Reginald's FamilyChapter 2 free porn video

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Reg’s phone – or rather Frances’ to be exact – still sitting on the table where he left it, started ringing. Erika picked it up and answered, “Mrs. Robertson’s phone. Can I help you?”

She listened to the person calling, then said, “Mr Robertson is not available to speak to at present. I can put you through to Frances Robertson, who may be able to answer your query. Please hold on.” She covered the microphone and carried it through to the kitchen, where she knew Frances was sitting at the table with a coffee.

“Frances? A call for Reg. He’s indisposed, so I said you would deal with it.” Her face and eyes said ‘Please do!’ Frances took the phone and answered, “Frances Robertson. How can I help you?”

She listened, then said, “Really? And who are you, exactly?”

She got that answer – Fiona Prentiss – then declared, “Such a decision would require input from all of us, not just Reg. Give me your number, and a professor I can speak to as a reference, and we’ll get back to you ... Hmm ... got that ... uhuh ... that’s a number at the university? Yeah ... Oh, him. Fine. Thanks.”

She concluded the call and closed the phone.

She turned to Erika, who asked, “Was that what I thought it was?”

Frances nodded, her face serious. “A PhD student in sociology, wanting to do a study of us as a new group marriage. Claims we are the first example in the UK of a non-religious based genuine polygamous family that she knows of. She wants to discover what makes us tick, how we manage to stay together and how we interact. She claims she will simply call us ‘Group A’ and keep our identities hidden, for the purposes of her thesis. Not that we hide ourselves, anyway!”

Erika pursed her lips. “If Reg and the others are willing, we need to stipulate that she does not mention our facial characteristics, as that would pin us down as well. She mustn’t even give the general location of our home; just say ‘somewhere in England’, and leave it at that.”

Frances agreed. “I think you are right on all points, Erika. This might be worth discussing among us today, as it will take Reg’s mind off his father’s death.”

“I’ll get Prudence and Freda. We need a girl consensus before we bring in Reg. If anyone’s not happy, we don’t do it, right?”

“Right.” Frances was in tune with her.

Erika returned with Freda, and went to fetch Prudence. She met Prudence in the hallway near the stairs. Prudence was looking concerned. “I’ve just seen Reg in the bedroom, lying on his back and staring straight up at the ceiling, with no emotion except a tenseness to his entire body I could almost feel. I’ve never seen him like that before.”

“He has a problem to think about; nothing to do with us. We have another question to resolve, in the meantime. Kitchen, Prudence,” she instructed.

When they were all settled round the kitchen table, Frances related the phone call’s content. “I need to speak to her professor, to confirm her story, but on the face of it, the proposal is genuine research. The question we face is, do we want to be the guinea pigs in this research – anonymously, of course?”

Freda commented, “I don’t think we fit into any category that she might have in her planning brief. We are unique in so many ways, but if it amuses her to study us, then why not?”

Prudence queried, “How often will she need to visit us, to collect her data? I presume we do not approve of CCTV cameras around the house?”

“God, no!” Frances shuddered at the horrifying thought. “Our house is private, so I agree: no cameras. If she wants to hang around and observe us, I have no problem with that. She just has to fit in with whatever we are doing; be the fly on the wall.”

Erika had a thought. “What about when Carol and Holly are here? Is there going to be a problem?”

“Why should there be?” Prudence queried. “The twins are simply staff, beginning their work. Oh, do you mean, can she discuss the family with the twins? I think not, for the first while, so we can see how the twins interact with us, and with the researcher. There may be a clash of personalities, or something.”

“I see what you mean,” said Frances. “This is a point we can develop later; but ban interviewing the twins initially, I fully agree.”

Prudence came up with another questionable matter. “What if the researcher is disagreeable to us? Can we complain later, or do we only have the opportunity at the start?”

Frances told her, “Obviously we can only answer that question at the time, so leave it for now.”

“Yah-boo, spoilsport. I wanted to be able to complain about the researcher, just for the hell of it!”

At the ensuing burst of laughter, Reg unexpectedly appeared at the door of the kitchen.

“What’s going on, girls? Am I missing something, or is it a private discussion I should stay away from?”

Frances retorted, “Yes, Reg. This is a girls chat, so keep out of it.” She stopped and reconsider. “No, come to think of it, you might as well have a say. Sit down, Reg.”

He looked disturbed at being ordered around, but did as he was instructed. Once he was seated, she told him of the PhD student who wanted to study the family, and about how his girls felt about it.

“The consensus of us girls is that we should agree, but with provisos to protect us. Now we need to see what you think. Will you go along with us, or raise objections?”

“I am not too sure. If all of you are happy to be involved with it, I expect I should agree as well. Did you insist on a first read through of the thesis before submission?”

“Well, no.”

“Did you demand the right to insert corrections where you feel the facts are wrongly stated?”

“Well, no.”

“Did you demand to have copyright of any recordings taken of our discussions in the house?”

“Well, no.”

“Then I refuse my consent UNLESS these are incorporated in any agreement.”

The relief on their faces as he concluded was soon replaced by annoyance; that he had put them through this torture before finally agreeing.

“Okay, okay!” He admitted at the sight of his wives’ faces. “I am stopping at that. Make your deal with that student, along with these additional conditions. I am serious about them. I’ll stay out of the way while you dicker.”

Frances told him, “Darling, you can’t stay out of the way all the time. The researcher will have to visit us at intervals to interview us, presumably.”

“Oh, damn, yes. You are right. I have had too much on my mind today, to think things through. I should get some sleep, to help me recover.”

“Reg, love, you don’t get to sleep tonight until you have made love to me, and possibly to some of the others, depending on who needs you. I want to spend the night with you as well. I could do with the cuddling.”

“Very well, I am happy with that. Another thing: I have to phone my mother, to ask about my father’s death.”

“Of course, dear. You will do that tomorrow, if your mother is compos mentis enough. She still has flu, remember.”

“Oh, yes. There is that. I suppose we must allow her to recover. Okay, you can phone to your folk’s house in the morning, to see if my mum is up to answering questions.”

Frances looked at his face, concerned. “Are you over the flu yourself, Reg? You don’t sound your usual self.”

“I think I am. I am just a bit headachy. I’ll take a paracetamol, if we have a packet in the medicine cupboard.”

“We have. I made sure we have all the standard medications. Two tablets maximum for today. Note that; I don’t want you getting an overdose. You are usually so healthy that I haven’t had to dose you for anything yet.”

She rushed to find the packet, then handed him a tablet and a small sip of water to wash it down. After gulping it, Reg continued,

“Thanks, love. I know I should exercise, apart from making love to you girls. I always tried to keep myself fit, in the past. Being on your own makes that easy to do. It is different now!”

Frances grinned at his recognition of their new status as married people. “Well, perhaps we should all go out running in the local park on a regular basis. We all need to keep fit, instead of sitting studying all the time.”

“I know. Most of my spare time in my teenage years was spent reading, so keeping fit was an important corollary to that. The one HAD to be connected to the other, or I would have been a fat boy. Most of our family meals were junk food level – pies, fish and chips, bangers and mash; that sort of thing. Salads were not our thing at all. Vegetables in our house were the cheapest ones in the market – turnip, carrots, peas. It was only through reading that I learned about artichokes, and Jerusalem artichokes; asparagus, broccoli, radish, spinach, parsnips and celeriac. There were a lot of tastes and textures that I only met after starting university. The refectory menus taught me a lot, while not intended to do so.”

“Did you not do athletics at school?”, asked Frances/ Reg grunted a few words before replying with his school tale. “This is interesting. I find I can open up to you or the other girls, Frances; I couldn’t before. You girls are part of me, now, so there is no point in not talking about my earlier life. It is your life as well, since we are married; something else to share; I like sharing, now that I can.”

She leaned forward to kiss him. “Lovely thought. Go on, Reg. Tell me about school.”

He expounded, “School to me was always a learning opportunity, not a place to make friends, for I was not brought up with the idea of being friends with other people. My parents viewed the idea of school friends as another unwanted intrusion in their life. I viewed sports in much the same way: it was a question of what the exercise could do for me, rather than being involved with other pupils. It was just essential exercise that my body enjoyed. Primary school did nothing much in that line, apart from basic standing exercises with the most energetic being ‘running on the spot’, probably because it was easy on the teachers to arrange exercise in that way.

Secondary school was focussed on team sports, which were not my bag. Instead, I could either do running, or learn the javelin, discus, or high jump. I preferred the running, as I could do some of it by myself on the streets, particularly on the long summer evenings. I was never asked to join a relay team, probably because I was noted as not a team player, unable to see things from a team point of view. I do now, of course: we are a team, now that we are married. I see the benefits for our team.

It was not like that in school. Being a solo runner suited me, for it fed in to reinforce my sense of being on my own. I was comfortable with being a loner, as it fitted with my family status as a single and unwanted child.”

“You poor boy!” exclaimed Frances.

Reg held up a hand to stop her. “Frances, remember, I did not feel things that way. I had nothing to compare it with, so I simply accepted that this was how life was lived. The idea of something different was not in my outlook. Society was something that appeared in books, but not in my home life. Many things I read about in books were to me another world. Books told me things that people around me didn’t seem to know; and possibly didn’t want to know. At times, it was incorrect facts I was offered in school textbooks. It took me a while to twig that not everything in books was accurate, and that I should explore the subject further.

I was told that the first submarine was built in America by David Bushnell in 1775. It was called The Turtle and was a one-man vessel. I found through my more extensive reading that while it might be the first military submarine, it wasn’t the first navigable submarine. That was built by the Dutchman Cornelius Drebbel, in London in 1620. He demonstrated it on and under the river Thames, and his newest version could carry sixteen people. He was supposed to have used a chemical process to make oxygen for the occupants to breathe, based on Michael Sendivogius’s discovery of oxygen (170 years before Joseph Priestley, who is officially credited with that discovery).

You would have thought that the Royal Navy would have seen this as a great idea to improve its capability, but no. Drebbel was an alchemist as well as an inventor, so this invention was seen as suspect: ‘tainted by the devil’, as some detractors put it, and the Royal Navy let it drop. Being first with a practical idea does not always make it a success, and being a chemist in an age of alchemy let one fall foul of mystic beliefs. It took Robert Boyle in 1661 to lay out the modern science of chemistry.”

Frances had listened to this with her mouth open. Finally she asked a question.

“Reg? Who was Michael Sendivogius? I have never heard of him.”

“Not surprising, since he was an alchemist at the Polish court around 1600. He was the first to state that air contains a life-giving substance (which was later named oxygen). He produced the same gas by heating saltpetre; clever man. Today he would be called a chemist, but back then he was officially an alchemist.”

Frances said, “I thought alchemists were evil men, searching for ways to turn base metal into gold, or seeking favour at court, like John Dee.”

Reg gave a brief laugh, and responded, “Some of them may have been as you say, but most were what you might call proto-chemists; chemists before there was any such title. Dee had a foot in both camps; how he reconciled them I don’t know. He was more alchemist than chemist, I am sure, using his tricks primarily to further his position at court.

Many alchemists were rigorously dedicated to their art and were, sort of, early scientists. You know how the science faculty is that of ‘Natural Philosophy”? The original basis for science was the philosophy of nature: that if you understand nature, you will understand how the world works. The principle still exists today, justifiably so.”

Frances queried, “Did we not get this at the start of our course, Reg?”

“I doubt it, my darling. It is taken that you already know this. There is an assumption by universities that you have already reached a certain standard in secondary school, through passing the requisite exams. Unfortunately, not every school covers everything you should know. Many schools concentrate primarily on passing the exams, so that information not essential for these exams can get bypassed. The formal education system measures your overall progress by the ability to pass exams, rather than your general ability to study and learn things. If you get flustered by the conditions in an exam room, that can affect how well you score in the exams.

Even worse, if you suffer from dyslexia, even if only a little, your results will be reduced on account of that. Examiners are not usually able to take into account genetic disabilities such as dyslexia. My grandfather was a nice guy, and he told me he had dyslexia, but it wasn’t recognised at school, and the teachers assumed he was retarded.”

“My God!” exclaimed Frances. “That was unfair.”

“Unfortunate rather than unfair, Frances. Failure to recognise a mental ailment is not grounds for complaint against the teachers. He was innately clever, but school did not let him get the certificate passes he needed for further education. The careers adviser recommended becoming a chef, as being suited to his lack of academic certificates, so he tried that. He obtained a regular job, got tuition and qualified as a chef. He found that easy, except for reading the textbooks and some recipes.”

“So he settled for that, did he?”

“Did he hell! Not for long at all. He hated the hours of work, mostly the evenings and weekends, when his pals were out socialising. His father worked in local government, in a nine to five job, so he asked his Dad about a job in local government. They looked at vacancies, but without good certificate results, choices were limited. He applied for a storeman’s job in the council Supplies Department. He did well at that, and was noticed as a reliable hard worker, so when a vacancy arose in the office of the department, they encouraged him to apply, and he got it. That meant he had to use a computer, so he went to a night class to learn about computers.”

Frances was impressed. “Good for him. That was a step up, and all based on proving himself.”

Reg smiled happily. “It didn’t stop there, Frances. The department head suggested he study for a qualification as a Purchasing Officer. Full-time study was not an option for him, for financial reasons, but he could study part-time, with day release from his work authorised by a sympathetic boss. It took him eight years of hard studying, but he completed the course and passed the final exams. That made him a qualified Purchasing Officer, with a decent salary at last. He enjoyed his work, and his family were happy, as he was by now married with two children.”

“Wow! That was a real achievement for a guy with dyslexia.”

“It was. His wife was very proud of him, and particularly so were his parents who knew how much effort he had put in.”

They were interrupted by Frances’ phone ringing again. It was the PhD student, asking if there was any result from her family consultations.

“Sorry to be pushing you, Mrs Robertson, but I have to put in my thesis proposal shortly, so I need to do some initial work on it, to get it bashed into shape. Have you reached a decision?”

Frances explained that while in principle they were willing, there were a few extra conditions that would be needed before they could accept being the guinea pigs for her research. She explained the terms that Reg had asked for, without saying who wanted them.

The student thought about them for all of two minutes before saying, “That is not unreasonable, Mrs Robertson. I can go along with these conditions.”

“Okay then. You can prepare your thesis proposal. We’ll give you what assistance we can with it, if you want our input.”

“Thanks. Can I come and visit for a short time?”

“How about lunchtime at the university?”

“I’d prefer to meet you in your natural habitat – that is, at home, where there will be no distractions. I need to ask some basic questions, including some very delicate ones, which may require some privacy.”

“Very well, but it must be by appointment. We have a security system at the building, so we have to let you in. Have your ID card ready to show to the door camera, please.”

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The rest of the day she busied herself with chores, and tending to the preparation of the hides she had collected on her excursion. Those were her bread and butter, and without the valuable animal pelts, she would go penniless. He helped as he could around the place, and was generally useful, if not skilled. She found his powerful arms were excellent for stretching gut to prepare it for the making of bowstrings. He also did a little work on the cabin, fixing a few leaky spots in the mud patch...

2 years ago
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The First Time Part one

The First Time We Were Alone. As I lay you down and kiss you passionately until the faint moans try to escape your throat. My hands explore your body until I find your pert tiny breasts that attracted me to your slim petite frame. How your silky clothes cling to your sensual hips. My erection is trying to escape my trousers as we embrace even closer, I can feel you arousing through your clothes, I start to undress you ever so slowly. The first sight of your milky flesh, like silk, it...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 57 Cease Fire

February 26, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “What a bastard,” I spat. We were watching CNN on Tuesday night. “What do you mean?” Kara asked. “The motherfucker fires a SCUD at a US Marine barracks in Dhahran, kills two dozen Americans, and THEN announces he’s withdrawing from Kuwait? And orders his troops to set fire to the Kuwaiti oil fields? And to cap it off, I bet you anything you care to wager that Bush declares victory and lets Hussein get away with it. All those men dead! For...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 370

Monday morning I was headed to KCC for the morning. I had to finish up the school year end reports and submit my budget for next year. I was slightly under budget this year and had added 5% for next year and replaced a couple cars that were at the end of their life cycle. There were opportunities for the college to get excess vehicles from the state or federal system; all that was up to the administrators. The boys were now 16 weeks old and Jenny was going back to work in four weeks. I...

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The Meeting Chapter Three Caught but the Officer is Seduced Also

Chapter 3: Caught, but the Officer is Seduced Also. I could see the trepidation and indecision displayed on JoAnn’s face as she watched Willie stroking his fat long cock for her enjoyment. He knew the effect it was having on her. I watched the arousement building inside her, her breathing was becoming deep but unhurried as she shifted in the seat until she was kneeling facing Willie as her tongue slowly ran over her lips as she wondered if she could possibly get his fat dick in her pussy. ...

3 years ago
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First Date

It's 6:55 in the evening and I'm sitting on a marble bench in the atrium of the Chicago Stock exchange. In five minutes you will walk through the sculptured glass double doors that lead into this magnificent lobby. You insisted on meeting me here rather than picking you up at your hotel. You mentioned something about a "grand entrance". I have been here since 6:30 (a lady should never have to wait on her escort.) I look at myself in one of the many mirrors that line the hall. I cannot see that...

1 year ago
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Lady with surprise

It was another dull friday night at the bar sitting by myself. I was getting ready to leave when she walked thru the door. She was good looking, wearing high heels with a very short skirt and a white blouse. From the way her tits bounced when she walked, I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. As she walked past me on her way to the bar, I caught a glimpse of her stocking tops and white panties. Pushing between the only two guys at the bar she orders a beer. The guy on her left starts talking to...

1 year ago
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Oh No Not Dorothy 15 the final chapter

Chapter 15 After waking Ricky out of his day dream and hearing what he said, Lynn got this funny look on her face. She turned and looked over at the large cribs, changing table, and then at the two dresses, that Loretta and Ann had in their hands. Once again she looked back at Ricky, who was still kind of day dreaming. That's when she knew just what Ricky was thinking, and made a point to bring it up later, when they were alone. They had been in the nursery for a good half hour,...

1 year ago
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Wild Friend

Annessa has the sexiest name of anyone I know. "You were born to be a porn star," I tell her as I watch her brush out her long brown hair. She looks up at me through the reflection in the mirror, staring vacantly. I can't tell if she's absorbed in counting her brushstrokes or if she really doesn't understand why I am telling her this. "Your name," I say, "you've got a great name for a porn star." "Oh, that," she says, "Yeah, I know." "I bet guys love to say your name in bed," I say, lying back,...

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My Biggest regret

My biggest regret.My name Sally Andrews I’m 42 years of age and have a son of 16 years named Kevin,I have been married for over 20 years to Tom but we are currently separated due to my husband having an affair with one of our best friends wife, My son still see’s his father every week so we have time to talk about our son when he come’s,I think he would like us to get back together as he tells me the affair is over,I still cannot forgive him for what he has done to me and as yet but we are...

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Caught in the Act

‘All names have been changed so that if those who were in this real story-turned-fantasy reads it they will not be able to know who I’m relating it to. I was 16 at the time. From the point of the bedroom sniffing and licking panties is true however, after that the rest is fantasized… by the way, this is my first story! :D, please rate and comment at your opinion. Thanks!’ –Phone alarm siren– ‘Shit! I’m fuckin’ late again!’ I yelled with anger and in a rush, trying to get out of bed and jump...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 58

The girls arrived home about seven. They had bags and more bags. I asked if they had eaten. They had, so Michael and I went to the kitchen and made sandwiches. Mike and Terry had come back about an hour earlier. Terry and Tracy left just before the girls got home. Tamara came into the kitchen and asked, "Did you have fun today?" "Typical boring day," I answered. Each of the girls came downstairs with new outfits on. Michael and I were the recipients of a very sexy fashion show. Nothing...

1 year ago
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Casebook of Wilma JenkinsPart 1 Tesh and War

'The Leader' looked out over the city, and smiled. It had taken many years to ensure that the city fell, and the inhabitants would come to worship him as a saviour to the people, and the plan had worked well. A cough behind him, he turned to face his second in command - Darius. This was a man who knew exactly how far he could go before the leader would stop him, and had many times with just a word. Darius spoke in a mocking tone -"They await outside Leader, a delegation to announce...

1 year ago
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Fatimas escapades Part 1

Fatima grabs her gym bag and makes a beeline for the front door, hoping if she passed by the kitchen quickly enough, her mother might not see her. She's almost made it to the door when she hears her mother's voice calling her name. She halts, drops her gym bag, groans inwardly and replies irritably, "Coming mummy!""Where do you think you're going young lady? Have you forgotten about your chores? I need help making the Roti's for tonight's dinner. Your father has invited his business partner...

2 years ago
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Digital GirlChapter 7

Two weeks later, Nicole was getting around on her crutches quite confidently. The pain in her pelvis was under control and she looked much better. Since the accident, we were very careful in bed. Most of the time, I just let her do what she wanted, but assisted her if she needed any help. She had limited mobility in her hips so we were forced to contrive new techniques. I was learning how to meet the requirements of her body, a body which had sustained 43 fractures. She was a great teacher....

1 year ago
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The Girl In Red Shorts

It was going to be another scorching day. It was a Friday and like every Friday we got to knock off early. I had planned to sit in my garden with a long glass of something and soak up the rays after anointing my skin with my factor ten thousand lotion. Being so blonde, I had to be careful but it was gearing up to be so hot, I had to rethink.The college had their week off for the late spring holiday and the town square was full of banging hot girls in their tight shorts and bras. Some were...

Quickie Sex
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An Online Sissy Lives Her Dream

(Dedicated to a hot little sissy here on xhamster, Sluttish, whose looks and fantasies inspired this story. Her fantasy name is April. That’s where this story starts.)It started innocuously enough with what seemed like a harmless exchange of private messages on a friends-based porn site. A person identifying as a male sent a note to a young sissy whose profile expressed some fantasies about being made into a full-time sissy, perhaps involving some forced feminization and even surgical...

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After hours party

We meet this other dude and have a nice evening of drinking and some dancing. You take turns with us both, including some slow dances. Soon it is closing time and you offer us both a night cap back at your place which, we both accept. Once we arrive, you ask us to pour a drink and put some music on while you freshen up. The music is soft and slow. You return without your jacket on, revealing to us that under your tank top you aren't wearing a bra. The mood is light and we sit for a bit to chat....

Group Sex
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whatyouwantcom Danny gets what he wants - Danny gets what he wants. Danny a 18 year old in the closet Crossdresser who live at home, visits a website and orders a necklace which, with a saying (Your mine now), can hipnotis a person or persons who you are looking at. Danny was aimlessly searching the internet, he had been on transgender website following link after link, untill coming accross a website, which sold a number of interesting items. One inperticular was a dimond neckless, which the site...

1 year ago
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High Functioning

In the distance, "Have you seen Jordan?...She's not up yet? She never wakes up late." "Jordan honey! Time to wake up," you heard as you also felt a slight pat on your back. You didn't respond immediately, you wanted to sleep for a little while longer, but the light was already on in your room. Apparently, it was time to wake up. You heard footsteps leave your room. Several seconds later, your eyes opened. You were in a bed obviously. You raised your head and could see the...

4 years ago
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Fucking Mrs McKinley

I've only had one sexual encounter that was really anything to brag about, and the cruel irony is that it's something I can't brag about. People could lose jobs. A marriage and a childhood could be ruined. So congratulations, reader. Seven years of not being able to relay this story to my closest friends has led to it being posted anonymously online. Because the teacher involved in this story has a very unique last name, I'll be replacing it with a more common one. I'm changing my...

2 years ago
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Our Night On The Town Part 2

And with that she squeezes my cock, then pulls her hand away. I can feel precum oozing out of my dick but when she pulled her hand off it and stopped squeezing it kind of just barely pours out, not like when it's milked before sex. It makes me crazy, the feeling of me wanting it to shoot out. My balls are a bit achy too. She leans over, puts her arms around my neck, pulls my face to hers and looks me dead in the eye. I can feel her breath on my lips. I can smell her breath and her own scent,...

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Friends with BenefitsPART 6

Before you read Part 6...check out parts 1-5 first...PART 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: now...on to Part 6 (still 100% true!)...“You wanna a brewski?” Mark asked me as I flopped on his couch.“Sure – it’s 5 o’clock,” I...

4 years ago
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Marriage Maintainance Pt 03

Monteverdi I woke with the alarm that Brad had set for six thirty. But rather than jumping up I snuggled into my husband’s back and let my fingers drift down the front of his body. As I expected his penis was beautifully firm to the touch. Memories of last night ran through my mind and I so could not resist running my hand up and down his manhood which sent a wave of desire through my body Brad rolled over and faced me, ‘Good morning sweetheart,’ he whispered as his fingers caressed my...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 13

While Garreth and Grayson awaited the start of the trial, James MacRae had already broken the cease-fire pact and sat with several leaders of smaller clans, at the head of the table of Andrew MacDougall. Andrew, sat on his left, in his deteriorating Dunollie Castle, while to his right was a captain of the Earl’s guard, dressed in full regalia for representation of his position. McCauley Fraser, Harlan Douglas and Jacob MacLean sat to either side of Andrew and the captain. He had put it to the...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 161

"Don't listen to this message if you're with someone," Karen's husky, very sensual and suggestive voice breathed into Laura's phone answering machine. "I'll give you five seconds to shut off the machine." But Laura was alone. She waited. "Okay, you're alone," Karen continued, her voice smoky and alluring. "I had a wet dream last night. You were in it... fist-fucking me in my ass. I woke up coming. I need you to do it." Laura sat down, feeling the pulse in her neck flare up...

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Bukkake Club

I’d worked at my present job about nine months when I received the invitation. It arrived in a company envelope, and simply looked like any other inter- office correspondence. However, when I opened it, there was a card inside, which read: “Congratulations. You have been invited to become a member of a very exclusive club. If you wish to discover what the club has to offer, please come to the following address 6 PM Saturday night…” and here it gave an address in a part...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 24

When we finally made it downstairs, Ivan was walking a little oddly. I kissed him at the base of the stairs and sent him to go dress for the meeting. I went out to the pool and found Yann and the angels swimming. "I thought you two had school." I said. They stopped swimming and looked at each other. "There was a slight snag." Yann said. "Apparently, they were never actually admitted to the school." "Slight snag?" That sounded like a major crisis to me. "We have a call into the...

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Afternoon sex

Having been a fan of paying for sex, handjobs, blowjobs and so on rather than being in long term love affair that never ends up anywhere , today was one of my best yet to the point I may even have fallen in love with this younger Asian girl. I am a middle aged man that many times has paid for sex , this girl is just 23 I know her from work and she knows what I do in context of sexual needs . she said would I like to have sex with her if I helped pay for some phone she wanted , okay I agreed...

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GameplayerChapter 25

Sam and Hugh Fulcher organized an assault on hotels and motels in the area surrounding Twin Rivers. Although the city was small, the nearby ocean resort area and the intervening small towns with motel operations made the task a large one. Operating on the belief that their suspect might have considerable financial resources, Sam divided the long list of establishments with Hugh and directed the Deputy to begin with the largest and the most expensive of the hotels on his list. Key employees...

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 18

XVIII ‘l-a-d-i-e-s’ The next day, of course, Alicia was due to move in, so it was the last night Wendy would have me to herself and we made sure it was a good one. In the morning we shared an unhurried breakfast and she got ready to go and help Alicia with the move as promised, while I prepared to go to Uncle Albert’s. Just after Wendy had left, the phone rang. It was Fran. I could tell right away that she had recovered her poise after her astonishment the previous night. In fact, she...

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