Devlin's StoryChapter 21 free porn video

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Krissi was stirring sluggishly when Devlin got up. Apparently only a few people had spent the night. The line for the bathroom was non-existent, though she could hear a shower going downstairs. She thought about getting dressed--the crotch of her panties were a mess with leaked cum and other things--but she'd only brought one more pair of panties and they'd probably get messed up if she did anything this morning. Devlin stuffed the pair she was wearing in the laundry bag she'd brought and went looking for breakfast just wearing her tee-shirt.

Amnita met her in the hall. Amnita was wearing a dark blue, long-sleeved dress with a high collar, dark blue pumps and white tights. She was fumbling with her earrings when she saw Devlin.

"Morning," she said. "Do these earrings look all right?" The earrings were multiple gold loops dangling from Amnita's earlobes, twisting as she moved her head.

"Where are you wearing them to?"

"Early mass. Are these too dressy?"

"Mass?" Devlin wasn't Catholic, but she'd heard comments from some of the girls in the dorm who were. "Does that include confession?"

"Well, for me it does, but not everybody goes to confession."

"Does that include last night?"

"Of course not," Amnita said. She unclipped an earring and fiddled with it. "Well, let me amend that: not really. This is a sin only in the eyes of 4th Century mystics repenting their debauched youths. Now, do you think these earrings are too much?"

"What else do you have?"

"A turquoise pair that Jack brought back from New Mexico. They're big and gaudy, and definitely too much for a rural parish."

"Go with these. What did you mean by debauched youth?"

"Let's argue Church history and theology some other time, okay?" Amnita checked her earrings one last time, gave Devlin a smile and headed for the front door.

"You forgot your coat," Devlin called.

"Oops!" Amnita ran into the dressing room, emerging seconds later with boots and a heavy winter coat. "See you later!"

Feeling a little confused, Devlin headed for the kitchen. Emma was there eating yogurt and sipping fruit juice. She was clearly dressed for work in a plain white blouse and black slacks.

"Everybody's making me feel over-dressed," Devlin said.

"Ah, you must have seen Amnita." Emma looked at her watch. "Unless she hurries she's going to be late for mass."

"She's serious, she's goes to mass after a night of swinging?"

"Every week." Emma laughed at Devlin's expression. "Don't get her going on how she reconciles the lifestyle and her beliefs. Somebody asked her once. They spent the rest of the night arguing. I'll warn you in advance, she learned how to argue from the Jesuits, and she took a degree in Religious History from a Catholic university. You won't even know what hit you."

"It just seems, I don't know, a little odd."

Emma laughed again. "More than a little odd, if you ask me. If it makes you happy, she doesn't consider what we do here to be a sin. She says she's part of the Philippine Catholic Church. From what she's told me all of the girls in the houses in Olangopo would go to mass early on Sunday morning, and then go back to work to catch the Sunday morning crowd of sailors and Marines looking for a little nookie."

"That sounds... interesting." Devlin wrinkled her brow, trying to imagine that kind of a life. "They must have had some elaborate explanation or justification for what they did."

"Different culture, different attitudes. To her it was just a job. Ask her sometime, just stay off the subject of religion. She..." Emma glanced at the kitchen clock. "I've got to go. I have a new girl starting today and I want to get everything ready for her." She finished her yogurt and juice and headed for the garage.

Feeling a little at loose ends, Devlin ate some fruit she found in the refrigerator. She was about to go take a shower when a man walked into the kitchen with his fly open and his stiff dick hanging out.

Devlin eyed his cock. "Looking for a place for that?" she asked. She felt a flush of warmth; his cock looked very inviting.

"Not really," the man replied. "We were getting dressed to go home when someone started eating out my wife." He shrugged. "I got hard watching them, and I was looking for a blow-job."

Devlin licked her lips. A blow-job sounded pretty appealing at the moment, and maybe she could tempt the guy into something more. "I could probably help you there." She smiled at him and rubbed her hand over her breasts. "Are you sure you don't want something more?"

He shook his head. "Maybe next time."

Devlin wrapped her hand around the guy's hardness and led him into the living room. She sat on the couch, licked her lips, and then licked the head of his cock. She could feel him quiver as she fit her lips around him and sucked. She played with his balls; she didn't enjoy blow-jobs all that much, but she loved playing with men's balls.

He smelled of the shower and he must have used a feminine body wash; he smelled like the body wash she had in her locker at the Athletic Club with that hint of flowers she liked. His cock had large head, but the rest of his shaft was slender. She slid her fingers up and down his length in time with her sucking.

He must have been worked up; after only a few sucks she could taste his pre-cum fluid. Like most men's semen his tasted flat and a little salty. He seemed to ooze it continuously as she bobbed her head up and down his length.

She slid her hand up under her tee-shirt and squeezed her breasts. That felt good, but it felt even better when she slid her fingers down between her legs to rub her clit. He put his hand on her head to guide her. She ignored the pressure of his hand. She was taking all of him, now, feeling the head of his cock nudge the top of her throat. Danny had taught her to repress her gag reflex, and she had to focus on that so she could bring this guy off.

He began to thrust into her mouth. Devlin felt his balls draw up against his body. She swirled her tongue across the sensitive spot just under the head of his cock, swallowing every time he thrust in. It must have been enough. He clutched her head harder, groaned, and filled her mouth with his jism with three hard spurts.

He must have been tired; he gave one more little spurt before pulling back from her mouth. His cock shrank and drooped, one last strand of jism connecting the tip of his cock and her lips.

"That was good," he said after a sigh. "I wish I could do something for you."

"There's always next time," Devlin said. She felt over her face. "Did I get it all?" She found a thin runnel of semen and wiped it up with her fingers. It didn't look like any had landed on her tee-shirt.

"I think you got every drop."

"Alan?" a woman called from the hall. "Ah, there you are," she said as she entered the living room. She was a short, slender middle-aged woman with auburn hair and blonde highlights. She already had her coat on. She took in the scene with a practiced glance, dismissing Devlin and focusing on her husband's deflating cock. "Get that thing put away, we should be leaving in a couple of minutes."

"I just need to get my coat," Alan said. He put his cock in his shorts and zipped up. "Be back in a moment."

"We're running behind," the woman said. She held out her hand. "I'm Audrey."

Devlin took her hand. "Devlin," she replied, feeling self-conscious because she was so exposed. She self-consciously closed her legs.

"We'd stay and help clean up," Audrey said, looking around, "but not this morning. My daughter called from college. She's unexpectedly coming home today and we have to get there first so we can appear "normal"." She laughed lightly. "We don't want to change any of her preconceived notions."

"I know all about that sort of thing."

Audrey gave her a smile and joined her husband at the door. Devlin tugged her tee-shirt down and returned to the kitchen. She needed a drink of water or something; the salt in semen always made her thirsty.

Krissi was in the kitchen munching on a piece of toast. She was wearing a black and white skirt that was barely long enough to cover most of her bottom and a white tank top that barely covered the top of her breasts.

"You look ready to tempt the heart of any man," Devlin said as she poured herself a glass of juice.

"I'm not appealing to their heart," Krissi said. "I'm after something a little lower and a little harder."

"Ah, yes." Devlin gave her friend a smile. "I think I know what you mean."

"Eaten yet?"

"Just something creamy and high protein, nothing really filling."

Krissi examined her toast. "I was thinking we could get something to eat after we leave, something a little more filling than this."

"Don't forget I want to see my Mom."

"Oh, yeah." Krissi glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's still pretty early in the morning. She shouldn't be up for a while so there should be plenty of time." She finished her toast and licked her fingers. "I'll see you in a bit. I think I'll go see what naughtiness I can get up to."

There was nothing left of the buffet from the night before. Devlin was contemplating actually fixing breakfast when somebody put their hand on her bottom.

"You busy?" a male voice asked.

Devlin turned around. The man was just a little taller than she was, and naked. He had a barrel chest and a slight gut. His chest hair was dark brown, matching the nest between his legs. His face was kind of fleshy with a thin strake of moustache across his upper lip and a small goatee on his chin.

"Just fixing breakfast," Devlin said, "but that can wait a bit. Why?"

"I'm Mark," the man said.


"Good to meet you, Devlin. I was looking for a little action before heading home. How about we find a mattress and get to know each other a little better. Interested?"

That was certainly as bald an invitation as she'd heard in a while. Devlin gave him a smile. "Sure." This was why she was here. She wanted to feel a man's arms around her; she wanted to entwine her legs with a man; she wanted to take him into her and to lose herself in the passion a man gave her. And right now this sounded better than fixing breakfast.

The man slipped his arm through hers. "I'll have to introduce you to my wife, rules you know." A lot of couples had private rules governing their swinging. Sometimes they were rules about what you could do, or how you could do it--for example some wives insisted that their husbands always use a condom. Others had rules like this--they wanted to meet the person their partner was going with.

Jealousy was always a factor in the lifestyle. Some women felt threatened by any woman their husband wanted to have sex with, and vice versa. One of the ways to combat this was to meet the other person. She'd meet the man's wife and if the woman approved of her then she and Mark would find a nice comfortable mattress and get involved. If not, she'd return to the kitchen and finish making breakfast while Mark would continue looking.

Mark's wife was named Monica. She was a small, thin woman with shoulder length blonde hair. She was wearing a red teddy and red stockings. She gave Devlin a once over, and smiled.

"Normally you like blondes with small boobs," she said to her husband.

"I thought I'd try something different."

"Are those real?" the woman said, staring at Devlin's breasts through her tee-shirt.

Devlin had done enough of this to know what to do. She lifted her tee-shirt. "They're all me," she said, turning so Monica could see there were no scars. "I've been thinking about surgery, though." The woman's eyes lit up and she opened her mouth to speak. "I want to get them reduced. You wouldn't believe what a pain these things can be."

"Reduced?" The woman looked at Devlin's breasts a little closer. "You poor dear, those things must way a ton. No wonder you'd want to get them reduced. Your back must kill you." She patted Devlin on the arm. "You two go have fun, I'll see you in a bit."

Mark squeezed Devlin's breasts. "I'm always amazed by a natural breast," he said.

Devlin pulled her tee-shirt off and ran her hands over his chest. "Oh? Why?"

"They're so soft, but so firm at the same time." He squeezed her breasts gently, running his thumb over her nipples time after time until they tightened up. "Most of the time I see small breasts, but these..."

"Guys tell me more than a handful is wasted."

"I don't think so, not in this case." He bent over and teased her nipples with his lips.

"Umm," Devlin crooned, "keep that up."

He pulled back, breathing hard. "We need to go some place more comfortable."

Devlin wrapped her hand around his cock. "Yeah, I think we'd better."

He took her by the hand and headed for the stairs. "Most of the people have gone home. We should have no trouble finding a place to be alone for a bit."

The first two bedrooms still had people in them. The back bedroom, though, was empty. Mark drew her down onto a mattress. His manhood came up under her direct ministrations. Her body, already warm with anticipation, caught fire as he kissed her.

He moved slowly, kissing her lips and her cheeks and nuzzling that sensitive place beneath her ears. He gradually moved lower, finally circling up her breasts. He feasted on her nipples, sucking them, drawing them out with his lips.

Devlin clutched his cock, her hand moving up and down rhythmically. He had stiffened into a nice solid example of manhood, and she smiled to herself, anticipating how it was going to feel.

Mark worked his way down her body, fiery little kisses that heated her up. Finally he buried his face between her legs and she moaned as she felt his tongue worm its way inside her. She closed her eyes and pushed up against him, wanting more.

She thought about turning around and sucking him, but she didn't want him to stop what he was doing. She could feel his cock against her ankle. It was so nice and hard she had no trouble imagining how it would feel going in her.

She pulled him up so she could see his face. "I love your tongue," she murmured, "but I can feel something else I want even more.

He grinned and slid up beside her, his cock pressing into her hip. She opened her legs and he positioned himself between them.

Devlin smiled when she felt his cock touch her sex. He slid his blunt head up and down through her cleft before stopping at her entrance. After a pause he nestled through the folds of her sex and slid up into her. She was wet enough he slid home with one steady thrust.

"Feels good," Mark said after a moment.

Devlin leaned up and kissed him. "Um, you're nice and big, and really hard."

"You're one tight little girl," he replied. His hands slid up to her breasts, squeezing them.

After a moment of savoring him, she began to move, sliding easily up and down. His hands went to her breasts, holding them so they didn't flop around. His lips fastened on her nipple and Devlin moaned at the sensation. This red hot poker in her middle was burning her up.

After a couple of minutes he pulled out. "I want to do it doggie style," he said, his voice rough. "I want to get all the way inside you."

Devlin was on her hands and knees in a flash. He got behind her and slid home. She didn't know what it was about this position, but it always felt like the guy was going to slide his cock all the way through her and into her throat. She'd heard a doctor, a man, say that guys really didn't get deeper, but she knew what she felt, and right now it felt like he was so far in her he was poking her in the stomach.

He began to move, drawing out slowly, exquisitely, maddeningly, until only his tip was in her, and then slamming forward, filling her with a hard thrust. But after the first few thrusts he settled down, moving around, stretching her open, touching all of those secret places in her that were so sensitive. It was like he was lighting a bonfire in her, and every time he moved his cock scraped her most sensitive places, lighting sparks that only added to the heat.

"I can't believe how tight you are," Mark murmured. He had his hands on her hips, pulling her back with each thrust.

"You want tight?" Devlin said when she could breathe. She waited until he was all of the way in her, and then squeezed her tummy muscles as hard as she could.

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My Fiancee was a Sex Surrogate

I will share this unusual story which may help other men and women who find themselves in similar predicaments Our solution may help them. work through this. I, Kimberly, will tell the story from my fiance's, Randy, perspective since it begins before I entered the picture. A year after Margie married Randy’s father. Randy is speaking. My father died tragically six months ago in a car crash in the country of Qatar. I did not deal well with it the first three months but did...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Andi Rose Serene Siren Ladies Night

Andi Rose wasn’t expecting to have a lesbian encounter with her BFF Serene Siren tonight. The girls are getting ready to go clubbing when Andi makes an offhand comment about how horny she is because she’s been holding back recently. When Andi says that she’s going to fuck all the guys at the club tonight, Serene decides to pull her friend’s expectations back down to earth. Handing Andi a toy, Serene tells her friend to masturbate to blow some steam off. At first, Serene...

2 years ago
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Creepy Crawlers

Four college students. Ones always looking for a bigger picture are easy to manipulate. A single incantation from a page, from one who studies ancient text. From the mouth of a student of the world who believes in anything and all, they see as truth in their own minds. A trigger of incompetence and ignorance can come to be. Even if all work and preparation has been set in order yo prevent such outcomes. These five students read from pages of a lost people. A single ‘smart’ individual saw the...

1 year ago
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Our BVI Adventure Part 2

Day FourWe meet up at the pool the next morning for drinks. Before going down, I ask her to wear her vibrating balls deep inside her pussy and to let me have the control. Surprisingly, she agrees and off we go. A perfect sunny pool day filled with lots of umbrella drinks and flirting ensued. By late afternoon, we’re all quite tipsy as we lounge around waiting for more drinks. Tonya glances over at me and commented she’d like to see me blow the pool boy who’s been delivering our drinks all...

2 years ago
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Me Ma And Sister For The First Time

Hello everyone this is sexo boy(couldnt think of better name :p), delhi and my email is is my first story so plz avoid any mistake … i tried to explain as muh as possible from my side … Getting to the story, main lead is my sister, 22, name swati(name changed) 32 28 30 … this happened when she came to my house to take training in delhi, in august this year … i was damn happy since i liked her since childhood, she was only elder sis to me , though she lived in village side area not much exposed...

1 year ago
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A Pussyboys Story Learning to Submit

All Rights Reserved "A Pussyboy's Story" Learning to Submit by tcs1963 When I was growing up, I was always into girls. I also loved to stroke my cock and watch a lot of heterosexual porn videos. This is back when porn was much harder to come by and came on Vhs and Beta videotapes. I remember as a teenager seeing my first all-guy gay porn clip. It was at the end of another videotape, as some kind of advertisement, I guess. I remember being so turned on, watching those guys together...

2 years ago
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Martinas Story Chapter Three

Martina's Story - Chapter Three - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Myself: Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl; Beverly: My adoptive 'aunt' who is a mature shemale and my most supportive adult friend; Chenille: My older half sister; Jennifer: Aunt Beverly's adopted daughter; Beatrice: Aunt Beverly's second adopted daughter and Jennifer's younger...

1 year ago
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Bus Ride Home

I try my best to look intimidating, so no one will try to sit next to me. That is, until one young girl dressed in a high school cheerleader outfit can't find a seat. Since im sitting in the middle she can see me easy, and I wave her back since there are 2 seats left here. I pick up my bag and put it in my lap. and move to one side so we each have half the couch at least. She is a short girl, looks about 5 foot tall. Short dark brown hair and wearing a one piece cheer outfit that is in a...

3 years ago
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How I Became A Swinger

How It All BeganI retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...

1 year ago
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The New Sexual Awakening

Most guys lose their Virginity in High School, Trevor Smalls wasn't most guys. A meek and reserved young man, Trevor had a tendency to fade into the background wherever he was, the one exception being the Chemistry Lab that was where he burned hotter than his Bunsen Burner.Being from a modest background made socializing at Pinkerton University especially difficult, as many of the affluent students didn't take to kindly to mere Scholarship students attending their school. But Trevor saw an in, a...

3 years ago
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The college secret sissy

Iam one of those shy white boy with a little cockI tried to not think about getting a toy to fuck my bubble smooth ass after inserting the handle of a screw driver in me, the toy shape handle pumping in me , making me shiver of pleasureI thought a lot about having a nice cock toy, something i could suck on and have fun in secrettoo shy and living with mom and dad Until i got to college and being alone in my dorm room, away from my family , it just happened one weekend i order it on a toy vendor...

3 years ago
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Friends mom gets it while unconcious

Introduction: Mom gets done by two of her sons best friends in every way I had always known that several of our friends teenage friends were attracted to my wife. Although she is now 40 she still has a body that puts most the girls in their age range to shame. She stands 54 and weighs 115 pounds. She has the absolute hottest tightest ass that is tight and firm. She has 34 A tits with nice sized nipples and her tits are firmer than most much younger girls. She takes good care of herself and...

2 years ago
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Aftermath The Slut

AFTERMATH ('THE SLUT') By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 WARNING: CONTAINS REFERENCES TO SUICIDE & RAPE. Author's Note: One of the saddest stories on FM is Janice's 'The Slut': "Three teenage girls exact revenge on the older brother of one of them, who is obnoxious to them, with dire results." It's a short but powerful story, cutting 'close to the bone' of reality. Many of its reviewers demanded a sequel. 'Aftermath' is an unauthorized tribute to Janice's gut-wrenching realism....

2 years ago
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A New BeginningChapter 9

"Hello Dave," Krisztina said with a cheery smile. She was dressed in a loose fitting top with tight leggings that showed her teenage charms off magnificently without looking tarty. "Hi Krisztina," I replied. "Aren't the reps supposed to be looking after you?" "Yes," she replied. "But I tell them I stay with Paula and Kerry and they say OK." Trusting lot our reps, I thought, but then again they knew that Krisztina knew our family, so at face value she'd probably get away with...

1 year ago
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Sex With Horny Divorcee

This happened 1 month back, I was travelling in metro yellow line back home from work and then cane rajiv chowk. Agar aap delhi mai ho to you know kya halat hoti hai wha! To bheed chadhne lagi metro mai.. Aur isse phele kuch samajh aata I was stuck to the other door and luck bolo ya kuch aur, mere samne ek bhot pyaari lady cheepak k khadi thi. Uski fragnance aur body k feel se he mera lund khada hone laga tha…Ek dum fit hot sexy maal by god. One red piece aur black legging. She facing me so I...

3 years ago
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Her Sensuous SearchChapter 4

When Lauralee came back to the world, the television set had been shut off, and the room was quiet. Blinking, she looked around, hoping fervently that it hadn't all been a wild, erotic dream, and knowing immediately that it wasn't. Then she hope her son and new daughter-in-law hadn't gone back to their own bed and left her alone. Not yet, she thought; oh, not yet. There were still violent flames raging within her awakened body, hot fires that needed to be quenched the only way...

3 years ago
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A Thorough Distraction

stir I'd risen from the rocking chair by the bed and had walked to the dresser opposite the bed, turning the fan off as I passed it. You look up as a small flame flickers to life reflected in the mirror atop the dresser. The flame quickly catching to the candle i hold in my hand I smile feeling your gaze though i can not see your reflection in darkness outside of the candles glow. Setting the lighter to one side of the metal tray, i use the candle to light the remaining three candles...

3 years ago
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Two Naughty MomsChapter 3

The first thing Angela was aware of when she awoke the next morning was her wet, throbbing, juicing pussy. Smiling, the naked mother rolled onto her back beneath the sheets and savored the sensations of her stacked body. She was very sore. Her jaw was sore from sucking her son's cock so hard and her pussy lips were slightly raw from his furious fucking. Even her ass cheeks ached from bouncing so furiously during the throes of fucking. But the feeling of contentment and lust she felt was...

1 year ago
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My ExGirlfriend Barbara G07part1of1

So my ex-girlfriend, Barbara, dumped me recently. She said that the only way she'd even consider taking me back was if I at least tried giving a man a blowjob. My Ex-Girlfriend Barbara Part-1-of-1 So my ex-girlfriend, Barbara, dumped me recently. She said that the only way she'd even consider taking me back was if I at least tried giving a man a blowjob. While we dated, we had a very unorthodox and kinky relationship. Barbara was very dominant and thrived on taking control and seeing what she...

3 years ago
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Tamara and Camille

God I worship Tamara! She is so fucking hot! Her sexy demeanor and her firm athletic body are a huge turn on to me and all of her fellow crew, I would be surprised if any of the male, not to mention some females don't masturbate and fantasize thinking of Tamara every day! Camille well she a little bit of a control freak but she can control my climax any time she likes! My Husband agrees that Camille would be a very erotic lover and probably ony masturbates in secret. I guess she's experienced...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 19

As we picked up gear to load our armored truck, I commented to Ken, “The After Action Report will take most of the night. I can’t imagine getting to take advantage of a hotel room any time soon.” Ken’s smile indicated he had a different opinion of that statement. “Why Mr. Deputy Secretary, your team leaders handle reporting. Deputy Secretaries do not write reports about shootouts, because Deputy Secretaries do not engage in shootouts as a rule. So, even though you did participate, your team...

2 years ago
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Sharing Ana with her Black Master

Anita was holding hands with me while we entered that room.My wife’s Black Master had told me I should bring Ana to him in that nice hotel room… and then I could stay and watch…Jerome smiled at me as he dragged my sensual wife to the bed.I found a chair there, so I sat down to watch as promised…Ana looked sexy and beautiful in her black low cut dress that showed her nice ample cleavage; her hair and makeup were perfect. But she looked tense and her breath was quickening. The lucky nigger...

4 years ago
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Little Big Man the story of Mrs Jones

My mind raced with the memory of my mom fingering herself by the stairs.I looked over at Karen, her cum-covered face smiling at me, and ran my hand up her leg. I pushed one leg to the floor and lifted her other up on top of the couch, spreading them wide, and put my finger on her wide-open pussy. She giggled as I ran my fingers through the light curls of brown hair that surrounded her pussy. I stuck it between the big, pouty lips and ran it the length of her slit. Her freshly fucked snatch was...

2 years ago
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One Saturday Night Not Too Long Ago

I found a hotel close to the target of my desires, a sex club that catered to different types. I quickly unloaded the car. Once in the hotel room I closed the curtains and stripped down to nothing. I took my time and removed all my unwanted bodily hair. I stepped back from the mirror and gazed at my now smooth body. I love the smoothness and sexiness. The nipples of my B cup tits are pointed and excited. As I caress my tits, my cock begins to stir even more than it was when I...

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My Love The Final Chapter

“I do,” I said nervously as the entire room watched me. Time seemed to freeze for a few moments as we both stood there at the altar. I gazed into Kyle’s eyes, as always, they were big and beautiful. I had always had a thing for baby blues and even now they had me mesmerised. His short, spiky brown hair went well with his suit and slim physique. He was my perfect man and I felt like the luckiest woman on Earth as we stood there in front of our family and friends. “I now pronounce you husband...

Love Stories
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Jasper and His Daughters in LawChapter 5

Sunday came. I had all the boys doing the last minute loading of the logs on the three trucks. They wrapped the chains back and forth over them and tied them tightly to the bed of the trucks. They had been out all day and by the time Evening came they were all wore out. They took quick baths and went straight to bed as they knew they had a long trip in front of them. I was sitting in the living room when all the girls came in. They were all smiling. We sat in a small circle in the center of...

1 year ago
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MyWifesHotFriend Scarlett Mae 30641

Scarlett Mae is staying with her friend while she waits for her acting career to take off. The good news is she has an audition and if all goes well she will be able to get her own place soon. Scarlett celebrates by playing with herself while she has her morning coffee. Her friend’s husband catches her red-handed and decides to have a little talk with Scarlett about the way she dresses around the house, which is usually in her bra and panties. Scarlett can see how hard her friend’s...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 69 Busted

May 9, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Is something wrong?” Kristin asked on Monday morning. “What do you mean?” “It just felt as if you were somewhere else last night when we were fooling around.” I had been, because once my sleep deprivation was past, I had basically obsessed on the bishop’s comment about ‘choosing’ and the myriad of possibilities I had to choose from, AND the potential problems each of them might create. What he had said about serving at the cathedral and in other parishes only...

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At the Pool Part One

For all intents and purpose, you could say that I am a happily married man. Forty years old, married to my wife of 10 years and enjoying the luxuries of travel and finances that come to a couple who have decided not to have kids. Our marriage you could say is normal, she is a corporate lawyer and I, an independent real estate investor who works from home. She travels a lot for work, which gives me a lot of space to do my own thing and enjoy a certain amount of freedom. Much as I am comfortable...

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