MaquisChapter 30 free porn video

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Chorley. August: the day the Swarm arrive.

Jimmy didn’t even look up at the knock on the door. He ignored it, sinking deeper into himself. He didn’t want any more sympathisers. Couldn’t cope with them. Mary’s death hadn’t been a real surprise, she’d been poorly for many months now, but the suddenness of the end had been more than he could deal with.

The knock repeated itself. Harder and longer. Again he ignored it. “Go away,” he muttered to himself. “Leave me alone.”

After the funeral two days earlier, he had bid his last guest goodbye, and then sunk into the armchair, from where he had barely moved since.

His anger exploded when the banging came again, louder and more insistent, and this time didn’t stop. Flinging open the front door, he glared at the small, middle-aged man standing in front of him holding a clip board.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing?” yelled Jimmy, grief making his anger stronger. “Can’t you just leave me alone?”

“Mr James Todd?”

“Go away. I’m busy.”

Jimmy made to close the door, but a foot was interposed between the door and the jam.

“Mr. Todd. According to our records you don’t have a television licence. That is a criminal offence punishable with an immediate fine of one thousand pounds, or if you refuse to pay, of up to seven thousand five hundred pounds. A television licence is now three hundred and fifty eight pounds and fifty pence. You now owe one thousand three hundred and fifty eight pounds and fifty pence as long as you pay it right here right now.”

“Go away you stupid little man,” said Jimmy dully. “First off I don’t have a television, and haven’t had one for six years, and second off a licence for a pensioner is only one hundred and twenty. And if you don’t know that then you’re an incompetent, and if you do: a fraudster.” Free TV licenses for pensioners had been scrapped nearly a decade earlier.

“What do you mean you don’t have a TV? Why not?”

“Because I don’t want one. Now go away.”

“You’re a liar. Everybody has a television. You have to have. Now pay up. A television licence is mandatory.” There was a very brief pause. “Mandatory means you have no choice,” Jimmy was told in a very condescending and insulting tone of voice.

“I. Don’t. Have. A. Television.” Jimmy repeated slowly and carefully as if to a young child.

“Rubbish. How do you get the news if you don’t? You must watch the football and the soaps, everyone does.”

“Well I don’t. There’s no news on TV any more, I’ve never watched soap operas, and if I want to watch the football I go and watch it live.” Jimmy looked at the ID badge his ‘visitor’ was wearing. “Look Mister Malcolm sodding Slaithwaite. I don’t have a television. Which part of that statement manages to escape you? Which part of that statement are you too stupid to understand? Now go away, I’m busy.”

Again Jimmy made to close the door, and again he was prevented from doing so.

“Mister Todd. If you don’t pay up right now I will have no choice but to inform the authorities that you are refusing your civic responsibilities.”

“CIVIC RESPONSIBILITIES?” roared Jimmy. “WHAT FLAMING PLANET do you live on?” His voice quietened slightly. “A licence is not a civic responsibility. It’s a legal requirement if you have a television, and only if you have a television. I don’t have a television, therefore I don’t need a licence. Come in and check if you don’t believe me.”

“You must have a television.”

“No! I mustn’t! There’s no legal requirement to have a television if I don’t want one. We didn’t want one as there was never anything on worth watching. We had better things to do.”

“Then how do you watch the news?”

“I’ve just told you, I don’t. There is no news. Not any more. It’s propaganda by this fraudulent, immoral, evil, good for nothing government.”

Slaithwaite’s face went red. “What do you mean propaganda? That is the honest news. Graham Thorn only allows the truth to be broadcast. He doesn’t allow all the lies that the BBC and ITV used to broadcast. As for Sky, CNN and the others, they were so blatant about their lies that they had to be banned.”

“Thorn? Truth? That man wouldn’t know the truth if it got up and bit him. I don’t trust him. That man is the ultimate liar.”

Slaithwaite looked shocked. “How can you not trust Graham Thorn? He’s probably the best Prime Minister this country has ever had.”

“Best?” Jimmy managed to sound very scornful. “I’d rather have Thatcher, Blair or Cameron than Thorn any day. I’d trust any of them far more than I’d ever trust Thorn.” Jimmy looked at Slaithwaite’s shocked face. “You’re probably too young to remember Thatcher,” he started, but Slaithwaite interrupted him.

“I remember her. There is,” Slaithwaite stopped what he was going to say and and stared at Jimmy, frowning. His expression rapidly changed from shock to anger and hate. “I know who you are. You’re a recidivist. A revolutionary. You are a traitor.” He put his hand on Jimmy’s chest and pushed backwards. “I’m going to report you for this. And you’ll still have to pay the fine. And the TV licence. And that crack about fraud and incompetence won’t be forgotten either.”

Jimmy allowed himself to be pushed backwards. At seventy five he should be weaker than Slaithwaite, who looked to be in his mid to late forties. “Thorn is the real traitor,” Jimmy said coldly. “A traitor to the British people. A traitor to the human race. The whole of the human race will be improved just by his death. I’m just glad he hasn’t got any children to carry on his...”

Slaithwaite slapped Jimmy hard. “You’ll regret that. Thorn is the ultimate patriot. He has saved us from invasion by the Americans and the French and the Irish. From the Jews, the Moslems, the blacks. Hadn’t you noticed there’s less of them around?”

“Oh I’d noticed alright. It’s because he’s doing a Hitler. A Stalin. Shipping people he doesn’t like the look of to the gulags and the gas chambers. He’s a murderer. It shames me that someone like him is allowed to breathe the same air as the honest people of this country. But it shames me more that people like you support him and refuse to see him for what he really is. And even more that people actually believe his lies.”

“Right,” snapped Slaithwaite. “I’m reporting you. Sit there.” He pushed Jimmy into an armchair, and stood about three feet in front of him, glaring at him as he pulled an old and battered mobile phone from his pocket.

Jimmy might have looked weak, but three and a half years earlier he had been put through a Confederacy medical tube. He sat forward, rubbing his back as if it was aching. In reality this allowed Jimmy to get his feet and body in the position he needed. He paused for a moment, watching Slaithwaite out of the corner of his eyes. He waited until the younger man looked away from him, to his phone, then struck. To Slaithwaite’s complete shock Jimmy was on him before he realised there was a problem. For a few seconds he believed he could fight off the old man, but then, as he realised Jimmy was far stronger than he appeared, fear began to replace his arrogance.

Barely a minute later Jimmy looked down at the corpse, barely panting from the exertion. The position of the neck showed clearly that it had been broken by twisting. “Shit,” he muttered. There was no way he could shift the corpse out to his car. It was parked on the busy street and there were a lot of people around.

After a few moments’ thought, he lifted Slaithwaite’s corpse as if it were just a bag of sugar and lugged him into the bathroom. Dropping him into the bath, Jimmy hurried into the kitchen. He hunted around for the sharp knives. This had been Mary’s domain and she’d been fiercely proud of her abilities in the kitchen. Jimmy rarely cooked, not because he couldn’t, but simply because Mary just hadn’t let him. Only in the last three days of her life had she been unable to do the cooking.

He eventually spotted the knives in a block behind the bread bin. Pulling the two largest, and sharpest, he took them into the bathroom. “Oh fuck,” he breathed. He just didn’t know where to start. Forty odd years earlier, as an SAS trooper, he’d regularly had to live in the field, and had often had to butcher a wild rabbit or bird they had caught for dinner. He thought he could still remember how to do that, but this was completely different.

He tested the knife on Slaithwaite’s thumb, and found that while it cut through the skin, eventually, it wouldn’t cut through the bone. Jimmy put Slaithwaite’s hand on the side of the bath, put the knife over the bottom joint of the thumb and pressed down with all his weight. There was a click as the knife suddenly went through, separating the bones, but there was still a thin strip of skin linking the two parts. That came away quickly enough afterwards, but it all showed that the knives were not truly sharp enough.

“Not a chance,” muttered Jimmy. “This’ll take far too long,” he thought. Now what?

There were some secateurs, pruning shears, in the garden shed. Because they lived in the ground floor flat, Jimmy and Mary had taken it upon themselves to maintain and look after the garden on behalf of all the residents. Jimmy knew the secateurs were sharp, he’d not long sharpened them.

He got the secateurs and as he turned spotted some croppers lying nearby. They would go through a branch about an inch and a half thick, so he picked those up as well, hoping they would go through some of the thicker bones. He had no saws or stronger cutting gear, so this was the best he could do.

Forty minutes later the second knife broke. He threw it down in disgust. The secateurs and croppers had only got him so far, now he needed to remove flesh to allow the croppers access to the bones. In those forty minutes he had removed all the corpse’s fingers and toes, both hands and feet, and the left fore-arm. He had tried to remove the upper arm as well, but the croppers had been unable to open wide enough. The same problem occurred with the knees, so he’d not even tried with the hips. He had nicked himself a few times on the sharp knife, and had got blood farther than he’d wanted. The knife had snapped when he’d tried to slide it down and into the right elbow, to sever the radius and ulna from the humerus.

“Bastards,” he growled in frustration. He needed a proper butcher’s cleaver, more sharp knives - preferably stronger ones than the two he’d broken - and lots of bags. He needed to get the body to the yard to be disposed of through the replicator. And he needed rags, lots of them, to clean up afterwards.

Slaithwaite’s clothes were already bagged, all the pockets emptied. All the money had gone straight into Jimmy’s own pocket: no point in wasting it, but everything else had been put into another bag for disposal. He sighed, picked up another, even smaller knife, held it for a moment just looking at the bloody corpse and then threw it down. “Not a bloody chance,” he muttered. “I need help.”

Washing his hands carefully, he picked up his phone. Slaithwaite’s mobile had been dismantled early on, the battery removed and the SIM taken out and chopped up. He had then used the croppers and a hammer to take the phone apart and destroy it beyond repair or accessibility. This might be slightly overkill, but Jimmy was more than a touch paranoid about his safety and security.

“Bill first,” he thought. He dialled.

“Hello?” came a woman’s voice a few seconds later.

“Sue, is Bill there? It’s Jimmy.”

“Yes Jimmy,” came a dry, resigned voice. “I do recognise your voice you know. Be quick, I’m about to serve up dinner.”

There was a pause.

“Jimmy, you okay man? How you doing?”

“I need urgent vermin help.”

There was a small silence while Bill digested this statement.

“Uh. How urgent?”

Jimmy considered. “It’ll wait a short while, but not too long. The smell is likely to get up.”

“Ah. You’ve managed to kill at least one rat?”

“Just one, but there’ll be others about I suspect.”

“Ah,” Bill’s voice dropped slightly. “Shall I ask our granddaughter?”

It was Jimmy’s turn to go silent as he puzzled over Bill’s question. Our granddaughter? “Oh. Yes. That’ll be fine.” He twigged that Bill was talking about Sophie. He’d not met the woman, but both Ted and Bill had been really pleased and proud at how she and her friends had progressed.

“Okay. I’ll get in touch now.”

“One other thing. Any chance you have a spare sharp knife? I was cutting some raw beef earlier and mine snapped. It’s not a problem if you don’t, I can get one tomorrow.”

At the other end of the phone, Bill smiled slightly. He knew what Jimmy was asking. “Sure, I’ll get her to bring a spare one over.”

“Cheers mate.”

“No problem. You take care now.” The two men hung up.

Jimmy hurried back into the bathroom and began cleaning up. Filling a bucket with warm water and sloshing in a tiny amount of bleach, more to kill the smell of the blood than for any real deep clean purposes, he poured it slowly and carefully over the body, sluicing as much of the blood and other bodily fluids down the drain. Grabbing two old tea-towels, he quickly wiped up the splashes of blood on the floor and walls. They then joined the dead man’s clothes in the bag.

It was nearly two hours before there was a ring on the door bell. Jimmy looked through the peephole as well as checking the little spy camera. There was a young woman carrying a small holdall, and three young men. They appeared to be relaxed and cheerful, and, Jimmy couldn’t hear them, seemed to be joking around a bit.

He put the chain on the door and opened it. “Yes?”

“Hi,” said the young woman. “My granddad sent me. You have a small rat infestation?”

Jimmy quickly eyed the three lads who had all calmed down and were looking at him, open faces friendly and cheerful. He nodded, and closed the door to remove the chain.

As soon as the four were inside, Jimmy saw the change. They went from young people just being casual, to serious professionals.

Putting down the bag, the young woman held out her hand. “Hello. I’m Anne. This is Brad, Charlie and Donald.”

Jimmy managed to hide his smile at such obvious fake names. “Jimmy,” he said, shaking hands with all four. “It’s good to meet you. I’ve heard all about you. This way.” He led them into the bathroom.

Charlie looked a little sick at the sight, and both Anne and Donald went a bit pale. It didn’t stop them though, and three hours later, with the help of some seriously sharp and large knives, an electric saw and a lot of effort and elbow grease, Slaithwaite’s body had been cut up into pieces that would each fit into a typical plastic supermarket carrier bag without trouble. Anne had brought nearly thirty bags with her, and Jimmy had found another half dozen around the flat, but they still needed at least the same again, and probably more. The problem was, everything had to be double and triple bagged to ensure no leakages of body fluids.

“Right,” said Jimmy when they had done as much as they could. “I can get it all somewhere safe and secure, somewhere where the remains can never be found. Since we don’t have enough bags, I’ll need to do it in two trips, to get rid of the first lot, and to pick up some more bags. Can I leave you guys here while I do that? Just in case?”

Anne nodded. “Sure. We sort of know what you’re gonna do. Would you like one of us to come with you?”

Jimmy considered it. “Maybe. Okay. We need to get the bags into the car as quick as possible.” He handed his keys and a small tarpaulin to Anne, and described his car. “Go open up please, while we...” she smiled and nodded her understanding, leaving quickly.

Loading the car, and unloading it again at the yard was very quick as none of the individual bags was either particularly heavy, or particularly bulky, so the unpleasant chore went quickly and smoothly. The replicator took nearly an hour to dispose of the part corpse, while at the same time producing another fifty bags and a load of cleaning cloths and fluid. While Brad got back in the car for the trip back to Jimmy’s flat, Jimmy quickly set up the replicator to produce more cloths, and a dozen bottles of beer. They would be ready by the time he came back on his second trip.

“Right, now for round two,” said Jimmy as he let off the hand brake.

Brad just smiled at Jimmy’s half-hearted joke.

When they got back, the three remaining behind had done as much cleaning in the bathroom as it was currently possible to do, though there was still much more to do.

The remaining body parts were quickly bagged, and again Anne, Charlie and Donald remained behind to continue the cleaning while Jimmy and Brad went back to the yard. It was well after eleven before they were all finished, and the bathroom as clean as it was possible to get. Jimmy knew he would need to make one more trip to the yard to get rid of the last of the bloody cloths, but he was fairly sure they would safely wait until the morning. For the time being, they were in the washing machine getting a normal wash. He had added a triple load of bleach though.

Beyond necessary words, almost the entire job had been done in complete silence. It had been necessary, but it had also helped. Once they had finished however, the silence turned awkward.

Jimmy smiled. “Thank you folks. That’s a job well done. Never thought I’d have to do anything like that in my own home though.”

“Have you had to do anything like that before?” asked Anne.

Jimmy smiled slightly. “What do you think?” he asked.

The four looked at each other and almost as one just shrugged.

Jimmy burst out laughing. The sight had been comical, and the stress relieved itself in laughter. The four smiled uncertainly.

“I’m sorry guys, you just looked so funny. Yes. Sort of. That box has taken a few rats in the last couple of years, I just haven’t ever needed to do what you guys just did.”

“Ah. Okay. Sorry. We’ve never had to do that either.”

“You did okay. You did better than okay. Come on into the living room. Would any of you like a drink?”

“I’d love a coffee if you have one please,” said Brad, just as Donald’s phone beeped.

“Is that what you want? Coffee? I have some beers if you want them?”

Brad and Charlie looked at each other, and Jimmy could see that both were wanting to say yes.

Anne saw it and said it for them. She smiled. “That would be lovely. Thank you.”

The five sat, beer in hand, and slowly relaxed.

“Are you all okay for getting home?” Jimmy asked after a few seconds.

Charlie nodded. “Yeah. That’s no problem.”

“Sophie!” Donald looked up from his phone. “Something’s happened,” he looked around at the shocked faces of his friends.

“Donald,” hissed Charlie.

“What? Oh.” He looked worriedly at Jimmy.

“Don’t worry. I already knew they were all false names. Just be careful. Now. You were about to tell Anne something?”

“Sorry,” Donald looked contrite, but also excited. “Something’s happened.”

“Like what?” asked Anne/Sophie.

“I’ve got an old style SMS text from my cousin in Germany. It’s all over the news over there, and everywhere else by all accounts.”

“What is?”

“The aliens. They’ve arrived.”

“WHAT?” Four shouts came simultaneously.

Jimmy had dived for his phone, but before he reached it, it started buzzing.

“Hello boss.”

There was a brief pause. “You have company?” asked Joe.

“The grand daughter and her friends.” Jimmy didn’t want to name Bill, in case Sophie and her friends hadn’t been told it. “Helping me with some vermin trouble.”

There was another pause. “Ah. Ted and Bill’s ‘granddaughter’?”


“Okay. Well don’t say anything to them, but apparently President Hernandez was on the TV a few minutes ago, announcing the fact that the aliens have arrived.”

“Oh. They already know. They were just saying that when you rang. One of them had an old style text.”

There was another pause as Joe digested this. “Okay. If you’ve finished what you’re doing, send them home, and tell them to wait to be contacted. Nothing will happen straight away, so they should get some rest. Ring me back when you’re free.”

“Will do.” He hung up and turned to the youngsters.

They were crowded around Donald who, it seemed, knew nothing more than he’d just blurted out. All he knew was what his cousin had told him, and that was that the aliens had arrived.

Jimmy stood. “Troop!”

The four quickly stood and arrayed themselves around him.

“Orders. Go home. Get some rest. Apparently nothing will happen soon, so get some rest. I have only a little more intel than you have: President Hernandez has announced something, but what I don’t know. Wait to be contacted, do not pass rumours. At this time it’s little more than an unsubstantiated rumour that the aliens have arrived. Passing it on will only panic people. Actually, what you can do, is contact the rest of your group and tell them the same. Tell them to rest and wait and not spread rumours.

“Remember, not everyone believes. Those that do may panic, those that don’t may report you. It may be a misunderstanding, or mistranslation. Hernandez’s first language is Mexican Spanish. It’s possible he mistranslated, or just as likely, a British English translation of a German translation of a Mexican Spanish original by a European Spanish speaker that may in turn be a translation of a US English report.”

He looked around the four youngsters who were smiling at the image his words had created.

“Chinese whispers,” muttered ‘Anne’ softly.

Jimmy smiled at her. “Assume nothing, so say nothing.” He smiled around at them all. “Thank you very much for your help this evening, it’s been most appreciated. If the report is correct you’ll all need sleep, so go get it. Understand?”

All four nodded, looking relieved to have definite instructions.

Jimmy smiled. “Good. Dismissed.”

There was a gentle ripple of laughter, and the four picked up their belongings, including the open and unfinished bottles of beer. As they left, Jimmy shook the hand of each one.

A few minutes later he dialled Joe.

“It’s after midnight,” came a querulous voice.

“Patty, it’s Jimmy. Joe...”

Patty’s voice instantly changed. “Yes Jimmy. He’s right here.”

There was almost no pause as Joe came back on the line. “Jimmy. Joe. Thank you for ringing back. When I rang you it was just a readiness alert, however I’ve just had more details from Commander Pierra. A Swarm fleet arrived in system and was destroyed out near Saturn. Apparently they’re worried that an escort vessel may have escaped. Hopefully I’ll get more information soon. Regardless, there’s nothing to do for now, just be prepared.”

“Yes sir. Assuming nothing, is there any intel on when another fleet might arrive?”

“Sorry, no. When I have more I’ll let you know.”

“Okay, thank you. Goodnight sir.”

“Good night Jimmy.”

They hung up.

Jimmy looked around the room. It had been just after five pm when Slaithwaite had knocked on the door and he’d been feeling sorry for himself. Now, slightly over seven hours later, he felt all revved up and wide awake.

He looked at the photograph of Mary on the mantelpiece. It had been taken about four years previously, shortly before her illness had begun to manifest itself. Mary had never known Jimmy had been through the Confederacy medical process, she would have denounced him on the spot if she’d known, but Jimmy wished with all his heart he could have her back right now. He touched the photo lightly. “Good night my precious lady,” he whispered.

The following morning, bright and early, Jimmy took the last of the cleaning cloths in a bag down to the yard, and tossed them into the replicator. They were gone in minutes. He had also brought down the two broken knives for repair and cleaning. Ted turned up just moments later.

“Jimmy. Bill’s told me you had vermin problems last night?”

Jimmy quickly explained, telling Ted what he and Sophie and her friends had done. “I’ve cleaned up as much as is practically possible, but there’s some things I have no way of cleaning absolutely. The wall tiles around the bath, the lino, the bath and sink themselves. Things like the bathmats and towels have been removed, as has everything not fixed down. I’m just getting replacements now,” he indicated the replicator. “I’ve programmed it to reproduce some things exactly as they were when they went in, down to the dirt, hairs and everything, but without the foreign blood. I think I’ve got it to remove anything else with Slaithwaite’s DNA, but I’m not sure if that will work. If I’ve got it right.”

Ted nodded. “Good idea. Are you okay though?”

Jimmy nodded. “Yeah. I’ll miss her terribly, but I’ve got to get on with life now.”

Ted gripped his shoulder. “I’m sure you will, but you know where we are. Now. Do you think it’s safe to go back to your flat?”

Jimmy considered it, then turned to look at the workshop that was behind him. He waved at it. “There’s a sort of flat over the workshop. According to the building regs, no one is supposed to live there, and especially sleep there, but I’m sure I could make it liveable. Under the circumstances it might be better. Closer to the shop. Closer to the box.”

Ted nodded slowly. “Good idea. What will you do with the flat?”

Jimmy shrugged. “No idea. I could sell I suppose, but what would I do with the money? In any case I imagine that once the news comes out, property prices will plummet.” He gave another shrug. “I’ll think about it. Rent it maybe, but that has its own problems.”

“Okay man. Let me know when, and I’ll get Bill and Harry and we’ll come and give you a hand shifting.”

“Cheers mate. I don’t suppose you’ve heard any more about what’s happened up there do you?”

“Only that one large and an unspecified number of smaller vessels arrived. The biggy and all but one of the others were destroyed. They’re pretty damned certain that one escaped, but it may have been damaged in the fight. Apparently that’s still a matter of some conjecture though, and there’s no word on any follow up.”

“Okay, no worries.” Jimmy grinned. “Yet!”

Ted smiled. “Better get off. Things to do.” The two men briefly gripped arms and then Ted hurried off. Jimmy spent the rest of the morning tidying up the small flat above the garage. Planning regulations stated that it could be used as an office or store room, but not as a permanent living space. That didn’t matter though, as long as he was discreet he knew he would be able to get away with it. Having a replicator that could produce all the cleaning materials he needed, as well as some of the basics in the way of comforts made the work easier and quicker. It even produced the couple of sandwiches he survived the day on. He deliberately did not think about where the molecules and atoms that went to make up the sandwiches may have come from.

All of them began to notice a few changes over the next twenty four hours, Jimmy more so because of where he lived and worked. Some people looked scared, others looked scornful, many just looked confused. There was bewildered chat in the small corner shop where Jimmy picked up the odd bit of fresh food. His replicator was okay, but only had a limited selection of food stuffs. He supposed he should buy some more stuff to put through, but had never found the time nor, before now, the need.

“But I thought it was all fraud,” he heard one old lady saying to another as he waited in the queue at the till.

“It is. Isn’t it? I’m sure Graham Thorn said it was all fake.”

There was a pause. “Anyway,” said the first. “Even if he is wrong, that was days ago, surely they’d be here by now.”

Another pause. “Where did it happen? Where are they coming from?” Both women looked even more bewildered.

“It happened out near Saturn,” Jimmy interjected quietly.

“Satum?” asked one, mishearing. “Where’s that? I’ve never heard of it. Is it anywhere near Manchester? Is that where these aliens are from? Manchester?”

“No,” said the other, “he said...” she paused and turned to Jimmy. “Where did you say?”

“It’s one of the giant planets way out in the Solar system. Saturn.”

“Is that where they come from?”

“The aliens?” asked Jimmy. “No. Long way away. Some star hundreds maybe thousands of light years away. That is,” he added as he realised people were starting to listen in, “if you believe in them.”

“They’re not real,” this was from a middle-aged man carrying a pint of milk and a packet of biscuits.

“Oh?” asked Jimmy, turning to him with raised eyebrows.

“Can’t be. Not possible.”

“Oh?” asked Jimmy again.

“You only need to go up three or four miles and you hit the sky. It’s just a big dome over the ground.”

Jimmy turned away, but one of the women tapped the other man on the arm. “You shouldn’t make jokes like that young man, even I know Mount Everest is five miles high, and planes fly higher than that.”

“Oh but it’s not a joke. There no such thing as ‘outer space’. It’s all a lie. The sun and the moon go around us. Earth doesn’t move, it’s flat. If the Earth was really round and spinning as fast as they say it is we’d all fly off. Did you never go on a round-about as a youngster?”

Same as Maquis
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TommyLaura had warned me that the director was quite up himself. He was successful at what he did and was well aware of it. My first impression was of someone trying to make people think he had done more than he had. He certainly wasn’t as confident as he tried to appear. What was better was that Laura got fed up with him trying to belittle me. I know she caught me, but I couldn’t help smirking at him when I was letting her take the window seat.“Behave!” she hissed at me.It wasn’t long after...

2 years ago
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She Controlled Me More Than I Thought 3

Rules(I’m Bored.) A text flashed up on my phone. As I was reading it another popped up (Get that ass over here.) This time I immediately texted back (no, no more.) I waited for a response, and waited but nothing. My courage started to dwindle and fear started to set in as I waited. My phone finally chimed with a text, it was a video text. I hit play and there I was or there was my ass hole winking back at me with her laughing in the back ground. I didn’t respond I just sat there looking at...

3 years ago
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Picture This

Part I: Hospital Morgue Picture this! You've just come on duty as the night shift morgue attendant. The phone rings; they have a client for you that was DOA at the emergency room. You arrive at the elevator and take possession of the body and roll it into the morgue. You roll the gurney up next to one of the stainless steel tables and remove the sheet. Imagine the shock as you are staring at an incredibly beautiful woman! She is tall and well tanned with shoulder length dark brown hair with...

2 years ago
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Happy Boy

I'm reasonable happy with myself, I've just turned twenty, my body has filled out ok and I'm not ugly. I don't date much, mostly because all the girls I know are silly, giggling and totally incomprehensible. My younger sister Rachel is a prime example. I don't understand half of what she talking about or any of her friends. The only thing good about Rachel was she's good to look at. I was relaxing in my room when Rachel knocked and came in. "Dan," she said, "can I ask you...

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Poker Game That Changed My Luck

Hi dear Readers :) I am Peter () back again with a brand new action pack. You might have read my previous story ‘Finally Did It’. This incident happened after my college life. I used to play cards with my neighbour girls during afternoon time as we all will be there at home having nothing to do. We used to play cards at my place only as my Mom and Dad both are busy with their office so almost all the time I used to be alone at my home. Once we were busy playing cards and I got a view of...

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PervMom Kat Dior Restful Stepmom Rod Riding

Super busty Kat Dior is a legendary MILF with a hankering for her stepsons cock. He knows she has been looking at him, so he touches her body while she rests. She opens her eyes to her horny stepson, and her pussy starts to tingle. He shoves his dick in her mouth and she sucks and slobbers. Later, Kat makes coffee in the kitchen and shows off her curvaceous body. Her lucky stepson lets her latch onto his cock with her luscious lips and then work her oral magic. Then, she backs her ass up on his...

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Breaking Drake Ch 12

Raell looked down at her slave. ‘Are you special? I’m sorry, did you not learn from many a previous experience that you are NOT special?’ Drake trembled, remembering the first time his ass had been plugged. ‘Yes, Mistress! I am sorry, Mistress. It’s just that Aubrey acted like it. He kept giving me cold looks and acted really stuffy.’ ‘You are the newest house slave, and because of this you will be spending lots of time with me, learning new skills. He and others are just jealous of that...

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This is how desperate I want BBC to use me

So it’s becoming unbearable and It the only thing I can think about day and night but I have come up with a idea that will finally guarantee that I will get forced and used like the sissy white faggot I have turned myself into by a black man or a group and become there sex toy and then my transformation will be completed My need for this is making me so desperate I am seriously thinking of doing something so extreme and stupid (My idea)So first I order some BBC sissy henna tattoos that...

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The Haunting of Palmer MansionChapter 20

Winter break started, and the twins were home from school. They sat at the table with their dad as they all munched on breakfast. “When’s Mom coming home?” Brittney tried not to sound desperate, but she was. Her pussy had been on fire without her mother’s tender touch. And no amount of masturbation seemed to make up for it. To make her horny matters even worse, she could not get the image of Daniel’s massive dick out of her head. “Penelope’s mother is recovering nicely.” George looked over...

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Kianna Dior 2400 299000

The search for meaning and truth is integral to developing a cohesive society full of happy and healthy citizens. Yet, despite many thousands of years of research by scientists and monks alike, we haven't come much closer to objective reality.Berries < Apples < MelonsHowever, we have been able to pluck several fruits from the tree of knowledge. Many of these lay in the realm of science, and I am no scientist. I am but a man with an unrelenting boner and access to unlimited amounts of...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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A Frustrated Wife Steps Out

Cynthia Adams (her friends called her Cindy), drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as she waited out the stoplight. Cindy was a 42 year-old married white woman who, as the younger crowd would say, was some kind if MILF. She kept her figure in line with thrice weekly workouts and had treated herself to breast enhancement last year as she began to notice some sag. The result was a middle-aged woman with the figure of a thirty year old. Beep! She was brought back to attention to driving by...

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The Final Frontier

The Final Frontier By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis: (Expanded Version of: To Boldly Go): The most dangerous jobs in space could only be done by men, brave men. Some would say the bravest of men. No one knowing what these men have gone through would deny them that praise. Most would shudder thinking about their sacrifice because for those men to do what they do they must first give up being men. Story notes: Hi... The Final Frontier is a result of some outstanding inputs...

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A neighbhor does8217nt have a child

I am a reader of Iss and would like to share my view as well. I am of 36 having height 5’10” with good fair color and living in Karachi. It is also worth to mention that I have nothing special everything normal but one thing that I have strong power for the women wanted to be pregnant as my wife become pregnant on the very first night of wedding. She got a child after nine months of my marriage. Now I have 5 children in 10 years of marital life and my wife always have a wish that her children...

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666 Bukkake

666 + bukkake -  sounding like the name of the party taking place in hell, where the DJ is Satan himself, and the main cock-blower is that Emily Rose chick that can spin her head in a 360 circle while coming down the stairs. "Your mother sucks cocks in heaven" are the lyrics of the crazy beat in the background, and dudes are standing in line, cocks out, shooting sperm onto the female, winged angels that cry but lick the seed with their pinkish tongues like hungry kittens. Hell yeah! This...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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Sunsets and Sex

I stare out the window, watching the sun set into the ocean. A smile dancing across my lips. This is my favorite time of day. You walk up behind me and wrap your arms around my waist. You kiss my ear. You take my hand and lead me out on the balcony. We stand there watching the sunset and taking in all its glory. You run your fingers up and down my arms. Knowing I enjoy just the simplest touch from you. Your lips replace your fingers on my arm. My eyes almost close at the sensation of your...

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FamilySwapXXX Chloe Temple Cory Chase Family Swap Picking Up The Pieces

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Chloe Temple and Nathan Bronson become children to Will Pounder and Cory Chase. The makeshift family starts of wholesome with family time in the living room, but there’s some definite sexual tension between the younger and older family members. Their family time falls apart when Nathan and Chloe start going at each other. Chloe tells Nathan he has a small dick, so Nathan...

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Barford File 2 The Betancourts Chapters V and VI

V: Of Mice and Mistresses Harvey came out of the shower toweling himself off as Glenda stood in front of the large mirror to apply a curling regimen she had developed with her hair using the curling iron. She had wanted to be able to practice achieving the coiffures of the past in the present. Harvey had already applied his hair gel, having practically sculpted his hair into the desired style, which was always parted to one side, and swept back. As the pink water continued to improve...

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Curiosity greeted

That seemed a far time off as I woke up at eight AM on Friday morning. I went through the usual morning routine of showering and making breakfast, catching sports highlights on the television and loving the forecast for the rest of the day's weather. I hit the basement to work out after shooting the basketball around in the front yard. I wasn't a jock or buff, but decided to keep in shape for personal health, and female attraction. I stood just under six feet tall and weighed 160 pounds. I...

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Eating Of My Pussy

You have me lying down flat on my back, my legs open for you, and I’m unable to hide anything at this point. I can feel my heart pounding hard; I want to beg you to touch me. I’m told not to move a muscle, and I want to obey. My body screams to squirm towards you, almost offering myself to you, but you know this already. I can feel your fingers brush along my inner thigh, running from my sex towards my knee. Your eyes locked on mine, and mine on yours. A cheeky grin set upon your perfect face....

Oral Sex
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Wanna Get Out of Here Part 1

Rebecca checked her phone as the bright LED light displayed clearly 11:26 PM. She sighed irritably. A few of her friends, though known to bail last minute, were supposed to meet her at Pulse, a new club that had just opened a few weeks ago, at 11 PM. But here she was, standing at the bar alone... She caught the attention of the bartender and ordered a gin tonic, letting the smooth drink coat her tongue and ease into a gentle warmness in her throat. Though she was by herself, it seemed like a...

Straight Sex
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First Time Anal With My Boss

After I had finished school, I began training as a paralegal, which, aside from going to law school, required practical work at a lawyer's office. The law firm I worked with was a mid-sized company with just a handful of lawyers, all of which pretty much ran their own office. The attorney I was assigned to was a young woman who had only finished her studies a few years ago herself. She was specialized in family law and was also a criminal defender.Her name was Anja, and she was all sorts of...

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PureTaboo Aubrey Sinclair Driver8217s Education

The scene opens on an over the shoulder shot of Peter, a disheveled looking man, as he peers inside the door of a woman’s public washroom. A girl sits inside the stall peeing, her feet visible, while Peter breathes heavily and grabs his crotch at the prospect of seeing her. He licks his lips in anticipation when a hand suddenly clasps down on his shoulder. It’s a security guard, who spins Peter around and angrily escorts him off the property. A tracking shot shows the guard dragging...

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Mysterious Wife

A mysterious change has come over my wife the past six months. We used to fight all the time about this and that. Silly stuff, really. If I said the sky was gray, she would say it was black just to argue with me. I've always been able to push her buttons and, Oh God, did she ever know how to push mine. At first, I didn't notice the change. I was so caught up in my little world that her gentle manner went unnoticed. If she would've typically pouted, stopped speaking, or slept on the couch, I...

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BlacksOnBlondes Kenzie Love 11012022

Lawson and Hollywood have been trying to complete their HS diplomas by going back to night school. It’s kind of sad but you don’t want to be a loser your whole life. Besides they have a hot looking teacher. Even better, she looks awfully familiar. Where have they seen her before? Turns out she is awfully familiar to a girl they had seen online. So in class one fateful night they get caught looking at images of them. How embarrassing for teacher Kenzie who has to explain what she did...

2 years ago
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'What the heck was her problem?' I thought back to my fight with Terri. 'I mean jee-zus. Didn't she know we were just jilling buddies. I mean its like she's in love with me or something.' Holding up another outfit, I wondered if it was good enough for today. 'Hopefully it will drive Helen crazy.' Helen was her newest interest. Tossing the cloths on the bed I shuffle through my closet looking for another possible when the phone rang. Picking it up I hears Terry's voice. "Never again to peak,...

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MetamorphoseChapter 9

“What the hell is going on?” Casey asks as she, Janet and Mark hunker behind a large, overturned table. Around them fires are burning, alarms are blaring and gun fire is heard in the background. The screams of lab technicians and researchers cut through the air, fighting to be heard over the rest of the noise. “The protestors outside suddenly became armed,” Mark starts to explain. “They killed or wounded the added security and then apparently stormed the building.” “Fuck, I knew this was...

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Down Under Odyssey

Down Under Odyssey By Starhawk It was a brilliant day in Canberra, in the Australian Capital Territory, where I stood in a church waiting for my bride to walk down the aisle so we could be married. I was as nervous, as any groom could be. I had been waiting for this day to arrive for months. The day when the rest of my life would begin with a woman I truly loved beyond all measure. Even beyond my own life. When they started to play the wedding march, I turned to look down...

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An anal story

Benedict had spanked me on Monday, neither of us had expected it to bruise as it wasn't a particularly rough session. A few hours later, I realized I had a polka dot pattern of bruises on the right side of my ass. See I'm a little OCD about some things and symmetry is definitely one of them. The spanking itself had been bad enough to be unbalanced, but the bruises were a harsh reminder. All week long I'd been begging him to come back over and even out. Finally at 3 am on Thursday morning (we're...

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Living with daddy Part IV

PART ONE : ANOTHER NEW ADVENTUREDaddy and I had been sharing a bed for a week now. That was also the same amount of time it had been since he had took my virginity. It had been the best night of my entire life, and it was more then I ever imagined it could it. I knew in that moment that I loved my daddy, and he loved me as well.Daddy and I have had sex once since that night. He was slow with me once again. I loved that he wanted to take the time to make sure that I was ready for every step that...

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I love cum

My name is Shelly and I am a cum slut. I just can’t say no to anyone, ever since my first boyfriend got his cock out in front of me I have craved for cum, I was eighteen when me and Sean started to date and he was the strong muscular type, One night after we had both been drinking and kissing all the way home he pulled me into a dark ally and as we kissed he started to grope my tits and this always turned me on but what really changed things was when he got his cock out and pushed my hand down...

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Enslaved Chapter 31

Over a rather delayed luncheon, Glenda decreed that Julia should receive no healing treatment for twenty-four hours. It was only right, she said, that the girl should have to endure ‘the weals of her deceits’ for that period of time. She would regret her earlier failings all the more!Quentin heartily concurred in this decision. After all, was he not the one who had been ‘deceived’?“How did you enjoy dealing with Julia?” he asked. “As much as you expected?”“More,” replied Glenda. “Isn’t it...

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Me Teasing Mum Mum Teasing Me

Mark rolled out of bed, took his shower and dressed for work, all of which he managed to do while still half-asleep. He stumbled blindly to the kitchen where his Mum stood at the sink rinsing off a few of the morning's dishes. Helen was also in the process of getting ready for work, and was dressed in her usual business suit, skirt together with crisp white blouse. Her jacket was hung on a nearby chair. Unknown to James, under her skirt she wore black lace knickers and a pair of black silk...

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Quiinnysentially Sophie

I must admit, although it is considered to be incorrect to fraternize with students, Sophie was a must for me, You see, I had been having a rough time with a divorce issue after just five years marriage and I guess it must have shown, because Sophie, one of my brightest students, noticed,. She asked me what was the matter, and it all accrued from there. She is such a sweet person who took my heart and everything else. It was just something about her, apart from her obvious charms, that drew me...

4 years ago
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Well, that may not do it justice. Ever since I discovered what my dick was for, when I was about twelve, I'd been surfing the web nonstop, watching girls and women do all sorts of things! I guess that's also pretty natural for an American kid left to his own devices in the suburbs, but that habit never really stopped for me. As high school wore on, I began to think of it just as much as a forum for exploration as an easy way to get off. I didn't have much luck with girls (I was a virgin...

2 years ago
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The Woman Across the Street

‘And I want every speck of dirt off that window. Do you hear me, Isidor? Every speck.’ ‘Yes dear.’ Isidor Rosenberg stood at his 17th floor kitchen window. It was 90° with no breeze, and the apartment was as hot inside as it was outside. Isidor breathed heavily as he smeared Windex ® around the windowpane. His wife, Dara, had been harping at him to clean the windows all day. 90° or not. Those windows will be cleaned. Isidor stopped and stared out the window. He could see a bit of the...

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Body Corporate Chapter 7

}7 words .85Chapter 7The Auction(Sheila’s Despair)The auction took place in the family room that Cindi like to refer to as the dungeon. A stage was set up at one end and chairs were placed all around the room in a theatre style. George was the auctioneer. Before the auction began the slaves were brought into the room then hung on hooks along the walls. It was like being at an art auction. This made it easy for the different masters to examine the bodies in anyway they wished by just...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 13 Additional Interests

Aug 17, 1858 After many kisses goodbye, I was finally allowed to leave this morning. Everyone and everything were aboard the Freedom, although there were a few disgruntled passengers still standing on the docks looking for passage to St. Joseph or Kansas City. Despite his personality flaws and shortcomings, we let the territorial governor sail with us. He was curious about why we weren’t taking passengers or cargo until I told him how much gold we were transporting. Dad was taking Mr. Pate...

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The DolphinChapter 22

Jerry comes again. He speaks only short about Acou. He says he does not know Acou in that time, but he hears of Acou from others. He seems truly happy to learn that Acou lives. I watch Maggie carefully when she is with Jerry. She is not the same with him as I see her with others. But it is not that she seems to fear him, or to be at his command, even though it is he who gives her money. In the pod I know that I am also different with Altauk than I am with others. Altauk is leader, and I...

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Aunty And Me Milked Each Other

Hi, Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Chennai. This is my second sex story for Indian Sex Stories and the sex story I am going to narrate happened when I was 18 and was studying 11th std in Madurai when I had been to my Aunt’s and Uncle house to stay and study as there was no college in our town. I am fair in color, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8-inch dick. I was aware of the woman anatomy at that age by reading...

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Young Lovers Part 2

Chapter 2 As the sun rose in the early morning sky, it crept in through a window in the cabin, the room became flooded with light. The room was clearer now. Clothes of all description littered the floor and even some sexy toys. The light hit Edward hard, as he began to stir from his slumber. Bryony was still naked and asleep, just resting on his chest and breathing softly. The fire was now just embers that glowed faintly in the early morning light. Birds could be heard outside with their...

1 year ago
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01 The Day They Met

This is one of those “has to be modified for Rule 7” chapters. If and when I come up with something postable, I’ll post it. BTW, I don’t hold Rule 7 against SOL. It’s nations sticking their noses in. They Meet 12:48 P.M., Thursday, January 15, 2015 Honolulu, HI Eight year old Paula Akron and Paul Macon (also eight years old) meet at school. They are both new and they both have (almost) the same name. They feel that they should be friends. Even in the unedited original, the kids don’t have...

2 years ago
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The golden orb Part 2

Synopsis: This story is a direct continuation of my story "The golden orb," It is advised that you read the first installment beforehand to understand what little plot is happening. If you are just looking to read some story with a lot of sex scenes though you might enjoy this even without reading the first part I guess.The story further follows Sam and Jane after their find of the magical, wish-granting golden orb. Jane has successfully used the golden orb to transform her boyfriend Sam...

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Bayonettas AbuseChapter 13 Paradiso

Cool autumn rain pitter-pattered on the cobblestone walkway as James hurriedly followed Bayonetta to her new lair. They jogged from the car park to the entrance of a classy looking, unfamiliar apartment building. By the time they reached the lobby their leather and latex clad bodies were glossy and dripping. It was almost refreshing after their time in the wasteland. The rain served to wash off the residual dust and grime of the desert. The woman sitting at the front desk glanced up at them...

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Jennifer And Her Daughters II

JENNIFER AND HER DAUGHTERS II By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 3 Steve awoke to pain. "God, I hurt!" he swore. He winced as he got out of bed. He looked down at himself and saw horrible swelling all over. His arms and legs were especially swollen. He was sure that he was swollen in every place that the hair removal gel had been applied. He touched his face and felt a sharp stab of pain. He went over and stood in front of a full-length mirror in the bedroom. He saw that his face...

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First Encounter After Online Relationship Part 3

(This is a continuation from an existing story, be sure toread the first parts to set the stage) I struggle to fall asleep after the evening and tormenting and teasing. It’s hard to believe that I flew for about 15 hours to get to Japan and then in a matter of hours, I’ve had my cock locked up, worshiped your pussy dozens of times and had to watch you flirt and dance with another man. You’re sound asleep but it takes me a while but finally fall asleep when I find a position that doesn’t rub...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 50

“Jerry ... your cock is still hard. Can you go again? I swear, my pussy loves my brother’s cock, and so do I. Fuck me again, and fuck me as many times a day as we can get together, to make sure we have our first baby in my belly. OH HELL YES! Just like that. Give me all you have, and just as you give me your cum this time, push your thumb all the way up my ass. I’ve been dying to experience that since I saw you do it the first time.” “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.” “I’m okay. I...

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Tushy Valentina Nappi Fuck Me While My Husband8217s Away

Valentina has been dragged along on yet another business trip with her husband, and she has nothing to do while he is working all day. She is feeling pretty frustrated with him always giving priority to business over their marriage, so this time she has decided to get her revenge. She doesn’t even remember the last time they were intimate together, but unfortunately, the hotel is so quiet and there is nobody to talk to. When her husband leaves for the day, she orders some champagne from room...

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Webslut Part 11 15

I'm not the author of this story! But I loved the story and loves to do this to a real slut some day! I hope you will enjoy the story as much as I did!Part 11"Very good, slut," read the first line of the message on Madison's computer. "You really enjoyed humiliating yourself in class like that, didn't you?"Madison really had enjoyed it - all of it. She enjoyed showing off her body, she enjoyed revealing herself to Dan, and she enjoyed letting him fuck her brains out in the most degrading of...

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Brothers Ball BestChapter 8

For days afterward Shari's tiny asshole throbbed and tingled with the memory of the reaming Brad had given it. She was full of mixed feelings that she couldn't sort out. Part of her recalled the pain and shock of having his hard cock fucking in and out of her asshole. The other part of her remembered the killing, wrenching orgasm it had given her. But she couldn't forget it. At night she had wild dreams. In them she was being fucked by armies of men. They were fucking her not only in her...

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My Lovely Virgin Venus Lucy Pt 05

Introduction:This is the tale of my first Sexual encounter which I narrated to my wives and sisters in law on their insistance to know about my prior sexual life.continued from part 4....After bidding adieu to Ms. Jane & Ms. Daina when I reached home I met my parents there. On the dinner table, they told me to call Ms. Jane to request her to join them for breakfast tomorrow morning at 9 AM as they have to catch a flight to Kashmir at Noon.I messaged the instructions given to me by my...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 23 Escape from Hell part II

Corporal Ricker watched the T'Lari go through the dead ones, and start eating them. Within three minutes, it had cracked open a leg and sucked marrow out of the bones it found. Suddenly his com chimed in his head and he heard Tom Morris' voice. 'Corporal Ricker, this is Corporal Tom Morris. I am bringing in twenty-one survivors, one critically wounded, two KIA. Sean is one of the dead, but he went down fighting.' 'Okay, Tom. Let me take care of the T'Lari that's eating his...

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