MaquisChapter 33 free porn video

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Holloway, North-central London. Ten days later.

“My bloody allotment’s been raided.” Mark Wilson stumped through the kitchen door in fury. “Again,” he added bitterly as his wife turned to look at him.

“Oh no,” she said, more in sympathy than in any real understanding. “What’s gone missing?”

“All my onions are gone. Most of the garlic. Carrots, parsnips, beetroot, beans, peas. Everything. The new onion sets I put in last week are still there, but all the other veg are gone. Every single flaming one.” He held out his hand towards his wife, “this was all that was left.”

Jane looked to see two good sized garlic bulbs and maybe a dozen runner-bean pods. “I’m so sorry dear,” she whispered, and gave him a tight hug.

“I had good crops of everything. What with losing the brassicas last month, now we’ve nothing for the winter months.”

For many years now, Mark had grown about one third of all the root vegetables, and about a quarter of the green vegetables the family used over the winter and spring months. His brassicas, the sprouts, cabbages and cauliflowers, had all been stolen at the end of August. Now his root vegetables and the last of his legumes, the peas and beans, were all gone. In both cases just as he was getting ready to harvest them.

Jane pushed her husband onto a stool and pushed the mug of coffee she’d just made for herself into his hands. It was very worrying, she thought to herself. For a couple of years now food had been getting more and more expensive, and anything out of the ordinary had been getting harder and harder to find, especially in the inner cities. At least her husband had had an allotment in which he could grow some of their food. It had made life slightly easier for them, as their limited amount of money could be directed at what they couldn’t grow.

“It’s those bloody guerrillas,” whispered Jane. “They’re destroying crops everywhere.”

“What guerrillas?” asked Mark.

“You know, it was on telly last night.” Twelve hours after TV’s had started to be confiscated, Graham Thorn had announced publicly that this was an over-reaction by a small number of local Patrol commanders, and that all the confiscated sets would be returned within twenty-four hours. It had taken a bit longer, and a small number, the most expensive TV’s or those belonging to people the Patrol or TaF didn’t like or mistrusted, had never been returned.

Jane in particular watched TV almost religiously every evening to see the latest news and gossip. “Graham Thorn told us about the guerrillas and terrorists that were burning and looting all the crops, and that was why there was so little food around now. That and the fact that half the farmers in the country are revolutionaries and were trying to cause problems by withholding food and charging silly prices.”

“Oh,” Mark vaguely remembered the programme, but in truth he had been too busy planning today to take much notice. “Did it? I didn’t really notice. So who stole all our vegetables, that’s what I want to know. I can’t imagine country farmers coming into the middle of London to raid a few allotments.”

“Oh well,” said Jane almost dismissively, “who knows what guerrillas will get up to.” She frowned at him. “It wasn’t just yours was it?”

Mark shook his head. “Every plot has been raided.”

“Oh well, that proves it then.”

“That still doesn’t help us. That’s food that should have lasted us well into January.”

Jane frowned. “Is it worth going to the Patrol?”

Mark paused in thought. “Doubt it. They’re not really into crime solving. Only crowd control.”

“I’ll ask Sam when he gets home.”

“No, don’t bother the lad. He’s only been in the Patrol a few weeks. Barely out of training.” Mark paused in thought. “Have you noticed a change in him? He seems to have got, I don’t know, harder? Less tolerant?”

Jane nodded slowly. “Probably his training. He’s over doing it I guess, trying to show he’s conscientious. He’ll relax and come back to being our lovely son soon enough.

“I just wish Sue could do something like this. She’s twenty now, and all she’s doing is working in that damn supermarket. That’s not gonna get her anywhere in life. Sam’s done more an’ he’s only eighteen.”

“Jane,” said Mark slowly, “have you noticed that Sue is starting to become a bit more, well, rebellious, I guess. She’s arguing more with Sam. And what she said about the Prime Minister the other day, well I’m almost glad Sam wasn’t here at the time.”

Jane looked at her husband and nodded. “Yes,” she exclaimed. “She called him a Nazi and a murderer the other day. An’ she’s been very disrespectful of Sam and the Patrol.”

“Did she now? Well I’d better have a long talk with her. I mean, I know we all used to call the coppers Nazis back in the day, but the Safety Patrol isn’t the same as them. They’re here like the name says, for our safety and security. All the police ever did was trample on our rights.”

Jane nodded her agreement, and ruffled her husband’s thinning hair. “I’m sorry about your crop love. Tell Sam anyway. He can report it or otherwise as he sees fit.”

Mark nodded and slowly stood. “I haven’t cleaned up the plot. I suppose I could go and do that, but I just don’t have the... , “ he trailed off waiving his hand despondently in the general direction of the allotments.

“Leave it love, just in case it needs to be looked at by the Patrol.”

“I s’pose. Better go and shower and change I guess.”

He stumbled out of the kitchen looking forlorn, almost defeated. Jane, smiling fondly at his retreating back, thought that for the first time he looked older than his fifty years. She had met him twenty four years ago in a night club in Bognor Regis, on her own twenty-first birthday bash, and married him a year later. He had been almost five years older than her twenty one, but it had worked out very well. They had had a hard but happy life, she thought, their only two children arriving at two and then four years after their wedding.

Until recently Jane had harboured a small hope that their eldest child, Susan, would go into the hair dressing trade that Jane had been in since she herself had been nineteen. Sadly for Jane, Sue had shown no interest or inclination. Sue had recognised that it was a valid career, and hadn’t scoffed at it, the way Jane knew others had. Even so Sue had disappointed her mother when, at just fourteen, she had told her disbelieving parents she wanted to become a police woman.

With the virtual disbanding of the police only a couple of years later, Sue had initially looked at the Patrol but very quickly dismissed it from her thoughts. Then she had applied to go to University to study criminology, just as the universities began to shut their doors to none TaF members. She had wavered for a moment, nearly joining the TaF just to go to university, but despite both her parents urging, she had instead gone down the road and started working at the local co-op supermarket.

Sam on the other hand had been a slightly more biddable child and, at his parents urging, had joined the TaF youth, and then, again at his father’s urging, the Patrol. He was now hoping to get into the Security Patrol, but for the moment was part of the Safety Patrol.

Jane sighed, picked up the half empty mug of lukewarm coffee and downed it in one swallow, placing the empty mug next to the kettle ready to refill again later. She turned to the vegetables she was preparing for that evening’s meal, and paused in worry. With the loss of Mark’s crop, she was going to have to economise. She put three potatoes and two carrots back on the rack. Dinner would have to be a bit skimpier tonight, and for the foreseeable future.

She was just finishing her preparations, leaving the prepared vegetables in a couple of pans to await their cooking, when Sue came in through the back door.

“Hi Mum, there were some pies going free so I got you a few.” Jane turned to her as Sue dumped a small pile of pies and pasties on the table, along with a larger carrier bag that obviously contained something else.

“What on Earth is that?” asked Jane. “Thank you by the way,” she added, “we need everything you can get what with what’s happened.”

“Oh? What’s happened? This is minced beef by the way. About a kilogram. Technically it’s out of date, so should have been returned last night, but there was a cock-up and it never went, so I grabbed it instead. It’s perfectly fine, it’s just not legal to sell it.”

“How out of date?”

“Only yesterday.” She shrugged. “Just cook it as you normally do, long and slow.”

“Thank you love. That’s wonderful.” Jane quickly scooped up all the pies Sue had left on the table, and put them into the freezer. She spent a couple of minutes weighing the mince, then bagging it into three portions. That too went into the freezer.

Meanwhile, Sue made herself and her mother mugs of instant coffee. Her father walked into the room, just as she was about to sit down with hers.

“Hello love,” he said absently.

“Hi Dad, here.” Sue gave her father the mug in her hand, and then turned to make a third cup. In a way it was as well that the three of them all drank their coffee without sweetener or milk.

“Mark love, tell Sue what’s happened.”

Sue looked up. “Dad?”

Mark sat and stared for a few moments over the top of his mug at his daughter. She’d never been a real disappointment to him, despite her desire to have joined the police. Whatever rebelliousness she had, she never to set out to hurt her parents, it just seemed to happen that way, and she was always generous and loving to them. He smiled sadly.

“Some bastard toe-rags stole all the produce from the allotment. Everything. All soddin’ gone apart from a couple of bulbs of garlic and a few runner-beans.”

“Oh no. Again! That’s just ... Was it every single plot again?”

Mark nodded just as Jane sat down herself.

“I reckon it was those guerrillas...” Jane started.

“What guerrillas?” asked Sue scornfully. “There’s no guerrillas around here. Only desperate people and thugs.”

“Don’t start with that, please,” Jane said, her voice sounding upset.

Sue looked at her mother and swallowed what she’d been about to say. She nodded her apologies, but all three knew she was only apologising for upsetting her mother, not for what she had said.

Sue managed to not scowl at her brother as he chose that moment to enter. Strictly she was scowling at the uniform and who and what it represented, rather than at him; but they wouldn’t have understood that, and her parents were upset enough as it was, so she held her tongue.

Sam nodded at his father, and without a word switched on the kettle.

“Sam,” said Mark. “Can you report crimes to your superiors?”

“Yes of course. Depending on the crime or the criminal maybe I can sort it.”

“That’s the problem. We don’t know who it was.”

“Oh. Well what did they do?”


To Sue, watching closely, Sam seemed to lose interest. He turned back to his coffee. “Go on, what was stolen?”

Even Mark seemed to notice the distinct lack of enthusiasm in Sam’s voice. He frowned for a moment. Sam was probably just tired.

“You tired lad?”

Sam turned. “No. Of course not. I’ve just got studying to do, that’s all.”

“For the Security Patrol?”

“Entrance exam, yes. If I pass it, I’ll go for six weeks’ training.”

“When is it?” asked Jane softly.

“Dunno. Not been told.”

“Oh dear. Never mind, I’m sure they’ll tell you soon. You’ve been studying hard so they’ll know you’re keen.”

Sam shrugged.

“Look. You go study, dinner’ll be an hour.”

Sam nodded, and without removing his outdoor shoes, carried his coffee upstairs to his room. Both things that in the past would have been very much frowned upon.

Jane looked a little distraught, and Sue was about to open her mouth to say something, when she caught sight of her father shaking his head warningly. Once again she subsided, but the fury was building up inside her.

“I’ll just go see if the chickens have laid,” she muttered, before heading back outside again. The family had three chickens and usually gave two, occasionally three eggs a day. It was normally her job to look after them.

The evening meal was a slightly strained affair. Mark was still moody and withdrawn from his loss; Sue deliberately, and pointedly, blanked her brother as much as she could; Sam seemed withdrawn and slightly annoyed about something. Jane found it a struggle to keep any sort of normalcy going, as only Sue seemed to be prepared to talk to her, her two men-folk both answering with little more than monosyllabic words or grunts.

“What makes you think it was guerrillas?” asked Sue, trying to keep up some form of conversation with her mother. So far what little conversation there had been, hadn’t touched on what had happened at the allotment.

“Well who else will it be?” her mother asked simply. Sue had her own ideas, but kept quiet for the moment. “We all know the farmers and the countryside is a hotbed of revolutionaries and revisionists, Graham Thorn said so.” Sam looked up from his food, interested now.

“Do you really believe that farmers are going to come into Islington, right in the middle of London just to dig up a few allotments?” asked Sue, barely managing to keep the scorn from her voice.

“Well how else can they keep the prices so high?” asked Jane.

“I was talking to one of the farmers the co-op source some of its autumn veg from. He’s having problems. He can’t get the fuel to drive his harvesters, so crops are rotting in the fields.”

“What are you talking about?” Sam asked. “There’s loads of fuel, and how can a farmer claim he can’t dig stuff up? Just get a spade.”

“You can’t dig an entire field by hand,” exclaimed Sue.

“How do you know?”

“How long does it take Dad to dig over the allotment if he’s starting from scratch? Expand that to all the allotments on the site? A single field is bigger again.”

“Well do it over a couple of days then. And what are his farm workers for?”

Sue just shook her head in despair at her brother’s ignorance and stupidity. She didn’t answer.

Sam turned to his mother. “What started that off?”

Jane waved her hand at Mark. “Your father lost his crops. They were all stolen by revolutionaries.”

Sam’s jaw dropped for a moment, then he gave a bark of laughter.

“What are you talking about Mother? Don’t talk such stupid drivel.”

“Sam!” snapped Mark. “Apologise to your mother.”

“Ridiculous. How can I when she, and you, should know exactly what happened.”

“Pardon?” Mark looked at his son in shock. “What in hell’s name are you talking about?”

Sam almost seemed to preen. He had the eyes of all three of the others on him, all of them looking at him in awe it seemed. It wasn’t awe, far from it, but he couldn’t see that.

“You had the letter weeks ago. I remember it arriving about the same time I got back from basic training. I remember you telling me about it.”

Mark’s face went blank for a moment as he thought back, then red in fury as he remembered the letter, and realised what must have happened. “You!” he gasped, pointed at his son. “You stole my crops.”

“It wasn’t theft,” Sam told them, smiling as he revealed what he knew. “That letter told you that twenty percent of all crops was to be donated to the state, to be collected by the Patrol for redistribution. Anyone who refused would have their entire crop confiscated. Well early this morning we went and took what was due, and since every single one of you refused to do your duty, every single one of you lost your entire crops.”

Mark just couldn’t say anything. His whole body just seemed to lock up as he stared at his son, his brain barely able to function.

“I told you the Patrol’s weren’t to be trusted,” Sue muttered. Fortunately Sam didn’t hear her, but Jane did.

“Shut up,” she snapped. “Don’t make the situation worse than it already is.”

“Mummy,” Jane’s eyes shot to her daughter. Sue never called her that unless she needed something, or was upset or in trouble. “What would you say if I told you that the other week three men tried to molest me? They were pawing at me, groping me, touching...” she broke off and Jane could see the glitter of tears in her daughter’s eyes.

“Oh darling,” Jane got up to come around to her daughter. “What happened? Who was it, do you know?”

Jane’s movement attracted the attention of both Mark and Sam.

“It was the patrol. Three men from the Safety Patrol were going to rape me, I’m sure of it.”

“Liar,” exclaimed Sam. “We don’t do that sort of thing.”

“Shut up Sam,” Jane said softly, still holding her daughter to her. “How did you get away?”

Sue gave a harsh, bitter, laugh. “One of them has flat balls now. I was wearing my steelies and gave him a good kick in the nuts, then ran for it.”

Sam’s eyes widened in shock. “That was you?” he said, standing. “We’ve been looking for you. They told us it was...” he paused and stared hard at his sister’. “That’s why you changed your barnet again. To hide from us.”

Sue couldn’t help it, her hand went up to her hair briefly. She had had it cut short a couple of weeks earlier, two days after the attack and attempted rape.

Mark had finally regained his voice. “You nasty perverted little thug. Molesting your sister? I’ll have your balls for that.”

“It wasn’t Sam,” said Sue.

“Nothing to do with me, I wasn’t there. She probably led them on. You know she’s always wearing those tight fuck-me jeans and skimpy tops.”

“Sam!” snapped Jane, “Don’t be nasty. No woman ever goes asking for that. Ever. We’ve taught you better than that.”

Sam ignored his mother, and glared at his father.

Mark’s thoughts had gone back to his crops. “You stole my crops,” he exclaimed, his voice rising in his anger and fury. “You fucking thieving little shits.”

“Father. You will withdraw that slanderous statement or I will have you arrested,” Sam told his father icily.

“That was your dinner for the next three months,” Mark ground out. “How could you do that to your own family?”

Sam said nothing, just continued to glare at his father.

“I think you should leave,” Mark said coldly after a long pause. “You won’t be getting any more food from this house. Not until you apologise and give appropriate, and full, recompense.”

Sam stopped, his jaw dropping, his face going pale. He gulped for a moment, his mind completely blank, then slowly, almost dazed, he turned, picked up his coat and boots, and left.

“No. Sam! Mark, you can’t do that. Please.” Jane burst into tears, and it was Sue’s turn to comfort her mother. She hugged her weeping mother, saying nothing, just holding and comforting. She looked at her father, and could see both pain and determination in his eyes.

For Mark, there was a realisation, a dawning of understanding. “I’m sorry love,” Mark turned to his wife and daughter. Even though he was looking into his daughter’s eyes when he spoke, it was really his wife he was addressing, yet both Mark and Sue knew he was also apologising to his daughter as well.

“What will he do now?” asked Jane tearfully.

“He’ll sleep at the patrol barracks,” Mark answered her. “You know that most of them do anyway.”

“Sam’s unusual,” said Sue softly. “Most Patrollers end up a long way from home. Very few actually get to live at home, most live in those barracks.”

It didn’t console Jane. Her son moving out was one thing, but to be thrown unceremoniously out was something completely different.

“So what do we do now?” asked Mark. Unconsciously he seemed to know and accept that Sue would know what to do next.

“I don’t think he’ll say anything about me kicking that guy and hopefully sterilising him, you know what he’s always said in the past about rapists and child molesters.”

Both his parents nodded, Jane seemed almost relieved. Sam’s views on rapists and child molesters wasn’t that extreme. He didn’t want them killed, but nor did he want them segregated in gaol. Two young girls had been sexually molested and then killed earlier in the year, before he’d joined the Patrol, and Sam had been quite clear in his beliefs: “When they find the bastard that did that he should be put in with the general prison population. The other prisoners must not be allowed to actually kill him, but after that, anything goes.” The others had, at the time, agreed with him.

“I think you’re probably right,” Mark whispered, holding both his womenfolk. “I think you’re safe love, but what about the other? Do you think he’s likely to have me arrested for slander?”

“He wouldn’t. That’s just talk,” Jane protested. “He’s not really an evil boy.”

“No Mum, he’s not,” Sue said softly, “but he is easily led, and Dad,” she raised her eyes to her father’s, “with respect, you did push him into their arms.”

Mark opened his mouth to argue the point, then stopped and nodded. He knew his daughter was reminding him that he was the one to persuade Sam to join the Patrol. He nodded resignedly. “I guess,” he said, slowly, sadly.

“We know he has a bed in the barracks,” Sue said. “He used it a couple of times when he was on nights so that he didn’t disturb us when he came in.” She had a sudden thought. “Or that we would disturb his sleep come the morning.”

Fortunately neither Mark nor Jane spotted the barb in that statement. “True,” Jane said, still holding tightly to her husband. “So at least he’ll have a bed for the night.”

“That should mean we’re okay until at least the morning, we won’t have to be running during curfew.” Mark paused for a moment. “Right,” he gently pushed his wife away. “Both of you, go pack some clothes. Not so much that it looks like we’re moving out, running away, but enough to keep you going for a few days. Grab important valuables, but only,” he stared at his wife, “only if they are small and light weight.”

Jane opened her mouth to protest, then closed it again. She didn’t have a lot of jewellery, but some of it was genuinely valuable, one piece was known to have been owned by her great-great-grandmother.

None of them slept well that night, all were worried about the midnight knock. In the past, Jane in particular would have denied it ever happened, but that evening she wasn’t so sure. It didn’t come and the three of them got up a little after seven am, almost before it was light. Breakfast was an almost silent affair, Jane scrambling the two eggs Sue had found the previous evening, to go with the small amount of bacon they still had left.

“I suppose I ought to do something with that mince you brought home last night,” Jane murmured.

“If you do it quickly, we could probably take it with us,” Sue suggested.

Jane turned and looked at her, distraught. “Are we really about to run?” she asked.

No one had time to answer as the back door thumped open and Sam walked in.

Jane jumped, her hand covering her mouth in alarm. There was no one with him, at least, no one that Sue could see.

Sam pointed at his father and sister. “This time tomorrow, as soon as I get on duty, I’m gonna report you two.” He looked squarely at his sister. “Last night I ended up talking with the guy you all but castrated. Turns out you may have been at least partly right. However you are still wanted for questioning, and tonight I’m gonna realise it must be you, an’ I’m gonna give you up in the mornin’.” He turned to his father. “As for you, if I report you now I’ll land Susan in trouble straight away. I’m givin’ her a break ‘cos I reckon she just might have been right. So you get a lucky break as well.” He turned to his mother. “You’re not in trouble, but it might be better if you weren’t here either when the patrol turns up.”

He turned to leave. “You have till about nine tomorrow morning to get lost,” he said curtly over his shoulder, and stamped out.

A few moments later they heard a squawking in the back garden, and when Jane went to see what was happening, she saw that Sam had wrung the necks of two of the three chickens, and was taking them with him. “This is your contribution for today,” he told them as he passed by the back door. “Be thankful I’m not takin’ all three.”

“Oh shit,” Sue said softly. “Mum. I think we’ve got to get out by about six this evening. Curfew is at nine, and we need to be,” she paused, “actually, I think I know where we can go, and it’s only half an hour from here. Uh, actually, driving it’s probably barely five minutes.” She paused again, then turned to look at her parents, a determined look on her face.

“Yes. I know exactly where we should go. It’s not far, but we’ve got to take as much food with us as possible.”

“Why?” asked her father frowning.

“Partly because there’s not that much there, and they can always use more, but mostly because when those scum arrive tomorrow morning, they’ll strip the house bare. Why leave them food if we don’t have to?”

Mark nodded his understanding. “We could just burn the gaff, that’ll mean they can’t get anything; but it’ll also tell them we’ve run.”

Sue nodded. “Yeah. Don’t do that, there’s always a faint chance we can return. We can pack the car, just so long as no one sees us doing it. I’m sure there’s enough fuel in there to get us where we need to go, and we don’t pass no checkpoints either.”

“But that’ll just tell them we’ve not gone far,” Mark frowned, “or have you thought of that as well.”

Sue nodded grimly. “I have. Come on, I’ll go wring the neck of the other hen, and see if there’s an egg or two, then Mum, sorry, but you’re, we’re, gonna be cooking for a while.”

Jane just nodded. It was not long after eight o’clock in the morning, and her whole world had just fallen apart. She could barely think straight, so it was as well for her that her husband and in particular her daughter were taking charge.

They left home just after seven pm, having just finished dining on fresh roast chicken and salad. The car was full of all the food they could carry, plus some of their clothes, along with a few blankets and duvets. Their personal valuables went as well, but the house was left as if they intended returning. Even the dishes, although washed, were still stacked on the draining rack. Apart from the lack of food, the house looked as if it was still occupied.

Sue drove, the first time she had driven the car in months. There was so little traffic on the road these days that people actually turned and looked at the car, and in some cases even scowled at them as they drove past. They arrived within ten minutes, and pulled up at their destination, a large, seemingly run-down, church hall on a narrow access road behind the supermarket where Sue worked.

“What’s so special about this place?” asked Mark, puzzled.

“You’ll see,” said Sue, grinning. “It looks like a church run refuge for down and outs, and in a way it is. But that’s cover. A few of us...” she tailed off. “You’ll see.”

Mark frowned at her curiously, before following her through the tatty side door. It was lighter, tidier, and far cleaner inside than he would have expected from looking at the outside of the building, but it was also very full and busy. Along both long walls were a row of partitions, about seven foot deep by four wide, each with a camp bed in, and separated by a canvas or blanket partition from its neighbour. Down the centre of the room were rows of tables and chairs, and at the far end, on a low dais, was what appeared to be a row of microwave ovens, gas camping stoves, and large electric urns for boiling water.

There must have been well over one hundred people in there, Mark guessed. Many were just sitting around, chatting, reading, playing cards, dominoes, even chess; but a number were over by the cooking area obviously preparing food.

“There’s no where near enough beds here for all these people,” Jane murmured.

“There’s rooms out the back and upstairs,” Sue answered, pointing to the far end.

Mark suddenly noticed a small queue by a door in the far left corner of the room. “Through there?” he asked, pointing.

“Er, that’s the loos and washing facilities.”

“Sue!” boomed a voice behind them.

They all turned to see a large, bearded, fifty-odd year-old bearing down on them with a grin.

“Father,” said Sue, smiling. She indicated her parents. “These are my mum and dad.”

“Welcome,” said the newcomer, “I’m guessing you’re all here because of... ?”

Sue nodded. “Of course.”

“Oh dear.”

“We were given a bit of advanced warning though.”



He just nodded and turned to Mark and Jane. “Welcome, welcome to the Ritz.” He laughed.

“Are you a priest?” asked Jane.

He smiled at her. “I hope you don’t hold that against me. Call me Father Jack, or just Jack. I don’t mind.”

“Oh. We’re not Catholics.”

He grinned. “I know. And I won’t hold that against you either.” His smile faded. “We’re completely non-denominational here. All religions and none. The only thing in common is that everybody here is hiding from The Patrol.”

Same as Maquis
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The four of us decided to rent an RV for a road trip. Lulu and Consuela were overjoyed with the proposal, but my sister was somewhat reticent about leaving the comfort of our happy little home with all its secrets of a Taboo nature. We found a place called “Campers World USA” and got a large sized Thor with two bathrooms. It was supposed to sleep 8 but I thought that was a bunch of crap because the four of us was sort of the limit unless you wanted to sleep on top of someone else. It...

3 years ago
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Mistress of Transformation 1

MISTRESS OF TRANSFORMATION By Tired Old Man This is an expanded and modified version of my story 'The Enticement of Dennis'. Chapter 1 ? Getting Away from the Violence I knew I was in trouble. Being a member of a gang with some of my friends seemed like a good idea at the time. I never expected to get targeted by a rival gang. Just because I beat up a couple of their members was no reason to come to my home and try to kill me. I was lucky that their bullets missed me. My little...

2 years ago
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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 24

Things were going well for Fry. The exchange of informtion that led to the capture of the three would-be terrorists left both U.S. and Egyptian agents in a cooperative mood. Ultimately one of the terrorists decided to cooperate as well. The group claimed to be an off-shoot of a longstanding anti-government faction that was recruited for the attack via the Internet. They knew nothing about tracking a phone. According to the informant, they had been contacted over a week ago. They were told to...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour the Runner Part 2

I sat still, the taste of cum fresh on my lips, still panting with excitement from what I’d just done, yet still I was yearning for more. “What could possibly happen next?” I thought to myself as I looked up at Anna and Rick. Being way out of my depth I decided to leave the choices to them. If they say I need attention then I’m certainly not going to stop them. Anna told me to stand up and guided me into the bedroom. The Shiny black satin bed-sheets with pillows to match bed immediately stood...

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The Lingerie PArty

My name is Penny and I live a normal suburban life with my husband Mark in a quiet leafy street on the northern outskirts of Sydney. I am a curvy lady in her early 40s with big breasts, dark hair and sparkling blue eyes. "The girls" as I affectionately call them are 20DD (Australian measurement). About a month ago some new neighbours moved in two houses from us. Very few people come and go in our street, so some new neighbours to replace the couple that had moved interstate was a topic of...

3 years ago
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Road Trip

Another workday traveling. Another boring anonymous hotel... though this one is a small improvement from the usual dumps where my company books me. It even has a bar! I figure I've earned a glass of wine and I head on down. I'm still wearing my work clothes - a blue dress, sensible heels, stockings. I sit down near the end of the bar, and there you are.You are decent looking in an early-40s, anonymous hotel sort of way. Clearly you're every bit as tired of business travel as I am. And unlike...

1 year ago
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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 4 Coming Together

Within a week, Sister Lucia began to realise the enormity of the task. Marie had no knowledge whatever of the religious life, and little enough of the rudiments of her religion. The endless patience and good nature of the older girl meant that Marie was hopelessly besotted with her in a school-girl crush within a month. One evening they were discussing life as a nun and Sister Lucia pointed out that once having taken her final vows, a nun was committed for life to the convent. At this Marie...

2 years ago
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My late night dinner with Keilana Love

I maneuvered my car through the heavy traffic. I was on my way to see Keilana Love, the love of my life and the most beautiful woman in the world. Work had kept Keilana and I away from each other for the last two weeks. Longing to see my darling lent urgency to my trip. Keilana and I had planned to have a late dinner and well we would see where the night would lead us. I screeched to a halt in front of Keilana’s apartment block. I jumped out of my car and bounded up the stairs. Keilana’s...

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stormy night

We have met a couple of times by this point when this story takes place.Your visiting me and iv decided to show you my most favourite place in the world. Now a 10 minute walk from my house is the beach. Along the coastline theres small cliffs in one of these cliffs is like a cubby hole where from the non coast side you can get into. this hole in the cliff runs all the way through so you can sit there and just watch the sea come inSo wev brought a couple of blankets and some snacks and drink. So...

1 year ago
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The Rape And Humiliation Of The Joness

Ted Jones was a fifty-eight year old has been his company of 25 years standing had finally fallen and gone into liquidation. It had taken almost all of Julia's, his wife, jewellery to clear the majority of his debts; the rest were covered by the company public liability insurance. Ted was fifty-eight, married for thirty years to his long suffering wife, Julia who was nine years his junior. Yes sure enough the sex life in the beginning was exciting but it had petered away to once in six weeks...

2 years ago
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My Wife My Husband

My wife, My husband I sit in the salon and think back over the changes of the past year. My long honey blonde hair has been styled. My long nails have a new French manicure. I slide my black silk stockings together and feel the smoothness of my freshly waxed legs. My gold heels match my satin blouse. The black lace of my bra peaking out matches my skirt. Anyone looking at me would see a gorgeous woman; obviously well kept. It was not always the case. In fact I have not always been a...

1 year ago
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I watched daddy fucking then joinedin

I am a girl, I am considered beautiful, I have a sexy body, and one more thing, I love to 'Fuck'.Now you may be forgiven for thinking, this little slut is a nymphomaniac, but you would be sadly wrong. I love to fuck, because I can orgasm, and it is the point of arriving at these bodily rewards, that makes sex for me, nothing short of brilliant.I am an exhibitionist, which means I dress in lingerie, and no underwear. I leave home with the minimum of outer clothing, as it allows me to add to my...

3 years ago
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Mere Papa

Im a Mridula with a new hot incest story of my friend Manju who fucke dher papa after her mother eloped. You may send your comments on Mera naam Manju hai. Meri umar 19 saal. Meri fugure 36-26-34 aur rang gora hai. Main apne papa ke saath Mumbai mein rehti hoon. Meri maa papa ke dost ke bete Raghav saath pichhle saal ghar se bhaag gayi thi. Ab hum ghar mein bas papa aur main reh gaye hain. Meri maa ek randi thi jiske saath mere papa ko pyar ho gaya aur unhon ne shadi kar li thi. Lekin randi...

2 years ago
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Perfect WishesChapter 18 Descent

"I'm a joker... I'm a smoker... I'm a midnight toker..." I sang along cheerfully with the radio as I pulled into the driveway. I grabbed the pizzas and headed in. Just before I reached the door I stopped. Something wasn't right. It was too quiet. I couldn't sense any emotions from the house. Dropping the boxes I rushed in. "Melody! April!" I ran through the house. I found her in the kitchen. The table was on its side. There were utensils scattered on the counter and floor. There...

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An Incest Birthday Chapter 17Part 1

An unfortunate accident kept me away from the computer for a long time, but I'm all healed up and ready to get back to writing. I just hope I am as close to where I was writing wise before my abrupt disappearance. So after over an 8 month absence, the story of Rita and Randy Stevens continues right here, hope you enjoy it.I stirred in my sleep, waking up when I felt something push at my chest over and over, to the point where I had to address the issue. With blurry eyes I looked through the...

2 years ago
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10 Book OneChapter 11

The pack gained in strength as Sam weakened. I did my best to show that he was still contributing so that he would not be taken away. Tiffany came back to give her reports personally. This allowed her to get her pill and spend some time with Sam. Sam kept us up to date on what was in Knox' mind and this included the passwords to her various accounts. I was the one to dispense the drug though Kelly was the more logical one. A collection was started where I shaved the pills destined for my...

3 years ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 5

At several points in time during its time on this planet, Vyagar had tried to make contact with the life forms near his hiding place. Procta's programming had specified the conditions he was to seek in a planet as well as what type of being he was to contact. So far in the five hundred or more rotations this planet had made around its' star, he had only found a dozen or so life forms who seemed completely conscious of the beauty around them. An appreciation for beauty was an essential part...

2 years ago
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Older guy still has strong sexual desire

But a doctor prescribed some testosterone and after applying it for a couple of months my libido increased, and actually seems now to have actually gone through the roof. I still fantasize a lot and my wife seems to enjoy listening to my lurid thoughts while I’m fucking her. What I whisper into her ear excites her and also helps her fantasize too and makes us both really randy. I love making her cum and I’ve told her how arousing it is to watch her in the throes of an orgasm. She’s become...

3 years ago
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An Indecent Proposal

One evening at a corporate event held by the company Hamish worked for, Hilary became concerned at the amount of money Hamish was spending on drinks. “Look, I need some kind of escape from all this money worry” He would retort. “Will you be saying that, when we don’t have a roof over our heads?” Hilary asked, almost tearfully. “You didn’t have to come here. I almost wish you didn’t come!” Hamish angrily snapped. Hilary ran off in tears, her pale auburn high pony tail neatly bouncing as she...

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Wife Gets Even

Six months after May and I had our brush with disaster my wife sprung a lulu on me. The intervening months had been unbelievable. Despite my catching my devoted wife in the midst of a tryst with my erstwhile best friend Ralph, we were truly a happier couple. We really did love one another more deeply and completely than we had before though I had not thought it possible at the time. And to my immense and complete surprise I actually trusted her more implicitly than I had before. Don't ask...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Haley Reed Dad Would Be Proud

Haley Reed and her stepbrother Logan Long have both been ordered by the choir director to practice their singing even though Logan is more interested in playing football. Deciding to cause trouble, Logan gets on his knees behind Haley and lifts her gown so he can finger bang her landing strip fuck hole. When the choir dad catches Logan in the act, he tells him to sit in the corner and wear the sinner dunce hat. Not to be dissuaded, Logan gets up and goes right back to Haley as soon as the choir...

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The Sick Fucker Mansion

Paul sauntered into the lounge; his full ass hung out and jiggled as he skipped to each of the guys. He handed out the cocktails and stood waiting for instructions. Michael swigged his drink down and his expression turned to one of disgust. ?What the fuck is this faggot???Err a margarita Sir??He spat out the remainder of the liquid onto the floor and slammed the glass down. ?More like fuckin shit you mean.? He pointed to the glass. ?Everyone else’s drink ok? Riki, Sean?? The other two followed...

3 years ago
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One Wild Night

Cindy and Mark had been married five years. The sex was good and exciting. Mark was a big black man, 6'4 and 305 pounds with an eleven inch thick cock. Cindy was a very petite white lady, 5'1 about 105 pounds and triple D natural tits. Mark loved the sex with her and he loved kinky sex. He took many nude photos and sex videos of her. Tonight he was on his way home and very horny. He wanted pussy in the worst way. He called her and told her "I will soon be home. Be naked and in the chair with...

2 years ago
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Joan 5

My wife Joan has been traveling with me on business trips. While I'm working, Joan scouts for sexual adventure opportunities. My next business trip was to Cancun Mexico. Cancun offers many different experiences. There's a wild spring break, fine all-inclusive resorts, nude resorts and some low cost resorts. My business was at an all-inclusive called Baja. The resort has a private beach. Joan had bought another extreme micro bikini. The bikini bottom was three strings. Two strings hugged the...

Wife Lovers
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Sex With a Stranger

It was totally random and something that I never thought I would actually do. But when he asked if I wanted some company, I agreed. It did not matter that I had met him only thirty minutes earlier and had never actually met him face to face. I was in the mood to do something daring, something I had never done before and sex with a stranger was definitely out of character for me. I waited at The Flying J, a truck stop, at exit 182 for the hour it took for him to drive the eighty or ninety miles...

1 year ago
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The Emerald Genie Chapter 11

“What's the situation captain?” asked my best friend Mike. I, along with the rest of the Seattle FBI's RRU (Rapid Response Unit) were called in just a little over an hour ago after our captain informed us of a bank robbery in progress. “We have approximately eight heavily armed men and thirteen hostages. The silent alarm went off at 3:45 so we can assume they entered in just before that. They've tried to destroy all of the security cameras but seemed to have missed one. From what we...

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My OrangeHaired Barista

The local crew know me and knows my drinks and, as a result, I have gotten to know them pretty well. I hear all about their school schedules, their love lives, even their hopes and dreams. I felt very at home there, which is good since my average visit is three to four hours. One afternoon I went in as usual and spotted him immediately. He was a new boy and, as the low man on the totem pole, was assigned to garbage and bussing, the lowest job in the place. I am normally only attracted to...

3 years ago
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She Thought She Had Control

I know it’s not normally how he wants it to be, but luckily enough, he allows me to have slight control when it comes to giving him oral once in a while. He knows how much it turns me on to do so. When I’m a good girl, he allows me the pleasure of doing as I wish, for as long as he can tolerate, before taking back the control. He is laying completely naked on the bed for me. I climb onto the bed on top of him as he watches me. I, too, am naked. Our skin brushes against each other lightly as I...

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Abused Stepdaughter Part Eight

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is all about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not...

2 years ago
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Here Comes Joni There Go Johnny TestChapter 3

As Johnny rode his skateboard around the block he came to realize it was going to take him some time and practice to get used to his new and hopefully very temporary body if he was ever going to get used to doing even something as small as skateboarding, something that he has enjoyed doing for years and was very good at in his normal body. All of this grief was due totally or mostly because of his huge bust. “Man these things are too hard to move with. They throw me off balance. Why couldn’t...

3 years ago
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Seducing A Hot Aunty On Facebook 8211 Part 6

Thank you for the support guys. Please read the previous parts to understand the story better. We left the lodge and reached our respective homes. She had messaged me saying that this was the best sex she had ever in her life. Hema also complained that I was being rude and hard on her. She was complaining that her pussy, stomach, breasts were rally paining a lot. I just replied back saying sorry. To which she replied back saying, idiot. I messaged back saying this is just the beginning and she...

1 year ago
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New Roomie

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Jill I just turned 20. I’m 5’6” with C cup boobs, and I have a great ass. I have blue eyes and long first time sucked and it took me almost a year before I had sex again. I discovered masturbation when I was 18 and had been doing it since then. At eighteen I gave my first blowjob and tasted my first load of cum. Now I’m 20 and am horny as hell. Its one in the morning and all I want to do is fuck myself with my new vibrator I bought...

4 years ago
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Nobody quite remebers how or why men and women disappeared. Many believed it was due to natural selection, and nature believed futanari to be the dominant gender. However, with futa possessing the genetilia of both men and women, out of control sex drives have become a very common thing. These are the stories of futa, simply trying to live their lives.

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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 5 Vermin

I issued a family BOLO as soon as I had a mugshot of Cozad Dillinger. I told Vanessa and the kids, “This may be the mook that rammed my truck.” We all studied the surprisingly clear photo. And read the description. Cozad was 26. Five feet, nine. Hundred and seventy. Minor stuff — bar fights, two motorcycle crashes, two DUIs. Dropped out, or kicked out, of North Kansas City High School. Possession of weed; released for time served. I said, “Nothing to indicate murderous intent. And it’s...

1 year ago
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A cockfilled Cruise

It all started when I won the bet against Jacko, I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him but I did so I can’t change it. Anyways I won this bet and the prize/winnings ended up being two tickets for an amazing Mediterranean cruise. Since I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time I decided to take my best mate, Rob. As two smoking’ bachelors getting on an awesome boat for two hot weeks, I was sure we would score. That was until we boarded the ship, we thought it was a bit odd seeing so many guys about,...

1 year ago
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Deep in my Mothers Ass

My mother has always been afraid of Thunder Storms, especially at night. For as long as I can remember, whenever there was a storm my mom would come into my room and climb onto my bed so she wouldn't have to be alone. Early on we would cuddle up in each others arms and hold each other. But as I got older this innocent behavior soon stoped seeming so innocent. So mother eventually stopped holding me and settled for just lying face down on the bed next to me.Mom may not have been very...

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Never Too Old For Pussy

You are not going to believe this story but it really happened. I am a 71 year old man and have been married to a wonderful lady for fifty plus years. Now I have to admit that I do like to stick my dick in strange pussy when the chance arises. I retired several yaers ago and recently volunteered to help the county do some weed surveys down by a lake. On this day I was surveying the weeds along the road when a car pulled up with three high school girls inside. One stuck her bare ass out the...

2 years ago
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Early In Early Out

© 1997, All Rights Reserved Susan was a court referral, one of the people sent to our office to work off minor infractions by performing community service. Although she was reasonably friendly and otherwise quite attractive, she always seemed to have a sullen look on her face. Despite this, we had exchanged glances and flirted casually with each other. One day, she brought a file folder to me, sent by one of the other managers in our office. "Why do you always look so glum?" I asked...

3 years ago
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Laundry Day Toilet Whore

Laundry Day by Blushing slutI had been in 24 hour captivity for quite some time now. Ever since I had been initiated as Your full toilet slave, You had been devising many different ways of subjecting me to the humiliations of that act. You had parties, where Your girlfriends, sometimes 10 or more, had been enlisted to subject me to hours and hours of nothing but shit eating and piss drinking. These sessions were accompanied by vicious floggings, after which You would all piss into the open...

3 years ago
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43 Years in HidingChapter 8

My therapist called me back early Thursday morning. She wanted to make sure I was really doing okay with what I had found. I knew she was busy and that time on the phone was not her normal routine. But she was really good about it and asked some questions and I went into some details. I was reassuring her (imagine that!) that I was really doing okay and our normal weekly Wednesday would be fine. We hung up. About 20 minutes later she called me back. She had a cancellation at 3:45pm. She...

3 years ago
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Sin BravelyChapter 9

I was building a sandcastle, wearing a thong and nothing else. Hal, one of the photographer's assistants, held a reflector to catch the sun; just a large oval of stretched canvas. The wind had started blowing hard off the ocean and he struggled with it. Rita, another assistant, finished wiping at the sand clinging to my lower back and the exposed cleavage of my ass where the red thong was riding low. "Over your shoulder, Cindy ... Perfect ... More, cup your tits for me and turn ... turn...

3 years ago
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Helping Johnny

Although Johnny was suffering from Down syndrome, he was very kind, polite and responsible. Unfortunately, the same can't be said about some of the guys and girls of his age who usually mocked and bullied him, despite having a healthy brain. I noticed that he is able and willing to learn and have a normal life. His disability didn't affect him or people who interacted with him that much. I considered him an adult, so did his parents and the people who really knew him. Those who didn't were...

3 years ago
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Caught and Transformed

Caught and Transformed??????????????? by: Puppy Girl? Part One As I sit her in my nice clothes I reflect on how all this began. I was a normal male in every sense save one. I liked to Cross Dress and my wife of 5 years was going to make sure that I could do it anytime I wanted to. The unfortunate thing for me is she wanted me to be female all the time. So here I sit writing this story at her request, no at her insistence. It was 4 years ago when my wife walked in the house after work and there...

1 year ago
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Dawn Visits Kansas Chapters One Six

Prologue:In an earlier story, Dan Becomes Dawn, Dan had stopped in Denver, coming out as Dawn, a crossdresser, to former neighbors.  At a swinging party the next night, Dawn had met, and connected with, Patti. She accompanied Dawn to Steamboat Springs on a business trip for two nights.  Dawn worked three more days, then returned to the former neighbors’ home for a second weekend before returning to Florida. Meanwhile, Patti visited her daughter in Aspen, then returned to her parents’ farm in...

2 years ago
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The Magical Underpants of Tibet

Jeff's body was present with me at the dinner table, but it seemed as though he looked right through me. Lately he had grown a little distant. Not the distant that causes a wife to worry about her husband's faithfulness. Instead, it was the kind that occurs when someone seems to be searching for answers. "What's wrong? You look like something is really bothering you." "Ah, it's nothing. You know how I get to thinking sometimes." "Whatcha thinking about? Maybe I can help you...

3 years ago
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Sex is the Best Treatment Part 3 The Dog Days of S

If I was looking for an excuse for what I had done with Randy that Friday afternoon, I could have blamed it on the Dog Days of Summer, but I wasn’t looking for any excuses. There has always been something about the unseasonably hot and humid days of the Dog Days of Summer that has made me almost insatiably horny. Any erotic sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, or thought has me wet and ready in a heartbeat. OK, so I had broken the rules and had become sexually involved with one of my patients,...

Oral Sex
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TOON in to this one

Back when i was just starting off my career, i scored a nice contract to make the new asthetics for King's Island. A few great months of on-site work for the new cartoon characters added into the park. Building a few Mystery Machines for scoob themes, big foam statues of fred and barn...blah blah blah. Being away from home and stuck around teenagers all day had my horny up all day. Especially when working near water rides - wet, dripping, barely covered gems sprinting from exit to entrance...

2 years ago
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Daddys New Daughter

I seem to have a gift for finding young girls who have Daddy issues and want to play them out. My latest pupil is a 19 year old virgin who has been sheltered her entire life. So much so that she shuns men, or shall I say boys, away immediately. But that is not the case with me. After much banter we have finally spent some quality time together. Daddy as she calls me now, has taught her how to suck Daddy's cock and swallow all of his hot cum. The first time it occurred she was not in to it....

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Piss Girls in Love

The first time Elliot pissed in her face, Charlotte came harder than she ever had before. It amazed her how exciting it was, to kneel at his feet in the bathtub and stare up at him, her hand between her legs rubbing her clit furiously, as the hot yellow piss splashed in her face. Elliot loved her, of course, which somehow made it even hotter for her. It would be one thing to have some stranger piss on her, someone who had no knowledge of who she really was, who had no reason to respect her. But...

4 years ago
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The New HireChapter 3

We made the flight and everything went relatively smoothly. The line at the car rental agency frustrated us, but after we were underway we fell into a good conversation. The traffic on the road was a little dense for a while and I had to concentrate too much on the road. She had been reading my travel book on the flight and came across the entry for the Eden Resort, which is about 50 kilometers south of the Cancun airport. "Well, well Blevin, I see that Eden is aptly named, offering...

4 years ago
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A Short Story

Emma rolled off of Jackson they were totally drenched in sweat, usually this would have been a nuisance, but this was the most marvelous feeling she had ever had in all 40 years of her life. Her pussy was throbbing and swollen, she was quite sure if Jackson was to reach over and touch it the combination of pain and pleasure would drive her mad. Yet she had never wanted sex again more in her entire life, she now understood how someone could become addicted to sex. "Oh my god maybe I have...

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