she went outside
- 3 years ago
- 18
- 0
Holloway, North-central London. Ten days later.
“My bloody allotment’s been raided.” Mark Wilson stumped through the kitchen door in fury. “Again,” he added bitterly as his wife turned to look at him.
“Oh no,” she said, more in sympathy than in any real understanding. “What’s gone missing?”
“All my onions are gone. Most of the garlic. Carrots, parsnips, beetroot, beans, peas. Everything. The new onion sets I put in last week are still there, but all the other veg are gone. Every single flaming one.” He held out his hand towards his wife, “this was all that was left.”
Jane looked to see two good sized garlic bulbs and maybe a dozen runner-bean pods. “I’m so sorry dear,” she whispered, and gave him a tight hug.
“I had good crops of everything. What with losing the brassicas last month, now we’ve nothing for the winter months.”
For many years now, Mark had grown about one third of all the root vegetables, and about a quarter of the green vegetables the family used over the winter and spring months. His brassicas, the sprouts, cabbages and cauliflowers, had all been stolen at the end of August. Now his root vegetables and the last of his legumes, the peas and beans, were all gone. In both cases just as he was getting ready to harvest them.
Jane pushed her husband onto a stool and pushed the mug of coffee she’d just made for herself into his hands. It was very worrying, she thought to herself. For a couple of years now food had been getting more and more expensive, and anything out of the ordinary had been getting harder and harder to find, especially in the inner cities. At least her husband had had an allotment in which he could grow some of their food. It had made life slightly easier for them, as their limited amount of money could be directed at what they couldn’t grow.
“It’s those bloody guerrillas,” whispered Jane. “They’re destroying crops everywhere.”
“What guerrillas?” asked Mark.
“You know, it was on telly last night.” Twelve hours after TV’s had started to be confiscated, Graham Thorn had announced publicly that this was an over-reaction by a small number of local Patrol commanders, and that all the confiscated sets would be returned within twenty-four hours. It had taken a bit longer, and a small number, the most expensive TV’s or those belonging to people the Patrol or TaF didn’t like or mistrusted, had never been returned.
Jane in particular watched TV almost religiously every evening to see the latest news and gossip. “Graham Thorn told us about the guerrillas and terrorists that were burning and looting all the crops, and that was why there was so little food around now. That and the fact that half the farmers in the country are revolutionaries and were trying to cause problems by withholding food and charging silly prices.”
“Oh,” Mark vaguely remembered the programme, but in truth he had been too busy planning today to take much notice. “Did it? I didn’t really notice. So who stole all our vegetables, that’s what I want to know. I can’t imagine country farmers coming into the middle of London to raid a few allotments.”
“Oh well,” said Jane almost dismissively, “who knows what guerrillas will get up to.” She frowned at him. “It wasn’t just yours was it?”
Mark shook his head. “Every plot has been raided.”
“Oh well, that proves it then.”
“That still doesn’t help us. That’s food that should have lasted us well into January.”
Jane frowned. “Is it worth going to the Patrol?”
Mark paused in thought. “Doubt it. They’re not really into crime solving. Only crowd control.”
“I’ll ask Sam when he gets home.”
“No, don’t bother the lad. He’s only been in the Patrol a few weeks. Barely out of training.” Mark paused in thought. “Have you noticed a change in him? He seems to have got, I don’t know, harder? Less tolerant?”
Jane nodded slowly. “Probably his training. He’s over doing it I guess, trying to show he’s conscientious. He’ll relax and come back to being our lovely son soon enough.
“I just wish Sue could do something like this. She’s twenty now, and all she’s doing is working in that damn supermarket. That’s not gonna get her anywhere in life. Sam’s done more an’ he’s only eighteen.”
“Jane,” said Mark slowly, “have you noticed that Sue is starting to become a bit more, well, rebellious, I guess. She’s arguing more with Sam. And what she said about the Prime Minister the other day, well I’m almost glad Sam wasn’t here at the time.”
Jane looked at her husband and nodded. “Yes,” she exclaimed. “She called him a Nazi and a murderer the other day. An’ she’s been very disrespectful of Sam and the Patrol.”
“Did she now? Well I’d better have a long talk with her. I mean, I know we all used to call the coppers Nazis back in the day, but the Safety Patrol isn’t the same as them. They’re here like the name says, for our safety and security. All the police ever did was trample on our rights.”
Jane nodded her agreement, and ruffled her husband’s thinning hair. “I’m sorry about your crop love. Tell Sam anyway. He can report it or otherwise as he sees fit.”
Mark nodded and slowly stood. “I haven’t cleaned up the plot. I suppose I could go and do that, but I just don’t have the... , “ he trailed off waiving his hand despondently in the general direction of the allotments.
“Leave it love, just in case it needs to be looked at by the Patrol.”
“I s’pose. Better go and shower and change I guess.”
He stumbled out of the kitchen looking forlorn, almost defeated. Jane, smiling fondly at his retreating back, thought that for the first time he looked older than his fifty years. She had met him twenty four years ago in a night club in Bognor Regis, on her own twenty-first birthday bash, and married him a year later. He had been almost five years older than her twenty one, but it had worked out very well. They had had a hard but happy life, she thought, their only two children arriving at two and then four years after their wedding.
Until recently Jane had harboured a small hope that their eldest child, Susan, would go into the hair dressing trade that Jane had been in since she herself had been nineteen. Sadly for Jane, Sue had shown no interest or inclination. Sue had recognised that it was a valid career, and hadn’t scoffed at it, the way Jane knew others had. Even so Sue had disappointed her mother when, at just fourteen, she had told her disbelieving parents she wanted to become a police woman.
With the virtual disbanding of the police only a couple of years later, Sue had initially looked at the Patrol but very quickly dismissed it from her thoughts. Then she had applied to go to University to study criminology, just as the universities began to shut their doors to none TaF members. She had wavered for a moment, nearly joining the TaF just to go to university, but despite both her parents urging, she had instead gone down the road and started working at the local co-op supermarket.
Sam on the other hand had been a slightly more biddable child and, at his parents urging, had joined the TaF youth, and then, again at his father’s urging, the Patrol. He was now hoping to get into the Security Patrol, but for the moment was part of the Safety Patrol.
Jane sighed, picked up the half empty mug of lukewarm coffee and downed it in one swallow, placing the empty mug next to the kettle ready to refill again later. She turned to the vegetables she was preparing for that evening’s meal, and paused in worry. With the loss of Mark’s crop, she was going to have to economise. She put three potatoes and two carrots back on the rack. Dinner would have to be a bit skimpier tonight, and for the foreseeable future.
She was just finishing her preparations, leaving the prepared vegetables in a couple of pans to await their cooking, when Sue came in through the back door.
“Hi Mum, there were some pies going free so I got you a few.” Jane turned to her as Sue dumped a small pile of pies and pasties on the table, along with a larger carrier bag that obviously contained something else.
“What on Earth is that?” asked Jane. “Thank you by the way,” she added, “we need everything you can get what with what’s happened.”
“Oh? What’s happened? This is minced beef by the way. About a kilogram. Technically it’s out of date, so should have been returned last night, but there was a cock-up and it never went, so I grabbed it instead. It’s perfectly fine, it’s just not legal to sell it.”
“How out of date?”
“Only yesterday.” She shrugged. “Just cook it as you normally do, long and slow.”
“Thank you love. That’s wonderful.” Jane quickly scooped up all the pies Sue had left on the table, and put them into the freezer. She spent a couple of minutes weighing the mince, then bagging it into three portions. That too went into the freezer.
Meanwhile, Sue made herself and her mother mugs of instant coffee. Her father walked into the room, just as she was about to sit down with hers.
“Hello love,” he said absently.
“Hi Dad, here.” Sue gave her father the mug in her hand, and then turned to make a third cup. In a way it was as well that the three of them all drank their coffee without sweetener or milk.
“Mark love, tell Sue what’s happened.”
Sue looked up. “Dad?”
Mark sat and stared for a few moments over the top of his mug at his daughter. She’d never been a real disappointment to him, despite her desire to have joined the police. Whatever rebelliousness she had, she never to set out to hurt her parents, it just seemed to happen that way, and she was always generous and loving to them. He smiled sadly.
“Some bastard toe-rags stole all the produce from the allotment. Everything. All soddin’ gone apart from a couple of bulbs of garlic and a few runner-beans.”
“Oh no. Again! That’s just ... Was it every single plot again?”
Mark nodded just as Jane sat down herself.
“I reckon it was those guerrillas...” Jane started.
“What guerrillas?” asked Sue scornfully. “There’s no guerrillas around here. Only desperate people and thugs.”
“Don’t start with that, please,” Jane said, her voice sounding upset.
Sue looked at her mother and swallowed what she’d been about to say. She nodded her apologies, but all three knew she was only apologising for upsetting her mother, not for what she had said.
Sue managed to not scowl at her brother as he chose that moment to enter. Strictly she was scowling at the uniform and who and what it represented, rather than at him; but they wouldn’t have understood that, and her parents were upset enough as it was, so she held her tongue.
Sam nodded at his father, and without a word switched on the kettle.
“Sam,” said Mark. “Can you report crimes to your superiors?”
“Yes of course. Depending on the crime or the criminal maybe I can sort it.”
“That’s the problem. We don’t know who it was.”
“Oh. Well what did they do?”
To Sue, watching closely, Sam seemed to lose interest. He turned back to his coffee. “Go on, what was stolen?”
Even Mark seemed to notice the distinct lack of enthusiasm in Sam’s voice. He frowned for a moment. Sam was probably just tired.
“You tired lad?”
Sam turned. “No. Of course not. I’ve just got studying to do, that’s all.”
“For the Security Patrol?”
“Entrance exam, yes. If I pass it, I’ll go for six weeks’ training.”
“When is it?” asked Jane softly.
“Dunno. Not been told.”
“Oh dear. Never mind, I’m sure they’ll tell you soon. You’ve been studying hard so they’ll know you’re keen.”
Sam shrugged.
“Look. You go study, dinner’ll be an hour.”
Sam nodded, and without removing his outdoor shoes, carried his coffee upstairs to his room. Both things that in the past would have been very much frowned upon.
Jane looked a little distraught, and Sue was about to open her mouth to say something, when she caught sight of her father shaking his head warningly. Once again she subsided, but the fury was building up inside her.
“I’ll just go see if the chickens have laid,” she muttered, before heading back outside again. The family had three chickens and usually gave two, occasionally three eggs a day. It was normally her job to look after them.
The evening meal was a slightly strained affair. Mark was still moody and withdrawn from his loss; Sue deliberately, and pointedly, blanked her brother as much as she could; Sam seemed withdrawn and slightly annoyed about something. Jane found it a struggle to keep any sort of normalcy going, as only Sue seemed to be prepared to talk to her, her two men-folk both answering with little more than monosyllabic words or grunts.
“What makes you think it was guerrillas?” asked Sue, trying to keep up some form of conversation with her mother. So far what little conversation there had been, hadn’t touched on what had happened at the allotment.
“Well who else will it be?” her mother asked simply. Sue had her own ideas, but kept quiet for the moment. “We all know the farmers and the countryside is a hotbed of revolutionaries and revisionists, Graham Thorn said so.” Sam looked up from his food, interested now.
“Do you really believe that farmers are going to come into Islington, right in the middle of London just to dig up a few allotments?” asked Sue, barely managing to keep the scorn from her voice.
“Well how else can they keep the prices so high?” asked Jane.
“I was talking to one of the farmers the co-op source some of its autumn veg from. He’s having problems. He can’t get the fuel to drive his harvesters, so crops are rotting in the fields.”
“What are you talking about?” Sam asked. “There’s loads of fuel, and how can a farmer claim he can’t dig stuff up? Just get a spade.”
“You can’t dig an entire field by hand,” exclaimed Sue.
“How do you know?”
“How long does it take Dad to dig over the allotment if he’s starting from scratch? Expand that to all the allotments on the site? A single field is bigger again.”
“Well do it over a couple of days then. And what are his farm workers for?”
Sue just shook her head in despair at her brother’s ignorance and stupidity. She didn’t answer.
Sam turned to his mother. “What started that off?”
Jane waved her hand at Mark. “Your father lost his crops. They were all stolen by revolutionaries.”
Sam’s jaw dropped for a moment, then he gave a bark of laughter.
“What are you talking about Mother? Don’t talk such stupid drivel.”
“Sam!” snapped Mark. “Apologise to your mother.”
“Ridiculous. How can I when she, and you, should know exactly what happened.”
“Pardon?” Mark looked at his son in shock. “What in hell’s name are you talking about?”
Sam almost seemed to preen. He had the eyes of all three of the others on him, all of them looking at him in awe it seemed. It wasn’t awe, far from it, but he couldn’t see that.
“You had the letter weeks ago. I remember it arriving about the same time I got back from basic training. I remember you telling me about it.”
Mark’s face went blank for a moment as he thought back, then red in fury as he remembered the letter, and realised what must have happened. “You!” he gasped, pointed at his son. “You stole my crops.”
“It wasn’t theft,” Sam told them, smiling as he revealed what he knew. “That letter told you that twenty percent of all crops was to be donated to the state, to be collected by the Patrol for redistribution. Anyone who refused would have their entire crop confiscated. Well early this morning we went and took what was due, and since every single one of you refused to do your duty, every single one of you lost your entire crops.”
Mark just couldn’t say anything. His whole body just seemed to lock up as he stared at his son, his brain barely able to function.
“I told you the Patrol’s weren’t to be trusted,” Sue muttered. Fortunately Sam didn’t hear her, but Jane did.
“Shut up,” she snapped. “Don’t make the situation worse than it already is.”
“Mummy,” Jane’s eyes shot to her daughter. Sue never called her that unless she needed something, or was upset or in trouble. “What would you say if I told you that the other week three men tried to molest me? They were pawing at me, groping me, touching...” she broke off and Jane could see the glitter of tears in her daughter’s eyes.
“Oh darling,” Jane got up to come around to her daughter. “What happened? Who was it, do you know?”
Jane’s movement attracted the attention of both Mark and Sam.
“It was the patrol. Three men from the Safety Patrol were going to rape me, I’m sure of it.”
“Liar,” exclaimed Sam. “We don’t do that sort of thing.”
“Shut up Sam,” Jane said softly, still holding her daughter to her. “How did you get away?”
Sue gave a harsh, bitter, laugh. “One of them has flat balls now. I was wearing my steelies and gave him a good kick in the nuts, then ran for it.”
Sam’s eyes widened in shock. “That was you?” he said, standing. “We’ve been looking for you. They told us it was...” he paused and stared hard at his sister’. “That’s why you changed your barnet again. To hide from us.”
Sue couldn’t help it, her hand went up to her hair briefly. She had had it cut short a couple of weeks earlier, two days after the attack and attempted rape.
Mark had finally regained his voice. “You nasty perverted little thug. Molesting your sister? I’ll have your balls for that.”
“It wasn’t Sam,” said Sue.
“Nothing to do with me, I wasn’t there. She probably led them on. You know she’s always wearing those tight fuck-me jeans and skimpy tops.”
“Sam!” snapped Jane, “Don’t be nasty. No woman ever goes asking for that. Ever. We’ve taught you better than that.”
Sam ignored his mother, and glared at his father.
Mark’s thoughts had gone back to his crops. “You stole my crops,” he exclaimed, his voice rising in his anger and fury. “You fucking thieving little shits.”
“Father. You will withdraw that slanderous statement or I will have you arrested,” Sam told his father icily.
“That was your dinner for the next three months,” Mark ground out. “How could you do that to your own family?”
Sam said nothing, just continued to glare at his father.
“I think you should leave,” Mark said coldly after a long pause. “You won’t be getting any more food from this house. Not until you apologise and give appropriate, and full, recompense.”
Sam stopped, his jaw dropping, his face going pale. He gulped for a moment, his mind completely blank, then slowly, almost dazed, he turned, picked up his coat and boots, and left.
“No. Sam! Mark, you can’t do that. Please.” Jane burst into tears, and it was Sue’s turn to comfort her mother. She hugged her weeping mother, saying nothing, just holding and comforting. She looked at her father, and could see both pain and determination in his eyes.
For Mark, there was a realisation, a dawning of understanding. “I’m sorry love,” Mark turned to his wife and daughter. Even though he was looking into his daughter’s eyes when he spoke, it was really his wife he was addressing, yet both Mark and Sue knew he was also apologising to his daughter as well.
“What will he do now?” asked Jane tearfully.
“He’ll sleep at the patrol barracks,” Mark answered her. “You know that most of them do anyway.”
“Sam’s unusual,” said Sue softly. “Most Patrollers end up a long way from home. Very few actually get to live at home, most live in those barracks.”
It didn’t console Jane. Her son moving out was one thing, but to be thrown unceremoniously out was something completely different.
“So what do we do now?” asked Mark. Unconsciously he seemed to know and accept that Sue would know what to do next.
“I don’t think he’ll say anything about me kicking that guy and hopefully sterilising him, you know what he’s always said in the past about rapists and child molesters.”
Both his parents nodded, Jane seemed almost relieved. Sam’s views on rapists and child molesters wasn’t that extreme. He didn’t want them killed, but nor did he want them segregated in gaol. Two young girls had been sexually molested and then killed earlier in the year, before he’d joined the Patrol, and Sam had been quite clear in his beliefs: “When they find the bastard that did that he should be put in with the general prison population. The other prisoners must not be allowed to actually kill him, but after that, anything goes.” The others had, at the time, agreed with him.
“I think you’re probably right,” Mark whispered, holding both his womenfolk. “I think you’re safe love, but what about the other? Do you think he’s likely to have me arrested for slander?”
“He wouldn’t. That’s just talk,” Jane protested. “He’s not really an evil boy.”
“No Mum, he’s not,” Sue said softly, “but he is easily led, and Dad,” she raised her eyes to her father’s, “with respect, you did push him into their arms.”
Mark opened his mouth to argue the point, then stopped and nodded. He knew his daughter was reminding him that he was the one to persuade Sam to join the Patrol. He nodded resignedly. “I guess,” he said, slowly, sadly.
“We know he has a bed in the barracks,” Sue said. “He used it a couple of times when he was on nights so that he didn’t disturb us when he came in.” She had a sudden thought. “Or that we would disturb his sleep come the morning.”
Fortunately neither Mark nor Jane spotted the barb in that statement. “True,” Jane said, still holding tightly to her husband. “So at least he’ll have a bed for the night.”
“That should mean we’re okay until at least the morning, we won’t have to be running during curfew.” Mark paused for a moment. “Right,” he gently pushed his wife away. “Both of you, go pack some clothes. Not so much that it looks like we’re moving out, running away, but enough to keep you going for a few days. Grab important valuables, but only,” he stared at his wife, “only if they are small and light weight.”
Jane opened her mouth to protest, then closed it again. She didn’t have a lot of jewellery, but some of it was genuinely valuable, one piece was known to have been owned by her great-great-grandmother.
None of them slept well that night, all were worried about the midnight knock. In the past, Jane in particular would have denied it ever happened, but that evening she wasn’t so sure. It didn’t come and the three of them got up a little after seven am, almost before it was light. Breakfast was an almost silent affair, Jane scrambling the two eggs Sue had found the previous evening, to go with the small amount of bacon they still had left.
“I suppose I ought to do something with that mince you brought home last night,” Jane murmured.
“If you do it quickly, we could probably take it with us,” Sue suggested.
Jane turned and looked at her, distraught. “Are we really about to run?” she asked.
No one had time to answer as the back door thumped open and Sam walked in.
Jane jumped, her hand covering her mouth in alarm. There was no one with him, at least, no one that Sue could see.
Sam pointed at his father and sister. “This time tomorrow, as soon as I get on duty, I’m gonna report you two.” He looked squarely at his sister. “Last night I ended up talking with the guy you all but castrated. Turns out you may have been at least partly right. However you are still wanted for questioning, and tonight I’m gonna realise it must be you, an’ I’m gonna give you up in the mornin’.” He turned to his father. “As for you, if I report you now I’ll land Susan in trouble straight away. I’m givin’ her a break ‘cos I reckon she just might have been right. So you get a lucky break as well.” He turned to his mother. “You’re not in trouble, but it might be better if you weren’t here either when the patrol turns up.”
He turned to leave. “You have till about nine tomorrow morning to get lost,” he said curtly over his shoulder, and stamped out.
A few moments later they heard a squawking in the back garden, and when Jane went to see what was happening, she saw that Sam had wrung the necks of two of the three chickens, and was taking them with him. “This is your contribution for today,” he told them as he passed by the back door. “Be thankful I’m not takin’ all three.”
“Oh shit,” Sue said softly. “Mum. I think we’ve got to get out by about six this evening. Curfew is at nine, and we need to be,” she paused, “actually, I think I know where we can go, and it’s only half an hour from here. Uh, actually, driving it’s probably barely five minutes.” She paused again, then turned to look at her parents, a determined look on her face.
“Yes. I know exactly where we should go. It’s not far, but we’ve got to take as much food with us as possible.”
“Why?” asked her father frowning.
“Partly because there’s not that much there, and they can always use more, but mostly because when those scum arrive tomorrow morning, they’ll strip the house bare. Why leave them food if we don’t have to?”
Mark nodded his understanding. “We could just burn the gaff, that’ll mean they can’t get anything; but it’ll also tell them we’ve run.”
Sue nodded. “Yeah. Don’t do that, there’s always a faint chance we can return. We can pack the car, just so long as no one sees us doing it. I’m sure there’s enough fuel in there to get us where we need to go, and we don’t pass no checkpoints either.”
“But that’ll just tell them we’ve not gone far,” Mark frowned, “or have you thought of that as well.”
Sue nodded grimly. “I have. Come on, I’ll go wring the neck of the other hen, and see if there’s an egg or two, then Mum, sorry, but you’re, we’re, gonna be cooking for a while.”
Jane just nodded. It was not long after eight o’clock in the morning, and her whole world had just fallen apart. She could barely think straight, so it was as well for her that her husband and in particular her daughter were taking charge.
They left home just after seven pm, having just finished dining on fresh roast chicken and salad. The car was full of all the food they could carry, plus some of their clothes, along with a few blankets and duvets. Their personal valuables went as well, but the house was left as if they intended returning. Even the dishes, although washed, were still stacked on the draining rack. Apart from the lack of food, the house looked as if it was still occupied.
Sue drove, the first time she had driven the car in months. There was so little traffic on the road these days that people actually turned and looked at the car, and in some cases even scowled at them as they drove past. They arrived within ten minutes, and pulled up at their destination, a large, seemingly run-down, church hall on a narrow access road behind the supermarket where Sue worked.
“What’s so special about this place?” asked Mark, puzzled.
“You’ll see,” said Sue, grinning. “It looks like a church run refuge for down and outs, and in a way it is. But that’s cover. A few of us...” she tailed off. “You’ll see.”
Mark frowned at her curiously, before following her through the tatty side door. It was lighter, tidier, and far cleaner inside than he would have expected from looking at the outside of the building, but it was also very full and busy. Along both long walls were a row of partitions, about seven foot deep by four wide, each with a camp bed in, and separated by a canvas or blanket partition from its neighbour. Down the centre of the room were rows of tables and chairs, and at the far end, on a low dais, was what appeared to be a row of microwave ovens, gas camping stoves, and large electric urns for boiling water.
There must have been well over one hundred people in there, Mark guessed. Many were just sitting around, chatting, reading, playing cards, dominoes, even chess; but a number were over by the cooking area obviously preparing food.
“There’s no where near enough beds here for all these people,” Jane murmured.
“There’s rooms out the back and upstairs,” Sue answered, pointing to the far end.
Mark suddenly noticed a small queue by a door in the far left corner of the room. “Through there?” he asked, pointing.
“Er, that’s the loos and washing facilities.”
“Sue!” boomed a voice behind them.
They all turned to see a large, bearded, fifty-odd year-old bearing down on them with a grin.
“Father,” said Sue, smiling. She indicated her parents. “These are my mum and dad.”
“Welcome,” said the newcomer, “I’m guessing you’re all here because of... ?”
Sue nodded. “Of course.”
“Oh dear.”
“We were given a bit of advanced warning though.”
He just nodded and turned to Mark and Jane. “Welcome, welcome to the Ritz.” He laughed.
“Are you a priest?” asked Jane.
He smiled at her. “I hope you don’t hold that against me. Call me Father Jack, or just Jack. I don’t mind.”
“Oh. We’re not Catholics.”
He grinned. “I know. And I won’t hold that against you either.” His smile faded. “We’re completely non-denominational here. All religions and none. The only thing in common is that everybody here is hiding from The Patrol.”
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Gay MaleA Note From The Editor: Hello and welcome to the first issue of Amazing Adult Stories, a magazine dedicated to bringing you the best, the most exciting, the most amazing accounts of awe-inspiring adventure, of daring deeds of daredevilry, of enticing erotic endeavours! Yes, this is the magazine aimed at the reader who wishes to be left thrilled and filled with wondrous excitement as he or she flips through the pages and delves deeper into the amazing tales stored within. This is the magazine...
Hey guys this is a fictitious but a great story i hope u all will give it thumbs up.When my wife left us it did not catch me completely by surprise. I had opened separate checking and savings accounts and had the materials ready to cancel everything with her name on them.She chose our daughter’s first day in Intermediate School to leave. A neighbor told me that soon after I left for the school with my daughter riya an eighteen-wheeler had pulled up to the house. A dresser, a chair and several...
IncestI have been married for 40 plus years in a marriage and rather happily except for the sex. Our sex life had never been that great as she was not really much into it. She tried. We experimented with a couple of 3-somes in our earlier 20s but she wasn't into women and being with another guy didn't thrill her either. I had grown up being curious so I enjoyed it immensely. She would end up going to bed while my friend and I played when she did. It ended all too soon and she thought it was a...
You are on the phone and I cannot resist. I am drawn to the sound of your voice, just like Peaches-the-cat, and just as predisposed to purr as she is. You are sitting in your chair, staring sightlessly at the computer monitor as you talk. ‘Ah, good,’ I think, ‘its not work-related.’ I long to touch you and I do so, running my fingers over your bare shoulders and down your chest.In response, your fingers clasp my wrist, and squeezing firmly, lift my hand away. Your other hand gestures...
I don’t know how much perfect gentleman I can stand. He wasn’t asking for nearly as much as I was willing to give! Dream date It was so tempting to try to pump Tom for information about Georgia’s death, but he would want to know how I knew he worked on that case and what interest it was to me. For example, what was Georgia wearing when they found her? I’m afraid to ask. I know ... About my date. I got to the hotel and checked in about four-thirty. It was barely enough time. I had to...
Eines Abends sitze ich nach getaner Arbeit in meinem Büro und sehe aus dem Fenster in den Garten. Es ist ein wunderschöner Frühlingstag, genau wie damals vor 8 Jahren, als uns meine Schwester plötzlich beim Abendessen verkündete, dass sie in den kommenden Sommerferien 6 Wochen zu einer Familie nach Frankreich fahren würde. Dafür würde allerdings auch eine französische Austauschschülerin in den Ferien zu uns kommen. „Um die kann sich ja Martin kümmern“, schlug meine Schwester gleich vor und warf...
After a rest and a cold drink we decided to help Gan to her room and to bed. She was very wobbly but had the same 1000 watt smile of here daughter. As I caried her up the stairs and into her room she was smiling and whispering to me that I could fuck her anytime I wanted. she even asked me about my pool and if I swam naked. I told her I had a pool and yes I swam naked and sun bathed as well. as usual my cock was hard and bouncing off her naked ass as we traveled. I carefully placed her on the...
Her Mother's Daughter Prologue "God, you're so hot!" "Stop it." I frowned, pushing my boyfriend's hands away, looking over my shoulder and half expecting my mom to be sneaking up behind me. "Come on, Amy." Greg grinned like a dog and the only reason I was going out with him was because he had a car. "I said stop!" I slapped at his hand. "We're gonna be late for school." "Shit, who cares?" He shrugged and his hand was coming back to my thigh, stroking me through my jeans....
Neona came awake at daybreak to rough shaking. The vines that bound her ankles together were removed and she was jerked to her feet by her captor. He dragged her over to a nearby tree and held her upright with two hands while he relieved himself. He then indicated that she should do the same. Neona squatted and when she was done, she found herself lifted from her feet and placed astride the mount. Her captor leapt on behind her and pulled her back against his chest. With a flick of the...
The house is quiet and I am all alone, every creak fills my ears like the scream of a thousand ghosts. Slowly I rise from the couch and make my way to the back door, upon opening it I am met by the bitter breeze of a dull winter, I look up at the stars only for a moment before I hear the fumble of heavy footsteps inside the house. Growing up in the countryside has made me aware of every minute sound, especially those of an intruder, in the middle of nowhere, where no sound is ever heard. A...
I had been dating Vanessa for a few weeks now. She is a gorgeous 40 year-old African- American beauty. Everything was going splendidly. I was a few years older than Vanessa. Being from different races was never a problem. Things were moving along so well that she wanted me to meet her two daughters. The three of them are very close, and Vanessa thought it was the right time for me to meet her' little darlings'. Of course, I agreed. What could be the harm in meeting Vanessa's young girls? If...
TabooDamn Tyler to all hell! His gossiping about all the office sex going on is getting his colleague Veronica Avluv frustrated. He mentioned that one of their coworkers told the office horndog Johnny that she’s never had an orgasm before, and now Veronica can’t get the idea of never cumming out of her head, and it’s freaking her out! Especially because she was just banging one of the guys in shipping last week and she didn’t have an orgasm! She tells Tyler that he now has no choice but to fuck her...
xmoviesforyouAs Monica and Theresa walked up to the old high school, a shiny black Hummer and a large eighteen-wheeler were pulling out. Maria, the ex-nun, and Lupe were waiting for them at the curb. "Who were those people?" asked Monica. "The car contains a man who will keep us funded," said Lupe. "And the truck brought us five new girls to be transformed, and another immune to work under you as a priestess." "Great," said Monica. Maria spoke. "Theresa, since we will soon have a third...
Hi, I am Roger Welch, 38, a successful stock trader, a very successful writer of American Western Frontier novels and an occasional inventor. I have been divorced from Kathy, 35, for three years now, and I still do not understand the disrespect. Sometimes troubles in relationships are not talked about, but there are often clues. I met Kathy Raymond at my youngest sister’s wedding. Kathy was the sister of one of the groomsmen. Kathy somehow latched onto me even though I had duties as a...
Unlike the recent movie of the same name which told the story of people who were so devoid of real human contact that they 'crashed' into each another just to have the comfort of another person, this is a story about two very close knit families. These two families are both friends and neighbors and know each other so well that they don't need any more comfort than is already present through their daily contact with each other. Yet even with that comfort and contact they too had a fatal...
For the last couple of months our time in Israel was mostly uneventful with the two of us talking about what each of us had been asked. For myself the request was to develop businesses in both Israel and one or more of the Palestinian territories no set monetary amount was specified but after a couple of meetings with my people I knew there was no short cuts to be had if I wanted my people protected. For Antonia, her meeting was an attempt to address the various short comings throughout...
Robert was surprised with how crowded the mall already was. Sure it was a Saturday, but it was eleven in the morning, and it wasn't a holiday weekend. Holidays were the only time the mall back in Deepwater ever got crowded. Then again, to compare that small shopping center back home to the Rale Valley Mall was a mistake. This thing was enormous. Eli groaned as he exited the car and said, "Do you always have to park so far away?" "These malls are littered with stupid high school...
Hi friends,I am sure you are not going to believe what I am going to say now. But it is a fact.My wife and I used to watch incest sites on the net while enjoying sex in our bed room. I used to call her akka ( elder sister). She responds encouragingly and our sex enjoyment reached greater heights in this type of fantasy sex. One day . . . .My wife : I understand you have a great desire to fuck some real relative. How long you want to just imagine and enjoy. Me: Hey no . . . No . . . It all for...
IncestI have the same dream every time I close my eyes. I live on a thousand acre ranch with the usual livestock, horses, cows, pigs, chickens, and you get the picture. I love to my favorite stallion "Smoke" more than anything else. Lighting stands 17 hands tall and is a beautiful Appaloosa. Lately I only ride him bare back wearing a sports bra and a pair of "Daisey Duke" shorts. I love to feel the play of his muscular body between my legs, my fingers twined in his mane with his spine rubbing my...
Introduction: I was pregnant and horny but my husband avoided sex with me. Hung black guy and a pregnant white girl. I was sitting at home dressed only in my robe because it felt better not to have on tight clothing on, seeing that I was six months pregnant. My husband was off at work. His job kept him at work usually 70 or 80 hours a week. It kept me lonely but I knew that he was doing it so that we could have a better family life in the future. We have been married almost two years and I...
Asia is stopped by officer Giovanni for wearing a jacket that seems to be stolen. Asia explains that she actually works there and saw a defect in the merchandise, so she had to take it out of circulation. Giovanni isn’t buying the girl’s excuses, so he performs a full search on her body, stripping her to ensure there are no more concealed items. Asia is busted and out of excuses, so she plays along when Giovanni offers her a deal to walk out. His cock will lead the way as Asia kneels for a...
xmoviesforyouI got home a bit later that night than I expected. There was a meeting I had to be a part of. I didn't really want to be there. The two people I was mediating with were both, frankly, not that nice. Both were more interested in putting as much hurt on the other person as they could. They weren't interested in resolving the situation, they were interested in damage. I could understand why. The whole situation was a disaster from a business point of view, but still, it was my job to find a...
Co-written with the delectable Sweet as Candy Red tipped fingers danced on the steering wheel in time to the heavy base, pounding from the speakers, as the wind whipped blonde ringlets into Lyra’s mouth. With a grin, she scooped her hair into a messy ponytail at the base of her head. It was a small price to pay to have the roof down, she thought. Impatiently Lyra gunned the engine, and as she watched the lights shift from red to green, she peeled away with a squeal of tyres and a delighted...
The valuer returned, “Exactly what I was thinking! My mind is wondering whether there are tiles behind this wood panelling. Having expensive tiles in the basement only makes sense to my mind if the upper corridor were similarly tiled to at least the same standard.” I excused myself for a couple of minutes while I phoned for the planned pickup of our valuer. The Jeeves on the other end promised to be there in about half an hour. I returned to Mister valuer and told him when he would be...
DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.For all outward appearances, Jill was 'normal'. She was cute, gracious, young, attractive, respectful. But, inside, she was anything but! Ever since she could remember she wanted sex; hot, demanding, incorrigible hot sex from the first time she ran a finger down her pussylips! It excited her so much, like a burning fire that could...
RECAP: I’m staying with my Mom’s Best friend while she’s away on vacation, and we’ve ended up in a strange sexual relationship which is in jeopardy of being exposed by her shrewish bitch of a daughter … Tina, my Arch-enemy of sorts.What in the HELL was happening to me?That question had roamed around in my head for hours after I had full...
If my first cruise had been all uppers then cruise number two had its equal share of downers. Right from the meet and greet moment I had trouble with couple of passengers. The first were two single guys, mid twenties but acting mid teens who started coming on to Julia the moment they saw her. When she handed them their room details they invited her along for some party action. Julia gave them a polite refusal, but they pushed the boundaries of respectful conversation and I stepped in to keep...
Hi friends this is second part of the story.First off thanks for your love and support I have written many other stories too like ‘Anita hot village mom’ etc please check that out too.Now please forgive me if I don’t respond to all your mails and clearing a few things the story is fake for all those who asked about my mom and stuff, its completely written for fun.Yes I love mature women aunties,bhabhis,housewives I have a thing for them.As a 25 year old male would love to fuck some married...
IncestHello to all readers my name is monika n i m 19 years old . I am from Delhi meri family me m mere dad, mom, badi bahan (seema),chota bhai (naveen) .Mere dad job ki vajah se ghar se bahar he rhte he meri mom teacher h . Meri seema ( 20 age fig 34 28 36 ) 3rd year me h aur mera chota bhai naveen ( age 18 ) in 12 class aur m monika ( age 19 fig 36 28 34 ) now come to the story Mom roz ki tarah school gyi hui thi aur seema college me naveen ghar pe tha aur m college jane k...
Chester wasn’t in the bedroom. In fact, Felicity couldn’t find him anywhere. She felt helpless. As maddening as he was - imagine the nerve of the man, calling her ‘darling’ and correcting her in front of the servants! - she had to admit that he was a strong, confident man. She had hoped he’d just give up and go home when she made it clear she didn’t like him. She’d been fine, as long as he was clear down the table from her. But, both when she’d gone to him, and when he’d come to her, those...
The hinges holding their hideout’s door rattled as it flew open and rebounded. She stormed in, threw down two black gym bags filled with cash and kept it moving.“Ginger. Ginger!” her partner strolling behind with three more bags exclaimed.“What! What is it Mac?”“Talk to me. Come on,” Mac carried his bags to a chipped edge wooden table and rested them on the laminated surface.“What is there to talk about Mac?” she spun to face him and flailed her arms.“Baby, come on, you’re never like this after...
Straight Sex“Are we really doing this? I thought it would never happen.” Will shook the long, dark hair out of his eyes. She had mentioned it in the bedroom before, and he had been so into it, but he’d definitely thought she’d be too scared to follow through. Ella was full of surprises. She fiddled nervously with the phone in her hands, trying to give an outward appearance of being cool. She was scared, but she wanted this more than anything. Her veins filled with fire when she thought of this...
Baby Joe had always known since was in the seventh-grade and his gynecomastia, which is the condition that cause female looking breasts in males, never went away at the age most boys were already starting to see the androgen clock in to make them look like men. At the same, Baby Joe’s ass had begun to plump up and his hips started spreading wider. He had been effeminate since before he could remember and now he was developing a body to match. At that tender age, the k** raised by a single...
I had shopped many times with Trish for underwear. There is something deliciously exciting about standing next to your beautiful wife as she chooses something sexy to wear just for you. Watching her holding it against her body and looking at you with that ‘Well, what do you think?’ look in her eye. She did it again that Saturday but when she held garments up against her it was a ‘Well, what do you think about this for him?’ look in her eye. It was agonising. I felt heavy in my gut but at the...
Cuckold"MY FRIEND BECOMES MY MISTRESS" Sonali is my friend over three years. I (Pooja) and Sonali are in third yearin Degree College. She is my best friend but now she is dominating me and keeps me as her Slave.I do all her class work and personal works like washing her cloths and makingfood. She has a large circle of friends. It's all started when we were in second year of college. One day she sawme doing sex with one of my boy friend Vishal. But she didn't tell me any thingat that time. One day she...
The science teacher was discussing insects in her biology class for the kids. She said, “Moths always fly with their legs apart. Can anybody tell me why?” Some of the students looked at each other in a state of total confusion. Then, Johnny raised his hand. When called upon, he said, “Miss, have you ever seen the SIZE of moth balls?” Thank Joevsr for this one. American: “Do they have a Fourth of July in England?” Englishman: Very indigent: “Of course NOT!!” American: “Well, what do...
So after me and my neighbors wife christy 1st encounter . She would always have a reason for me to come over . She couldn't get her mower to crank, sink stopped up, she'd come up with something. Sometimes my wife would go over with me but sometimes she wouldn't. Christy would usually meet me at the back door all she was wanting was to give me a blowjob. It took a while before she'd let me have pussy again. One night her husband Alex was home we all got together for some drinking and card...
~~The Year: 1986~~ ~~Mason Harding~~ Being alone is horrible. Lot of the people he knew — knew being a strong word — thought being alone was bad, and rough. But to them it was just a word. Being alone, well and truly alone, alone to the point you feel it in your bones, that it’s a part of you, that’s hell. Something about sitting on a city bus really lets the mind wander, and Mason used it to write in his journal. Back angled to the window a bit so he could write without people looking...
Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...
Day Thirteen (Of Joanne's Ordeal) "How was Joanne" asked Frieda. "Still pretty rough, I'm afraid. Can't expect much else after that... you know... I mean - all that lovely smooth skin of hers that was starting to look so nice again - and now it's all raw like a slab of meat. At least she's not bleeding any more but she's lost a lot of blood Frieda. That bitch! I hope Jo kills her when she gets out." Frieda said nothing at first. Then she answered Francesca. "I've seen plenty of...
Toni walked into Melanie's shop late one afternoon. Melanie saw her and whistled. "Wow! You're not the Toni I used to know." Toni smiled, curtsied. "Thanks, but you know, I'm still wearing the same clothes as before." "Well, yes, but you've changed them, and there's someone else inside." Toni beamed. She wore a multi-colored print dress of light cotton. Today, it fit her closely, tied with a contrasting sash around her narrow waist, emphasizing her figure. The top was now...
Hello ISS readers and this is Mohan from Andhra Pradesh. I am aged now 23 years and I would like to share my experience happened when I was 10 years old meeku nachhithe ki me feedback pampandi please. Ma amma peru Nagaratna Dad name Hanumantha rao and our family is mainly agricultural family and we have 10 acres of wet land. Ma ammaki dad ki sex meeda interest chaala ekkuva intlo iddaru eppudu nudegane untaru. Ma amma mukku baga podugu lavaati mukku holes. Pirralu thega balisi untai. Ma dad 24...
I suppose I should feel rather guilty about what happened, but I don’t. After all, I didn’t set out to do anything wrong, only something out of my usual routine, and even that was a spur of the moment decision. I’ve wanted to tell somebody about it for a long time and now I’ve moved to a different city I’ve finally decided it’s safe to write it down. I guess all I have to say to set the scene is that at the time I was a long married department manager for...
The next day she quit work early When I returned from an errand in the early afternoon I saw Monica's car in the driveway, heard noises upstairs, and went to investigate. There she was, just completing a fast shuffle through the guest-room closet where I kept my skirts, blouses, and dresses. I looked questioningly at her, but she merely looked up, appraised me at once in a single glance, and said, "No, you're no way ready. You have some nice things, dear. I'll bet I could wear some of...
I could still feel the burning sensation on my cheek where he’d kissed me goodnight- how easy it would have been to turn my face and allow him access to my lips, but that wasn’t the plan. I’d waited ten minutes, then here I stand outside his room. I knock on the door, no hint of hesitation in my actions. He opens the door, still wearing the white dress shirt and black trousers, his feet bare, the bow tie loosened around his neck. ‘Lauren… everything ok?’ He wears a slightly worried look. ...
“You know, for all the work I do for my boss, I should have relaxation around here for both of us 24/7 honestly. I get his coffee, I fill out his expense reports for him along with about a million other things, and I still get this pathetic paycheck,” I said. Then he got up to take look at it, and he looked insulted. “Just from what I've heard, this is bullshit, why don't you look for a new job?” Jason asked. “Trust me I have been, but so far, no bites,” I replied. So as a good...
Life had become so much better since my Mothers visit, Lisa was much more attentive so I have to say life was good. I saw an advert online for a local ‘Handyman’ which was self-employed with the pay being per job but it looked good and certainly worth sending and email to find out more.I had a reply back within an hour and it seems like it was an agency run by a husband and wife team called Amanda and Ben and basically they advertised their services locally via some kind of directory and were...
As I look back on my youth, I fondly remember our family’s Saturday night ritual. Of course, over the years, most of these nights tend to run together – every Saturday was the same. Except for one particular night, that is – a night that stands all alone in my memory. After all, it was the night that Mom was shot. She certainly was not hurt, but if she reads this story and figures out which of her son’s shot her, that son might not be getting much in the way of Christmas presents this year....
In the six months since her breakup Sandra only had her sister and her own two kids for companionship, not wanting her friends prying into her breakup, if it hadn't been for her sisters support she would have cracked under the stress of it all. 'Where was she and who does that X5 belong to' Sandra thought. Sandra had been waiting about a minute and was just about to get her key from her bag when she saw Lynn coming down the stairs through the stained glass front door panel. Lynn took...
Pour sauver son mari ? Coulybaca / Bedo ? Chapitre 1 ? ? -???????? Que t'est-il arriv? qu'est ce que ces marques sur ton visage ? Demanda-t-elle affol?e. -???????? Oh, r?pondis-je m'asseyant tout penaud ? ses cot?s... J'en prends plein la gueule... Les gardes les laissent faire... Il regardent, certains s'en vont lorsque ?a d?marre.... Encore 32 jours et je pourrai sortir... Tu dois m'aider ch?rie... -???????? Je ne crois pas pouvoir le faire... Sanglota-t-elle ?perdue. ? -???????? Sanderson, de quoi parles-t...
The media had gotten word that my entourage was staying at the Trinity Hotel in Cinnity. They had staked out the hotel’s ground-level entrance and the landing pad on the roof. The only way my people could come and go undetected was for Sereine to hop them in and out of the hotel. Since her ability to hop was limited by her recovery time, it was very inconvenient for all of my people. My bodyguards decided that the media representatives needed to be taught a lesson; namely, do not harass the...
The next morning the AI reported that the tunnel would be completed in three hours. Once it was complete the wall section at the colony center that concealed the growing passage would open permanently. Unfortunately only one of the three planned pressure doors would be complete immediately. The other two would take one and two hours respectively to complete. There was a definite time window where protection would be limited. The only good news was that the armory in the colony center was...
Rough Cut: A Moe Gafferson Mystery Edited By Poison Ivan Chapter 1 Moe Gafferson tried to sit up, but a fiery stab sliced through his ribs, he slumped back down against the starched white sheets. ‘Fuck,’ he said to an empty room. Moe had never been laid this low. Sure, he’d had a few scuffles over the years, like when he was ten years old and Mickey Bolls held him down while Larry Beason rearranged his nose, or that sucker punch from the jealous boyfriend, or even a couple of broken ribs...