaxed and cheerful, and, Jimmy couldn’t hear them, seemed to be joking around a bit.
He put the chain on the door and opened it. “Yes?”
“Hi,” said the young woman. “My granddad sent me. You have a small rat infestation?”
Jimmy quickly eyed the three lads who had all calmed down and were looking at him, open faces friendly and cheerful. He nodded, and closed the door to remove the chain.
As soon as the four were inside, Jimmy saw the change. They went from young people just being casual, to serious professionals.
Putting down the bag, the young woman held out her hand. “Hello. I’m Anne. This is Brad, Charlie and Donald.”
Jimmy managed to hide his smile at such obvious fake names. “Jimmy,” he said, shaking hands with all four. “It’s good to meet you. I’ve heard all about you. This way.” He led them into the bathroom.
Charlie looked a little sick at the sight, and both Anne and Donald went a bit pale. It didn’t stop them though, and three hours later, with the help of some seriously sharp and large knives, an electric saw and a lot of effort and elbow grease, Slaithwaite’s body had been cut up into pieces that would each fit into a typical plastic supermarket carrier bag without trouble. Anne had brought nearly thirty bags with her, and Jimmy had found another half dozen around the flat, but they still needed at least the same again, and probably more. The problem was, everything had to be double and triple bagged to ensure no leakages of body fluids.
“Right,” said Jimmy when they had done as much as they could. “I can get it all somewhere safe and secure, somewhere where the remains can never be found. Since we don’t have enough bags, I’ll need to do it in two trips, to get rid of the first lot, and to pick up some more bags. Can I leave you guys here while I do that? Just in case?”
Anne nodded. “Sure. We sort of know what you’re gonna do. Would you like one of us to come with you?”
Jimmy considered it. “Maybe. Okay. We need to get the bags into the car as quick as possible.” He handed his keys and a small tarpaulin to Anne, and described his car. “Go open up please, while we...” she smiled and nodded her understanding, leaving quickly.
Loading the car, and unloading it again at the yard was very quick as none of the individual bags was either particularly heavy, or particularly bulky, so the unpleasant chore went quickly and smoothly. The replicator took nearly an hour to dispose of the part corpse, while at the same time producing another fifty bags and a load of cleaning cloths and fluid. While Brad got back in the car for the trip back to Jimmy’s flat, Jimmy quickly set up the replicator to produce more cloths, and a dozen bottles of beer. They would be ready by the time he came back on his second trip.
“Right, now for round two,” said Jimmy as he let off the hand brake.
Brad just smiled at Jimmy’s half-hearted joke.
When they got back, the three remaining behind had done as much cleaning in the bathroom as it was currently possible to do, though there was still much more to do.
The remaining body parts were quickly bagged, and again Anne, Charlie and Donald remained behind to continue the cleaning while Jimmy and Brad went back to the yard. It was well after eleven before they were all finished, and the bathroom as clean as it was possible to get. Jimmy knew he would need to make one more trip to the yard to get rid of the last of the bloody cloths, but he was fairly sure they would safely wait until the morning. For the time being, they were in the washing machine getting a normal wash. He had added a triple load of bleach though.
Beyond necessary words, almost the entire job had been done in complete silence. It had been necessary, but it had also helped. Once they had finished however, the silence turned awkward.
Jimmy smiled. “Thank you folks. That’s a job well done. Never thought I’d have to do anything like that in my own home though.”
“Have you had to do anything like that before?” asked Anne.
Jimmy smiled slightly. “What do you think?” he asked.
The four looked at each other and almost as one just shrugged.
Jimmy burst out laughing. The sight had been comical, and the stress relieved itself in laughter. The four smiled uncertainly.
“I’m sorry guys, you just looked so funny. Yes. Sort of. That box has taken a few rats in the last couple of years, I just haven’t ever needed to do what you guys just did.”
“Ah. Okay. Sorry. We’ve never had to do that either.”
“You did okay. You did better than okay. Come on into the living room. Would any of you like a drink?”
“I’d love a coffee if you have one please,” said Brad, just as Donald’s phone beeped.
“Is that what you want? Coffee? I have some beers if you want them?”
Brad and Charlie looked at each other, and Jimmy could see that both were wanting to say yes.
Anne saw it and said it for them. She smiled. “That would be lovely. Thank you.”
The five sat, beer in hand, and slowly relaxed.
“Are you all okay for getting home?” Jimmy asked after a few seconds.
Charlie nodded. “Yeah. That’s no problem.”
“Sophie!” Donald looked up from his phone. “Something’s happened,” he looked around at the shocked faces of his friends.
“Donald,” hissed Charlie.
“What? Oh.” He looked worriedly at Jimmy.
“Don’t worry. I already knew they were all false names. Just be careful. Now. You were about to tell Anne something?”
“Sorry,” Donald looked contrite, but also excited. “Something’s happened.”
“Like what?” asked Anne/Sophie.
“I’ve got an old style SMS text from my cousin in Germany. It’s all over the news over there, and everywhere else by all accounts.”
“What is?”
“The aliens. They’ve arrived.”
“WHAT?” Four shouts came simultaneously.
Jimmy had dived for his phone, but before he reached it, it started buzzing.
“Hello boss.”
There was a brief pause. “You have company?” asked Joe.
“The grand daughter and her friends.” Jimmy didn’t want to name Bill, in case Sophie and her friends hadn’t been told it. “Helping me with some vermin trouble.”
There was another pause. “Ah. Ted and Bill’s ‘granddaughter’?”
“Okay. Well don’t say anything to them, but apparently President Hernandez was on the TV a few minutes ago, announcing the fact that the aliens have arrived.”
“Oh. They already know. They were just saying that when you rang. One of them had an old style text.”
There was another pause as Joe digested this. “Okay. If you’ve finished what you’re doing, send them home, and tell them to wait to be contacted. Nothing will happen straight away, so they should get some rest. Ring me back when you’re free.”
“Will do.” He hung up and turned to the youngsters.
They were crowded around Donald who, it seemed, knew nothing more than he’d just blurted out. All he knew was what his cousin had told him, and that was that the aliens had arrived.
Jimmy stood. “Troop!”
The four quickly stood and arrayed themselves around him.
“Orders. Go home. Get some rest. Apparently nothing will happen soon, so get some rest. I have only a little more intel than you have: President Hernandez has announced something, but what I don’t know. Wait to be contacted, do not pass rumours. At this time it’s little more than an unsubstantiated rumour that the aliens have arrived. Passing it on will only panic people. Actually, what you can do, is contact the rest of your group and tell them the same. Tell them to rest and wait and not spread rumours.
“Remember, not everyone believes. Those that do may panic, those that don’t may report you. It may be a misunderstanding, or mistranslation. Hernandez’s first language is Mexican Spanish. It’s possible he mistranslated, or just as likely, a British English translation of a German translation of a Mexican Spanish original by a European Spanish speaker that may in turn be a translation of a US English report.”
He looked around the four youngsters who were smiling at the image his words had created.
“Chinese whispers,” muttered ‘Anne’ softly.
Jimmy smiled at her. “Assume nothing, so say nothing.” He smiled around at them all. “Thank you very much for your help this evening, it’s been most appreciated. If the report is correct you’ll all need sleep, so go get it. Understand?”
All four nodded, looking relieved to have definite instructions.
Jimmy smiled. “Good. Dismissed.”
There was a gentle ripple of laughter, and the four picked up their belongings, including the open and unfinished bottles of beer. As they left, Jimmy shook the hand of each one.
A few minutes later he dialled Joe.
“It’s after midnight,” came a querulous voice.
“Patty, it’s Jimmy. Joe...”
Patty’s voice instantly changed. “Yes Jimmy. He’s right here.”
There was almost no pause as Joe came back on the line. “Jimmy. Joe. Thank you for ringing back. When I rang you it was just a readiness alert, however I’ve just had more details from Commander Pierra. A Swarm fleet arrived in system and was destroyed out near Saturn. Apparently they’re worried that an escort vessel may have escaped. Hopefully I’ll get more information soon. Regardless, there’s nothing to do for now, just be prepared.”
“Yes sir. Assuming nothing, is there any intel on when another fleet might arrive?”
“Sorry, no. When I have more I’ll let you know.”
“Okay, thank you. Goodnight sir.”
“Good night Jimmy.”
They hung up.
Jimmy looked around the room. It had been just after five pm when Slaithwaite had knocked on the door and he’d been feeling sorry for himself. Now, slightly over seven hours later, he felt all revved up and wide awake.
He looked at the photograph of Mary on the mantelpiece. It had been taken about four years previously, shortly before her illness had begun to manifest itself. Mary had never known Jimmy had been through the Confederacy medical process, she would have denounced him on the spot if she’d known, but Jimmy wished with all his heart he could have her back right now. He touched the photo lightly. “Good night my precious lady,” he whispered.
The following morning, bright and early, Jimmy took the last of the cleaning cloths in a bag down to the yard, and tossed them into the replicator. They were gone in minutes. He had also brought down the two broken knives for repair and cleaning. Ted turned up just moments later.
“Jimmy. Bill’s told me you had vermin problems last night?”
Jimmy quickly explained, telling Ted what he and Sophie and her friends had done. “I’ve cleaned up as much as is practically possible, but there’s some things I have no way of cleaning absolutely. The wall tiles around the bath, the lino, the bath and sink themselves. Things like the bathmats and towels have been removed, as has everything not fixed down. I’m just getting replacements now,” he indicated the replicator. “I’ve programmed it to reproduce some things exactly as they were when they went in, down to the dirt, hairs and everything, but without the foreign blood. I think I’ve got it to remove anything else with Slaithwaite’s DNA, but I’m not sure if that will work. If I’ve got it right.”
Ted nodded. “Good idea. Are you okay though?”
Jimmy nodded. “Yeah. I’ll miss her terribly, but I’ve got to get on with life now.”
Ted gripped his shoulder. “I’m sure you will, but you know where we are. Now. Do you think it’s safe to go back to your flat?”
Jimmy considered it, then turned to look at the workshop that was behind him. He waved at it. “There’s a sort of flat over the workshop. According to the building regs, no one is supposed to live there, and especially sleep there, but I’m sure I could make it liveable. Under the circumstances it might be better. Closer to the shop. Closer to the box.”
Ted nodded slowly. “Good idea. What will you do with the flat?”
Jimmy shrugged. “No idea. I could sell I suppose, but what would I do with the money? In any case I imagine that once the news comes out, property prices will plummet.” He gave another shrug. “I’ll think about it. Rent it maybe, but that has its own problems.”
“Okay man. Let me know when, and I’ll get Bill and Harry and we’ll come and give you a hand shifting.”
“Cheers mate. I don’t suppose you’ve heard any more about what’s happened up there do you?”
“Only that one large and an unspecified number of smaller vessels arrived. The biggy and all but one of the others were destroyed. They’re pretty damned certain that one escaped, but it may have been damaged in the fight. Apparently that’s still a matter of some conjecture though, and there’s no word on any follow up.”
“Okay, no worries.” Jimmy grinned. “Yet!”
Ted smiled. “Better get off. Things to do.” The two men briefly gripped arms and then Ted hurried off. Jimmy spent the rest of the morning tidying up the small flat above the garage. Planning regulations stated that it could be used as an office or store room, but not as a permanent living space. That didn’t matter though, as long as he was discreet he knew he would be able to get away with it. Having a replicator that could produce all the cleaning materials he needed, as well as some of the basics in the way of comforts made the work easier and quicker. It even produced the couple of sandwiches he survived the day on. He deliberately did not think about where the molecules and atoms that went to make up the sandwiches may have come from.
All of them began to notice a few changes over the next twenty four hours, Jimmy more so because of where he lived and worked. Some people looked scared, others looked scornful, many just looked confused. There was bewildered chat in the small corner shop where Jimmy picked up the odd bit of fresh food. His replicator was okay, but only had a limited selection of food stuffs. He supposed he should buy some more stuff to put through, but had never found the time nor, before now, the need.
“But I thought it was all fraud,” he heard one old lady saying to another as he waited in the queue at the till.
“It is. Isn’t it? I’m sure Graham Thorn said it was all fake.”
There was a pause. “Anyway,” said the first. “Even if he is wrong, that was days ago, surely they’d be here by now.”
Another pause. “Where did it happen? Where are they coming from?” Both women looked even more bewildered.
“It happened out near Saturn,” Jimmy interjected quietly.
“Satum?” asked one, mishearing. “Where’s that? I’ve never heard of it. Is it anywhere near Manchester? Is that where these aliens are from? Manchester?”
“No,” said the other, “he said...” she paused and turned to Jimmy. “Where did you say?”
“It’s one of the giant planets way out in the Solar system. Saturn.”
“Is that where they come from?”
“The aliens?” asked Jimmy. “No. Long way away. Some star hundreds maybe thousands of light years away. That is,” he added as he realised people were starting to listen in, “if you believe in them.”
“They’re not real,” this was from a middle-aged man carrying a pint of milk and a packet of biscuits.
“Oh?” asked Jimmy, turning to him with raised eyebrows.
“Can’t be. Not possible.”
“Oh?” asked Jimmy again.
“You only need to go up three or four miles and you hit the sky. It’s just a big dome over the ground.”
Jimmy turned away, but one of the women tapped the other man on the arm. “You shouldn’t make jokes like that young man, even I know Mount Everest is five miles high, and planes fly higher than that.”
“Oh but it’s not a joke. There no such thing as ‘outer space’. It’s all a lie. The sun and the moon go around us. Earth doesn’t move, it’s flat. If the Earth was really round and spinning as fast as they say it is we’d all fly off. Did you never go on a round-about as a youngster?”
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Charlie met me at the airport, saying he and Debra had enjoyed their time together. He added that Victor and Gladys had been no trouble. "She made your bed and cleaned the whole apartment." The apartment was spotless. I could tell that Gladys had done a thorough job of cleaning under my bed when I saw four tennis balls on my desk. I put three of them in a can and kept the fourth handy for squeezing while studying. My first telephone call was to Kelley. There was no answer at the Harvey...
Taxi Ride from Hell.Cindy had been shopping and she hailed a cab, she had decided to surprise her friend with an unplanned visit. As she was on the way she looked in her handbag she realized that she had lost her purse. Telling the driver he changed direction and told her he was going to the depot where she could sort it out with the boss. Cindy was obviously distressed but the manager soon had her at ease, he told the driver to check the taxi thoroughly to see if it had fallen out there. While...
????????????????????????????????? A Modern Day Lawyer=s Crucifixion This is a sick twisted story that is NOT based on any real persons, places or events so if they find his bloody crucified body and my sperm in his nasty wife it was NOT me.? I repeat, I am? innocent so you can suck me. ?You may read this story ONLY if you are above the age of 18, and of sound mind such that you are extremely unlikely to go kill your dirty crooked fuck-it-all-up-lawyer by absorbing a work of...
This was my second time visiting my new Mistress Jennie. I was excited, but at the same time a little bit nervous.I drove to the arranged meeting, fully dressed as Robyn. I could not be dressed too sluttily, as I was in public, but my dress was fairly short, perhaps the tops of my stay-up stockings were slightly visible beneath my hem line. My makeup was conservative, definitely not 'drag queen', more 'housewifey'. Naturally, without question, my little clit was impossibly locked away in its...
Introduction: Anya gets forced by Jamess friend Thor and his big hammer (Sorry about the spelling and grammar, hopefully you understand enough to get the story lol ) Part three Anyas Desire It had been a month since the faithful day Anya had been raped by James, since then she felt like she had been in a great big bubble of happiness. Each day James drove her to school and kissed her goodbye, if she closed her eyes Anya could almost feel his tongue on hers. But then she opened them again...
Now it was 1973. We were both seniors. Mom still did her mom thing. Both Kim and Denise had left home and were on their own. Kim had just started her job with Davy Crockett (not the historical figure but an attorney in our town) and was doing well with her night classes to become a paralegal. Denise had been married for two years now, and had two babies of her own. Actually she had to get married as she got an unexpected surprise in the third year of college ... but she was happy and so was...
“Quick, turn on the heat,” Said Tina the minute we entered my dorm room, “I am freeeeeeeezing.” Tina and I were returning from a party late at night when we were caught in a sudden downpour. Drunk and already cold, we ran the final half mile back to my building in the pouring rain. “I cant control the heat in my room,” I replied to Tina with a sad expression on my face, “Its set on a timer, it will probably come on later on tonight.” “Then get me a towel please,” Tina asked, “I’m going to be...
Erotic"I'm sorry Fran, got my sister's daughter coming to stay for two weeks, so no sexy romps for us, with a teenage brat into the house," Babs said to her long-term lesbian lover as she busied herself with a quick house dusting.In her mid-forties, Babs still had the sort of figure that had men lusting after her. But following a disastrous relationship with her only long-term boyfriend, she had abandoned her pretence she was straight and had embraced her lesbian desires."Never know your luck...
IncestCould you do it? Share your wife with another? You may not understand what I did - letting another man touch my wife.First and foremost, you must understand that I love her with all my being. Her happiness is paramount to me. You see, she was a virgin when we married. I, however, had played quite a bit and had experienced many pleasures with women.We hit a rough patch in our marriage years ago. Our communication had lapsed. It took great effort - from both of us - to get our relationship back...
Wife LoversCal walked through the sweltering night air filled with bugs falling down from the huge lights which hung over the ball fields. It had been a long afternoon, taking pictures of the tiny ballplayers and getting their parents’ requests for picture packages – dealing with the mothers about pictures was almost as bad as coaching the young players and dealing with their over-competitive fathers. He decided to catch the last couple of innings of the 8- to 10-year-old game. This was his favorite age,...
Hi guys, myself Arief back again with another real fucking experience. This is my second sex story and thanks for the response for my first story. I hope you will also like this and send some feedbacks. Those who have not read my first story here is the title for the first story Ramya aunty tho dengulata. While coming to the story as you all know that I am so horny but have not done sex up to recently so all thanks to my lovely sex bomb Ramya I cannot forget her boobs and her juicy pussy. I...
Hi, Guys and gals of indian sex stories dot net , this is Aryan (name changed), you can reach out to me at with the feedbacks. Without wasting each other’s time I will start with the story. This story is about my cousin and me when after so many phone sex instances we finally got a chance to get laid and I managed to take her virginity. My cousin has huge and sexy melons and a freaking big ass. I always wanted to screw her ass and till now have not got a chance to go for it. Since...
IncestYou are Nisha, 24, an Indian girl living with your family in a town in India. You have two younger sisters, Nila , 21, and Nandini , 19. Your mom, Usha , 44 is a homemaker and your Dad is a travel agent and he will be mostly away. You and all the women in the family have jet black hair of good length, hour glass figure with curves at the right places, smooth skin and Fair complexion. Your house needs repainting and your Dad has asked a group of painters, but your Dad left on a tour. One fine...
My name is Craig, and I was forty-one years old at the time the main events in this story occurred. My wife, Faye, who is my age, and I had recently moved to Gulfport, Mississippi from Baltimore. I was transferred there by my company to work as a consultant at the Naval Construction Battalion Center, and Faye, who is a Registered Nurse, found a good job in the hospital here.We met and were married in college and were fortunate enough to start a family immediately after graduation. At the time...
OutdoorAnna and I have been best friends since university and like all best friends we have had our ups and downs mainly fuelled by far too much drink, my insecurities over Anna's stunning looks and her ability to attract far more attention from guys than I ever could, but despite this we have remained truly loyal to each other and as my best friend I really value that in our friendship. Anna and I are very similar looking and we are a simular size as well, (which has always been fab for swapping...
Its one o’clock in the morning, I can’t sleep and so I will write it all down. Maybe that way I can get some perspective on the situation I now find myself in.It all started about 5 years ago; no actually it was one year before that, to the day. My wife gave birth to my son on 2nd April 2005 and that's where she met and made friends with the other women on the maternity ward. They formed a sort of group and met up from time to time, comparing baby progress, some becoming close friends, others...
I crawled into the tub with Nikki, and pulled her in with me. We kissed, and she felt so good in my arms. She pulled back, and said, "I so want to have sex with you, but I can't, because I'm a virgin. I love the idea of it, but I'm just not ready." "No problem. I do enjoy holding you like this, and kissing as we just did. I also enjoy checking you for stubble. You know that I have other girls that I play with, but I don't have a girlfriend, and right now, I'm not really looking for...
We rose from the sofa but before she could turn to the bedroom, I wrapped her up in my arms, her naked body pressed against me, and I kissed her. It was a kiss of passion and longing, of excitement and desire. It was the kind of kiss that pulls you from reality to fantasy and I enjoyed every moment of it. “Come on lover boy. Let go, this is going to be so hot I can’t wait any longer.” she pulled me by the hand into the bedroom. Bill was asleep his breathing heavy and regular. I quietly slipped...
ExhibitionismNote: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here the nastiest, kinkiest night of my life. This is a very dirty story, containing very dirty, rough and degrading sex. If this bothers you in any way, then I suggest not proceeding. I glanced around nervously as Mya dug through her purse, searching for her keys. “What time is your boyfriend coming home again?” I asked, waiting impatiently as she...
Part 1 As you walk into the room, our eyes meet for the very first time. You feel something different. A slight tingling starts deep down inside you. It gets more intense as we get closer. We walk towards each other and we both know, even before we speak. You introduce yourself and your voice quivers. I take your hand and we both feel the electricity jump between us. We sit down to have a drink and try to relax, but can’t. The attraction is just so...
Straight SexI have to tell you I'd read my share of porn mags and been with girls and done some heavy petting and all that but I'd never got past kissing and feeling them up. I'd always end up going home and jerking off after that. It was a couple weeks after the 4th of July and a bunch of us were gathered at a small lake near town and decided we should try and get some beer and find a place to party for the night. Angie and I always had to be home by 11:00 and it was already 7:00 so I wasn't...
An 18 years old Dora steps out from The Foggy Forest, where she just helped her old friend fixing his car, again. She look down at her clothes, luckily the oil didn’t ruin her clothes. She is wearing her signature purple Tshirt. Braless. It’s a bit too tight as it hugs her hourglass body so perfectly. Her 38C breasts seem busty with her petite figure. With her cute nipples poking out. Her short shorts barely covers any skins of her thighs, and just perfectly cover her thick plump ass....
Hi ISS readers! This is my first story on ISS. I’m a regular reader of this site. This is my first story as well as my first experience. I’ll tell you how I enjoyed my first sex with a girl who was my neighbour. So much exited to tell you and I’ll write in Hindi to make it more erotic so that you would enjoy more. Story is little lengthy but quit interesting after reading please give your comments on my e-mail id i.e. Mera naan Rohan hai pehele mai kuch mere bare me bata doo. Mai Mumbai...
Straightened Out by Vickie Tern i. I was in a far corner of the restaurant and looking in her direction -- but not at her -- when she spotted me. Well, not me, not at first, what she saw was her dress. There followed a moment of bafflement, her eyebrows high because she didn't recognize the woman wearing her dress, but then her expression suddenly went guarded and her brows lowered. By that I knew April had recognized me,...
Tobias had waited so long this day. Because today was the day that he would do something he never thought he would do with the girl that he loved. He knew that she loved him and he felt so lucky and he wanted to give her pure pleasure tonight. Because she was going to spend the night at his. He’d just finished his strawberry and mint tea when Katya emerged from the bathroom. She had long black hair tied in a ponytail, her skin was pale and her eyes were a lovely green. Her smile was so...
Ricky and his girls waited while the crowd emptied the room. Ricky had estimated some one hundred and twenty people were attending this dinner ball. Just about anyone who was anyone was here. As he watched, he realised that his family was surprisingly small. His grandmother had not had any more children after his mother. She had given birth to one son and then the three girls. Ricky wondered why she hadn’t more. She was magical, so she should be still fertile. Realistically, she was still a...
Part 1. "Mr Stephenson is here sir" Arthur Cleghorn was a self made man, a man of vision, a modern man, a man prepared to embrace modern technology to its fullest degree. "Send him up Perkins" Arthur replaced the speaking tube on its whistle and paced up and down the Oak panelled reading room in the west wing of his as yet unfinished brand new mansion. "Mr Stephenson, Sir." "Ah Stephenson, good of you to come so quick, now this is ah delicate, a slight...
All stories in here should be about people of different races, anything else goes, you may have a single couples or contain multiple partners as long as one is of a different race to the rest. Human, Monster or Furries will be allowed if you want to start a story concerning them. Remember; all stories contained in here are fiction and the author does not condone or encourage any illegal activties.
InterracialIt was a fall weekend and some friends were throwing a party when their parents left to go out of town. I first meet Vickie while she was dating my cousin. Vickie had emerald green eyes with red hair and a beautiful smile. Vickie’s breasts were a small A cup. Vickie had a great looking ass. She probably weighed no more than 105 pounds and stood 5’0′ tall. My cousin Mike had been dating Vickie for 2 years while they were in high school. Vickie and I never had much of a conversation other then...
I arrived at the garage apartment at 4:00, expecting to find her there. I checked to make sure I was not seen, then entered through the side door and up the plain wood staircase to the rooms above. The same key that had opened the side door opened the door to the main room, and the musty smell of the place told me how long it had been unused. But it was basically clean. Ann was not there. At lunch I had told her to be there by 3:45 and to wait for me. She had seemed totally cowed and I was...
Karen stepped boldly up to the door of Linda Wells' office in the English Building and knocked. She wasn't at all sure of what she would say to Mrs. Wells, but she knew that she had to speak with her. As she knocked, she glanced quickly down at herself to be sure that she looked all right. She was wearing the same clothes that she had worn last night-tight red sweater and short black skirt. Like last night, she was braless. Her encounter with Henry Wells had given her a whole new outlook on...
Penance People Mal Bridge and his good mate Brett Carpenter. Later Melinda and Betty. Their parents Marie and Robert Bridge, Susan and John Carpenter. Next door neighbours in a duplex. Father Patrick Strong, nicknamed The Weakling The four girls:- Andrea Cooper, Valerie Swan, Jessica McCarthy, Ann Johnson Part 1 Mal Bridge was not really very religious. However he went to a Catholic school and his parents were good Catholics so he felt he had to conform. This meant...
Während Frau Müller seinen Geschichts-Unterricht hielt, konnte Tommy kaum seine Augen aufhalten. "Wieso mußten die langweiligsten Kurse in der letzten Schulstunde sein", fragte er sich, "das läßt den ganzen Tag wie eine Ewigkeit erscheinen." Tommy dachte nicht das es möglich ist, doch Frau Müller machte den Zweiten Weltkrieg so trocken wie ein verbranntes Toast. Sie redete über die Nazis und Hitler, aber er kam nie wirklich zu einem Punkt, nur einen Haufen von losen Schlussfolgerungen. Tommy...
“Hello?”“Hi it’s me. I’ve downloaded the photos and Videos from the other night. Do you want me to bring my laptop across and I’ll give you a sneak preview?”“Actually you can bring your hard cock along too. I’ve been horny as fuck all day!”“That sounds better than showing you pics and videos!”“No I want to see them also. Plus I’ll need a copy for the Doc. Do you want me to ring him and invite him to the premiere?”“I’d rather show you the goodies and spend a little quality time just me and...
Over time, their role-playing evolved from a niece and uncle scenario to Bonnie pretending she was Marie and started calling Mark daddy. Telling him how she wanted her daddy to fuck her hard. To grab her from behind and fuck her like a little bitch. Telling him how much she wanted to suck on daddy's big hard cock. When Bonnie first accidentally used the word daddy, one may call it a Freudian slip, she noticed how Mark became more aggressive in his actions. He grabbed her hips and started...
Hi , This is Priya again.I hope you have read my previous story about my brother taking advantage me while sleeping.This is another incident which happened in a dtc bus in Delhi.First let me tell you about myself I am fair and god has been generous to me in the asset department as my vital stats are 36-28-30,I always get second looks from guys and guys roam around my house just to catch a glimpse of me but i am not that kind of girl to goes out with everyone. I passed my 12th board exams with a...
"Have you ever wished you could get fucked so hard to the point it feels like you are going to get ripped apart and maybe even die?" I asked before taking another sip of my luke-warm coffee. It was a typical conversation between me and my best friend, Rowan, as we sat in our usual coffee shop. We probably reeked of weed because prior to coming in here we had been sitting in my car for over an hour hotboxing the shit out of some Purple Kush in front of a TJ max that we ended up never even...
SupernaturalGrowing up in East Tennessee near the man made lakes I would always spend my summers boating and on the water. My family owned a small piece of land right on the water which they had a summer house built. Every 4th of July my parents and I would drive up to the lake for the family picnic. Everyone in my family attended these gatherings. Though I had no brothers or sisters I had plenty of younger cousins. This event happened the summer before I was to graduate from high school.From the moment I...
After witnessing the sexxion between my Mom and Nan, I couldn’t wait until the next night to tell my Mom what I had seen and what I did later. After dinner that night, Mom said she had a bad headache and was going to bed early. That shattered my dreams of another good night in her bed. I decided to just watch some TV and Nan informed me that she would stay upstairs and join me for a while. We watched a couple of comedy shows and then Nan surprised me when she asked if I had any other DVD’s a...
IncestFrom Crimestopper To Kitten by Throne Carlton Clare checked himself in the full length mirror. His trim athletic figure was in tiptop shape. He brushed back the distinctive curlicue of black hair that habitually fell across his forehead and smiled at his reflection. He was ready to suit up and begin another night of stopping crime as the crime-stopper, Night Cat. He was in the special hidden room he called The Cat Den, below his sprawling palatial mansion, Clare Manor. It was nice...
Hey friends, I am a regular Indian sex stories reader please ignore if any mistakes. This a real incident happened to me 2 months ago My name is Avi from Faridabad. Age 20 So coming to my story it is about me and a horny bhabhi in our locality. She use to come to gym she was well maintained I liked her juicy ass the most she has a perfect figure . Her name was Neha . She had a daughter of 6 year. She was quite horny type so one day I saw her changing in gym she was wearing a black panty her...
Misty lie in bed, her hand between her long legs with two of her fingers deep in her steaming pussy. She moved them in and out as fast as she could go. Her other hand toyed with her firm breasts and nipples. She needed to cum so bad every inch of her body was on fire. She had only been with one man in her young life and he didn't know the first thing about pleasing a girl. "Please, cum!" she moaned as her hand began to tire. She'd been fingering herself for close to an hour with no sign on...
PART 5It had been a hectic four weeks back in 1980. Four weeks ago I was a sixteen year old boy developing an unnatural interest in my 23 year old sister called Gill. I was a virgin and had spent quite a few evenings wanking myself off thinking about my sister. I had never had a girlfriend and certainly never had any kind of sexual relationship with anyone. I considered myself to be ‘straight’. I read porn magazines and lusted after the beautiful women I saw in them. I had never even seen a...
IncestIt was a hot day. Outside the window of my executive office, the harsh blue sky was nearly Grecian in its intensity. The air had that conditioned bite, like freon freezing in your lungs. My tie was loosened down to the second button, and my secretary, perched on my lap, had opened her blouse down to the end. We were deep in preparation. We had our responsibilities. It was time for another session with Cindy, the corrupted innocent we had so cruelly abused. The worst of her wounds would by now...
205 A young Soldier returns Just back from a posting that he had had for 6 months, in Cyprus, un peacekeeping, a British army soldier, attached to the UN. 6ft6inches of tall good looking, well-toned muscular, sunburnt, blonde young maleness, that had been deprived of female company for all that time. They had landed at Gatwick, and surprisingly immediately dismissed to leave and for a whole month, no drill`s, no duties, no uniforms, just the sun of a 1967 August and the south coast of Kent to...
Lily Love’s boyfriend Richie is starting a new job, and she’s so excited that she’s going to celebrate: while he’s away at his first day at work, Lily’s gonna fuck his best pal, Johnny! Yes, who needs a bottle of champagne when you have a horny, cheating girlfriend who’s continuing an ongoing tryst with your good friend?! All dressed up in thong and a lingerie, Lily dials Johnny the minute Richie leaves the house and makes sure she gets porked good and hard while her man is out to bring home...
xmoviesforyouOh, we were just playing around. My best friend Suzie and I, and, somehow she talked me into letter her shave my pussy. I know, all girls do that nowadays but not me. I'm extremely shy about my body and even letting Suzie see me naked was very nerve-wracking. But, after an afternoon in the hot tub and a couple...okay a few margaritas, I let her slip off my bathing suit and see my youthful body. My tits are not real big but they're just right for me and my nipples? Well, Suzie called them...
Dave Larson stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the full length mirror. He examined his tall, lean, muscular body with a critical eye. At thirty seven years old, there wasn't an ounce of fat anywhere. He still had washboard abs and his pecs were still well defined. There wasn't even a speck of gray in his sandy brown hair. Yeah, there were some crow's feet around his grayish blue eyes. But, that was the only sign of aging that he saw. He sighed deeply, "I might not look like an old...
IncestJanuary 18-19 Fortunately I was going to be able to go into the plant to pass my time, but would make sure all my calls were going through, and my cell was charged, even if she was just calling to see if I had charged my phone ... but my phone never rang. The whole weekend dragged on and I failed to enjoy ANY part of it, even turning off the football games Sunday. When I went to bed Sunday night I figured I would NEVER got to sleep in anticipation of seeing Kettie, but I was wrong....
I went back to the room I was sharing with Lauri to find her watching the weather channel. Apparently in our search for the ultimate orgasm we had forgotten that spring was not anywhere around the corner and that old man winter was about to bury us in a blizzard. Guests had been checking out in droves and Lisa had given me her cell number before I left her room. She texted me to say that all of her appointments for the rest of the weekend had cancelled and she was hoping the three of us could...
Sam watched the progress of those with him, he had to go a lot slower as he and Thantas were the only ones who open the worm holes. Then again, Thantas wasn’t that used to it as she’d only done it twice. She still wasn’t projecting as much power as was needed to get more than a few million miles. He was thankful that he could accommodate all of them. As he thought, the more they used it the better and stronger they became. Another look at those with him he could see that no matter what, his...
Clap. ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU’RE GOING TO GET US KILLED!’ The voice inside the mask screamed out in the Dark Trickster’s head, but the Trickster dismissed it with a simple thought, ‘I know what I’m doing.’ Clap. The Dark Trickster stepped out from the underbrush and continued slow clapping as he approached the entangled heroines. Clap. “Bravo, bravo, that was some of the best pornography ever produced if I don’t say so myself. Tell me, are you two professionals?” Crimson leapt up into a...